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Does stretching increase ankle dorsiflexion range of motion? A systematic review * COMMENTARY


Abstract and Figures

Many lower limb disorders are related to calf muscle tightness and reduced dorsiflexion of the ankle. To treat such disorders, stretches of the calf muscles are commonly prescribed to increase available dorsiflexion of the ankle joint. To determine the effect of static calf muscle stretching on ankle joint dorsiflexion range of motion. A systematic review with meta-analyses. A systematic review of randomised trials examining static calf muscle stretches compared with no stretching. Trials were identified by searching Cinahl, Embase, Medline, SportDiscus, and Central and by recursive checking of bibliographies. Data were extracted from trial publications, and meta-analyses performed that calculated a weighted mean difference (WMD) for the continuous outcome of ankle dorsiflexion. Sensitivity analyses excluded poorer quality trials. Statistical heterogeneity was assessed using the quantity I2. Five trials met inclusion criteria and reported sufficient data on ankle dorsiflexion to be included in the meta-analyses. The meta-analyses showed that calf muscle stretching increases ankle dorsiflexion after stretching for < or = 15 minutes (WMD 2.07 degrees; 95% confidence interval 0.86 to 3.27), > 15-30 minutes (WMD 3.03 degrees; 95% confidence interval 0.31 to 5.75), and > 30 minutes (WMD 2.49 degrees; 95% confidence interval 0.16 to 4.82). There was a very low to moderate statistical heterogeneity between trials. The meta-analysis results for < or = 15 minutes and > 15-30 minutes of stretching were considered robust when compared with sensitivity analyses that excluded lower quality trials. Calf muscle stretching provides a small and statistically significant increase in ankle dorsiflexion. However, it is unclear whether the change is clinically important.
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Does stretching increase ankle dorsiflexion range of
motion? A systematic review
J A Radford, J Burns, R Buchbinder, K B Landorf, C Cook
See end of article for
authors’ affiliations
Correspondence to:
J A Radford,
Campbelltown Campus,
Building 24, School of
Biomedical and Health
Sciences, University of
Western Sydney, Locked
Bag 1797, Penrith South
DC, NSW, 1797,
Australia; j.radford@uws.
Accepted 9 August 2006
Published Online First
22 August 2006
Br J Sports Med 2006;40:870–875. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2006.029348
Background: Many lower limb disorders are related to calf muscle tightness and reduced dorsiflexion of
the ankle. To treat such disorders, stretches of the calf muscles are commonly prescribed to increase
available dorsiflexion of the ankle joint.
Hypothesis: To determine the effect of static calf muscle stretching on ankle joint dorsiflexion range of
Study design: A systematic review with meta-analyses.
Methods: A systematic review of randomised trials examining static calf muscle stretches compared with
no stretching. Trials were identified by searching Cinahl, Embase, Medline, SportDiscus, and Central and
by recursive checking of bibliographies. Data were extracted from trial publications, and meta-analyses
performed that calculated a weighted mean difference (WMD) for the continuous outcome of ankle
dorsiflexion. Sensitivity analyses excluded poorer quality trials. Statistical heterogeneity was assessed
using the quantity I
Results: Five trials met inclusion criteria and reported sufficient data on ankle dorsiflexion to be included in
the meta-analyses. The meta-analyses showed that calf muscle stretching increases ankle dorsiflexion after
stretching for (15 minutes (WMD 2.07
; 95% confidence interval 0.86 to 3.27), .15–30 minutes (WMD
; 95% confidence interval 0.31 to 5.75), and .30 minutes (WMD 2.49
; 95% confidence interval
0.16 to 4.82). There was a very low to moderate statistical heterogeneity between trials. The meta-analysis
results for (15 minutes and .15–30 minutes of stretching were considered robust when compared with
sensitivity analyses that excluded lower quality trials.
Conclusions: Calf muscle stretching provides a small and statistically significant increase in ankle
dorsiflexion. However, it is unclear whether the change is clinically important.
alf muscle tightness and reduced range of ankle joint
dorsiflexion are related to a number of lower limb
disorders, including Achilles tendinitis
and plantar
As a result, calf muscle stretches are commonly
prescribed in an attempt to increase ankle dorsiflexion and
reduce the symptoms of such disorders. A number of
randomised trials have evaluated calf muscle stretching for
foot disorders such as plantar fasciitis
with favourable
outcomes found for pain. The role of stretching in injury
prevention has also been examined in systematic reviews, but
no significant benefit has been reported.
Further good
quality research—that is, randomised trials and systematic
reviews—is still required to determine whether calf muscle
stretching is effective for a large number of lower limb
To our knowledge, a systematic review of the effect of calf
muscle stretching on ankle dorsiflexion has not been
performed. We therefore conducted a systematic review of
the literature to determine whether static calf muscle
stretching increases ankle dorsiflexion.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Only randomised or quasi-randomised controlled trials that
compared the effect of static calf muscle stretching with no
stretching were included. Static stretching was chosen
because of its common use, particularly in home pro-
grammes, as opposed to stretching techniques such as
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching. Trials
that used the other leg as a control were excluded, as such
methodology may lead to invalid findings because of
confounding in either the intervention or measurement.
Owing to the possible lasting effect of stretching—that is,
muscle length altered for an uncertain period of time after
stretching—crossover trials were also excluded. Trials that
examined participants with any neurological disease that
may cause spasticity of the muscle—for example, cerebral
palsy—were also excluded. Stretching technique could
include weight-bearing or non-weight-bearing stretches with
the knee flexed or extended. Trials evaluating devices to
assist the mechanical stretch—for example, splints or pulleys
with weights—were included, but devices designed to assist
the muscle’s physiological ability to stretch—for example,
ultrasound and heat packs—were excluded as we are not
aware of their common use in home programmes. Any
outcome measure—for example, goniometers, electronic
inclinometers—used to evaluate ankle joint range of motion
in both weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing conditions
were considered. Measurements taken during walking or
running were also to be included.
Search strategy
The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (3rd
Quarter 2005), Medline (1966 to August 2005), Cinahl (1982
to August 2005), SportDiscus (1830 to July 2005), and
Embase (1988 to 2005 week 36) electronic databases were
searched via Ovid to identify relevant trials. Non-English
reports were included, and all reference lists of trials
identified through electronic searching were searched recur-
sively until no more trials were identified. One reviewer (JR)
conducted all the searches, and two reviewers (JR and JB)
assessed trials for eligibility. There was total agreement
between reviewers.
The search strategy used for all databases was:
1. stretch$.tw
2. (ankle or gastrocnemius or soleus or soleal or (triceps
and surae) or Achilles or (calf adj muscle$)).tw
3. (motion or range or dorsiflexion or plantarflexion or
flexibility or extensibility or stiffness).tw
4. and/1–3
5. limit 4 to human
Assessment of study quality
Two reviewers (JR and JB) independently used the PEDro
scale to determine the quality of the trials.
