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Non-random extinctions in phylogenetically structured mutualistic networks



The interactions between plants and their animal pollinators and seed dispersers have moulded much of Earth's biodiversity. Recently, it has been shown that these mutually beneficial interactions form complex networks with a well-defined architecture that may contribute to biodiversity persistence. Little is known, however, about which ecological and evolutionary processes generate these network patterns. Here we use phylogenetic methods to show that the phylogenetic relationships of species predict the number of interactions they exhibit in more than one-third of the networks, and the identity of the species with which they interact in about half of the networks. As a consequence of the phylogenetic effects on interaction patterns, simulated extinction events tend to trigger coextinction cascades of related species. This results in a non-random pruning of the evolutionary tree and a more pronounced loss of taxonomic diversity than expected in the absence of a phylogenetic signal. Our results emphasize how the simultaneous consideration of phylogenetic information and network architecture can contribute to our understanding of the structure and fate of species-rich communities.
Non-random coextinctions in phylogenetically
structured mutualistic networks
Enrico L. Rezende
, Jessica E. Lavabre
, Paulo R. Guimara
es Jr
, Pedro Jordano
& Jordi Bascompte
The interactions between plants and their animal pollinators and
seed dispersers have moulded much of Earth’s biodiversity
Recently, it has been shown that these mutually beneficial inter-
actions form complex networks with a well-defined architecture
that may contribute to biodiversity persistence
. Little is known,
however, about which ecological and evolutionary processes gen-
erate these network patterns
. Here we use phylogenetic meth-
to show that the phylogenetic relationships of species
predict the number of interactions they exhibit in more than one-
third of the networks, and the identity of the species with which
they interact in about half of the networks. As a consequence of the
phylogenetic effects on interaction patterns, simulated extinction
events tend to trigger coextinction cascades of related species. This
results in a non-random pruning of the evolutionary tree
and a
more pronounced loss of taxonomic diversity than expected in the
absence of a phylogenetic signal. Our results emphasize how the
simultaneous consideration of phylogenetic information and net-
work architecture can contribute to our understanding of the
structure and fate of species-rich communities.
Plant and animal species establish mutually beneficial interactions
such as pollination and seed dispersal that can form complex net-
works of dependency. Recent work has characterized the architecture
of mutualistic networks, with the ultimate goal of understanding
their formation and maintenance and the coevolution of species
within them. These networks are very heterogeneous (some species
have a much larger number of interactions than expected by
, and nested (specialists interact with proper subsets of the
species that generalists interact with)
, and are built on weak and
asymmetric links (for example, if a plant species depends strongly
on an animal species, the dependence of the animal on that plant is
much weaker)
. The next step on the road to understanding these
networks is to disentangle the contribution of different evolutionary
and ecological processes in generating their patterns
Here we ask to what extent network architecture is associated with
species phylogenetic relationships (Fig. 1), and whether coextinction
cascades following a species disappearance
involve phylogenetically
related (that is, non-randomly sampled) species. The presence of a
phylogenetic signal, where patterns of interactions between species can
be partly explained by phylogenetic relatedness, would suggest that net-
work patterns are partially dependent on past evolutionary history, and
so cannot be exclusively explained by current ecological processes
We compiled the largest data set of plant–animal mutualistic inter-
actions, comprising 36 plant–pollinator and 23 plant–frugivore
mutualistic networks spanning a broad geographic range (data sets
are available as Supplementary Information). For each network, we
reconstructed the phylogenies of the animals and plants (see Supple-
mentary Methods). We then characterized two components of net-
work architecture. First, we considered the number of interactions
per species, that is, species degree
, and its quantitative extension,
species strength. The strength of a plant species, for instance, is
defined as the sum of dependences or interaction weights of the
animal species on that plant
. These simple components of network
architecture reflect the generalization level of a given species and its
quantitative relevance in terms of how other species depend on it.
Second, we considered the identity of each species’ interactors
(Methods). Both the number of interactions per species, and the
identity of the species with which they interact have been identified
as major determinants of network architecture and robustness
With the phylogenies and these components of network structure at
hand, we applied phylogenetic statistical tools
to characterize the
extent to which closely related species tend to have similar patterns of
interactions (Fig. 1).
Integrative Ecology Group, Estacio
n Biolo
gica de Don
ana, CSIC, Apdo. 1056, E-41080 Sevilla, Spain.
Instituto de Fisica ‘Gleb Wataghin’, UNICAMP, 13083-970, Campinas, Sa
o Paulo,
Figure 1
A phylogenetic approach to mutualistic networks. We test to
what extent the architecture of coevolutionary networks is associated with
evolutionary history conveyed in the phylogenies of plants and animals. A
plant (green circles) and an animal (red squares) are linked if the latter is a
pollinator or a seed disperser of the former. Symbol size is proportional to its
number of links.
ac, Examples where phylogeny accurately predicts the
number of interactions (
a), phylogeny does not predict the number of
interactions (
b), and the real correspondence in one network (c) (see NCOR
in the Supplementary Methods).
