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Inter-specific synchrony of two contrasting ungulates: Wild boar (Sus scrofa) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)


Abstract and Figures

Very few studies on ungulates address issues of inter-specific synchrony in population responses to environmental variation such as climate. Depending on whether annual variation in performance of ungulate populations is driven by direct or indirect (trophic) interactions, very different predictions regarding the pattern of inter-specific synchrony can be derived. We compared annual autumn body mass variation in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) from Poland over the period 1982-2002, and related this to variation in winter and summer climate and plant phenological development [the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), derived from satellites]. Roe deer fawns (approximately 1.3 kg increase from year 1982 to 2002) and yearlings both increased markedly in mass over years. There was also an increase for wild boar mass over years (approximately 4.2 kg increase for piglets from 1982 to 2002). Despite our failure to link annual body mass to spring or winter conditions or the NDVI, the body mass of roe deer and wild boar fluctuated in synchrony. As this was a field roe deer population, and since wild boar is an omnivore, we suggest this may be linked to annual variation and trends in crop structure (mainly rye). We urge future studies to take advantage of studying multiple species in order to gain further insight into processes of how climate affect ungulate populations.
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Oecologia (2007) 151:232–239
DOI 10.1007/s00442-006-0584-z
Inter-speciWc synchrony of two contrasting ungulates: wild boar
(Sus scrofa) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)
Atle Mysterud · Piotr Tryjanowski · Marek Panek ·
Nathalie Pettorelli · Nils C. Stenseth
Received: 19 May 2006 / Accepted: 11 October 2006 / Published online: 11 November 2006
© Springer-Verlag 2006
Abstract Very few studies on ungulates address
issues of inter-speciWc synchrony in population
responses to environmental variation such as climate.
Depending on whether annual variation in perfor-
mance of ungulate populations is driven by direct or
indirect (trophic) interactions, very diVerent predic-
tions regarding the pattern of inter-speciWc synchrony
can be derived. We compared annual autumn body
mass variation in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and
wild boar (Sus scrofa) from Poland over the period
1982–2002, and related this to variation in winter and
summer climate and plant phenological development
[the Normalized DiVerence Vegetation Index (NDVI),
derived from satellites]. Roe deer fawns (»1.3 kg
increase from year 1982 to 2002) and yearlings both
increased markedly in mass over years. There was also
an increase for wild boar mass over years (»4.2 kg
increase for piglets from 1982 to 2002). Despite our
failure to link annual body mass to spring or winter
conditions or the NDVI, the body mass of roe deer and
wild boar Xuctuated in synchrony. As this was a Weld
roe deer population, and since wild boar is an omni-
vore, we suggest this may be linked to annual variation
and trends in crop structure (mainly rye). We urge
future studies to take advantage of studying multiple
species in order to gain further insight into processes of
how climate aVect ungulate populations.
Keywords Climate · Crops · NDVI · Poland ·
Trophic interactions
Climate inXuence dynamics of ungulate populations
both directly and indirectly through trophic interac-
tions (reviews in Weladji et al. 2002; Mysterud et al.
2003). Population sizes of northern ungulates typically
decline after severe winters with much snow (e.g.
Jacobson et al. 2004; Grøtan et al. 2005; Mysterud and
Østbye 2006b), and there may also be negative eVects
of severe winter conditions on body mass (Cederlund
et al. 1991). Early summer conditions (temperature
and precipitation) are regarded as particularly impor-
tant for individual growth and operate through climate
eVects on plants (Klein 1965; Sæther and Heim 1993;
Langvatn et al. 1996; Mysterud et al. 2001). This has
recently been veriWed directly through the use of satel-
lite-derived vegetation indices [Normalized DiVerence
Communicated by Jean-Michel Gaillard.
Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is
available in the online version of this article at
10.1007/s00442-006-0584-z and is accessible for authorized users.
A. Mysterud (&) · N. Pettorelli · N. C. Stenseth
Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES),
Department of Biology, University of Oslo,
P.O. Box 1066, Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway
P. Tryjanowski
CEH Monks Wood, Abbots Ripton,
Huntingdon, Cambs PE28 2LS, UK
P. Tryjanowski
Department of Behavioural Ecology,
Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 89,
61-614 Poznaj, Poland
M. Panek
Polish Hunting Association, Research Station,
64-020 Czempin, Poland
Oecologia (2007) 151:232–239 233
Vegetation Index (NDVI)] at large spatial scales
(Pettorelli et al. 2005a, c).
In the literature on rodents, inter-speciWc patterns of
synchrony have been a main theme to separate hypoth-
eses related to predation and food (e.g. Stenseth and
Ims 1993; Hanski and Henttonen 1996; Korpimäki
et al. 2005). However, very few studies on ungulates
address issues of inter-speciWc synchrony in population
responses to climate. In Norway, body mass of domes-
tic sheep (Ovis aries) has been shown to vary annually
in synchrony with mass of red deer (Cervus elaphus)
(Mysterud et al. 2001), moose (Alces alces) (Sæther
1985) and semi-domestic reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)
(Weladji et al. 2003), while on Greenland, some evi-
dence has suggested population synchrony between
muskox (Ovibos moshcatus) and reindeer (e.g. Post
and Forchhammer 2002, but see also Vik et al. 2004).
Depending on whether annual variation in perfor-
mance of ungulate populations is driven by direct or
indirect (trophic) interactions, very diVerent predic-
tions regarding the pattern of inter-speciWc synchrony
can be derived. If ungulates are aVected directly by fac-
tors such as snow depth, patterns of annual variation in
performance should be irrespective of ungulate diet
(and dietary overlap). However, we would expect
large-sized species to be less strongly aVected and, pos-
sibly, grazers to be more strongly aVected than brows-
ers since the Weld layer is more restricted by snow than
deciduous browse. In contrast, if annual variation in
performance is driven by climate operating through
plants, we would expect synchrony only among species
with a similar diet, unless diVerent forage plants are
synchronous as well.
