Niels Birbaumer’s research while affiliated with University of Padua and other places

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Publications (844)

Figure 1. Learning model of the S-R-E unit. A simplified diagram of the stimulus-response-effect associative network, adapted from Ziessler et al. (2004) and Birbaumer et al. (2012) [4,5], is shown (licensed by Springer Nature, see Acknowledgments). The dashed line, which is proposed here as a change in the original model, indicates that the actual effect might have an impact on the "Internal State".
Figure 2. Graphical representation of the auditory speller used in the third and fourth communication periods, adapted from the Supplementary Video V2 (frame at 23 s) in Chaudhary et al. (2022) [14] (for the license of Supplementary Video V2 see Acknowledgments). The frame has been adapted for a 2D representation of the interface.
Communication strategies.
Brain Function, Learning, and Role of Feedback in Complete Paralysis
  • Article
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September 2024


50 Reads



Chiara Occhigrossi


Marco Di Giorgi




Niels Birbaumer

The determinants and driving forces of communication abilities in the locked-in state are poorly understood so far. Results from an experimental–clinical study on a completely paralyzed person involved in communication sessions after the implantation of a microelectrode array were retrospectively analyzed. The aim was to focus on the prerequisites and determinants for learning to control a brain–computer interface for communication in paralysis. A comparative examination of the communication results with the current literature was carried out in light of an ideomotor theory of thinking. We speculate that novel skill learning took place and that several aspects of the wording of sentences during the communication sessions reflect preserved cognitive and conscious processing. We also present some speculations on the operant learning procedure used for communication, which argues for the reformulation of the previously postulated hypothesis of the extinction of response planning and goal-directed ideas in the completely locked-in state. We highlight the importance of feedback and reinforcement in the thought–action–consequence associative chain necessary to maintain purposeful communication. Finally, we underline the necessity to consider the psychosocial context of patients and the duration of complete immobilization as determinants of the ‘extinction of thinking’ theory and to identify the actual barriers preventing communication in these patients.


Figure 7. Neural marker of perceptual change. Change in MEAN_BOLD across all four sessions during up-regulation in three different groups: G1 (n = 5) with ∆TH ≤ 10 ms, G2 (n = 5) with 10 ms < ∆TH ≤ 20 ms, G3 (n = 4) with ∆TH >20 ms in the posttest of the up-regulation experiment. Data were analyzed with Wilcoxon test. MEAN_BOLD, mean BOLD change in the four ROIs between up-regulation and baseline; ∆TH, change in perceptual threshold. (*) p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01.
Activation in the rtfMRI training session 4 during up-regulation.
Self-Regulation of the Posterior–Frontal Brain Activity with Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback to Influence Perceptual Discrimination

July 2024


43 Reads


1 Citation

Brain Sciences

The Global Neuronal Workspace (GNW) hypothesis states that the visual percept is available to conscious awareness only if recurrent long-distance interactions among distributed brain regions activate neural circuitry extending from the posterior areas to prefrontal regions above a certain excitation threshold. To directly test this hypothesis, we trained 14 human participants to increase blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signals with real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rtfMRI)-based neurofeedback simultaneously in four specific regions of the occipital, temporal, insular and prefrontal parts of the brain. Specifically, we hypothesized that the up-regulation of the mean BOLD activity in the posterior–frontal brain regions lowers the perceptual threshold for visual stimuli, while down-regulation raises the threshold. Our results showed that participants could perform up-regulation (Wilcoxon test, session 1: p = 0.022; session 4: p = 0.041) of the posterior–frontal brain activity, but not down-regulation. Furthermore, the up-regulation training led to a significant reduction in the visual perceptual threshold, but no substantial change in perceptual threshold was observed after the down-regulation training. These findings show that the up-regulation of the posterior–frontal regions improves the perceptual discrimination of the stimuli. However, further questions as to whether the posterior–frontal regions can be down-regulated at all, and whether down-regulation raises the perceptual threshold, remain unanswered.

