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First North American fossil monkey and early Miocene tropical biotic interchange


Abstract and Figures

New World monkeys (platyrrhines) are a diverse part of modern tropical ecosystems in North and South America, yet their early evolutionary history in the tropics is largely unknown. Molecular divergence estimates suggest that primates arrived in tropical Central America, the southern-most extent of the North American landmass, with several dispersals from South America starting with the emergence of the Isthmus of Panama 3-4 million years ago (Ma). The complete absence of primate fossils from Central America has, however, limited our understanding of their history in the New World. Here we present the first description of a fossil monkey recovered from the North American landmass, the oldest known crown platyrrhine, from a precisely dated 20.9-Ma layer in the Las Cascadas Formation in the Panama Canal Basin, Panama. This discovery suggests that family-level diversification of extant New World monkeys occurred in the tropics, with new divergence estimates for Cebidae between 22 and 25 Ma, and provides the oldest fossil evidence for mammalian interchange between South and North America. The timing is consistent with recent tectonic reconstructions of a relatively narrow Central American Seaway in the early Miocene epoch, coincident with over-water dispersals inferred for many other groups of animals and plants. Discovery of an early Miocene primate in Panama provides evidence for a circum-Caribbean tropical distribution of New World monkeys by this time, with ocean barriers not wholly restricting their northward movements, requiring a complex set of ecological factors to explain their absence in well-sampled similarly aged localities at higher latitudes of North America.
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00 MONTH 2016 | VOL 000 | NATURE | 1
LETTER doi:10.1038/nature17415
First North American fossil monkey and early
Miocene tropical biotic interchange
Jonathan I. Bloch1, Emily D. Woodruff1,2, Aaron R. Wood1,3, Aldo F. Rincon1,4, Arianna R. Harrington1,2,5, Gary S. Morgan6,
David A. Foster4, Camilo Montes7, Carlos A. Jaramillo8, Nathan A. Jud1, Douglas S. Jones1 & Bruce J. MacFadden1
New World monkeys (platyrrhines) are a diverse part of modern
tropical ecosystems in North and South America, yet their early
evolutionary history in the tropics is largely unknown. Molecular
divergence estimates suggest that primates arrived in tropical
Central America, the southern-most extent of the North American
landmass, with several dispersals from South America starting
with the emergence of the Isthmus of Panama 3–4 million years
ago (Ma)1. The complete absence of primate fossils from Central
America has, however, limited our understanding of their history
in the New World. Here we present the first description of a fossil
monkey recovered from the North American landmass, the oldest
known crown platyrrhine, from a precisely dated 20.9-Ma layer in
the Las Cascadas Formation in the Panama Canal Basin, Panama.
This discovery suggests that family-level diversification of extant
New World monkeys occurred in the tropics, with new divergence
estimates for Cebidae between 22 and 25 Ma, and provides the
oldest fossil evidence for mammalian interchange between South
and North America. The timing is consistent with recent tectonic
of a relatively narrow Central American Seaway
in the early Miocene epoch, coincident with over-water dispersals
inferred for many other groups of animals and plants
. Discovery
of an early Miocene primate in Panama provides evidence for a
circum-Caribbean tropical distribution of New World monkeys by
this time, with ocean barriers not wholly restricting their northward
movements, requiring a complex set of ecological factors to explain
their absence in well-sampled similarly aged localities at higher
latitudes of North America.
The Miocene epoch (23.8–5.3 Ma) is marked by substantial climatic
and ecological changes that had profound effects on terrestrial mam
mal communities in the New World tropics
. Fossils from the tropical
lowlands of Central America are rare owing to a lack of relevant rock
exposures; however, an important exception can be found in Panama
where, since 2009, expansion of the Panama Canal has exposed fossil-
bearing rocks of early Miocene age. The lower Miocene Las Cascadas
Formation (Fig. 1) represents the oldest fossiliferous continental
sequence exposed along the Panama Canal area
and includes a diverse
fossil mammal assemblage6–9 that, while compositionally different
from that of the younger overlying Centenario Fauna
, similarly has
almost entirely North American affinities despite its proximity to South
America, consistent with a peninsular connection to North America10,11.
Palaeontological fieldwork in 2012–2013 resulted in the discovery of
seven isolated fossil primate teeth that shed new light on the early
evolution of crown New World monkeys in the tropics and pro-
vide insight into the timing and dynamics of the earliest stages of the
Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI) between North and South
Primates Linnaeus, 1758
Anthropoidea Mivart, 1864
Platyrrhini Geoffroy, 1812
Cebidae Bonaparte, 1831
Panamacebus transitus gen. et sp. nov.
Et y molog y. Generic name combines ‘Panama’ with ‘Cebus, root taxon
for Cebidae. Specific name ‘transit’ (Latin, crossing) refers to its implied
early Miocene dispersal between South and North America.
Holotype. UF 280128, left upper first molar (M1; Fig. 2a, b).
Referred material. L eft upper second molar (M2; UF 281001; Fig. 2a, b),
partial left lower first incisor (I1; UF 280130), right lower second
incisor (I2; UF 267048), right lower canine (C1; UF 280131), possibly
associated left lower second (P2; UF 280127) and fourth (P4; UF
280129) premolars (Fig. 2e–g).
Local i ty. Lirio Norte (site key YPA-024 in the Florida Museum of
Natural History Vertebrate Paleontology Collection), Panama Canal
area, Panama, Central America (Extended Data Fig. 1).
Age and horizon. Primate fossils were collected from a single horizon
of sub-aerially exposed ash fall deposits in the upper part of the Las
Cascadas Formation (Fig. 1a). Magmatic zircons from a non-subaerially
exposed andesitic tuff, ~ 0.25 m below the primate-bearing horizon
(Extended Data Fig. 2), yield an age of 20.93 ± 0.17 Ma (2σ) (Fig. 1b and
Supplementary Table 1), interpreted to be the eruption age of the tuff and
a close approximation of the absolute age of the primate-bearing horizon.
The mammalian assemblage (Supplementary Table 6) recovered from
this horizon is consistent with what is known from the late Arikareean
Ar4 faunal zone (22.8–19.05 Ma; refs 10, 13) North American Land
Mammal Age (NALMA) at higher latitudes13,14 (Extended Data Fig. 3).
See also Supplementary Information (results section).
Diagnosis. Medium-sized cebid platyrrhine (~ 2.7 kg) that differs
from all other cebines in having lower incisors (I1, I2) that are higher
crowned with an incomplete lingual cingulum, and a first upper
molar (M1) that is considerably larger than the second upper molar
(M2). Further differs from most cebines: (except Aotus) in having
an I1 cross-sectional area only somewhat smaller than that of I2;
(except Cebus) in having somewhat inflated lower premolars (P2, P4),
and a P4 talonid and trigonid of similar length; and (except Saimiri
and Neosaimiri) in having M1,2 with a short and strong anterior
cingulum. Further differs: from Cebus and Acrecebus in having M1,2
with a mesiobuccally oriented prehypocrista, lacking a metaconule, a
postprotocrista that is continuous with a hypometacrista that reaches
to the base of the metacone, a sharp and distinct hypometacrista,
and lack of lingual inflation of the protocone; from Cebus in having
a P4 with a smaller hypoconid; and from Saimiri in lacking a
pericone on M1,2. Differs from all callitrichines in having a discrete
1Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611-7800, USA. 2Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611-7800, USA. 3Department
of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011-1027, USA. 4Department of Geological Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611-7800, USA.
5Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708-9976, USA. 6New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104,
USA. 7Geociencias, Universidad de los Andes, Calle 1A # 18A-10, Edificio IP, Bogotá DC 111711, Colombia. 8Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Box 0843-03092, Balboa, Ancon, Republic of
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
2 | NATURE | VOL 000 | 00 MONTH 2016
entoconid on P4, and M1,2 with a large hypocone and lacking a
buccal cingulum; from callitrichines (but also Aotus) in having an
M2 with a buccally expanded paracone; and from callitrichines
(but also Saimiri and Neosaimiri) in having M1,2 with a well-developed
prehypocrista that extends to the postprotocrista and encloses the talon
lingually. For additional description and metrics see Extended Data
Figs 4–7 and Supplementary Information (results section).
Panamacebus is similar to other platyrrhines in having a single-rooted
P4 rather than double-rooted as in catarrhines. Among cebids, the
dental morphology is most similar to that of fossil cebines, including
middle Miocene Neosaimiri from C olombia (Fig. 2 and Extended Data
Figs 4–7). For additional comparisons see Supplementary Information
(results section) and Supplementary Figs 2 and 3.
Until recently, the oldest evidence for the arrival of primates in
South America from the Old World was from the late Oligocene
epoch (26 Ma) of Bolivia15. The recent discovery of anthropoids from
eastern Peru
suggests an earlier arrival into tropical South America,
perhaps during the late Eocene epoch (~ 37–34 Ma), although the date
is uncertain
. Dispersals from Africa or Asia through Antarctica or
North America have been suggested
, but ‘rafting’ on floating islands
from Africa across the Atlantic is considered the most likely mechanism
for their arrival into South America19. Results from phylogenetic
analyses of new morphological data coded into a previously published
matrix1 vary with the use of different molecular constraints1,20, but
both support Panamacebus within crown Platyrrhini, specifically
within Cebidae (Fig. 3; Supplementary Information (results
section) and Supplementary Figs 4–10), suggesting a northward
early Miocene dispersal across the Central American Seaway (CAS)
from South to North America, perhaps associated with the onset of
extensive development of terrestrial landscapes in Central America
as a consequence of the initial collision with South America2,3 (Fig. 4
and Extended Data Fig. 8).
Using our most resolved tree (Fig. 3a), the minimum age for a split
between Callitrichinae and Cebinae can be calibrated with the radio-
isotopic date (20.77–21.90 Ma, posterior probability (PP): 1.0). The
results of our divergence dating analysis (Extended Data Figs 9, 10 and
Supplementary Information (results section)) using this date as a prior
(Supplementary Table 2), considerably narrow previously reported
range estimates (16.07–23.5 Ma; ref. 20; and 15.66–24.03 Ma; ref. 21).
Our inferred divergence of Cebidae from Atelidae (21.84–24.93 Ma,
PP: 0.99) also greatly reduces the interval estimated in a previous study
(18.14–26.11 Ma; ref. 20). Our divergence estimates for other primate
clades are generally congruent with previous studies (Supplementary
Information (results section)). Panamacebus does not seem to share a
ab cd
Figure 2 | Comparison of Panamacebus with middle Miocene cebid
Neosaimiri fieldsi from La Venta, Colombia. a, b, Occlusal (a) and
lingual (b) views of P. transitus left M1 (UF 280128: http://dx.doi.
org/10.17602/M2/M8531) and M2 (UF 281001:
M2/M8550). c, d, Occlusal (c) and lingual (d) views of N. fieldsi right M1
(IGM-KU 89008, mirrored: and
M2 (IGM-KU 89018, mirrored:
eg, Occlusal (e), lingual (f) and buccal (g) views of P. transitus partial
left I1 (UF 280130:, right I2 (UF
267048, mirrored:, right C1 (UF
280131, mirrored:, left P2 (UF
280127: and left P4 (UF 280129: hj, Occlusal (h), lingual (i) and
buccal (j) views of N. fieldsi left dentary with I2–M2 (UCMP 39205: http://,
Images generated from microCT scan data (see Methods and links
associated with specimen numbers). Scale bars:1 mm (ad); 5 mm (ej).
Las Cascadas Formation Culebra
Fauna (~19 Ma)
Lirio Norte
local fauna
Arikareean Hemingf.
25.37 ± 0.13 Ma (b)
19.29 ± 0.4 Ma (a)
* 20.93 ± 0.17 Ma
206Pb/238U age (Ma)
Ash falls and lapilli tuffs
Purple–grey mudstones
Grey and black mudstones
Mean = * 20.93 ± 0.17 Ma
MSWD = 0.85, probability = 0.73
Figure 1 | Stratigraphy of the primate-bearing locality (YPA-024) in
central Panama. a, Measured stratigraphic section (in metres) in the
Las Cascadas Formation showing the positions of the dated rock sample
(asterisk) and of the Panamacebus fossils as a silhouette of a monkey (right),
correlated to a schematic stratigraphic position of the Lirio Norte Local
Fauna and the Centenario Fauna with previously published radiometric
dates (a, ref. 3; b, ref. 28) indicated (centre), and North American land
mammal faunal zonation (left). Biochronol., Biochronology; Fm.,
formation; Hemingf., Hemingfordian North American Land Mammal Age;
MSWD, mean square of weighted deviates. b, Results from U–Pb isotopic
analyses plotted as a weighted mean of the 206Pb/238U ages from 37 zircons
(see Methods and Supplementary Information).
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
00 MONTH 2016 | VOL 000 | NATURE | 3
Letter reSeArCH
close relationship with fossil primates from the Quaternary period of
Cuba, Jamaica and Hispaniola (Fig. 3a, b), although they probably also
dispersed from tropical South America into the Greater Antilles by the
early Miocene1,22. This result suggests two unrelated migrations from
South America to both tropical North America (a crown platyrrhine)
and the Caribbean islands (probable stem platyrrhines) during the
Oligocene/early Miocene epochs.
While attribution of fossils to crown versus stem platyrrhines has
been the subject of substantial ongoing debate23, our results support
an exclusively tropical crown platyrrhine radiation with only the
more distantly related (stem) platyrrhines distributed into the higher
latitudes of South America
. However, if the alternative view proves
to be correct, that primates of similar age in Patagonia are also crown
platyrrhines (the long-lineage hypothesis)23, Panamacebus would
still be at least equal in age to the oldest disputed crown platyrrhine.
