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Real-time fMRI feedback training may improve chronic tinnitus

  • CIMC Geneva Switzerland

Abstract and Figures

Tinnitus consists of a more or less constant aversive tone or noise and is associated with excess auditory activation. Transient distortion of this activation (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, rTMS) may improve tinnitus. Recently proposed operant training in real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rtfMRI) neurofeedback allows voluntary modification of specific circumscribed neuronal activations. Combining these observations, we investigated whether patients suffering from tinnitus can (1) learn to voluntarily reduce activation of the auditory system by rtfMRI neurofeedback and whether (2) successful learning improves tinnitus symptoms. Six participants with chronic tinnitus were included. First, location of the individual auditory cortex was determined in a standard fMRI auditory block-design localizer. Then, participants were trained to voluntarily reduce the auditory activation (rtfMRI) with visual biofeedback of the current auditory activation. Auditory activation significantly decreased after rtfMRI neurofeedback. This reduced the subjective tinnitus in two of six participants. These preliminary results suggest that tinnitus patients learn to voluntarily reduce spatially specific auditory activations by rtfMRI neurofeedback and that this may reduce tinnitus symptoms. Optimized training protocols (frequency, duration, etc.) may further improve the results.
llustrates the experi- mental setup for a single subject. First, a standard fMRI block- design auditory localizer in combination with real-time data analysis was used to identify the individual auditory areas ( a , screen-shot of the real-time data analysis using Turbo Brain- voyager, www.brainvoyager. com). The right auditory area (green square) and left auditory area (red square) illustrate a clear task-related BOLD response (graphs on the right-hand side with baseline periods in blue and auditory stimulation periods in green). Note the hemodynamic delay of the BOLD response. The third, lowest graph on the right-hand side illustrates the on-line motion correction. In a second step, the individually defined auditory areas were used for the rtfMRI neurofeedback. A thermometer bar was visually presented to the subjects inside the MRI scanner ( b ) that indicated the current BOLD activation in the auditory region of interest. Subjects trained to down-regulate this activation. The presented example illustrates a current down-regulation (thermometer below the mean). The post-hoc data analysis of a single subject depicts those areas that are down-regulated after the rtfMRI biofeedback training ( c ). Additionally, the evolution of the BOLD activations, illustrated as BETA estimate contrast (in arbitrary units) over the four training sessions, is illustrated for left ( d , at locations X − 39, Y − 33, Z 12 in Montreal Neurological Institute MNI space) and right ( e , at locations X 48, Y − 24, Z 9) auditory areas
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Eur Radiol
DOI 10.1007/s00330-009-1595-z NEURO
Sven Haller
Niels Birbaumer
Ralf Veit
Received: 23 April 2009
Revised: 30 July 2009
Accepted: 5 August 2009
#European Society of Radiology 2009
Real-time fMRI feedback training may improve
chronic tinnitus
Abstract Objectives: Tinnitus
consists of a more or less constant
aversive tone or noise and is asso-
ciated with excess auditory activation.
Transient distortion of this activation
(repetitive transcranial magnetic
stimulation, rTMS) may improve
tinnitus. Recently proposed operant
training in real-time functional
magnetic resonance imaging (rtfMRI)
neurofeedback allows voluntary
modification of specific circum-
scribed neuronal activations.
Combining these observations, we
investigated whether patients
suffering from tinnitus can (1) learn to
voluntarily reduce activation of the
auditory system by rtfMRI neuro-
feedback and whether (2) successful
learning improves tinnitus symptoms.
Methods: Six participants with
chronic tinnitus were included. First,
location of the individual auditory
cortex was determined in a standard
fMRI auditory block-design localizer.
Then, participants were trained to
voluntarily reduce the auditory
activation (rtfMRI) with visual
biofeedback of the current auditory
activation. Results: Auditory activa-
tion significantly decreased after
rtfMRI neurofeedback. This reduced
the subjective tinnitus in two of six
participants. Conclusion: These
preliminary results suggest that
tinnitus patients learn to voluntarily
reduce spatially specific auditory
activations by rtfMRI neurofeedback
and that this may reduce tinnitus
symptoms. Optimized training
protocols (frequency, duration, etc.)
may further improve the results.
Keywords fMRI .BOLD .
Biofeedback .Tinnitus .
Abbreviations BOLD: blood
oxygenation level dependent .
DLPFC: dorso-lateral prefrontal
cortex .EEG:
electroencephalography .EPI:
echoplanar imaging .fMRI:
functional magnetic resonance
imaging .rtfMRI: real-time functional
magnetic resonance imaging .rTMS:
repetitive transcranial magnetic
stimulation .VLPFC: ventro-lateral
prefrontal cortex
Tinnitus consists of the auditory perception of sounds or
noise not caused or triggered by external auditory stimuli,
and affects millions of people [1]. It is estimated that in 1
3% of the general population tinnitus becomes chronic and
sufficiently intrusive to interfere with patientsquality of
life [2]. The underlying neuronal mechanism is only
partially understood, and treatment options are limited [3]. It
was shown that tinnitus is associated with over-activation
within the auditory network [46]. Further, it was shown that
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over the
auditory area that temporarily disrupts neuronal activations
may alleviate tinnitus symptoms [68].
S. Haller (*)
Institute of Radiology,
Department of Neuroradiology,
University Hospital Basel,
Petersgraben 4,
CH 4031 Basel, Switzerland
Tel.: +41-61-2652525
Fax: +41-61-2654908
S. Haller
Institute of Neuroradiology,
Department of Imaging and Medical
Informatics, Geneva University
Geneva, Switzerland
N. Birbaumer .R. Veit
Institute of Medical Psychology and
Behavioral Neurobiology,
University of Tübingen,
Tübingen, Germany
N. Birbaumer
Ospedale San Camillo, Instituto di
Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico,
Venezia, Italy
Biofeedback allows learning voluntary control over
otherwise autonomous physiological parameters by means
of operant training by providing real-time feedback of a
particular physiological change. Biofeedback was first
demonstrated for the autonomous nervous system (heart
rate and skin conductance) in the 1950s [9]. In the nervous
system, biofeedback (also called neurofeedback) classi-
cally uses electroencephalography (EEG), for example, to
restore communication in severely paralyzed patients [10,
11]. Recently, real-time functional magnetic resonance
imaging (rtfMRI) neurofeedback was introduced [1215].
