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Are Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Personality Profiles Meaningful? Differential Item and Facet Functioning in the Revised NEO Personality Inventory



Measurement invariance is a prerequisite for confident cross-cultural comparisons of personality profiles. Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis was used to detect differential item functioning (DIF) in factor loadings and intercepts for the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (P. T. Costa, Jr., & R. R. McCrae, 1992) in comparisons of college students in the United States (N = 261), Philippines (N = 268), and Mexico (N = 775). About 40%-50% of the items exhibited some form of DIF and item-level noninvariance often carried forward to the facet level at which scores are compared. After excluding DIF items, some facet scales were too short or unreliable for cross-cultural comparisons, and for some other facets, cultural mean differences were reduced or eliminated. The results indicate that considerable caution is warranted in cross-cultural comparisons of personality profiles.
Are Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Personality Profiles Meaningful?
Differential Item and Facet Functioning in the Revised NEO
Personality Inventory
A. Timothy Church, Juan M. Alvarez,
Nhu T. Q. Mai, Brian F. French, and
Marcia S. Katigbak
Washington State University
Fernando A. Ortiz
Gonzaga University
Measurement invariance is a prerequisite for confident cross-cultural comparisons of personality profiles.
Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis was used to detect differential item functioning (DIF) in factor
loadings and intercepts for the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (P. T. Costa, Jr., & R. R. McCrae,
1992) in comparisons of college students in the United States (N261), Philippines (N268), and
Mexico (N775). About 40%–50% of the items exhibited some form of DIF and item-level
noninvariance often carried forward to the facet level at which scores are compared. After excluding DIF
items, some facet scales were too short or unreliable for cross-cultural comparisons, and for some other
facets, cultural mean differences were reduced or eliminated. The results indicate that considerable
caution is warranted in cross-cultural comparisons of personality profiles.
Keywords: measurement invariance, differential item functioning, cross-cultural comparisons, Revised
NEO Personality Inventory
The cross-cultural generalizability of the five-factor model
(FFM) of personality has been demonstrated in many cultures
(McCrae & Allik, 2002), particularly when measured by imported
inventories such as the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-
PI-R; Costa & McCrae, 1992). Researchers have begun to draw
conclusions about cultural differences in average trait levels by
comparing mean profiles on the NEO-PI-R and other measures of
the Big Five dimensions of Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness
to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness (McCrae,
2001, 2002; McCrae et al., 2010; Schmitt, Allik, McCrae, &
Benet-Martı´nez, 2007; Terracciano et al., 2005). In the present
study, we investigated the validity or meaningfulness of such
comparisons by testing an important prerequisite, the cross-
cultural measurement invariance of the NEO-PI-R at the item and
facet levels.
We also address an important methodological issue—the extent to
which lack of measurement invariance at the item level can carry
forward to the scale level of personality inventories (French, Maller,
& Zumbo, 2007; Li & Zumbo, 2009; Waller, Thompson, & Wenk,
2000; Zumbo, 2003; Zumbo & Koh, 2005). Although this issue has
been addressed primarily by quantitative psychologists, it is also of
central importance to personality psychologists, because it is at the
scale level that scores on personality inventories are compared across
cultures. In the case of the NEO-PI-R, lack of measurement invari-
ance at the item level would call into question cross-cultural compar-
isons of facet scores. Lack of measurement invariance at the facet
level would suggest that the facet scores are not equivalent indicators
of the respective Big Five traits, and would call into question com-
parisons of either the facet or domain scores.
There are cogent theoretical reasons for comparing mean pro-
files across cultures. Such comparisons could increase our under-
standing of ecological, cultural, and biological influences on per-
sonality. For example, Hofstede and McCrae (2004) found
relationships between dimensions of culture (i.e., Individualism,
Uncertainty Avoidance, Power Distance, and Masculinity) and
country-level means for the NEO-PI-R Big Five domain scores
that suggested cultural influences on personality. Other researchers
have observed higher average Extraversion and Openness to Ex-
perience scores of immigrant groups—or Europeans and Ameri-
cans, as compared with Africans and Asians—and attributed these
differences to selective emigration and resulting gene flow (Cam-
perio Ciani, Capiluppi, Veronese, & Sartori, 2007; Olson, 2007).
From an applied perspective, knowledge of cultural mean differ-
ences in trait levels, if large and reliable, might facilitate intercul-
tural communications and adjustment.
This article was published Online First September 12, 2011.
A. Timothy Church, Juan M. Alvarez, Nhu T. Q. Mai, Brian F. French,
and Marcia S. Katigbak, Department of Educational Leadership and Coun-
seling Psychology, Washington State University; Fernando A. Ortiz, Coun-
seling Center, Gonzaga University.
The research was supported by National Institute of Mental Health Grant
MH59941 and National Science Foundation Grant 0953940. The data sets
that were combined for this study were from previous studies that ad-
dressed different research questions and did not investigate differential
item functioning (Church et al., 2007, 2008; Ortiz et al., 2007).
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to A. Tim-
othy Church, Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling Psy-
chology, Cleveland Hall, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
99164-2136. E-mail:
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2011, Vol. 101, No. 5, 1068–1089
© 2011 American Psychological Association 0022-3514/11/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0025290
Despite their potential value, comparisons of mean profiles
across cultures continue to generate controversy (e.g., Church,
2008; Poortinga, Van de Vijver, & Van Hemert, 2002). For ex-
ample, Bock (2000) pointed out that one of the primary reasons for
the downfall of the classic culture-and-personality school in an-
thropology was its tendency to characterize the personality or
“national character” of whole populations, while deemphasizing
individual variability. Bock has warned against fostering the same
“uniformity assumption” in present cross-cultural studies of per-
sonality profiles. With this in mind, McCrae (2004) reminded
readers that ascribing the mean trait level to all or specific indi-
viduals represents unwarranted stereotyping, because there is sub-
stantial within-culture variation in all traits. In addition, observed
cultural differences are subject to a variety of substantive and
artifactual interpretations that are difficult to disentangle, contrib-
uting further to questions about the validity of cross-cultural pro-
file comparisons.
Evidence For and Against Mean Profile Comparisons
Several sources of evidence suggest that aggregate personality
profiles may be meaningful. Perhaps the most persuasive is the
geographical patterning of such profiles (Allik & McCrae, 2004;
McCrae et al., 2010; Schmitt et al., 2007). For example, Allik and
McCrae (2004) found that neighboring countries were generally
grouped together in cluster and multidimensional scaling analyses
of NEO-PI-R mean profiles. For example, European and American
cultures were generally contrasted with Asian and African cul-
tures, with the former higher in Extraversion and Openness to
Experience and lower in Agreeableness. There were also a number
of anomalies in the grouping of cultures, however. Schmitt et al.
(2007) also reported sensible geographical patterning (with some
anomalies) of Big Five Inventory profiles (Benet-Martı´nez & John,
Meaningful external correlates of country-level trait means have
also been reported, including, for example, cultural dimensions,
values, subjective well-being, organizational commitment, socio-
sexuality, and various health-related behaviors and outcomes (e.g.,
Allik & McCrae, 2004; Gelade, Dobson, & Gilbert, 2006; Hofst-
ede & McCrae, 2004; McCrae & Terracciano, 2008; Schmitt et al.,
2007). However, some correlations have been more difficult to
interpret or have not replicated well across studies or methods. For
example, McCrae and Terracciano (2008) identified 530 statisti-
cally significant (p.05) culture-level correlates of NEO-PI-R
scores in observer data, but only 272 of the relationships replicated
in self-report data (McCrae, 2002).
Finally, the generalizability of country-level means across gen-
der and age groups in both self-report and observer data suggests
that these means may be reasonably valid (Costa, Terracciano, &
McCrae, 2001; McCrae, 2001, 2002; McCrae, Terracciano, & 78
Members of the Personality Profiles of Cultures Project, 2005a;
McCrae et al., 2010; Schmitt et al., 2007). The average cultural
differences that are observed with personality inventories—
whatever their meaning—are reliably found across gender and age.
However, the validity of cultural mean profiles may be called
into question by the limited convergence of country-level means
obtained with different Big Five measures (McCrae et al., 2010;
Schmitt et al., 2007) and the failure of cultural mean profiles to
converge with informants’ ratings of typical personality in a cul-
ture (Church & Katigbak, 2002; McCrae et al., 2010; Terracciano
et al., 2005)—what Terracciano et al. have referred to as “national
character stereotypes.” In addition, cross-cultural psychologists
have noted various method and item biases that can reduce the
measurement equivalence of personality inventories across cul-
tures (Church, 2010; Vanderberg & Lance, 2000; van de Vijver &
Leung, 1997). These include sampling biases, translation inequiva-
lencies, cultural differences in response styles or negative item
bias, differential familiarity with test materials, and items that are
not equally relevant indicators of the personality constructs across
cultures. Heine, Lehman, Peng, and Greenholtz (2002) have also
argued that reference group effects—the tendency for respondents
in different countries to rate their traits in comparison to different
cultural norms or reference groups—will also confound cross-
cultural mean comparisons.
Measurement Invariance
In the present study, we focused on one of the most fundamental
factors that could invalidate—or at least raise significant concerns
about—mean profile comparisons across cultures, a lack of mea-
surement invariance. Researchers have delineated several levels of
measurement invariance (Church, 2010; Vandenberg & Lance,
2000; van de Vijver & Leung, 1997). Configural invariance is
exhibited when the same number of constructs or factors, and the
same pattern of salient loadings, defines the structure of the in-
strument across cultures. Metric invariance is present when the
factor loadings (i.e., regression slopes) for items that define the
construct can be considered equal across cultures. Metric equiva-
lence implies equivalent scale intervals, which facilitates compar-
isons of the nomological networks of the constructs across cultures
(Steenkamp & Baumgartner, 1998). Meaningful comparisons of
mean scores across cultures also require scalar invariance, a more
stringent level in which the item intercepts can also be constrained
to be equal across cultures. The item intercepts, which are the
values of each item corresponding to the zero value of the latent
construct or trait, indicate whether the measurement scales have
the same origin or zero point across cultures (G. W. Cheung &
Rensvold, 2000). Lack of measurement invariance at the item level
is often referred to as differential item functioning (DIF).
Configural and metric invariance have already been demon-
strated at the facet level for the NEO-PI-R using principal com-
ponents analysis (e.g., Katigbak, Church, Guanzon-Lapen˜a, Car-
lota, & del Pilar, 2002; McCrae & Allik, 2002; Ortiz et al., 2007).
However, scalar invariance is rarely tested in personality inven-
tories. In particular, we could identify only two previous studies in
which DIF was examined across cultures in measures of the Big
Five dimensions. Nye, Roberts, Saucier, and Zhou (2008) found
that over 60% of the items in the Big Five Mini-Markers (Saucier,
1994) exhibited DIF across American, Greek, and Chinese sam-
ples. Elimination of DIF items had dramatic effects on the com-
parisons of cultural means. Huang, Church, and Katigbak (1997)
found that about 40% of the items in the original NEO-PI exhibited
DIF and that many apparent cultural differences between Ameri-
cans and Filipinos were eliminated after DIF items were removed.
In a comparison of Americans and Germans, Johnson, Spinath,
Krueger, Angleitner, and Riemann (2008) found that over one
third of the items in the Multidimensional Personality Question-
naire (MPQ; Tellegen & Waller, 2008) exhibited DIF and that
removal of DIF items eliminated cultural mean differences for all
but one of the 11 scales. Applications of DIF methods to other
personality measures have yielded variable results, with some
researchers reporting small proportions of DIF items (i.e., 15% or
less; Ellis, Becker, & Kimmel, 1993) and others reporting larger
percentages (e.g., 20%–60%; Butcher, 1996; Taylor & Boeyens,
1991; van Leest, 1997; Waller et al., 2000).
On the basis of their MPQ results, Johnson et al. (2008) con-
cluded that “it is not unreasonable to expect that many, if not most,
of the translated questionnaires used in [cross-cultural] NEO-PI-R
comparisons contain items that would show DIF if the appropriate
analyses were carried out” (p. 693). If so, then some apparent
cultural differences might be artifactual, whereas some valid cul-
tural differences might be masked by DIF. In addition, when many
DIF items are removed, it raises questions about construct under-
representation and content validity in what remains of the instru-
ment, making it unclear what aspects of the construct are being
compared. Researchers differ in their views regarding the propor-
tion of items that need to demonstrate invariance to enable cross-
cultural comparisons (e.g., Byrne, Shavelson, & Muthe´n, 1989;
Steenkamp & Baumgartner, 1998; Vandenberg & Lance, 2000).
Ideally, most of the items will exhibit invariant factor loadings and
intercepts, so that estimates of cultural means will be based largely
on equivalent items.
Item Versus Scale-Level Invariance
In considering the measurement invariance issue, McCrae, Ter-
racciano, & 79 Members of the Personality Profiles of Cultures
Project (2005b) and McCrae and Terracciano (2008) suggested
that DIF may cancel out at the scale level, allowing for valid
cross-cultural comparisons of NEO-PI-R facet and domain scores.
More generally, Labouvie and Ruetsch (1995) have argued that it
is unrealistic to require invariance at the item level—for example,
because most items are factorially complex—and that group com-
parisons require only invariance at the scale level. A few research-
ers have investigated the possibility that DIF might cancel out at
the scale level in personality inventories.
Consistent with the suggestion of McCrae, Terracciano, & 79
Members (2005b), Waller et al. (2000) found substantial DIF in an
investigation of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory fac-
tor scales, but little differential test functioning (DTF). Similarly,
Reise, Smith, and Furr (2001) found that one third of the items in
the NEO-PI-R Neuroticism scale exhibited gender DIF in a com-
parison of American men and women, but very little differential
scale functioning was found. In contrast, Ellis and Mead (2000)
found that about three fourths of the scales in a Spanish translation
of the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (Cattell, Cattell, &
Cattell, 1993) showed significant DTF, suggesting that DIF did
translate to the scale level. Recent simulation studies suggest that
DIF can influence the psychometric properties of test scores (e.g.,
coefficient alphas, score variances) depending on DIF type and
severity (French & Finch, 2008; French & Maller, 2006) and,
ultimately, statistical tests regarding group mean differences (Li &
Zumbo, 2009). In short, more attention needs to be placed on
examining the influence of DIF at the score level, the critical level
at which decisions and interpretations about groups are typically
made. Overall, previous findings with both real and simulated data,
although not extensive, suggest that DIF may not cancel out at the
scale or score level. However, this question has not yet been
examined with the inventory that is most widely used in cross-
national comparisons, the NEO-PI-R.