The PEDro scale is
an 11 item scale designed for rating methodological quality of
randomised controlled trials. Each satisfied item (except item
1) contributes one point to the total PEDro score (range 0–10
points). The scale items are:
1. Eligibility criteria were specified.
2. Subjects were randomly allocated to groups (in a
crossover study, subjects were randomly allocated an
order in which treatments were received).
3. Allocation was concealed.
4. The groups were similar at baseline regarding the most
important prognostic indicators.
5. There was blinding of all subjects.
6. There was blinding of all therapists who administered
the treatment.
7. There was blinding of all assessors who measured at
least one key outcome.
8. Measurements of at least one key outcome were
obtained from more than 85% of the subjects initially
allocated to groups.
9. All subjects for whom outcome measurements were
available received the treatment or control condition as
allocated, or where this was not the case, data for at
least one key outcome were analysed by ‘‘intention to
10. The results of between-group statistical comparisons are
reported for at least one key outcome.
11. The study provides both point measurements and
measurements of variability for at least one key
The inter-rater reliability of the total PEDro score (obtained
by summing ‘‘yes’’ responses to items 2–11) was evaluated
using type 2,1 intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs).
Data extraction
Two reviewers (JR and JB) independently extracted data
(study population, intervention, outcomes) from the trials
using standardised extraction forms. We intended to contact
authors for further information if required, but this was not
necessary. To assess effectiveness, we extracted raw data for
outcomes of interest, means and standard deviations, from
published reports.
Data analysis
The result of each randomised trial was plotted as a point
estimate—that is, mean and 95% confidence interval. To
obtain a pooled estimate of the impact of calf muscle
stretching on ankle dorsiflexion, we planned meta-analyses
when the data were available. If possible, weighted mean
differences (WMDs) were calculated for the continuous
outcome of ankle dorsiflexion using Review Manager 4.2.7
Results were considered significant if p,0.05. Three
meta-analyses were planned on the basis of the duration of
stretching interventions provided in each trial. For reasons
relating to generalisability, we thought it appropriate to
conduct three meta-analyses for trials providing data for
similar stretching time periods: (15 minutes; .15–30 min-
utes; .30 minutes. Bohannon et al
provided data for five
minutes of stretching, Knight et al
for 8 and 24 minutes,
Peres et al
for 10, 20, and 60 minutes, Pratt and
for nine minutes, and Youdas et al
for 15, 30,
and 60 minutes of stretching (see fig 2).
Trials were assessed for clinical heterogeneity with respect
to their inclusion and exclusion criteria—for example, age,
healthy participants, duration of stretching—and meta-
analyses performed when they were found to be clinically
homogeneous and the data readily available. The statistical
heterogeneity (whether there are genuine differences under-
lying the results of the trials in the review) and homogeneity
(whether the variation in findings is compatible with chance
alone) of the results of the trials were measured using the
quantity I
The I
value is calculated as I
= 100%(Q – df)/
Q, where Q is Cochran’s heterogeneity statistic and df the
degrees of freedom (where n is the number of trials and
therefore degrees of freedom equals number of studies minus
one). The Cochran’s Q is computed by summing the squared
deviations of each trial’s estimate from the overall meta-
analytical estimate, and a p value obtained by comparing the
statistic with a x
distribution with k–1 degrees of freedom
(where k is the number of trials). The p value was formerly
used to determine statistical heterogeneity (p,0.10).
However, Higgins et al
replaced it with the quantity I
the p value was known to be poor at detecting true
heterogeneity among studies as significant. Trials in the
meta-analyses were considered to have low statistical
heterogeneity if I
,25%; in such instances a fixed effects
model was used to estimate the pooled effect. A random
effects model was used for all trials with I
.25%. A fixed
effect meta-analysis assumes that the true effect of treatment
(in both magnitude and direction) is the same value in every
trial—that is, fixed across studies. In contrast, a random
effects meta-analysis model assumes that the effects being
Figure 1 Progress through the stages of the review for the randomised
trials. RCT, Randomised controlled trial.
Stretching and ankle dorsiflexion range of motion 871
estimated in the different studies are not identical, but follow
a similar distribution.
There are different approaches to conducting a systematic
review, and a sensitivity analysis is required to test how
robust the results of the review are relative to key decisions
and assumptions that are made in the process of conducting
the review.
A sensitivity analysis changes the method of the
review for a secondary analysis to determine whether key
decisions or assumptions may conceivably have affected the
results for a particular review. If the effect and confidence
intervals in the sensitivity analysis lead to the same
conclusion as the primary meta-analysis value, the results
are deemed robust. We considered it highly important to
blind the outcome assessor in the trials included in the
review, as some methods of measuring ankle range of motion
are open to assessor bias. Therefore sensitivity analyses of
meta-analyses were conducted that only included trials that
blinded their outcome assessors.
Search results
Eighteen papers were identified through electronic searching
(fig 1). Five trials met the inclusion criteria for the review
with 161 participants (table 1).
Three trials were
identified for inclusion in the sensitivity analyses with 118
10 11 14
No trials included participants with lower
limb injuries. Ankle dorsiflexion was measured both
10 11 13 14
and passively,
and non-
10–12 14
and with the knee extended
10 12–14
We found excellent reliability for measurement in
four trials,
10–12 14
and one trial
referenced another study for
excellent reliability of their measurement technique.
Duration between stretching and measurement was immedi-
ate in all trials, except for that of Youdas et al
participants were measured 60–72 hours after stretching.
Four of the trials ensured 100% compliance by supervising
the stretches.
Youdas et al
used log books instead to
Table 1 Description of studies included in systematic review of calf muscle stretching intervention
Trial Participants Intervention Outcome measurement
et al 1994
36 women volunteers with mean (SD) age
22.6 (4.2) years. Inclusion: no history of
orthopaedic or neurological problems
affecting lower limb.
Weight-bearing static stretch for
5 min
Non-weight-bearing active and passive ankle
dorsiflexion with knee extended. Measured by
taking digital photographs, marking lines on the
photographs, and then using a protractor for
calculation of angles. Active ankle dorsiflexion
ICC = 0.93. Duration between stretching and
measurement was 1 min.
Knight et al
97 volunteers (59 women and 38 men)
with mean (SD) age 27.6 (7.7) for women
and 26.8 (6.9) for men. Inclusion: active
ankle dorsiflexion less than 20
. Exclusion:
pregnancy; impaired sensation; bleeding
disorders; previous neuromuscular disorders;
hip, knee or ankle pathologies in past
2 years; lower extremity malignancies.
Weight-bearing static stretch for 20 s
with 10 s rest between stretches,
repeated 4 times. Performed 3 times
a week for 6 weeks.
Non-weight-bearing active and passive ankle
dorsiflexion with knee flexed. Measured using a
goniometer. Active ankle dorsiflexion
ICC = 0.91. Duration between stretching and
measurement was minimal as stretching
supervised by researchers and measurements
taken after stretching.
Peres et al
60 volunteers (23 women and 21 men)
with mean (SD) age 22.5 (2.0) years.
Exclusion: involved in any flexibility or
strength training for the calf; recent ankle
injury or history of ankle injury; metal
plates or screws in right leg; pregnancy;
any allergies to cold.