This non-invasive technique has a substantially higher
spatial resolution compared to EEG [13]. We reason that
this high spatial resolution of rtfMRI implies a substantial
clinical power because it is possible to learn voluntary
control over specific brain areas, while EEG feedback
allows modifications of large cortical areas only. The
majority of the few available rtfMRI biofeedback studies
investigated the principal feasibility of rtfMRI neurofeed-
back and the neuronal mechanisms of neurofeedback in
healthy volunteers [13,14,16]. To date, only one
controlled rtfMRI group study in patients is available that
demonstrates a beneficial effect of rtfMRI neurofeedback
in chronic pain patients [15].
Combining the above-mentioned observations, we
hypothesize that subjects with tinnitus can (1) learn to
voluntarily reduce the hyperactivity of auditory brain areas
by means of rtfMRI neurofeedback and that (2) this reduces
tinnitus symptoms.
Materials and methods
The study was approved by the local ethics committee of
the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen,
Germany. Six subjects (three females, three males, age
36.0±14.2 years) gave their written informed consent prior
to inclusion. All subjects had continuous, non-pulsating
tinnitus (5 monaural, 1 binaural) for several years. Tinnitus
self-assessments [17,18] were performed before and after
the MRI session.
Task procedure
First, a standard fMRI auditory block-design paradigm was
performed to identify individual primary auditory cortices
(ROI1) with 20 s ON, 20 s OFF bilateral auditory stimula-
tion, with sine tone of 1,000 Hz pulsating at 6 Hz. This
stimulus is known to induce a strong and long-lasting
BOLD response [19]. Thereafter, we applied four rtfMRI
neurofeedback training sessions (each 4 min 24 s). Each
trial started with a 10-s baseline period followed by a
block-design alternating between down-regulation and no-
regulation periods lasting for 18 s each. To account for
unspecific and global BOLD changes, we used a second
ROI (ROI2) posterior and inferior to the primary auditory
area at the temporo-occipital junction and provided the
difference between the target auditory ROI1 and control
ROI2 as feedback. We used two criteria for selecting the
control region: (1) no activation during the auditory
localizer session and (2) the area not involved in tinnitus
or in the established rtfMRI experiments in healthy
In the down-regulation trials, visual feedback was
presented by means of thermometer bars [20]. During no-
regulation tasks, no feedback signal was given, and the
thermometer display showed no activation changes. During
the no-regulation condition, the subjects were asked to count
back silently. The participants were informed about the data
processing delay of 1.5 s and of the intrinsic physiological
hemodynamic response delay of about 6 s. The subjects were
not instructed to use a certain strategy for down-regulation,
and we recommended using a strategy that already helped
them to reducethe intensity of the tinnitus noise in their daily
We used the Turbo BrainVoyager software package
( in combination with in-house
Matlab ( scripts for real-time data
fMRI data acquisition
Functional images were acquired on a 3-T whole body MR
scanner with a standard 12-channel head coil (Siemens
Magnetom Trio Tim, Siemens Erlangen, Germany). A
standard Echo-Planar Imaging sequence was used [EPI; TR
(repetition time)=1.5 s, matrix size =64 ×64, effective echo
time TE (echo time)=30 ms, flip angle α=70°, bandwidth=
1.954 kHz/pixel; 16 slices; voxel size= 3.3× 3.3× 5.0 mm
slice gap=1 mm]. Additionally, we acquired an anatomical
T1-weighted whole brain scan (MPRAGE, matrix size=
256× 256, 160 partitions, 1 mm
isotropic voxels, TR=
2,300 ms, TE=3.93 ms, TI (inversion time)=1,100 ms,
Offline post-hoc fMRI data analysis
The post-hoc, off-line data analysis was done with the
SPM5 statistical parametric mapping software package
(Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, London).
Processing included spatial data smoothing (8-mm Gaussian
kernel), temporal drift removal (0.0088-Hz high-pass
filtering) and spatial normalization to the Montreal Neuro-
logical Institute (MNI) space. The six movement regressors
were used as confounds to reduce movement-related
variance. All conditions were modeled with a canonical
hemodynamic response function (HRF) using standard SPM
5 settings. The following contrasts were analyzed: down-
regulation vs. no-regulation and no-regulation vs. down-
regulation. We performed two major analyses.
At the single subject level, we tested the within-subject
learning effects by estimating a linear decrease in activity
over sessions (Table 1). The reported single-subject p-values
were not corrected for multiple comparisons, because we
describe single-subject effects. All identified significant
voxels were within the ROIs of the auditory localizer runs.
At the group level, a fixed-effects group analysis was
performed using the last session of each subject testing for
the amount of successful down-regulation at the end of the
training, i.e., contrasting the down-regulation trials versus
the no-regulation tasks (Fig. 2a,b,e,f,g, Table 2). Effects
were considered as significant using a whole-brain familiy-
wise error rate (FWE) of p<0.001. Additionally, we
performed a linear regression t-test analysis of the
individual BOLD responses in the auditory areas separately
for the right and left auditory areas with session number as
the independent and the parameter estimates of each
subject as the dependent variable (Fig. 2c,d). This test was
performed one-tailed under the strict a priori hypothesis of
decreasing activations over training sessions.
