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Pervasive microstructural abnormalities in autism: A DTI study


Abstract and Figures

Recent studies have reported abnormal functional connectivity patterns in the brains of people with autism that may be accompanied by decreases in white matter integrity. Since autism is a developmental disorder, we aim to investigate the nature and location of decreases in white and grey matter integrity in an adolescent sample while accounting for age. We used structural (T1) imaging to study brain volumetrics and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to investigate white and grey matter integrity in people with autism. We obtained magnetic resonance images for adolescents aged 12-18 years with high-functioning autism and from matched controls. Fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity, as well as grey and white matter volumetrics were analyzed. There were 17 participants with autism and 25 matched controls included in this study. Participants with autism had lower fractional anisotropy in the left and right superior and inferior longitudinal fasciculus, but this effect was not significant after adjusting for age and intelligence quotient (IQ). The kurtosis of the white matter fractional anisotropy probability distribution was higher in this participant group, with and without adjustment for age and IQ. Most notably, however, the mean diffusivity levels were markedly increased in the autism group throughout the brain, and the mean diffusivity probability distributions of both grey and white matter were shifted toward a higher value, particularly with age and IQ adjustment. No volumetric differences in grey and white matter were found. Limitations: We corrected for age and IQ using a linear model. The study was also limited by its sample size, investigated age range and cross-sectional design. The findings suggest that autism is characterized by a generalized reduction of white matter integrity that is associated with an increase of interstitial space. The generalized manifestation of the white matter abnormalities provides an important new perspective on autism as a connectivity disorder.
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32 J Psychiatry Neurosci 2011;36(1)
© 2011 Canadian Medical Association
Background: Recent studies have reported abnormal functional connectivity patterns in the brains of people with autism that may be ac-
companied by decreases in white matter integrity. Since autism is a developmental disorder, we aim to investigate the nature and loca-
tion of decreases in white and grey matter integrity in an adolescent sample while accounting for age. Methods: We used structural (T1)
imaging to study brain volumetrics and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to investigate white and grey matter integrity in people with autism.
We obtained magnetic resonance images for adolescents aged 12–18 years with high-functioning autism and from matched controls.
Fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity, as well as grey and white matter volumetrics were analyzed. Results: There were 17 partici-
pants with autism and 25 matched controls included in this study. Participants with autism had lower fractional anisotropy in the left and
right superior and inferior longitudinal fasciculus, but this effect was not significant after adjusting for age and intelligence quotient (IQ).
The kurtosis of the white matter fractional anisotropy probability distribution was higher in this participant group, with and without adjustment
for age and IQ. Most notably, however, the mean diffusivity levels were markedly increased in the autism group throughout the brain, and
the mean diffusivity probability distributions of both grey and white matter were shifted toward a higher value, particularly with age and IQ
adjustment. No volumetric differences in grey and white matter were found. Limitations: We corrected for age and IQ using a linear model.
The study was also limited by its sample size, investigated age range and cross-sectional design. Conclusion: The findings suggest that
autism is characterized by a generalized reduction of white matter integrity that is associated with an increase of interstitial space. The gen-
eralized manifestation of the white matter abnormalities provides an important new perspective on autism as a connectivity disorder.
Research Paper
Pervasive microstructural abnormalities in autism:
a DTI study
Wouter B. Groen, MD, PhD; Jan K. Buitelaar, MD, PhD; Rutger J. van der Gaag, MD, PhD;
Marcel P. Zwiers, PhD
Groen, Buitelaar, van der Gaag — Karakter, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry University Center; Groen, van der Gaag, Zwiers
Department of Psychiatry; Groen, Buitelaar, Zwiers — Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior; Buitelaar
Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Recently, various researchers have proposed that impaired
integration of information underlies autism, and that this im-
pairment results from abnormal neural connectivity.1–3 Con-
verging evidence has shown deficient connectivity in tasks
involving language comprehension,2,4 working memory5and
action planning6using functional magnetic resonance imag-
ing (fMRI); listening using magnetoencephalography;7men-
talizing using positron emission tomography,8and also in
resting state networks using fMRI.9These studies, however,
address functional connectivity between grey matter areas,
which should be differentiated from structural (anatomic)
connectivity associated with the intermediating white matter
tracts. How or to what extent functional and structural con-
nectivity are related often remains unclear. Yet, in general, it
is believed that abnormal functional connectivity does not
necessitate abnormal structural connectivity, but rather that
deficient structural connectivity commonly results in a lack of
functional connectivity.10,11 A comprehensive understanding
of neural connectivity in people with autism therefore re-
quires clear evidence as to whether structural connectivity is
affected in these individuals.
Currently, most evidence is still indirect and merely de-
scribes global white matter properties. A volumetric MRI
study found an abnormal developmental trajectory of white
matter in children with autism: they had normal head cir-
cumference at birth and increased cerebral and cerebellar
Correspondence to: Dr. W.B. Groen, Karakter, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry University Center, P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, the
J Psychiatry Neurosci 2011;36(1):32-40.
Submitted Aug. 20, 2009; Revised Apr. 23, June 15, 2010; Accepted June 16, 2010.
DOI: 10.1503/jpn.090100
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Microstructural abnormalities in autism
J Psychiatry Neurosci 2011;36(1) 33
white matter volume at 2–3 years of age that normalized
again in later years.12 This pattern was confirmed in addi-
tional analyses of head circumferences, postmortem findings
and MRI measurements,13,14 which led the authors to argue
that the early overgrowth interferes with the normal develop-
mental trajectory of cortical connectivity. In a qualitative
review, data were combined from 6 studies on the develop-
ment of white matter volume from 2 to 20 years of age.15
Again, the same developmental trajectory was found, with a
white matter increase in early childhood that normalized at
around 12 years of age. This developmental finding under-
lines the importance of using samples with a narrow age
range when studying autism, and it raises the question as to
whether the integrity of white matter at the age of 12 years
and above is affected. Morphologic studies have shown
that in typical populations, brain structures mature over a
posterior– anterior axis, from primary to higher association
areas.16 It is therefore conceivable that as the brain in people
with autism develops abnormally, the late developing pre-
frontal and superior-temporal areas show the most pro-
nounced defects in adolescence.17
A more direct and informative method for investigating in
vivo white matter integrity is diffusion tensor imaging (DTI),
an MRI-based technique that measures the directional diffu-
sion profile of water molecules, which manifests the axonal
architecture of the brain at the micrometer level. Fractional
anisotropy and mean diffusivity are 2 measures derived from
diffusion tensor data.18,19 Fractional anisotropy and mean dif-
fusivity provide an index for the integrity of neural tissue,
and more specifically, fractional anisotropy provides an indi-
cation of the directionality of white matter microstructural ar-
chitecture and mean diffusivity of the interstitial space in
both white and grey matter. So far, a limited number of stud-
ies have used DTI for the study of autism (Table 1). Barnea-
Goraly and colleagues20 were the first to apply DTI to a small
number of autistic children and controls. Using a voxel-based
approach that excluded the cerebellum, they found reduced
fractional anisotropy in the corpus callosum and in the white
matter of the ventromedial prefrontal cortices, anterior cingu-
late gyri and temporoparietal junctions, indicating a reduc-
tion in white matter integrity in the autism group. A more re-
cent study that used a voxel-based approach in a large
sample of autistic children and adults showed a fractional
anisotropy reduction within and near the corpus callosum
and internal capsule.21The authors argued that these reduc-
tions did not reflect slowing of white matter development
but rather that they persist into adulthood. The effect size did
not allow for correction for multiple comparisons, necessitat-
ing confirmation of the findings. Findings of reduced frac-
tional anisotropy in the frontal lobe and left temporal lobe
were reported in an exploratory study on a small group of
Chinese children with high-functioning autism.22 Neither of
these studies reported on mean diffusivity. A DTI study of
the corpus callosum in a large sample of autistic children and
adults found a reduction of fractional anisotropy and in-
crease of mean diffusivity, indicating a reduced integrity of
the genu, body and splenium of the corpus callosum.23
Analy sis of the superior temporal gyrus and temporal stem
in the same participant group also showed a fractional
anisotropy reduction and mean diffusivity increase.24 An-
other recent DTI study used tractography of the frontal lobe25
and found reduced fractional anisotropy and increased mean
diffusivity along the short frontal association fibres and re-
duced fractional anisotropy along the long frontal fibres. Al-
though the patient group was large, the study sample was
also heterogeneous since it included children with autism,
pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified
and Asperger disorder. A cerebellar DTI study in adults with
As perg er sy ndro me al so fo und r educ ed fr acti onal
anisotropy, but mean diffusivity did not differ between the
patient and control groups.26 Contrary to the other DTI find-
ings in populations with autism, a high b-value, diffusion-
Table 1: Diffusion tensor imaging studies on autism
Group; no. Group; age, mean (SD) yr Results
Study Method Diagnosis Autism Control Autism Control FA MD Location
et al.20
Whole-brain voxel-
based analysis*
Autism 7 9 13.4 (2.8) 14.6 (3.4) NR Frontal white matter,
temporal white matter
Alexander et al.23 Semiautomated VOI Autism, PDD-NOS 43 34 16.2 (6.7) 16.4 (6.0) Corpus callosum
Lee et al.24 Semiautomated VOI Autism, PDD-NOS 43 34 16.2 (6.7) 16.4 (6.0) Superior temporal gyrus,
temporal stem
Catani et al.26 Tractography o f
Asperger syndrome 15 16 31.0 (9.0) 35.0 (11.0) = Cerebellum
Keller et al.21 Whole-brain voxel-
based analysis*
Autism 34 31 18.9 (7.3) 18.9 (6.2) NR Frontal white matter,
temporal white matter
Bashat et al.27 Whole-brain and VOI Autism 7 41 1.8 (3.3) 0.3 (23.0) NR Frontal white matter,
temporal white matter
Sundaram et al.25 Tractography of
frontal lobe
Autism, PDD-NOS,
Asperger syndrome
50 16 4.8 (2.4) 6.8 (3.5) Frontal white matter
Ke et al.22 Whole-brain voxel-
based analysis; VBM
High functioning
12 10 8.8 (2.3) 9.4 (2.1) NR Frontal white matter,
temporal white matter
D = decreased; E = equal; FA = fractional anisotropy; I = increased; MD = mean diffusivity; NR = not reported; SD = standard deviation; PDD-NOS = pervasive developmental disorder
not otherwise specified; VBM = voxel-based morphometry; VOI = volume of interest.