DIF Paradox
There is a paradox in the investigation of DIF. On the one hand,
researchers interested in cross-cultural comparisons will prefer to
find little or no DIF. On the other hand, items that exhibit DIF
might reveal interesting cultural differences in the relevance or
prevalence of the behavioral indicators of traits (Church, Katigbak,
Miramontes, del Prado, & Cabrera, 2007; Huang et al., 1997;
Johnson et al., 2008). Although a number of researchers have
commented on the difficulty of explaining DIF, they nonetheless
note the potential value of looking for patterns in the content of
DIF items (Ellis, 1990; Ellis et al., 1993; Huang et al., 1997;
Johnson et al., 2008; Reise et al., 2001). Some DIF could be the
result of translation inequivalencies, sampling differences, moti-
vational differences, or how cultural groups respond to particular
item formats (e.g., reverse-keyed items). Of greater interest for
personality psychologists would be cultural differences in the
relevance of the behaviors (items) as indicators of the associated
traits, or the prevalence of the behaviors in the cultural groups.
Researchers have tried to explain such differences in terms of
cultural values, norms, or practices. This DIF paradox reminds us
that some DIF may represent valid cultural differences in the
behavioral indicators of traits, rather than measurement artifacts.
Even so, the presence of DIF detracts from measurement invari-
ance and researchers’ ability to make confident mean comparisons
across cultures.
Overview of the Present Study
We had several goals. The primary goal was to determine the
meaningfulness of cross-cultural comparisons of mean profiles by
examining the item- and facet-level invariance of the NEO-PI-R
across three cultural samples, the United States, Mexico, and the
Philippines. Second, we sought to address the methodological
question of whether lack of invariance at the item level carries
forward to the facet level at which personality scores are actually
compared across cultures. In so doing, we also tested McCrae,
Terracciano, & 79 Members’s (2005b) proposal that DIF may
cancel out at the facet level. Third, we wished to determine
whether elimination of DIF items impacts apparent cultural mean
differences in trait levels. Fourth, we sought to explore whether
DIF items can reveal meaningful patterns of cultural differences in
the behavioral indicators of personality traits.
We used multigroup confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to
achieve these goals. CFA was favored over item response theory
(IRT) methods (Camilli & Shepard, 1994; Embretson & Reise,
2000) for several reasons. First, use of CFA enabled us to test for
item-level and facet-level invariance using the same analytic strat-
egy. Second, whereas our sample sizes were sufficient for CFA
(Kahn, 2006), only one of our three cultural samples met the larger
sample size requirement (e.g., 500 or more) typically recom-
mended for IRT methods (Stark, Chernyshenko, & Drasgow,
2006). Third, IRT methods are more complex than CFA and thus
less accessible to most readers, as well as researchers who may
want to conduct their own measurement invariance analyses. For
detailed comparisons of CFA and IRT-based DIF analyses, see
Stark et al. (2006); Raju, Laffitte, and Byrne (2002); Reise, Wida-
man, and Pugh (1993); Meade and Lautenschlager (2004); and
Finch and French (2007).
We investigated DIF for each pairwise comparison among the
three cultures, that is, the United States versus the Philippines, the
United States versus Mexico, and the Philippines versus Mexico.
This provided an opportunity to replicate DIF across comparisons
to determine whether some items are more prone to DIF than
others, or whether DIF tends to be specific to particular cultural
comparisons. In each pairwise cultural comparison, we expected to
find a moderate proportion of DIF items (e.g., 30%–40%) in the
NEO-PI-R and that at least some DIF would carry forward to the
facet or score level. We also expected some cultural mean differ-
ences in NEO-PI-R facet scores to be impacted by elimination of
DIF items. If so, it would suggest that some cultural mean com-
parisons can be distorted by the presence of DIF.
The United States. The United States sample included 261
students (69 men, 180 women, 12 not reporting gender) at Wash-
ington State University, a midsize public university. Mean age was
21.48 (SD 3.60). Self-reported ethnic backgrounds were as
follows: White/Caucasian (81.6%), Chicano/Latino/Hispanic
(2.7%), Asian/Pacific Islander (2.3%), African American (1.5%),
Native American (.4%), bi- or multiracial (5.0%), and “other” or
not reporting (6.5%). Students received extra credit in their courses
for participation. This sample was obtained by combining the
participants from two previous studies that related NEO-PI-R
domain scores to daily behaviors but did not examine DIF (Church
et al., 2007, 2008).
The Philippines. The Philippine sample included 268 stu-
dents (103 men, 149 women, 16 not reporting gender) at two
private universities in Manila (University of Santo Tomas, n
168; De La Salle University, n80), and a smaller college in a
medium-size city 60 km south of Manila (De La Salle Lipa, n
20). Mean age was 18.40 (SD 1.45). About 94% self-reported
their ethnicity as Filipino, whereas the remaining participants
reported Chinese (4%) or biracial (e.g., Filipino-Chinese) ethnicity
(2%). The sample was obtained by combining the participants
from two previous studies that related NEO-PI-R domain scores to
daily behaviors but did not examine DIF (Church et al., 2007,
Mexico. The Mexican sample included 775 students (302
men, 473 women) from the National Autonomous University of
Mexico at Iztacala (n202), the Hidalgan Institute of Higher
Learning Studies (n189), and the Autonomous University of
Yucatan (n384). Mean age was 19.79 (SD 2.41). All
participants reported their ethnic background to be Mestizo, the
predominant ethnicity in Mexico and a mixture of European (usu-
ally Spanish) and American Indian ancestry. The sample was
previously used in a study in which the relationship between the
FFM and indigenous Mexican personality inventories were inves-
tigated, but it did not examine DIF (Ortiz et al., 2007).
The NEO-PI-R. The 240-item NEO-PI-R (Costa & McCrae,
1992) measures the Big Five traits of Neuroticism, Extraversion,
Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness.
Each domain encompasses six eight-item facet scales that measure
specific traits in each Big Five domain (see Table 1). Items were
rated on a 5-point scale (1 strongly disagree,2disagree,3
neutral,4agree,5strongly agree). The NEO-PI-R has been
translated in over 70 cultures (McCrae & Allik, 2002). In the
Philippine sample, the Filipino (Tagalog) version was used, which
was previously derived using back-translation methods (Del Pilar,
1998; McCrae, Costa, del Pilar, Rolland, & Parker, 1998). Previ-
ous studies have demonstrated the generalizability of the facet-
level structure of the NEO-PI-R to Philippine samples and the
convergent validity of the Filipino NEO-PI-R with indigenous trait
and behavior measures (Church et al., 2007, 2008; Katigbak et al.,
2002; McCrae et al., 1998). In discussing the Filipino translation,
McCrae et al. (1998) noted that four items were replaced entirely
with content deemed to be more culturally relevant. In addition,
our inspection of the Filipino translation revealed six more items
that were viewed as significant modifications or substitutions, plus
12 items (including one of the modified items) that reversed the
keying of the original English language item (the reverse-keyed
items were, or course, recoded appropriately before conducting the
DIF analyses). Rather than discard these items, they were retained
Table 1
Internal Consistency Reliabilities (s) for NEO-PI-R Facets in
Three Cultures
NEO-PI-R facet United States Philippines Mexico
N1: Anxiety .72 .64 .57
N2: Hostility .69 .76 .70
N3: Depression .80 .77 .69
N4: Self-consciousness .66 .58 .62
N5: Impulsivity .63 .44 .55
N6: Vulnerability .70 .67 .68
E1: Warmth .73 .68 .66
E2: Gregariousness .77 .73 .67
E3: Assertiveness .76 .72 .68
E4: Activity .61 .57 .55
E5: Excitement-Seeking .63 .49 .50
E6: Positive emotions .77 .64 .70
Openness to Experience
O1: Fantasy .76 .62 .62
O2: Aesthetics .79 .58 .69
O3: Feelings .71 .64 .52
O4: Actions .55 .51 .24
O5: Ideas .79 .66 .75
O6: Values .69 .46 .31
A1: Trust .82 .68 .70
A2: Straightforwardness .67 .61 .61
A3: Altruism .74 .57 .63
A4: Compliance .68 .63 .55
A5: Modesty .70 .66 .65
A6: Tender-Mindedness .58 .57 .32
C1: Competence .65 .66 .62
C2: Order .68 .71 .46
C3: Dutifulness .64 .52 .61
C4: Achievement-Striving .73 .71 .62
C5: Self-Discipline .81 .75 .74
C6: Deliberation .70 .70 .69
Note. NEO-PI-R Revised NEO Personality Inventory.
because the present DIF analyses would enable us to test whether
these substituted or reversed items provided equivalent measure-
ment, as compared with the original items.
In Mexico, a Spanish version of the NEO-PI-R (Gellman, 1994)
was used. Gellman (1994) reported acceptable equivalence of the
English and Spanish versions in a bilingual test–retest study with
college students in the United States, and the Spanish version has
also been used previously in Mexico (McCrae, Terracciano, & 78
Members, 2005a). Ortiz et al. (2007) had it further reviewed by a
clinical psychology professor in Mexico and a Spanish language
professor at Washington State University, both of whom were born
in Mexico and fluent in Mexican Spanish. On the basis of their
recommendations, some minor corrections in grammar and syntax
were made. Our inspection of the Spanish translation revealed only
one item that qualifies as a culture-specific substitution. The E5:
Excitement-seeking item about not wishing to vacation in Las
Vegas refers instead to Cancun. No Spanish translations resulted in
a reversal of the keying of the original items. Ortiz et al. (2007)
demonstrated the generalizability of the facet-level structure of the
NEO-PI-R and the convergent validity of the NEO-PI-R domain
scores with indigenous Mexican inventories.
Table 1 shows the internal consistency () reliabilities of the 30
facet scales in each sample. The values provide one indication of
measurement invariance at the facet level. The mean s across all
30 facets were .71 in the United States (Mdn .70), .61 in the
Philippines (Mdn .64), and .60 in Mexico (Mdn .62). A few
facets had values lower than .50 in the Filipino and Mexican
samples, which are clearly marginal (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994).
Procedure. In the United States, some students were paid for
research participation and completed the NEO-PI-R in monitored
groups, whereas others received extra credit in class and completed
the instrument on their own time. In the Philippines, some students
were paid and completed the NEO-PI-R in monitored groups,
whereas others volunteered to complete the instrument in regular
classes. In Mexico, volunteer students completed the NEO-PI-R
during regular classes.
Data analysis. The samples described above excluded a small
number of respondents in each culture who had left 12 or more
NEO-PI-R items blank. Following the procedure described in the
NEO-PI-R manual (Costa & McCrae, 1992), any remaining blank
responses were replaced with a neutral response.
Multigroup CFA was used, as implemented by the AMOS 16.0
program, to test the measurement invariance of the NEO-PI-R
items, then the facets, in pairwise comparisons of the three cultural
samples. The extent of DIF was examined in each of the 30
NEO-PI-R facet scales, as well as the extent to which DIF canceled
out or carried forward to the facet level. Maximum likelihood
estimation was used to derive all model parameters.
In a CFA framework, the raw score for an item can be expressed
as shown in Equation 1, where the latent variable is the facet-level
trait (e.g., N1: Anxiety). Scalar invariance holds when the regres-
sion parameters (i.e., intercept and loading) can be considered
equal across groups, so that people in two different cultures who
have the same position on the latent variable have the same raw
Equation 1: Raw item score Intercept
Loading Latent Variable.
To conduct DIF analyses, it is first necessary to select one of the
eight items in each facet to serve as a referent or anchor item to
identify the CFA model and define the metric of the latent variable
or facet. To do so, a principal components analysis was conducted
on the eight items in each facet in each culture. For each cultural
comparison (e.g., United States vs. Philippines), what was selected
as the anchor was the item within each facet that had the most
similar factor loadings in the two cultural samples (Finch &
French, 2008). Across the three cultural comparisons, the mean
cultural difference in the factor loadings for the anchor items was
.03, and the factor loadings for the anchor items ranged from .30
to .83. These principal components analyses also served to dem-
onstrate the essential unidimensionality of the items in each facet
scale. Thus, although responses to personality items may be more
complex or multifaceted than mental ability items, it is appropriate
to conduct DIF analyses on them (Reise et al., 2001).
CFA can identify DIF in the item factor loadings or intercepts.
Assuming translation equivalence, loading DIF can indicate that
the thought, feeling, or behavior referred to in the item is less
relevant as an indicator of the trait in one of the two cultures being
compared (and conversely, more relevant in the other culture). If
an item exhibits intercept DIF, it can indicate that the thought,
feeling, or behavior is less prevalent or endorsed less in one of the
two cultures by individuals with comparable levels of the trait. It
is only meaningful to test for intercept DIF if the factor loading
(i.e., regression slope) for a given item is invariant across cul-
Accordingly, the following steps were used to examine the
measurement invariance of the items in each facet for each cultural
comparison (Steenkamp & Baumgarten, 1998). The latent variable
in each DIF analysis was one of the 30 facets in the NEO-PI-R
(e.g., N1: Anxiety), and the eight items in the facet scale were the
observed indicators.
Testing for factor loading DIF:
Step 1. Test a CFA model in which the factor loadings for
all items in the facet are freely estimated in both
cultures (except for the anchor item, which is fixed
to 1.0 in each culture).
