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Bromelain as a Treatment for Osteoarthritis: a Review of Clinical Studies


Abstract and Figures

Bromelain, an extract from the pineapple plant, has been demonstrated to show anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and may provide a safer alternative or adjunctive treatment for osteoarthritis. All previous trials, which have been uncontrolled or comparative studies, indicate its potential use for the treatment of osteoarthritis. This paper reviews the mechanism of its putative therapeutic actions, those clinical trials that have assessed its use in osteoarthritis to date, as well as considering the safety implications of this supplement for osteoarthritis and reviewing the evidence to date regarding the dosage for treating this condition. The data available at present indicate the need for trials to establish the efficacy and optimum dosage for bromelain and the need for adequate prospective adverse event monitoring in such chronic conditions as osteoarthritis.
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In recent years, a number of clinical studies have appeared to
substantiate one of the traditional therapeutic uses of extracts of
bromelain, namely, in the treatment of inflammatory disorders
of the musculoskeletal system. This paper sets out to review the
clinical evidence for the use of bromelain in osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis in Western
countries; in the USA prevalence of osteoarthritis ranges from
3.2% to 33% dependent on the joint (1). Its prevalence increases
with age, and sex differences are evident (2). It can also create
substantial disability (2). The risk of disability attributable to
knee osteoarthritis alone is greater than any other medical disor-
der in the elderly (3), apart from cardiac diseases. Risk factors
associated with both the development (e.g. heredity, age, female
sex, obesity, trauma) and progression of the disease [e.g. obesity,
low bone density, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
use] have been identified (4); obesity is considered a major risk
factor for both the development and progression of osteoarthritis
(5,6). As allopathic medicine is unable to halt this progression
conventional medical treatment is aimed at decreasing pain
and improving function by the use of NSAIDs, other analgesics,
steroidal joint injections and, as a last resort, joint replacement.
Because the high incidence of adverse events, especially
gastrointestinal, associated with both non-selective and COX-2-
selective NSAID use is high (7–9), effective but safer alternative
treatments would be of benefit to osteoarthritis sufferers.
Bromelain is a food supplement that may provide an alterna-
tive treatment to NSAIDs for patients with osteoarthritis.
Bromelain is a crude, aqueous extract obtained from both the
stem and fruit of the pineapple plant, which contains a number
of proteolytic enzymes (10,11) and has shown potentially
beneficial effects due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic
properties. Currently, bromelain is used for acute inflammation
and sports injuries. It is not a licensed medical product and is
freely available to the general public in health food stores and
pharmacies in the USA and Europe.
Mechanism of Action
The mechanisms of action have been reviewed (10–12).
Bromelain has been shown to have a number of beneficial
Advance Access Publication 6 October 2004 eCAM 2004;1(3)251–257
© 2004, the authors
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Vol. 1, Issue 3 © Oxford University Press 2004; all rights reserved
Bromelain as a Treatment for Osteoarthritis: a Review
of Clinical Studies
Sarah Brien
, George Lewith
, Ann Walker
, Stephen M. Hicks
and Dick Middleton
University of Southampton, Southampton,
University of Reading, Reading and
Medic Herb UK Ltd, UK
Bromelain, an extract from the pineapple plant, has been demonstrated to show anti-inflammatory and
analgesic properties and may provide a safer alternative or adjunctive treatment for osteoarthritis. All
previous trials, which have been uncontrolled or comparative studies, indicate its potential use for the
treatment of osteoarthritis. This paper reviews the mechanism of its putative therapeutic actions, those
clinical trials that have assessed its use in osteoarthritis to date, as well as considering the safety impli-
cations of this supplement for osteoarthritis and reviewing the evidence to date regarding the dosage for
treating this condition. The data available at present indicate the need for trials to establish the efficacy
and optimum dosage for bromelain and the need for adequate prospective adverse event monitoring in
such chronic conditions as osteoarthritis.
Keywords: bromelain – herbal – osteoarthritis – proteolytic enzymes – review
For reprints and all correspondence: Dr Sarah Brien, Complementary
Medicine Research, Primary Medical Care, Aldermoor Health Centre,
Aldermoor Close, Southampton, Hampshire, S016 5ST. Tel. 44 2380
241068; Fax: 44 2380 8070 1125; E-mail:
The online version of this article has been published under an open access model. Users are entitled to use, reproduce, disseminate, or display the open access
version of this article provided that: the original authorship is properly and fully attributed; the Journal and Oxford University Press are attributed as the original
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derivative work this must be clearly indicated.
properties including anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions in
addition to its anti-oedematous, antithrombotic and fibrinolytic
effects (11). Experimental evidence suggests that bromelain’s
action as an anti-inflammatory is mediated via the following
factors: (i) by increasing serum fibrinolytic activity (13), reduc-
ing plasma fibrinogen levels (14) and decreasing bradykinin
levels (which results in reduced vascular permeability) and
hence reducing oedema and pain (15); (ii) by mediating
prostaglandin levels (by decreasing levels of PGE
and throm-
boxane A
); and (iii) through modulation of certain immune
cell surface adhesion molecules (16–20), which play a role in
the pathogenesis of arthritis (21). However, many of these stud-
ies are of poor quality and further data is needed to clarify
definitive mechanisms of its action.
Data have also indicated that bromelain has analgesic prop-
erties, for example in inflammatory pain in humans (22),
human urogenital inflammation (23), and in various animal
inflammatory models (13,23). Its analgesic properties are
thought to be a result of its direct influence on pain mediators
such as bradykinin (15), as well as its indirect effects through
its anti-inflammatory actions (e.g. reduction in oedema, debris
and immune complexes), which reduce pain.
