Catalina Rosenbaum's research while affiliated with Universidad Diego Portales and other places

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Publications (4)

Adolescence and Suicide: Subjective Construction of the Suicidal Process in Young Gay and Lesbian Chileans
  • Article

August 2020


231 Reads


10 Citations

Journal of Homosexuality



Catalina Rosenbaum




Iside Lagazzi

The association between suicide risk and sexual minority status can be understood from the perspective of the social determinants of health, an approach that requires the development of culturally sensitive knowledge. The aim of this study was to characterize young gay and lesbian people’s subjective construction of their experience of having lived and survived a suicidal process. Qualitative interviews were conducted and analyzed as products based on life events. In the participants’ accounts, we identified hostile contexts associated with suicide, trajectories associated with gay/lesbian identification processes, and milestones related to victimization experiences as part of the intentionality and rationality of suicide.


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  • Book
  • Full-text available

March 2018


31,505 Reads


23 Citations

Esta guía tiene un doble propósito: por una parte, busca describir las características del contexto particular de la salud mental de las personas LGBT+, dando cuenta de sus aspectos epidemiológicos, modelos explicativos y, en particular, del peso social y cultural que adquiere la atención psicológica y psiquiátrica en esta población, incluyendo las actitudes, prejuicios y creencias de psicólogos y psiquiatras en el Chile actual. Por otra parte, esta guía busca destacar aquellos aspectos que los clínicos de la salud mental debieran conocer y manejar, ya que nos parecen fundamentales al momento de ejercer una psicoterapia culturalmente competente con personas LGBT+. En este sentido, la guía no pretende entregar técnicas específicas –porque no las hay–, sino criterios y orientaciones que clínicos y psicoterapeutas, de la orientación teórica que sean, podrán adaptar a su práctica terapéutica con personas de orientación sexual e identidad de género diversa. Esta guía no busca censurar o descalificar las prácticas habituales de los clínicos, sino entregar orientaciones, aclaraciones discursivas y de lenguaje, actualizaciones de conocimientos y, sobre todo, una mirada que les permita tomar conciencia sobre su propio actuar en este ámbito. Nuestra máxima aspiración es que un clínico o psicoterapeuta reconozca sus prejuicios o actitudes y que se pregunte si su lenguaje es el más adecuado para tratar a un paciente que se identifica como LGBT+.


Adolescence and Suicide: Subjective Construction of Suicide Process in Young Gay and Lesbian People

June 2016


173 Reads


3 Citations

Background: Among the groups of suicide risk, young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people have been those that have shown a higher prevalence of this mental health problem. The association between suicide risk and sexual minority has been understood from the perspective of the social determinants of health. Consideration of sexual orientation and gender identity, as conditions of socially determined risk, requires the development of a culturally sensitive knowledge. Aim: Characterizing the subjective construction that make young gay and lesbian people about their experience of having lived and survived a suicidal process. Material and Methods: Qualitative interviews were conducted with ten young self-identified as gay and lesbian. These were analyzed with a model of autobiographical account, considering them as elaborations about life events, organized, interpreted and signified by those who narrate. Results: In the accounts of the participants is possible identify and describe hostile contexts associated with suicide, trayectories associated with homosexual identification processes, and milestones relating to victimization experiences as part of intentionality and rationality of suicide. Also, references to moral orders culturally available that account for discourses that structure the subjective experience that links their sexual orientation with suicide. Discussion: This study shows the importance of complementing traditional epidemiological study of suicide with a qualitative approach which reflects the subjectivity and meanings that shape the specific manifestations of the prevalence data. This approach identifies the reliefs of suicidal experience focusing on individual, social and cultural dimensions of the specific case of LGBT youth suicide.

Adolescence and Suicide: Subjective Construction of Suicide Process in Young Gay People

Background: Among the groups of suicide risk, young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people have been those that have shown a higher prevalence of this mental health problem. The association between suicide risk and sexual minority has been understood from the perspective of the social determinants of health. It is noted that the LGBT population is disproportionately affected by mental health issues related to stigma and discrimination. Consideration of sexual orientation and gender identity, as conditions of socially determined risk, requires the development of a culturally sensitive knowledge. Objectives: Characterizing the subjective construction that make young gay people about their experience of having lived and survived a suicidal process. Material and Methods: Qualitative interviews were conducted with three young self-identified as gay. These were analyzed with a model of autobiographical account, considering them as elaborations about life events, organized, interpreted and signified by those who narrate. Results: In the accounts of the participants is possible identify and describe hostile contexts associated with suicide, trayectories associated with homosexual identification processes, and milestones relating to victimization experiences as part of intentionality and rationality of suicide. Also, references to moral orders culturally available that account for discourses that structure the subjective experience that links their sexual orientation with suicide. Discussion: This study shows the importance of complementing traditional epidemiological study of suicide with a qualitative approach which reflects the subjectivity and meanings that shape the specific manifestations of the prevalence data. This approach identifies the reliefs of suicidal experience focusing on individual, social and cultural dimensions of the specific case of LGBT youth suicide.

Citations (3)

... La mayoría de las investigaciones existentes se han enfocado en los procesos de violencia homofóbica, desde el ejercicio de la violencia que las personas heterosexuales ejercen hacia las personas no heterosexuales (e. g., Bauer et al., 2015;Rivers et al., 2018). Además, la investigación se ha centrado en los efectos que tiene la violencia homofóbica en personas homosexuales, lo cual se ha operacionalizado con la noción de homofobia internalizada (Huynh et al., 2020;Michli y Jamil, 2020;Phillips et al., 2020;Thepsourinthone et al., 2020;Tomicic et al., 2020;Yolaciç y Mericiç, 2020), donde se destacan los efectos negativos a nivel de salud mental y calidad de vida. ...


Violencia homofóbica entre hombres homosexuales en Santiago de Chile
Adolescence and Suicide: Subjective Construction of the Suicidal Process in Young Gay and Lesbian Chileans
  • Citing Article
  • August 2020

Journal of Homosexuality

... prácticas conversivas) (Martínez y Tomicic, 2023b). Nuestro programa de investigación ha buscado generar evidencia para el desarrollo de orientaciones psicoterapéuticas competentes para atender las necesidades específicas de pacientes de las diversidades sexuales y de género, en el contexto de nuestra región (Martínez et al., 2018;Martínez et al., 2023;Martínez y Tomicic, 2023c). Una manera de abordar este propósito ha sido adoptando el Modelo Genérico de Psicoterapia (MGP, Orlinsky, 2009;Tomicic et al., 2020), como un marco orientador, no solo para reunir y dar sentido orgánico a la investigación en psicoterapia en este campo, sino también para guiar nuestro programa investigativo. ...


... O estigma internalizado está associado a uma maior presença de comportamentos de risco e suicídio (TOMICIC et al., 2016a). Por isso, é importante prestar atenção em suas manifestações Tomicic et al., 2016b): ȟ Atitudes e linguagem negativas para com ou- ...

Adolescence and Suicide: Subjective Construction of Suicide Process in Young Gay and Lesbian People
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2016