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The timing of spring migration in trans-Saharan migrants: a comparison between Ottenby, Sweden, and the island of Capri, Italy

  • Ente Nazionale Aviazione Civile

Abstract and Figures

Some migratory birds have advanced their spring arrival to Northern Europe, possibly by increasing the speed of migration through Europe in response to increased temperature en route. In this paper we compare the phenology of spring arrival of seven trans-Saharan migrants along their migration route and test for patterns indicating that migration speed varied over the season using long-term data collected on the Italian island of Capri and at Ottenby Bird Observatory, Sweden. There was a linear relationship between median arrival dates on Capri and at Ottenby. The slope was not significantly different from one. On average, the seven species arrived 15 days later at Ottenby compared to Capri. There was a (non-significant) negative relationship between the species-specific arrival dates at Capri and the differences in median arrival dates between Capri and Ottenby, possibly indicating a tendency towards faster migration through Europe later in the season. To what extent different species are able to speed up their migration to benefit from the advancement of spring events is unknown.
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ORNIS SVECICA 16: 27–33, 2006
Over the past decades many organisms have ad-
vanced the timing of spring events, most likely in
response to recent climate change (e.g. Stenseth
et al. 2002, Walther et al. 2002, Parmesan &
Yohe 2003). For instance, recent empirical work
has demonstrated changing phenology patterns
in the flowering of plant species (Fitter & Fitter
2002), in the emergence from pupae in insects
(Roy & Sparks 2000), and in earlier breeding
by amphibians (Beebee 1995) and birds (Crick
et al. 1997). Most ornithological studies demon-
strating temporal trends towards earlier spring
arrival or egg-laying dates have been carried
out in the temperate region of Europe and North
America (reviewed by Lehikoinen et al. 2004,
Dunn 2004), whereas only a few publications
Some migratory birds have advanced their spring arriv-
al to Northern Europe, possibly by increasing the speed
of migration through Europe in response to increased
temperature en route. In this paper we compare the
phenology of spring arrival of seven trans-Saharan mi-
grants along their migration route and test for patterns
indicating that migration speed varied over the season
using long-term data collected on the Italian island of
Capri and at Ottenby Bird Observatory, Sweden. There
was a linear relationship between median arrival dates
on Capri and at Ottenby. The slope was not significantly
different from one. On average, the seven species ar-
rived 15 days later at Ottenby compared to Capri. There
was a (non-significant) negative relationship between
the species-specific arrival dates at Capri and the dif-
ferences in median arrival dates between Capri and
Ottenby, possibly indicating a tendency towards faster
migration through Europe later in the season. To what
extent different species are able to speed up their migra-
tion to benefit from the advancement of spring events
is unknown.
Niclas Jonzén, Department of Theoretical Ecology,
Ecology Building, Lund University, SE-223 62 Lund,
Sweden. Email:
Dario Piacentini, Alessandro Montemaggiori and
Fernando Spina, Istituto Nazionale per la Fauna Sel-
vatica, via Ca’ Fornacetta 9, I-40064 Ozzano Emilia
(BO), Italy
Arne Andersson and Martin Stervander, Ottenby Bird
Observatory, P. O. Box 1500, SE-380 65 Degerhamn,
Diego Rubolini, Dipartimento di Biologia Animale,
Università degli Studi di Pavia, piazza Botta 9, I-27100
Pavia, Italy
Jonas Waldenström, Department of Animal Ecology,
Ecology Building, Lund University, SE-223 62 Lund,
Received 17 July 2005, Accepted 12 Jan 2006, Editor: D. Hasselquist
cover the Mediterranean region or Africa (e.g.
Peñuelas et al. 2002, Sanz et al. 2003, Gordo et
al. 2005). Thus, at present our understanding of
these patterns in migrant birds is somewhat bi-
ased towards the situation close to the breeding
areas, which makes it difficult to identify to what
extent arrival patterns in Northern Europe are
caused by processes in Africa or along the mi-
gration route through Europe.
One hypothesis to explain how tropical migrants
can advance their spring arrival to Northern Eu-
rope is that the migration speed through Europe
has increased, as suggested by e.g. Hüppop &
Hüppop (2003). A more rapid spring migration
in response to increased temperature en route has
recently been demonstrated in the Pied Flycatcher
Ficedula hypoleuca (Both et al. 2005). However,
the ability to speed up migration may be affected
The timing of spring migration in trans-Saharan migrants: a
comparison between Ottenby, Sweden and Capri, Italy
Vårflyttningens tidsmönster hos tropikflyttare: en jämförelse mellan Ottenby,
Sverige och Capri, Italien
by the “normal” speed of migration, which in turn
may vary across species.
In this paper, we compare the phenology of
spring arrival of seven trans-Saharan migrants
along their migration route by analysing long-term
data collected on the island of Capri, Italy, and at
Ottenby Bird Observatory, Sweden. By analysing
the relationship between arrival dates at Ottenby
and on Capri we tested for patterns indicating
whether migration speed varied over season. Late
migrating species may be more time constrained
than early migrating species, and they may there-
fore migrate faster.
Material and methods
Study sites
The island of Capri is situated c. 5 km off main-
land Italy, in the bay of Naples, with the trapping
site (40°33’N, 14°15’E) located about 400m above
sea level (Pettersson et al. 1990, Hjort 2006). In
spring, many migrating birds stop to rest, at least
for a short time (Holmgren & Engström 2006), on
this island after their passage over the Mediterra-
nean Sea. The trapping area on Capri lies mainly
within the perimeter of the walls of the old cas-
tle Castello Barbarossa and comprises c. 2 ha of
macchia vegetation typical for this region of the
Mediterranean. However, the plant species and
especially the structural composition of the veg-
etation has changed over the study period, most
dramatically by fires (the latest occurred in 1989),
which killed the larger pine trees and favoured
lower bush vegetation. This could potentially have
had an effect on the species composition of the
birds trapped, considering that different species
have different habitat preferences and the trapping
efficiencies of the nets may have changed.
