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Being There: Concepts, effects and measurement
of user presence in synthetic environments
G. Riva, F. Davide, W.A IJsselsteijn (Eds.)
Ios Press, 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1 Being There: The experience of
presence in mediated
Wijnand IJSSELSTEIJN and Giuseppe RIVA
Abstract. Presence, the experience of ‘being there’ in a mediated environment,
has become closely associated with VR and other advanced media. Different
types of presence are discussed, including physical presence, social presence,
and co-presence. Fidelity-based approaches to presence research emphasize the
fact that as media become increasingly interactive, perceptually realistic, and
immersive, the experience of presence becomes more convincing. In addition,
the ecological-cultural approach is described, pointing out the importance of the
possibility of action in mediated environments, as well as the role that a common
cultural framework plays in engendering a sense of presence. In particular for
multi-user or collaborative virtual environments (CVEs), processes of
negotiation and community creation need to be supported by the CVE design to
enable communication and the creation of a social context within the CVE.
1.1 Where am I?.............................................................................. 4
1.2 The structure of presence.......................................................... 5
1.3 Types of presence ..................................................................... 7
1.4 Why study presence? ................................................................ 9
1.5 Cultural Issues .......................................................................... 10
1.6 Social Issues.............................................................................. 12
1.7 Conclusion ................................................................................ 13
1.8 References................................................................................. 14
1.1 Where am I?
In 1978, the philosopher Daniel Dennett presented us with an interesting and entertaining
thought experiment entitled 'Where am I?' as the last chapter of his Brainstorms book [1].
Dennett recounts the story of a 'curious episode' in his life where his brain got surgically
separated from his body, with each connection between them restored by placing two
'microminiaturized radio transceivers' between each input and output pathway. After the
operation he, or rather his body, goes to visit his brain which was placed, in keeping with
the best philosophical traditions, in a life-support vat. While looking with his own eyes at
his own brain he starts to wonder:
Being a philosopher of firm physicalist conviction, I believed unswervingly that
the tokening of my thoughts was occurring somewhere in my brain: yet when I
thought "Here I am," where the thought occurred to me was here, outside the vat,
where I, Dennett, was standing staring at my brain.” (p. 312)
Dennett reasons that the location of the ‘I’ he was referring to in the question 'Where am I?'
may be related, though not identical, to his point of view. He states [1]:
Point of view clearly had something to do with personal location, but it was itself
an unclear notion. It was obvious that the content of one's point of view was not
the same as or determined by the content of one's beliefs or thoughts. For
example, what should we say about the point of view of the Cinerama viewer who
shrieks and twists in his seat as the roller-coaster footage overcomes his psychic
distancing? Has he forgotten that he is safely seated in the theater? Here I was
inclined to say that the person is experiencing an illusory shift in point of view. In
other cases, my inclination to call such shifts illusory was less strong. The
workers in the laboratories and plants who handle dangerous materials by
operating feedback-controlled mechanical arms and hands undergo a shift in
point of view that is crisper and more pronounced than anything Cinerama can
provoke.” (p. 314-315)
What Dennett calls 'an illusory shift in point of view' nicely conceptualizes the central idea
of presence and his examples are particularly well-chosen. Morton Heilig, arguably one of
the virtual reality pioneers, described his experience with Cinerama as such:
When the curtain swept up to reveal the now-legendary wide-screen roller
coaster ride, I realized that the film’s creators were no longer content to have me
look at the roller coaster but were trying to put me physically on the ride. The
audience no longer surrounded the work of art; the work of art surrounded the
audience – just as reality surrounds us. The spectator was invited to plunge into
another world. We no longer needed the device of identifying with a character on
the other side of the ‘window.’ We could step through it and be a part of the
The Cinerama experience was often likened to being transported to other lands. Escape
from reality - to be able do anything one may desire to do, and go anywhere one wishes -
seems to be one of the basic motivations behind the appeal of media in general, and the
fascination with virtual environments (VEs) in particular. With telerobotics, the illusory
shift in point of view entails a sense of ‘distal attribution’, the externalization of the self to
include remote tools that phenomenologically become part of one’s own body, even if they
are not physically part of it [2]. These experiences, both with interactive and non-
interactive media, share a number of characteristics, most notably a displacement of the
participant’s self-perception, and a sense of transparency of the medium, of direct
perceptual stimulation without an awareness of the remoteness in time or space of the
simulated or reproduced realities.
As a user experience, the feeling of ‘being there’, or presence, is not intrinsically bound
to any specific type of technology – it is a product of the mind. In normal, daily life we are
seldomly aware of our sense of presence in the world. It is not an experience we are used
to reflecting upon. As conscious and awake perceivers we have little doubt of the visible
three-dimensional world which extends in front of us, and that we are part of this space. It
may take something like an altered psychological state (e.g. a dream or hallucination), a
leap of the imagination (like Dennett's thought experiment), or a mediated perception
(through e.g. cinema) to make us become aware of this 'default' experience.
With the advent and improvement of immersive displays, computing and network
technologies, and interactive computer graphics, we can create more accurate
reproductions and/or simulations of reality than were previously possible. This makes us
increasingly aware of the relevance of the presence experience for the design and
evaluation of media experiences. It seems fair to say that the concept of presence has today
become common currency in areas such as virtual environments, advanced broadcast and
cinematic displays, teleoperation systems, and advanced telecommunication applications.
