Katarina Woodman

Katarina Woodman
Kyoto University | Kyodai · Graduate School of Education / Faculty of Education

Master of Education
Understanding Japanese second language through the scope of multilingualism


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Driven by a deep-seated curiosity for understanding human experiences, I am uniquely interested in language and how its processed. I use both a philosophical approach examining how we use language to conceptualize the world around us and a psychological approach in how language is processed in the brain. I am uniquely interested in how the use of different languages (notably Japanese and English) influence both language acquisition and language use in multilingual individuals.
March 2022 - March 2024
Kyoto University
Field of study
  • Cognitive Psychology
August 2017 - March 2021
Central Michigan University
Field of study
  • Psychology and Philosophy


Publication (1)
Conference Paper
Full-text available
In cognitive science, research about mental imagery is often limited to visual, often overlooking olfactory imagery. In this study, we examined the relationship between beauty and olfactory imagery evoked by haiku. We used an odor priming commonly used in cognitive science to measure olfaction so that we could examine the effects of environmental a...
