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Quantum Computing - Science topic

A quantum computer is a computation device that makes direct use of quantum mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data.
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Publications related to Quantum Computing (10,000)
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There is a lot of talk about how the cyber world will change and perceive itself as quantum computing takes center stage in the computing industry in a decade. While some are enthusiastic about the advancement of quantum technology, others remain skeptical about its application in cyberspace. But there is no doubt the interaction of artificial inte...
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Perfect state transfer on graphs has attracted extensive attention due to its application in quantum information and quantum computation. A graph is a semi-Cayley graph over a group G if it admits G as a semiregular subgroup of the full automorphism group with two orbits of equal size. A semi-Cayley graph SC(G, R, L, S) is called quasi-abelian if e...
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In the realm of mathematics and computer science, the pursuit to understand and interpret complex data has long been governed by the principles of abstract algebra. However, the emergence of sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) systems processing high-dimensional, nonlinear data challenges these traditional frameworks. "Beyond Abstract Algebr...
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Quantum computing shows a positive approach for addressing optimization challenges in NP-hard problems such as the vehicle routing problem (VRP). This study focuses on improving the efficiency of disaster response operations by localizing the application of D-wave quantum annealing in Marikina City. This study uses the Solution Partitioning Solver...
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"Exploring Quantum Computing: A Comparative Analysis with Classical Computing and Theoretical Implications for the Human Brain" delves into the intricate and evolving landscape of quantum computing, contrasting its principles and capabilities with those of classical computing. This exploration not only illuminates the revolutionary potential of qua...
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For the first time, we enable the execution of hybrid quantum machine learning (HQML) methods on real quantum computers with 100 data samples and real-device-based simulations with 5000 data samples, thereby outperforming the current state of research of Suryotrisongko and Musashi from 2022 who were dealing with 1000 data samples and quantum simula...
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Adiabatic quantum computing is implemented on specialized hardware using the heuristics of the quantum annealing algorithm. To solve a problem using quantum annealing, the problem requires formatting as a discrete quadratic function without constraints. The problem of finding Nash equilibrium in two-player, non-cooperative games is a two-fold quadr...
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The locality condition of probabilities underpinning the derivation of Bell inequalities can be violated classically. The wave function collapse results in the factorization of quantum probabilities. It is possible to differentiate, locally, between ensemble probabilities of single detections with and without wave function collapse for the alleged...
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The use of kernel functions is a common technique to extract important features from datasets. A quantum computer can be used to estimate kernel entries as transition amplitudes of unitary circuits. Quantum kernels exist that, subject to computational hardness assumptions, cannot be computed classically. The learning problems for these cases are co...
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An electron-on-helium qubit is a promising physical platform for quantum information technologies. Among all the “blueprints” for the qubit realization, a hybrid Rydberg-spin qubit seems to be a promising one toward quantum computing using electron spins. The main technological challenge on the way to such qubits is a detection of fA range image cu...
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Applying chameleon hash functions to redactable blockchains is still challenging work. Most redactable blockchain solutions using this technique have potential problems, such as too weak decentralization performance and trapdoors with exposure risks. In addition, quantum computing also threatens the security of blockchain systems. The above two iss...
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Gliomas, which are the most common malignant primary brain tumors, present significant challenges in terms of varying survival rates, treatment modalities, and prognostic processes between patients with low-grade gliomas (LGGs) and high-grade gliomas (HGGs). Accurate classification and grading of LGGs and HGGs are crucial for appropriate treatment...
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It is tenable to argue that nobody can predict the future with certainty, yet one can learn from the past and make informed projections for the years ahead. In this Perspective, we overview the status of how theory and computation can be exploited to obtain chemical understanding from wave function theory and density functional theory, and then out...
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Digital-analog quantum computing (DAQC) is an alternative paradigm for universal quantum computation combining digital single-qubit gates with global analog operations acting on a register of interacting qubits. Currently, no available open-source software is tailored to express, differentiate, and execute programs within the DAQC paradigm. In this...
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Superconducting microwave cavities featuring ultrahigh Q-factors, which measure the efficiency of energy storage in relation to energy loss in a system, are revolutionizing quantum computing by providing long coherence times exceeding 1 ms, crucial for the development of scal-able multi-qubit quantum systems with low error rates. In this work, we p...
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Quantum computing and supercomputing are two distinct approaches that can be used to solve complex computational problems [...]
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Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is a leading candidate algorithm for solving combinatorial optimization problems on quantum computers. However, in many cases QAOA requires computationally intensive parameter optimization. The challenge of parameter optimization is particularly acute in the case of weighted problems, for which the...
