
A Theory of Marital Dissolution and Stability

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Research is presented on the prospective longitudinal prediction of marital dissolution. First, a cascade toward marital dissolution is described. Second, the cascade is predicted with variables from a balance theory of marriage. Third, there are process and perception (the distance and isolation cascades) cascades related to the cascade toward dissolution. The importance of "flooding" is discussed, as well as a mechanism through which negative perceptions (which are 2 dimensional) become global and stable and through which the entire history of the marriage is recast negatively. The role of physiology is outlined. A theory is presented in which a "core triad of balance" is formulated in terms of 3 weakly related thermostats (connected by catastrophe theory) and related to the distance and isolation cascade. Implications for a minimal marital therapy are discussed.

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... Consistent with this path, our fifth hypothesis proposes that marital conflict at Time 2 will be positively related to marital distress at Time 3. This prediction follows from Gottman's (1993) theory of marital dissolution in which he proposes that, over time, conflict and negativity in marital interactions will lead to negative evaluations of the relationship, including thoughts or even actions related to divorce or separation. Although some studies have failed to demonstrate this hypothesized connection between marital conflict or negativity and marital distress, most research on this issue has produced findings consistent with the hypothesis (e.g., Christensen & Walczynski, 1997;Conger et al., 1990;Gottman, 1993;Gottman, Coan, Carrere, & Swanson, 1998;Karney & Bradbury, 1995;. ...
... Cutrona (1996), then, describes a process similar to that depicted in Figure 2: Under conditions of duress (economic pressure in the present case), supportive couple relationships may protect against the exacerbation of individual distress. We expected that Gottman's (1993;Gottman et al., 1998) concept of couple "soothing" through positive marital interactions likely accounts for this hypothesized protective effect. According to Gottman, the exchange of emotionally supportive behaviors or positive affect between partners in a marriage will reduce the emotional or physiological arousal that may result from stress or tensions in their lives. ...
... hypothesis, couples who demonstrate effective problem-solving skills, compared to less skillful couples, should suffer less marital distress in response to marital conflict (see Figure 2). In the present study we drew especially on the work of Levinger and Huston (1990) and Gottman (1979Gottman ( , 1993 who suggest that conflict occurs in all marriages at some time and that it is the means couples use to resolve disputes that distinguishes more successful from less satisfying relationships. In many instances, couples will engage in conflict as a contest that results in a winner and a loser, or they will withdraw from disagreements, leaving the underlying dispute as a nagging and unresolved issue in the marriage. ...
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Over 400 married couples participated in a 3-year prospective study of economic pressure and marital relations. The research (a) empirically evaluated the family stress model of economic stress influences on marital distress and (b) extended the model to include specific interactional characteristics of spouses hypothesized to protect against economic pressure. Findings provided support for the basic mediational model, which proposes that economic pressure increases risk for emotional distress, which, in turn, increases risk for marital conflict and subsequent marital distress. Regarding resilience to economic stress, high marital support reduced the association between economic pressure and emotional distress. In addition, effective couple problem solving reduced the adverse influence of marital conflict on marital distress. Overall, the findings provided substantial support for the extended family stress model.
... For instance, scholars employed language to describe different degrees of actions focused on others, such as "asking" (Parke et al., 2022), "providing" (Jakubiak, 2021), and "offering" (Girme et al., 2015) and evaluated the extent to which these strategies effectively engage with the emotions using expressions like "interest in and curiosity about" (Main et al., 2019) and "signals recognition" (Yu et al., 2021). In contrast, others have focused on actions that reflect a lack of meaningful participation with the emotion such as "withdrawing" (Gottman, 1993), "refraining from asking questions" (John-Henderson, Stellar, Mendoza-Denton, & Francis, 2015), and "avoid[ing] social contact" ). ...
... Like ignoring and avoiding, stonewalling can harm individuals and relationships by communicating low responsiveness, but it may be even more damaging than those strategies as it conveys a higher level of disapproval towards the expresser's emotions (Gottman, 1993). ...
... When individuals stonewalled their partner's emotions during conflict, they had much less success in resolving their issues (Overall et al., 2013). Furthermore, stonewalling over time predicted divorce in couples, especially in relationships that lacked higher involvement strategies such as validation (Gottman, 1993). Throughout decades of research, Gottman and colleagues (1993) have found stonewalling to be one of the most predictive behaviors of divorce in couples as it breaks down intimacy over time and leads individuals to feel confused, hurt, angry, and disconnected. ...
... For instance, scholars employed language to describe different degrees of actions focused on others, such as "asking" (Parke et al., 2022), "providing" (Jakubiak, 2021), and "offering" (Girme et al., 2015) and evaluated the extent to which these strategies effectively engage with the emotions using expressions like "interest in and curiosity about" (Main et al., 2019) and "signals recognition" (Yu et al., 2021). In contrast, others have focused on actions that reflect a lack of meaningful participation with the emotion such as "withdrawing" (Gottman, 1993), "refraining from asking questions" (John-Henderson, Stellar, Mendoza-Denton, & Francis, 2015), and "avoid[ing] social contact" ). ...
... Like ignoring and avoiding, stonewalling can harm individuals and relationships by communicating low responsiveness, but it may be even more damaging than those strategies as it conveys a higher level of disapproval towards the expresser's emotions (Gottman, 1993). ...
... When individuals stonewalled their partner's emotions during conflict, they had much less success in resolving their issues (Overall et al., 2013). Furthermore, stonewalling over time predicted divorce in couples, especially in relationships that lacked higher involvement strategies such as validation (Gottman, 1993). Throughout decades of research, Gottman and colleagues (1993) have found stonewalling to be one of the most predictive behaviors of divorce in couples as it breaks down intimacy over time and leads individuals to feel confused, hurt, angry, and disconnected. ...
... La similitud en hábitos e intereses aumenta la satisfacción y contribuye al sentimiento de unión. Así, las investigaciones llevadas a cabo por Gottman (1993) concluyen que, las parejas con un mayor número de interacciones positivas, manifiestan una mayor satisfacción y una menor consideración del divorcio o separación, que aquellas en las que prevalecen las interacciones negativas. Podemos entender, por tanto, las actividades de tiempo libre como uno de los reforzadores principales de la relación. ...
... Cada pareja ha de acordar el espacio interpersonal que ambos necesitan en función de sus necesidades personales de espacio físico y emocional. El balance entre el disfrute conjunto de actividades y el disfrute individual, es uno de los factores que contribuyen a la satisfacción en la relación (Gottman, 1993). Lo importante es, por tanto, que exista un equilibrio entre las necesidades de autonomía e independencia de los miembros y el sentimiento de unión entre la pareja. ...
... Las puntuaciones en esta escala mostraron una correlación elevada con el Quality of Marriage Index (Norton, 1983) y el Relationship Satisfaction Questionnaire (Burns y Sayers, 1992). Como concluye Gottman (1993), los cuestionarios que evalúan satisfacción marital tienden a estar altamente correlacionados. ...
The research focuses on the adult couple relationship from the theoretical framework of attachment theory. Our objective has been, firstly, to study the influence of attachment style, loving attitudes and interaction dynamics, on the quality and satisfaction of the couple relationship. Secondly, we wanted to deepen the effect that the characteristic mental model of each attachment style has on the type of cognitive, emotional and behavioral response that a person displays in their intimate interactions, and consequently, in their quality. Thus, we combine the world of the clinic (specifically, cognitive-behavioral therapy) with the attachment theory, in an integrating model that enriches both theories and we consider that represents an advance in the practical application of affective bonds.
... Several existing theories and numerous empirical findings have found a link between effective interpersonal emotional processes and relationship quality (Bloch, Haase, & Levenson, 2014;Gable, Reis, Impett, & Asher, 2004;Gottman, 1993;Gottman & Levenson, 1992 influence, and respond to one another's emotions during interactions and as a result, their emotions become interdependent over time; this is a process that is often referred to as either between-person or interpersonal emotional processes (Butler, 2011). Most studies suggest that couples who promote and reciprocate effective interpersonal emotional exchanges in various settings also report greater intimacy, trust, satisfaction, and commitment in the long-run (Gottman, 1993;Gottman & Levenson, 1992;Levenson, Carstensen, & Gottman, 1994;Rosand, Slinning, Roysamb, & Tambs, 2014). ...
... Several existing theories and numerous empirical findings have found a link between effective interpersonal emotional processes and relationship quality (Bloch, Haase, & Levenson, 2014;Gable, Reis, Impett, & Asher, 2004;Gottman, 1993;Gottman & Levenson, 1992 influence, and respond to one another's emotions during interactions and as a result, their emotions become interdependent over time; this is a process that is often referred to as either between-person or interpersonal emotional processes (Butler, 2011). Most studies suggest that couples who promote and reciprocate effective interpersonal emotional exchanges in various settings also report greater intimacy, trust, satisfaction, and commitment in the long-run (Gottman, 1993;Gottman & Levenson, 1992;Levenson, Carstensen, & Gottman, 1994;Rosand, Slinning, Roysamb, & Tambs, 2014). ...