Non-weight-bearing static stretch
assisted by weight (one third of
participant’s body weight) via a
pulley for 10 min daily for 14 days
over 3 weeks.
Non-weight-bearing passive ankle dorsiflexion
using weight and pulley to apply force with knee
extended. Measured using a digital inclinometer.
Ankle dorsiflexion ICC = 0.99. Duration between
stretching and measurement was ,30s.
Pratt &
24 volunteers (12 women and 12 men)
with mean (SD) age 24.7 (4.5) years.
Inclusion: free of injury; not currently
Weight-bearing stretch by lowering
heels from a platform for 3 min for
3 days.
Weight-bearing active ankle dorsiflexion with
force from participant lowering their heels down
from a platform while keeping metatarsals on
platform with knees extended. Measured by
taking digital photographs of lines marked on
the foot and using a protractor for calculation of
angles. We referenced another trial for
reliability, with ICC = 0.92 reported. Duration
between stretching and measurement was
immediate as photographs taken during
Youdas et al
101 volunteers (63 women and 38 men)
with mean (SD) age 40.0 (10.9) years.
Exclusion: block at the talocrural joint that
would limit ankle motion; limitation of
subtalar joint mobility; previous history of
trauma to the calf that required surgery;
evidence of lower extremity dysfunction
assessed by visual observation of gait.
(1) Weight-bearing static stretch for
30 s daily, 5 days a week for 6 weeks.
(2) Weight-bearing static stretch for
1 min daily, 5 days a week for 6 weeks.
(3) Weight-bearing static stretch for
2 min daily, 5 days a week for 6 weeks.
Non-weight-bearing active ankle dorsiflexion
with knee extended. Measured using a
goniometer. Ankle dorsiflexion ICC = 0.95.
Duration between stretching and measurement
was 60–72 hours.
ICC, Intraclass correlation coefficient.
Table 2 Trial quality assessed by the PEDro scale
Trial 1 234567891011Total
Bohannon et al 1994
2 + 2 + 22++2 ++6/10
Knight et al 2001
2 + 2 + 22++2 ++6/10
Peres et al 2002
2 + 2222222++3/10
Pratt & Bohannon 2003
2 + 22222+ 2 ++4/10
Youdas et al 2003
++2 + 22++2 ++6/10
Note: Column numbers correspond to the PEDro scale criteria.
872 Radford, Burns, Buchbinder, et al
assess compliance, and all participants showed 95% or greater
compliance to the stretching programme.
Table 1 presents
the stretching techniques used by included trials. Only one
trial included multiple groups with varying intensity of the
Two of the five trials also compared the simple static
stretching with other stretching programmes: stretching with
active heel raises
; stretching with superficial moist heat to
the calf muscle
; stretching with continuous ultrasound
stretching with pulsed diathermy
; stretching with pulsed
diathermy and ice.
However, in accordance with our pre-
specified aims, these data were not included in the review. All
results presented in this review are the effect of stretching
alone compared with no stretching.
The range of PEDro quality scores assessing methodologi-
cal quality of the included trials was 3–6 (median 6) out of 10
(table 2). The ICC
for the reviewer’s reliability was 0.84
(95% confidence interval 20.01 to 0.98).
More trials provided active measurements of ankle dorsi-
flexion than passive measurements, so the active measure-
ments from trials that provided both passive and active data
were pooled. Only one passive ankle dorsiflexion measure-
ment was pooled.
The meta-analyses (fig 2) found that static stretching
increases ankle dorsiflexion compared with no stretching
after (15 minutes (WMD 2.07
; 95% confidence interval
0.86 to 3.27; p = 0.0008), .15–30 minutes (WMD 3.03
95% confidence interval 0.31 to 5.75; p = 0.03), and
Figure 2 Meta-analyses of the effect of stretching on ankle dorsiflexion.
Figure 3 Sensitivity analyses excluding trials that did not blind outcome assessors.
Stretching and ankle dorsiflexion range of motion 873
.30 minutes of stretching (WMD 2.49
; 95% confidence
interval 0.16 to 4.82; p = 0.04). The sensitivity analyses of
trials that blinded the assessor of ankle dorsiflexion to group
allocation (fig 3) also found a similar increase in ankle
dorsiflexion with stretching compared with no stretching
after (15 minutes (WMD 1.86
; 95% confidence interval
0.59 to 3.12; p = 0.004) and .15–30 minutes (WMD 2.00
95% confidence interval 0.09 to 3.92; p = 0.04). This
indicates that the results for these meta-analyses are robust.
The sensitivity analysis of stretching for .30 minutes found
no significant difference (WMD 2.10
; 95% confidence
interval 20.61 to 4.81; p = 0.13), which does not support
the statistically significant result of the meta-analysis. The
statistical heterogeneity between trials for the meta-analyses
and sensitivity analyses was very low (I
= 0%), except for
the meta-analysis of .30 minutes of stretching, which
showed moderate statistical heterogeneity (I
= 51.4%). I
values of 25%, 50%, and 75% represent low, moderate, and
high statistical heterogeneity respectively.
This review found five randomised trials (n = 161) that
examined whether static stretching increased ankle dorsi-
flexion flexibility of the calf musculature. Although the
search strategy allowed the inclusion of trials examining both
normal subjects and people with disorders—for example,
plantar fasciitis—the results of the review are only gener-
alisable to normal subjects, as no trials were found that
included people with disorders. Pooled data from included
trials showed an increase of 2.1–3.0
after 5–60 minutes of
stretching when compared with no stretching. The statistical
heterogeneity was generally very low, indicating that there
are no underlying differences in the trials—that is, all trials
examined the same effect. The results of the sensitivity
analyses were also generally similar to the meta-analyses,
providing confidence that the results of the meta-analyses are
robust. The only result that was not supported by the
sensitivity analyses was the one for .30 minutes of stretch-
ing. As only one trial was included in the sensitivity analysis
of this intervention, it may be that the sensitivity analysis
sample was underpowered (n = 45) to detect the effect that
the primary analysis detected with greater sample power (n
= 64).
There was a general trend that the longer the stretch, the
greater the increase in ankle dorsiflexion: (15 minutes of
stretching resulted in a 2.07
increase (95% confidence
interval 0.86 to 3.27), whereas .15–30 minutes of stretching
resulted in a 3.03
increase (95% confidence interval 0.31 to
5.75). Stretching for .30 minutes resulted in a 2.49
(95% confidence interval 0.16 to 4.82), which was still
superior to (15 minutes of stretching, although provided
less of a gain than .15–30 minutes of stretching. Overall it
should be noted that the differences between stretching
durations are small (clinically non-significant), and the
results of this systematic review indicate that stretching for
a short duration produces a similar result to that of a longer
duration. This may be due to the lack of a dose-response
relation or differences in the interventions of the individual
trials. Further randomised trials are needed to resolve this.
The PEDro scores of the trials included in the review are
relatively high (median 6) considering that blinding of
participants and therapists is impossible. The PEDro scale
was therefore a useful tool for assessing the quality of the
trials except for the two items requiring blinding of
participants and therapists, which are inherently difficult
for such interventions. Future trial quality could be improved
by ensuring that treatment allocation concealment and
intention to treat analyses are performed and reported in
accordance with the CONSORT statement.
