
Developing Key Competencies in Education: some lessons from international and national experience

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... This shift in emphasis from the 'know-what' or 'factual knowledge/recall' to the 'know-why, know-how and know-who' has been a feature of the OECD school curricula recommendations since the late 1990s (Takayama, 2013). According to Tiana (2004), in an emerging 'knowledge society', formal schooling should not be "so concerned with nurturing minds and defining the contents to be learned, but 'must improve the (students') capacity of reacting to new demands and adapting to new Keating's (2001) contribution to the DeSeCo project (see Chapter 1) highlighted the fact that several experts believed that many of the broader set of competencies are unlikely to be primarily fostered through formal schooling and that a number of them As stated earlier, the lifelong learning policy framework also guides PISA; it is designed to assess 15-year olds' "individual attributes which were developed in a variety of contexts beyond formal schooling" (Gonczi, 2006, in Takayama, 2013Tiana, 2004). It would appear that the OECD influence potentially extends not only to nation's education system and its curricula, but also into people's homes, communities and workplaces and ways of being. ...
... This shift in emphasis from the 'know-what' or 'factual knowledge/recall' to the 'know-why, know-how and know-who' has been a feature of the OECD school curricula recommendations since the late 1990s (Takayama, 2013). According to Tiana (2004), in an emerging 'knowledge society', formal schooling should not be "so concerned with nurturing minds and defining the contents to be learned, but 'must improve the (students') capacity of reacting to new demands and adapting to new Keating's (2001) contribution to the DeSeCo project (see Chapter 1) highlighted the fact that several experts believed that many of the broader set of competencies are unlikely to be primarily fostered through formal schooling and that a number of them As stated earlier, the lifelong learning policy framework also guides PISA; it is designed to assess 15-year olds' "individual attributes which were developed in a variety of contexts beyond formal schooling" (Gonczi, 2006, in Takayama, 2013Tiana, 2004). It would appear that the OECD influence potentially extends not only to nation's education system and its curricula, but also into people's homes, communities and workplaces and ways of being. ...
... It would appear that the OECD influence potentially extends not only to nation's education system and its curricula, but also into people's homes, communities and workplaces and ways of being. Takayama (2013), in particular, finds it particularly concerning that the development of key competencies for all students requires not only a change in the nature of teaching and learning in formal schooling but also a careful rethinking of roles and responsibilities of a wide range of partners across the whole society -families, communities, voluntary associations, cultural and religious organizations, schools, workplaces and governments (see Rychen & Salganik, 2000a;Gonczi, 2006, in Takayama, 2013Tiana, 2004). ...
... Những động lực thúc đẩy sự quan tâm đến năng lực và giáo dục dựa trên năng lực đã được trình bày trong một số nghiên cứu của các tác giả như Binkley và cộng sự, 2012; Carson, 2003;Rychen & Salganik, 2003;Tiana, 2004;Trilling & Fadel, 2009. Nhìn chung, những thay đổi quan trọng trong nền kinh tế và xã hội của toàn thế giới đã mang đến những yêu cầu bức thiết trong cải cách giáo dục. ...
... Giáo dục dựa trên kết quả tập trung vào những hành động thực tế mà người học có thể thực hiện được khi kết thúc quá trình học tập (Cedefop, 2012). Theo đó, những công việc trong thực tế của người học nên trở thành những mục tiêu được công khai rõ ràng của nền giáo dục hơn là việc chỉ truyền thụ kiến thức của các ngành khoa học truyền thống (Tiana, 2004). Trong bối cảnh đó, khái niệm năng lực trở thành một đại diện đầy tiềm năng cho một làn sóng mới của giáo dục nói chung và giáo dục dựa trên kết quả nói riêng khi xác định các mục tiêu học tập gắn với các hành động và các công việc thực tế của người học. ...
... Mô hình học tập dựa trên thuyết hành vi tập trung vào việc thực hiện thành công các hành vi theo yêu cầu. Mô hình học tập này khuyến khích việc xác định mục tiêu là các hành vi cụ thể định hướng cho quá trình học tập và đánh giá người học (Tiana, 2004). Sự thống trị của thuyết hành vi đã thúc đẩy sự phát triển và tầm ảnh hưởng của giáo dục dựa trên kết quả và ngay cả giáo dục dựa trên năng lực vì cả hai cách tiếp cận này đều nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của hành động hơn là kiến thúc trong quá trình dạy và học. ...
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Giáo dục dựa trên năng lực hay còn gọi là giáo dục tiếp cận năng lực đã trở thành một xu hướng quan trọng trong cải cách giáo dục của nhiều quốc gia trên thế giới, trong đó có Việt Nam. Việc áp dụng khái niệm năng lực và tiếp cận giáo dục dựa trên năng lực vào xây dựng và phát triển chương trình giáo dục đòi hỏi những nghiên cứu sâu về nguồn gốc và bản chất của khái niệm và tiếp cận này. Bài viết tập trung phân tích những động lực thúc đẩy sự phát triển của giáo dục dựa trên năng lực, từ đó lý giải và trình bày những hướng tiếp cận khác nhau trong việc định nghĩa khái niệm năng lực. Việc hiểu rõ những hướng tiếp cận khác nhau giúp các nhà nghiên cứu, thiết kế chương trình và thực hành giáo dục hiểu được sự phức tạp trong xây dựng và truyền tải các lý thuyết nền tảng của tiếp cận trước khi đi vào công đoạn triển khai thực hiện.
... Attainment of such standards provide evidence of the ability to combine knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes into behaviours (Aranda & Yates 2009) required to perform in the real world. This ability also defines the student's professional competence (Rychen 2004). Professional competence requires essential cognitive abilities of recalling information (knowledge) and applying it (skills) based on analytical and critical thinking (Nusche 2008). ...
... In the context of professional education and training, such as seafaring, assessment also provides feedback about the achievement of professional standards by students that are essential for the workplace. Attainment of such standards provide evidence of an ability to combine knowledge, skills, values and attitudes into behaviours (Aranda and Yates, 2009) required to perform in the real world which defines the student's professional competence (Rychen, 2004). Professional competence requires essential cognitive abilities of recalling information (knowledge) and applying it (skills) based on analytical and critical thinking (Nusche, 2008). ...
A review of past research in the area of seafarer education conducted for this study, showed that the traditional assessments that required seafarer students to focus on rote learning and construction of responses devoid of real-world contexts (e.g. oral examinations, and multiple-choice questions) disengaged them from learning. Hence, this research proposed that authentic assessments, requiring students to construct responses based on the assimilation, integration, and critical analysis of information presented in real-world contexts will result in higher academic achievement. Using the characteristics recommended by the commonly cited authors, this study redefined the concept of authentic assessment which established the theoretical framework for this study. An extensive literature review, conducted as part of this research study, uncovered an absence of academic investigation on: authentic assessment in the area of seafarer training and on the different aspects of validity and reliability of authentic assessment. In this regard, a conceptual framework for seafarer education and training (AAFSET) that provides greater assurances of validity and reliability throughout all stages of authentic assessment was developed. An empirical contribution of this study was through the investigation of the difference in seafarer students’ academic achievement (measured through scores obtained in assessment) in authentic assessment as compared with traditional assessment. Analysis of student scores revealed that the authentically assessed students were guided towards significantly higher academic achievement. A further investigation using the students undergoing authentic assessment, included measuring their perceptions of authenticity for factors of assessment (task, criteria, etc.) and correlating to their scores in the associated task. Data analysis revealed the factor of transparency of criteria was a significant predictor of the students’ academic achievement.
... The normative approach to teaching / learning foreign languages has induced scholars to perform appropriate research -to write reviews regarding these issues: competencies in education [11]; creative competence [3; 8]; intercultural challenges, intracultural practices [5]; the translation-centred approach to the language acquisition [18]; natural language processing [6]; competence-based approach to teaching foreign languages [4], etc. ...