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The conscious brain is probably a macroscopic quantum coherent state similar to superconductivity or super fluidity. From the functional perspective it is an ever active, in living creature, loop of information flow between the awareness of the past and recent experiences with the ability to predict future. This phenomenon has also ability to discr...
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As quantum devices make steady progress towards intermediate scale and fault-tolerant quantum computing, it is essential to develop rigorous and efficient measurement protocols that account for known sources of noise. Most existing quantum characterization protocols such as gate-set tomography and randomized benchmarking assume the noise acting on...
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In "Navigating Gödel's Landscape: Implications and Strategies for Advanced and Quantum AI Systems", we embark on a profound exploration at the intersection of Gödel's incompleteness theorems and the evolving world of artificial intelligence. This paper delves deep into the implications of these landmark theorems, unraveling how they influence and d...
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The rapid evolution of technology has significantly transformed the landscape of cyberspace, presenting both opportunities and challenges for legal systems globally. This research paper delves into the intricate intersection of emerging technologies and Indian Cyber Law, critically analyzing the current legal framework's preparedness to address the...
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In the framework of optical quantum computing and communications, a major objective consists in building receiving nodes implementing conditional operations on incoming photons, using a single stationary qubit. In particular, the quest for scalable nodes motivated the development of cavity-enhanced spin-photon interfaces with solid-state emitters....
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Topological qubits composed of unpaired Majorana zero modes are under intense experimental and theoretical scrutiny in efforts to realize practical quantum computation schemes. In this work, we show that the minimum four unpaired Majorana zero modes required for a topological qubit according to braiding schemes and control of entanglement for gate...
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This study addresses the urgent need for improved prostate cancer detection methods by harnessing the power of advanced technological solutions. We introduce the application of Quantum Support Vector Machine (QSVM) to this critical healthcare challenge, showcasing an enhancement in diagnostic performance over the classical Support Vector Machine (S...
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The development of various dynamic ansatz-constructing techniques has ushered in a new era, making the practical exploitation of Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) hardware for molecular simulations increasingly viable. However, such ansatz construction protocols incur substantial measurement costs during their execution. This work involves th...
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The digital transformation of financial systems has led to unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Financial fraud, in particular, has become increasingly sophisticated, requiring innovative solutions to combat it effectively. This project introduces a comprehensive approach that harnesses the potential of quantum computing to enhance fraud det...
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Neste artigo, apresentarei, em uma linguagem acessível, as noções fundamentais sobre informação e computação quântica, discorrendo sobre suas aplicações no aprendizado de máquina. Abordarei, ainda, o estado atual da computação quântica, suas possíveis repercussões sociais e as perspectivas para o futuro a curto e médio prazo. Em nossa abrangente bi...
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The parallel computing power of quantum computing and the special properties of qubits provide an effective solution for image processing tasks. This paper presents a quantum image encryption algorithm based on Fisher-Yates algorithm and Logistic mapping. Firstly, the Fisher-Yates algorithm is used to generate three key sequences, one of which is u...
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Ultracold polar molecules combine a rich structure of long-lived internal states with access to controllable long-range anisotropic dipole–dipole interactions. In particular, the rotational states of polar molecules confined in optical tweezers or optical lattices may be used to encode interacting qubits for quantum computation or pseudo-spins for...
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This paper presents a system for solving binary-valued linear equations using quantum computers. The system is called Mod2VQLS, which stands for Modulo 2 Variational Quantum Linear Solver. As far as we know, this is the first such proposal. The design is a classical–quantum hybrid. The quantum components are a new circuit design for implementing ma...
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Developing a full-scale quantum computer will require a technology platform that allows effective control over individual qubits and their coupling, while also enabling the ability to scale to many millions of qubits. Tremendous progress has been made using silicon-based qubits1–9, which offer high accuracy qubit operations and flexible control of...
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Quantum computers hold the potential to unlock new discoveries in complex quantum systems by enabling the simulation of physical systems that have heretofore been impossible to implement on classical computers due to intractability. A system of particular interest is that of dirty bosons, whose physics highlights the intriguing interplay of disorde...
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In recent years, variational quantum algorithms such as the Quantum Approximation Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) have gained popularity as they provide the hope of using NISQ devices to tackle hard combinatorial optimization problems. It is, however, known that at low depth, certain locality constraints of QAOA limit its performance. To go beyond th...