Although our review shows that static calf muscle
stretching provides a small and statistically significant
increase in ankle dorsiflexion, we do not know whether the
result is of clinical importance from the patient’s perspective
or whether it may prevent further injury. Symptomatic pain
improvement seen in a trial of stretching for plantar fasciitis
may be explained by an increase in dorsiflexion
; and in a
recently completed placebo controlled trial of adhesive
capsulitis, manual techniques and a directed exercise
programme after arthrographic glenohumeral joint disten-
sion resulted in improved shoulder range of motion
accompanied by greater participant perceived success.
These findings suggest that improvement in range of motion
may be of clinical importance. Future trials evaluating the
effectiveness of static stretching should include patient
centred outcome measures such as pain, function, and
perceived success so that this can be explored further.
Calf muscle stretches provide a small but statistically
significant increase in ankle dorsiflexion, particularly after
5–30 minutes of stretching. However, it is unclear whether
the change that occurs with stretching is clinically important.
Therefore calf muscle stretching is recommended where a
small increase in ankle range of motion is thought to be
Authors’ affiliations
J A Radford, C Cook, School of Biomedical and Health Sciences,
University of Western Sydney, Campbelltown, Australia
J Burns, Institute for Neuromuscular Research, Discipline of Paediatrics
and Child Health Faculty of Medicine, The University of Sydney, Sydney,
R Buchbinder, Monash Department of Clinical Epidemiology at Cabrini
Hospital and Monash University, Malvern, Australia
K B Landorf, Department of Podiatry, School of Human Biosciences, La
Trobe University, Bundoora, Australia
Competing interests: none declared
1 Kaufman K, Brodine S, Shaffer R, et al. The effect of foot structure and range
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2 Riddle DL, Pulisic M, Pidcoe P, et al. Risk factors for plantar fasciitis: a matched
case-control study. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 2003;85:872–7.
What is already known on this topic
Calf muscle tightness and reduced range of ankle joint
dorsiflexion are associated with a number of lower
limb disorders such as plantar fasciitis and Achilles
Calf muscle stretches are commonly prescribed to
increase ankle dorsiflexion and reduce the symptoms
of such disorders
What this study adds
Calf muscle stretches provide a small but statistically
significant increase in ankle dorsiflexion, particularly
after 5–30 minutes of stretching
It is unclear whether the change that occurs with calf
muscle stretching is clinically important
874 Radford, Burns, Buchbinder, et al
3 Porter D, Barrill E, Oneacre K, et al. The effects of duration and frequency of
Achilles tendon stretching on dorsiflexion and outcome in painful heel
syndrome: a randomised, blinded, control study. Foot Ankle Int
4 DiGiovanni BF, Nawoczenski DA, Lintal ME, et al. Tissue-specific plantar
fascia-stretching exercise enhances outcomes in patients with chronic heel
pain. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 2003;85:1270–7.
5 Herbert RD, Gabriel M. Effects of stretching before and after exercising on
muscle soreness and risk of injury: systematic review. BMJ 2002;325:468–72.
6 Thacker SB, Gilchrist J, Stroup DF, et al. The impact of stretching on sports
injury risk: a systematic review of the literature. Med Sci Sports Exerc
7 Maher CG, Sherrington C, Herbert RD, et al. Reliability of the PEDro scale for
rating quality of randomized controlled trials. Phys Ther 2003;83:713–21.
8 Portney LG, Watkins MP. Foundations of clinical research: applications to
practice. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2000.
9 Review Manager (RevMan) [Computer program]. Version 4.2 for Windows.
Copenhagen: The Nordic Cochrane Centre TCC, 2003.
10 Bohannon RW, Tiberio D, Zito M. Effect of five minute stretch on ankle
dorsiflexion range of motion. Journal of Physical Therapy Science
11 Knight CA, Rutledge CR, Cox ME, et al. Effect of superficial heat, deep heat,
and active exercise warm-up on the extensibility of the plantar flexors. Phys
Ther 2001;81:1206–13.
12 Peres SE, Draper DO, Knight KL, et al. Pulsed shortwave diathermy and
prolonged long-duration stretching increase dorsiflexion range of motion
more than identical stretching without diathermy. J Athl Train
13 Pratt K, Bohannon R. Effects of a 3-minute standing stretch on ankle-
dorsiflexion range of motion. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation
14 Youdas JW, Krause DA, Egan KS, et al. The effect of static stretching of the
calf muscle-tendon unit on active ankle dorsiflexion range of motion. J Orthop
Sports Phys Ther 2003;33:408–17.
15 Higgins JPT, Thompson SG, Deeks JJ, et al. Measuring inconsistency in meta-
analyses. BMJ 2003;327:557–60.
16 In: Higgins JPT, Green S, eds. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of
Interventions 4. 2.5 [updated May 2005].Cochrane Library.Issue 3.
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2005.
17 Altman DG, Schulz KF, Moher D, et al. The revised CONSORT statement for
reporting randomized trials: explanation and elaboration. Ann Intern Med
18 Pfeffer G, Bacchetti P, Deland J, et al. Comparison of custom and
prefabricated orthoses in the initial treatment of proximal plantar fasciitis. Foot
Ankle Int 1999;20:214–21.
19 Buchbinder R, Youd J, Green S, et al. Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of
physiotherapy following glenohumeral joint distension for adhesive capsulitis:
a randomized trial..
This article will be of interest to clinicians, sports physicians,
and those interested in rehabilitation and injury prevention.
The meta-analysis showed only relatively small increases in
ankle joint dorsiflexion during the different time periods.
From a clinical perspective, only small significant changes
suggest that static stretching for only 515 minutes is
equivalent to stretching for 60 minutes. However, there is
no indication from this review about repetitive or bouts of
stretching. As the authors stated, the interpretation of an
increase of 2
needs further exploration. From a research
point of view, a significant increase in ankle joint dorsiflexion
from the systematic review does suggest the use of stretching
in overuse lower limb conditions.
K Rome
University of Teesside, UK;
Website of the month,cross
This is an excellent website on the physics of ball sports, and is primarily aimed at
secondary school physics students.
Stretching and ankle dorsiflexion range of motion 875
... Static stretching was used for the prevention of delayed onset muscle soreness. Static stretching is also used for the improvement of ankle dorsiflexion and used to reduce muscle tightness and increase ROM [25][26][27]. ...
... Demographic characteristics showed that the mean age, weight, height, and BMI were 25 ...
... Static stretching proved to be effective for pain reduction, and muscle tightness and was used to relieve DOMS [25][26][27]. But in some studies, static stretching does not produce significant effects because some DOMS which occurred due to exhaustive exercise is not influenced by static stretching [32]. ...