Step 2. Test a CFA model in which all of the item factor
loadings are constrained to be equal in the two
Recently, Stark et al. (2006) offered several reasons for testing DIF in
factor loadings and intercepts simultaneously: to make the analysis less
cumbersome, to reduce the total number of statistical tests and Type I error,
and to avoid errors in DIF detection for the loadings propagating to
subsequent tests of intercept DIF. Also, because item slopes (loadings) and
intercepts can be correlated to some extent, metric (loading) and scalar
(intercept) invariance are not necessarily strictly independent. Finally, in
practice, researchers are likely to discard items that exhibit either kind of
DIF, so it is arguably unimportant whether an item exhibits DIF in the
loading or intercept. However, if one is interested, as we were, in differ-
entiating the amount of loading and intercept DIF—because the two types
of DIF have different conceptual meanings and implications for cross-
cultural measurement—it is necessary to test for the two types of DIF
separately. Indeed, this is the common practice in DIF analyses based on
CFA (Steenkamp & Baumgarten, 1998; Vandenberg & Lance, 2000).
Step 3. Compare the overall fit of the constrained (Step 2)
and freely estimated (Step 1) models using a chi-
square difference test. If the chi-square difference
test is not statistically significant (p.01), then
there is no DIF in the item factor loadings for that
facet, and one should proceed to test for DIF in the
item intercepts (i.e., Step 6). If the chi-square dif-
ference test is statistically significant, then proceed
to Step 4 to test for factor loading DIF in the
individual items.
Step 4. Successively test for factor loading DIF in each
individual (focal) item by constraining the factor
loadings for that item to be equal in the two cul-
tures, while freely estimating the factor loadings of
all the remaining items (except the anchor item) in
both cultures.
Step 5. Compare the fit of each of the models in Step 4, in
which the factor loading for a focal item is con-
strained to be equal in the two cultures, with the
model in Step 1 in which all factor loadings were
freely estimated in the two cultures. If the chi-
square difference test is statistically significant, then
the factor loading for the focal item exhibits DIF.
Testing for intercept DIF:
Step 6. Test a CFA model in which all item intercepts,
including for the anchor item, are freely estimated
in the two cultures. In this model, and in all subse-
quent models testing for intercept DIF, retain the
factor loading equality constraints for those items
that did not exhibit factor loading DIF in Step 5.
Step 7. Test a CFA model in which all item intercepts are
constrained to be equal in the two cultures.
Step 8. Compare the fit of the constrained (Step 7) and
freely estimated (Step 6) intercept models using a
chi-square difference test. If the chi-square differ-
ence test is not statistically significant (p.01),
then there is no DIF in the item intercepts for that
facet. If the chi-square difference test is statistically
significant, then proceed to Step 9 to test for inter-
cept DIF in the individual items.
Step 9. Successively test for intercept DIF in each (focal)
item that did not exhibit factor loading DIF. Do so
by constraining the intercept for that item to be
equal in the two cultures, while freely estimating the
intercept of all the remaining items in both cultures.
Step 10. Compare the fit of each of the models in Step 9, in
which the intercept for a focal item is constrained
to be equal in the two cultures, with the model in
Step 7, in which all intercepts were freely esti-
mated in the two cultures. If the chi-square differ-
ence test is statistically significant, then the inter-
cept for the focal item exhibits intercept DIF.
After these DIF analyses were completed, analogous CFA anal-
yses were conducted at the facet level to test for measurement
invariance in the factor loadings and intercepts of each facet as an
indicator of the relevant Big Five dimension. For example, for the
Neuroticism domain, Neuroticism was the single latent variable in
the CFA model, and scores for the six facet scales were the
observed indicators. These “higher level” facet analyses enabled us
to determine the extent to which DIF within each facet scale
canceled out or carried forward to the facet level at which NEO-
PI-R scores are typically computed and compared.
In the above steps, the chi-square difference test provides a
direct statistical test of whether the factor loadings or intercepts
can be considered equivalent in two cultures. However, when
sample sizes are large, even modest differences in loadings or
intercepts can result in significant changes in chi-square values
between constrained and freely estimated models. In addressing
this issue of statistical versus practical significance, G. W. Cheung
and Rensvold (2002) recommended that researchers consult
Bentler’s (1990) comparative fit index (CFI) to identify items
lacking measurement invariance. The CFI is a relative fit index
that quantifies the fit of each model in terms of its proportional
improvement over a null model of no covariation between the
observed variables (i.e., no common factors) (Bentler, 1990).
Specifically, G. W. Cheung and Rensvold recommended that
changes in the CFI (CFI) between constrained and freely esti-
mated models that exceed .01 be used to designate items that lack
measurement invariance. In a simulation study, these authors
found that the CFI value has a number of desirable features. It is
independent of both model complexity and sample size and un-
correlated with overall model fit indices.
Accordingly, two criteria were used to designate items or facets
as noninvariant. The chi-square difference test criterion (⌬␹
which was applied in the sequence of steps outlined above—
provides a direct test of statistical significance and is the most
commonly applied criterion in the literature. Because of the num-
ber of statistical tests, a more conservative alpha level of .01 was
used for the chi-square difference test criterion. The CFI .01
criterion has only recently been applied in DIF analyses (e.g.,
French & Finch, 2006). However, unlike the chi-square difference
test, it is independent of sample size and thus will be more
equivalent across our three pairwise cultural comparisons. We
make use of both criteria in reporting the amount of DIF, but rely
on the more conservative CFI .01 criterion for some analyses,
because this criterion points to DIF of greater practical signifi-
cance. In the present study, the mean loading differences for
loading DIF items identified using the CFI criteria were substan-
tial (M0.41, SD 0.18), and the mean intercept differences for
intercept DIF items corresponded to about half a scale point (M
0.52, SD 0.27). It should be noted that any item that qualifies as
a DIF item based on the CFI .01 criterion will also satisfy the
chi-square difference test criterion.
Bentler’s (1990) CFI index is computed as 1 (max [
,0]/max [
, 0]), where
The index is
normed to values between 0 and 1. Its rationale derives from the fact that
the maximum likelihood fit function is distributed asymptotically as a
noncentral chi-square distribution with noncentrality parameter when the
hypothesized model is false.
Overview. We address the following questions in the results:
How much DIF is exhibited in the pairwise cultural comparisons?
Are there consistencies across cultural comparisons in the items
and facets that exhibit the most DIF? When DIF is detected, is
there any pattern in which cultural samples exhibit the highest
loadings or intercepts? Does DIF in the factor loadings or inter-
cepts cancel out or carry forward to the facet level at which scores
are compared across cultures? Are mean differences between cul-
tures on the facet scales impacted by elimination of DIF items?
Finally, can any patterns in the content of the DIF items be
The DIF. Tables 2,3, and 4 summarize the results for com-
parisons of the United States and Philippines, United States and
Mexico, and Philippines and Mexico, respectively. The first two
columns in each table show the number of items in each facet scale
exhibiting loading DIF based on the chi-square difference test
) and CFI .01 criteria, respectively. In the third column of
Tables 2–4, we show the mean CFI values for those items in each
facet for which loading DIF was detected on the basis of the
chi-square difference tests. The CFI values provide a measure of
the size of the model misfit that results from constraining item
loadings or intercepts to equality across cultures. In the fourth
column of these tables, we show, for those items with loading DIF
based on the chi-square difference tests, ratios showing the number
of DIF items that had higher loadings in each of the two cultures
when the loadings were freely estimated. These ratios indicate
whether there were any consistent tendencies for one or the other
culture to exhibit higher freely estimated loadings when the load-
ings could not be constrained to equality. The next several columns
in each table contain analogous information related to intercept
Table 2
Summary of Noninvariant NEO-PI-R Items and Facets in U.S.-Philippines Comparison
NEO-PI-R facet
Factor loadings Intercepts Facet noninvariance
Mean CFI
Mean CFI
Loadings Intercepts
CFI ⌬␹
CFI ⌬␹
CFI ⌬␹
N1: Anxiety 0 0 2 2 .05 1:1 7.13 U.S. .00
N2: Angry Hostility 1 0 .00 0:1 4 4 .04 1:3 17.24 Phil. .01
N3: Depression 0 0 2 2 .04 0:2 Anchor 7.72 Phil. .01
N4: Self-Consciousness 0 0 5 4 .11 1:4 33.68 Phil. .03
N5: Impulsivity 0 0 4 4 .14 3:1 23.70 U.S. .02
N6: Vulnerability 0 0 2 2 .05 0:2 9.85 Phil. .01
E1: Warmth 0 0 6 5 .09 6:0 68.55 U.S. .09
E2: Gregariousness 0 0 4 1 .02 2:2 Anchor —
E3: Assertiveness 2 2 .02 2:0 4 2 .05 2:2 6.85 U.S. .01
E4: Activity 0 0 3 3 .15 3:0 31.95 U.S. .04
E5: Excitement-Seeking 0 0 4 4 .07 4:0 27.01 U.S. .04
E6: Positive Emotions 2 0 .01 2:0 2 2 .06 2:0 42.11 U.S. .05
Openness to Experience
O1: Fantasy 1 0 .01 1:0 5 4 .04 4:1 13.70 U.S. .03
O2: Aesthetics 0 0 6 6 .04 1:5 Anchor 11.79 Phil. .02
O3: Feelings 0 0 4 4 .05 3:1
O4: Actions 0 0 4 4 .32 1:3 74.48 Phil. .18
O5: Ideas 0 0 3 1 .02 0:3 9.38 Phil. .02
O6: Values 0 0 7 7 .30 7:0 211.64 U.S. .51
A1: Trust 2 1 .02 2:0 3 1 .02 2:1 34.48 U.S. .05
A2: Straightforwardness 1 1 .05 0:1 5 5 .09 4:1 30.73 U.S. .04
A3: Altruism 1 1 .02 0:1 3 3 .16 3:0 62.00 U.S. .08
A4: Compliance 2 2 .03 1:1 5 5 .05 2:3
A5: Modesty 0 0 3 3 .04 3:0 Anchor 9.64 U.S. .01
A6: Tender-Mindedness 1 1 .03 1:0 6 5 .21 2:4 17.78 Phil. .02
C1: Competence 0 0 5 5 .06 4:1 10.94 U.S. .01
C2: Order 3 2 .02 1:2 5 1 .01 3:2
C3: Dutifulness 0 0 2 2 .05 1:1 Anchor —
C4: Achievement-Striving 1 0 .01 1:0 2 1 .06 0:2 15.07 Phil. .02
C5: Self-Discipline 0 0 4 2 .02 1:3
C6: Deliberation 0 0 4 3 .04 0:4 23.49 Phil. .02
Note. In the Facet noninvariance columns, facets with significant loading or intercept noninvariance (⌬␹
) are annotated to indicate the culture with the
higher loading or intercept. NEO-PI-R Revised NEO Personality Inventory; DIF differential item functioning; CFIcomparative fit index; U.S.
United States; Phil. Philippines. Dashes indicate the absence of DIF or facet noninvariance involving the loadings or intercepts for a given facet.
As an example in Table 2, only one item in the N2: Angry
Hostility facet was identified as having loading DIF on the basis of
the chi-square difference tests, and there were no loading DIF
items based on the more conservative CFI criterion. Although
statistically significant in the chi-square difference test, the change
in model fit resulting from constraining the factor loading for the
DIF item was very small (mean CFI .00). The 0:1 ratio in the
fourth column indicates that the freely estimated factor loading for
the single loading DIF item was larger in the Philippine sample.
Four of the items in the N2: Angry Hostility facet were identified
as intercept DIF items on the basis of both the ⌬␹
and CFI
criteria. Model misfit resulting from constraining the intercepts
was moderately large (mean CFI .04). Finally, one intercept
was larger in the United States sample, and three intercepts were
larger in the Philippine sample.
Amount of loading and intercept DIF. One noteworthy find-
ing in Tables 2, 3, and 4 was that loading DIF was relatively
infrequent in all three pairwise cultural comparisons, whereas
intercept DIF was quite frequent. This ratio of occurrence is
consistent with what is seen in large standardized tests and has
been used in DIF simulation work (e.g., French & Maller, 2007).
Across the three cultural comparisons, the percentage of items that
exhibited loading DIF ranged from 7.1% to 18.8% as indexed by
the ⌬␹
criterion and from 4.2% to 9.6% as indexed by the CFI
criterion. In contrast, the percentages of items that exhibited in-
tercept DIF ranged from 47.5% to 56.7% as indexed by the ⌬␹
criterion and from 39.1% to 40.4% as indexed by the CFI
criterion (and recall that intercept DIF is not tested for those items
that exhibit loading DIF). In addition, as seen in the tables, the
misfit in models (i.e., mean CFI values) that resulted from
constraining factor loadings was generally modest, whereas con-
straints on the item intercepts resulted in more substantial model
misfit. In total, the percentages of items exhibiting some form of
DIF in the three pairwise cultural comparisons ranged from 56.3%
Table 3
Summary of Noninvariant NEO-PI-R Items and Facets in U.S.-Mexico Comparison
NEO-PI-R facet
Factor loadings Intercepts Facet noninvariance
Mean CFI
Mean CFI
Loadings Intercepts
CFI ⌬␹
CFI ⌬␹
CFI ⌬␹
N1: Anxiety 4 3 .02 4:0 4 3 .03 3:1 26.13 U.S. .01
N2: Angry Hostility 3 1 .01 1:2 2 2 .02 0:2 13.06 Mex. .01
N3: Depression 4 1 .01 4:0 3 3 .04 3:0 16.28 U.S. .01
N4: Self-Consciousness 0 0 5 5 .04 3:2 Anchor 23.23 U.S. .01
N5: Impulsivity 1 1 .03 1:0 6 3 .03 5:1 36.00 U.S. .02
N6: Vulnerability 0 0 5 3 .02 2:3 — — —
E1: Warmth 0 0 6 5 .06 6:0 100.26 U.S. .06
E2: Gregariousness 0 0 — 5 4 .02 2:3 — — —
E3: Assertiveness 1 0 .01 1:0 4 4 .05 2:2 — — —
E4: Activity 0 0 6 5 .04 5:1 22.01 U.S. .01
E5: Excitement-Seeking 1 0 .01 1:0 6 3 .06 5:1 Anchor — — —
E6: Positive Emotions 2 0 .00 1:1 2 0 .01 2:0
Openness to Experience
O1: Fantasy 0 0 6 4 .02 4:2 — — —
O2: Aesthetics 0 0 7 4 .02 2:5 14.21 Mex. .02
O3: Feelings 0 0 5 5 .08 5:0 Anchor 69.68 U.S. .08
O4: Actions 5 5 .07 4:1 1 1 .12 0:1 300.53 Mex. .33
O5: Ideas 1 0 .00 0:1 6 1 .01 1:5 16.33 Mex. .02
O6: Values 3 3 .07 3:0 3 3 .09 1:2 — — —
A1: Trust 1 0 .01 1:0 7 4 .02 7:0 Anchor 141.63 U.S. .03
A2: Straightforwardness 0 0 4 3 .05 4:0 67.64 U.S. .06
A3: Altruism 0 0 7 4 .03 7:0 58.89 U.S. .05
A4: Compliance 1 0 .01 1:0 3 2 .04 2:1 27.94 U.S. .02
A5: Modesty 2 1 .02 1:1 6 6 .05 6:0 92.53 U.S. .08
A6: Tender-Mindedness 1 1 .07 1:0 7 7 .11 2:5 16.78 U.S. .01
C1: Competence 0 0 — 3 0 .01 3:0 — — —
C2: Order 2 2 .02 2:0 2 1 .03 2:0 13.61 U.S. .00
C3: Dutifulness 2 0 .01 2:0 1 1 .05 0:1 17.29 Mex. .00
C4: Achievement-Striving 1 0 .01 1:0 6 3 .02 2:4 8.03 Mex. .00
C5: Self-Discipline 1 0 .00 1:0 4 2 .02 2:2 Anchor — — —
C6: Deliberation 0 0 4 3 .02 1:3 9.78 Mex. .00
Note. In the Facet noninvariance columns, facets with significant loading or intercept noninvariance (⌬␹
) are annotated to indicate the culture with the
higher loading or intercept. NEO-PI-R Revised NEO Personality Inventory; DIF differential item functioning; CFIcomparative fit index; U.S.