In this study, we compare patterns of annual varia-
tion in body mass of two very diVerent ungulates, the
wild boar (Sus scrofa) and roe deer (Capreolus capreo-
lus), using a long-term data set (1982–2002) from
Poland. Wild boar is a medium-sized (»80–150 kg)
omnivore (Jedrzejewska and Jedrzejewski 1998), while
the roe deer is a small (»20–30 kg) browser (Andersen
et al. 1998). We aim to test whether these species are
aVected directly by conditions during winter (duration
of snow cover and temperature) and/or early summer
(temperature and precipitation, as well as the satellite
derived NDVI), and to test whether there is inter-
c synchrony in annual body mass variation. Our
prediction is that both species may be aVected by snow,
but that roe deer should be more inXuenced by plants
(NDVI) being a strict herbivore. We predict inter-
speciWc synchrony in annual variation if body mass of
both species is driven by direct eVects of climate
(through snow depth), but not if they are aVected indi-
rectly through plants.
Materials and methods
Study area
The study was carried out in the experimental area,
approximately 150 km
in extent, of the Polish Hunting
Association Research Station at Czempij, western
Poland (52°08N, 16°44E). This is a typical farmland
region, with arable Welds occupying nearly 70% of the
area. The climate of the region is typical for central
Europe, where oceanic and continental climate types
meet. The mean annual temperature is ca. 8°C (sub-
zero mean monthly temperatures occur in December
February) with mean annual precipitation ca. 550 mm
(Ryszkowski et al. 1996). The two study species are the
most common and most numerous large mammal spe-
cies both in the study area, and in western Poland in
general (Bresinski and Jedryczkowski 1999). While
both species in the past were mainly connected with
forests, roe deer in the 1930s and wild boar in the 1970s
started to establish local Weld populations in this area
of Poland (Andrzejewski and Jezierski 1978; Pielowski
and Bresinski 1982; Kaluzinski 1982b). Roe deer live
here mainly on arable Welds, sporadically using small
woodland patches as resting sites (Pielowski and Bres-
inski 1982; Bresinski 1982; Kaluzinski 1982a, b). Food
of roe deer in the study area consists mainly of crops
and grasses (over 75%), while in some years, big Xocks
of deer foraged on oil-seed rape Welds (Kaluzinski
Roe deer data
Data on roe deer derive from hunting in the Czempij
area of Poland. We obtained data on carcass mass (i.e.,
live mass minus viscera, bleedable blood and metapo-
dials), hereafter referred to as body mass. Carcass
mass correlates closely with total body mass (Wallin
et al. 1996, for moose). Roe deer were aged by tooth
wear (e.g. Hewison et al. 1999; Mysterud and Østbye
2006a). As this method is not highly reliable especially
for older ages, we considered only fawns (»0.5 year)
and yearlings (»1.5 years). We restricted the analysis
to data from October through January. From this
period, there was limited data on males, and we there-
fore limited the analysis to data on females. Sample
size was therefore 444 individuals from 1982 to 2002
Wild boar data
Data on wild boar also derive from hunting in the
Czempij area of Poland. In Poland, wild boar are shot
234 Oecologia (2007) 151:232–239
not only for trophies but also as a farmland pest (And-
rzejewski and Jezierski 1978). Body mass data are car-
cass mass as for roe deer (see above). In this area, wild
boar only have one litter each year. Age groups can be
classiWed to (1) piglets, which are individuals less than
1 year (from 1 April y
to 31 March y
), (2) yearlings,
which are between 1 and 2 years of age, and (3) adults
that are more than 2 years of age. Due to low sample
sizes from parts of the year, we restricted the analysis
to data from September through January. Further, as
body mass is not stable from 2 years onwards, we
excluded adults and analysed variation in mass of pig-
lets and yearlings. Sample size was therefore 311 indi-
viduals from 1982 to 2002 (Appendix). For wild boar,
there were also available data on counts during drive
hunts in spring each year. We used this as an index for
density, though we have no assessment of how well this
tracks actual population size, therefore results must be
interpreted with some caution. The trend in counts
over time was marked. There was a decrease from the
Wrst half of 1980s (»150 counted annually), until mid-
1990 (»50 counted annually), and then an increase
again until 2002 (»150 counted annually).
Hunting in the area is done using three methods:
drive hunts, stalking and posting (i.e. waiting for prey
in one location). There have been no special prefer-
ences for diVerent methods over the study period nor
are we aware of any changes over the study period.
The problem in most cases working with hunters’ data
are that no independent data are available, so that
hunter selectivity cannot be addressed. However, as we
work only with wild boar piglets and yearlings and roe
deer females, it is highly unlikely that hunter selectivity
is important. The methods of eviscerating roe deer and
wild boar have not changed over time.
Climate data
We obtained monthly averages of snow depth, temper-
ature and precipitation from a local weather station at
Turew, in the western sector of the study area.
We also used the seasonal indices of the North Atlan-
tic Oscillations (NAO) (Hurrell et al. 2003; available
(winter, December–February; spring, March–May; sum-
mer, June–August; autumn, September–November).