Clinical Studies
Bromelain was first reported to be of value as an analgesic/
anti-inflammatory for use in both rheumatoid arthritis and
osteoarthritic patients in 1964 (24). Clinical trials have
assessed the effectiveness of bromelain most frequently using
preparations containing differing complexes of proteolytic
enzymes and differing concentrations of bromelain. Three
complexes have been used: (i) Phlogenzyme
(PHL), which
contains the proteolytic enzymes bromelain (90 mg/tab),
trypsin and rutin; (ii) Wobenzyme
(WOB) which contains
bromelain (45 mg/tab), papain, trypsin, chymotrypsin,
pancreatin, lipase and amylase; and (iii) Wobenzym N
(WOB-N) which contains bromelain (45 mg/tab), trypsin,
papain, chymotrypsin, pancreatin and rutin. Bromelain has
been assessed in the treatment of osteoarthritis of two joints,
i.e. the knee (24–30) and the shoulder (as assessed under the
global term periarthritis humeroscapularis) (31,32). Tables 1
and 2 summarise those studies that have investigated the effect
of bromelain in knee and shoulder osteoarthritis, respectively.
The majority of studies assessing bromelain for osteoarthritis
have been either open studies (24,30) or equivalence studies
designed to assess comparative effectiveness and safety against
standard NSAIDs treatment (25–29, Klein, 1994, unpublished
data.). A number of these studies are unpublished [as reviewed
by Leipner et al. (25)], including two placebo controlled studies
designed to assess the efficacy of bromelain in knee osteoarthri-
tis. The following sections will review the studies that have been
carried out to date. Direct comparison between these trials is dif-
ficult as different dosages or preparations of bromelain have
been administered. The majority of the studies have method-
ological issues that make it difficult to draw definite conclusions.
Bromelain for Knee Osteoarthritis
Ten studies have been identified that have assessed bromelain
in osteoarthritis of the knee (Table 1). The earliest reported
studies investigating bromelain were a series of case reports on
28 patients, with moderate or severe rheumatoid or osteoarthri-
tis, described by Cohen and Goldman (24). The studies
reported indicated that the use of bromelain, at varying doses
(these doses were relatively low as compared to subsequent
studies) and differing duration, had positive clinical effects in
18 patients (as measured by assessment of reduction in soft
tissue swelling, pain and/or joint stiffness) and no adverse
events associated with the medication were reported in any of
these case reports. This data therefore provided a plausible
basis for the further assessment of bromelain in musculoskeletal
Four unpublished studies: two placebo-controlled, random-
ised trials and two controlled and randomised studies were
reported in the review by Leipner et al. (25). These studies
were designed to assess the comparative effectiveness of
bromelain with a standard treatment, the NSAID diclofenac
(DF). No significant improvement in outcome was observed in
either of the two placebo-controlled trials but both are of poor
methodological quality. The outcome measure for one of the
unpublished trials may have been inappropriate and both studies
may have been inadequately powered (sample size in both
studies was n 60). In addition, in common with the majority
of studies assessing bromelain for this indication, the treatment
period was short (3 weeks duration) as compared to normal
herbal practice where this preparation may be prescribed for
2–3 months in the first instance. Definitive conclusions cannot
therefore be drawn from these two efficacy studies. However
the safety and tolerability in both these studies appeared ade-
quate as only minor (mainly gastrointestinal) adverse events
were reported and dropout rates were low (5% in both studies).
Klein and Kullich’s (27) double blind, randomised, controlled
trial of 73 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee compared a
commercial proteolytic enzyme preparation (Phlogenzym®)
containing bromelain (among other proteolytic enzymes) with
a dose of DF (100–150 mg/day) (24). They report an equivalent
reduction in pain indices of 80% for the two treatments during
3 weeks of therapy and 4 weeks of follow-up with few adverse
reactions to either treatment. The two unpublished compara-
tive trials identified that treatment with bromelain (540 mg/day
as part of the complexes PHL or WOB) reduced osteoarthritis
symptoms and that the reduction was comparable to standard
treatment. However, again the treatment period in both these
studies was short and it is not possible to identify if the study
was adequately powered as no sample size calculations are
available. Tolerability was good with both PHL and WOB;
however, a high rate of adverse drug reactions (none serious)
was reported in the WOB study, with a rate of reporting of 50%
of subjects in the WOB and the DF treatment groups. These
unpublished reports therefore show equivocal evidence in
support of bromelain in osteoarthritis, but highlight the potential
safety issue.
252 Bromelain for osteoarthritis review
eCAM 2004;1(3) 253
Table 1. Summary of studies assessing the effectiveness of bromelain as a treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee
Authors Study design n
Dosage Condition Treatment Follow up Adverse events Primary outcome Conclusion
Cohen & Uncontrolled 29 60–160 mg/day Moderate to 3 weeks to When soft None reported Soft tissue Reduction in soft
Goldman (24) series of case bromelain severe arthritis 13 months tissue swelling and pain tissue swelling
reports (25 RA; 2 OA; swelling in 72.4%
10 A and RA;
and 1 gout)
Leipner et al. (25). (i) placebo (ii) 60 PHL 3 2 tabs/ Arthrosis of 3 weeks NK No SAE reported. Sum score of various Similar reduction in
Series of unpublished controlled DB (ref. 31) day (540 mg/ the knee Two ADR reported pain (active, pressure, primary outcome for
studies in OA involving RCT day bromelain) (57%) or in PHL group rest, night) and both groups. NS group
(PHL), versus placebo hip (43%) dysfunction (four differences. Drop
(WOB), point category scale) out n (1 PHL)
Wobenzym N
(WOB-N). measures
Studies investigating OA (ii) placebo (ii) 60 PHL 3 2 OA of the 3 weeks NK No SAE reported. Lequesne index Reduction in primary
of knee are reported controlled (ref 32) tabs/day knee joint Two ADR reported outcome for both groups;
DB RCT (540 mg/day in PHL group NS group differences.
