Susanne Täuber

Susanne Täuber
University of Amsterdam | UVA · Political Sociology



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I investigate the impact of social identity concerns on morality negotiations between groups (mainly with Martijn van Zomeren), and on outgroup helping (mainly with Esther van Leeuwen). Regarding dynamics within groups, my research focuses on how social identity and self-construal affect norm conformity and deviance in teams (mainly with Kai Sassenberg). Finally, I apply the insights from the above research to organizational contexts such as mergers (mainly with Steffen R. Giessner).
Additional affiliations
August 2013 - present
University of Groningen
  • Research Assistant
December 2009 - July 2013
University of Groningen
  • PostDoc Position
June 2004 - November 2009
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  • PhD
  • PhD fellow
June 2004 - November 2009
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Field of study
  • Social Psychology
October 1999 - June 2004
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Field of study
  • Psychology


Publications (63)
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The government of India introduced the Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) programme in 2006 to connect marginalised communities to the health system. ASHAs are mandated to increase the uptake of modern contraception through the doorstep provision of services. There is currently no evidence on the impact of ASHAs on the uptake of contraception...
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Coordinating actions with others is thought to require Theory of Mind (ToM): the ability to take perspective by attributing underlying intentions and beliefs to observed behavior. However, researchers have yet to establish a causal role for specific cognitive processes in coordinated action. Since working memory load impairs ToM in single-participa...
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Het thema grensoverschrijdend gedrag is sinds de aflevering van BOOS in januari 2022 actueler dan ooit. In verschillende sectoren is het aantal meldingen de laatste jaren drastisch toegeno-men; denk maar aan de sport, de showbizz en de academische wereld. Ook bij het Huis voor Klokkenluiders gingen de meest voorkomende misstandvermoedens waarvoor m...
Comparatively little is known about moral behavior in intergroup contexts. Extant research further approaches moral behavior mainly as a compensatory strategy aimed at preserving and defending moral image. Combining these two unchartered territories, the current chapter introduces a model of strategic use of morality in intergroup contexts. The mod...
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Ook op universiteiten komt ongewenst gedrag voor. Welke vormen zijn dat en waarom is het zo moeilijk om dit bespreekbaar te maken of te melden? Wat zijn de belangrijkste randvoorwaarden om het melden eenvoudiger en veiliger te maken? Susanne Täuber en Kim Loyens lichten het toe en geven concrete aanbevelingen voor de werkvloer en adviezen over hoe...
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Background: Research has demonstrated that healthcare professionals are not immune to weight stigma attitudes, with evidence showing that people living with overweight or obesity may experience direct and indirect stigma and discrimination. This can impact the quality of care provided and impact patients' engagement in healthcare. Despite this, th...
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As data increasingly inform every aspect of our lives, gender discrimination in the collection and application of female-based data has also risen. Because data are primarily sourced from (white) men, the solutions we design to address global problems are also primarily based on men, i.e. male bodies, male preferences and prototypical male life cho...
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Recent protest movements such as #MeToo exposed that institutional change initiatives targeting harassment and discrimination have so far failed to achieve equity. We propose that this is because such policy initiatives fail to account for the motivation of those privileged by inequality regimes to maintain and perpetuate these systems. Addressing...
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It is time to hold every member of the scientific community responsible and ‘response able’ in addressing/reporting academic harassment. Stop applauding academic stars on the podium prior to checking what is happening underneath!
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Background It is now well-documented that academic bullying, mainly driven by power differences, affects all disciplines and academic people with various positions (from students to senior faculty) of all levels of experience. Our aim is to probe whether academic bullying, in its specific forms, manifests differently across disciplines. Methods We...
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A growing body of literature suggests that over the past 30 years, policies aimed at tackling harassment in academia have had little discernable effect. How can this impasse be overcome to make the higher education sector a safe space for everyone? We combine the areas of harassment and inequality, intersectionality, policy-practice gaps, gender se...
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This special issue seeks to attract new research that sheds light on the causes and consequences of the ‘Gender Data Gap’ in organisation and management theories. Every manuscript submitted to this special issue must provide both theoretical/conceptual and practical contributions. Conceptual, review and e...
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Despite policy efforts targeted at making universities more inclusive and equitable, academia is still rife with harassment and bullying, and opportunities are far from equal for everyone. The present preregistered survey research (N = 91) aimed to explore whether an intersectional approach can be useful to examine the tangible effects of policy in...
Transgressions committed by employees of non-profit (vs. of for-profit) organizations seem to be judged more harshly by the public. This research studies the underlying process of this relationship. We show that organizational stereotypes of morality and warmth “rub-off” from organizations to individuals affiliated with them (Study 1, N = 297). We...
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In Western society, weight moralization is reflected in the belief that weight is controllable across the weight spectrum. However, the effect of holding such beliefs is unclear. We therefore propose that these beliefs affect people differently depending on their BMI. When confronted with negative, self-related feedback, people's coping strategies...