The best indices are regarded as those based on princi-
pal component analysis (Hurrell et al. 2003), and they
were therefore used in addition to the station-based
winter index, which is the one most commonly used
(Stenseth et al. 2003). In general, high NAO values are
correlated with much precipitation and high tempera-
tures in the study area in Poland, in particular during
winter. A more detailed description of these indices is
given elsewhere (Hurrell et al. 2003), and also concern-
ing their major impact on ecological systems (Stenseth
et al. 2002; Mysterud et al. 2003).
NDVI data
We used the NDVI from the pathWnder Advanced
Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) col-
lected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA). We used NDVI data from
the GIMMS group (kindly provided by Compton
Tucker) at a spatial scale of 8£8 km and aggregated for
every second week. The NDVI is regarded as the most
robust index and correlates strongly with aboveground
net primary productivity and absorbed photosyntheti-
cally active radiation (Myneni et al. 1997; Kerr and
Ostrovsky 2003; review in Pettorelli et al. 2005b). The
NDVI index is derived from the ratio of red to near-
infrared reXectance [NDVI = (NIR ¡ RED)/(NIR +
RED)], where NIR and RED are the amounts of near-
infrared and red light reXected by the vegetation. This
corresponds to the absorption of red light by chloro-
phyll and the scattering of near-infrared light by meso-
phyll leaf structure. NDVI values typically range from
¡0.2 to 1 (theoretically from ¡1 to +1, but values less
than ¡0.2 correspond to water), negative values corre-
sponding to an absence of vegetation (Justice et al.
1985; Pettorelli et al. 2005b). Data on the NDVI was
available from 1982 to 2002. The seasonal and annual
pattern of variation in the NDVI is given in appendix
Fig. 1. We also used the integrated NDVI value
(INDVI), which corresponds to the sum of the NDVI
values over the growing season (Pettorelli et al. 2005b).
Statistical analyses
We explored the correlation between environmental
covariates with simple Pearson correlation coeY
and trends over years with simple linear regressions.
To analyse variation in body mass, we used mainly
linear models (LM) after some initial use of additive
models (AM; Hastie and Tibshirani 1990) with
smoothing splines to ensure that predictors were line-
arly related to response variables. We used the stan-
dard logarithmic transformation [ln(weight)] of body
mass to get residuals with constant variance. We also
used linear-mixed eVects (LME) models with year as a
random eVect (Lindsey 1999), which is a more conser-
vative approach than using each year as the level of
replication (rather than number of individuals).
As we had a fairly high number of climatic variables
potentially inXuencing the dynamics, we used the
Oecologia (2007) 151:232–239 235
Akaike Information Criterion (AIC; Burnham and
Anderson 1998; Johnson and Omland 2004) for select-
ing an appropriate model for hypothesis testing. The
model with the lowest AIC value is regarded as the
best compromise between explaining most of the
variation and simultaneously using as few parameters
as possible. We used the small-sample correction
=AIC + 2K(K +1)/(N ¡ K + 1), where N is the
number of observations and K is the number of regres-
sion coeYcients including intercept. The detailed strat-
egy when selecting models is given in tables (see
Appendix). Model selection was always done on LM
and not LME (cf. Crawley 2003).
Separate models were run for roe deer and wild
boar. When comparing the pattern of synchrony, we
used a simpler model without any environmental vari-
ables, but with “cohort year” entered as a categorical
term so as to estimate body mass for each year. We
then calculated mass change from 1 year to the next
and used linear regression, with predicted values for
mass change of wild boar (most common category, i.e.
male piglets in November) regressed on predicted val-
ues for mass change of roe deer (female fawns in
November) with the (square root) number of observa-
tions for wild boar as “weights” (but years with n<5
were excluded).
All analyses were done in S-Plus versus 6.2 (Ven-
ables and Ripley 1994; Crawley 2003).
Temporal trends and correlations in environmental
There was no trend in April temperature (r
T=0.355, P=0.726), May temperature (r
T=¡0.181, P=0.858), number of snow days (r
T=0.776, P=0.447) or in the winter index of the NAO
=0.022, T=¡0.658, P=0.518) over the study period.
There tended to be a positive trend in the NDVI over
time, as seen for the INDVI (r
=0.160, INDVI=
¡55.020 (§35.137) + 0.0336 (§0.0176) years, T=1.905,
P=0.072) and to a lesser extent for NDVI in spring
=0.126, NDVI, 15 April=¡4.495 (§3.050) + 0.0025
(§0.0015) years, T=1.653, P=0.115). There was no cor-
relation between NDVI and temperature in April
(NDVI, 15 April r=0.055; INDVI r=¡0.145). The NAO
in winter was positively correlated with temperature
(January r=0.642; February r=0.453; March r=0.703),
but not with precipitation (January r=0.259; February
r=0.296; March r=0.269) or duration of snow cover
Roe deer
Carcass mass of fawns averaged 11.3 kg (from 7.0 to
16.0) and yearlings 15.7 kg (from 10.2 to 20.2) over the
whole period 1982–2002. The most parsimonious
model as assessed with the AICc explained 62.7% of
the variation in female roe deer body mass (slaugh-
tered) between October and January (Table 1). As
would be expected, fawns were smaller than yearlings.
Body masses were smaller in October than from
November to January, especially for fawns. Body mass
increased over years (Fig. 1). A fawn in October had a
mass of 10.25 kg in 1982 and 11.55 kg in year 2002.
Temperature in April entered the most parsimonious
model being marginally signiWcant (Table 1). In a more
restrictive LME with year as a random variable, the
eVect of temperature in April was not signiWcant (l.s.
estimate=0.00906, SE=0.00615, df=19, T=1.474,
P=0.157). The diVerent indices based on the NDVI did
not enter the most parsimonious model.