Coupled with fossil evidence for primates in the lower Miocene of
the Greater Antilles24, this new record in Central America shows that
primates were dispersing northward out of South America with a previ-
ously unrecognized early Miocene circum-Caribbean distribution. The
primate record is consistent with new tectonic and palaeogeographic
reconstructions2,3 of a relatively narrow CAS in the early Miocene
and corresponding dispersals inferred on the basis of molecular and
fossil data for many terrestrial organisms, including amphibians,
reptiles, freshwater fishes, insects and plants4. In this context, it is
perhaps surprising to not also find fossil evidence of caviomorph
rodents and sloths in the early Miocene of Panama since they are found
in a slightly younger locality that includes evidence of a primate in the
Greater Antilles
. Absence of primates from the overlying Centenario
, which is ~ 2 million years (Myr) younger than the Lirio Norte
Local Fauna, might suggest a single waif dispersal event of a short-lived
population. Alternatively, with increased collecting efforts the fossil
record may yet provide evidence for other earlier mammal dispersals
out of South America, and/or primates having a longer history in trop-
ical North America than is currently known.
Prior to this discovery, the oldest fossil evidence for mammalian
dispersal from South to North America is 8.5–9 Ma mylodontid and
megalonychid sloths that, along with later immigrants associated with
different pulses of the GABI, would have necessarily had to move
through the tropics, but also quickly dispersed to higher latitudes. By
contrast, New World monkeys clearly crossed into the tropical lowlands
of Central America at least once by 21 Ma, but there is no record of
them in localities of similar age at higher northern latitudes. This is
especially notable in the Gulf Coastal Plain, where most other mammals
Aotus dindensis
Aotus dindensis
Figure 3 | Results from phylogenetic analyses showing Panamacebus within crown Platyrrhini. a, Strict consensus of two most parsimonious trees
analysed using molecular constraint 1 (ref. 1). b, Strict consensus of four most parsimonious trees analysed using molecular constraint 2 (ref. 20). Circles
at nodes correspond to bootstrap support values: orange, greater than 85; blue, 50–85; black, less than 50. Daggers indicate fossil (extinct) taxa. Asterisk
indicates P. transitus.
Caribbean Plate
Culebra and
Cucaracha Fms
250 km
600 km
Gulf of Mexico
Caribbean Sea
Las Cascadas Fm.
Farallon Plate
Figure 4 | Palaeogeographic reconstruction showing hypothetical
dispersal route of Panamacebus across the CAS in the early Miocene.
Yellow and ochre colours indicate subaerial environments, blue colours
indicate marine environments (dark, coastal and platform; light, abyssal).
Criteria used to arrive at this reconstruction include regional tectonic
reconstructions, local and regional palaeomagnetic data, and regional
strain markers and piercing points (see Extended Data Fig. 8, Methods,
and Supplementary Methods). Fm., formation; Fms, formations.
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
4 | NATURE | VOL 000 | 00 MONTH 2016
share close affinities with those found in Panama
. Absence of early
Miocene New World monkeys at higher northern latitudes could be
explained by the limited extent of suitable tropical forest habitats, much
like today. However, their distribution in South America, including very
high latitudes of Patagonia, at localities of very similar age
, introduces
a potential paradox in which primates would be limited to tropical
forests in North but not South America26. A possible resolution is
found in the taxonomic composition and historical biogeography of
the forests themselves. Early Miocene forests of tropical South America
have a shared Gondwanan history with those at higher southern
latitudes, including Patagonia, and southern Central America (Costa
Rica and Panama), which are dominated by South American-derived
tropical rainforest taxa
. Northern tropical Central American forests,
however, have predominantly Laurasian affinities in the early Miocene
(Supplementary Tables 3 and 7 and Supplementary Information (results
section)). Thus, dispersal of New World monkeys further northward in
the early Miocene was probably limited more by their niche conserva-
tism and a boundary between forests with very different evolutionary
histories than by differences in climate or the existence of major geo-
graphical barriers. The New World tropics may have acted as a holding
pen for some tropical mammals for at least 12 Myr before xenarthrans
first appeared at higher latitudes of North America
, suggesting that
the distribution of South American-derived tropical forests played an
important part in the early dynamics of the GABI.
Online Content Methods, along with any additional Extended Data display items and
Source Data, are available in the online version of the paper; references unique to
these sections appear only in the online paper.
Received 4 November 2015; accepted 09 February 2016.
Published online 20 April 2016.
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Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper.
Acknowledgements We thank M. Silcox, D. Boyer, G. Gunnell, S. Chester,
P. Morse, E. Sargis, D. Steadman, E. Kowalski, Z. Randall, A. Rosenberger,
J. Krigbaum and D. Daegling for advice and discussion, R. Kay and L. Marivaux
for reviews that significantly improved the quality of the manuscript, D. Byerley
and G. Maccracken for finding primate fossils in Panama, M. Droulliard for
assistance with geochronology laboratory and fieldwork, R. Kay, P. Holroyd and
D. Reed for access to comparative specimens, J. Bourque for fossil preparation,
D. Byerley for artwork associated with Fig. 3, D. Boyer for facilitating access
to the Duke University SMIF microCT facility, and D. Boyer, G. Yapuncich and
J. Thostenson for help acquiring and processing microCT scan data (funded in
part by National Science Foundation (NSF) BCS 1304045 to D. Boyer and E. St
Clair, and BCS 0851272 to R. Kay). We thank O. Moskalenko, M. Gitzendanner
and D. Reed for assistance with the high-performance computing resources at
the University of Florida. We thank the Autoridad del Canal de Panama (ACP)
and the Ministerio de Comercio e Industria (MICI) for logistical support and
access to the Panama Canal Zone. Part of this manuscript was written when
J.I.B. was supported as an Edward P. Bass Distinguished Visiting Environmental
Scholar in the Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies (YIBS). The NSF (PIRE project
0966884), Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Paleobiology Fund, and the
Florida Museum of Natural History funded this research. This is University of
Florida Contribution to Paleobiology 782.
Author Contributions J.I.B., A.R.W., E.D.W. and G.S.M. contributed to project
planning. J.I.B., A.R.W. and A.R.H. contributed to systematic palaeontology
and microCT scans. D.A.F. and A.F.R. contributed to radioisotopic analyses
and stratigraphy. B.J.M., A.F.R., G.S.M., A.R.W. and J.I.B. contributed to
biochronological analysis. E.D.W., J.I.B. and A.R.W. contributed to phylogenetic
analyses. E.D.W. performed divergence dating analyses. C.M. and C.A.J.
contributed to palaeogeographic analysis. N.A.J., J.I.B. and C.A.J. contributed to
the pollen summary. A.R.W., A.F.R., J.I.B., G.S.M., E.D.W. and D.S.J. contributed to
fieldwork. J.I.B., B.J.M., G.S.M., C.A.J. and D.S.J. contributed to financial support.
All authors contributed to manuscript and figure preparation.
Author Information The LSIDs for Panamacebus (genus), urn:lsid:zoobank.
org:act:C33F8967-EE79-47B8-8A98-2C6D2C7557CA, and for Panamacebus
transitus (species),
9AD5AAF3DB99, have been deposited in ZooBank. Reprints and permissions
information is available at The authors declare no
competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online
version of the paper. Correspondence and requests for materials should be
addressed to J.I.B. (
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Letter reSeArCH
Geochronology. Sample MD11 was collected from an ash layer that forms the
upper-most part of a several-metre thick, welded andesitic tuff. The tuff is exposed
within the conformable section of the Las Cascadas Formation approximately
0.25 m below the mammal fossil-bearing unit (Fig. 1). Zircons were separated
from two 10-kg sample aggregates using conventional magnetic and density con-
centration methods. Clear to light pink, euhedral zircons about 100 μ m in length
were mounted in epoxy and ground to reveal internal surfaces.
