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Bekämpfung von resistenten Krankenhauskeimen: Inhibition von Biofilmen

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Bacterial biofilms attached on surfaces of implants cause nosocomial infections. The polysaccharide poly-β(1-6)-N-acetylglucosamine (PNAG) forms the backbone of Staphylococcus biofilms. A target for drugs to treat these infections is the inhibition of biofilm synthesis and stabilization of PNAG. A promising source of inhibitors are macroalgae, because they have many interactions with bacterial biofilm systems. Isolation and characterization of those inhibitors are our research topic.
BIOspektrum |02.17 |23. Jahrgang
Bacterial biofilms attached on surfaces of implants cause nosocomial
infections. The polysaccharide poly-β(1-6)-N-acetylglucosamine (PNAG)
forms the backbone of
biofilms. A target for drugs to
treat these infections is the inhibition of biofilm synthesis and stabiliza-
tion of PNAG. A promising source of inhibitors are macroalgae, because
they have many interactions with bacterial biofilm systems. Isolation and
characterization of those inhibitors are our research topic.
DOI: 10.1007/s12268-017-0785-5
© Springer-Verlag 2017
óMikroorganismen organisieren sich oft als
Gemeinschaften in einer Matrix aus extra-
zellulären polymeren Substanzen (EPS). Die-
se stabilen „Mikrohabitate“ sind in Lebens-
räumen mit fluktuierenden Umweltbedin-
gungen für das Überleben der Bakterien
Diese Biofilme spielen auch bei bakteriel-
len Infektionen im Klinikalltag eine große
Rolle. Sie sind z.B. eine Hauptursache von
Fremdkörper-assoziierten Infektionen auf
Implantaten und Kathetern [1]. Biofilme sind
für das humane Immunsystem kaum angreif-
bar, Therapien mit Antibiotika sind meistens
ineffektiv, Keime sind oft Antibiotika-resis-
tent. Für Patienten können solche Infektio-
nen über eine Sepsis lebensgefährlich wer-
den. Alternativen zur Therapie von Antibio-
tika-resistenten Keimen sind dringend not-
Eine Strategie beruht darauf, dass Bakte-
rien ohne intakten Biofilm vom humanen
Immunsystem angegriffen werden. Eine For-
schungsrichtung zielt deshalb auf die Inhi-
bierung der Biofilmbildung und die Destabi-
lisierung der Biofilme ab. Die Erforschung
der Chemie der Komponenten, ihrer Struktur
und ihrer Stabilität sind Grundlage, um ihre
Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Zellen zu
untersuchen und damit Targets für Hemm-
stoffe zu identifizieren [2].
Biofilme: Chemie, Struktur und
Die EPS-Matrix in Biofilmen erlaubt einer-
seits Transport, Kommunikation und Aus-
tausch und wirkt andererseits als Barriere
zur Umwelt. Die EPS bestehen chemisch größ-
tenteils aus Polysacchariden, Proteinen,
Nukleinsäuren und Lipiden. Die Polysaccha-
ride ermöglichen es aufgrund ihrer Chemie
und ihrer flexiblen Strukturen, die hydro -
kolloidalen Eigenschaften des Biofilms von
dünnflüssigen Polymeren zu festeren Formen
wie Gelen oder Kapseln schnell zu ändern.
Polysaccharide binden und neutralisieren
Toxine und dienen als Reaktionsräume für
die Hydrolyse von Substanzen. Biofilme sind
bei Gram-negativen Bakterien durch die
Ladungen der Polysaccharide meist neutral
oder polyanionisch, bei Gram-positiven Bak-
terien polykationisch [3]. Die chemische und
strukturelle Vielfalt der EPS erschwert die
Aufreinigung und Analytik der Biofilme. Ein
Beispiel sind die variablen Modifizierungen
der Polysaccharide. Sie beeinflussen die
Flexibilität der Biofilme und somit die adhä -
siven und kohäsiven Eigenschaften sowie die
Biofilmarchitektur [4].