*pevaluated at a level uncorrected for multiple comparison considering the search volume.
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weighted imaging study of 7 toddlers (aged 1.8–3.3 yr) with
autism compared with 41 healthy controls found an increase
in fractional anisotropy as well as increased probability for
zero displacement and a reduced mean displacement prob -
ability that was most prominent in the left frontal lobe.27
Meas ures of mean diffusivity were not reported, but the dis-
placement findings imply a decrease in mean diffusivity in
these areas. It should be noted, however, that high b-value
imaging primarily depicts intracellular diffusion properties,
whereas conventional DTI is believed to mostly reflect extra-
cellular diffusion.28 The authors interpreted their findings as
evidence for accelerated white matter maturation in young
children with autism.
There is a need to add whole-brain DTI analyses in a homo-
geneous sample (both in age and diagnosis) on both the frac-
tional anisotropy and mean diffusivity measures to the autism
literature. Furthermore, as autism is a developmental disor-
der, differences in brain structures change over time. There-
fore, it is interesting to relate these to DTI findings and to
make group inferences on the neuroanatomy of autism with-
out developmental changes as a confounder. We set out to ad-
dress these questions in the current DTI study by extracting
the main moments of a participant’s fractional anisotropy and
mean diffusivity probability distribution in grey and white
matter and compare these moments at the group level using a
homogeneous adolescent sample of participants with autism
and well-matched controls. Further, we investigated the spa-
tial location of voxel-wise differences in fractional anisotropy
and mean diffusivity between these groups by using whole-
brain, search volume– corrected tstatistics. In addition, we
looked into the spatial location of voxel-wise volumetric dif-
ferences in white matter using voxel-based morphometry
(VBM)29 in T1images and correlated the outcome with the
voxel-wise DTI results. We hypothesized that in our adoles-
cent sample, people with autism would show a decrease in
white matter integrity (i.e., abnormalities in fractional anis -
otropy or mean diffusivity), whereas white matter volumes
would not differ between groups, as indicated by previous
studies (see a review15). Absent volumetric abnormalities in
the presence of white matter integrity differences would sug-
gest that volumetric differences cannot account for differences
in integrity. Since cortical maturation follows an abnormal
developmental trajectory in autism, we also hypothesized that
the effects would be most pronounced in the late-developing
higher-association areas such as the prefrontal and superior-
temporal areas. As the development of grey and white matter
is closely related, we predicted that we would find greater
fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity differences in the
temporal and frontal regions, and smaller or no differences at
all in the parietal and occipital regions.
We included typically developing adolescents (controls) and
adolescents with autism aged 12–18 years in the study. We
obtained written informed consent from all participants and
their parents. The local medical ethics committee (CMO regio
Arnhem- Nijmegen) approved our study.
We recruited the participants with autism through Karak-
ter, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry University Center,
Nijmegen. Diagnostic assignment followed DSM-IV criteria
for autistic disorder.30 Diagnostic characterization included
the Autism Diagnostic Interview — Revised (ADI-R)31 as as-
sessed by a trained clinician and a series of clinical assess-
ments, which included detailed developmental history, clin -
ical observation, medical work-up and cognitive testing. The
participants with autism were tested with the full Wechsler
Intelligence Scale for Children III.32 Only participants with an
intelligence quotient (IQ) of 80 or higher were included. To
screen for the presence of comorbid psychiatric disorders or
learning problems in the controls, Child Behavior Checklist
(CBCL) questionnaires33 were completed by the parents or
guardians of the controls and Teacher Report Form (TRF)
questionnaires34 were completed by a teacher at school. Ex-
clusion criteria were any medical condition affecting central
nervous system function, neurologic disorders, substance
abuse and a family history of psychiatric disorders.
For the control group, we assessed more than 200 children
from local high schools for verbal IQ, performance IQ and
full-scale IQ using a short form of the Wechsler Intelligence
Scale for Children III (WISC-III) including vocabulary, simi-
larities, block design and picture completion32,35 to find suit-
able matches. We matched the groups for age, sex, handed-
ness,36 total IQ, performance IQ and verbal IQ.
Data acquisition and procedure
We acquired neuroimaging data on a 1.5 T Siemens Sonata
scanner at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and
Behaviour in Nijmegen. For each participant, a T1-weighted
whole-brain scan was collected (magnetization-prepared
rapid acquisition with gradient echo [MPRAGE], TI 850 ms,
repetition time [TR] 2250 ms, echo time [TE] 3.68 ms, flip an-
gle 15°, field of view [FOV] 256 ×256 ×176 mm3, voxel size
1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0 mm3), as well as a set of whole-brain diffusion-
weighted images (twice-refocused spin-echo echo-planar
imaging [TRSE-EPI]; TR 10100 ms, TE 93 ms, diffusion direc-
tions 30, b-value 900 s/mm2, unweighted images 4, FOV
320 ×320 ×160 mm3, voxel size 2.5 ×2.5 ×2.5 mm3). The T1
image served as a high-resolution anatomic reference image
for the DTI data and was used for assessing grey and white
matter volume differences between participant groups. The
participants were familiarized with the set-up and normal
scanning procedures before the actual image acquisition by
means of a rehearsal in a separate replica (dummy) scanner.
The set of diffusion images was first carefully corrected
for imaging artifacts from head and cardiac motion using
robust tensor estimation software developed in house.37 In
short, this consisted of iteratively reweighted least-squares
tensor estimation with Welsch-type weighting functions
and dedicated image processing to robustly detect and
eliminate cardiac and head motion artifacts. Subsequently,
the images were realigned and eddy current–corrected by
minimization of the diffusion tensor residual errors.38 The
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34 J Psychiatry Neurosci 2011;36(1)
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Microstructural abnormalities in autism
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diffusion tensors and their derivative fractional anisotropy
and mean diffusivity measures were then normally com-
puted using linear re gression as implemented in a diffusion
toolbox (http :// of
SPM5 (Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology).
Next, the DTI results were spatially normalized to the
ICBM152 reference template. To this end, the participant’s
anatomic image was co registered to the set of diffusion
images using SPM’s mutual information-based rigid-body
transformation routine. We always visually inspected this
coregistration step to ensure that it was not notably biased
toward the magnetic susceptibility– induced geometric dis-
tortions in the diffusion-weighted images. Subsequently, we
computed the spatial normalization parameters describing
the nonlinear transformation of the anatomic image to the
reference template (all using SPM5 functionality and stan-
dard settings) and applied them to the fractional anisotropy
and mean diffusivity images. These normalized images
were smoothed with an 8 ×8 ×8 mm3full-width at half-
maximum 3-dimensional (3-D) Gaussian kernel and used
for voxel-wise comparisons across all participants.
For investigation of white and grey matter volume differ-
ences, VBM of the T1-weighted images was performed in
SPM5 using a VBM5 toolbox (http:// dbm .neuro
The computed white matter probability map39 was modu-
lated with the Jacobian determinants of the normalization pa-
rameters to allow interpretation of the results in terms of vol-
umetric differences. The modulated white matter partitions
were smoothed with an 8 ×8 ×8 mm3full-width at half-
maximum 3-D Gaussian kernel. We performed the same
analysis for grey matter. We computed total white and grey
matter volume by summation of the probability maps,
thresholded at 0.5.
