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Brand Image, eWOM, Trust and Online Purchase Intention of Digital Products among Malaysian Consumers


Abstract and Figures

This study aims to investigate the effects of electronic word of mouth (eWOM), brand image (BI), and trust in influencing the intention to buy any products from the online market in Malaysia. This study adopted a cross-sectional design and collected the quantitative data from 350 conveniently selected respondents in Malaysia. For data analysis, this study analyzed the data using partial least square structured equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The findings revealed that eWOM, brand image (BI), and trust have a significant positive effect on online purchase intention (OPI). The results revealed the significant mediating effects of trust between the following: 1) eWOM and OPI, and 2) BI and OPI. Finally, the findings revealed the mediating effects of BI on eWOM and trust. Based on the empirical findings, this study suggests that advertisers can prioritize eWOM to maximize the product's sales rate that would affect customer purchasing intent. This study provides key insights for the online sellers to focus on the Malaysian market by building trust, BI, and eWOM to improve the intention of purchasing their products.
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Brand Image, eWOM, Trust and Online Purchase Intention of
Digital Products among Malaysian Consumers
Md Adnan Rahman (1*)
Senior lecturer
College of Business Administration
International University of Business Agricultural and Technology (IUBAT), Bangladesh
PhD Candidate and RA
Putra Business School, UPM, Malaysia.
Tanvir Abir, PhD (2)
Associate Professor
College of Business Administration
International University of Business Agricultural and Technology (IUBAT), Bangladesh
Dewan Muhammad Nur-A Yazdani (3)
Assistant Professor
College of Business Administration
International University of Business Agricultural and Technology (IUBAT), Bangladesh
Abu Bakar Abdul Hamid, PhD (4)
Putra Business School, UPM, Malaysia.
Abdullah Al Mamun, PhD (5)
Associate Professor
UCSI Universiti, Malaysia
This study aims to investigate the effects of electronic word of mouth (eWOM), brand image
(BI), and trust in influencing the intention to buy any products from the online market in
Malaysia. This study adopted a cross-sectional design and collected the quantitative data
from 350 conveniently selected respondents in Malaysia. For data analysis, this study
analyzed the data using partial least square structured equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The
findings revealed that eWOM, brand image (BI), and trust have a significant positive effect
on online purchase intention (OPI). The results revealed the significant mediating effects of
trust between the following: 1) eWOM and OPI, and 2) BI and OPI. Finally, the findings
revealed the mediating effects of BI on eWOM and trust. Based on the empirical findings,
this study suggests that advertisers can prioritize eWOM to maximize the product's sales rate
that would affect customer purchasing intent. This study provides key insights for the online
sellers to focus on the Malaysian market by building trust, BI, and eWOM to improve the
intention of purchasing their products.
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
Volume XII, Issue III, 2020
Issn No : 1006-7930
Page No: 4935
Keywords: eWOM; Brand Image; Trust; Mediation Analysis
The majority of Malaysians currently work full-time on working days and part-time on
weekends, which limits their time to spend on other things like shopping (Bakar, 2017).
Therefore, online shopping is one of the most preferred ways to buy products. Most
Malaysians are tech-savvy and use various social media and online platforms daily
(Steenkamp, 2017). Nowadays, person-to-person interaction and correspondence, product
and service reviews, electronic communication and exchange of ideas are becoming more
common (Brown et al., 2007). It is also evident that buying and selling online has gradually
become more of a practice. According to Statistic (2017), Malaysia emerged as the third
country with the highest percentage of internet users in the Southeast Asian region. The
present online user penetration in Malaysia is 62.1% is forecasted to reach 63.5% by 2023
(eCommerce Trends and Opportunities in Malaysia Uncovered!, 2020).
Users spend much more on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp,
and Instagram. This situation motivates more retailers to set up their online shops on these
platforms to boost their selling (Zhu and Chen, 2015). On many occasions, online sellers do
not use any traditional marketing advertising methods to promote their companies; they focus
on the promotion of their customers (Chu and Kim, 2011). Thus, according to this situation
the purpose of human purchases fluctuates. The web has a relatively new and increasingly
important variable that provides the opportunities to share ideas, thoughts, and feedback that
serve the marketing purpose of consumers and corporates while making a purchasing
Brand image is considered a primary capital for online businesses (Hien et al., 2020;
Jalilvand and Samiei, 2012). It improves consumer confidence in sustainable decision-
making (Yoo and Donthu, 2011; PickettBaker and Ozaki, 2008). In this regard, eWOM
becomes an interactive and vivid channel as the internet is influential in persuading more
purchasing intentions (Alalwan et al., 2019). All shopping experiences of consumers and
customer’s views of service quality have a direct impact on building the brand image. Users
cannot evaluate the services before using them, so they depend on the interactive effects of
eWOM (Racherla and Friske, 2012).
There is a lack of sufficient literature to explore the impacts of eWOM on the sales of online
business and its potential benefits. The findings in the literature indicate that eWOM can
affect the image of the product and the intention to buy it. This study intended to investigate
the effects of eWOM on online business brand image and purchasing intention in Malaysia
due to the lack of studies to explain these impacts.