Since the early 1990's, a growing community of multidisciplinary researchers has turned
its attention to presence, looking at what causes it, how the experience may be measured,
and what effects it has on the media user.
1.2 The structure of presence
There is consensus that the experience of presence is a complex, multidimensional
perception, formed through an interplay of raw (multi-)sensory data and various cognitive
processes – an experience in which attentional factors play a crucial role as well [3]. Two
general categories of variables can determine a user's presence: (i) media characteristics,
and (ii) user characteristics. This differentiation is in line with the distinction made by
Slater and colleagues' [4-7] (between "external" (objective) and "internal" (subjective)
determinants of presence. Characteristics of the medium can be subdivided into media
form and media content variables. Both of these are known to have a significant impact on
the individual’s sense of presence such that, depending on the levels of appropriate, rich,
consistent, and captivating sensory stimulation, varying levels of presence can be
Sheridan [8] proposed three categories of determinants of presence: (i) the extent of
sensory information presented to the participant, (ii) the level of control the participant has
over the various sensor mechanisms and (iii) the participant’s ability to modify the
environment. These three factors all refer to the media form, that is, to the physical,
objective properties of a display medium. Additionally, the media content is of vital
importance – that is, the objects, actors, and environments represented by the medium,
often tied together in a logical flow of events known as the narrative or story, are essential
in keeping the user interested and involved. Social elements, such as the reactions of other
actors, virtual or real, to the user’s presence in a mediated environment provide an
acknowledgement to the user that signals the reality of his or her existence in virtual space.
As a product of the individual’s mind, it is highly likely that the presence experience
will vary significantly across individuals, based on differences in perceptual-motor
abilities, mental states, traits, needs, preferences, experience, etc. For a more detailed
overview of presence determinants, we refer to IJsselsteijn, de Ridder, Freeman, and
Avons [9] or Sadowski and Stanney [10].
Figure 1.1 A general framework of presence.
In Figure 1.1, we have summarized the main factors that are likely to play a role in
determining the presence experience. In this diagram, the continuous perceptual-motor
loop reflects the ongoing process of real-time action-based perception, i.e. perception that
changes dynamically as we move through and interact with the world in real-time.
Importantly, multisensory stimulation arises from both the physical environment as well
as the mediated environment. There is no intrinsic difference in stimuli arising from the
medium or from the real world – the fact that we can feel present in either one or the other
depends on what becomes the dominant perception at any one time. Both bottom-up and
top-down processes will play a significant role in determining this – presence in a mediated
environment will be enhanced when the environment is immersive and perceptually
salient, as well as when attentional selection processes are directed towards the mediated
environment, thus allowing the formation of a consistent environmental representation [6,
7]. Draper et al. [3] describe how both the computer-mediated world and the local
environment may compete for limited attentional resources. Telepresence occurs when
more attentional resources are allocated to the computer-mediated environment: “The more
attentional resources that a user devotes to stimuli presented by the displays, the greater the
identification with the computer-mediated environment and the stronger the sense of
telepresence” (p. 366). This is in line with Slater and Steed’s [7] notion of presence as a
perceptual mechanism for organizing the incoming stream of sensory data into a coherent
environmental gestalt, thus essentially selecting between alternative hypotheses of self-
location: ‘I am in this place’ versus ‘I am in that place’. Again, the question ‘Where am I?’
appears to be of fundamental importance.
Factor analytic studies are starting to shed light on the multidimensional structure of
presence. In particular, studies by Schubert, Friedman, and Regenbrecht [11] and Lessiter,
Freeman, Keogh, and Davidoff [12] reveal very similar factor structures. Schubert et al.
[11] arrived at a 3-factor solution for the presence construct, which they termed ‘spatial
presence’, ‘involvement’, and ‘realness’. Similarly, Lessiter et al. [12] reported a 4-factor
solution for presence, with three factors almost identical to the ones identified by Schubert
and colleagues: ‘physical space’, ‘engagement’, and ‘naturalness’, and a fourth attenuating
factor they termed ‘negative effects’. Importantly, both Schubert’s ‘involvement’ factor
and Lessiter’s ‘engagement’ factor point at a central role for attentional mechanisms in
engendering a sense of presence.
A measure of presence that is reliable, valid and robust is an essential tool in designing
and evaluating media from a user-centred perspective. It will allow engineers and media
developers to identify the factors (and trade-offs between them) needed to optimise the
level of presence for the media user. Moreover, a good presence measure will allow the
research community to further develop its understanding and systematic investigation of
the construct, which will in turn enable further refinement of measurement methodologies,
and so on. To date, a variety of presence measures have either been proposed or used
which can generally be classified into subjective and objective corroborative approaches.
The former is by far the most common approach taken and is usually questionnaire-
based. The latter approach may involve the measurement of various behavioural and
psychophysiological responses, which are thought to be sensibly related to the medium
manipulation under study. Importantly, both approaches present complementary ways of
measuring presence, and should ideally be used together to overcome limitations of either
approach alone (for review and discussion see IJsselsteijn et al., [9, 13]; Insko, this
volume). Despite considerable progress in investigating several candidate measurement
methodologies, measuring presence in a reliable, valid and robust way still remains one of
the main research challenges of the field [13-15].
