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Penguin head movement detected using small accelerometers: A proxy of prey encounter rate


Abstract and Figures

Determining temporal and spatial variation in feeding rates is essential for understanding the relationship between habitat features and the foraging behavior of top predators. In this study we examined the utility of head movement as a proxy of prey encounter rates in medium-sized Antarctic penguins, under the presumption that the birds should move their heads actively when they encounter and peck prey. A field study of free-ranging chinstrap and gentoo penguins was conducted at King George Island, Antarctica. Head movement was recorded using small accelerometers attached to the head, with simultaneous monitoring for prey encounter or body angle. The main prey was Antarctic krill (>99% in wet mass) for both species. Penguin head movement coincided with a slow change in body angle during dives. Active head movements were extracted using a high-pass filter (5 Hz acceleration signals) and the remaining acceleration peaks (higher than a threshold acceleration of 1.0 g) were counted. The timing of head movements coincided well with images of prey taken from the back-mounted cameras: head movement was recorded within ±2.5 s of a prey image on 89.1±16.1% (N=7 trips) of images. The number of head movements varied largely among dive bouts, suggesting large temporal variations in prey encounter rates. Our results show that head movement is an effective proxy of prey encounter, and we suggest that the method will be widely applicable for a variety of predators.
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Determining when and where predators capture prey is one of the
most critical issues for studying mobile foraging animals (Perry and
Pianka, 1997). Understanding the timing and rate of prey encounter
and/or capture enables us to investigate how animals optimize their
foraging behavior in the context of energy expenditure or habitat
use (Stephens and Krebs, 1986). Furthermore, because foraging
provides the link between the environment or lower trophic level
and predators, quantifying top predator foraging behavior is
necessary to understand their roles in both terrestrial and marine
ecosystems (Spiller and Schoener, 1994; Boyd et al., 2006).
Detecting the prey encounter and consequent feeding events of top
predators at a fine scale is important for characterizing the habitat
features associated with high foraging efficiency. This is particularly
relevant for marine ecosystem given their high variability and poor
demarcation (Hindell et al., 2010). Animal-borne data loggers,
developed over the past 30years, have provided great insight into
the previously invisible underwater behavior. Nevertheless, precise
detection of prey encounter rate is still challenging, especially for
free-ranging small predators.
Some indicators of prey encounter and consequent feeding events
have been explored, and each has advantages and disadvantages.
The number of depth wiggles during a dive is a popular indicator
of the number of prey encounter and/or foraging events (Simeone
and Wilson, 2003; Bost et al., 2007), although the accuracy of this
method is lower than that of other direct methods. More direct
indicators such as drops in stomach or oesophageal temperature
(Wilson et al., 1995; Ropert-Coudert et al., 2000; Hanuise et al.,
2010) and beak opening events (Wilson et al., 2002; Takahashi et
al., 2004; Hanuise et al., 2010) have high accuracy. However, the
disadvantages of these methods are the complex procedures for
deployment, and the frequent failure to record because of
regurgitation or dropout of the devices. An alternative method for
quantifying the characteristics of aquatic animal behavior is the use
of accelerometers (Yoda et al., 2001; Wilson et al., 2006). In
particular, a new approach that uses mandible or head acceleration
as a proxy for prey capture attempts has been developed in recent
years (Naito, 2007). The utility of this approach was determined
from experiments firstly with pinnipeds in aquariums (Suzuki et al.,
2009; Skinner et al., 2009; Viviant et al., 2010), and secondly with
free-ranging pinnipeds (Naito et al., 2010; Iwata et al., 2011).
Furthermore, this method appears to be applicable to smaller free-
ranging marine predators, as the size of the accelerometers has
reduced in the last few years.
The medium-sized Antarctic penguins, such as Adélie, chinstrap,
gentoo and macaroni penguins, are some of the major top predators
in the Southern Ocean ecosystem, along with whales and pinnipeds
(Brooke, 2004; Balance et al., 2006; Boyd, 2009). Measuring their
at-sea foraging behavior is increasingly important in terms of
understanding interspecific competition with whales and seals for
the common resource Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) (Ainley
et al., 2010), or the effects of environmental change (Fraser and
Hoffmann, 2003; Forcada et al., 2006) on their populations. Because
penguins open their beak at frequent intervals when feeding in krill
patches (Takahashi et al., 2004), we can assume that they move
their heads to encounter, pursue and peck prey, as recorded in marine
The Journal of Experimental Biology 214, 3760-3767
© 2011. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd
Penguin head movement detected using small accelerometers: a proxy of prey
encounter rate
Nobuo Kokubun1,*, Jeong-Hoon Kim2, Hyoung-Chul Shin2, Yasuhiko Naito1and Akinori Takahashi1
1National Institute of Polar Research, 10-3 Midori-cho, Tachikawa, Tokyo 190-8518, Japan and 2Korea Polar Research Institute,
Songdo Techno Park, 7-50 Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 406-840, Korea
*Author for correspondence (
Accepted 15 August 2011
Determining temporal and spatial variation in feeding rates is essential for understanding the relationship between habitat
features and the foraging behavior of top predators. In this study we examined the utility of head movement as a proxy of prey
encounter rates in medium-sized Antarctic penguins, under the presumption that the birds should move their heads actively when
they encounter and peck prey. A field study of free-ranging chinstrap and gentoo penguins was conducted at King George Island,
Antarctica. Head movement was recorded using small accelerometers attached to the head, with simultaneous monitoring for
prey encounter or body angle. The main prey was Antarctic krill (>99% in wet mass) for both species. Penguin head movement
coincided with a slow change in body angle during dives. Active head movements were extracted using a high-pass filter (5Hz
acceleration signals) and the remaining acceleration peaks (higher than a threshold acceleration of 1.0
) were counted. The
timing of head movements coincided well with images of prey taken from the back-mounted cameras: head movement was
recorded within ±2.5s of a prey image on 89.1±16.1% (N7 trips) of images. The number of head movements varied largely among
dive bouts, suggesting large temporal variations in prey encounter rates. Our results show that head movement is an effective
proxy of prey encounter, and we suggest that the method will be widely applicable for a variety of predators.
Key words: accelerometry, chinstrap penguin, gentoo penguin, Antarctic krill, foraging effort, patch.
3761Penguin head movement and prey encounter
mammals (Suzuki et al., 2009; Skinner et al., 2009). Although
making the connection between head movement and
successful/unsuccessful foraging events remains difficult, active
head movement could act as a simple proxy of prey encounter. In
this study we aimed to detect prey encounter rate of free-ranging
penguins precisely, by monitoring their head movement using a
recently developed small accelerometer, with simultaneous
monitoring of underwater images using small cameras.