Single subject analysis
Five of the six included subjects successfully learned to
down-regulate their activations in the auditory ROI. An
example subject is illustrated in Fig. 1. The individual peak
areas with linear signal decrease over time are listed in
Table 1.
Group analysis
Regression analyses revealed a significant linear decrease
in the auditory activations over the training sessions
(p<0.05 bilaterally; Fig. 2c, d). The group analysis of
the last training session shows a significant decrease in
activation after rtfMRI neurofeedback training in bilateral
auditory areas (Fig. 2a, b; Table 2). Moreover we found
deactivations in the occipital lobe and in areas comprising
the default brain network during resting states (prefrontal
cortex, precuneus, inferior parietal lobe). Note that this
decrease in activation is spatially restricted to the above-
mentioned areas, not a general decrease in neuronal
activations of the whole brain. Increased activations during
rtfMRI neurofeedback training were found in bilateral
insula extending to the ventro-lateral prefrontal cortex
[VLPFC, the right dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC)
anatomical labeled as middle frontal gyrus and right
occipito-temporal junction].
Behavioral data
Subjects reported no change (N=4) or mild improvement
(N=2) in tinnitus symptoms after rtfMRI neurofeedback
(follow-up questionnaire approximately 2 weeks after
training). None of the patients reported increasing tinnitus
The present investigation is based on the combination of
three previous findings: (1) tinnitus is associated with
Table 1 depicts the test of linear signal decrease over training
sessions at the individual level: peak activation of the activation
cluster in MNI standard space, corresponding t-value and p-value
(uncorrected). Except for subject 3, all subjects successfully
decreased the activations by means of rtfMRI neurofeedback
Subject Side MNI coordinates t-value p-value
1 Left 39 33 15 t=7.05 p<0.0001
Right 48 24 9 t =6.65 p <0.0001
2 Left 48 30 9 t =7.68 p <0.0001
Right 60 21 12 t=8.09 p<0.0001
3 Left Not significant
Right Not significant
4 Left 39 33 18 t=2.61 p=0.005
Right 48 30 9 t =3.13 p =0.001
5 Left 36 27 27 t=3.30 p=0.001
Right Not significant
6 Left 45 21 21 t=3.12 p=0.001
Right 42 27 21 t=2.92 p=0.002
excess auditory activation [46]; (2) transient reduction or
interruption of this activation (repetitive transcranial mag-
netic stimulation, TMS)may improve tinnitus [68]; (3) real-
time fMRI neurofeedback allows learning the voluntary
control of localized neuronal activations through operant
training [1215].
In accordance with our hypothesis, patients with tinnitus
successfully learned to reduce the auditory activations by
means of rtfMRI neurofeedback. This improved the subjec-
tive tinnitus symptoms in some patients. The current proof of
principle results justify future rtfMRI neurofeedback studies
in tinnitus in larger cohorts and adequate controls.
Concerning the brain activations, rtfMRI neurofeedback
training induced a significant decrease in the activations of
the auditory cortex despite the small sample size of only six
participants, which implies a high potential effect of rtfMRI
neurofeedback. Our data support findings of recent studies
showing that with rtfMRI-neurofeedback people can learn
to control changes of their BOLD signal in circumscribed
brain areas within a few sessions [14,15,20]. Only one of
six participants did not manage to down-regulate the
activations in the primary auditory cortex.
Although the task of the present study was to decrease
activations within the auditory cortex as discussed above,
the post-hoc data analysis identified additional and
spatially separated regions with decreasing activations,
although these areas were not included in the feedback
display of the rtfMRI training: the medial frontal cortex, the
precuneus and the angular gyrus extending to the inferior
parietal lobe. These areas are part of the default brain
network[21,22] and consistently active during resting
states or show deactivations during cognitively demanding
tasks [22,23]. Conversely, increasing activations were
found in the insula extending to the bilateral VLPFC and
the right DLPFC. The increasing activation within these
regions during down-regulation of the primary auditory
area might suggest a functional role of these areas in the
down-regulation process. These areas were reported during
self-regulation of emotional responses using cognitive
reappraisal strategies or during diverting attention from
emotional arousal stimuli [24,25]. It was proposed that the
insula might play a critical role in mediating the influence of
peripheral autonomic arousal on consciously experienced
emotional states [26,27]. Correspondingly, the subjects in
the present study primarily used positive events (remember-
ing pleasurable events like a holiday) or relaxation-related
strategies (autogenic training) to decrease the activation in
the auditory cortex.
Concerning the behavioral effects, we cannot expect that
in this proof-of-concept study four training sessions within
a single day will evoke a strong effect, in particular because
tinnitus is a chronic condition lasting for several years in
Table 2 Lists those areas with a significant decrease in activation
(top) or increase (bottom) as a result of the rtfMRI neurofeedback
training sessions. Brain region of the decreasing/increasing activa-
tion, peak coordinate x,y,z in Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI)
space and t-value (family-wise error, FWE, rate corrected, p<0.001)
Brain regions MNI coordinates t-value
Decreasing activation during rtfMRI training
Occipital lobe R 27 96 6 8.99
Occipitallobe L 30 93 3 8.24
Precuneus 0 54 42 8.74
Angular gyrus R 45 69 39 8.21
Angular gyrus L 42 69 39 6.80
Superior medial frontal cortex L 9 60 33 7.13
Superior medial frontal cortex R 0 66 24 6.65
Heschl gyrus R 39 27 18 6.15
Heschl gyrus R 60 12 15 5.51
Heschl gyrus L 57 12 18 5.05
Middle temporal gyrus L 60 48 9 5.24
Increasing activation during rtfMRI training
Insula R 33 27 0 7.96
Middle temporal gyrus R 39 66 15 7.18
Frontal Inferior opercularis R 51 9 21 6.98
Middle frontal gyrus R 36 42 21 5.69
Insula L 36 18 6 6.26
Middle occipital L 30 75 21 5.55
our patients. Correspondingly, the mean activation
continuously decreased within the first four training
sessions (Fig. 2c,d). On the other hand, the observed
positive minor behavioral effect despite only 1 training
day suggests a substantial potential effect of rtfMRI
neurofeedback in tinnitus. Necessary optimizations of
rtfMRI training include adjustment of the number,
duration and frequency of the rtfMRI training sessions.
