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Social Communication - Science topic

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Questions related to Social Communication
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
16 answers
Do you notice any cases of censorship in social sciences in the world today? What is censored? Who are the censors? Is there a big field of phenomena which cannot be discussed today? What are the concequences of what we (social scholars) do not discuss?
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Dear Agnieszka,
Of course there is censorship of every kind and everywhere today in the social sciences: from self-censorship due to multiple kinds of fears (including smearing of colleagues in ways that are defamatory and without any chance to reply which is a growing problem even in scholarly journals) and taboos, to financial and political influence that defines "current debates", to redefinitions of and limitations of fields that change what questions and what conclusions and what methodologies are allowed, to disciplinary barriers, to hierarchies of corporate journals that determine what is reviewed and by whom and what space is allotted and who can be cited, and every other kind of conflicts of interest and hierarchy, even in book reviews that now have to be promotional for colleagues rather than honest and constructive criticism and debates. And most journals today have eliminated letters to the editor and debates, while discussion platforms are also pre-screened Ralph Nader used to say that in legal scholarship, you can't present a new idea because you "can't footnote it" and today you can't get a minority idea through a "majority" peer review in most fields, where the standard is now subjective agreement. To be heard with credibility, you need to have your own journal and press but that is also subject to controls.
I suggest that you focus on solutions:
(1) de-politicizing peer review, is one, so that following a methodology protects even unpopular conclusions. Here is one of two articles that I have offered to set the model, in response to politicization in one of my fields. (This one was censored and then finally published and the other one on book review standards can still not be published.)
“Returning Discipline to the Discipline: A Model Procedure for Reviews in Anthropology, Other Social Sciences, and Related Disciplines,” Catalyst: A Social Justice Forum, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1, Article 10, pages 301 - 326. Available at:
(2) You can also try to set up a new e-journal that allows for alternative work and is open to work that has been censored. If anyone reading this would like to do that and has a platform, contact me so that I can join you.
If you just want to read about the general problem today, take a look at this piece and the special issue of Catalyst that I edited to open debate on this issue.
“Foreword: The Death of Social Sciences in an Era of Multi-Cultural Corporatism (Neo-Liberalism): With Efforts at Resuscitation”, Catalyst: A Social Justice Forum, 2018, Vol. 8, Issue 1, Article 2, pages 1 – 52.
Here's a short article on the general problem globally.
“Are Social Scientists Next to be Imprisoned and Tortured?: A Call to Unite and Oppose the Criminalization of Social Science, Contexts (American Sociological Association), 2019. Available at:
You can also look at a piece I put up on ResearchGate in response to political pressures in Anthropology that are a result of the current war in Ukraine. The censorship today is exactly the opposite line from 30 years ago when the line then was that Russia was a "democracy". The fact that censorship can move so quickly and easily from one position to its opposite shows how politicized social science has become.
David Lempert, Ph.D., J.D., M.B.A., E.D. (Hon.)
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
3 answers
How community social work can be effective in the transgender and high class community of Bangladesh?
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Many groups may be excluded through legal systems, land, and labor markets and discriminatory or stigmatizing attitudes, beliefs, or perceptions. A disadvantage is often based on social identity, which may be across dimensions of gender, age, location, occupation, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenship status, disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity, among other factors. This kind of social exclusion deprives individuals of dignity, security, and the opportunity to lead a better life. Unless the root causes of structural exclusion and discrimination are addressed, it will be challenging to support sustainable, inclusive growth and rapid poverty reduction. Social workers and governmental support are significant for transgender marginalized people in Bangladesh. Therefore, social workers could involve this community in their process as much as possible and put more effort to convince the government to approve the legal support, gender right, and social inclusion. Social workers' roles have grown to include crisis management and roles of empowerment and advocacy. They can empower communities by encouraging individuals to take an active role in shaping social services, providing education programs, and enabling economic independence long-term.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
3 answers
Hi, I am a student currently doing a thesis on the effects of home environment in students social communication capacity during the midst of anxiety and am unable to afford original instruments.
