Ivo Van Hilvoorde

Ivo Van Hilvoorde
Windesheim University | windesheim



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Ivo van Hilvoorde is assistant professor at the Faculty of Human Movement Sciences (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and professor (lector) at the School of Human Movement & Sport (Windesheim, Zwolle, the Netherlands). In his research he combines sociological and philosophical perspectives on sport and physical education, with special interest in new technologies.
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January 2006 - present
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


Publications (182)
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Electronic sports (eSports) and other variants of ‘digital sports’ have increased in popularity all over the world and may even come to challenge hegemonic concepts of sport. More relevant than the apparent opposition between ‘physical’ and ‘non-physical’ is the question what kind of embodiment is manifested within virtual environments. In this pap...
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Abstract It seems common knowledge that school sport participation leads to all kinds of social, educational and health outcomes. However, it may also be that students with a certain predisposition, sometimes referred to as sporting habitus, are more inclined to participate in school sports and that the 'outcomes' were already present before partic...
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Elite sport is often regarded as one of the main vehicles for articulating national pride and stimulating national cohesion. In this article, we explore a variety of different notions of pride and nationality as related to success in elite sport. We present the results of a public survey, which measured some of the effects on national pride in the...
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The application of genetic technology seems to threaten what is considered natural in elite sport. This paper explores the role of genetic technology in elite sport and questions the significance of dichotomizing between the natural and artificial element. How do shifts in technology affect the attribution of the human element in athletic performan...
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Purpose Participating in community sports programs can contribute to positive developmental outcomes, such as the development and transfer of life skills. However, studies specifically focusing on which life skills are developed and whether these skills are indeed transferred to other life domains among socially vulnerable adults, are still lacking...
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Este trabajo tuvo como objetivos diseñar una temporada basada en el modelo Educación Deportiva (MED) en un centro rural con agrupaciones multinivel, realizando adaptaciones en la planificación y estructuración del modelo y examinar la percepción del alumnado y el docente sobre la participación en el programa. Participaron 24 estudiantes y su maestr...
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Video (15 Minutes) explaining the most important findings of the Study "Physical literacy in Europe: The current state of implementation in research, practice, and policy" in the Journal of Exercise and Fitness, as part of the Special Issue "Cultural Perspectives on Physical Literacy"
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Video (5 Minutes) explaining the most important findings of the Study "Physical literacy in Europe: The current state of implementation in research, practice, and policy" in the Journal of Exercise and Fitness, as part of the Special Issue "Cultural Perspectives on Physical Literacy"
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Background/objective The holistic concept of physical literacy (PL) embraces different person-centered qualities (physical, cognitive, affective/psychological) necessary to lead physically active lifestyles. PL has recently gained increasing attention globally and Europe is no exception. However, scientific endeavors summarizing the current state o...
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This systematic review aims to provide an overview of the current knowledge regarding life skills development (LSD) and life skills transfer (LST) in sports programs serving adults in a socially vulnerable position. It identifies factors influencing LSD and LST in these sports programs, as well as possible differences in this regard between the var...
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In 2021, the International Olympic Committee ventured virtual space by launching their first ever Olympic Virtual Series – featuring virtual baseball, cycling, rowing, sailing and motor racing. Interestingly, all these virtual events take strongly after their physical counterparts. Which begs the question: Where are the massively popular esports ga...
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The present study aims to identify the societal implications of the first-ever Iranian female medalist in the Olympics to date. We explored the meanings given to Kimia Alizadeh's success within Iranian society. We collected data through an examination of online news agencies and social networking sites using Leximancer software, a computer-assisted...
This monograph introduces a new, systematic taxonomy of Sports Interaction Technology (Sports ITech) that defines a design space of existing and future work in this domain. The authors put the taxonomy in a context of sport science and practice, target outcomes of sports, the underlying factors that influence them, and the role that sports technolo...
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Meer dan tien jaar geleden startten we ons onderzoek naar digitalisering in de gymles. In 2014 redigeerden we het boek Van tikken naar taggen (Hilvoorde & Kleinpaste, 2014) en volgden er drie druk bezochte symposia op de Calo onder dezelfde titel. In dat boek stelden we vast dat digitale technologie steeds meer greep heeft en krijgt op ons gedrag e...