Figure 1. Stimulus presentation paradigm. The figure shows the blocks of fixation, motor intention, and motor imagery (TR = repetition time).
Figure 2. Activation maps for classification between successive conditions. (A) Effect maps (E-maps) for the classification between fixation and motor intention. (B) E-maps for the classification between motor intention and motor imagery. For display purposes, the E-maps were drawn by selecting the more informative voxels (top 20% of the voxels with the highest effect values). The figure shows six horizontal slices of the brain at spatial intervals of 6 mm in Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinates (numbers represent z-coordinates). R: right; PMC: premotor cortex; SMA: supplementary motor area; PPC: posterior parietal cortex.
Classification accuracies (and standard errors of the mean) for fixation vs. intention and for intention vs. imagery. The table shows the classification accuracies of multivariate paaern analysis across successive conditions for different ROIs. PMC: premotor cortex; PPC: posterior parietal cor- tex; SMA: supplementary motor area; DLPFC: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
Motor Intentions Decoded from fMRI Signals

June 2024


43 Reads


2 Citations

Brain Sciences

Motor intention is a high-level brain function related to planning for movement. Although studies have shown that motor intentions can be decoded from brain signals before movement execution, it is unclear whether intentions relating to mental imagery of movement can be decoded. Here, we investigated whether differences in spatial and temporal patterns of brain activation were elicited by intentions to perform different types of motor imagery and whether the patterns could be used by a multivariate pattern classifier to detect such differential intentions. The results showed that it is possible to decode intentions before the onset of different types of motor imagery from functional MR signals obtained from fronto-parietal brain regions, such as the premotor cortex and posterior parietal cortex, while controlling for eye movements and for muscular activity of the hands. These results highlight the critical role played by the aforementioned brain regions in covert motor intentions. Moreover, they have substantial implications for rehabilitating patients with motor disabilities.

Brain-Computer-Interfaces (BCI). Top: Invasive (left) and non-invasive (right) BCIs. Below: Letter selection from a computer menu with brain potentials left and prosthesis control on the right. Abbreviations: ECoG, electrocorticogram. MUA, multiple unit acivity. LFP, local field potential outside of cells. SUA: single unit activity. NIRS, near infrared spectroscopy. BOLD, blood oxygen level dependent: effect to measure neural activity indirectly in fMRI. fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging. EEG, electroencephalography. (From Chaudhary et al., Nature Reviews Neurology, 2017; with kind permission)
Neurofeedback of slow cortical potentials (SCP) in drug-resistant epilepsy. The left upper side of the figure shows the screen for the patients: if an „A“ appears with a green rocket the patient has to try to change their SCP in the positive (down) direction, if a „B“ appears the patients have to move it into the negative (up) direction. They know that negative SCPs increase seizure probability, positive SCPs reduce it. At the end of each training period, a larger proportion of positivity (70%) is trained in order to facilitate the transfer the suppression of seizures to he home environment (from Kotchoubey et al., Epilepsia (2001), with kind permission)
Experimental set-up of BCI in complete paralysis of the hand after unilateral stroke (from Ramos et al., Annals of Neurology, 2013, with kind permission). See text for explanation
Experimental setup of the invasive Brain Computer Interface (BCI): Top left the computer, which converts the brain signals into numerical values and passes them on to the output computerscreen and loudspeaker and letter transformer (speller) (bottom left). On the right the patient F. with the implanted electrodes, whose signals are transformed by the implant to the processing computer unit on the top left
Schematic representation of two cell assemblies, on the left hemisphere for an object word, e.g. HOUSE, on the right for a verb, e.g. WALK: the associative and synaptic linkage takes place fronto–parietally for the object word and centro-frontally for the verb in cortical regions, where the corresponding visual (house) and motor (walk) ensembles are stored
“Your Thoughts are (were) Free!“: Brain-Computer-Interfaces, Neurofeedback, Detection of Deception, and the Future of Mind-Reading