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Why do you do research in Scopus or Web of Science? Google academics?
Also, the library of your university?
Best regards
Ph.D. Ingrid del Valle García Carreño
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
10 answers
Follow up questions
- What is the difference between therapies and interventions as a treatment option to improve the social communication skills of children with autism.
- Has there been a particular treatment option that has proved to be highly effective in the development of the social communication skills of children with autism.
- What are some aspects of certain therapies and interventions that contributed to its effectiveness as a treatment option for the improvement of social communication skills in children with autism.
- What factors are needed to be considered before deciding upon the best treatment option to develop the social communication skill of a child with autism.
*Any additional information and resources regarding this topic will be helpful
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In general, the Social Skills Training Model -SST- is followed, but adapting them to the circumstances of EACH CHILD WITH ASD; Thus, below we present a Guide offered by the COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Center (RED CENIT) of Valencia, Spain:
Social Skills (HHSS) are considered a set of capacities or skills that allow us to develop a repertoire of actions and behaviors that make people develop in the social sphere. But these are very complex because they are formed by a wide range of ideas, thoughts, beliefs and values ​​that are the result of learning and experiences. This will cause a great influence on the behaviors and attitudes that the person has in their relationship and interaction with others, since they are capacities that we all have to understand in the context that we unwind and adapt to that moment in which we are situated.
And, what about social skills in children with ASD?
They often fail in social competence; It is difficult for them to be able to use the different visual cues, being these fundamental in the social contexts in which they operate, especially in school: The common characteristic in people with ASD is their difficulty in understanding social relationships and situations, and therefore Therefore, the failure to develop social skills. Social skills in children with ASD are difficult to develop because they have difficulties understanding appropriate social behavior and understanding the implicit rules of social behavior, since their social learning is often rigid and not fully understood.
But, this does not mean that they do not want to have friends, socialize, play or bond with their peers, but that biological barriers do not allow it. Sometimes they do not understand social patterns or do not know how to respond to displays of both affection and anger, given their difficulty in understanding the actions of other people. And that is where we must intervene to be able to help them, from a young age, to achieve all their objectives in different areas, to promote their communication with society and that they can get to interact with their environment.
"One of the main features of the human being is to be an" object with a mind ", who is able to understand the mind and attribute it to others" (Rivière 1991). For this reason, it is necessary to handle what we call theory of mind, that is, to give the other one's own thoughts and feelings, different from one's own. People within the TEA have difficulties in this area, so it is necessary to work on this aspect first so that they are more competent in the area of ​​social skills; But it is also important for the development of these skills to make good use of executive functions (to be able to attend to the signs of the environment and of the people with whom one interacts, to plan actions, to be able to solve possible problems that may arise and to be flexible to find more than one solution evaluating the consequences of each one).
What are the essential components of social skills?
They are essentially acquired through learning (through observation, imitation, rehearsal). They contain verbal and non-verbal behaviors. They involve effective and appropriate initiatives and responses.
They increase social reinforcement, they are reciprocal by nature and involve an effective and appropriate correspondence and their practice is influenced by the characteristics of the environment
What can we do to help people with ASD understand their social environment and be successful in the social world we live in ?:
It will be necessary to direct his social and emotional learning by teaching him the essential skills to develop social and emotional competence. This includes social skills training in the areas of problem solving, conversation skills, identifying and managing feelings and emotions, and stress management.
Thus, we offer, in "-II-" 10 ideas or tips for improving social skills in children with ASD
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
6 answers
Currently, a tension exists between proposed research criteria for determining symptom severity and clinical operationalization of the same. Proposed DSM-5 autism spectrum criteria includes three severity classifications: Level 1 Mild / (“Requiring support”), Level 2 Moderate (“Requiring substantial support”), and Level 3 severe (“Requiring very substantial support”) (American Psychiatric Association 2012). These classifications are split across two areas, Social Communication (SC) and Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors (RRB ) . Since fuzz has a status of Certainty , can a machine learning algorithm classify it. For example : (train data with gradually decrease until get accuracy for level 1 which Mild then train again until level 2 Social Communication (SC). Do i need to decouple two method (Fuzzy and machine learning technique)?