Learning is difficult in the absence of guidelines for
mental strategies and can lead to a drop of motivation,
especially in the uncomfortable environment of the MRI
scanner [15,28]. The rtfMRI biofeedback algorithm has
Fig. 1 Illustrates the experi-
mental setup for a single subject.
First, a standard fMRI block-
design auditory localizer in
combination with real-time data
analysis was used to identify the
individual auditory areas (a,
screen-shot of the real-time data
analysis using Turbo Brain-
voyager, www.brainvoyager.
com). The right auditory area
(green square) and left auditory
area (red square) illustrate a
clear task-related BOLD re-
sponse (graphs on the right-hand
side with baseline periods in
blue and auditory stimulation
periods in green). Note the
hemodynamic delay of the
BOLD response. The third,
lowest graph on the right-hand
side illustrates the on-line motion
correction. In a second step, the
individually defined auditory
areas were used for the rtfMRI
neurofeedback. A thermometer
bar was visually presented to the
subjects inside the MRI scanner
(b) that indicated the current
BOLD activation in the auditory
region of interest. Subjects trained
to down-regulate this activation.
The presented example illustrates
a current down-regulation
(thermometer below the mean).
The post-hoc data analysis of a
single subject depicts those areas
that are down-regulated after the
rtfMRI biofeedback training (c).
Additionally, the evolution of the
BOLD activations, illustrated as
BETA estimate contrast (in
arbitrary units) over the four
training sessions, is illustrated for
left (d, at locations X 39, Y 33,
Z 12 in Montreal Neurological
Institute MNI space) and right
(e, at locations X 48, Y 24, Z 9)
auditory areas
to be optimized, and the training protocol should be
adapted to the individual patient.
Previous rTMS studies improved tinnitus [68]; however,
the effect is transient and depends on the presence of the
rTMS device. The rtfMRI neurofeedback technique has
the advantage that once a participant has learned to control
the individual auditory activations, this strategy can be used
in every day life to improve tinnitus. Previous EEG
biofeedback studies in tinnitus successfully improved
tinnitus symptoms by up-regulating alpha-activity and
down-regulating beta-activity [29] or by enhancement of
tau activity within the alpha frequency range and concom-
itant reduction in delta power [30]. As compared to these
EEG studies, the major advantage of rtfMRI biofeedback is
the much higher spatial specificity that allows for selective
reduction of the auditory activation only.
This proof of principle study aims to illustrate the
clinical potential of rtfMRI neurofeedback. Tinnitus was
chosen as an example because of the existing clear apriori
hypotheses and the localized target region. The presented
principle of rtfMRI neurofeedback represents a novel
therapeuticinstead of the usual diagnostic application of
Fig. 2 Illustrates the effect of the
rtfMRI neurofeedback training of
the group analysis (N =6).
Decreasing activations after
rtfMRI neurofeedback are present
in the bilateral auditory area
(yellow circles in aand b)andin
the default brain network
(prefrontal cortex, precuneus,
inferior parietal lobe). The
additional linear regression
analysis of the activations in the
left (c)andright(d) auditory area
demonstrates a significant
decrease over the four training
sessions. Increasing activations
(E-F) were present in bilateral
insula extending to the bilateral
VLPFC and right DLPFC, and
right occipito-temporal junction.
SPM convention, left hemisphere
on left hand side
MRI. This principle might be transferred to other diseases
with presumed excess neuronal activations, such as auditory
or visual hallucinations. Likewise, rtfMRI biofeedback might
also be used to increase neuronal activations, e.g., in stroke
patients with motor disorders, as increased motor activity
might improve motor dysfunctions [31].
A major limitation of the presented proof of concept
investigation evidently is the small sample size.
The frequency of the auditory localizer stimulus was
identical in all subjects despite differences in the subjective
tinnitus frequency. Given the established tonotopic orga-
nization of the auditory cortex, [32], we reason that the
auditory stimulus of the functional localizer experiment
should ideally match the subjective tinnitus to detect the
exact sub-region of the auditory area. Due to the com-
parably small distance of the tonotopic distribution in
relation to size of the volumes-of-interest, future studies are
needed to determine whether the additional effort of
generating individually tuned auditory stimuli outweigh
the more convenient use of a standardized fixedauditory
stimuli, in particular with respect to potential clinical
applications of the presented technique.
A general concern in rtfMRI neurofeedback is related to
the spatial specificity of the learned modification of brain
activations. The BOLD response is influenced, for
example, by respiration and the related blood level of
carbon dioxide [33]. Subjects might simply hyperventilate
to reduce the BOLD activations that alsobut not
specificallyincludes the auditory regions. To control
for global effects, we provided feedback as the difference
between the target auditory area against a distant control
region. Additionally, the post-hoc group comparison of
brain activations after rtfMRI training versus prior to
training (Fig. 2) confirms that the subjects learned a region-
specific down-regulation of the auditory areas.
Another limitation is the absence of control groups. The
only available clinical rtfMRI group study found a beneficial
effect of neurofeedback in patients (N=8) with chronic pain
[15]. The authors applied pain (noxious thermal stimulus) in
healthy controls using truertfMRI neurofeedback as well as
(1) training, without rtfMRI information, (2) purely
behavioral training, (3) rtfMRI information derived from a
brain region not involved inaffective pain processing and (4)
rtfMRI information of other subjects (false or sham
feedback). None of these healthy control groups without
the true rtfMRI neurofeedback was able to reduce the
perceived pain in response to the noxious thermal stimulus.