1.3 Types of presence
Lombard and Ditton [16] reviewed a broad body of literature related to presence and
identified six different conceptualizations of presence: realism, immersion, transportation,
social richness, social actor within medium, and medium as social actor. Based on the
commonalities between these different conceptualizations, they provide a unifying
definition of presence as the 'perceptual illusion of non-mediation', i.e. the extent to which
a person fails to perceive or acknowledge the existence of a medium during a
technologically mediated experience. The conceptualizations Lombard and Ditton
identified can roughly be divided into two broad categories – physical and social. Physical
presence refers to the sense of being physically located in mediated space, whereas social
presence refers to the feeling of being together, of social interaction with a virtual or
remotely located communication partner. At the intersection of these two categories, we
can then identify co-presence or a sense of being together in a shared space, combining
significant characteristics of both physical and social presence. Figure 2 illustrates their
relationship with a number of media examples that support the different types of presence
to a varying extent. For example, while a painting may not necessarily support physical
presence to any great extent (although trompe l'oeil and panorama paintings may be
examples to the contrary), interactive virtual reality (VR) technology has the potential to
engender a high sense of physical presence.
Figure 1.2 A graphical illustration of the relationship between physical presence, social presence and
co-presence, with various media examples. Abbreviations: VR = Virtual Reality; LBE =Location-
Based Entertainment; SVEs = Shared Virtual Environments; MUDs = Multi-User Dungeons (from
It is clear that social and physical presences are distinct categories that can (and should) be
meaningfully distinguished. Whereas a unifying definition, such as the one provided by
Lombard and Ditton [16] accentuates the common elements of these different categories, it
is of considerable practical importance to keep the differences between these categories in
sight as well.
The obvious difference is that of communication which is central to social presence but
unnecessary to establish a sense of physical presence. Indeed, a medium can provide a high
degree of physical presence without having the capacity for transmitting reciprocal
communicative signals at all. Conversely, one can experience a certain amount of social
presence, or the 'nearness' of communication partners, using applications that supply only a
minimal physical representation, as is the case, for example, with telephone or internet
chatrooms. This is not to say, however, that the two categories are unrelated. There are
likely to be a number of common determinants, such as the immediacy of the interaction,
that are relevant to both social and physical presence. As illustrated in Figure 1.2,
applications such as videoconferencing or shared virtual environments are in fact based on
providing a mix of both the physical and social components. The extent to which shared
space adds to the social component is an empirical question, but it seems likely that as
technology increasingly conveys non-verbal communicative cues, such as gaze direction or
posture, social presence will increase.
1.4 Why study presence?
The overriding goal in designing a ride-film attraction is to make the guests feel
as if they are in the experience, not just watching it. I want them to go places
they've never been, see things they've never seen, and feel things they've never felt
before. I want to completely inundate their senses with explosive sights, sounds,
and feelings. And I want them to come back to do it again. Most importantly,
every simulator experience I design and direct is another chance to get closer to
creating that ultimate believable reality.
From Seafari: An expedition into motion base ride filmmaking by Mario
Kamberg, 1998.
What do people do at work? They go to meetings. How do we deal with
meetings? What is it about sitting face to face that we need to capture? We need
software that makes it possible to hold a meeting with distributed participants -- a
meeting with interactivity and feeling, such that, in the future, people will prefer
being telepresent.
Bill Gates, MIT, 1999
Historically, research interest in presence has mainly been motivated by work in three
related domains: teleoperation, simulation and telecommunication. Teleoperation has been
driven to a large extent by the ideal of telepresence, i.e. sensing sufficient information
about the teleoperator device and remote task environment, and communicating this to the
human operator in a sufficiently natural way, that the operator feels physically present at
the remote site (referred to earlier as distal attribution).
Advanced simulation systems, such as those used for flight and combat training, have
long been known to engender a sense of presence in their participants, and although the
relation of presence to task performance within the simulated setting has been a matter of
some debate (see e.g. Ellis, [17]; Welch, [18]), there is little doubt that training transfer to
real-world settings benefits from a realistic simulation. More recently, computing power
and rendering possibilities have dramatically increased and have made it possible to create
virtual environments of ever increasing realism, at a fraction of the cost of professional
simulation systems. Virtual environments can be made so convincing that they can lead to
a feeling of presence in the created environment (see e.g. Slater & Wilbur, [19]).
From a telecommunication perspective, social presence, or the feeling of being together,
has received considerable attention for several decades already (see e.g. Short, Williams &
Christie, [20]). The emergence and proliferation of email, mobile communication devices,
internet chatrooms, shared virtual environments, advanced tele-conferencing platforms and
other telecommunication systems underlines the importance of investigating the basic
human need of communication from a multidisciplinary perspective that integrates media
design and engineering, multisensory perception, and social psychology. Add to this the
increasingly social nature of interfaces and the increase in mediated communications with
non-human entities (avatars, embodied agents), it becomes abundantly clear that we need
to develop a deeper understanding, both in theory and in practice, of how people interact
with each other and virtual others through communication media. The experience of social
presence within different contexts and through different applications thus becomes a
concept of central importance.
A common theme linking the above examples is that presence research offers the
possibility to engineer a better user experience, to optimize the effectivity, efficiency and
pleasurability of the different applications. From an application viewpoint, presence
research will spur the development of numerous tele-applications in home and professional
environments. Such tele-applications have the potential to support a great number of
activities, including communication, work, education, shopping, banking, health
monitoring, and entertainment.