The structure of this article is divided into the following sections: Literature Review,
Objectives, Rationale of the studies, Methodology, Analysis and Discussion, Conclusion,
Managerial implications and limitations of the study and Reference.
Literature Review:
Brand Image and Customer Purchase Intention
eWOM is capable of attracting more customers to digital businesses in Malaysia. It is
important to see how eWOM can affect brand image and customer retention of online
businesses in Malaysia. It was found that there is a lack of research on the link between
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
Volume XII, Issue III, 2020
Issn No : 1006-7930
Page No: 4936
eWOM, brand image, and purchase intention. The growth of internet resources has led to its
use to seek information regarding shopping items in online platforms that result in the rise of
eWOM. Cheung and Thadani (2012) argue that media network growth has led to a new form
of customer-to-customer interaction. Online networking such as social networks, discussion
forums, and consumer review sites are explored by more people to share experiences and
information on products and services. Customers rely on eWOM when searching for
information before making their purchasing decision compared to traditional media such as
TV advertising, radio, personal sales, and print advertising. Thus the following hypothesis are
formulated: eWOM can positively influence the creation of a brand image in Malaysia. Also,
eWOM can positively influence the increase in customers’ purchase intentions.
Customer Purchase Intention, eWOM, and Brand Image
Yap et al., (2013) argued that eWOM provides either positive or negative data as consumers
might either suggest or warn others about the goods based on their experiences. Positive
electronic word of mouth (eWOM) has a greater impact on consumers than negative eWOM
because it increases the positive view of brands and goods. It was also found that supportive
eWOM affects product buying decisions. The origin of WOM came from comments of
people and customers who are more inclined to believe information generated/publicized
from marketing or corporate sources (Tidd and Bessant, 2018; Hussain et al., 2017 and Chen
et al., 2016). Daugherty and Hoffman (2014) revealed that online communication includes
social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. This source of media
creates new opportunities for customers to interact and become active participants in social
media instead of being passive observers through eWOM. Thus, customers become engaged
in eWOM by looking for correct information before making a purchase decision. Besides
that, they search for the lowest price to reduce the risk of confusion when purchasing
products and services. Thus the following hypothesis is formulated: Customer purchase
intention is greatly dependent on eWOM and customer trust.
Brand Image and Customer Purchase Intention
Brand image refers to the portrayal of a product in people’s minds and how the market
interprets the characteristics of a product (Chatterjee and Basu, 2020; Gabrielli and Baghi,
2016). Armstrong et al. (2018) argue that a communicated image can protect it from
competitions and establish the market place of a brand. A brand cannot be produced
overnight; however, the company’s word and the action should help in building the brand
image. The brand image feature has to be a long-term goal and become an asset to drive a
business successfully. Empirical evidence revealed that brand image and intention to
purchase could influence eWOM in many situations. However, there is only a small amount
of studies that assess eWOM's effects on brand image and intention to purchase. While e-
commerce continues to grow, there will be more competition among online retailers.
Potential customers can easily compare websites and search for goods that are better and
cheaper (Strauss and Frost 2016). Hence, marketers must be creative and keep an eye on the
attitudes of customers and their desires. Thus the following hypothesis are formulated: Brand
image can be a highly influencing factor to affect customer purchase intention. Also, the
Brand image can be a highly influencing factor to influence the customer’s trust.
eWOM and Customer Trust
Earlier studies provided some insights; for example, Shirai, M. (2017) revealed that price is
the most conclusive aspect as consumers with a high sense of price consciousness are more
likely to browse several websites for the best price. Besides, Tsao and Hsieh (2012) found
that potential customers when visiting a website to make a purchase, would cancel the
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
Volume XII, Issue III, 2020
Issn No : 1006-7930
Page No: 4937
transaction if the website is poorly designed. They affirm that the website is the only platform
where companies have the opportunity to persuade potential visiting customers. Hence, the
website must have a professional look that reflects the company's overall competence. E-
commerce companies can influence the consumers’ intention to buy online by improving the
consumers confidence through the reinforcement of transaction faith. The author suggests
that e-commerce companies can ne in upper hand to reduce the perceived risks in online
purchasing intention compared to physical stores. If the consumer is confident with the online
messages and finds it reliable or credible, there is the possibility to improve consumers’
confidence in eWOM. Confidence in online messages can positively influence the intention
of consumers to write or share eWOM. Another consideration is the trust that is known to
have a positive effect on eWOM among social networking service (SNS) users. Trust can
function as an individual's motivation to act or obey others’ advice, facts, or knowledge.
Trust plays a key role in encouraging people to exchange opinions, data, or views on a
product or brand. Thus the following hypothesis are formulated: eWOM can positively
influence customers’ intention. Also, Customer trust can positively increase customer
purchase intention.
The aim of the research is to investigate the effects of Trust, Brand Image (BI), eWOM on
Online Purchase Intention (OPI) of digital products among Malaysian consumers.
Figure 1: Proposed research model
Source: The Author.
Rationale of the studies:
Previous studies showed the impact of Brand Image (BI), eWOM, Trust and Online Purchase
Intention (OPI) while making the online purchase. However, further research is needed to
define and validate different models which have a mixture of Brand Image (BI), eWOM,
Trust and Online Purchase Intention (OPI). Still, there is no significant research work has
been conducted on the development of Brand Image and Trust through various social media.