U–Pb isotopic analyses were conducted on 20-μ m spots on zircon grains
using a Nu-Plasma multicollector plasma source mass spectrometer coupled to
a New Wave 213-nm laser (LA-MC-ICP-MS). The data were acquired using the
Nu-Instruments Time Resolved Analysis software. Data calibration and drift
were based on multiple analyses of the reference zircon FC-1 (ref. 29) repeated
between every 10 ablations of the unknowns. Concordant U–Pb data were yielded
by 37 zircons (Supplementary Table 1). A weighted mean of the
U ages
gives 20.93 ± 0.17 Ma (2σ) (Fig. 1b), which we interpret to be the eruption age
of the andesitic tuff and the absolute age of the Las Cascadas mammal fossil
horizon (Supplementary Information (results section)). These data are consistent
with a
U age of 19.3 ± 0.4 Ma for a welded tuff unit within the younger
Culebra Formation30.
Three-dimensional data acquisition. Fossil platyrrhine specimens (UF 267048,
28001, 280127-280131; UCMP 38762, 38989, 39205) and casts (IGM-KU 89008,
89011, 89018, 89019, 89021, 89086, 89092, 89104, 90016) were scanned at the
Duke University Shared Materials Instrumentation facility in Durham, North
Carolina, using a Nikon XTH 225 ST MicroCT scanner (Supplementary Table 4).
The resulting scans were reconstructed into tiff stacks and were imported into
Avizo 7 (Visualization Sciences Group) for surface visualization (Fig. 2, Extended
Data Figs 4–7 and Supplementary Figs 2, 3) and manipulation. Data were distrib-
uted and shared using Duke University’s three-dimensional data archive (http:// DOI links to three-dimensional data are provided in
the figure captions.
Comparative morphology. Comparisons were done within the morphological
framework outlined and discussed previously1, with reference to the literature
for fossil taxa as discussed in Supplementary Methods (see also table 1 in ref. 1
and references therein). Additional comparisons were made to specimens and
casts of fossil and extant platyrrhines. Three-dimensional images of relevant fossil
platyrrhines were reconstructed from microCT scans (see earlier).
Phylogenetic analysis of morphological data. We conducted three phyloge-
netic analyses using maximum parsimony to examine the phylogenetic position
of Panamacebus. The first analysis was conducted using the same parameters
as the original analysis1 with 177 ordered characters and all characters given a
weight other than one (Supplementary Data 1). In the second analysis we used
a different constraint tree derived from a recent molecular supermatrix20,21
(re-analyses of these data used for the constraint tree are described in
Supplementary Methods). The third analysis was performed without enforcing
a constraint tree. Support for the topology of the resulting trees was determined
by bootstrapping (see Supplementary Methods for detailed descriptions of
phylogenetic analyses).
Divergence dating recalibration analyses. Divergence dating analyses were
conducted to determine the effect of a new minimum age for the divergence of
Callitrichinae and Cebinae based on the radioisotopic date obtained for the horizon
where the Panamacebus fossils were discovered. We took a conservative approach
and calibrated the divergence of Cebinae and Callitrichinae as opposed to cal-
ibrating a node within Cebinae as suggested by the placement of Panamacebus
in the phylogeny using the first molecular constraint (Fig. 3a). Using a reduced
molecular data set derived from ref. 20, we conducted two separate Bayesian
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analyses (see Supplementary Methods and
Supplementary Data 3). Our analyses employed a lognormal relaxed molecular
clock and a general time reversible (GTR) model with a gamma distribution, using
four rate categories and estimated base frequencies. We set 15 calibration points
(Supplementary Table 2 and Supplementary Data 4); 14 nodes were calibrated as
described previously
and a 15th node was calibrated to the date corresponding
to the age of Panamacebus (20.93 ± 0.17 Ma). A random starting tree was used
and analyses were conducted with an MCMC chain length of 200,000,000 states
sampled every 10,000 states (for detailed description of divergence dating analyses
see Supplementary Methods).
Palaeogeographic reconstruction. Figure 4 and Extended Data Fig. 8 show a
reconstruction built using fault-bound tectonic blocks restored to a late Oligocene–
early Miocene palinspastic palaeogeographic position. Criteria used to arrive at
this reconstruction include: (1) regional tectonic reconstructions; (2) local and
regional palaeomagnetic data; and (3) regional strain markers and piercing points.
Published stratigraphic columns with age constraints spanning the late Oligocene–
early Miocene were placed in their corresponding palaeogeographic position. See
Supplementary Methods for detailed methods and references.
Palaeobotanical analysis of Miocene forests. We compiled pollen and spore
occurrence data from nine different formations of Oligocene to middle Miocene age
(Supplementary Table 3). The samples come from Florida, Puerto Rico, southern
Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama; the number of samples per formation ranges from
2 to 52 (Supplementary Table 7). We assigned the plant families and genera to
coarse biogeographic categories on the basis of modern species distributions and
fossil evidence. The categories are Gondwana–Amazonian, Gondwana– northern
Andean, Gondwana–southern Andean, Laurasian, or unassigned. Next, we
calculated the percentage contribution of the biogeographic regions to the species
(morphotype) richness in each fossil flora. Taxa that were not assigned to a
biogeographic region were excluded from calculations of biogeographic affinity
as described previously27. See Supplementary Methods for detailed references and
29. Black, L. P. et al. The application of SHRIMP to Phanerozoic geochronology; a
critical appraisal of four zircon standards. Chem. Geol. 200, 171–188 (2003).
30. Montes, C. et al. Arc-continent collision and orocline formation: closing of the
Central American seaway. J. Geophys. Res. 117, B4 (2012).
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Extended Data Figure 1 | Map of the southern part of Panama Canal (Gaillard Cut). Black circles mark the position of the Lirio Norte Local Fauna
locality (YPA024) and other specific terrestrial vertebrate collecting sites (Centenario Fauna) in the area (modified from ref. 10).
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Letter reSeArCH
Extended Data Figure 2 | Photograph of the northern wall (south-facing) in the Lirio Norte Local Fauna locality (YPA024). Dated rock sample
MD11 was collected from an ash layer that forms the upper-most part of a several-metre thick, welded andesitic tuff. The tuff is exposed within the
conformable section of the Las Cascadas Formation approximately 0.25 m below, and in close proximity to, the mammal fossil-bearing unit that includes
the Panamacebus fossils.
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Extended Data Figure 3 | Generic-level biostratigraphy of selected taxa from the early Miocene (~21 Ma) Las Cascadas Formation, Panama.
Individual biochronologies were interpreted from temporal ranges known from higher-latitudes. The calibration of the NALMA boundaries is as
described previously13,14.