On Capri data have been collected during 45
springs from 1956 to 2004 (no trapping in the pe-
riod 1982–1985), with the coverage varying from
13 to 89 days per season (Table 1). Birds were
trapped with mist nets throughout the study, but
the number of nets used varied considerably be-
tween, and sometimes also within, years. How-
ever, we could not take into account variation in
trapping effort in this study. The spring trapping
season on Capri is included in the Progetto Piccole
Isole, run by the Istituto Nazionale per la Fauna
Selvatica (Ozzano Emilia, BO) (Spina 2006).
Ottenby Bird Observatory (56°12’ N, 16°24’ E)
is situated at the southernmost point of Öland, a
137 km long island c.10 km off the coast of south-
eastern Sweden. The trapping area in the observa-
tory garden is 1.2 hectares and contains most of
the higher vegetation within the nearest 2 km. It is
surrounded by water on three sides and by grazed
meadows to the north. Birds have been caught at
Ottenby in funnel traps of Helgoland-type since
the rst year of trapping in 1946, and mist nets
have been used since 1959. Since 1980 the num-
bers of nets and traps, their position and use in
spring have been strictly standardised. We consid-
ered data for 53 spring seasons from 1952–2004
as reliable for the purpose of this study. Details
on the data collection at Ottenby Bird Observa-
tory are given elsewhere, e.g. in Stervander et al.
Species analysed
We have compiled data for seven of the most nu-
merously trapped bird species on Capri: Redstart
Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Willow Warbler Phyl-
loscopus trochilus, Icterine Warbler Hippolais
icterina, Garden Warbler Sylvia borin, Common
Whitethroat Sylvia communis, Spotted Flycatcher
Muscicapa striata and Pied Flycatcher Ficedula
hypoleuca. We have used ringing recoveries from
birds ringed on Capri and elsewhere in the Cam-
pania region (Naples, Sorrento, Amalfi; Scebba
(1993)), and recoveries of birds ringed at Ottenby
to sketch putative breeding areas, migration fly-
ways and possible wintering areas of the inves-
tigated species. An underlying assumption when
comparing arrival times between Capri and Ot-
tenby is that the species trapped belong roughly to
the same population.
Statistical analyses
We estimated the median spring arrival date for
each of the seven species. The estimated medians
were not dependent on whether we only analysed
data from years including ringing activity on both
Capri and at Ottenby, and we therefore decided to
keep data from all years. Due to the large samples,
any effect of variability in ringing activity within
and between seasons was effectively smoothened
Because there are observation errors in both
the Capri and the Ottenby data sets we performed
a reduced major axis (RMA) to test whether the
relationship between median arrival on Capri and
at Ottenby differed from unity. RMA regression
minimize the product of the deviations from the
regression line across both the x (Capri) and the y
(Ottenby) variables.
Table 1. Ringing details and trapping data from Capri. No ringing in 1982–1985. Species: P.p. = Common
Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus, H.i. = Icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina, S.c. = Common Whitethroat
Sylvia communis, S.b. = Garden Warbler Sylvia borin, P.t. = Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus, M.s. =
Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata, F.h. = Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca.
Fångsuppgifter från ringmärkningen på Capri. Ingen ringmärkning åren 1982–1985. Arter: P.p. = rödstjärt, H.i.
= härmsångare, S.c. = törnsångare, S.b. = trädgårdssångare, P.t. = lövsångare, M.s. = grå flugsnappare, F.h.
= svartvit flugsnappare.
Catch period Fångstperiod Number of birds ringed Antal märkta fåglar
Year Start Stop Days P.p. H.i. S.c. S.b. P.t. M.s. F.h.
1956 May 1 May 31 31 25 52 57 77 1 14 16
1957 Apr 1 May 30 60 164 320 227 445 69 125 88
1958 May 1 Jun 11 42 177 501 361 1248 26 339 54
1959 Apr 26 Jun 20 56 199 934 450 1305 53 664 264
1960 Apr 15 May 23 39 618 405 661 1327 235 347 539
1961 Mar 23 Jun 3 73 257 880 563 1472 89 880 286
1962 Mar 9 Jun 5 89 105 103 524 170 204 429 152
1963 Mar 24 May 31 69 196 436 330 683 135 578 343
1964 May 2 May 27 26 44 608 289 993 33 229 37
1965 Apr 14 May 27 44 178 420 451 557 378 203 138
1966 Apr 8 May 27 50 146 427 331 505 108 470 153
1967 Apr 11 Jun 7 58 286 368 240 384 257 194 355
1968 Apr 9 May 23 45 231 265 401 381 288 346 351
1969 Apr 1 May 25 55 197 213 408 163 384 294 180
1970 Apr 7 May 29 53 101 403 593 603 200 382 219
1971 Mar 24 Jun 5 74 140 195 305 223 140 300 144
1972 Apr 25 May 26 32 194 250 200 387 225 193 140
1973 Apr 8 May 26 49 89 403 178 266 101 327 114
1974 Apr 19 May 27 39 75 979 364 910 250 444 89
1975 Apr 11 Jun 2 53 160 374 401 546 124 722 261
1976 Apr 4 May 28 55 44 457 221 233 74 310 108
1977 Apr 19 May 23 35 94 149 188 206 70 241 110
1978 Apr 23 May 30 38 84 358 159 272 81 174 116
1979 Apr 14 May 23 40 108 624 368 666 282 58 183
1980 May 2 May 27 26 37 876 174 423 65 176 46
1981 Apr 15 May 23 39 88 485 171 180 97 195 174
1986 Apr 15 May 22 38 122 730 570 1113 273 474 465
1987 Apr 11 May 24 44 80 600 623 728 259 134 256
1988 Apr 16 May 23 38 41 366 185 237 125 280 176
1989 Mar 18 May 24 68 60 707 614 457 350 258 131
1990 Apr 5 May 23 49 95 757 902 614 197 572 465
1991 Apr 2 May 23 52 90 218 221 170 286 126 341
1992 Apr 5 May 22 48 69 798 419 350 364 538 188
1993 Apr 1 May 21 51 103 522 1105 748 433 324 453
1994 Apr 16 May 15 30 82 314 299 418 226 337 429
1995 Apr 17 May 15 29 81 236 314 302 241 199 357
1996 Apr 16 May 15 30 63 71 262 431 245 49 275
1997 Apr 16 May 15 30 185 334 519 367 422 291 358
1998 Apr 16 May 15 27 83 178 336 338 396 156 362
1999 Apr 16 May 15 29 79 451 448 876 321 245 286
2000 May 1 May 14 13 15 245 287 355 25 117 107
2001 Apr 16 May 15 27 119 79 314 284 457 298 497
2002 Apr 16 May 15 26 133 321 380 266 433 215 297
2003 Apr 16 May 15 30 74 876 320 487 317 260 566
2004 Apr 16 May 15 30 105 448 273 282 364 228 450
Total 1959 5716 19736 17006 23448 9703 13735 11119
Figure 1.