Moreover, previous studies have not emphasized to a great extent to identify the importance
of marketing through social media. So a lot of scopes are there to carry the research forward.
Research Methodology:
This research is a causal study aimed at exploring the impact of Electronic Word of Mouth
(eWOM), Brand Image (BI) and Trust on the Purchase Intention (PI) of the customer while
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
Volume XII, Issue III, 2020
Issn No : 1006-7930
Page No: 4938
purchaisng products through Social Networking Sites (SNSs). The Population of this study is
Social Networking Site users. Everyone who has an account at Social Networking Site and is
an involved and regular user is a member of this study's population.
Sampling Technique
Everyone with a Social Networking Account and is a committed and regular user was part of
this study's population. The sample selected for this study consists of respondents over the
age of 18, with some online shopping experience, or knowledge on the online product
reviews information. Secondly, only those respondents who were social networking site users
were intentionally chosen. Due to this judgment or purpose, the sampling technique chosen
for this study falls in non-probability sampling technique type i.e. purposive or judgmental
sampling technique. The main feature of the purposive sampling technique is that it focuses
on the particular characteristics of the population which are of interest to the study and they
help best to answer the research questions (Neuman, 2014). Random sampling was not
possible because not every Social Networking user is an online shopper and this study aimed
to investigate the effect of eWOM on the purchase intention of products found in the digital
platform. The sample was chosen from two cities of Malaysia i.e. Kuala Lumpur the capital
city of Malaysia and the most populas city of Malaysia with 1,674,621 population (National
Census 2010) and Seremban from the social circle of the researchers also with a population
of 475,000 (Seremban, Malaysia Population 1950-2020, 2020).
Research Instrument
The questionnaire developed on a five-point Likert scale was used as a tool for data
collection. The first section of this questionnaire consists of the respondent's demographic
information in 5 five questions and the second section contains 17 (seventeen) questions
representing the four constructs i.e. eWOM, brand image, trust and, purchase intention. We
also used the five-point Likert scale, ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5).
For data analysis, SPSS and Smart-PLS softwares were used.
Data Collection
Data was collected by administrating a close-ended questionnaire. The method was used to
gather the data, was a questionnaire based on the web. "Google forms" were generated to
collect data electronically, and questionnaires circulated among the respondents through
social networking sites such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter etc.. This sample size was
calculated using an online sample calculator with 95% confidence interval and 5% margin of
error. The Facebook users in 2019 (at the time of the study) were approximately 24.1 million
(Statista, 2019) users in Malaysia. Hence, using the formula, the recommended minimum
sample size was around 385. But after, removing the incomplete filled questionnaires, 350
samples were selected for the final study.
Table 1. Survey Instrument
Derived Scale Items
- Online discussions had a significant influence
- I followed the suggestion given in online discussions
- I agreed with the opinion given in online discussions
- I frequently gather information from online consumers’ product
reviews before I buy a certain product/brand
- If I don’t read consumers’ online product reviews when I buy a
product/brand, I worry about my decision
Bansal & Voyer,
2000; Cheung et al.,
2008; Bambauer-
Sachse and Mangold,
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
Volume XII, Issue III, 2020
Issn No : 1006-7930
Page No: 4939
*Source: Developed by Author based on previous literature.
Multivariate Normality
The data should have multivariate normality as a requirement to use SEM-PLS as it is a non-
parametric analysis tool (Hair, Ringle, and Sarstedt, 2011). The test results confirm that the
data set is not as normal as Mardia’s multivariate coefficient p-value of less than 0.05.
Data Analysis Method
Due to the non-normal nature of the data, this study tested the research model using partial
least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM, 3.1). PLS-SEM is a multivariate
analysis tool that evaluates path models that have latent constructs (Hair et al., 2019). Model
estimation is performed with r2, Q2, and the effect size f2that describes the path effect from
exogenous construct to endogenous construct (Hair et al., 2019).
Analysis and Discussion:
Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents
As noted in Table 2, in most cases with the results from the data, the respondents did not
want to reveal educational status. Looking at the data, in particular, many respondents
between the ages of "19 and 28" have unique relevance to "Electronic Word of Mouth"
because online shopping is fun/entertaining for the younger generation. In comparison, most
of the respondents did not reveal their race and most of the respondent's income was in the
"RM 5001 or higher" category, but there is also strong evidence in the "Dependent" income
group that is significant compared to the highest recurrent age group.
Table 2. Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents
Educational Status
Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say
High School
Masters/ MBA
Brand Image
- In comparison to other products/brand, this product/brand has high
- This product/brand has a rich history
- Customers (we) can reliably predict how this product/brand will
- I think this brand is well- known and prestigious.
Davis et al., 2009;
Keller, 2001
Online Purchase Intention
- I will buy online in the future
- 1 have a strong intention to purchase online in the future
- I am willing to recommend others to buy this product/brand
- I intend to purchase this product/brand in the future.
Kim and Park, 2005,
Shukla, 2010
- I would trust online word of mouth (benevolence).
- I would trust what reviews, comments, suggestion are found online
- I would trust this organization to fairly represent its products
- Overall, I would trust this organization’s product (overall).
