Hamissou Rhissa

Hamissou Rhissa
University of Bayreuth · Department of Religion

PhD candidate / Research Associate
Junior Fellow, Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, University of Bayreuth


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PhD Student (BIGSAS) / Research Associate at the Africa Multiple, Cluster Of Excellence, University of Bayreuth
Additional affiliations
January 2020 - present
Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence (University of Bayreuth)
  • Research Associate
  • PhD candidate / Research Associate
January 2019 - December 2019
  • Research Assistant
  • Data collector on Slave in Niger, research reports writing and slavery exhibition setting up.
September 2015 - December 2018
Département de sociologie et d'anthropologie (UAM)
Field of study
  • Sociology of education
September 2011 - September 2014
Département de sociologie et d'anthropologie (UAM)
Field of study
  • Sociology


Publications (6)
Conference Paper
This paper presents and discusses how the concept of ‘‘religious engineering’’ (Spies and Schrode 2020) can serve as an analytical tool to grasp the activism of Salafi associations in Niamey (Niger). Drawing from empirical research the paper presents transformative actions and discourses of Salafi leaders who act with/in a local Islamic organisatio...
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In recent years, the border regions of Niger have seen an increase in activity by violent extremist groups. This research, carried out in October 2016, examined why people become radicalised in Agadez, the northern part of Niger. Most people see radicalisation as a linear process, whereby a set of individual factors make a person more vulnerable t...
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Vu d’Afrique francophone subsaharienne, le combat pour le libre accès prend un sens autre que celui qui a cours dans les pays du Nord. Le détour proposé dans cet article vise à mettre au jour des enjeux qui restent souvent invisibles dans les débats autour du libre accès, notamment les mécanismes d’exclusion mis en place par le système-monde de la...
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Partager la connaissance avec nos concitoyens est la meilleure façon de donner une chance à la démocratie participative. Si elle peut enfin s’exercer, elle pourra créer un monde juste, digne et en paix. Florence Piron, en français (Québec) Nuyèn man xa tovi lè o wè gni ali dagbe e ji e loo gbon bo na do sixu ze towè non do to xo da yi é. E gni to w...


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