Figure 2
Figure 1. Map showing the recoveries of
Spotted Flycatchers Muscicapa striata ring-
ed or controlled at Ottenby (grey circles) and
Capri (black circles). The black stars indi-
cate the location of Ottenby and Capri. The
sample from Capri also includes recoveries
of birds ringed or recovered elsewhere in the
Campania region (from Scebba 1993).
Återfyndskarta för grå flugsnappare Mus-
cicapa striata som ringmärkts eller kontrol-
lerats vid Ottenby (g cirklar) eller Capri
(svarta cirklar). De svarta stjärnorna anger
Ottenbys och Capris geografiska läge. Ca-
primaterialet inkluderar återfynd från hela
Campania regionen ( från Scebba 1993).
Figure 2. Map showing the recoveries of Ic-
terine Warblers Hippolais icterina ringed or
controlled at Ottenby (grey circles) and Capri
(black circles). The black stars indicate the
location of Ottenby and Capri. The sample
from Capri also includes recoveries of birds
ringed or recovered elsewhere in the Campa-
nia region (from Scebba 1993).
Återfyndskarta för Härmsångare Hippolais
icterina som ringmärkts eller kontrollerats
vid Ottenby (grå cirklar) eller Capri (svarta
cirklar). De svarta stjärnorna anger Otten-
bys och Capris geografiska läge. Caprimate-
rialet inkluderar återfynd från hela Campa-
nia regionen (från Scebba 1993).
The ringing recoveries indicate that Spotted Fly-
catchers and Icterine Warblers (Figures 1 and 2)
passing Capri follow a central flyway in Europe
and Africa, and are later found in the general
direction of Ottenby. A similar pattern was also
found for Redstarts, Willow Warblers, Common
Whitethroats and Pied Flycatchers (not shown).
On the other hand, the recoveries of Garden War-
blers suggest a more eastern origin of the birds
trapped at Capri compared with those trapped at
Ottenby (Figure 3).
Figure 4 shows the linear relationship be-
tween median arrival dates on Capri and at
Ottenby for each species. The point estimate of the
slope was 0.87 (t5 = 8.45, P < 0.001), which is not
significantly different from one (95% confidence
interval: 0.61–1.14). On average, the seven spe-
cies migrated 15 days (0.79 SE) later at Ottenby
compared to Capri. In order to see if migration
speed varied over the season we tested if there was
a relationship between species-specific arrival
dates on Capri and the differences in median ar-
Figure 3. Map showing the recoveries of Gar-
den Warblers Sylvia borin ringed or control-
led at Ottenby (grey circles) and Capri (black
circles). The black stars indicate the location
of Ottenby and Capri. The sample from Ca-
pri also includes recoveries of birds ringed or
recovered elsewhere in the Campania region
(from Scebba 1993).
Återfyndskarta för Trädgårdssångare Syl-
via borin som ringmärkts eller kontrollerats
vid Ottenby (grå cirklar) eller Capri (svarta
cirklar). De svarta stjärnorna anger Otten-
bys och Capris geografiska läge. Caprimate-
rialet inkluderar återfynd från hela Campa-
nia regionen (från Scebba 1993).
rival dates between Capri and Ottenby. There was
a non-significant negative correlation between the
species-specific arrival dates on Capri and the dif-
ferences in median arrival dates between Capri
and Ottenby (r = -0.57, P = 0.18; Figure 5).
The strong and positive relationship between mi-
gration dates at Ottenby and on Capri suggests that
there are either common underlying environmental
factors affecting long-distance migrants along their
migration route, or that arrival dates are mainly
reflecting a specific endogenous time-programme.
In long-distance migrants, the onset of migration
is known to be under strong endogenous control
(Berthold 1996, Gwinner 1996), although the
speed of migration through Europe can be affected
by local conditions en route, as recently shown in
the Pied Flycatcher (Both et al. 2005).