Vol 448
23 August 2007
Randomization tests (see Methods) suggest a significant phylogen-
etic signal in species degree in 24.8% of the data sets (26 of 105
phylogenies, one-tailed P , 0.05; Fig. 2a). Power analyses indicate
that these estimates are highly conservative, suggesting that phylo-
genetic effects may be present in a larger proportion of the com-
munities (Supplementary Figs 1 and 2). Also, the probability of
detecting a signal in species degree seems to increase with phylogeny
size (for example, 54.5% of the 22 phylogenies with more than 70
species showed significant signal; Supplementary Fig. 1). The nega-
tive association between the amount of phylogenetic signal estimated
as K and phylogeny size (Fig. 2a) is probably an artefact. Even though
the expectation of K is 1 under the null hypothesis of the true phylo-
geny, its lower bound decreases with the number of species in the
phylogeny. Alternatively, Ornstein–Uhlenbeck branch-length trans-
formation methods
(Methods) supported a significant signal in
degree in 36.2% of the phylogenies where analyses converged (25
out of 69). P-values from randomization and branch-length trans-
formation tests were highly positively correlated (P , 0.001), indi-
cating that these two tests provide similar results. Thus these results
show that phylogenetically related species have a similar number of
interactions per species in at least one out of four phylogenies en-
compassing 39.0% of the networks.
Conversely, significant signal in species strength is present in only
2.6% of the phylogenies according to randomization tests (1 of 38;
Fig. 2b), and in 20.8% of the phylogenies where branch-length trans-
formation converged (5 of 24). The am ount of phylogenetic signal for
species strength was significantly lower than estimates for degree
(paired t-test between log-transformed K values, t
5 1.806, one-
tailed P 5 0.039; Fig. 2c). In spite of the significant positive correla-
tion between degree and strength
, estimates of species strength may
be subject to higher levels of uncertainty associated with proximate
factors such as species abundance variability, changes associated with
phenological sequences, and sampling errors that tend to decrease
phylogenetic signal
. This hypothesis could be tested by determining
how estimates of species degree and strength vary over time in the
same communities, the expectation being that species strength would
show larger fluctuations than would degree. Alternatively, one could
test whether the signal for strength increases after normalizing by
species abundance. Nonetheless, our results suggest that species
degree has stronger phylogenetic signal than strength.
Turning now to our second component of network architecture—
which species interacts with which—we tested whether phylogenetic
relatedness correlates with ecological similarity. The ecological sim-
ilarity of any two species is defined as the number of species with
which they both interact divided by the total number of species with
which they interact (Methods). Phylogenetic and ecological distance
matrices are positively and significantly correlated in 42.7% of the
phylogenies (44 of 103, one-tailed Mantel test, P , 0.05). This means
that phylogenetically related species tend to interact with a similar set
of species. To determine whether this result is a consequence of the
phylogenetic signal in degree reported above, we repeated these tests,
controlling for differences in the number of interactions per species
(partial Mantel test, see Methods). The results remained qualitatively
similar. Partial Mantel correlations are significant in 46.6% of the
phylogenies, supporting the idea that phylogeny is associated with
the identity of the species’ interactors after controlling for degree.
The association between phylogenetic resemblance and ecological
similarity tends to be more common among animals: 60.8% of
Mantel correlations between ecological and phylogenetic distance
matrices were significant for animals, whereas 25.0% were significant
for plants (Fig. 3). In addition, comparison of the Mantel coefficients
Z for plants and animals indic ated that animal phylogenies were
more strongly associated with species interaction patterns than were
plant phylogenies (paired t-test between log-transformed values,
5 3.218, one-tailed P 5 0.001; Fig. 3). Further, these results are
robust even when the number of animal and plant species is statist-
ically controlled (analysis of covariance, ANCOVA, F
5 10.16,
P 5 0.02). Results from partial Mantel tests controlling for degree
were qualitatively similar (paired t-test, t
5 2.576, one-tailed
P 5 0.014). It would be interesting to investigate multiple alternative
hypotheses, such as differences in mobility and evolvability
determine the cause of this difference.
Although network structure seems significantly more associated
with animal phylogenies, structure may be driven by the evolutionary
history of both plants and animals (7 of 44 communities), only plants
or only animals (3 and 21 communities, respectively), or neither
plants nor animals (the remaining 13 communities). This highlights
the large variability across networks, indicated by the residual vari-
ation of K or Z after controlling for phylogeny size (Figs 2 and 3;
Supplementary Table 1). Part of this variability is related to the taxo-
nomic diversity of the plant lineages, though apparently not to the
diversity of frugivores (fruit-eaters) or pollinators according to
10 100 400
Signal degree – signal strength
eniesNumber of species
Amount of phylogenetic signal
Figure 2
Magnitude of phylogenetic signal on the number and strength of
mutualistic interactions.