bromelain) Drop out n 3 (1 PHL)
versus placebo
(iii) Comparative (ii) 60 PHL 3 2 OA of the 3 weeks NK No SAE reported. Lequesne index Similar reduction in primary
DB, RCT (ref 38) tabs/day (540 knee joint One ADR outcome for both groups. NS
mg/day (0 PHL; 1 DF) group differences.
bromelain) Drop out n 1 (0 PHL)
versus DF
(100–150 mg/day)
(iv) Comparative (iv) 60 WOB 3 4 OA of the 3 weeks NK No SAE reported Lequesne index Similar reduction in primary
DB, RCT (ref 45) tabs/day (540 knee joint but 30 ADR outcome for both groups. NS
mg/day bromelain) (15 WOB; 15 DF) group differences. Drop
versus DF out n 2 (1 WOB)
(100–150 mg/day)
Singer and Comparative 80 WOB 4 7 OA of the 4 weeks 4 weeks No SAE reported. Mobility and pain Equivalence not tested but
Oberleitner (26) DB, RCT tabs/day (945 mg/ knee joint 22 ADR (13 WOB) (five point scale) similar reductions in primary
day bromelain) Mainly GI but allergic in morning outcome for both groups. NS
versus DF skin reaction in n 1 group differences. Drop outs
(100 mg) n 12 (8 WOB; 4 DF)
Klein & Comparative 73 PHL 3 2 tabs/ Knee OA 3 weeks 4 weeks 1 in 36 (2.8%) Lequesne index Reduction in pain indices by
Kullich (27) DB, RCT day (540 mg/day (headache probably (pain and function) 80% sustained at 4 weeks post
bromelain) not related) treatment. Equivalence was
versus DF identified at week 3 (Mann
(100–150 mg/day) Whitney 0.47) and week 7
(Mann Whitney 0.55)
Singer et al. (28) Comparative 68 PHL 3 2 tabs/ OA of the knee 3 weeks 4 weeks No SAE reported. Lequesne index and PHL group showed significant
DB, RCT (ref 37) day (540 mg/day joint 14 ADR (7 PHL; sum of pain scores reduction compared to DF
bromelain) versus 7 DF) for both Lequesne (P 0.017)
DF (100–150 mg/ and sum of pain scores
day) (P 0.047). Drop out
n 5 (3 PHL)
254 Bromelain for osteoarthritis review
Table 1. Continued
Authors Study design n
Dosage Condition Treatment Follow up Adverse events Primary outcome Conclusion
Tilwe et al. 2001 (29) Comparative 50 PHL 4 7 tabs/ Arthritis of 3 weeks 4 weeks ‘well tolerated’; Likert scale to Equivalence not tested.
SB, RCT day (1890 mg/ the knee specific AE not assess pain Reduction in pain (NS),
day bromelain) reported. tenderness (P 0.05) and
versus DF swelling (NS) in both groups.
(100–150 mg/day) Joint tenderness was
significantly greater
(P 0.05) in PHL group
than DF group
Walker et al. (30) Open. 77 Bromelin
Mild, acute 4 weeks 4 weeks No SAE. Minor WOMAC i.e. total Significant WOMAC total
Dose ranging 200 or knee pain AE (n 19) score, pain, stiffness score at both doses
400 mg/day mainly GI and function (P 0.0001 for 200 mg;
P 0.000001 for 400 mg).
Significant difference between
groups for total score
[(P 0.036), stiffness
(0.026), physical function
(0.021), well-being.]
Citations quoted in this column refer to references contained within publications listed in the first column.
PHL, Phlogenzym; WOB, Wobenzym; DF, diclofenac; DB, double blind; SB, single blind; RCT, randomised controlled trial; AE, adverse event; SAE, serious adverse event; ADR, adverse drug reaction; GI,
gastrointestinal; WOMAC, Western Ontario McMaster University Arthritis Index; NK, not known; NS, not significant.
contains bromelain 200 mg per tablet. Phlogenzym
each tablet contains proteolytic enzymes in the following doses: bromelain (90 mg), trypsin (48 mg), rutin (100 mg). Wobenzym
, each
tablet contains: bromelain (45 mg), papain (60 mg) trypsin (24 mg), chymotrypsin (1 mg), pancreatin (100 mg), lipase (100 mg), amylase (100 mg), rutin (50 mg).
Four published studies reported trials to assess the effective-
ness of bromelain for knee osteoarthritis (26–29). These studies
used similar treatment periods (3 or 4 weeks) and similar daily
doses of a standard treatment, DF (150–100 mg/day); however,
different doses of bromelain were tested (range from 540 to
1890 mg/day). The first study reported by Singer and
Oberleitner (26) assessed bromelain at a dose of 945 mg/day
(which is higher than that used in most studies) versus DF after
4 weeks of treatment, and although assessment of equivalence
was not reported, both groups showed similar reductions in the
primary outcome. However, there were more adverse drug
reactions (mainly gastrointestinal: 13 in the WOB group
versus nine in the DF group) and drop-outs (20% WOB versus
10% DF) as compared to the standard treatment group, which
raises concerns about the safety and tolerability of bromelain
at this higher dose. These safety and tolerability issues were
not replicated in the study by Tilwe et al. (29) who adminis-
tered a daily bromelain dose of 1890 mg/day (in the form of
the complex PHL) against the DF comparative group.