In conclusion, we could prove the principle that patients
with tinnitus successfully learned to reduce the auditory
activations by real-time functional magnetic resonance
imaging neurofeedback and that this improved tinnitus
symptoms in at least two out of six patients.
Acknowledgements We thank all subjects for participation in the
Conflict of interest No conflicts of interest.
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... From this research, several groups have reported successful application of rtfMRI to modify cognitive and behavioral processes relevant for the treatment of clinical disorders (for review of these studies see Caria et al., 2012;Chapin et al., 2012;deCharms, 2007;deCharms, 2008;Sulzer et al., 2013a;Weiskopf, 2012;Weiskopf et al., 2007). Studies have demonstrated promise of rtfMRI neurofeedback in the treatment of chronic pain (deCharms et al., 2005), tinnitus (Haller et al., 2010), stroke , depression (Linden et al., 2012), schizophrenia , obesity (Frank et al., 2012), and addiction Li et al., 2013). Given the early stage of this research, it is not surprising that there are many limitations to these studies. ...
... There is limited evidence of behavioral change from rtfMRI that has generalized to other tasks or real-world outcomes. Prior studies in clinical populations have shown decreased pain ratings in individuals with chronic pain (deCharms et al., 2005), decreased symptoms in individuals with tinnitus (Haller et al., 2010), decreased craving ratings and physiological response to smoking cues in nicotine-dependent individuals Hanlon et al., 2013), decreased mood symptoms in people with depression (Linden et al., 2012), increased motor speed and clinical ratings of motor symptoms in individuals with Parkinson's disease (Subramanian et al., 2011), and decreased contamination anxiety in people with sub-clinical anxiety (Scheinost et al., . CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license a certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. ...
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While reducing the burden of brain disorders remains a top priority of organizations like the World Health Organization and National Institutes of Health (BRAIN, 2013), the development of novel, safe and effective treatments for brain disorders has been slow. In this paper, we describe the state of the science for an emerging technology, real time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rtfMRI) neurofeedback, in clinical neurotherapeutics. We review the scientific potential of rtfMRI and outline research strategies to optimize the development and application of rtfMRI neurofeedback as a next generation therapeutic tool. We propose that rtfMRI can be used to address a broad range of clinical problems by improving our understanding of brain-behavior relationships in order to develop more specific and effective interventions for individuals with brain disorders. We focus on the use of rtfMRI neurofeedback as a clinical neurotherapeutic tool to drive plasticity in brain function, cognition, and behavior. Our overall goal is for rtfMRI to advance personalized assessment and intervention approaches to enhance resilience and reduce morbidity by correcting maladaptive patterns of brain function in those with brain disorders.
... Importantly, differences between groups were specifically significant in runs without feedback provided (that is, pre-neurofeedback and transfer), translating an increased DLPFC activity during neurofeedback runs, with an approximation to the controls values, not elicited by imagery alone. Previous studies that applied rt-fMRI neurofeedback in clinical populations have demonstrated an increase in the activation of the target region during neurofeedback training as a proof of concept of its therapeutic effect, such as in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [42], stroke [43], Huntington's disease [44], tinnitus [45] and pain [12]. In neurofeedback experiments targeting DLPFC in neurotypicals, increased activation of DLPFC along the sessions was also understood as a positive result [37,46]. ...
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Background Deficits in executive function (EF) are consistently reported in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Tailored cognitive training tools, such as neurofeedback, focused on executive function enhancement might have a significant impact on the daily life functioning of individuals with ASD. We report the first real-time fMRI neurofeedback (rt-fMRI NF) study targeting the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in ASD. Methods Thirteen individuals with autism without intellectual disability and seventeen neurotypical individuals completed a rt-fMRI working memory NF paradigm, consisting of subvocal backward recitation of self-generated numeric sequences. We performed a region-of-interest analysis of the DLPFC, whole-brain comparisons between groups and, DLPFC-based functional connectivity. Results The ASD and control groups were able to modulate DLPFC activity in 84% and 98% of the runs. Activity in the target region was persistently lower in the ASD group, particularly in runs without neurofeedback. Moreover, the ASD group showed lower activity in premotor/motor areas during pre-neurofeedback run than controls, but not in transfer runs, where it was seemingly balanced by higher connectivity between the DLPFC and the motor cortex. Group comparison in the transfer run also showed significant differences in DLPFC-based connectivity between groups, including higher connectivity with areas integrated into the multidemand network (MDN) and the visual cortex. Conclusions Neurofeedback seems to induce a higher between-group similarity of the whole-brain activity levels (including the target ROI) which might be promoted by changes in connectivity between the DLPFC and both high and low-level areas, including motor, visual and MDN regions.
... In Versuchen mit der EEG konnte so die Tinnituswahrnehmung mit Hochregulation der Alpha-Aktivität moduliert werden [6]. Alternativ werden auch Neurofeedbackversuche mit Echtzeitmessungen in der fMRT durchgeführt, wobei die Aktivität im auditorischen Kortex verringert werden konnte [10,21]. Die Fortschritte in der Bildgebung werden weiterhelfen, zuverlässige Modelle der Tinnitusentstehung und -erhaltung zu erstellen, neuartige Therapieansätze zu definieren und in Zukunft auch Therapieerfolge in objektiver Form zu messen [13]. ...
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Background: The pathophysiology behind tinnitus is still not well understood. Different imaging methods help in the understanding of the complex relationships that lead to the perception of tinnitus. Objective: Herein, different functional imaging methods that can be used in the study of tinnitus are presented. Materials and methods: Considering the recent literature on the subject, the relevant imaging methods used in tinnitus research are discussed. Results and conclusion: Functional imaging can reveal correlates of tinnitus. Due to the still limited temporal and spatial resolution of current imaging modalities, a conclusive explanation of tinnitus remains elusive. With increasing use of functional imaging, additional important insights into the explanation of tinnitus will be gained in the future.