Study site
The field study was conducted on Barton Peninsula, King George
Island, South Shetland Islands, where chinstrap [Pygoscelis
antarcticus (Forster 1781)] and gentoo penguins [Pygoscelis papua
(Forster 1781)] breed sympatrically (Antarctic Specially Protected
Area no. 171: Nare˛bski Point). In the 2009–2010 austral summer
season, 2278 breeding pairs of chinstrap penguins and 1759 breeding
pairs of gentoo penguins were counted at the study colony. The
study was conducted from 28 December 2009 to 2 February 2010,
which covered the chick-guarding period of chinstrap and gentoo
Deployment of devices
Head movement and dive data were collected from 12 chinstrap
and 12 gentoo penguins, using small accelerometers attached to the
head (ORI-380 D3GT, housed in a pressure-resident cylindrical
container: 12mm diameter, 45mm length, mass 10g including
batteries; Little Leonardo, Tokyo, Japan). Three axes of acceleration
data (heave, surge and sway) were recorded at a frequency of 32Hz,
and dive depth data were recorded every second. Loggers were
attached to the medial portion of the head using Tesa®tape and
cyanoacrylate glue (Loctite®401) to secure the end of the tape
(Fig.1). For eight chinstrap and six gentoo penguins, one more
accelerometer was attached to the lower medial portion of the back
to monitor the body angle of the individual (Fig.1). Recording rates
were the same as accelerometers attached to the head. Camera
loggers (DSL-380, housed in a pressure-resident cylindrical
container: 22mm diameter, 133mm length, mass 82g including
batteries; Little Leonardo) were attached to the back of three
chinstrap and five gentoo penguins to visually monitor prey
encounter in the sea. Still images were taken every 5s and dive
depth data were recorded every second. All loggers were attached
to the birds just before their departure for a foraging trip. Mean
handling time was 26.5±5.4min per bird. The body mass of the
birds was also measured to the nearest 50g using a Pesola®spring
balance. Tagged birds were recaptured after they returned from their
foraging trip, and the loggers were removed. The data were
downloaded from the loggers to a laptop computer.
Effect of accelerometer deployments on penguin behavior
Accelerometers attached to the head of the penguins potentially
affect their at-sea behavior, because of sensitivity of the birds or
hydrodynamic drag caused by the loggers (Ponganis et al., 2000).
The at-sea behavior of penguins without loggers was not observed
in the present study. Instead, to evaluate the effect of accelerometer
deployments, trip duration was compared between birds with and
without head accelerometers, where the birds without head
accelerometers had GPS depth loggers attached on their backs
(Kokubun et al., 2010). No significant effect of the GPS depth
loggers on the behavior of either chinstrap or gentoo penguins has
been recorded (Kokubun et al., 2010). The GPS depth loggers were
attached on the lower medial portion of nine chinstrap and 10 gentoo
penguins, during the period in which the accelerometers were
deployed (28 December 2009 to 23 January 2010).
Analysis of head and body acceleration
Depth profiles were analyzed by examining dive depth, dive duration,
diving bottom duration (the period between the start and end of the
time when birds showed a depth change of 0m) and the number of
depth wiggles (number of changes in symbol of differential depth
every second) for each dive. A dive was considered to occur when
dive depth exceeded 1.0m (Takahashi et al., 2003). Only data that
covered a whole trip were used for subsequent analyses.
Acceleration data were analyzed with Ethographer (Sakamoto
et al., 2009), with the analysis software Igor Pro version 6.0 (Wave
Metrics Inc., Lake Oswego, OR, USA). Dominant frequencies
and amplitudes of the three axes of acceleration from both head
and back during each dive phase (descent, diving bottom and
ascent) were examined visually on the spectrogram (Fig.2). The
minimum frequency resolution was set to 0.01Hz. The calculated
amplitude was expressed by color graphs. The spectrograms from
both the head and back were compared and subsequently a high-
pass filter of 5Hz was applied on the three axes of head
acceleration such that active head movements were highlighted
(Fig.2). Peaks in the filtered acceleration exceeding a threshold
amplitude were counted within a 1.0s time window. The minimum
time interval of the peak was set to 0.2s (i.e. the maximum peak
number was set to five times per second). The number of the
peaks was assumed to be the number of active head movements
of the penguins.
Time series data for static acceleration were extracted using a
low-pass filter of 1Hz on surge acceleration from the back (Sato et
al., 2004). Static acceleration was converted to body angle. Depth
profiles and acceleration were analyzed using Igor Pro.
Fig.1. Attachment of the accelerometers on (A) the head and (B) the back
of a chinstrap penguin. The direction of the three axes recorded by the
accelerometers is also shown.
Analysis of still images
Still images taken by camera loggers were sorted visually. First, all
images were classified as ‘light’ or ‘dark’ according to their light
level. Dark images were unable to be used to determine prey
presence or absence. Subsequently, all dives were classified as ‘light’
or ‘dark’ because darker images reflected deeper or nighttime dives,
and the high proportion of dark images during a dive makes it
difficult to estimate actual prey encounter rate. Dives were classified
as ‘light’ when the proportion of light images was more than 50%
of the images taken at depths greater than half of the maximum
dive depth. Only data from the light dives were used for subsequent
analyses. The number of images with prey in each dive was assumed
to be the number of prey encounter events of the dive.
Correspondence between head movement and prey
Active penguin head movement, detected using accelerometers, was
compared with the prey encounter of individuals, as observed by
camera loggers, using a regression model. The number of head
movements varied according to the threshold detection amplitude.
Therefore, a model was fitted for the number of head movements
detected at various threshold amplitudes, ranging from 0.5 to 2.0g
(g9.8ms–2) in 0.1gsteps. The model was fitted for results from three
axes of acceleration. In addition, the number of depth wiggles, which
is a commonly used indicator of foraging effort (Simeone and Wilson,
2003; Bost et al., 2007), was also compared with the number of prey
encounters using the same model. The statistical fit of the models
was assessed using log likelihood values. Dive duration had a
N. Kokubun and others
significant effect on the number of head movements, prey encounter
and depth wiggles. Thus the number of head movements per dive
duration, the proportion of images with prey from all images during
a dive, and the number of depth wiggles per dive duration were used
in the model. A generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) with quasi-
Poisson error distribution and logarithm link function was fitted:
ya+bx+random effect, where yis the proportion of images with prey
from all images during a dive and xis either the number of head
movements or the number of depth wiggles per dive duration. Bird
identity was set as the random effect. The effect of species could not
be included in the model because sample size for the chinstrap
penguins was too low (only two birds). Regression analyses were
performed with R 2.9 (R Development Core Team, 2009).