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Letter reSeArCH
Extended Data Figure 4 | Detailed upper molar comparisons
of Panamacebus to Neosaimiri. ad, Left to right, occlusal,
distal, lingual, mesial and buccal views of the left M1 (UF 280128: (a) and the left M2 (UF 281001: (d) of P. transitus compared with
M1 and M2 of N. fieldsi (b, c, eg): right M1 (IGM-KU 89008: (b), right M1 (IGM 89019: (c), right M2
(IGM-KU 89018: (e),
right M2 (IGM-KU 89104: (f),
and right M2 (IGM-KU 89011:
(g). Images were generated from microCT scan data (see Methods and
links associated with specimen numbers). Right-sided teeth were flipped
to facilitate comparison with left-sided teeth. Scalebar, 1 mm.
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Extended Data Figure 5 | Detailed upper molar comparisons of
Panamacebus to Neosaimiri and Cebus. ag, Left to right, occlusal, distal,
lingual, mesial and buccal views of the left M1 (UF 280128: http://dx.doi.
org/10.17602/M2/M8531) (a) and the left M2 (UF 281001: http://dx.doi.
org/10.17602/M2/M8550) (c) of P. transitus compared with M1 and M2
of N. fieldsi (b, d): right M1 (IGM 89019:
M8544) (b), and right M2 (IGM-KU 89104:
M2/M8548) (d); and the left M1 and M2 of Cebus capucinus (USNM
291128; in occlusal (e), lingual
(f) and buccal views (g). Images were generated from microCT scan data
(see Methods and links associated with specimen numbers). Right-sided
teeth were flipped to facilitate comparison with left-sided teeth. Scale
bar,1 mm.
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Letter reSeArCH
Extended Data Figure 6 | Detailed comparisons of Panamacebus
lower teeth to those of Neosaimiri and Stir tonia. ak, Left to right,
occlusal, distal, lingual, mesial and buccal views of the partial left I1
(UF 280130: (a), right I2 (UF
267048, mirrored: (d), left P2
(UF 280127: (g), left P4
(UF 280129: (i) and right
C1 (UF 280131, mirrored:
(k) of P. transitus compared with the right I1 (IGM-KU 89086: (b), right I2 (IGM-KU 89092: (e), left I2 (UCMP 39205: http:// (f), right P2 (IGM-KU 90016: (h) and right C1 (IGM-KU 89021: (j) of N. fieldsi and the right
I2 (UCMP 38989: of Stirtonia
tatacoensis (c). Images were generated from microCT scan data
(see Methods and links associated with specimen numbers). Right-sided
teeth were flipped to facilitate comparison with left-sided teeth. Scale
bar,5 mm.
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Extended Data Figure 7 | Detailed comparisons of Panamacebus lower
teeth to those of Cebus. ai, Occlusal (a), lingual (c) and buccal (e) views
of P. transitus partial left I1 (UF 280130:
M8400), right I2 (UF 267048, mirrored:
M8395), right C1 (UF 280131, mirrored:
M8401), left P2 (UF 280127: and
left P4 (UF 280129:; occlusal (b),
lingual (d) and buccal (f) views of C. capucinus right P2–P4 (USNM
291128:; and occlusal (g), lingual
(h) and buccal (i) views of C. capucinus left dentary with I1–M3 (USNM
291236: Right-sided teeth
were mirrored to facilitate comparison with left-sided teeth. Images
were generated from microCT scan data (see Methods). Scale bars,
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Letter reSeArCH
Extended Data Figure 8 | Detailed palaeogeographic reconstruction
of the Panama Canal Basin region during the late Oligocene–early
Miocene, showing the location of key geological formations, faults
and tectonic blocks. Sedimentary environments were extrapolated from
published stratigraphic sections that were placed over the palinspastic
reconstruction in the following locations: (1) Pacific sections that
include conglomerate and sandy strata; (2) upper Magdalena Basin;
(3) Amaga Formation coal-bearing and sandy-conglomeratic; (4) Choco;
(5) easternmost Panama; 96) western Panama; (7) Panama; (8) Canal basin;
(9) northwestern Colombia; (10) Sierra Nevada Santa Marta, unnamed
sandy and conglomeratic strata; (11) Guajira Peninsula; (12) Falcon;
(13) Falcon/Lara; (14) middle Magdalena Basin; (15) Floresta Massif;
(16) axial Cordillera Oriental; (17) foothills; (18) southern middle
Magdalena Basin. See Supplementary Methods for references and detailed
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Extended Data Figure 9 | Maximum clade credibility tree summarizing the concatenated trees from the divergence dating analysis using the birth–
death model showing the Platyrrhini. Ninety-five per cent highest posterior density intervals are shown on key nodes and the corresponding branches
are labelled with posterior probability values. For clarity, only the Platyrrhini are shown here.
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Letter reSeArCH
Extended Data Figure 10 | Maximum clade credibility tree summarizing the concatenated trees from divergence dating the analysis using the Yule
model showing the Platyrrhini. Ninety-five per cent highest posterior density intervals are shown on key nodes and the corresponding branches are
labelled with posterior probability values. For clarity, only the Platyrrhini are shown here.
© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

Supplementary resources (13)

... Two partial lower jaws and an isolated tooth, recently recovered from early Miocene strata in Panama, are an important addition to the fossil record of the Phyllostomidae. The bat fossils occur in two early Miocene faunas derived from geologic units exposed along the Panama Canal, the Lirio Norte Local Fauna from the Las Cascadas Formation and the Centenario Fauna from the Cucaracha Formation, both of which have produced extensive samples of land mammals and other vertebrates with North American affinities (Whitmore and Stewart 1965;MacFadden 2006MacFadden , 2009MacFadden et al. 2010MacFadden et al. , 2014Cadena et al. 2012;Head et al. 2012;Rincon et al. 2012aRincon et al. , 2013aRincon et al. , 2015Hastings et al. 2013Hastings et al. , 2016Wood and Ridgwell 2015;Bloch et al. 2016;Steadman and MacFadden 2016;Bourque 2022). The bat fossils from Panama represent the first Tertiary record of the Chiroptera from Central America. ...
... The oldest bat from South America, represented by two teeth from the early Eocene Laguna Fría Fauna in Argentina (Tejedor et al. 2005), has not been identified to family but is not closely related to the Phyllostomidae. The phyllostomids from Lirio Norte in Panama and Gran Barranca in Argentina are the oldest known representatives of this family, both dated at 21-20 Ma (Dunn et al. 2013;Bloch et al. 2016). The Panama phyllostomid presents a biogeographic conundrum-one of the oldest known members of a bat family thought to have originated in South America (Koopman 1976(Koopman , 1982Lim 2009) is actually from North America, albeit the southernmost portion of that continent. ...
... In addition to the new Panama phyllostomid, middle Cenozoic inter-American chiropteran dispersals are further substantiated by the presence of two other bat families, Emballonuridae and Molossidae, in Oligocene and/or Miocene faunas in both North America and South America (Czaplewski 1997;Czaplewski et al. 2003a, b;Czaplewski 2012, 2023;Antoine et al. 2016). The discovery of the earliest known crown-group platyrrhine monkey (family Cebidae), the extinct genus and species Panamacebus transitus from the Lirio Norte LF in Panama, further supports a limited interchange of mammals between the tropical latitudes of North America and South America in the early Miocene (Bloch et al. 2016). ...