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Digital pathology has entered a new era with the availability of whole slide scanners that create the high-resolution images of full biopsy slides. Consequently, the uncertainty regarding the correspondence between the image areas and the diagnostic labels assigned by pathologists at the slide level, and the need for identifying regions that belong to multiple classes with different clinical significances have emerged as two new challenges. However, generalizability of the state-of-the-art algorithms, whose accuracies were reported on carefully selected regions of interest (ROIs) for the binary benign versus cancer classification, to these multi-class learning and localization problems is currently unknown.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
3 answers
here is the link for you to consider and confirm -
I intend to quote you in my paper and thus need a confirmation.
Trust you will respond.
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I wonder if this is the researcher? You could follow Shelly and ask?
There is nothing on the RG page regarding past publications.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
2 answers
Can anyone help me getting the links for different social communities (available worldwide) of patients from neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinsons' disease, Huntington's disease, ALS, MS, Ataxia, Mood disorders, depression, PTSD, and also brain-related orphan diseases like dravett syndrome, Ataxia telangiectasia, Batten Disease, etc.
It will be a great help if anyone can share this information with me.
--Dinesh K. Dhull
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Thank you Prakash for sharing the information.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
4 answers
Present science as a way of finding out rather than as a body of facts to be memorized. Allowing learners to discover and to organize the information, equip them with problem-solving and decision-making skills. It also results in knowledge that is more easily remembered and recalled than rote learning.
Emphasize learning by doing A number of researches show that learners learn better when they are personally involved in physical or hands- on activities.
Encourage interactions among learners Give opportunities for students to work together in groups. Students who work together learn more from each other. They also develop their social and communication skills in the process.
Adapt science experiences to the learners’ developmental levels Learners differ on how they operate mentally. Therefore, you must arrange experiences that fit what they can do.
Use a variety of approaches in teaching science Students have different learning styles. To be more effective, you must be aware of their learning styles and you must consider them in choosing which teaching methods to use.
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There are a number of features that must be possessed.
- Intelligence:
- The existence of internal motivation to learn
- Ability to make decisions
- Ability to transfer skills
- Ability to participate in teamwork
- Ability to display his knowledge in different ways
- Provide the appropriate environment
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
7 answers
I would love to get a brief research approach on how i can go about this with respect to the classification process. I am a beginner, so, please do help me out.
Thank you so much!
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Dear Rajeev E.M
As dear Belcaid Anass mentioned, it is a classification problem which means you must have a dataset of Suicide related to Social Media but not simple dataset consist of nominal and polynomial data. There are some textual dataset for Twitter users:
2-Article Multi-class machine classification of suicide-related commun...
These dataset has label usually, in other words it is specified in dataset that each record belongs to a Suicide case or not (binomial label).
In this case, first of all you should extract some numerical features from the texts which indicate the probability of suicide. There are many feature extraction methods like topic modeling which calculate the textual similarity between Twittes and some words in a topic (Depression, Suicide, ... ). Even though some pre-processing can be used before feature extraction like removing stop words (unnecessary terms in a sentence like conjunction words). After feature extraction, you will have a dataset of numerical features with binomial labels (Suicide or note). Now you can use machine learning techniques like SVM, Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, Linear Regression, ... .
If your programming skills is good, I suggest to use Python programming language and scikit toolbox as Belcaid Anass mentioned. But if your programming skills is weak, I suggest to use RapidMiner. It is a visual tool for creating your process model.
If you have any other question, please let me know.