In addition, temporal concordance of both the images with prey
and the head movement was examined. The two parameters were
assumed ‘concordant’ if a head movement occurred within 2.5s (i.e.
time interval to previous/next image) of the time that the image with
prey was taken.
Stomach contents
Stomach contents from six chinstrap and seven gentoo penguins
were collected to examine the main prey species of the penguins,
using the standard stomach-flushing method (CCAMLR, 1997). The
samples were obtained from individuals with GPS depth loggers
(see Effect of accelerometer deployments on penguin behavior). The
wet mass of each stomach content sample was measured to the
nearest 1g using an electronic balance in the laboratory. Samples
were then sorted and classified to taxonomic group. Fish species
Fig.2. Time series of diving
depth, the three axes of head
acceleration (heave, surge and
sway), spectrogram of the three
axes of head acceleration, body
acceleration (surge) and the
spectrogram of the body
acceleration (surge) for two
gentoo penguin dives (bird
G054, 21 January 2010). The
dashed lines in the
spectrograms show a 0.2s
cycle (i.e. 5Hz). Note that the
amplitude of the high-frequency
(>5Hz) acceleration during the
dives is larger for data from the
head than those from the body.
The high-frequency head
acceleration during the dives
was clearly observed in the
second dive, but not in the first.
3763Penguin head movement and prey encounter
were identified based on the shape and/or size of the otolith or bones
(Gon and Heemstra, 1990).
Device and data recovery
Eleven chinstrap and 12 gentoo penguins were recaptured in the 1
to 7days after release, and the loggers were retrieved (Table1). One
chinstrap penguin with an accelerometer on the head and a camera
logger on the back was not recaptured. Among the recaptured birds,
one chinstrap penguin with accelerometers on the head and the back
did not depart for a trip (Table1). In addition, one accelerometer
attached on the back of one chinstrap penguin and another
accelerometer on the head of another chinstrap penguin did not work
because of power supply problems (Table1). Overall, records of 12
trips from nine chinstrap penguins (seven trips with a combination
of head and back acceleration data, two trips with a combination
of head acceleration and still image data, and three trips with only
head acceleration data) and 13 trips from 12 gentoo penguins (seven
trips with a combination of head and back acceleration data, five
trips with a combination of head acceleration and still image data,
and one trip with only head acceleration data) were available for
the subsequent analyses (Table1). The recording duration of the
accelerometers on the head covered the entire periods of the trips.
In 11 cases among these, the records continued until the memory
capacity was full. The maximum mean recording duration was
33.9±0.2h (N11 recorders). According to a full-logging test for
the same type of loggers at a sampling rate of 16Hz, mean recording
duration should be 51.8±1.2h (N7 recorders).
Effect of accelerometer deployments on penguin behavior
Trip duration did not differ between the birds with the accelerometer
on the head (N12 and 13 trips for chinstrap and gentoo penguins,
respectively) and the birds with GPS depth loggers on the back
(N11 and 14 trips for chinstrap and gentoo penguins, respectively)
(chinstrap: accelerometer, 7.5±2.8h; GPS depth logger, 10.2±5.2h;
ANOVA, P0.13; gentoo: accelerometer, 8.2±2.1h; GPS depth
logger, 9.8±3.8h; ANOVA, P0.19). Thus we believe that the
accelerometer attached to the head had no substantial negative effects
on penguin behavior, and the effects were comparable to those of
back-mounted GPS depth loggers.
Head and body accelerations
Simultaneous acceleration data from the head and the back of the
penguins were compared with the spectrograms (Fig.2). Active head
movements along the surge, heave and sway axes at a frequency of
>5Hz (i.e. at a cycle of <0.2s) occurred mainly at the bottom of the
dive and, to a lesser extent, during the ascent phases of some dives
(Fig.2). The amplitude of active movement was greater for
acceleration data from the head than for that from the back (Fig.2).
Active head movements (>5Hz) were coincident with changes in body
angle at a cycle of approximately 3s at the bottom of the dive (Fig.3).
Still images
A total of 19,648 underwater images were taken from two trips of
chinstrap penguins and five trips of gentoo penguins (Table1). Of
these, 15,437 images had enough light to determine the
presence/absence of prey. Some form of prey was observed in 998
light images. The data included an outlier from a chinstrap penguin
for which only two images had prey from a total of 1802 light
images. All identified prey species in the images were Antarctic
krill (Fig.4). The proportion of the ‘light’ dives (see Materials and
methods) was 77.3% from a total of 1633 dives. The images showed
that the penguins encountered krill patches for a mean of 23.1±16.1%
(N7 trips) of the light dives.
Table1. Sample size of each deployment type for chinstrap and gentoo penguins
Chinstrap Gentoo
Deployment type Deployments Retrieves Available trips Deployments Retrieves Available trips
Accelerometer on the head 113111
Accelerometer on the head and another on the back 8 8a7667
Accelerometer on the head and a camera on the back 322555
Total 12 11 12 12 12 13
GPSb9 9 11 10 10 14
aAmong the eight individuals, one bird did not depart for a trip. In addition, one back accelerometer and one head accelerometer did not work because of power
supply problems (see Results).
bThe behavior of individuals with GPS loggers was compared with that of individuals with head accelerometers, in the context of assessing impacts of the
accelerometer attachment (see Materials and methods).
Time (h)
16:24 16:26 16:2816:30 16:32
Surge (g)
Depth (m)
Body angle (deg)
Fig.3. Time series of diving depth, body angle and
the high-frequency (>5Hz) component of surge
acceleration of the head for two gentoo penguin
dives (bird G054, 21 January 2010). The time frame
is the same as that shown in Fig.2. The open circles
indicate the timing of active head movements
(amplitude >1.0g). Note that the active head
movements were observed many times in the
second dive, but only a few times in the first.
Correspondence between head movement and prey
Overall, the GLMM model showed that the number of head
movements (determined by surge, heave and sway accelerations) was
a better indicator than the number of depth wiggles in explaining the
number of prey encounter events (Fig.5). The statistical fit was highest
using a threshold amplitude of 1.0gfor surge acceleration (Fig.5). If
heave acceleration was used, the statistical fit was lower than when
the other two axes were used. If sway acceleration was used with a
threshold amplitude >1.5g, the statistical fit was greater than when
the other two axes were used. Surge acceleration was used for
subsequent analyses with a threshold amplitude of 1.0g. Analysis of
temporal concordance between images with prey and head movement
indicated that penguins moved their heads within ±2.5s of an image
with prey being taken for a mean of 89.1±16.1% (N7 trips) of cases.
