David Pineda

David Pineda
Miguel Hernández University of Elche | UMH · Department of Health Psychology

Looking for research collaborations.


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I’m focused on Dark Traits (e.g., narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, sadism) and the link of these traits with outcomes (violence, intimate partner violence, aggression, mating strategies). My main objective is both the development of more objective scales and the validation of explanatory models. I am particularly open to international collaborations.


Publications (92)
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Everyday sadism refers to the non-clinical personality trait of sadism, someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain or from the suffer of other people. This construct, in the recent years, has attracted more attention to researches, conducting to the development of different measures to assess it. With a sample of N = 2160 we studied the psyc...
New technologies bring new forms of intimate partner violence (IPV) or abuse, such as cyber intimate partner violence (C-IPV). This is a contemporary issue with different consequences from in-person IPV. C-IPV is a complex phenomenon triggered by a number of factors, including personality traits such as the Dark Tetrad, composed of four “malevolent...
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Spanish police makes an extensive use of intimate partner violence (IPV) risk assessment on a daily basis. Improved prediction procedures have encouraged the search for greater refinement of IPV predictors by adjusting to specific targets, such as lethal outcomes or potential victimization of children. This paper describes the evolution of the VPR5...
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The present article reports on a preliminary study exploring the relationships between Dark Triad (narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy) and honesty-humility personality traits and pornography craving and deviant pornography use in a sample of 121 participants (46 men and 75 women) who completed an online survey. Narcissism and psychopathy wer...
Conference Paper
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Introducción El consumo de drogas en España representa ser un problema que lejos de disminuir, parece que va en aumento. Según el informe de la encuesta EDADES (2017) parece que ha habido un aumento en el consumo de sustancias como el alcohol, cannabis y alucinógenos desde el año 1997 hasta el 2017 (90.6 % - 93.5 % en el caso del alcohol, 22.9 % -...
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Given the widespread use of dating apps, it is essential to understand the reasons for their use. Dark Tetrad predict motives for Tinder usage in different ways, but it seems that sexual motives are one of the main reasons why “dark” people use Tinder. So, both dark traits and sociosexual orientation seem to play a relevant role. This study aimed t...
Spitefulness has been defined as the willingness to cause some kind of harm to other people, even if this action does not bring any benefit and causes harm to herself. Given its relationship with a multitude of antisocial behaviors, interest in studying this trait has been growing and it was in 2014 when the first scale to measure it was validated:...
Assessing dark personality traits with self-reports may be hampered by biases such as socially desirable responding. To address this, observer reports could be an effective complement or alternative to self-reports. This meta-analysis aimed to investigate the correlations of observer reports of the Dark Triad and Dark Tetrad traits with these trait...
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Introduction Violence against women, particularly sexual violence, poses a significant public health concern. Predispositions toward perpetrating such acts often stem from the acceptance of myths that justify or deny these behaviours. This study aimed to explore how dark personality traits (narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism) and...
Resumen Introducción: La propensión a la desconexión moral se refiere a los procesos mentales que llevan a una persona a justificar comportamientos inmorales o poco éticos, con el propósito de mantener una imagen positiva de uno mismo y evitar conflictos internos. Este constructo resulta de especial interés debido a su capacidad para explicar compo...
The cognitive-behavioral model of generalized Problematic Internet Use (PIU) is the theoretical approach that has obtained the most evidence on the study of this problem, which includes four components: Online Social Preference, Mood Regulation, Deficient Self-Regulation, and Negative Outcomes. This study aimed to identify PIU profiles using Latent...
Objective Several studies have analyzed the relationship between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and dark personality, but the results are inconclusive. One study tested correlations between traits that may underlie a person‐centered profile of “dark EI.” Our study aimed to replicate and extend that research, identifying profiles in Spaniards and exami...
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In this chapter, the mechanisms involved in the expression and regulation of emotions that influence the processes of communication and conflict resolution in romantic couples are discussed, focusing on emotional flooding. Emotional flooding in couple relationships is a key concept in the development of this chapter. This state, characterized by an...
Introduction Amid changing social dynamics, the world of higher education faces, among other challenges, the growing impact on the mental health of students. In this scenario, the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) highlights the important role of autonomy support as it generates positive effects on students' motivation and well-being. Methods The pre...