Equivalence was not tested in this study, but both groups
showed reduced symptoms of pain and swelling (comparable
across groups), and also joint tenderness (the improvement
was significantly better in the PHL group). Tolerability was
deemed good (there were no drop-outs), and no significant
safety issues were raised in this study despite the high dose
employed. The final comparative study was reported by Singer
et al. (28) who compared bromelain (in the complex PHL) at a
dose of 540 mg/day against DF in 68 subjects. This study
demonstrated that bromelain showed significantly better
improvement in both the primary outcome (Lequesne index,
P 0.017) and summary pain scores (P 0.047) as compared
to DF. Tolerability and safety were acceptable and levels were
similar in both treatment groups. In summary, the four com-
parative trials indicate that bromelain appears to be as effective
as the standard treatment in osteoarthritis of the knee, but
higher doses may be associated with safety concerns.
Finally, Walker et al. (30) recently described an open study
of one month treatment intervention of bromelain using two
dose regimes (200 and 400 mg) in otherwise healthy adults
(n 77) with acute knee pain with no medical diagnosis. The
data identified a significant clinical improvement compared to
baseline in both the primary outcome [symptoms assessed by
the Western Ontario McMaster University Arthritis Index,
WOMAC (32)] and in the secondary outcomes (overall
psychological wellbeing), at both doses. Furthermore, mean
improvements in total symptom score, stiffness and physical
function and psychological well-being were significantly
greater in the high-dose compared with the low-dose group.
However, definitive conclusions cannot be drawn from this
study since there are a number of methodological shortcomings.
These include the issue of power, which was not addressed:
there was no control group (and therefore bias cannot be
eliminated) and these patients did not have a formal diagnosis
of their knee pain.
In conclusion, bromelain appears to have potential for the
treatment of knee osteoarthritis. However it is important to
eCAM 2004;1(3) 255
note that there are a number of methodological issues that are
common to the studies reported, including the possibility of
inadequate power, inadequate treatment periods, inadequate or
non-existent follow-up to monitor possible adverse drug
reactions. Furthermore, the optimum dosage for this condition
remains unclear. A phase II clinical trial would be beneficial to
identify the optimal dosage and to systematically monitor
safety issues before a definitive efficacy study could be
Bromelain for Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder
Two studies have assessed the use of bromelain in osteoarthritis
of the shoulder (31, Klein, 1994, unpublished data) (Table 2).
Both studies have assessed the complex PHL, which has been
used at the same daily dose (equivalent of 540 mg bromelain
per day) and for the same treatment period of 3 weeks with no
follow-up. The first study (by Klein, 1994) is an unpublished
report of a double blind placebo controlled trial assessing PHL
in 60 patients. No significant difference in treatment groups
was observed after treatment. The level of adverse drug reac-
tions and rate of drop out was low. However, there are a num-
ber of methodological caveats. It is unclear if the study was
adequately powered to detect treatment group differences and,
as with the knee osteoarthritis studies, the treatment period and
lack of follow-up period are inadequate and the optimum
dosage is not clear. The second study by Klein et al. (31) was
designed to compare PHL against the standard DF treatment
(100 mg/day) in n 40 patients with this condition. No group
differences in the primary outcome measures (summary pain
score) were observed and safety and tolerability were adequate
at this dose. However, this study also suffers from possibly
being inadequately powered, a brief treatment period and lim-
ited follow up.
In conclusion the data from these two studies do not provide
support for the effectiveness and safety of bromelain in
osteoarthritis of the shoulder; further studies are needed that
are adequately powered to identify the optimal dose and
optimal treatment period for this condition.
Summary of Clinical Trials Assessing Bromelain for
The use of bromelain for the treatment of osteoarthritis looks
promising. However, a number of methodological caveats
indicate that further studies are warranted, in particular phase II
clinical trials to identify the optimum dosage, followed by a
definitive randomised placebo-controlled trial to confirm its
efficacy in the treatment of osteoarthritis.
Bromelain and Adverse Events
Bromelain has been used as treatment for a number of disease
conditions, in addition to osteoarthritis of the knee and shoulder
joints (Table 1). No serious adverse events have been reported
with the consumption of either bromelain or pineapples in
these studies. Adverse events that have been reported are
mainly gastrointestinal (i.e. diarrhoea, nausea and flatulence),
but have also included headache, tiredness, dry mouth, skin
rash and allergic reactions (not specified).
The trials assessing bromelain in osteoarthritis have used
doses of bromelain in the range 540–1890 mg/day. Safety and
tolerability for bromelain at the lower dose appears good with
similar if not better safety profiles as compared to standard
treatment. However, the studies that have used a higher daily
dose of bromelain [945 mg/day (26); 1890 mg/day (29)]
appear to be conflicting. The authors employing the highest
dose reported that the medication was well tolerated; the dose
of 945 mg/day, however, showed a higher incidence of adverse
drug reactions and drop-outs as compared to the profiles from
the standard NSAID treatment group. A formal phase II study
is needed to identify safety and efficacy/effectiveness of
bromelain. In addition, it is conceivable that patients would
clinically receive bromelain for longer treatment periods than
have been assessed by the current osteoarthritis studies.
Further work is therefore needed to evaluate the long-term
safety of this supplement. Finally, there are also a number of
other potential safety issues that need to be addressed. These
include investigating the possibility of renal effects (because of
modulation of biosynthesis of prostaglandins), potentiating
effects on the action of anticoagulants [e.g. warfarin (33)] and
enhanced absorption of antibiotics (11).