We tentatively defined the number of the head movements per
diving bottom duration as the prey encounter rate of the dive, and
its typical time series during the trips is shown in Fig.6. For
comparison, the number of the depth wiggles per diving bottom
duration is also shown (Fig.6). The indicator of head movement
rate varied largely among dive bouts, and did not always correspond
with the occurrence of dives or the number of depth wiggles per
N. Kokubun and others
diving bottom duration (Fig.6). The coefficient of variation (CV)
during trips was greater using head movement rate as an indicator
of prey encounter rate than the number of depth wiggles per diving
Fig.4. Selected still images taken by camera
loggers obtained from birds C043 (A,B), G038
(C), G044 (D) and G037 (E,F) where ‘C’
represents chinstrap and ‘G’ represents gentoo
penguins. (A,B)Krill swarms at 20.7 and 19.8m
depth, respectively; (C,D) krill swarms at 92.8
and 73.2m depth, respectively; and (E,F)
penguins attempting to capture the krill at 43.7
and 35.4m depth, respectively. The black shapes
in front of the krill are the head of the penguin
with an accelerometer attached.
log likelihood
Threshold amplitude (g)
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Number of depth wiggles
Fig.5. Log likelihood values for models with different threshold acceleration
amplitudes ranging from 0.5 to 2.0g, obtained from the generalized linear
mixed model (see Materials and methods) for three axes (heave, surge
and sway) head acceleration and number of depth wiggles.
3765Penguin head movement and prey encounter
bottom duration (Fig.6). Dives >5m mostly had low values (<0.5s–1)
of head movement rate for both species (Fig.7A). This skewed
distribution was not observed if the number of the depth wiggles
per diving bottom duration was used (Fig.7B).
Overall, in the present study, head movement rate did not differ
between species (for dives >5m, chinstrap: 0.41±0.13s–1; gentoo:
0.42±0.13s–1; GLMM with quasi-Poisson error distribution,
P0.97). Gentoo penguins dived a little deeper than chinstrap
penguins, but the difference was not significant (for dives >5m,
chinstrap: N12 trips, 44.5±13.9m; gentoo: N13 trips, 52.7±16.0m;
GLMM with gamma error distribution, P0.17).
Stomach contents
The main prey item for both chinstrap and gentoo penguins was
Antarctic krill (chinstrap: 99.8±0.2% in wet mass, gentoo:
99.4±1.1%). In addition, three and two Pleuragramma antarcticum
were found in the stomach contents of three chinstrap and two gentoo
penguins, respectively. The fishes were partially digested.
In this study we present a case for detecting prey encounter rates
of predators by measuring their active head movements. The
concept will be widely applicable for not only diving birds but also
a variety of predators including terrestrial species, as long as prey
encounter or feeding events associate with head movement.
Therefore, together with other metrics, the present method is likely
to enable a wide range of ecologists to investigate the foraging
strategies of animals at an individual level, in relation to
physiological and environmental constraints (Perry and Pianka,
1997). Here we presented results from the simultaneous recording
Number of head
movements per diving
bottom duration (s–1)
Number of depth
wiggles per diving
bottom duration (s–1)Dive depth (m)
1/19 16:4819:12 21:36 1/20 00:00 02:24 04:48
1/18 12:00 14:24 16:4819:12 21:361/19 00:00
Time (h)
Time (h)
Number of head
movements per diving
bottom duration (s–1)
Number of depth
wiggles per diving
bottom duration (s–1)Dive depth (m)
Fig.6. Time series of (top) diving depth,
(middle) number of head movements
per diving bottom duration as a proxy of
prey encounter rate and (bottom)
number of depth wiggles per diving
bottom duration for (A) chinstrap and
(B) gentoo penguins. CV, coefficient of
of underwater active head movement and prey encounter from free-
ranging Antarctic penguins. Underwater head movement
corresponded well with prey encounter rates detected by bird-borne
cameras (Fig.5), suggesting that head movement (especially in the
surge axis) may be related to prey capture attempts in response to
prey encounter opportunities.
A key challenge for analyzing top predator foraging strategies
is how to increase the recording period as well as how to best
detect signal motion relating to foraging (Halsey et al., 2009).
The recording duration presented here (33.9h) was not much
longer than that of the beak opening sensor used in previous
studies [>21h (Wilson, 2003), 7.8h (Takahashi et al., 2004) and
42 and 52h (Hanuise et al., 2010)]. This is partly because three-
axis head movement (>5Hz) was recorded by a sampling rate of
32Hz in the present study, although the movement will be
detectable using a lower sampling rate of 16Hz. Reduction of the
sampling rate allows flexibility for total recording duration. For
example, if only surge acceleration was recorded and the sampling
rate of 32Hz was reduced to 16Hz, the amount of data recorded
and hence the recording duration could be extended by at least
three times. Another advantage of our method is that it is ‘cable-
free’. Although oesophageal temperature sensors (Hanuise et al.,
2010) or beak opening sensors (Wilson, 2003) can detect foraging
success accurately, these methods require cables that can cause
problems with the operation of these devices in situ. The frequent
regurgitation or dropout of devices and breakage of cables causes
failure and/or reduced records (Hanuise et al., 2010). Thus, the
precise detection of head movement presented here is an effective
N. Kokubun and others
tool for monitoring prey encounter and capture attempts
continuously over long time periods (e.g. covering several
foraging trips), especially for small diving predators.
Nonetheless, there should be caution in the use of head movement
as an indicator of feeding success, for several reasons. First, unlike
beak opening or oesophaegeal temperature drop events (Hanuise et
al., 2010), every single head movement event does not necessarily
indicate foraging success. However, active head movements along
the surge axis (Fig.2) were linearly correlated to and coincident
with the number of prey encounters (Fig.5). In other words, head
movement in the surge axis reflects the sum of prey capture attempts
in response to encounter with krill swarms. Second, the value of
the filtering frequency or threshold amplitude significantly affects
the number of head movements detected, consistent with other
techniques to determine animal behaviors using acceleration data
(Yoda et al., 2001; Sato et al., 2008). The optimum values of the
filtering frequency or threshold amplitude will vary among target
species, as well as prey species or foraging strategies. The high-
pass filtering frequency of 5Hz and the threshold amplitude 1.0g
might be optimum for krill-feeding medium-sized penguins, but
might this not be the case for other predators such as piscivorous
penguins (Takahashi et al., 2004). Hence the method used here will
need to be adapted and validated for other species.