June 2024


119 Reads


1 Citation

Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback

This review describes the historical developement and rationale of clinically relevant research on neurophysiological „mind reading“ paradims: Brain- Computer-Interfaces, detection of deception, brain stimulation and neurofeedback and the clinical applications in drug resistant epilepsy, chronic stroke, and communication with paralyzed locked-in persons. The emphasis lies on completely locked-in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using non-invasive and invasive brain computer interfaces and neurofeedback to restore verbal communication with the social environment. In the second part of the article we argue that success and failure of neurophysiological „mind reading“ paradigms may be explained with a motor theory of thinking and emotion in combination with learning theory. The ethical implications of brain computer interface and neurofeedback approaches, particularly for severe chronic paralysis and loss of communication diseases and decisions on hastened death and euthanasia are discussed.

Classification accuracies (and standard errors of the mean) for fixation vs. intention and for intention vs. imagery. The table shows the classification accuracies of multivariate pattern analysis across successive conditions for different ROIs. PMC: premotor cortex; PPC: posterior parietal cortex; SMA: supplementary motor area; DLPFC: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
Motor Intentions Decoded from fMRI Signals

April 2024


51 Reads


3 Citations

Motor intention is a high-level brain function related to planning for movement. Although studies have shown that motor intentions can be decoded from brain signals before movement execution, it was unclear whether intentions relating to mental imagery of movement could be decoded. Here, we investigated whether differences in spatial and temporal patterns of brain activation were elicited by intentions to perform different types of motor imagery and whether the patterns could be used by a multivariate pattern classifier to detect such differential intentions. The results showed that it is possible to decode intentions before the onset of different types of motor imagery from functional MR signals obtained from fronto-parietal brain regions, such as the premotor cortex and posterior parietal cortex, while controlling for eye movements and for muscular activity of the hands. These results highlight the critical role played by the aforementioned brain regions in covert motor intentions. Moreover, they have substantial implications for rehabilitating patients with motor disabilities.

Figure 2. Decoding accuracy for the three basic schemes: ipsilesional EEG, EMG of 283 involved muscles and the combination of ipsilesional EEG and EMG of involved muscles. 284 (a) Temporal response of the classifiers trained with EEG, EMG, or EEG+EMG features. The 285 lines illustrate the percentage of classifier outputs labeled as movement, averaged across all 286 patients, while the shades indicate the standard error of the mean. Values before t = 0 287 correspond to false positives, while values after t = 0 correspond to true positives. The shaded 288 gray area indicates the confidence interval of the chance level (alpha = 0.01), computed on 289 the basis of all test trials 30 . (b) Accuracy for each feature configuration, averaged across rest 290 ([-2, 0] s) and movement attempt ([1, 4] s) intervals. The vertical bars denote the standard 291 deviation. Significantly different pairs of results are marked: *: p<0.05; ***: p<0.001. 292
Figure 4. Correlation between decoding accuracy and motor impairment. (a) Correlation 316 of decoding accuracy achieved with EEG features and cFMA score. (b) Correlation of 317 decoding accuracy achieved with EMG features and cFMA score. (c) Correlation of decoding 318 accuracy achieved with EEG+EMG features and cFMA score. Each dot corresponds to one 319 patient. The correlation value (r), the slope of the least-squares regression line of best fit (m) 320 and the p-value of the correlation (p) are displayed at the top of each panel. 321
Figure 5). 343
Unveiling Movement Intention after Stroke: Integrating EEG and EMG for Motor Rehabilitation

February 2024


80 Reads


1 Citation

Detecting attempted movements of a paralyzed limb is a key step for neural interfaces for motor rehabilitation and restoration after a stroke. In this paper, we present a systematic evaluation of electroencephalographic (EEG) and electromyographic (EMG) activity to decode when stroke patients with severe upper-limb paralysis attempt to move their affected arm. EEG and EMG recordings of 35 chronic stroke patients were analyzed. We trained classifiers to discriminate between rest and movement attempt states relying on brain, muscle, or both types of features combined. Our results reveal that: i) EEG and residual EMG features provide complementary information to detect attempted movements, obtaining significantly higher decoding accuracy when both sources of activity are combined; ii) EMG-based, but not EEG-based, decoding accuracy correlates with the degrees of impairment of the patient; and iii) the percentage of patients that achieve decoding accuracy above the chance level strongly depends on the type of features considered, and can be as low as 50% of them if only ipsilesional EEG is used. These results offer new perspectives to develop improved neurotechnologies that establish a more accurate contingent link between the central and peripheral nervous system after a stroke, leveraging Hebbian learning and facilitating functional plasticity and recovery.

