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Environment International 159 (2022) 107025
0160-4120/© 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND IGO license
Evaluation of a semi-automated data extraction tool for public health
literature-based reviews: Dextr
Vickie R. Walker
, Charles P. Schmitt
, Mary S. Wolfe
, Artur J. Nowak
, Kuba Kulesza
Ashley R. Williams
, Rob Shin
, Jonathan Cohen
, Dave Burch
, Matthew D. Stout
Kelly A. Shipkowski
, Andrew A. Rooney
Division of the National Toxicology Program (DNTP), National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Research
Triangle Park, NC, USA
Evidence Prime Inc, Krakow, Poland
ICF, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
Handling Editor: Paul Whaley
Text mining
Machine learning
Natural language processing
Literature review
Systematic review
Scoping review
Systematic evidence map
Introduction: There has been limited development and uptake of machine-learning methods to automate data
extraction for literature-based assessments. Although advanced extraction approaches have been applied to some
clinical research reviews, existing methods are not well suited for addressing toxicology or environmental health
questions due to unique data needs to support reviews in these elds.
Objectives: To develop and evaluate a exible, web-based tool for semi-automated data extraction that: 1) makes
data extraction predictions with user verication, 2) integrates token-level annotations, and 3) connects
extracted entities to support hierarchical data extraction.
Methods: Dextr was developed with Agile software methodology using a two-team approach. The development
team outlined proposed features and coded the software. The advisory team guided developers and evaluated
Dextr’s performance on precision, recall, and extraction time by comparing a manual extraction workow to a
semi-automated extraction workow using a dataset of 51 environmental health animal studies.
Results: The semi-automated workow did not appear to affect precision rate (96.0% vs. 95.4% manual, p =
0.38), resulted in a small reduction in recall rate (91.8% vs. 97.0% manual, p <0.01), and substantially reduced
the median extraction time (436 s vs. 933 s per study manual, p <0.01) compared to a manual workow.
Discussion: Dextr provides similar performance to manual extraction in terms of recall and precision and greatly
reduces data extraction time. Unlike other tools, Dextr provides the ability to extract complex concepts (e.g.,
multiple experiments with various exposures and doses within a single study), properly connect the extracted
elements within a study, and effectively limit the work required by researchers to generate machine-readable,
annotated exports. The Dextr tool addresses data-extraction challenges associated with environmental health
sciences literature with a simple user interface, incorporates the key capabilities of user verication and entity
connecting, provides a platform for further automation developments, and has the potential to improve data
extraction for literature reviews in this and other elds.
1. Introduction
Systematic review methodology is a rigorous approach to literature-
based assessments that maximizes transparency and minimizes bias
(O’Connor et al. 2019). Three main assessment formats (systematic
reviews, scoping reviews, and systematic evidence maps) use these
methods in a t-for-purpose approach depending on the research
question and project goals. Systematic reviews follow a pre-dened
protocol to identify, select, critically assess, synthesize, and integrate
evidence to answer a specic question and reach conclusions. The best
Abbreviations: SR, Systematic review; SCR, Scoping review; SEM, Systematic evidence map.
* Corresponding author at: NIEHS, P.O. Box 12233, Mail Drop K2–04, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA. Express mail: 530 Davis Drive, Morrisville, NC
27560, USA.
E-mail address: (V.R. Walker).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Environment International
journal homepage:
Received 1 July 2021; Received in revised form 7 October 2021; Accepted 3 December 2021
Environment International 159 (2022) 107025
Box 1
A comparison of the literature-assessment steps between scoping reviews/systematic evidence maps and systematic reviews
Literature- Assessment Steps Task Description in Scoping Review
(SCR) or Systematic Evidence
Mapping (SEM) Workow
Task Description in Systematic
Review (SR) Workow
Problem Formulation and Protocol
Dene research question and objectives,
typically with a broad PECO
, and all
methods before conducting review.
•Best practice to publish protocol
before conducting review for
transparency; however, only minor
impact on bias
•Objectives are often open questions to
survey broad topics and identify
extent of evidence (i.e., areas that are
data rich or data poor / data gaps)
•Protocol should describe key concepts
that will be mapped (e.g., exposures)
to support objectives
Dene research question, PECO, and
all methods before conducting
review to reduce bias.
•Best practice to publish protocol
for transparency
•Critical to publish protocol before
starting evidence evaluation to
reduce bias
•Objectives are focused, closed
questions (e.g., specic exposure
outcome pairs/ hazards)
Identify the
Develop search strategy to identify
evidence relevant to address the
•Search is biased to address the degree
of precision and certainty of the
objectives where a comprehensive
search may not be necessary
•Searches conducted in one or more
major literature database, or in a
stepwise manner, to address
•Search terms are generally broad /
topic based with lower specicity
•Searches retrieve evidence supportive
of multiple decisions and scenarios
Develop comprehensive search
strategy to identify all relevant
evidence to address the question.
•Search is biased toward maximum
number of sources to ensure
identication of all evidence
relevant to synthesis
•Search includes literature
databases, sources of grey
literature, and published data
•Search terms are highly resolved
and specied for key elements of
the objectives
Screen Studies Screen studies against eligibility criteria
from objectives and PECO.
•Inclusion and exclusion criteria are
topic-based and may only address
PECO at a high level
•Included studies likely to address
diverse scenarios
Screen studies against eligibility
criteria from objectives and PECO.
•Inclusion and exclusion criteria
specied in detail for all PECO
•Assure specic research question is
efciently addressed
Extract Data Extract study meta-data and
characteristics to address objectives.
•Flexible approach supports t-for-
purpose maps of varying degrees of
•Optional extraction of study ndings
and other characteristics depending
on objectives
Complete extraction of meta-data and
results to address question.
•Entities determined by project
Evaluate the Evidence Appraisal of studies is optional
depending on objectives.
•Study characteristics relating to
quality of study design and conduct,
or internal validity, may be extracted
•May include stepwise approach (e.g.,
methods mapped relative to
objectives), or quality only assessed
for studies addressing key outcomes
Critical appraisal of included studies
is essential to characterizing
certainty in bodies of evidence.
•Performed as assessment of
internal validity (risk of bias)
•May include external validity,
sensitivity, other factors
Summarize and Synthesize Data SCRs and SEMs have limited or no
synthesis – may only include
•Primary output shows extent of
evidence and key characteristics
relative to question and objectives
•SCRs provide narrative summaries
(limited or no synthesis) of evidence
relative to objectives
Quantitative synthesis addresses
question and objectives where
appropriate; qualitative synthesis
used if pooling not appropriate.
•Synthesis supports a specic
decision context
•May include meta-analysis
(continued on next page)
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Environment International 159 (2022) 107025
Literature- Assessment Steps Task Description in Scoping Review
(SCR) or Systematic Evidence
Mapping (SEM) Workow
Task Description in Systematic
Review (SR) Workow
•SEMs output includes evidence map,
database, or tables to support and
inform decision making on question
•Although data may inform multiple
decisions, summary may be specic
for decision-making context in
•Synthesis should address key
features separately (e.g., evidence
streams, exposures, health effects)
•Example for environmental health
questions would synthesize hazard
characterization data
SCRs and SEMs do not typically include
integration or synthesis.
•SEMs may identify regions of
evidence with study characteristics
associated with condence or
Assessment of condence or certainty
in the results of the synthesis
described according to the objectives.
•Should address certainty of each
body of evidence relative to
questions or objectives
•Includes integration of the
evidence base as a whole
•Example for environmental health
questions would provide detailed
certainty of evidence for hazard or
risk conclusions from exposure
DevelopReport All review outputs provided in
accessible format.