Wild boar
There was huge variation in body mass of wild boar,
ranging from 7 to 51 kg in piglets and from 27 to 86 kg
in yearlings. The most parsimonious model as assessed
with the AICc explained 68.6% of the variation in
body mass (slaughtered) of piglets and yearlings
between September and January (Table 2). Naturally,
piglets were smaller than yearlings, and males were
larger than females, and the diVerence between males
and females was larger for yearlings than for piglets.
There was also some variation in mass due to month,
and this interacted with age. There was a positive trend
in body mass over years (Table 2); piglets and yearlings
weighed on average, respectively, 27.1 and 55.8 kg in
1982 and 31.3 and 64.5 kg in 2002 (Fig. 1). There was
also a positive eVect of population density as indexed
Table 1 Results from the most parsimonious model for annual
variation in (ln) body mass (kg) of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)
from 1982 to 2002 in Poland
Variable L.s. estimate SE TP
Intercept ¡9.1562 2.2745 ¡4.026 0.000
January versus
0.0114 0.0177 0.647 0.518
November versus
0.0192 0.0199 0.965 0.335
October versus
¡0.0194 0.0208 ¡0.931 0.352
Age (1.5 vs 0.5 year) 0.3362 0.0128 26.266 0.000
Cohort year 0.0058 0.0011 5.036 0.000
Temperature, April 0.0089 0.0049 1.835 0.067
236 Oecologia (2007) 151:232–239
from the spring counts (Table 2), which also remained
when running a more conservative LME with year as a
random eVect (l.s. mean=0.00209, SE=0.000608, df=20,
T=3.431, P=0.003). Temperature in May entered the
most parsimonious model, but was not signiWcant
(Table 2).
Inter-speciWc synchrony
Based on estimated body mass separately for both spe-
cies (read out for wild boar piglets and yearling roe
deer), there was signiWcant correlation between body
mass change of roe deer and wild boar from one year
to the next (r
=0.412, Fig. 2). This result was similar
when using bootstrap (bootstrap estimate=0.130, 95%
CI=0.0296, 0.232), and remained when adding a linear
year term to remove possible trends (Table 3). This
result was robust to the choice of age class. For roe
deer, when restricting analysis to years with data on
both age classes (Appendix), adding an interaction
term between age and cohort year (categorical)
resulted in a less parsimonious model (AIC=7.000).
For wild boar, when restricting analysis to years with
data on both age and sex classes (Appendix), adding an
interaction term between cohort year (categorical) and
age (AIC=12.655) or sex (AIC=14.882) resulted in
less parsimonious models.
For both roe deer and wild boar, body mass increased
considerably over years (Fig. 1). There tended to be a
parallel increase in the NDVI. However, we failed to
link variation in NDVI to body mass of either roe deer
or wild boar, and if this non-signiWcant term was never-
theless added to the model, the estimate of the NDVI
eVect was positive in roe deer and negative in wild
boar. Therefore, the rather strong trend in mass of
Fig. 1 Temporal development of average body mass of a roe deer
(Capreolus capreolus) and b wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Poland
1982–2002. Dotted lines indicate 95% conWdence intervals. Note
that data are unadjusted for monthly variation. Size of circles is di-
rectly proportional to the (sqrt) sample size (within species), but
overall sample sizes are smaller for wild boar than for roe deer
ydob reed eoR
Roe deer Yearlings
1985 1990 1995 2000
1985 1990 1995 2000
)gk( ssam
)gk( ssam
ydob raob dliW
Wild boar
Yearlings - males
Yearlings - females
Piglets - males
Piglets - females
Table 2 Results from the
most parsimonious model for
annual variation in (ln) body
mass (kg) of wild boar from
1982 to 2002 in Poland
Variable L.s. estimate SE TP
Intercept ¡19.9221 5.3726 ¡3.708 0.000
Sex (male vs female) 0.1789 0.0511 3.503 0.001
Age (piglets vs yearlings) ¡0.5369 0.0913 ¡5.881 0.000
January versus December ¡0.0659 0.0861 ¡0.766 0.445
November versus December ¡0.0465 0.0861 ¡0.540 0.590
October versus December 0.0221 0.0917 0.241 0.810
September versus December ¡0.1263 0.0869 ¡1.453 0.147
Cohort year 0.0120 0.0027 4.452 0.000
Density (harvest size) 0.0020 0.0005 3.718 0.000
Temperature, May ¡0.0177 0.0114 ¡1.550 0.122
Sex £ age ¡0.1647 0.0651 ¡2.528 0.012
Age £ month
January versus December 0.0307 0.1036 0.296 0.767
November versus Decembr ¡0.0517 0.1062 ¡0.487 0.627
October versus December ¡0.2715 0.1188 ¡2.285 0.023
September versus December ¡0.4039 0.1079 ¡3.744 0.000
Oecologia (2007) 151:232–239 237
both species may likely be caused by some other factor
in the environment. As there was no eVect of winter
conditions in either wild boar or roe deer, it was sur-
prising that annual body mass variation of the two spe-
cies was synchronous, as we predicted synchronous
pattern only if direct eVects of climate operating
through plants were present.
The lack of strong responses of climatic variation on
performance of roe deer and wild boar may be either
biological or methodological in origin. Litter size was
unknown neither in roe deer nor in wild boar.
Although heavier animals might be born in smaller lit-
ters (wild boar, Fernándex-Llario et al. 2003; roe deer,
Andersen et al. 2000), whether the diVerence persists
over time is unclear. Further, we also did not have data
on population density of roe deer, and only the spring
counts as a measure of density in wild boar. Lack of
data on density for roe deer may also have made it
more diYcult to Wnd eVects of variation in climate,
especially if the eVect of population density interacts
with the climate eVect (Sauer and Boyce 1983; Portier
et al. 1998; Coulson et al. 2001; Stenseth et al. 2004).