Relationship between the magnitude of
phylogenetic signal K and phylogeny size, estimated for species degree
a), and strength (b). Each data point represents a phylogeny: green circles
for plants and red squares for animals. Solid symbols indicate statistically
significant phylogenetic signals.
c, Comparison of phylogenetic signal for
species degree and strength. Green and dashed red bars correspond to plants
and animals, respectively. Estimates obtained for degree were significantly
Number of species
Correlation between phylogeny and ecology
Correlation animals – correlation plants
Figure 3
Correlation between ecological similarity and phylogenetic
relatedness. Results of regular Mantel tests correlating phylogenetic and
ecological distance matrices plotted against phylogeny size, obtained for
plants (
a) and animals (b). Each data point corresponds to a phylogeny, and
a solid symbol indicates a statistically significant correlation.
c, Comparison
between Mantel Z estimates obtained separately for plants and animals
composing each network. Communities where interaction patterns are more
associated with animal phylogenies are depicted in red; those more
associated with plants in green. The phylogenetic structure of animals
correlates significantly better with interaction matrices than that of plants.
Vol 448
23 August 2007
several regression models (Methods). One plausible explanation for
this result is that flower or fruit morphology is variable across the
taxonomic groups examined, whereas phenotypic variation for fru-
givores and insects is more relevant at other taxonomic levels.
Partitioning the phenotypic variance across taxonomic groups may
address this hypothesis, and also clarify the mechanisms by which
evolutionary history translates into patterns of interactions.
We have shown that phylogenetically related species tend to have
similar roles in the network of interactions in almost half of the
communities studied here. These effects are not a reflection of differ-
ences between major taxonomic groups only, because they also
appear at finer scales of the phylogenies (Supplementary Fig. 3). In
light of this, we tested whether simulated coextinctions
involve taxo-
nomically related species more often than expected by chance for
cascades of identical size (Methods). This would result in a non-
random pruning of the evolutionary tree
. Simulations show that
the rate of taxonomic diversity loss is higher than expected in the
absence of phylogenetic signal (Fig. 4). Although these effects may
seem quantitatively small (partly owing to the averaging nature of
the index), they can actually encompass the extinction of entire fam-
ilies or higher taxonomic groups from the community. The overall
reduction in taxonomic diversity holds across communities, so that
values falling below the null expectation are significantly more fre-
quent than those above it (x
5 50.7, degrees of freedom, d.f. 5 1,
P , 0.0001; Fig. 4). Moreover, the contribution of phylogeny to spe-
cies patterns of interaction correlates with the magnitude of taxo-
nomic diversity loss across communities (P , 0.05 for parametric
and non-parametric correlations; Fig. 4c). Therefore, communities
in which species interactions have a strong phylogenetic component
are more prone to have closely related species going coextinct fol-
lowing an extinction event. We conclude that the interaction between
network and phylogenetic structures can ultimately result in non-
random coextinction patterns.
Plant–animal mutualisms form heterogeneous, nested networks
built on weak and asymmetric links among species, which may facil-
itate long-term species persistence
. Our results provide evidence
for the role of phylogenetic relationship as one determinant factor
shaping these patterns: phylogeny partly accounts for species’ pro-
pensities to interact in more than one-third of the networks, and the
identity of the species with which they interact in about half of the
networks. From a theoretical point of view, our results warrant the
inclusion of evolutionary history into mechanistic models of network
formation and maintenance
. From a conservation perspective, our
results show that cascading effects of coextinction may spread across
taxonomically related species, further increasing the erosion of taxo-
nomic diversity.
The amount of phylogenetic signal in degree and strength was quantified with
the K statistic, which is the fraction of the amount of signal of the real data set
over that expected, assuming brownian motion and the same tree topology.
Significance of phylogenetic signal was tested with randomization and branch-
length transformation methods
We used Mantel tests to compare phylogenetic distance matrices with mat-
rices of ecological distance. Phylogenetic distance between pairs of plants (or
animals) was estimated as the expected covariance of the trait between the two
. Ecological distance was calculated as 1 2 S, where S is the Jaccard
index of similarity
. We also performed partial Mantel tests controlling for the
absolute difference in degree between two species.
Species removal simulations started from the most specialized to the most
generalized species
. After an extinction cascade, we calculated the community
taxonomic diversity as the average taxonomic distance between species
. Path
length weights between species increased the more distantly related they were
taxonomically (that is, species of the same genus have a distance of 1 whereas
species from different genera within the same family have a distance of 2, and so
on). Thus, the higher the index, the more diverse the community. To calculate
the decrease of taxonomic diversity of the real community with respect to the
expected decrease in the absence of phylogenetic signal, we replicated the coex-
tinction cascade 1,000 times after randomizing the taxonomic affiliation of
species going coextinct. The taxonomic diversity relative to the null expectation
was the ratio between real and null values, and the significance was estimated by
counting how often the real value fell below the randomization results. The
average rate of taxonomic loss per community was calculated as the slope of a
linear regression with an intercept forced through 1.