... S. Rychen and A. Tiana equal skills (learning results) with competencies, they distinguish competency from the notion "competence" which is understood as a complex action system [11]. Y. T. God and H. Zhang deem that language barriers and cultural distance are frequently cited in the literature as factors that hinder communication and investigate how Chinese international students and local students understand and experience intercultural communication [5]. ...
... Colaboración y Trabajo en Equipo Fomentar la capacidad de trabajar eficientemente en equipos multidisciplinarios, aprovechando la diversidad de habilidades y perspectivas para enriquecer el proceso investigativo (Shiroma-Tamashiro, 2019; Márquez et al, 2020;González Fernández, 2021;Ríos et al, 2023). Ética de la Investigación Conocer y aplicar los principios éticos que rigen la investigación académica, garantizando la integridad, transparencia y respeto en todas las etapas del proceso (Rychen y Tiana, 2004). ...
Las Actas del II Congreso Internacional de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología INUDI – UH, 2024 presentan una compilación fascinante que surge del congreso conjunto organizado por la Universidad Hipócrates de México y el Instituto Universitario de Innovación Ciencia y Tecnología Inudi - Perú. Este libro reúne una amplia gama de investigaciones interdisciplinarias presentadas durante el evento, abarcando áreas tan diversas como ciencias sociales, ingeniería, salud pública y desarrollo tecnológico. Estas páginas ofrecen un viaje emocionante a través de los últimos avances científicos, destacando la importancia de la colaboración entre diferentes disciplinas para abordar los desafíos contemporáneos. Desde estudios sobre políticas públicas hasta investigaciones en ingeniería de metales, cada capítulo presenta perspectivas únicas y soluciones innovadoras que surgen de la convergencia de distintos campos de estudio. Los lectores se sumergirán en debates sobre la aplicación práctica de resultados científicos, explorando cómo estas investigaciones pueden influir en la innovación, el desarrollo tecnológico y la mejora de la calidad de vida en comunidades alrededor del mundo. Los resultados difundidos en este congreso se convierten así en una valiosa fuente de inspiración y conocimiento para académicos, científicos, profesionales y cualquier persona interesada en el cruce entre la ciencia, la tecnología y la sociedad.
... 90). Para Rychen y Tiana (2004), las competencias constituyen "una combinación de habilidades prácticas y cognoscitivas interrelacionadas, conocimientos, motivaciones, valores y ética, actitudes, emociones y otros componentes sociales y comportamentales que pueden movilizarse conjuntamente por una acción eficaz en un contexto particular" (p. 21). ...
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Las competencias investigativas son esenciales en diversas profesiones y áreas del saber; sin embargo, en la literatura especializada se reporta la necesidad de disponer de instrumentos que permitan evaluarlas de manera válida y confiable. El propósito de este estudio fue diseñar y validar una escala para medir las competencias investigativas en docentes universitarios y estudiantes de postgrado. Estas competencias se definieron como la capacidad de las personas, basada en la integración de sus conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes y experiencia, para utilizar el método científico de manera productiva e independiente. La investigación se hizo bajo los postulados del paradigma explicativo, con un enfoque cuantitativo y un diseño descriptivo-transversal e inferencial. Se utilizó una muestra de n = 304 sujetos. La versión final de la escala, después del estudio psicométrico, quedó en 20 ítems. Los resultados indican que existen dos dimensiones en la estructura de la escala, una referida al problema y su fundamentación (factor 1) y otra de la dimensión metodológica (factor 2). Se concluye que la escala cumple con los requerimientos psicométricos de validez y confiabilidad, lo cual la hace un instrumento apropiado para medir las competencias investigativas en docentes y estudiantes de postgrado.
... They gave the most compact definition of "competency," being more than just knowledge and skills, as the ability to We should remark that despite, at first glance, a clear understanding of the concepts under study, some scientists Bolotov, Lednev, Nikandrov, Ryzhakov, Raven, and others, year of publication) equate the concepts "competence" and "competency" in these semantic markers: "knowledge," "abilities," "skills," "awareness," etc. (Bolotov & Lednev, 2003) On the other hand, the synonymy or likeness of "competence" and "competency" is caused by the etymology of these words (English competence/competency, Latin competentia) and their incorrect translation into Ukrainian/Russian. Rychen and Tiana interpret the notion "competence" as a combination of interrelated cognitive and practical skills, knowledge (including tacit knowledge), motivation, values and ethics, attitudes, emotions, and other social and behavioral components that together can be mobilized for effective action in a particular context (Rychen & Tiana, 2004). Pometun (2005) associates competence with a broad concept that encompasses cognitive, operational-technological, motivational, ethical, social, and behavioral components; contains learning outcomes (knowledge and skills), a system of value orientations (Ovcharyk, 2003, p.61). ...
Some issues regarding how secondary school pupils’ and university students’ (majoring in English, Chinese) intercultural competence, which are to be developed under conditions of the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19, are presented in the article. The authors review the literature on the education standards alongside some native and foreign scholars’ definitions of the pedagogical phenomenon “competence.” The purpose of the study is to analyze the model of competence under focus. We introduce some learning objectives aimed at developing secondary school pupils’ and university students’ intercultural competence. The problem`s relevance is preconditioned by the expanded intercultural and interethnic ties within Ukraine and other countries, which are to be observed when dealing with representatives of different countries and considered when elaborating the competence-based framework for secondary school pupils and university students. The leading suggestions (findings) related to the study have been given: systematic formation of the intercultural competence of secondary school pupils and university students, improvement of the existing curricula, and syllabi’s adaptation of the educational profession-oriented training programs intended future translators and teachers of foreign languages.
... [1] UNESCO considers core literacy as "the literacy required for an individual to live the life he wants and for a good functioning society". [2] In China, based on China's national conditions and educational reality, Professor Lin Chongde of Beijing Normal University put forward that core literacy is "a necessary character and key ability that students should possess and can adapt to the needs of lifelong development and social development". [3] Core literacy is the "key" and "must-have" literacy, which plays a key role in the performance of the counselor's duties. ...
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The core literacy of counselors is to do a good job with students, and it is a necessary character and key ability to promote the career development of counselors. Improving the core literacy of counselors is of great significance. It is the fundamental requirement for foster character and civic virtue, and it is also the need to promote the professional development of counselors. It is also an important measure to strengthen and improve the ideological and political work of college students. To improve the core literacy of college counselors, we should start from improving the counselors' awareness of self-development, building a three-dimensional training system, optimizing the assessment and evaluation mechanism for counselors, and improving the incentive mechanism for counselors, so as to better implement the fundamental task of foster character and civic virtue.
... Competencies relate to an aggregation of corresponding cognitive and practical skills, knowledge, motivation, values and ethics, attitudes, emotions, and other social and behavioural components that can be pulled together to achieve an aim in a specific setting (Rychen and Tiana 2004 ...
In September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) detailed therein were formally adopted at the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Summit. The SDGs succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and guide the global path of sustainable development after 2015. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity, with countries and all stakeholders acting in collaborative partnership to implement this plan. The Agenda also seeks to strengthen universal peace and provides a common vision for peaceful societies.
... En la definición de competencias, Laisner (2000) entiende la competencia educativa como un saber hacer complejo, resultado de la integración, movilización y adecuación de capacidades, conocimientos, actitudes y habilidades, utilizados eficazmente en situaciones concretas. Por su parte, Rychen y Tiana (2004) concluyen que se trata de un concepto holístico, que integra las demandas externas, los atributos personales (incluyendo la ética y los valores) y el contexto. Estas definiciones se complementan con la ofrecida por la European Comission's Cedefop Glossary (CEDEFOP, 2008), que entiende que la competencia no se reduce a elementos cognitivos, sino que también implica aspectos funcionales (habilidades), atributos interpersonales y valores éticos. ...