The eVect of density on wild boar body mass was small
and positive, suggesting no competition within the den-
sity range experienced. The general impression is that
population density for both species has increased dur-
ing the study period (Bresinski and Jedryczkowski
1999), thus we would have predicted decreased body
mass over time. As there was both a common trend
and inter-speciWc synchrony in body mass, and since
for both species we would have predicted decreasing
rather than increasing body mass if density increased
over time, there is likely some other factor that we
have not measured that is responsible for these pat-
The causes of inter-speciWc synchrony have been
highlighted as complex and diYcult to identify (Lieb-
hold et al. 2004). In our case, we can only provide
implicit evidence for a mechanism, by excluding both
direct eVects of winter weather and indirect eVects of
plants (NDVI). A possible explanation is that both the
trend and synchrony is related to crop structure, which
may be important for both species. While rye, lucerne
and oil-seed rape are the most important food sources
for roe deer (over 60% of diet except in spring; Kalu-
zinski 1982a), cereals, potatoes and maize are the most
important food sources for the wild boar (for our area,
Genov 1981; general review in Schley and Roper 2003).
Even though wild boar seem to prefer maize, they also
eat rye as do roe deer. In the study area (around 1995),
agricultural crops were 50% cereals (mainly rye), 20%
row crops (including oil-seed rape), 10% perennial fod-
der crops and 20% others (Ryszkowski et al. 1996).
Both maize and cereals may be links between the two
species, and crop rotation is similar to the Norfolk sys-
tem (cf. Berzsenyi et al. 2000), therefore cover structure
changes annually and likely may show a trend as well.
We suggest further studies comparing sympatric
populations of ungulates to be rewarding—both inter-
speciWc synchrony and lack of such will help us under-
stand better the mechanisms by which climate impacts
on ungulates (Mysterud et al. 2001). Part of the lack of
such studies likely arises due to data limitations. Most
monitoring is focussed on single species, and data from
diVerent species are often gathered by diVerent people
or institutions not usually collaborating. A better over-
view of the rewards of such cooperation may indeed
facilitate more interspeci
Wc comparisons in the future.
Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge the Wnancial
support of the Research Council of Norway to A.M. (YFF Pro-
ject). We are grateful to W. Bresijski, R. Kamieniarz and many
of local hunters for help in collecting Weld data, J. Karg for assis-
tance with obtaining temperature data. P.T.’s sabbatical at Monks
Wood was funded by the Foundation for Polish Science. We
Fig. 2 The relationship between annual autumn body mass
change of roe deer and wild boar in Poland for the period 1982–
2002. Each circle represent mass change from 1 year to the next
[i.e. (mass year
)/(mass year
)]. Size of circles is directly propor-
tional to the (sqrt) sample size for wild boar (more data were
available for roe deer). Dotted lines indicate 95% conWdence
0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10
Roe deer body mass change (relative)
r( egnah
c ssam
ydob raob
Table 3 Resu
ts from t
near mo
for annua
body mass (kg) of wild boar as a function of annual change in roe
deer mass and cohort year as a continuous term (to remove
Variable L.s. estimate SE TP
Intercept ¡0.3713 0.7853 ¡0.473 0.644
(roe deer mass change)
0.1359 0.0542 2.510 0.025
Cohort year
0.0006 0.0004 1.571 0.139
238 Oecologia (2007) 151:232–239
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... In this area, although no reliable density estimation is available and no climatic factors may be tested for wild boarvole interactions (cf. Mysterud et al. 2007), the wild boar is the most widespread mammal species (Mori et al. 2014) and its management occurred through drive hunting in cold months (November-January). The Savi's pine vole is the only meadow-dwelling vole recorded in this area and it mostly occurs on grasslands on hill tops (Battisti et al. 2019). ...
... In our study area, wild boar rooting increased in cold months and it was the lowest in summer (see Mysterud et al. 2007). In autumn and winter, wild boars are drive hunted in woodlands located in the surrounding of our study area (Mori et al. 2014). ...
Soil overturn by wild boar Sus scrofa is known to affect biodiversity, from plant communities to invertebrates, reptiles and small mammals. Rooting activity has been shown to be particularly intensive in open areas and particularly on fallows and meadows located on hill or mountain tops. In these habitat types, the impact of wild boar on small mammal assemblies has never been assessed. In this work, we evaluated whether rooting activity affected the spatial distribution of the Savi's pine vole Microtus savii in a hilly area of Central Italy, throughout four seasons. The spatial distribution of this vole has been determined through the open-hole index, i.e. by assessing the vole propensity to reopen tunnel entrances which we previously closed with soil. Rooting intensity was the highest in cold months, i.e. when drive hunting may increase wild boar occurrence within protected areas and outside wooded areas. According to our GLMM, reopening of vole burrow entrances increased with increasing distances from rooted areas and with increasing geophytic diversity. Meadow-dwelling voles living on shallow underground burrow systems seem to avoid soil overturn by wild boar and that they prefer creating their tunnels where plant diversity building up the staple of their diet is the highest. Our results furtherly emphasized the importance of wild boar monitoring also in open areas and hill grasslands, particularly when rooting intensity is the highest, i.e. in cold months.
... This may also be conducted during drive hunts (usually driven with beaters and dogs), where the hunters in hides record all wild ungulates seen. Hunters can be used as experienced observers and therefore the hunting activity, if carried out by instructed and motivated personnel, can be a costeffective alternative to monitor ungulates (Mysterud et al. 2007). The method is still widely used in several countries (e.g., Italy, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland) even if some authors recognised that it suffers of an increasing rate of underestimation with the increasing of population density (Maillard et al. 2010, Morellet et al. 2011. ...