Dosage in human studies
The review by Maurer (11) identified that bromelain has been
used in the daily dosage range of 200–2000 mg, with therapeu-
tic action shown at 160 mg/day. The trials assessing bromelain
in osteoarthritis have used bromelain at a higher therapeutic
dose, in the range of 540–1890 mg/day. Safety and tolerability at
the lower dose appears to be good; the data indicates that brome-
lain at this dose appears to be as effective as standard treatment
with at least similar safety and tolerability profiles. The two
studies employing a higher daily dose [945 mg/day (26) and
1890 mg/day (29), both comparative trials] showed that the dose
of 945 mg/day showed similar outcomes to DF, whereas 1890
mg/day appeared to be superior to DF in one of the primary out-
come measures (joint swelling). As yet there have been no for-
mal phase II studies to assess the optimal dose. However, the
recent study by Walker et al. (30) in acute knee pain showed a
significant dose-dependent effect between the two doses of 200
and 400 mg per day, over a period of one-month therapy. Further
study is needed to identify the optimal dose for the treatment of
chronic joint inflammation over longer periods of time (e.g. 3–4
months) within a blinded and randomised trial.
The currently available data do indicates the potential of
bromelain in treating osteoarthritis. However, further studies
are needed before a definitive conclusion can be drawn.
Specifically, there is a need for trials to establish efficacy, and
dose ranging studies to identify the optimum dosage (with
256 Bromelain for osteoarthritis review
Table 2. Summary of studies assessing the effectiveness of bromelain as a treatment for osteoarthritis of the shoulder (periarthritis humero scapularis)
Authors Study design n Dosage Condition Treatment period Follow up Adverse events Primary outcome Conclusion
Klein et al. DB, placebo 60 PHL 3 2 Peri arthritis 3 weeks N/A No SAE reported. Sum score of various No significant group
(33) Unpublished controlled RCT tabs/day (540 humero Three ADR pain (active, pressure, difference in primary
mg/day bromelain) scapularis (1 PHL) rest, night) and dysfunction outcome after 3 weeks
versus placebo (four point category treatment. n 4 drop
scale) measures outs (2 PHL)
Klein et al. (31) Comparative 40 PHL 3 2 tabs/day Peri arthritis 3 weeks N/A No SAE reported. Sum score of various No significant group
DB, RCT (540 mg/day humero Three ADR pain (active, pressure, difference at outcome
bromelain) scapularis (2 PHL) rest, night) and dysfunction after 3 weeks treatment
DF (100 mg/day) tendopathica (four point category scale) (P 0.14). n 5 drop
measures outs (3 PHL)
PHL, Phlogenzym; DF, diclofenac; DB, double blind; RCT, randomised controlled trial; SAE, serious adverse event; ADR, adverse drug reaction; N/A, not applicable.
each tablet contains proteolytic enzymes in the following doses: bromelain (90 mg), trypsin (48 mg), rutin (100 mg).
eCAM 2004;1(3) 257
adequate prospective adverse event monitoring). Finally,
future work should focus on the dose–response parameters and
efficacy of long-term bromelain use in chronic conditions such
as osteoarthritis.
Conflict of Interest
Dick Middleton is consultant to Lichtwer Pharma UK Ltd who
manufacture bromelain. Steven Hicks was funded by Lichtwer
for a post-graduate fellowship from 1998 to 2002.
S.B. is funded by a grant from the Hospital Savings Association.
G.L. is funded by a grant from the Maurice Laing Foundation.
A.W. and S.M.H. are funded by The University of Reading.
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Received February 9, 2004; accepted July 29, 2004
... Bromelain is an active constituent of Ananas comosus (Pineapple). It shows anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity [130]. Randomized clinical trials were conducted in people with acute knee pain to observe the effect of Bromelain for at least 1-month treatment at a dose range of 200-400 mg/day. ...
... Few other studies in the dose range of 200 to 2000 mg were conducted. In a comparison study, it was reported that 945 mg/day dose of Bromelain has similar effect as diclofenac and the higher dose of Bromelain i.e. 1890 mg/day has superior effect to diclofenac in joint swelling [130]. The quality of life improves during the first postoperative week of bromelain treatment [134]. ...
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The use of nutraceuticals and supplements are increasing day by day due to the drawbacks associated with synthetic drugs. Clinicians are aware of these therapies and prescribing the nutraceuticals in addition to the current choice of therapy. Many scientific studies, meta-analysis, randomised clinical trials have proved the effects of nutraceuticals in arthritis. Arthritis is the inflammatory disorder characterized by pain, swelling and stiffness of one or more joints. Two common types of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. The review covers all the possible nutraceuticals used in these two types of arthritis with their evidence and mechanism of action. Search engines like PubMed, Scopus, Google scholar, Researchgate and Science Direct are used to collect articles published from
... The enzyme was first used as an anti-inflammatory compound in 1964, directed against patients with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis [329]. In a 2006 pilot study, bromelain on its own was determined to be inefficacious in improving WOMAC scores in moderate to severe OA [330]. ...
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Osteoarthritis (OA) stands as a prevalent and progressively debilitating clinical condition globally, impacting joint structures and leading to their gradual deterioration through inflammatory mechanisms. While both non-modifiable and modifiable factors contribute to its onset, numerous aspects of OA pathophysiology remain elusive despite considerable research strides. Presently, diagnosis heavily relies on clinician expertise and meticulous differential diagnosis to exclude other joint-affecting conditions. Therapeutic approaches for OA predominantly focus on patient education for self-management alongside tailored exercise regimens, often complemented by various pharmacological interventions primarily targeting pain alleviation. However, pharmacological treatments typically exhibit short-term efficacy and local and/or systemic side effects, with prosthetic surgery being the ultimate resolution in severe cases. Thus, exploring the potential integration or substitution of conventional drug therapies with natural compounds and extracts emerges as a promising frontier in enhancing OA management. These alternatives offer improved safety profiles and possess the potential to target specific dysregulated pathways implicated in OA pathogenesis, thereby presenting a holistic approach to address the condition’s complexities.
