Science topic

Publications - Science topic

Copies of a work or document distributed to the public by sale, rental, lease, or lending. (From ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science, 1983, p181)
Questions related to Publications
  • asked a question related to Publications
4 answers
I have been asked to submit a paper on a special issue of Genes- MDPI. The impact factor of the journal is showing to be 3.4 but I saw conflicting articles about the MDPI journals being a predatory one. Though the editor of the issue is a reputed person in the field, I am bit confused about the journal in general. What are your thoughts?
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I think this is a complicated question. I did a quick search and found the IF to be even higher (1) than the figure you quoted. That means that journal is cited a lot, if that's useful to you. But, as we know, and has been discussed in other parts of this platform, IF is not the only factor to consider. There are many other metrics used.
Personally, I would not be able to afford the amount of the fees that they charge so publishing in that journal would never be an option for me.
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2 answers
What are the seminal publications on micro-history? Especially journal papers. I am familiar with Carlo Ginzburg's book (The Cheese and the Worms) and Szijártó's studies. I need papers explaining how to apply this approach in management and organization studies (MOS).
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@shuraik thank you very much, I will read it.
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3 answers
Publications in Epigenetics wanted
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you can to to the dbEM, a database with tools for analyzing data, and also with a list of selected publications in the "information" tab (
all the best
  • asked a question related to Publications
3 answers
Are there any recommendations for publications on freemium and customers retention/termination?
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You might have a look at the below articles for your research:
Ross, N. (2018). Customer retention in freemium applications. Journal of marketing analytics, 6(4), 127-137.
Ascarza, E., Netzer, O., & Runge, J. (2020). The Twofold Effect of Customer Retention in Freemium Settings. Available at SSRN 3725224.
  • asked a question related to Publications
13 answers
I would understand a no-payment-for-review policy for journals that don't charge APC and avail publications through open access.
But journals that sell publications and/or charge APCs should be paying experts who review the works before publication. NO?
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This is an age-old debate. Publishers are not going to pay reviewers if they can get away with it. They want to keep their profit margins as high as possible in a very competetive market. On the other hand, if reviewers are paid - that runs a risk that reviewers are 'only in it for the money' - and that could be quite chaotic as 'unscrupulous' reviewers seek to receive maximum payment for minimum feedback.
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29 answers
If the domain are listed in the scope of the journal, without checking the research article domain many editors rejected the paper stated that "Your manuscript does not fit within the scope of the journal".
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The most important reason is
lack of novelty or originality.
  • asked a question related to Publications
4 answers
Hi scholars,
I have a silly question about how to generate accurate statistics for publications by year or field as in the attach example. It seems that Scopus or Web of Science has normally been used with their automatically generating graph functions. However, it does not generate well statistics about patents and papers from the journals that are not in their system. What about Google Scholar and Google Patent if the number of each search counts is recorded with suitable keywords? The problem with Google Scholar is perhaps it is overcounting by including the presentations, lab-notes or book chapters from the same book. What is the best search engine for this task and is their any mathematics formula to minimise the standard deviation of false counts?
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Many great suggestions regarding software solutions you will find in this post:
  • asked a question related to Publications
3 answers
Something which provides an illustrated description of the GLUE method used usually in hydrology, along with proper explanations of the mathematical and statistical background used in the methodology.
Some notable publications which I've already looked at:
1. Beven, K., & Binley, A. (1992). The future of distributed models: model calibration and uncertainty prediction. Hydrological processes, 6(3), 279-298.
2. Beven, K., & Binley, A. (2014). GLUE: 20 years on. Hydrological processes, 28(24), 5897-5918.
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The ones you mention are already gold standards but I always loved the following paper for understanding GLUE as well:
Pappenberger, F., Beven, K. J., Hunter, N. M., Bates, P. D., Gouweleeuw, B. T., Thielen, J., & de Roo, A. P. J. (2005). Cascading model uncertainty from medium range weather forecasts (10 days) through a rainfall-runoff model to flood inundation predictions within the European Flood Forecasting System (EFFS). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 9(4), 381–393.
Hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Publications
3 answers
Dear all,
Can anyone advise me on publications relating to archaeological section conservation?
Publications and usual practices on field advice to backfill, but I am wondering if there are techniques to stabilize the sediment and if it is possible to come back to the initial state.
I am aware of studies on clay minerals, especially smectite, to find solution to stabilize them whatever the percentage of humidity. Has the product used any impact on the primary composition of the deposit? Is there any alteration of the artifact?
Thanks all in advance for your help and answer.
Kind regards,
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Thanks for your answer and sorry for this very late reply!
I should have been more precise in my former message. The sections, I am talking about, are generally located at the entrance of prehistoric cave/rock shelters. They are thus subject to climatic/biotic forcing (rain, wind, frost, biological development,...). They have not been backfilled as they are used as stratigraphic references.
The main solution we are able to suggest now is to protect them under a roof. Sections will be protected from rain; it will reduce the effects of wind, frost, and biological development. I am nevertheless wondering if another solution is possible.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
  • asked a question related to Publications
11 answers
What justification do universities have for re-evaluating peer-reviewed and published publications prior to promoting lecturers?
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One of the reasons is most likely the fact that not every paper is published according to the same scientific standards. I am immediately thinking about predatory journals. These are journals that are suspected not to follow the proper standards (like proper peer review).
If a candidate has a list of publications where a significant number of the journals where these papers are published in are potentially predatory (for example the journal or the publisher is mentioned in the Beall’s list ( respectively) then I can imagine that the evaluation committee will have a closer look to the individual papers. Since a paper in a suspect journal is not automatically of poor quality.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Publications
9 answers
Key metrics are citation numbers, promotion and rank of users of the applicable research methods.
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I think that higher ranked journals do favor quantitative articles, for two reasons. One is that these articles are more likely to engage in theory testing around the "big issues" in a field. In contrast, qualitative articles are more likely to be exploratory and to generate hypotheses rather than test theories.
In addition, quantitative researchers are more likely to be the recipients of external research funds, which again makes them more likely to produce "big studies." In contrast, qualitative studies tend to be smaller and to use a more targeted basis for data collection.
Mixed methods fall somewhere in the middle, but two of the most prominent designs, sequential exploratory (qual --> QUAN) and sequential explanatory (QUAN --> qual) are driven by quantitative methods.
But as a sociologist, I see these as historical and structural issues, rather than anything related to the merits of the different methods. Different methods serve different purposes, and I think researchers should always begin with a careful consideration of the purposes they want to pursue -- and this is particularly important for new researchers, who are considering they kinds of goals that they want to pursue throughout their career.
  • asked a question related to Publications
4 answers
I am looking for any publications in English describing types of family firms operating in countries from Central Eastern Europe.
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Thank You for your recommendation.
  • asked a question related to Publications
5 answers
Joined Research gate recently. I am shocked to see someone claiming falsely my publications. Economics student by my name claiming my publications. Does RG not check weather affiliations match with claimant or not.
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So what do you do in this situation? I have noticed also that some other person with the same name as me has claimed my research, I have notice that some of my papers, a person who I do not know at all has claimed to be the "co-author" because they have a similar name.
  • asked a question related to Publications
3 answers
Hello all,
What are the possible polymers that can sustitute commercial polypropylene? Such substitutes should be "chemically recyclable", that is, depolymerizable into monomers and the monomers are repolymerizable. Examples and relevant publications are needed!
Thank you.
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Dear Olawale Sanusi, there are many approaches followed for such a goal. Please check the following documents. My Regards
  • asked a question related to Publications
3 answers
Logical suggestions required with publications.
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Please refer to the article below. It will be helpful.
  • asked a question related to Publications
9 answers
I have been contacted about publishing with this journal . But it seems a bit strange to me . I know it’s open access but it was also hard to find papers online from it. Can you help ?
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Dear Evan Flynn ,
Consider this as a hard lesson. Unfortunately for you they were transparent about the (way too high) APC ( Provided that you want to go for the official way and since you already send your manuscript you don’t have that many options if you want NOT to publish:
-1. Pay the withdrawal fee
If you accept the fact that they will publish your accepted manuscript you can opt. for:
-2. Pay but ask for substantial waiver (50% or more)
-3. Or pay nothing. Two things can happen: they will publish anyway (since they need content) or they will keep your paper for an unknown period
It depends on how much you value the work you’ve put into this paper: if it is high valuable to you go for option 1 (but make sure you have an official withdrawal statement) or if it is not that extremely important you might go for option 2 or 3.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Publications
4 answers
Hi Folks,
Have you investigated publications associated with COVID-19 host risk factors and immunopathogenesis related research?