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Elite sport success in international tournaments is supposed to play an important role in shaping national identity. In this article, we explore if and how this applies to the Iranian context. The current study made use of a Google alert with the title of ‘Iran Men’s National Football Team’, and a general content analysis of Iranian national and sp...
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This study aimed to develop scenarios of Iranians’ future participation in leisure-time physical activity (LTPA). To this end, 12 experts in the field of leisure, sociology, and sport management were invited to take part. The Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method was used to organize and analyze the data collected in a qu...
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Introduction: Self-regulated learning entails students to be able to organize or control their practice to actively control the acquisition of skills. In this respect, Zimmerman (2002) discerns three cyclical phases: a forethought phase for planning, a performance phase for executing and self-observation and a self-reflection phase to evaluate prac...
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We hebben een breed arsenaal aan concepten en theorieën tot onze beschikking om het belang van bewegingsonderwijs en sport te benadrukken. De afgelopen jaren zijn relatief nieuwe begrippen ingeburgerd geraakt in de vakliteratuur, zoals sportidentiteit, physical literacy en beweegidentiteit. Hoewel begrippen als deze inmiddels breed worden omarmd, i...
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Actuele grondslagen van het bewegingsonderwijs is de ambitieuze titel van een veelomvattend boek, waarin hedendaags onderzoek wordt verbonden aan een lange traditie van denken over het bewegingsonderwijs. Het boek is veelzijdig door de brede thematiek en de keuze van auteurs. Ondanks deze diversiteit is een duidelijke lijn en visie herkenbaar, die...
Technical Report
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AIESEP is an international, non-governmental, non-profit, professional association which aims to promote high quality research worldwide in the areas of physical education, physical activity and sport pedagogy across the lifespan. AIESEP is multilingual, multicultural and comprises universities, colleges, institutions and individual members from ac...
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In een tijd waarin basale menselijke behoeften (zoals direct contact, afleiding en vermaak in groepsverband, gezamenlijk sporten) op de proef zijn gesteld, is des te duidelijker geworden waaruit dat gemis bestaat. Verschillende sectoren die geraakt zijn door de Corona maatregelen kozen hun eigen woorden om het belang te benadrukken van het opheffen...
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Physical activity can contribute to societal health and prevent antisocial behaviors. This study explored the driving forces facilitating these goals in Iran’s socio-cultural context. Through a literature review, investigation of available political documents, interviews with experts and consensus of the research team, seventy-three driving forces...
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To date no research has investigated the key mediation role of PE department heads in the successful implementation of Positive Youth Development (PYD) programmes. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a PYD-based intervention in the learning trajectory of a PE department head leading the implementation of a PYD programme. A...
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Over the past years, physical culture has been considered for its role in promoting health and constructing identity in Iran. Physical education, recreation, and elite sports are identified as the main examples of physical culture by which these objectives could be achieved. Most studies on physical recreation are aimed at public health issues. Aft...
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Over physical literacy (PL) is de afgelopen jaren, zowel internationaal als in eigen land, veel gezegd en geschreven. Recent kwam daar een omvangrijk boek bij: Physical Literacy Across the World (2019), geredigeerd door de grondlegger van PL, Margaret Whitehead. In dit boek schreven we op verzoek van Whitehead het hoofdstuk Perspectives on Physical...
Conference Paper
In this paper we introduce the first results from the multidisciplinary Smart Sports Exercises project. Building on a thorough background and the aims of the project, we present our approach and discuss the outcomes of a context analysis and the first design iterations. We propose a model spanning the known 'Augmenting to Transforming' sports dimen...
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There are tentative indications that physical activity (PA) during school time can be beneficial for children’s academic performance. So far, most studies have focused on the effects of moderate-to-vigorous PA, for example, in the form of energizers or extra physical education lessons. Little is known about the effects of physically active learning...
Background: Digital video has been increasingly adopted as a pedagogical tool in physical education. One implementation is in teaching students’ tactical understanding in games, in which it can promote students’ perceptions and shared understanding in learning tactical situations within a game-based approach. Purpose: The central aim of this study...