United States; Mex. Mexico. Dashes indicate the absence of DIF or facet noninvariance involving the loadings or intercepts for a given facet.
to 71.2% as indexed by the ⌬␹
criterion and from 44.6% to 48.8%
as indexed by the CFI criterion. The latter range is similar to the
approximately 40% of DIF items detected in the original NEO-PI
by Huang et al. (1997) using IRT methods.
In summary, the relatively small amount of DIF in the item
loadings indicates that item-level metric equivalence was generally
good for most facets. Thus, the behaviors referred to in most of the
items are equally relevant indicators of the traits measured by the
facet scales. In contrast, scalar equivalence (i.e., invariant item
intercepts) was lacking for a substantial percentage of the items.
This suggests that the behaviors referred to in the items are less
prevalent, or are endorsed to a lesser extent, in some cultures than
others for a given level of the associated trait.
Consistency of DIF across pairwise cultural comparisons.
In the Appendix, we list—for each of the three pairwise cultural
comparisons—the NEO-PI-R item numbers for those items exhib-
iting loading or intercept DIF based on the more conservative
CFI criterion. We also show which culture had the higher loading
or intercept in each cultural comparison. There was a fair amount
of overlap in the items exhibiting DIF across the three cultural
comparisons. Of the total of 38 items that exhibited loading DIF on
the basis of the CFI criterion in one or more cultural compari-
sons, 13 (34.2%) exhibited loading DIF in more than one cultural
comparison. Of the total of 170 items that exhibited intercept DIF
on the basis of the CFI criterion in one or more cultural com-
parisons, 99 (58.2%) exhibited intercept DIF in more than one
cultural comparison. This indicates that some items are prone to
DIF across multiple cultural comparisons, whereas other items
exhibited DIF in only particular cultural comparisons.
We did not observe any definitive trend for DIF to be more or
less frequent in any of the three pairwise cultural comparisons.
However, we did observe that when loading DIF was detected,
Table 4
Summary of Noninvariant NEO-PI-R Items and Facets in Philippines-Mexico Comparison
NEO-PI-R facet
Factor loadings Intercepts Facet noninvariance
Mean CFI
Mean CFI
Loadings Intercepts
CFI ⌬␹
CFI ⌬␹
CFI ⌬␹
N1: Anxiety 3 2 .02 2:1 4 3 .07 3:1 47.36 Phil. .02
N2: Angry Hostility 3 1 .01 2:1 1 1 .02 0:1 Anchor
N3: Depression 3 1 .01 3:0 3 3 .07 3:0 53.45 Phil. .02
N4: Self-Consciousness 0 0 7 7 .15 6.1 7.89 Mex. .00
N5: Impulsivity 2 1 .02 2:0 5 5 .06 3:2 18.40 Mex. .01
N6: Vulnerability 0 0 4 3 .03 3:1 10.42 Phil. .00
E1: Warmth 0 0 3 3 .06 2:1 Anchor —
E2: Gregariousness 2 0 .00 1:1 2 1 .04 2:0
E3: Assertiveness 0 0 4 2 .03 0:4
E4: Activity 2 0 .01 2:0 6 4 .03 3:3
E5: Excitement-Seeking 3 3 .02 0:3 5 5 .09 2:3 18.51 Mex. .01
E6: Positive Emotions 1 0 .01 0:1 2 2 .03 1:1 7.46 Mex. .01
Openness to Experience
O1: Fantasy 1 1 .02 1:1 4 1 .01 1:3
O2: Aesthetics 0 0 5 2 .03 2:3
O3: Feelings 0 0 4 4 .11 4:0 40.98 Phil. .04
O4: Actions 3 3 .07 3:0 4 4 .12 1:3 100.32 Mex. .11
O5: Ideas 0 0 1 0 .01 1:0 Anchor
O6: Values 3 3 .07 3:0 5 5 .27 0:5 251.28 Mex. .29
A1: Trust 4 0 .01 2:2 2 2 .03 1:1
A2: Straightforwardness 3 1 .01 1:2 3 2 .02 1:2
A3: Altruism 0 0 4 4 .06 2:2 Anchor —
A4: Compliance 1 0 .01 0:1 4 4 .10 4:0 21.68 Phil. .02
A5: Modesty 0 0 5 5 .06 4:1 16.66 Phil. .02
A6: Tender-Mindedness 4 1 .02 3:1 4 4 .24 2:2 83.02 Phil. .08
C1: Competence 0 0 5 4 .03 1:4
C2: Order 5 5 .03 5:0 3 2 .03 3:0 23.49 Phil. .01
C3: Dutifulness 0 0 4 4 .05 1:3 20.22 Mex. .01
C4: Achievement-Striving 1 1 .02 1:0 4 4 .06 2:2
C5: Self-Discipline 1 0 .00 0:1 2 1 .04 1:1 Anchor —
C6: Deliberation 0 0 5 3 .03 4:1 7.16 Phil. .00
Note. In the Facet noninvariance columns, facets with significant loading or intercept noninvariance (⌬␹
) are annotated to indicate the culture with the
higher loading or intercept. NEO-PI-R Revised NEO Personality Inventory; DIF differential item functioning; CFIcomparative fit index; Phil.
Philippines; Mex. Mexico. Dashes indicate the absence of DIF or facet noninvariance involving the loadings or intercepts for a given facet.
Mexicans tended to have lower loadings in comparisons with
Americans (see Table 3) and Filipinos (see Table 4), and Filipinos
tended to have lower loadings than Americans (see Table 2).
However, this was not always the case. Also, with the exceptions
of two Openness to Experience facets (O4: Actions; O6: Values)
and the A6: Tender-mindedness facet, we did not observe any
consistent tendency for some facets to contain more DIF items or
larger mean CFI values than others across the three pairwise
comparisons. These three facets were among those with the lowest
alpha reliabilities in Mexico and the Philippines. Overall, DIF
tended to be rather uniformly distributed across all domains and
Interpretation of DIF. As previous researchers have noted, it
is difficult to explain DIF items, for example, in terms of cultural
norms, contexts, or practices (Ellis, 1990; Huang et al., 1997; Nye
et al., 2008). Indeed, some interpretations may be speculative. We
first examined whether the culture-specific item substitutions
made in the Filipino and Spanish translations resulted in DIF. We
focused on DIF based on the more conservative CFI .01
criterion. Of the 10 item substitutions in the Filipino version, seven
exhibited loading or intercept DIF in one or both comparisons
involving the Filipino sample. The one culture-specific adaptation
in the Spanish version (Las Vegas vs. Cancun) did not exhibit DIF
in the United States-Mexican comparison, but did exhibit DIF with
the Filipino item, which was also an item substitution referring to
a willingness to try anything.
We next examined whether items whose keying had been re-
versed in the translations tended to exhibit DIF. Of 12 such items
in the Filipino translation, all but one exhibited loading or intercept
DIF in one or both cultural comparisons involving the Filipino
sample. There were no such reversed items in the Spanish trans-
lation. In summary, most of the culture-specific item substitutions
or reversals resulted in DIF in one or more cultural comparisons.
To determine whether some DIF might be due to translation
inequivalencies, we had a Filipino–English bilingual and a
Spanish–English bilingual carefully examine the Filipino and
Mexican translations, respectively, and indicate any DIF items that
might involve slight differences in meaning, as compared with the
original English. On the basis of the bilinguals’ judgments, a small
number of additional cases of DIF may have been caused by
translation inequivalencies, more so in comparisons involving the
Filipino sample, in which direct or literal translation was appar-
ently more difficult than in the Spanish translation. For example, in
the E1: Warmth facet, Item 152 states: “I find it easy to smile and
be outgoing with strangers.” The Filipino translation, “Madali sa
‘king makisama sa mga di-kakilala” (“It is easy for me to get along
with strangers”) is probably reasonable. However, the commonly
used expression makisama (roughly meaning to get along) prob-
ably implies greater depth of interaction or relationship than is
connoted by the English item, which could imply more superficial
friendliness. This item exhibited intercept DIF, with Americans
averaging higher than Filipinos.
Loading DIF. Aside from DIF that was attributed to item
substitutions or translation inequivalencies, one additional pattern
was observed for the loading DIF items. Items that involved
negations (i.e., terms such as not,don’t, and rarely) were more
than twice as likely to exhibit loading DIF in one or more pairwise
cultural comparisons, as compared with items that did not involve
such negation terms. Almost one third of the inventory items that
involved negations exhibited loading DIF, whereas only about
13% of the items without negations exhibited loading DIF. Thus,
although the majority of items with negations did not exhibit
loading DIF, the likelihood of loading DIF was greater with such
In some cases, the reasons for loading DIF may be more
substantive or content-based. For example, a loading DIF item in
the E5: Excitement-seeking facet makes reference to loving the
excitement of roller coasters. The poor loading for this item in the
Filipino sample indicates that this item is a poor indicator of
excitement-seeking in the Philippine context, in which there are
few roller coasters of any size. As another example, a loading DIF
item in the A4: Compliance facet refers to one’s hesitation to
express anger even when justified. This item had a poor loading in
the Philippines, as compared with the United States, perhaps
because overt expression of anger is more strongly discouraged in
the Philippines (Church, 1987; Lynch, 1973). Overall, however,
aside from the items with negations, we were unable to identify
consistent patterns or explanations for most of the small number of
items that exhibited loading DIF.
Intercept DIF. We were able to discern plausible explana-
tions for some intercept DIF. For example, the higher intercept in
the Philippines, as compared with the United States, for an item in
the N3: Depression facet about guilt or sinfulness might be ex-
plained by the greater religiosity (particularly Catholicism) of
Filipinos. Filipinos also had higher intercepts than Americans on
items that refer to pessimism about the future or to things looking
hopeless. These differences might be due to the limited economic
opportunities of many Filipinos, including college graduates. As
another example, Mexicans had lower intercepts than Americans
for two items in the E4: Activity facet that referred to being in a
hurry or having a fast-paced life. These differences might be
explained by the slower pace of life in Mexico (Levine & Noren-
zayan, 1999). These few examples illustrate that some intercept
DIF is plausibly due to cultural differences in the prevalence or
manifestation of specific attitudes and behaviors. However, like
previous researchers, we found it difficult to discern definitive
cultural explanations for many of the DIF items. Nonetheless, the
substantial number of DIF items will make cross-cultural compar-
isons of facet scores risky, unless DIF cancels out at the facet-scale
Facet-level invariance: Does DIF cancel out or carry for-
ward? As noted earlier, the question of whether DIF carries
forward to the facet level of the NEO-PI-R is of central importance
to personality psychologists, because it is at the facet level that
aggregate scores are compared across cultures. Noninvariance at
the facet level would call into question cross-cultural comparisons
of the facet and Big Five domain scores.
We tested facet-level invariance by treating each Big Five
dimension as a latent variable in separate multigroup CFA models
with six facet scores as indicators of each Big Five trait. Nonin-
variant factor loadings would indicate that the given facet (e.g.,
N1: Anxiety) was not an equivalent or equally relevant indicator of
the associated Big Five trait (e.g., Neuroticism) in two cultures. A
noninvariant intercept would indicate that individuals with the
same level of the Big Five trait, but from different cultural groups,
averaged systematically lower or higher on the facet (Bollen,
1989). For example, if the intercept for the Self-consciousness
facet of Neuroticism was higher in the Philippines than in the
United States, it would suggest that self-consciousness is a more
prevalent manifestation of neuroticism in the Philippines than in
the United States.
The nature and extent of facet-level invariance is summarized in
the last four columns of Tables 2, 3, and 4. For each facet that
exhibited noninvariance based on the chi-square difference test, we
show the ⌬␹
values (with one degree of freedom) obtained when
the facet loading or intercept was constrained to be equal across
cultures rather than freely estimated. For these facets, we also
show the size of the CFI difference (CFI) between the con-
strained and freely estimated models. Also indicated is the culture
that had the higher facet loading or intercept when freely esti-
mated. Note that loading invariance cannot be tested for facets that
served as the anchor in the facet-level CFA models.
Loading noninvariance. As seen in Tables 2, 3, and 4,
loading noninvariance was very infrequent at the facet level,
especially using the CFI .01 criterion. Across the three pair-
wise cultural comparisons, the percentage of facets that exhibited
loading noninvariance ranged from 6.7% to 20.0% as indexed by
the ⌬␹
criterion and from 0% to 6.7% as indexed by the CFI
criterion. We might anticipate that loading noninvariance at the
item level would translate to loading noninvariance at the facet
level, because poor item indicators of the facet traits would detract
from the quality of the facet scales as measures of the Big Five
constructs. However, inspection of each facet in Tables 2, 3, and 4
reveals that loading DIF rarely carried forward to the facet level.