... Numerous researchers argue that healthy relationships transpire when partners are able to effectively respond to each other's emotional needs (e.g., expression of emotions, disclosure) particularly, when a person feels understood, validated, and cared for by another (Bloch et al., 2014;Gottman, 1993;Gottman & Levenson, 1992;Laurenceau, Barrett, & Pietromonaco, 1998;Levenson et al., 1994;Vater & Schröder-Abé, 2015). For example, greater relationship satisfaction and stability have been reported when partners constructively respond to each other during both positive and negative events (Donato, Pagani, Parise, Bertoni, & Iafrate, 2014;Fletcher et al., 2000;Hendrick & Hendrick, 1987). ...
Intercultural romantic relationships have increased worldwide. Yet, there is a lack of empirical knowledge about intercultural couples. The studies that do suggest that intercultural couples have higher rates of conflict and long‐term instability, but most studies have measured intercultural couples using categorical responses of race/ethnicity, which limits theoretical insight to the interpersonal characteristics that make up high‐quality intimate relationships. This review integrates findings from several research fields into a new model, called the culturally based romantic relationship (CBR²) model, to understand how similarities/differences in within‐person emotional processes and relationship norms relate to between‐person emotional functioning, and in turn relationship quality. Theoretical models of this nature are essential because they can impact therapy and counseling programs developed for diverse groups of people, but also advance research fields that are related to culture, emotions, and interpersonal relationships.
... According to Gottman (1993Gottman ( , 1994, perception is one of the three domains (perception, physiology, and behavior) that individually and together act as interactive thermostats in marriage. In this "core triad of balance" theory, Gottman has proposed that each of the three domains has the potential for balance, a homeostatic set point associated with harmony in the marriage. ...
... Those couples who had divorced by 1995 also had a significantly lower perceived marital bond score than the couples who remained married in 1998. The linear trend in the perceived marital bond scores for these three groups of couples would imply, as suggested by Gottman (1993Gottman ( , 1994, that marital instability is created when a couple's perceptions about the marriage and about each other exceed a particular negative threshold (the couples who had divorced by 1995). However, it is less clear what factors led to marital dissolution in the case of couples who divorced after 1995 but before 1998. ...
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A longitudinal study with 95 newlywed couples examined the power of the Oral History Interview to predict stable marital relationships and divorce. A principal-components analysis of the interview with the couples (Time 1) identified a latent variable, perceived marital bond, that was significant in predicting which couples would remain married or divorce within the first 5 years of their marriage. A discriminant function analysis of the newlywed oral history data predicted, with 87.4% accuracy, those couples whose marriages remained intact or broke up at the Time 2 data collection point. The oral history data predicted with 81% accuracy those couples who remained married or divorced at the Time 3 data collection point. This study offers support for causal linkages between perceptual biases and selective attention on the path of marriage.
... There appears to be significant convergence across areas of psychology on the importance of destabilization in the change process. Variability plays a central role in theories of change in developmental psychology (Kelso et al., 1993;Siegler & Ellis, 1996;Thelen, 1995;Thelen & Smith, 1994), marital relationships (Gottman, 1993), social cognition and behavior (Vallacher & Nowak, 1994), and in theories of change proposed nearly 20 years ago in family therapy (e.g., Bateson, 1979;Haley, 1971). Similarly, Carver and Scheier (in press) suggested that there are naturally occurring instances of destabilization that may be similar to what happens in therapy. ...
... In this review, we focus on theories of change in individual psychotherapy, the most simple of cases, rather than on the dynamic systems theories that address more complex systems, such as the marital dyad (e.g.,Gottman, 1993), family system (e.g.,Bateson, 1979;Haley, 1971), and group (e.g.,Burlingame, Fuhriman, & Barnum, 1995), 3 SeeMahoney (1991) for an excellent discussion of the different connotations of the terms resistance and self-protection. This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. ...
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Dynamic systems theory provides a conceptual framework for the study of change in psychotherapy that is consistent with that used in other sciences. A dynamic systems model of change was proposed and evaluated in the context of cognitive therapy for depression. Consistent with this model, less client protection and more destabilization of depressive patterns predicted more improvement at the end of treatment. Less protection was associated with more therapist support/stabilization. More destabilization was associated with more affective intensity in the session and with more of a therapist focus on the historical antecedents of current problems, exposure to multiple sources of corrective information, and repeated practice of new skills. Although preliminary, this pattern of findings is consistent with the model proposed and with principles of dynamic systems from other sciences.
... This type of behaviour can reduce the effectiveness of communication [8] and cause defensive or aggressive responses in return which can lead to a detrimental cycle of poor communication [5]. Furthermore, defensiveness can negatively affect the quality and satisfaction of relationships and romantic partnerships by increasing the number of conflicts [9,10]. Moreover, it has been identified as one of the key factors in marriage breakdown [9]. ...
... Furthermore, defensiveness can negatively affect the quality and satisfaction of relationships and romantic partnerships by increasing the number of conflicts [9,10]. Moreover, it has been identified as one of the key factors in marriage breakdown [9]. In the workplace, it can have a negative impact on the quality of leader-member interaction which is associated with higher levels of burnout and lower job satisfaction [11]. ...
... A kutatásokban leggyakrabban mért dimenzió a párkapcsolati elégedettség (Lakatos et al., 2020;Lawrence et al., 2007;Shapiro et al., 2000;Twenge et al., 2003), mely szintjét meghatározza a párkapcsolatban megélt pozitív és negatív tapasztalatok aránya (Gottman, 1993) és az, hogy a felek mennyire tudják kielégíteni egymás intellektuális, szexuális és érzelmi igényeit (Rusbult et al., 1998). A boldogság szintje, a harmónia, a szexuális elégedettség, az alkalmazkodás és a kommunikáció szintén befolyásolja az elégedettséget -összefoglalva tehát a kapcsolat egyes viselkedésbeli, kognitív és érzelmi aspektusai (Fincham et al., 2018;Johnson et al., 1986). ...
... A boldogság szintje, a harmónia, a szexuális elégedettség, az alkalmazkodás és a kommunikáció szintén befolyásolja az elégedettséget -összefoglalva tehát a kapcsolat egyes viselkedésbeli, kognitív és érzelmi aspektusai (Fincham et al., 2018;Johnson et al., 1986). Gottman (1993) elmélete alapján azok a párok lesznek elégedettek kapcsolatukkal, ahol a két fél közötti pozitív és negatív interakciók aránya eléri az 5:1 (pozitív : negatív) arányt. Azon kapcsolatok jellemezhetők a legkevésbé stabilnak, melyekben a negatív interakciók aránya jóval nagyobb mértékben van jelen, mint a pozitív interakcióké. ...
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Childbearing influences the parental relationship quality and dynamics. The aim of the present analysis was to examine the relationship quality of pregnant women and its associations with sociodemographic factors. Data was provided by the first wave of the Cohort ‘18 - Growing up in Hungary longitudinal study (n = 8103). Relationship quality was measured by the frequency of positive and negative couple interactions experienced by the woman, her relationship satisfaction and commitment and her intention to divorce. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to confirm the differentiation of the four relationship evaluation scales. We identified two clusters of pregnant women: those living in an average and in a low-quality relationship (25.3%). Belonging to the low-quality group was relatively high among women who were expecting their third or subsequent child, were in a cohabiting relationship without the intention of marriage or did not live with their partner, they or their partner had low level of education, were unemployed, had low household income, had an unplanned pregnancy or was uncertain about the plannedness of pregnancy. The correlations with sociodemographic factors were slightly moderated by whether the woman was expecting her first or subsequent child. These results may inform the development of programs supporting couples expecting a child.
... Also, individuals who are feeling defensive will often become hyper-vigilant [69], and typically either attack or withdraw [23]. Additionally, Gottman [70] found that 85% of males will resort to stonewalling, which is a known withdrawal approach. In contrast, females are typically known for raising issues in the relationship [70]. ...
... Additionally, Gottman [70] found that 85% of males will resort to stonewalling, which is a known withdrawal approach. In contrast, females are typically known for raising issues in the relationship [70]. Overall, it is agreed that defensiveness is an all-encompassing construct that can take many forms. ...