Statistical analysis
To characterize the fractional anisotropy and mean diffusiv-
ity probability distributions in each participant for white and
grey matter, we computed the raw and first central moments
(i.e., the sample mean, the sample standard deviation [SD],
the sample skewness and the sample kurtosis). We compared
these moments at the group level using 2-sided 2-sample
Student ttests once without and once with inclusion of age
and total IQ as covariates. An α-level of 0.05 was used to de-
note a result statistically significant.
We performed regionally specific group analysis of the
grey matter, white matter, fractional anisotropy and mean
diffusivity measures using whole-brain voxel-wise 1-sided
2-sample Student ttests in SPM5 in both directions. Although
the control group was closely matched, we performed the
voxel-wise analyses once without and once with inclusion of
age and total IQ as covariates. The fractional anisotropy
analyses were explicitly restricted to the computed white
matter mask, whereas the mean diffusivity analyses were re-
stricted to a constructed whole-brain mask. Voxel-wise analy-
ses were evaluated at a false discovery rate (FDR) of 0.05, so
that for every reported voxel, the probability of true-positive
discovery was 95%. The results were normalized to Zscores.
We included 17 adolescents with autism and 25 controls in
the study. All participants were between 12 and 18 years, and
right-handed. Average ADI-R scores for the autism group
were social 18.2 (standard deviation [SD] 4.9), verbal 13.4 (SD
4.6), nonverbal 8.5 (SD 3.2), stereotypy 4.1 (SD 2.7) and onset
2.2 (SD 1.2). None of the controls was within the CBCL or
TRF clinical range. There were no significant differences in
age, sex, handedness,36 total IQ, performance IQ and verbal
IQ between the groups. In the autism group, nobody was on
psychotropic medication, but 2 participants had previously
used risperidone (Table 2).
Microstructural differences
We first examined whether we could find evidence at the
whole-brain level for pervasive differences in brain micro -
structure between the autism and control groups. To this
end, we calculated the fractional anisotropy and mean diffu-
sivity histograms for white and grey matter per participant
and compared the group-averaged distributions (Fig. 1, up-
per panel). The figure shows virtually equal fractional
anisotropy distributions for both groups in both grey and
white matter. The white matter distributions have 2 maxima,
1 at the position of the grey matter maximum and 1 around
the expected position. Two-sample Student ttests on the
main moments of the distributions (Table 3) indicate that for
fractional anisotropy there was no significant difference in
the mean, SD and skewness between the autism and control
groups, but that the kurtosis in white matter is larger in the
autism group. This indicates that there are no prominent frac-
tional anisotropy differences at the whole-brain level but that
white matter fractional anisotropy is somewhat more outlier-
prone in the autism group. The mean diffusivity distributions
in white and grey matter (Fig. 1, lower panel), however, were
both notably shifted toward greater mean diffusivity for the
autism group, whereas the global shape of the distribution
appeared to be unaffected. Two-sample Student ttests on the
main moments of the distributions (Table 3) indicate that the
Table 2: Study participant demographics and general characteristics
Group; mean (SD)
Characteristic Control Autism χ2/t
No. 25 17
Age, yr 15.5 (1.8) 14.4 (1.6) 0.06
Handedness* 86 (15) 81 (22) 0.36
Grey matter volume, mm2882 (62) 890 (91) 0.72
White matter volume, mm2499 (45) 491 (61) 0.61
Total IQ 105 (9) 98 (18) 0.10
Verbal IQ 105 (10) 97 (19) 0.10
Performance IQ 106 (11) 100 (15) 0.11
Sex, male:female 22:3 14:3 0.62
IQ = intelligence quotient; SD = standard deviation.
*Handedness was measured using the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory.36
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average mean diffusivity was significantly larger in the
autism group, but that there was no difference in the other
moments (i.e., in the shape of the distribution). To confirm
the validity of this finding, we examined whether this effect
was similarly present in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) by sel -
ecting voxels with mean diffusivity values above 1.5 ×
103mm2/s. We did not find a difference in average mean
diffusivity for these voxels between the groups (p= 0.94).
Second, we analyzed microstructural differences using
voxel-wise comparisons to allow for fine grained regional in-
ferences. In 3 confined regions, the fractional anisotropy was
significantly decreased (Fig. 2) for the autism group compared
with the control group. The largest region was located in the
left superior and inferior longitudinal fasciculus on the border
of the temporal and occipital lobe. In the right hemisphere,
the superior and inferior longitudinal fasciculi were affected
as well. In the frontal lobe, we found regions with decreased
fractional anisotropy in the left and right corona radiata, but
only the left was statistically significant. We found no regions
with increased fractional anisotropy in the autism group com-
pared with the control group. However, when we included
age and total IQ as covariates, these 3 regions no longer
showed significant differences between groups. This suggests
that the controls’ greater fractional anisotropy values can, at
least partially, be explained by the variance in age and IQ.
Compared with fractional anisotropy, differences in mean
diffusivity were not limited to small regions, but rather were
significantly increased in most of the brain (including frontal,
temporal, parietal and occipital regions and the cerebellum) in
the autism group compared with the control group, even after
including age and total IQ as covariates (Fig. 3). The left and
right anterior, superior and posterior corona radiata, and the
anterior and posterior limb of the internal capsule, middle
cerebellar peduncle, thalamus and thalamic radiations and in-
ferior and superior longitudinal and fronto-occipital fasciculus
showed an increased mean diffusivity. Parts of the genu, body
and splenium of corpus callosum also showed a significant in-
crease in mean diffusivity. We found no mean diffusivity de-
creases in the autism group. As for the histogram analyses, the
mean diffusivity findings did not seem artifactual (e.g., be-
cause of more head motion during scanning), as no mean dif-
fusivity difference was found in voxels containing CSF.
Volumetric differences and covariates
We found no differences in total white or grey matter vol-
ume. At the voxel level, the VBM analyses showed that there
were no region-specific differences in grey or white matter
volumetrics between groups.
Groen et al.
36 J Psychiatry Neurosci 2011;36(1)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Fractional anisotropy
0 0 .7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Mean diffusivity, mm2/s
Fig. 1: Fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity histograms. The
fig ure shows the group-a veraged histog rams of the fractio nal
anisotropy (upper panel; bin size 0.005) and mean diffusivity (lower
panel; bin size 0.01 ×103mm2/s) for grey and white matter. Results
for grey matter are depicted downwards for clarity. Upper panel: As
expected, fractional anisotropy in grey matter has the largest num-
ber of low fractional anisotropy values and peaks at around 0.1. (It
deviates from its expectation value zero owing to acquisition noise.)
The fracti on al anis otropy di stribut io n of wh it e matter is much
broader, ranging up to values of 0.7. Note that there are 2 peaks,
one around 0.1 and the other around 0.35. Lower panel: As ex-
pected, the distributions of mean diffusivity are moderately greater in
grey matter than white matter. Note, however, that in the autism
group the distribution of mean diffusivity is shifted toward higher val-
ues in both grey and white matter. Mean diffusivity values above
1.5 ×103mm2/ s are not depicted; they do not differ between
groups and reflect cerebral spinal fluid outside the brain tissue.
GM = grey matter; WM = white matter.
Table 3: Main moments of the fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity probability distributions
Fractional anisotropy Mean diffusivity, mm2/s
Measure Control group Autism group pvalue
(age + TIQ) Control group Autism group pvalue
(age + TIQ)
Mean, grey matter 0.18 0.18 0.46 0.57 (99 ± 3) × 10–5 (100 ± 4) × 10–5 0.22 0.011
Mean, white matter 0.30 0.30 0.46 0.42 (85 ± 2) × 105(87 ± 3) × 10–5 0.014 0.003
SD, grey matter 0.11 0.11 0.17 0.8 1 (34 ± 3 ) × 105(33 ± 4) × 10–5 0.34 0.28
SD, white matter 0.16 0.16 0.10 0.25 (25 ± 2) × 105(24 ± 3) × 10–5 0.29 0.52
Skewness, grey matter 1.90 1.90 0.20 0.90 2.0 ± 0.2 2.0 ± 0.1 0.72 0.08
Skewness, white matter 0.58 0.63 0.07 0.20 4.1 ± 0.5 4.2 ± 0. 4 0.68 0.26
Kurtosis, grey matter 7.80 8.20 0.09 0.85 9.6 ± 2 9.8 ± 2 0.73 0.1 0
Kurtosis, white matter 2.70 2.80 0.009 0.027 27 ± 5 28 ± 6 0.55 0.23
SD = standard deviation; TIQ = tota l intelligence quotient.