I can be your adviser too, if you need. I have many papers in another same field.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
8 answers
It seems to me that the answer to this question can be sought through the study of behavioral, social and informational activities of users of social media portals.
Users of social media portals provide specific information for their friends or publicly on the websites of specific social media portals and in the comments posted on other websites.
In this way, social communication develops, which significantly complements and displaces the classic mass media information.
On the other hand, social media portals written by users are a valuable source of information for marketing companies, which analyze and analyze analytical reports commissioned by other companies interested in the opinions of Internet users relating, for example, to the recognition of a brand, product, mission of a specific company.
In view of the above, the current question is: The development of social communication on the Internet?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
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Good question. Following.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
14 answers
This question will be used in my graduation thesis.
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Yes it can.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
4 answers
Did not Frederick Law Olmstead already demonstrate how a successful Ecosystem was implemented in different contexts? His contiguous green spaces were fo rite purposes of socialization, community building and healing in urban and suburban contexts.
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Kenneth, There are two evidence based design principles proven by the behavioral health researcher Dr. Roger Ulrich (who I briefly collaborated with at Bethesda Naval Military Medical Center - now Walter Reed) was that views of nature and the inclusion of sunlight improved healing efficacy verses no views of nature and no natural sunlight (not specifying the landscape or hemisphere). Olmsted about 110 years before had a theory that an individual immersed in nature (not articulating what kind of ecosystem) and experienced views of nature - alleviated symptoms of depression...of course the Greeks understood this in their architecture 2000 years before....cheers.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
3 answers
We are a research team of the National University of San Agustín de Arequipa - Peru. And we are doing a job with children of the autistic spectrum, to deal with their problems in terms of communication and social relations. If you have any experience or any information that can help us, we will thank you in a very special way.
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You can have a look at Milo
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
4 answers
I am a student currently doing a thesis on the effects of child initiated play on social communication skills of children with autism and am unable to afford original instruments.
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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disorder that affects the brain's normal development of social and communication skills. Common features of ASD include impaired social interactions, impaired verbal and nonverbal communication, problems processing information from the senses, and restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior.also
People with autism—the core form of ASD—tend to appear indifferent and remote and are unable to form emotional bonds with others. In addition, they will often have unusual responses to sensory experiences, such as the noise of a leaky faucet becoming extremely disruptive whereas most people will eventually show forms of habituation or adaptation to the persistent noise.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
18 answers
Generally speaking, in certain social communities, it is not possible to move from on social class to another.
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People who make big achievements on social, fiancial, political or educational levels may move to an upper class. However, those who encounter failures on various levels may come down to a lower class. But the movement to either classes is very slow and limited.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
2 answers
In the DSM-V, the asperger syndrom has being removed. However, the criteria for the social communication disability are not so clear and don’t allow to a clear conclusion for certain students. What evaluations do you use, how do you make a clear distinction between these profils?
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what is TSA and asperger syndrom?
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
4 answers
Does anybody have th scoring sheets for the following assessments: CBCL ages 1.5-5; social communication questionnaire; parent scence Of competency?
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Hi Mary,
This is amazing!! Thank you so much!! I have been looking for this as well!
Many, many thanks!
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
3 answers
I am very hardly looking for literature that would at least in one sentence mention how dyslexic people were treated in past decades or Socialism (Communism) era. I know that dyslexics were meant to be stupid, lazy, slow, with psychiatric diagnosis, low IQ level etc but I badly need supporting literature, anywhere this could be mentioned even shortly. Can you please help?
Thanks a lot!
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Hi. I hope some of this can help you.
Lalaeva. R. I. (1989). Disorders of written speech. In L. S. Volkova (eds.), Logopedia, (pp.
345-382) Moscow: Prosveschenie.
Luria, A. R. (1950). Essays on the psychophysiology of writing. Moscow: Izd-Vo. APN.
Nazarova, L. K. (1952). On the role of speech kinesthestesia in writing. Soviet Pedagogy,
Vol. 6, pp. 37-51.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
450 answers
Premise 1: Neurogenic bradycardia and RSA are mediated by different branches of the vagus and need not respond in concert.