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Background: People who engage in unusually intense or prolonged physical activity frequently experience delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). DOMS may be treated using percussion massage therapy, which employs a portable tool to administer quick, repeated strikes to the muscle tissue. While there hasn't been much research done on the effects of Theragun specifically. Objective: to determine the effects of percussive massage treatment with theragun on pain and muscle length on post-exercise delayed onset muscle soreness of calf muscles in the healthy population. Methodology: This randomized control trial (NCT05026944) was conducted at Kasrat Health and Fitness Club, Lahore, Pakistan. The study was approved by the research ethical committee of Riphah International University Islamabad (REC/RCR &AHS/21/0410) A total of n=24, healthy females, age ranging from 20-30 years with post-exercise DOMS of calf muscles were included. All the study participants were randomly divided into group A received Percussive Massage Treatment with Theragun in addition to stretching exercises, while group B only received stretching exercises. The outcome variables were pain on NPRS and short-form McGill pain (SF-McGill) and calf muscle length with Goniometer, measured on the baseline, after 24 hours, after 48 hours and after 72 hours. Results: The mean age was 25.8±3.00 years, and BMI was 24.7±4.72 kg/m2 respectively. Both groups showed significant improvement (p<0.05) from the baseline to the end of treatment at each level of assessment. The group comparison showed that both the groups are not significantly different (p≥0.05) in all variables except left calf muscle length, which showed significant improvement (p<0.05) in group A, at the end of treatment, as compared to group B. Conclusion: It was concluded that individuals with post-exercise DOMS treated with theragun percussive massage increased the calf muscle length, however, no significant difference was seen in pain when compared with the static stretching group. Keywords: muscle flexibility; muscle soreness; percussion therapy; stretching exercises.
... These findings are consistent with similar studies (31,32) and recent meta-analyses (26,29) highlighting the potential for eccentric training to simultaneously influence a broad range of neurological, mechanical, and architectural characteristics associated with ROM. These wide-ranging adaptations likely explain the substantially greater increases in ROM following eccentric training than those reported following muscle stretching programs (53), which are usually associated with a narrower neurological (i.e., stretch tolerance) adaptative profile (2,54). Furthermore, as twice-weekly eccentric training was performed in the present study, the results are indicative of isokinetic eccentric training being a more efficient intervention than traditional muscle stretching because muscle stretching sessions were performed daily in the studies included in the previous review (53). ...
... These wide-ranging adaptations likely explain the substantially greater increases in ROM following eccentric training than those reported following muscle stretching programs (53), which are usually associated with a narrower neurological (i.e., stretch tolerance) adaptative profile (2,54). Furthermore, as twice-weekly eccentric training was performed in the present study, the results are indicative of isokinetic eccentric training being a more efficient intervention than traditional muscle stretching because muscle stretching sessions were performed daily in the studies included in the previous review (53). However, despite these concomitant adaptations, no significant correlations were observed between the changes in ROM and other neurological, mechanical, or architectural measures in the trained limb. ...
Introduction Large increases in joint range of motion (ROM) have been reported after eccentric resistance training, however limited data exist describing the associated mechanisms or potential cross-education effects in the contralateral limb. Therefore, the effects of a 6-week isokinetic eccentric plantarflexor training program were examined in 26 participants. Methods Before and after the training program, dorsiflexion ROM, plantarflexor strength, and muscle-tendon unit (MTU) morphology and mechanics were measured in control ( n = 13) and experimental ( n = 13) young adult groups. Training consisted of 5 sets of 12 maximal isokinetic eccentric plantarflexor contractions twice weekly on the right limb. Results Significant ( P < 0.05) increases in dorsiflexion ROM (4.0-9.5°), stretch tolerance (40.3-95.9%), passive elastic energy storage (47.5-161.3%), and isometric (38.1-40.6%) and eccentric (46.7-67.0%) peak plantarflexor torques were detected in both trained and contralateral limbs in the experimental group. Significant increases in gastrocnemius medialis (GM) and soleus thickness (5.4-6.1%), GM fascicle length (7.6 ± 8.5%), passive plantarflexor MTU stiffness (30.1 ± 35.5%) and Achilles tendon stiffness (5.3 ± 4.9%) were observed in the trained limb only. Significant correlations were detected between the changes in trained and contralateral limbs for dorsiflexion ROM ( r = 0.59) and both isometric ( r = 0.79) and eccentric ( r = 0.73) peak torques. No significant changes in any metric were detected in the control group. Conclusions Large ROM increases in the trained limb were associated with neurological, mechanical, and structural adaptations, with evidence of a cross-education effect in the contralateral limb being primarily driven by neurological adaptation (stretch tolerance). The large improvements in ROM, muscle size, and strength confirm that isokinetic eccentric training is a highly effective training tool, with potential for use in athletic and clinical populations where MTU function is impaired and current therapies are ineffective.
... 94,129 Both methods have demonstrated excellent within-session reliability, however, no literature has reported the between-session reliability of either of these tests. [130][131][132] The isolated passive assessment of ankle dorsiflexion typically yields smaller dorsiflexion values when compared to the weight-bearing lunge, potentially due to the stiffness of local structures being greater than the force the clinician is able to exert onto the joint. 94,95,129 The assessment of isolated passive ankle dorsiflexion ROM may be challenging to standardise between practitioners as ROM is determined by the amount of force applied to the joint. ...
... proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation demonstrating the greatest increases in ankle dorsiflexion ROM compared with ballistic stretching or stretching for longer 40 durations. 132,134,135 Other methods, such as using a non-elastic strap around the talus and 10° incline board to facilitate the arthrokinematics of the ankle have also shown increases in ankle dorsiflexion ROM. 136 This technique utilises a strap to exert an anterior-posterior force on the talus during active dorsiflexion. ...
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Jumping and landing activities are the most common mechanism of injury in professional ballet dancers. There is limited evidence, however, that has elucidated the moderators of load experienced when jumping and landing in ballet. This thesis aimed to describe injury epidemiology, establish reliable methods of assessing strength and jumping, and explore the factors that may influence lower extremity load during jump landings in professional ballet dancers. A five-year injury epidemiology study revealed an incidence of medical attention and time-loss injuries of ~3–4 and ~1 per 1000 h of exposure, respectively. The mechanism of injury was jumping and landing activities in ~30–40% of time loss injuries. A systematic review found limited evidence that ballet dancers demonstrate externally rotated lower extremities, extended lower extremities prior to landing, and ankle-dominant jumping strategies. Two methodological studies established the within- and between-session reliability of vertical ground reaction force (vGRF) across several maximal isometric force tests and three-dimensional ankle mechanics during landing in turnout and parallel foot positions. The reliability of vGRF during maximal isometric force tests across the squat, standing plantarflexion, and seated plantarflexion positions demonstrated excellent reliability (intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC): 0.92–1.00) and low variability (coefficient of variation (CV): 2.0–6.5%). Three-dimensional ankle mechanics demonstrated within- (ICC: 0.17–0.96; CV: 1.4¬–82.3%) and between-session (ICC: 0.02–0.98; CV:1.3–57.1%) reliability ranging from poor to excellent, with, ankle excursion, peak ankle angle, and jump height demonstrating the greatest ICC values (ICC: 0.65–0.96; CV: 1.4–57%). The final two studies investigated jump landings in professional ballet dancers. A linear discriminate analysis revealed that three-dimensional ankle mechanics could discriminate different ballet foot positions, such that jump landings in fourth and fifth positions required a greater range of motion and ankle joint power when compared to other foot positions. Lastly, two linear mixed-effects models indicated that peak ankle joint moments and vGRFs have poor associations with strength, ankle dorsiflexion range of motion, and three-dimensional ankle excursions (R2: 0.01–0.02). Sex, foot position, and individual variation are more appropriate factors to consider when assessing the load experienced at a joint or system level. This thesis provides a thorough insight into injury, strength, and jumping in professional ballet dancers. To that end, this thesis has identified burdensome injuries and their mechanisms in professional ballet dancers alongside practical and reliable strategies to measure the physical attributes that may moderate the load experienced by a dancer upon landing.