Still images with prey are used as evidence for prey encounter
events (Hooker et al., 2002; Takahashi et al., 2008), and we
demonstrated here the utility of this method for the analysis of
chinstrap and gentoo penguin foraging. Here we found that most
foraging occurs in krill swarms (Fig.4). Nonetheless, this method
has the disadvantage that its success relies on the light level being
high enough for prey to be visible. We found that 23% of the dives
in the present study could not be used to determine prey presence
or absence because of low light levels. Thus foraging behavior during
overnight trips or at depth (more than 70% of dives occur at depths
>70m) could not be monitored continuously using the camera
logger. Equipping camera loggers with flash facilities could result
in biases because of the potential for attracting prey with the flash
(Heaslip and Hooker, 2008). This highlights another advantage for
using head movement data, as in the present study, because it allows
prey encounters to be monitored continuously regardless of light
The pattern of prey encounter events such as those presented here
(Fig.6) offer the opportunity for exploring ecological context of prey
distribution with the obvious step of further analyses of the temporal
and spatial structure of foraging. In the present case, the large
temporal fluctuations in head movement rate suggest temporal
discontinuity of prey encounter rates, which may imply spatial and
temporal patchiness in the distribution of the krill swarms (Fig.6).
Dives with high head movement rate sometimes occurred in clusters
(Fig.6). There was a better fit between head movement and prey
encounter than the number of depth wiggles and prey encounter
(Figs5, 6) because depth wiggles can indicate diving activities
without necessarily encountering prey. Combinations of head
accelerometers with GPS depth loggers will add value to our
approach by allowing precise three-dimensional monitoring of the
prey encounter. The index for prey encounter rate was similar for
both species, which suggests that they both feed on krill swarms in
similar environments at this location.
In conclusion, we propose that recording the head movement of
predators using small accelerometers would be useful for monitoring
temporal variations in prey encounter rates over relatively long
periods, covering foraging trips. Together with other information
such as location (e.g. from GPS depth loggers), this method will
01.00.5 1.5
Number of head movements per diving bottom duration (s–1)
Dives (%)
00.20.1 0.3
Number of depth wiggles per diving bottom duration (s–1)
Fig.7. Distribution of dives in relation to (A) the number of head
movements per diving bottom duration and (B) the number of depth
wiggles per diving bottom time. Data are means ± s.d. (
12 and 13 trips
for chinstrap and gentoo penguins, respectively).
3767Penguin head movement and prey encounter
help advance our understanding of the relationship between the
environment and the foraging behavior of small or medium-sized
We would like to thank M. Kurita and I. Uchida of the Port of Nagoya Aquarium for
helping us to test the devices. We are also grateful to the members of the King
Sejong Station, Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI), especially Dr S.-H.
Kang, for logistic support in the field. Drs. I.-Y. Ahn and E. J. Choy also helped us
conduct the fieldwork. Dr L. Emmerson kindly reviewed the manuscript and
provided helpful comments.
This work was supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(JSPS) Research Fellowship for Young Scientists to N.K.; a JSPS research grant
[grant number 20310016] to A.T.; and the program ‘Bio-logging Science, The
University of Tokyo (UT-BLS)’ led by Drs N. Miyazaki and K. Sato. A research
grant [grant number PE11030: Studies on biodiversity and changing ecosystems
in King George Island, Antarctica] funded by the KOPRI provided support for this
work. The Ministry of the Environment, Japan, issued the permits required to
conduct this work.
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... Grazing is based on the head angle and thus includes digging and searching for food on the ground. 40 ...
... Animal behaviour is classified into different behavioural categories and then accelerometer data is annotated with the recorded behavioural categories [36,37]. The raw acceleration annotated with the corresponding behaviour is normally pre-processed (using running means [38,39] or low-and high pass filters [22,40]) to reduce noise or to separate static and dynamic acceleration. Then the data is segmented into windows, followed by extraction of characteristics of acceleration data (features), selection of features, and modelling [41]. ...
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Winter feeding of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) has become an increasingly common management action in reindeer husbandry in Sweden, Finland, and Norway when natural grazing resources are unavailable due to the loss of grazing grounds, disturbances, and icing events. In the short term, feeding increases survival and reproduction, but the long-term effects on reindeer’s ability to utilize natural pastures have not been investigated. Herders have raised concerns that fed reindeer, especially calves, do not utilize natural pastures as efficiently as other reindeer. In this thesis, I investigated the short- and long-term effects of winter feeding on reindeer with focus on habitat selection and future foraging behaviour. Interviews were conducted to collect experience-based knowledge on the effects of feeding among reindeer herders. An experimental study was conducted to test how winter feeding of calves during their first winter affects future habitat selection, foraging behaviour, and body weight. I found that there are several unintended effects of feeding that may compromise reindeer’s ability to use the natural pastures efficiently. In the interviews, the effects identified by herders were related to physical traits or behaviour; the reported effects varied between herders, as did the perception of whether an effect was positive or negative. In the experimental study, I found that reindeer calves which were fed in enclosures during their first winter of life were less likely to select areas with higher lichen abundance when on natural pasture compared to reindeer that had spent their first winter on natural pasture. Although, the control animals were also provided feed on pasture to some extent their first winter. Understanding the long-term impacts of winter feeding on reindeer and their ability to utilize natural pastures and adapt to changes in the environment may be crucial when evaluating the effects of different external forces on reindeer husbandry. Knowledge of the short- and long-term effects of feeding on reindeer is important for herders when evaluating if, when and how to feed their reindeer.
... The performance of PEE as a proxy for feeding attempts was initially tested in captivity on hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) [10] and Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) [11] by comparing the occurrence of PEE with the true feeding events recorded from video cameras. PEE from accelerometry were also validated on free-ranging animals, for example, on Australian sea lions (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) [91] and chinstrap (Pygoscelis antarcticus) and gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) [92]. It was concluded that recorded PEE from accelerometry efficiently detect true PEE but failed to differentiate among prey types and between successful and unsuccessful feeding events [91,92]. ...
... PEE from accelerometry were also validated on free-ranging animals, for example, on Australian sea lions (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) [91] and chinstrap (Pygoscelis antarcticus) and gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) [92]. It was concluded that recorded PEE from accelerometry efficiently detect true PEE but failed to differentiate among prey types and between successful and unsuccessful feeding events [91,92]. Since then, PEE have been commonly used as a proxy for feeding attempts with numerous marine predators such as SES [44,70], harbor seals [12], Australian sea lions [8], Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) [56], and little penguins (Eudyptula minor) [93]. ...