•SCRs and SEMs do not typically
provide conclusions
•Good SEMs are interactive, sortable,
and searchable
•Outputs support and inform decision
making on question
•Outputs should inform research and
analysis decisions, where data rich
areas may support conclusions or data
poor areas may serve as areas of
uncertainty that could be addressed
by research or evidence surveillance
Report all conclusions in clear
language and accessible format with
answer to review question.
•Includes description of certainty of
•Describes limitation in the review
and limitations in the evidence
base for assessing the question
Project Management
Oversight of team interactions and
workow performed to complete the
•Develop materials and guidance for
steps in the review (screening, data
extraction, etc.) and provide training
•Manage communication and
meetings for workow, track
progress, and address problems
•Arrange and conduct pilot testing of
review steps and revise approach
based on lessons learned
•Arrange for workow integration of
new tools, machine learning and AI
•Recruit technical experts and new
team members and address conict of
•Plan for protocol, data, and document
Oversight is the same as SCR and
SEM with additional steps for critical
appraisal and integration of
Note: For the purpose of the table, scoping reviews and systematic evidence maps are considered to have the same workow; adapted from
James et al. (2016) and Wolffe et al. (2020).
Estimated percent of work time to complete a systematic review adapted from Clark et al. (2020).
Research questions for scoping and systematic reviews should be stated in terms of the Population, Exposure, Comparator, and Outcome
(PECO) of interest. Scoping reviews and evidence maps sometimes do not include a specic comparator.
Although project management is not typically considered a step in the literature review process, it took nearly 20% of time when considered as
a separate function by Clark et al. (2020).
SR =Systematic Review, SCR =Scoping Review, SEM =Systematic Evidence Map.
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Environment International 159 (2022) 107025
systematic reviews use a comprehensive literature search based on a
narrowly focused question to facilitate conclusions. Scoping reviews
utilize systematic-review methods to summarize available data on broad
topics to identify data-rich and data-poor areas of research and inform
evidence-based decisions on further research or analysis. Systematic
evidence maps use systematic-review methods to characterize the evi-
dence base for a broad research area to illustrate the extent and types of
evidence available via an interactive visual format that may be a stand-
alone product or part of a scoping review (Wolffe et al. 2020). All three
of these assessment formats are generally time-consuming and resource-
intensive to conduct, primarily due to the need to accomplish most steps
manually (Marshall et al. 2017), but also driven by the complexity of the
data under consideration and amount of relevant literature to evaluate.
The specic steps in a literature-based assessment depend on the
goals and approach used, with ve basic steps in most assessments: 1)
dene the question and methods for the review (i.e., problem formula-
tion and protocol development), 2) identify the evidence, 3) evaluate the
evidence, 4) summarize the evidence, and 5) integrate the evidence and
report the ndings. Box 1 compares these steps across a scoping-review/
systematic-review map and systematic-review products. Many steps in
the literature-based assessment process have repetitive and rule-based
decisions, which lend the steps to automated or semi-automated
The development and use of automation are steadily advancing in
literature analysis, with much of its uptake focused on clinical and
medical research. This progress may be related to funding advantages
and the relative consistency of medical data and publications, or perhaps
may be because clinical research has used systematic-review method-
ology longer. Although data sources are similar for many literature-
based assessments, there are differences and unique aspects of the
data relevant for addressing toxicology or environmental health ques-
tions versus clinical questions. One important difference is that envi-
ronmental health assessments require the identication of research from
multiple evidence streams (i.e., human, animal, and in vitro exposure
studies), which necessitates training tools on publications addressing
each evidence stream. In contrast, data that are relevant for addressing
clinical and medical review questions come primarily from randomized
controlled trials in human subjects. Even within the human data there is
greater complexity in toxicology or environmental research, where a
range of epidemiological study designs are used for investigating the
health effects of environmental chemicals. Moreover, experimental an-
imal studies measure more diverse endpoints and may report more data
than clinical studies, resulting in longer and more complicated data
extraction. Finally, cell-based assays and in vitro exposure studies pro-
vide valuable mechanistic insights for the question at hand, but these
assays cover an even more diverse range of endpoints, platforms, tech-
nologies, and associated data. While clinical and environmental as-
sessments both focus on health-related outcomes, the requirements for
environmentally focused reviews expand beyond those considered in the
medical eld. Therefore, a tool that meets the needs of environmental
health assessments could likely be applied successfully to clinical
questions, while the opposite may not be true.
The systematic-review toolbox (
provides a catalogue of over 200 tools that address parts of all ve
assessment steps as well as associated tasks such as meta-analysis or
collaboration (Marshall and Brereton 2015). Within the toolbox, there
are multiple resources that support developing and implementing
literature assessments using manual processes. For instance, several
tools provide web-based forms for review teams to capture objectives,
record search strategies, detail quality-assessment checklists, and record
manual steps such as extracting evidence and making risk-of-bias or
quality-assessment judgements. The availability of tools that support
full- or partial-automation of literature-assessment processes is much
more limited, despite recent advances in natural language processing
(NLP), machine learning, and articial intelligence (AI). This is espe-
cially true for the process of identifying evidence, where a combination
of active learning and linguistic models can successfully predict the
relevance of literature based on small samples of manually selected
studies (e.g., Brockmeier et al. 2019; Howard et al. 2020; Rathbone et al.
2017; Wallace et al. 2012). These approaches have now been incorpo-
rated into several systematic-review tools. In contrast, the development
and the adoption of automation methods for steps three through ve of a
systematic review has been limited (Box 1). The risk-of-bias assessment
of individual studies is a critical and time-consuming process in assess-
ments that is generally considered to require subject-matter experts to
evaluate complex factors in study design and reporting. While a few
models exist to predict risk-of-bias ratings for clinical research studies
(Marshall et al. 2017; Millard et al. 2016), such methods have not
translated into adoption within mainstream systematic-review tools.
Several assessment steps rely on the extraction of identied data
from text, another widely recognized time-consuming process. Recent
developments in NLP, including both general extraction of named en-
tities and relationships (surveyed in Yadav and Bethard 2018) as well as
specic extraction of biomedical terms (e.g., chemicals, genes, and
adverse outcomes (reviewed in Perera et al. 2020)), suggest that
machine-based approaches are sufciently mature for semi-automated
data-extraction approaches. Some elements of human- and machine-
based data extraction are straightforward, including identifying the
species and sex of the experimental animal models. Other elements, such
as identifying the results of experimental assays, questionnaires, or
statistical analyses, are more complex because publications may report
the results from numerous assays and endpoints after multiple expo-
sures, doses, and time periods. Standardization of reporting is also
lacking, such that authors may report the experimental details using
different measurement units, different names for the same chemical, and
other variations in terminology (Wolffe et al. 2020). In addition, this
information may be located within the text of the publication or in a
table, gure, or gure caption.
In 2018, the Division of the National Toxicology Program (DNTP)
participated in the National Institute of Standards and Technology Text
Analysis Conference (NIST TAC) challenge by hosting the Systematic
Review Information Extraction (SRIE) track to investigate the feasibility
of developing machine-learning models to identify, extract, and connect
data entities routinely extracted from environmental health experi-
mental animal studies. The data entities included 24 elds such as
species, exposure, dose level, time of dose, endpoint. Creating the
training and test sets required structured annotation of the various data-
extraction entities and labeling them in the text of each article. Devel-
oping these datasets required more comprehensive study annotation
than typical data extraction workow because the training dataset
needed to capture all entities and endpoints in a research publication
rather than the subset that might be relevant for a given systematic re-
view question. These training datasets are critical to providing a xed
format that can be automatically processed and interpreted by a com-
puter for training and model development. Overall, the results of the
challenge were promising in that model-derived annotation of design
features from the methods section of experimental animal studies ach-
ieved results in some extraction elds that neared human-level perfor-
mance, suggesting that computer-assisted data extraction is a viable
option for assisting researchers in the labor- and resource-intensive steps
of data extraction in the literature-assessment process (Schmitt et al.