Full-text available
Fossils of an insectivorous bat from the early Miocene of Panama are described as a new genus and species, Americanycteris cyrtodon (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae: Phyllostominae). Americanycteris is a large phyllostomine bat, similar in size to the living species Chrotopterus auritus. Americanycteris cyrtodon can be distinguished from other closely related species by a posteriorly curved p4 and a thick labial cingulum on m1. Americanycteris cyrtodon occurs in two early Miocene vertebrate faunas from Panama. The holotype mandible with p4–m1 and an isolated p3 of A. cyrtodon were recovered from the early Hemingfordian (19–18 Ma) Centenario Fauna, and a mandible with p2 was found in the older late Arikareean (21 Ma) Lirio Norte Local Fauna. A similar large phyllostomine bat is known from the early Miocene Gran Barranca Fauna in Argentina. The presence of early Miocene phyllostomids in both North America and South America confirms the overwater dispersal of bats between the Americas before the late Miocene onset of the Great American Biotic Interchange. Pre-late Miocene chiropteran dispersals between the Americas were previously documented for the Emballonuridae and Molossidae. Although the five endemic New World families in the Noctilionoidea, including Phyllostomidae, were previously thought to be South American in origin, the oldest fossil records of noctilionoids (Mormoopidae and extinct Speonycteridae) are from the early Oligocene of Florida and one of the earliest records of the Phyllostomidae is from the early Miocene of Panama. The currently available fossil records from Panama and Florida suggest a possible North American origin for the Noctilionoidea.
... Lineage dispersal occurred several times from Amazonia to other biomes. During the Early Miocene, lineages expanded their ranges northwards and colonized the Greater Antilles (MacPhee and Iturralde-Vinent 1995) and Central America (Bloch et al. 2016;Ali et al. 2021). At the same time, due to climatic and geological changes, lineages expanded their ranges southwards and reached higher latitudes, such as Patagonia (Tejedor 2013;Kay 2015;Silvestro et al. 2019). ...
... It was strikingly compelling that the analyzed patterns, which were conjectured based on different taxonomic levels and distinct methods, were thoroughly corroborated by the modeling results. For example, Lynch-Alfaro et al. (2015a) inferred the timing of the Amazon to Atlantic Forest route based on ages of sistertaxon divergences, and Bloch et al. (2016) inferred the timing of the crossing of the Central American Seaway based on the age of P. transitus, an Early Miocene fossil. The lineage dispersal modeling design associated with a comprehensive dataset provided a more integrative approach and generated results in agreement with the overall macroevolution of NWM. ...
Full-text available
New World monkeys (NWM) comprise a group of extant and extinct taxa exclusive to the Neotropics. Lineage dispersal modeling was employed to test the validity of previously reported biogeographic patterns in NWM. Specifically, this research sought to confirm whether the dispersal timings of these patterns were supported by the modeling results. Species geographic distributions of extant platyrrhines were used to obtain a bioregionalization scheme. A lineage dispersal model was constructed based on multiple-area range, likelihood inference of rate, and stochastic mapping under likelihood. Based on published phylogenies, ten trees were randomly sampled and, for each tree, ten stochastic mappings were simulated. Results were presented as event counts and averages across the 100 stochastic mappings, and the timings of the inferred dispersal routes were compared to the timings of 12 biogeographic pattern hypotheses gathered from the literature. The modeling analysis provided directional and temporal support for eleven of the twelve patterns. Lineages most frequently dispersed from Western Amazonia towards other bioregions. For four dispersal routes, events initiated earlier than previously reported. The Western Amazonia bioregion served as both the ancestral area and primary source of platyrrhine lineages. Analyses revealed a novel biogeographic pattern, namely the “Amazonian eastward” dispersal route, which started in the Miocene epoch, during the establishment of the transcontinental Amazon River system, and lasted until recently in an increasing trend of dispersal rate. This route showed the greatest number of dispersal events during the macroevolution of NWM.
... At first glance, our results are in accordance with the first wave of dispersal, as the MRCA of Cruziohyla is synchronous with the very early formation of the Isthmus of Panama and early uplift of the Eastern Cordillera of Northern Andes (Gregory-Wodzicki, 2000), and the jump-dispersal present in the MRCA of Agalychnis is suggested to have occurred at the same time as this wave of dispersal according to our results. Recent biological (Bacon et al., 2013(Bacon et al., , 2015Bloch et al., 2016) and geological (Farris et al., 2011;Montes et al., 2012Montes et al., , 2015Jaramillo et al., 2017) findings suggest an older formation for the Isthmus of Panama (early to middle Miocene), despite divergent findings (e.g., O'Dea et al., 2016). However, it is thought that range expansion (i.e., anagenetic dispersal) is more plausible to occur by land (for land animals) and that jump-dispersals are predominantly associated with geographic barriers (see Matzke, 2014 for more information), and the presence of these jump-dispersals could support the idea of a later formation of the Isthmus rather than with the earlier emergence hypothesis. ...
Full-text available
The species richness in the Neotropics has been linked to environmental heterogeneity and a complex geological history. We evaluated which biogeographic processes were associated with the diversification of Monkey tree frogs, an endemic clade from the Neotropics. We tested two competing hypotheses: the diversification of Phyllomedusinae occurred either in a “south-north” or a “north-south” direction in the Neotropics. We also hypothesized that marine introgressions and Andean uplift had a crucial role in promoting their diversification. We used 13 molecular markers in a Bayesian analysis to infer phylogenetic relationships among 57 species of Phyllomedusinae and to estimate their divergence times. We estimated ancestral ranges based on 12 biogeographic units considering the landscape modifications of the Neotropical region. We found that the Phyllomedusinae hypothetical ancestor range was probably widespread throughout South America, from Western Amazon to Southern Atlantic Forest, at 29.5 Mya. The Phyllomedusines’ ancestor must have initially diverged through vicariance, generally followed by jump-dispersals and sympatric speciation. Dispersal among areas occurred mostly from Western Amazonia towards Northern Andes and the South American diagonal of dry landscapes, a divergent pattern from both "south-north" and "north-south" diversification hypotheses. Our results revealed a complex diversification process of Monkey tree frogs, occurring simultaneously with the orogeny of Northern Andes and the South American marine introgressions in the last 30 million years.
... We included a Saimiri sample (GenBank Accession Number HQ644338) to help with calibrating the tree. We used a Calibrated Yule Model for the tree with one calibration point on the root node to date the split between squirrel monkeys (Saimiri) and capuchins (Cebus + Sapajus) based on the fossil records of Neosaimiri (Kay, 2015;Stirton, 1951) and Panamacebus (Bloch et al., 2016), using a lognormal distribution model and an offset of 20.0 Ma, a mean of 2 Ma, and standard deviation of 0.5 Ma, following the preferred model from Martins et al. (2023). We ran the MCMC for 10,000,000 iterations, and discarded a burn-in of 20%. ...