The difference in median arrival date on Capri
and at Ottenby may indicate variation in migration
speed between species. We find that the Willow
Warbler, being the earliest migrant of the species
analysed, is also the species having the largest dif-
ference (19 days) in median arrival dates between
the two sites. In the same vein, late migrating spe-
cies such as the Spotted Flycatcher and the Icterine
Warbler show a difference of only 13 and 14 days,
respectively. However, the overall pattern is weak
even though some of the extremes are behaving as
expected. It would be interesting to know to what
extent the migration speed is limited by the time
needed to stop-over. A number of recent stud-
ies (e.g. Saino et al. 2004, Both et al. 2005) have
shown that arrival time is affected by environmen-
tal conditions en route, such that migration speed
increases when conditions en route are favourable.
If this is a general pattern the timing of migration
may not constrain adaptations to climate change
as much as previously thought (e.g. Both & Visser
2001, Both et al. 2005).
Competition for territories is an important fac-
tor affecting the timing of migration (Kokko
1999). A close look at Figure 4 shows that all
species falling below the regression line (i.e., mi-
grating faster than predicted by the linear model)
are using cavities as nesting sites. If cavities are
limited one may expect severe competition for ter-
ritories. In fact, comparative evidence indicates
that, among trans-Saharan migrants, hole-nesting
species migrate earlier than other species in the
Mediterranean (Rubolini et al. 2005). However, to
what extent different species are able to speed up
their migration to benefit from the advancement of
spring events is currently unknown.
This article is based on the efforts of many Swed-
ish and Italian ringers that have contributed to the
running of the long-term trapping series at Otten-
by and Capri. Although many people have been
involved on Capri, we would like to extend our
special gratitude to Carl Edelstam the founder
of the station – and Jan Pettersson. We would also
like to thank the present and former staff of Villa
San Michele who has contributed significantly to
the study of bird migration on Monte Barbarossa
– thereby following the intentions of Axel Munthe.
N.J. is financially supported by the Swedish Re-
search Council. Finally, we would like to thank
Christian Hjort, Dennis Hasselquist and an anon-
ymous referee for constructive comments on an
earlier draft of this article. This is contribution no.
208 from Ottenby Bird Observatory, and results
from the Progetto Piccole Isole (I.N.F.S.): paper
no. 36.
Beebee, T. J. C. 1995. Amphibian breeding and climate.
Nature 374: 219–220.
Figure 4.
110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150
Willow Warbler
(19 days)
Pied Flycatc her (15 days)
Common Redstart (13 days)
Common Whitethroat
(16 days)
Spotted Flycat cher (13 days)
Garden Warbler
(15 days)
Icterine Warbler
(14 days)
Median arrival date on Capri
Median arrival date at Ottenby
Figure 4. The relationship between median arrival dates on
Capri and at Ottenby for seven trans-Sahara migrants, as
well as the difference (in days). The line is the estimated
slope in a reduced major axis regression (RMA).
Förhållandet mellan mediandatum för vårfångst av sju
trans-Saharaflyttare på Capri och vid Ottenby, liksom
skillnaden i antal dagar. Den heldragna linjen är den skat-
tade regressionslinjen i en RMA regression.
Figure 5
115 120 125 130 135 140
Median arrival date on Capri
Difference in median arrival date
Figure 5. The differences in median arrival dates between
Ottenby and Capri plotted against the species-specific ar-
rival dates on Capri. r = −0.57, P = 0.18
Skillnad i medianankomst mellan Ottenby och Capri vid
olika (artspecifik) medianankomst på Capri. r = −0.57, P
= 0.18
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Klimatförändringar har gjort att många organis-
mers fenologi har tidigarelagts i norra Europa.
Flera tropikflyttande fågelarter anländer allt tidi-
gare och en förklaring till hur detta är möjligt är
att flyttningen genom Europa går allt snabbare då
vårtemperaturen ökar. Hur pass mycket olika arter
kan öka sin flyttningshastighet är okänt och borde
bero på deras ”normala” hastighet. I denna arti-
kel jämför vi datum för medianankomst på Capri
(Italien) och Ottenby (Sverige) på våren hos sju
arter som alla övervintrar söder om Sahara. Ring-
märkningsåterfynd visar att några arter (t.ex. grå
flugsnappare och härmsångare; Figur 1 resp. Figur
2) passerar Capri längs en central flyttningsväg
genom Europa och återfinns senare i riktning mot
Ottenby. Återfynd av andra arter ringmärkta på
Capri (t.ex. trädgårdssångare; Figur 3) pekar på ett
östligare ursprung än Ottenby. I Tabell 1 redovisas
fångstperioder och antal fångade fåglar under vå-
ren Capri för de sju arter vilkas ankomsttider
analyseras i denna uppsats.
Jämför man medianankomst på Capri och Ot-
tenby (Figur 4) finner man att det är ett linjärt
förhållande med en lutning på 0.87 som dock inte
skiljer sig statistiskt från 1. I genomsnitt passerar
de sju studerade arterna 15 dagar senare på Ot-
tenby än på Capri. Det finns även en icke-signifi-
kant antydan till att ju senare en art flyttar desto
snabbare flyttar den genom Europa, att döma av
skillnader i medianankomst på Ottenby och Capri
(Figur 5). Det är okänt i vilken utsträckning olika
arter skulle kunna öka sin flyttningshastighet för
att dra nytta av vårens allt tidigare ankomst i norra
Europa. Det är därför viktigt att man studerar vil-
ka egenskaper som gör att en art har (eller saknar)
förmågan att anpassa sig till klimatförändringar.
... The first birds of all the four species arrive to Gotland before the end of the passages at Antikythira and in the extreme cases (Wood Warbler and Icterine Warbler) just some days after the median passage at Antikythira (Figure 1). The median passage of all the study species on Gotland were within the range of previously reported median passage dates for Ottenby (Enquist & Pettersson 1986, Stervander et al. 2005, Jonzén et al. 2006. ...