Given the positive outcome of the NIST TAC challenge, we developed
Dextr, a web-based tool designed to incorporate NLP data-extraction
models (including but not limited to models developed for the NIST
TAC Challenge) into annotation and data-extraction workows to sup-
port literature-based assessments. Many potential features were
considered as we established the design requirements for Dextr
(Table 1), with three design features considered key for our needs. First,
and most importantly, was the ability of the tool to make data-extraction
predications automatically, with the user’s ability to manually verify the
predicted entity or override and modify the extracted information (i.e., a
V.R. Walker et al.
Environment International 159 (2022) 107025
“semi-automated” data-extraction approach where automated pre-
dictions are veried by the user). Second, we considered the capability
to group the extracted entities (e.g., connect the species, strain, and sex
of the animal model or the dose, exposure, and outcomes), critical to
supporting hierarchical data extraction and greater utility of the
extracted data. The third key feature was the ability of the tool to make
token-level annotations (i.e., identifying a word, phrase, or specic
sequence of characters) that can be used in either a typical data-
extraction workow as part of a literature review or to annotate
studies for developing training datasets. The annotation of studies dur-
ing data extraction has the potential to create training datasets without a
separate, directed effort if the tool includes appropriate machine-
readable export options. In addition to the three key features identi-
ed above, Table 1 describes unique characteristics of environmental
health data and key challenges for data extraction considered in devel-
oping Dextr. Given the increasing volume of published studies, we
believe that semi-automation of the labor-intensive step of data
extraction by Dextr has great potential to improve the speed and accu-
racy of conducting literature-based assessments and reduce the work-
load and resources required without comprising the rigor and
transparency that are critical to systematic-review methodology.
In this paper, we briey describe the methods development of Dextr,
investigate the tool’s usability, and evaluate the tool’s impact on per-
formance in terms of recall, precision, and time using this semi-
automated approach in DNTP’s data-extraction workow.
2. Methods
2.1. Tool development
The underlying machine-learning model (Nowak and Kunstman
2018) was developed as part of the NIST TAC 2018 SRIE workshop
(Schmitt et al. 2018). Briey, the model is a deep neural network con-
taining more than 31 million trainable parameters. It consists of pre-
trained embeddings (Global Vectors for Words Representations: GloVe
and Embeddings from Language Models: ELMo), a bidirectional long
short-term memory (LSTM) encoder, and a conditional random eld
(Nowak and Kunstman 2018). This model was developed and trained
only on the methods sections of environmental health studies. There-
fore, for this project, the model similarly was restricted to the methods
section and performed the sequence tagging task by producing a tag
(denoting a single data-extraction eld) for every token from the input
in the methods section. The goal for Dextr was to develop a exible user
interface that met the design requirements in Table 1 and leverage this
model within a literature-review workow. The project was conducted
according to Agile software development methodology around two
principal teams. A development team (AJN and KK) was formed to
outline potential features and functions for Dextr and code the tool. An
advisory team (AAR, CPS, RS, ARW, MSW, VRW) of experts with
backgrounds in public health, literature analysis, and computational
methods was then formed to guide the developers. The development
team worked sequentially in “sprints” on clearly dened, testable pieces
of functionality that could inform further planning and design.
Throughout the process, the development team consulted with the
advisory team, demonstrated newly added functionality, and presented
mock-ups of the user interface illustrating key functions within the tool
(e.g., project management screens, data import, extraction interfaces).
As part of the Agile development sprints, each task had a test plan to
verify its correctness. These test plans were then performed, rst by the
testers that were part of the development team, and then (if successful)
by the advisory team. Members of the advisory team (ARW and RS)
oversaw the project schedule and timeline and managed the develop-
ment team and evaluation study. The development and advisory teams
discussed potential renements, suggested improvements, and agreed
upon the approach to be implemented. When all features had been
developed, a test version of the tool was produced and tested by the
advisory team (ARW and RS). All issues or bugs identied during testing
were addressed by the development team. When both teams agreed that
the tool met the design requirements, the development team deployed
the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) version of the tool to the Quality
Assurance (QA) environment in April 2020. Before applying this initial
version of the tool (Dextr v1.0-beta1) in daily work, QA testing and basic
performance evaluation were conducted on the MVP version to quantify
the potential gains in using a semi-automated workow with Dextr
compared to a manual workow as described in the following section.
2.2. Evaluation
The aim of the evaluation was to understand how the integration of
Dextr, a semi-automated extraction tool employing a machine-learning
model would perform in the DNTP literature-review workow. Specif-
ically, we sought to understand how the tool would impact data
extraction recall, precision, and extraction time compared to a manual
workow. The performance of the underlying machine-learning model
was evaluated previously and was not within the scope of this evaluation
(Schmitt et al. 2018). Although Dextr enables users to connect extracted
entities, there is no difference in this aspect of the workow between
manual and semi-automated approaches. Therefore, the connection
feature was rigorously tested and subject to QA procedures, but not part
of the evaluation. Similarly, as we have continued to rene the user
Table 1
Dextr design requirements.
Challenge Description Dextr Features Addressing the Challenge
Interoperability: Efciently import and export necessary le types •Ability to import various le types (i.e., CSV and RIS)
•Allows bulk upload of PDFs (click and drag)
•Exports as CSV or modied brat le types
Usability features: User interface that operates with efcient mouse
and key stroke options (exibility for user
•Selection with mouse click options.
•Project management features
•Easy to follow user interface
•Ability to modify data extraction form
Complex data: Environmental health sciences publications often
report multiple experiments with various chemical
exposures and doses and evaluate several endpoints
(hierarchical data structure and groupings /
•Ability to extract multiple entities including multiple animal models, exposures, and outcomes
•Ability to connect the metadata at various levels (i.e., dose-exposure-outcome pairings)
Annotations: Capability to annotate studies within a typical data
extraction workow that can be used to develop
annotated datasets needed for training or
developing new models
•Token-level (i.e., word, phrase, or specic sequence of characters) annotations recorded for each
extraction entity
•Ability to export annotations in a machine-readable format for model renement and new model
Flexibility: Functionality that emphasizes exibility for taking
advantage of advancements in natural language
•Ability to utilize regular expressions to identify a string of text (i.e., #### mg =dose) or keyword
searches without models
•Ability to add validated models (3rd party models) to the suite of available models
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Environment International 159 (2022) 107025
interface and develop new capabilities for Dextr, we did not evaluate
new features (such as the ability to use controlled vocabularies) that
were not expected to negatively impact recall, precision, or extraction
time. The evaluation study was designed and conducted independently
of the development team and consisted of two teams, a manual extrac-
tion team (RS, ARW, RB, KS) and a semi-automated extraction team (JR
and JS) (Fig. 1). The manual extraction team included two manual ex-
tractors (RS and ARW), who read each study and manually extracted
each data element, and two QA reviewers (RB and KS), who reviewed
the manual data extractions and made any corrections as needed
(Manual +QA). The semi-automated team included two QA reviewers
(JR and JS) who reviewed the machine-generated data extractions and
made any corrections as needed (Model +QA). The manual extractors
had prior experience with Dextr related to development discussions and
testing tasks. The QA reviewers on both teams had previous and similar
levels of experience with conducting data extraction for literature re-
views, received a user guide for Dextr, and completed a pilot test in
Dextr prior to the evaluation. Reviewers were told to accept correct data,
add missing data, and ignore data incorrectly identied by either the
extractor or the model. Incorrect data were ignored to minimize any
additional time reviewers would spend clicking to reject incorrect sug-
gestions. This approach reects use of Dextr for literature-based reviews;
however, if Dextr is used to construct new training data for model
development, then incorrect data would need to be labeled as such.