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Unravel the power of quantum bits, explore their unique properties, the challenges they pose, and the unprecedented possibilities they unlock for the future of computing.
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Recent advances in practical quantum computing have led to a variety of cloud-based quantum computing platforms that allow researchers to evaluate their algorithms on noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices. A common property of quantum computers is that they can exhibit instances of true randomness as opposed to pseudo-randomness obtained from cl...
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Quantum computing holds the potential to solve complex problems currently beyond the capabilities of classical computers by exploiting the principles of quantum mechanics. However, due to the immaturity of such computers and the inability to know the state of the circuit during execution, efficient quantum simulators on classical computers are need...
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The trade-off between robustness and tunability is a central challenge in the pursuit of quantum simulation and fault-tolerant quantum computation. In particular, quantum architectures are often designed to achieve high coherence at the expense of tunability. Many current qubit designs have fixed energy levels and consequently limited types of cont...
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The field of quantum computing has the potential to transform quantum chemistry. The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) algorithm has allowed quantum computing to be applied to chemical problems in the...
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The HClO scavenging capacity of a group of heteroaryl‐nitrones (HA−N) that contain a substituted five‐membered ring (furan or thiophene) in their structure was studied using experimental and quantum computational methods. Experimentally, it was found that four HA−N showed scavenging activity with IC50 values ranging from 26.15 to 61.20 nM, while tw...
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Quantum computing is a multidisciplinary field comprising aspects of computer science, physics, and mathematics that utilizes quantum mechanics to solve complex problems faster than on classical computers. Quantum computers are able to solve certain types of problems faster than classical computers by taking advantage of quantum mechanical effects,...
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To achieve fault-tolerant and secure cloud quantum computing, integrating quantum error correction codes and quantum homomorphic encryption schemes is essential. However, significant overhead challenges incurred in these schemes necessitate their efficiency. This study developed an efficient quantum homomorphic encryption based on quantum error cor...
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We consider the role that two different texts/images, called A and B, can play in effectively disseminating information to a reader. We found that contrapositive texts/images facilitate information transfer and substantially increase the likelihood that a work will be read. To the unbelievers in eliminating uncertainties, we use a result without fa...
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Scaling up quantum computers to attain substantial speedups over classical computing requires fault tolerance. Conventionally, protocols for fault-tolerant quantum computation demand excessive space overheads by using many physical qubits for each logical qubit. A more recent protocol using quantum analogues of low-density parity-check codes needs...
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Holonomic quantum computing functions by transporting an adiabatically degenerate manifold of computational states around a closed loop in a control-parameter space; this cyclic evolution results in a non-Abelian geometric phase which may couple states within the manifold. Realizing the required degeneracy is challenging and typically requires auxi...
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Seismic impedance inversion makes a significant contribution to locating hydrocarbons and interpreting seismic data. However, it suffers from non-unique solutions, and a direct linear inversion produces large errors. Global optimization methods, like simulated annealing, have been applied in seismic impedance inversion and achieved promising invers...
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Recently, interest in programmable photonics integrated circuits has grown as a potential hardware framework for deep neural networks, quantum computing, and field programmable arrays (FPGAs). However, these circuits are constrained by the limited tuning speed and large power consumption of the phase shifters used. In this paper, we introduce the m...
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The majorana fermion represents a kind of particle which is its own antiparticle. This paper aims to analyze the majorana fermions from theoretical aspect and application aspect, including the derivation of Dirac equation and the practicality of topological quantum computer. This paper explores the idea of Majorana fermions from Dirac equation and...
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Quantum entanglement is a peculiar phenomenon in quantum information science, characterized by nonclassical correlations between quantum states of subsystems in a quantum system. Since the proposal of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen, quantum entanglement has sparked intense debates on local realism. Bells...
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Current optical atomic clocks do not utilize their resources optimally. In particular, an exponential gain in sensitivity could be achieved if multiple atomic ensembles were to be controlled or read out individually, even without entanglement. However, controlling optical transitions locally remains an outstanding challenge for neutral-atom-based c...
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Quantum computers have the unique ability to operate relatively quickly in high-dimensional spaces—this is sought to give them a competitive advantage over classical computers. In this work, we propose a novel quantum machine learning model called the Quantum Discriminator, which leverages the ability of quantum computers to operate in the high-dim...
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In "Global Dynamics of Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing: A Multidisciplinary Analysis," we embark on an exhaustive exploration of the semiconductor industry, a sector that underpins the modern technological era. This comprehensive analysis delves into the multifaceted aspects of semiconductor manufacturing, intertwining technological innovation...
