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Mathematical and statistical models are needed to understand the extent to which weather, climate variability, and climate change are affecting current and may affect future health burdens in the context of other risk factors and a range of possible development pathways, and the temporal and spatial patterns of any changes. Such understanding is needed to guide the design and the implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures. Because each model projection captures only a narrow range of possible futures, and because models serve different purposes, multiple models are needed for each health outcome ('horses for courses'). Multiple modeling results can be used to bracket the ranges of when, where, and with what intensity negative health consequences could arise. This commentary explores some climate change and health modeling issues, particularly modeling exposure-response relationships, developing early warning systems, projecting health risks over coming decades, and modeling to inform decision-making. Research needs are also suggested.
Climate change and health modeling: horses for courses
Kristie L. Ebi* and Joacim Rocklo¨v
Epidemiology and Global Health, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Umea
˚Centre for
Global Health Research, Umea
˚University, Umea
˚, Sweden
Mathematical and statistical models are needed to understand the extent to which weather, climate variability,
and climate change are affecting current and may affect future health burdens in the context of other risk
factors and a range of possible development pathways, and the temporal and spatial patterns of any changes.
Such understanding is needed to guide the design and the implementation of adaptation and mitigation
measures. Because each model projection captures only a narrow range of possible futures, and because
models serve different purposes, multiple models are needed for each health outcome (‘horses for courses’).
Multiple modeling results can be used to bracket the ranges of when, where, and with what intensity negative
health consequences could arise. This commentary explores some climate change and health modeling
issues, particularly modeling exposure-response relationships, developing early warning systems, projecting
health risks over coming decades, and modeling to inform decision-making. Research needs are also
Keywords: climate change;climate variability;modeling;health impacts;research needs
Responsible Editor: Nawi Ng, Umea˚ University, Sweden.
*Correspondence to: Kristie L. Ebi, Epidemiology and Global Health, Department of Public Health and
Clinical Medicine, Umea˚ Centre for Global Health Research, Umea˚ University, SE-901 85 Umea˚, Sweden,
Received: 23 February 2014; Revised: 28 April 2014; Accepted: 29 April 2014; Published: 23 May 2014
The current and projected human health conse-
quences of climate change are diverse and wide-
ranging, potentially altering the burden of any
health outcome sensitive to weather or climate. Climate
variability and change can affect morbidity and mortality
from extreme weather and climate events, and from
changes in air quality arising from changing concentra-
tions of ozone, particulate matter, or aeroallergens (1).
Altering weather patterns and sea level rise also may
facilitate changes in the geographic range, seasonality, and
incidence of selected infectious diseases in some regions,
such as malaria moving into highland areas in parts of
sub-Saharan Africa (13). Changes in water availability
and agricultural productivity could affect undernutrition,
particularly in parts of Asia and Africa (4). The pathways
between climate change and these health outcomes are
often complex and indirect.
Excluding the direct health burdens from extreme
weather and climate events, the standard for evidence-
based exposure-response relationships for climate-sensitive
health outcomes differs from that for many environmental
and occupational exposures. No health care use or death
certificate will have climate change as an underlying
or contributing cause; instead, the records focus on the
physiological mechanism(s) associated with the event.
Further, these health outcomes generally have multiple
and often interacting drivers of their geographic range,
incidence, and seasonality; factors that are infrequently
recorded on patient care records and death certificates.
These records and death certificates are not designed
to consider that climate change may have contributed to
a case of (or death from) diarrheal disease by increasing
the rate of pathogen replication in warmer ambient tem-
peratures or by facilitating the distribution of pathogens
by increased heavy precipitation events.
Given the many and complex linkages between climate
processes and a health outcome, understanding the extent
to which weather, climate variability, and climate change
are affecting and may affect future health burdens in the
context of other risk factors, and the temporal and spatial
patterns of any changes, is challenging if not impossible
without developing mathematical and statistical models.
Ideally, such models are based on the association between
the exposure and outcome, taking into consideration the
relevant processes and drivers, and possible sources of
confounding and bias. The question is not whether to
model, but whether there are sufficient data over long-
enough time periods and robust enough understanding of
Global Health Action
Global Health Action 2014. #2014 Kristie L. Ebi and Joacim Rocklo
¨v. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
CC-BY 4.0 License (, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to
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Citation: Glob Health Action 2014, 7: 24154 -
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the processes relating the climate factors to health out-
comes to develop useful models and, if so, how to model. If
appropriately designed and communicated effectively,
policy- and decision-makers can use health models inte-
grating micro- to macro-level exposures and processes
that influence the occurrence of a health outcome to se-
lect a basket of policies and measures to efficiently and
effectively manage health risks over shorter and longer
temporal scales.
Scientific curiosity alone does not drive modeling the
health risks of current and projected climate change. Models
are designed to answer specific policy-relevant questions.
Two principal aims are to guide adaptation measures to
increase resilience, and to guide mitigation policies to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thereby reducing health
risks past mid-century. Common purposes for health
models are to understand exposure-response relationships
(based on biological or statistical relationships), estimate
the relative contributions of different risk factors, map the
locations of populations vulnerable to particular health
outcomes or environmental conditions, develop early
warning systems, and project longer-term health risks
under different climate and socioeconomic scenarios. The
data needs, the spatial and temporal scales, and the model
structure and robustness vary across models, with no one
model able or robust enough to answer all questions at
all scales.
Horses for courses is an idiom that captures that
multiple models are needed for each health outcome of
concern because different models serve different uses, with
each model better than other models at addressing a
particular issue. Models developed for one purpose may
not be appropriate for other purposes. In fact, it is highly
unlikely that a model developed as the basis of an early
warning system, which thus contains sufficient detail and
contextual information to be able to forecast where and
when health risks could increase under particular environ-
mental conditions in a specific location, would also be
appropriate for projecting how health risks could evolve
over this century under different climate and socioeco-
nomic scenarios at a range of spatial and temporal scales.