Extractor time and reviewer time were recorded within Dextr. Prior
to either beginning extraction or review, users started a timer on the
tool’s user interface and paused or stopped the timer (as needed) until
they completed their task. The times between start and stop actions were
manually checked against a complete event log to identify potential
cases of the timer not being started or stopped and summed for each
study to provide a total extraction time.
All the statistical analyses (JC) used in the evaluation were con-
ducted using SAS Version 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). The
generalized linear mixed model regressions were tted using the
GLIMMIX procedure with maximum likelihood estimation based on the
Laplace approximation. Two-sided t tests were used to test the null hy-
pothesis that a given xed effect coefcient or a linear combination of
the coefcients (such as the estimated difference between the log odds of
recall for the manual and semi-automated modes averaged across elds
and extractors) was zero. Similarly, one-sided F tests were used to test
null hypotheses for interactions and contrasts, i.e., that all the corre-
sponding linear combinations of the coefcients were zero. All statistical
tests (two-sided t tests for estimated xed effects and one-sided F tests
for interactions and contrasts) were carried out at the 5% signicance
level. P-values are shown in the tables. There was no missing data and no
removal of potential outliers.
2.3. Pilot evaluation
An initial pilot evaluation was conducted on 10 studies and the re-
sults were used to calculate the sample size for the number of studies to
be included in the evaluation. All software requires a general under-
standing of the functionality and features to navigate the user interface
and perform the tasks it is designed for – in this case to conduct data
extractions. The goals of the pilot were to prepare for evaluating Dextr’s
performance, not to assess the learning process of new users. Therefore,
an extraction guidance document was written so participants would
better understand how Dextr worked and minimize the impact of the
learning curve. The guidance was developed and reviewed by the
advisory team and the development team prior to sharing it with the
extraction team. Extraction team members provided usability feedback
after the pilot; however, no changes were implemented to Dextr before
the evaluation study. Since no changes were made to the tool based on
the pilot, the results from the 10 pilot studies were included in the main
evaluation study.
The evaluation sample size was selected using a statistical power
analysis based on statistical models tted to data from the pilot study.
These statistical models used similar but less complicated formulations
than the nal models tted to the nal data.
Using the same notation as in the Evaluation Metrics section, the
pilot study statistical model for recall was of the form:
Logit(recall) = intercept +
i+βc +θs,
i is a xed factor for the mode, θs is a random factor for the study,
drawn from a normal distribution with mean zero, and c is the quanti-
tative complexity score (i.e., the calculated score divided by 100). The
logit is the log odds. The same model formulation was used for precision.
The pilot study statistical model used for time was of the form:
Log(time) = intercept +
i+βc +θs+error,
where error is normally distributed with mean zero and is independent
of the random factor θs.For several candidate values of K, data for K
studies were simulated from each tted model 100 times each under the
alternative hypotheses, and the same statistical model was retted to the
simulated data. 100 simulations were used since the iterative method for
tting the models is computer intensive. For recall, each eld was
assumed to have 4 gold standard tags (the average number in the pilot
data, rounded to the nearest integer). For precision, each eld was
assumed to have 3 tags (the average number in the pilot data, rounded to
the nearest integer). The simulated complexity scores were equally
likely to be any of the 10 pilot study complexity scores. For the manual
mode, the simulated data used the tted statistical models for the
manual mode. For the semi-automated mode, the simulated data for
recall and precision used the same model but increased the log odds by a
xed amount, delta. For the semi-automated mode, the simulated data
for time used the same model but decreased the geometric mean time by
a xed percentage, perc. The estimated statistical power was the pro-
portion of the simulated models where the difference between the two
modes was statistically signicant at the 5% signicance level.
Based on 100 simulations from the tted models and using a 5%
signicance level, we found that a sample of 50 studies would be suf-
cient to have an estimated statistical power of 100% (95% condence
interval (96.4, 100) %) to detect an increase or decrease of 1 in the log
odds of recall, or a decrease of 1 in the log odds of precision; 98% (95%
condence interval (93.0, 99.8) %) to detect an increase of 1 in the log
odds of precision, and 97% (95% condence interval (91.4, 99.4) %) to
detect a 20% decrease in median time. The condence intervals account
for the uncertainty due to the fact that only 100 simulations were used.
Therefore, a nal sample size of at least 50 studies was selected and 51
studies were chosen for the gold-standard dataset.
Fig. 1. Evaluation study design with two teams: manual extraction and semi-
automated extraction. The manual-extraction team included two extractors
who completed the primary extraction, followed by two QA reviewers. The
semi-automated extraction team included the algorithm that completed the
primary extraction, followed by two different QA reviewers.
V.R. Walker et al.
Environment International 159 (2022) 107025
2.3.1. Data-extraction elds
We selected ve data-extraction elds (test article, species, strain,
sex, and endpoint) for the evaluation study from the full list of 24
extraction elds included in the NIST TAC SRIE challenge dataset
(Schmitt et al. 2018). The challenge evaluated models using the F1
metric, which is a harmonic mean of precision (i.e., positive predictive
value) and recall (i.e., sensitivity). The ve data elds represented a mix
of elds with high (species, sex), medium (strain), and low (test article,
endpoint) F1 scores across all models previously evaluated in the
2.3.2. Gold-standard dataset
The gold-standard dataset comprised respiratory endpoints associ-
ated with exposure to biocides manually extracted from 51 experimental
animal studies (Supplemental File S1). Although in vitro, experimental
animal, and epidemiological study designs are of interest, we focused on
experimental animal studies for the evaluation of Dextr because the
model used had been developed and trained on experimental animal
studies. Guidance on respiratory outcomes or endpoints provided to the
extractors and QA reviewers is shown in Table 2. The teams were told
that the table was not an exhaustive list and were instructed to identify
any respiratory effect evaluated. The gold-standard dataset was devel-
oped by a separate extractor (PH), not included in either extraction
team, who read the papers and extracted information on test article,
species, strain, sex, and endpoints. A QA review was performed on the
resulting dataset, or gold-standard dataset, by an independent QA
reviewer (VW), who was also not on either extraction team.
2.3.3. Evaluation criteria
The results from Dextr were manually assessed by a single grader (RS
or ARW) and compared to the gold-standard dataset. In brief, nal data
from the manual mode (Manual +QA) and from the semi-automated
mode (Model +QA) were exported from Dextr into a CSV le. The re-
sults of each study by mode (manual or semi-automated) were graded
separately. Each extracted data element was compared to the gold
standard and marked as either a “true positive” (TP), if a match with an
element in the gold standard, or a “false positive” (FP), if an additional
element was not included in the gold standard. Out of 3334 results, 985
were identied as FPs. Fifty-ve of these were manually agged for
further investigation for reasons such as a possible gold standard match,
duplicate nding, or human error. Gold-standard data elements that
were not included in the Dextr results were marked as a “false negative”
(FN). Endpoints in the Dextr exports that were more specic than those
in the gold standard were considered a TP. For example, if a Dextr result
had an endpoint of “lung myeloid cell distribution” and “lung CD4 +T
cell numbers,” but the gold-standard endpoint was “lung myeloid cell
distribution (B and T cells),” then both Dextr-identied endpoints were
considered TPs. Out of 1561 TP results, 540 were exact matches while
1021 were not exact matches for reasons such as plural versus singular,
abbreviated or not, order of terms differed, or more detail provided in
one source or the other. Out of these non-exact matches, 282 did not
exactly match due to plural/singular/abbreviation discrepancies while
739 had a slight difference in wording, but were still considered a match.