Mayer, Davis &
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
Volume XII, Issue III, 2020
Issn No : 1006-7930
Page No: 4940
Age Group
Income Group
18 or Below
Below RM 1000
RM 1001-3000
RM 3001-5000
RM 5001 or Above
59 or Above
Reliability and Validity
As shown in Table 3, all values of Cronbach’s alpha, composite reliability, and rho-A are
well above the threshold of 0.70 (Hair et al., 2019). These results signify that the constructs
are reliable and performed well. AVE for each construct are above 0.50, indicates the
convergent validity (Hair et al., 2019). Finally, all the VIF values are less than 3, establishing
the lack of multi-collerinallity issues among the study constructs.
Table 3. Reliability Analysis
of Items
Brand Image
Online Purchase Intention
The item loading and cross-loading reported for validation of construct discriminant validity
(See Table 4). Additionally, Fronell-Larcker criterion value for each contract is less than 0.70
to establish discriminant validity for each construct (Hair et al., 2019). HTMT ratio
essentially is less than 0.90 to provides the evidence for discriminant validity for study
constructs (Henseler et al., 2016). Table 3 shows that the study has evidence of discriminant
Table 4. Outer Loading and Cross Loadings
Online Purchase
Brand Image 1
Brand Image 2
Brand Image 3
Brand Image 4
Online Purchase Intention 1
Online Purchase Intention 2
Online Purchase Intention 3
Online Purchase Intention 4
Trust 1
Trust 2
Trust 3
Trust 4
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
Volume XII, Issue III, 2020
Issn No : 1006-7930
Page No: 4941
Path Analysis
The r2 value for the three input variables (i.e. eWOM, brand image and trust) on the OPI
explains that average 53.5% percent of change in OPI can be explained by eWOM, brand
image and trust. The predictive relevance (Q2) value for the part of the model is the average
0.467 indicating a medium predictive relevance (Chin, 2010).
Table 5. Hypothesis testing
eWOM Trust
BI Trust
Trust OPI
Note: eWOM: Electronic Word of Mouth, BI: Brand Image; OPI: Online Purchase Intention
Figure 2. Research Model
Fronell-Larcker Criterion
Brand Image
Online Purchase Intention
Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratios
Brand Image
Online Purchase Intention
Note: eWOM: Electronic Word of Mouth, BI: Brand Image; OPI: Online Purchase Intention
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
Volume XII, Issue III, 2020
Issn No : 1006-7930
Page No: 4942
Study standardized path values, t-values, and significance level depicted in Table 5. The path
coefficient between eWOM and BI (β = 0.705, p = 0.000), indicating a significant and
positive effect of eWOM on the BI. The path value for the eWOM on trust (β = 0.374, p =
0.000), this shows the impact of the eWOM on trust is positive and statistically significant.
The path value for the BI on the trust (β = 0.444, p = 0.000), this shows the impact of the BI
on trust is positive and statistically significant.
As for the factor effecting OPI, the findings presented in Table 5 shows that effect of eWOM
on OPI (β = 0.189, p = 0.003) is positive and statistically significant. The path coefficient for
trust on OPI = 0.512, p = 0.000), depicting the effect of trust on OPI as significant and
positive as well. Finally, the path coefficient for the BI on OPI = 0.099, p = 0.033),
depicting the effect of BI on OPI as significant and positive as well.
Mediating Effects
As noted in Table 6, mediation effect of trust between the eWOM and OPI reveals that trust
mediates the relationship between eWOM and OPI (β = 0.267, p = 0.004). The relationship
between the BI and OPI mediated by the trust. The result depicts that trust mediates the
relationship between BI and OPI (β = 0.402, p = 0.000). The relationship between the eWOM
and trast mediated by the BI. The result shows that BI mediates the relationship between
eWOM and trust (β = 0.437, p = 0.000).
Table 6. Meditating Effect
HM1: eWOM Trust OPI
HM2: BI Trust OPI
HM3: eWOM BI Trust
Note: eWOM: Electronic Word of Mouth, BI: Brand Image; OPI: Online Purchase Intention
This study has some limitations, such as small sample size when comparing the eWOM users
in Malaysia due to the lack of resources and time shortage. This study examines the function
of eWOM and brand image in the expectation of buying from the internet and the relationship
between them in Malaysia. eWOM is a critical factor in marketing success that affects
customer purchasing behavior. Consequently, eWOM affects the assessment of products and
services by consumers, as well as the final purchase decision and post-purchase review. The
analysis reveals the effect of trust between eWOM and the intention of purchasing the
products from the internet. eWOM can create a brand image for an organization, build trust
among buyers, and expand the purpose of obtaining it.
Furthermore, this study reveals that eWOM significantly affects the improvement of an
organization's brand image among buyers in Malaysia. The brand image and confidence can
affect the eWOM of customers and the purchase plan. Typically, eWOM serves as an
informal form of advertising for online businesses. Successful and supportive eWOM can
affect customers’ decisions and improve digital businesses’ buying interest and brand image.
Due to the increasing number of online companies in Malaysia, the effective use of eWOM
can support and encourage the growth of such companies. Hence, it is suggested that
promoters should organize eWOM to increase the business rate expertise of the product,
which would eventually affect the expectation of customers.