Considerations in model development include quanti-
fication of the climatehealth associations and the factors
that affect those associations; specification of model(s)
appropriate to incorporate climate variability and change,
adaptation, and mitigation policies, including considera-
tion of temporal and spatial scale issues; incorporation
of thresholds; incorporation of pathways of public health
development; and quantification of uncertainties (5). The
description of a model should include the conceptual
framework underlying its structure, key assumptions, and
its temporal and spatial scale. The usefulness of a model
and its output of current or future climate-sensitive health
burdens depend on not only the robustness of the model,
but also the extent to which the model provides results that
address the needs of stakeholders, at the appropriate scales
of interest.
This commentary explores some issues with modeling
the health risks of climate change, particularly modeling
exposure-response relationships, developing early warn-
ing systems, projecting health risks over coming decades,
and modeling to inform decision-making. We conclude
with some suggested research needs.
Modeling exposure-response relationships
Public health and health-care organizations demand,
appropriately so, quantitative evidence of the associations
between risk factors and health outcomes, and of the
effectiveness, including costs and benefits, of interventions
before modifying current or implementing new measures
(e.g. early warning systems) to reduce exposures and
vulnerabilities. Long-term data sets are required to esti-
mate the contributions of various factors to health
burdens. Even when such data sets are available, the
complexities of interactions in the chain of causation for a
climate-sensitive health outcome mean that modeling is
often the best approach for understanding how and
to what extent weather and climate patterns contribute
to health outcomes, in the context of multiple drivers, and
for furthering understanding of possible interventions to
reduce health risks. For example, increasing summertime
ambient temperatures increases the risks of heat-related
morbidity and mortality. The urban surrounding, includ-
ing built infrastructure (e.g. green roofs, location of
cooling centers), the presence of trees, and other factors
can modify hot temperatures, making some locations
within a community warmer and others cooler. The extent
to which individuals are sensitive to hot temperatures
depends on their level of fitness, presence of certain
chronic diseases, use of drugs that affect thermal regula-
tion, clothing choices, and other factors. Understanding
the relative importance of different factors through
modeling can be helpful for targeting interventions to
reduce morbidity and mortality.
In biological and process-based models, clearly de-
scribed causal interrelationships are used to simulate
disease dynamics. Statistical models often have different
requirements. Data-driven models can be developed in
cases where the underlying disease processes are not well
understood or well quantified, and where there is, for
example, insufficient information to develop a causal
pathway model. In such cases, a simple model would
always be preferable to a more complex model given
similar predictive ability. It is always important for models
to be validated using data not used in model fitting to
avoid over-fitting and to increase confidence in the
predictive accuracy in new situations.
Kristie L. Ebi and Joacim Rocklo
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Mapping vulnerable regions and using
exposure-response relationships to develop
early warning systems
Mapping can be very helpful for local and national
decision-makers to enhance current health protection,
and can be used to support vector and disease surveillance
and early warning systems on the timing and scale of
vector control operations and public health interventions,
more effectively deploying scarce human and financial
resources. Early warning systems are based on forecasts
of how the numbers of cases vary by levels of environ-
mental variables, balancing the need for the time needed
to prepare for an outbreak with the skill of the forecast
over different temporal scales.
For example, the increasing worldwide burden of
dengue fever has led to interest in mapping where dengue
is currently (or may soon be) transmitted. The distribution
of dengue depends not just on the temperature and
precipitation requirements and constraints of the vector
and pathogen, but also on vector control and surveillance
programs (and their effectiveness), awareness and effec-
tiveness of health-care organizations in diagnosis and
treatment, how travel and trade affect vector and pathogen
distribution, and urbanization patterns. Dengue early
warning systems are important for managing outbreaks,
particularly with the lack of a vaccine or treatment options.
For example, weekly mean temperature and cumulative
rainfall in combination with disease surveillance can be
used to forecast dengue epidemics 16 weeks in advance in
Singapore (6).
One of the challenges with the models underlying early
warning systems is that they assume that historic distribu-
tion patterns and relationships will remain constant in the
future. However, this may not always be the case. For
example, increasing ambient temperatures will lead to
acclimatization that could alter the relationships between
heat waves and morbidity and mortality. For infectious
diseases, changing disease transmission dynamics and con-
trol policies means that models are likely to need adjust-
ment to maintain forecast precision as weather patterns
shift over time.
Applying models in other regions or at other
The use of a model needs to be consistent with its
development. For example, a model validated in one com-
munity over a particular time period to support an early
warning system may not provide valid predictions in other
communities or at other temporal scales. Although an
early warning system can provide guidance on key factors
and approaches for developing such a system elsewhere,
analyses will be needed of how local transmission patterns,
key contextual factors, and other variables could alter the
early warnings or responses.
There is often a trade-off between increasing the good-
ness of fit of a model versus improving its predictive ability.
For example, risk maps of malaria and dengue using
spatial information of reported disease frequency are
sometimes validated locally by matching to a nearby
nontransmission zone, including matching on local weath-
er patterns. Such models are trained to distinguish local
differences in the predictor variables on the disease out-
come but are not trained to discriminate global influences
that may alter disease risks, such as longer-term changing
weather patterns with climate change (7). Therefore,
such models should not be used for global projections
of risk or incidence under climate change. Also, a model
that effectively discriminates on local features may be
ineffective or misleading if applied at the global level.
Similarly, model validation to one location provides no
guarantee that using the model for another location would
be appropriate because contextual factors can indirectly
influence model parameters. For global (local) predictions
and projections, models validated with global (local) data
are the most accurate.
Projecting possible future health risks
While increasingly detailed understanding of the determi-
nants of a climate-sensitive health outcome on short time
scales can enhance the effectiveness of public health inter-
ventions, this level of detail may not be needed or useful
to provide realistic projections of disease burdens in mid-
century and beyond under different possible futures.