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Microstructural abnormalities in autism
J Psychiatry Neurosci 2011;36(1) 37
We found a generalized deficit in the integrity of white matter
in adolescents with autism. More specifically, we found an in-
crease in mean diffusivity throughout the white matter of the
cerebrum and cerebellum, even after correcting for age and
IQ. This is in line with and extends the findings of an overall
mean diffusivity increase in the frontal lobe of people with
autism25 and is also in line with mean diffusivity increase in
the corpus callosum.23 We also found 3 small regions with de-
creased fractional anisotropy located in the left corona radiata
and the left and right superior and inferior longitudinal fasci-
culus. However, these differences disappeared after correct-
ing for age and, to lesser extent, IQ. This is in line with previ-
ous DTI studies reporting on regional differences in fractional
anisotropy, as these have not employed whole-brain analyses
that were corrected for multiple comparisons and for age and
IQ. The only fractional anisotropy difference we did find was
a higher kurtosis of the fractional anisotropy distribution in
white matter for the autism group, indicating that fractional
anisotropy values are slightly more extreme (outlier-prone) in
people with autism. Contrary to our mean diffusivity find-
ings, the significance of this result was much lower after ad-
justment for age and IQ. We therefore take note of this result
but suspect that it may become insignificant with better
matching or nonlinear adjustment for these covariates.
Combined with prior DTI studies on autism, our results in-
dicate that reduced white matter integrity is among the most
consistent findings of the neuroanatomy of autism.20,21,23 In the
following paragraphs we discuss the implications of our frac-
tional anisotropy and mean diffusivity findings.
Cerebral diffusivity
We found a mean diffusivity increase throughout the white
Right hemisphere Left hemisphere
Fig. 2: Voxel-wise fractional anisotropy group comparisons uncor-
rected for age and total intelligence quotient (IQ). The highlighted
patches in the figure indicate regions with significantly decreased
fr ac t io nal aniso tr opy (p< 0.0 5, fal se disco ver y rat e [ FDR ]
corrected) in white matter in the autism group (overlaid on the Mon-
treal Neurological Institu te coordinate 152 T1brain). Fractional
anisotropy is decreased in the left and right superior and inferior
longitudinal fasciculus in temporal/occipital regions and in the left
corona radiata in frontal regions. We found no regions with in-
creased fractional anisotropy in the autism group. Of note: when cor-
rected for age and total IQ, the group differences no longer reach
significance at p< 0.05 FDR–corrected for multiple comparisons.
Fig. 3: Voxel-wise mean diffusivity group comparisons corrected for age and total intelligence quotient. As indicated by the large highlighted
areas, mean diffusivity is increased throughout the brain (overlaid on the Montreal Neurological Institute coordinate 152 T1brain). We found no
regions with decreased mean diffusivity in the autism group.
per-groen_JPN template 15/12/10 8:03 AM Page 37
matter of the cerebrum and cerebellum that extended into the
grey matter. The mean diffusivity histogram (Fig. 1) shows
that both the grey and white matter distributions were
shifted in the autism group, but the difference in grey matter
wa s only s igni fica nt aft er adj ustm ent for a ge and I Q
(Table 3). The effect was greatest in the white matter, possibly
with partial voluming effects driving part of the observed
shift in grey matter mean diffusivity distribution. The mean
diffusivity increase we found in our study is indicative of in-
creased interstitial space, for example due to reduced neural
or glial cell packing or cell size, or decreased water exchange
rate between the intra- and extracellular compartments.28,40,41
We think it is less likely that membrane permeability is af-
fected in people with autism and that mean diffusivity in-
creases are more likely due to differences in cell size or num-
ber, but evidence as to which cells could be affected in people
with autism is scarce. Among the white and grey matter
brain cells are neurons that process and transmit information
and glial cells that far outnumber neurons (about 9 to 1).42
The lack of pervasive concomitant fractional anisotropy ab-
normalities in white matter suggests that the mean diffusivity
increases must be due to abnormalities in isotropic cells such
as glial astrocytes. To date, empirical data have mainly been
focused on neural abnormalities, but activation of neuroglia
has been reported as well.43 Several postmortem studies have
shown that neurons are abnormally large44 in certain struc-
tures of the brain in young autistic children (nucleus of the
diagonal band of Broca in the limbic system). Neurons that
are reduced in number and size have been found in the cere-
bellar nuclei and inferior olive in the brains of adults with
Cerebral volumetry
In our VBM analysis we found no region-specific differences
in white or grey matter volume. Ke and colleagues22 reported
deviations in white matter density and dotted spatial cor -
respondence of these abnormalities with differences in frac-
tional anisotropy. Their findings, however, did not match
voxel-by-voxel and were based on a smaller sample (n= 12)
that is more likely to suffer from lack of statistical power and
adjustment for age and IQ. Moreover, a potentially important
difference with our study is that their participants were
on average 6 years younger. In 2 papers, Waiter and col-
leagues45,46 reported on abnormal regional grey and white
matter densities in a well-matched and comparably large
(n= 16) sample of patients with autism. The authors used
separate segmentation and normalization algorithms rather
than the more recent unified segmentation algorithm.39 An-
other difference is that they constructed custom templates
from their sample of participants. We presume that the sup-
posedly greater accuracy of the unified segmentation or per-
haps a lack of power to construct custom templates from
such a sample may well explain the different findings.
To date, only 1 DTI study involving people with autism has
included the whole cerebellum.26 Although the authors found
white matter integrity reductions as we did, they found frac-
tional anisotropy decreases in combination with normal mean
diffusivity in the superior cerebellar peduncles, whereas we
found mean diffusivity increases in combination with normal
fractional anisotropy in the midcerebellar peduncles. A pos -
sibly important difference between the studies is that in
Catani and colleague’s study,26 adults with Asperger syn-
drome participated, whereas in our study adolescents with
autism participated. Furthermore, findings in the cerebellum
should be interpreted with caution, since the cerebellum is
susceptible for scan artifacts owing to cardiac pulsation. We
controlled for this by using a robust tensor estimation tech-
nique in which artifacts in the DTI images were robustly dis-
carded from the analysis.37 Catani and colleagues26 have con-
trolled for this by gating the data acquisition to the cardiac
cycle. Both methods increase confidence that the measured
differences indeed reflect differences in white matter integrity
and not stress level and heart rate during data acquisition, for
example. It should be noted, however, that cardiac gating is
certainly not a perfect remedy and that in our study, cerebel-
lar fractional anis otropy values were also found to be region-
ally decreased in the autism group when this preprocessing
correction was not applied (data not shown). Moreover, our
preprocessing method detected a larger number of DTI arti-
facts in the autism group (Fig. 4), suggesting that a difference
in cardiac activity is likely and might well be implicated and
providing false-positive results in the cerebellar area. We
speculate that such greater cardiac activity may be due to
greater stress susceptibility in the autism group for the experi-
mental proced ures and MRI acquisition.
The nonlinear transformations from the unified segmentation
algorithm were used in our VBM analysis as well as to trans-
form our DTI data to a common space. Furthermore, we used
rigid body transformations to coregister the (susceptibility
Groen et al.
38 J Psychiatry Neurosci 2011;36(1)
Autism group Control group
Fig. 4: Mean number of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) artifacts. The
highlighted areas denote the maximum intensity projection of the
group averaged voxel-wise number of cardiac artifacts per participant
(i.e., 34 DTI volumes) in the controls (right) versus participants with
autism (left) overlaid on the Montreal Neurological Institute coordin -
ate 152 T1brain. It is apparent from this figure, as well as from the
average total number of affected voxels per participant (mean 562,
standard deviation [SD] 468 v. mean 1265, SD 1249, respectively;
p= 0.010, 2-sided Student ttest) that the DTI images from the autism
group contain more cardiac pulsation artifacts than the control group.
per-groen_JPN template 15/12/10 8:03 AM Page 38
Microstructural abnormalities in autism
J Psychiatry Neurosci 2011;36(1) 39
distorted) DTI images to the corresponding T1image. It is
hence a risk that inaccuracies in these transformations may
result in spurious differences in fractional anisotropy or
mean diffusivity values. However, as we found no differ-
ences in overall brain volume (white matter and grey matter),
or regionally specific differences between the groups, we be-
lieve this is not a concern in the current study. This does not
imply that our nonlinear transformations were free of inaccu-
racies. On the contrary, we believe that the presence of a
maximum in our white matter fractional anisotropy distribu-
tions around the position of the grey matter maximum can be
(at least partly) explained by and is indicative for the reality
of such inaccuracies. The presence of this maximum is most
likely also due to partial voluming, failure of the tensor
model, as well as geometric mismatch with the white matter
mask due to magnetic susceptibility–induced distortions of
the DTI images.
Developmental stage was an important factor to take into
account when studying fractional anisotropy and mean diffu-
sivity differences between our autism and control groups.