Premise 2: Neurogenic bradycardia associated with orienting is a phylogenetic vestigial relic of the reptilian brain and is mediated by the dorsal motor nucleus (DMNX).
Premise 3: Withdrawal of cardiac vagal tone through Nucleus Ambiguus (NA) mechanisms is a mammalian adaptation to select novelty in the environment while coping with the need to maintain metabolic output and continuous social communication.
(From Porges SW (2013) Polvagal Theory. NY: Norton)
The current evolutionary vagal evidence indicates that neither Premises 2 nor 3 are accurate. Also 1) there is a confluence of evidence regarding Premise 1 showing that the DMNX  may only manifest vagal effects upon heart rate under conditions of severe physiological respiratory distress (and even this is not very well documented), 2) Porges provides  merely very indirect findings to support his hypothesis (and his Figure 2.3 of  the time course of putative DMNX-stimulated bradycardia in a single anesthetized rabbit shows much too rapid onset and offset for the heart rate drop to be a response of the unmyelinated DMNX vagal fibers [which should have a much more gradual onset and offset than shown because slow conduction time of these fibers prevent sudden changes]), and 3) no mention is made by Porges of earlier findings that indicate that the DMNX is not implicated in normal vagal control of heart rate.
Nevertheless, perhaps there are strands of direct evidence of which I am unaware? In any case, polvagal conjectures have become very popular in psychology, psychophysiology and therapy literature. It seems, therefore, high time to critically assess the value of Stephen Porges' ideas in this area.
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Dear Emily,
If you mean that myths can affect people's lives, I have no problem with that. I also agree that is probably what has inflated the popularity of the polyvagal speculations. Wampold, in his work, makes a very convincing case that improvements in psychological wellbeing don't rely very much at all upon the method (or, perhaps, ritual would be a better word) chosen: improvement has more to do with having some ritual one believes in, a practitioner of it who seems competent to the client, a joint plan and goals, and maybe most importantly an atmosphere of trust and compassion.
However, my problem is that the ritual becomes conflated with science in this case, and the scientific aspect is used to sell the approach, when all the scientific evidence speaks against the speculations. There are, I hope you will agree, multiple myths that could be invoked to explain the various conditions to which you allude. Why not construct an explanation (myth) more consistent with what we know? That would provide, in my opinion, a much healthier approach for the therapy (i.e. ritual), as well as the societal acceptance of it, in the long run. Right now, what might happen to a client who has gone through a therapy with a polyvagal explanation (and who believes in "science" as the new religion) when they eventually read that in the New York Times that the polyvagal ideas have been thoroughly debunked? What happens to the credibility among scientists of a potentially helpful therapy (ritual) when the underlying scientific premises are thoroughly falsified, as seems to be happening. I don't think that is good for anyone. And I strongly believe one could adjust the vagal myth, employing autonomic explanations that have been around for at least a century before the polyvagal speculations were suggested. That is all I am trying to get at.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
6 answers
The importance of active lifestyle in the elderly population is huge, crucial for good health, the length and quality of life. Maximum oxygen consumption and adequate frequency and rhythm of cardiac performance are indicators of good functional ability in the elderly population. They show that active lifestyle people reduce the health risk factors, contribute to the preservation and improvement of health, stimulate active relationships and show responsibility for their own health. Physical activity can replace many drugs, and no medicine can replace physical activity!
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I think that physical activity should be an inevitable and irreplaceable part of everyday routine in maintaining good health, both physically and psychologically, in all age groups. But unfortunately, in Serbia, I believe that this attitude is widespread in urban areas among young people, but not among elderly people, only in those who are engaged in recreational sports. While in rural areas, physical activity is considered optional for young people, and even unnecessary and inappropriate for elderly people, which is highly harmful attitude. 