... In conclusion, the results show that it takes about three weeks for the studied species to migrate from Greece to Scandinavia and that they are much lighter when arriving to Europe compared with when they approach breeding areas further north. The migration speed performed by the study species is equivalent to values previously reported (Fransson 1986, Jonzén et al. 2006, Yohannes et al. 2009a and faster than estimated during autumn migration (Hildén & Saurola 1982, Fransson 1986. ...
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In spring, long-distance migrants are considered to adopt a time-minimizing strategy to promote early arrival at breeding sites. The phenology of spring migration was examined and compared between two insular stopover sites in Greece and Sweden for Icterine Warbler, Wood Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher and Collared Flycatcher. All of them migrate due north which means that some proportion of birds that pass through Greece are heading to Scandinavia. The Collared Flycatcher had the earliest and the Icterine Warbler the latest arrival time. The differences in median dates between Greece and Sweden were 3–4 weeks and the passages in Sweden were generally more condensed in time. The average overall speed estimates were very similar and varied between 129 and 137 km/d. In most of the species higher speed estimates were associated with years when birds arrived late in Greece. After crossing continental Europe birds arrive at the Swedish study site with significantly higher body masses compared to when they arrive in Greece and this might indicate a preparation for arriving at breeding grounds with some overload.
... The species we considered are exclusively migratory in coastal southern Italy (see Meschini & Frugis 1993), with the exception of the nightingale, which, however, does not breed on Ventotene (Fernando Spina, personal observation). Trans-Saharan migrants that pass southern Italy during spring migration mostly breed in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe (Jonz en et al. 2006;Spina & Volponi 2008). However, the relative timing of passage of the geographical populations is unknown. ...
... If Clock-mediated response to photoperiod orchestrates migration phenology, latitudinal variation in Clock frequencies might be expected (Johnsen et al. 2007). Trans-Saharan migrants that pass southern Italy during spring migration mostly breed in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe (Jonz en et al. 2006;Spina & Volponi 2008). However, marked confounding effects of latitudinal variation in Clock are very unlikely because most bird species studied so far do not show geographical population structuring at Clock (e.g. ...
Dissecting phenotypic variance in life-history traits into its genetic and environmental components is at the focus of evolutionary studies and of pivotal importance to identify the mechanisms and predict the consequences of human-driven environmental change. The timing of recurrent life-history events (phenology) is under strong selection but the study of the genes that control potential environmental canalization in phenological traits is at its infancy. Candidate genes for circadian behavior entrained by photoperiod have been screened as potential controllers of phenological variation of breeding and molt in birds, with inconsistent results. Despite photoperiodic control of migration is well-established, no study has reported on migration phenology in relation to polymorphism at candidate genes in birds. We analyzed variation in spring migration dates within four trans-Saharan migratory species (Luscinia megarhynchos; Ficedula hypoleuca; Anthus trivialis; Saxicola rubetra) at a Mediterranean island in relation to Clock and Adcyap1 polymorphism. Individuals with larger number of glutamine residues in the poly-Q region of Clock gene migrated significantly later in one or, respectively, two species depending on sex and whether the within-individual mean length or the length of the longer Clock allele were considered. The results hinted at dominance of the longer Clock allele. No significant evidence for migration date to covary with Adcyap1 polymorphism emerged. This is the first evidence that migration phenology is associated with Clock in birds. This finding is important for evolutionary studies of migration and sheds light on the mechanisms that drive bird phenological changes and population trends in response to climate change. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... Linking the timing of activities throughout the annual cycle and investigating their consequences on fitness requires data on both migration and breeding, which easily becomes a complex endeavour in migratory birds. The latter might explain why most studies to date have focussed on the timing of particular parts of the annual cycle, mostly spring migration (Hüppop and Hüppop 2003;Jonzén et al. 2006;Tøttrup et al. 2010), occasionally also in relation to reproductive success (Weatherhead 2005;Gordo et al. 2013;Clausen et al. 2015). Recent technological advances in tracking techniques (Bridge et al. 2011) have tremendously increased the availability of data on year-round whereabouts, particularly also for smaller bird species, which thus allow for an annual cycle perspective, e.g. ...
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Migrating birds have to incorporate migration into their annual cycle, next to breeding and moult. This presents the challenge to arrive at the right place at the right time at any given moment during the year to maximize fitness. Although many studies have investigated the timing of specific (life-history) activities of migrating birds, it is poorly studied how the timing and duration of these activities depend on each other and, ultimately, how they affect fitness. Therefore, we investigated variability and dependencies in the timing and duration of successive activities throughout the annual cycle and assessed their fitness consequences in hoopoes (Upupa epops), a long-distance migratory bird, using geolocator and breeding phenology data of five consecutive years. We found that the timing and duration of seasonal activities generally depended on the timing and duration of the preceding activity; yet, the strength of these dependencies and the degree of variability varied between activities. The strongest dependencies were found between the end of breeding and departure from the breeding grounds as well as between the arrival in the breeding grounds and the onset of breeding. We also found fitness consequences of timing and duration but only for specific activities: spring migration and particularly the duration of the pre-breeding period influenced the quality of the territory acquired as well as the total number of fledglings. Consequently, we suggest that our study species has the flexibility to adjust the timing and duration of activities but to varying degrees. This is a step forward in understanding the time-constraints that migratory animals face and in identifying their fitness consequences. Significance statement To date, few studies have investigated the timing and dependencies of seasonal activities in migrating birds throughout the annual cycle and their fitness consequences. However, understanding temporal constraints and identifying sensitive—fitness-relevant—periods within the annual cycle is crucial to understand the population dynamics of migrating species. We investigated the timing and duration of life-history activities in a long-distance migratory bird and assessed their fitness consequences. Our results clearly show that seasonal activities were generally linked to the previous activities but that this dependency ceased relative to activities further in the past. We also found clear fitness consequences but only for the timing and duration of specific activities. Thus, our study shows that migrants can adjust the timing and duration of activities to a certain degree but also that this flexibility is more constrained for specific activities.
