Rutineia Tassi

Rutineia Tassi
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria · Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (DESA)


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Publications (105)
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Green roofs are promising tools in sustainable urban planning, offering benefits such as stormwater management, energy savings, aesthetic appeal, and recreational spaces. They play a crucial role in creating sustainable and resilient cities, providing both environmental and economic advantages. Despite these benefits, concerns persist about their i...
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This study explored the role of the hydrological regime as a trigger factor for wildlife roadkill along a 22 km road crossing the Taim Wetland, a Ramsar site of international importance in South Brazil. The north–south crossing of BR-471, a federal highway, causes fatalities to numerous animals due to collisions with vehicles. An 11-year long-term...
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Os dados de precipitação são uma das principais informações necessária para modelos hidrológicos, porém, a escassez de dados em algumas regiões ou mesmo as séries curtas e com muitas falhas podem dificultar o processo de calibração. Estimativas de precipitação por meio de sensoriamento remoto surgem como uma ferramenta alternativa para a aquisição...
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Em todo o mundo, a infraestrutura verde é cada vez mais utilizada para mitigar os impactos de áreas urbanas densas, contribuindo para a naturalização do ambiente construído. Este estudo avaliou um protótipo em escala real de um sistema vertical de vegetação para avaliar o desempenho térmico em uma habitação de baixo custo localizada em clima subtro...
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In urban watersheds mathematical modeling, a very important process is the impact of changes land use on the hydrological cycle of urban centers. Some modeling parameters are difficult to investigate in situ and it is necessary estimate through calibration methods. Considering the calibration importance and complexity, the objective of this study i...
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Maintenance has a significant impact on permeable pavements’ service life. Proper cleaning procedures include pressure washing and heavy-duty wet/dry vacuum to remove accumulated sediment and maintain permeability. Aiming to analyze the influence of sediment type and size on the clogging process and the importance of preventive maintenance, six exp...
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Resumo Os substratos de telhados verdes (TV) podem ser aprimorados, buscando melhorar as características térmicas que influenciam na transmissão de calor dessa camada. Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um ano de monitoramento térmico de quatro TVs modulares com diferentes substratos. Os substratos avaliados foram o solo local, substrato comerc...
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Transient flows in stormwater systems can lead to damaging and dangerous operational conditions, as exemplified by geysering events created by the uncontrolled release of entrapped air pockets. Extreme rain and associated rapid inflows may result in air pocket entrapment, which causes significant changes in flow conditions and potentially geysering...
The urban green infrastructure has been increasingly used for sustainable design and resilient cities. Despite its many benefits, such as aesthetic enhancement, improvement of the physical and mental health of residents, especially for vulnerable youth and elderly people, or creating opportunities for social cohesion and climate regulation, green i...
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RESUMO-A maioria das metodologias utilizadas no dimensionamento de obras de drenagem urbana são baseadas na disponibilidade do dado de vazão. Entretanto, freqüentemente, este tipo de informação não se encontra disponível. Neste caso se utilizam métodos sintéticos para determinação da vazão de projeto, entre os quais pode-se citar o Método da Curva-...
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The production and consumption of cassava (Manihot esculenta) occur in several places worldwide, producing large volumes of waste, mostly in the form of bark. This study sought to bring a new purpose to this biomass through producing activated carbon to use as an adsorbent to remove the herbicide Diuron from water. It was observed that the carbon c...
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Bioretention column studies are commonly used in laboratory to assess the performance of such structures in removal of pollutants and to investigate different conceptions aiming to increase their efficiency. However, no studies were found recommending suitable diameters or sizes, or about the uncertainties related to the transfer of results among t...
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To truly understand the hydrologic and erosive processes that occur at the catchment scale regarding land use and soil management changes, intensive monitoring is required over a long period. Variables such as precipitation, flow rate, and suspended sediment concentration are the fundamentals needed to estimate sediment yield. However, in order to...
Various studies have provided insights about how green roof rainfall retention capacity is affected by factors including typology, vegetation, growing media's physical-chemical-biological properties, drainage system, climate conditions, and roof age. Despite its importance, little has been studied about the effect of drainage area on green roof ret...
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In this study a long-term field experiment evaluating evapotranspiration rates from irrigated and non-irrigated green roof modules, as well their impacts on stormwater control was accomplished. Six green roof modules (3 irrigated and 3 non-irrigated) vegetated with S. rupestre were monitored throughout 8 months in southern Brazil. Four non-vegetate...
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The increasing frequency of intense rain events will worsen the operational conditions of stormwater systems, including the frequency in which these systems experience pressurization. Unfortunately, there has been limited research on the issue, particularly the pressurization of junctions in stormwater systems that are subject to rapid filling. Pas...