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Background Some individuals are no longer entering romantic relationships, others move through relationships too quickly searching for “the one” and making quick assessments of their romantic partners, while others stay in their relationships but “check out” or do not work on their issues. These are conclusions from two studies: (1) an interview with psychologists who specialise in relationship therapy, and (2) an analysis of individuals’ lived experiences of relationships. The concept of relationship sabotage can explain these phenomena. However, presently, there is no instrument to conceptualise and empirically measure how people continue to employ self-defeating attitudes and behaviors in (and out) of relationships to impede success, or withdraw effort, and justify failure. Methods and Results A series of three studies (involving a total of 1365 English speaking individuals of diverse gender orientation, sexual orientation, and cultural background, with relationship sabotage experience) were conceptualized for the current project to fill the need for scale development and to build empirical evidence on the topic of self-sabotage in romantic relationships. The scale was developed over two studies using exploratory factor analysis and one-congeneric model analyses. The third study, using confirmatory factor analysis, confirmed the final structure for the Relationship Sabotage Scale (RSS), which contains 12 items and three factors: defensiveness, trust difficulty, and lack of relationship skills. Constructive validity analyses were also conducted. Conclusion The RSS is a brief scale that provides conclusive information about individual patterns in relationships. Findings using this scale can offer explanations regarding the reasons that individuals engage in destructive behaviours from one relationship to the next. Investigations should continue to test a model for sabotage in romantic relationships using the developed scale and other factors such as relationship diferences and insecure attachment. More specifically, this measure can be used to understand mediator constructs of relational outcomes within the attachment framework to explain relationship dissolution and work towards relationship maintenance.
... Relational satisfaction or the degree of positive and negative affect experienced in a relationship (Rusbult et al., 1998) is one of the most common outcomes studied in couple conflict (Whitton et al., 2018). Longitudinal data demonstrate that couples with more relational satisfaction are less likely to consider ending their marriage, to separate, or to divorce than couples with less relational satisfaction (Gottman, 1993;Gottman and Levenson, 1992). A meta-analysis shows that relational satisfaction is negatively associated with distress, withdrawal, and hostility in couple conflict management and positively associated with intimacy and problem solving (Woodin, 2011). ...
... Conflict resolution, or whether or not a conflict has ended, is the end goal in couple conflict. Couples who resolve conflict tend to have happier, more stable marriages (Gottman, 1993) and report that their relationships are going well (Driver and Gottman, 2004). ...
This 5-day daily diary study examined the influence of media use on the spillover and crossover effect of couple conflict among married and dating couples. Couples aged 18–38 years recorded their daily overload, negative mood, couple conflict, media use, flooding, and satisfaction. The results showed negative spillover and crossover effects: individuals reported more negative moods and couple conflict in response to their own and their partners’ increase in daily overload. Following media synchronicity theory, the more synchronous media couples used in conflict, the more they resolved the conflict. In addition, the more couples segmented their channels, the less they flooded and the more they resolved the conflict. The results suggest that dating and married couples might benefit from managing conflict associated with spillover and crossover effects using synchronous channels that are segmented.
... Although the link between stress and hostile attributions has not been demonstrated, distressed couples often engage in more hostile attributional thinking (Bodenmann, 2005;Gottman, 1993). Indeed, Bodenmann's (2005) theory of dyadic coping alludes to stress as a cause of increased hostile attributional thinking. ...
... Distressed couples engage in more rumination and attributional thinking than nondistressed couples, and these attributional thoughts mainly concern events that are negative and impactful in the relationship (Gottman, 1993). There is also extensive evidence that hostile attributions increase the risk for psychological and physical IPV (Downey & Feldman, 1996;Foran & Slep, 2007;Holtzworth-Munroe & Hutchinson, 1993;Norlander & Eckhardt, 2005). ...
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The transition to parenthood is often accompanied by increased parental stress levels as well as more frequent partner conflict, relationship distress, and intimate partner violence (IPV). Objective: Using the framework of the vulnerability–stress–adaptation model (Karney & Bradbury, Psychological Bulletin, 1995, 118, p. 3), the current study investigated the extent to which changes in hostile attributions might explain the link between changes in stress (e.g., life stress and parenting stress) and changes in psychological IPV across the transition to parenthood, as well as whether trait hostility increased risk of hostile attributions in the face of stress. Method: Ninety-eight mixed-gender couples completed questionnaires during the third trimester of pregnancy and again at 1- and 2-year postpartum. Results: Multilevel modeling analyses demonstrated that changes in hostile attributions significantly mediated the link between changes in stress and psychological IPV for both men and women over the transition to parenthood. Further, for men lower in trait hostility, increases in both life and parenting stress were associated with increases in hostile attributions. In contrast, men high in trait hostility had high levels of hostile attributions over time regardless of stress levels. Finally, trait hostility did not moderate the link between stress and hostile attributions for women. Conclusion: This study adds to the growing body of literature on mechanisms explaining the link between stress and changes in relationship functioning over the transition to parenthood. Interventions to increase adaptive processes in the face of stress and reduce hostile attributions during the transition to parenthood may help to prevent relationship deterioration and psychological IPV during this time.
... Згідно із розробленою теорією балансу можна передбачити стабільність відносин або їхній розрив, опираючись на дві змінні: перевазі позитивних реакцій (цікавість до партнера, увага і т.д.) або перевазі негативних реакцій (знецінення, критика і т.д.), які проявляють партнери під час комунікації. Сприятливий прогноз буде, якщо в пари це співвідношення буде 5:1, якщо ж результат 1:1 -передбачення невтішне [5]. ...
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Все частіше на загал звучить поняття «сексуальна дисгармонія в парі», з чого ми можемо зрозуміти декілька важливих аспектів: перше – обговорення інтимних проблем перестає бути настільки табуйованим; друге – озвучуючи свої дискомфортні переживання, людина має більше шансів отримати необхідну допомогу; і третє – ця проблема точно зачіпає чималу кількість пар. Тепер сексуальна дисгармонія не є виключно належним питанням в царині медицини – на даний момент все більше уваги приділяється дослідженню в таких випадках психо-емоційних, соціальних, міжособистісних моментів. А сама ж потреба людини в самовідтворенні вже давно почала відокремлюватись від потреби в сексуальному задоволенні і спілкуванні. Чим був відкритий широкий шлях до сексуального різноманіття як в мотивації до інтимної взаємодії, так і в зовнішніх її проявах. Відповідно бачимо, що сексуальність людини перестала бути лиш біологічно детермінованою і піддається впливам соціальних, психологічних, історико-культурних факторів. Якщо ж так багато чинників впливає на людську сексуальність – то приходимо до розуміння, що й переплетіння їх викликає чимало суперечностей в реалізації особистістю власного сексуального потенціалу, особливо беручи до уваги те, що соціум виступає сильним цензором щодо інтимної сфери людини. Сукупний ефект цих аспектів здатен вивести з рівноваги внутрішній стан й окремої людини, й пари загалом. Сексуальна дисгармонія може стати причиною не лише непорозумінь та конфліктів між партнерами, але й в перспективі та тривалому замовчуванні чи, навпаки, деструктивному обговоренні здатна стати причиною куди більш серйозної проблеми, котру не лише непросто діагностувати, але й важко піддається терапевтичним інтервенціям. Тому вбачаємо рішення у своєчасному виявленні, професійній широкій обізнаності щодо сексуальної дисгармонії та сексуального аверсивного розладу, що дасть шанс здійснити ефективне втручання й забезпечить здорове поєднання, баланс тих й інших сторін сексуальності задля гармонії у відносинах.
... To date, most questionnaires for assessing relationship behaviors have been designed to measure certain types of behaviors (e.g., maintenance behavior, coping behavior, and intimacy) 18,53 . We suggest, however, additional factors of behavior interactions, such as sharing values, coping with problems, expressing thoughts and feelings. ...
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In this research, we developed and validated a measure of couple-based reported behavior interactions (RBI). Specifically, Study 1 was designed to describe the development of the scale and to examine its reliability; Study 2 (N = 222), was designed to examine factors that could differentiate men and women. Additionally, we tested if women's behaviors could predict their partner's behavior. Results from the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) revealed a three-factor structure for couples' RBI which were labelled: Social Companionship and Affective Behavior Interactions (SAI) (Factor 1), Fulfilling Obligations and Duties of the Partner (FOD) (Factor 2) and Openness in the Relationship (OR) (Factor 3). In linear regression analyses, there was a significant difference between men and women in the second factor, which represents behaviors associated with fulfilling the responsibilities of a partner. On the other hand, neither the SAI factor nor the OR factor showed any distinct gender differences. The SPSS PROCESS analysis revealed that women's Social Companionship and Affective Behavior Interactions (Factor 1), and Openness in the Relationship (Factor 3) significantly predicted their male partner's behaviors. The relationship duration significantly moderated the association between women's and men's behaviors for both factors. Results are discussed in light of the need for a broader understanding of romantic behavioral interactions.
... For this reason, rumination and anger, shame and low self-esteem (Selby et al., 2015), tend to go hand in hand. They also present lower levels of engaging in present-focused awareness (Gottman 1993), and difficulties with handling intense emotional arousal (Dixon-Gordon et al., 2015). ...