Recent molecular studies have clarified the overarching taxonomy of capuchin monkeys, but intraspecific genetic diversity remains unexplored for most capuchin species. One example is Sapajus nigritus, the southernmost capuchin monkey, found in Brazil and Argentina; its phenotypic diversity has been recognized as two geographic subspecies, but the intraspecific genetic structure of this taxon is poorly known. Here, we sampled across most of this species' geographic distribution, producing a newly sequenced data set for genetic analyses that included 78 individuals from 14 populations. We investigated the intraspecific diversity, genetic structure, and evolutionary history using three mitochondrial markers. Our results indicated that S. nigritus populations exhibited high levels of genetic structure. We found strong support for two monophyletic clades within this species with a deep phylogenetic split, and clear separation from other related taxa. Vicariance events seem to have played a prevalent role in shaping S. nigritus genetic differentiation. The Paraíba do Sul River may have driven the deep divergence between southern and northern clades, whereas the Tietê River may have had a weaker, more recent effect on the divergence of populations within the southern clade.
... Kay et al. (2019) has also dealt a resounding blow to his own hypothesis by inverting his stance on the phylogenetic position of the 20-million-year-old Chilecebus (Flynn et al. 1995), an early Miocene genus that he once considered a stem platyrrhine but now believes is also a cebine, as various workers have maintained since shortly after it was initially published as Platyrrhini Incertae sedis (Fleagle and Tejedor 2002;Rosenberger and Hartwig 2002;Rosenberger et al. 2009). Kay et al. (2019) also added another corroborating point by agreeing with Bloch et al. (2016) that the 21-million-year-old northern platyrrhine, Panamacebus, is a cebine, too, and stated that the evidence now means that cebids, pitheciids, and atelids differentiated more than 20 million years ago, which is precisely the timeline spelled out by the Long Lineage Hypothesis (e.g., Rosenberger 1979aRosenberger , 2010. Persistent belief in the Stem Group Hypothesis, despite the original and accumulating evidence against it, reminds us of the groupthink that may have influenced the Aotus-cebid hypothesis, and the potential confusion that it provokes, seen in the Bjarnason et al. (2017) rationale for rejecting the Aotus-pitheciid hypothesis and in other studies that seek to trace the evolution of critical features such as brain size in platyrrhines and ancestral anthropoids (Ni et al. 2019). ...
Phylogeny reconstruction is an estimation of genealogical history, not an exact rendering of it, and no method of phylogeny reconstruction is infallible. The cladistic relationships of the owl monkey, Aotus, are the most hotly contested node of New World monkey interrelationships. The alternative hypotheses can be described taxonomically: Aotus is monophyletically related to either cebids or pitheciids. As predictive propositions, each notion should be evaluated by its explanatory power. The cebid hypothesis predicts that Aotus broadly shares adaptations in morphology, behavior, and ecology with cebines and/or callitrichines, while the pitheciid hypothesis predicts extensive overlap with Callicebus and/or pitheciins. We find no support for the cebid hypothesis and commanding support for the pitheciid hypothesis in the form of integrated morphological and behavioral complexes that are likely to be homologously derived. More attention should be directed toward understanding why the morphology and molecules do not align, from both biological and methodological perspectives.
... Several fossil sites have been found in all Central American countries, but with little information (Rich and Rich, 1983;Cisneros, 2005). The most diverse group of mammals known from Central American fossils are armadillos, glyptodonts and several other taxa now in the orders Cingulata and Pilosa; evidence of mammalian exchange from South America to North America (Bloch et al., 2016). Added to this exchange, are the oldest records of sloths in the Greater Antilles from the Oligocene and Early Miocene of Puerto Rico and Cuba (White and MacPhee, 2001;MacPhee, 2005). ...
Full-text available
Despite its small size (51.000 km 2), there is approximately 5% of the world's known mammal species (over 260)
... Large amounts of new data gathered over the last two decades on geology, geomorphology, palynology, climate, and fossils have also shown how the DD evolved since the Late Miocene and identified events that could have shaped current faunal diversity. The arrival of Northern American immigrants through steppingstone dispersal across Central American archipelago since Middle Miocene (around 15 Ma) until the complete uplift of the Panamanian land bridge during the Middle Pliocene (around 3 Ma) (O'Dea et al. 2016;Bloch et al. 2016), as well as the global climatic cooling and drying (Zachos et al. 2001)originated by the drifting of the Antarctic Plate to the south pole, with the formation of the permanent Antarctic ice and the circum-Antarctic Currentassociated with the appearance of specialized grazing mammals and xeric adapted plants during the Miocene throughout the Neogene, have been raised as major Miocene events shaping the evolutionary history of DD fauna, including the didelphids Dias and Perini 2018). While Jansa et al. (2014) suggested that North American immigrants, represented by carnivores and pitvipers, could have been responsible for the extinction of several taxa, these new routes between Central and South America seem also to have promoted dispersal and differentiation (Dias and Perini 2018). ...
... The subsequent restriction of phyllostomids to low latitudes has been linked to their shift to frugivorous and nectivorous diets, which would have: (1) limited their geographic range to tropical regions where fruiting plants are plentiful; and (2) increased their metabolic rate, requiring the adaptation of precise thermoregulatory strategies that may not easily translate to temperate regions (Stevens 2006; Czenze and Dunbar 2020). The South American clades Didelphimorphia, Primates, and Xenarthra also immigrated to North America during the gABI (Alfaro et al. 2015;Moraes-Barros and Arteaga 2015;Dias and Perini 2018), though there is evidence that some platyrrhine primates had reached North America by the early Miocene (Bloch et al. 2016). These three clades continued to diversify in North America postdispersal, though to a lesser degree in Xenarthra (Jansa et al. 2014;Aristide et al. 2015;Moraes-Barros and Arteaga 2015). ...
North American mammals follow a well-established latitudinal diversity gradient in species richness. However, the degree to which species in different mammal clades follow the same latitudinal gradient—and to which each clade contributes to the pattern observed for all mammals remains unknown. Here, we separate the overall mammalian latitudinal diversity gradient by mammal orders and investigate the impact of climate and topography on the distribution of each major mammal clade. We joined an equal-area grid (100 × 100 km cells) of continental North America embedded with environmental variables (n = 10) with mammalian species ranges (n = 753). We used spatial regression models to quantify the relationship between species richness and latitude for all mammals, all mammals excluding select clades, and for each individual subordinate clade (n = 9). We used multiple linear regression and simultaneous autoregressive regression models to determine which environmental variables best explained patterns of species richness for each mammal order. Whereas North American mammals altogether exhibit a strong latitudinal diversity gradient in species richness, most orders deviate from the species richness pattern observed for all mammals and their gradients are weak or entirely absent. Bats (Chiroptera) exhibit the strongest latitudinal gradient—their removal from the pattern for all mammals substantially weakens the total mammalian gradient, more so than when rodents are removed. Environmental variables explain patterns of species richness well for some clades, but poorly for others. The gradient we observe for North American mammals today is likely a combined product of multiple diversification events, dispersals, and climatic and tectonic histories.