Biofilme klinisch relevanter
Die am häufigsten isolierten bakteriellen Spe-
zies bei nosokomialen Infektionen gehören
zu den Koagulase-negativen Staphylokokken,
die neben der Fähigkeit zur Biofilmbildung
keine weiteren Virulenzfaktoren aufweisen
und deshalb typischerweise zu chronischen
Infektionen führen.
Hauptkomponente der stabilen Biofilme
von Krankenhauskeimen wie Staphylococcus
Bekämpfung von resistenten Kranken haus -
keimen: Inhibition von Biofilmen
˚ Abb. 1: Struktur von Poly-β-1,6-N-acetylglukosamin (PNAG). PNAG ist die Hauptkomponente
bei stabilen Biofilmen von Keimen in Krankenhäusern.
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
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We review research from the last 40 yr on macroalgal–bacterial interactions. Marine macroalgae have been challenged throughout their evolution by microorganisms and have developed in a world of microbes. Therefore, it is not surprising that a complex array of interactions has evolved between macroalgae and bacteria which basically depends on chemical interactions of various kinds. Bacteria specifically associate with particular macroalgal species and even to certain parts of the algal body. Although the mechanisms of this specificity have not yet been fully elucidated, ecological functions have been demonstrated for some of the associations. Though some of the chemical response mechanisms can be clearly attributed to either the alga or to its epibiont, in many cases the producers as well as the mechanisms triggering the biosynthesis of the biologically active compounds remain ambiguous. Positive macroalgal–bacterial interactions include phytohormone production, morphogenesis of macroalgae triggered by bacterial products, specific antibiotic activities affecting epibionts and elicitation of oxidative burst mechanisms. Some bacteria are able to prevent biofouling or pathogen invasion, or extend the defense mechanisms of the macroalgae itself. Deleterious macroalgal–bacterial interactions induce or generate algal diseases. To inhibit settlement, growth and biofilm formation by bacteria, macroalgae influence bacterial metabolism and quorum sensing, and produce antibiotic compounds. There is a strong need to investigate the bacterial communities living on different coexisting macroalgae using new technologies, but also to investigate the production, localization and secretion of the biological active metabolites involved in those possible ecological interactions.
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The microorganisms in biofilms live in a self-produced matrix of hydrated extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that form their immediate environment. EPS are mainly polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids; they provide the mechanical stability of biofilms, mediate their adhesion to surfaces and form a cohesive, three-dimensional polymer network that interconnects and transiently immobilizes biofilm cells. In addition, the biofilm matrix acts as an external digestive system by keeping extracellular enzymes close to the cells, enabling them to metabolize dissolved, colloidal and solid biopolymers. Here we describe the functions, properties and constituents of the EPS matrix that make biofilms the most successful forms of life on earth.
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Microorganisms attach to surfaces and develop biofilms. Biofilm-associated cells can be differentiated from their suspended counterparts by generation of an extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) matrix, reduced growth rates, and the up- and down- regulation of specific genes. Attachment is a complex process regulated by diverse characteristics of the growth medium, substratum, and cell surface. An established biofilm structure comprises microbial cells and EPS, has a defined architecture, and provides an optimal environment for the exchange of genetic material between cells. Cells may also communicate via quorum sensing, which may in turn affect biofilm processes such as detachment. Biofilms have great importance for public health because of their role in certain infectious diseases and importance in a variety of device-related infections. A greater understanding of biofilm processes should lead to novel, effective control strategies for biofilm control and a resulting improvement in patient management.
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This review covers the recent marine chemical ecology literature for phytoplankton, macroalgae, sponges and other benthic invertebrates; 249 references are cited.
Algae and bacteria have coexisted ever since the early stages of evolution. This coevolution has revolutionized life on earth in many aspects. Algae and bacteria together influence ecosystems as varied as deep seas to lichens and represent all conceivable modes of interactions — from mutualism to parasitism. Several studies have shown that algae and bacteria synergistically affect each other's physiology and metabolism, a classic case being algae–roseobacter interaction. These interactions are ubiquitous and define the primary productivity in most ecosystems. In recent years, algae have received much attention for industrial exploitation but their interaction with bacteria is often considered a contamination during commercialization. A few recent studies have shown that bacteria not only enhance algal growth but also help in flocculation, both essential processes in algal biotechnology. Hence, there is a need to understand these interactions from an evolutionary and ecological standpoint, and integrate this understanding for industrial use. Here we reflect on the diversity of such relationships and their associated mechanisms, as well as the habitats that they mutually influence. This review also outlines the role of these interactions in key evolutionary events such as endosymbiosis, besides their ecological role in biogeochemical cycles. Finally, we focus on extending such studies on algal–bacterial interactions to various environmental and bio-technological applications.