... Among these, the most prominent is bromelain's ability to reduce bradykinin levels, a pain mediator. 35 The reduction in bradykinin levels occurs through the inhibition of bradykinin synthesis at the inflammation site, achieved by depleting plasma kallikrein and inhibiting plasma exudation with bromelain. 36 In addition to its impact on the bradykinin pathway, bromelain has 11 been reported to induce a decrease in prostaglandin E2 concentrations by inhibiting COX-2 and reducing glutamate concentrations, a neurotransmitter involved in pain perception. ...
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Dysmenorrhea is a common gynecological condition in women, often attributed to excessive prostaglandin production, significantly impacting daily activities. Papaya leaves, known for their medicinal properties, are a chosen herbal remedy, albeit with a bitter taste, necessitating combination with pineapple fruit. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of a combination of papaya leaf extract and pineapple fruit as an alternative treatment for primary dysmenorrhea. In an experimental research design employing the posttest-only control group, 32 male mice were divided into seven groups, injected with acetic acid as a pain inducer, and their writhing responses were recorded for 45 minutes at 15-minute intervals. Data analysis using the ANOVA test revealed significant differences in the number of writhing responses in mice (p <0.05) compared to the positive control group, followed by the Duncan test. The percentage of analgesic protection was as follows: mefenamic acid (61.01%), pineapple fruit extract (62.78%), papaya leaf extract (63.39%), a combination of pineapple and papaya leaf extracts with a dose ratio of 3:1 (73.21%), 2:2 (47.32%), and 1:3 (37.78%). In conclusion, the combination of pineapple extract and papaya leaves in a dose ratio of 3:1 demonstrated the most effective pain reduction.
... 20,21 The group also includes the plant cysteine-proteinases papain and bromelain and proteinases from animal organs like chymotrypsin and trypsin. 22 These enzymes have antiedematous, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, and fibrinolytic actions both in vitro and in vivo, providing a broad range of therapeutic efficacies. 23,24 They regulate and activate the roles of adhesion molecules on blood and endothelial cells, as well as different immune cells and their cytokine production. ...
Elevation of one or more plasma lipids, such as phospholipids, cholesterol esters, cholesterol, and triglycerides, is known as hyperlipidemia. In humans and experimental animals, bromelain, the primary active ingredient isolated from pineapple stems, has several positive effects, including anti-tumor growth, anticoagulation, and anti-inflammation. Hence, the purpose of this study was to determine the possible protective impact of bromelain on some metabolic enzymes (paraoxonase-1, glutathione S-transferase, glutathione reductase, sorbitol dehydrogenase [SDH], aldose reductase [AR], butyrylcholinesterase [BChE], and acetylcholinesterase [AChE]), activity in the heart, kidney, and liver of rats with tyloxapol-induced hyperlipidemia. Rats were divided into three groups: control group, HL-control group (tyloxapol 400 mg/kg, i.p. administered group), and HL+bromelain (group receiving bromelain 250 mg/kg/o.d. prior to administration of tyloxapol 400 mg/kg, i.p.). BChE, SDH, and AR enzyme activities were significantly increased in all tissues in HL-control compared to the control, whereas the activity of other studied enzymes was significantly decreased. Bromelain had a regulatory effect on all tissues and enzyme activities. In conclusion, these results prove that bromelain is a new mediator that decreases hyperlipidemia.
... Bromelain reduces High Molecular Weight Kinin (plasma kininogen), thus inhibiting the production of bradykinin, an agent that induces inflammation, pain and swelling [78]. Administration of bromelain before surgery can reduce the average days for the complete disappearance of pain and post-surgery inflammation [79]. Nowadays, bromelain is used to treat post-surgical wounds and help lessen the pain and swelling. ...
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Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme derived from the pineapple plant (Ananas comosus). Bromelain can be extracted from pineapple stems and fruits. Additionally, it can be derived from pineapple wastes such as the core, crown, and peel. Various extraction and purification methods such as reverse micellar system, aqueous two-phase system, chromatographic techniques, and membrane filtration have been used in order to produce high-quality bromelain. Bromelain has been used clinically since 1876 and was first introduced as a therapeutic agent in 1957. Bromelain has gained increasing acceptance and compliance among patients as a phytotherapeutic drug due to its safety and lack of undesirable side effects. Bromelain is regarded as a nutrient that promotes wound healing due to the presence of several closely related proteinases that exhibit anti-inflammatory, fibrinolytic, and debridement properties.
... In medical practice, the drugcontaining this compound has traditionally been used as a potent anti-inflammatory agent 21 . It has also been demonstrated in the past that the enzyme is fibrinolytic and antithrombotic, therefore reducing blood clots, swelling and edema 4 . ...
Food processing industries release a lot of fruit wastes mainly of seed, skin, rind, pomace, crown etc. containing potential bioactive compounds. Bromelain is a crude protein extracted from certain fruits. Bromelain is a sub-type of cysteine protease enzyme extensively investigated for its therapeutic properties such as anti-microbial and anti-oxidant activity with good ferric reducing power. The present study deals with isolating and purifying bromelain from kiwi and avocado fruits and assessing their therapeutic application. Fruit samples were taken from a juice shop in VIT, Vellore, for performing all the experimental analysis. Different parts such as stem, pulp, peel and leaves of the avocado and kiwi fruits were collected for the bromelain extraction process. The extraction of protein was done by the ammonium sulfate precipitation method. Estimation of protein content was performed and the concentration of crude enzyme was found to be 970μg/ml and 900μg/ml for avocado peel and kiwi pulp respectively. Avocado peel showed good activity in ferric reducing power and also a potent radical scavenging activity of 40% at 200μg concentration. Crude bromelain extracted from both fruits showed a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Hence it can be concluded that bromelain can be used as an effective health supplement.