We corrected for age and IQ using a linear model, but it may
well be that a more advanced (nonlinear) account is more
powerful. Also, our study would have benefited from using a
larger sample, greater age range and a longitudinal design.
Diffusion tensor imaging studies in patients with autism
published so far have consistently found decreased micro -
structural integrity in white matter in adolescents and adults
with autism. Importantly, our data indicate that, first, the
microstructural integrity is not region-specific but reduced
throughout grey and white matter and, second, this micro -
structural deficit is isotropic and has no volumetric comple-
ment, suggesting that either the number or the size of neuro -
glial cells is reduced in people with autism. It may thus be
especially worthwhile for future diffusion imaging studies to
turn to more advanced diffusion MRI methods, such as q-
space imaging, to elucidate the nature of the microstructural
abnormalities and hopefully shed new light on the neurobio-
logical causes of autism.
Competing interests: None declared by Drs. Groen, van der Gaag
and Zwiers. Dr. Buitelaar reported being a board member and paid
consultant of Janssen Cilag BV and Eli Lilly, receiving a grant from
Eli Lilly and being paid for the development of educational presenta-
tions by Eli Lilly, Janssen Cilag and Medice.
Contributors: All authors helped design the article, analyzed the
data, wrote and reviewed the article and approved its publication.
Dr. Groen acquired the data.
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PRISTIQ is indicated for the symptomatic relief of major
y p j
depressive disorder. The short-term efficacy of PRISTIQ
(desvenlafaxine succinate extended-release tablets) has been
p y
(desvenlafaxine succinate extended-release tablets) has been
demonstrated in placebo-controlled trials of up to 8 weeks.
The most commonly observed adverse events associated
with the use of PRISTIQ (at an incidence
with the use of PRISTIQ (at an incidence
5% and at least
5% and at least
twice the rate of placebo) were nausea (22%), dizziness
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(13%), hyperhidrosis (10%), constipation (9%), and decreased
appetite (5%).
appetite (5%).
PRISTIQ is not indicated for use in children under the age of 18.
PRISTIQ is contraindicated in patients taking monoamine oxidase
PRI STIQ is con trai ndicate d in p atien ts ta king m onoa mine oxi dase
inhibitors (MAOIs, including linezolid, an antibiotic) or in patients
p g
inh ibito rs (MA OIs, i nclud ing line zolid , an an tibio tic) o r in pa tients
who have taken MAOIs within the preceding 14 days due to
g p
who have taken MAOIs within the preceding 14 days due to
risk of serious, sometimes fatal, drug interactions with selective
p g y
risk of serious, sometimes fatal, drug interactions with selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) or serotonin norepinephrine
, , g
serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) or serotonin norepinephrine
reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) treatment or with other serotonergic
p p p
reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) treatment or with other serotonergic
drugs. These interactions have been associated with symptoms
p g
drugs. These interactions have been associated with symptoms
that include tremor, myoclonus, diaphoresis, nausea, vomiting,
g y p
that include tremor, myoclonus, diaphoresis, nausea, vomiting,
ushing, dizziness, hyperthermia with features resembling
y p g
ushing, dizziness, hyperthermia with features resembling
neuroleptic malignant syndrome, seizures, rigidity, autonomic
g, , yp g
neuroleptic malignant syndrome, seizures, rigidity, autonomic
instability with possible rapid uctuations of vital signs, and
p g y , , g y,
instability with possible rapid uctuations of vital signs, and
mental status changes that include extreme agitation progressing
y p p g ,
me ntal sta tus c han ges t hat incl ude extr eme ag itat ion prog res sing
to delirium and coma. Based on the half-life of desvenlafaxine
g g p g g
to delirium and coma. Based on the half-life of desvenlafaxine
succinate, at least 7 days should be allowed after stopping
desvenlafaxine succinate and before starting an MAOI.
, y
desvenlafaxine succinate and before starting an MAOI.
PRISTIQ is contraindicated in patients demonstrating
hypersensitivity to desvenlafaxine succinate extended-release,
p g
hypersensitivity to desvenlafaxine succinate extended-release,
venlafaxine hydrochloride or to any excipients in the
yp y ,
venlafaxine hydrochloride or to any excipients in the
desvenlafaxine formulation. Concomitant use of PRISTIQ with
y y p
desvenlafaxine formulation. Concomitant use of PRISTIQ with
products containing venlafaxine is not recommended.
Recent analyses of placebo-controlled clinical trial safety
databases from selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
y p y
databases from selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs) and other newer antidepressants suggest that
(SSRIs) and other newer antidepressants suggest that
use of these drugs in patients under the age of 18 may
p gg
use of these drugs in patients under the age of 18 may
p g
be associated with behavioural and emotional changes,
g p g y
be associated with behavioural and emotional changes,
including an increased risk of suicide ideation and behaviour
g ,
includ ing an inc reased risk of su icide ideati on and behavi our
over that of placebo.
over that of placebo.
The small denominators in the clinical trial database, as
well as the variability in placebo rates, preclude reliable
well as the variability in placebo rates, preclude reliable
conclusions on the relative safety profi les among the drugs
y p , p
conclusions on the relative safety pro les among the drugs
in the class. There are clinical trial and post-marketing
y p g g
in the class. There are clinical trial and post-marketing
reports with SSRIs and other newer antidepressants, in
p g
reports with SSRIs and other newer antidepressants, in
both pediatrics and adults, of severe agitation-type events
p p ,
both pediatrics and adults, of severe agitation-type events
that include: akathisia, agitation, disinhibition, emotional
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that include: akathisia, agitation, disinhibition, emotional
lability hostility aggression and depersonalization In
, hostilit
ression and de
rsonalization. In
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lability, hostility, aggression and depersonalization. In
some cases
the events occurred within several weeks of
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some cases, the events occurred within several weeks of
starting treatment.
Rigorous clinical monitoring for suicide ideation or other
indicators of
tential for suicide behaviour is advised
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indicators of potential for suicide behaviour is advised
atients of all a
when initiatin
in patients of all ages, especially when initiating therapy
or during any change in dose or dosage regimen.
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or during any change in dose or dosage regimen.
This includes monitoring for agitation-type emotional
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This includes monitoring for agitation-type emotional
and behavioural chan
and behavioural changes.
PRISTIQ should
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discontinued abruptly, due to risk of discontinuation
e that a medical decision is m
symptoms. At the time that a medical decision is made to
ontinue an
discontinue an SSRI or other newer antidepressant drug,
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a gradual reduction in the dose, rather than an abrupt
cessation is recommended.
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per-groen_JPN template 15/12/10 8:03 AM Page 40
... Widespread reductions in GM FA and increased MD in autistic compared to typically developing (TD) individuals have been reported (Bletsch et al., 2021). Similar reports of FA reductions Pichiecchio and Carigi, (2016) and MD increases (Bletsch et al., 2021;Groen et al., 2011) in ASD suggest cortical microstructural differences to be associated with ASD. However, several limitations of the DTI model make it challenging to analyze and interpret DTI metrics in GM, including the assumption of a Gaussian diffusion distribution within complex microstructure of the cortical GM (Wheeler-Kingshott and Cercignani, 2009) and bias from partial volume effects of the CSF (Alexander et al., 2001). ...
... Still, few studies have utilized dMRI to examine the GM microstructure in ASD. For example, one study observed their ASD group to have significantly increased MD across several GM regions compared to controls (Groen et al., 2011). Using Restricted Spectrum Imaging (RSI), an alternative multi-shell, multicompartment dMRI technique, Carper et al. observed decreased neurite density and increased MD in ASD compared to TDs, though only a localized neurite density decrease in the left temporal occipital fusiform gyrus survived multiple comparison correction (Carper et al., 2016). ...
... Differences in minicolumar cortical organization have also been reported in post-mortem studies of ASD (Casanova et al., 2002), described by narrower cells (Buxhoeveden et al., 2006) and reduced cell density in frontal brain regions (Casanova et al., 2006). Reductions in FICVF in autistic individuals may be related to thinning of myelinated axons in cortical GM (Groen et al., 2011), with age-by-group interactions of FICVF suggesting differential developmental timing of cortical thinning between groups. Indeed, age related differences in cortical thickness have been reported in autistic individuals 6-to-30 years (Nunes et al., 2020), with studies reporting thinner cortices during childhood followed by increased cortical thickness during adulthood in subjects with ASD (Ecker et al., 2014). ...