Given the diversity of available methods and the geographical diversity of Europe, methodological harmonization is duly needed. The general aim of this guidance is to review the methods for estimating density in European wild ungula¬tes. This guidance is based in previous comprehensive reviews carried out by the ENETWILD Consortium, which propo¬sed general recommendations for practical implementation of methods to estimate wild ungulate density. We present 9 methods used in nineteen wild ruminant species and wild boar distributed across Europe, paying special attention to most practical methods for further implementation in the field to calculate reliable and accurate density estimates, allowing further comparable results over their distribution ranges. This guidance provides recommendations to select the methods to estimate the density and its implementations for ungulate populations with the aim of increasing the output quality (good accuracy and precision). The method should be used in a harmonized way: we provide detailed instructions for the design of most recommended methods, but specific protocols must be specifically adapted to local conditions. Every method on estimating reliable and comparable wild ungulate population density has some advanta¬ges and disadvantages depending on the habitat, the weather conditions and the benefit and do not discard their use if applied in a harmonized way. It arises from this guidance the need of developing a permanent network and a data platform to collect and share local density estimates, so as abundance in the EU.
... On the contrary, the apparent facilitation exerted by roe deer could be caused by a spurious correlation with a third unknown variable. A pattern of positive correlation between wild boar and roe deer was also observed by Mysterud et al. (2007) in Poland, but it appears theoretically difficult to imagine which mechanisms were operating. A possible explanation is that both species were positively influenced by acorn production: since the two species are polytocous, they could be in the best biological conditions to exploit the window of opportunity represented by masting. ...
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Ecology and behaviour of the Fallow deer (Dama dama L. 1758): an advanced structural equation models approach Settore Scientifico Disciplinare BIO 05/BIO 07 Here I present results of a long-term study (1991-2003) per- formed in the lekking fallow deer (Dama dama) population of Castel- porziano Preserve, Rome, Italy, where data were collected through radio-tracking and direct observations. In addition I present the anal- ysis of a 100-years-long time series (1886-2003) relative to the abundance of three sympatric species of wild ungulates (fallow deer, roe deer and wild boar). New results on the behavioural ecology of the fallow deer, with special regard to mating strategies and success were reported and on statistical methodology. First, I showed that in accordance to the “female choice” and “male dominance” in fallow deer the literature reports contrasting results. This variability may reflect actual differences among studied populations, but it may also be generated by methodological differ- ences and statistical shortcomings in data analysis.
... Climate affects roe deer populations both directly (e.g., harsh winters; [84,85]) and indirectly (e.g., trophic interactions; [86,87]). Our GAM results highlighted the importance of winter conditions on relative abundance. ...
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European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) are important given their economic, recreational and ecological value. However, uncontrolled roe deer numbers can result in negative impacts on forest regeneration and agricultural crops, disease transmission and occurrences of deer-vehicle collisions. Information on the abundance and distribution is needed for effective management. We combined distance sampling (DS) of roe deer dung pellet groups with multiple variables to develop a density surface model (DSM) in the federal state of Bavaria in south-eastern Germany. We used the estimates of pellet group density as a proxy for roe deer relative abundance. We extrapolated our best DSM, conducted a quantitative evaluation and contrasted relative abundance along climate and land-use gradients. Relative abundance of roe deer was influenced by a combination of habitat type, climate and wildlife management variables, which differed between seasons and which reflected changes in food and shelter availability. At the landscape scale, the highest abundance was observed in agriculture-dominated areas and the lowest in urban areas. Higher abundance was also observed in areas with intermediate temperatures compared to the warmest areas. Our results provide information on possible future changes in the distribution of relative abundance due to changes in climate and land-use.
... While some species contract in abundance and distribution others expand and thrive as climate changes (Walther et al. 2002;Parmesan 2006;Ozgul et al. 2010;Monzón et al. 2011;Vetter et al. 2020). In Europe, in recent decades, S. scrofa populations have been increasing due to various factors, for example, change in agricultural practices, food availability, reproduction strategy (i.e., it has the highest reproductive rates among ungulates), reintroduction, lack of a specific predator (excluding humans), change in hunting policy, additional feeding (Mysterud et al. 2007;Tryjanowski et al. 2017) and climate change among others (Genov 1981;Erkinaro 1982;Massei et al. 2015;Vetter et al. 2015;Melletti and Meijaard 2017). ...
Wild boar (Sus scrofa L., 1758), was once native to Eurasia, is currently one of the most widely distributed species in the world. Apart from its economic values, the species is considered as a pest (e.g., for rooting behavior, agricultural damages and influencing livestock) and vector for spreading diseases (e.g., swine fever) particularly by farmers, villagers, and epidemiologists. Global climate change has shown to influence population growth and geographical distributions in a wide range of species. Expanding our knowledge on the potential distribution of S. scrofa under current and future climate change conditions is useful for effective management strategies. For example, for managing human-wildlife conflicts, locating and controlling the spread of diseases, population control, and reducing ecological threats. Using the maximum entropy (MaxEnt) algorithm and geographic information system (GIS) techniques, we aimed at (i) modeling current known distribution and predict the potential distribution of S. scrofa in the northeast of Iraq; (ii) modeling potential future distribution of the species under climate change scenarios; and (iii) identifying the most relevant environmental predictors influencing the spatial distribution. Sus scrofa populations are mainly distributed in the mountainous areas, within the optimal altitude range of 750 -1250 m a.s.l. The range of contraction would be larger than the expansion range. Future distribution of the species would be toward the mountain forests of the east (mainly) and southeast of the Zagros Mountains where the forests are denser. Mixed oak forests and mosaic landscapes of grassland, shrubland, and croplands provide hideout, shade and abundant food choices for S. scrofa populations. Management strategies should focus primarily on the mixed forests and croplands, for locating and controlling the possible spread of diseases, population control, reducing ecological threats, and controlling human-wildlife conflicts. Current and future distribution maps (categorized maps) generated from the study provide invaluable baseline information for further research on the forest and mountain ecosystems in Iraq and across the Zagros Mountains.