We are all aware that SARS-CoV-2 infection and disease risk factors are complex, resulting in widely varying outcomes, ranging from asymptomatic to severe illness, and death. To be able to evaluate one's own risk related to COVID-19, multiple contributing factors must be considered, including the well known and frequently discussed risk factors of old age, obesity, diabetes, social circumstances, environmental circumstances, and other commonly described co-morbidities along with SARS-CoV-2 variant behaviors. However, the well known and openly discussed risk factors are insufficient to explain the widely varying outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 exposure. Therefore, in the commonly used public domain information sources, some information is missing concerning additional, lesser discussed, but potentially critically important risk factors. It is clear to me that there is no single factor that can determine any particular individual's risk, therefore more information is needed to aid in risk assessment. In no way is this information outcome deterministic, and only represents additional statistical factors to consider when assessing one's own risk to exposure to SARS-CoV-2.
Well, I recently started looking into some of this research, and I would like to share some research that I think could be very important, and ultimately shed some more light on COVID-19, human host immunopathogenesis, and risk. Some of these papers summarize and evaluate research, performed by others, on various host factors that may be additional indicators of SARS-CoV-2 infection and associated disease severity risk. I have included links to articles, preprints, and studies so that we all can be aware of established and up and coming research. All of these articles are open and freely available to the public. I have also included a link to the Wikipedia website on global blood type distribution as a general reference. Do you know your blood type?
I am providing this information to you in the role of a Pure Scientist as described by Rojer A Pielke Jr. in his book titled "The Honest Broker: Making Sense of Science in Policy and Politics." I let you interpret the information and decide on its importance and relevance.
Please feel free to comment on this research.
Allan Haas, PhD
Article Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19,
Study COVID-19 Genetics Publications
Pielke Jr, R.A., 2007. The honest broker: making sense of science in policy and politics. Cambridge University Press.
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  • asked a question related to Publications
15 answers
I am a PhD student and am currently working on metabolite profiles of some marine invertebrates.
While analysing some raw data generated from LC-MS, HRMS, NMR and FTIR, I was told by some researchers that these raw data, once submitted to a journal as supporting files, cannot be used further for any other analysis. For each analysis I need to generate the raw data again, otherwise it will be treated as a case of self-plagiarism.
I can see that my raw data has a potential of producing three distinct publications. I can analyse different parts of my raw data differently to present distinct conclusions.
But generating all the raw data again from these analyses, and that too for each publication, does not look sustainable to me. And clubbing all three publications in one also does not seem to be a good option here.
So I would like to know your views on this matter as a researcher and also as an Editor/Reviewer. Also, please share your similar experiences and solutions to it.
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It depends. Much data, for example fisheries records, are published for a given purpose - for example to manage a fishery. Many years after that data was published, it may provide other researchers with other information - for example on understanding "shifting baselines". There are many very good pieces of research using historic datasets. My herbarium vouchers are a form of "data". They are lodged in public Herbaria across Australia. The Herbarium staff make the vouchers, and the associated environmental data, available to researchers around the world. They do not limit the number of times any particular voucher may be used to provide a datapoint in someone's research. Those of us who contribute these data rarely hear about their reuse unless we subscribe to platforms like Bionomia. Over a career collecting environmental data I have much that I may never explore fully. I use platforms like the Atlas of Living Australia's BioCollect platform to host my old datasets. It is possible that one day someone may use the hypersaline lake diatom and physico-chemical data from Australia to develop a "diatom metric" index of water quality for these understudied habitats... or for gnammas, or coastal lagoons...
IAs you know what analyses you plan to subject the dataset to, maybe you would be better served in clubbing a group of papers together that look at the different things you have extracted from the dataset, and then provide the entire group to one journal to publish as a "set".
But I would not like for you to have the opinion that data may only be used once then needs be discarded. What a waste of effort. Well conserved datasets, with excellent metadata relating to the methodologies and data collection, can be valuable into the future, in ways we have no current understandings about.
  • asked a question related to Publications
1 answer
I am looking for a tool for drawing a humanoid robot model like in this image. Is there any recommended software for drawing this model?
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In my university, they used to draw using shape tools in PowerPoint, very easy. It is only a stick diagram.
  • asked a question related to Publications
3 answers
International exchanges are inevitable in order to develop our projects and to ensure a sufficient critical base for the research. This confronts us with the problem of translating ideas, concepts and results that have developed in our local working language. As we know, English nowadays plays the role of the pivotal language in most conferences and publications. My intention is not to argue with this position -- a pivotal language is needed -- but to understand what are the main problems raised by writing and communicating in a language that is not the one in which the work is done.
English speakers themselves must question the meaning of words, sometimes neologisms, used by a non-English speaker. Of course, what is at stake is not the words but the meaning they convey. These issues are being addressed in the study of learning mathematics in a second language, or in the study of the variety and variability of teachers' vocabularies in different languages.
As researchers the issue is somewhat different. In particular, we must coin words and expressions to name phenomena or concepts in our own working language and then the challenge of translating them, or to understand words and expressions specific to the domain coming from another cultural and linguistic environment-- sometimes via the pivotal language.
I am preparing a short essay on these issues. I will appreciate your contributions, hence my questions:
Do you have examples to share or any particular experience? What do you think about the reasons for these difficulties and the impact they may have on your own communication?
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Teachers may assist students achieve academic success by explicitly communicating positive expectations for each student, providing equal opportunity for students to engage in class discussions, and conveying to students that they are confidence in their capacity to succeed in their courses.
This is not something you learn when you first start learning arithmetic. However, this is a fundamental skill that every student should master since it allows them to develop critical thinking. Certain situations in life need you to be analytical, which is critical when making judgments.
Mathematics is the systematic application of matter. Mathematics organizes and prevents chaos in our lives. Mathematics fosters certain abilities such as reasoning ability, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving ability, and even excellent communication skills.
  • asked a question related to Publications
1 answer
Hello everyone
I am working on a human cell-line of Oligodendrocyte Precursor cell (OPCs) called MHB. Results of my immunocytochemistry experiments showed that these cells express NG2, and don’t express CNPase or MBP, confirming their progenitor stage. I am trying to mature these cells to myelin producing oligodendrocytes expressing MBP, MOG, GalC; but most of the publications focus on the primary OPCs, and I couldn’t find any protocols to make OPCs cell-lines mature. If you are working in this field or have an experience on this, I would truly appreciate your comments and guidance.
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كنت اتمنى اعرف الاجابة ولكن اختصاص بعيد جدا عن سؤالكم
  • asked a question related to Publications
3 answers
I am currently working with BSA (UniProtKB - P02769 (ALBU_BOVIN)) at different pH for zeta potential measurements. I am therefore interested in its charge as a function of pH and its pI. I find in all the publications values of pI around 4.5 whereas with ProtPi and Expasy I get rather 5.9. Does anyone have an explanation?
Thank you for your help
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Thank you so much !
  • asked a question related to Publications
6 answers
Often times, we are tasked to assess the quality of publications - eg in research grants, faculty promotions, etc. The conundrum is whether to consider the quality of the journal more significant or the researchers' records.
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I agree that it is less important to look at these statistics than the actual paper itself and its content. Some very well known authors in my field have published in very big journals and I look at it (the paper) and think it’s not very good and they got it accepted probably because that person/author has a good reputation…
Still, most of my colleagues place more importance on the IF of the journal.
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5 answers
My article is about political sciences.
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1 answer
Currently, in my country, tachographs are installed only on vehicles carrying out international traffic (AETR agreement). When transporting inside the country, no devices are used to monitor the work time of drivers. Tell me, where I can see publications on the assessment of accidents before and after the introduction of tachographs (or other control devices) for transportation inside the country? Where can I see the methodology for proving the need to introduce tachographs? any information on this topic?