Full Methods and any associated references are available in the online version of
the paper at
Received 19 March; accepted 25 May 2007.
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Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at
Acknowledgements We thank S. Armbruster, P. Buston, M. A. Fortuna,
P. Guimara
es, M. Helmus, A. Ives, J. Olesen, D. Posada, A. G. Sa
ez, J. N. Thompson
and N. Waser for comments on a previous draft. This work was funded by the
European Heads of Research Councils, the European Science Foundation, and the
EC Sixth Framework Programme through a EURYI (European Young Investigator)
Award (J.B.), by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (P.J. and J.B.), by
the Junta de Andalucı
a (P.J. and J.B.), and by the Fundac¸a
de Amparo a
do Estado de Sa
Paulo (P.R.G).
Author Contributions E.L.R. performed all the analysis and compiled the
phylogenies jointly with J.E.L. P.R.G. performed the extinction simulations. P.J. and
J.B. designed the study and compiled the interaction matrices. E.L.R. and J.B. wrote
a first version of the manuscript, and all authors contributed to the final draft.
Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.B.
Vol 448
23 August 2007
Database. We compiled 59 qualitative mutualistic networks (36 plant–pollinator
and 23 plant–frugivore webs) describing the presence or absence of interactions.
The data set encompasses Mediterranean, tropical, temperate, subtropical and
Arctic communities from all continents except mainland Asia and Antarctica. Of
these networks, 22 (9 for pollination and 13 for frugivory) are quantitative,
describing the strength of each interaction or pairwise dependence (see data sets
in Supplementary Information). From these networks, we calculated species
degree and species strength for plants and animals separately, and recorded the
taxonomic affiliation of species forming each community.
Phylogenies. We assembled one animal and one plant phylogeny for each com-
munity. Phylogenies are based primarily on molecular data, with a few species
included according to taxonomic information (Supplementary Methods).
Phylogenies with less than ten species or with too many unresolved nodes were
not included in analyses. This resulted in 105 phylogenies for the following
groups: 35 insect phylogenies (Class Insecta; all pollinators), 18 bird phylogenies
(Class Aves; all frugivores), and 52 angiosperm phylogenies (Infraphylum
Angiospermae; 33 belonging to plant–pollinator and 19 to plant–frugivore
Phylogenetic statistical methods. We tested for the presence of phylogenetic
signal on species degree and strength with randomization and branch-length-
transformation tests
. These methods test whether species attributes are signifi-
cantly associated with phylogeny, using randomization or maximum-likelihood
procedures. Branch-length transformation tests were performed assuming the
Ornstein–Uhlenbeck model of stabilizing selection and a model in which char-
acter evolution can accelerate or decelerate (ACDC)
. Because ACDC models
did not converge in most cases, here we discuss results from the Ornstein–
Uhlenbeck model (all analyses are included in Supplementary Material for
completeness). Although these techniques provide similar information about
the presence of a phylogenetic signal, applying both methods can be useful in
determining how robust our results are and in overcoming limitations inherent
to each statistical test (Supplementary Figs 1 and 2). The amount of phylogenetic
signal was quantified with the K statistic (Fig. 2), which is the fraction of the
amount of signal of the real data set over that expected, assuming brownian
motion and the same tree topology.
We used Mantel tests to compare phylogenetic distance matrices with mat-
rices of ecological distances between species. Phylogenetic distance between pairs
of plants (or animals) was estimated as the expected covariance of the trait
between the two species
. Ecological distance was calculated as 1 2 S, where
S is the Jaccard index of similarity obtained from qualitative interaction mat-
. The similarity between two species i and j is defined as S(i, j) 5
a/(a 1 b 1 c), where a, b and c represent the number of shared interacting
species, the number of interactions specific to species i, and the number of
interactions exclusive to species j, respectively.
Because differences in degree affect Jaccard estimates, we also performed
partial Mantel tests controlling for degree (the pairwise distance in degree was
calculated as the absolute difference in degree between two species; Supplemen-
tary Methods). Hence, this partial test can discern whether phylogeny strictly
affects the species with which species interact, independently of the total number
of interactions of each species. When necessary, estimates were log-transformed
to improve normality (or log-value 1 1 for statistics varying between 21 and 1,
as Mantel’s Z).
According to regression models controlling for phylogeny size, community
size, and number of interactions, phylogenetic signal was similar for frugivory
and pollination networks (P . 0.28 for K and for Mantel’s regular and partial Z),
hence results were pooled.