This may be due to the relatively small size and amount of loading
DIF. For example, in the United States-Philippines comparison in
Table 2, three items in the C2: Order facet exhibited loading DIF
on the basis of the ⌬␹
criterion and two items on the basis of the
CFI criterion. However, the facet-level loadings for the C2:
Order facet on the Big Five Conscientiousness construct were
invariant across the two cultures.
Intercept noninvariance. In contrast to the infrequent loading
noninvariance, intercept DIF frequently carried forward to the
facet level. The percentages of facets that exhibited intercept
noninvariance ranged from 33.3% to 73.3% as indexed by the ⌬␹
criterion and from 20.0% to 56.7% as indexed by the CFI
criterion. Intercept DIF was particularly likely to carry forward
when one of the two cultures had the higher item intercept for most
of the DIF items and indices of model misfit (i.e., mean CFI
values) were substantial. For example, in Table 2, there were five
items that exhibited intercept DIF (mean CFI .11) for the N4:
Self-consciousness facet on the basis of the ⌬␹
criterion, and the
Filipino sample had a higher intercept than the American sample
on four of those five items. This pattern of intercept DIF was then
reflected in intercept noninvariance at the facet level (⌬␹
33.68; CFI .03), with the Filipino sample having a higher
intercept than the Americans for the N4: Self-consciousness facet
scale. Similarly, four items in the N5: Impulsivity facet exhibited
intercept DIF (mean CFI .14), and the American sample
averaged higher on three of the four items. This pattern of intercept
DIF was then reflected in intercept noninvariance at the facet level
[1] 23.70; CFI .02), with Americans having a higher
intercept than the Filipinos for the N5: Impulsivity facet scale.
In the comparisons of the American sample with the Filipino
and Mexican samples, intercept DIF carried forward in this manner
for a clear majority of the facets (see Tables 2 and 3). In the
Philippine-Mexican comparison (see Table 4), intercept DIF car-
ried forward to the facet level for a smaller percentage of the facets
(about one third), probably because for many of the remaining
facets, there was no consistent trend for one or the other culture to
have the higher intercept for the DIF items in the facet. In these
latter cases, intercept DIF can be viewed as having canceled out at
the facet level (e.g., in Table 4, see facets E1, E4, O2, A1, A2, A3,
C4, and C5). For three additional facets in the Philippine-Mexico
comparisons (N4, N5, and E6), intercept DIF may appear to have
canceled out at the facet level because no intercept noninvariance
is shown for these facets in Table 4. However, recall that intercept
invariance would not have been tested for these facets because
they had already been shown to exhibit loading noninvariance.
In summary, the percentages of facets exhibiting some form of
noninvariance (i.e., in either the loadings or intercepts) ranged
from 53.3% to 80.0% as indexed by the ⌬␹
criterion and from
26.7% to 56.7% as indexed by the CFI criterion. These results
indicate that a substantial amount of the DIF detected in the items,
particularly in the item intercepts, was carried forward to the facet
Impact on cultural mean differences.
Original facet scales. Most of the original facet scales had
statistically significant mean differences in the pairwise cultural
comparisons. This was determined by conducting multivariate
analyses of variance (MANOVAs) with culture as the independent
variable and the 30 facet scales as dependent variables. Gender
was introduced as a covariate in these analyses so that any signif-
icant effects would be attributable to culture rather than differences
in the gender makeup of the three cultural samples (Johnson et al.,
2008). The multivariate tests of cultural effects were statistically
significant in each pairwise cultural comparison (Wilks’s
range .36–.55, p.01). In follow-up ANOVAs of the individ-
ual facet scales, we observed significant (p.01) cultural differ-
ences for 21 scales in the United States-Philippines comparison
range .01–.32), 21 scales in the United States-Mexico
comparison (
range .01–.08), and 16 scales in the Philippines-
Mexico comparison (
range .01–.29).
Purified facet scales. The usual procedure when DIF is
detected is to eliminate the DIF items before making cross-cultural
comparisons (e.g., Huang et al., 1997; Johnson et al., 2008). To
determine the impact of eliminating DIF items, we compared the
size and significance of the cultural effects for the original facet
scores and for “purified” facet scores derived by deleting DIF
items with CFI values greater than .01 (gender was again a
covariate in these analyses). Different purified facet scales were
derived for each pairwise cultural comparison, because the DIF
items varied somewhat for each pairwise comparison. We retained
only purified scales that had at least four items and alpha reliabili-
ties of .50 or higher in both cultures being compared. Having done
so, we found that a majority of the facet scales were no longer
sufficiently reliable for cultural comparisons after eliminating DIF
items. In all three pairwise cultural comparisons of the retained
purified scales, the overall cultural effects were statistically sig-
nificant (Wilks’s range .89–.94, p.01). Therefore, we
compared the Fstatistics and effects sizes in follow-up ANOVAs
with the original and purified scales.
In the comparison of the American and Filipino samples, puri-
fied scales of sufficient length and reliability were derived for 14
of the 30 facets. For six of these 14 facets, no cultural differences
were observed for either the original or purified scales. Of the
remaining eight facets, all showed modest to moderate reductions
in the size of the cultural effects with the purified scales as
compared with the original scales (
decreases of .01 to .06). For
seven of these eight facets, the cultural differences that were
statistically significant for the original scales were no longer
significant for the purified scales. In summary, for eight of the 14
facets that could be compared, conclusions about the existence
(i.e., statistical significance) or size of cultural mean differences
would be different based on the purified scales, as compared with
the original scales.
In the comparison of the American and Mexican samples, pu-
rified scales were derived for 13 facets (and one facet did not need
to be purified). For six of these 13 facets, no cultural differences
were observed for either the original or purified scales. Of the
remaining seven facets, six showed modest to moderate reductions
in the size of the cultural effects with the purified scales as
compared with the original scales (
decreases of .01 to .05). For
three of these seven facets, the cultural differences that were
statistically significant for the original scales were no longer
significant for the purified scales. One facet scale exhibited sig-
nificant cultural mean differences of comparable size for both the
original and purified scales. In summary, for six of the 13 facets
that could be compared, conclusions about the existence or size of
cultural mean differences would be different based on the purified
scales, as compared with the original scales.
Finally, in the comparison of the Filipino and Mexican samples,
purified scales were derived for 11 facets. For six of these 11
facets, no cultural differences were observed for either the original
or purified facet scales. Of the remaining five facets, three showed
modest reductions in the size of the cultural effects (
of .01 to .03), although one of these effects was still statistically
significant, and two showed slightly larger cultural effects for the
purified scales as compared with the original scales. In summary,
for five of the 11 facets that could be compared, conclusions about
the size, direction, or existence of cultural mean differences would
be different based on the purified scales, as compared with the
original scales.
In summary, across the three pairwise cultural comparisons,
conclusions about the statistical significance of cultural mean
differences would have been different for 12 (31.6%) of the 38
possible comparisons of original and purified scales. For just under
50% of the comparisons, conclusions about the size of the cultural
effects would have been different, although some of the effect size
changes were modest. We could not discern any consistent patterns
regarding which facets would have resulted in the same or differ-
ent conclusions regarding cultural differences. Indeed, facets from
all of the Big Five domains exhibited such changes between the
original and purified scales in one or more of the cultural com-
Taking into account invariance at the facet level. Although
researchers typically remove DIF items from their scales before
making cross-cultural comparisons, as described in the previous
section, a case can be made for retaining the original scales in
those cases in which DIF canceled out at the facet level. However,
this is not a simple matter of retaining all of those facets that
exhibited invariance in Tables 2, 3, and 4—that is, those facets for
which DIF appeared to have cancelled out at the facet level. If
other facet scales in the same Big Five domain were not invariant,
then the facets defining the Big Five latent construct exhibited only
partial invariance (Byrne et al., 1989). In particular, if many of the
facets defining the same Big Five construct lack invariance, then it
would call into question the cross-cultural equivalence of the latent
Big Five domain scores used to test the invariance of the remaining
facets, including those facets that appear to be invariant.
Researchers disagree on the proportion of invariant facets
needed to enable cross-cultural comparisons. A rather liberal cri-
terion was suggested by Byrne et al. (1989), who argue that as long
as at least one indicator—in this case, one facet scale—beyond the
anchor facet is invariant, sufficient partial invariance exists to
permit cross-cultural comparisons. However, other researchers
suggest that a partial invariance strategy should be used only when
a large number of indicators (facets) are invariant (Brown, 2006;
Vandenberg & Lance, 2000). In the present study, we used a
moderately conservative strategy as follows: If in addition to the
anchor facet (with the anchor intercept also being invariant), three
of the five additional facets in the Big Five domain were invariant,
then we considered it permissible to compare the four invariant
facets across cultures, even in the presence of item-level DIF
within these facets.
Using this partial invariance strategy, only a few additional facet
scales would qualify for comparison based on the ⌬␹
zero in the United States-Philippines comparison (see Table 2) and
three in both the United States-Mexico and Philippine-Mexico
comparisons (see Tables 3 and 4). In contrast, with the CFI
criterion, which detects less noninvariance, many more facet scales
would qualify for comparison. In the United States-Philippines
comparison, these include four Conscientiousness facets (C1, C2,
C3, and C5; see Table 2). In the United States-Mexico comparison,
these include five Neuroticism facets (N1, N2, N3, N4, and N6),
five Extraversion facets (E2, E3, E4, E5, E6), and all six Consci-
entiousness facets (see Table 3). In the Philippines-Mexico com-
parison, these include four Neuroticism facets (N2, N4, N5, and
N6) plus all of the Extraversion and Conscientiousness facets (see
Table 4).
For several of these facet scales, the purified scales had been too
short or unreliable to retain for cross-cultural comparisons. Thus,
by using this partial invariance strategy, the number of facets that
could be compared increased from 14 to 15 in the United States-
Philippines comparison, from 14 to 20 in the United States-Mexico
comparison, and from 11 to 19 for the Philippines-Mexico com-
parison. Thus, for each cultural comparison, there were still from
11 to 15 facets that could not be compared, either because they did
not meet our criterion for partial invariance or because the purified
scales were too short or unreliable.
Note that scales that qualified for comparison on the basis of our
partial invariance strategy would no longer need to be purified of
DIF items; DIF could be viewed as having cancelled out at the
facet level. This would then reduce the number of scales showing
different conclusions in tests of mean cultural differences, as
compared with our earlier comparisons of original and purified
Of the 15 facets that could now be compared in the United
States-Philippines comparison, conclusions about the statistical
significance and size of cultural differences would still change for
seven and eight facets, respectively. Of the 20 facets that could
now be compared in the United States-Mexico comparison, con-
clusions about the statistical significance and size of cultural
differences would only change for one and three facets, respec-
tively. Of the 19 facets that could now be compared in the
Philippines-Mexico comparison, conclusions about the statistical
significance and size of cultural differences would only change for
one and two facets, respectively. In summary, of 54 possible
comparisons across the three pairwise cultural comparisons, con-
clusions about the significance and size of cultural mean differ-
ences would change for about 17% and 24% of the comparisons,
respectively. These percentages are about half the size of those
reported in our comparison of the original and purified scales.
Keep in mind, however, that from one third to one half of the facet
scales, depending on the particular pairwise cultural comparison,
could still not be compared even in the partial invariance analysis.
The primary goal of this study was to investigate the validity or
meaningfulness of cross-cultural comparisons of mean personality
profiles. Such comparisons have potential theoretical importance
in increasing researchers’ understanding of the ecological, cultural,
and biological factors that influence personality. However, they
have also generated controversy (e.g., Bock, 2000; Church, 2008;
Poortinga et al., 2002). We focused on one important prerequisite
for such comparisons, measurement invariance, using the NEO-
PI-R, which is presently the most prominent inventory used in
cross-cultural comparisons of personality profiles. Relatively few
studies have investigated measurement invariance in personality
inventories (e.g., Ellis et al., 1993; Ellis & Mead, 2000; Huang et
al., 1997; Johnson et al., 2008; Waller et al., 2000), and only
Huang et al. did so with a version of the NEO-PI. Thus, the present
study is the first to examine measurement invariance in translated
versions of the NEO-PI-R.
Our overall conclusion is that DIF is prevalent in the NEO-PI-R
and frequently carries forward to the facet level. Using a partial
invariance strategy can increase the number of facet scales that
qualify for comparison across cultures, but still leaves many scales
that cannot be confidently compared due to the presence of DIF or
facet-level noninvariance. Thus, considerable caution is needed in
drawing conclusions about mean trait differences between cultures
on the basis of aggregate NEO-PI-R profiles.
Nature and extent of DIF. In total, about 40%–50% of the
items in the NEO-PI-R exhibited some form of DIF across the
three cultural comparisons. Approximately half of the DIF items
exhibited DIF in more than one cultural comparison, revealing
some replication of DIF and that some items are prone to DIF
across multiple comparisons. One might argue that our primary
criterion for identifying DIF (CFI .01) is arbitrary and that
different DIF criteria would result in different percentages of DIF
items. It should be noted, however, that G. W. Cheung and
Rensvold (2002) recommended this criterion as a way to identify
differences in CFA model fit that have practical (not just statisti-
cal) significance. Indeed, as reported earlier, the DIF items iden-
tified using this criterion had cultural differences in freely esti-
mated loadings and intercepts that were substantial in size. Thus,
although the exact percentage of items showing DIF will, of
course, depend on the significance level or other criterion applied,
the items designated as DIF items in the present study exhibited
nontrivial differences in loadings and intercepts.
The total percentage of DIF items in this study is slightly larger
than the 40% reported by Huang et al. (1997) with the original
NEO-PI and the approximately 30% reported by Johnson et al.
(2008) with the MPQ. Johnson et al. examined DIF in a compar-
ison of American and German samples, so it is possible that the
greater proportion of DIF items in the present study was due, in
part, to our inclusion of more diverse cultural samples. Careful
back-translation procedures were used to derive the Filipino and
Mexican versions of the NEO-PI-R, and our inspection of the DIF
items suggested that translation inequivalence contributed to DIF
for only a small number of items. In contrast, culture-specific item
substitutions, although few in number, generally resulted in DIF.