Altered brain dynamics index levels of arousal in complete locked-in syndrome

July 2023


181 Reads


20 Citations

Communications Biology

Complete locked-in syndrome (CLIS) resulting from late-stage amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is characterised by loss of motor function and eye movements. The absence of behavioural indicators of consciousness makes the search for neuronal correlates as possible biomarkers clinically and ethically urgent. EEG-based measures of brain dynamics such as power-law exponent (PLE) and Lempel-Ziv complexity (LZC) have been shown to have explanatory power for consciousness and may provide such neuronal indices for patients with CLIS. Here, we validated PLE and LZC (calculated in a dynamic way) as benchmarks of a wide range of arousal states across different reference states of consciousness (e.g., awake, sleep stages, ketamine, sevoflurane). We show a tendency toward high PLE and low LZC, with high intra-subject fluctuations and inter-subject variability in a cohort of CLIS patients with values graded along different arousal states as in our reference data sets. In conclusion, changes in brain dynamics indicate altered arousal in CLIS. Specifically, PLE and LZC are potentially relevant biomarkers to identify or diagnose the arousal level in CLIS and to determine the optimal time point for treatment, including communication attempts.

Epidurally measured fNIRS measurements reveal initial dips in hemodynamic signals. (A) Illustration of the sensor array with placement of fNIRS optodes and electrodes relative to scalp and brain tissue. (B) Transverse section of the sensor array with distances between optodes and electrodes. See Section 2 for details. (C) Traces of HbO, HbR, and Spiking from an example run with 20 trials. Gray bars represent epochs of visual stimulation. Arrows mark trials where initial dips are obvious in signal trends. (D) The mean traces of HbO, HbR, HbT, and multi-unit spiking (units on the right) for trials shown in (C). (Inset) Same hemodynamic traces, but from 0 to 2.5 s. The initial dip is observed in the HbO and HbT (inset), but not in the HbR traces. The shaded region represents visual stimulus presentation. (E) Distribution of slopes from 0 to 1 s for HbO, HbR, and HbT traces for trials in (C). The distributions of HbO and HbT slopes are less than zero, but not for those for HbR (pHbO = 0.0187; pHbT < 10⁻⁴; pHbR = 0.099; n = 20; Š). (F) The mean traces of HbO, HbR, HbT, and multi-unit spiking activity (units on the right) for all trials. (Inset) Same hemodynamic traces, but from 0 to 2 s. (G) Distribution of signal slopes from 0 to 1s for HbO, HbR, and HbT traces for all trials. The distributions for HbO and HbT are less than zero, but not for HbR (pHbO < 10⁻⁷; pHbT < 10⁻¹⁰; pHbR > 0.1; n = 260). However, HbT dips were stronger than HbO dips (p = 0.014).
Trials with high spiking activity reveal initial dips comprise of an early HbT decrease, and late HbR increase. (A) Mean traces of spike-rates for trials with high and low spiking immediately after stimulus onset (thick and thin traces, respectively). (Inset) Same traces, but between 0 and 2 s. (B) Mean traces of hemodynamic signals for trials with low (thin) and high spiking as shown in (A). A clear increase in the dips is observed for high spiking trials with the largest dips elicited in HbT traces. (C) Average slopes from 0 to 1 s for HbO, HbR, and HbT traces for high (thick) and low (thin) spiking trials. HbO, HbR, and HbT all elicit significant dips in high-spiking trials (pHbO < 10⁻¹¹; pHbT < 10⁻¹⁴; pHbR < 10⁻²; n = 128; Š), with larger dips in HbT than HbO (p < 0.005; n = 125; pairwise Ś). Interestingly, trials with low spiking trials do not elicit significant dips in either HbO, HbR, or HbT (p < 0.1; n = 122; Š). (D) Distribution of peak spike-rates and visual modulation of spike-rates for trials with high (thick) and low (thin) peak spike-rates. This illustrates that