... Increase in gamma-band connectivity between the insula with primary and secondary auditory cortices in tinnitus patients has been suggested to be related to increased emotional response and/or adaptation to the tinnitus sound perception (27,28). The insula with other brain areas may participate in a distress-related network in tinnitus, pain (29), and other unpleasant somatosensory experiences (30). ...
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Objectives: Tinnitus is defined as ringing of the ears that is experienced when there is no external sound source, and is an auditory phantom sensation. The insula as a multimodal cortex has been shown to be involved in the processing of auditory stimuli rather than other sensory and motor processing and reported to correlate with some aspects of tinnitus. However, its exact role is not clear. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of excitotoxic lesions limited to the insular cortex on the ability to detect a gap in background noise. Materials and methods: Gap detection test and prepulse inhibition, two objective measurements of auditory startle response, were measured, in 33 male Wistar rats, before and up to four weeks after insular lesion in three experimental groups (sham, control, and lesion). Results: The ability to detect the gap interposed between 60 db background noise was impaired at weeks 2, 3, and 4 following insular lesion, while prepulse inhibition remained intact up to four weeks after surgery. Conclusion: These findings indicated that excitotoxic lesions of the insular cortex may produce a tinnitus-like phenomenon in rats while sparing the hearing sensitivity; suggesting that the insular cortex may have a role in the development of tinnitus.
... First studies demonstrated the effectiveness of RT-fMRI-NF on the relief of neurological symptoms such as chronic pain (deCharms et al., 2005) or tinnitus (Haller et al., 2010). In psychiatry, recent advances in neuroscience and neurophysiology allowed to incriminate brain regions and networks that might underlie the pathophysiology of various psychiatric disorders. ...
Neurofeedback using real-time functional MRI (RT-fMRI-NF) is an innovative technique that allows to voluntarily modulate a targeted brain response and its associated behavior. Despite promising results in the current literature, its effectiveness on symptoms management in psychiatric disorders is not yet clearly demonstrated. Here, we provide 1) a state-of-art review of RT-fMRI-NF studies aiming at alleviating clinical symptoms in a psychiatric population; 2) a quantitative evaluation (meta-analysis) of RT-fMRI-NF effectiveness on various psychiatric disorders and 3) methodological suggestions for future studies. Thirty-one clinical trials focusing on psychiatric disorders were included and categorized according to standard diagnostic categories. Among the 31 identified studies, 22 consisted of controlled trials, of which only eight showed significant clinical improvement in the experimental vs. control group after the training. Nine studies found an effect at follow-up on ADHD symptoms, emotion dysregulation, facial emotion processing, depressive symptoms, hallucinations, psychotic symptoms, and specific phobia. Within-group meta-analysis revealed large effects of the NF training on depressive symptoms right after the training (g = 0.84, p < 0.01) and at follow-up (g = 1.25, p < 0.01), as well as medium effects on anxiety (g = 0.52, p = 0.01) and emotion regulation (g = 0.46, p = 0.01). Between-group meta-analysis showed a medium effect on depressive symptoms (g = 0.46, p < 0.01) and a large effect on anxiety (g = 0.91, p = 0.09). However, the between-studies heterogeneity is very high. The use of RT-fMRI-NF as a treatment for psychiatric symptoms is promising, however, further double-blind, multicentric, randomized-controlled trials are warranted.
Neurofeedback (NFB) for tinnitus is currently under research in several independent labs. In recent times, NFB established itself as a clinical intervention option for a variety of chronic brain diseases, while its efficacy and exact mechanisms of action are still under scrutiny. In this chapter, we present and review the current state of research of NFB in the context of tinnitus, discuss results, identify open issues, new methodological avenues, and finally conclude with recommendations for NFB research and application. The majority of studies identified employ EEG NFB based on an early finding of diminished auditory alpha band power in individuals with tinnitus. These studies iterated on either better localization of the aberrant tinnitus neural activity, individualization of NFB protocols, or mobile application. A single study diverged from this pattern by targeting a different putative neural correlate of tinnitus. FMRI NFB approaches are still under development, with merely two low-evidence pilot studies published to this day. In future, NFB research in tinnitus would profit from better-controlled reproducible studies, further individualization of protocols and consideration of tinnitus heterogeneity, application of novel technology and methods, and multicenter transdisciplinary research efforts.
Background Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the current standard treatment for chronic severe tinnitus; however, preliminary evidence suggests that real-time functional MRI (fMRI) neurofeedback therapy may be more effective. Purpose To compare the efficacy of real-time fMRI neurofeedback against CBT for reducing chronic tinnitus distress. Materials and Methods In this prospective controlled trial, participants with chronic severe tinnitus were randomized from December 2017 to December 2021 to receive either CBT (CBT group) for 10 weekly group sessions or real-time fMRI neurofeedback (fMRI group) individually during 15 weekly sessions. Change in the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) score (range, 0-100) from baseline to 6 or 12 months was assessed. Secondary outcomes included four quality-of-life questionnaires (Beck Depression Inventory, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule). Questionnaire scores between treatment groups and between time points were assessed using repeated measures analysis of variance and the nonparametric Wilcoxon signed rank test. Results The fMRI group included 21 participants (mean age, 49 years ± 11.4 [SD]; 16 male participants) and the CBT group included 22 participants (mean age, 53.6 years ± 8.8; 16 male participants). The fMRI group showed a greater reduction in THI scores compared with the CBT group at both 6 months (mean score change, -28.21 points ± 18.66 vs -12.09 points ± 18.86; P = .005) and 12 months (mean score change, -30 points ± 25.44 vs -4 points ± 17.2; P = .01). Compared with baseline, the fMRI group showed improved sleep (mean score, 8.62 points ± 4.59 vs 7.25 points ± 3.61; P = .006) and trait anxiety (mean score, 44 points ± 11.5 vs 39.84 points ± 10.5; P = .02) at 1 month and improved depression (mean score, 13.71 points ± 9.27 vs 6.53 points ± 5.17; P = .01) and general functioning (mean score, 24.91 points ± 17.05 vs 13.06 points ± 10.1; P = .01) at 6 months. No difference in these metrics over time was observed for the CBT group (P value range, .14 to >.99). Conclusion Real-time fMRI neurofeedback therapy led to a greater reduction in tinnitus distress than the current standard treatment of CBT. registration no.: NCT05737888; Swiss Ethics registration no.: BASEC2017-00813 © RSNA, 2024 Supplemental material is available for this article.