Modern-day organizations often demand creativity, but motivating creativity under unfavorable conditions such as high workload pressure is difficult. Integrating paradox theory and social cognitive theory, we conceptualize creativity as a process that involves tensions among competing goals and demands, and those tensions become salient under high...
Conference Paper
Why does the public react more sharply to transgressions of non-profit employees than for-profit employees? In this paper we propose and show that employees are stereotyped differently depending on their organizational affiliation to for-profit organizations, which stereotypically perceived as competent, or non-profit organizations, which are stere...
Conference Paper
While being a disruptive phenomenon in organizations, distrust has attracted little research attention and primarily focused on relationships between equals. The present research instead focuses on distrust between subordinates and supervisors. We argue that the strategies suggested as potential responses to distrust, such as revenge, negative reci...
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I have always considered myself privileged to be working for my university, an institution bustling with innovativeness and committed to gender equality and diversity. The past years strained this feeling of privilege as I grew aware of the immense discrepancy between the university's gender equality policy on paper, and my actual experiences at wo...
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Over time, there has been a steady increase of workplace health promotion programs that aim to promote employees' health and fitness. Previous research has focused on such program's effectiveness, cost-savings, and barriers to engaging in workplace health promotion. The present research focuses on a downside of workplace health promotion programs t...
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While some evidence has linked the way individuals define themselves in relation to others (independent versus interdependent self-construal) to creativity, little is known about the underlying mechanism in explaining why and how self-construal influences creativity. Integrating approach-avoidance motivation theory and the dual pathway to creativit...
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Weight stigma typically focuses on suggestions that people with overweight and obesity are incompetent and immoral. Integrating so far unconnected lines of research, the current research presents two studies that examine the motivational relevance of these aspects of weight stigma. Specifically, we tested the proposition that people with overweight...
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Integrating theory and research on persuasion, moralization, and intergroup relations, the present research aims to highlight the far-reaching impact of health-related persuasion on society. I propose that governments’ health-related persuasion leads to the emergence of new social norms, and in particular moral norms. Importantly, moral norms provi...
Conference Paper
Organizational behavior research on organizational integrations, such as mergers and joint ventures, strongly focuses on the negative effects of organizational change. The change brought about by integrations is seen as disruptive for employees’ sense of continuity, which in turn negatively affects identification with the integrated organization. W...
Conference Paper
While some evidence has linked the way individuals define themselves in relation to others (independent versus interdependent self-construal) to creativity, little is known about the underlying mechanism in explaining why and how self-construal influences creativity. Integrating approach-avoidance motivation theory and the dual pathway to creativit...
Conference Paper
Because creativity involves fundamental paradoxes in its processes and outcomes, workplace creativity is difficult to manage. In the current research, we propose that paradoxical leader behavior can impact employee creativity by demonstrating opposing yet integrated behaviors. Drawing on the social cognitive perspective, we suggest that the impact...
Complementing current insights about the strategic motives of outgroup helping, the present chapter analyses the strategic motives underlying help avoidance. Conceptualising this phenomenon as a form of inaction, I propose that help avoidance is a strategic response to disadvantage that is motivated by identity concerns. Theoretical support for thi...
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Twenty-nine teams involving 61 analysts used the same dataset to address the same research question: whether soccer referees are more likely to give red cards to dark skin toned players than light skin toned players. Analytic approaches varied widely across teams, and estimated effect sizes ranged from 0.89 to 2.93 in odds ratio units, with a media...
Twenty-nine teams involving 61 analysts used the same dataset to address the same research question: whether soccer referees are more likely to give red cards to dark skin toned players than light skin toned players. Analytic approaches varied widely across teams, and estimated effect sizes ranged from 0.89 to 2.93 in odds ratio units, with a media...
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We investigated the consequences of intergroup helping for both the offering and the receiving group’s reputation in the eyes of third parties. In two experiments (N = 116 and N = 78), observers were presented with a group that offered versus requested help. Observers’ status beliefs confirmed the emergence of a status hierarchy that favored the gr...
Increased military cooperation between member states of the European Union is a political given. The Netherlands and Germany form a spearhead in this process by integrating entire military units (i.e., brigades, battalions, companies) into higher-order units of the respective other nation (i.e., divisions, brigades, battalions). Researchers and dec...
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Abstract: We connect Dunlop’s integrative article with three social-psychological insights about self-construal (e.g. as ‘me’ or ‘us’). Firstly and secondly, individuals’ flexible and context-sensitive self-construal directs how they perceive themselvesand their social context (‘self-as-actor’) and how they can exercise agency through their self (‘...