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Nutrient stress can impose significant metabolic strain on plants, resulting in declining agricultural productivity. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are essential growth-limiting nutrients and are the primary building elements for amino acids, nucleic acids, proteins, and chlorophyll. The absence of these nutrients has observable effects on var...
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Authentication in the digital landscape faces persistent challenges due to evolving cyber threats. Traditional text-based passwords, which are vulnerable to various attacks, necessitate innovative solutions to fortify user systems. This paper introduces the RoseCliff Algorithm, which is a dual authentication mechanism designed to enhance resilience...
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Errors are common issues in quantum computing platforms, among which leakage is one of the most-challenging to address. This is because leakage, i.e., the loss of information stored in the computational subspace to undesired subspaces in a larger Hilbert space, is more difficult to detect and correct than errors that preserve the computational subs...
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Quantum key distribution (QKD) is one of the major applications of quantum information technology. It can provide ultra‐secure key distribution with security guaranteed by the laws of quantum physics. Quantum key distribution is necessary to protect data transmission from quantum computing attacks in future communication networks. The laws of quant...
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This article describes the first published quantum algorithm for the analysis of temporal sequences of satellite images. This algorithm can be used for the purpose of detecting deforestation in tropical forests. We achieved an improvement in precision compared to the quantum algorithm. The algorithm we propose opens promising avenues for the remote...
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The Quantum-Based Optimisation Method (QBOM) is a novel optimization approach based on quantum computing concepts. The novel optimization method's durability is studied using its capacity to conjoin with existing optimization techniques. This study uses The QBOM with the Pattern Search (PS) technique to solve engineering optimization problems. The...
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Citation: Ballinas, E.; Montiel, O.; Martínez-Vargas, A.; Rodríguez-Cortés, G. Hybrid Quantum Genetic Algorithm with Fuzzy Adaptive Rotation Angle for Efficient Placement of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Natural Disaster Areas. Axioms 2024, 13, 48. https:// Abstract: A Hybrid Quantum Genetic Algorithm with Fuzzy Adaptive Rotation Angle (HQGAFARA) is...
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This study examines the ethical challenges and regulatory dynamics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in relation to data integrity and its influence on social dynamics. Employing a cross-sectional survey approach, primary data was collected from 650 AI practitioners across various sectors, Original Research Article 2 encompassing developers, data sci...
This comprehensive paper delves into the world of AI in customer service, focusing on the pivotal roles played by chatbots and virtual assistants. In an era where customer expectations are soaring, businesses seek to provide seamless support while optimizing costs. AI, with its chatbots and virtual assistants, emerges as the answer to this challeng...
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Quantum computing is a rapidly-emerging technology that harnesses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve problems too complex for classical computers in the era of Quantum computing. This conference explores the fascinating intersection of quantum computing for the variety of domains: artificial intelligence, blockchain, internet of things, robotic...
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The Healthcare sector is experiencing a change in thinking with the advent of Healthcare 5.0, bringing forth improved patient care and system efficiency. However, this transformation poses significant challenges. The growing digitization of healthcare systems raises concerns about the security and privacy of patient data, making seamless data shari...
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The Hilbert space of a physical qubit typically features more than two energy levels. Using states outside the qubit subspace can provide advantages in quantum computation. To benefit from these advantages, individual states of the d-dimensional qudit Hilbert space have to be discriminated during readout. We propose and analyze two measurement stra...
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Quantum computers in practice today require strict memory constraints, where 2-qubit operations can only be performed between the qubits closest to each other in a graph structure. So a quantum circuit must undergo a transformation to the graph before it can be implemented. In this paper, we study the optimization of the CNOT circuits on some noisy...
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In recent years, quantum algorithms have emerged as a groundbreaking approach toward solving complex computational problems, particularly in physical modeling and artificial intelligence. This study introduces a novel quantum algorithm termed the duality game, tailored for addressing challenges in body dynamics modeling. The practicality and effica...
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We propose a robust and high-fidelity scheme for realizing universal quantum gates by optimizing short pulse sequences in a three-level system. To alleviate the sensitivity to the errors, we recombine all elements of error matrices to construct a cost function with three types of weight factors. The modulation parameters are obtained by searching f...
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Donor spins in silicon‐28 are among the best performing qubits in the solid state, offering unmatched coherence times, gate fidelities beyond 99% and the ability to fabricate arrays using deterministic ion implantation. Donor placement precision is improved upon, advantageous for qubit readout and coupling, by implanting molecule ions that carry by...