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Affects and all its variants (affection, allure, affective force, etc.) represent our via regia to be alive and connected with our life-world. It is not the ego that constitutes the world we live in but the affections that allow us to become respectively objects of our life and subjects of our own choices. Affects are in fact main triggers of lower and higher feelings through which we become subjects and experience empathy with other people, intersubjectively connecting with them and making ethical choices that are hopefully considerate of ourselves and our community. Yet it might happen that our feelings are not capable of truly feeling what we are affected by. When this happens, what affects us remains with us but cannot be felt and accordingly processed. In this paper, I will first work on the term affect and its variants. I will then describe how this connects with feelings. To finally analyze what happens when we are not capable of feeling our affects as in the case of alexithymia; or when we feel our affects too much as in the case of BPD; or when we do not want to feel certain affects as in the case of NPD. The main conceptual reference of this analysis will be Husserl and his static and genetic phenomenology.
... Jerry P. Despite widespread aspirations for successful marriages, high divorce rates highlight the challenge of achieving marital satisfaction. Personality's practical implications for predicting marital success or failure have been emphasized by scholars like Gottman (1993) and Karney and Bradbury (1997). This study aims to explore specific personality factors contributing to marital satisfaction in both men and women, expanding our understanding of these correlates and aiding couples in addressing and resolving marital issues. ...
... For an unknown reason, he considers the emotional incompatibility between the spouses as neurosis, i.e. a mental illness. He believes that in order to treat the gloomy marital relations, it is necessary to recognize the loss of the emotionally divorced husband, due to his feeling of frustration (Gottman, 1993;p. 55). ...
... The instrument consists of 18 items with a fivepoint Likert-type response scale ranging from 1 (completely disagree) to 5 (completely agree). It is based on four factors, according to the original proposal made by Gottman (1993a): Susceptibility or hypersensitivity to negative attitudes, Unjustified or disproportionate Anger, Motivation to Run Away, and Emotional Self-Regulation. For this study, all factors were used. ...
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Introduction One of the most damaging aspects, both for people’s well-being and for close relationships, is conflict. Beyond different stressors, the emotions evoked, their regulation and an appropriate conflict resolution strategy will reduce negative consequences. Emotional Intelligence facilitates social relationships, but little applied research has been done on the relationship with couple conflict and emotional flooding, particularly from the perspective of women. Therefore, the present study analyzes the role of Perceived Emotional Intelligence (PEI) and the mediating effect of Positive Conflict Resolution strategies (PCR) in couples’ conflicts from women’s perspective, examining its effect on Emotional Flooding (EF) and Satisfaction. Methods Through a cross-sectional design, the relationships between variables were analyzed using group comparisons and means of a structural equation model (SEM) in a sample of 692 women. Results Significant differences were found between the groups by age, length of relationship, and motherhood. The SEM revealed a good fit. PEI predicted 71.8% of the variance in EF and 35% in Satisfaction through PCR and Conflict.
... Satir (2000) regards dysfunctional interactions with features such as indirect, unclear, vague, dishonest, distorted, and incomplete messages as indicators of a dysfunctional family; she considers transparent and clear communication as a guarantor of adaptive family interactions (Hajhosseini et al., 2017;Goldenberg & Goldenberg;translated by Shahi-Baravati et al., 2015). Gottman (1993), in his study in the field of interactive patterns, considers two interactive patterns for couples: stable and unstable. Stable marriages are classified into three categories: "validating couples", "volatile couples", and "conflict-avoider couples". ...
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The outbreak of COVID-19 has profoundly affected people's daily lives, and caused various challenges. Interactions of spouses have been one of the most important dimensions of life affected by these changes. The aim of this study was to identify the dimensions of women's experience of couple interactions during the restrictions imposed during COVID-19 pandemic. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach and a phenomenological method. The participants included 11 married women in Tehran who, during the restrictions caused by COVID-19, spent most of their time at home with their husbands. Data were collected using semi-structured and in-depth interviews. The data obtained from the interviews were coded and analyzed using the Colaizzi's method. The data were categorized into 18 sub-themes and three main themes. The findings showed that the potential of a couple relationships in crises can be such that individuals spontaneously do things to reduce the tensions in a way that this not only reduces the amount of stress, but also enriches their relationship. Women who had such an experience saw the forced situation of being together as a good opportunity to fix their relationship. But the spouses who did not have a normal couple relationship and did not have the necessary skills to repair the gaps and there has been tension, disconnection or overlapping roles and transgression of boundaries in their relationship, would make the gap in the relationship deeper with inappropriate reactions; therefore, this period has led to more conflicts for them. Given the changes multiple crises may cause in spouses' interactions, it seems that studying the crisis-creating situations may contribute to development of an effective model for couples' lives in critical times.
... This choice was made because trust is the foundation of a therapeutic relationship and trust takes time to develop and is challenging for many veterans with PTSD (van der Kolk, 2014;Foa, et al., 2009;Shay, 2002). Interviews may have hindered participation, too, if carried out before or during the group phase (e.g. if someone becomes overwhelmed due to flooding from probing questions; Gottman, 1993). Questionnaires included open-ended questions on wellbeing, sense of belonging, 11 See Appendix 1 for a copy of the T1 and T2 questionnaires. ...
Background: UK and US military veterans can face challenges navigating civilian society, along with specific mental health conditions such as Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In this study brief group dramatherapy with veterans with clinical and subclinical PTSD symptom levels were brought together to operationalise the teamwork of the Forces in creative exercises. The goal was to facilitate story sharing as a therapeutic practice and as chosen by participants. This intervention was then assessed for its impact on participant wellbeing, sense of belonging and transition. Methods: Using a mixed methods approach, this study triangulated qualitative narrative inquiry with quantitative outcome measures (for PTSD [PCL5], Changes in Outlook [a posttraumatic growth measure], Sense of Belonging and Community Reintegration of Service Members) with data collected over 14 months including before and after the group dramatherapy series (8 weekly 90-minute sessions), and at 3- and 12-months after. The findings were based on 4 separate groups (2 UK; 2 US). This study included 19 participants and was grounded in their words to guard against appropriation of the embodied experience of military service that the researcher did not have. Co-creation (co-production) was a part of the dramatherapy approach. Findings: Main themes of homecoming and sense of belonging arose in all group contexts suggesting common transition challenges across decades. Reframing veteran-life challenges occurred in the group contexts to foster the creation of a narrative of capacity but also inhibited the sharing of some types of stories that were shared only in post-group interviews. Story sharing over the life course revealed that early-life and veteran-life traumas impacted wellbeing. An intervention focused solely on military service stories would miss this breadth of wellbeing stories. Participation reduced PTSD symptoms for more than half of participants over the year of the study, with sense of belonging enhanced for some participants during the group but not sustained for most once the group concluded suggesting a lower sense of belonging particularly for veterans living in civilian communities. Benefits from participation were greater for veterans who lived in civilian communities as compared to veterans in veteran-only communities who exhibited lower PTSD symptoms and a higher sense of belonging before, during and after the study. Conclusion: Findings suggest recurring challenges for veterans across decades with some UK and US similarities and differences. Findings also suggest reconsidering group therapy to address stress and transition challenges faced by veterans over the life course. Also, the value of an ongoing group, with veterans deciding when and how long to attend, was suggested by participants. Key words: brief group dramatherapy, veterans, wellbeing, sense of belonging, transition, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, experts by experience
... According to Gottman (1993), communication in marital life plays a major role and couples who have learnt to communicate with each other or at least who are willing to learn and do so, can avoid the misunderstandings that convolute the marriage. The effect of a happy marriage reflects in the development of their children and next generation. ...
For longevity of a marriage, happiness plays a vital role in contemporary India. Marital happiness, a dimension of marital quality is determined by various marital factors such as self-esteem, communication, intimacy and marital satisfaction of couples. Communication plays a major role in marriage, and they are the key predictors of marital satisfaction in couple (Lavner, Karney and Bradbury, 2016). In marital life, communication is not simply the flow of information from the sender to the receiver but the ability of couples to share their thoughts and feelings to their spouses. This study aimed to have a focal point on the relationship between communication patterns and marital happiness of army couples. As army couples being a breed of its own this study was conducted among 128 army couples (128 husbands and 128 wives) in the age group of 21 to 30 years of age and within their five years of marriage life. Using the Marital Happiness Scale (Azrin, Naster, & Jones, 1973), the marital happiness level and the Communication Patterns Questionnaire (CPQ; Christensen, 1988) the communication pattern of army couples was measured. After statistical analysis, results indicated that the relationship between each pattern of communication is different and significantly correlated with marital happiness of army couples.