Green roof substrates provide water, nutrients, and physical support to vegetation development, as well as being a key element in the hydrological performance of the system. In this regard, the use of aggregate components that improve physicochemical properties of the substrates optimises the ecosystem services provided by green roofs. This study d...
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In addition to soil losses on hillslopes, unpaved rural roads, especially when poorly designed and maintained, can be a significant contributor to the erosive processes seen at the catchment scale. In areas with deep soils, the solutions primarily focus on channeling excess surface runoff into settling ponds or terraces. However, few studies have a...
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The implementation of rainwater harvesting (RWH) systems depends on technical and socioeconomic assessments. However, most studies do not consider socioeconomic aspects, which could lead to different degrees of RWH implementation and technology selection due to economic constraints and local regulations. We evaluated the socioeconomic potential for...
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Using rainwater harvesting (RWH) system is influenced by socioeconomic, environmental and technical factors. This work presents as analysis of the influence of the rainfall time series characteristics and design criteria on RWH performance of five Brazilian capitals with different climatic characteristic: Goiânia, João Pessoa, Manaus, Porto Alegre...
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In this paper we synthesize the special sessions of the XXIII Brazilian Water Resources Symposium 2019 in order to understand the major advances and challenges in the water sciences in Brazil. We analyzed more than 250 papers and presentations of 16 special sessions covering topics of Climate Variability and Change, Disasters, Modeling, Large Scale...
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Sediment yield in river catchments can cause siltation of reservoirs and channels, carries contaminants adhered to sediment particles, and represents water erosion at the catchment scale, leading to decreased agricultural productivity. Hydrological monitoring enables the understanding of overland flow and soil erosion dynamics. In this study, we an...
Conference Paper
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With the increase in the global population observed since the 20th century, urban centers are becoming more prominent, and its dynamic is now far from the natural. The impact of urbanization on the rainfall has been noticed since 1921 when Horton observed that cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants created favorable conditions for convective pre...
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The Storm Water Management Model 5.1 (SWMM) is a widely-adopted dynamic hydrologic and hydraulic model often used to estimate runo˙ quantity and quality in urban drainage systems. SWMM unsteady flow algorithm, EXTRAN, is based on a link-node solution that enables it to represent well typical stormwater inflows. Yet, for rapid inflow conditions asso...
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A água subterrânea, embora possa estar protegida pelo meio natural, também pode ser contaminada, especialmente em razão de aterros sanitários, despejos industriais e domésticos, atividades agrícolas e minerais, entre outras. Nesse contexto, esse estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a susceptibilidade à contaminação das águas subterrâneas no município d...
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The design of urban drainage facilities is normally based on intense rainfall data. This data is usually obtained through the intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) relationships or, when they are unavailable, by means of simplified methodologies such as nested intensities, isozones, or synthetic methods such as those proposed by Bell (1969) and Chen (...
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A substituição de coberturas impermeáveis por coberturas verdes têm apresentado-se como uma alternativa ambientalmente adequada para a redução do escoamento superficial das águas da chuva. Nesse sentido, essa pesquisa avaliou a eficiência da composição do substrato de telhados verdes na redução do escoamento pluvial. Para tanto, foi realizado o mon...
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RESUMO A eco-hidrologia busca integrar os conhecimentos da hidrologia aos da ecologia, criando uma abordagem mais ampla para a compreensão da dinâmica dos recursos hídricos, facilitando o planejamento e as ações de programas de gestão. Uma das formas de integrar hidrologia à ecologia é por meio da elaboração de índices de adequabilidade de hábitat...
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In this study was evaluated the influence of the rainfall monitoring network density and distribution on the result of rainfall-runoff daily simulations of a lumped model (IPH II) considering basins with different drainage scales: Turvo River (1,540 km2), Ijuí River (9,462 km2), Jacuí River (38,700 km2) and Upper Uruguay (61,900 km2). For this purp...
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In drainage systems projects there are great uncertainties in estimating flows, especially due to the lack of information to characterize the land surface (land use, topography, etc.) due to the difficulties and high costs to involved. An alternative for the acquisition of information of this nature is the use of mappings made by unmanned aerial ve...
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A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos foi aprovada em 2010 (Lei 12305/2010), no entanto, a disposição final de resíduos sólidos domésticos ainda é um problema em diversos municípios no país. Além disso, o aumento do poder aquisitivo da população brasileira, e o consequente descarte de embalagens exigem a ampliação dos aterros sanitários ativos, o...
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Este artigo apresenta uma avaliação do impacto do uso de diferentes funções-objetivo para a calibração automática multiobjetivo do modelo hidrológico IPH II. A calibração foi feita utilizando o algoritmo MOCOM-UA. Como objeto de estudo foi considerada a bacia hidrográfica do rio Pelotas, um dos formadores do rio Uruguai, até o posto fluviométrico P...