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Desde el inicio de este siglo, el desarrollo de competencias clave para el aprendizaje permanente ha sido un imperativo político importante para los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea. Una época de cambios sustanciales en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje donde uno de los temas que más focos acaparaba en educación era la inclusión del término competencias en el currículum escolar, así como su adecuada evaluación. En el presente artículo, se hace un recorrido por los resultados más relevantes de los estudios desarrollados en el periodo 2007-2011 por el Grupo HUM-311 (P.A.I.D.I., Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación): Repensar la educación, Grupo de Investigación, Innovación y Evaluación de Andalucía, dirigido por el profesor Ángel I. Pérez Gómez, destacando dos proyectos de investigación con un fuerte vínculo entre sí. El primero de ellos, centrado en el análisis de PISA y las Pruebas Diagnósticas de Andalucía, cuyo propósito consistía en analizar el potencial de dichas evaluaciones externas para estimar el grado de desarrollo de las competencias educativas y su influjo en el constructo de ‘aprender cómo aprender’. El segundo, enfocado al estudio del portafolios educativo como instrumento privilegiado para ayudar a desarrollar competencias y para evaluar la calidad de su consecución. En esta etapa de grandes desafíos respecto al complejo y novedoso concepto de competencias, los hallazgos del Grupo de Investigación arrojaron luz ante la insatisfacción generalizada de la comunidad educativa respecto a los tradicionales sistemas de evaluación.
... For HE, this implies that competencies can be acquired or developed during postsecondary education, through teaching and learning. In the KoKoHs projects, competencies were defined as latent cognitive and non-cognitive underpinnings of performance (Ewell, 2005;Rychen, 2004). The compilation of professional skills is often complex and closely tied to performance in specific situations during employment. ...
... Therefore, the key issues on their performance are to be acknowledged, while training Ukrainian students majoring in Translation Studies, alongside with the main focus paid to the Ukrainian normative educational regulations such as the Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education", the National Doctrine of Education Development, the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for the period up to 2021, which highlight culture-centricity, preservation and enhancement of 1 national educational traditions, humanization of education and its integration into the world educational space. This orientation towards both western and eastern countries involves the recognition of the European and International qualification standards and teaching / learning regulations as follows: Standards on Teaching Foreign Languages and Expected Education Outcomes (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment, 2001), Key Competencies in Education (Rychen & Tiana, 2004), the main document of the European educational project on the standardization of translation-targeted education "EMT" ("European Master's in Translation"), the Manual on the Implementation of Language Proficiency Requirements, more widely known as Document 9835 (ICAO, 2004(ICAO, , 2010 and the key standards "Qualification and certification of translators" in Ukraine (СТТУ АПУ 001-2000), etc. ...
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The Discourse of Science and Technology is represented in the viewpoint of its strategic and tactical vectors of manifestation. Some linguistic peculiarities characterising the discourse of science and technology are described; the appropriate translation techniques used while reproducing the content of the English technical terms originated from Latin and Greek in Chinese and Ukrainian are introduced. The constituents of the terminological competence as a component of the translator’s competence are presented in the article. Some translation quality criteria which could be used for evaluating students’ terminological competence are introduced. A set of teaching tools which could facilitate students’ academic success in translating terminology is specified. The required outcomes that students are to demonstrate (assessment criteria) after finishing their translation course within their professional training are clarified.
... Key competencies are the main set of the most general concepts that should be detailed in the complex of knowledge, skills, abilities, values, and attitudes in the areas of study and life. One of the generalizations was the definition by the OECD representatives of three categories of key competencies as a conceptual framework, namely: acting autonomously; using tools interactively; interacting in heterogeneous groups (Rychen, & Tiana, 2004). ...
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Nowadays, digitalization in education is a digital transformation that is not a trend but a requirement of the times. Thus, the main task of teaching is the introduction of digital technologies, which provide education improvement, accessibility and efficiency, training the young generation for life in the digital society. Digital technologies are changed, in turn, it requires students and teachers to improve their knowledge, skills and to focus on the development. Information and digital competence in the education process helps teachers to teach the content effectively using the latest means that contribute to the achievement of the best results. With the development of key competencies, as an information and digital one, there is an urgent need to form it in the process of learning. The article is devoted to the problem of analyzing the meaning of the term “information and digital competence” in the conditions of modern Ukrainian education. The purpose of the article is to explore the term “information and digital competence” in scientific and pedagogic literature. To achieve the purpose the general theoretical scientific methods are used such as analysis, synthesis and systematization of researchers’ works as for terms: “competence”, “information competence”, “digital competence”, “information and digital competence”; logical-systemic, problem-targeted, comparative analyses as for theoretical basics of components of information and digital competence. There are some research results. The detailed analysis of terms that are related to the definition “information and digital competence” is made, and the stages of their development are considered. The particular attention is paid to the main competencies for learning. Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, we can conclude that the information and digital competence of specialists in various fields is an urgent issue in pedagogical science.
... Khan and Ramachandran, (2012, p. 922), recommend that, "the term competency should strictly be used for the skill itself while competence is the ability to perform that skill and the attribute of the performer". As such, a competence may be seen to be much broader than a skill (Rychen, and Tiana, 2004). In simple terms, competence focuses on the 'what' and competency focuses on the 'how'. ...
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Background/purpose – British, European and American universities are increasingly adopting competency-based learning, yet, there are different and conflicting definitions of competence, competency, and competency-based learning. Consequently, multiple interpretations and understandings are held by educators in respect of what these terms mean, when applied to their own teaching and assessment practices. Therefore, unless informed and considered discussion has taken place amongst staff about their individual understandings and interpretations, any development of new, competency-based assessment processes and procedures, is necessarily problematic. The main purpose of the paper is to stimulate reflection and discussion, so that teaching staff can arrive at a common understanding and interpretation of what competency-based education is, so that they may develop appropriate, authentic and equitable assessment processes. Materials/methods – The methodology used was a systematic review of literature on competence, competency-based learning and the assessment of competency-based learning. Conclusion – This paper provides an overview of the main issues and tensions involved in clearly defining competency within higher education programmes and assessing competence, along with two clear recommendations for practice. The recommendations have significance for all higher education teaching staff involved in programmes of competency-based learning.
... En el marco de este proyecto el desarrollo competencial se asume como holístico y dinámico, solo definible y medible en la acción que es la que modula las exigencias del contexto donde se desarrolla (Colás y De Pablos, 2005;Hutmacher, 2003;Rychen, 2003;Tiana y Rychen, 2004). En este sentido, se ha planteado la creación de procedimientos de evaluación que permitan recoger información relevante sobre las competencias relacionadas con los objetivos de la titulación y de las materias en cuestión, de tal manera que se obtengan datos que nos permitan valorar la calidad de la formación alcanzada por nuestros estudiantes. ...
estudio se centra en las nuevas herramientas digitales al servicio de la comunicación desde un punto de vista interaccionista. Presenta una experiencia basada en el uso de muros virtuales llevada a cabo con 70 alumnos universitarios. El objetivo fue analizar la interacción comunicativa en los diferentes aprendizajes desde aspectos lingüísticos y cognitivos que determinan la secuencia expositiva y argumentativa a través de las herramientas digitales.
... Web portals can serve as powerful tools to help knowledge organizations, such as universities, colleges and improve their collaborative activities [3]. "Rural India" aims to gather unemployed people from all over India especially those who are qualified and educated. ...