I think that raising awareness, education, organizing public trainings and similar activities should be at a higher level in rural areas, because there are large differences in understanding that physical activity is necessary, among the elderly population in urban and rural areas.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
2 answers
In one study I read, I have got some individual scores of AAT profile and no severity score for aphasia. I would like to classify my patients according to their aphasia severity (mild, moderate and severe). How would you proceed ?
Thank you very much for your help,
Céline Arbizu
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The AAT results can be analyzed for severity (overall and per language capability : listening comprehension, reading, spontaneous lang etc.) via an analysis program that can be obtained (AAT) or via the list of scores (discriminant analysis based) that can be found in the AAT manual.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
4 answers
Let that be for commercial or social communication - how is simultaneous media consumption is impacting the audience and the digital culture? There are interesting insights hidden here. Audience nowadays sees something in TV and immediately jumps to the phone to search based on a clue received from the TV. Clues from outdoor contents trigger people to immediately open their notepad and have a look - it can be a commercial communication or a social one. How this chain of media exposure is creating an increasing demand for integrated communication efforts? How contents are forming part and parcel of the chain process? Which media components and interfaces are primary here and how they are adjusting with the change? There should be an in-depth analysis on this. Applicable for brand promotion projects, explicit content projects and lot more. 
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That's great. I work in this sector - both in practice and in theory. Will update in things relate. You also keep posted. Cheers. Tarek. 
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
4 answers
Preferably a quick measure to test adults, such as a questionnaire.
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Have you considered media exposure; since the following language outlets could essentially be interpreted as a type of media. A detailed description is on page 154, while page 158 contains the measures.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
6 answers
Im looking more into realised research using those two,especially to construct a framework connecting organisational impacts with social/community impacts..
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It would be best to begin with activity and network theories in genera,l to which activity network theory moves in a more focused context. Carl Butts article in Science Vol 325, No. 5939, pp 414-416 (2009) looks at foundations of network analysis and Tom Brughmans article in Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory Col 20 (2013); Yrjo Engestrom ( one of the leaders in developing activity theory) has written extensively on the subject --see Ergonomics 43, No 7 (2000) and Journal of Education and Work Vol 14, No 1 (2001) for a good bibliography of his work extending back into the 1980s.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
3 answers
I would like to study if communication patterns between ex-partners/ex-spouses change over time, so I am looking for a validated scale regarding communication style between ex-partners (not their communication frequency or content of the communication) to include in a quantitative questionnaire.
Thank you very much in advance!
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I know a researcher in this field. I'll send you her e-mail address in a private message.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
7 answers
In Africa, most communication derive from symbols. (Tangible and intangible). In view of this, some scholars postulate that African theatre for example, is  "Theatre of Symbols" , and that, all elements of theatre are symbolic in nature for communication. How far are the proponents of this assumption right or otherwise? In communication, what is the role of symbolism?
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Symbolism is the root of communication as demonstrated not only by the use of non verbal communication in our discourse but in the structure of words themselves.  Onomatopoeia is an example, where the phonetics of a word symbolises the sound it describes.  
Leopold is quite correct that Hochdeutsch is much less symbolic than the regional dialects of German, the same can be said for English.  The reason appears to be that in constructing an 'official' received form of a language depletes it of its more expressive (vulgar) forms.  The dialects, while becoming a perceived 'primitive' and less refined version of the language nevertheless retain its character.
Poetry is one of the most symbolic uses of communication and often uses dialect or slang in its construction.  Should poetry be 'translated' into the 'high' forms of language it would be sterile and its symbolism would fade.   
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
6 answers
I wonder if the communication model mentioned above is used outside Germany. In Germany, it is both well known and in widespread everyday use.
In wikipedia, one may find this reference:
I am asking because I want to connect our own model as presented at ESPCH conferences with the Four Sides model and up to now wonder, how to do....