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In the last decades, new approaches were adopted to manage stormwater as close to its source as possible through technologies and devices that preserve and recreate natural landscape features. Green Roofs (GR) are examples of these devices that are also incentivized by city's stormwater management plans. Several studies show that GR decreases on-si...
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Porto Alegre is the capital and largest city in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul in Southern Brazil with approximately 1.5 million inhabitants. The city lies on the eastern bank of the Guaiba Lake, formed by the convergence of five rivers and leading to the Lagoa dos Patos, a giant freshwater lagoon navigable by even the largest of ships. T...
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In this paper, it was applied the methodology RVA for the characterization and analysis of the parameters of the natural hydrological regime, modified due to construction of a dam in Vacacaí River(Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). Following, assess the effects of the use of reference streamflows, Q 7,10 , Q 90 % e Q 95 %, for the maintenance of residual...
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We present a preliminary assessment of climate change impacts on the water levels of the Taim Wetland, located in Central-East South America, based on predictions of twenty Atmospheric/Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs) that feed a hydrodynamic model. Through these simulations were estimated projections of changes of the hydroperiod in the T...
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Time of Concentration is the period required for the water that have precipitated at the farthest point of the river basin to move to its main section, which is a key parameter for urban drainage. However, it is difficult to obtain this variable from observations, thus there are several empirical equations that can be used to calculate this period....
Conference Paper
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In many cases, a wetland is subject to the effect of water management, either directly or by management of a larger hydrological system. To protect the wetland, the ideal approach would be to maintain or reproduce the hydroperiod that shapes the characteristics of the ecosystem. However, in Brazil, there is usually little or no hydroperiod informat...
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The green roof is an alternative that aims minimizing urban stormwater runoff and is an increasingly necessary practice in Brazil. In order to evaluate the efficiency of this system in different scales, a hydrological simulation model was applied in 12 different urban areas of different sizes in a representation of the Arroio da Areia Hydrographic...
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In 2010 the first prototype of an experimental green roof was set up at the Federal University of Santa Maria. Since then, green roof systems with different characteristics have been tested there. Four support systems of green roofs and nine plant species were also evaluated. Among the systems studied, two showed to be more efficient in the water r...
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No Brasil, o portal HidroWeb, oferece dados necessários ao desenvolvimento de estudos hidrológicos em sistemas naturais como a bacia hidrográfica. O processo para aquisição destes dados, mesmo que esteja passando por melhorias, ainda é temporalmente custoso, especialmente por que as informações são disponibilizadas no banco de dados separadamente d...
Conference Paper
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RESUMO Telhados verdes (TVs) são estruturas tecnológicas que garantem diversos benefícios ambientais. Em áreas urbanas, onde as coberturas das edificações compõem grande fração da paisagem, a aplicação de TVs pode ser uma maneira de compensar, parcialmente, danos ambientais e hidrológicos gerados. Telhados convencionais, que não permitem a retenção...
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RESUMO As vazões geradas pelas chuvas intensas podem causar inúmeros danos à infraestrutura, tornando-se necessário a correta caracterização das mesmas para um melhor dimensionamento das obras hidráulicas. As chuvas intensas são normalmente estimadas a partir das equações que relacionam intensidade, duração e frequência (IDF) derivadas de dados obs...
Conference Paper
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The time of concentration (tc) of an urban catchment is a fundamental parameter for the design of stormwater drainage systems. In the lack of hydrological data for its estimation, several equations were proposed; however, almost none of them were verified in Brazilian conditions, leading to great uncertainties. Hence, the present work aims to test...
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The Taim wetland is an important humid area located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, that represents 53% of the federally-administered conservation unit Taim Ecological Station. Its contribution watershed has uses shared mainly between biodiversity conservation and irrigation. The irrigation activity changes the wetland hydrological strea...
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The Taim wetland is an important humid area located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, that represents 53% of the federally-administered conservation unit Taim Ecological Station. Its contribution watershed has uses shared mainly between biodiversity conservation and irrigation. The irrigation activity changes the wetland hydrological strea...
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The use of rainfall intensity-duration-frequency relationships (IDF relationship) is very important for the development of Engineering projects. However, the availability of this information is limited in Brazil. Due to this, the engineer Taborga Torrico, in 1974, proposed eight regions with homogeneous climatic conditions (named "isozonas" in Port...
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Many Brazilian municipalities have specific legislation focused on the management of urban stormwater with the main purpose runoff control. Among the promoted measures are the mandatory implementation of different devices that operate storing or infiltrating the runoff, compensating its impact. This practice is known as compensatory technique (CT)....