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Background The Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) is a non-commercial very brief Five-Factor Model (FFM) measure widely em-ployed in research. Its use has been extended to children and adolescents, without exploring the suitability of its employ-ment for these early ages. The present study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of an adapt...
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Social anxiety may appear during preadolescence, causing children to worry and avoid situations where they may be evaluated by others. Previous studies have shown that about 4% of preadolescents present clinically elevated levels of social anxiety, which is related to the later onset of other problems. Therefore, it becomes necessary to have availa...
Conference Paper
Introducción La psicología, como ciencia, ha progresado en gran parte gracias a la medición de constructos psicológicos mediante diversas fuentes de datos. Y normalmente, al hablar de medición en personalidad el autoinforme es la opción más común. Sin embargo, aunque los autoinformes sean la opción más elegida, estos no están libres de errores. Uno...
Introducción En la actualidad, la comprensión de la agresión no solo se limita a las influencias ambientales o situacionales, sino que se ha centrado en factores intrapersonales como la personalidad y los procesos cognitivos. Dentro de estos factores, se ha emergido un campo de estudio centrado en la denominada "personalidad oscura", caracterizada...
Antecedentes/Objetivo: La Psicología Juridica en España ha experimentado una evolución significativa a lo largo de los años, acompañada de un creciente reconocimiento social y profesional, y de un incremento en la demanda de profesionales especializados en este campo. El objetivo de este estudio fue ofrecer una visión general y actual de la Psicolo...
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Objetivo: Dado el uso actual de las redes sociales y las tecnologías de la comunicación, el objetivo de este estudio es el de analizar específicamente los comportamientos de agresión online en la pareja y los sexualmente abusivos fuera de las relaciones, también online, y su correlación con los rasgos de personalidad de la Tétrada Oscura. La muestr...
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Violence against women in intimate partner relationships (IPVAW) and intimate partner homicide against women(IPHAW) are events of great relevance, and first-order in the media. Through a comprehensive review of 171 cases ofIPHAW and 201 cases of IPVAW, the aim of this study is to explore those characteristics that differentiate and resemblethe non-...
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Intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW) and femicide (intimate partner femicide, IPF), as a worldwide phenomenon , cannot be explained in a simple way. From an ecological point of view, there are individual factors contemplated. In the current studies, we consider personality as an individual factor to clarify what differentiates a non-leth...
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Background There are different theories and models of personality. In the antisocial area, the model used is the Dark Triad, a model of personality composed of the traits of Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism. The links between the Dark Triad and other general models have been widely studied; however, there is little research connecting...
Conference Paper
Introduction: The assessment of dark personality traits has traditionally been carried out using self-reported Likert-type scales. However, these scales are susceptible to social desirability bias due to the aversive nature of these traits. This bias appears as a significant problem in high-stake situations. Therefore, the aim of this study is to d...
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Introduction One of the most damaging aspects, both for people’s well-being and for close relationships, is conflict. Beyond different stressors, the emotions evoked, their regulation and an appropriate conflict resolution strategy will reduce negative consequences. Emotional Intelligence facilitates social relationships, but little applied researc...
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Background/aim: Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a pervasive issue that affects children and adolescents worldwide, and Spain is no exception. Despite its high impact, there is a lack of comprehensive data on the prevalence of CSA in Spain. This study aims to update the current state of the prevalence of CSA, providing a comprehensive picture of the pre...
Conference Paper
Dating apps, such as Tinder, have become a prevalent method for finding romantic partners and socializing with new people, particularly among young adults. Given its relationship with risky sexual behaviours and malevolent personality, the aim of this study was to identify profiles based on Dark Tetrad traits and risky sexual behaviours, and to ana...
Conference Paper
Dating apps have emerged as a new and increasingly popular way to communicate and find romantic partners, making them a common tool for meeting new people. In particular, the dating app Tinder is one of the most widely used among young people, which allows you to indicate interest or disinterest in a potential partner by simply swiping your finger...
With the turn of the new century, the Spanish government developed a series of initiatives to eradicate gender violence and intimate partner femicides. Among these initiatives, the Secretary of State for Security (SSS) of the Ministry of Interior organized a National Project (Team) for the Detailed Review of Intimate Partner Homicides—a police-led...