Kind regards, and thanks in advance, should anyone be able to give me a hint,
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Dear Dan,
you have been busy in quite some different contexts and countries, as I see :-)
And I think you developed useful tools to improve communication - also the 4 distance model, that I checked on your web site with interest, (
Communication training in German health care providers would need improvement, such as with the tools you provide. At least, employees in primary care private practices are sometimes trained with aid of the 4 ears model - but I doubt if this is also the case for medical doctors.
Now I will continue to write a paper issuing practical consequences from our biopsychosocial model that we developed - hope I succeed...
Thank you for the offer to contact you in case I need more information about your potential and distances model, I will keep it in mind,
beste regards, 
PS: I add a paper just publlsihed by colleagues in Netherland (that I do not know), it may relate to your communication topics?
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
5 answers
  • Understanding experience of growing up with High Functioning Autism (HFA)
  • Teaching in Higher Education Sectors
  • Come across tertiary students with social communication challenges
  • Discover untapped talents in autistic students
  • Teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) in post-secondary setting
  • Curious about quality of life in HFA young adults
  • Interested in advocating for HFA individuals and their families
  • Intend to explore vocational opportunities for HFA college graduates
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I agree with M.E. Stothers. Social interaction and social communication are not the main troubles in ASD postsecondary education. It is not possible to generalize about it. It depends on the person, their interests and their need about social interaction. However, in addition to that over-researching, my clinical practice and research has shown me that many ASD students suffer of an overestimation of knowledge and specific topics. In that sense, they have troubles with the establishment of relations between topics, considering that different perspectives cannot be related, integrating information of different sources, or applying that knowledge to either real life or professional practice. Their conclusions are not always coherent and are full of irrelevant information. This is even more clear and complex if their interests are focused on social sciences.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
3 answers
Dear all,
Researcher: Jack Gilbert
Dissertation Supervisor: Dr Prithvi Perepa
My name is Jack Gilbert. I am a final year student studying BA Special Educational Needs and Inclusion student at the University of Northampton. For my dissertation, I wish to conduct research on whether dance and movement can be an intervention for children with autism with the focus on developing their social-communication skills. The research is going to be conducted under the supervision of Dr Prithvi Perepa who can be contacted on
The questionnaire is based around the field of dance/movement and autism and your own experiences of working within the field. The questionnaire will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Your confidentially and anonymity will be protected throughout the research and your data will be securely stored in accordance to the university ethical guidelines. You also have the right to withdraw from taking part within this research by the 1st April 2016. The information will be stored on an external hard drive which will be protected and secured in a safe place. However please note that Google may store this information on their system.The findings of the research could possibly be published and will be used for my dissertation, which will be submitted to the University.
The link to the questionnaire can be accessed here:
If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be contacted on I would like to thank you for taking the time to consider taking part within my research.
Yours Sincerely,
Jack Gilbert
The University of Northampton
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Done, inclusion is the way forward gives a new dimension to dance
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
5 answers
Especially from the point of view of textual competence
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Communicative Competence is the ability to communicate your intended message in socio-cultural context. The choice of grammatical structure is clearly related to the circumstances and is chosen for its appropriacy in those circumstances. Learners need to know how to express a variety of functions and which choices are appropriate in different circumstances
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
16 answers
I am looking for a questionnaire (parent-report or self-report) that evaluates social competence or social success in adolescent social interactions (for example, that the adolescent is accepted and not rejected/avoided by peers and has successful peer interactions.) I am interested in adolescent social outcomes moreso than social skills. In other words, I want to measure how successful an adolescent is in social interactions moreso than what social skills the adolescent has.
Bonus points if this measure has been previously used in neuroimaging studies (social competence/success tracks with brain activity). Thank you!
*EDIT: I should note that I will be using this questionnaire with a bunch of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder.
