İlkay Dinç Uyaroğlu

İlkay Dinç Uyaroğlu
Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University | AYBU · Department of Architecture

Dr., MArch.


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İlkay Dinç Uyaroğlu earned M.Arch. (2008) and Ph.D. (2015) degree from Department of Architecture, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey where she had extensive research and teaching experience (2005-2016). She has been conducting basic design and architectural design and theory courses for several years. Her current research interests include architecture education, social sustainability, social inclusion, participatory design, and universal & inclusive design.
Additional affiliations
May 2020 - present
OSTİM Teknik Üniversitesi
  • Dr. Öğr. Üyesi
September 2018 - June 2020
Atilim University
  • Instructor
September 2018 - June 2020
Atilim University
  • Instructor
January 2009 - December 2015
Middle East Technical University
Field of study
  • Architectural Design
September 2005 - December 2008
Middle East Technical University
Field of study
  • Architectural Design
September 2000 - June 2004
Selcuk University
Field of study
  • Architecture


Publications (17)
This chapter, dwelling on displacement – as both a local and a global phenomenon that eventually entangles with and dissolves into dynamics of urban change –, reflects on a transitory urban locale’s capacity as an operative ground over which displaced persons consolidate identities as “urban subjects” through their endeavours in settlement. Dwelli...
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Özet: Mekânsal erişilebilirlik, kentlerde adil ve kapsayıcı kamusal yaşamın oluşumu için ön koşullardan birisidir. Herkes için eşit erişilebilir kentlerin oluşumunda, düşünsel, mimari, yasal ve örgütsel sistemin önemli etkisi vardır. Kanunlarda, yönetmeliklerde ve tasarım standartlarında yer alan erişilebilir tasarım konusundaki kurallar, normlar v...
Conference Paper
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Major metropolitan areas are the destination of global forced migrants seeking safer and better living conditions. However, urban migrants find themselves in the turbulent atmosphere of the contemporary city, which is increasingly governed by mobility and transiency. Urban migrants, as they enter the city, initially have access to inner-city slums...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected all levels of education all over the World. In Turkey, on March 16, 2020, the decision of distance education was taken in higher education sharply. This necessity had caused urgent adaptation to the distance education process, which resulted in changing the courses’ curriculums in parallel with the e...
Basic Design is the beginning of design course series in architectural education which initiates architecture students to both architectural education and the profession. First-year design curricula have generally common goals of students’ acquisitions about design knowledge, skill and competence; however, ways of teaching may vary. Here, we discus...
Education and right to access are among central issues of a democratic public life as well as higher education. Inclusion of students with disabilities (SWDs) in university campuses necessitates a holistic campus design beyond compliance, calling for a wide-ranging and systematic design with guiding inclusive design parameters. This is a significan...
Conference Paper
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In architectural education, basic design courses are initial courses, which introduce first-year architecture students with the basics of design and provide a learning environment to develop their skills in design making and prepare them for further architectural design courses. Basic design studios are paradigmatic and important in helping student...
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Mekânsal erişilebilirlik, şehirlerde, herkes için eşit ve kapsayıcı kamusal yaşam için bir ön koşuldur. Bunun başarısı düşünsel, mimari, yasal ve örgütsel yönlere bağlıdır. Kanunlar, yönetmelikler ve standartların içerdiği erişilebilirlikle ilgili yasal kurallar ve normlar kapsayıcı bir kamusal yaşam için gerekli mimari kriterleri sunmalarına rağme...
Conference Paper
Design professionals have an important role in creating livable spatial environments. For the achievement of this, it is essential to adopt a holistic design approach which is based on the close relationships between spatial experiences and physical environments. It is important that students to gain an in-depth understanding of social life practic...
Conference Paper
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Accessibility is among the central issues in national and international policies aimed at catering for a more democratic social life, since its achievement promotes the right to full participation in all public services and community life, to a significant extent. This study addresses architectural accessibility in presenting attitudinal, architect...
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Kapsayıcı kampüs yerleşkesinin başarısı üç konuyla direkt ilişkilidir: engelliliğe bakış açısı, yasal kurallar ve tasarım standartları, erişilebilirlik planlaması ve uygulaması. Bu çalışmanın amacı, üniversitelerin eşit katılımı sağlayan yerleşkeler oluşturması için birbiriyle ilişkili bu üç konu çerçevesinde nasıl bir erişilebilirlik planlaması ge...
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Cinema and architecture are universal with their inclusiveness in the mental process. The mental process is often generated by the sense of sight in modern times. In this sense, cinema, as a visual art, has started to take an active role in the intellectual, conceptual and creative actions of modern man. With the cinema, the realities of the virtua...
Accessibility is one of the priorities of inclusive public spaces for all members of a community, with reference to the numerous man-and-environment studies since the 1960s. Enhancing accessibility of campus spaces is also a prerequisite for equalization of opportunities among all students in higher education institutions. Equal participation to th...
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The primary aim of this study is to develop performance evaluation and design guidelines for the design of university outdoor campus spaces that take into account the needs and desires of students with disabilities (SWDs). Constant performance evaluations of outdoor campus spaces are important in advancing spatial design for the equitable access of...
Conference Paper
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This study investigates the design preferences of people who are blind and partially sighted in an urban district of Ankara, Turkey in the light of Universal Design (UD) Principles. As the main concern of UD principles is based on the ideas of "equity" in celebrating accessible spaces for all users, they are applied to investigate the design needs...
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With the development of the concept of disability and consequently rehabilitation concept, today’s achievements of rehabilitation centers are perceived different from the traditional ones. Conventional approach of rehabilitation was aiming at improving functional deficiencies of people with disabilities with the help of medical treatment. Within th...


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