Neurofeedback leads to a significant reduction of tinnitus-related distress and tinnitus loudness. Hearing aids alone or combined with sound generators may provide significant alleviating of tinnitus. Cochlear implants caused significant overall improvement in tinnitus severity. Treatment with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation did not result in a consistent lack of symptom changes. Transcranial direct current stimulation was not associated with improvements in tinnitus loudness. Multiple sessions of transcranial random noise stimulation had a suppressive effect on tinnitus loudness but no effect on tinnitus distress. There is no evidence that transcutaneous vagus-nerve stimulation, with or without paired sound, is effective for tinnitus treatment.
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 A thought translation device (TTD) for brain-computer communication is described. Three patients diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), with total motor paralysis, were trained for several months. In order to enable such patients to communicate without any motor activity, a technique was developed where subjects learn to control their slow cortical potentials (SCP) in a 2-s rhythm, producing either cortical negativity or positivity according to the task requirement. SCP differences between a baseline interval and an active control interval are transformed into vertical or horizontal cursor movements on a computer screen. Learning SCP self regulation followed an operant-conditioning paradigm with individualized shaping procedures. After prolonged training over more than 100 sessions, all patients achieved self-control, leading to a 70–80% accuracy for two patients. The learned cortical skill enabled the patients to select letters or words in a language-supporting program (LSP) developed for inter-personal communication. The results demonstrate that the fast and stable SCP self-control can be achieved with operant training and without mediation of any muscle activity. The acquired skill allows communication even in total locked-in states.
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Magnetic source imaging was used to determine whether tonotopy in auditory cortex of individuals with tinnitus diverges from normative functional organization. Ten tinnitus subjects and 15 healthy controls were exposed to four sets of tones while magnetoencephalographic recordings were obtained from the two cortical hemispheres in sequence. A marked shift of the cortical representation of the tinnitus frequency into an area adjacent to the expected tonotopic location was observed. The Euclidean distance of the tinnitus frequency from the trajectory of the tonotopic map was 5.3 mm (SD = 3.1) compared with a distance of 2.5 mm (SD = 1.3) of a corresponding frequency in the healthy controls (t = 3.13, P < 0.01). In addition, a strong positive correlation was found between the subjective strength of the tinnitus and the amount of cortical reorganization (r = 0.82, P < 0.01). These results demonstrate that tinnitus is related to plastic alterations in auditory cortex. Similarities between these data and the previous demonstrations that phantom limb pain is highly correlated with cortical reorganization suggest that tinnitus may be an auditory phantom phenomenon.
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When Jean-Dominique Bauby suffered from a cortico-subcortical stroke that led to complete paralysis with totally intact sensory and cognitive functions, he described his experience in The Diving-Bell and the Butterfly as ``something like a giant invisible diving-bell holds my whole body prisoner''. This horrifying condition also occurs as a consequence of a progressive neurological disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which involves progressive degeneration of all the motor neurons of the somatic motor system. These `locked-in' patients ultimately become unable to express themselves and to communicate even their most basic wishes or desires, as they can no longer control their muscles to activate communication devices. We have developed a new means of communication for the completely paralysed that uses slow cortical potentials (SCPs) of the electro-encephalogram to drive an electronic spelling device.
Hintergrund und Fragestellung: Mit der Methode des Neurofeedback ist es möglich, Kontrolle über Hirnaktivitäten zu erlangen. Das Verfahren wird bereits zur Therapie von Hyperaktivitätssyndromen, Hirnverletzungen und Epilepsie erfolgreich eingesetzt. Patienten/Methodik: In der vorliegenden Studie wurden 40 Patienten mit Tinnitus mittels Neurofeedback behandelt. Die Patienten versuchten, die Amplituden ihrer α-Wellen zu fördern und die Amplituden ihrer β-Wellen zu unterdrücken, indem sie einen Zustand der Entspannung herstellten und ihre Höraufmerksamkeit auf andere, angenehme Geräusche lenkten. Ergebnisse: Nach 15 Therapiesitzungen waren 24 der Patienten, bei denen der Tinnitus im Durchschnitt seit einem Jahr bestand, in der Lage, ihre α-Aktivität signifikant zu fördern, während ihre β-Aktivität nahezu unverändert blieb. Den übrigen 16 Patienten mit einer durchschnittlichen Tinnitusdauer von sieben Jahren, gelang die Unterdrückung der β-Aktivität, während sie kaum Einfluss auf ihre α-Aktivität nehmen konnten. Nach der Neurofeedbacktherapie berichteten alle Patienten über eine Reduktion der Tinnitusbelastung, nachzuvollziehen anhand des Tinnitusfragebogens nach Göbel und Hiller. In einer Kontrollgruppe von 15 Patienten ohne Tinnitus war nach 15 Therapiesitzungen mit gleicher Aufgabenstellung weder eine Beeinflussung der α- noch der β-Amplituden zu beobachten. Schlussfolgerungen: Neurofeedback stellt ein neues Therapieverfahren für Patienten mit Tinnitus dar. Durch Aufmerksamkeitslenkung und Entspannung unter gleichzeitiger Visualisierung der Hirnaktivität wird es für die Patienten möglich, aktiv Einfluss zu nehmen und selbst in den Krankheitsprozess einzugreifen. Background and objective: Biofeedback is known as a possibility to control physiologic processes like body temperature or heart frequency. Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback linked to aspects of the electrical activity of the brain such as frequency, location or amplitude of specific EEG activity. It has been successfully used in patients with closed head injury, hyperactivity disorder or epilepsy. Patients/methods: In this study 40 patients with tinnitus were treated with neurofeedback. They trained to upregulate the amplitude of their α-activity and downregulate the amplitude of β-activity during muscle relaxation and acoustic orientation on sounds or music in order to suppress their tinnitus. Results: After 15 sessions of training 24 patients with a duration of their tinnitus for an average of 1 year showed significant increase of a-amplitudes while 16 patients with duration of their tinnitus on an average of 7 years showed a decrease of β-amplitudes without any change in α-activity. After the training all patients had a significant reduction of the score in the tinnitusquestionaire of Göbel and Hiller. In a control-group of 15 persons without tinnitus we didn't see any changes of α- or β-amplitudes during the same training. Conclusions: In conclusion neurofeedback is a new therapy for patients with tinnitus. Patients get the possibility of selfcontrol and therefore of influence on their disease.