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A tachograph is a device fitted to a vehicle that automatically records its speed and distance, together with the driver's activity selected from a choice of modes. The drive mode is activated automatically when the vehicle is in motion, and modern tachograph heads usually default to the other work mode upon coming to rest. The rest and availability modes can be manually selected by the driver whilst stationary.
  • asked a question related to Publications
2 answers
I am planning an epidemiological study during my PhD and would like to include participants who only speak Turkish, Dari, or Farsi. I tried to contact firstauthors of publications but unfortunately haven't had any replies. I would be very grateful to anyone willing and able to share those language versions.
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Hi, thank you for your reply.
I am looking for different translations (Turkish, Dari and Farsi) of the BDI-II and the BSI. Do you happen to have any of those translations?
  • asked a question related to Publications
5 answers
I want to do a meta analysis from GWAS and publications. For the GWAS studies, I only have the beta value, p value and total number of samples while for the publications I have sufficient data that could be used to calculate effect size.
Is there a way to compute effect size from only the beta, pval and N?
If not, is there any way to calculate beta using the mean, SEM and N of cases and controls from publications?
Thanks in advance!
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Thank you all very much for your valuable insights!
  • asked a question related to Publications
2 answers
Hi, I plan to knock down a gene in immortalized keratinocyte (Ker-CT from ATCC). In the spec sheet, it was mentioned that these cells were immortalized with h-Tert and CDK4 carrying puromycin as their selection marker. Theoretically, it would be safer to select different selection antibiotics, however puromycin is the only one available for my gene of interest.
Has anyone transfected/ transduced Ker-CT with puromycin as selection marker? Is the selection accurate? I had seen publications where puromycin is used as the selection marker in Ker-CT, but would like to gather more information/ feedback. Thanks!
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If your cells are already resistant to puromycine, you will have no selection of your recombinant cells. You could do a cotransfection with another plasmid carrying a selection. This selective plasmid must be at a lower concentration than your plasmid of interest. You could try 1:5 or 1:10, reported to the size of your plasmid
  • asked a question related to Publications
3 answers
In many publications etc. when discussing about centrifuging parameters (in g) you can see the x before the unit g. When you want to say that some distance is for example 100 m, you don't have to say it is 100 times one meter so you don't put 100 x m. So why is the x put in front of g almost everywhere? Is it to do that it is not an SI-unit or something? I can't remember seeing such a way of writing it with an times symbol x in front of other non-SI-units. This might be a very minute issue, but I would like to understand this or then just start to write it without the x if it doesn't make sense.
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Relative Centrifugal Force (RCF) or g-force (both are the same; RCF is reported in units of gravity) is a measurement of the gravitational force that a sample experiences. The ideal technique of measurement is RCF since it will remain constant even if you use a different centrifuge with a variable rotor size.
Best Regards
Dr. Fatemeh Khozaei
  • asked a question related to Publications
10 answers
Is this publication real or is it more of an academic scam? The image below is the text of the email sent to me by the publisher please guide me?
Interestingly, this email did not go to the spam folder. This email also has a professional signature; So that it contains postal address, telephone number, website address, etc. I was a little excited at first, but then I started searching on Google. Searching the Persian web, I found two types of news about these publications: I found some news in which it was proudly announced that Master So-and-so's book had been published in English by Lambert International Publications in Germany. Another piece of news was a message of congratulations and gratitude on a large banner on one of the city billboards. Meanwhile, two or three people wrote articles against Lambert Publications, calling them a form of academic fraud and warning others in their blogs and posts not to fall into the trap of these publications.
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I think 'Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP)' is one of the vanity publishers. Do not fall into the trap. I mean do not publish your thesis or book via this publisher, it may bring trouble in your future scientific career.
  • asked a question related to Publications
4 answers
I am working on a project that is likely to predict and analysis humungous rasters and datasets. The largest I have worked with are 15 times smaller. So, it would help if anybody could suggests any studies or publications who done analysis with such large raster. It would be great, if you could share your experience too and how you may have overcome the size of the rasters in your analysis.
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It really depends on the type of model and the input size of your model. For example, I worked with a dataset of ~100GB of satellite images and it was possible for me to train a complex CNN using my personal workstation (64GB, NVIDIA Quadro) because the model required small input patches of 64x64x4 pixels. However, for another project where I needed to process videos of 128x128x100, I needed to process it in an HPC because it was not possible to train it even with small mini-batches. This dataset was smaller but the model was more complex. The lesson is that the size of the dataset does not determine your hardware needs.
  • asked a question related to Publications
39 answers
Of late, I came across some publications in which the authors used pirated photographs (obtained from secondary sources) very cleverly without any acknowledgement, as if these were shot by the authors themselves! I would like to know whether such photo-piracy amounts to plagiarism.
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Photographs are also data, particularly when taken by a person associated with plant identification or any other taxonomic work. A person in field work invest a lot of hard work to obtain good photographs very similar to a plant collector toiling hard to obtain good representative specimen (more so when it is interesting species). I, as a teacher and guide, always ask students not to use others images in their work. Even in their seminar presentations I ask them to mention source and acknowledge it.
Copying data is plagiarism, so copying photographs must be considered plagiarism.
  • asked a question related to Publications
5 answers
What are the most effective and sustainable measures to prevent leaching from glass (precursor)-based geopolymer? Please recommend your suggestions and publications. Thanks.
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Dear Alesha,
My research evidenced that silica gel, the main reaction product from waste glass dissolution, can be significantly stabilized by its interaction with polymerized C-S-H. Moreover, silica gel can be also modified with Ca from CaCO3 , which also enhances the hydrolysis resistance. We believe that modified silica gel can be a new promising hydraulic cementitious phase, but I need to do more research in this regard.
I agree with Alex, achieving geopoymerization with waste glass as precursor is quite complicated. Because of the low Al content, the polymerization process of silica gel can take several weeks. In a recent submitted paper, we tried to promote polymerization through constant curing at 60°C, with pastes developing more than 100 MPa at 28 days. However, the pastes had drastic strength losses afterwards, result of drying and polymeric shrinkage.
On the other hand, the formation of a hydraulic alkali-activated cement (AAC) with good mechanical properties is feasible (1-year mortars up to 29 MPa).
Luis Menchaca
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96 answers
Theoretically, there should be as few restrictions as possible in such matters in the world of science. Science should develop in an unhampered way. Whether less restrictions and regulations can be developed to a greater extent by innovative solutions.
On the other hand, the more authors who have written a specific publication together, the more difficult it is to objectively evaluate the contribution of individual co-authors to the creation of a specific publication. There are several pages of scientific articles that have been written by over 100 authors. Usually, these are also members of research teams for large-scale research projects.
In addition, in the last dozen or so years, research has shown that the quantitative proportion of single-author scientific texts is falling relative to the total of scientific publications being produced. Therefore, more scientific multi-authorial publications have been created in recent years in comparison to single-author ones. What are the reasons?
In the light of the above, the following questions arise:
Why do more and more scientists prefer to publish in multi-author scientific texts than single-author ones? Is the main determinant of the increase of established research teams, whose members conduct similar or the same research projects and jointly publish research results?
In addition, new questions arise in connection with the development of new information technologies:
What is the importance of using the internet to popularize scientific knowledge? Does online information globalization have its share in this matter? Can publication in multi-author texts increase the scope in terms of popularizing specific scientific knowledge, developed new research concepts, results of research carried out, etc. using new online media, including online science portals? Is this the probability of developing scientific cooperation on a national, but also international and global scale? Are there any opportunities for the citation of scientific publications?
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
Why do more and more scientists prefer to publish in multi-author scientific texts than single-author ones?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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In experimental studies of any processes, it is impossible to qualitatively and quickly create an installation, conduct experiments, process them, and generalize the results obtained. Therefore, it is beneficial to work as a team. And you can also write articles together, delimiting responsibility for the paragraphs of the article. This approach speeds up the process and the discussion.
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38 answers
Scientific capacity or scientific exploitation?
When a researcher (placed in "favorable conditions") supervises many young (gifted) researchers in the framework of a PhD or otherwise and thus obtains many publications as co-author, can we consider that this is a particular capacity to train young researchers or a scientific exploitation of young researchers (especially if all the work is done by these young people)?
Relevant answer
Scientific capacity can easily turn into exploitation.