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The authors were not aware of errors made in one small subsection (Section 6.17. Antidiarrheal Effect, including the data in the table of effects) of this paper [...]
Globally, fruits and vegetables generate almost half of total food waste, which has become a major environmental concern. Though the ample amounts of fruit by-products are considered as industrial waste and usually disposed of or used as animal feed and biofuel, they can be a great source of nutraceuticals and bioactive compounds. Studies have suggested that bioactive compounds from fruit by-streams can be extracted using conventional methods such as solvent extraction, maceration, and enzyme-assisted extraction and emerging technologies such as supercritical-fluid extraction, pressurized-liquid extraction, microwave-assisted extraction, ultrasound-assisted extraction, and electric pulse field. This chapter discusses the potential of extraction of nutraceuticals and bioactive compounds from fruit waste and their possibilities for further application in the food, feed, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries, with their future perspectives.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a progressive degenerative joint disease. It basically impairs the structural integrity of articulate cartilage and imbalances the catabolic and anabolic signals in the joint. A degenerative disease is characterized by swelling, pain, and joint stiffness. The treatment and management of osteoarthritis are based on analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents, whereas the exact cause of OA is not known yet. The negative effects of synthetic medications have led to a daily rise in the usage of nutraceuticals and dietary supplements. Clinicians are aware of these treatments, and they also recommend nutraceuticals in addition to the currently preferred therapy. Many in-vitro and in-vivo experiments have been performed in past years to evaluate the function of these on osteoarthritis. The collection of articles was published on search engines like PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, and ScienceDirect. The evaluation covers every potential nutraceutical utilized in osteoarthritis, together with its supporting data and mode of action. The present review discusses nutraceuticals, including devil’s claw, vitamin D, boswellic acid, capsaicin, ginger, curcumin, krill oil, ginger, and avocado/soybean unsaponifiable.
The authors used data from the United States first national Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of 1971–1975 (HANES I) to explore the cross-sectional associations between radiographic osteoarthritis of the knee and a variety of putative risk factors. A total of 5,193 black and white study participants aged 35– 74 years, 315 of whom had x-ray-diagnosed osteoarthritis of the knee, were available for analysis. After controlling for confounders, the authors found significant associations of knee osteoarthritis with overweight, race, and occupation, all of which have been suggested by smaller cross-sectional studies. They then focused specifically on those factors. For overweight, they found a strong association between current obesity and osteoarthritis of the knee, with a dose-response effect not previously assessed. This association was also seen for self-reported minimum adult weight, a proxy for long-term obesity, and was present in persons with asymptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee. These findings strongly suggest that obesity is causative. HANES I was the first study in which racial differences in osteoarthritis of the knee could be assessed within the same country. The black women who were studied had an increased risk of disease (odds ratio (OR) = 2.12, 95% confidence interval (Cl) = 1.39−3.23) after controlling for age and weight, although the black men did not. Finally, the authors used the US Department of Labor Dictionary of Occupational Titles to obtain characterizations of the physical demands and knee-bending stress associated with occupations and to study the relation between physical demands of jobs and osteoarthritis of the knee. They found for persons aged 55–64 years an association between knee-bending demands and osteoarthritis of the knee (men, OR = 2.45, 95% CI = 1.21−4.97; women, OR = 3.49, 95% CI = 1.22−10.52). Since such occupational physical demands are common, the authors conclude that they may be associated with a substantial proportion of osteoarthritis of the knee.
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting millions of people in the United States. It is a complex disease whose etiology bridges biomechanics and biochemistry. Evidence is growing for the role of systemic factors (such as genetics, dietary intake, estrogen use, and bone density) and of local biomechanical factors (such as muscle weakness, obesity, and joint laxity). These risk factors are particularly important in weightbearing joints, and modifying them may present opportunities for prevention of osteoarthritis-related pain and disability. Major advances in management to reduce pain and disability are yielding a panoply of available treatments ranging from nutriceuticals to chondrocyte transplantation, new oral anti-inflammatory medications, and health education. This article is part 1 of a two-part summary of a National Institutes of Health conference. The conference brought together experts on osteoarthritis from diverse backgrounds and provided a multidisciplinary and comprehensive summary of recent advances in the prevention of osteoarthritis onset, progression, and disability. Part 1 focuses on a new understanding of what osteoarthritis is and on risk factors that predispose to disease occurrence. It concludes with a discussion of the impact of osteoarthritis on disability. Ann Intern Med. 2000;133:635-646. For author affiliations and current addresses, see end of text.
latory effects. In this study, we show for the first time that extracellular proteases may also block signal transduction. We show that bromelain, a mixture of cysteine proteases from pineapple stems, blocks activation of ERK-2 in Th0 cells stimulated via the TCR with anti-CD3e mAb, or stimulated with combined PMA and calcium ionophore. The inhibitory activity of bromelain was dependent on its proteolytic activity, as ERK-2 inhibition was abrogated by E-64, a selective cysteine protease inhibitor. However, inhibitory effects were not caused by nonspecific proteolysis, as the protease trypsin had no effect on ERK activation. Bromelain also inhibited PMA-induced IL-2, IFN-g, and IL-4 mRNA accumulation, but had no effect on TCR-induced cytokine mRNA production. This data suggests a critical requirement for ERK-2 in PMA-induced cytokine production, but not TCR-induced cytokine production. Bromelain did not act on ERK-2 directly, as it also inhibited p21ras activation, an effector molecule upstream from ERK-2 in the Raf-1/MEK/ERK-2 kinase signaling cascade. The results indicate that bromelain is a novel inhibitor of T cell signal transduction and suggests a novel role for extracellular proteases as inhibitors of intracellular signal transduction pathways. The Journal of Immunology, 1999, 163: 2568 -2575.