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In this chapter we discuss physical literacy against the background of the history and ideologies that have shaped and founded the continental European context of physical education. We will address the question of why physical literacy can be considered a concept with strong European, continental roots (hereafter, generally referred to as Europe)....
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In this paper, we focus on the use of digital video technology for instruction in physical education (PE). Physical educators can produce PE instruction videos (PIVs) as educational resources and often use them to enable independent learning situations. Little research has focused on the criteria teachers use to select students for demonstration in...
The rapid development of digital technologies has opened up new possibilities for how Physical Education is taught. This book offers a comprehensive, practice-oriented and critical exploration of the actual and potential applications of digital technologies in PE. It considers the opportunities that are offered by new technologies and how they may...
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It is argued that focusing on overcoming movement challenges in which skill development plays a role but is not the focus of teaching in physical education, provides a different and more rational perspective than that which has evolved from the current focus on FMS. This argument is supported by findings from sociological research and philosophical...
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A central argument for public funding of elite sport is the claim that success at the Olympic Games or world championships leads to increasing international prestige for cities and states. While this assumption seems plausible in general, it clearly lacks specification. Given this, we first discuss here several theoretical approaches in order to un...
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The rapid development of digital technology has expanded the prospects and promises for its application in physical education programs. Physical educators are becoming increasingly interested in technology but often remain inadequately equipped to effectively integrate these technological resources in their daily practice, and/or lack the practical...
Digital technology plays an important role in the everyday lives of people. New types of ‘digital sports’, (sport) gaming, exergaming, cybersport and eSports increase in popularity all over the world and are even challenging the modern and hegemonic concept of sport. Modern games can hardly be compared with the first generation of electronic games,...
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Wat heeft een gymdocent aan onderzoek? Die vraag keert voortdurend, op diverse plekken terug. En dat moet ook, want de opbrengsten van onderzoek zijn niet altijd zichtbaar of vanzelfsprekend. Ook de inburgering van de term praktijkgericht onderzoek is geen garantie voor het verbeteren van het onderwijs. Onderzoek dat wordt uitgevoerd op hogescholen...
It is argued that focusing on overcoming movement challenges in which skill development plays a role but is not the focus of teaching in physical education, provides a different and more rational perspective than that which has evolved from the current focus on FMS. This argument is supported by findings from sociological research and philosophical...
Conference Paper
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About 75% of Dutch PE teachers integrate ICT in their PE lessons or plan to do so in the future (Reijgersberg et al, 2014). Yet relatively little research has focused on the consequences of the use of such technologies for the perceptions on student bodies. Contextual research on PE suggests an implicit curriculum (re) produces inequalities among s...
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Uitgangspunten in de geneeskunde, zoals het bevorderen van de gezondheid, verminderen van het lijden en voorkomen van schade aan de gezondheid, kunnen conflicteren met het streven naar sportieve winst. Dit leidt tot een spanningsveld tussen de plicht van de arts om bij te dragen aan de gezondheid van de sporter enerzijds en de autonomie van de spor...
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Op 25 november 2015 zijn de herziene Richtlijnen sportmedisch handelen door de Algemene Ledenvergadering van de VSG vastgesteld. De nieuwe richtlijnen geven het ethisch en juridisch kader voor artsen die met sporters werken.
Conference Paper
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The rapid development of digital technologies expands the possibilities and expectations of their application within physical education programs. In this presentation we will discuss the main outcomes of a two year research project (in which teachers, teacher educators and scientists worked closely together) on the use of innovative digital technol...
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Contrary to researchers’ current focus on individual motor skill learning, in institutional settings such as physical education and sports motor skill learning is often taught in groups. In these settings, there is not only the interaction between teacher and learner (analogous to research), but also the many interactions between the learners in th...
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Contrary to researchers’ current focus on individual motor skill learning, in institutional settings motor skill learning is often taught in groups. In settings such as physical education and sports, there is not only the interaction between teacher and learner (as in research), but also the many interactions between the learners in the group. In t...