Full-text available
Background Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition. Understanding the brain’s microstructure and its relationship to clinical characteristics is important to advance our understanding of the neural supports underlying ASD. In the current work, we implemented Gray-Matter Based Spatial Statistics (GBSS) to examine and characterize cortical microstructure and assess differences between typically developing (TD) and autistic males. Methods A multi-shell diffusion MRI (dMRI) protocol was acquired from 83 TD and 70 autistic males (5-to-21-years) and fit to the DTI and NODDI models. GBSS was performed for voxelwise analysis of cortical gray matter (GM). General linear models were used to investigate group differences, while age-by-group interactions assessed age-related differences between groups. Within the ASD group, relationships between cortical microstructure and measures of autistic symptoms were investigated. Results All dMRI measures were significantly associated with age across the GM skeleton. Group differences and age-by-group interactions are reported. Group-wise increases in neurite density in autistic individuals were observed across frontal, temporal, and occipital regions of the right hemisphere. Significant age-by-group interactions of neurite density were observed within the middle frontal gyrus, precentral gyrus, and frontal pole. Negative relationships between neurite dispersion and the ADOS-2 Calibrated Severity Scores (CSS) were observed within the ASD group. Discussion Findings demonstrate group and age-related differences between groups in neurite density in ASD across right-hemisphere brain regions supporting cognitive processes. Results provide evidence of altered neurodevelopmental processes affecting GM microstructure in autistic males with implications for the role of cortical microstructure in the level of autistic symptoms. Conclusion Using dMRI and GBSS, our findings provide new insights into group and age-related differences of the GM microstructure in autistic males. Defining where and when these cortical GM differences arise will contribute to our understanding of brain-behavior relationships of ASD and may aid in the development and monitoring of targeted and individualized interventions.
... Age-related differences between diagnostic groups in white matter microstructure have also been reported in autistic adults 30-to-73 years of age, with higher age-related mean MD and RD in ASD within projection and association fiber tracts (Koolschijn et al., 2017). Other DTI studies of adolescents and young adults have described widespread reductions in gray matter FA and increased MD in autistic individuals (Groen et al., 2011;Bletsch et al., 2021). Beyond DTI, advanced diffusion MRI methods have been used to explore white and gray matter microstructure in ASD. ...
... Our white matter DTI findings complement the literature, with widespread decreases in FA, and increases in MD and RD (Alexander et al., 2007a;Groen et al., 2011;Kleinhans et al., 2012;Travers et al., 2015). While previous studies of ASD often report null findings of white matter differences in AD (Lee et al., 2007;Alexander et al., 2007a;Ameis et al., 2011;Jeong et al., 2011;Travers et al., 2012), reduced AD in autistic children was found in a TBSS study within prefrontal and thalamic white matter (Barnea-Goraly et al., 2010). ...
Full-text available
Background Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition commonly studied in the context of early childhood. As ASD is a life-long condition, understanding the characteristics of brain microstructure from adolescence into adulthood and associations to clinical features is critical for improving outcomes across the lifespan. In the current work, we utilized Tract Based Spatial Statistics (TBSS) and Gray Matter Based Spatial Statistics (GBSS) to examine the white matter (WM) and gray matter (GM) microstructure in neurotypical (NT) and autistic males. Methods Multi-shell diffusion MRI was acquired from 78 autistic and 81 NT males (12-to-46-years) and fit to the DTI and NODDI diffusion models. TBSS and GBSS were performed to analyze WM and GM microstructure, respectively. General linear models were used to investigate group and age-related group differences. Within the ASD group, relationships between WM and GM microstructure and measures of autistic symptoms were investigated. Results All dMRI measures were significantly associated with age across WM and GM. Significant group differences were observed across WM and GM. No significant age-by-group interactions were detected. Within the ASD group, positive relationships with WM microstructure were observed with ADOS-2 Calibrated Severity Scores. Conclusion Using TBSS and GBSS our findings provide new insights into group differences of WM and GM microstructure in autistic males from adolescence into adulthood. Detection of microstructural differences across the lifespan as well as their relationship to the level of autistic symptoms will deepen to our understanding of brain-behavior relationships of ASD and may aid in the improvement of intervention options for autistic adults.
... It identifies the variations between individuals with ASD and those who are usually developing in terms of brain morphology. 2. Many studies have involved Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) (Groen et al., 2011) as one of the modalities to explore the connectivity of the brain. The limitation of this method is that it not only involves a minimal number of participants but also that the researchers do not have access to multimodality neuroimaging datasets like EEG-fMRI, EEG-MEG, and MEG-DTI. ...
Eye tracking is a promising tool for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) detection in both children and adults. An important aspect of social communication is keeping eye contact, which is something that people with ASD frequently struggle with. Eye tracking can assess the duration of eye contact and the frequency and direction of gaze movements, offering quantifiable indicators of social communication deficits. People with ASD may also demonstrate other abnormalities in visual processing, such as an increased concentration on detail, sensory sensitivity, and trouble with complicated visual activities. These variations can be measured via Eye tracking, which offers critical information for the planning of therapy and diagnosis. The primary objective of this work is to provide a thorough description of the most recent studies that use Eye tracking combined with various Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models for the detection of ASD. This will provide insights into the identification, and behavioral assessment, and distinguish between autistic people and those who are Typically Developing (TD). A detailed review of the various ML and DL models with their datasets and performance criteria is presented. Different types of eye movement datasets with diagnostic standards and eye tracker devices are also discussed. Finally, the study addresses the potential of gaze prediction in ASD patients for the design of interventions.
... Recently, attempts have been made to characterize the microstructure of the autistic brain by studying the random motion of water molecules using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), which can measure the orientation distribution of molecules, magnitude, and direction (orthogonal or perpendicular to the axon) of diffusion such as fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), and radial diffusivity (RD) (10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15). However, the microstructural alterations in the GM, particularly in adults with ASD, have not been widely explored. ...
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Background Core symptoms of autism-spectrum disorder (ASD) have been associated with prefrontal cortex abnormalities. However, the mechanisms behind the observation remain incomplete, partially due to the challenges of modeling complex gray matter (GM) structures. This study aimed to identify GM microstructural alterations in adults with ASD using neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) and voxel-wise GM-based spatial statistics (GBSS) to reduce the partial volume effects from the white matter and cerebrospinal fluid. Materials and methods A total of 48 right-handed participants were included, of which 22 had ASD (17 men; mean age, 34.42 ± 8.27 years) and 26 were typically developing (TD) individuals (14 men; mean age, 32.57 ± 9.62 years). The metrics of NODDI (neurite density index [NDI], orientation dispersion index [ODI], and isotropic volume fraction [ISOVF]) were compared between groups using GBSS. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) metrics and surface-based cortical thickness were also compared. The associations between magnetic resonance imaging-based measures and ASD-related scores, including ASD-spectrum quotient, empathizing quotient, and systemizing quotient were also assessed in the region of interest (ROI) analysis. Results After controlling for age, sex, and intracranial volume, GBSS demonstrated significantly lower NDI in the ASD group than in the TD group in the left prefrontal cortex (caudal middle frontal, lateral orbitofrontal, pars orbitalis, pars triangularis, rostral middle frontal, and superior frontal region). In the ROI analysis of individuals with ASD, a significantly positive correlation was observed between the NDI in the left rostral middle frontal, superior frontal, and left frontal pole and empathizing quotient score. No significant between-group differences were observed in all DTI metrics, other NODDI (i.e., ODI and ISOVF) metrics, and cortical thickness. Conclusion GBSS analysis was used to demonstrate the ability of NODDI metrics to detect GM microstructural alterations in adults with ASD, while no changes were detected using DTI and cortical thickness evaluation. Specifically, we observed a reduced neurite density index in the left prefrontal cortices associated with reduced empathic abilities.
... However, lesional studies in rodents have documented bilateral cerebellar effects on the cerebral cortex, showing abnormal activity in the ipsilesional sensorimotor cortex [71] and ipsilateral connections between the cerebellum and cerebral cortex have also been identified [72][73][74]. Furthermore, functional connectivity might be partially independent of the underlying structural connections [75], since it refers to the functionally integrated relationship between spatially separated brain regions [76]. ...
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The behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) is primarily characterized by deficits in social behaviour and theory of mind (ToM). Although a consensus has been reached on the roles of the cerebellum in social cognition and ToM, its specific contribution to social impairments of bvFTD has never been specifically investigated. The aim of this study was to assess cerebellar structural and functional changes in patients with bvFTD and their potential association with ToM deficits of patients. Therefore, 15 patients with bvFTD and 34 healthy subjects underwent an MRI examination. Voxel-based morphometry was used to assess cerebellar (GM) changes, and a seed-based analysis was performed to test cerebello-cerebral functional connectivity (FC). The performance of bvFTD patients in a ToM task was then correlated with FC patterns. Compared to healthy subjects, patients with bvFTD showed significant cerebellar GM loss specifically involving cerebellar Crus I-II. Additionally, FC changes FC were observed between the cerebellum and cerebral regions related to ToM. Interestingly, patterns of changes in cerebello-cerebral FC correlated with altered ToM performances explored using the “Reading the Mind with the Eyes” test (RMET) of patients. The present findings suggest that specific changes in cerebello-cerebral FC may underlie ToM alterations in patients with bvFTD.