Projecting the extent to which alterations in weather
patterns may affect future health burdens requires moving
beyond models only based on exposure-response relation-
ships and projected temperature/precipitation change to
models that incorporate a range of plausible (and relevant)
environmental and socioeconomic futures. For example,
variables that can influence the burden and pattern of
vector-borne diseases include weather patterns, land use,
demographic growth, and factors associated with socio-
economic development, such as the status of the health
system, the availability of human and financial resources,
diagnostic and treatment technologies, and others.
Models can be used to identify which of the many
complex interrelationships and interdependencies that
determine a health outcome are the most important to
describe its current geographic range, seasonality, and
incidence, and to project how these might change when
one or more parameters change. Not all drivers of a
climate-sensitive health outcome are of equal importance
for understanding the role(s) of climate variability and
change. Models can provide insights into which variables
and interactions are critical.
Lyme disease is an example of a disease where increas-
ing model complexity is not always needed. Lyme disease
Climate change and health modeling
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has a multi-year life cycle that includes four life stages: egg,
six-legged larva, eight-legged nymph, and adult. Blood
meals are required during the last three stages for tick
survival and reproduction. Human pathogens acquired
during feeding can be transmitted at the next feeding stage.
Ogden et al. (8) reviewed knowledge of the drivers for
changes in the geographic range of ticks and tick-borne
pathogens via effects on their basic reproduction number
, and the mechanisms of dispersal that allow ticks and
tick-borne pathogens to invade suitable environments.
identifies when the Lyme pathogen, Borelia burgdoferi,
can spread when introduced into a fully susceptible
population. Therefore, R
is an index of species fitness in
current or possible future locations. Many observed
patterns are consistent with expectations from theoretical
studies or studies of other species. Key factors determining
the expansion and invasion of Ixodes scapularis ticks and
B. burgdoferi are changes in climate, habitat, and host.
Dunn et al. (9) developed a mechanistic model of whether
B. burgdoferi can spread when introduced into a fully
susceptible population. Nineteen parameters of biological
relevance were included, taking into account the transmis-
sion efficiency from the vertebrate host as a function of the
days since infection. Three factors were the most influen-
tial in terms of their contribution to the observed variation
in R
: transmission efficiency from the vertebrate hosts to
I. scapularis ticks (which depends on the innate suscept-
ibility of the host community to infection), tick survival
rate from fed larva to feeding nymph (largely determined
by ambient temperature), and the fraction of nymphs
finding a competent host (largely determined by the
composition of the host community and the relative
densities of reservoir host species). Given the widespread
distribution of possible hosts, modeling how climate
change could alter the geographic range of Lyme disease
can therefore be simplified to focus on temperature, as the
susceptibility and composition of the host community
may not be constraints when the vector and pathogen
expand into new regions.
Modeling to inform policy- and decision-making
Insights gained from modeling how climate change could
affect future health burdens at local to regional scales,
and across near-term to longer time slices, are important
for prioritizing adaptation and mitigation strategies to
increase the resilience of future societies, particularly for
processes with longer-term planning horizons. For ex-
ample, sea level rise, storm surges, and increasingly heavy
precipitation may mean that hospitals need to be moved
from flood-prone areas. Models can indicate the timing,
location, and level of possible risks, and likely safe
distances from coastlines, major rivers, and other sources
of flooding risk. Modeling also can quantify the extent
to which urban design could increase active transport
possibilities, reduce flooding risks, and result in other
Model development should consider not only what
scientists know about weather/climate health relation-
ships, but also what stakeholders need to know for effec-
tive decision-making (10). The purpose of projecting
health burdens is to gain insights into general trends
and patterns, including key interactions and dynamics,
under different scenarios of future climate and develop-
ment pathways. Doing so provides decision-makers with
a broad-brush vision of how health burdens could change
to inform longer-term planning. Because the future is un-
known, one should view projections not as precise esti-
mates of what will happen, but as more order-of-magnitude
estimates of what could happen if the underlying assump-
tions of climate and development are met.
Policymakers can use model results to identify mitiga-
tion and adaptation targets, and approaches to meeting
those targets that promote human health and well-being.
To be most effective, modeling should be an iterative
process involving scientists and policymakers to ensure
that results contribute to the body of scientific knowledge
and address the needs of decision-makers. National and
international assessments often facilitate this upstream/
downstream communication by identifying not only key
findings from published literature, but also knowledge
gaps that, if filled, would enhance the policy relevance of
Because each model projection only captures a narrow
range of possible futures, a necessary investment for
managing the health risks of weather, climate variability,
and climate change is to have multiple models of when,
where, and with what intensity negative health conse-
quences could arise over shorter and longer time scales,
to bracket the ranges of future health burdens to which
regions and nations will need to adapt and mitigate. Any
one model may miss the key dynamics affecting future
uncertainties. Similar motivations have led to the devel-
opment of multiple models in other sectors as well as
model intercomparison projects (e.g. the World Climate
Research Program for earth system models (http://www. or the Agricultural Model Intercom-
parison and Improvement Project (AgMIP; www.agmip.
org) that includes activities for model intercomparisons
and improvement).
Research needs
Developing conceptual frameworks and modeling of the
interrelationship among the determinants of a health
outcome can identify research needs by highlighting where
additional information could significantly improve under-
standing that can then, in turn, improve model validity
and usefulness. Models, from exposure-response relation-
ships to projections of the health risks of climate change,
are needed to explore the range of potential impacts of
Kristie L. Ebi and Joacim Rocklo
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weather and climate in the context of other drivers of
population health. Modeling should be a core activity in
research centers and public health organizations to facil-
itate understanding and risk management of the health
risks of climate change.