Taxonomic diversity and coextinction simulations. As a surrogate for phylo-
genetic diversity, we estimated taxonomic diversity of plants and animals in the
largest available phylogenies (23 plant and 27 pollinator phylogenies with more
than 30 species, and 15 bird phylogenies with more than 15 species; see
Supplementary Methods). The mean taxonomic distance between all species
was employed as an index of taxonomic diversity
in subsequent regressions.
Extinction cascades were simulated for the ten largest communities (all having
more than 40 animal and plant species) with available taxonomic affiliation,
following ref. 7. After one species is removed, species left without any interaction
go coextinct. Species removal started from the most specialized (least-linked) to
the most generalized (most-linked) species, which was proposed as a more
plausible extinction sequence because specialist species tend to be less abundant
than generalists
. In spite of several assumptions implicit in the model (for
example, all plants require animals for reproduction, and species cannot adapt to
new resources), this approach provides the first reasonable attempt to study
coextinction patterns in phylogenetically structured networks
. Although
these assumptions may affect the total number of species going extinct
, our
comparisons involve coextinction cascades of the same size, with and without
phylogenetic signal.
After an extinction cascade, we calculated the decrease of taxonomic diversity
of the real community respect to the expected decrease in the absence of phylo-
genetic signal. This was done by replicating the coextinction cascade after ran-
domizing the taxonomic affiliation of species going coextinct (that is, nodes
remain unchanged but their ‘name tags’ are shuffled). This null model removes
effects of phylogenetic relatedness
controlling for network structure and spe-
cies number. The relative taxonomic diversity is the ratio between real and null
values, and the average rate of taxonomic loss per community is the slope of a
linear regression with an intercept forced through 1 (that is, real values and the
null expectation are equal when no species are removed).
... As well, competition can enhance the functional complementarity of phylogenetically related plant species and thus promote their coexistence in a community. A measure of phylogenetic signal, representative of the entire community, ideally requires sampling a large number of species that are broadly distributed across the phylogeny for the community (Rezende et al., 2007). Though a low number of plant species are collected in our study, our focal plants cover 21 families and are phylogenetically diverse (Faith's PD = 2.109 for 43 focal plant species; Faith's PD = 5.796 for 231 plant species investigated in the plot). ...
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Keystone species are more important than others for community dynamics and stability. Keystone species can be identified and evaluated by their centrality (i.e., a relative ranking of the topological positional importance of a species) in ecological networks. Studies of node centrality of plant–fungus bipartite networks, for example, have identified the keystone species that are important for maintaining network structure and stability. However, the underlying drivers of the importance of species in a network have rarely been examined. We assessed the centrality (degree, closeness, and betweenness) of plant and fungal species in a plant–ectomycorrhizal fungus network in a subtropical forest in southern China. Based on the phylogenies of plants and fungi and plant traits, we explored ecological factors that led to a species taking a central position or not. We found one plant species ( Ternstroemia gymnanthera ) and four species of ectomycorrhizal fungi ( Russula citrina , Scleroderma sp., and two Cenococcum sp.) were characterized by the highest centrality of degree, closeness, and betweenness among the bipartite network nodes and thus played key roles in maintaining network structure. Centrality for fungi (not for plants) was phylogenetically constrained. Plant traits and abundance together explained 46.36%, 46.0%, and 43.7% of variation in the centrality of degree, closeness, and betweenness of plant species in the bipartite network, respectively. When plant or fungal species were sequentially removed on the order of higher to lower centrality, network was less stable than randomly removed. We suggest that abundance and traits determine the positional importance of plant species in a network. This work helps understand how plant–fungus association networks will respond to species extinction and changes in species abundance and functional traits due to habitat fragmentation and human activities.
... Mutualisms, positive interactions that confer benefits to the species involved, are important evolutionary forces, affecting species diversification and trait evolution (Chomicki et al., 2019;Gómez & Verdú, 2012;Rezende et al., 2007;Sargent, 2004;Van der Niet & Johnson, 2012;Zeng & Wiens, 2021a, 2021b. Mutualisms can impact species diversification in various ways. ...
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Mutualisms have driven the evolution of extraordinary structures and behavioural traits, but their impact on traits beyond those directly involved in the interaction remains unclear. We addressed this gap using a highly evolutionarily replicated system – epiphytes in the Rubiaceae forming symbioses with ants. We employed models that allow us to test the influence of discrete mutualistic traits on continuous non‐mutualistic traits. Our findings are consistent with mutualism shaping the pace of morphological evolution, strength of selection and long‐term mean of non‐mutualistic traits in function of mutualistic dependency. While specialised and obligate mutualisms are associated with slower trait change, less intimate, facultative and generalist mutualistic interactions – which are the most common – have a greater impact on non‐mutualistic trait evolution. These results challenge the prevailing notion that mutualisms solely affect the evolution of interaction‐related traits via stabilizing selection and instead demonstrate a broader role for mutualisms in shaping trait evolution.