Although such adaptations may be necessary in some cases—and
are not a problem for within-culture applications—our results
suggest that they are likely to contribute to a lack of measurement
invariance. Much of the remaining DIF is likely due to cultural
differences in the relevance or prevalence (i.e., endorsement rate)
of the behavioral indicators of the traits, although it can be difficult
to explain these differences in terms of cultural norms, contexts, or
practices (Ellis, 1990; Huang et al., 1997; Reise et al., 2001). The
potential significance of this DIF for cultural comparisons is
discussed in the following paragraphs.
Loading DIF. The most definitive finding of our study was
that loading DIF was relatively infrequent and much less common
than intercept DIF. This is important because it indicates that the
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors referred to in the items are, in the
vast majority of cases, equally relevant indicators of the associated
traits in all three cultures. This provides strong evidence for the
cross-cultural conceptual equivalence of the traits assessed by the
facet scales and the Big Five dimensions. DIF in the factor load-
ings would represent a more fundamental problem for cross-
cultural personality assessment, because it would indicate that the
constructs being measured are defined differently, or manifested in
different behaviors, in varied cultural contexts.
When loading DIF was detected, Mexicans tended to have lower
loadings in comparisons with Americans and Filipinos, and Fili-
pinos tended to have lower loadings than Americans, although this
was not always the case. This is not a surprising finding, given that
the items and associated behaviors were selected as relevant indi-
cators of the traits for Americans. However, it does point to one
benefit of DIF analyses, which can identify those behavioral ex-
emplars of traits that are less relevant in assessing the traits in
particular cultures.
Our finding that loading DIF was more likely for items that
involved negations suggests that such items should be avoided in
cross-cultural personality assessment. Test construction guidelines
often call for inclusion of a balance of positively keyed and
reverse-keyed items, in large part to offset the effects of acquies-
cence bias. However, if reverse-keyed items are obtained by using
negations (e.g., “I don’t find it easy to take charge”), rather than
direct indicators of the opposite pole of the trait (e.g., “In meetings,
I usually let others do the talking”), it may contribute to less
invariant measurement across cultures.
Intercept DIF. In contrast to loading DIF, intercept DIF was
fairly common—about 40% of the items based on the more con-
servative CFI criterion. This indicates that there were cultural
differences in the extent to which the thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors referred to in these items were endorsed by respondents.
It should be noted that a lack of intercept invariance could reflect
either systematic measurement bias or valid group differences in
trait levels (Cole, Maxwell, Arvey, & Salas, 1993; Hancock,
1997). Systematic bias would indicate that individuals with the
same level of the latent trait but from different cultures rate the
item differently, leading to noninvariant intercepts. However, it is
also possible that respondents in a particular culture endorse an
item less, and hence have lower intercepts, because they actually
average lower on the latent trait. This latter possibility is more
likely when the same culture shows lower intercepts on many of
the items in the facet scale, revealing a fairly uniform pattern of
lower endorsement of the behavioral exemplars of the trait (i.e.,
analogous to a cultural main effect). In contrast, when there is no
consistent or uniform pattern of DIF within a facet, DIF more
likely reflects bias associated with the content of specific DIF
items (i.e., analogous to a Culture Item interaction).
For many of the facet scales in our pairwise cultural compari-
sons, a fairly uniform pattern of DIF was exhibited, suggesting that
some DIF was due to average latent trait differences. For many
other facets, however, this was not the case. That is, there was no
consistent trend for one or the other culture to have the higher
intercept for the DIF items in the facet. Furthermore, many appar-
ent cultural mean differences were reduced or eliminated when
DIF items were removed. These findings suggest that at least some
DIF was, in fact, due to measurement bias, that is, cultural differ-
ences in the relevance or prevalence of the specific behaviors
(items) used as indicators of the respective traits. Unfortunately,
elimination of DIF items to remove such biases can also raise
questions about the content-representativeness of the remaining
items and thus descriptions of manifest trait levels in each culture.
Certainly, more confident conclusions about cultural differences
would be possible if relatively few items exhibit DIF, which was
not the case here.
Does DIF carry forward to the facet scale level? As noted
earlier, McCrae, Terracciano, & 79 Members (2005b) suggested
that DIF might cancel out at the facet level, allowing valid cross-
cultural comparisons even in the presence of DIF. A second goal
of our study was to investigate this possibility. A few studies with
real and simulated data have suggested that DIF may not cancel
out at the scale level in cross-cultural comparisons (e.g., Ellis &
Mead, 2000; Li & Zumbo, 2009; Nye et al., 2008; see, however,
Waller et al., 2000). However, none of these studies investigated
this question with the NEO-PI-R. Our results were clear. McCrae,
Terracciano, & 79 Member’s (2005b) speculation was generally
supported in the case of loading DIF, but not intercept DIF.
Indeed, loading DIF rarely contributed to loading noninvariance
at the facet level. Of course, loading DIF was small and infrequent,
so it is possible that loading DIF will carry forward to the scale
level when loading DIF is more extensive. Furthermore, loading
DIF can also contribute to intercept noninvariance at the facet
In contrast, intercept DIF frequently carried forward, con-
tributing to intercept noninvariance at the facet level. Our partial
invariance analysis suggested that some intercept DIF cancelled
out at the facet level, making more cross-cultural comparisons
possible. However, this was not the case for many other facets, and
many purified scales were too short or unreliable for cross-cultural
comparisons. Furthermore, our finding that some cultural differ-
ences were reduced or eliminated after deleting DIF items suggests
that item bias was carried forward for at least some facets. At a
minimum, our results imply that considerable caution is necessary
in interpreting profile differences across cultures, particularly
when the differences are not large.
How might we reconcile our findings with the results of studies
that suggest such profile comparisons may be meaningful? As
noted earlier, substantial (though imperfect) geographical pattern-
ing of personality profiles, and sensible (although not consistently
replicable) country-level correlates of Big Five scores, have been
observed (e.g., Allik & McCrae, 2004; Hofstede & McCrae, 2004;
McCrae & Terracciano, 2008; McCrae et al., 2010; Schmitt et al.,
2007). In addition, country-level means are generalizable across
gender and age groups in both self-report and observer data (Costa
et al., 2001; McCrae, 2001, 2002; McCrae, Terracciano, & 78
Members, 2005a; McCrae et al., 2010; Schmitt et al., 2007).
Several explanations seem plausible.
One possibility, examined in this study, is that intercept nonin-
variance cancels out at the facet level or is caused by valid cultural
differences in trait levels. Our results suggest that this may be the
case for some but not all facets. A second possibility is that cultural
differences in trait levels are sufficiently large to overshadow any
biases associated with DIF. Although only 4% of the variance in
NEO-PI-R scores is accounted for by culture (McCrae & Terrac-
ciano, 2008), the scores for some facets do show nontrivial depar-
tures from American norms in some cultures (see, e.g., McCrae,
2002, Appendix I). A third possibility is that various sources of
bias (e.g., DIF, response styles) that impact personality scores
across cultures also impact measures of other constructs with
which these personality scores are correlated. Indeed, most of the
constructs that have been related to country-level NEO-PI-R
scores have also been measured using self-report, so they would be
subject to similar response biases (e.g., Gelade et al., 2006; Hof-
stede & McCrae, 2004; Leung & Bond, 2004; Schmitt et al., 2007).
Finally, some culture-level studies have focused on the Big Five
domain scores rather than the facet scores (Hofstede & McCrae,
2004; Schmitt et al., 2007). It is possible that facet-level nonin-
variance cancels out at the Big Five domain level, although this
seems unlikely given our finding that at least some DIF carried
forward to the facet level. Also, McCrae et al. (2010) recently
argued that cross-cultural comparisons of aggregate traits should
be conducted at the facet level rather than the domain level.
Each of these explanations may have some validity and addi-
tional research will be needed to determine their relative efficacy.
One recent approach—which avoids some of the problems asso-
ciated with shared method variance—has been to correlate NEO-
PI-R profile scores with nation-level indices of relevant behaviors
(e.g., pace of life, longevity, suicide rates, alcohol consumption,
and corruption; see, e.g., Heine, Buchtel, & Norenazyan, 2008;
McCrae et al., 2010; Mo˜ttus, Allik, & Realo, 2010; Oishi & Roth,
2009). For example, Heine et al. (2008) found that national char-
acter ratings (i.e., ratings of typical personality) predicted country-
level indices of Conscientiousness better than did cultural means
for self-reported and observer-reported Conscientiousness, sug-
gesting that cultural mean profiles may be invalid. Oishi and Roth
Loading DIF could impact intercept invariance at the facet level
because items with different item factor loadings (i.e., regression slopes) in
two cultures will tend to have different item intercepts as well (although
intercept DIF is not formally tested when loading DIF is present). How-
ever, with the possible exception of the O4: Actions facet in the United
States-Mexican comparison (see Table 3), loading DIF did not appear to
account for intercept noninvariance at the facet level.
(2009) replicated Heine et al.’s findings for Conscientiousness but
did find that country mean scores for Agreeableness and Neurot-
icism predicted relevant country-level behavioral indices. How-
ever, Mo˜ttus et al. noted a number of complexities in conducting
such studies. For example, because different facets of Conscien-
tiousness (and probably other Big Five traits) apparently relate
very differently to culture-level criteria, it will be important to
relate aggregate profiles and culture-level criteria at the facet level
rather than the domain level. In addition, these relationships ap-
parently depend on whether the aggregate facet scores are based on
self- or observer ratings (Mo˜ttus et al., 2010). Noting such com-
plexities, and the often theoretically loose hypotheses linking
personality profiles to culture-level criteria, Mo˜ttus et al. con-
cluded that “previous research on the predictive validity of nation-
level mean personality scores has not been theoretically and meth-
odologically rigorous enough to warrant definitive conclusions” (p.
639). In summary, it is too early to tell whether such studies will
be able to resolve the apparent discrepancy between DIF results
and other evidence suggesting that aggregate personality profiles
may be meaningful.
Practical implications. What are some practical implications
of our findings? On the basis of our results, and those of previous
studies, it is apparent that a substantial proportion of items in
personality inventories—typically about 30%–50%—will exhibit
DIF, and some DIF will carry forward to the facet or score level.
Although not a desirable amount of DIF, this percentage range
might be viewed as somewhat normative for carefully back-
translated inventories and a target to improve on in subsequent
translation efforts. Given that DIF was rather uniformly distributed
across all domains and facets, eliminating DIF will not be a simple
matter of revising the items in specific facet scales. Extensive DIF
may not be a problem for within-culture applications of personality
inventories, although it will be best to develop local norms for
applied use, rather than relying on American norms. In addition, if
the inventory will be used for mean comparisons of cultural or
ethnic subgroups within a culture, DIF analyses should be ex-
tended to such subgroup comparisons. Cross-cultural or cross-
ethnic comparisons of nomological networks (e.g., behavioral cor-
relates) and mean trait levels may be misleading in the presence of
substantial DIF. In addition to DIF analyses, we recommend that
facet-level invariance also be examined. Using a partial invariance
strategy, it may be possible to justify cross-cultural comparisons
with additional scales. Unfortunately, there is presently little con-
sensus regarding the number of invariant facets needed to imple-
ment such a strategy, and more research is needed in this regard
(Brown, 2006; Byrne et al., 1989; Vandenberg & Lance, 2000).
In theory, one way that researchers might attempt to avoid the
problems associated with noninvariant measures would be to apply
a culturally decentered approach. Researchers could try to con-
struct inventories simultaneously in several cultures and select
items that have invariant loadings and intercepts. However, Strelau
and Angleitner’s (1994) experience in developing the Pavlovian
Temperament Survey may reveal the challenges associated with
this approach. The researchers developed a pool of 252 items, from
which researchers selected subsets of items with good item dis-
crimination in their respective countries. It is revealing, however,
that only about 50% of the selected items overlapped in any two
cultural versions of the instrument. These results indicate that it
will be difficult to construct culturally decentered measures that
contain only universal or invariant indicators of traits.
Presently, if cross-cultural comparisons are desired, one recom-
mendation would be to use scales that have many items, so that
DIF items can be eliminated without substantial reductions in
reliability and content representativeness. It is premature, however,
to recommend that DIF items in existing inventories always be
eliminated before making cross-cultural comparisons. One reason
is that elimination of DIF items could result in scales that are too
short, unreliable, or lacking in content representativeness. A sec-
ond reason is that more studies are needed to reconcile the typical
finding of substantial DIF with culture-level findings, which sug-
gest that cross-cultural mean comparisons may be meaningful
(e.g., Allik & McCrae, 2004; Hofstede & McCrae, 2004). Indeed,
DIF analyses alone cannot tell us whether scale scores are valid or
accurate, but they do tell us whether the scales provide equivalent
measurement across cultures. Presently, definitive conclusions
about the validity of cross-cultural mean comparisons are not
possible, although our findings should caution researchers against
taking too strong a stance in favor of their validity. We recommend
that researchers use—and attempt to reconcile—both “bottom-up”
approaches (e.g., DIF studies) and “top-down” approaches (e.g.,
studies of culture-level correlates of mean profiles) in cross-
cultural studies. Hopefully, this combined approach will eventu-
ally lead to more confident conclusions regarding the validity of
mean profile comparisons with particular instruments.
Strengths and limitations. Strengths of the study included
the diverse cultural samples investigated, the examination of in-
variance at both item and facet levels, and the fact that DIF was
investigated in three pairwise cultural comparisons. There were
also some limitations. First, our total sample sizes were sufficient
for CFA analyses, but were not large enough to investigate DIF
separately for men and women (which in any case is not typically
done) or to match the cultural samples on the proportion of men
and women (e.g., Johnson et al., 2008). We did control for gender
differences in the MANOVAs that tested for cultural mean differ-
ences in the original and purified scales.
Second, some authors have recommended that researchers apply
iterative DIF procedures in which items initially identified as DIF
are eliminated and the remaining items are tested again for DIF
(e.g., Huang et al., 1997; Park & Lautenschlager, 1990). We did
not use an iterative process, in part, because there would not have
been a large number of items remaining in each facet scale after
deletion of the initial DIF items. In addition, our goal was not to
develop a more refined measure but rather to draw conclusions
about the extent of DIF in the NEO-PI-R. Although iterative
procedures might change the exact number of DIF items, it is
unlikely that our overall conclusions would have changed.