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Online sexual victimization (OSV) refers to the experience of online pressure to obtain unwanted sexual contact or/and the distribution of sexual images or information of the victim against his/her will. This behaviour is predisposed by a wide variety of risk factors, including personality. Focusing on personality, antisocial behaviours tend to be...
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Several studies have analyzed the relationship between general personality traits and attitudes and behaviors, indicating that a person is more committed to the community. After raising the question of whether malevolent traits might also be related, the aim was to analyze the relationship between civic engagement and personality, delving into the...
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Intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW) and intimate partner homicide against women (IPHAW) are multidimensional phenomena. The aim of this study was to identify typologies of Spanish IPHAW and IPVAW victims, based on the differences between their characteristics and the determinants of aggression. The sample consisted of 381 cases from the...
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La violencia de pareja contra la mujer (violencia de género, VdG) y el homicidio de pareja contra la mujer (feminicidio) son fenómenos multidimensionales. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las tipologías de las víctimas españolas de feminicidio y VdG, basado en las diferencias entre sus características y los determinantes de la agresión....
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Introducción El homicidio intencionado consiste en terminar con la vida de otra persona de manera voluntaria, y es la manifestación más extrema de la violencia humana y del comportamiento criminal. Más de un tercio (39%) de los homicidios de mujeres son cometidos por una pareja íntima varón (en lo sucesivo, feminicidios), considerándose violencia d...
Conference Paper
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Introducción Durante las últimas décadas las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, y siendo más concretos, las redes sociales han ganado importancia en nuestra vida diaria. Modificado la forma de relacionarnos. En su mayoría, estos cambios han sido favorables eliminando barreras físicas, pero también han dado lugar a consecuencias no tan...
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Bullying refers to physical and/or psychological mistreatment or abuse by one individual or group toward another individual or group. Bullying is widespread in our society and carries considerable negative consequences. This phenomenon is caused by multiple factors, which include personality. Much more attention has been paid to the study of the pe...
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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has caused a global health crisis. It also leads to different types of psychosocial problems in society as a result of preventive health measures and the disease itself. Among others, psychopathological symptoms and suicide behaviors have increased. The PsicorecurSOS COVID-19 online protocol was designed. At baseline,...
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I: Las nuevas tecnologías han venido ocupando una posición cada vez más importante en nuestra vida diaria, siendo esta posición incluso más protagonista en la vida de los jóvenes. Aunque existen incontables ejemplos acerca de cómo las estas han mejorado gran parte de los aspectos de nuestra vida, también traen consigo aspectos negativos derivados u...
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Bullying can have serious physical and emotional consequences. In recent years, interest in this phenomenon has been growing, becoming a public health problem in the first world. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the Action for Neutralization of Bullying Program (ANA) in Spanish children. This study used a quasi-experimental desi...
The psychological impact due to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has been evidenced. Some of the variables associated with this have been the presence of previous financial problems, being students or being inactive, all of them issues related to the work and academic scope. Consequently, the main objective of the work was to analyze the mediati...
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Con la llegada de las nuevas tecnologías, el fenómeno de la violencia de pareja ha ido evolucionando, apareciendo nuevas formas de agresión en las relaciones de pareja. Este fenómeno estaría desencadenado por gran cantidad de factores, entre ellos, los rasgos de personalidad. Existe un modelo de personalidad íntimamente relacionado con las conducta...
Innovaciones en la evaluación de los problemas emocionales en niños y adolescentes: Presentación del número monográfico
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Evidence of diagnostic validity of the DetectaWeb-Distress ScaleAbstract: The DetectaWeb-Distress Scale is a web-based scale for screening and detecting internalizing disorder symptoms (anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress, obsessions and compulsions, and suicidality) in children and adolescents. Previous studies examined the validity and reli...
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La Tríada Oscura de la personalidad ha recibido una atención creciente en los últimos años. Este modelo antisocial de personalidad está compuesto por los rasgos de la psicopatía subclínica, narcisismo subclínico y el Maquiavelismo (Paulhus & Williams, 2002). Sin embargo, hasta la fecha, casi no hay investigaciones que mapeen sus conexiones con uno...
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La empatía se entiende como la habilidad para entender y experimentar de forma vicaria los sentimientos de otras personas (Jolliffe & Farrington, 2006). Esta habilidad está muy ligada a la personalidad, especialmente al modelo de personalidad antisocial, la Triada Oscura (Wai & Tiliopoulos, 2012). Este modelo antisocial está compuesto por los rasgo...