... 부부간의 문제를 해결하기 위해 부부 는 부부갈등의 근본적인 차이가 있음을 수용하고 서로를 인정해주 는 것이다. Gottman(1993) (Tucci, 1961 The significance of this study is that it provides basic data for providing mandala art therapy programs for couples in crisis by examining the effects of mandala art therapy for couples in crisis, focusing on distress tolerance, self-expression, and post-traumatic growth. ...
... Keputusan untuk bercerai merupakan hasil dari tekanan internal yang parah pada setidaknya salah satu pasangan, yang mungkin disebabkan oleh kegagalan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan tujuan, strategi koping yang buruk, serta ketidakmampuan dalam pengelolaan peristiwa kehidupan dan transfer perasaan (Mahmoodabadi H, 2014). Faktor sosial, hukum, pribadi, dan psikologis serta keyakinan irasional dianggap sebagai penyebab keraguan pasangan dalam mengajukan permohonan cerai (Gottman JM., 1993). Perceraian membahayakan struktur keluarga sebagai bagian paling mendasar dari masyarakat. ...
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Meningkatnya kasus percerian di beberapa kota menarik perhatian peneliti untuk melakukan kajian ini. Fokus kajian studi ini pada analisis interpretatif atas peranan konseling dan mediasi dalam upaya menekan fenomena meningkatnya kasus perceraian. Studi ini berusaha mengungkap peran konselor sebagai mediator dalam melaksanakan fasilitasi mediasi terhadap permasalahan yang menjadi sumber perceraian dengan melihat dan mengungkapkan sumber masalah yang memicu meningkatnya perceraian, menganalisis fungsi dan peran mediasi yang diberikan mediator, dan untuk mengungkap factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efektfitas dan keberhasilan proses fasilitasi mediasi yang diberikan oleh mediator. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi komparatif analisis literature terhadap fenomenologi. Sumber utama dalam penelitian ini diambil dari kajian-kajian teori dan hasil riset dari beberapa ahli terkait masalah konseling, mediasi dan perceraian. Sedangkan untuk sumber pendukungnya peneliti mengambil dari Peraturan Mahkamah Agung RI No. 1 Tahun 2016. The increasing number of divorce cases in several cities attracted researchers' attention to conduct this study. This study focuses on the interpretive analysis of the role of counseling and mediation in an effort to suppress the phenomenon of increasing divorce cases. This study seeks to reveal the role of the counselor as a mediator in carrying out mediation facilitation on the problems that are the source of divorce by looking at and revealing the sources of problems that trigger the increase in divorce, analyzing the function and role of mediation provided by the mediator, and to uncover the factors that influence on effectiveness and success of mediation process facilitation provided by the mediator. This study uses a comparative study approach to literature analysis on phenomenology. The main sources in this research are taken from theoretical studies and research results from several experts related to counseling, mediation, and divorce issues. As for the supporting sources, the researchers took from the Regulation of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1 of 2016.
... rural women's activities mainly include petty trading in a study on the spatial distribution of informal economic activities in the rural areas of Imo State, Nigeria. Most of the respondents were married, signifying their emotional stability (Gottman 1993 andOrimaye et al. 2008). ...
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The coronavirus outbreak paralyzed ecotourism, halting the services of local service providers. This paper investigates the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the people who live near Ikogosi Warm Spring in Southwest Nigeria. Data was gathered from 120 respondents via semi-structured questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistics. According to the findings, 45.83 percent of respondents were between 16 and 30, and 54.17 percent were married. The highest service provided was petty trading (37.25 percent). Many (97.5 percent) admitted receiving no assistance, and 72.5 percent experienced food shortages for days during the lockdown. Because service income helps with household responsibilities, ecotourism restoration guidelines should be developed to resume activities there.
... Wie mit den oben dargestellten gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen umgegangen werden kann, hängt von Persönlichkeitsmustern, individuellen Kommunikationsfähigkeiten und weiteren Faktoren ab. Neben der Bindungstheorie (Bowlby 1995) und dem fünf-Komponenten-Modell der Persönlichkeit (Gottman 1993) Diese Vorüberlegungen und theoretischen Bezüge aus dem soziologischen und psychologischen Bereich bilden die "sensitizing concepts" (Blumer 1954), die die empirische Arbeit und Analyse rahmen. ...
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Die Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss verschiedener Partnerschaftsleitbilder – traditionell, symbiotisch, egalitär und gefühlsbetont - auf den Trennungsverlauf von Eltern. Es werden Eltern aus Ökodörfern und Intentionalen Gemeinschaften (11 Interviews) mit Eltern aus anderen sozialen Milieus der deutschen Mehrheitsgesellschaft (10 Interviews) verglichen. Insgesamt wurden 21 problemzentrierte Interviews durchgeführt und entlang der Methodologie der Grounded Theory ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: Es konnten sechs Trennungstypen gefunden werden, die sich hinsichtlich ihrer Werteorientierung, ihrer Leitbilder und des Coparenting-Stils nach der Trennung deutlich unterscheiden. Die sechs Trennungstypen liegen auf einem Spektrum zwischen einer "egalitären" und einer "polarisierten, strittigen" Nachtrennungselternschaft. Die beiden Extreme finden sich in diesem Sample nur in sozialen Milieus der Mehrheitsgesellschaft. Nur in Ökodörfern und Intentionalen Gemeinschaften (IG) findet sich hingegen der Typus "Individuation", der auf einem symbiotischen Partnerschaftsleitbild basiert und von einer hohen Arbeitsbelastung der Partner gekennzeichnet ist, die letztendlich zu Entfremdung und zur Trennung führt. Kernstück der Arbeit bilden drei Trennungstypen, die auf emotionalisierten Partnerschaftsleitbildern fußen und geschlechtshomogen sind. In diesem Sample kommen diese Trennungstypen sowohl in der Mehrheitsgesellschaft als auch in Ökodörfern und IG vor. Der Trennungstyp "Vergebung" findem sich bei fünf, "Abwertung des Vaters" bei zwei befragten Frauen, "Distanzierung" bei zwei befragen Vätern. Insbesondere diese drei Typen geben Hinweise darauf, dass Gefühlsbezogenheit und gewaltfreie Kommunikation geschlechtsspezifische Ungleichheiten und Benachteiligungen - wie man sie aus traditionellen Partnerschaften kennt - nicht verhindern, sondern eher verdecken. Emotional missbräuchliche Trennungsverläufe können so begünstigt werden. Das Coparenting wird in diesen Fällen von den Befragten zwar als positiv geschildert, stellt sich aber bei genauerem Hinsehen als ambivalent heraus. Ein gleichberechtigtes, wenig benachteiligendes Coparenting nach der Trennung gelingt in diesem Sample eher durch Vereinbarungen und geteilte Praxen. Die Studie beleuchtet detailliert den Zusammenhang zwischen bestimmten Partnerschaftsleitbildern, dem Trennungsgrund, -verlauf und dem Coparenting-Stil nach der Trennung und kann auf die "Selektions- und Trennungs-Stress-Bewältiungsperspektive" angewendet werden (Walper und Langmeyer 2019). Außerdem liefert die Studie Hinweise darauf, dass Familie heuten nicht nur eine praktische Herstellungsleistung darstellt (Doing Family, Jurczyk et al. 2014), sondern zunehmend auch eine reflexive. Die vielen verschiedenen Möglichkeiten, Familie zu leben, stehen nicht gleichberechtigt nebeneinander, sondern haben geschlechtsspezifische Implikationen, die gesellschaftlich reflektiert werden sollten. Weitere Forschung in dem heterogenen, innovativen und experimentierfreudigen Milieu der Ökodörfer und Intentionalen Gemeinschaften sollte auch Kinder, Jugendliche, Kernfamilien und offene Familienkonzepte berücksichtigen. Außerdem sollte die gewaltfreie Kommunikation in Partnerschaften und Familien in modernen, hochindividualisierten Milieus genauer in den Blick genommen werden, wo narzisstische Verhaltensweisen verbreitet aber weitgehend unentdeckt sein können und nicht selten als Authentizität und Durchsetzungsstärke gedeutet werden.
... Satir (2000) regards dysfunctional interactions with features such as indirect, unclear, vague, dishonest, distorted, and incomplete messages as indicators of a dysfunctional family; she considers transparent and clear communication as a guarantor of adaptive family interactions (Hajhosseini et al., 2017;Goldenberg & Goldenberg;translated by Shahi-Baravati et al., 2015). Gottman (1993), in his study in the field of interactive patterns, considers two interactive patterns for couples: stable and unstable. Stable marriages are classified into three categories: "validating couples", "volatile couples", and "conflict-avoider couples". ...
