Ludwig Lausser's research while affiliated with Ulm University and other places

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Publications (75)

Prediction of resistance to bevacizumab plus FOLFOX in metastatic colorectal cancer using a multi-marker panel and a machine-learning approach: Final results of the prospective multicenter PERMAD trial.
  • Article

January 2024


25 Reads

Journal of Clinical Oncology


Thomas Jens Ettrich





204 Background: Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are widely used for tumor treatment, including metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). So far, there are no biomarkers that reliably predict resistance to anti-VEGF mAbs like bevacizumab. A biomarker-guided strategy for early and accurate assessment of resistance could avoid the use of non-effective treatment and improve patient outcomes. We hypothesized that repeated analysis of multiple cytokines and angiogenic growth factors (CAFs) before and during treatment using machine learning could provide an accurate and earlier, i.e., 100 days before conventional radiologic staging, prediction of resistance to first-line mCRC treatment with FOLFOX plus bevacizumab. Methods: 15 German and Austrian centers prospectively recruited 154 mCRC patients receiving FOLFOX plus bevacizumab as first-line treatment. Plasma samples were collected every two weeks until radiologic progression (RECIST 1.1) as determined by CT scans performed every 2 months. 102 pre-selected CAFs were centrally analyzed using a cytokine multiplex assay (Luminex, Myriad RBM). Results: Using random forest machine learning, we developed a predictive model that discriminated between the situations of ”no progress within 100 days before radiological progress” and ”progress within 100 days before radiological progress”. Into this we incorporated a combination of ten out of the 102 CAF markers, which fulfilled this task with 81% accuracy, 72% sensitivity, and 88% specificity. Conclusions: Using artificial intelligence we identified a CAF marker combination that indicates treatment resistance to FOLFOX plus bevacizumab in patients with mCRC within 100 days prior to radiologic progress. Further studies are required to show its clinical value. Clinical trial information: NCT02331927 .


Fig. 2 Multi class classifier experiments on NETs human expression datasets. The Figure depicts the results of a multi class classifier experiment performed on two PanNETs human expression profiles (GSE73338, GSE117851) (a, b). Results are depicted in form of a confusion matrix. Each cell of the matrix reports the probability of that group to be assigned to the corresponding one in the matrix. Color intensities reflect these probabilities, where the higher the probability the more intense the color.
Fig. 3 Interaction graph and dynamic behavior of the PanNETs Boolean model. a The 198 directed edges in the static interaction graph depict the regulatory dependencies between the 56 nodes (genes/proteins). Here, arrows show activating regulations while bar-headed lines depict inhibitory interactions. Linear cascades of interactions are represented by dashed lines between the starting and the end node. The color of each node depicts its association to a specific pathway. b Percentage distribution of PanNET phenotypes in the wild type (unperturbed) as well after introducing common mutations like DAXX, TSC, or MEN1 knockout (KO). The complete phenotypical landscape with the activity of each node can be found in the Supplementary Figs. 6-9.
Fig. 6 The gene expression level of normal and tumoral tissues derived from RIP-TAG2 mice in the dataset GSE73514 26. A Wilcoxon test was applied, and significant values were considered for p < 0.05. The dashed lines depict the binarization threshold, defining the value which separates normal and tumor tissue with simultaneously the highest sensitivity and highest specificity. The area under the curve (AUC) indicates the performance of the classifier. In all the depicted binarized expression values, an AUC of 100% was measured. Ccne1, E2f, Cip2a, and Ifg1 were significantly up-regulated in tumors, while Cdh1 was significantly down-regulated. These results matched our observed attractors patterns (Supplementary Figs. 6-9). Boxplots depict median and first and third quartiles.
Fig. 8 Attractor landscape of PanNETs drivers for WT and MEN1 loss tumors. The attractor related phenotypes for the PanNETs drivers identified via in-silico analyses are reported for WT (a) and MEN1 (b) simulations. Phenotypes are reported as percentages of the basin of attraction and color coded as shown in the legend. The number of attractors and total number of retrieved phenotypes is also reported below.
A systems biology approach to define mechanisms, phenotypes, and drivers in PanNETs with a personalized perspective
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2023


