Parnian Amini's research while affiliated with Islamic Azad University of Rasht and other places

Publications (3)

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Cancer stem cells (CSCs) defined as a small fraction of cells within malignancies have been isolated from tumors with different histological origins with stem related characteristics such as self-replicating potential, tumorigenesis, and therapy resistance. The dynamic communication between CSCs and tumor microenvironment particularly immune cells...
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Cancer stem cells (CSCs) defined as a small fraction of cells within malignancies have been isolated from tumors with different histological origins with stem related characteristics such as self-replicating potential, tumorigenesis, and therapy resistance. The dynamic communication between CSCs and tumor microenvironment particularly immune cells...
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The purpose of the present work was the evaluation of the prognostic potential of histopathologic features, cancer stem cells (CSCs), and epthelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in relation to lymph node status and lymphovascular invasion (LVI) in canine mammary gland carcinomas (CMGCs). CSCs are proposed as the main cause of tumorigenesis, therapy...