... Phylogeny A phylogeny represents the evolutionary history and relationships among groups of organisms, such as species. Although we cannot infer ecological mechanisms through phylogenies, they may help predict species interactions as they can act as surrogates for unknown or unmeasured ('latent') traits that influence the occurrence of interactions [22,64,65]. However, to predict interactions from phylogenies, we need to assume that trait similarity results from evolutionary relatedness, such that traits of closely related species are more alike than those of distantly related species, even though they could also emerge from evolutionary convergence. ...
Plant–pollinator interactions are ecologically and economically important, and, as a result, their prediction is a crucial theoretical and applied goal for ecologists. Although various analytical methods are available, we still have a limited ability to predict plant–pollinator interactions. The predictive ability of different plant–pollinator interaction models depends on the specific definitions used to conceptualize and quantify species attributes (e.g., morphological traits), sampling effects (e.g., detection probabilities), and data resolution and availability. Progress in the study of plant–pollinator interactions requires conceptual and methodological advances concerning the mechanisms and species attributes governing interactions as well as improved modeling approaches to predict interactions. Current methods to predict plant–pollinator interactions present ample opportunities for improvement and spark new horizons for basic and applied research.
... However, mutualistic relationships may also limit the ability of legumes to establish in new regions lacking suitable rhizobia (Richardson et al. 2000;Simonsen et al. 2017;Harrison et al. 2018). At the same time, there is evidence that many mutualistic interactions are phylogenetically structured, with closely related species more likely to share similar mutualistic partner communities (Rezende et al. 2007; Gómez et al. 2010), as is the case between legumes and rhizobia, at least at broad sub-family levels within Fabaceae (Andrews & Andrews 2017). If legumes are more likely to share symbionts with close relatives, this could potentially influence the phylogenetic structure of mutualistic plant communities, leading to a restriction in the accumulation of evolutionary history of legume community members engaged in mutualism, more so than for non-mutualistic plant community members. ...
Mutualistic interactions are increasingly recognized as playing important roles in community assembly. We hypothesized that mutualisms can influence the accumulation of evolutionary history within communities through indirect interactions, which we investigated by quantifying the impact of mutualism gains and losses on phylogenetic structure in the Fabaceae family. Analyzing global distribution data, we find that legumes lacking mutualistic interactions exhibit reduced phylogenetic clustering, resulting in higher phylogenetic diversity in regions richer in non-mutualistic legumes. Moreover, the probability of a plant species being introduced to a new range is negatively related to phylogenetic distance to its nearest native relative, but this effect is weaker for species without mutualistic interactions. These findings highlight the significant role of mutualism in restricting the local distribution of evolutionary history at a global scale. Our study advances community assembly theory and underscores the importance of considering mutualism in the conservation and restoration of phylogenetic diversity.
... Nestedness a classical concept in ecology, which is used to characterize the nested structure of ecological systems, such as the species-site network (describing the distribution of species across geographic locations), and the species-species interaction networks (e.g., host-parasite, plant-pollinator interactions) [70][71][72][73][74] . In principle, an ecological system is said to be nested if the items belonging to "smaller" elements (e.g., a small island containing few species, or a specialist species with few interactions) tend to be a subset of the items belonging to "larger" elements (e.g., a large island containing many species, or a generalist species with many interacting partners). ...
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Studying human dietary intake may help us identify effective measures to treat or prevent many chronic diseases whose natural histories are influenced by nutritional factors. Here, by examining five cohorts with dietary intake data collected on different time scales, we show that the food intake profile varies substantially across individuals and over time, while the nutritional intake profile appears fairly stable. We refer to this phenomenon as ‘nutritional redundancy’ and attribute it to the nested structure of the food-nutrient network. This network enables us to quantify the level of nutritional redundancy for each diet assessment of any individual. Interestingly, this nutritional redundancy measure does not strongly correlate with any classical healthy diet scores, but its performance in predicting healthy aging shows comparable strength. Moreover, after adjusting for age, we find that a high nutritional redundancy is associated with lower risks of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
In this chapter, we look at the other side, the cases where the rules have become exceptions. The factors responsible for these changes are diverse. Let us consider, for example, those changes produced by nature itself, where certain characters, behaviors, and even interactions that were previously very common became rare or even disappeared; changes associated with climatic relics, relict species, up to major extinction events. Let us also think of the changes that humans have made in nature that are responsible for certain rules becoming exceptions, the effects of artificial selection, deforestation, species introduced into environments that are not natural, and of course the climate change in which we are major participants, to name just a few examples. Additionally, the changes from rules to exceptions can result from changes in scientific interpretations, such as biases in study approaches, biases in the choice of model species for research, and their general extrapolation of results without, in many cases, the necessary precautions, in addition to the biases in interpretations associated with the use of certain current equipment and methodologies.