... The authors found a 1.40 ± 3.30 degree increase after stretching. A total of 18 subjects were required for the study [25]. Thus, for the calculation of the sample analysis, we defined the type of study as a test of differences of related samples, namely, the same group pre-and post-intervention with a 2-tailed hypothesis, an effect size of 0.70, a probability of error of 0.05, and power of 0.80, a sample size of 19 subjects was obtained. ...
... Exclusion criteria for the study consisted of several parameters: (1) Diagnosis of lower limb injury, including any tendinopathy, bursitis, ligamentous involvement, and/or fasciitis [25]; (2) history of lower limb surgery or history of lower-extremity injury with residual symptoms (pain or feeling of sensations) within the last year [26]; (3) participants could not have undergone ankle stretching or any other treatment [21]; (4) diabetes due to possible alteration of arterial distal circulation [28]; (5) foot deformity, cavus, and flat feet; (6) two deformities, such as hammer toes and hallux valgus, (7) plantar corns and calluses, and/or (7) lower limb dysfunction or chronic injury [29]. ...
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Background: The myofascial induction technique (MIT) has been shown to increase shoulder range of motion (ROM) in breast cancer survivors and decrease pain pressure threshold over the radial nerve in patients with epicondylalgia. To the authors' best knowledge, no study on trigger points and MIT has been published to date. The effect on ROM of latent trigger points is also unknown. Methods: A total of 20 twins with one latent trigger point of the gastrocnemius muscle were evaluated pre- and post-MIT in the calf. We measured static footprint variables in a pre-post study. Results: We found differences in PPT (p = 0.001) and no differences in ROM with knee flexed (p = 0.420) or stretched (p = 0.069). Conclusions: After Calf MIT, latent myofascial trigger points improve PPT but no change in ankle dorsiflexion with knee bent or knee flexed were found in non-restriction healthy subjects.
... It could be argued that awareness about scientific data is dependent on the novelty of research findings. The beneficial effects of stretching on flexibility have been reported using meta-analysis back in 2006 [69] and it is known since 2002 that stretching is not effective in DOMS [31]. The majority of our participants indeed correctly classified the rather old evidence with regard to both topics. ...
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Objective: Stretching is performed with a variety of purposes in multiple settings such as prevention, rehabilitation, fitness training and sports. Its actual patterns of use substantially depend on the education and beliefs of health care and exercise professionals as they represent the multiplicators recommending and prescribing interventions to clients, patients and athletes. Design: Survey study Participants: This study investigated practitioners’ knowledge about the scientific evidence on stretching effects. A total of 117 participants (male: n=44, female: n=73, 36±11 years) completed a digital survey during an exercise and training convention in Austria. Based on topical systematic reviews with meta-analysis, the questionnaire comprised 22 items addressing different areas of application for static and dynamic stretching. Results: The majority of the individuals (57-88%) assumed positive effects of stretching on recovery, prevention of muscle injury, range of motion, muscular imbalance and artery elasticity. No or adverse effects were mostly claimed for bone injury prevention, maximal/explosive strength, and delayed-onset muscle soreness. In only 10 of 22 items, participants’ classifications agreed with the scientific evidence. Conclsions: The awareness of research findings on stretching effects among exercise and health professionals is alarmingly low. Future studies may hence be geared to improve implementation and science communication.
... The stretching-induced acute small magnitude increase in ROM is in accord with prior reviews that have reported that all four forms of stretching (SS, DS, ballistic, and PNF) can increase joint ROM [10,22,79]. Behm et al. [12] reported an overall 8.04% (Cohen's d = 0.55) ROM increase from 27 SS studies, whereas Radford et al. [80] in their review of five studies concluded that plantar flexor muscle stretching induced small but significant increases in ankle dorsiflexion. Underlying acute stretching mechanisms have been attributed to an increased stretch (pain) tolerance [41,112], decreased muscle stiffness [45,49,51,109] thixotropic effects (decreased tissue viscoelasticity) [42], muscle spindle dysfacilitation (primarily with prolonged SS), pre-synaptic inhibition (as evidenced by reduced Hoffman reflexes) [81], and fascicle rotation [9,10,82]. ...
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Background Although stretching can acutely increase joint range of motion (ROM), there are a variety of factors which could influence the extent of stretch-induced flexibility such as participant characteristics, stretching intensities, durations, type (technique), and muscle or joint tested. Objective The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to investigate the acute effects of stretching on ROM including moderating variables such as muscles tested, stretch techniques, intensity, sex, and trained state. Methods A random-effect meta-analysis was performed from 47 eligible studies (110 effect sizes). A mixed-effect meta-analysis subgroup analysis was also performed on the moderating variables. A meta-regression was also performed between age and stretch duration. GRADE analysis was used to assess the quality of evidence obtained from this meta-analysis. Results The meta-analysis revealed a small ROM standard mean difference in favor of an acute bout of stretching compared to non-active control condition (ES = −0.555; Z = −8.939; CI (95%) −0.677 to −0.434; p < 0.001; I2 = 33.32). While there were ROM increases with sit and reach (P = 0.038), hamstrings (P < 0.001), and triceps surae (P = 0.002) tests, there was no change with the hip adductor test (P = 0.403). Further subgroup analyses revealed no significant difference in stretch intensity (P = 0.76), trained state (P = 0.99), stretching techniques (P = 0.72), and sex (P = 0.89). Finally, meta-regression showed no relationship between the ROM standard mean differences to age (R2 = −0.03; P = 0.56) and stretch duration (R2 = 0.00; P = 0.39), respectively. GRADE analysis indicated that we can be moderately confident in the effect estimates. Conclusion A single bout of stretching can be considered effective for providing acute small magnitude ROM improvements for most ROM tests, which are not significantly affected by stretch intensity, participants’ trained state, stretching techniques, and sex.
... A number of randomized control trials have revealed that AT-or calf muscle-stretching exercises can reduce plantar heel pain and increase the range of ankle motion (DiGiovanni et al., 2003;Porter et al., 2002;Radford et al., 2006Radford et al., , 2007. DiGiovanni et al. (2003) reported statistically significant pain relief at 8-week follow-up in patients affected by plantar fasciitis who were managed with a standard AT-stretching protocol. ...