Inasmuch as these tele-applications will partially make redundant the necessity for
traveling physically, they will contribute to a more sustainable use of limited resources and
will put less strain on the environment in terms of pollution. In addition, they will enable
individuals that are physically unable to travel to actively participate in activities
previously beyond their reach.
Another recent area of application with the potential of being extremely beneficial to a
large number of people is the use of VE technology in the service of psychotherapy [21], in
particular for the treatment of phobias (e.g. fear of heights, fear of spiders, fear of flying,
etc.) [22, 23] and body image disturbances [24, 25]. Results in this area have been
promising, and presence research has the potential to contribute significantly by addressing
questions such as: What is the necessary level of presence needed in order for VE
psychotherapy to be effective? What elements in a representation of a feared situation are
fundamental in order to achieve this sense of presence? How much like a real spider does
the virtual spider have to look and behave?
A more fundamental reason for studying presence is that it will further our theoretical
understanding of the basic function of mediation: How do media convey a sense of places,
beings and things that are not here? More importantly even, presence research provides the
necessary bridge between media research on the one hand and the massive interdisciplinary
program on properties of perception and consciousness on the other [26].
1.5 Cultural issues
In 1.2 we have seen that there are two general categories of variables that determine a
user's presence: (i) media characteristics, and (ii) user characteristics. What is the link
between these two variables? As noted by Lombard and Ditton [16] presence can be
described as “perceptual illusion of nonmediation”, a level of experience where the VR
system and the external physical environment disappear from the user's phenomenal
awareness: the term perceptual shows that the illusion "involves continuous (real time)
responses of the human sensory, cognitive, and affective processing systems to objects and
entities in a person's environment." And, what's more, a subject experiences an illusion of
nonmediation when he or she "fails to perceive or acknowledge the existence of a medium
in his/her communication environment and responds as he/she would if the medium were
not there".
For Slater and colleagues [5, 19] the notion of presence includes three aspects:
the sense of being there in the environment depicted by the VE;” · “the extent to
which the VE becomes the dominant one, i.e., that participants will tend to respond
to events in the VE rather than in the real world;” “the extent to which
participants, after the VE experience, remember it as having visited a place rather
than just having seen images generated by a computer.” (pp. 560-561).
In fact, these authors [6, 7] differentiate between immersion and presence [6]: “Immersion
is simply a description of overall fidelity in relation to physical reality provided by the
display and interaction systems. In this view presence research is essentially that of
carrying out experiments that manipulate the variables that make up immersion, in order to
build an equation with presence on the left hand side, and the factors of immersion on the
right hand side. Individual differences between people can be also included as variables on
the right hand side” (p.14). According to this vision, the perceptual illusion of non-
mediation is provided by the fidelity, in relation to physical reality, provided by the
A different position is offered by the ecological/cultural approach [27-30] whose focus
concentrates on action within a social context (how actors exploit affordances in a given
situation) rather than how things look and sound. The roots of this position are in
Heidegger’s philosophy [31], in the theory of perception of J. Gibson [32], and in the
cultural psychology of M. Cole [33]. For these authors, the environment does not provide
undifferentiated information or ready-made objects equal for everyone. It offers different
opportunities according to the actors, their social context, and their goals and needs.
Affordances are not “things which are outside” simply waiting for someone to come and
take a photograph of them. They are resources, which are only revealed to those who seek
them [34]. Following this approach, Zahoric & Jenison [27] underline that “presence is
tantamount to successfully supported action in the environment (italics in the original). In
their vision the reality of experience is defined “relative to functionality, rather than to
appearances”. What is important in this approach are the affordances offered in the
medium and the actions needed to exploit them. A key role is also played by the social
distribution of knowledge and action, the cultural grid providing the common reference
ground for joint activity, and the rules governing it. As noted by Cole & Engestrom [35]:
‘‘Within each local setting, such ‘cognitive actions’ as remembering and decision
making are distributed not only among the artifacts (the menu, the arrangement of
chairs and tables, the sign pointing to the restrooms) but among the rules (one pays
before leaving the premises; sitting up at a table with strangers requires one to ask
permission) and among people according to the division of labor’’ (pp. 17–18).
Tracing a surprising parallel between the task of VR designers and that of phone sex
workers - two figures who have the task of making the human body visible by means of
extremely narrow channels of communication and who succeed in their task to the extent
in which they use powerful, shared, cultural codes - Stone [36] describes the context, as
composed mainly of symbolic references which allow actors to orient and coordinate
Following these considerations Mantovani & Riva proposed a cultural concept of
presence as a social construction [29, 34]. Lying at the base of this view are three elements,
which promise an elevated sense of presence: a cultural framework, the possibility of
negotiation, both of actions and of their meaning, and the possibility of action. Within this
view, experiencing presence and telepresence does not depend so much on the faithfulness
of the reproduction of ‘physical’ aspects of ‘external reality’ as on the capacity of
simulation to produce a context in which social actors may communicate and cooperate
[37]. This may also explain how it is possible to speak of a sense of presence in text-based
virtual environments, commonly called MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons). Although these
environments are poor from the sensory viewpoint, recent research on 207 MUD users
showed that 69% of the subjects did feel a sense of presence [38].