29 Reads


1 Citation

npj Systems Biology and Applications

Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PanNETs) are a rare tumor entity with largely unpredictable progression and increasing incidence in developed countries. Molecular pathways involved in PanNETs development are still not elucidated, and specific biomarkers are missing. Moreover, the heterogeneity of PanNETs makes their treatment challenging and most approved targeted therapeutic options for PanNETs lack objective responses. Here, we applied a systems biology approach integrating dynamic modeling strategies, foreign classifier tailored approaches, and patient expression profiles to predict PanNETs progression as well as resistance mechanisms to clinically approved treatments such as the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) inhibitors. We set up a model able to represent frequently reported PanNETs drivers in patient cohorts, such as Menin-1 (MEN1), Death domain associated protein (DAXX), Tuberous Sclerosis (TSC), as well as wild-type tumors. Model-based simulations suggested drivers of cancer progression as both first and second hits after MEN1 loss. In addition, we could predict the benefit of mTORC1 inhibitors on differentially mutated cohorts and hypothesize resistance mechanisms. Our approach sheds light on a more personalized prediction and treatment of PanNET mutant phenotypes.


Limits of Human Expert Ensembles in Mitosis Multi-expert Ground Truth Generation

June 2023


5 Reads

Computer vision classification tasks rely on the availability of ground truth labels. Especially in medical imaging, these are typically given by experts and can be of differing quality. To reduce the expert bias influence on labels, commonly blinded multi-expert consensus labels are used as ground truth in machine learning. In this work, we approach the question of how good a multiexpert consensus can be for the example of mitotic figure (MF) identification, which is a relevant task in tumor malignancy assessment. For this, we provide an exhaustive evaluation of all possible majority ensembles of 23 pathologists who independently assessed MFs based on a preselected region of interest. We compared the ensemble against a immunohistochemistry-based ground truth. We found that there were upper bounds to the recognition of MFs by the experts, which were, in our dataset, an accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of 88%, 82%, and 100%, respectively. An analysis of our results revealed cells in prophase and blurry cells to be amongst the most challenging to recognize.

Unsupervised domain adaptation for the detection of cardiomegaly in cross-domain chest X-ray images

February 2023


50 Reads


1 Citation

Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence

In recent years, several deep learning approaches have been successfully applied in the field of medical image analysis. More specifically, different deep neural network architectures have been proposed and assessed for the detection of various pathologies based on chest X-ray images. While the performed assessments have shown very promising results, most of them consist in training and evaluating the performance of the proposed approaches on a single data set. However, the generalization of such models is quite limited in a cross-domain setting, since a significant performance degradation can be observed when these models are evaluated on data sets stemming from different medical centers or recorded under different protocols. The performance degradation is mostly caused by the domain shift between the training set and the evaluation set. To alleviate this problem, different unsupervised domain adaptation approaches are proposed and evaluated in the current work, for the detection of cardiomegaly based on chest X-ray images, in a cross-domain setting. The proposed approaches generate domain invariant feature representations by adapting the parameters of a model optimized on a large set of labeled samples, to a set of unlabeled images stemming from a different data set. The performed evaluation points to the effectiveness of the proposed approaches, since the adapted models outperform optimized models which are directly applied to the evaluation sets without any form of domain adaptation.

Efficient cross-validation traversals in feature subset selection

December 2022


50 Reads


3 Citations

Scientific Reports

Sparse and robust classification models have the potential for revealing common predictive patterns that not only allow for categorizing objects into classes but also for generating mechanistic hypotheses. Identifying a small and informative subset of features is their main ingredient. However, the exponential search space of feature subsets and the heuristic nature of selection algorithms limit the coverage of these analyses, even for low-dimensional datasets. We present methods for reducing the computational complexity of feature selection criteria allowing for higher efficiency and coverage of screenings. We achieve this by reducing the preparation costs of high-dimensional subsets O(nm2)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathscr {O}}({n}m^2)$$\end{document} to those of one-dimensional ones O(m2)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathscr {O}}(m^2)$$\end{document}. Our methods are based on a tight interaction between a parallelizable cross-validation traversal strategy and distance-based classification algorithms and can be used with any product distance or kernel. We evaluate the traversal strategy exemplarily in exhaustive feature subset selection experiments (perfect coverage). Its runtime, fitness landscape, and predictive performance are analyzed on publicly available datasets. Even in low-dimensional settings, we achieve approximately a 15-fold increase in exhaustively generating distance matrices for feature combinations bringing a new level of evaluations into reach.