Where Did They Come From? The Origins of South American Fauna offers a fascinating journey into the origins of South American flora and fauna. Exploring life on the continent before and after the breakup of Gondwana, it delves into how creatures arrived in South America, be it through drifting across oceans or traversing land bridges. From birds and reptiles to mammals and fish, this book provides a comprehensive compendium of biological diversity, discussing their origins and evolutionary paths. Readers will gain insights into the mechanisms of animal dispersal, evolution, and the impact of the Great Biotic Interchange. The book also lists references for further exploration of the subject. The book is structured into five parts: Building South America: Covers tectonic movements, climate changes, and breaching isolation. Shaping South America: Explores the landforms and diverse biomes across the continent. Vertebrates within South America: Discusses unique amphibians, reptiles, fish, mammals, and birds that evolved on the continent. Vertebrates immigrating to South America: Examines exotic reptiles, birds, and mammals that found their way to the continent. The author also lists the families of almost all genera of South American animals, while giving knowledge of their origins. Recent Arrivals - the Great Biotic Interchange: Explores the significant interchange of various species that occurred later. Ideal for students, biologists, and anyone curious about the natural world, this book is a captivating read that uncovers the incredible history of South American fauna and its evolutionary tapestry.
Recent fossil discoveries in Western Amazonia revealed that two distinct anthropoid primate clades of African origin colonized South America near the Eocene/Oligocene transition (ca. 34 Ma). Here, we describe a diminutive fossil primate from Brazilian Amazonia and suggest that, surprisingly, a third clade of anthropoids was involved in the Paleogene colonization of South America by primates. This new taxon, Ashaninkacebus simpsoni gen. et sp. nov., has strong dental affinities with Asian African stem anthropoids: the Eosimiiformes. Morphology-based phylogenetic analyses of early Old World anthropoids and extinct and extant New World monkeys (platyrrhines) support relationships of both Ashaninkacebus and Amamria (late middle Eocene, North Africa) to the South Asian Eosimiidae. Afro-Arabia, then a mega island, played the role of a biogeographic stopover between South Asia and South America for anthropoid primates and hystricognathous rodents. The earliest primates from South America bear little adaptive resemblance to later Oligocene-early Miocene platyrrhine monkeys, and the scarcity of available paleontological data precludes elucidating firmly their affinities with or within Platyrrhini. Nonetheless, these data shed light on some of their life history traits, revealing a particularly small body size and a diet consisting primarily of insects and possibly fruit, which would have increased their chances of survival on a natural floating island during this extraordinary over-water trip to South America from Africa. Divergence-time estimates between Old and New World taxa indicate that the transatlantic dispersal(s) could source in the intense flooding events associated with the late middle Eocene climatic optimum (ca. 40.5 Ma) in Western Africa.
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Although Cenozoic protoceratid artiodactyls are known from throughout North America, species referred to the Miocene protoceratine Paratoceras are restricted to subtropical areas of the Gulf Coast and southern Mexico and tropical areas of Panama. Newly discovered fossils from the late Arikareean Lirio Norte Local Fauna, Panama Canal basin, include partial dentitions of a protoceratid remarkably similar to those of Paratoceras tedfordi from Mexico, suggesting a rapid early Miocene colonization of recently emerged tropical volcanic terrains (Las Cascadas Formation). Partial lower dentitions from the overlying shallow marine to transitional Culebra Formation (early Centenario Fauna) are here referred to Paratoceras orarius, sp. nov., based on relatively small size, shallow mandible anterior to p3, and narrow cheek teeth. New early Hemingfordian protoceratine fossils from the upper part of the Cucaracha Formation (late Centenario Fauna) include a partial male skull and several dentitions that, together with specimens previously referred to P. wardi (only known from the Barstovian of Texas), are here referred to Paratoceras coatesi, sp. nov., based on distinctly more gracile cranial ornamentation, relatively longer nasals, a smaller and wider lower p4 (relative to m1), and more bulbous lower premolars. Results from a cladistic analysis of 15 craniodental characters coded for 11 protoceratine species suggests that Paratoceras is a monophyletic clade with its origin in subtropical areas of Central America, spreading into the tropics of Panama during the early Miocene (Arikareean through Hemingfordian North American Land Mammal Ages [NALMAs]), and later inhabiting subtropical areas of the Gulf Coast during the middle–late Miocene (Barstovian through Clarendonian NALMAs).
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Significance The formation of the Isthmus of Panama, which linked North and South America, is key to understanding the biodiversity, oceanography, atmosphere, and climate in the region. Despite its importance across multiple disciplines, the timing of formation and emergence of the Isthmus and the biological patterns it created have been controversial. Here, we analyze molecular and fossil data, including terrestrial and marine organisms, to show that biotic migrations across the Isthmus of Panama began several million years earlier than commonly assumed. An earlier evolution of the Isthmus has broad implications for the mechanisms driving global climate (e.g., Pleistocene glaciations, thermohaline circulation) as well as the rich biodiversity of the Americas.
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Fossils in Peru raise questions about the early evolution of monkeys in South America
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The platyrrhine primates, or New World monkeys, are immigrant mammals whose fossil record comes from Tertiary and Quaternary sediments of South America and the Caribbean Greater Antilles. The time and place of platyrrhine origins are some of the most controversial issues in primate palaeontology, although an African Palaeogene ancestry has been presumed by most primatologists. Until now, the oldest fossil records of New World monkeys have come from Salla, Bolivia, and date to approximately 26 million years ago, or the Late Oligocene epoch. Here we report the discovery of new primates from the ?Late Eocene epoch of Amazonian Peru, which extends the fossil record of primates in South America back approximately 10 million years. The new specimens are important for understanding the origin and early evolution of modern platyrrhine primates because they bear little resemblance to any extinct or living South American primate, but they do bear striking resemblances to Eocene African anthropoids, and our phylogenetic analysis suggests a relationship with African taxa. The discovery of these new primates brings the first appearance datum of caviomorph rodents and primates in South America back into close correspondence, but raises new questions about the timing and means of arrival of these two mammalian groups.
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New excavations along the Panama Canal have yielded a growing Early Miocene assemblage of mammals referred to as the Centenario Fauna. Despite the area’s proximity to South America, the mammals of the Centenario Fauna have entirely North American affinities. The Centenario Fauna is distributed throughout a ∼115-m stratigraphic interval encompassing the uppermost Culebra and Cucaracha Formations within the Panama Canal basin. Previously published ages constrain the age of the lower limit of the Centenario Fauna to no younger than ∼19 Ma, but the upper limit has remained problematical. A fresh exposure of the Cucaracha tuff, a prominent marker horizon within our measured sections, has yielded two new radioisotopic determinations: (1) an 40Ar/39Ar age of 18.96 ± 0.90 Ma and (2) a U-Pb zircon age of 18.81 ± 0.30 Ma. In addition, magnetostratigraphic data indicate that the Centenario Fauna occurs within chron C5Er, from 18.78 to 19.05 Ma on the geomagnetic polarity timescale of Gee and Kent. These correlations further confirm the calibration of the latest Arikareean (Ar4) to early Hemingfordian (He1) transition in Nebraska, at the base of chron C5Er, at about 19.05 Ma. The Centenario Fauna occurs at the beginning of the Hemingfordian North American Land Mammal Age, i.e., He1. A broad faunal province existed during the early Hemingfordian that can be recognized across a north-south range of 5000 km throughout North America, with the southernmost limits defined by the Centenario Fauna of Panama.