The graders consulted a tertiary grader (VW) to make a nal decision in
cases where a data element was identied in the Dextr results and
missed in the gold standard. For QA, four studies were independently
graded by a separate grader (either ARW or RS) and compared to the
initial grading. Changes to the grading were made based on discussions
between the graders. If questions between graders remained, then a
tertiary grader (VW) was consulted to provide clarity and a nal deci-
sion. Duplicate data elements in the Dextr results were graded only once.
We calculated a complexity score for each study to account for the
additional effort an extraction would take based on the number of var-
iations of an experiment. For example, we anticipated a study with
multiple test articles would be more difcult to extract than a study with
only one test article. We were unable to nd an established method to
address complexity, and therefore complexity scores were developed
using expert judgment from experienced extractors. Although the
complexity scores were designed to address study characteristics over-
all, the score is based on study characteristics that relate to the specic
data extraction elements for this paper. The number of data-extraction
elements by eld in the gold-standard dataset was multiplied by the
weights shown in Table 3 and summed across the ve data elds to
calculate the score. The advisory team developed the weights for each
eld based on judgement related to how complex an extraction task was
given multiple test articles, species, strains, sexes, and endpoints.
Additional test articles and species were identied as introducing
complexity to an extraction, while most studies examined multiple
endpoints and did not dramatically add time to an extraction.
2.4. Usability feedback
After completion of the evaluation study, we asked manual and semi-
automated QA reviewers to provide qualitative feedback on their user
experience with Dextr. To summarize the assessment of usability across
the reviewers, six open-ended user-experience questions were developed
and responses for each question were recorded and compiled (Table S1).
Note, that the feedback reects user experience during the pilot and
evaluation phases.
2.5. Evaluation metrics
We evaluated the utility of Dextr in DNTP’s workow on three key
metrics: recall, precision, and extraction time. The recall rate is the
probability, prob(recall), that a gold-standard tag was correctly recalled.
The precision rate is the probability, prob(precision), that an identied
tag was a gold-standard tag. In the main paper, we compare arithmetic
Table 2
Respiratory outcome examples and key terms.
Category Examples and Key Terms
Organ/tissue nasal cavity and paranasal sinus, nose (including
olfactory), larynx, trachea, pharynx, pleura, lung/
pulmonary (including bronchi, alveoli), glottis,
Signs/symptoms sneezing/snifing, nasal congestion, nasal discharge
(e.g., rhinorrhea), coughing, increased mucus/
sputum/phlegm, breathing abnormalities (e.g.,
wheezing, shortness of breath, unusual noises when
Respiratory-related diseases
or conditions
brosis, asthma, emphysema, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, sinusitis,
rhinitis, granuloma (or other inammation)
Lung function
forced expiratory volume (FEV), forced vital capacity
(FVC), peak expiratory ow (PEF), expiratory reserve
volume (ERV), functional residual capacity (FRC),
vital capacity (VC), total lung capacity (TLC), airway
resistance, mucociliary clearance
Examples of outcomes or endpoints and key terms in this table provided in a
guidance document for training of extractors and QA reviewers.
Table 3
Assigned weights to data extraction elds within
Field Weight
Endpoint(s) 0.5
Sex 1
Species 2
Strain 1
Test article 2
Weights were developed using expert judg-
ment to capture how additional extraction ele-
ments introduced complexity into the extraction
V.R. Walker et al.
Environment International 159 (2022) 107025
means of the recall rate or precision rate or the median total extraction
time with predictions from tted statistical models “unstratied by
eld” that estimate the rates or medians as a single function of the mode,
eld, and other explanatory variables. In the Supplemental Materials,
we present alternative models for the recall and precision rates “strati-
ed by eld,” where for each eld the recall or precision rate is sepa-
rately modeled.
The log odds of recall is dened as logit(recall) =log {prob(recall) /
(1 - prob(recall)) }, where “log” is the natural logarithm. The tted
statistical model is a version of the model used in Saldanha et al. (2016).
The statistical model assumes that the log odds of recall for a given gold-
standard tag is a function of the mode (i =manual or semi-automated),
complexity score (c), eld (f =endpoint, sex, species, strain, or test
article), primary extractor (p =primary1 or primary2 for manual mode,
NULL for semiautomated mode), quality assurance reviewer (q =q1 or
q2 for the two semi-automated mode reviewers, q3 or q4 for the two
manual mode reviewers), and study (s =different values for each of the
51 studies). For each combination of study, mode, and eld, the recall
outcomes for each of the gold-standard tags are independent and have
the same log odds, giving a binomial distribution for the number of gold-
standard tags correctly recalled. For all these statistical analyses, the
complexity score dened above was divided by 100 to improve model
convergence without changing the underlying model formulation. The
general model used the equation:
Logit(recall) = intercept +
γ)if +(
In this general model,
iandγf are xed factors for the mode and eld;
q, and θs are random factors for the primary extractors, QA re-
viewers, and study, drawn from independent normal distributions with
mean zero; and c is the quantitative complexity score (i.e., the calculated
score divided by 100). The terms (
γ)if ,(
β)i,and(βγ)f are interaction
terms for mode ×eld, mode ×complexity score, and complexity score
×eld. Thus, the model allows the effect of the eld to vary with the
mode or with the complexity score and allows the effect of the mode to
vary with the complexity score.
We were unable to t this general model to the data due to problems
with extremely high standard errors for the mode ×eld interaction and
some convergence issues, although there were no problems with com-
plete or quasi-complete separation of the logistic regression models. For
example, in the initial model with random factors, the estimated vari-
ance for the QA reviewer was zero, but the corresponding gradient of
minus twice the log-likelihood was over 150 instead of being at most
0.001, the convergence criterion. For the nal model we therefore
removed the mode ×eld interaction and replaced the random factors
for the primary and QA reviewers by xed factors. Replacing the random
factors by xed factors might limit the generalizability of these results to
other potential reviewers. We also removed main effects and in-
teractions that were not statistically signicant at the 5% level. It is
possible that excluding interactions and replacing random factors by
xed factors could have introduced some bias and might limit the
generalizability of the study results.
The nal model was of the form:
Logit(recall) = intercept +
i+βc +γf+δp+θs
where the only random factor is the study effect. In particular, this
model does not have an interaction between mode and eld, so the
estimated differences in log odds between modes are the same for every
eld. Additionally, as noted above, to evaluate differences in the mode
effect across different elds we tted alternative models stratied by
eld, and those results are shown in the Supplemental Materials. In
particular, the stratied models show large differences between the
estimated study variances for different elds.