... In total, muscle tissue samples from 139 individual wild boars were collected by local hunters and analysed from wild boars that were culled due to the regulation of wild boar populations in Slovakia. The categories of animals were labelled as follows: piglets up to 12 months of age, the category of juveniles above 12 months of age and the category of adults over 24 months of age (Mysterud et al. 2007). The numbers of tested individuals in each category were as follows: 69 samples were obtained from the category of piglets, 35 samples were obtained from the category of juveniles and 35 samples were obtained from the category of adults. ...
Along with the rising population of wild boars (Sus scrofa scrofa Linnaeus, 1758) in Slovakia, a higher rate of exposition to Aujeszky’s disease virus (ADV) was noted. The high density of animals is one of the main influencing factors of ADV persistence. Wild boar tissue samples were obtained by local hunters from different locations of Central and Eastern Slovakia. In total, muscle tissue samples from 139 individual wild boars were collected. Muscle fluid was obtained from these samples and subjected to serological analysis; a commercial ADV Ab-ELISA kit was used. In total, 53 samples were proved to be seropositive; out of these 19 samples of piglets, 13 samples of juveniles and 21 samples of adults. Out of 139 samples tested by ELISA, 53 were seropositive, which represents 38.12 % of positive samples. No significant difference was found between the two sexes; however, piglets have shown to have a significantly higher occurrence compared to adults. Our study confirmed the presence of ADV antibodies in the wild boar population in central and eastern Slovakia.
... Acevedo et al. found that wild boar prefer real broad-leaved mixed forest as habitat, which is consistent with the results of this study [29]. At the same time, some studies believe that the emergence of wild boar will also cause some interference to other ungulates, which may also explain why the relative abundance index of wild boar is higher than that of roe deer [30]. It is found that villages and roads have effects on wild boars and roe deer, but the effects are the opposite. ...
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The North China leopard (Panthera pardus japonesis) is a rare leopard subspecies distributed only in China. In this study, we conducted camera-trap surveys of a North China Leopard population in Tie Qiao Shan Nature Reserve, Shanxi Province, China. We estimated population abundance and density distribution, and explored the effects of distribution of different prey populations, habitat, and anthropogenic factors on the spatial distribution of North China leopard density. Our results suggested that the North China leopard density was 4.23 individuals/100 km2, and that 17.98 individuals might live within the study area. The population density of the North China leopard increased with the distribution of wild boars, and, on the contrary, decreased with the distribution of roe deer. We found that habitat environmental factors and anthropogenic interference also significantly affected the population density and spatial distribution of the North China leopard. These insights informed us that in order to protect this predator, which is only distributed in China, we should adopt a comprehensive customized adaptive landscape protection strategy
... Hunting in the area was done using two methods: (1) individual hunting by stalking or posting from the hunting pulpit and (2) team hunting by drive hunts. There has been no special preference for either method over the study period nor are we aware of any changes in such pattern over the study period [16]. ...
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Increases in the wild boar Sus scrofa population create many conflicts that must be managed, especially because hunting represents a major cause of mortality in this game species. However, hunting effort is not distributed randomly and is influenced by many factors, including hunting methods. This can be especially important in understanding the nature of hunting pressure for both theoretical (ecological and evolutionary) and applied reasons (for management purposes, especially during infectious diseases, for example, African swine fever, outbreaks). We analyzed hunting data from the survey area in Western Poland from the years 1965–2016. In this period a total of 2335 wild boar were culled using two hunting methods: by individual hunters (43.8%) and by teams of hunters (52.0%). During the study period, the number of wild boars increased significantly but in a non-linear manner. More adult males and yearlings of both sexes were shot during individual hunts; more adult females were culled during team hunting. Moreover, the body mass of culled wild boars was positively influenced by the distance to a forest and during the team hunts heavier females and males were shot. To effectively control populations of wild boars, programs to reduce the number of individuals should be better planned and ensure the maintenance of proper age- and sex structure in the wild boar population.
... The amount of food sources for caterpillars affects both larval and adult survival, hence the number of flying adults in the same year (Boggs and Freeman, 2005). The amount of food sources for adults affects adult reproduction, hence the number of larvae of the following year, as it has been shown that adult resources affect their reproductive success (Boggs and Ross, 1993;Murphy et al., 1983 Mysterud et al. (2007) suggested that the synchrony of mass variation between roe deer and boar is driven by the temporal variation of crop availability used by both species. ...