An MRI time course of 512 echo-planar images (EPI) in resting human brain obtained every 250 ms reveals fluctuations in signal intensity in each pixel that have a physiologic origin. Regions of the sensorimotor cortex that were activated secondary to hand movement were identified using functional MRI methodology (FMRI). Time courses of low frequency (<0.1 Hz) fluctuations in resting brain were observed to have a high degree of temporal correlation (P < 10−3) within these regions and also with time courses in several other regions that can be associated with motor function. It is concluded that correlation of low frequency fluctuations, which may arise from fluctuations in blood oxygenation or flow, is a manifestation of functional connectivity of the brain.
The clinical examination of patients with severe and chronic tinnitus must include associated psychological disturbances. The present paper describes traditional diagnostic methods of ENT practice as well as the Tinnitus Questionnaire (TQ) which has been evaluated in a number of studies. This instrument differentiates between emotional and cognitive distress, auditory perceptual difficulties and self-experienced intrusiveness produced by the tinnitus. The results of a German multicenter study are presented which show that the TQ can be used to demonstrate differences of tinnitus distress under different clinical conditions (e.g., ENT clinic vs psychosomatic clinic and in- vs out-patient care). The TQ can be employed for comparative studies in different tinnitus-related institutions and for the evaluation of the relative effects of different treatment approaches.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging is a noninvasive and nonradioactive method for the detection of focal brain activity. In the present study the auditory cortex was investigated in nine normal subjects who were binaurally stimulated using pulsed sine tones of 500 Hz and 4000 Hz. The BOLD (blood oxygenation level dependent) signal change coincided with the stimulation paradigm and was detected in the plane of the superior temporal gyrus. The comparison of the spatial distribution of activated areas revealed a different behavior for the two frequencies. The present findings underline the existence of a frequency specific organization in the medio-lateral, fronto-occipital and cranio-caudal extension in both hemispheres of the auditory cortex in human. The activated areas for the high tone were found more frontally and medially orientated than the low tone stimulated areas. Furthermore, a slight cranio-caudal shift was observed for the higher frequency, more pronounced in the right than in the left temporal lobe. Finally, for most of the subjects investigated the BOLD activation area of the 500 Hz sine tone was larger than that of the 4000 Hz stimulation. Both frequencies showed a lateralization of signal response to the left temporal lobe.
Review reports of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) in tinnitus to identify well-established treatments, promising developments, and opportunities for improvement in this area of clinical research. Literature review of RCTs (1964-1998) identified by MEDLINE and OLD MEDLINE searches and personal files. Studies were compared with the RCT criteria of Guyatt et al. for quality of design, performance, and analysis; "positive" results were critically examined for potential clinical relevance. Sixty-nine RCTs evaluated tocainide and related drugs, carbamazepine, benzodiazepines, tricyclic antidepressants, 16 miscellaneous drugs, psychotherapy, electrical/magnetic stimulation, acupuncture, masking, biofeedback, hypnosis, and miscellaneous other nondrug treatments. No treatment can yet be considered well established in terms of providing replicable long-term reduction of tinnitus impact, in excess of placebo effects. Nonspecific support and counseling are probably helpful, as are tricyclic antidepressants in severe cases. Benzodiazepines, newer antidepressants, and electrical stimulation deserve further study. Future tinnitus therapeutic research should emphasize adequate sample size, open trials before RCTs, careful choice of outcome measures, and long-term follow-up.
Brain imaging of tinnitus has suggested central correlates of tinnitus perception. This study presents positron emission tomographic (PET) measurements of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in a female tinnitus patient with bilateral left dominant tinnitus. Lidocaine infusion (75 mg during 5 min (0.2 mg/kg/min)) resulted in a 75% reduction of tinnitus and a temporary abolition of the dominant tinnitus in her left ear. Regional CBF was measured in four conditions: i) at rest while concentrating on tinnitus, ii) following maximum effect of lidocaine, iii) during sound stimulation, and iv) the following day at rest while concentrating on tinnitus. Subtraction analyses showed that tinnitus was associated with increased rCBF in the left parieto-temporal auditory cortex, including the primary and secondary auditory cortex with a focus in the parietal cortex (Brodmann areas 39, 41, 42, 21, 22). Activations were also found in right frontal paralimbic areas (Brodmann areas 47, 49 and 15). Sound stimulation resulted in bilateral activation of auditory areas. It is suggested that tinnitus is processed in primary, secondary and integrative auditory cortical areas. Tinnitus perception may involve areas related to auditory attention, while emotional processing relates to temporofrontal paralimbic areas.