Am in line with
Vadim S. Gorshkov
Equal footing is the benchmark, but such learning partnerships are rare as per architecture of the academic hierarchy or rule system.
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2 answers
Hello everyone. I have conducted PL measurements on CsPbBr3 nanocrystals at 10 K. I observed a significant power-dependent blueshift (~50 meV) and spectral broadening as the laser power was raised from 1 W/cm^2 to 30 W/cm^2. I estimated that the range of induced carrier densities is around 10^14 to 10^15 cm^-3.
Given the typical temperature-dependent shift of the PL energy in this material, a 50 meV blue shift could be explained by an increase in temperature of around 150 K. However, I do not have any feeling for how strong the laser-induced heating should be in this material, under the given conditions.
As such, I was wondering if there was a simple way to confirm or dismiss the laser-heating argument in this situation.
Any insight or suggestions of relevant publications on this topic would be highly appreciated.
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Dear Rüdiger,
Thank you for your answer. Indeed if this were a typical semiconductor like GaAs, I would expect a heating induced red shift. However, lead halide perovskites like CsPbBr3 exhibit a blue shift with increasing temperature. To my understanding, this is because the orbitals contributing to the valence and conduction band edges are reversed, as compared to typical semiconductors.
As such, there is no simple way to distinguish between band filling and laser heating.
However, band filling is unlikely at my excitation density, because the exciton binding energy is around 40 meV, meaning that there are no free carriers available, even up to room temperature. To observe band filling i would need to have significant exciton screening, which would require around 10^21 cm^-3, by my estimate.
Similarly, I believe I may be able to exclude laser heating as well, since the blue shift stops above a certain laser power (i did not mention this initially, to keep the discussion as simple as possible, but after a while I realised that this might just be my answer). So if the material were indeed around 150K, then i would still expect some further shift and broadening as I increase the laser power further. Since this does not happen, I can exclude laser heating as the reason for my observations.
I am wondering if the blue shift may be due to a filling of shallow trap states, as I expect the material to have a trap concentration somewhere between 10^14 and 10^17 cm^-3. Then, excitation from 10^14 to around 10^15 cm^-3 should be enough to observe some trap filling. However, I haven't found many examples of this in the literature so I cannot say if this always results in a blue shift and broadening, as I observed. Are you, by chance, familiar with shallow trap filling?
Kind regards,
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4 answers
While this is technically very feasible, I cannot find any relevant literature by a Google search.
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Kindly see also the following link:
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3 answers
I am looking for collaborators from Europe/US/UK/UAE for a series of publications (only SCI) in the fields of Internet of Things, Blockchain, Quantum Computing and Game Theory.
Interested may contact or reply.
Thank you in advance.
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Great, All the best.
Best Regards
  • asked a question related to Publications
2 answers
I have read many publications using FE model to study interfacial behaviour. And Few of them considered matrix viscoelastic effect in the studies. I seems that most authors avoid to discuss about this.
Relevant answer
  • asked a question related to Publications
14 answers
I am confused and trying to understand the capacitance of an electrode material and the double layer capacitance due to charges developing around an electrode in contact with an electrolyte. Many publications state capacitance calculated from EIS spectra using the semi-circle region of the Nyquist diagram, while others refer to capacitance calculated from the low frequency region, but it is hardly clear what exactly they are referring to. Please help me to clear this confusion.
Relevant answer
  • asked a question related to Publications
3 answers
Respected researchers i am currently involved in making solid solutions of carbide powders.I am aware of calculations in weight percent.But a lot of publications are mentioning cermet composition in volume percent.
Please find the enclosed attachment.I am trying to guess their sample respective weights.
For e.g my sample of Nbc12Ni for a 25g samples in 3g Ni and 22g Nbc..In wt%?
I am curious about the calulations done in the article.
FOr eg a Cermet Nbc12Ni The binder volume is 12% and they have calculated weight percent as Nbc13.49Ni with Total density 7.92g/cm3(of the mixed unsintered powders i assume)
Can someone explain how did they calculate?and how can i trace back to their sample composition in Grams?
Cermet Binder volume Composition wt% Total density
NbC12Ni10VC 12 Ni 10 VC NbC-13.85 Ni-7.40VC 7.72
NbC12Ni15VC 12 Ni 15 VC NbC-14.04 Ni-11.25VC 7.61
The significance of Vol% compositions in my thoughts are not a great measure because the powders have not been pressed yet.
Would be obliged if som1 can explain this calculation methodology.
Relevant answer
Mass percentages are used when mixing a composition: you can weigh the component exactly and know how much mass percent of each component is in your mixture. Volume percentages are much less suitable for mixes. The opposite is the case when analyzing the finished material (regardless of whether it is melted, sintered or injected). For material analysis, micrographs are analyzed using optical microscopy or SEM. The finished image analysis gives a result in percent by volume. To compare whether your finished material corresponds to your mixture, you have to use a unit: either you convert your mixture into volume percent, or the other way around, you convert the volume composition of the finished material into mass percent. In both cases you need the densities of the individual phases.
  • asked a question related to Publications
9 answers
Every higher education institution has its publication award/ incentive system. Some use the Quartile category, some Clarivate Analytics. But the application differs from university to university. I have also seen Impact Factor base calculation of incentive payment for academic publication in some universities. My request here is that could you please share the publication award system that you use in your institution? The thing is that there are many methods to calculate it, but we don't know which one is much more systematic and beneficial for our institution, too. Thanks in advance for answering my question.
Relevant answer
Really it depends on many factors including a university policy...
Wish you all the best...
  • asked a question related to Publications
5 answers
Hello everyone! Out of curiosity: how many publications did you have just before your career as a postdoc started? And how many were first-author publications? This is not often talked about in academia, although the rat race for publications is (sadly) omnipresent in the current system. For those who are doing a PhD and aspire an academic career, this can feel quite attainable. So it would be good for me to get some responses from those who are further ahead on the trajectory to get a realistic view on what the necessary requirements are to achieve the same. Thanks a lot!
Relevant answer
I've just started my first postdoc with 5 published articles (4 as first author). As to how many articles to aim for, bear in mind that a hiring committee would look at both quantity and quality; in general one article in a top journal is more impressive than several papers in 'average' journals.
  • asked a question related to Publications
116 answers
One of my paper is been read for more than 1000 times and no citations still, any reason for that? OR how do improve citations? I see many a times, most of the professors conference paper have more citations than the journal publications.? Any reason for that....
Relevant answer
RG Read Score not corelated with RG Citation Score
  • asked a question related to Publications
41 answers
Question about the limit of co-autors on the publications. I need references if could or not.
Relevant answer
The following article entitled "Maternal outcomes and risk factors for COVID-19 severity among pregnant women" published in the journal "Scientific Reports" names 82 authors.
  • asked a question related to Publications
4 answers
I need statistics for my research on empathy in art. I want to prove that research on empathy has maybe doubled in the last 10 years and I need something like overall statistics on the number of publications done in the 21 century.
Relevant answer
Manal Hadi Kanaan
  • asked a question related to Publications
5 answers
Hello everyone,
I would like to prepare Ni and/or Co nanoparticles as part of my Ph.D. work and found that some publications reported the formation of PtNi or PtCo alloys using the polyol method. Is it possible to do so? I thought Ni and Co ions can't be reduced by hydrogen or ethylene glycol. Any help or guidance in this regard is greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Relevant answer
Dear Banham,
in addition to the valuable link suggested by Yuri please also have a look at the following very instructive review article about the polyol synthesis of transition metal nanoparticles:
The polyol process: a unique method for easy access to metal nanoparticles with tailored sizes, shapes and compositions
Unfortunately the paper has not been posted as public full text on RG. I assume that you can access it through your institution. If not, please note that six of the authors have RG profiles. Thus it should be no problem to request the full text directly from one of the authors via RG. Authors normally respond quite quickly to full text requests.
Good luck with your research and best wishes, Frank Edelmann
  • asked a question related to Publications
3 answers
  • Many scientific gathering were already organized when COVID-19 pandemic was announced and many traveling arrangements were cancelled.
  • How the organizations responsible for these scientific gathering are going to manage the already organized conferences and symposiums, etc.?
  • How this pandemic affects the Research and Innovation in terms of dissemination and sharing work and also how the publication of work has been managed?