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The Dark Triad refers to three malevolent personality traits, namely narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. The Dirty Dozen (DD) and Short Dark Triad (SD3) have been developed as concise scales for measuring these traits. This study examined the psychometrics properties of the Spanish version of the DD and SD3 in a non-clinical population r...
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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has caused a global health crisis. It also leads to different types of psychosocial problems in society as a result of preventive health measures and the disease itself. Among others, psychopathological symptoms and suicide behaviors have increased. The PsicorecurSOS COVID-19 online protocol was designed. At baseline,...
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Internet-delivered unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders in adolescents (iUP-A): Web application and study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. A characteristic of transdiagnostic treatment is that it targets simultaneously the core symptoms and underlying vulnerabilities of several disorders. The UP-A is a ne...
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Anxiety and Depression Disorders Symptoms Scale (ESTAD): Preliminary evidence concerning its factor structure and psychometric properties. The Anxiety and Depression Disorders Symptoms Scale [Escala de Síntomas de los Trastornos de Ansiedad y Depresión, ESTAD] is a new DSM-5 based self-report questionnaire to assess seven emotional disorder symptom...
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La RAE (2014), define feminicidio como el asesinato de una mujer por razón de su sexo. Por lo que la motivación homicida está basada en el género o misoginia. En todos los sucesos en los que aparece una víctima y un victimario, en los que se observa un acto de suicidio o se ha producido un accidente de dudosa naturaleza, se debe abrir una investiga...
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The Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ; Gross y John, 2003) is widely used to assess individual differences in reappraisal and suppression strategies of emotion regulation. The present study tests the factorial and temporal invariance of a Spanish adaptation of the ERQ on two samples of 1.980 participants aged 18-67 years. Psychometric propert...
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Background: Anxiety and depressive disorders are among the most common mental disorders during childhood and adolescence. As the 30-item shortened version of the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS-30) exhibits excellent psychometric properties, it is one of the most commonly used scales for the initial detection and assessment of th...
Transdiagnostic treatment is a new approach in clinical psychology, in which rumination and perfectionism have been proposed as transdiagnostic factors involved in development and maintenance of emotional disorders. The present study aims to analyze whether the presence of general and specific symptoms of anxiety and depression, assessed by the Spa...
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La evidencia reciente indica que la psicopatología del niño está determinada por múltiples factores, tanto personales como familiares y sociales. Entre los factores familiares cabe destacar la influencia de las prácticas de crianza de los progenitores. Sin embargo, la relación entre las prácticas educativas de los padres y los síntomas de ansiedad...
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The 30-item shortened version of the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS-30) is a self-report instrument to assess symptoms of anxiety and depressive disorders. This study examined the factor structure, reliability, and construct validity of the RCADS-30, based on a sample of children and adolescents in clinical and community settings...
Background: Anxiety and depression are among the most common mental disorders during childhood and adolescence. Among the instruments for the brief screening assessment of symptoms of anxiety and depression, the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS) is one of the more widely used. Previous studies have demonstrated the reliability of...
Conference Paper
Emotional disorders are very common phenomena in children and adolescents. Additionally, anxiety disorders and depression have very high comorbidity rates (reaching up to 70% in some epidemiological studies). This high comorbidity has been explained on the basis of the existence of common factors within different emotional disorders, which might be...
Conference Paper
Several epidemiological studies indicate that anxiety and depressive disorders are very common in children and adolescents. Although rates of comorbidity between both disorders are very high (reaching 70% in some epidemiological studies), most treatment and prevention protocols that exist for this population are intended to address specific disorde...
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In recent years several international studies have highlighted the importance of common transdiagnostic variables, as well as the high coexistence of disorders and the overlap of symptoms in different mental disorders, especially in children. In the specific case of obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, as well as autistic spectrum disorders,...
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Los modelos tradicionales han sugerido que el asco es una emoción básica con componentes cognitivos, fisiológicos y conductuales distintivos, que actúa para prevenir la contaminación y la enfermedad. Del mismo modo que ocurre con el miedo, el asco podría desempeñar una función claramente adaptativa. En el presente trabajo queremos examinar si la se...