Plantar fasciitis is a chronic, self-limiting, and painful disabling condition affecting the inferomedial aspect of the heel, usually extending toward the metatarsophalangeal joints. There is compelling evidence for a strong correlation between Achilles tendon (AT) loading and plantar aponeurosis (PA) tension. In line with this, tightness of the AT is found in almost 80% of patients affected by plantar fasciitis. A positive correlation has also been reported between gastrocnemius-soleus tightness and heel pain severity in this condition. Despite its high prevalence, the exact etiology and pathological mechanisms underlying plantar heel pain remain unclear. Therefore, the aim of the present paper is to discuss the anatomical and biomechanical substrates of plantar fasciitis with special emphasis on the emerging, though largely neglected, fascial system. In particular, the relationship between the fascia, triceps surae muscle, AT, and PA will be analyzed. We then proceed to discuss how structural and biomechanical alterations of the muscle-tendon-fascia complex due to muscle overuse or injury can create the conditions for the onset of PA pathology. A deeper knowledge of the possible molecular mechanisms underpinning changes in the mechanical properties of the fascial system in response to altered loading and/or muscle contraction could help healthcare professionals and clinicians refine nonoperative treatment strategies and rehabilitation protocols for plantar fasciitis.
... Morie et al. [27] and Hotta et al. [28] point out the need for safe and efficient alternatives to commonly used training and current therapies in rehabilitation settings to prevent loss of muscle performance and to restore maximal strength and flexibility. While different types of stretch training are known to improve flexibility [29][30][31][32][33], muscle Both training methods produce mechanical tension, which is a factor known to stimulate anabolic signaling and enhance protein synthesis. ...
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Increasing muscle strength and cross-sectional area is of crucial importance to improve or maintain physical function in musculoskeletal rehabilitation and sports performance. Decreases in muscular performance are experienced in phases of reduced physical activity or immobilization. These decrements highlight the need for alternative, easily accessible training regimes for a sedentary population to improve rehabilitation and injury prevention routines. Commonly, muscle hypertrophy and strength increases are associated with resistance training, typically performed in a training facility. Mechanical tension, which is usually induced with resistance machines and devices is known to be an important factor that stimulates the underlying signaling pathways to enhance protein synthesis. Findings from animal studies suggest an alternative means to induce mechanical tension to enhance protein synthesis, and therefore muscle hypertrophy by inducing high volume stretching. Thus, this narrative review discusses mechanical tension-induced physiological adaptations and their impact on muscle hypertrophy and strength gains. Furthermore, research addressing stretch-induced hypertrophy is critically analyzed. Derived from animal research, stretching literature exploring the impact of static stretching on morphological and functional adaptations was reviewed and critically discussed. No studies have investigated the underlying physiological mechanisms in humans yet, and thus the underlying mechanisms remain speculative and must be discussed in the light of animal research. However, studies that reported functional and morphological increases in humans commonly used stretching durations of >30 minutes per session of the plantar flexors, indicating the importance of high stretching volume, if the aim is to increase muscle mass and maximum strength. Therefore, the practical applicability seems limited to settings without access to resistance training (e.g., in an immobilized state at the start of rehabilitation), since resistance training seems to be more time efficient. Nevertheless, further research is needed to generate evidence in different human populations (athletes, sedentary, and rehabilitation patients) and to quantify stretching intensity.
... A previous study has indicated that reduced ankle ROM is a risk factor for lower extremity injuries and impaired standing balance 2,3) . Although static stretching has been demonstrated as an effective method for improving ankle dorsiflexion ROM 4) , it may also temporarily reduce maximal muscle strength 5) . ...
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[Purpose] In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of elastic tape in increasing the dorsiflexion angle and plantar flexor strength in healthy individuals. [Participants and Methods] This randomized controlled trial included 24 healthy university students who were categorized into the following groups (12 participants in each group): the intervention group (elastic tape was applied to the dominant foot) and the control group (no intervention was performed). We performed intergroup comparison of the pre- and post-intervention dorsiflexion angles and plantar flexor strength. Additionally, we performed subgroup analyses based on a straight-leg raise angle of 70°. [Results] We observed no significant intergroup differences in the dorsiflexion angle or plantar flexor strength. However, the post-intervention dorsiflexion angle was significantly greater than the pre-intervention angle in the subgroup with a straight-leg raise angle of <70° among participants in the elastic tape group. [Conclusion] Elastic tape application may effectively increase the dorsiflexion angle in individuals without hamstring extensibility.
... The major findings showed that with unilateral SS of the DL, the: (a) DL-ROM (6.5%) and non-DL-ROM (5.35%) significantly increased ( Radford et al. (2006) indicated that plantar flexor muscle SS induced small and statistically significant increases in ankle dorsiflexion (15-> 30 min of SS induced 2.07°-3.03° ROM increases). ...
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Purpose Muscle stretching effect on the range of motion (ROM) and force deficit in non-stretched muscle, and the underlying mechanisms, is an ongoing issue. This study aimed to investigate crossover stretching effects and mechanisms on the plantar flexor muscles. Methods Fourteen recreationally active females (n = 5) and males (n = 9) performed six sets of 45-s static stretching (SS) (15-s recovery) to the point of discomfort of the dominant leg (DL) plantar flexors or control (345-s rest). Participants were tested for a single 5-s pre- and post-test maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) with each plantar flexor muscle and were tested for DL and non-DL ROM. They were tested pre- and post-test (immediate, 10-s, 30-s) for the Hoffman (H)-reflex and motor-evoked potentials (MEP) from transcranial magnetic stimulation in the contralateral, non-stretched muscle. Results Both the DL and non-DL-MVIC force had large magnitude, significant (↓10.87%, p = 0.027, pƞ2 = 0.4) and non-significant (↓9.53%, p = 0.15, pƞ2 = 0.19) decreases respectively with SS. The SS also significantly improved the DL (6.5%, p < 0.001) and non-DL (5.35%, p = 0.002) ROM. The non-DL MEP/MMax and HMax/MMax ratio did not change significantly. Conclusion Prolonged static stretching improved the stretched muscle’s ROM. However, the stretched limb's force was negatively affected following the stretching protocol. The ROM improvement and large magnitude force impairment (statistically non-significant) were transferred to the contralateral muscles. The lack of significant changes in spinal and corticospinal excitability confirms that the afferent excitability of the spinal motoneurons and corticospinal excitability may not play a substantial role in non-local muscle's ROM or force output responses.