Relevant answer
Even today, presential scientific meetings keep struggling to succeed. Most of them are still hybrid and limited in many ways. I believe that there is a substantial loss on conviviality, personal eye to eye contact between researchers, lack of motivation and influential impact.
  • asked a question related to Publications
2 answers
Hello! I am a 1st year PhD student, and am attempting to isolate three different types of ganglion cells from Nematostella vectensis for some in vitro studies. I have been through a few different publications to see how others had done it, and I have a pretty good idea of how to obtain a general culture of different cells, but I am not sure how to select and isolate ganglion cells to try and make a stable line. If anyone has any advice on how to do this, I would greatly appreciate your feedback!
Relevant answer
Thank you so much, Dr. Khozaei!
  • asked a question related to Publications
2 answers
I couldn't find sufficient papers/articles/reports for review, and i am looking for help from the community.
Relevant answer
Traffic Signal Timing Manual, - is this the kind of publications you are looking for?
  • asked a question related to Publications
5 answers
I just looked up one of my publications on RG and noticed a new section ("Methods"), just after the abstract – and I'm really curious as to why the method suggested is "diagnosis", rather than "qualitive methods", "interviews" or "depth-hermeneutics", which are more relevant to my paper:
It seems there is an automated process behind it from RG perhaps drawing on certain concepts from the abstract ("top methods in this publication") – "diagnosis" in my case. I think we should be able to override/edit this automation, as the current function is misleading, in my view. It would be really usfeul if this new methods function WORKED and we could use it to profile our methods and link to other research based on similar methodologies!
Relevant answer
I wonder if our students on the professional doctorate in social work course could do something with this theme, particularly around child protection, parenting and the breast - I think it would be fascinating.
  • asked a question related to Publications
4 answers
The impact factor (JCR) of most journals has been constantly increasing. Thus, the debate arises, are publications having more impact or is this due to the large number of articles published daily?
Given this background, is JCR remaining the main measure of impact?
Relevant answer
No, there are many trusted academic evaluation parameters..
  • asked a question related to Publications
1 answer
I would like to do single cell sequencing of DNA and total RNA in the same cell . My interests on noncoding RNAs. Do you know any cmany doing that? In the publications I read about SIDR-seq. But I did not find commerical one.
I am lookinf for the combination of RNA and protein as well.
I appreciate your help.
Relevant answer
Hi Roghaiyeh
typing those words in google (company multi-omics analysis) will give you some ideas, in which you can test this one (
all the best
  • asked a question related to Publications
22 answers
This is their message: I went through your list of recent publications and it is impressive. We are interested in publishing a book of your works.
Relevant answer
  • asked a question related to Publications
20 answers
There are scholars who publish in predatory journals and use such publications for academic promotion purposes. What should be done about this and what experiences do you have in this regard?
Relevant answer
Read below article:
Predatory vs Legitimate Publishing And Its Consequences: A Review
  • asked a question related to Publications
8 answers
In most times researchers have submitted or accepted papers but not published yet. What is the suitable way to include them in your CV if you gonna apply for a grant or something like that?
Relevant answer
Example: Vieira, P., Dias, M. (2021) Literature Review on Trust, Psychological Well-Being, and Leadership Applied to the Workplace Commitment (in press)
The manuscript was peer-reviewed and accepted. It will be published next month, Meanwhile, cite (in press)
  • asked a question related to Publications
56 answers
If any researcher published his/her papers in journals that are not indexed, will the researcher get any benefits of such publication?
Is there any difference in the value/credit of publication between paid and free publications in journals?
Relevant answer
For me, once I select the idea of my work and start doing background research, I prefer read works published in the indexed Journals. So, I think they have a high opportunity to be cited if other researchers do the same.
  • asked a question related to Publications
24 answers
Simulation of multijunction, bandgap grading, tunneling, fermi-level pinning, Voc-temp, Voc-illumination plots, AC simulation (nyquist plots etc), i-v Hysterisis in perovskite, Light soaking in thin films, impact of defects, solar cell device optimisation, Impurity photovolatics IPV (similar to intermediate band solar cell) and many more simulation demos for prospective publications point of view
Relevant answer
Dear Atul Kumar ,
If you find that your youtube is useful as a training materials for SCAPS- 1D then you can collaborate with the founders of such simulation software at Gent university to add it as a training material for the software as many researchers ask about an easy to understand tutorials.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Publications
19 answers
ISI and Scopus indexed journals have been considered as having high quality peer-reviewed publications. Why do they get such good scientific reputation? Does it mean that non-ISI-indexed journals are not recommended for publication?
Relevant answer
In my opinion, the research is of scientific value and provides a solution to an intractable problem or finding a new treatment, and not publishing the research in Scopus or Clarvet Journals.
  • asked a question related to Publications
12 answers
Hi everyone. I am requesting for researchers willing to share with me their recent publications on AMR in the dairy sector. I would like to engage and collaborate with researchers in this area.
  • asked a question related to Publications
8 answers
I want to ask how can I participate in the scientific team in my fields as an external researcher
How can I get the right team?
How can I know the team leader?
How can I correspond with the team leader?
Really I am interesting in many research fields in industrial engineering like
Lean manufacturing
Six sigma
Engineering education
I have also published articles in this fields, but I want more publications through scientific teams
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Please have look on our(Eminent Biosciences (EMBS)) collaborations.. and let me know if interested to associate with us
Our recent publications In collaborations with industries and academia in India and world wide.
EMBS publication In association with Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Santiago, Chile. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Moscow State University , Russia. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Icahn Institute of Genomics and Multiscale Biology,, Mount Sinai Health System, Manhattan, NY, USA. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO, USA. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with ICMR- NIN(National Institute of Nutrition), Hyderabad Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth MN 55811 USA. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with University of Yaounde I, PO Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroon. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, Cameroon. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, 48080, Leioa, Spain. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and NIPER , Hyderabad, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad , India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and C.S.I.R – CRISAT, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Karpagam academy of higher education, Eachinary, Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Ballets Olaeta Kalea, 4, 48014 Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Hospital for Genetic Diseases, Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500 016, Telangana, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and School of Ocean Science and Technology, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Panangad-682 506, Cochin, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and CODEWEL Nireekshana-ACET, Hyderabad, Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore-641046, Tamilnadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and LPU University, Phagwara, Punjab, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Department of Bioinformatics, Kerala University, Kerala. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Gandhi Medical College and Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad 500 038, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and National College (Affiliated to Bharathidasan University), Tiruchirapalli, 620 001 Tamil Nadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and University of Calicut - 673635, Kerala, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and NIPER, Hyderabad, India. ) Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and King George's Medical University, (Erstwhile C.S.M. Medical University), Lucknow-226 003, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and School of Chemical & Biotechnology, SASTRA University, Thanjavur, India Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Safi center for scientific research, Malappuram, Kerala, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Dept of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Institute of Genetics and Hospital for Genetic Diseases, Osmania University, Hyderabad Publication Link:
Dr. Anuraj Nayarisseri
Principal Scientist & Director,
Eminent Biosciences.
Mob :+91 97522 95342
  • asked a question related to Publications
4 answers
I am working on free surface flows and pulmonary/biofluid mechanics. More specifically, focus is on theoretical and experimental investigations of ventilator-induced lung injury. I also have some publications in this area. I want to work with a group of researchers who have research background matching with me. I have done my previous theoretical work using COMSOL and MATLAB together. I shall be very thankful.
Relevant answer
Please have look on our(Eminent Biosciences (EMBS)) collaborations.. and let me know if interested to associate with us
Our recent publications In collaborations with industries and academia in India and world wide.