A study analyzed a large sample of visitors to Walt Disney World’s Epcot Center to
identify the aspects that lead to a more realistic experience of a VR ride [39]. The results
showed that aspects of immersive interfaces, including displays, graphics and control
device quality were not as important to the users as the “physics fidelity” (e.g. motion) of
the rides, their background stories and goals.
As noted by Draper and colleagues [3] the ability of a VE to create a rich computer-
mediated world does not annul the responsibility of designers to tailor interfaces to meet
the task-dependant needs of the user. It is true that rich and immersive interfaces can
display much more information and in a more compelling way than was possible with non-
immersive technology. However, it is also true [3] that “in some cases, simple map reading
has been more effective in imparting knowledge about an environment than experience in a
virtual representation of that environment” (p. 361). First, VEs are designed to serve a
purpose, so must be designed with intended users’ tasks and goals explicitly considered
[34] Moreover, during the VR experience the knowledge relevant to the goal should be
distributed, and actions should be coordinated.
1.6 Social issues
In paragraph 1.3 we defined co-presence as the intersection between physical presence and
social presence: the sense of being together in a shared space. Co-presence plays a critical
important in collaborative virtual environments (CVEs), multi-user virtual environments
that are designed to support collaborative activities. On one side, being in a synthetic
environment, the extent to which the participants feel present in it will depend on the same
factors that determine presence in single-user virtual environments. On the other side,
being it shared, additional factors will be relevant.
Particularly, to support collaborative activities VEs should provide task appropriate
information representation and communication tools embedded in the environment in
which activities happen [40]. According to Durlach and Slater [41], the sense of presence
in a shared virtual environment will be increased by fostering interactions with the
environment in which alterations of the environment caused by actions of one participant
are clearly perceived by the other participants. As noted by Mantovani and Riva [29]:
Action in everyday situations is not just made up of movements, which single
individuals execute, but is part of a strategic game in which certain goals, both
individual and collective, are aimed at, through the joint efforts of several actors.
In order to be achieved, many human activities – work, play, dancing, courting –
require that knowledge relevant to the goal be distributed and that actions be
coordinated among the various actors by means of cultural modes which pre-exist
those interactions (between actors, and between them and the environment) and
make them possible” (p. 545).
However, subjects vary tremendously in their negotiation strategies, both of actions and of
their meaning, as well as in their task accomplishment process [40]. The difficulty of
managing negotiation has two consequences for the design of CVEs [42]:
the only way to understand negotiation is by analyzing the subjects involved in the
environment in which they operate. This means that the social context in which the
VR experience occurs plays a crucial role;
new processes and activities will develop during interactions which challenge and
change the initial relationship between subject and context. So clinical oriented VEs
have to be flexible enough to handle these changes without imposing constraints to the
Churchill & Snowdon [40] recently identified a series of key issues a VE developer has to
face for supporting the negotiation process (pp. 5-7):
1. the transition between shared and individual activities: Actors should know what is
currently being done and what has been done in the context of the task goals.
2. flexible and multiple viewpoints and representations. Tasks often need use of
multiple representations each tailored to a different point of view and different
3. a shared context: The shared context is composed of symbolic references which
allow actors to orient and coordinate themselves. It includes the shared knowledge
of each others’ current activities, shared knowledge of each others’ past activities,
shared artifacts and shared environment.
4. the awareness of others: This awareness includes both the knowledge of shared
task related activities and the sense of co-presence.
5. the support to communication activities: Negotiation through face-to-face talks is
important for collaboration. In fact, conversation analytic studies of negotiation at
work have detailed how subtle verbal and non verbal contribute to such negotiation.
However, this is more difficult in VR than in other computer-based activities. In face-to-
face communication facial expression and body posture play an important role. To
reproduce these features in the shared virtual world is a complex task. In particular, it
requires a trade-off between the use of direct, pass-through video of the participants or the
use of special sensing systems to extract the relevant visual information about the
participants and the use of special algorithms to generate the appropriate expressions and
postures for the avatars [41]. As noted by Oravec [43], VR forces individuals "to deal with
such issues of image manipulation and distortion on an immediate and personal basis, as
participant immersed in fast-moving interaction" (p. 51). This adds layers of complexity to
an already-overwhelming set of social constructs.
Many developers of multi-user VR systems are aware of this and are conscious of the
need to "create community" in the context of their efforts [43]. Even if many traditional
means for creating community are not available, a great effort is given to the creation of
virtual town squares or meeting rooms. According to Coate [44] the work of maintaining
virtual communities is similar to the one of an innkeeper: facilitating interaction and
keeping order among patrons. In fact, if multi-user VR has to serve as community for its
users, it has to embody, or replace with adequate substitutes, some functions of community
life that parallel those commonly provided by "traditional" communities.
1.7 Conclusion
It will likely be some time before simulations and/or reproductions of reality will provide
the level of realism and interactivity required to make us pose Dennett’s ‘Where am I ?’
question from a slightly different perspective, trying to distinguish between reality and
virtuality. However advanced such systems eventually may become from a technological
point of view, the social acceptance and uptake (and consequent commercial success) will
depend to a large extent on users’ experiences and responses towards them. It is here that
research into presence and other user-centered concepts (e.g. usability, flow, affective
responses) is of particular importance, since it has the potential to help us move beyond a
technology-push approach, and ask questions concerning purpose and context of use.