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The outbreak of COVID-19 has profoundly affected people's daily lives, and caused various challenges. Interactions of spouses have been one of the most important dimensions of life affected by these changes. The aim of this study was to identify the dimensions of women's experience of couple interactions during the restrictions imposed during COVID-19 pandemic. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach and a phenomenological method. The participants included 11 married women in Tehran who, during the restrictions caused by COVID-19, spent most of their time at home with their husbands. Data were collected using semi-structured and in-depth interviews. The data obtained from the interviews were coded and analyzed using the Colaizzi's method. The data were categorized into 18 sub-themes and three main themes. The findings showed that the potential of a couple relationships in crises can be such that individuals spontaneously do things to reduce the tensions in a way that this not only reduces the amount of stress, but also enriches their relationship. Women who had such an experience saw the forced situation of being together as a good opportunity to fix their relationship. But the spouses who did not have a normal couple relationship and did not have the necessary skills to repair the gaps and there has been tension, disconnection or overlapping roles and transgression of boundaries in their relationship, would make the gap in the relationship deeper with inappropriate reactions; therefore, this period has led to more conflicts for them. Given the changes multiple crises may cause in spouses' interactions, it seems that studying the crisis-creating situations may contribute to development of an effective model for couples' lives in critical times.
... Markman wraz z zespołem (2010) "czterech jeźdźców Apokalipsy" w sytuacji konfliktu między partnerami pozostającymi w związkach romantycznych (Horan, Guinn, Banghart, 2015). Mechanizmy składające się na "czterech jeźdźców Apokalipsy" to: lekceważenie/pogarda (contempt), krytycyzm (criticism), blokowanie się/budowanie muru milczenia (stonewalling) oraz postawa obronna (defensiveness; Gottman, 1993 Przedstawione wyżej hipotezy zostaną zweryfikowanie w badaniach empirycznych przy użyciu technik pomiaru opisanych w paragrafie 2.3. ...
... Participants responded on a scale of 0 "never" to 4 "a lot." Scores were reverse coded, such that higher scores were considered indicative of fewer considerations to dissolve one's relationship, which have been demonstrated to be key determinants of actual relationship dissolution (Gottman, 1993). ...
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Closeness is often considered synonymous with better quality romantic relationships. However, individual differences exist in the degree of closeness people desire in their relationships. This study examined the implications that discrepancies between actual and ideal closeness have for relationship quality in romantic couples. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 103 cohabiting couples ( N = 206) in the United States, who were randomly selected from a nationally representative survey panel. Dyadic analysis using actor–partner interdependence models with latent outcomes revealed that internal discrepancies between actual and idealized closeness were associated with poorer relationship quality for both individuals and their partners. These associations persisted above and beyond the effects of actual closeness and dyad-level differences in actual and ideal closeness. The association between closeness and relationship quality may be more individual than dyadic in nature, warranting renewed attention to the idiographic experience of closeness and its association with relational well-being.
... In sum, evidence for the so-called "balance theory" of relationships appears robust. Balance theory assumes that positive feelings are beneficial and negative feelings potentially hazardous (Gottman, 1993a(Gottman, , 1993b, and that couples need sufficient positive feelings to offset the consequences of negative feelings. Or as Gottman et al. (1998, p. 8) phrase it: Couples maintain " [. . ...
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Satisfied couples in European-American cultural contexts experience higher ratios of positive to negative affect during interactions than their less satisfied counterparts. The current research tests the possibility that this finding is culture-bound. It compares proportions of positive to negative affect during couple interactions in two different cultural contexts: Belgium and Japan. Whereas Belgian relationship goals (e.g., mutual affirmation and self-esteem) call for the experience of positive affect, Japanese relationship goals (e.g., harmony and self-adjustment) call for the avoidance of negative affect. We propose that these differences result in different affect ratios in close relationships. To test this idea, we tracked positive and negative feelings during couple interactions. Fifty-eight Belgian and 80 Japanese romantic couples took part in a lab interaction study, in which they discussed a topic of disagreement. Using a video-mediated recall, participants rated their positive and negative feelings during the interaction; relationship satisfaction was assessed before the interaction. As expected, Belgian couples’ positive-to-negative affect ratios were more positive than those of Japanese couples. Furthermore, in both cultures relationship satisfaction was positively associated with more positive affect ratios, but this effect was significantly stronger for Belgian than Japanese couples. Finally, mediation analyses showed that higher affect ratios were achieved in culturally different and meaningful ways: satisfied Belgian couples showed higher ratios primarily through higher levels of positive feelings, whereas satisfied Japanese couples showed higher ratios primarily through lower levels of negative feelings.
... Adverse interpersonal events have an overall emotional impact on people. In a study conducted by Gottman (1993), the psychological assessment of couples in conflict with their partners has three types of emotional responses. First is the general positive feeling, which is characterized by familiar behavior, affection, and relationship constructive. ...
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One custom of Indonesian Muslims during Eid al-Fitr is to celebrate Ramadhan's end by requesting and giving forgiveness amongst Muslims. This celebration is the symbol of the triumph of the Muslims after a month of fasting and going back to being sinless like a newborn child. While mutual forgiveness has become an adhering religious practice, there is still limited analysis of how individuals deal with themselves about the observed offensive event with other people, and the spiritual practice of forgiving each other. Ten participants who participated in this research to address this issue. To evaluate the gathered data, the researcher conducted a content analysis. Results indicate that pardoning criminals during the Eid al-Fitr can be attainable. Not all the participants could forgive, however, simply because it was during a religious practice. Other causal factors to forgive are the degree of damage, anger, and recognition of the traumatic encounter.Keywords: Offense, Forgiveness, Eid al-Fitr, Resentment, Indonesia
... In work contexts, receiving contemptuous feedback has been associated with decreased self-esteem and increased interpersonal aggressiveness toward colleagues [55]. Likewise, feelings of contempt are one of the primary predictors of marital breakdown [56,57]. As such, women seeking plastic surgery (and, by extension, inducing contempt) may face implications both interpersonally and professionally. ...
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Plastic surgery is growing in popularity. Despite this, there has been little exploration to date regarding the psychosocial consequences of seeking plastic surgery. Our study investigated how women seeking plastic surgery are perceived by others. We presented a random sample of 985 adults (men = 54%, M age = 35.84 years, SD age = 10.59) recruited via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk with a series of experimental stimuli consisting of a photographed woman (attractive versus unattractive) and a vignette describing an activity she plans to engage in (plastic surgery versus control activity). Participants rated stimuli on perceived warmth, competence, morality, and humanness. We ran linear mixed-effect models to assess all study hypotheses. There was a negative plastic surgery effect; that is, women seeking plastic surgery were perceived less favorably than those planning to complete control activities across all outcome variables (warmth, competence, morality, and humanness). These relationships were moderated by physical attractiveness; while attractive women planning to undergo plastic surgery were perceived less favorably than attractive women planning to engage in control activities, perceptions of unattractive individuals remained unchanged by plastic surgery status. We theorized that empathy toward unattractive women seeking plastic surgery mitigated the negative plastic surgery effect for these women. In sum, our results suggest that perceptions of attractive women are worsened when these women decide to seek cosmetic surgery. Perceptions of warmth and competence have implications for an individual’s self-esteem and interpersonal relationships, while perceptions of morality and humanness can impact an individual’s ability to fulfil their psychological needs. As such, we concluded that attractive women seeking plastic surgery are potentially subject to experience negative psychosocial outcomes. Future research ought to examine whether perceptions and outcomes differ for women seeking reconstructive plastic surgery (versus cosmetic plastic surgery) and whether they differ across different types of surgeries (i.e. face versus body).
... En este contexto existen elementos afectivos como el amor, la comunicación verbal y no verbal manifestados en la relación de pareja; que juegan un papel determinante en la interacción, además de influir en la calidad del matrimonio (Gottman, 1993). Asimismo, estas áreas o factores a los que se enfrentan determinan la dinámica y calidad de su relación, de manera tal que al existir acuerdo entre éstas, la relación se ve fortalecida. ...
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Con el propósito de establecer si el conflicto y la culpa intervienen en el proceso de la satisfacción marital, 622 participantes de la Ciudad de México, con un rango de edad de 17-60 años (M = 40, SD = 10.73), respondieron de manera voluntaria la escala de conflicto (Rivera-Aragón, Cruz, Arnaldo & Díaz-Loving, 2004), el inventario multidimensional de culpa (Alvarez-Ramírez, García-Méndez & Rivera-Aragón, en prensa) y el inventario multidimensional de satisfacción marital (Cortés, Reyes, Díaz-Loving, Rivera-Aragón & Monjaraz, 1994). Resultado de una regresión lineal múltiple paso a paso, la satisfacción con la interacción marital es predicha por la reparación del daño (β = 0.334**), conflicto por actividades de la pareja (β = -0.203**), chantaje/manipulación (β = -0.199**), compensación (β = 0.134), conflicto por la personalidad (β = -0.125**), conflicto por adicciones (β = -0.117*) y conflicto por organización/responsabilidad (β = -0.115*).