EMBS publication In association with Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Santiago, Chile. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Moscow State University , Russia. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Icahn Institute of Genomics and Multiscale Biology,, Mount Sinai Health System, Manhattan, NY, USA. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO, USA. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with ICMR- NIN(National Institute of Nutrition), Hyderabad Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth MN 55811 USA. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with University of Yaounde I, PO Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroon. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, Cameroon. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, 48080, Leioa, Spain. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and NIPER , Hyderabad, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad , India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and C.S.I.R – CRISAT, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Karpagam academy of higher education, Eachinary, Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Ballets Olaeta Kalea, 4, 48014 Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Hospital for Genetic Diseases, Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500 016, Telangana, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and School of Ocean Science and Technology, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Panangad-682 506, Cochin, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and CODEWEL Nireekshana-ACET, Hyderabad, Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore-641046, Tamilnadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and LPU University, Phagwara, Punjab, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Department of Bioinformatics, Kerala University, Kerala. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Gandhi Medical College and Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad 500 038, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and National College (Affiliated to Bharathidasan University), Tiruchirapalli, 620 001 Tamil Nadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and University of Calicut - 673635, Kerala, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and NIPER, Hyderabad, India. ) Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and King George's Medical University, (Erstwhile C.S.M. Medical University), Lucknow-226 003, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and School of Chemical & Biotechnology, SASTRA University, Thanjavur, India Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Safi center for scientific research, Malappuram, Kerala, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Dept of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Institute of Genetics and Hospital for Genetic Diseases, Osmania University, Hyderabad Publication Link:
Dr. Anuraj Nayarisseri
Principal Scientist & Director,
Eminent Biosciences.
Mob :+91 97522 95342
  • asked a question related to Publications
8 answers
I am seeking two to four dedicated researchers to join me on several high-quality papers which will be submitted to SSCI and A journals.
The researcher should at least have a
1. PhD
2. 3 publications (min. Q2) in Scopus Journals.
3. knowledge in Finance preferably in Fintech.
4. committed to complete the tasks within the timeframe.
5. Required tasks will be 6 - 8 pages in terms of length.
The papers will be published later this year.
Kind Regards,
Relevant answer
Please have look on our(Eminent Biosciences (EMBS)) collaborations.. and let me know if interested to associate with us
Our recent publications In collaborations with industries and academia in India and world wide.
EMBS publication In association with Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Santiago, Chile. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Moscow State University , Russia. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Icahn Institute of Genomics and Multiscale Biology,, Mount Sinai Health System, Manhattan, NY, USA. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with University of Missouri, St. Louis, MO, USA. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with ICMR- NIN(National Institute of Nutrition), Hyderabad Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth MN 55811 USA. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with University of Yaounde I, PO Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroon. Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, Cameroon. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, 48080, Leioa, Spain. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and NIPER , Hyderabad, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad , India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and C.S.I.R – CRISAT, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Karpagam academy of higher education, Eachinary, Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Ballets Olaeta Kalea, 4, 48014 Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Hospital for Genetic Diseases, Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500 016, Telangana, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and School of Ocean Science and Technology, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Panangad-682 506, Cochin, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and CODEWEL Nireekshana-ACET, Hyderabad, Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore-641046, Tamilnadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and LPU University, Phagwara, Punjab, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Department of Bioinformatics, Kerala University, Kerala. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Gandhi Medical College and Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad 500 038, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and National College (Affiliated to Bharathidasan University), Tiruchirapalli, 620 001 Tamil Nadu, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and University of Calicut - 673635, Kerala, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and NIPER, Hyderabad, India. ) Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and King George's Medical University, (Erstwhile C.S.M. Medical University), Lucknow-226 003, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and School of Chemical & Biotechnology, SASTRA University, Thanjavur, India Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Safi center for scientific research, Malappuram, Kerala, India. Publication Link:
Eminent Biosciences(EMBS) and Dept of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad Publication Link:
EMBS publication In association with Institute of Genetics and Hospital for Genetic Diseases, Osmania University, Hyderabad Publication Link:
Dr. Anuraj Nayarisseri
Principal Scientist & Director,
Eminent Biosciences.
Mob :+91 97522 95342
  • asked a question related to Publications
4 answers
Recently, I have been using the Invitrogen™ LIVE/DEAD™ Viability/Cytotoxicity Kit according to the Fluorescence Microplate Protocol.
Although it is not written in the protocol, I also prepared dead and live wells containing calcein-AM and ethidium homodimer-1 separately as it is needed in the calculation part.
But there is a part about the test results that I really couldn't figure out.
According to the results, the value I get is more than 100 when I sum up the percentages of the living cells and dead cells for the same well.
Commonly, I expect some cells to die, some cells to survive, but some cells to go into apoptosis.
When I reviewed the publications, I saw that most publications use the microscopy method. In fact, I read a few comments about the microplate protocol is not working properly in this assay.
I wonder is there anyone who has had the same problem before or if I am making a mistake while applying the protocol?
Relevant answer
Thank you for your valuable thoughts and time!!
  • asked a question related to Publications
14 answers
I would like to replace the list of publications in my resume with a simple link (URL) pointing to my publications in ResearchGate. I am surprised not to have found that.
Relevant answer
If you are wondering where to find a public, shareable url to your ResearchGate, kindly follow these steps
1. Log in to your ResearchGate page
2. Tap on your photo to see a drop down menu, then tap on settings
3. At settings, scroll down to find the last section and find the paragraph that mentions 'privacy settings', then tap it
4. Once at privacy setting, scroll down to find your public url in a text box. Usually, it contains your names and a number.
If this link is too long, you can shorten by using
This way, you can add your link to your social media platforms and your CV.
  • asked a question related to Publications
3 answers
I can't find any publications on relative abundance of soil microbial communities at species level. I have found papers mostly on phylum and genus level. Then I came across only one study that discussed the bacterial community structures in (a) phylum level, (b) class level, (c) order level, (d) family level and (e) genus level in bioreactor sludge that I am attaching here under to be more clear about my query. I have analyzed my data at all these levels including species level but I cannot find any literature on it. Either I am not doing it right or not searching it right. If you are interested in abundance of a specific specie then how to do it ?
Relevant answer
Thanks to the metagenomic analysis of soil using i.a. Illumina or other methods that you can estimate always from domain to genuses, but never to species.
  • asked a question related to Publications
11 answers
I want to make photographs of my plant tissue cultures for publications.
Relevant answer
The best is to take photos in microscope attached to computer as it has inbuilt software to add scale bars, and also the image clarity is better which is required for tissue culture publications.
But if you don't have that set-up, you can take pictures on any light microscope and simultaneously take pictures of ruler scale at different magnification (which are used for clicking photos).
Then using image J you can add scale bar, it's free software
All the best
  • asked a question related to Publications
1 answer
Does anyone have the publication or know where to get it?
Relevant answer
Hi Kostya,
You can download at the following URL address:
Be carefull.
  • asked a question related to Publications
11 answers
Dear Community,
I am interested in receiving feedback from people that finished their PhDs, but also from people judging the candidacies for academic positions.
As PhDs we all heard about the famous "Publish or perish" to describe the importance to publish during your PhD if you want to get a job more easily when finishing. I am asking mostly in social sciences because it is my field, but I am also interested in receiving feedback from other fields as well.
The time and effort we put in publications during our PhD, is it worth the struggle? Is it really making things easier when applying for academic positions, or is the teaching experience more important for instance? Many colleagues ask themselves this question. I am not denying the importance to publish your research, but I am curious to see how things are presented in other countries, universities, and fields.
Relevant answer
Yes, it's worth it, however teaching experience is important as well, in other to get an academic position, both teaching and research experience is needed.
  • asked a question related to Publications
31 answers
I found out that some professors are very concerned about ones 1st and 2nd degree graded , while others seem impressed about publications.
Relevant answer
I think its mostly publications, although both are important
  • asked a question related to Publications
8 answers
I hope there are generous academic journal publications who believe in my academic ideas and insights.
I am gladly interested if there will be willing publications all over the world who would like my essay articles, full research to be engaged in publications, may it be online or hard copy.
They are unpublished so far.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Relevant answer
Actually, for every article, there is a suitable journal, I am sure you will get the ones that will suit your articles, you may only need to find them carefully. Regards
  • asked a question related to Publications
1 answer
How did Black writers and Black owned publications contribute to and influence the change in social order in Bronzeville in the 1930s through the 1950s during the period known as the Black Chicago Renaissance?
Relevant answer
This book could be very useful for you
TRACY, STEVEN C., ed. Writers of the Black Chicago Renaissance. University of Illinois Press, 2011. Accessed September 12, 2021.
  • asked a question related to Publications
3 answers
Hi all,
Can you recommend some readings/publications/lectures/presentations on DNA binding proteins?