Objective: To compare the short-term efficacy and tolerability of an oral enzyme therapy with the NSAID diclofenac in patients with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee (gonarthritis). Methods: In a double-blind clinical trial, 73 patients with painful gonarthritis were randomised to receive 3 weeks of treatment with an oral enzyme preparation (Phlogenzym®) containing bromelain, trypsin and rutin (n = 36), or the NSAID diclofenac (n = 37). Efficacy was primarily evaluated using the Lequesne index (measuring pain and function of the affected knee). Other investigations included assessment of pain symptoms using a visual analogue scale (VAS), global assessment of efficacy and tolerability (by both patients and one physician), and various laboratory parameters. Patients were evaluated at baseline, at weekly intervals throughout the 3-week treatment period, and at 7 weeks (i.e. 4 weeks after discontinuing therapy). Results: The Lequesne index improved continuously in both groups: from 13.56 at baseline to 3.10 after 3 weeks (end of therapy) to 2.05 at 7 weeks (follow-up) in the enzyme group, and from 14.04 to 3.50 to 2.24, respectively, in the diclofenac group. Statistical evaluation showed the treatment groups to be equivalent; the lower bound of the 95% confidence interval of the Mann-Whitney estimator was above 0.44 (the limit for equivalence) at all time points. Global assessment of efficacy and tolerability of the drugs was ‘very good’ or ‘good’ for the majority patients. Conclusions: Short-term evaluation indicates that oral enzymes may be considered an effective and safe alternative to NSAIDs such as diclofenac in the treatment of painful gonarthritis.
Objective: To prepare for pharmacists a reference regarding herbal products, minerals, and vitamins with either theoretical or documented interactions with warfarin. Methods: The databases of MEDLINE, EMBASE, and PubMed (for the period January 1966 to June 2000) were searched with the medical subject heading (MeSH) "warfarin" combined with "drug interactions", "herbal medicine", and "megavitamin therapy." Results: The following herbal products have been reported to increase, through various mechanisms, the risk of bleeding when used concomitantly with warfarin: cinchona (quinine), danshen, devil's claw, dong quai, garlic, ginkgo, ginseng, and papaya (papain). Coenzyme Q 10 , ginseng, green tea, St John's wort, and vitamin K decrease the international normalized ratio by a variety of mechanisms. Products with theoretical interac-tions for which there is no clinical evidence include bromelain, cayenne, echinacea, feverfew, flaxseed, and ginger. Herbal products containing coumarin, coumarin derivatives, and p-coumaric acid, which may potentiate warfarin's anticoagulant action, are identified in the article. Minerals and vitamins that interact with warfarin are discussed, including iron, magnesium, zinc, and vitamins C, E, and K.
A group of 120 patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis volunteered to be subjects for this study of aerobic versus nonaerobic exercise. Patients were stratified by diagnosis and randomized into an exercise program of aerobic walking, aerobic aquatics, or non-aerobic range of motion (controls). The retention rate for the 12-week program was 83%. Exercise tolerance, disease-related measures, and self-reported health status were assessed. The aquatics and walking exercise groups showed significant improvement over the control group in aerobic capacity, 50-foot walking time, depression, anxiety, and physical activity after the 12-week exercise program. There were no significant between-group differences in the change scores for flexibility, number of clinically active joints, duration of morning stiffness, or grip strength. Our findings document the feasibility and efficacy of conditioning exercise for people who have rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.
Nonaspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are among the most frequently used drugs in many countries. Use of the majority of NSAIDs increases with age, primarily for symptoms associated with osteoarthritis and other chronic musculoskeletal conditions. Population-based studies have shown that, on any given day, 10-20% of elderly people (> or = 65 years old) have a current or recent NSAID prescription. Over a 6-month period in Alberta, Canada, 27% of elderly people were prescribed NSAIDs. Furthermore, in Tennessee (USA), 40% of elderly people received at least one NSAID prescription annually, and 6% had NSAID prescriptions for > 75% of the year. NSAIDs cause a wide variety of side-effects. The most clinically important side-effects are upper gastrointestinal tract dyspepsia, peptic ulceration, hemorrhage, and perforation, leading to death in some patients. Gastrointestinal side-effects are common; the most common NSAID-associated side-effect is epigastric pain/indigestion. Gastrointestinal side-effects are also a frequent reason both for withdrawal of NSAIDs and for co-treatment with another drug. Indeed, in two population-based studies of people aged > or = 65 years, the use of agents to prevent peptic ulcers or relieve dyspepsia was nearly twice as common in regular NSAID users (20-26%) than in non-NSAID users (11%). In Alberta, Canada, it has been estimated that NSAID use accounts for 28% of all prescriptions for anti-ulcer drugs in people aged at least 65 years. Many studies have now shown that NSAIDs increase the risk of peptic ulcer complications by 3-5-fold, and in several different populations it has been estimated that 15-35% of all peptic ulcer complications are due to NSAIDs. In the United States alone, there are an estimated 41,000 hospitalizations and 3,300 deaths each year among the elderly that are associated with NSAIDs. Factors that increase the risk of serious peptic ulcer disease include older age, history of peptic ulcer disease, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, dyspepsia, and/or previous NSAID intolerance, as well as several measures of poor health.