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Brief Summary: From the beginning of the era, education is the utmost factor of prominent economy but as India still absence in this primary sector for providing optimum education to everyone. Education whilst "The most powerful weapon which can use to change the world" can fill up the void gap and resolve up to half of the problems for betterment of the society. As the recent data clearly depicts that average literacy rate in India is 74% which contains more men than women. In the epoch of proliferation, India is still few steps behind the economy contrast to other countries. Urbanisation leading with right pace towards development with good infrastructure, better education in urban areas, financial support, increasing jobs, and with varied facilities to people, but rural areas lacks all these facilities which is a major issue for the people living. The below fig1 depicts the literacy rate of both men and women in different states of India and fig2 depicts unemployment in both rural and urban sector. Fig1-Literacy rate in India Fig2-Unemployment in Urban & Rural India India with 2nd largest population among Asia and in the world with lower literacy rate especially in rural areas. Young generation of the country not procuring felicitous schooling especially girls due to diverse impediment as the major one is not reaching the resources at the appropriate place. In this project we tend to improve the rural sector by providing the basic and most essential factor to the rural people which will attain the goals towards the better future. We will try to approach every village and area so that every child and adult can get the education in right amount with the help of the government, qualified people and
... Una skill, tuttavia, è normalmente definita come un'abilità, solitamente appresa e acquisita attraverso l'allenamento, per eseguire azioni che raggiungono il risultato desiderato. Rychen (2004) sostiene che "l'abilità è stata utilizzata per designare la capacità di eseguire complessi atti motori e/o cognitivi con facilità e precisione e un'adattabilità alle condizioni mutevoli, mentre il termine competenza indicava un complesso sistema d'azione che comprendeva capacità cognitive, atteggiamenti e altre componenti non cognitivi. In questo senso, il termine competenza rappresentava un concetto olistico" (p. ...
... Especially in the case of evaluation, using both strategies contributes to increasing the reliability of the conclusions. Moreover, it should be remembered that this topic is controversial and there is no evaluative strategy that is considered definitive, especially those aimed at assessing the attributes of competence [Rychen, Ferrer, 2004]. Concerning the choice of attributes, it was based on the main activities of the intelligence cycle and the most recurrent competences in the literature [Calof, 1999;Kalb, 2003;Strauss, Du Toit, 2010;Zhou, Wang, 2013]. ...
... En vista de los problemas conceptuales y los debates sobre las definiciones, Rychen y Tiana (2004) proponen un enfoque funcional de las competencias, como el adoptado para la iniciativa de Definición y Selección de Competencias: Bases teóricas y conceptuales (DeSeCo) y llevada a cabo conjuntamente por la Oficina Federal Suiza de Estadísticas y la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE-Suiza). Esta conceptualización es holística, en el sentido de que integra y relaciona demandas externas, atributos individuales (incluida la ética y los valores) y el contexto como elementos esenciales del desempeño competente. ...
... En vista de los problemas conceptuales y los debates sobre las definiciones, Rychen y Tiana (2004) proponen un enfoque funcional de las competencias, como el adoptado para la iniciativa de Definición y Selección de Competencias: Bases teóricas y conceptuales (DeSeCo) y llevada a cabo conjuntamente por la Oficina Federal Suiza de Estadísticas y la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE-Suiza). Esta conceptualización es holística, en el sentido de que integra y relaciona demandas externas, atributos individuales (incluida la ética y los valores) y el contexto como elementos esenciales del desempeño competente. ...
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Concepciones sobre la gestión del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y sus cambios en estudiantes para profesor en ambientes de aprendizaje fundamentados en la resolución de problemas
... Khan and Ramachandran, discussing healthcare education (2012 p.922) recommend that, "the term competency should strictly be used for the skill itself while competence is the ability to perform that skill and the attribute of the performer". As such competence is much broader than a skill (Rychen, and Tiana, 2004). Here competence focuses on 'the what' and competency focuses on 'the how'. ...
There are different and conflicting definitions of competence, competency, and competency-based learning. Consequently, multiple interpretations and understandings are held by educators in respect of what these terms mean, when applied to their own teaching and assessment practices. Whilst UK and American universities are increasingly adopting competency-based learning, unless informed and considered discussion has taken place amongst staff about their individual understandings and interpretations, any development of new, competency-based assessment processes and procedures, is problematic. This paper provides an overview of the main issues involved in defining competency and assessing competence, along with recommendations for action. The purpose is to stimulate reflection and discussion, so that teaching staff can arrive at a common understanding and interpretation of the terminology of competency-based education, so that they may develop appropriate, authentic and fair assessment processes.
... The definition and selection of key competences and learning outcomes concerning the student's workload for teaching, learning, and assessment activities have received much attention over the last two decades [15][16][17]. In this context, competences for sustainable development have seen renewed importance as a tool for preparing graduates to transform our society into a more sustainable one [18]. ...
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The purpose of this study was to validate and test latent mean differences in a second-order factorial structure for self-assessed competences across four Spanish-speaking countries (Spain, Chile, Mexico, and Uruguay). Assessments of 11,802 higher education graduates about their own level of competences were examined. According to our findings, latent mean differences observed in our data lend support to earlier findings in the context of universities from these four countries. In order to compare assessments from different countries, we previously found support for metric and scalar invariance in a second-order factor structure, including innovation, cooperation, knowledge management, and communication, organizational and participative competences. These findings have serious managerial implications in regard to institutional evaluations developed by national accreditation bodies and identification of competence requirements by the labor market. In addition, our research provides a powerful tool for young students and employers, as it contains valuable information about what competences should be expected by students when finishing their studies.
... La mayoría de países de la Unión Europea, entre ellos España, han comenzado a reconstruir el currículo escolar en relación a las competencias necesarias para adecuarse a los nuevos modos de entender los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. En este sentido, hablamos de 'competencia' en su acepción ampliamente trabajada por otros autores (Pérez Gómez 2008;Coll, 2007;Perrenoud, 2001;Rychen, y Tiana, 2004;OCDE 2002) en la que se entiende la competencia vinculada a la persona y a la adquisición de capacidades de manera global. Esta distinción de elementos que sustentan la definición de competencia y la armonía entre el pensamiento y la acción, son fundamentales para comprender que las habilidades de enseñanza docentes consisten en saber tomar decisiones sobre una situación particular con el propósito de responder a las exigencias que conlleva la realidad escolar. ...
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Uno de los factores que influye más decisivamente en la calidad de la educación y en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes es la calidad, preparación y dedicación de los docentes. El exquisito sistema de selección de aspirantes para los programas de formación de profesorado es una de las claves fundamentales del éxito del sistema educativo finlandés. La responsabilidad de elegir a los mejores estudiantes para convertirlos en docentes es un reto que conlleva una importante reforma del sistema de acceso a la universidad. Alcanzar este objetivo, supone la elección de estrategias y herramientas educativas acordes a las complejas demandas que presenta la profesión docente en la era digital. El presente trabajo describe, analiza y compara las pruebas de acceso a la universidad de España (PAU) y Finlandia (VAKAVA), para quienes desean formarse como profesionales de la educación, al objeto de entender la posible influencia de las mismas en la selección de los candidatos más adecuados para formarse como profesionales de la docencia. Los resultados reflejan que, en España, la prueba de acceso a la universidad es realizada de un modo general para todos los estudiantes que aspiren a cualquier área del conocimiento, mientras que en Finlandia, la prueba es específica para aspirantes al campo de la educación. Los resultados de este trabajo pueden orientar y estimular la necesaria modificación de las pruebas de acceso a la universidad española en general y de las facultades de formación de docentes en particular.
... To this aim, we have reviewed the scientific literature that relates higher education to the digital economy framework so as to have a current panorama of its impact on skills development in education (Rychen;Tiana-Ferrer, 2004;Karpati, 2011), and more specifically, on Spanish university degrees (Ministerio de Energía, Industria y Turismo, 2015), as well as how these skills are reflected in new jobs (European Commission, 2010). ...
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This research analyzes the profiles and professional skills required from graduates in Advertising in Spain by companies and recruiters. We carried out a content analysis of the job offers addressed to graduates in Advertising published in January 2019 in Spain on the digital platform LinkedIn. The offers information was systematized in categories related to descriptive data (type of contract, data on required skills, etc.). The analysis of the results reveals a certain degree of confusion on the part of the companies when it comes to establishing the limits between the profile and professional skills of a graduate in Advertising and those of graduates in Fine Arts, Marketing and Business Administration. The analysis has also confirmed the significant changes that the digital age has generated in the profiles and professional skills described in higher education with respect to those currently in demand in the labor market.