even though the peak rates were lower in the low-spiking trials, the overall spiking activity was significantly high, as was the visual stimulus induced modulation of spike rates (see Section 2 for calculation of modulation index). (E) Analysis of the slope of HbR traces in high spiking trials reveals a biphasic response, which is almost all but absent in low spiking trials. In high spiking trials (thick trace), an initial negative slope is observed roughly between 0 and 0.75 s (epoch I, shaded green), followed a positive slope roughly between 0.75 and 1.75 s (epoch II, shaded red). (F) For high spiking trials, the distribution of mean HbR slopes were significantly negative during epoch I (p < 10⁻³; n = 125; Ś), and significantly positive during epoch II (p < 10⁻³; n = 125; Š). In contrast, low spiking trials showed no significant modulation of HbR slopes during either epoch I or II (p > 0.1; n = 122; Š). (G) Correlation of mean dips in HbT, HbO, and HbR stimulus induced peaks in the power of various LFP frequencies bands and Spiking. Correlations with p > 0.05 are grayed. Only high frequency bands showed a significant correlation with initial dips, with spiking activity eliciting the strongest relationship, that were marginally higher for HbT than HbO. (H) Strength of the relationship between the HbT dip and spiking activity decreases with distance from the NIRS emitter. Strongest correlations are observed on tetrode closest to emitter (0.55 mm away from emitter edge, 1.8 mm from emitter center), whereas no correlations are observed on tetrode 2.95 mm away (4.2 mm from center).
Analysis of spontaneous activity in the absence of visual stimulation reveals identical relationships. (A) Traces of HbO, HbR, HbT, and spike-rates from an example run of 900 s. Periods of high spiking activity that elicit an observable dip in HbO and HbT are marked with arrows and gray bars. (B) We used system identification to estimate the impulse response functions from spiking to HbO, HbR, and HbT signals in recordings of spontaneous activity. The mean impulse response reveals a dip in HbO and HbT (mean of 48 impulse response functions obtained from 16 runs lasting 900 s each; see Section 2 for details). (C) Rate of change of the impulse response functions for HbO, HbR, and HbT reveals dips in both HbO and HbT, and a late rise in the HbR. (Inset) Same traces but between 0 and 3 s. (D) Distribution of slopes for HbO, HbR, and HbT at t = 1 s. Only HbO and HbT have significant dips, but not HbR (Š; n = 48). (E) The runs were divided based on the total sum of spikes in each run, and separated into low spiking and high spiking runs. High spiking runs had significantly higher spike sums (Ś; n = 8). (F) The mean impulse responses for high and low spiking runs reveal stronger modulation of hemodynamic signals on high spiking trials. Color-code same in following figures. (G) Mean traces of slopes of impulse responses shown in (F). High spiking trials elicit an obvious dip at t = 1 s. (Inset) Same traces but from 0 to 3 s. (H) Distribution of dips for low and high spiking trials (legend same as F). Only high spiking trials have significant dips in all three signals. Also, HbT dips were larger than HbO dips (Ś; n = 80). (I) When comparing the HbR dip and rebound at t = 1 s and t = 2 s, resp., only high spiking trials reveal a strong dip and rebound in the HbR signal.
HbR-rebound does not lead to increase in HbR concentration. Although there is a correlation between spiking and the mean HbR slope in epoch II (A), the relative HbR concentration change remains unchanged with spiking (B). (C) Dip-corrected HbR traces, obtained by simply subtracting the HbT traces from HbR reveals obvious increases in HbR concentration that correlate with spiking. However, no such relationship is observed with dip-corrected HbO traces (D).
The hemodynamic initial-dip consists of both volumetric and oxymetric changes reflecting localized spiking activity