Third, although it is commonplace for researchers to consider
cultural explanations of DIF, this may be premature without first
replicating the DIF items in additional samples. Also, other factors
besides language and culture (e.g., differential motivation of sam-
ples, acquiescence bias) could contribute to DIF. Of course, such
factors could also contribute to noninvariance in the samples now
being compared in multinational studies of personality profiles.
A final limitation was our focus on an imported or “imposed-
etic” measure (Berry, 1969; Church, 2001). Imported measures
such as the NEO-PI-R may miss salient culture-unique behavioral
exemplars of the traits being assessed. Only indigenous instru-
ments, or measures developed using a combined “emic-etic”
(indigenous-imported) approach can identify and incorporate such
behaviors (e.g., F. M. Cheung, Cheung, Wada, & Zhang, 2003;
Katigbak et al., 2002; Ortiz et al., 2007). Of course, an important
drawback of indigenous approaches is that truly culture-unique
items, by their very nature, are unlikely to exhibit measurement
invariance across cultures.
Although cross-cultural comparisons of personality profiles
have the potential to clarify the ecological, cultural, and biological
bases of personality, the validity of such comparisons is still
unresolved in our view. Although a number of factors can con-
found such comparisons (e.g., sampling differences, reference
group effects), the present study focused on one important prereq-
uisite—measurement invariance. DIF studies of personality mea-
sures are still rare. However, the available evidence indicates that
there is substantial DIF in major personality inventories and that
cultural differences are typically reduced or eliminated after DIF
items are removed (Huang et al., 1997; Johnson et al., 2008; Nye
et al., 2008). Further research on the impact of DIF on score
comparisons is needed, using both real and simulated data. One
goal of such research would be to reconcile the presence of
extensive DIF—which does not always cancel out at the scale
level—with other findings (e.g., geographical patterning, external
correlates), which suggest that cultural mean profiles are reason-
ably valid or accurate. In the meantime, the take-home message of
the present study is that considerable caution is warranted in
cross-cultural comparison of personality profiles.
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(Appendix follows)
NEO-PI-R Items With Loading and Intercept DIF in One or More Cultural Comparisons
NEO-PI-R facet
Loading DIF Intercept DIF
US-Phil US-Mex Phil-Mex US-Phil US-Mex Phil-Mex
N1: Anxiety
1—USMPM— —
31 — USMPM
61 — USM— — PM
91 — USM—
121 — USP— PM
151 — USMPM— —
181 — USP— —
211 — USM—
N2: Angry Hostility
36 — PM
66 — USPUSM—
96 — PMUSP— —
156 — USPUSM—
186 — USM— — —
216 — USP— —
N3: Depression
11 — USMPM— —
131 — USMPM
161 — USMPM
191 — USP— —
N4: Self-Consciousness
16 — USP— PM
46 — USMPM
76 — USP— PM
136 — USMPM
166 — — USM—
226 — PM
N5: Impulsiveness
21 — USM—USP— PM
51 — USMPM
111 — USP— PM
171 — USMPM
231 — USP— PM
N6: Vulnerability
56 — USP— —
146 — USMPM
176 — USMPM
206 — PM
236 — USPUSM—
E1: Warmth
32 — USPUSM—
62 — USPUSM—
152 — USP— —
212 — USMPM
E2: Gregariousness
37 — USM—
97 — USMPM
127 — USPUSM—
(Appendix continues)
Appendix (continued)
NEO-PI-R facet
Loading DIF Intercept DIF
US-Phil US-Mex Phil-Mex US-Phil US-Mex Phil-Mex
E3: Assertiveness
12 — USM—
42 — USPUSM—
72 — USPUSM—
162 USP— — —USMPM
192 — PM
222 USP— — —
E4: Activity
47 — USM—
77 — USPUSM—
107 — USMPM
137 — USP— PM
167 — USM—
197 — USMPM
227 — USP— PM
E5: Excitement-Seeking
52 — PM
82 — PM— —
112 — USMPM
142 — PMUSP— —
172 — PMUSP— —
202 — PM
E6: Positive Emotions
87 — USP— PM
207 — PM
237 — USP— —
O1: Fantasy
33 — USPUSM—
63 — USP— —
93 — USP— —
123 — USM—
153 — PM—USM—
183 — USP— —
213 — USM—
O2: Aesthetics
38 — USPUSM—
68 — USPUSM—
98 — USP— PM
158 — USP— PM
218 — USPUSM—
O3: Feelings
13 — USMPM
43 — USPUSM—
73 — USPUSM—
163 — USP— PM
193 — USMPM
O4: Actions
18 — USMPMUSP— —
48 — USM— — PM
78 — USMPMUSP— —
108 — USP— PM
138 — USMPM— —
168 — PM
228 — USM— — —
(Appendix continues)
Appendix (continued)
NEO-PI-R facet
Loading DIF Intercept DIF
US-Phil US-Mex Phil-Mex US-Phil US-Mex Phil-Mex
O5: Ideas
113 — USM—
143 — USP— —
O6: Values
88 — USM—USP— PM
148 — USMPM— —
178 — USP— PM
208 — USMPMUSP— —
238 — USP— PM
A1: Trust
34 — USM—
64 USP— — —USM—
124 — USP— —
154 — USM—
184 — USM—
214 — PM
A2: Straightforwardness
39 — USP— PM
129 — USPUSM—
159 USP— PM— —
189 — USP— PM
219 — USPUSM—
A3: Altruism
14 — USP— PM
44 — USM—
134 — USM—
164 — USPUSM—
194 USP— — PM
224 — PM
A4: Compliance
19 — USP— PM
49 USP— — PM
79 USP— — —
109 — USP— —
169 — USMPM
199 — USP— —
229 — USP— —
A5: Modesty
24 — USPUSM—
54 — USMPM
84 — USPUSM—
114 — USM— — —
144 — USMPM
174 — USMPM
204 — USMPM
234 — USP— PM
A6: Tender-Mindedness
59 — USPUSM—
89 — USMPM— —
149 USP— — —USM—
209 — USMPM
239 — USPUSM—
(Appendix continues)
Appendix (continued)
NEO-PI-R facet
Loading DIF Intercept DIF
US-Phil US-Mex Phil-Mex US-Phil US-Mex Phil-Mex
C1: Competence
65 — USP— —
125 — USP— PM
185 — USP— PM
215 — USP— PM
C2: Order
10 — PM—USM—
70 — PM— —
100 — PM— —
130 — PM
160 USP— PM— —
190 USPUSM— — PM
220 — USMPMUSP— —
C3: Dutifulness
15 — USP— PM
45 — PM
105 — USMPM
225 — USP— PM
C4: Achievement-Striving
20 — PMUSP— —
80 — USMPM
110 — USM—
140 — USMPM
200 — PM
230 — PM
C5: Self-Discipline
25 — USP— —
55 — USM—
85 — USP— —
235 — USMPM
C6: Deliberation
60 — USP— —
90 — USM—
120 — USP— PM
150 — USM—
210 — USMPM
240 — USP— PM
Note. NEO-PI-R Revised NEO Personality Inventory; DIF differential item functioning; Phil. Philippines; Mex. Mexico. Dashes indicate that
there was no loading or intercept DIF for the item in a given cultural comparison.
Received June 22, 2010
Revision received April 11, 2011
Accepted April 27, 2011
... (Duncan & MacEachern, 2008, 42;Keller, 2000, 19;Meijer, 2004, 8 (Drasgow et al., 1989, 285;Meyer, 2014, 113-114;Basokcu & Ogretmen, 2014, 32;Nay, Strong, Nay, Beidel & Turner, 2007, 136 (Kline, 2004, 551;Pae & Park, 2006, 475;Woods, 2009, 42 (Kim & Oshima, 2012, 459;Santelices & Wilson, 2012, 8,9;Wang, Tay, & Drasgow, 2013, 317) (Thissen, 2001, 7-11;Kang & Cohen, 2007, 332;Finch & French, 2007, 569-570;Woods, 2008, 512;Rivas, Stark & Chernyshenko, 2009, 252;Cho et al., 2010,159;Meade & Wright, 2012, 1017Wang et al., 2013, 319) (Ramsay, 1991, 611-630;1998, 367;Ramsay & Silverman, 1997, 51-56;Molenaar , 2001, 296;Lee et al., 2004, 5;Lee, 2007, 122;Sueiro & Abad, 2011, 835;Takano et al., 2014, 2 (Ramsay, 1998, 369;Wang, 2012, 15;Meyer, 2014, 113;Guo & Sinharay, 2010, 3) . (Kline, 2005, 295-296;Koh & Zumbo, 2008, 473;Byrne, 2010, 221, Milfont & Fischer, 2010 (Raju et al., 2002, 519;Schulz, 2005, 6;Wolf et al., 2014, 4;Cheung & Rensvold, 2002, 235-237;Church et al., 2011Church et al., , 1069 ...
... (LeBouthillier et al., 2015;Walker, 2011;Stump et al., 2005;Church et al., 2011) . Pae, 2004;Takala & Kaftandjieva, 2000;Zumbo, 2003;Sahin et al., 2015;French et al., 2012 Teresi & Fleishman, 2007, 37;Koh & Zumbo, 2008, 471;Milfont & Fischer, 2010, 112;Wolf et al., 2014;Byrne, 2010 ...
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هدف البحث الحالي للتعرف على الأداء التفاضلي لبنود اختبار واطسون وجليسر "النسخة القصيرة" للتفكير الناقد في ضوء التخصص الأكاديمي باستخدام النموذج البارامتري ثنائي المعلمة ونموذج Ramsay للانحدار اللابارامتري الممهد، والكشف عن تأثير الأداء التفاضلي للبنود على الأداء التفاضلي للاختبار باستخدام التحليل العاملي التوكيدي متعدد المجموعات، وتم تطبيق الاختبار على 396 طالب من طلاب جامعة القصيم (198 من التخصصات العلمية، 198 من التخصصات الأدبية) وباستخدام برنامجي IRTPRO وTestGraf توصلت الدراسة لعدد من النتائج منها: للعديد من بنود الاختبار أداء تفاضلي لصالح التخصصات العلمية وبعض منها له أداء تفاضلي لصالح التخصصات الأدبية. باستخدام التحليل العاملي التوكيدي متعدد المجموعات أكدت النتائج تأثير الأداء التفاضلي للبنود على الأداء التفاضلي للاختبار ككل، وتم تفسير النتائج في ضوء محتوى بنود الاختبار والاختلاف في الأسس العلمية القائمة عليها النماذج البارامترية واللابارامترية في نظرية الاستجابة للمفردة الاختبارية.
... Given the expectation that response styles and framing effects might influence scores on the Perseverance scale, at a minimum, measurement invariance should be established before drawing any meaningful conclusions about cross-cultural comparisons in personality traits (Church et al., 2011). Measurement invariance is obtained when relationships between manifest variables and latent variables that manifested variables are intended to measure are equivalent across participants from different groups (Drasgow, 1984). ...
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Is Conscientiousness a useful construct across cultures? Using the 2012 Program for International Student Assessment data, we examined whether perseverance, a measure of Conscientiousness, was related to achievement and truancy across 62 countries/regions (N > 470,000). We investigated whether these relationships were linear or curvilinear in nature and assessed the utility of item-level information. After establishing partial metric invariance of the perseverance measure across various countries/regions and cultural regions, our findings unveiled that perseverance consistently predicted both math achievement and truancy, with predominantly linear associations. Notably, among the five items of the Perseverance scale, the item reflecting one’s tendency to give up easily in the face of challenges emerged as the strongest and most consistent predictor of math achievement. Further, country-level correlations between perseverance and both math achievement and truancy displayed contradictory patterns compared to individual-level correlations, suggesting the presence of biasing factors in how people respond to these measures. Nonetheless, it appears reasonable to conclude that measures of Conscientiousness are pan-cultural predictors of achievement and truancy.
... Although this instrument presents inverse scoring items to minimize acquiescence in responses, this approach has faced criticism, particularly due to the potential for varying interpretations of items in cross-cultural studies, 46,47 which has also been referenced in works that examined the SD3 scale. 34,[48][49][50][51] When recoded, in the present study these reversed items formed separate groups in the general and individual networks during initial network estimation. ...
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Previous research has suggested that manipulation and callousness are central to Dark Triad traits, but it has not identified which specific manifestations are expressed across various countries. Objective: This study aimed to identify the core and overlapping manifestations of Dark Triad traits across 10 countries. Methods: We used the Short Dark Triad (SD3) scale and assessed a sample of 8093 participants (59.7% women, M(age) = 32.68 years). For graphical representation, the spinglass algorithm was applied to understand the cluster distribution among Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and subclinical narcissism traits. Centrality indices were used to identify the most influential items, and the clique-percolation algorithm was employed to detect shared attributes among multiple Dark Triad items. Results: Straightforward SD3-21 items demonstrated better interpretability as aversive traits within the broader system. Items with higher centrality values were those related to short-term verbal manipulation from the psychopathy domain, clever manipulation, strategic revenge-seeking from Machiavellianism, and narcissistic motivations for connecting with significant individuals. The most predicted items were linked to planned revenge, using information against others from Machiavellianism, short-term psychopathic verbal manipulation, and narcissistic belief of specialness based on external validation. Items like short-term verbal manipulation had overlaps with both psychopathy and narcissism clusters, while clever manipulation overlapped with Machiavellianism and psychopathy. Conclusion: This cross-cultural study highlights the central role of verbal manipulation within the Dark Triad traits, along with identifying overlapping items among traits measured using straightforward SD3 scale items. In line with our findings, future research that incorporates a wide range of cultural contexts is encouraged to establish the consistency of these findings with the SD3 Scale or alternative measures.
... This finding highlighted the chance of a lack of measurement invariance due to cultural differences. [25] Another validation study of the PERMA Profiler in an American sample confirmed the five-factor structure of the Profiler while also finding support for a hierarchical model. The study found all five factors to have good internal consistencies (Cronbach's α 0.76 to 0.92) and acceptable concurrent validity, concluding the scale to be a valuable tool to measure the multidimensional construct of well-being. ...