... From the point of view of the four basic pillars of learning, all learners should acquire at least the following competences: collect, select, process and manage information; master instruments of knowing and understanding; effectively communicate with others; adapt oneself to changes in life; cooperatively work in teams; resolve conflict through peaceful dialogue and negotiation (Rychen, Tiana, 2004). A. Zeidmane and V. Duka (2014) researches and recommends to improve the students' independent studies using information communication technologies and using e-study environment to increase the mathematical competence. ...
... Competencies relate to an aggregation of corresponding cognitive and practical skills, knowledge, motivation, values and ethics, attitudes, emotions, and other social and behavioural components that can be pulled together to achieve an aim in a specific setting (Rychen and Tiana 2004 ...
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The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development marks a paradigm shift in the global framework for development and presents a unique opportunity to reorient efforts towards a new path for development with sustainability at its core. Education is central to this and to the achievement of all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Education directly relates to one goal (SDG 4) but cuts across the entire SDG agenda. At the 19th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (CCEM) held in The Bahamas (June 2015), ministers reinforced the centrality of education for building resilience and preparing the next generation of Commonwealth citizens to contribute positively to the social, environmental and economic development of their communities. Ultimately, ministers highlighted the pivotal role that education has in achieving sustainable development and driving the SDGs. Given this and following the recommendations made at the 19th CCEM, the Education Section of the Health and Education Unit within the Commonwealth Secretariat has developed a Curriculum Framework for the SDGs to support member countries in addressing all 17 SDGs through education and learning. Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals seeks to ensure “inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. Within the framework, a life course approach is followed, reinforcing the need for lifelong learning and for all citizens to participate in achieving the SDGs. It is envisioned that this framework will help countries to develop successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens who are resilient and uphold the core values and principles of the Commonwealth, as declared in the Commonwealth Charter, and who strive for sustainable development. The framework aims to ensure that citizens develop the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to flourish in life, learning and work environments, and to appreciate their place in a diverse world, while building and strengthening pathways to peace and tolerance. The Curriculum Framework for the SDGs allows for a high degree of flexibility through the non-prescriptive nature of its content. It is hoped that this framework will serve as a guide for countries to conceptualise, review or further develop their national curricula and ensure that education is integral to any strategy to create a resilient generation that will advocate for action and the attainment of the SDGs in a holistic, integrated manner. It will provide conceptual support for teacher training, adult learning and community development.
... En el marco de este proyecto el desarrollo competencial se asume como holístico y dinámico, solo definible y medible en la acción que es la que modula las exigencias del contexto donde se desarrolla (Colás y De Pablos, 2005;Hutmacher, 2003;Rychen, 2003;Tiana y Rychen, 2004). En este sentido, se ha planteado la creación de procedimientos de evaluación que permitan recoger información relevante sobre las competencias relacionadas con los objetivos de la titulación y de las materias en cuestión, de tal manera que se obtengan datos que nos permitan valorar la calidad de la formación alcanzada por nuestros estudiantes. ...
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Casi desde los inicios mismos de la civilización la palabra escrita se convirtió en forma esencial de comunicación, de preservación y transmisión de la información (de unos grupos a otros, y de unas generaciones a otras), y de creación de conocimiento. Eso no ha cambiado sustancialmente, pero la forma en que se produce o se transmite la información sí que ha cambiado sustancialmente. Hoy la comunicación, la búsqueda de información, la creación de contenidos, la enseñanza (e incluso la seguridad que protege todo lo anterior) se produce por cauces electrónicos y en formatos digitales. Y este cambio, tan sustancial como lo fue la imprenta respecto al manuscrito, no sólo impone hábitos diferentes de escritura y de lectura; y no sólo cambia las formas de conservación de la información. Este cambio viene a alterar todos los elementos que intervienen en el proceso que pone en relación receptor y emisor. Amplía hasta el infinito el número de potenciales receptores (convirtiéndose en un potencial elemento de democratización del saber, a la vez que en peligrosa herramienta de manipulación), y pone en manos del emisor herramientas que le permiten plantearse problemas sobre la realidad que nunca antes se le hubiera ocurrido pensar. Desde la producción hasta la recepción de la información, pasando por la gestión y por las capacidades de interpretación o desciframiento todo lo ha puesto patas arriba la irrupción de lo digital. Interesados por esta realidad, y por las necesarias transformaciones con que lo digital llevan casi una década sacudiendo las humanidades, nos proponemos la edición de este volumen que recoge la mayor parte de las inquietudes que preocupan y ocupan a quienes nos dedicamos a las humanidades: el núcleo y las periferias de las HD y la visión actualizada de su utilización y empleabilidad en otras disciplinas.
... Lately aspects of development and leveraging abilities in the context of intangible assets attracted a lot of researcher attention (Tiana (2004); Potelienė & Tamašauskienė (2014); Jakubė & Juozaitis (2012); Ragab & Arisha (2014); Bolisani & Oltramari (2012); Castello-Climent & Domenech (2014), etc.). Relevance of the research is proved by numerous publications on human, intellectual, knowledge capital, the impact of intangible assets on company efficiency or economic growth of the country. ...
... Keuffer (2010) asserts that competences can be differentiated into cognitive abilities, skills and professional knowledge, but also into personal values, beliefs and motivation. Competences are defined as personal capacities of an individual to perform, manage and act at a required level of knowledge, skills and abilities in his/her work (Mijatović, 1999), or they can be considered as the ability of an individual to successfully perform an activity or complete a given task (Rychen, 2004). Competences are measurable work habits and personal skills needed to achieve work goals (Greene, 1996). ...
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The purpose of the study was to explore the possibility of creating a valid and reliable model and instrument for measuring physical and health education teachers’ competences in classroom education process, perceived from the perspective of secondary schools students. Also, the goal was to explore to what extent official legislative documents as well as official curriculum of the Faculty of sport, health and physical education in Sarajevo represent a sufficient background for creating such a measuring instrument with satisfactory metric characteristics. The sample in this study were N=831 students from fourteen secondary shools in the urban parts of Sarajevo. The students attended third (N=422 or 50.8%) and fourth class (N=409 or 49.2%) at the time of the research. There were N=452 (54.4%) females and N=379 (45.6%) males in this sample, both aged from sixteen to eighteen. An analysis of legislative documents and the official curriculum was conducted by a group of education experts in order to establish the indicators of psysical and health education teachers’ competences and to design an instrument to register and measure these competences. Finally, a 28-item Teachers’ Competences Perception Questionnaire was constructed (TCPQ)and applied on the given sample. The results of Exploratory and Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the questionnaire measured five distinct and correlated factors and they are (1) teaching competences, (2) communication and empathy, (3) health care instruction, (4) pedagogical competences and (5) physical appearance of a teacher; these five factors explained 57.726% of total variance indicating a solid factor structure of the instrument. Oblimin rotation also yielded a meaningful factor solution following the frame of the Curriculum and Legislative documents’ content related to physical, health and sports teachers’ competences. Reliability analysis showed satisfactory reliability of the most of the factor scales. Implications for the use of the questionnaire on the students’ populations, as well as the possibilities for further instrument development and curriculum modification are stated on the account of the research results. Key words: physical, health and sports education, teachers’ competences, student’s perception.
... But, what happens in the adulthood when talents are more or less realized and when the focuses of interest are professional competences or even expertise? Competences are defined as personal capacities of an individual to perform, manage and act at a required level of knowledge, skills and abilities in his/her work (Mijatović, 1999), or they can be considered as the ability of an individual to successfully perform an activity or complete a given task (Rychen, 2004). In sports and physical education, women are more likely to be more rigorously assessed with respect to their competences or expertise than men. ...