... Rumination, generally, leads to that "emotional cascades" [27], in which distress is amplified and discharged in impulsive attempts to escape emotions. Hence, rumination resonates with anger [28], shame [29], lower levels of engaging in present-focused awareness [30], and difficulties with handling intense emotional arousal [31]. ...
This article describes the mereological constitution of contents in the intentional acts of people affected by borderline personality disorder (BPD) or emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD) in order to shed light on the origin of the emotional instability characterizing this disorder. The article will first discuss the emotional cycle of people affected by this disorder; second, it will focus on the mereological aspect of the meaning-making 1 experience in the intentional act; third, it will show how this meaning-making experience usually interacts with axiological 2 qualities that affect the continuity of their sense of reality. From the investigation, it emerges that the mereological constitution of contents occurs in a way that is disruptive of the continuity of BPD/EUPDs’ interaffective lifeworld as it generates intersubjective disturbances on the axiological, logical, and ontological levels. On this basis, as a concluding suggestion, the paper will propose an alternative way to approach the problem, soothe the disturbance, and encourage integration.
... For instance, a systematic literature review on marriage in the general population conducted by Karimi et al 32 identified factors such as spirituality and religion, commitment, sexual relationship, communication, children, love, attachment, intimacy, and conflict resolution approach as protective factors associated with marital stability. Alternatively, Gottman 33 found negative behaviors such as criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling to be highly predictive of marital dissolution. Data on such potentially protective and negative factors are not available in the current study but should be taken into consideration in future studies, including those investigating marital interventions. ...
Objective: To examine the stability of marriage from the time of traumatic brain injury (TBI) to 10 years postinjury. Design: Retrospective cohort. Setting: TBI Model Systems centers. Participants: In total, 1423 participants in the TBI Model Systems National Database who experienced TBI 10 years prior and were married at the time of injury. Interventions: Not applicable. Main outcome measure: Remaining married to the same partner from the time of injury to 10-year follow-up. Results: At 10 years, 66% (938) remained married to the same person. Significant associations were found with age at injury (P < .0001), sex (P = .0028), and preinjury problematic substance use (P = .0092). Marital stability over the 10-year period was higher for those who were older, were female, and had no problematic substance use history. Marital instability was greatest in the first year postinjury. Conclusions: Most married adults who received inpatient rehabilitation for TBI remained married to the same individual 10 years later. Those who were younger, were male, and had a history of problematic substance use were at a highest risk for relationship dissolution. Findings have implications for content, timing, and delivery of marital interventions. Substance use education and prevention appear to be important aspects of marital support.
... First, as in other meditation techniques, mindfulness meditation is thought to induce the relaxation response which involves psychophysiological changes that are the opposite of those associated with stress-induced hyperarousal. Gottman (1993) suggested that psychophysiological soothing is likely to make possible a calmer approach to the shared difficulties and challenges involved in intimate relationships. Second, mindfulness places a fundamental emphasis on experiencing each moment as it is, suspending judgment and cultivating openness and acceptance, which is associated with increased compassion for self and others often reported by mindfulness practitioners (Shapiro et al., 1998). ...
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Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have well-documented relationship problems and many wish to include their intimate partners in treatment. This pilot study randomly assigned 46 couples (Veterans with clinician-administered PTSD scale confirmed PTSD diagnosis and their intimate partners) to one of two groups. The treatment group received a modified mindfulness-based version of cognitive-behavioral conjoint therapy for PTSD (CBCT; Monson & Fredman, 2012) that included all three phases of the mindfulness-based cognitive behavioral conjoint therapy (MB-CBCT). The control group received a modified version of CBCT that included communication skills training from Phases 1 and 2 of CBCT (CBCT-CS) without PTSD-specific content. Modified CBCT Phases 1 and 2 content was delivered to both groups during weekend retreats in multicouple group sessions. The postretreat protocol for MB-CBCT included nine individual couple sessions: a transition session following the retreat, and CBCT Phase 3. For CBCT-CS, two additional monthly multicouple group sessions reviewed communication skills. No statistically significant pre- to posttreatment differences were detected for primary outcomes between groups: Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for Veterans (mean change difference, −1.4, 95% CI [−16.0 to 13.2]); Dyadic Adjustment Scale for Veterans (mean change difference, −1.0, 95% CI [−13.2 to 11.2]); and Dyadic Adjustment Scale for Partners (mean change difference, −0.4, 95% CI [−8.9 to 8.1]). However, within group pre- to posttreatment effect sizes were medium to large for both MB-CBCT and CBCT-CS on all three primary outcomes. Findings suggest that Veterans returning from recent conflicts and their partners may benefit from both modifications of CBCT.
... Such biases may lead to emotional flooding, which occurs when one relationship partner perceives the other's negative affect to be increasingly unpredictable and overwhelming. This is thought to lead to emotional (escape) conditioning involving hypervigilance to others' negative affect [101]. The flooded individual then appraises ambiguous cues as threatening or frustrating, in turn, making the individual more prone to arousal. ...
Child and adolescent mental health is understood to be highly embedded in the family system, particularly the parent-child relationship. Indeed, models of risk pathways to psychopathology emphasise interactions and transactions between the family environment and individual differences at the child-level, including gene-environment interplay. Therapist knowledge regarding the role of the family in these pathways is central to the clinical competencies involved in the evidence-based treatment of children and adolescents. This chapter provides an overview of current theory regarding family contributions to the major forms psychopathology seen among children and adolescents. Attention is given to key family and parenting variables as they are conceptualised in the current literature, the mechanisms by which these variables contribute to the emergence and maintenance of psychopathology, and the origins and determinants of parenting.
... However, in drawing from family process models (Cox et al., 1999;Katz & Woodin, 2002), these findings suggest that interparental conflict and withdrawal may have distinct meanings and implications for the child and family system. For example, marital theorists have posited that forms of disengagement signify apathy, hopelessness, and indifference and, as a result, reflect particularly dire prognoses for the long-term stability of the marriage and family (Gottman, 1993). In keeping with this interpretation, spousal disengagement has predicted greater family discord and child psychological problems even after accounting for interparental hostility (Katz & Woodin, 2002). ...
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Achieving a religion-oriented lifestyle depends on complying with moral requirements. One of the main sources of statistics on the principles of ethics in the family is religious sources. This research was carried out with the aim of conceptualizing ethics in the family from the perspective of Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) in the book of Sajjadiyeh. In terms of the purpose, the present research is applied and with a qualitative approach and content analysis method, which was done by arm-centered coding. In the stage of open coding, fifty-four prayers of the book of Sajjadiyeh with the theme of ethics in the family and life of the Holy Prophet were examined in a library method, and the result of open and central coding reached (118) codes and (12) sub-categories and (4) categories. It was the main one based on which the model of ethics in the family was conceptualized. The findings of the research were organized into four main categories including: moral approaches of uncles in the family, special ethical approach in spousal relationships, interaction of parents with children and special ethical approaches of children's interaction with parents. General moral principles in the family include four components: "loving behavior", "forgiveness", "cooperation and joint efforts" and "mutual respect". The moral approaches of couples' relationships were conceptualized based on the central component of "tolerance and compatibility". Parents are ordered to observe the "results of upbringing", "preservation and care", and "supervision" in relation to their children, and the components of children's moral approaches in relation to parents include; And goodness, "support", "obedience", and "care". The findings of this research can be used in the educational and educational policies of cultural-educational institutions such as family, education, university and media.
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The strong negative correlation between divorce and a wide range of outcomes in terms of well-being, health, education and labour market performance has been well documented in the literature. Economic conditions have been found to affect marital stability. Shared gains from marriage also depend on spouses’ characteristics such as age, education, ethnicity and religious beliefs. This paper examines the relationship between these spousal characteristics and the probability of dissolution while taking into account business cycle fluctuations. Using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics 1968–2011 for the United States and employing a duration modelling strategy, findings reveal that differences in educational attainment and ethnicity between spouses increase the hazard of marital dissolution. However similarity in religious beliefs and ethnicity reduce the risk of divorce. A period of economic growth improves marital stability. However, ethnic differences are a significant predictor of marital division, even in times of economic prosperity.