Relevant answer
Dear Deepak,
in this context please have a look at the following relevant review article which might help you in your analysis:
An overview of the structures of protein-DNA complexes
This highly useful article has been posted by the authors as public full text on RG. Thus you can freely download it as pdf file and print it out if needed.
Also please see the following interesting literature reference:
Proteins Recognizing DNA: Structural Uniqueness and Versatility of DNA-Binding Domains in Stem Cell Transcription Factors
This paper is also freely available as public full text on RG.
In addition, I strongly suggest that you search the "Publications" section of RG for other helpful research articles. Just search for the term "protein-DNA complexes" and then click on "Publications":
As you can see, many very interesting papers about this topic have been posted by RG members, some of them even as public full texts.
I hope that this information is useful for you. Good luck with your research and best wishes, Frank Edelmann
  • asked a question related to Publications
4 answers
I m doing my masters in AI and in my 2nd Year of mtech and applying for fall 2022 admissions in states. I have a average cgpa with 2 publications under belt. Although situation looks dire , I m just hoping that I would be able to get some paper out . What are the things that I could try which helps in providing the positive impact on my profile, projects, side by side techincal blog etc .
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Dear Yash Singhal,
It depends on the system in your country, but generally, the committee considers individual applications and bases its decision on several factors, including the strength of the candidate's academic record, standardized test scores, and potential to carry out sound research, as well as the compatibility of the candidate's goals with the resources and expertise.
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Publications
3 answers
I am doing the multiplex Taqman qPCR 1:10 dilution standard curve for my standard curve. I use the gDNA as my template, and I have two genes: Gene A and gene B. According to the publications, these two genes should have a similar Ct value, which the ratio of Gene A: Gene B is about 1:1. I used what people have used in their publications (regents and sequences), and my Taqman probe and primers are specific (already blast them). The sample has good DNA quality. However, the starting point (intercept region) is not the same in my standard curve plot. I am wondering whether the qPCR machine gives amplify one gene more than the other one.
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Hi Delong Zhang , okay, it sounds good. Hope you all the best in your work!
  • asked a question related to Publications
7 answers
I mean whether articles under review can be added to the resume or not.
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It is better if you list only the published papers in your CV. But some people list papers under review also in their CV's. If you are listing papers under review in your CV, clearly state that those papers are under review and state them separately.
Never list papers under preparation in your CV.
  • asked a question related to Publications
14 answers
With the acceleration of research pace, and highly increased open access outlets, I recommend that all published articles be released for public free of charge after 5 years from the date of its publications. This will make it is easier for third world counties' researcher to access such documents and help promote their research activities.
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Yes the Access should be given to Everyone. This will help the young researchers to do an effective research
  • asked a question related to Publications
10 answers
I have obtained zpe corrected energies for reactant, TS and product states. I can plot a general scattered plot using MS Excel (but not that great). I would like to know how to plot a reaction profile as one would find in publications.
I have also attached my suggested excel worksheet below.
Thank you
D L S Dinuka
P.S. I need to compare several candidate profiles overlapped so using IRC method wasn't successful.
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Chemdraw 2D, Chemdraw 3D, MATLAB and paint software are the good selections to perform the PES curve. Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Publications
7 answers
If a project would be added from the institutional profile, we would have a direct link (project-institution). Then, we would add the publications linked to the project and authored by the researchers affiliated to that institution.
At the moment, the projects are directly linked to the researcher profile and their publications (the institution is linked to the projects only through the researcher profile).
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Sure and not only institutions but also journals or other websites.
  • asked a question related to Publications
12 answers
Obviously, it would be good if our work would be open for access by anyone. Publishing open access, however, is expensive especially for most researchers in developing countries. Would you mind sharing insights on how you promote your work?
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Create your own accounts in a trusted academic platform(s).
Add your publication and taking into account publishing copyrights.
Present your comments and feedback.
  • asked a question related to Publications
15 answers
Every year, predatory journals prey on scholars. Why can't each country's government authorities stop down predatory journal publications?
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It is better to support the trusted and indexed journal instead of fighting the predatory and hi-jacked ones.
  • asked a question related to Publications
11 answers
Dear Sir/Madam,
Greetings and I hope you are doing well and safe. I have several publications, and a number of citations, but the system is not showing me. So, could you please assist me?
  • Note: ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2819-0235
I am looking forward to your reply. Many thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Yasin Jemal Yasin
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You can simply add them manually
  • asked a question related to Publications
2 answers
I am looking for a research paper regarding the Bill of materials in the Aircraft Industries. Bill of materials in Automobile industries. Please recommend me some articles / papers / publications.
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  • asked a question related to Publications
55 answers
I wish to get your opinion about publishing single new species (with or without molecular data* /and single strain) or new records in an International Journal of repute.
Recently, we have seen many reputed journals are discouraging single new species publications.
Your observations and recommendations of best journals (not having page charges and possibly having some Impact Factor) for single new species and new records publications would help budding mycologists.
*Without molecular data meant for non-cultivable (non-culturable) fungi.
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We should be aware, that single-species studies have low citation potential and it is interesting only for very narrow audience of involved taxonomists. Considering mechanics of Impact Factor, it is true, that high impacted journals are discouraging and refusing to publish such studies and they keep their interest on papers aiming for broad audience. However, also those journals enabled a way to publish a new species in their series of comprehensive papers. You can submit your description there. However it come with a price, that you will be be only a co-author of the paper. Such a series are Fungal Planet Description Sheets (Persoonia), Fungal Biodiversity Profiles (Cryptogamie,Mycologie), Fungal Diversity Notes (Fungal Diversity) etc. Or you can still try publish your paper in some "less picky" journals such as FUSE, Mycotaxon, Phytotaxa or MycoKeys (Charged). For the new records there is a lot of local journals which can accept such studies e.g. for the Italy Italian Botanist, also there is Czech Mycology where you can publish well conducted studies from any area worldwide. There is also Kavaka, Turkish Botanical Journal and many more.
I would like also to emphasize, that despite of the plethora of possibilities, I believe, that in-depth conducted taxonomical study dealing with all members of the certain group is worth more than single-species papers. I think, we should primarily aim for the complex taxonomical study, while such papers speak whole story of the group.
  • asked a question related to Publications
5 answers
I am looking for publications, researches, surveys or expert opinions on the situation in regards to implementation of the TIR convention in the UK and EU, especially after Brexit ?
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Jaroslav Dvorak
Thank you for your comment.
Kind regards,
  • asked a question related to Publications
4 answers
I am trying to run some lipid analysis on ground coral samples. I checked some publications and I noticed that many publications report chloroform as the main reagent, but the lab where I should run the analysis uses dichloromethane. I would like to know if using dichloromethane instead of chloroform could affect my results. Any suggestions?
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Hi Cinzia, some labs prefer not to use chloroform because of its toxicity, but it outperforms dichloromethane as a solvent for some of the longer-chained fatty acids. We use a 1:1:1 v/v mixture of chloroform:dichloromethane:methanol for the initial extraction step and that works very well (as can be traced by standards; without chloroform e.g. 23:0 standard hardly goes into solution). It is a bit of a trade-off.
  • asked a question related to Publications
6 answers
Understanding the Quartiles of the Journals
The journal's quartiles assist us in determining the journal's reliability and quality. It's based on the Scimago Journal Ranking (SJR), which isn't the same as the impact factor.
SJR was developed by a research group in the 2000s using Scopus data. Unlike Impact Factor, SJR publishes open access and covers a wider spectrum of publications. SJR Scopus considers the overall number of citations as well as the weight of each reference. As a result, SJR is utilized to determine the journal's quartile.
A high quartile in Scopus means that the journal sets research trends, and its authors are experts in their field.
If a journal is in the Q2 range, it does not imply that all research papers from all fields will be given Q2 credibility. It will only apply to selected specializations dependent on the scope of the journal.
Quartiles are bands of serial titles that have been grouped together because they occupy a similar position within their subject categories.
The quartiles are:
Quartile 1: serial titles in 99-75th percentiles
Quartile 2: serial titles in 74-50th percentiles
Quartile 3: serial titles in 49-25th percentiles
Quartile 4: serial titles in 24-0 percentiles
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I'd like to get much more information about this topic, very important question...