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Like many other countries, the Dutch government increased investments in elite sports in the last decennium, partly driven by the ambition to organise the Olympic Games in 2028 in the Netherlands. One of the most important legitimations for this ambition is that elite sports events and national achievements should foster national pride, social cohe...
Conference Paper
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It is relatively di cult for teachers/researchers to capture children’s perceptions about how they perceive their learning within PE settings. Additionally, little is known about the ways in which children think how they learn in physical education classes (Koekoek, Knoppers, & Stegeman, 2009). Currently, researchers seek to enter children’s experi...
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Studies investigating sport socialisation often focussed on the barriers for youngsters from lower socio-economic status (SES) families to participate in sport. In the present study, the socialisation into sports of young adolescents from lower SES families that do participate in organised sports was investigated. A total of 9 girls and 12 boys fro...
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A game-based approach in physical education and sport settings focuses on the players’ learning of tactical decision making. TGfU pedagogical principles provide teachers and coaches method to structure their players’ decision making practices by reducing the demands of a complex game. The purposes of this study were (1) to examine youth elite socce...
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Wenn höhere Investitionen in den Leistungssport gefordert werden, wird häufig betont, dass er positive Auswirkungen auf die Identifikation der Menschen mit bestimmten Gemeinschaften und auf ein Gefühl des Nationalstolzes habe. In den meisten modernen Ländern wird der Leistungssport als eines der wichtigsten Mittel zur Schaffung und Aufrechterhaltun...
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In this paper, we argue that the cultural contexts of school sports largely determine the organization and social functioning of school sports. Many of the research outcomes of (American) school sports studies are also related to the culturally specific organization and social functioning of school sports in the USA. To investigate this hypothesis,...
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Often referred to as “the purest form of climbing,” bouldering is a form of rock climbing undertaken without a rope or protective gear, normally limited to short climbs on natural boulders or artifi cial boulders in gyms. Unlike traditional climbing, the focus is on individual moves or a short sequence of moves. Bouldering, which is especially popu...
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A person who is able to carry out daily tasks without limitations is considered fi t. Fitness, however, means more than just being fi t, which has led to the creation of a huge and successful industry. Some of the ideologies and promises that are attached to fi tness have a long tradition, but it is still a growing market with an expanding variety...
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Abstract: According to recent Dutch policy, the level of integration between schools and sports is related to school bonding and long-term sport participation. A recent innovation in the Netherlands has been the development of sport campuses where schools and sporting clubs are located near each other, though without the curricular (or extra-curr...
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Sporting icons perform a key role in the production and reproduction of national identities. In the Netherlands, no one embodies this sentiment more appropriately than Johan Cruijff, regarded by many as one of the finest professional footballers ever to have played the game. Much of the early part of Cruijff's career (during the 1960s and 1970s) mi...
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Pedagogische Studiën (PS) has played a crucial role in the evolution and demarcation of educational science in the Netherlands. With special attention for some of the key players (Gunning, Kohnstamm, Langeveld) and key issues (such as the measurement of intelligence), this article discusses the – often problematic – relationship between educational...
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Zowel in de sport- als schoolcontext wordt geprobeerd de motorische vaardigheden van kinderen te verbeteren. Daarbij zijn de leerlingen afhankelijk van de feedback die zij van de docent krijgen. Maar waar is deze feedback op gebaseerd? Kijken coaches, trainers en docenten bewegingsonderwijs wel naar de belangrijkste aspecten van de beweging? En wa...
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In the Netherlands, physical literacy is used by the national sport federation and different sport associations as a synonym for fundamental movement skills, with the aim of increasing sport participation and detecting talents. In this paper, this use of physical literacy is discussed. First, based on the philosophical foundations of physical liter...
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Biotechnology, as applied to sports, refers to working with the human genome to influence sport performance. A genetic predisposition for sickle cell anemia, for example, can be life-threatening in combination with certain sports. Genetic testing is also being used to select individuals for particular sports, which creates ethical issues, particula...
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Buildering—a combination of the words “bouldering” and “building”—is the activity of climbing urban structures, often without safety equipment. A dangerous, mostly illegal activity, buildering fi rst rose to prominence in the US along with the rise of the skyscraper at the beginning of the twentieth century, although an earlier form known as “roof...


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