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
Volume XII, Issue III, 2020
Issn No : 1006-7930
Page No: 4943
Managerial Implications:
In this research, it was found that Trust, Brand Image, eWOM play important roles which
improved the marketing landscape, and it also showed that consumption power has shifted to
customers with the capability to influence and interact with the purchase intention. Marketers
with an effective social media platform should be concerned about the customers while
developing Brand Image and Trust.
The rapid growth of social media may become the most important factor to influence
marketing in the coming years which could enable and improve business practices to
persuade future customers. It may also connect the companies with future customers and help
customers in control and influence the Trust and Brand Image.
Brand image and trust can play an extremely significant role in improving digital marketing
in today’s world. Thus it can be claimed that Brand Image and Trust can help customers to
develop the ability to interact and influence customer’s purchase intension on a digital
Limitations of the Study:
The study can make significant offerings in perspectives of both theoretical and practical
viewpoint. Some of the limitations of the study are as follows:
Future studies may be improved by using other measurement components that could help
constructing future models such as the user’s demographic profiles or the consequences of
technology acceptance. It indicates another area of research where the future researchers
could assess the consequence of social group pressure to use social media and its impacts on
the intention of the customers while purchasing.
The author is thankful to the anonymous referees of the journal for their tremendously
valuable suggestions to develop the excellence of the article. Habitual disclaimers apply.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests:
The author declared no probable conflicts of interest with regard to the research, authorship
and/or publication of this research paper.
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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology
Volume XII, Issue III, 2020
Issn No : 1006-7930
Page No: 4946
... Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh (Rahman et al., 2020) yang menganalisis dampak dari e-WOM, brand image, dan trust dalam mempengaruhi niat membeli produk secara online di Malaysia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa memaksimalisasi E-WOM mampu meningkatkan minat membeli konsumen sehingga penjualan pun meningkat. ...
... Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa memaksimalisasi E-WOM mampu meningkatkan minat membeli konsumen sehingga penjualan pun meningkat. (Rahman et al., 2020) juga menyarankan para pelaku bisnis untuk fokus membangun trust, brand awareness, dan E-WOM untuk meningkatkan purchase intention. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh (Herjanto et al., 2020) yang membuktikan pengaruh dari celebrity endorser di Instagram terhadap perilaku konsumen dengan konsep baru pada variabel brand image dan brand trust. ...
... (Residona, 2019) menekankan bahwa banyak keputusan konsumen juga dipengaruhi oleh e-WOM, seperti keputusan yang terlibat dalam produk atau layanan. Ketika audience percaya dengan ulasan positif ataupun merekomendasikan jasa atau produk yang diulas, hal ini akan memengaruhi niat membeli audience itu sendiri (Rahman et al., 2020). H4: e-WOM memberi pengaruh signifikan positif terhadap Purchase Intention ...
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Abstrak−Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dampak dari e-WOM dan celebrity endorser dalam memengaruhi purchase intention yang merupakan perilaku konsumen dalam menunjukan minat membeli terhadap brand skincare internasional yang dimediasi oleh brand awareness yang berfokus pada masyarakat Kota Batam. Variabel yang diuji dalam penelitian ini mencakup e-WOM, celebrity endorser, purchase intention, dan brand awareness. Penelitian ini menguji 244 dari 267 data responden dengan bantuan aplikasi SmartPLS. Setelah data dianalisis dengan aplikasi tersebut, dilakukan beberapa pengujian untuk memperoleh hasil penelitian yang dibutuhkan. Hasil analisis menyatakan e-WOM dan celebrity endorser dapat memengaruhi brand awareness secara positif terbukti dari nilai t-statistic yang mencapai lebih dari 1,96 dan p-value yang kurang dari 0,05. E-WOM, celebrity endorser, serta brand awareness juga terbukti mampu memengaruhi purchase intention secara positif. Peran mediasi oleh brand awareness terbukti memberi pengaruh positif antara hubungan e-WOM dengan purchase intention. Namun, mediasi oleh brand awareness tidak memberi pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap hubungan antara celebrity endorser dan purchase intention.
... In addition, online buyers are likely to feel the security of delivery, the quality of product information through websites, and transactions over the internet are at high risk (Kasuma et al., 2020;Larasetiati & Ali, 2019;Varma et al., 2020). According to a study by Rahman (2020), the results state that trust is the key factor that can influence a consumer to make an online purchase. Conclusions of a positive relationship between online buying intentions by users and trust is also acknowledged by several other researchers (Alharthey, 2019;Bahari et al., 2020;Sharma & Klein, 2020). ...
... Selain itu, disarankan untuk menambah variabel yang memiliki potensi signifikan dan memengaruhi seperti penelitian (Munir & Darmawan, 2022) ease of use, security on shopping, perceived value, yang dapat meningkatan purchase intention. Penambahan variabel ini dapat memberikan gambaran yang lebih komprehensif pada faktor-faktor dalam memengaruhi niat membeli, dan untuk meningkatkan validitas dan reliabilitas, disarankan juga dalam menambah jumlah responden, hal ini agar sejalan dengan (Rahman et al., 2020) telah mengumpulkan dari 300 responden, sehingga hasil penelitian dapat menjadi lebih akurat dan relevan ...