  • asked a question related to Publications
4 answers
For the purpose of MBE (molecular beam epitaxy) a c-plane (0001) flat polished sapphire is to be annealed. What are the right conditions (annealing gas, temperature, time) to obtain an optimally smooth surface?
I have tried different temperatures and times and peformed afm-measurements. The resulting images show a surface with smooth steps, that "fuzz" out with longer annealing times (see images). I haven't seen this fuzzyness in a lot of publications. What is the origin and how does one prevent this behavior?
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@Paritosh Wadekar do you have any recommendations for annealing conditions?
  • asked a question related to Publications
1 answer
I look in context of a study about working modes of scientific bodies for publications that describe / analyse the working modes that are inherent to the practices of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) respectively the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS). Can anybody point me to publications, please? - best regards, Martin
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Martin Bohle As a recommendation: You may wish to visit the website of the Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy at:
See the newsletters where you could find answers to your question about the working methods of an organism.
  • asked a question related to Publications
4 answers
Are you are interested in participating in one of the biggest research projects in Africa? Kindly drop your email and Whatsapp contact in the comment section to be added to a whatsapp group where all the technical details and information pertaining to the research shall be discussed and roles assigned. The research project promises to be inter-disciplinary and may take up to a year before completion. Only hardworking, physically and mentally strong scholars are solicited. Comment if you are ready to work with a team of passionate research-minded individuals. All participants shall benefit from the project by being listed as authors in all the publications that will emanate from the project. Financial reward may follow if we are able to secure external funds and support. Lets get the team ready, comment your name, country of residence and whatsapp number.
Best regards.
Owan, Valentine
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Hello, can you please indicate what the study is all about.
  • asked a question related to Publications
4 answers
Back in 2002, Juan Enriquez and Rodrigo Martinez published a Harvard Business School Working Paper entitled " Biotechonomy 1.0: A Rough Map of Biodata Flow", a copy of which I have tried to find for years. There is a map that Enriquez shows in a TED talk, in which he proves how most of the terabytes of flow of biodata information remain within a few countries and a few IP addresses.
Is anybody aware of similar studies and publications? Is anybody measuring the amount of biodata flow across countries? How many terabytes of information flow in and out of Genbank to other places on a monthly or yearly basis? Are there any reproducible methods I could follow?
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Dear Cassandra Windey , please refer to our recent publication "The Ecuadorian Microbiome Project: a plea to strengthen microbial genomic research". It is open access, freely available. There you will find further insights into the issue and additional references.
  • asked a question related to Publications
6 answers
As part of my research objective on the productivity of scientific work I would like to have an answer to the following question from anyone.
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Three key measures of research impact are:
quality of the journal – journal rankings such as Scimago
quality of the publication/article = times cited, altmetrics
personal or departmental measure = h-index.
Other indicators of impact beyond metrics are now being more widely accepted in the research community. .... defines research impact as “the demonstrable contribution that research makes to the economy, society, culture, national security, public policy or services, health, the environment, or quality of life, beyond contributions to academia”. Key metrics such as article citations and other indicators such as media mentions should complement each other to build a case study of impact.
  • asked a question related to Publications
17 answers
Based on a resent question; what is the difference between a saprophyte and a saprotroph?
In Greek saprophyte would be saprós (“putrid; decayed; rotten”) and phyte ("plant") thus meaning a plant that will live of dead or decaying organic matter. Saprotroph on the other hand, would be saprós (“putrid; decayed; rotten”) and trophē (“food; nourishment”) and thus include all organism with this lifestyle.
It seems as if the term saprophyte would be incorrect as plants are in actuality not saprophytic. The same problem comes in with saprophytic vs saprotrophic. My concern is this, why were we taught that "saprophytic" or saprotrophic fungi are saprophytes as this would seem to be incorrect. Recent publications and textbooks still refer to saprophytes. Has the term saprophyte been abolished or regardless of the difference we now consider saprophyte and saprotroph as synonyms?
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Just now, both terms saprophyte and saprotrophic are be used in the field of fungi papers. So, both terms refer to fungi which feed and grow on dead things such as: plant debris, organic materials, dung etc.
  • asked a question related to Publications
1 answer
I need publications to discuss the "adaptation" of native (local) animal breeds to harsh environmental conditions. In a different aspect than usual. In particular, under poor feeding conditions when cows shorten lactation and not (or slightly) lose body weight. Which is the opposite to Holstein-Friesian and other high-yielding breeds. I know this is an archaic topic. I have some publications about adaptation of African breeds but there it rather concerns heat stress. Since it can be difficult to discuss about cattle I will be satisfied with other ruminant species as well.
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  • asked a question related to Publications
7 answers
I'm currently looking for a good textbook for bioinformatics related to Insilico practices. can anyone suggest a good one. prefer the UK, USA publications. thank you.
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Please see this link, there are good textbooks for bioinformatics listed there
  • asked a question related to Publications
3 answers
Scholar Metrics provide an easy way for authors to quickly gauge the visibility and influence of recent articles in scholarly publications. Today, we are releasing the 2021 version of Scholar Metrics. This release covers articles published in 2016–2020 and includes citations from all articles that were indexed in Google Scholar as of July 2020.
Scholar Metrics include journals from websites that follow our inclusion guidelines and selected conferences in Engineering & Computer Science. Publications with fewer than 100 articles in 2016-2020, or publications that received no citations over these years are not included. You can browse publications in specific categories such as Computational Linguistics, Hematology, or Religion as well as broad areas like Engineering & Computer Science or Humanities, Literature & Arts . You will see the top 20 publications ordered by their five-year h-index and h-median metrics. You also can browse the top 100 publications in several languages - for example, Portuguese and Spanish. For each publication, you can view the top papers by clicking on the h5-index. Scholar Metrics include a large number of publications beyond those listed on the per-category and per-language pages.
Source: GoogleScholar
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Thank you very much for this update
  • asked a question related to Publications
6 answers
Are there any recommendations for non-urban areas (e.g. mountains area) where the deformations are well known and documented in publications (similar to in Mexico City)?
  • asked a question related to Publications
3 answers
How would you recommend including (grey) literature refered to during (expert) interviews in your results? I'm interested in how you've handled this in published work. I understand you can do it in varying ways dependent on your topic and types of respondents but would like to know more about your experiences. Can you share any such publications please?
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I do not know what you mean by "respondents". This seems to be a very special case. - For unpublished documents in general, I would recommend to cite these as "Author(s), Title, Place/Institution, Year, unpublished" or similar. The problem is that if these unpublished documents were not deposited somewhere, e.g. in an archive, it would not be possible for a reader to find these. If they are available in archives or other places, I recommend to add this to the reference.
  • asked a question related to Publications
14 answers
Years ago I had an experience regarding fake account in RG. The user of the account claimed to be my MS supervisor and claimed his (my supervisor) publications. I reported the case several times to the RG admins, but up to this time, no any action taken by the RG admins.
I wonder if RG admins are doing something to reduce the existence of fake accounts, because I realized that there is a lot of fake RG accounts in existence.
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This is actually my first time of hearing about fake account on RG
  • asked a question related to Publications
5 answers
Are sources of global or national financial, economic, debt, monetary and financial crises described and explained in recent years in scientific publications taken into account in financial supervision institutions in shaping prudential instruments, improving financial system security systems in order to increase this level of security and reduce risk potential future occurrence of similar, similar financial and economic crises, etc., thus improving the sustainable economic development of the country and the global economy?
Do you know examples of countries in which in recent years institutions of supervision over the financial system while shaping prudential instruments, improving financial systems security systems took into account the sources of global or national financial, economic, debt and monetary crises described and explained in recent years in scientific publications e.t.c.?
What types of prudential instruments, instruments of the process of improving financial risk management, including credit, liquidity, currency, debt or other, operational, market, etc. were improved by financial supervisors after the global financial crisis in 2008, which were proposed in the last years in scientific publications?
Is the importance of improving the credit risk management processes in financial institutions growing due to the continuation of processes and market situations occurring on financial markets, including capital markets, stock exchanges, used business practices in investment banking, forecasted decline in the global economic growth rate in 2019, emerging considerations about the subsequent re-evaluation of securities valuations, etc.?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Best wishes
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Dear Madhukar Baburao Deshmukh,
Yes of course. Thanks for the answer.
Dariusz Prokopowicz