These questions are essential to the success of any human-centered technology.
Clearly, research into presence will have to extend beyond a search for realism or
fidelity only. Although the experience of presence becomes more convincing as media
become more interactive, immersive, and perceptually realistic, it is interesting to note that
we already can feel present in environments which will not be mistaken for reality if we
were to be asked. Even the impoverished world that VR provides appears to be sufficient
for a perception of ‘being in’ the computer-generated environment. When considering the
minimal cues provided by VR to our perceptual apparatus, it becomes clear that the
experience is not governed solely by bottom-up sensory input, but that appropriate top-
down knowledge interacts with these input signals to construct an apparently coherent and
complete mental representation of space. As with the so-called ‘real world’, the experience
of a complete and vivid virtual world, continuous in space and time, is an illusion based on
the opportunistic, economical, and top-down nature of our perceptual system.
On the social and cultural side, two core characteristics of the presence experience are
the perceptual illusion of nonmediation and the possibility of building and sharing a
common ground. The first characteristic of a satisfying virtual environment is the
disappearance of mediation, a level of experience where both the VR system and the
physical environment disappear from the user's phenomenal awareness. When this
happens, the user is not simply an external observer of pictures or one who passively
experiences the reality created by the computer, but on the contrary may actively change
the three-dimensional world in which he is acting, in a condition of complete sensorial
The second characteristic is the possibility of building and sharing a common ground
through the interaction process. Through interaction, individuals share empathy and, in
multi-user VR, form groups that share interests. So, information exchange becomes the
carrier for expressing self-concept and eliciting emotional support.
At the end we can include in presence research a socio-cultural focus [29] that (a)
recognizes the mediated character of every possible experience of presence; (b) always
conceives experience as immersed in a social context; (c) stresses the component of
ambiguity inherent in everyday situations; (d) highlights the function of confirmation
which culture (artifacts and principles) plays.
Breaking down this idea into formulas, we may say that [29, p. 545]:
presence is always mediated by both physical (our body, technological devices, etc.)
and conceptual tools which belong to a given culture: “physical” presence in an
environment is no more “real” or more true than telepresence or immersion in a
simulated virtual environment;
the criterion of the validity of presence does not consist of simply reproducing the
conditions of physical presence (immersion) but in constructing environments in which
actors may function in an ecologically valid way:, in line with the emphasis that the
ecological approach places on the primacy of action in perception;
action is not undertaken by isolated individuals but by members of a community who
face ambiguous situations in a relatively coordinated way.
In this sense, experiencing presence requires the reproduction of the physical features of
external reality; the possibility of interaction and free action, and the creation and sharing
of the cultural web that makes meaningful - and therefore visible - both people and objects
populating the environment.
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... Physical presence is defined as the psychological feeling of "being there" in the virtual environment (Ijsselsteijn & Riva, 2003). Currently, one of the most used conceptualizations of presence was coined by Slater (2009). ...
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The need to virtually collaborate across distributed locations has drastically increased. Developments such as the COVID-19 pandemic and new IT platforms like the metaverse have spurred a host of new immersive social applications that are accessed through head-mounted displays. This is expected to stimulate a surge in research on Extended Reality-supported Collaborative Learning (XRCL) which refers to distributed collaboration situations where immersive technology such as head-mounted displays are used as a medium for collaborative learning. The primary aim of this article is to critically examine the potential pedagogical benefits and limitations of using XRCL with the objective of developing a theoretical framework that describes the fundamental factors that make immersive collaborative learning unique: the Theory of Immersive Collaborative Learning (TICOL). In TICOL, we propose that technological features, social affordances, and pedagogical techniques can foster four psychological factors that we define as fundamentally different in XRCL compared to collaboration that occurs through traditional systems (e.g., laptops): social presence, physical presence, body ownership, and agency. These are central factors that we hypothesize can transform the processes and contexts of collaboration through their influence on the quality of cognitive and socio-emotional social interaction, the social space, and ultimately learning outcomes. Since XRCL research is in its infancy, we hope that TICOL can provide a theoretical basis for developing the field by motivating researchers to empirically challenge and build on our hypotheses and ultimately develop a deeper understanding of if and how immersive media influences collaborative learning.
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The rapid advancement of Virtual Reality (VR) technologies, bolstered by cutting-edge hardware, has ushered in a new era that blurs the lines between the physical and virtual realms. As opportunities for immersive information absorption in virtual worlds grow, the tourism industry faces escalating pressure to stay competitive. Although traditional VR mainly engages audio-visual senses, this study examines whether multisensory VR in the pre-travel phase enhances users’ sense of presence and technology acceptance. Employing a mixed-methods, between-subjects design, we conducted an experiment with 103 participants divided into a multisensory VR group and an audio-visual VR group. Our aim was to investigate the impact on the sense of ’being there,’ technology acceptance, and the relationship between increased presence and acceptance. Results from tourism professionals reveal no significant variation in physical presence between the two groups; however, the multisensory VR group showed a notable difference in self-presence. Our findings suggest that the inclusion of multisensory stimuli makes VR more approachable and user-friendly, leading to greater self-presence and technology acceptance.