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Teknologi di Indonesia telah mengalami pertumbuhan yang pesat dan juga signifikan. Indonesia memiliki beberapa sektor seperti teknologi telekomunikasi, infomasi dan e-commerce. Marketplace adalah salah satu platform atau pasar online yang membuat tempat perkumpulan penjual dan pembeli dalam berinterkasi serta transaksi yang dilakukan seperti penukaran produk serta layanan. Lazada sebagai salah satu platform marketplace yang termuka di Indonesia, dan memilki peran sentral dalam bentuk lanskap e-commerce di Indonesia. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan teori TPB dan menggunakan desain deskriptif cross-sectional karena pengumpulan data dilakukan sekali pada satu waktu dari sampel yang ditetapkan populasi pada pelanggan yang pernah berbelanja di e-commerce Lazada di Jakarta. Dengan metode nonprobability sampling yaitu sampling purposive dengan menentukan sampel pada kreteria usia 18 tahun ke atas yang telah sesuai dengan masa adolesen untuk ukuran sampel tersendiri memiliki jumlah 203 responden yang diteliti. Pada penelitian ini mengunakan data primer yang melalui instrumen yaitu kuesioner dalam google forms dan disebarkan pada aplikasi seperti Whatsapp. Pada pengujian data menggunakan (PLS-SEM) versi 4.0. Terdapat hasil hubungan yang signifikan pada e-wom, brand trust terhadap purchase intention. Serta hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa brand trust berperan sebagai variabel mediasi yang berpengaruh signifikan antar seluruh variabel terhadap purchase intention. Technology in Indonesia has experienced rapid and significant growth, particularly in sectors such as telecommunications, information technology, and e-commerce. The marketplace serves as a prominent online platform where sellers and buyers converge to interact and conduct transactions, exchanging products and services. Lazada, as one of the leading marketplace platforms in Indonesia, plays a central role in the e-commerce landscape. This research employs the TPB and utilizes a descriptive cross-sectional design, as data collection occurs at a single point in time from a sample drawn from the population of customers who have made purchase on Lazada in Jakarta.The nonprobability sampling method used is purposive sampling, selecting participants based on the criterion of being 18 years and above, aligning with the adolescent age group. The sample size consists of 203 respondents. Primary data is collected through a questionnaire distributed via Google Forms and shared on platforms like WhatsApp. The data is analyzed using Smart PLS-SEM version 4.0.The results reveal a significant relationship between electronic word of mouth (e-wpm), brand trust, and purchase intention. The analysis indicates that brand trust acts as a mediating variable with a significant impact on the relationship between all variables and purchase intention.
... Perceived trust is the conviction that an action or a system will function as perceived or anticipated by an individual, while trust itself is the readiness to believe or trust in the dependability of something or someone (Gupta et al. 2020). People and investors are motivated and intend to take certain actions by trust, according to Rahman et al. 2020). Some past research has indicated that behavioral intentions are positively influenced by perceived trust (Shih, 2009, as cited in Nuryyev et al., 2018, as well as how people react to novel goods and technology (Bitkina et al. 2020). ...
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This study aimed to examine the variables that affect Malaysian university students' intentions to invest in cryptocurrencies. Few studies have been conducted on the factors influencing Malaysian university students' intention to invest in cryptocurrencies, despite a wealth of research on the desire to do so. The researcher used a self-administered questionnaire to collect data for this quantitative study, which was grounded in a positivist philosophy. The target population was students who intend to invest or have invested previously in cryptocurrencies. A total of 106 respondents were obtained. The results of this study were empirically analyzed using a deductive approach and the positivist philosophy. The Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) was used to process and analyze the data. The study's findings demonstrated that among the students surveyed, financial literacy, perceived trust, and social norms all had a significant impact on their intention to invest in cryptocurrencies. It was discovered, nevertheless, that their intention to purchase cryptocurrency is not significantly impacted by their perception of behavioral control. This study's value and implications stem from the insights it provides to various stakeholders in the cryptocurrency space, such as marketers, educators, and businesses engaged in the development, exchange, and creation of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). To draw in and keep the interest of potential investors, the study's findings indicate that these parties should concentrate on raising financial literacy and spreading knowledge about cryptocurrencies. The study's conclusions add to our knowledge of undergraduates' investing behavior and have applications for those involved in the cryptocurrency space.
... Through e-WOM, customers not only receive product information, but can also categorise it into good and bad experiences, allowing them to advise or warn others based on first-hand experience (Rahman et al., 2020). Effective e-WOM has more influence on customers because it creates a pleasant impression of the brand, evokes feelings of excitement, provides insightful information and promotes virality, all of which increase its impact. ...