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The purpose of the study was to examine if there are significant differences between male and female secondary school students in assessing the personal and professional competences of their physical education teachers, and to determine if these group differences are in any kind of interaction with the teachers’ gender. The sample in this study were N=831 students from fourteen secondary schools in the urban parts of Sarajevo. The students attended third (N=422 or 50.8%) and fourth class (N=409 or 49.2%) at the time of the research. There were N=452 (54.4%) females and N=379 (45.6%) males in this sample, both aged from sixteen to eighteen. A 28-item Teachers’ Competences Perception Questionnaire was constructed (TCPQ) and applied on the given sample. The instrument measured the competences related to teaching skills, communication and empathy, health care instructions, pedagogical competences and physical appearance. According to the results, the male students gave higher ratings to the teachers of both genders on pedagogical competences. No significant group differences and interactions were identified on all the other competence scales. Also, the students of both genders generally gave higher ratings on physical appearance to female teachers and a significant positive interaction was found between student and teacher gender in assessing the teachers on this variable. Finally, a negative interaction was found in assessing teachers on communication and empathy where male students rated female teachers higher and female students rated male teachers higher on this variable. Theoretical and practical implications of the study have been also stated. Key words: sex, gender, physical, health and sports education, teachers’ competences, students’ assessment.
... Acquiring knowledge is a never ending process and can be enriched by all forms of experience. Learning to know as discussed by Rychen and Tiana (2004) includes the development of the faculties of memory, imagination, reasoning, problem solving, and the ability to think in a coherent and critical way. It is a process of discovery, which takes time and involves going more deeply into the information/knowledge delivered through subject teaching. ...
This study investigated teachers‘ assessment of the affective domain integration towards holistic learning in community-based secondary schools, Arusha, Tanzania. A sample of 25 schools and 236 teachers were involved in the study. Schools were purposeful sampled depending on the big number of population out of 51 schools available in the selected area of the study. Before administering the questionnaire, a pilot study was conducted to two schools which involved 36 teachers. The schools and respondents of the pilot were not made part of the research to ensure validity and reliability. For validity, the researcher sought help from expert groups to see to it that the instruments have items that measure the variables appropriately and for reliability of the variables a Cronbach‘s Alfa was tested which showed the following results: importance of affective domain integration .71; teachers‘ practice of affective domain .84; and teachers‘ readiness to learn .71.To ascertain results of this study, the researcher used an SPSS software version 16to determine descriptive statistics such as mean, frequencies, percentage and standard deviations to determine the general scores among different variables. An Independent t-test and Mann- Whitney U were also employed to determine different significances among variables. Pearson-product Moment Correlation Coefficient (rho) was also used to determine relationships. The overall results of the findings discovered that teachers are aware of the affective domain learning objectives but have little knowledge on how to integrate it in the curriculum. The results indicated that there is need to re-define the concept of affective domain as a core educational value to guarantee holistic learning and also encourage further experimental studies on affective domain integration.
... En el marco de este proyecto el desarrollo competencial se asume como holístico y dinámico, solo definible y medible en la acción que es la que modula las exigencias del contexto donde se desarrolla (Colás y De Pablos, 2005;Hutmacher, 2003;Rychen, 2003;Tiana y Rychen, 2004). En este sentido, se ha planteado la creación de procedimientos de evaluación que permitan recoger información relevante sobre las competencias relacionadas con los objetivos de la titulación y de las materias en cuestión, de tal manera que se obtengan datos que nos permitan valorar la calidad de la formación alcanzada por nuestros estudiantes. ...
... Richards (2006) highlighted in that this factor can attract customer to satisfy with any definition of lecturer competence depends on teaching in a particular setting, the culture and values held in the community which aims to make students learn effectively and efficiently. Rychen & Tiana (2004) noted that universities are now demanding greater research into the definition and selection of key competences which can help to assess the degree of preparation achieved by graduates to meet the challenges of sustainability and the promotion of sustainable development. In addition, changes in knowledge, attitudes and behaviours regarding sustainability and related issues are possible as students' progress on competencies. ...
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This paper outlines an empirical study, which seeks to identify the determinants of academic experience, faculty and teaching quality, campus life, facilities, placement and internship support, and competencies towards undergraduate students satisfaction at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). The purpose of this study is to investigate undergraduate students satisfaction in the context of higher education. This study investigates the relationship between academic experience, faculty and teaching quality, campus life, facilities, placement and internship support, and competencies. The total of 340 respondents were involved in this study. The survey result from the undergraduate students showed four independent variables which have a positive impact on the undergraduate students satisfaction: facilities, placement and internship support, competencies and academic experiences. In addition, faculty and teaching quality and campus life did not contribute much to undergraduate students satisfaction.
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La presente investigación se enfocó en evaluar las competencias digitales de estudiantes universitarios para proponer mejoras en su formación profesional. Se llevó a cabo entre agosto de 2016 y mayo de 2018, evaluando a estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación (LCE) del ITSON en los campus de Obregón, Navojoa y Guaymas. El estudio fue cuantitativo de diseño no experimental transeccional descriptivo y buscó diagnosticar y medir el nivel de competencias digitales mediante instrumentos como el TICómetro y el E-compeDig, se evaluó la competencia digital a través de las dimensiones: procesamiento y administración de la información (PyAI), acceso a la información (AI), seguridad (Se), comunicación y colaboración en línea (CyC) y solución de problemas (SP). Los resultados indicaron que los estudiantes poseen un nivel variado de competencias digitales al ingresar a la universidad, pero no un avance progresivo de estas al cursar la universidad. Se observó una necesidad de incluir explícitamente el desarrollo de competencias digitales en el currículo, ya que no se garantizaba su adquisición de manera transversal. Se propusieron estrategias para mejorar la enseñanza y evaluación de estas competencias a lo largo de la formación académica de los estudiantes. Este estudio subraya la importancia de integrar y evaluar sistemáticamente las competencias digitales en la educación superior para mejorar la calidad educativa y la preparación profesional de los estudiantes.
Este estudio se enmarca en la investigación de la relación entre competencias investigativas y capacidad innovadora en el contexto específico de universidades públicas, explorando cómo estas dimensiones se interrelacionan en el ámbito académico. El objetivo se basa en analizar la relación entre el desarrollo de competencias investigativas y la capacidad innovadora en el contexto universitario público. La investigación empleó un enfoque cuantitativo, utilizando encuestas para medir las competencias investigativas y la capacidad innovadora en profesores, estudiantes y personal administrativo de universidades públicas. Este diseño metodológico proporcionó datos cuantificables para analizar la relación entre estas variables. Los hallazgos revelaron una conexión positiva entre competencias investigativas y capacidad innovadora en el entorno universitario público. Profesores exhibieron niveles más altos en ambas dimensiones, mientras que se identificaron oportunidades de mejora en estudiantes y personal administrativo. Las conclusiones destacan la importancia de fortalecer competencias investigativas para potenciar la capacidad innovadora en el ámbito universitario. Se recomienda el diseño de estrategias educativas personalizadas y la consideración de factores contextuales en futuras iniciativas.
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Resumen. Este artículo parte de la consideración del rol clave y la relevancia de la educación media en los sistemas educativos y en la agenda de Educación para Todos. Se subrayan algunos de los principales temas y desafíos en términos de acceso, modalidades y ofertas curriculares. Tomando en cuenta conclusiones obtenidas de estudios internacionales, se destaca la necesidad de adoptar nuevas direcciones estratégicas y un cambio de perspectiva considerando a los desafíos en torno al currículo dentro de una estrategia de reforma educativa inclusiva. Asimismo, el documento plantea criterios para el diseño de una reforma curricular que considere el desarrollo de las competencias en la educación media superior. El documento concluye con algunas preguntas entendidas como claves y el esbozo de tres propuestas para contribuir a animar la discusión sobre los procesos de cambio educativo y curricular en la educación media.