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ANTECEDENTES. La influencia de las prácticas de crianza de los padres en el comportamiento y el bienestar de sus hijos es bien conocida. Diversos estudios confirman la relación de estas prácticas con diferentes variables de los niños y adolescentes como problemas de conducta, rasgos de personalidad, autoestima y funcionamiento académico. Sin embarg...
Conference Paper
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BACKGROUND Evidence from epidemiological studies indicates that anxiety and depressive disorders are very common in children and adolescents, with prevalence rates exceeding 5% in this population. If not properly treated, these disorders usually follow a chronic course to adulthood and are linked to problems such as poor school performance, poor so...
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BACKGROUND. Traditional models suggest that interparental conflict is a multidimensional variable, with distinctive phenomenological components such as duration, intensity, frequency, situation or reasons for the conflict. Another relevant circumstance to the study of interparental conflict is the exposure of children to it. Research has suggested...
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Los modelos tradicionales han sugerido que el asco es una emoción básica con componentes cognitivos, fisiológicos y conductuales distintivos, que actúa para prevenir la contaminación y la enfermedad. Estudios previos han constatado la relación existente entre la sensibilidad al asco y los síntomas del trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC). Recientes...
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Disgust has been characterized as a basic emotion, with unique physiological, behavioral and cognitive features. The extant literature suggests that disgust seems to be implicated in the etiology and maintenance of some anxiety disorders, including small-animal phobias, blood-injury phobia, and the obsessive-compulsive disorder, and possibly other...
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Purpose. Neurofeedback training has shown an improvement in attention and related functions, in clinical and non-clinical child population samples. New technological advances provide the diffusion of this relative low cost technique in a multitude of disorders and populations. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of neurof...
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A main finding of our data was the association between specific categories of disgust and specific types of anxiety disorders. In this regard, data tend to suggest a possible association between social phobia and Hygiene, BII phobia and BoEnVi, and animal phobia and disgust of small animals.
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The present study examines the association between disgust domains and obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms in a nonclinical sample (N = 580; 73.3% women) (age mean = 36.9; SD = 9.3). The following domains of disgust were assessed: hygiene, moral, sexual, body envelope violation, small animals, and deterioration/disease. Regression analyses revea...
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The present study examines the association between disgust domains and obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms in a nonclinical sample (N = 580; 73.3% women) (age mean = 36.9; SD = 9.3). The following domains of disgust were assessed: hygiene, moral, sexual, body envelope violation, small animals, and deterioration/disease. Regression analyses revea...
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En este artículo investigamos la asociación entre la sensibilidad al asco y los síntomas de hipocondría y ansiedad hacia la salud. Los participantes cumplimentaron la Escala Multi - dimensional de Sensibilidad al Asco (EMA; Sandín et al., 2013), la Illness Attitudes Scale (IAS; Kellner, 1986), las escalas PANAS (Watson et al., 1988), y el Índice de...
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The present study examines the association between disgust domains and phobic symptoms (i.e., fears and blood-injections symptoms) in a nonclinical sample (N = 580). Disgust was assessed by two self-report scales, i.e., the Disgust Scale - Revised (DS-R; Haidt et al., 1994) and the Multidimensional Disgust Scale (Escala Multidimensional de Sensibil...
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Resumen: En el presente estudio desarrollamos una escala multidimensional sobre el asco de 30 items (Escala Multidimensional de Sensibilidad al Asco, EMA), basándonos en dos muestras de participantes de población española (N = 1.610). El conjunto inicial de 92 items fue generado basándonos en nuestro estudio sobre experiencias de asco (Sandín et al...
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Resumen: El presente estudio examina la asociación entre las dimensiones del asco y los síntomas fóbicos (i.e., miedos y síntomas sangre-inyecciones) en una muestra no clínica (N = 580). El asco fue evaluado mediante dos escalas de autoinforme, i.e., la Disgust Scale—Revised (DS-R; Haidt et al., 1994) y la Escala Multidimensional de Sensibilidad al...
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In this study we developed a 30-item multidimensional scale of disgust (Escala Multidimensional de Sensibilidad al Asco, EMA) based on two Spanish samples (N = 1,610). The initial pool of 92 items was generated according to our previous results on the domains in which people experience disgust (Sandín et al., 2013). Exploratory factor analysis of s...