Seaweed-associated bacteria play a crucial role in morphogenesis and growth of seaweeds (macroalgae) in direct and/or indirect ways. Bacterial communities belonging to the phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes are generally the most abundant on seaweed surfaces. Associated bacterial communities produce plant growth-promoting substances, quorum sensing signalling molecules, bioactive compounds and other effective molecules that are responsible for normal morphology, development and growth of seaweeds. Also, bioactive molecules of associated bacteria determine the presence of other bacterial strains on seaweeds and protect the host from harmful entities present in the pelagic realm. The ecological functions of cross-domain signalling between seaweeds and bacteria have been reported as liberation of regulatory carpospores in the red seaweeds and settlement of stimulatory zoospores in the green seaweeds. In the present review, the role of extracellular polymeric substances in growth and settlement of seaweeds spores is also highlighted. To elucidate the functional roles of associated bacteria and the molecular mechanisms underlying reported ecological phenomena in seaweeds requires a combined ecological, microbiological and biochemical approach. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Several polymeric materials find application in biomedical implants and devices due to their superior physicochemical properties. The main requirement for these polymers is that they should be biocompatible, which means they prevent bacterial adhesion and are blood compatible. Many parameters contribute to the degree of biocompatibility. This paper discusses the mechanism of the formation of biofilms and lists the factors that influence the bacterial adhesion and haemocompatibility. Polymer surfaces are also modified to enhance adsorption of host cells. The physical, chemical and biological techniques are meant to modify the surface of the biomaterial but at the same time retain the key properties. The various polymer treatment processes have advantages and disadvantages and a few techniques have been proved to be both highly effective at treatment and found suitable for various in vivo environments. The current research focus pertaining to smart materials, biodegradable polymers, combinatorial chemistry, computational modelling and newer analytical techniques to understand polymer-cell interaction holds promise in designing better, cost effective and biocompatible polymers.
This review covers the recent marine chemical ecology literature for benthic cyanobacteria, macroalgae, sponges, octocorals, molluscs, other benthic invertebrates, fish and seabirds.
Though biofilms were first described by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, the theory describing the biofilm process was not developed until 1978. We now understand that biofilms are universal, occurring in aquatic and industrial water systems as well as a large number of environments and medical devices relevant for public health. Using tools such as the scanning electron microscope and, more recently, the confocal laser scanning microscope, biofilm researchers now understand that biofilms are not unstructured, homogeneous deposits of cells and accumulated slime, but complex communities of surface-associated cells enclosed in a polymer matrix containing open water channels. Further studies have shown that the biofilm phenotype can be described in terms of the genes expressed by biofilm-associated cells. Microorganisms growing in a biofilm are highly resistant to antimicrobial agents by one or more mechanisms. Biofilm-associated microorganisms have been shown to be associated with several human diseases, such as native valve endocarditis and cystic fibrosis, and to colonize a wide variety of medical devices. Though epidemiologic evidence points to biofilms as a source of several infectious diseases, the exact mechanisms by which biofilm-associated microorganisms elicit disease are poorly understood. Detachment of cells or cell aggregates, production of endotoxin, increased resistance to the host immune system, and provision of a niche for the generation of resistant organisms are all biofilm processes which could initiate the disease process. Effective strategies to prevent or control biofilms on medical devices must take into consideration the unique and tenacious nature of biofilms. Current intervention strategies are designed to prevent initial device colonization, minimize microbial cell attachment to the device, penetrate the biofilm matrix and kill the associated cells, or remove the device from the patient. In the future, treatments may be based on inhibition of genes involved in cell attachment and biofilm formation.