While considerable progress has been made in under-
standing the risks of extreme ambient temperatures and
how changing weather patterns could affect the geo-
graphic range, seasonality, and incidence of some infec-
tious diseases, much more needs to be learned to develop
exposure-response relationships to underpin effective
public health interventions, including early warning and
response systems. Low funding levels means efforts are
limited for developing models that explore how drivers of
climate-sensitive health outcomes interact under a range
of possible future climatic and socioeconomic conditions
to further planning for managing future health risks.
Models are needed to explore not just how climate change
could impact individual health outcomes, but also possible
impacts across interacting health outcomes, such as
diarrheal disease, malaria, and undernutrition.
Developing modeling protocols and guidelines, includ-
ing the types of models appropriate for particular pur-
poses, considerations of geographic and temporal scales,
approaches to validation, and handling of uncertainties,
would enhance the usefulness and relevance of models.
Doing so would increase comparability, facilitating inter-
model comparisons. Malaria is one of the few health out-
comes modeled by more than one research group, which
provided a recent opportunity for an intermodel compar-
ison (2). This paper clearly shows that major contributors
to the variability in the projected risks include conceptual
differences in the models, model parameterization, whether
the model was developed for early warning or to project
risks in a changing climate, and local to global validation
schemes. Developing more consistent approaches to
modeling malaria risk would increase confidence in the
robustness of results found by multiple research groups,
and likely decrease the inconsistencies across global im-
pact projections that at least partially arise from using
models developed for different purposes. Further, models
projecting risks should better incorporate nonclimatic
drivers of future vulnerability, for example, based on the
Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (11).
Model results should be communicated across local-
to-national scales, to build capacity of relevant stake-
holders at all levels, including research, public health and
health-care managers, user communities, and the public.
Collaboration across these communities is needed to
iterate to effective solutions to manage current disease
burdens from climate change, taking the local context
into consideration, and to continue iterating as further
climate change requires adjustments to models and public
health and health-care programs to prepare for and cope
with projected risks.
Conflict of interest and funding
The authors have not received any funding or benefits from
industry or elsewhere to conduct this study.
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Climate change and health modeling
Citation: Glob Health Action 2014, 7: 24154 - 5
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... This perhaps illustrates the difficulty in undertaking statistical modelling that predicts future health burdens or surges in healthcare utilisation under a changing climate. The challenges include the unavailability of long-term observational data; complexities in accounting for a wide range of non-climatic factors that can also influence vulnerability to climate change; and uncertainties inherent to predicting climatic, demographic and socio-economic states [65,66]. Despite the complexities, climate change and health modelling are important research priorities as they can inform decisionmaking, risk communication, early warning systems and the co-planning of adaptation measures with at-risk population groups. ...
Full-text available
Climate change is exposing populations to increasing temperatures and extreme weather events in many parts of Australia. To prepare for climate challenges, there is a growing need for Local Health Districts (LHDs) to identify potential health impacts in their region and strengthen the capacity of the health system to respond accordingly. This rapid review summarised existing evidence and research gaps on the impact of climate change on health and health services in Northern New South Wales (NSW)—a ‘hotspot’ for climate disaster declarations. We systematically searched online databases and selected 11 peer-reviewed studies published between 2012–2022 for the Northern NSW region. The most explored health outcome was mental health in the aftermath of floods and droughts, followed by increased healthcare utilisation due to respiratory, cardiovascular and mortality outcomes associated with bushfire smoke or heat waves. Future research directions were recommended to understand: the compounding impacts of extreme events on health and the health system, local data needs that can better inform models that predict future health risks and healthcare utilisation for the region, and the needs of vulnerable populations that require a whole-of-system response during the different phases of disasters. In conclusion, the review provided climate change and health research directions the LHD may undertake to inform future adaptation and mitigation policies and strategies relevant to their region.
... In terms of the implications for heat mitigation policies, it is worth noting the importance of the development of prevention plans in the area of health (Ebi and Rocklöv, 2014;Linares et al., 2015) as well as the positive effect of policies that aim to instill a "culture of heat" (Bobb et al., 2014;Luber and McGeehin, 2008). These policies are focused on informing the population of the risk of heat and how to protect oneself (Lowe et al., 2011) and are particularly needed among those who are less conscious of the risks of heat, such as populations residing in zones with lower temperatures (Howe et al., 2019). ...
Backgraund The objective of this study was to analyze and compare the effect of high temperatures on daily mortality in the urban and rural populations in Madrid. Methods Data were analyzed from municipalities in Madrid with a population of over 10,000 inhabitants during the period from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2013. Four groups were generated: Urban Metropolitan Center, Rural Northern Mountains, Rural Center, and Southern Rural. The dependent variable used was the rate of daily mortality due to natural causes per million inhabitants (CIE-X: A00- R99) between the months of June and September for the period. The primary independent variable was maximum daily temperature. Social and demographic “context variables” were included: population >64 years of age (%), deprivation index and housing indicators. The analysis was carried out in three phases: 1) determination of the threshold definition temperature of a heat wave (Tthresold) for each study group; 2) determination of relative risks (RR) attributable to heat for each group using Poisson linear regression (GLM), and 3) calculation of odds ratios (OR) using binomial family GLM for the frequency of the appearance of heat waves associated with context variables. Results The resulting percentiles (for the series of maximum daily temperatures for the summer months) corresponding to Tthreshold were: 74th percentile for Urban Metropolitan Center, 76th percentile for Southern Rural, 83rd for Rural Northern Mountains and 98th percentile for Center Rural (98). Greater vulnerability was found for the first two. In terms of context variables that explained the appearance of heat waves, deprivation index level, population >64 years of age and living in the metropolitan area were found to be risk factors. Conclusions Rural and urban areas behaved differently, and socioeconomic inequality and the composition of the population over age 64 were found to best explain the vulnerability of the Rural Center and Southern Rural zones. Key messages Heat waves affect urban and rural areas differently. So results and conclusions from urban areas should not be extrapolated to rural population. Socioeconomic status and ageing are important variables which explain the different behavior of heat waves in different areas.