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Background Studying animal movement in the context of the optimal foraging theory has led to the development of simple movement metrics for inferring feeding activity. Yet, the predictive capacity of these metrics in natural environments has been given little attention, raising serious questions of the validity of these metrics. The aim of this study is to test whether simple continuous movement metrics predict feeding intensity in a marine predator, the southern elephant seal (SES; Mirounga leonine ), and investigate potential factors influencing the predictive capacity of these metrics. Methods We equipped 21 female SES from the Kerguelen Archipelago with loggers and recorded their movements during post-breeding foraging trips at sea. From accelerometry, we estimated the number of prey encounter events (nPEE) and used it as a reference for feeding intensity. We also extracted several track- and dive-based movement metrics and evaluated how well they explain and predict the variance in nPEE. We conducted our analysis at two temporal scales (dive and day), with two dive profile resolutions (high at 1 Hz and low with five dive segments), and two types of models (linear models and regression trees). Results We found that none of the movement metrics predict nPEE with satisfactory power. The vertical transit rates (primarily the ascent rate) during dives had the best predictive performance among all metrics. Dive metrics performed better than track metrics and all metrics performed on average better at the scale of days than the scale of dives. However, the performance of the models at the scale of days showed higher variability among individuals suggesting distinct foraging tactics. Dive-based metrics performed better when computed from high-resolution dive profiles than low-resolution dive profiles. Finally, regression trees produced more accurate predictions than linear models. Conclusions Our study reveals that simple movement metrics do not predict feeding activity in free-ranging marine predators. This could emerge from differences between individuals, temporal scales, and the data resolution used, among many other factors. We conclude that these simple metrics should be avoided or carefully tested a priori with the studied species and the ecological context to account for significant influencing factors.
... Therefore, an ability to efficiently quantify energy expenditure in free-ranging little penguins is crucial to understanding how an individual's effort may change in response in prey availability (Barbraud et al. 2012;Crossin et al. 2014). While accelerometry is increasingly being used to investigate the foraging behaviour of penguins (Carroll et al. 2016;Kokubun et al. 2011;Van Dam et al. 2002), few have addressed the predictive ability of accelerometers for estimating energy expenditure in free-ranging individuals (Hicks et al. 2020). ...
... Cameras were necessary in the development of these models as true prey capture signals acted as the classifier barrier to validate capture signals (Carroll et al. 2014), which has limited the applicability of this method in penguins until recently. To bypass the use of cameras, previous studies have identified prey capture signals using head mounted accelerometers (Kokubun et al. 2011;Volpov et al. 2015;Watanabe & Takahashi 2013). The use of cameras in this study (Chapters 4 and 5) has shown the high positive rate of back mounted accelerometers in detecting prey encounters, thus reducing the need for more invasive methods of device attachment (i.e. head attachment) which can increase hydrodynamic drag and impact an animal's behaviour (Bannasch et al. 1994). ...
Quantifying predator-prey interactions can be logistically difficult, especially in marine environments. However, it is essential to predict how individuals respond to changes in prey availability, an important factor in assessing the impact of climate change. In comparison to flying seabirds, penguins (Family: Spheniscidae) experience greater constraints when breeding due to restrictions in foraging range. As such, this group of seabirds are considered good indicators of local ecosystem health. Animal-borne video cameras have made it possible to observe behaviour in response to prey field. In the present study, a combination of animal-borne video cameras, accelerometers, dive recorders and GPS were used to determine the factors influencing foraging effort and efficiency in penguins. These were investigated in 3 species: 1) little penguin, Eudyptula minor; 2) African penguin, Spheniscus demersus, 3) Macaroni penguin, Eudyptes chrysolophus. In each species, the immediate prey field dictated the 3-dimensional movement in the water column. Foraging effort in little penguins was influenced by the abundance of prey, not prey type. The mean body acceleration of little penguins was examined as an index of effort and was found to be highly correlated to energy expenditure rates determined from doubly-labelled water. Machine learning was used to detect prey captures which were validated using video cameras in African and Macaroni penguins. It was found that African penguins exhibited pelagic dives and a large proportion of successful benthic dives. Benthic dives were costlier but more successful than pelagic ones, indicating a trade-off between effort and success. Macaroni penguins displayed prey-specific behaviour, diving deep when foraging on subantarctic krill (Euphausia vallentini) and completing shallow dives when targeting juvenile fish.This body of work highlights the effect of prey field and the drivers of variability in foraging behaviour.
... Animal behaviour is classified into different behavioural categories and then accelerometer data is annotated with the recorded behavioural categories [36,37]. The raw acceleration annotated with the corresponding behaviour is normally pre-processed (using running means [38,39] or low-and high pass filters [22,40]) to reduce noise or to separate static and dynamic acceleration. Then the data is segmented into windows, followed by extraction of characteristics of acceleration data (features), selection of features, and modelling [41]. ...
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Animal behavioural responses to the environment ultimately affect their survival. Monitoring animal fine-scale behaviour may improve understanding of animal functional response to the environment and provide an important indicator of the welfare of both wild and domesticated species. In this study, we illustrate the application of collar-attached acceleration sensors for investigating reindeer fine-scale behaviour. Using data from 19 reindeer, we tested the supervised machine learning algorithms Random forests, Support vector machines, and hidden Markov models to classify reindeer behaviour into seven classes: grazing, browsing low from shrubs or browsing high from trees, inactivity, walking, trotting, and other behaviours. We implemented leave-one-subject-out cross-validation to assess generalizable results on new individuals. Our main results illustrated that hidden Markov models were able to classify collar-attached accelerometer data into all our pre-defined behaviours of reindeer with reasonable accuracy while Random forests and Support vector machines were biased towards dominant classes. Random forests using 5-s windows had the highest overall accuracy (85%), while hidden Markov models were able to best predict individual behaviours and handle rare behaviours such as trotting and browsing high. We conclude that hidden Markov models provide a useful tool to remotely monitor reindeer and potentially other large herbivore species behaviour. These methods will allow us to quantify fine-scale behavioural processes in relation to environmental events.
... Inferring behaviour modes and foraging activities in particular without additional proof of prey handling and/or capture didn't allow me to assess the performances of the different methods and to properly validate my findings (Viviant, Monestiez and Guinet, 2014;Wilmers et al., 2015;Carter et al., 2016). Several studies used various additional "ground truthing" devices to detect prey capture as accelerometers (Yoda et al., 1999;Kokubun et al., 2011;Gallon et al., 2013;Viviant, Monestiez and Guinet, 2014) sometimes in combination with video cameras (Watanabe and Takahashi, 2013;Watanabe, Ito and Takahashi, 2014) or ingestion sensors (Wilson and Peters, 1999;Ropert-Coudert et al., 2000;Charrassin et al., 2001;Bost et al., 2007;Hanuise et al., 2010) or devices recording beak openings (Takahashi et al., 2004). For Charrassin et al. (2001), changes in oesophageal temperature confirmed that dives with for the South Orkney Islands. ...