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This might be interesting to read (social functioning and neuro-imaging in youth):
As well as this study (measuring bullying and social functioning in children with autism):
I think it is most common to use peer nominations or peer ratings to measure a child's social position in the peer group (at least in non-clinical samples), but I do not know whether this is an option in your study.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
4 answers
What are policies and measures taken by the EU to engage the peoples (general publics, interest groups, NGOs, political parties, social communities, etc), not the governments, of the Central and Eastern European Countries in their transition and accession periods? Any important literature and sources? Thanks a lot!
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Some of the information you are looking for is in my article "The Past, Present, and Future of EU Enlargement". For example, the EU - in cooperation with the candidate country governments - opened "Info Points" in many larger and smaller towns across the CEECs to provide easy access to information about European integration. The Commission also funded training for legal professionals and other interested private sector professionals across the CEECs, much of it in the context of PHARE. I don't have details about support for NGOs but, as one example, the EU did support the creation of European Communities Studies Associations (local ECSA groups) among academics and funded the creation of Jean Monnet Chairs for professors in law, political science, economics, and European history in the CEECs, as well as European Union Documentation Centers either at university or national libraries. I hope this will help...
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
2 answers
This is a pleasing paper putting flesh on the decades-old idea that odorous social communication between mammals is driven by bacteria.  The question it begs is what drives change in the communities of scent gland bacteria as an individual matures, becomes socially dominant, perhaps joins another clan etc.  What is known about the substratum for bacterial action, and the changes it experiences as an individual ages?  It has always seemed strange to me that such an important issue as social communication is left, in effect, to a load of dumb bacteria.  Whatever drives the changes must be capable of being finely tuned.
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The growth of bacteria, and a particular smell to skin of an individual is more related to sebaceous secretion from the sebaceous glands. These are different from sweat glands. The composition of sebaceous secretion depends upon several factors, of which the food variety of the person plays a very important role. In fact, it is a defense barrier for the immunity to skin infections as, secretions flush out the bacteria from the pores of the skin and secondly it can inhibit mostly by bacteriostatic action of its components. However, if the bacteria is virulent enough, then it might grow on some these components of sebaceous glands (like the Corynebacterium spp). Afetr altering some of these secretary components of the glands, the bacteria might be removing the masks of the smell causing compounds leading to the particular smell.
Secondly it is important to note that  the components of sebaceous secretions are regulated also by hormones and other factors like activity etc. 
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
5 answers
Does anyone know of any image analysis software (preferably open-source with graphic interface) that allows you to classify and group a large number of photos?
I'm still in my first steps with ImageJ/Fiji, I have an amount of 2.140 images to classify and group by b&w/color and classify the predominant color.
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How about GIMP and imageMagick ?
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
3 answers
In social communication campaigns sometimes one issue is being addressed in a completely different way in two different countries because of different social/cultural structures. On what lines can comparative analysis of the campaigns be done?
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How about considering all the Hofstede's cultural dimensions such as Power distance index, Individualism vs. collectivism, Uncertainty avoidance index, Masculinity vs. femininity, Indulgence versus restraint. Not all of them would apply but most of them can be taken as a starting point.
  • asked a question related to Social Communication
6 answers
In the past I used a discussion of ethical dilemmas that worked well, yet I would like to change experience. The purpose of the exercise is to identify and assess emotional intelligence, capacity to work in a group, and social skills.
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Hi Brenda,
This is a very interesting and important question.. i look forward to find out how you eventually decide to run this activity and hope that you will share it in this forum as well..
A potential activity addressing the learning outcomes you mentioned can be a simulated situation requiring efficient team dynamics and interpersonal skills.. there can be many examples taken from real-life scenarios..
One situation i have heard used for training can be a patient requiring emergent surgery who needs to be moved to operating room, and at the same time, communication with attending as well as the patient and patient's relatives.. in addition, efficient communication with nursing staff, operating room, intensive care, blood bank, lab and radiology is required..
If a group of resident is allowed to watch and 'peer assess' the exercise run by a team of residents assigned different roles, i think many of the areas you have highlighted can be touched upon...
Hope this helps, regards, raza