... Health data reflecting climate-sensitive diseases have to be adequate in quality and quantity to measure health outcomes across time (McIver et al. 2016). Access to long-term data is required to study complex interactions such as that in climate change and health (Ebi and Rocklö v 2014). Studies on national capacities and vulnerabilities to climate change of developing countries are limited by the availability of national and local health data key to establishing relationships between meteorological data to health outcomes Burden of disease studies attributable to environmental hazards are also based on health indicators that are routinely collected. ...
The thesis describes the use of syndromic surveillance in the Philippines to analyze health impacts inflicted by climatological, hydrological, meteorological hazards, and complex emergencies for the enhancement of hazard risk reduction. The thesis looks at two systems, an established syndromic surveillance for disasters, Surveillance in Post Extreme Emergencies and Disasters or SPEED, and a routine health information system, eHealth Tablet for Informed Decision Making of Local Government Units or eHATID LGU. First, the thesis describes the trends observed in SPEED in terms of syndromes and diseases in health facilities, age groups, and time periods seen in the aftermath of disasters in 2013. Second, the thesis looks at eHATID LGU trends in diseases seen across 2016 in a municipality in the Philippines and their relation to weather variables. This is a pilot demonstration of the use of routine health information systems to monitor and analyze climate-sensitive diseases. Lastly, the thesis discusses the governance implications of the use of health information systems for decision-making in research areas such as health emergency and disaster risk management (H-EDRM) and climate resilient health systems. The first section (Introduction) gives an overview of the different frameworks used in disease surveillance, H-EDRM, and climate resilient health systems. This section introduces syndromic surveillance and different examples of its use in different countries. It also gives the specific objectives of the thesis. The second section (Methods) gives the different analytical methods and indicators used to describe the two databases, SPEED and eHATID LGU. The third section (Results) describes the output of the statistical analysis of the databases. It is divided into four subsections: (1) SPEED in three natural hazards in 2013, (2) SPEED in typhoon Haiyan, (3) SPEED in the Zamboanga armed conflict, and (4) eHATID in San Jose de Buenavista, Antique. The fourth section (Discussion) describes the implications of the results of the study to common diseases in disasters, deaths in disasters, trends across time, health facilities used, health systems resilience, correlation with weather data, limitations, health information system use, research, and policy.
... In terms of the implications for heat mitigation policies, it is worth noting the importance of the development of prevention plans in the area of health (Ebi and Rocklöv, 2014;Linares et al., 2015) as well as the positive effect of policies that aim to instill a "culture of heat" (Bobb et al., 2014;Luber and McGeehin, 2008). These policies are focused on informing the population of the risk of heat and how to protect oneself (Lowe et al., 2011) and are particularly needed among those who are less conscious of the risks of heat, such as populations residing in zones with lower temperatures (Howe et al., 2019). ...
The objective of this study was to analyze and compare the effect of high temperatures on daily mortality in the urban and rural populations in Madrid. Data were analyzed from municipalities in Madrid with a population of over 10,000 inhabitants during the period from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2020. Four groups were generated: Urban Metropolitan Center, Rural Northern Mountains, Rural Center, and Southern Rural. The dependent variable used was the rate of daily mortality due to natural causes per million inhabitants (CIE-X: A00-R99) between the months of June and September for the period. The primary independent variable was maximum daily temperature. Social and demographic “context variables” were included: population >64 years of age (%), deprivation index and housing indicators. The analysis was carried out in three phases: 1) determination of the threshold definition temperature of a heat wave (Tumbral) for each study group; 2) determination of relative risks (RR) attributable to heat for each group using Poisson linear regression (GLM), and 3) calculation of odds ratios (OR) using binomial family GLM for the frequency of the appearance of heat waves associated with context variables. The resulting percentiles (for the series of maximum daily temperatures for the summer months) corresponding to Tthreshold were: 74th percentile for Urban Metropolitan Center, 76th percentile for Southern Rural, 83rd for Rural Northern Mountains and 98th percentile for Center Rural (98). Greater vulnerability was found for the first two. In terms of context variables that explained the appearance of heat waves, deprivation index level, population >64 years of age and living in the metropolitan area were found to be risk factors. Rural and urban areas behaved differently, and socioeconomic inequality and the composition of the population over age 64 were found to best explain the vulnerability of the Rural Center and Southern Rural zones.
... These measures consist on the extensive heat-health warning systems and public health response programs have been implemented in several U.S. cities. These programs often contain specific measures targeted toward the elderly population, which could be one reason why heat-related mortality declined most rapidly for the oldest age group, others are related to the health system as in the existence of prevention plans Ebi and Rocklöv, 2014) or improvements in health services (Miron et al., 2015), and some seem to be related to architectural and urban factors (Fisk, 2015). Thus, some studies show how the age of buildings can explain the distribution and intensity of the risks associated with temperature (López-Bueno et al., 2019;Loughnan et al., 2015). ...
Although there is significant scientific evidence on the impact of heat waves, there are few studies that analyze the effects of sociodemographic factors on the impact of heat waves below the municipal level. The objective of this study was to analyze the role of income level, percent of the population over age 65, existence of air conditioning units and hectares (Ha) of green zones in districts in Madrid, in the impact of heat on daily mortality between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2013. Seventeen districts were analyzed, and Generalized Linear (GLM) Poisson Regression Models were used to calculate relative risks (RR) and attributable risks (RA) for the impact of heat waves on mortality due to natural causes (CIEX:A00-R99). The pattern of risks obtained was analyzed using GLM univariates and multivariates of the binomial family (link logit), introducing the socioeconomic and demographic variables mentioned above. The results indicate that heat wave had an impact in only three of the districts analyzed. In the univariate models, all of the variables were statistically significant, but Ha of green zones lost significance in the multivariate model. Income level, existence of air conditioning units, and percent of the population over age 65 in the district remained as variables that modulate the impact of heat wave on daily mortality in the municipality of Madrid. Income level was the key variable that explained this behavior. The results obtained in this study show that there are factors at levels below the municipal level (district level) that should be considered as focus areas for health policy in order to decrease the impact of heat and promote the process of adaptation to heat in the context of climate change.