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Quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) is a promising hybrid quantum-classical algorithm to solve combinatorial optimization problems in the era of noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers. Recently it has been revealed that warm-start approaches can improve the performance of QAOA, where approximate solutions are obtained by classical...
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Quantum computing has opened up various opportunities for the enhancement of computational power in the coming decades. We can design algorithms inspired by the principles of quantum computing, without implementing in quantum computing infrastructure. In this paper, we present the quantum predator–prey algorithm (QPPA), which fuses the fundamentals...
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This paper provides a thorough analysis of the development of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of Industry 4.0 and the soon-to-be Industry 5.0. Important conclusions come from the data, such as the startling 900% increase in AI applications between 2010 and 2018, which corresponds to a 60% rise in the proportion of industrial enterprises...
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In this work, we present a protocol for comparing the performance of arbitrary quantum processes executed on spatially or temporally disparate quantum platforms using Local Operations and Classical Communication (LOCC). The protocol involves sampling local unitary operators, which are then communicated to each platform via classical communication t...
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Building scalable quantum systems that demonstrate performance enhancement based on entanglement is a major goal in quantum computing and metrology. The main challenge arises from the fragility of entanglement in large quantum systems. Optical atomic clocks utilizing a large number of atoms have pushed the frontier of measurement science, building...
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The cost of data input can dominate the run-time of quantum algorithms. Here, we consider data input of arithmetically structured matrices via block encoding circuits, the input model for the quantum singular value transform and related algorithms. We demonstrate how to construct block encoding circuits based on an arithmetic description of the spa...
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Background Quantum computing and quantum machine learning (QML) are promising experimental technologies that can improve precision medicine applications by reducing the computational complexity of algorithms driven by big, unstructured, real-world data. The clinical problem of knee osteoarthritis is that, although some novel therapies are safe and...
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We present a full quantum algorithm for the lattice Boltzmann method for simulating fluid flows, the only such algorithm to implement both the streaming and collision substeps as unitary operators using an efficient number of qubits. We use Hamiltonian simulation as the main route underlying the algorithm, and show that it uses qubits that scale lo...
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We investigate the effects of an in-plane magnetic field on the weak antilocalization signature of near-surface quantum wells lacking bulk and inversion symmetry. The measured magnetoconductivity, which is conductivity as a function of the out-of-plane magnetic field, exhibits a strong anisotropy with respect to the direction of the in-plane magnet...
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We introduce a general method to engineer arbitrary Hamiltonians in the Floquet phase space of a periodically driven oscillator, based on the noncommutative Fourier transformation technique. We establish the relationship between an arbitrary target Floquet Hamiltonian in phase space and the periodic driving potential in real space. We obtain analyt...
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Because of their long coherence time and compatibility with industrial foundry processes, electron spin qubits are a promising platform for scalable quantum processors. A full-fledged quantum computer will need quantum error correction, which requires high-fidelity quantum gates. Analyzing and mitigating gate errors are useful to improve gate fidel...
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In recent years, quantum Boltzmann methods have gained more and more interest as they might provide a viable path toward solving fluid dynamics problems on quantum computers once this emerging compute technology has matured and fault-tolerant many-qubit systems become available. The major challenge in developing a start-to-end quantum algorithm for...
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We discuss a laser-free, two-qubit geometric phase gate technique for generating high-fidelity entanglement between two trapped ions. The scheme works by ramping the spin-dependent force on and off slowly relative to the gate detunings, which adiabatically eliminates the spin-motion entanglement (AESE). We show how gates performed with AESE can eli...
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The success of quantum circuits in providing reliable outcomes for a given problem depends on the gate count and depth in near-term noisy quantum computers. A circuit (that implements a given function) with a low gate count and short depth is more likely to give a correct solution than the circuit variant with a higher gate count and depth. As such...
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The Ising model, a cornerstone in the understanding of critical points, phase transitions, and magnetic systems, has been pivotal in advancing our knowledge of statistical physics. Although analytical solutions exist for the 1D and 2D Ising models, complexities rise significantly with the inclusion of external magnetic fields and in higher dimensio...
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Quantum process tomography is a powerful tool for understanding quantum channels and characterizing the properties of quantum devices. Inspired by recent advances using classical shadows in quantum state tomography [H.-Y. Huang, R. Kueng, and J. Preskill, Nat. Phys. 16, 1050 (2020).], we have developed ShadowQPT, a classical shadow method for quant...