... Based on a theoretical CSF mean diffusivity of 3 × 10 −3 mm 2 /s reported in the literature (Koo et al., 2009;Pasternak et al., 2009;Zhang et al., 2012), a "safe" CSF mask (Dumont et al., 2019) containing the ventricles and the part of the constrained CSF between the skull and the brain is extracted. To extract this "safe" CSF mask, MD voxels higher than 2 × 10 −3 mm 2 /s (Groen et al., 2011) were selected. To quantify the number of CSF voxels classified as GM voxels, we intersect the "safe" CSF mask with the GM region of DORIS as well as that of the silver standard. ...
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Modern tractography algorithms such as anatomically-constrained tractography (ACT) are based on segmentation maps of white matter (WM), gray matter (GM), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). These maps are generally estimated from a T1-weighted (T1w) image and then registered in diffusion weighted images (DWI) space. Registration of T1w to diffusion space and partial volume estimation are challenging and rarely voxel-perfect. Diffusion-based segmentation would, thus, potentially allow not to have higher quality anatomical priors injected in the tractography process. On the other hand, even if FA-based tractography is possible without T1 registration, the literature shows that this technique suffers from multiple issues such as holes in the tracking mask and a high proportion of generated broken and anatomically implausible streamlines. Therefore, there is an important need for a tissue segmentation algorithm that works directly in the native diffusion space. We propose DORIS, a DWI-based deep learning segmentation algorithm. DORIS outputs 10 different tissue classes including WM, GM, CSF, ventricles, and 6 other subcortical structures (putamen, pallidum, hippocampus, caudate, amygdala, and thalamus). DORIS was trained and validated on a wide range of subjects, including 1,000 individuals from 22 to 90 years old from clinical and research DWI acquisitions, from 5 public databases. In the absence of a “true” ground truth in diffusion space, DORIS used a silver standard strategy from Freesurfer output registered onto the DWI. This strategy is extensively evaluated and discussed in the current study. Segmentation maps provided by DORIS are quantitatively compared to Freesurfer and FSL-fast and the impacts on tractography are evaluated. Overall, we show that DORIS is fast, accurate, and reproducible and that DORIS-based tractograms produce bundles with a longer mean length and fewer anatomically implausible streamlines.
... Consistent with previously reported associations between increased cerebellar white matter and greater finger tapping speed and manual dexterity in TD (Koppelmans et al., 2015), our study indicates that white matter volume is associated with precision motor performance in ASD. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies of individuals with ASD have shown reduced microstructural integrity of cerebellar white matter, including increased mean diffusivity of middle cerebellar peduncles, the primary cortical-brainstem afferent pathway to cerebellum (Groen et al., 2011), and reduced fractional anisotropy and increased mean diffusivity of superior cerebellar peduncles, the primary efferent pathway to cerebral cortex from cerebellum (Catani et al., 2008;Sivaswamy et al., 2010). Our findings add to this literature by demonstrating that dysmaturation of cerebellar white matter is associated with reduced fine motor precision and suggest that intracerebellar structural connectivity alterations in ASD may contribute to difficulties with sensorimotor control. ...
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Background Sensorimotor issues are common in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), though their neural bases are not well understood. The cerebellum is vital to sensorimotor control and reduced cerebellar volumes in ASD have been documented. Our study examined the extent to which cerebellar volumes are associated with multiple sensorimotor behaviors in ASD. Materials and Methods Fifty-eight participants with ASD and 34 typically developing (TD) controls (8–30 years) completed a structural MRI scan and precision grip testing, oculomotor testing, or both. Force variability during precision gripping as well as absolute error and trial-to-trial error variability of visually guided saccades were examined. Volumes of cerebellar lobules, vermis, and white matter were quantified. The relationships between each cerebellar region of interest (ROI) and force variability, saccade error, and saccade error variability were examined. Results Relative to TD controls, individuals with ASD showed increased force variability. Individuals with ASD showed a reduced volume of cerebellar vermis VI-VII relative to TD controls. Relative to TD females, females with ASD showed a reduced volume of bilateral cerebellar Crus II/lobule VIIB. Increased volume of Crus I was associated with increased force variability. Increased volume of vermal lobules VI-VII was associated with reduced saccade error for TD controls but not individuals with ASD. Increased right lobule VIII and cerebellar white matter volumes as well as reduced right lobule VI and right lobule X volumes were associated with greater ASD symptom severity. Reduced volumes of right Crus II/lobule VIIB were associated with greater ASD symptom severity in only males, while reduced volumes of right Crus I were associated with more severe restricted and repetitive behaviors only in females. Conclusion Our finding that increased force variability in ASD is associated with greater cerebellar Crus I volumes indicates that disruption of sensory feedback processing supported by Crus I may contribute to skeletomotor differences in ASD. Results showing that volumes of vermal lobules VI-VII are associated with saccade precision in TD but not ASD implicates atypical organization of the brain systems supporting oculomotor control in ASD. Associations between volumes of cerebellar subregions and ASD symptom severity suggest cerebellar pathological processes may contribute to multiple developmental challenges in ASD.
... In line with these findings, we show that the volume of the hippocampus is enlarged in males after LPS, and we locate the changes specifically to the CA1 SR region which may be due to increased neuropil, number of cells, arborization, or misplaced cells (heterotopia) (Raymond et al., 1996;Weidenheim et al., 2001). Diffusion tensor imaging showed that mean diffusivity probability distributions of both grey and white matter shift towards a higher value in adolescent autistic individuals (Groen et al., 2011). Similarly, we demonstrated by quantitative DKI analysis a significant change to higher values of mean diffusivity distributions in the hippocampus of adolescent male mice following neonatal LPS without significant changes in mean kurtosis. ...
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Background and purpose: Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorders with considerably increased risk in male infants born preterm and with neonatal infection. Here we investigated the role of postnatal immune activation on hippocampal synaptopathology by targeting Reelin+ cells in mice with ASD-like behavior. Experimental approach: C57/Bl6 mouse pups of both sexes received lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 1mg/kg) on postnatal day (P) 5. At P45, animal behavior was examined by marble burying and sociability test, followed by ex-vivo brain MRI diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI). Hippocampal synaptogenesis, number and morphology of Reelin+ cells, and mRNA expression of trans-synaptic genes, including neurexin-3, neuroligin-1, and cell-adhesion molecule nectin-1 were analyzed at P12 and P45. Key results: Social withdrawal and increased stereotypic activities in males were related to increased mean diffusivity on MRI-DKI and overgrowth in hippocampus together with retention of long-thin immature synapses on apical dendrites, decreased volume and number of Reelin+ cells as well as reduced expression of trans-synaptic and cell-adhesion molecules. Conclusion and implications: The study provides new insights into sex-dependent mechanisms that may underlie ASD-like behavior in males following PIA. We identify GABAergic interneurons as core components of dysmaturation of excitatory synapses in the hippocampus following postnatal infection and provide cellular and molecular substrates for the MRI findings with translational value.
... These characteristics often make it difficult to establish appropriate interpersonal relationships in daily and social life. Individuals with ASD demonstrate atypical structural and functional brain patterns than their typically developed (TD) counterparts and altered network connectivity is involved in the core and other related symptoms of ASD (2). In particular, abnormalities of the neural pathways connected to the frontal lobe are reportedly associated with the pathophysiology of ASD (3)(4)(5)(6). ...
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Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have an increased risk of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) than typically developed (TD) children. Since multiple lines of studies have suggested that ACEs are related to myelination in the frontal lobe, an exposure to ACEs can be associated with white matter microstructural disruption in the frontal lobe, which may be implicated in subsequential psychological deficits after the adulthood. In this study, we investigated the relationship between ACEs and microstructural integrity on frontal lobe-related white matter tracts using diffusion tensor imaging in 63 individuals with ASD and 38 TD participants. Using a tractography-based analysis, we delineated the uncinate fasciculus (UF), dorsal cingulum (Ci), and anterior thalamic radiation (ATR), which are involved in the neural pathology of ASD, and estimated each diffusion parameter. Compared to the TD participants, individuals with ASD displayed significantly lower fractional anisotropy (FA) and higher radial diffusivity (RD) in the left ATR. Then, ASD individuals exposed to severe ACEs displayed higher RD than those exposed to mild ACEs and TD participants in the left ATR. Moreover, the severity of ACEs, particularly neglect, correlated with lower FA and higher RD in the left UF and ATR in individuals with ASD, which was not observed in TD participants. These results suggest that an exposure to ACEs is associated with abnormality in the frontal lobe-related white matter in ASD.