May 2023


112 Reads


1 Citation

The initial-dip is a transient decrease frequently observed in functional neuroimaging signals, immediately after stimulus onset, believed to originate from a rise in deoxy-hemoglobin (HbR) caused by local neural activity. It has been shown to be more spatially specific than the hemodynamic response, and is believed to represent focal neuronal activity. However, despite being observed in various neuroimaging modalities (such as fMRI, fNIRS, etc), its origins are disputed, and its precise neuronal correlates are unknown. Here we show that the initial-dip is dominated by a decrease in total-hemoglobin (HbT). We also find a biphasic response in deoxy-Hb (HbR), with an early decrease and later rebound. Both the HbT-dip and HbR-rebound were strongly correlated to highly localized spiking activity. However, HbT decreases were always large enough to counter the spiking-induced increase in HbR. We find that the HbT-dip counters spiking induced HbR increases, imposing an upper-limit to HbR concentration in the capillaries. Building on our results, we explore the possibility of active venule dilation (purging) as a possible mechanism for the HbT dip.

Self-regulation of the posterior-frontal brain activity with real-time fMRI neurofeedback to influence conscious perception

May 2023


99 Reads

The Global Neuronal Workspace (GNW) hypothesis states that the visual percept is available to conscious awareness only if recurrent long-distance interactions among distributed brain regions activate neural circuitry extending from posterior regions to prefrontal regions above a certain excitation threshold. To directly test this hypothesis, we trained human participants to increase blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signals with real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rtfMRI) based neurofeedback simultaneously in four specific regions of the occipital, temporal, insular and prefrontal parts of the brain. Specifically, we hypothesized that up-regulation of the mean BOLD activity in the posterior-frontal brain regions lowers the perceptual threshold for visual stimuli, while down-regulation raises the threshold. Our results showed that participants were able to perform up-regulation of the posterior-frontal brain activity but not down-regulation. Furthermore, the up-regulation training led to a significant reduction of the visual perceptual threshold, but no significant change of perceptual threshold was observed after down-regulation training. These findings partially support the GNW hypothesis of consciousness perception, to the extent that up-regulation of the posterior-frontal regions improves conscious awareness of stimuli. However, further questions as to whether the posterior-frontal regions can be down-regulated at all, and whether down-regulation raises the perceptual threshold remain unanswered.

Citations (78)

... Neuromodulation can be used to treat neurological abnormalities, such as chronic pain [42,43] and tinnitus [44]. The development of real-time acquisition and display of functional data has enabled functional neuroimaging to be used in neurofeedback studies [45,46]. Neurofeedback permits participants in functional imaging studies to self-regulate their neural activity by presenting neural data in real time [47]. ...


Artificial Intelligence for Neuroimaging in Pediatric Cancer
Self-Regulation of the Posterior–Frontal Brain Activity with Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback to Influence Perceptual Discrimination

Brain Sciences

... FMRI and PET data provide great spatial resolution, but due to their lack of a temporal nature, cannot be used for visual object recognition [21,23]. The ECoG technique yields data with excellent temporal and spatial resolution but is highly invasive, as it requires the electrodes to be placed directly on the brain and not on the scalp [24]. ...

Motor Intentions Decoded from fMRI Signals

Brain Sciences

... To address these limitations and enable open-set word generation with high decoding accuracy, we introduce a novel EEG decoding paradigm employing four distinct mental tasks: two types of Motor Imagery (MI), one Visual Imagery (VI) task, and one Arithmetic Computation (AC) task. MI, involving the imagination of body movements and primarily engaging the frontal and parietal lobes [15], has been widely used for control signals in cursor control, robotic arm manipulation [16], [17], and BCI spelling [18], [19]. VI tasks activate the parietal and occipital lobes [20], [21], while AC tasks engage the fronto-parietal network [22]. ...