En la investigación educativa, es fundamental reflexionar constantemente sobre las competencias del profesorado universitario con el fin de mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En este estudio, se analizaron los constructos de competencia y competencias transversales, y la complejidad que implican en la actuación del profesorado universitario; para ello, se realizó una revisión sistemática de artículos, complementada con una base de datos de una investigación previa. Se reconoce que las competencias transversales son complejas en el contexto de la enseñanza-aprendizaje y desempeñan un papel importante en la atención que el profesorado presta durante el proceso educativo; además, se ha evidenciado, que en muchas ocasiones, la capacidad interpretativa y crítica se ve afectada por patrones actitudinales no conscientes.
Diferentes estudios sostienen que el perfil del profesional de relaciones públicas varía según los países y regiones; entre otras razones, por el desarrollo académico y las dinámicas del mercado profesional. Esta investigación analiza comparativamente, a nivel teórico (definición de competencias y marcos regulatorios) y empírico (programas académicos y tendencias) la principal oferta académica de grado en los casos de Ecuador y España, a partir de las siguientes dimensiones: desarrollo de competencias, áreas de desempeño y perfiles de egreso. El perfil profesional de relaciones públicas está demandando nuevas competencias y habilidades que en muchos casos trasciende el quehacer tradicional del área.
The aim of the conducted study is to determine the attitudes for the formation of professional competence and readiness for professional work in the field of physical education of students in the specialty "Pre-school and primary school pedagogy" at Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. Subject of the survey are 68 students at their Bachelor's degree, who graduated in the academic year 2019/2020. All respondents are women with an average age of 22,6 years. For the purpose of the study, a questionnaire with author Ilieva & Doncheva (2015) was attached. Alternative analysis and chi-square Pearson’s test (χ2) were used to analyze the results. Results: Over 80% of the students have a positive mindset in regards to learning the subjects "Theoretical foundations of physical education" and "Methodology of physical education in preschool and primary school age." 60% of them have higher expectations about their sports-technical preparation. The surveyed students are aware of the importance of personal motivation and responsibility for the success of their professional work in the area of physical education.
This chapter focuses on the shifting articulations of ‘competencies’ throughout the so called third great education reform of Japan, spanning from the mid-1980s to the present. In particular, the chapter traces the trajectory of ‘zest for living’ (ikiru chikara), one of the most used policy keywords to epitomize a particular set of dispositions and skills deemed essential for children to survive the new social and economic conditions. By tracing the changing meanings of this keyword as appeared in the series of official policy/council reports over the years, the chapter suggests that ‘zest for living’ has come to assume different meanings in different times in response to different policy necessities and circumstances. Of particular note here is that the period under investigation was characterized by the increasing influence of transnational policy discourses shaped and circulated by UNESCO and OECD and by the simultaneous processes of renationalization of education policy discourses. This chapter uses the Japanese case to demonstrate the complex intersections in the constitution of ‘competencies’ between national and transnational and their increasingly blurred distinction. In so doing, it problematizes the uncomplicated demarcation between these spatial categories and proposes a view that the national constitution of ‘competencies’, or education policy in general has always been both transnational and national simultaneously.
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Sažetak U ovome radu razmatraju se mogućnosti i izazovi odgoja i obrazovanja usmjerenog prema razvoju uče-ničkih kompetencija. Polazeći od konteksta suvremenog društva, u okviru kojeg dolazi do usmjeravanja obrazovnih politika i njihovih sustava prema razvoju učeničkih kompetencija, te na temelju analitičkog razmatranja složenosti pojma kompetencije i pokušaja njegova određenja u kontekstu odgoja i obrazova-nja, razmotrena su i deskriptivno određena temeljna obilježja odgoja, obrazovanja i kurikuluma usmje-renih prema razvoju učeničkih kompetencija, kao i prednosti i nedostatci takvoga pristupa obrazovanju. Pregledom domaće i strane literature te metaanalizom dosadašnjih razmatranja dolazi se do zaključka da je holistički pristup kompetencijama, u okviru kojeg se one određuju kao višedimenzionalna i transferal-na kvaliteta djelovanja, najprihvatljiviji za kontekst općeg i obveznog obrazovanja i predstavlja svojevrstan potencijal za podizanje njegove kvalitete. Izazovi takvoga pristupa i njegova implementacija u odgojno-obrazovni kontekst hrvatskoga školstva složeni je zadatak za nadolazeću kurikulumsku reformu. Osnovni cilj trebalo bi biti ostvarenje pozitivnih obilježja i potencijala koje takav pristup nudi, osobito u smislu nje-gova doprinosa cjeloživotnom učenju i obrazovanju. Ključne riječi: cjeloživotno učenje, holistički pristup, kompetencije, kurikulum, kurikulumska reforma. Uvod U suvremenoj znanstvenoj i stručnoj literaturi, u te-orijskim prikazima modernog odgojno-obrazovnog sustava, sve češće nailazimo na mnogobrojne poku-šaje definiranja novih temeljnih vještina (new basic skills), ključnih kompetencija (key competencies), ili životnih vještina (life-skills) (Hoskings i Fredriksson, 2008) kojima bi učenici trebali ovladati tijekom ško-lovanja. U obrazovnoj praksi pak, na svim razinama odgoja i obrazovanja, uočava se značajan preokret u pristupu procesu poučavanja i učenja. Domina-cija paradigme prijenosa znanja značajno se sma-njuje u korist novih paradigmi poput poučavanja usmjerenog na proces učenja te odgoja i obrazovanja utemeljenog na razvoju učeničkih kompetencija. Ta-kva razmatranja i promjene uvjetovani su pojavom složenih društvenih, kulturnih, gospodarskih, teh-noloških i globalnih izazova suvremenog društva. Složenost tih izazova onemogućava pojedincu sna-laženje u novim situacijama primjenom samo ste-čenih znanja, a bez razvijenih sposobnosti i stavova koji se integriraju i primjenjuju kao kompetencije u različitim kontekstima i dinamičnim sustavima. Na temelju takvih pojava u društvu, Azemikhah (2006) slikovito govori o završetku ere sadržaja u području obrazovanja, koja je naglasak stavljala na sadržajnu komponentu obrazovanja, te početku ere kompeten-cija koja proces obrazovanja zaokreće prema obli-kovanju učeničkih kompetencija donoseći mu nove mogućnosti ali i izazove. Pomak od stjecanja znanja prema razvoju učeničkih kompetencija Usmjeravanje obrazovnih politika i njihovih sustava prema razvoju učeničkih kompetencija ima svoje te
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El posgrado interuniverisitario de Salud Ocupacional, único en Centroamérica decide en el 2014 adoptar un proceso formativo a nivel semipresencial. Para ello, fue necesario que los docentes evidenciaron una competencia digital docente (CDD) oportuna, como capacidad de adaptar las tecnologías digitales en sus prácticas metodológicas, didácticas y evaluativas, empoderando la competencia digital (CD) en el estudiante, y sin lugar a dudas, su desarrollo continuo y capacitación resulta clave. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar la autopercepción de la CD por parte del profesorado y estudiantes de posgrado en entornos b-learning. Este trabajo, de carácter cualitativo, partió de un estudio de caso, con un diseño de investigación mixto, el cual, trazó fases y etapas para explorar el nivel de la CDD de los profesores y de los estudiantes, el determinar factores que facilitan o dificultan la CDD y el empoderar a los estudiantes, como el establecer criterios que orienten la mejora de la misma y diseñar un instrumento de autoevaluación para la toma de decisiones y acciones estratégicas focalizadas en una formación continua de la CDD. La investigación utilizó cuestionarios, entrevistas, observaciones y grupos focales, que permiten documentar la experiencia de los profesores en dos cohortes del posgrado (2014-2015 y 2016-2017). En total participaron 25 profesores y 37 estudiantes. Según los resultados, la mayoría de los profesores y estudiantes cohorte 2014-2015 auto perciben un nivel de dominio promedio e instrumental de la CD, caso contrario, los estudiantes cohorte 2016-2017 que presentaron una tendencia hacia un nivel intermedio alto en información y alfabetización; comunicación y colaboración; uso responsable y seguro y resolución de problemas. No obstante, en cuanto al análisis por dimensiones de la CDD, particularmente, se centró en los aspectos consultados sobre la dimensión creación de contenidos digitales una propensión instrumental por parte de los tres grupos consultados. Así mismo, los datos evidenciaron una CDD que requiere atención ante necesidades y oportunidades de mejora en la aplicación e inclusión digital en la didáctica de las tecnologías digitales por parte del profesorado. Además, existen factores en ámbitos: institucionales y pedagógicos, que influyen y facilitan la efectividad en la CDD, tales como la cultura digital promovida en la universidad, las políticas de flexibilidad curricular e internacionalización, equipos e infraestructura, adaptación de las TIC en procesos de asesoría, formación continua, la percepción sobre la semipresencialidad del profesorado y estudiantes, entre otros; lo cual, conlleva indicar una serie de criterios efectivos en el ámbito administrativo y pedagógico, para que un posgrado cuente con mecanismos que aseguren una calidad en la adaptación de la semipresencialidad e implementación pertinente de las tecnologías digitales. En conclusión, el b-learning propicia la gestión de un cambio paradigmático de la educación, que favorece el innovar una formación horizontal y dialéctica entre el profesorado, escenarios diversos con armonía con la tecnología y el conocimiento de especialidad por parte del estudiante. Lo que resalta un aprendizaje real y auténtico, enriquecido con la adquisición de habilidades blandas, de aprendizaje colaborativo e interdependencia positiva en procesos de investigación, una inclusión digital, atinentes a las expectativas de una sociedad digital. Para ello, indiscutiblemente, los sistemas de universitarios en el posgrado deben contar con espacios de socialización de experiencias, formación continua, acompañamiento y adopción de la tecnología digital en la docencia, investigación y acción social, como una marcada relación metodología, didáctica y evaluativa con soporte de la tecnología. Al mismo tiempo, se resalta la existencia de una asociación innegable en asignaturas semipresenciales, la CDD del profesorado y su relación e influencia en el empoderar digital de sus estudiantes.