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This manuscript presents the assessment of climate change impacts on the streamflow at the Mangueira lake watershed, located in Southern Brazil, based on precipitation predictions of twenty Atmospheric/Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs) that feed a hydrologic model named IPH II. The projections were based on two emission scenarios of the IPC...
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A obra “Amazônia: instrumentos para gestão de recursos hídricos” busca uma Amazônia ambientalmente mais justa e pode ser traduzida como uma real contribuição para as iniciativas de planejamento, gestão e proteção das águas amazônicas, especialmente as de Rondônia.
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Evapotranspiration is a key process of hydrological cycle and a sole term that links land surface water balance and land surface energy balance. Due to the higher information requirements of the Penman-Monteith method and the existing data uncertainty, simplified empirical methods for calculating potential and actual evapotranspiration are widely u...
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The time of concentration (TC) of an urban catchment is a fundamental watershed parameter used to compute the peak discharge and/or in the hydrological simulation of sewer systems. In the lack of hydrological data for its estimative, several empirical formulae are used, however, almost none of them have been verified in Brazil leading to large unce...
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Resumo -A capacidade de infiltração é um dos fatores mais afetados pela crescente urbanização, e também é um dos principais itens para o dimensionamento de estruturas de infiltração e de práticas de manejo do solo. Assim, na busca de procedimentos que avaliem a capacidade de infiltração nos solos de forma simples e fácil, este trabalho apresenta du...
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A variabilidade espacial das características do solo torna a estimativa da infiltração de água altamente dependente da escala de análise. Muitos trabalhos necessitam de informações da dinâmica da infiltração para descrever o mecanismo de outros processos associados à água, aos sedimentos ou aos solutos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar duas e...
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Negative impacts on the environment, such as floods severity, have been significantly intensified due to urban population growth, soil imperviousness, the lack of a Stormwater Management Plan, and the overuse of channelization. Therefore, the need of a paradigm shift in the traditional conception of stormwater drainage originated the concept of Low...
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The spatial variability of soil characteristics makes the estimation of water infiltration highly dependent on the scale of analysis. Many studies require information on the dynamics of infiltration to describe the dynamics of other processes associated with water, sediment and solutes. This study aims to use two methodological strategies to estima...
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Resumo - A ocupação desordenada e a consequente impermeabilização excessiva dos centros urbanos vêm prejudicando a qualidade de vida e diminuindo drasticamente a qualidade das águas. Para contornar esta situação, diversas cidades têm procurado resolver os problemas derivados da drenagem urbana de uma forma econômica e sustentável através da exigênc...
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This study presents an analysis of how climate change scenarios may affect environmental conditions of Brazilian freshwater costal wetland (Taim Wetland). The Taim Wetland covers approximately 315 km 2 and has a rich biodiversity. Considering two climate changes emission scenarios and different Atmospheric/Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs),...
O desenvolvimento urbano afeta o escoamento natural das aguas pluviais, tornando os sistemas de drenagem urbana insuficientes a medida que aumentam as areas impermeabilizadas da bacia. Uma das solucoes em estudo e a utilizacao de microrreservatorios (MRs) em lotes visto que sao uma acao no combate a enchentes alem de reduzir o consumo de agua para...
The Taim Hydrological System is a complex limnetic system composed of interconnected wetlands and lakes. This system has an associated federal conservation unit, the Taim Ecological Station, and rice cultivation, which uses water from the system for irrigation. Conservation of the system concomitantly with the use of its water is a challenge, since...
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This study presents an analysis of how climate change scenarios may affect environmental conditions of a Brazilian freshwater costal wetland (Taim Wetland). Taim Wetland covers approximately 315 km2 and has a rich biodiversity. Considering two climate changes emission scenarios and different Atmospheric/Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs), ti...
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This study presents a new criterion for water management in southern Brazilian subtropical wetlands through the use of biological indicators. The emergent aquatic macrophyte giant grass Zizaniopsis bonariensis, was used to define a suitability index. Hydrological scenarios were combined with the suitability index, allowing the selection of good hab...
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Como nem sempre encontramos dados observados que permitam a obtenção da vazão máxima para o dimensionamento de obras hidráulicas de drenagem, é necessário utilizar métodos hidrológicos que representem os principais processos da transformação da precipitação em vazão. O presente artigo apresenta a comparação entre o dimensionamento hidráulico de est...
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Resumo - As novas alternativas propostas para resolver os problemas de drenagem urbana buscam, de uma forma eficiente, tratá-los o mais próximo possível da fonte. Uma das soluções sugerida é a implementação de microrreservatórios de detenção nos lotes. No entanto, qual o impacto sobre a macrodrenagem que a distribuição desses dispositivos de contro...


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