Thomas Hervé Mboa Nkoudou

Thomas Hervé Mboa Nkoudou
Université Laval | ULAVAL · Department of Information and Communication

Doctor of Philosophy
Dr. Thomas Mboa is currently Researcher in Artificial Intelligence at CEIMIA.


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Publications (19)
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The OpenFlexure Microscope is an accessible, three-dimensional-printed robotic microscope, with sufficient image quality to resolve diagnostic features including parasites and cancerous cells. As access to lab-grade microscopes is a major challenge in global healthcare, the OpenFlexure Microscope has been developed to be manufactured, maintained an...
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The OpenFlexure Microscope is an accessible, 3Dprinted robotic microscope, with sufficient image quality to resolve diagnostic features including parasites and cancerous cells. As access to lab-grade microscopes is a major challenge in global healthcare, the OpenFlexure Microscope has been developed to be manufactured, maintained and used in remote...
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The chapter argues that a technology cannot be fully appropriated if it is not decolonized. Looking into the maker movement, the author specifically explores the creation of Fablabs and their development in Africa to define the conditions of innovation and technology appropriation. So-called techno-coloniality can manifest itself through the coloni...
Technical Report
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O Hardware aberto tem o potencial de auxiliar escritórios de transferência de tecnologia a ma-ximizar o impacto da tecnologia acadêmica PONTOS-CHAVE:. O hardware aberto permite que Escritórios de Transferência de Tecnolo-gia (ETTs) de universidades explorem o potencial de produções acadêmi-cas já existentes e que não se ajustam ao atual paradigma d...
Technical Report
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1. Open hardware provides an opportunity for Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) at universities to exploit the potential of existing academic outputs that do not fit in the current patent-and-licence technology transfer paradigm. 2. It is possible for TTOs to adopt open hardware as part of their technology transfer toolbox today. 3. As seen with th...
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Ce livre est né au sein du projet SOHA (2015-2017). Intitulé plus précisément « La science ouverte comme outil collectif de justice cognitive et de développement du pouvoir d’agir en Haïti et en Afrique francophone », ce projet de recherche-action visait à explorer le potentiel de la science ouverte pour instaurer plus de justice cognitive dans les...
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Over the last decade, many Western countries have seen their public spheres populated by the collaborative, open and shared manufacturing spaces, broadly known as makerspaces. Often described as vehicles of social change and industrialization, the idea of makerspaces has been rapidly exported from the West to the rest of the world and in Africa spe...
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A critical inquiry into the politics, practices, and infrastructures of open access and the reconfiguration of scholarly communication in digital societies. The Open Access Movement proposes to remove price and permission barriers for accessing peer-reviewed research work—to use the power of the internet to duplicate material at an infinitesimal co...
Technical Report
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CoAct proposes a new approach to face social global concerns with Research and Innovation Actions (R&I Actions) related to mental health care, youth employment, environmental justice and gender equality by engaging citizens as co-researchers. The report provides a starting point towards a common framework and a common arena to better elaborate the...
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It is with enthusiasm that we present this special issue of Stream devoted to the student conference proceedings from the 2017 Canadian Communication Association annual meeting during the Congress for Social Science and Humanities held at Ryerson University. As current graduate students, we understand and appreciate the challenges that graduate stu...
Technical Report
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The ability to use, study, replicate, and improve scientific instrumentation is a central part of experimental science, and plays a crucial role in public life, research, and action. However, these activities are currently restricted by proprietary instrumentation, which is difficult and expensive to obtain and maintain, since they cannot be fully...
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Vu d’Afrique francophone subsaharienne, le combat pour le libre accès prend un sens autre que celui qui a cours dans les pays du Nord. Le détour proposé dans cet article vise à mettre au jour des enjeux qui restent souvent invisibles dans les débats autour du libre accès, notamment les mécanismes d’exclusion mis en place par le système-monde de la...
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RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo é explorar os benefícios do e as críticas ao movimento maker, na perspectiva de sua adoção no contexto africano. O método usado foi a revisão da literatura, que revela que o movimento maker está incorporado à ética maker, ao DIY e a ideologias de software livre. Essas ideologias trazem valores como abertura, compartil...
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Partager la connaissance avec nos concitoyens est la meilleure façon de donner une chance à la démocratie participative. Si elle peut enfin s’exercer, elle pourra créer un monde juste, digne et en paix. Florence Piron, en français (Québec) Nuyèn man xa tovi lè o wè gni ali dagbe e ji e loo gbon bo na do sixu ze towè non do to xo da yi é. E gni to w...
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The issue of local knowledge, particularly of their value, has been debated for a long time. Beyond environmental knowledge and traditional medicine, this paper enhances an holistic conception of local knowledge and shows that cognitive justice demands a greater visibility and recognition for this kind of knowledge. To that end, the author suggests...


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