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The article investigates the rather new educational phenomenon – about twenty years ago under the impact of educational reform the theatre subject teaching was introduced. In many neighbor’s countries there is no such separate theatre subject still yet. The focus of the article is on the relationships between the curricula of theatre subject (2008, 2001) and the practice of long-lived non-formal education of children and youth of Lithuania. The curricula of theatre subject were prepared according to comprehensive discipline-arts education conception formed in United States of Amerika. Taking into account the notion of M. Lukšienė, that experience of other cultures, as well as the educational innovations must be adopted according to “own cultural model”, the attention is paid to analysis how curricula of theatre subject are grounded on traditions of Lithuanian non-formal education, especially its artistic trend. The self-expression paradigm or psychological trend of theatre education is less evident in our context. The roots of artistic trend are in Jesuit’s school theatre that existed in Lithuania 1570–1843. The artistic trend was recreated at the end of 20th century in non-formal theatre education in Lithuania by relaying on the professional theatre pedagogy (the training of professional theatre pedagogues started, the first books of methodology of theatre education appeared). Analysis showed that common concepts, as “theatre” and “education through theatre” are those which relate artistic trend of non-formal theatre education with curricula of theatre subject, accordingly, which are grounded on discipline-based art education conception. Especially that is clear from the revealing of content of “education through theatre” concept and explaining its formative and cognitive impacts on children and youth who are acting the roles created by dramaturge. The biggest challenge related with coming of theatre subject as separate, is the creating of theatre knowledge appropriated for school children. Now the theatre subject curricula describe the knowledge which are known in professional theatre pedagogy and in artistic trend of non-formal theatre education, but only in part. Thy must be expanded by new knowledge which will be get by way of externalization from direct practice. Also, there is a need of artistic orientation of theatre didactics – that can guarantee the succession of the best traditions of Lithuanian‘s theatre education and encourage their development.
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Research on training in knowledge related to geolocation with technologies shows the training potentials and limitations that these resources offer for teachers in training. This study examines the perceptions of the instructional effectiveness of mobile devices and geolocation software, by analyzing the performance in the TPACK skills dimensions of future teachers (n = 383). A mixed methodology has been implemented, with a descriptive cross-sectional approach as well as inferential analysis based on questionnaires (α ≥ .903) and the tasks carried out by the sample. The results show a poor didactic use of technologies while confirming the acquisition of knowledge about geolocation. This corroborates the benefits of applying an improvement in the digital competence of teachers in training
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The present study focuses on social maturity of adolescent students undergoing NCC (National Cadet Corps) training and without NCC training .The sample consists of 124 school students of Purba Medinipur, District of West Bengal in India. The researchers has developed the social maturity scale and standardized it to apply towards subjects. The researchers analyse the data using statistical technique t – test using the software SPSS. The major finding of the study is that, the adolescent students who got the NCC training achieve more social maturity than the students without NCC training.
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The objective of this research is to develop an e-Assessment System and measure Its Effect on Evaluating the Practical Performance of the Students. The System covers the basic skills of (MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint) هدف هذا البحث إلى تطوير نظام تقييم إلكتروني وقياس أثره في تقييم الأداء العملي للطلاب ، يغطي النظام المهارات الأساسية لبرامج (MS Word - MS Excel - MS PowerPoint) إصدار 2010.
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taiwan, Singapore and Japan, the cities and countries featured in this section of the book, were some of the top performers in the last few rounds of OECD’s PISA wherein they, along with Macao and South Korea, dominated the top rankings of the global league tables. Their success stories in demonstrating how both excellence and equity can be achieved together have swept through the English-language media and policy discourse, prompting prominent political figures in Australia, the UK and the USA to learn from ‘East’ (Sellar S, Lingard B. Comp Educ 49(4), 464–485, 2013; Waldow F, Takayama K, Sung Y. Comp Educ 50(3), 302–321, 2014 ), though much of the learning from East call was based on a highly selective reference to East Asian education policies to legitimize long preferred policy agendas (You Y, Morris P. Compare J Comp Int Educ 46(6), 882–905, 2015) or on reform advocates’ nostalgia for a more didactic approach to teaching, which was presumed to be still alive in East Asia (Forestier K, Crossley M. Compare J Comp Int Educ 45(5), 664–685, 2015). Regardless of whether this ‘learning from East’ trend is genuine or phony, the infatuation with East Asia in the Anglo-American education policy circle is likely to stay for some time particularly against the backdrop of Asia’s rising economic and political influences. Part of the responsibilities of scholars researching East Asian education today then is to provide more contextualised accounts of their success stories to pre-empt any unintelligent form of policy learning and borrowing from East.
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El comienzo del milenio supuso un punto de inflexión en la transformación digital cuando las naciones del mundo compartirán una inquietud común: afrontar una era en la que los individuos ya no necesitarán atesorar conocimientos sino dominar y desarrollar competencias. Bajo esta premisa se cuestionará una educación decimonónica, memorística, repetitiva, de contenidos y aferrada a dinámicas fabriles en la que la educación se entendía como algo establecido, estático y limitado. Emergerá, entonces, poco a poco un incipiente sistema educativo basado en competencias, un término holístico que integrará demandas externas, atributos personales así como exigencias contextuales, y no sólo conocimientos. Además de este cambio sustantivo y significativo, la confluencia de dos fenómenos influirá de modo decisivo en la definición de las competencias del siglo XXI, y, entre ellas, las mediáticas: las TIC y la convergencia digital, dos fenómenos que desde su aparición en la esfera social no han parado de evolucionar y han sido catalizadores de transformaciones cuyo alcance continua en expansión.