... The projected increased intensity of hurricanes, rising temperatures, and changing precipitation patterns from climate change may increase the risk of food and water-related diseases and may compromise access to safe food and water sources in Dominica [13,[35][36][37][38]. Key informant interviews with health sector experts indicated that the strength of the link between food and water-related diseases and climate change as well as the severity of impacts to human health is high. ...
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A climate change and health vulnerability and adaptation assessment was conducted in Dominica, a Caribbean small island developing state located in the Lesser Antilles. The assessment revealed that the country’s population is already experiencing many impacts on health and health systems from climate variability and change. Infectious diseases as well as food and waterborne diseases pose continued threats as climate change may exacerbate the related health risks. Threats to food security were also identified, with particular concern for food production systems. The findings of the assessment included near-term and long-term adaptation options that can inform actions of health sector decision-makers in addressing health vulnerabilities and building resilience to climate change. Key challenges include the need for enhanced financial and human resources to build awareness of key health risks and increase adaptive capacity. Other small island developing states interested in pursuing a vulnerability and adaptation assessment may find this assessment approach, key findings, analysis, and lessons learned useful.
... The imprecision is attributed to variability in the climate models and to estimates of the exposure-response curves. In the latter, the uncertainty and potential biases generated in extrapolating the functions beyond the observed temperature range are not accounted for (Ebi and Rocklöv 2014;Benmarhnia et al. 2014). However, the impact of such extrapolation is unlikely to be substantial, because on average only 1.7 and 3.2% of heat days temperature were above the maximum observed in each 1.5-and 2-°C scenario (Table S7). ...
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The Paris Agreement binds all nations to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change, with the commitment to Bhold warming well below 2 °C in global mean temperature (GMT), relative to pre-industrial levels, and to pursue efforts to limit warming to 1.5 °C". The 1.5 °C limit constitutes an ambitious goal for which greater evidence on its benefits for health would help guide policy and potentially increase the motivation for action. Here we contribute to this gap with an assessment on the potential health benefits, in terms of reductions in temperature-related mortality, derived from the compliance to the agreed temperature targets, compared to more extreme warming scenarios. We performed a multi-region analysis in 451 locations in 23 countries with different climate zones, and evaluated changes in heat and cold-related mortality under scenarios consistent with the Paris Agreement targets (1.5 and 2 °C) and more extreme GMT increases (3 and 4 °C), and under the assumption of no changes in demographic distribution and vulnerability. Our results suggest that limiting warming below 2 °C could prevent large increases in temperature-related mortality in most regions worldwide. The comparison between 1.5 and 2 °C is more complex and characterized by higher uncertainty, with geographical differences that indicate potential benefits limited to areas located in warmer climates, where direct climate change impacts will be more discernible.
... The imprecision is attributed to variability in the climate models and to estimates of the exposure-response curves. In the latter, the uncertainty and potential biases generated in extrapolating the functions beyond the observed temperature range are not accounted for (Ebi and Rocklöv 2014;Benmarhnia et al. 2014). However, the impact of such extrapolation is unlikely to be substantial, because on average only 1.7 and 3.2% of heat days temperature were above the maximum observed in each 1.5-and 2-°C scenario (Table S7). ...
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The Paris Agreement binds all nations to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change, with the commitment to “hold warming well below 2 °C in global mean temperature (GMT), relative to pre-industrial levels, and to pursue efforts to limit warming to 1.5 °C”. The 1.5 °C limit constitutes an ambitious goal for which greater evidence on its benefits for health would help guide policy and potentially increase the motivation for action. Here we contribute to this gap with an assessment on the potential health benefits, in terms of reductions in temperature-related mortality, derived from the compliance to the agreed temperature targets, compared to more extreme warming scenarios. We performed a multi-region analysis in 451 locations in 23 countries with different climate zones, and evaluated changes in heat and cold-related mortality under scenarios consistent with the Paris Agreement targets (1.5 and 2 °C) and more extreme GMT increases (3 and 4 °C), and under the assumption of no changes in demographic distribution and vulnerability. Our results suggest that limiting warming below 2 °C could prevent large increases in temperature-related mortality in most regions worldwide. The comparison between 1.5 and 2 °C is more complex and characterized by higher uncertainty, with geographical differences that indicate potential benefits limited to areas located in warmer climates, where direct climate change impacts will be more discernible.
... The recognition that global change is complex and that future disease scenarios are uncertain brings with it major methodological challenges [69][70][71][72]. Models are imperfect, and can rarely account for all the cross-scale interactions and feedback loops. ...
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Background: The threat of a rapidly changing planet – of coupled social, environmental and climatic change – pose new conceptual and practical challenges in responding to vector-borne diseases. These include non-linear and uncertain spatial-temporal change dynamics associated with climate, animals, land, water, food, settlement, conflict, ecology and human socio-cultural, economic and political-institutional systems. To date, research efforts have been dominated by disease modeling, which has provided limited practical advice to policymakers and practitioners in developing policies and programmes on the ground. Main body: In this paper, we provide an alternative biosocial perspective grounded in social science insights, drawing upon concepts of vulnerability, resilience, participation and community-based adaptation. Our analysis was informed by a realist review (provided in the Additional file 2) focused on seven major climate-sensitive vector- borne diseases: malaria, schistosomiasis, dengue, leishmaniasis, sleeping sickness, chagas disease, and rift valley fever. Here, we situate our analysis of existing community-based interventions within the context of global change processes and the wider social science literature. We identify and discuss best practices and conceptual principles that should guide future community-based efforts to mitigate human vulnerability to vector-borne diseases. We argue that more focused attention and investments are needed in meaningful public participation, appropriate technologies, the strengthening of health systems, sustainable development, wider institutional changes and attention to the social determinants of health, including the drivers of co-infection. Conclusion: In order to respond effectively to uncertain future scenarios for vector-borne disease in a changing world, more attention needs to be given to building resilient and equitable systems in the present.