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Objective To determine whether an active physiotherapy program following arthrographic joint distension for adhesive capsulitis provides additional benefits.Methods We performed a randomized, placebo-controlled, participant and single assessor blinded trial. A total of 156 participants with pain and stiffness in predominantly 1 shoulder for ≥3 months and restriction of passive motion >30° in ≥2 planes of movement entered the study, and 144 completed the study. Following joint distension, participants were randomly assigned to either manual therapy and directed exercise or placebo (sham ultrasound), both administered twice weekly for 2 weeks then once weekly for 4 weeks. Pain, function, active shoulder movements, participant-perceived success, and quality of life were assessed at baseline, 6, 12, and 26 weeks. Costs were also collected.ResultsBoth groups improved over time with no significant differences in improvement between groups for pain, function, or quality of life at any time point. Significant differences favored the physiotherapy group for all active shoulder movements (e.g., pooled difference in mean change between groups across all time points for total shoulder abduction was 10.6°, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 3.1, 18.1) and participant-perceived success (pooled relative risk 1.4, 95% CI 1.1, 1.65; number needed to treat = 5). Net cost of physiotherapy was $136.8 Australian (95% CI −177.5, 223.1) over the 6 months.Conclusion Physiotherapy following joint distension provided no additional benefits in terms of pain, function, or quality of life but resulted in sustained greater active range of shoulder movement and participant-perceived improvement up to 6 months.
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Overwhelming evidence now indicates that the quality of reporting of randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) is less than optimal. Recent methodologic analyses indicate that inadequate reporting and design are associated with biased estimates of treatment effects. Such systematic error is seriously damaging to RCTs, which boast the elimination of systematic error as their primary hallmark. Systematic error in RCTs reflects poor science, and poor science threatens proper ethical standards. A group of scientists and editors developed the CONSORT (Con solidated S tandards o f R eporting T rials) statement to improve the quality of reporting of RCTs. The statement consists of a checklist and flow diagram that authors can use for reporting an RCT. Many leading medical journals and major international editorial groups have adopted the CONSORT statement. The CONSORT statement facilitates critical appraisal and interpretation of RCTs by providing guidance to authors about how to improve the reporting of their trials. This explanatory and elaboration document is intended to enhance the use, understanding, and dissemination of the CONSORT statement. The meaning and rationale for each checklist item are presented. For most items, at least one published example of good reporting and, where possible, references to relevant empirical studies are provided. Several examples of flow diagrams are included. The CONSORT statement, this explanatory and elaboration document, and the associated Web site ( ) should be helpful resources to improve reporting of randomized trials. Throughout the text, terms marked with an asterisk are defined at end of text.
Background and purpose: Assessment of the quality of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) is common practice in systematic reviews. However, the reliability of data obtained with most quality assessment scales has not been established. This report describes 2 studies designed to investigate the reliability of data obtained with the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale developed to rate the quality of RCTs evaluating physical therapist interventions. Method: In the first study, 11 raters independently rated 25 RCTs randomly selected from the PEDro database. In the second study, 2 raters rated 120 RCTs randomly selected from the PEDro database, and disagreements were resolved by a third rater; this generated a set of individual rater and consensus ratings. The process was repeated by independent raters to create a second set of individual and consensus ratings. Reliability of ratings of PEDro scale items was calculated using multirater kappas, and reliability of the total (summed) score was calculated using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC [1,1]). Results: The kappa value for each of the 11 items ranged from.36 to.80 for individual assessors and from.50 to.79 for consensus ratings generated by groups of 2 or 3 raters. The ICC for the total score was.56 (95% confidence interval=.47-.65) for ratings by individuals, and the ICC for consensus ratings was.68 (95% confidence interval=.57-.76). Discussion and conclusion: The reliability of ratings of PEDro scale items varied from "fair" to "substantial," and the reliability of the total PEDro score was "fair" to "good."
Context: Stretching exercise regimens are routinely prescribed to increase range of motion (ROM) and diminish injuries. Objective: To examine the effect of a 3-minute passive stretch on ankle-dorsiflexion ROM in a nonpathological population. Setting: University laboratory. Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled study. Participants: 24 apparently healthy volunteers. Interventions: Subjects stood with their heels suspended from the edge of a platform. The experimental subjects stretched for 3 minutes on 3 consecutive days. Main Outcome Measures: Passive ankle-dorsiflexion ROM. Results: Ankle-dorsiflexion ROM increased significantly (P < .0005) over the course of each day's stretch. No significant gains in ankle-dorsiflexion ROM were realized over 3 days. Conclusions: These findings suggest the need for further research to determine the stretching frequency and duration that will result in lasting increases in ankle-dorsiflexion ROM.
Overwhelming evidence now indicates that the quality of reporting of randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) is less than optimal. Recent methodologic analyses indicate that inadequate reporting and design are associated with biased estimates of treatment effects. Such systematic error is seriously damaging to RCTs, which boast the elimination of systematic error as their primary hallmark. Systematic error in RCTs reflects poor science, and poor science threatens proper ethical standards. A group of scientists and editors developed the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) statement to improve the quality of reporting of RCTs. The statement consists of a checklist and flow diagram that authors can use for reporting an RCT. Many leading medical journals and major international editorial groups have adopted the CONSORT statement. The CONSORT statement facilitates critical appraisal and interpretation of RCTs by providing guidance to authors about how to improve the reporting of their trials. This explanatory and elaboration document is intended to enhance the use, understanding, and dissemination of the CONSORT statement. The meaning and rationale for each checklist item are presented. For most items, at least one published example of good reporting and, where possible, references to relevant empirical studies are provided. Several examples of flow diagrams are included. The CONSORT statement, this explanatory and elaboration document, and the associated Web site (http://www.consort should be helpful resources to improve reporting of randomized trials.
Fifteen centers for orthopaedic treatment of the foot and ankle participated in a prospective randomized trial to compare several nonoperative treatments for proximal plantar fasciitis (heel pain syndrome). Included were 236 patients (160 women and 76 men) who were 16 years of age or older. Most reported duration of symptoms of 6 months or less. Patients with systemic disease, significant musculoskeletal complaints, sciatica, or local nerve entrapment were excluded. We randomized patients prospectively into five different treatment groups. All groups performed Achilles tendon- and plantar fascia-stretching in a similar manner. One group was treated with stretching only. The other four groups stretched and used one of four different shoe inserts, including a silicone heel pad, a felt pad, a rubber heel cup, or a custom-made polypropylene orthotic device. Patients were reevaluated after 8 weeks of treatment. The percentages improved in each group were: (1) silicone insert, 95%; (2) rubber insert, 88%; (3) felt insert, 81%; (4)stretching only, 72%; and (5) custom orthosis, 68%. Combining all the patients who used a prefabricated insert, we found that their improvement rates were higher than those assigned to stretching only ( P = 0.022) and those who stretched and used a custom orthosis ( P = 0.0074). We conclude that, when used in conjunction with a stretching program, a prefabricated shoe insert is more likely to produce improvement in symp-toms as part of the initial treatment of proximal plantar fasciitis than a custom polypropylene orthotic device.
The purpose of this prospective study was to determine whether an association exists between foot structure and the development of musculoskeletal overuse injuries. The study group was a well-defined cohort of 449 trainees at the Naval Special Warfare Training Center in Coronado, California. Before beginning training, measurements were made of ankle motion, subtalar motion, and the static (standing) and dynamic (walking) characteristics of the foot arch. The subjects were tracked prospectively for injuries throughout training. We identified risk factors that predispose people to lower extremity overuse injuries. These risk factors include dynamic pes planus, pes cavus, restricted ankle dorsiflexion, and increased hindfoot inversion, all of which are subject to intervention and possible correction.