The precision rate is the probability, prob(precision), that an iden-
tied tag was a gold standard tag. The log odds of precision is dened as
logit(precision) =log {prob(precision) / (1 - prob(precision)) }. The
general statistical model for precision was the same formulation as the
above model for recall. As before, the nal model did not include the
mode ×eld interaction due to extremely high standard errors, and we
replaced the random factors for the primary and QA reviewers by xed
factors. After removing non-signicant main effects and interactions, the
nal model (using the same notation) was of the form:
Logit(precision) = intercept +
i+βc +γf+ (
where the only random factor is the study effect. In particular, this
model does not have an interaction between mode and eld, so the
estimated differences in log odds between modes are the same for every
eld. For each study and mode, the total extraction time, including the
primary and QA reviews, was recorded. The time taken for each eld
was not recorded. The general model for time taken assumes that the
natural logarithm of the time taken is the following function of the
mode, complexity score, primary extractor, and QA reviewer. Using the
same notation as before, the general model is of the form:
Log(time) = intercept +
i+βc +δp+
q+ (
where error is normally distributed with mean zero and is independent
of the random factors δp,
q, and θs. The interaction term for mode ×
complexity score was not statistically signicant, and again it was
necessary for convergence to replace the random factors for the primary
and QA reviewer by xed factors. The primary extractor effect was not
statistically signicant at the 5% level. The nal model was of the form:
Log(time) = itercept +
i+βc +
3. Results
3.1. Dextr functionality
The rst version of the tool that we evaluated in this study fullls the
ve design principles outlined at the tool’s inception. Specically, the
tool’s set-up feature provides interoperability within the existing DNTP
workow where users can upload .ris and .pdf les and export the
extracted data in two forms, as .csv or .zip les. The .zip format allows
exported data to be uploaded into brat (an open-source annotation
software tool; The ability to export data in a
structure readable by brat allows users to leverage project data for future
model development.
In terms of usability requirements, Dextr enables users to select text
using their mouse or type a phrase into the extraction form. The default
extraction form consists of the ve extraction elds, all powered by the
underlying model to provide predictions. Users can customize the data-
extraction form; however, only the elds on which the model was
trained are supported by automation.
We designed the default form and the tool to be able to handle re-
lationships between the extraction entities, called “connections.” This
allows the user to specify a hierarchy between elds (e.g., multiple an-
imal models can be dened, each with a species, strain, and sex). The
animal model and endpoints can then be connected to a test article to
create a separate experiment within the study, satisfying the third design
principle related to handling complex, hierarchical data.
After project set-up, users and team members can begin extracting
data elements (manually or semi-automatically) via the “My Tasks”
page. Users then claim available pdfs (i.e., select a given pdf as part of
the user’s tasks) and access the full-text pdf within the tool to facilitate
data extraction. The user can highlight the text and associate it with an
extraction eld. Additionally, if the exact text or phrase is not within the
article itself, the user can type the appropriate text into the extraction
eld. These exible options for highlighting text to populate the
extraction form are useful for data extraction within a typical literature-
assessment workow, or for a more detailed annotation workow by
V.R. Walker et al.
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generating a dataset that may be used by model developers, thus satis-
fying the fourth design principle related to annotations. In both the
manual or semi-automated workows, the primary extractor or machine
predictions are populated in the extraction form before a user accesses
the study. The user then has the option to accept, ignore, or reject the
extracted data or add additional data if it is missing within the form.
The last design requirements, the ability for other models to be easily
incorporated into the tool and the ability to adapt to new model de-
velopments over time, were both addressed in the initial version of Dextr
but not tested in the evaluation study.
3.1.1. Usability feedback
Three of the reviewers were available to participate in a feedback
discussion of the tool’s usability (two of the semi-automated QA re-
viewers and one of the manual QA reviewers). Two reviewers rated the
usability of Dextr a 5 out of 10, while the other reviewer rated it an 8 out
of 10. The semi-automated reviewers provided feedback on how the tool
could be improved related to automatic page navigation and organiza-
tion on the user interface. The semi-automated QA reviewers liked how
the tool organized the extractions and agreed that the tool helped them
stay organized. Once they were comfortable with the tool, they were
able to work smoothly and efciently. Reviewers identied one draw-
back regarding how the tool handled endpoints. All three of the re-
viewers found it difcult to keep track of endpoints identied by either
the machine or a primary extractor. It was a challenge to nd previously
reviewed and accepted endpoints as reviewers continued searching for
new endpoints in the extraction list. This issue was more noticeable
when multiple, similar endpoints had been identied. They suggested
that a more organized process for listing and tracking endpoints will
improve the tool’s usability.
3.1.2. Statistical models for recall, unstratied by eld
A total of 51 toxicological studies were included in the nal dataset.
The ability of the model to correctly apply the gold-standard tag, or
modeled overall recall rate, was 97.0% for the manual mode and 91.8%
for the semi-automated mode. The difference in recall rates for the
manual mode compared to the semi-automated mode was observed to
be statistically signicant (p <0.01) (Table 4). These results are com-
parable to the arithmetic means of the recall rates across all studies and
elds, which were 91.8% for the manual mode and 83.8% for the semi-
automated mode. Table 4 also provides the estimate, standard error, and
p-value for the difference between the log odds of the two modes.
Table 5 shows the estimated log odds and recall probabilities as well as
the very similar arithmetic mean recall rates for each eld for the
manual and semi-automated modes. Note that because there is no
interaction term for mode ×eld, the estimated differences in log odds
between the two modes are the same for every eld and equal the values
in the last row of Table 4. Estimates and standard errors for the xed
effects and random effects related to recall are shown in Table S2.
3.1.3. Statistical models for precision, unstratied by eld
The modeled overall precision rate was 95.4% for the manual mode
and 96.0% for the semi-automated mode. The precision rate for the
semi-automated mode was higher, but the difference was not statisti-
cally signicant (Table 6). These results can be compared with the
arithmetic means of the precision rates across all studies and elds,
which were 92.5% for the manual mode and 93.2% for the semi-
automated mode. Table 6 gives the estimated log odds and precision
probabilities for the manual and semi-automated modes, weighting each
eld equally, along with their standard errors and p-values. Table 6 also
provides the estimate, standard error, and p-value for the difference
Table 5
Recall comparison between manual and semi-automated modes for each mode and eld, averaged over evaluators, based on the model unstratied by eld.
Extraction Mode Field Log Odds (Standard Error) P-value of Log Odds Probability (Standard Error) Arithmetic Mean Recall Rate
Manual Endpoint 1.133 (0.115) <0.0001 0.756 (0.021) 0.744
Manual Sex 4.856 (0.726) <0.0001 0.992 (0.006) 0.980
Manual Species 5.444 (1.014) <0.0001 0.996 (0.004) 1.000
Manual Strain 3.893 (0.477) <0.0001 0.980 (0.009) 0.980
Manual Test article 2.091 (0.180) <0.0001 0.890 (0.018) 0.883
Semi-automated Endpoint 0.068 (0.106) 0.5259 0.517 (0.027) 0.523
Semi-automated Sex 3.791 (0.721) <0.0001 0.978 (0.016) 0.990
Semi-automated Species 4.379 (1.011) <0.0001 0.988 (0.012) 0.980
Semi-automated Strain 2.828 (0.470) <0.0001 0.944 (0.025) 0.922
Semi-automated Test article 1.026 (0.168) <0.0001 0.736 (0.033) 0.773
Assumes average study complexity scores (0.175).
Table 4
Recall comparison between manual and semi-automated modes when averaged across elds and extractors, based on the model unstratied by eld.
Extraction Mode Log Odds (Standard Error) P-value of Log Odds Probability (Standard Error) Arithmetic Mean Recall Rate
Manual 3.483 (0.287) <0.0001 0.970 (0.008) 0.918
2.418 (0.278) <0.0001 0.918 (0.021) 0.838
−1.065 (0.109) <0.0001 – –
Dextr predictions conrmed by QA reviewer.
Comparison between manual and semi-automated extraction modes.