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Background The PERMA Profiler is a 23-item questionnaire that measures five pillars of well-being as conceptualized by the PERMA Theory of Well-being. PERMA stands for Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. Aims and Objectives The present study observed the normative information and assessed the factorial validity and reliability of the PERMA Profiler among emerging adult women (aged between 17 and 23) from different states in South India. Materials and Methods A total of 309 participants completed the PERMA Profiler. We used Shapiro-Wilk’s test to assess normality, descriptive statistics to establish normative data, and t -test and ANOVA to measure the impact of demographic variables on well-being. Internal consistency was examined using Cronbach’s alpha and factor structure was tested using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Convergent and discriminant validity of the scale was also assessed. Results Findings showed that age could influence the relationship factor of the PERMA Profiler. Normative data indicated that women in India are lower in PERMA factors, happiness, and well-being compared to the Western, European, Asian, and African countries. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the PERMA Profiler fits the five-factor correlational and hierarchical models. The PERMA factors failed to show adequate discriminant validity. Only meaning showed acceptable convergent validity. Conclusion The study provided reasonably comprehensive normative information on the PERMA Profiler for emerging adult women from India. It can be recommended as a valid tool that gives greater weight to well-being as an underlying construct rather than the factors.
... We used a subsample of the data consisting of participants from the USA for two reasons: First, among the participants, the USA makes up a clear majority (72% or 447,500 participants in total) and the USA sample covers a wide age range with sufficient participants at its extremes. Second, as we wanted to minimize the effects of cultural or language differences on our examination of MI and structural stability (Achaa-Amankwaa et al., 2021;Church et al., 2011;Dong & Dumas, 2020;Jankowsky et al., 2020), we decided against using the full data or subsets of countries. ...
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The concept of differentiation describes increasing or decreasing similarities between inter-individual differences on psychological constructs, reflecting processes of specialization or adaptation. In this study, we studied age-differentiation in personality traits in (1) the trait domain and facet loadings, (2) the correlations between trait domains, and (3) trait domain, facet, and item (residual) variances. We used three large cross-sectional samples (Ns > 3000) covering 16–90 years of age with broad measures of the Big Five, Five-Factor, and HEXACO models. We examined age effects on the model parameters using local structural equation modeling. We found a high stability of the trait domain loadings, suggesting relatively stable trait domain compositions across age. Extraversion-Openness correlations increased across age for all three measures, whereas an increase in the Extraversion-Agreeableness and decrease in the absolute Neuroticism-Extraversion correlations only replicated across the five-dimensional models. Inter-individual differences in personality were similar across age in the trait domains and facets but differed substantially for item residuals. In summary, the structure and individual differences in broad personality traits is relatively stable across the adult lifespan, with most age-differences only affecting the item level.
... This item probably has a drastically different interpretation in totalitarian and democratic countries, and such cultural differences do not require us to assume a difference in the underlying trait. Similarly, an excitement seeking item concerning enjoyment of roller coaster riding had a very low endorsement rate in the Philippines (Church et al., 2011), not because Filipinos were truly low on this nuance, but merely because roller coasters are a relatively rare sight in the Philippines. ...
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Culture-and-personality studies were central to social science in the early 20th century and have recently been revived (as personality-and-culture studies) by trait and cross-cultural psychologists. In this article we comment on conceptual issues, including the nature of traits and the nature of the personality-and-culture relationship, and we describe methodological challenges in understanding associations between features of culture and aspects of personality. We give an overview of research hypothesizing the shaping of personality traits by culture, reviewing studies of indigenous traits, acculturation and sojourner effects, birth cohorts, social role changes, and ideological interventions. We also consider the possibility that aggregate traits affect culture, through psychological means and gene flow. In all these cases we highlight alternative explanations and the need for designs and analyses that strengthen the interpretation of observations. We offer a set of testable hypotheses based on the premises that personality is adequately described by Five-Factor Theory, and that observed differences in aggregate personality traits across cultures are veridical. It is clear that culture has dramatic effects on the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors from which we infer traits, but it is not yet clear whether, how, and in what degree culture shapes traits themselves.
... Overall, the number or percentages of DIF items are minimal in the REMA-SF, which means that the overwhelming majority of items in this measure work similarly across different subgroups. Furthermore, the small amount of DIF items does not necessarily indicate the items are of bad quality but could have reflected differences in the construct meaning across populations (Church et al., 2011. For example, one strategy item showed DIF over gender groups. ...
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Consequential validity (often referred to as "test fairness" in practice) is an essential aspect of educational measurement. This study evaluated the consequential validity of the Research-Based Early Mathematics Assessment (REMA). A sample of 627 children from PreK to 2nd grade was collected using the short form of the REMA. We conducted two sets of analyses with different foci (item- or scale-level) for validation: differential item functioning (DIF) and consequential validity ratio (CVR) analyses. The analyses focused on the demographic subgroups of gender, English Language Learner status, and race/ethnicity. We found a low percentage of DIF items (less than 3%) and high CVRs (ranging from 96% to 98%). Both findings support the consequential validity and thus “fairness” of the REMA.
... This but do not need to improve personality theorizing. For example, translation problems at the item level may cancel out at the facet or factor level ( Church et al., 2011 ), which may always require longer scales. Alternatively, a number of theories (e.g., Fischer, 2017 ;Lukaszewski et al., 2017 ) have been proposed that suggest that contextual variables influence the replicability of personality structure and thereby the theoretical organization of personality, independent of measurement. ...
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We report systematic variability in the psychometric properties of a brief personality inventory during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing upon recent discussions about the universality vs cultural relativism of personality measures, we review and comparatively test theories predicting systematic variability in personality measurement across cultures using an established brief personality measure applied to population samples in 16 nations during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (N = 35,052). We found systematic variation in factor replicability and effective dimensionality. In line with previous theorizing, factors replicated better in contexts with greater niche diversity. Examining possible drivers underlying this association, the investigation of the individual components in the niche construction index suggested that life expectancy and to a lesser degree economic complexity are associated with greater personality structure differentiation. Population-level indicators of acute threat due to COVID-19 did not show credible effects. These patterns suggest that a) investigation of personality structure in population samples can provide useful insights into personality dynamics, b) socioecological factors have a systematic impact on survey responses, but c) we also need better theorizing and research about both personality and culture to understand how niche construction dynamics operate.
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We report systematic variability in the psychometric properties of a brief personality inventory during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing upon recent discussions about the universality vs cultural relativism of personality measures, we review and comparatively test theories predicting systematic variability in personality measurement across cultures using an established brief personality measure applied to population samples in 16 nations during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (N=35,052). We found systematic variation in factor replicability and effective dimensionality. In line with previous theorizing, factors replicated better in contexts with greater niche diversity. Examining possible drivers underlying this association, the investigation of the individual components in the niche construction index suggested that life expectancy and to a lesser degree economic complexity are associated with greater personality structure differentiation. Population-level indicators of acute threat due to COVID-19 did not show credible effects. These patterns suggest that a) investigation of personality structure in population samples can provide useful insights into personality dynamics, b) socioecological factors have a systematic impact on survey responses, but c) we also need better theorizing and research about both personality and culture to understand how niche construction dynamics operate.
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Current interest in the assessment of measurement equivalence emphasizes 2 major methods of analysis. The authors offer a comparison of a linear method (confirmatory factor analysis) and a nonlinear method (differential item and test functioning using item response theory) with an emphasis on their methodological similarities and differences. The 2 approaches test for the equality of true scores (or expected raw scores) across 2 populations when the latent (or factor) score is held constant. Both approaches can provide information about when measurement nonequivalence exists and the extent to which it is a problem. An empirical example is used to illustrate the 2 approaches.
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The authors present a didactic illustration of how item response theory (IRT) can be used to separate measurement bias from true group differences on homogeneous andheterogeneous scales. Several bias detection methods are illustrated with 12 unidimensional Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) factor scales (Waller, 1999) and the 13 multidimensional MMPI validity and clinical scales. The article begins with a brief review of MMPI bias research and nontechnical reviews of the 2-parameter logistic model (2-PLM) and several IRT-based methods for bias detection. A goal of this article is to demonstrate that homogeneous andheterogeneous scales that are composed of biased items do not necessarily yield biased test scores. To that end, the authors perform differential item- and test-functioning analyses on the MMPI factor,validity, and clinical scales using data from 511 Blacks and 1,277 Whites from the California Youth Authority.
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Spanish-language measures of the Big Five personality dimensions are needed for research on Hispanic minority populations. Three studies were conducted to evaluate a Spanish version of the Big Five Inventory (BFI) (O. P. John et al., 1991) and explore the generalizability of the Big Five factor structure in Latin cultural groups. In Study 1, a cross-cultural design was used to compare the Spanish and English BFI in college students from Spain and the United States, to assess factor congruence across languages, and to test convergence with indigenous Spanish Big Five markers. In Study 2, a bilingual design was used to compare the Spanish and English BFI in a college-educated sample of bilingual Hispanics and to test convergent and discriminant validity across the two languages as well as with the NEO Five Factor Inventory in both English and Spanish. Study 3 replicated the BFI findings from Study 2 in a working-class Hispanic bilingual sample. Results show that (a) the Spanish BFI may serve as an efficient, reliable, and factorially valid measure of the Big Five for research on Spanish-speaking individuals and (b) there is little evidence for substantial cultural differences in personality structure at the broad level of abstraction represented by the Big Five dimensions.
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Secondary analyses of Revised NEO Personality Inventory data from 26 cultures (N = 23,031) suggest that gender differences are small relative to individual variation within genders; differences are replicated across cultures for both college-age and adult samples, and differences are broadly consistent with gender stereotypes: Women reported themselves to be higher in Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Warmth, and Openness to Feelings, whereas men were higher in Assertiveness and Openness to Ideas. Contrary to predictions from evolutionary theory, the magnitude of gender differences varied across cultures. Contrary to predictions from the social role model, gender differences were most pronounced in European and American cultures in which traditional sex roles are minimized. Possible explanations for this surprising finding are discussed, including the attribution of masculine and feminine behaviors to roles rather than traits in traditional cultures.
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Social comparison theory maintains that people think about themselves compared with similar others. Those in one culture, then, compare themselves with different others and standards than do those in another culture, thus potentially confounding cross-cultural comparisons. A pilot study and Study I demonstrated the problematic nature of this reference-group effect: Whereas cultural experts agreed that East Asians are more collectivistic than North Americans, cross-cultural comparisons of trait and attitude measures failed to reveal such a pattern. Study 2 found that manipulating reference groups enhanced the expected cultural differences, and Study 3 revealed that people from different cultural backgrounds within the same country exhibited larger differences than did people from different countries. Cross-cultural comparisons using subjective Likert scales are compromised because of different reference groups. Possible solutions are discussed.
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The authors addressed the culture specificity of indigenous personality constructs, the generalizability of the 5-factor model (FFM). and the incremental validity of indigenous measures in a collectivistic culture. Filipino college students (N = 508) completed 3 indigenous inventories and the Filipino version of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R). On the basis of the factor and regression analyses, they concluded that (a) most Philippine dimensions are well encompassed by the FFM and thus may not be very culture specific: (b) a few indigenous constructs are less well accounted for by the FFM; these constructs are not unknown in Western cultures, but they may be particularly salient or composed somewhat differently in the Philippines; (c) the structure of the NEO-PI-R FFM replicates well in the Philippines; and (d) Philippine inventories add modest incremental validity beyond the FFM in predicting selected culture-relevant criteria.
The purpose of this article is to report about cross-cultural bias and equivalence research carried out in the Netherlands. After a description of the background of bias research some studies are presented. The vast majority of the studies are concerned with intelligence testing, carried out in an education setting or in a personnel selection setting. Some studies are concerned with personality assessment, using questionnaires. A study carried out by the author in a personnel selection setting is presented in some detail. The results of the various research methods used to estimate equivalence or applicability were not very consistent. Statistical analyses of bias and construct equivalence of the intelligence tests did not show much bias. The main conclusion of the questionnaire studies is that personality inventories like those evaluated can serve as item pool for the construction of meaningful personality scales, useable in more than one culture.
Model identification in multi-group confirmatory factor analysis (MCFA) requires an equality constraint of referent variables across groups. Invariance assumption violations make it difficult to locate parameters that actually differ. Suggested procedures for locating invariant referents are cumbersome, complex, and provide imperfect results. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) may be an alternative because of its ease of use, yet empirical evaluation of its effectiveness is lacking. EFAs accuracy for distinguishing invariant from non-invariant referents was examined.
Studies of numerous cultures have found differences in the geographic distribution of personality traits. Europeans and Americans are higher than Africans and Asians in extraversion and openness to experience. The reason for this is unknown. Significant differences in fundamental traits between residents of entire continents suggest the operation of "strong" or deeply-rooted processes. Selective emigration of individuals with these traits during human history may explain these differences. The most active, curious, and adventurous (engaged) individuals in a culture are more likely to explore new environments and emigrate. The current geographic distribution of personality traits parallels the "Out of Africa" path of emigration of humans from their origin in Africa to Asia, and later to Europe and America, as revealed by behavioral genetic and paleoanthropological data. DNA analysis indicates prehistoric people who colonized the continents are ancestors of current residents. A "emigration as engagement" hypothesis is presented for the higher level of extraversion and openness of Europeans and Americans.
Exploring personality through test construction: Development of the multidimensional personality questionnaire Construction of a self-report personality inventory can be a straightforward undertaking. We may take a ‘rational’ or ‘deductive’ approach (Burisch, 1984) and begin by formulating a construct from which to ‘deduce’ basic descriptors — in our case a set of construct-based self-report items. We might even draw on already developed constructs and start writing items immediately; Murray's (1938) carefully elaborated motivational trait constructs have served that function several times. Once enough items have been generated, scale construction, if purely deductive, is complete. A deductive orientation does not rule out the use of data to improve one's initial scales. Data-based deletion or addition of items can increase the internal consistency of a deductive scale. If our objective is to create a multi-scale inventory, we can also empirically enhance scale distinctiveness and independence. But even if deductive scale construction includes extensive ...