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Characterizing and understanding the processes that shape the structure of ecological networks, which represent who interacts with whom in a community, has many implications in ecology, evolutionary biology and conservation. A highly debated question is whether and how the structure of a bipartite ecological network differs between antagonistic (e.g. herbivory) and mutualistic (e.g. pollination) interaction types. Here, we tackle this question by using a multiscale characterization of network structure, machine learning tools, and a large database of empirical and simulated bipartite networks. Contrary to previous studies focusing on global structural metrics, such as nestedness and modularity, which concluded that antagonistic and mutualistic networks cannot be told apart from only their structure, we find that they can be told apart by combining a meso‐scale characterization of their structure and supervised machine learning. Motif frequencies appear particularly informative, with an over‐representation of densely connected motifs in antagonistic networks and of motifs with asymmetrical specialization in mutualistic networks. These structural properties can be used to predict the type of interaction with relatively good confidence. Beyond this classical mutualism/antagonism dichotomy, we also find significant structural uniqueness linked to specific ecologies (e.g. pollination, parasitism). Our results clarify structural differences between antagonistic and mutualistic networks and suggest the investigation of the structural uniqueness of specific ecologies as a promising approach for characterizing interactions beyond the coarse antagonistic/mutualistic dichotomy.
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Summary •For biological community data (species-by-sample abundance matrices), Warwick & Clarke (1995) defined two biodiversity indices, capturing the structure not only of the distribution of abundances amongst species but also the taxonomic relatedness of the species in each sample. The first index, taxonomic diversity (), can be thought of as the average taxonomic ‘distance’ between any two organisms, chosen at random from the sample: this distance can be visualized simply as the length of the path connecting these two organisms, traced through (say) a Linnean or phylogenetic classification of the full set of species involved. The second index, taxonomic distinctness (*), is the average path length between any two randomly chosen individuals, conditional on them being from different species. This is equivalent to dividing taxonomic diversity, , by the value it would take were there to be no taxonomic hierarchy (all species belonging to the same genus). * can therefore be seen as a measure of pure taxonomic relatedness, whereas  mixes taxonomic relatedness with the evenness properties of the abundance distribution. •This paper explores the statistical sampling properties of  and *. Taxonomic diversity is seen to be a natural extension of a form of Simpson's index, incorporating taxonomic (or phylogenetic) information. Importantly for practical comparisons, both  and * are shown not to be dependent, on average, on the degree of sampling effort involved in the data collection; this is in sharp contrast with those diversity measures that are strongly influenced by the number of observed species. •The special case where the data consist only of presence/absence information is dealt with in detail:  and * converge to the same statistic (+), which is now defined as the average taxonomic path length between any two randomly chosen species. Its lack of dependence, in mean value, on sampling effort implies that + can be compared across studies with differing and uncontrolled degrees of sampling effort (subject to assumptions concerning comparable taxonomic accuracy). This may be of particular significance for historic (diffusely collected) species lists from different localities or regions, which at first sight may seem unamenable to valid diversity comparison of any sort. •Furthermore, a randomization test is possible, to detect a difference in the taxonomic distinctness, for any observed set of species, from the ‘expected’+ value derived from a master species list for the relevant group of organisms. The exact randomization procedure requires heavy computation, and an approximation is developed, by deriving an appropriate variance formula. This leads to a ‘confidence funnel’ against which distinctness values for any specific area, pollution condition, habitat type, etc., can be checked, and formally addresses the question of whether a putatively impacted locality has a ‘lower than expected’ taxonomic spread. The procedure is illustrated for the UK species list of free-living marine nematodes and sets of samples from intertidal sites in two localities, the Exe estuary and the Firth of Clyde.
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One view of pollination systems is that they tend toward specialization. This view is implicit in many discussions of angiosperm evolution and plant-pollinator coevolution and in the long-standing concept of "pollination syndromes." But actual pollination systems often are more generalized and dynamic than these traditions might suggest, To illustrate the range of specialization and generalization in pollinators' use of plants and vice versa, we draw on studies of two floras in the United States, and of members of several plant families and solitary bee genera, We also summarize a recent study of one local flora which suggests that, although the colors of flowers are aggregated in "phenotype space," there is no strong association with pollinator types as pollination syndromes would predict. That moderate to substantial generalization often occurs is not surprising on theoretical grounds. Plant generalization is predicted by a simple model as long as temporal and spatial variance in pollinator quality is appreciable, different pollinator species do not fluctuate in unison, and they are similar in their pollination effectiveness. Pollinator generalization is predicted when floral rewards are similar across plant species, travel is costly, constraints of behavior acid morphology are minor, and/or pollinator lifespan is long relative to flowering of individual plant species. Recognizing that pollination systems often are generalized has important implications. In ecological predictions of plant reproductive success and population dynamics it is useful to widen the focus beyond flower visitors within the "correct" pollination syndrome, and to recognize temporal and spatial fluidity of interactions. Behavioral studies of pollinator foraging choices and information-processing abilities will benefit from understanding the selective advantages of generalization. In studies of floral adaptation, microevolution, and plant speciation one should recognize that selection and gene flow vary in time and space and that the contribution of pollinators to reproductive isolation of plant species may be overstated. In conservation biology, generalized pollination systems imply resilience to linked extinctions, but also the possibility for introduced generalists to displace natives with a net loss of diversity.
