Yunpeng Song's research while affiliated with Xi'an Jiaotong University and other places

Publications (9)

Enabling smart devices to learn automating actions as expected is a crucial yet challenging task. The traditional Trigger-Action rule approach for device automation is prone to ambiguity in complex scenarios. To address this issue, we propose a data-driven approach that leverages recorded user-driven event sequences to predict potential actions use...
E-learning has emerged as an indispensable educational mode in the post-epidemic era. However, this mode makes it difficult for students to stay engaged in learning without appropriate activity monitoring. Our work explores a promising solution that combines gaze and mouse data to recognize students' activities, thereby facilitating activity monito...
Nowadays, bots can be seen everywhere on the Internet and are responsible for a large percentage of website traffic. The problem of bot detection has increasingly gained attention since more and more bots have been abused from click fraud in online advertisements to launching credential stuffing attacks for harvesting user accounts at a large scale...
Recent research demonstrates the potential of touch dynamics as a usable and privacy-preserving scheme for smartphone authentication. Most existing approaches rely on handcrafted features since deep models may be vulnerable to behavioral uncertainty due to the lack of consistent semantic information. Toward this end, we propose an approach to integ...
Work is being digitized across all sectors, and digital account sharing has become common in the workplace. In this paper, we conduct a qualitative and quantitative study of digital account sharing practices in the workplace. Across two surveys, we examine the sharing process at work, probing what accounts people share, how and why they share those...
Conference Paper
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Work is being digitized across all sectors, and digital account sharing has become common in the workplace. In this paper, we conduct a qualitative and quantitative study of digital account sharing practices in the workplace. Across two surveys, we examine the sharing process at work, probing what accounts people share, how and why they share those...


... MuSeNet's uniqueness lies in its ability to effectively integrate information from different modalities, thus improving the accuracy and performance of music emotion classification. Another model, FusionNet, combines audio and lyric information [21]. It uses deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) and recurrent neural networks (RNN) structures to process different modal data. ...
... The key focus of the paper [16] is the introduction of the SapiMouse dataset, designed for training and evaluating systems in user authentication and bot detection based on mouse dynamics. Article [17] highlights the central theme of creating an endto-end deep framework designed for detecting bots through computer mouse movements. The paper [18] introduces Re-Mouse, a unique real-world mouse dynamics dataset, offering insight into combating session-replay bots, a challenging issue in domains frequented by the same genuine users Kinematics pertains to the study of object motion without considering the reasons behind this movement [19], and in this case, the object is the mouse used for user input. ...
... The second approach focuses on enhancing individuals' understanding of AI error patterns, aiding in the development of humans' accurate mental models for AI capabilities [1,8,30]. For instance, Bansal et al. [1] introduced the concept of "mental models of AI error boundaries", highlighting factors shaping these models. ...
... Deep learning algorithms have been used to make classification decisions for many touch-based mobile authentication models. For studies [7][8][9], CNN architectures were used for classification. In [7], researchers used their proposed feature representation tactic, multiple channels biological graph (MCBG), with CNN to enhance their continuous mobile authentication scheme. ...
... (2.2%) Users, especially those who used their devices only for limited purposes, tended to be skeptical about the effectiveness and necessity of security software: "I use <anti-virus software's name>, but I don't see the benefits. When [71], cyberstalking [72], [73], excessive parental control [74]- [76], voyeurism [77], [78], and bugging [77], [78]. In previous studies, privacy abuse has been researched in cooperation with professional organizations by means of closed questionnaires and interviews [68], [70], [71]. ...
... In this regard, family's support provides a dynamic and lasting cushion to prevent senior adults from being eliminated in technological innovations of payment methods, which sheds light on richer nuances of the family's backing, instead of merely a channel in short-term set-up and acceptance that prior work focused on [45,69]. Meanwhile, it also enriched the research venue on account sharing [1,53,56,72,87] by providing new practical evidence of family's financial support with shared devices/accounts. Indeed, the traditional family model with stronger inter-generation financial ties in many nonwestern cultures [51,89] is substantial yet largely neglected in technology design. ...