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La stabilité des communautés est un sujet qui a largement été abordé théoriquement et expérimentalement, notamment chez les plantes pour comprendre la relation entre la diversité d’une communauté et la stabilité de sa biomasse. Il existe cependant beaucoup moins d’études de la relation diversité/stabilité dans les communautés naturelles, notamment lorsqu’il s’agit de communautés animales. Or, dans le contexte actuel de changements globaux, et du fait des services écosystémiques apportés par les communautés animales, à travers notamment la dispersion des graines, la pollinisation ou encore le contrôle des ravageurs, il devient primordial de comprendre quels mécanismes régissent la stabilité des communautés animales et donc la stabilité des fonctions et services écosystémiques, ainsi que les impacts de la dégradation des habitats ou encore du changement climatique. Lors de cette thèse, je me suis d’abord intéressé à la relation diversité – stabilité dans des communautés naturelles de chauves-souris, d’oiseaux et de papillons et à l’impact de la dégradation des habitats sur cette relation. Chez ces trois taxons différents, j’ai pu mettre en évidence que la perte de diversité, ainsi que la dégradation des habitats via l’urbanisation et l’intensification agricole, sont liées à une diminution de la stabilité temporelle de l’abondance des communautés, et ce via des mécanismes distincts. Dans un second temps, je me suis intéressé à l’un des principaux mécanismes de la stabilité des communautés : la synchronie entre les fluctuations temporelles des espèces. J’ai pu montrer que la similarité de traits entre espèces de papillons, comme les ressources utilisées ou la période de vol des adultes, ainsi que la variabilité climatique augmentent la synchronie, en interaction avec le contexte paysager. Enfin, j'ai étudié le lien entre la synchronie entre espèces à l’échelle régionale et les tendances temporelles d’abondance des espèces, dans l’objectif de relier des groupes d’espèces synchrones aux tendances temporelles des espèces. Cette approche nous a permis d’évaluer l’impact des potentielles extinctions des espèces en déclin sur la synchronie entre espèces à l’échelle régionale et donc sur les dynamiques compensatoires à cette échelle.
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Large-scale surface mining are the major causes for ecological disaster at the landscape level, but ecological restoration in post mining areas offers an opportunity to redevelop an ecosystem. The present research programme was undertaken in Panchapatmali Bauxite Mines in Koraput district of Odisha which is one of the biggest mines in Eastern Ghats ecoregion. The above ground biomass (AGB) and soil parameters inside and outside the mines (natural forest) were compared and their interrelationships were also tested at 1% level of significance. For the three dominant species Pinus insularis, Euca-lyptus hybrid and Samenia saman, the regression coefficient (R 2) values for AGB were significant with respect to DBH (R 2 = 0.80-0.90), height (R 2 = 0.35-0.76) and with basal area (R 2 = 0.90-0.96). Species wise, maximum biomass was shown by Pinus insularis followed by Eucalyptus hybrid and Samenia saman which reveals that exotic species have overruled the indigenous species in the plantation areas. An accurate cokriging geospatial model with minimum errors predicted the AGB values to range from 45.6 to 416.4 t/ha compared to the observed biomass range 5.90-507.06 t/ha through the developed regression equation y = 1.003x + 0.24. The overall AGB of the reclaimed area was at par with the natural forest outside the mines. Increasing the pH level of soils, planting indigenous species and increasing green ground cover species will have lesser negative competition with the trees in the reclaimed zone that can restore the fragile ecosystem.
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Predation, one of the most dramatic interactions in animals' lives, has long fascinated ecologists. This volume presents carnivores, raptors and their prey in the complicated net of interrelationships, and shows them against the background of their biotic and abiotic settings. It is based on long-term research conducted in the best preserved woodland of Europe's temperate zone. The role of predation, whether limiting or regulating prey (ungulate, rodent, shrew, bird, and amphibian) populations, is quantified and compared to parts played by other factors: climate, food resources for prey, and availability of other potential resources for predators.
Weighing large animals in the field is often labourious and expensive. Alternative methods which replace direct measurements of body mass are, therefore of practical value. In order to predict body mass in moose Alces alces, an allometric model based on chest circumference, sex, age and population was applied. A model to predict body mass based on chest circumference and a truncated age measurement is suggested. Impact of sex and population was weak. The ability to predict body mass was mostly in fluenced by chest circumference. The proportion of carcass mass to total body mass varied between 45% and 51% among age-classes. In addition, there was a slight effect of sex on this variation, males having a proportionally larger carcass mass than females. The model's predictions of body mass are adequate for describing the distribution of body mass in moose populations and for comparing moose populations.
W latach 1966-1980 w środowisku krajobrazu rolniczego o pow. 15 tys. ha przeprowadzono badania nad funkcjonowaniem populacji sarn. Celem badan bylo uzyskanie danych dotyczących dynamiki liczebności, rozrodu, śmiertelności, przezywalności oraz struktury wieku i plci. Na podstawie zebranych danych sporządzono bilans ilościowy populacji
Studies were made from 1965— 1970 within the Kampinos National Park forests near Warsaw and surrounding area, for the purpose of ascertaining the possibility of limiting the amount of damage caused by wild boar, Sus scrofa. Linnaeus, 1758 on commercial land. The purpose of managing the population was to bring about a greater num­ ber of older individuals. The population was regularly supplied with supplementary food, records were kept of the degree to which use was made of the food, feeding times, along with damage done by the ani­ mals to crops. A total of 507 individuals was marked, obtaining 2640 captures and 6180 separate observations. The supply of food brought about an increase in population numbers from about 30 to 250 animals (within an area of approx. 2.5 thousand ha of wooded land), followed by a decrease of about 50— 70 individuals. The population consisted of settled and migrating (ephemeral) individuals. Some of the individuals were found to migrate over a considerable distances (over 250 km). The number of females in the population exceeded the number of males, particularly in the older age classes. Increase in population numbers resulted in the animals feeding on supplementary food during the day­ time hours also. Consumption of supplementary food decreased damages in spite of increasing the population numbers. The wild boar caused 75% of all damage from May to August. It is suggested that supplemen­ tary food should be provided for wild boar during the period when maximum damage is done since, by appropriately controlling age structure, population density can be maintained on a level of 30—40 animals per 1000 ha of woodland.