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The hierarchical nature of phylogenies means that random extinction of species affects a smaller fraction of higher taxa, and so the total amount of evolutionary history lost may be comparatively slight. However, current extinction risk is not phylogenetically random. We show the potentially severe implications of the clumped nature of threat for the loss of biodiversity. An additional 120 avian and mammalian genera are at risk compared with the number predicted under random extinction. We estimate that the prospective extra loss of mammalian evolutionary history alone would be equivalent to losing a monotypic phylum.
The avian clade Trogonidae (trogons) consists of approximately 40 species distributed pantropically in the Neotropical, Afrotropical and Indomalayan zoogeographical regions.In this study, we evaluate the basal phylogenetic relationships within the trogons based on DNA sequences from three nuclear introns [myoglobin intron 2, b-fibrinogen intron 7 and glyceraldehydes-3-phosphodehydrogenase (G3PDH) intron 11]. In addition, previously published cytochrome b and 12S sequences were re-analysed and combined with the nuclear data set. The analysis of the three nuclear genes combined suggests a sister group relationship between the Afrotropical (Apaloderma) and Indomalayan (Harpactes) clades, whereas the Neotropical taxa (Trogon, Pharomachrus, and Priotelus) form an unresolved polytomy basal to these two groups. In addition, two of the three individual gene trees also support a sister group relationship between the Afrotropical and Indomalayan trogons. This is at odds with previously published studies based on mitochondrial sequence data and DNA–DNA hybridization. The third nuclear intron (G3PDH), however, suggests that the Afrotropical trogons are basal relative the other trogons. This was also suggested by the mitochondrial data set, as well as the analysis of the combined nuclear and mitochondrial data. Both of these conflicting hypotheses are supported by high posterior probabilities. An insertion in b-fibrinogen further supports a basal position of the Afrotropical clade. Analyses of the myoglobin intron with additional outgroups place the root differently and strongly support monophyly of each of the zoogeographical regions (including the Neotropics), and these three clades form a basal trichotomy. This suggests that that rooting is a serious problem in resolving basal phylogenetic relationships among the trogons.
Coevolution—reciprocal evolutionary change in interacting species driven by natural selection—is one of the most important ecological and genetic processes organizing the earth's biodiversity: most plants and animals require coevolved interactions with other species to survive and reproduce. The Geographic Mosaic of Coevolution analyzes how the biology of species provides the raw material for long-term coevolution, evaluates how local coadaptation forms the basic module of coevolutionary change, and explores how the coevolutionary process reshapes locally coevolving interactions across the earth's constantly changing landscapes. Picking up where his influential The Coevolutionary Process left off, John N. Thompson synthesizes the state of a rapidly developing science that integrates approaches from evolutionary ecology, population genetics, phylogeography, systematics, evolutionary biochemistry and physiology, and molecular biology. Using models, data, and hypotheses to develop a complete conceptual framework, Thompson also draws on examples from a wide range of taxa and environments, illustrating the expanding breadth and depth of research in coevolutionary biology.
Ecological patterns are not only a consequence of adaptive processes, but also influenced by phylogenetic constraints, historical effects, and sorting processes. In contrast to the attention paid to the influence of phylogeny on interspecific ecological patterns, historical effects and sorting processes have been considered less frequently. This article shows that, for the woody flora of western Andalusia, southwestern Spain, these factors may be of substantial importance for explaining covariation among life-history traits (and associated "character syndromes") in plant communities. Multivariate analysis of the covariation across genera of 10 qualitative characters (related to general habit and reproductive biology) revealed a dominant life history-reproductive gradient (called "dimension 1") defining two distinct groups of genera and associated syndromes. Syndromes may largely be explained by reference to historical effects and species sorting processes, without recourse to adaptive explanations. Lineage age (as estimated from paleontological and biogeographical data) explained a significant proportion of intergeneric variation in position along dimension 1. Many character associations contributing to the syndromes vanished after the sample was split into groups based on lineage age, and those remaining occurred exclusively within the group of "old" (pre-Mediterranean) genera. No supporting evidence was found for the contribution of differential extinction of pre-Mediterranean genera to observed syndromes. Differential diversification of lineages as a function of life-history and reproductive characteristics did contribute significantly.