... These recommendations are within the context that model diversity itself has benefits (Ebi and Rocklov 2014). There is broad diversity across integrated assessment models used to estimate the A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t costs of mitigation, but also sufficient consistency that model results can be compared and summed in some instances. ...
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Background: Significant mitigation efforts beyond the Nationally Determined Commitments (NDCs) coming out of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement are required to avoid warming of 2 °C above pre-industrial temperatures. Health co-benefits represent selected near term, positive consequences of climate policies that can offset mitigation costs in the short term before the beneficial impacts of those policies on the magnitude of climate change are evident. The diversity of approaches to modeling mitigation options and their health effects inhibits meta-analyses and syntheses of results useful in policy-making. Methods/Design: We evaluated the range of methods and choices in modeling health co-benefits of climate mitigation to identify opportunities for increased consistency and collaboration that could better inform policy-making. We reviewed studies quantifying the health co-benefits of climate change mitigation related to air quality, transportation, and diet published since the 2009 Lancet Commission 'Managing the health effects of climate change' through January 2017. We documented approaches, methods, scenarios, health-related exposures, and health outcomes. Results/Synthesis: Forty-two studies met the inclusion criteria. Air quality, transportation, and diet scenarios ranged from specific policy proposals to hypothetical scenarios, and from global recommendations to stakeholder-informed local guidance. Geographic and temporal scope as well as validity of scenarios determined policy relevance. More recent studies tended to use more sophisticated methods to address complexity in the relevant policy system. Discussion: Most studies indicated significant, nearer term, local ancillary health benefits providing impetus for policy uptake and net cost savings. However, studies were more suited to describing the interaction of climate policy and health and the magnitude of potential outcomes than to providing specific accurate estimates of health co-benefits. Modeling the health co-benefits of climate policy provides policy-relevant information when the scenarios are reasonable, relevant, and thorough, and the model adequately addresses complexity. Greater consistency in selected modeling choices across the health co-benefits of climate mitigation research would facilitate evaluation of mitigation options particularly as they apply to the NDCs and promote policy uptake.
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Significance This study is the first multimalaria model intercomparison exercise. This is carried out to estimate the impact of future climate change and population scenarios on malaria transmission at global scale and to provide recommendations for the future. Our results indicate that future climate might become more suitable for malaria transmission in the tropical highland regions. However, other important socioeconomic factors such as land use change, population growth and urbanization, migration changes, and economic development will have to be accounted for in further details for future risk assessments.
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The new scenario framework for climate change research envisions combining pathways of future radiative forcing and their associated climate changes with alternative pathways of socioeconomic development in order to carry out research on climate change impacts, adaptation, and mitigation. Here we propose a conceptual framework for how to define and develop a set of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) for use within the scenario framework. We define SSPs as reference pathways describing plausible alternative trends in the evolution of society and ecosystems over a century timescale, in the absence of climate change or climate policies. We introduce the concept of a space of challenges to adaptation and to mitigation that should be spanned by the SSPs, and discuss how particular trends in social, economic, and environmental development could be combined to produce such outcomes. A comparison to the narratives from the scenarios developed in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) illustrates how a starting point for developing SSPs can be defined. We suggest initial development of a set of basic SSPs that could then be extended to meet more specific purposes, and envision a process of application of basic and extended SSPs that would be iterative and potentially lead to modification of the original SSPs themselves.
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The geographic ranges of ticks and tick-borne pathogens are changing due to global and local environmental (including climatic) changes. In this review we explore current knowledge of the drivers for changes in the ranges of ticks and tick-borne pathogen species and strains via effects on their basic reproduction number (R0), and the mechanisms of dispersal that allow ticks and tick-borne pathogens to invade suitable environments. Using the expanding geographic distribution of the vectors and agent of Lyme disease as an example we then investigate what could be expected of the diversity of tick-borne pathogens during the process of range expansion, and compare this with what is currently being observed. Lastly we explore how historic population and range expansions and contractions could be reflected in the phylogeography of ticks and tick-borne pathogens seen in recent years, and conclude that combined study of currently changing tick and tick-borne pathogen ranges and diversity, with phylogeographic analysis, may help us better predict future patterns of invasion and diversity.
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The basic reproduction number of a pathogen, R0, determines whether a pathogen will spread (R0>1), when introduced into a fully susceptible population or fade out (R0<1), because infected hosts do not, on average, replace themselves. In this paper we develop a simple mechanistic model for the basic reproduction number for a group of tick-borne pathogens that wholly, or almost wholly, depend on horizontal transmission to and from vertebrate hosts. This group includes the causative agent of Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, and the causative agent of human babesiosis, Babesia microti, for which transmission between co-feeding ticks and vertical transmission from adult female ticks are both negligible. The model has only 19 parameters, all of which have a clear biological interpretation and can be estimated from laboratory or field data. The model takes into account the transmission efficiency from the vertebrate host as a function of the days since infection, in part because of the potential for this dynamic to interact with tick phenology, which is also included in the model. This sets the model apart from previous, similar models for R0 for tick-borne pathogens. We then define parameter ranges for the 19 parameters using estimates from the literature, as well as laboratory and field data, and perform a global sensitivity analysis of the model. This enables us to rank the importance of the parameters in terms of their contribution to the observed variation in R0. We conclude that the transmission efficiency from the vertebrate host to Ixodes scapularis ticks, the survival rate of Ixodes scapularis from fed larva to feeding nymph, and the fraction of nymphs finding a competent host, are the most influential factors for R0. This contrasts with other vector borne pathogens where it is usually the abundance of the vector or host, or the vector-to-host ratio, that determine conditions for emergence. These results are a step towards a better understanding of the geographical expansion of currently emerging horizontally-transmitted tick-borne pathogens such as Babesia microti, as well as providing a firmer scientific basis for targeted use of acaricide or the application of wildlife vaccines that are currently in development.