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Large machine learning models are revolutionary technologies of artificial intelligence whose bottlenecks include huge computational expenses, power, and time used both in the pre-training and fine-tuning process. In this work, we show that fault-tolerant quantum computing could possibly provide provably efficient resolutions for generic (stochasti...
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The Fermi-Hubbard model is one of the central paradigms in the physics of strongly correlated quantum many-body systems. Here we propose a quantum circuit algorithm based on the Z2 lattice gauge theory (LGT) representation of the one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model, which is suitable for implementation on current NISQ quantum computers. Within the...
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To run large-scale algorithms on a quantum computer, error-correcting codes must be able to perform a fundamental set of operations, called logic gates, while isolating the encoded information from noise1–8. We can complete a universal set of logic gates by producing special resources called magic states9–11. It is therefore important to produce hi...
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Classification is one of the main applications of supervised learning. Recent advancements in developing quantum computers have opened a new possibility for machine learning on such machines. Due to the noisy performance of near-term quantum computers, error mitigation techniques are essential for extracting meaningful data from noisy raw experimen...
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Facial expressions bring human interactions to life with nonverbal cues that convey hues of emotions, feelings, and cultural intent. Analyzing these expressions is essential in the age of digital transformation. Traditional approaches to real-time facial expression analysis have limitations in capturing the complexity of these expressions and consu...
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Modern progress in computing power provides great capacity to train large machine-learning models for sufficient accuracy needed for commercial products. Commercial products such as autonomous vehicles are demanding the growing specificity and complexity of machine learning models, trading off increasing model size for high accuracy and low loss to...
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Este articulo es la continuacion del Paper II: ”NUEVO SISTEMA CUANTICO DE INFORMACION Y MEDICION (II) : EL CINEMA” Remarcablemente, Proyectores antiguos y Camaras antiguas denotan màs claramente la secuencia temporal de los estados intermedios cuànticos de la fotografia, pues el interior està màs visible y macroscopico. • El estado Negativo debe...
Conference Paper
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With the ever increasing demand of higher security standards for data encryption, algorithms need to be scalable and efficient while maintaining a high key space to prevent brute force attacks. Although the current encryption standards are decent for the current era of computing power, many will be rendered useless as quantum computing becomes more...
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Quantum computing offers the potential to revolutionize information processing by exploiting the principles of quantum mechanics. Among the diverse quantum bit (qubit) technologies, silicon‐based semiconductor spin qubits have emerged as a promising contender due to their potential scalability and compatibility with existing semiconductor technolog...
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The content of this paper is a detailed analysis of possible ways how to quantum implement a key part of Shor’s factorization algorithm, the modular exponentiation function. This implementation is a bottleneck for performing quantum factorization with polynomial complexity, which would make it possible to factorize really large numbers in a reasona...
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Electrical manipulation of topological spin textures, such as magnetic skyrmions, and their transitions between different topological states have attracted significant attention due to their potential applications in future spintronic devices. The helicity of a magnetic skyrmion, a crucial topological degree of freedom, is usually determined by the...
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Grover quantum algorithm is an unstructured search algorithm that can run on a quantum computer with the complexity of ON\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$...
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Utility industries need to prepare for emerging technologies to retrofit into operations and decision-making. Electricity utility industries use unit commitment to deliver power to consumers efficiently. With the increasing population and connectivity of loads on grids, there is a need for more efficient algorithms to schedule power generation. Thi...
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Quantum computing, with its superior computational capabilities compared to classical approaches, holds the potential to revolutionize numerous scientific domains, including pharmaceuticals. However, the application of quantum computing for drug discovery has primarily been limited to proof-of-concept studies, which often fail to capture the intric...
The field of emergency radiology is undergoing a renaissance marked by significant advancements in diagnostics and therapeutics. This comprehensive exploration delves into the historical evolution of radiological technologies, from the pioneering days of X-rays to the cutting-edge modalities shaping modern emergency care. The integration of artific...
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We construct a fault-tolerant quantum error-correcting protocol based on a qubit encoded in a large spin qudit using a spin-cat code, analogous to the continuous variable cat encoding. With this, we can correct the dominant error sources, namely processes that can be expressed as error operators that are linear or quadratic in the components of ang...
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The ongoing development of Quantum Computing (QC) is a breakthrough paradigm that holds the power to revolutionize the way we process information and solve complex problems today. Quantum Computation works on the fundamental principles of Superposition and Entanglement, enabling Quantum Computers to Leverage the power of Physics in Computing. QC ha...