... Wing length and tail length (but not tarsus length) can be used as rough proxies of breeding destination among willow warblers breeding in Fennoscandia (Bensch et al. 1999): both wing and tail length show a strong increase with breeding latitude (r 2 > 0.58). Since willow warblers migrating through the central Mediterranean are directed mostly toward Fennoscandia (Jonzén et al. 2006a(Jonzén et al. , 2006b, we used wing length and tail feather length (see Ptilochronological analyses; wing and tail feather length were strongly positively correlated in our sample of birds: males, r ¼ 0.83; females, r ¼ 0.87) as rough proxies of breeding latitude. Birds usually rest on Ventotene for a few hours before resuming their travel toward breeding quarters (Goymann et al. 2010;Tenan and Spina 2010). ...
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The timing of major life-history events, such as migration and moult, is set by endogenous circadian and circannual clocks, that have been well characterized at the molecular level. Conversely, the genetic sources of variation in phenology and in other behavioural traits have been sparsely addressed. It has been proposed that inter-individual variability in the timing of seasonal events may arise from allelic polymorphism at phenological candidate genes involved in the signalling cascade of the endogenous clocks. In this study of a long-distance migratory passerine bird, the willow warbler Phylloscopus trochilus, we investigated whether allelic variation at five polymorphic loci of four candidate genes (Adcyap1, Clock, Creb1, Npas2), predicted two major components of the annual schedule, namely timing of spring migration across the central Mediterranean sea and moult speed, the latter gauged from ptilochronological analyses of tail feathers moulted in the African winter quarters. We identified a novel Clock gene locus (Clock region 3) showing polyQ polymorphism, which was however not significantly associated with any phenotypic trait. Npas2 allele size predicted male (but not female) spring migration date, with males bearing longer alleles migrating significantly earlier than those bearing shorter alleles. Creb1 allele size significantly predicted male (but not female) moult speed, longer alleles being associated with faster moult. All other genotype-phenotype associations were statistically non-significant. These findings provide new evidence for a role of candidate genes in modulating the phenology of different circannual activities in long-distance migratory birds, and for the occurrence of sex-specific candidate gene effects.
... One of Ottenby's main interests in the work on Capri was to get Mediterranean biometric and phenological data for direct comparisons with those on the same species from Sweden (Pettersson 1986b, Jonzén et al. 2006), an interest which has later been extended to parallel work in sub-Saharan Africa (e.g. , 2005, Gustafsson et al. 2003, Hjort et al. 2004). The migration studies have also been extended to trans-Mediterranean butterfly migration (Brattström 2006). ...
The Capri Bird Observatory is situated in Castello Barbarossa, an old fortification overlooking the Bay of Naples in southwestern Italy. The observatory was founded in 1956 by the Swedish Ornithological Society in cooperation with Villa San Michele. Until the mid-1980s it was entirely a Swedish venture, whereafter also Italian ornithologists joined, first the LIPU bird protection organization, later the ringing center in Bologna through its Piccole Isole project. The aim was to study bird migration between winter quarters in tropical Africa and breeding areas around the Baltic Sea. The main concern has been spring migration, when many birds make landfall on the island after having crossed the Mediterranean. But work has also been done in autumns, and in later years even in winters. To the general study of bird migration, including ringing and the sampling of various biometric and phenological parameters, have been added more specialized studies, like visual observations of raptor migration, experiments on bird orientation, and sampling for the study of bird-born diseases. Recently, studies of butterfly migration have been added to the agenda.
... We used a diurnal and a nocturnal passerine migrant, Tree Pipit and Garden Warbler captured on Capri in southwestern Italy, to study the use of magnetic compass information for migratory orientation in autumn. The birds were captured in mistnets at Castello Barbarossa near Villa San Michele, Anacapri (44°33'N, 14°15'E) from end of August to the end of September (for further information on capture procedure see Pettersson et al. 1990, Jonzén et al. 2006. Experiments with Tree Pipits were performed in 1995 and 1996, while Garden Warblers were studied 1994-1996. ...
Orientation cage experiments were performed on Capri in Italy, with a diurnal passerine migrant (Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis), and a nocturnal passerine migrant (Garden Warbler Sylvia borin), to study the use of magnetic compass information during autumn passage migration. The experiments were performed outdoors at sunset in: (1) the local geomagnetic field under natural clear skies, (2) a shifted magnetic field (mN -90°) under clear skies, and (3) a shifted magnetic field (mN -90°) under simulated overcast skies. Day migrating Tree Pipits showed a clear shift in orientation compared to controls (i.e. local geomagnetic field and clear sky conditions) corresponding roughly with the magnetic shift (mN -90°) under clear as well as overcast skies, while the Garden Warbler migrating at night, did not respond to the same magnetic manipulations by shifting their preferred directions in the cages. The mean orientation of Tree Pipits did not differ from the sun's position during experiments, while it was clearly different in Garden Warblers. Species-specific orientation responses to experimental manipulations in caged compared to free-flying migrants is discussed.
... However, little attention has been paid to critically located staging areas at the edge of the combined barrier of the Sinai, Sahara and Sahel deserts. Furthermore, much more is known about bird populations crossing west and central Europe than about those that use the eastern Palaearctic flyway and nest in eastern Europe and Asia (Jonzen et al. 2006, Chernetsov et al. 2007). Such populations can be different in some respects, such as age ratio and sex-related biometric characteristics (), ...