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This study provides a comprehensive review of the application of virtual reality (VR) in social and emotional learning (SEL) for children and adolescents over the past decade (January 2013–May 2023), with a specific interest in the relations between their technological and instructional design features. A search in Web of Science resulted in 32 relevant articles that were then manually screened. Coding analysis was conducted from four perspectives: participant characteristics, research design, technological features, and instructional design. The analysis provides insights into the VR literature regarding publication trends, target populations, technological features, instructional scenarios, and tasks. To test the effectiveness of VR interventions for promoting SEL, a meta-analysis was also conducted, which revealed an overall medium effect size and significant moderating effects of SEL disorder type and instructional task. Finally, based on the research results, the practical implications of and future research directions for applying VR in SEL were discussed.
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Cognitive impairment arises from various brain injuries or diseases, such as traumatic brain injury, stroke, schizophrenia, or cancer-related cognitive impairment. Cognitive impairment can be an obstacle for the patients to the return-to-work. Research suggests various interventions using technology for cognitive and vocational rehabilitation. The present work offers an overview of sixteen vocational or ecological VR-based clinical studies among patients with cognitive impairment. The objective is to analyze these studies from a VR perspective focusing on the VR apparatus and tasks, adaptivity, transferability, and immersion of the interventions. Our results highlight how a higher level of immersion could bring the participants to a deeper level of engagement and transferability, rarely assessed in current literature, and a lack of adaptivity in studies involving patients with cognitive impairments. From these considerations, we discuss the challenges of creating a standardized yet adaptive protocol and the perspectives of using immersive technologies to allow precise monitoring, personalized rehabilitation and increased commitment.
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The need to virtually collaborate across distributed locations has drastically increased. Developments such as the COVID-19 pandemic and new IT platforms like the metaverse have spurred a host of new immersive social applications that are accessed through head-mounted displays. This is expected to stimulate a surge in research on Extended Reality-supported Collaborative Learning (XRCL) which refers to distributed collaboration situations where immersive technology such as head-mounted displays are used as a medium for collaborative learning. The primary aim of this article is to critically examine the potential pedagogical benefits and limitations of using XRCL with the objective of developing a theoretical framework that describes the fundamental factors that make immersive collaborative learning unique: the Theory of Immersive Collaborative Learning (TICOL). In TICOL, we propose that technological features, social affordances, and pedagogical techniques can foster four psychological factors that we define as fundamentally different in XRCL compared to collaboration that occurs through traditional systems (e.g., laptops): social presence, physical presence, body ownership, and agency. These are central factors that we hypothesize can transform the processes and contexts of collaboration through their influence on the quality of cognitive and socio-emotional social interaction, the social space, and ultimately learning outcomes. Since XRCL research is in its infancy, we hope that TICOL can provide a theoretical basis for developing the field by motivating researchers to empirically challenge and build on our hypotheses and ultimately develop a deeper understanding of if and how immersive media influences collaborative learning.
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The tourism industry will be shaped by the growth and development of the metaverse in the coming decades. Virtual reality (VR) will enable the creation of virtual worlds, avatars, digital twins, and new social networks. These technologies can be utilized in tourism to enable travelers to preview real-world experiences, to enhance experiences while on-site, to relive experiences after travel, or in some cases to even substitute for travel. Given the metaverse’s transformative potential, empirical investigation of VR is clearly warranted. Studies of VR tourism typically choose a single specific VR application and investigate its impact on adoption or user satisfaction. This application-level focus is a significant limitation. We therefore evaluate multiple heritage tourism applications as well as VR hardware in a comprehensive and structured analysis from the user experience (UX) perspective. Our content analysis of user interviews reveals 13 factors that shape users’ overall perceptions about VR. These factors are grouped into categories related to presentation of the VR content, the content itself, and the functionality of the hardware and software. Our analysis also reveals three design dilemmas for creators of VR heritage tourism content for the metaverse. Implications and an agenda for future research are included.
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Background Pulmonary rehabilitation is a vital component of comprehensive care for patients with respiratory conditions, such as lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and asthma, and those recovering from respiratory diseases like COVID-19. It aims to enhance patients’ functional ability and quality of life, and reduce symptoms, such as stress, anxiety, and chronic pain. Virtual reality is a novel technology that offers new opportunities for customized implementation and self-control of pulmonary rehabilitation through patient engagement. Objective This review focused on all types of virtual reality technologies (nonimmersive, semi-immersive, and fully immersive) that witnessed significant development and were released in the field of pulmonary rehabilitation, including breathing exercises, biofeedback systems, virtual environments for exercise, and educational models. Methods The review screened 7 electronic libraries from 2010 to 2023. The libraries were ACM Digital Library, Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, MEDLINE, PubMed, Sage, and ScienceDirect. Thematic analysis was used as an additional methodology to classify our findings based on themes. The themes were virtual reality training, interaction, types of virtual environments, effectiveness, feasibility, design strategies, limitations, and future directions. ResultsA total of 2319 articles were identified, and after a detailed screening process, 32 studies were reviewed. Based on the findings of all the studies that were reviewed (29 with a positive label and 3 with a neutral label), virtual reality can be an effective solution for pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and asthma, and in individuals and children who are dealing with mental health–related disorders, such as anxiety. The outcomes indicated that virtual reality is a reliable and feasible solution for pulmonary rehabilitation. Interventions can provide immersive experiences to patients and offer tailored and engaging rehabilitation that promotes improved functional outcomes of pulmonary rehabilitation, breathing body awareness, and relaxation breathing techniques. Conclusions The identified studies on virtual reality in pulmonary rehabilitation showed that virtual reality holds great promise for improving the outcomes and experiences of patients. The immersive and interactive nature of virtual reality interventions offers a new dimension to traditional rehabilitation approaches, providing personalized exercises and addressing psychological well-being. However, additional research is needed to establish standardized protocols, identify the most effective strategies, and evaluate long-term benefits. As virtual reality technology continues to advance, it has the potential to revolutionize pulmonary rehabilitation and significantly improve the lives of patients with chronic lung diseases.