There is a growing body of evidence which suggests that neural disconnectivity is a core pathophysiological feature of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Brain structural connectivity, a measure of the micro- and macrostructural organization of brain white matter, is typically examined using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI). There are multiple DW-MRI analytic approaches including voxel-based analyses, diffusion tractography, and connectomics. A large body of DW-MRI research using these methods has reported atypical organization of white matter microstructural organization in diverse brain regions and white matter tracts in individuals with ASD. The developmental trajectory of white matter is atypical in ASD and appears to be influenced not only by age but also by sex. Hemispheric lateralization of white matter is abnormal in ASD. The behavioral correlates of disrupted white matter organization require further study, but many studies have reported association between atypical structural connectivity and core features of ASD.
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Summary Ten able adults with autism or Asperger syndrome and 10 normal volunteers were PET scanned while watching animated sequences. The animations depicted two triangles moving about on a screen in three different conditions: moving randomly, moving in a goal-directed fashion (chasing, fighting), and moving interactively with implied intentions (coaxing, tricking). The last condition frequently elicited descriptions in terms of mental states that viewers attributed to the triangles (mentalizing). The autism group gave fewer and less accurate descriptions of these latter animations, but equally accurate descriptions of the other animations compared with controls. While viewing animations that elicited mentalizing, in contrast to randomly moving shapes, the normal group showed increased activation in a previously identified mentalizing network (medial prefrontal cortex, superior temporal sulcus at the temporoparietal junction and temporal poles). The autism group showed less activation than the normal group in all these regions. However, one additional region, extrastriate cortex, which was highly active when watching animations that elicited mentalizing, showed the same amount of increased activation in both groups. In the autism group this extrastriate region showed reduced functional connectivity with the superior temporal sulcus at the temporo-parietal junction, an area associated with the processing of biological motion as well as with mentalizing. This finding suggests a physiological cause for the mentalizing dysfunction in autism: a bottleneck in the interaction between higher order and lower order perceptual processes.
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The broad variation in phenotypes and severities within autism spectrum disorders suggests the involvement of multiple predisposing factors, interacting in complex ways with normal developmental courses and gradients. Identification of these factors, and the common developmental path into which they feed, is hampered by the large degrees of convergence from causal factors to altered brain development, and divergence from abnormal brain development into altered cognition and behaviour. Genetic, neurochemical, neuroimaging, and behavioural findings on autism, as well as studies of normal development and of genetic syndromes that share symptoms with autism, offer hypotheses as to the nature of causal factors and their possible effects on the structure and dynamics of neural systems. Such alterations in neural properties may in turn perturb activity-dependent development, giving rise to a complex behavioural syndrome many steps removed from the root causes. Animal models based on genetic, neurochemical, neurophysiological, and behavioural manipulations offer the possibility of exploring these developmental processes in detail, as do human studies addressing endophenotypes beyond the diagnosis itself.Keywords: autism, development, neurochemistry, genetics, animal models
At its simplest, voxel-based morphometry (VBM) involves a voxel-wise comparison of the local concentration of gray matter between two groups of subjects. The procedure is relatively straightforward and involves spatially normalizing high-resolution images from all the subjects in the study into the same stereotactic space. This is followed by segmenting the gray matter from the spatially normalized images and smoothing the gray-matter segments. Voxel-wise parametric statistical tests which compare the smoothed gray-matter images from the two groups are performed. Corrections for multiple comparisons are made using the theory of Gaussian random fields. This paper describes the steps involved in VBM, with particular emphasis on segmenting gray matter from MR images with nonuniformity artifact. We provide evaluations of the assumptions that underpin the method, including the accuracy of the segmentation and the assumptions made about the statistical distribution of the data.
Motion artefacts are an important but often disregarded problem in diffusion-weighted imaging, which can readily lead to corrupt diffusion model estimations. The new processing method proposed in this paper uses robust tensor estimation that is spatially informed to efficiently detect the most frequently occurring artefacts, namely those that result from head and cardiac motion. Simulations demonstrate that the method is more robust and accurate than previous methods. The tensor estimates are more accurate in motion artefact-free conditions, less sensitive to increases in artefact magnitude and more resistant to increasing artefact frequency. Evaluation with real diffusion-weighted (DW) imaging data shows that the method works excellently, even for datasets with a high degree of motion that otherwise need to be discarded. The method is not limited to diffusion tensor imaging but also yields objective artefact reflecting weights that can be used to inform subsequent processing or estimation of higher-order diffusion models.
This review examines the way in which microscopic tissue parameters can affect MR experiments which are sensitive to diffusion. The interaction between the intra‐ and extravascular as well as that between the intra‐ and extracellular spaces is examined. Susceptibility gradients due to the presence of deoxyhemoglobin can cause diffusion‐induced signal losses which are significant in functional magnetic resonance experiments, particularly at higher main magnetic field strengths. This is also true of the fast response that manifests itself as an early negative signal change in functional magnetic resonance experiments. The fields surrounding paramagnetic vessels are described and the way in which diffusion in these fields contributes to functional signal changes is examined. Flow in the capillary bed can be a confounding factor in experiments which aim to examine the diffusion characteristics of extravascular water. It is potentially also a method for assessing capillary perfusion. The intravoxel incoherent motion experiment is described in terms of how significantly this effect can influence diffusion attenuation curves from water. The major models for describing water diffusion in tissue are presented, as are the main experimental results that have contributed to an understanding of the mechanisms of diffusion contrast. The widely accepted view that changes in the diffusion characteristics are caused by a shift of water to the intracellular space and a concomitant change in extracellular tortuosity is examined critically. More recent experiments that indicate that a reduction in the intracellular diffusion may occur simultaneously with the cell swelling are described and their compatibility with existing models discussed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Abbreviations used 2FDG‐6P fluor‐2‐deoxyglucose‐6‐phosphate ADC apparent diffusion coefficient BOLD blood oxygen level dependent CNS central nervous system CSF cerebro spinal fluid DTI diffusion tensor imaging DWI diffusion weighted imaging fMR functional magnetic resonance FR fast response IVCM intravoxel coherent motion IVIM intravoxel incoherent motion MCAO middle cerebral artery occlusion MRI magnetic resonance imaging NMDA N ‐methyl‐ D ‐aspartate NMR nuclear magnetic resonance PFG pulsed field gradient rBF regional blood flow SGP short gradient pulse TE echo time.
This study explored white matter abnormalities in a group of Chinese children with high functioning autism (HFA). Twelve male children with HFA and ten matched typically developing children underwent diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) as well three-dimensional T1-weighted MRI for voxel-based morphometry (VBM). We found a significant decrease of the white matter density in the right frontal lobe, left parietal lobe and right anterior cingulate and a significant increase in the right frontal lobe, left parietal lobe and left cingulate gyrus in the HFA group compared with the control group. The HFA group also had decreased FA in the frontal lobe and left temporal lobe. By combining DT-MRI FA and MRI volumetric analyses based on the VBM model, the results showed consistent white matter abnormalities in a group of Chinese children with HFA.
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and resting state temporal correlations (RSTC) are two leading techniques for investigating the connectivity of the human brain. They have been widely used to investigate the strength of anatomical and functional connections between distant brain regions in healthy subjects, and in clinical populations. Though they are both based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) they have not yet been compared directly. In this work both techniques were employed to create global connectivity matrices covering the whole brain gray matter. This allowed for direct comparisons between functional connectivity measured by RSTC with anatomical connectivity quantified using DTI tractography. We found that connectivity matrices obtained using both techniques showed significant agreement. Connectivity maps created for a priori defined anatomical regions showed significant correlation, and furthermore agreement was especially high in regions showing strong overall connectivity, such as those belonging to the default mode network. Direct comparison between functional RSTC and anatomical DTI connectivity, presented here for the first time, links two powerful approaches for investigating brain connectivity and shows their strong agreement. It provides a crucial multi-modal validation for resting state correlations as representing neuronal connectivity. The combination of both techniques presented here allows for further combining them to provide richer representation of brain connectivity both in the healthy brain and in clinical conditions.
The need for a simply applied quantitative assessment of handedness is discussed and some previous forms reviewed. An inventory of 20 items with a set of instructions and response- and computational-conventions is proposed and the results obtained from a young adult population numbering some 1100 individuals are reported. The separate items are examined from the point of view of sex, cultural and socio-economic factors which might appertain to them and also of their inter-relationship to each other and to the measure computed from them all. Criteria derived from these considerations are then applied to eliminate 10 of the original 20 items and the results recomputed to provide frequency-distribution and cumulative frequency functions and a revised item-analysis. The difference of incidence of handedness between the sexes is discussed.
Describes the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R), a revision of the Autism Diagnostic Interview, a semistructured, investigator-based interview for caregivers of children and adults for whom autism or pervasive developmental disorders is a possible diagnosis. The revised interview has been reorganized, shortened, modified to be appropriate for children with mental ages from about 18 months into adulthood and linked to ICD-10 and DSM-IV criteria. Psychometric data are presented for a sample of preschool children.