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We studied the migration patterns of Red-throated (Anthus cervinus) and Tree Pipits (A. trivialis) ringed during 25 years at Eilat, Israel. The number of migrants was four times greater in spring than in autumn for the Tree Pipit but was similar for the Red-throated Pipit. Stop-over during the migration seasons was also different. Both young and old Red-throated Pipits used Eilat as a stop-over site at similar intensity during both seasons. How-ever, most of the Tree Pipits in autumn were juveniles, but young and old individuals were almost equally abundant in spring. In both species, body-condition index was higher in autumn than in spring and was not related to the age of the birds. This finding illustrates differences in body condition before and after the crossing of the Saharo-Arabian desert belt.
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Local climate change and first arrival of Pallid Swift (Apus pallidus) in Piedmont (NW Italy). The first arrival dates of the Pallid Swift (Apus pallidus) in Carmagnola 250 m s.l.m., Piemonte, higher Po valley) during a period of 39 years (1972, 1973, 1975 - 1977 and 1979 - 2012) were recorded. The Pallid Swift is a migratory bird which spends winter in Sub-Saharan Africa, mainly in Sahel, and moves to Italy between March and April. The Pallid Swift arrival dates have been compared with some climate data (e.g. monthly and yearly average air temperature, monthly and yearly average rainfall) recorded in the same observation period, with good/excellent continuity, by several climate stations located in Piedmont (NW Italy). The comparison between the dates of first arrival of the swift and the climate data reveals a correlation between a trend of earlier arrival of the migratory birds and the increase of spring temperature.
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Palearctic-African spring migrants are faced with the challenging crossing of the double ecological barrier of the Sahara Desert and the Mediterranean Sea. Islands represent unique opportunities to stopover and rest during these prolonged endurance flights. To study spring migration across the Mediterranean, the Italian Ringing Centre at INFS has co-ordinated the Progetto Piccole Isole since 1988 with Capri being among the most active stations. Islands are used as stopover sites by huge numbers of birds belonging to a wide range of species and irrespective of physical conditions of migrants. Clearly defined species-specific seasonal migration patterns are observed, and also differential migration of sex and age classes. Wide-front movements over the sea of typical nocturnal migrants occur also during daytime. Physiological studies confirm the importance of the short stopovers observed on the islands, which permit the birds to adjust their metabolic state, rest and rely, in many cases, on easily accessible nectar as an energetically rich food. Strong links with habitats both in Africa and within the Mediterranean confirm the need for internationally coordinated conservation strategies for Palearctic-African migrants.
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We review the current evidence that changes in arrival and departure dates of migratory birds have taken place, and the relationship of these changes to climate variability. There is little doubt that the timing of spring migration closely follows weather variations. This is more evident and/or stronger in short-distance migrants than in long-distance migrants, but the latter have also responded to climate change. Changes of spring arrival in birds depend on climate impacts at different latitudes along the route from wintering to breeding areas. Therefore, also migratory strategy, e.g., stopover tactics and migratory routes, may be under selective forces due to climate change. Changes in breeding environment depend on the climate there. The discrepancy between en route and breeding time impacts can induce poor fit between annual cycles of birds and their resources. Changes of timing of autumn migration are more variable and they are less well understood. Some species have advanced and others postponed their autumn migration. As long as seasonal variation of environmental constraints at species level remains elusive we cannot predict which species will delay autumn departure and which will advance it in synchrony with spring events. The net result of changes of phenology has often been the lengthening of the summer part of the annual cycle. Because the first analyses of changes of both migration periods and time span between them are based on bird station data, it is still too early to generalise this variation against ecological traits of species. Lengthening of time spent in the breeding area may relax some time constraints set by seasonality by allowing more time to breed and moult, but just the opposite is also possible depending on latitude and temperature regime at which changes are taking place.
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The life cycles of plants and animals are changing around the world in line with thepredictions originated from hypotheses concerning the impact of global warming andclimate change on biological systems. Commonly, the search for ecological mechanismsbehind the observed changes in bird phenology has focused on the analysis of climaticpatterns from the species breeding grounds. However, the ecology of bird migrationsuggests that the spring arrival of long-distance migrants (such as trans-Saharan birds) ismore likely to be influenced by climate conditions in wintering areas given their directimpact on the onset of migration and its progression. We tested this hypothesis byanalysing the first arrival dates (FADs) of six trans-Saharan migrants (cuckoo Cuculuscanorus, swift Apus apus, hoopoe Upupa epops, swallow Hirundo rustica, house martinDelichon urbica and nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos), in a western Mediterranean areasince from 1952 to 2003. By means of multiple regression analyses, FADs were analysed inrelation to the monthly temperature and precipitation patterns of five African climaticregions south of the Sahara where species are thought to overwinter and from theEuropean site from where FADs were collected. We obtained significant models for fivespecies explaining 9-41% of the variation in FADs. The interpretation of the modelssuggests that: (1) The climate in wintering quarters, especially the precipitation, has astronger influence on FADs than that in the species' potential European breeding grounds.(2) The accumulative effects of climate patterns prior to migration onset may be ofconsiderable importance since those climate variables that served to summarize climatepatterns 12 months prior to the onset of migration were selected by final models. (3)Temperature and precipitation in African regions are likely to affect departure decision inthe species studied through their indirect effects on food availability and the build-up ofreserves for migration. Our results concerning the factors that affect the arrival times oftrans-Saharan migrants indicate that the effects of climate change are more complex thanpreviously suggested, and that these effects might have an interacting impact on speciesecology, for example by reversing ecological pressures during species' life cycles.