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The aim of the current research is to measure the emotional divorce of middle school teachers in Karbala who are married to them, and to know the significance of the statistical differences in emotional divorce according to the gender variable (male / female). Psychometric for the two scales, the researcher chose a stratified random sample consisting of (226) teachers and (263) schools, from the preparatory schools of the Directorate of Education of Karbala, and after using statistical methods, the research concluded that the teachers of Karbala governorate suffer from emotional divorce, and the results also showed that there are no differences Statistically significant in emotional divorce according to the gender variable, and in these results, the researchers presented a set of recommendations and proposals. Introduction Emotional divorce is a social and psychological problem in all societies and it seems that it is becoming more and more prevalent in our societies in modern times due to its many social and psychological effects (Al-Maliki et al., 2009: 5) The marital relationship is an emotional relationship that binds the spouses in a legitimate and legal manner, and the marital passion is the main pillar in marriage. In marital life, it leads to a weakening of his psychological stability, as studies indicate in this regard that individuals who have encountered difficulties in marital emotional relationships are less psychologically stable than others (Al-Fatlawi and Kazem, 2012: 2). The emotional atmosphere is cold and devoid of affection, compassion and participation, which reflects negatively on them in particular and on the family in general, and its impact is strongly reflected on children, whether in their behavior or thinking (Hadi, 2012, 3), and the problem of emotional divorce increases among middle school teachers as they are an influential behavioral model On the students, the apathy of the emotional relationship greatly affects his performance in front of his students, which leaves a clear imprint on the behavior of the students. The researcher sensed the problem of their research in society, which prompted them to study this problem, which is represented by answering the following questions: Do middle school teachers in Karbala suffer from emotional divorce? Does emotional divorce differ according to the gender variable (male/female).
Aim: Today, divorce is one of the risks threatening marital life which can create many psychological and social problems, in particular, for women, so more attention should be given to it. The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the subliminal approach on depression and resilience among women with addict husbands who were appealing to divorce. Methods: The research method was of semi-experimental type in which a pretest-posttest with control group design was used to achieve objectives. The statistical population of the study included all the women with addict husbands appealing for divorce in the first half of 2020 who were referring to different branches of the family courts of Tehran, Iran. Among the population, 30 women meeting the inclusion criteria of the study were selected through available sampling method, and then, were assigned into two experiment and control groups by random assignment method (15 subject in each group). Both groups completed Beck Depression Inventory (1991) and Connor and Davidson’s Resilience Scale (2003). The experimental group was delivered the Subliminal therapy approach and the control group was not delivered any therapy protocol. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics indices and covariance analysis method. Findings: Results showed that the subliminal approach has led to significant reduction in the scores of depression (P<0.01, Ƞ2=0.63) and significant increase in the scores of resilience (P<0.01, Ƞ2=0.68) in the experiment group compared to the control group (P<0.01). Conclusion: According to the results, it can be said that the subliminal approach is effective in reducing depression and increasing resilience in women with addict husbands who appeal for divorce. Therefore, this approach can be used as an appropriate interventional method to cure depression and increase resilience in psychological and counseling centers.
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تعد عملية ادراك وفهم انفعالات الأشخاص المحيطين بنا مهارة ضرورية وأساسية تتطور في وقت مبكر من الحياة مما يجعل من البيئة الأسرية للطفل الرضيع المكان الذي يقدم الأمثلة والنماذج الانفعالية لهم في النمو المبكر وهو ما يتمثل بظاهرة التعبير الاسري ، ولكن بالرغم من ذلك فإن العلاقة بين النمو المبكر للإدراك الانفعالي والتعبير الأسري لاتزال غير واضحة وقيد الدراسة إذ إنه وعلى ما يبدو ان قدرة الشخص الراشد على التعرف على انفعالات الآخرين كانت قد ارتبطت بالتعبير الانفعالي الذي عاشوه في اسرهم الأصلية فإذا ما كانوا ينحدرون من اسر ذات تعبير عالي فإنهم اكثر كفاءة في تشخيص وتحديد انفعالات الآخرين والعكس صحيح مما تطلب صياغة عدد من الفرضيات العلمية واستعراض عدد من النظريات والدراسات السابقة سواء كانت الساندة او المعارضة ومناقشتها على اسس علمية من اجل الخروج بجملة من الاستنتاجات التي تعزز وتسند هذه الافتراضات على المستوى النظري.
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Effect of Human Resource Management Practices on Achieving Strategic Objectives of Jordan Electric Power Company.
‬Targeted current research know the degree of emotional divorce among married staff at the University of Baghdad, according to a variable sex (male, female), and know the degree of self-deception among unmarried staff at the University of Baghdad, according to a variable sex (male, female), and the significance of the relationship between the variables of emotional divorce and self-delusion among married staff at the University of Baghdad, according to a variable sex (males, females). To achieve the research objectives adopted researchers emotional divorce prepared to married employees scale before (the fulfillment Kazem Jabbar 2011), and the measure of self-prepared to deceive the university students before (Karim Hussein Hamad al-Jumaili, 2010), and after checking the validity and reliability of the two scales the researchers applied the two scales on the eye basic research, amounting to 200 employees and an employee of married couples equally (males and females) at Baghdad University. They were chosen stratified random way. After statistical treatment of the data obtained from the sample using a statistical program (spss).
Divorce is considered distressing for many individuals (Sbarra et al., Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2015, 24, 109); however, individuals in poor-quality relationships may experience certain benefits of leaving an unstable union (Amato & Hohmann-Marriott, Journal of Marriage and Family, 2007, 69, 621). On-off relationship cycling, or the breakup and reconciliation of a relationship, is a salient indicator of poor relationship quality and a common form of relationship instability (Dailey et al., Personal Relationships, 2009, 16, 23) that is associated with distress (Monk et al., Family Relations, 2018, 67, 523). In line with divorce-stress-adjustment and relational turbulence theory perspectives, we hypothesized that those whose relationships were characterized by on-off instability would experience less distress during the separation and divorce process. Given gender inequality in marriage (e.g., Dempsey, Journal of Sociology, 2002, 38, 91; Monin & Clark, Sex Roles, 2011, 65, 320), we also hypothesized that this association would be more pronounced for women. Using data from 98 divorced or separating couples, we found that relationship cycling prior to the separation and divorce process was associated with fewer distress symptoms for women. Conversely, a history of relationship cycling was associated with more distress symptoms for men. Our study provides support and extends prior investigations illustrating that, for some, those in unions characterized by more turmoil, may experience relief following a termination.
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Introduction: Unfavorable marital conditions can lead to depression and disrupt married family functions. The aim of this study was to compare the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment therapy and Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy on depression and marital adjustment. Method: In this research, a single case experimental design of multiple asynchronous baseline was used. The statistical population of the study included 20 couples who referred to Sina Family Counseling Center in Dezful in 1397. First, subjects were screened using the entry and exit criteria. Then 6 couples (n=12) were purposefully selected. Subjects were randomly assigned to two groups of acceptance and commitment therapy and emotionally focused couple therapy .The protocols of the two couples therapy methods were performed separately in three stages of baseline and 12 sessions of 90 minutes and two-month follow-up. Subjects responded to the Spinner Pair Adjustment Scale and Beck Depression Second Edition. Data were analyzed by visual mapping, stable change index and recovery percentage formula.Journal of Clinical Psychology. Findings: In the acceptance and commitment therapy group, the percentage of overall recovery after treatment in the variable of depression is 34.70% and in the variable of marital adjustment is 29.06%, In the couple of emotion therapy, the percentage of overall recovery after treatment was 39.39% in the variable of depression and 40.81% in the variable of marital adjustment. Conclusion: The percentage of recovery after treatment in both couples is in the category of low recovery, therefore, both approaches are effective in reducing depression and increasing marital adjustment of couples.
Digitalisierung verändert viele Facetten unseres Alltagslebens. Auch Konfliktdynamiken verändern sich: Da wo früher Telefonate und Briefe jeweils zunächst nur den unmittelbaren Austausch von zwei Personen/Parteien ermöglichten, steigt heute durch E-Mail und Messenger-Dienste im Konfliktfall die Komplexität und damit die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Missverständnissen und einer möglichen Steigerung der Eskalation stark an. Zum einen ist es die Geschwindigkeit, mit der etwa E-Mails hin- und her gesendet werden, zum anderen lassen sich mit der CC- und BCC-Funktion die Zahl der angesprochenen (und dann ihrerseits reagierenden) Akteure beliebig steigern. Ausgehend von Gottmans „apokalyptischen Reitern“ bietet der Text ein erstes Analysewerkzeug an, mit dem Eskalatoren in elektronischen Nachrichten identifiziert werden können, und schlägt Möglichkeiten vor, wie die Wahrscheinlichkeit deeskalierender Reaktionen bei elektronischer Kommunikation erhöht werden kann.
Foundations of thermodynamics are reviewed in terms of the elementary processes driving spontaneous evolution in physical systems. These processes lead to ergodic and mixing behavior as well as to conservation of macroscopic quantities such as total energy; finally a tendency towards order through instabilities results when the environment is cold enough. Instabilities are in turn considered as processes driving a spontaneous evolution in complex systems in their natural environment; again ergodic and mixing behavior is exhibited as well as new conserved quantities. As a result, a second thermodynamics is built which relates complexity to the corpuscular nature of matter. Thus, general properties of complex systems are pointed out, such as spontaneous and irreversible tendency towards complexity, development by stages and information flow between systems of different complexity.