Social media platforms offer marketing, information dissemination, direct customer contact and optimised availability of product and service information, which influences consumer behaviour, especially among Generation Y. Therefore, this study ranking up the social media factors such as electronic word of mouth (e-WOM), customer engagement, trust, brand image and advertising on the purchasing decisions of Generation Y consumers in Malaysia. 193 data were collected using Google Forms and face-to-face questionnaires. The data was then analysed using the Best-Worst method, which ranks the most important factors according to respondents' gender, income, and education level. One response was rejected because the value of consistency ratio (CR) was above the associated threshold value of 0.3062. Across all demographics, trust was found to be the most important factor in the purchase decision. Brand image and advertisement, on the other hand, are the least important, indicating a departure from traditional marketing strategies. A detailed explanation of these findings is presented in the paper. This study provides further insight and deepens knowledge for businesses by enabling them to adapt their marketing approaches and gain an understanding of the changing buying patterns and behaviours of Malaysian Generation Y consumers.
... Trust may also be referred to as the sense of honesty, benevolence, and competence of another person (McKnight et al., 2002). Trust influence on online purchase intention (Rahman et al., 2020). ...
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People's perception of online shopping grows day by day and becomes an essential part of the urban lifestyle. This study attempts to measure Nepalese consumers' online shopping attitudes and purchasing intention to this phase witnessing the social media moderation. The analysis uses a quantitative research-based descriptive and causal research design. To gather responses from sample respondents, structured questionnaires were used, and surveys were carried out. Two hundred cross-section data was gathered. For checking the psychometric and econometric components of the suggested causal model, partial least square structural equation modeling was used. Trust is important factor for purchase intention in online platform. The same case, product variety and country of origin did not support for purchase intention in online mode. Attitude successfully mediates product variety, country of origin and trust to online purchase intention. Moderated mediation is not possible for social media with attitude to online purchase intention. This research has led to the development of online marketing strategies for online shoppers in the virtual community.
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This study aims to determine the key attributes that impact client acceptance of the interior design industry (VRIDP). The researchers employed the purposive sampling strategy to select a total of 614 individuals who possess previous experience with VRIDP. Furthermore, the researchers utilized structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the connections between crucial factors that impact client acceptance of VRIDP. The findings suggest that customer perceptions of VRIDP are significantly influenced by their evaluation of its usability and value. Trust is crucial in mitigating the adverse effects of perceived risk on acceptance.Moreover, it has been found that subjective criteria indirectly influence the desire to accept something by affecting perceived usefulness and trust. This emphasizes the significance of social factors in the process of adopting technology. The results of this study offer valuable insights for developers, marketers, and lawmakers who aim to enhance the acceptance of VRIDP.
Fenomena smartphone sebagai barang kebutuhan sekunder membuat permintaan masyarakat terhadap smartphone meningkat sehingga Vivo sebagai salah satu vendor smartphone di Indonesia perlu melakukan strategi yang tepat untuk meningkatkan niat beli masyarakat terhadap smartphone mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peran brand image memediasi pengaruh E-WOM terhadap niat beli smartphone Vivo di Kota Denpasar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Denpasar dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 100 responden dengan alat bantu kuesioner. Sampel ditentukan menggunakan model non-probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur (path analysis) dengan bantuan program SPSS. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa seluruh hipotesis diterima. E-WOM berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap niat beli, E-WOM berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap brand image, brand image berpengaruh positif terhadap niat beli, dan brand image mampu memediasi pengaruh E-WOM terhadap niat beli. Implikasi penelitian ini adalah Vivo diharapkan mampu untuk mempertahankan dan memperhatikan strategi yang dilakukan untuk membuat E-WOM dan brand image smartphone Vivo semakin baik guna meningkatkan niat beli terhadap smartphone Vivo.
In the dynamic landscape of mobile marketing, understanding the intricate factors that drive in-app purchase decisions is pivotal for crafting effective strategies. The sale of virtual objects has become a key driver of revenue in the mobile gaming industry. This study focuses on the Malaysian Gen-Y mobile gamers, exploring the key drivers influencing their in-game purchase intention underpinned by perceived value theory and theory of planned behavior. An online survey was conducted among 470 respondents and analysed using partial least squared structural equation modelling. As the digital realm continues to evolve, decoding these motivations behind consumer behavior becomes paramount for marketers seeking to tailor their approaches. Drawing from the empirical findings, this chapter offers valuable insights that contribute to the academic knowledge of mobile marketing dynamics, including practical implications of this strategic monetization initiative for marketers to resonate with the discerning Gen-Y mobile gamers.
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Purpose This paper provides a comprehensive, yet concise, overview of the considerations and metrics required for PLS-SEM analysis and result reporting. Preliminary considerations are summarized first, including reasons for choosing PLS-SEM, recommended sample size in selected contexts, distributional assumptions, use of secondary data, statistical power, and the need for goodness-of-fit testing. Next, the metrics, as well as the rules of thumb, that should be applied to assess the PLS-SEM results are covered. Besides covering established PLS-SEM evaluation criteria, the overview includes new guidelines for applying (1) PLSpredict, a novel approach for assessing a model’s out-of-sample prediction, (2) metrics for model comparisons, and (3) several complementary methods for checking the results’ robustness. Design/methodology/approach This paper provides an overview of previously and recently proposed metrics, as well as rules of thumb, for evaluating the results of research, based on the application of PLS-SEM. Findings Most of the previously applied metrics for evaluating PLS-SEM results are still relevant, but scholars need to be knowledgeable about recently proposed metrics (e.g., model comparison criteria) and methods (e.g., endogeneity assessment, latent class analyses, PLSpredict) and when and how to apply them. Research limitations/implications Methodological developments associated with PLS-SEM are rapidly emerging. The metrics reported in this paper are useful for current applications, but scholars need to continuously seek the latest developments in the PLS-SEM method. Originality/value In light of more recent research and methodological developments in the PLS-SEM domain, guidelines for the method’s use need to be continuously extended and updated. This paper is the most current and comprehensive summary of the PLS-SEM method and the metrics applied to assess its solutions.