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People's Belief in a Just World (BJW) plays an important role in coping with misfortune and unfairness. This paper demonstrates that understanding of the BJW concept, and its consequences for behavior, is enhanced if we specify what (or who) the source of justice might be. We introduce a new scale, the 5-Dimensional Belief in a Just Treatment Scale...
The main objective of this paper is to identify a serious problem for communicators regarding the framing of climate issues in public discourse, namely that moralizing such an issue can motivate individuals while at the same time defensively lead them to avoid solving the problem. We review recent social-psychological research on moral motivation,...
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De afgelopen jaren hebben zich in Europa meerdere onlusten voorgedaan vanwege maatschappelijke tegenstellingen en het gebrek aan vertrouwen in de overheid. Zo niet in Nederland, hier rellen burgers vooral tijdens de nieuwjaarsviering en andere feesten. De vraag is of dat zo blijft. De Franse minister van Binnenlandse Zaken en latere president Nicol...
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Protesten, demonstraties, rellen en onlusten zijn allen uitingen van sociale onrust. Hoe ontstaat deze onrust? Is onrust in de 21ste eeuw wezenlijk aan het veranderen? En wat is de kans dat rellen zoals in Parijs (2005), Londen (2011) of Griekenland en Spanje (2010-2012) ook in Nederland plaatsvinden? Op basis van 4 casestudies en een literatuurove...
Threats to group status can elicit different responses, ranging from those that motivate striving for improvement to those that motivate defending the threatened social identity. We examine why moral threats to group status may inhibit individuals' striving to improve. Specifically, we predicted that a threat to the group's moral status evokes a de...
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By integrating an intergroup perspective on mergers with discrepancy theories, we argue that merger partners aim for merger patterns that best benefit their group’s standing. Importantly, we hypothesize and show that the discrepancy between what merger partners want and what they actually get affects outcomes essential to merger success. Specifical...
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The present research investigates the applicability of the Normative Conflict Model of Dissent (NCMD; Packer, 2008) in the context of team sports. The core assumption of the NCDM is that strongly identified group members adhere to group norms less (i.e., deviate more) when these norms are potentially harmful for the team. We accompanied a football...
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The present research is the first to examine the impact of self-construal on newcomers’ motivation to conform with the goals of a novel group. We argue that when social identity (i.e., individuals’ concern for a specific group) has not yet been developed, newcomers rely on self-construal (i.e., individuals’ chronic concern for ingroups and connecte...
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The authors extend previous research on the effects of metastereotype activation on outgroup helping by examining in more detail the role of group impression management motives and by studying direct helping (i.e., helping the outgroup believed to hold a negative view of the ingroup). Data from three experiments provided full support for the commun...
We examine how group members paradoxically refuse intergroup help where they might need it most: in the moral status domain. Based on the Sacred Value Protection Model (Tetlock, 2002), we predicted and found that group members felt stronger group-based anger and a stronger motivation to reaffirm their group's moral status when an outgroup was moral...
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The present paper investigates the strategic motives that guide the quest for outgroup resources. Resources can be retrieved through spying and requesting help. Whereas both methods are means of obtaining valued resources from the outgroup, spying secures the ingroup’s public image, while requesting help potentially damages this image by displaying...
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Three studies investigated the willingness to seek help from another group in situations where collaborative goals are undermined by task or relational conflicts between the groups. Compared to task conflict, relational conflict was argued to trigger a striving for more autonomy. The results from three experiments (N = 82, N = 65, and N = 62) suppo...
We examined, in two experiments, the notion that members of low status groups, more than members of high status groups, use outgroup helping as a strategic tool to demonstrate their group's knowledge and boost its reputation. In Study 1 (N = 103), we compared outgroup helping in response to requests for help with offering help. As predicted, partic...
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The act of helping is a way of sharing information and expertise, a means of redistributing wealth, and the primary tool by which people take care of less fortunate others. We often do this, as a society, out of genuine empathic concern for others (Batson, 1994), sometimes augmented by reciprocity beliefs (Eisenberger, Armeli, Rexwinkel, Lynch, & R...
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Employees of merging organizations often show resistance to the merger. The employees' support depends on the companies' premerger status and on the merger pattern. Based on an intergroup perspective, three studies were conducted to investigate the influence of premerger status (high, low) and merger pattern (assimilation, integration-equality, int...
The current dissertation examined the impact of (mis-)fit between individuals’ achievement needs (individual goals) and the group’s potential to fulfil these needs (group goals) on strategies to regulate need fulfilment. It was argued that group members can adopt several strategies to cope with experiences of goal-divergence. These strategies were...


Questions (2)
I have a preference for scales, but since nothing seems to be out there, I'll do with anything.
My bachelor students used the Aquino & Reed scale to measure moral identity as a potential moderator in their study and found - rather unexpectedly - a substantial Gender effect on the Symbolization aspect. Specifically, women scored higher than men on that aspect of moral identity. A similar trend (but not significant) can be found on the Internalization aspect. As I am not an expert on individual differences in moral identity/ morality: Does anyone know of gender effects in moral identity? Of course, the possibility exists that this effect is an artifact of our study (random). I am grateful for suggestions.


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