A Synchronous Motor Imagery Based Neural Physiological Paradigm for Brain Computer Interface Speller

... Several discussions on this hypothesis have suggested that learning brain-computer interface (BCI) control or any other S-R-E contingency before the onset of complete paralysis should prevent the extinction, presumably enabling the transfer of skills from the locked-in state to the completely locked-in state [5,7]. However, the psychosocial context and the history of complex communication needs in (ALS) long survivors [8][9][10] have not been thoroughly investigated and discussed in-depth to date (see the review by Birbaumer, 2024) [11]. That is, the paucity of the BCI studies on completely paralyzed patients renders it difficult to verify the above hypothesis, especially for those studies that have implemented very short-term tests [12] and, to the best of our knowledge, have not been replicated to date. ...

“Your Thoughts are (were) Free!“: Brain-Computer-Interfaces, Neurofeedback, Detection of Deception, and the Future of Mind-Reading

Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback

... Previous research has demonstrated that EEG and EMG signals provide complementary information (Balasubramanian et al., 2018;López-Larraz et al., 2024). However, the relationship between brain and muscle activations remains challenging to understand and characterize. ...

Unveiling Movement Intention after Stroke: Integrating EEG and EMG for Motor Rehabilitation

... This supports the alignment of neural timescales with environmental inputs as being essential for consciousness. Zilio et al. [195] studied EEG dynamics in locked-in syndrome (CLIS) patients and healthy individuals under anesthesia and sleep states, unveiling that EEG temporal features, such as power-law exponent (PLE) and Lempel-Ziv complexity (LZC), distinguished arousal levels in CLIS patients, indicating reduced and unstable consciousness. This intra-individual variability may function as a biomarker for arousal/vigilance fluctuations. ...

Altered brain dynamics index levels of arousal in complete locked-in syndrome

Communications Biology

... Several lines of evidence indicate a possible sensitive period for singing. First, while singing engages many regions of the brain, both structural and functional differences related to the amount of singing training have been observed (Zarate et al., 2010;Zarate & Zatorre, 2008), particularly in regions supporting sensorimotor integration of auditory and motor representations (Kleber et al., 2013;Zamorano et al., 2023). Sensorimotor integration is a crucial neurocognitive process for accurate singing (Hutchins & Peretz, 2012;Pfordresher et al., 2015;Tsang et al., 2011), with recent evidence suggesting that sensorimotor integration has a sensitive period for development (Penhune, 2020;Steele et al., 2013;Vaquero et al., 2016). ...

Singing training predicts increased insula connectivity with speech and respiratory sensorimotor areas at rest
  • Citing Article
  • May 2023

Brain Research

... The trait-based results of the sensorimotor areas indicated greater mu desynchronization during movement execution in both hemispheres in fast responders compared to slow ones. Mu rhythm suppression signifies the release of motor inhibition and the initiation of motor commands and is associated with increased cortical excitability and active motor processing [90,106,107]. No significant differences were found in the baseline of the mu band, indicating similar baseline motor cortex activity outside active movement in this frequency band. ...

Cortical processing during robot and functional electrical stimulation

Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience

... Further, the role of psychological factors in determining distress in patients has long been recognized and remains a central theme in researchers' and clinicians' views of tinnitus [23]. Continuing, from a physiological perspective, the 'neurophysiological model of tinnitus' proposed by Jastreboff [24], which is now widely accepted [25], suggests that in addition to all levels of auditory system pathways, many other brain systems play a crucial role in the onset of tinnitus. ...

Neural substrates of tinnitus severity
  • Citing Article
  • August 2022

International Journal of Psychophysiology

... In [7][8][9], techniques that facilitate intuitive robotic training capable of recognizing the intended limb movement of a PSP using non-invasive bio-signals such as electroencephalography (EEG) are proposed. EEG offers exceptional temporal resolution, facilitating direct recording of electrical potentials from the underlying neural brain tissues via non-invasive electrodes on the scalp [10]. Emerging evidence revealed that PSP's frequencies of EEG oscillations offers insights into cortical reorganization and alterations in inter-hemispheric balance related to the lesioned areas [14]. ...

A Novel Patient-Tailored, Cumulative Neurotechnology-Based Therapy for Upper-Limb Rehabilitation in Severely Impaired Chronic Stroke Patients: The AVANCER Study Protocol