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In the past decade medical applications of virtual reality (VR) and telemedicine have been rapidly developing, and the technology has changed from a research curiosity to a commercially and clinically important area of medical informatics technology. The chapter details the characteristics of the Experiential Cognitive Therapy (ECT), an integrated in-patient/out-patient (4 weeks) and telemedicine approach (24 weeks), that tries to enhance the cognitive-behavioral therapy used in the treatment of eating disorders by means of VR sessions and telemedicine support in the follow-up stage. In particular, using VR and telemedicine, ECT is able to address body experience disturbances, interpersonal relationships, self efficacy and motivation to change, key issues for the development and maintenance of eating disorders that are somehow neglected by actual clinical guidelines. This approach will be highlighted by the presentation of the clinical rationale, its different phases and by systematic analysis of the results obtained in different preliminary studies.
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A Collaborative Virtual Environment or CVE is a distributed, virtual reality that is designed to support collaborative activities. As such, CVEs provide a potentially infinite, graphically realised digital landscape within which multiple users can interact with each other and with simple or complex data representations. CVEs are increasingly being used to support collaborative work between geographically separated and between collocated collaborators. CVEs vary in the sophistication of the data and embodiment representations employed and in the level of interactivity supported. It is clear that systems which are intended to support collaborative activities should be designed with explicit consideration of the tasks to be achieved and the intended users' social and cognitive characteristics. In this paper, we detail a number of existing systems and applications, but first discuss the nature of collaborative and cooperative work activities and consider the place of virtual reality systems in supporting such collaborative work. Following this, we discuss some future research directions.
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Recently, we reported that group subjective measures of presence as well as observers’ postural responses are sensitive to increasing the realism of a display with motion content, by the addition of stereoscopic information, using a 20-inch stereoscopic screen with an effective horizontal field of view of 28 deg. (Freeman, Avons, Meddis, Pearson, & IJsselsteijn, 2000). The experiment presented here employed a large projection display with a 50 deg. horizontal field of view showing a rally car traversing a curved track at speed. The independent variables included image motion and stereoscopic presentation as within-subjects factors and screen size as a between-subjects factor. Dependent variables included subjective measures of presence, vection, involvement, and sickness, as well as observers’ lateral postural responses, which served as a candidate objective corroborative measure of presence. Results demonstrated a noisy yet positive effect of stereoscopic presentation on the lateral postural responses. Post-test subjective ratings revealed a significant effect of stereoscopic presentation on the subjective judgments of presence, but not on those of vection, involvement, or sickness. Image motion had a large and significant effect on the subjective judgments of presence, vection, and involvement. The effect of image motion was considerably larger than that of stereoscopic viewing. By comparing results between experiments, a large effect of screen size on subjective presence ratings could be demonstrated, but only for the video stimulus that contained motion. The postural response measure did not differentiate between screen sizes, thus limiting its utility as an objective corroborative measure of presence, although further research is required to be able to be more firm in our conclusion regarding this issue.
Virtual reality (VR) can be considered as the leading edge of a general evolution of present communication interfaces, one whose main characteristic is the full immersion of the human sensorimotor channels into a vivid and global communication experience. By analyzing VR as a communication tool this paper tries to outline a psycho-social framework for the development and tuning of VR systems. In particular, the author identifies two key characteristics of satisfying virtual environments:disappearance of mediation—a level of experience where both the VR system and the physical environment disappear from the user's phenomenal awareness—and thesense of communitydeveloped by interaction. Social and psychological consequences of this approach are discussed, both for single- and multi-user virtual worlds.
For many researchers, virtual reality (VR) is first of all a technology. This vision is also well reflected in the growing research work concerned with virtual environments: most of it has been addressed primarily the development of new rendering technologies rather than the highly interactive and dynamic nature of user-system interaction that VR supports. However, this focus on technology is disappointing for developers and researchers. To overcome this limitation, this paper describes VR as an advanced communication tool: a communication interface in single-user VR, and a communication medium in the case of multi-user VR. This leads us to propose acultural concept of presence as a social construction. Lying at the base of this view are two elements that guarantee an elevated sense of presence: acultural framework and the possibility ofnegotiation, both of actions and of their meaning. Within this view, experiencing presence and telepresence does not depend so much on the faithfulness of the reproduction of ‘physical’ aspects of ‘external reality’ as on the capacity of simulation to produce a context in which social actors may communicate and cooperate. The consequences of this approach for the design and the development of VR systems are presented. The first author is responsible for the preparation of Section 3. The second author prepared Section 2. Introduction and Conclusions were prepared by both authors. Moreover, to both authors must be attributed the definition of contents and the final structure of the paper.