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The evolution of migratory strategies in birds is likely to have been influenced by ecological as well as socio-sexual factors in both wintering and breeding areas. In this comparative study, we analysed timing of spring passage of 38 long-distance migratory bird species that winter south of the Sahara desert and breed in Europe, in relation to wintering and breeding latitudes, moult strategy, nesting site (open vs. cavity), and sexual dimorphism in size and coloration, which may reflect intensity of sexual selection. We employed a large data set consisting of more than 190 000 individuals ringed during spring migration in the Mediterranean Sea. We found that the species that migrated earlier were those wintering farther north, nesting in cavities and showing the largest degree of sexual size dimorphism (SSD). However, sexual dichromatism was not related to migration date. Among passerine species, moulting wing-feathers in Africa delayed migration. We found no support for the energetic constraint hypothesis, which proposes that early arrival selects for large male size, since early arriving species were not larger than late arriving ones. Thus, the observed associations suggest that variation in migration schedules at the interspecific level may have evolved in relation to ecological factors and SSD, possibly reflecting the intensity of mating competition. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 85, 199–210.
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The increase in spring temperatures in temperate regions over the last two decades has led to an advancing spring phenology, and most resident birds have responded to it by advancing their onset of breeding. The pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) is a long-distance migrant bird with a relatively late onset of breeding with respect to both resident birds and spring phenology in Europe. In the present correlational study, we show that some fitness components of pied flycatchers are suffering from climate change in two of the southernmost European breeding populations. In both montane study areas, temperature during May increased between 1980 and 2000 and an advancement of oak leafing was detected by using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to assess tree phenology. This might result in an advancement of the peak in availability of caterpillars, the main prey during the nestling stage. Over the past 18 yr, the time of egg laying and clutch size of pied flycatchers were not affected by the increase in spring temperatures in these Mediterranean populations. However, this increase seems to have an adverse effect on the reproductive output of pied flycatchers over the same period. Our data suggest that the mismatch between the timing of peak food supply and nestling demand caused by recent climate change might result in a reduction of parental energy expenditure that is reflected in a reduction of nestling growth and survival of fledged young in our study populations. The data seem to indicate that the breeding season has not shifted and it is the environment that has shifted away from the timing of the pied flycatcher breeding season. Mediterranean pied flycatchers were not able to advance their onset of breeding, probably, because they are constrained by their late arrival date and their restricted high altitude breeding habitat selection near the southern border of their range.
The Capri Bird Observatory is situated in Castello Barbarossa, an old fortification overlooking the Bay of Naples in southwestern Italy. The observatory was founded in 1956 by the Swedish Ornithological Society in cooperation with Villa San Michele. Until the mid-1980s it was entirely a Swedish venture, whereafter also Italian ornithologists joined, first the LIPU bird protection organization, later the ringing center in Bologna through its Piccole Isole project. The aim was to study bird migration between winter quarters in tropical Africa and breeding areas around the Baltic Sea. The main concern has been spring migration, when many birds make landfall on the island after having crossed the Mediterranean. But work has also been done in autumns, and in later years even in winters. To the general study of bird migration, including ringing and the sampling of various biometric and phenological parameters, have been added more specialized studies, like visual observations of raptor migration, experiments on bird orientation, and sampling for the study of bird-born diseases. Recently, studies of butterfly migration have been added to the agenda.
Migratory birds are assumed to be under strong selection pressure during migration. It is generally assumed that many species are maximizing speed of migration because of the benefits from arriving early at the breeding grounds. Males' incentives are to occupy the best territories before they are occupied by competitors. Females breeding early usually have a greater reproductive success. In this study, the stopover behaviour of the Wood Warbler is studied on Capri, a Mediterranean island in southwest Italy. Movements of birds on the island are from higher elevations with sparse vegetation, where they presumably arrive, to low elevations with more dense vegetation. Males were found to migrate earlier than females, but were also staying much shorter time than females on the island. Males were estimated to stay on average slightly more than one hour whereas females stayed on average thirteen hours. The results suggest that Capri is not an important refueling site for the Wood Warbler and that males are more inclined to quickly leave this poor stopover site than females.
The available data on climate over the past century indicate that the earth is warming. Important biological effects, including changes of plant and animal life cycle events, have already been reported. However, evidence of such effects is still scarce and has been mostly limited to northern latitudes. Here we provide the first long-term (1952–2000) evidence of altered life cycles for some of the most abundant Mediterranean plants and birds, and one butterfly species. Average annual temperatures in the study area (Cardedeu, NE Spain) have increased by 1.4 °C over the observation period while precipitation remained unchanged. A conservative linear treatment of the data shows that leaves unfold on average 16 days earlier, leaves fall on average 13 days later, and plants flower on average 6 days earlier than in 1952. Fruiting occurs on average 9 days earlier than in 1974. Butterflies appear 11 days earlier, but spring migratory birds arrive 15 days later than in 1952. The stronger changes both in temperature and in phenophases timing occurred in the last 25 years. There are no significant relationships among changes in phenophases and the average date for each phenophase and species. There are not either significant differences among species with different Raunkiaer life-forms or different origin (native, exotic or agricultural). However, there is a wide range of phenological alterations among the different species, which may alter their competitive ability, and thus, their ecology and conservation, and the structure and functioning of ecosystems. Moreover, the lengthening of plant growing season in this and other northern hemisphere regions may contribute to a global increase in biospheric activity.
We studied variation in arrival date to the breeding colonies in Italy of a trans-Saharan migratory bird, the barn swallow Hirundo rustica, in relation to variation in ecological conditions, as reflected by the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), in the winter quarters. Arrival date of old but not young individuals captured during consecutive breeding seasons was earlier after winters with favourable conditions. Change in arrival date in relation to change in NDVI was similar in the two sexes. Change in arrival date significantly and positively predicted change in breeding date. As a result of increased frequency of second broods determined by earlier arrival, the number of fledged offspring per season was larger after African winters with good in comparison to poor ecological conditions for barn swallows. This is the first study demonstrating phenotypic plasticity in migration phenology of a long-distance migratory bird in relation to ecological conditions during wintering.