Assumes average study complexity scores (0.175).
Table 6
Precision comparison between manual and semi-automated modes when averaged across elds and extractors, based on the model unstratied by eld.
Extraction Mode Log Odds (Standard Error) P-value of Log Odds Probability (Standard Error) Arithmetic Mean Precision Rate
Manual 3.040 (0.281) <0.0001 0.954 (0.012) 0.925
3.174 (0.287) <0.0001 0.960 (0.011) 0.932
0.134 (0.151) 0.3765 – –
Dextr predictions conrmed by QA reviewer.
Comparison between manual and semi-automated extraction modes.
Assumes average study complexity scores (0.175).
V.R. Walker et al.
Environment International 159 (2022) 107025
between the log odds of the two modes. Table 7 shows the estimated log
odds and precision probabilities as well as the very similar arithmetic
mean precision rates for each eld for the manual and semi-automated
modes. Note that because there is no interaction term for mode ×eld in
the nal model, the estimated differences in log odds between the two
modes are the same for every eld and equal the values in the last row of
Table 6. Estimates and standard errors for the xed effects and random
effects related to precision are shown in Table S3.
3.1.4. Statistical models for time
The modeled median time was 933 s for the manual mode and 436 s
for the semi-automated mode. The median time, which is the expo-
nentiated mean log(time), was signicantly lower for the semi-
automated mode (p <0.01). These results can be compared with the
arithmetic means of the time across all studies: 971 s for the manual
mode and 517 s for the semi-automated mode (Table 8). For each mode,
Table 8 gives the estimated means for log(time), the standard errors of
the means, and the estimated medians for time. For this model, the
median time is the same as the geometric mean time. Table 8 also pro-
vides the estimate, standard error, and p-value for the difference be-
tween the mean log(time) for the two modes. Estimates and standard
errors for the xed effects and random effects related to total time are
shown in Table S4.
4. Discussion
Data extraction is a time- and resource-intensive step in the
literature-assessment process. Machine-learning methods for auto-
mating data extraction have been explored to address this challenge;
however, the use of machine learning for data extraction has been
limited to date, particularly in the eld of environmental health sci-
ences. Development and uptake of advanced approaches for extraction
lag behind other steps in the review process such as literature screening,
where automated screening tools have been established and used more
widely. In this paper, we introduced Dextr, a web-based data-extraction
tool that pairs machine-learning models that automatically predict data-
extraction entities with a user interface that enables manual verication
of extracted information (i.e., a semi-automated method). This powerful
tool does more than provide a convenient user interface for extracting
data; the tool’s extraction scheme supports complex data extraction
from full-text scientic articles with methods to capture data entities as
well as connections between entities. With this advanced approach,
Dextr supports hierarchical data extraction by allowing users to identify
relationships (e.g., the connections between species, strain, sex, expo-
sure, and endpoints) necessary for efcient data collection and synthesis
in literature reviews. When evaluated relative to manual data extraction
of environmental health science articles, Dextr’s semi-automated
extraction performed well, resulting in time savings and comparable
performance in both recall and precision.
O’Connor et al. (2019) provides a framework to describe the degree
of independence or “levels of automation” across tools and discusses
potential barriers to adoption of automation for use in literature re-
views. The degree of automation can range from tools that improve le
management (Level 1), tools that leverage algorithms to assist with
reference prioritization (Level 2), tools that perform a task automatically
but require human supervision to approve the tool’s decision resulting in
a semi-automated workow (Level 3), and tools that perform a task
automatically without human oversight (Level 4). In developing Dextr,
we intentionally chose to develop a Level 3 tool because we wanted a
workow that would allow expert judgment in a manual verication
step to provide users the exibility to accommodate entities where
existing models may have an error rate that is too high to achieve the
necessary performance. The decision to develop a semi-automated tool
also addresses limited uptake of automation tools (van Altena et al.
2019) and expected barriers to adoption (O’Connor et al. 2019) of
automation within the systematic-review community (e.g., providing a
user verication option to address mistrust by an end-user of the auto-
mation tool, supporting transparency to demonstrate ability of the tool
to perform the task, and providing a verication step similar to manual
QA to lessen potential disruption of adding automation to current
workows). The work presented in this paper supports widespread
adoption of a semi-automated data extraction approach because Dextr
has been tested on complex study designs, in an existing workow, and
provides the user the ability to conrm the machine-predicted values,
thereby increasing transparency and demonstrating compatibility with
current practices.
While systematic reviews, scoping reviews, and systematic evidence
maps have different formats and goals, all literature-based assessments
are used to inform evidence-based decisions. Therefore, the testing of
new procedures and automated approaches is essential to assess both the
impact on workow and the accuracy of the results. Given that Dextr
was developed to address the time-intensive step of data extraction, its
Table 7
Precision comparison between manual and semi-automated modes for each mode and eld, averaged over evaluators, based on the model unstratied by eld.
Extraction Mode Field Log Odds (Standard Error) P-value of Log Odds Probability (Standard Error) Arithmetic Mean Precision Rate
Manual Endpoint 1.460 (0.152) <0.0001 0.812 (0.023) 0.794
Manual Sex 5.073 (1.021) <0.0001 0.994 (0.006) 0.980
Manual Species 3.366 (0.494) <0.0001 0.967 (0.016) 0.990
Manual Strain 3.330 (0.490) <0.0001 0.965 (0.016) 0.978
Manual Test article 1.972 (0.224) <0.0001 0.878 (0.024) 0.883
Semi-automated Endpoint 1.594 (0.168) <0.0001 0.831 (0.024) 0.818
Semi-automated Sex 5.207 (1.022) <0.0001 0.995 (0.006) 1.000
Semi-automated Species 3.500 (0.496) <0.0001 0.971 (0.014) 0.967
Semi-automated Strain 3.464 (0.492) <0.0001 0.970 (0.014) 0.940
Semi-automated Test article 2.106 (0.236) <0.0001 0.891 (0.023) 0.934
Assumes average study complexity scores (0.175).
Table 8
Comparison of predicted mean logarithm and median for total time (seconds) between manual and semi-automated modes, averaged over evaluators
Extraction Mode Mean Log Time Modeled (Standard Error) P-value of Mean Log Time (Modeled) Median Time (Modeled) Arithmetic Mean Time
Manual 6.838 (0.058) <0.0001 933 971
6.079 (0.059) <0.0001 436 517
−0.760 (0.071) <0.0001 – –
Dextr predictions conrmed by QA reviewer.
Comparison between manual and semi-automated extraction modes.
Assumes average study complexity scores (0.175).
V.R. Walker et al.
Environment International 159 (2022) 107025
performance was evaluated in terms of recall, precision, and extraction
time. Although the precision rates for the manual mode and semi-
automated modes were similar, we found an unexpected and
intriguing statistically signicant reduction in the recall rate (arithmetic
mean recall rate 0.918 for manual and 0.834 for semi-automated).