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The Southern Ocean is under several threats due to global human activities but also to local resource exploitation. The chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarcticus) is a key species in the Antarctica marine food web. Along with other predators, it has been impacted, albeit mostly indirectly, by harvesting in the past. The recent overlap and competition with krill fisheries necessitates constant attention and a better understanding of how this species utilises its environment; this can be achieved partly by developing a model of their foraging habitat. In this context, birds from two different colonies in the South Orkney Islands have been tracked with GPS devices and TDR loggers during the breeding season. The resulting dataset allowed me to create a three dimensional representation of their foraging trips. The different methodological approaches I designed allowed me to assess how the birds use their environment across space and time. By studying changes in movements, I was able to detect when the birds were foraging. Linking these foraging locations with explanatory environmental variables, I was then able to develop a foraging habitat model for this species around the South Orkney Islands. The model went through a series of performance measurements and validation processes. The final resulting map offers a picture of where chinstrap penguins forage from their colonies. The range of foraging, the density of birds, the hotspot areas, the depths of foraging and how these parameters change with time can be used to support policies and management targets. I believe these results can also be useful for further studies.
... Accelerometers are small devices (< 3 g) that can be deployed together with GPS loggers (Berlincourt et al. 2015, Cianchetti-Benedetti et al. 2018 to record the changes in body angle, head movements and wing strokes of birds at very fine temporal resolution (Watanuki et al. 2003, Ropert-Coudert et al. 2006, Kokubun et al. 2011. Therefore, accelerometers can provide detailed information on the at-sea foraging behavior of surface-feeding seabirds: by enabling to discriminate various types of foraging behaviors, even ones of short duration, the risk of mis-interpreting non-foraging behaviors as foraging behaviors can be reduced. ...
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Areas at which seabirds forage intensively can be discriminated by tracking the individuals' at‐sea movements. However, such tracking data may not accurately reflect the birds' exact foraging locations. In addition to tracking data, gathering information on the dynamic body acceleration of individual birds may refine inferences on their foraging activity. Our aim was to classify the foraging behaviors of surface‐feeding seabirds using data on their body acceleration and use this signal to discriminate areas where they forage intensively. Accordingly, we recorded the foraging movements and body acceleration data from seven and ten black‐tailed gulls Larus crassirostris in 2017 and 2018, respectively, using GPS loggers and accelerometers. By referring to video footage of flying and foraging individuals, we were able to classify flying (flapping flight, gliding and hovering), foraging (surface plunging, hop plunging and swimming) and maintenance (drifting, preening, etc.) behaviors using the speed, body angle and cycle and amplitude of body acceleration of the birds. Foraging areas determined from acceleration data corresponded roughly with sections of low speed and area‐restricted searching (ARS) identified from the GPS tracks. However, this study suggests that the occurrence of foraging behaviors may be overestimated based on low‐speed trip sections, because birds may exhibit long periods of reduced movement devoted to maintenance. Opposite, the ARS‐based approach may underestimate foraging behaviors since birds can forage without conducting an ARS. Therefore, our results show that the combined use of accelerometers and GPS tracking helps to adequately determine the important foraging areas of black‐tailed gulls. Our approach may contribute to better discriminate ecologically or biologically significant areas in marine environments.
... Two potentially useful ways to facilitate observational data collection are to create experimental patches where the amount of food is known a priori [49] or to estimate foraging return rates by weighing food items acquired by group members [38]. Foraging time could also be inferred from behavioral classification of biologging data, such as detecting prey encounters from accelerometer data [93] or detecting chewing from microphones [94]. Importantly, all of these approaches can allow data collection across repeated foraging patches (see Outstanding questions). ...
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Studying animal behavior as collective phenomena is a powerful tool for understanding social processes, including group coordination and decision-making. However, linking individual behavior during group decision-making to the preferences underlying those actions poses a considerable challenge. Optimal foraging theory, and specifically the marginal value theorem (MVT), can provide predictions about individual preferences, against which the behavior of groups can be compared under different models of influence. A major strength of formally linking optimal foraging theory to collective behavior is that it generates predictions that can easily be tested under field conditions. This opens the door to studying group decision-making in a range of species; a necessary step for revealing the ecological drivers and evolutionary consequences of collective decision-making.
... Additional devices can provide such ground-truthing (Wilmers et al. 2015;Carter et al. 2016). For example, previous studies have used accelerometers to detect prey capture movements (Yoda et al. 1999;Kokubun et al. 2011;Gallon et al. 2013;Viviant et al. 2014), sometimes in combination with ingestion sensors (Wilson and Peters 1999;Ropert-Coudert et al. 2000;Charrassin et al. 2001;Bost et al. 2007;Hanuise et al. 2010), devices that record beak openings (Atak Brisson-Curadeau et al. 2021), or video cameras (Watanabe and Takahashi 2013;Watanabe et al. 2014;Hinke et al. 2021). While many studies combine tracking data and ground-truth behavioral data to increase foraging predictions, there is still no holistic approach whereby multiple dimensions are used in addition to environmental variables for a more accurate and generalized foraging model. ...
Direct observation of foraging behavior is not always possible, especially for marine species that hunt underwater. However, biologging and tracking devices have provided detailed information about how various species use their habitat. From these indirect observations, researchers have inferred behaviors to address a variety of research questions, including the definition of ecological niches. In this study, we deployed video cameras with GPS and time-depth recorders on 16 chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarcticus) during the brood phase of the 2018–2019 breeding season on Signy (South Orkney Islands). More than 57 h of footage covering 770 dives were scrutinized by two observers. The outcome of each dive was classified as either no krill encounter, individual krill or krill swarm encounter and the number of prey items caught per dive was estimated. Other variables derived from the logging devices or from the environment were used to train a machine-learning algorithm to predict the outcome of each dive. Our results show that despite some limitations, the data collected from the footage was reliable. We also demonstrate that it was possible to accurately predict the outcome of each dive from dive and horizontal movement variables in a manner that has not been used for penguins previously. For example, our models show that a fast dive ascent rate and a high density of dives are good indicators of krill and especially of swarm encounter. Finally, we discuss how video footage can help build accurate habitat models to provide wider knowledge about predator behavior or prey distribution.
Chapter 3 details how penguins catch all their food underwater where they are hard or impossible to see directly. However, penguin-mounted technology has given us great insights into how these birds catch prey once it has been encountered, both in terms of visuals (via cameras) and performance (speed, acceleration sensors). Most penguins encounter their food in highly productive, open waters, so there is no element of surprise. Even so, birds near solid surfaces, such as the seabed, ice or aqueous “surfaces,” such as a strong thermocline, may use that surface to constrain the prey escape options. Penguins can swim much faster than their typical prey, but the speeds and athleticism they use depend on the prey type. Swarming crustaceans swim so slowly that penguins feeding on them slow down, cruising through the aggregations and snapping up animals using extensions of their neck, like “barnyard fowl picking up corn.” Penguins’ fish prey may swim up to 2 m/s though, and school fish may also adopt highly coordinated escape tactics, so penguins have to accelerate beyond their cruising speeds (of around 2 m/s) to either run their prey down or engage in high-speed corralling behavior. Here, birds swim around the school (often in a flock) compressing it until the inter-fish distance is so small that the coordination is lost and prey can be picked off easily. Many penguin species feeding on aggregating prey take them from the underneath, where the prey are backlit against the surface and bird buoyancy can be used to accelerate the penguins through the aggregation with little effort.