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Dengue is a systemic viral infection transmitted between humans by Aedes mosquitoes. For some patients, dengue is a life-threatening illness. There are currently no licensed vaccines or specific therapeutics, and substantial vector control efforts have not stopped its rapid emergence and global spread. The contemporary worldwide distribution of the risk of dengue virus infection and its public health burden are poorly known. Here we undertake an exhaustive assembly of known records of dengue occurrence worldwide, and use a formal modelling framework to map the global distribution of dengue risk. We then pair the resulting risk map with detailed longitudinal information from dengue cohort studies and population surfaces to infer the public health burden of dengue in 2010. We predict dengue to be ubiquitous throughout the tropics, with local spatial variations in risk influenced strongly by rainfall, temperature and the degree of urbanization. Using cartographic approaches, we estimate there to be 390 million (95% credible interval 284-528) dengue infections per year, of which 96 million (67-136) manifest apparently (any level of clinical or subclinical severity). This infection total is more than three times the dengue burden estimate of the World Health Organization. Stratification of our estimates by country allows comparison with national dengue reporting, after taking into account the probability of an apparent infection being formally reported. The most notable differences are discussed. These new risk maps and infection estimates provide novel insights into the global, regional and national public health burden imposed by dengue. We anticipate that they will provide a starting point for a wider discussion about the global impact of this disease and will help to guide improvements in disease control strategies using vaccine, drug and vector control methods, and in their economic evaluation.
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An accurate early warning system to predict impending epidemics enhances the effectiveness of preventive measures against dengue fever. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a forecasting model that could predict dengue cases and provide timely early warning in Singapore. We developed a time series Poisson multivariate regression model using weekly mean temperature and cumulative rainfall over the period 2000-2010. Weather data were modeled using piecewise linear spline functions. We analyzed various lag times between dengue and weather variables to identify the optimal dengue forecasting period. Autoregression, seasonality and trend were considered in the model. We validated the model by forecasting dengue cases for week 1 of 2011 up to week 16 of 2012 using weather data alone. Model selection and validation were based on Akaike's Information Criterion, standardized Root Mean Square Error, and residuals diagnoses. A Receiver Operating Characteristics curve was used to analyze the sensitivity of the forecast of epidemics. The optimal period for dengue forecast was 16 weeks. Our model forecasted correctly with errors of 0.3 and 0.32 of the standard deviation of reported cases during the model training and validation periods, respectively. It was sensitive enough to distinguish between outbreak and non-outbreak to a 96% (CI = 93-98%) in 2004-2010 and 98% (CI = 95%-100%) in 2011. The model predicted the outbreak in 2011 accurately with less than 3% possibility of false alarm. We have developed a weather-based dengue forecasting model that allows warning 16 weeks in advance of dengue epidemics with high sensitivity and specificity. We demonstrate that models using temperature and rainfall could be simple, precise, and low cost tools for dengue forecasting which could be used to enhance decision making on the timing, scale of vector control operations, and utilization of limited resources.
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Quantitatively estimating the potential health impacts of climate change is facilitated by multi-determinant models that integrate micro- to macro-level exposures and processes that influence disease occurrence, including the public health responses, in order to identify regions and population groups that may be more vulnerable. Although progress has been made in constructing systems-based models, considerable work is required to address key issues of quantification of the climate-health associations and the factors that affect those associations; specification of model(s) appropriate to incorporate climate change, adaptation, and mitigation policies; incorporation of thresholds; incorporation of pathways of public health development; and quantification of uncertainties.
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Global climate change is anticipated to reduce future cereal yields and threaten food security, thus potentially increasing the risk of undernutrition. The causation of undernutrition is complex, and there is a need to develop models that better quantify the potential impacts of climate change on population health. We developed a model for estimating future undernutrition that accounts for food and nonfood (socioeconomic) causes and can be linked to available regional scenario data. We estimated child stunting attributable to climate change in five regions in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in 2050. We used current national food availability and undernutrition data to parameterize and validate a global model, using a process-driven approach based on estimations of the physiological relationship between a lack of food and stunting. We estimated stunting in 2050 using published modeled national calorie availability under two climate scenarios and a reference scenario (no climate change). We estimated that climate change will lead to a relative increase in moderate stunting of 1-29% in 2050 compared with a future without climate change. Climate change will have a greater impact on rates of severe stunting, which we estimated will increase by 23% (central SSA) to 62% (South Asia). Climate change is likely to impair future efforts to reduce child malnutrition in South Asia and SSA, even when economic growth is taken into account. Our model suggests that to reduce and prevent future undernutrition, it is necessary to both increase food access and improve socioeconomic conditions, as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Over the ages, human societies have altered local ecosystems and modified regional climates. Today, the human influence has attained a global scale. This reflects the recent rapid increase in population size, energy consumption, intensity of land use, international trade and travel, and other human activities. These global changes have heightened awareness that the long-term good health of populations depends on the continued stability and functioning of the biosphere's ecological, physical, and socioeconomic systems. The world's climate system is an integral part of the complex of life-supporting processes. Climate and weather have always had a powerful impact on human health and well-being. But like other large natural systems, the global climate system is coming under pressure from human activities. Global climate change is, therefore, a newer challenge to ongoing efforts to protect human health. This volume seeks to describe the context and process of global climate change, its actual or likely impacts on health, and how human societies and their governments should respond, with particular focus on the health sector.