Recall reects the ability of the data-extraction approach to identify
all relevant instances of an entity, and although 84% recall is good, we
explored potential reasons for this decrease. While the recall for “sex,”
“species,” and “strain” were comparable, the semi-automated recall rate
was lower for the “endpoint” and “test article” elds. We hypothesize
that the large number of endpoints predicted by Dextr may have been
difcult or distracting for the user to sort through compared to manual
identication. This is supported by feedback from the reviewer-usability
questions and is a target for rening the user interface in future versions
of Dextr to avoid this potential distraction by adding search function-
ality to provide a list of predicted endpoints to help extractors system-
atically sort through potential endpoints. The differences in recall by
eld (see Table 5) are also correlated with the recall rates achieved by
the model on the TAC SRIE dataset (Nowak and Kunstman 2018). The
elds were chosen purposefully to observe the impact of the model
performance on the results. While the differences reect the relative
difculty of the elds, we believe that model improvements will lead to
closing the gap between the manual and semi-automated approaches. In
terms of time, Dextr added clear efciencies to our workow, providing
an approximately 50% reduction (53% lower predicted median time and
47% lower average time) in the time required for data extraction. This
nding indicates that Dextr has the potential to provide similar recall
and precision with substantial time-savings and reduced manual work-
load for data extraction by integrating semi-automated extraction and
QA in a single step and replacing the conventional 2-step data-extraction
process (a manual extractor and a manual QC check).
Although primarily developed as a tool to improve data-extraction
workow for literature-based reviews, Dextr can also be used to anno-
tate published studies and produce training datasets for future model
development. Using the tool as part of a literature review, Dextr captures
token level annotations during the data-extraction workow; these an-
notations are part of a machine-readable export that can potentially
support model development and renement. This feature provides an
alternative to the current option of a dedicated workow (i.e., outside of
a normal literature review) required to generate training datasets and
offers a reduction in cost for developing them. However, the annotations
captured on each study during a literature review may have some lim-
itations as the topic of the review could direct the extractors towards
endpoints of interest rather than capturing all exposures or endpoints in
a study. The lack of applicable datasets is a major impediment to model
development for literature reviews (Jonnalagadda et al. 2015), and
Dextr provides the potential for important advances to the eld.
There are several limitations in the evaluation of Dextr that should be
noted. First, we only used a single dataset to test performance. The
dataset used to evaluate the tool focused on identifying and extracting
respiratory health outcomes only. In contrast, the endpoint entity al-
gorithm was not trained with this specication, and the model predicted
all potential health outcomes (or endpoints) in each reference and not
the respiratory subset. As noted earlier, the extractors noted in responses
to reviewer-feedback questions that non-target endpoints identied by
Dextr were a distraction. This limitation could have contributed to the
lower recall rate observed because all non-respiratory endpoints had to
be reviewed to identify relevant respiratory endpoints. Second, there are
limitations associated with the models used, even though the models
were not evaluated for this paper. The models currently in Dextr were
developed and trained only on the methods section of environmental
health animal studies. For this reason, the tool automatically identied
and used only the methods section. However, detailed data extraction
requires the full text of a reference because entities are commonly
identied in the abstract, methods, and results sections. Similarly, in-
formation on some endpoints may be available only in tables, which
Dextr currently does not process. Third, we evaluated the key perfor-
mance features of Dextr (recall, precision, and time); however, we
acknowledge that other aspects of the tool were beyond the scope of this
project and were not tested. For example, the ability of users to establish
connections was not directly tested nor a focus for user feedback. Last,
this project was intended to develop a user interface designed to
incorporate NLP data-extraction models. Evaluation and potential
improvement of the models used were outside the scope of the work
described in this paper. Therefore, it is likely that our evaluation metrics
(e.g., recall of the endpoints eld) will improve in conjunction with
focused efforts to address model improvements.
Dextr was developed to add automation and machine-learning
functions to the data-extraction step in DNTP’s literature-based assess-
ment workow. Although developed to address a DNTP need, we believe
it is important that the new tool be available to others in the research
community and be stable (i.e., have technical support) over 2–5 years.
We are in the process of obtaining Federal Risk and Authorization
Management Program (FedRAMP) authorization for the cloud deploy-
ment of Dextr, which will be available at (
/go/Dextr) when completed. The current version of Dextr (v1.0-beta1)
provides a solid foundation for us to continue to rene and incorporate
new features that improve workow and enable faster and more effec-
tive data extraction. Although this publication is paired with the initial
release of the tool, we are already working to expand functionality of
Dextr, with planned improvements to the user interface, use of
controlled vocabularies, and additional data-extraction entities. Testing
the tool for data extraction on more diverse datasets is also underway.
We are also working to identify existing models and develop new models
that can be integrated into Dextr to expand the data-extraction capa-
bilities to other evidence streams (e.g., epidemiological and in vitro
studies). Other potential targets include the ability to extract more
detailed entities (e.g., results, standard error, condence interval) and
information from tables, gures, and captions of scientic literature. As
new features are developed, the design requirements of usability, ex-
ibility, and interoperability will be periodically re-evaluated.
As described in the key design requirements, we considered it critical
for Dextr to: 1) make data-extraction predictions automatically with
user verication; 2) integrate token-level annotations in the data-
extraction workow; and 3) connect extracted entities to support hier-
archical data extraction. This third feature, the connection of data en-
tities, is helpful for efcient data collection and essential to enable
effective synthesis in literature reviews. Controlled vocabularies and
ontologies provide a hierarchical structure of terms to dene conceptual
classes and relations needed for knowledge representation for a given
domain. Controlled vocabularies provide semantics and terminology to
normalize author-reported information and support a conceptual
framework when evaluating results (de Almeida Biolchini et al. 2007).
Efforts are ongoing to develop eld structures in Dextr compatible with
integrating ontologies and controlled vocabularies. These efforts include
the capability of selecting an ontology or vocabulary at the entity level
with the ability to select multiple vocabularies when setting up the data-
extraction form in Dextr. We are also exploring the ability of an ontology
to support data extraction for specic domains or questions based on the
sorting, aggregating, and association context of terms in the ontology (i.
e., identifying only cardiovascular endpoints from a search of environ-
mental exposure references).
5. Conclusions
Dextr is a semi-automated data extraction tool that has been trans-
parently evaluated and shown to improve data extraction by substan-
tially reducing the time required to conduct this step in supporting
environmental health sciences literature-based assessments. Unlike
other data extraction tools, Dextr provides the ability to extract complex
concepts (e.g., multiple experiments with various exposures and doses
within a single study) and properly connect or group the extracted
V.R. Walker et al.
Environment International 159 (2022) 107025
elements within a study. Furthermore, Dextr limits the work required by
researchers to generate training data by incorporating machine-readable
annotation exports that are collected as part of the data-extraction
workow within the tool. Dextr was designed to address challenges
associated with environmental health sciences literature; however, we
are condent that the features and capabilities within the tool are
applicable to other elds and would improve the data-extraction process
for other domains as well.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
This work was supported by the Intramural Research Program
(Contract GS00Q14OADU417, Task Order HHSN273201600015U) at
NIEHS, NIH. DNTP initiated and directed the project providing guidance
on tool requirements to support data extraction for literature-analysis as
well as the evaluation plan. Robyn Blain, Jo Rochester, and Jennifer
Seed of ICF worked under contract for DNTP and completed Dextr
testing, manual extraction, semi-automated extractions, evaluation re-
sults grading, and statistical analysis, while Pam Hartman of ICF
developed the gold-standard dataset. ICF staff also provided project
management for the software development and tool evaluation. Dextr
programming and development were conducted by Evidence Prime as
subcontractor to ICF. The underlying machine-learning model was also
developed by Evidence Prime. Kelly Shipkowski (now with DNTP)
worked for ICF at the beginning of the project. We appreciate the helpful
comments and input on the draft manuscript provided by Keith Shockley
and Nicole Kleinstreuer.
Competing Financial Interests: AJN and KK are employed by, and
AJN is also a shareholder of, Evidence Prime, a software company that
plans to commercialize the results of this work. To mitigate any potential
conicts of interest, these authors excluded themselves from activities
that could inuence the results of the evaluation study. The remaining
authors declare that they have no actual or potential competing nan-
cial interests.
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Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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