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Inferring feeding activities from undulations in diving depth profiles is widespread in studies of foraging marine predators. This idea, however, has rarely been tested because of practical difficulties in obtaining an independent estimate of feeding activities at a time scale corresponding to depth changes within a dive. In this study we attempted to relate depth profile undulations and feeding activities during diving in a single Chinstrap Penguin Pygoscelis antarctica, by simultaneously using a conventional time-depth recorder and a recently developed beak-angle sensor. Although failure in device attachments meant that data were obtained successfully from just a part of a single foraging trip, our preliminary results show a linear relationship between the number of depth wiggles and the number of underwater beak-opening events during a dive, suggesting that the relative feeding intensity of each dive could be represented by depth-profile data. Underwater beak-opening patterns of this krill-feeding penguin species are compared with recent data from three fish- and squid-feeding Magellanic Penguins Spheniscus magellanicus.
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The mechanisms by which variability in sea ice cover and its effects on the demography of the Antarctic krill Euphausia superba cascade to other ecosystem components such as apex predators remain poorly understood at all spatial and temporal scales, yet these interactions are essential for understanding causal links between climate change, ecosystem response and resource monitoring and management in the Southern Ocean. To address some of these issues, we examined the long-term foraging responses of Adelie penguins Pygoscelis adeliae near Palmer Station, western Antarctic Peninsula, in relation to ice-induced changes in krill recruitment and availability. Our results suggest that (1) there is a direct, causal relationship between variability in ice cover, krill recruitment, prey availability and predator foraging ecology, (2) regional patterns and trends detected in this study are consistent with similar observations in areas as far north as South Georgia, and (3) large-scale forcing associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Wave may be governing ecological interactions between ice, krill and their predators in the western Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Sea regions. Another implication of our analyses is that during the last 2 decades in particular, krill populations have been sustained by strong age classes that emerge episodically every 4 to 5 yr. This raises the possibility that cohort senescence has become an additional ecosystem stressor in an environment where ice conditions conducive to good krill recruitment are deteriorating due to climate warming. In exploring these interactions, our results suggest that at least 1 'senescence event' has already occurred in the western Antarctic Peninsula region, and it accounts for significant coherent decreases in krill abundance, predator populations and predator foraging and breeding performance. We propose that krill longevity should be incorporated into models that seek to identify and understand causal links between climate change, physical forcing and ecosystem response in the western Antarctic Peninsula region.
The sustainable exploitation of the marine environment depends upon our capacity to develop systems of management with predictable outcomes. Unfortunately, marine ecosystems are highly dynamic and this property could conflict with the objective of sustainable exploitation. This book investigates the theory that the population and behavioural dynamics of predators at the upper end of marine food chains can be used to assist with management. Since these species integrate the dynamics of marine ecosystems across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, they offer new sources of information that can be formally used in setting management objectives. This book examines the current advances in the understanding of the ecology of marine predators and will investigate how information from these species could be used in management.
This chapter deals with true Antarctic species defined as those species whose populations rely on the Southern Ocean as a habitat, i.e., critical to a part of their life history, either through the provision of habitat for breeding or through the provision of the major source of food. Species that inhabit the Subantarctic, which is generally seen as including the islands that circle Antarctica in the region of the polar front or the polar frontal zone itself, are not included. The Southern Ocean accounts for about 10% of the world's oceans but it probably supports >50% of the world's marine mammal biomass, including six species of pinnipeds, eight species of baleen whales, and at least seven species of odontocete whales. Therefore, in terms of the diversity of species, the Antarctic is host to only one-fifth of the world's pinniped and a little less than one-fifth of the world's cetacean species. This low diversity may be attributed partly to the lack of land masses to cause isolation and speciation and also because, although large in its total area, the Southern Ocean does not have the diversity of habitats and prey species seen in other ocean basins. Throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the Antarctic was viewed as an almost limitless source of marine mammals to be hunted for skins, oil, and other products that found expanding markets in Europe and North America. However industrialization of whale and seal hunting brought both greater efficiency and the inevitability that the resources would be exhausted, much to the detriment of the ecology of the Antarctic and its populations of marine mammals.
Improving knowledge of the population sizes of all the world's seabirds allows this provisional estimate of their annual food consumption. Knowing the body mass and energy density of prey it is possible to employ standard metabolic equations to estimate daily and hence annual consumption of a seabird. Using this approach, and assuming that, at the least, there are three individuals alive for every recorded breeding pair, the annual food consumption of all the world's seabirds is 70 million tonnes (Mt: 95% CI 55.9–83.7 Mt). The total obviously increases if more liberal assumptions are made about the number of individuals alive per breeding pair. The principal consumers are mostly high-latitude, often pelagic species—penguins, petrels and auks. The total is similar to the global f isheries landings, currently ca. 80 Mt. 1. INTRODUCTION As global marine fisheries landings, which are currently ca. 80 million tonnes (Mt) per year, have begun to decline (Pauly et al. 2002), it is pertinent to ask how humanity's catch compares with that of other higher vertebrates exploiting the sea. I present calculations of the quantity of prey taken from the sea each year by the world's seabirds, and discuss the degree to which the roughly similar take by birds and fishermen implies competition.
To determine the effects of lizards and web spiders on species in lower trophic levels, we manipulated their abundances within large field enclosures on Staniel Cay, Bahamas, from May 1989 to March 1992. The experimental design (2 x 2 factorial) measured the separate effects of lizards and spiders and compensatory predation(lizard x spider interaction). In treatments where web spiders were unaltered, mean number of web spider individuals was 1.4 times higher in enclosures with lizards removed than in those with lizards present at natural densities. Total biomass of aerial arthropods caught in sticky traps was 1.4 times higher in treatments with web spiders removed than in treatments with web spiders unaltered. Lizards had no significant effect on aerial arthropods. Total amount of herbivore damage on sea grape leaves was 3.3 times higher in treatments with lizards removed than in treatments with lizards unaltered. Web spiders had no significant effect on leaf damage. The lizard x spider interaction was not significant in each analysis, indicating that compensatory predation was weak. Our results support a model in which the interaction between top predators (lizards) and herbivores is strong, whereas the interaction between intermediate predators (web spiders) and herbivores is weak. Consequently, the net effect of top predators on producers is positive.