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Purpose – Partial least squares (PLS) path modeling is a variance-based structural equation modeling (SEM) technique that is widely applied in business and social sciences. Its ability to model composites and factors makes it a formidable statistical tool for new technology research. Recent reviews, discussions, and developments have led to substantial changes in the understanding and use of PLS. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – This paper aggregates new insights and offers a fresh look at PLS path modeling. It presents new developments, such as consistent PLS, confirmatory composite analysis, and the heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations. Findings – PLS path modeling is the method of choice if a SEM contains both factors and composites. Novel tests of exact fit make a confirmatory use of PLS path modeling possible. Originality/value – This paper provides updated guidelines of how to use PLS and how to report and interpret its results.
This research article attempts to determine brand loyalty by classifying current and potential customers in the commercial paints industry based on eight promotional parameters. It is a prerogative to understand customer response towards brand promotions, which necessitates exploring the concept of brand loyalty determinants. Primary data of these eight parameters are collected (paints industry contractors) as factors contributing to brand loyalty. Parameters are ranked according to their order of importance using analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Factors having their priority vectors greater than 10 per cent are selected for further analysis. This study further uses discriminant analysis to examine if the parameters are capable of classifying the respondents into two distinct groups based on brand loyalty. Five-point Likert scale was used for each variable to collect the response on the perception of its importance in deciding whether to remain loyal to the brand or not. Five out of eight parameters are finally selected for discriminant analysis to determine if it is possible to distinguish the two groups significantly. The five parameters are preview, free sampling, perceived brand value, training and word-of-mouth communication. Analysis of the responses collected reveal that there exists a significant difference between the two groups based on the parameters. The results of this study are expected to help practitioners expand and execute customer-centric promotion strategies to prevent customers from switching to other brands.
One of the main aspects of the Web 2.0 revolution has been social commerce that has resulted in many people across the world increasingly engaging with commercial activities over social media platforms. However, the academic and research interest in social commerce is still low, and more studies are required to accelerate awareness of the most important issues relating to social commerce, in particular, social trust and value cocreation. Thus, the present study aims to propose a conceptual model that is intended to enable greater understanding of the causal interactions between social commerce constructs, social trust, and customer value cocreation. We collected data using a sample of 300 followers and fans of online Facebook communities, and we analysed them by using a structural equation model. The results show that social commerce constructs positively impact on social trust. Furthermore, we found that social trust positively impacts on the three dimensions of customer value cocreation. We found that social trust mediates the relationship between the social commerce and customer value cocreation dimensions. The paper presents a considerable theoretical contribution for being the first study that links social commerce constructs with social trust. The linkage between social commerce constructs, social trust, and customer value cocreation dimensions will also be beneficial for social media marketing strategists and managers.
This article compares the effects of three pricing tactics—temporal reframing of prices (TRP), measure-based unit pricing (UP), and usage-based UP—on various consumer perceptions. Although these tactics are similar as they all reframe retail prices to a smaller amount, dissimilarity also exists as the respective units used for calculating these reframed prices differ. A laboratory experiment was performed to draw comparisons among the three types in a context of print advertisement. The results suggest that usage-based UP provided the most beneficial information for consumers; however, the differences between usage-based UP and TRP were not substantial.
This study examined the relations between source credibility of eWOM (electronic word of mouth), perceived risk and food products customer's information adoption mediated by argument quality and information usefulness. eWOM has been commonly used to refer the customers during decision-making process for food commodities. Based on this study, we used Elaboration Likelihood Model of information adoption presented by Sussman and Siegal (2003) to check the willingness to buy. Non-probability purposive samples of 300 active participants were taken through questionnaire from several regions of the Republic of China and analyzed the data through structural equation modeling (SEM) accordingly. We discussed that whether eWOM source credibility and perceived risk would impact the degree of information adoption through argument quality and information usefulness. It reveals that eWOM has positively influenced on perceived risk by source credibility to the extent of information adoption and, for this, customers use eWOM for the reduction of the potential hazards when decision making. Companies can make their marketing strategies according to their target towards loyal clients' needs through online food- product forums review sites.
By highlighting consumers' personal characteristics related to online brand information search, this study sheds light on how information sources from eWOM (electronic word-of-mouth), neutral/third party, and manufacturer/retailer influence purchase intentions of consumers with high and low susceptibility to informational influence. Based on a two-phase study, we discovered that online brand-related information from these three sources has a positive influence on consumer attitude toward the brand and purchase intention for that brand. Furthermore, our results show that the eWOM source is likely to be perceived as more useful by consumers with high susceptibility to informational influence than neutral/third party and manufacturer/retailer sources. Conversely, all three sources of brand-related information are perceived to be useful by consumers with low susceptibility to informational influence. Implications for researchers and managers are discussed.