Response to the Letter to the Editor: On the feasibility of dynamical analysis of network models of biochemical regulation

May 2022


25 Reads


We here respond to the points raised in a recent letter to the editor on the feasibility of dynamical analyses in Boolean networks, referring to our manuscript ”Capturing dynamic relevance in Boolean networks using graph theoretical measures”.

A Theoretical Approach to Ordinal Classification: Feature Space-Based Definition and Classifier-Independent Detection of Ordinal Class Structures

February 2022


77 Reads


4 Citations

Applied Sciences

Ordinal classification (OC) is a sub-discipline of multi-class classification (i.e., including at least three classes), in which the classes constitute an ordinal structure. Applications of ordinal classification can be found, for instance, in the medical field, e.g., with the class labels order, early stage-intermediate stage-final stage, corresponding to the task of classifying different stages of a certain disease. While the field of OC was continuously enhanced, e.g., by designing and adapting appropriate classification models as well as performance metrics, there is still a lack of a common mathematical definition for OC tasks. More precisely, in general, a classification task is defined as an OC task, solely based on the corresponding class label names. However, an ordinal class structure that is identified based on the class labels is not necessarily reflected in the corresponding feature space. In contrast, naturally any kind of multi-class classification task can consist of a set of arbitrary class labels that form an ordinal structure which can be observed in the current feature space. Based on this simple observation, in this work, we present our generalised approach towards an intuitive working definition for OC tasks, which is based on the corresponding feature space and allows a classifier-independent detection of ordinal class structures. To this end, we introduce and discuss novel, OC-specific theoretical concepts. Moreover, we validate our proposed working definition in combination with a set of traditionally ordinal and traditionally non-ordinal data sets, and provide the results of the corresponding detection algorithm. Additionally, we motivate our theoretical concepts, based on an illustrative evaluation of one of the oldest and most popular machine learning data sets, i.e., on the traditionally non-ordinal Fisher’s Iris data set.

Spearman correlation of brain volumes. The figure provides a heatmap of the pairwise Spearman correlations of the brain volumes (range: [0.41, 0.92]). Additionally, the correlations of the brain values to the Δ‐FTLD‐CDR (range: [–0.35, –0.01]) and the diagnostic groups (range: [–0.37, –0.02]) are shown. The correlations are given numerically (x10²) and indicated by the color scheme (green: positive correlation, red: negative correlation). CDR, Clinical Dementia Rating; FTLD, frontotemporal lobar degeneration
Brain volumes. The figure provides an overview on the declines of brain volumes (ml) of the analyzed gyri for the patient groups slow progressors (blue, Δ‐FTLD‐CDR < 4) and fast progressors (red, Δ‐FTLD‐CDR ≥ 4). Each panel shows a specific gyrus or a pair of gyri. For paired gyri a line indicates the correspondence of the left and right hemisphere. The brain volumes were screened for statistically significant median differences between the group of fast progressors and slow progressors by applying two‐sided Wilcoxon rank‐sum. Significant results were indicated by an asterix (P = 0.05, Bonferroni correction n = 27) . CDR, Clinical Dementia Rating; FTLD, frontotemporal lobar degeneration
Results of multivariate screening. The figure provides an overview on the results of the screening experiments with multivariate profiles (subsets) of brain volumes. All combinations from one up to 10 gyri (> 1.6 × 10⁷ experiments) were evaluated in LOOCV experiments and ranked according to the accuracy achieved by 1‐NN classifiers. The top 50 marker combinations according to accuracy are shown. A, Overview on the Δ‐FTLD‐CDR scores of the individual patients. The scores are sorted and a green line indicates the border between the groups of fast progressors (red) and slow progressors (gray). The columns of (B‐D) are sorted according to the accuracy of the top 50 marker combinations. The leftmost columns provide the results for the marker combination with the highest accuracy. B, Predictions for the individual patients. The patients (rows) are sorted according to their Δ‐FTLD‐CDR scores (A). The overall accuracies as well as the sensitivities (fast progressors) and specificities (slow progressors) are given in (C). The corresponding brain volume combinations (black) are given in the columns of (D). 1‐NN, nearest neighbor; CDR, Clinical Dementia Rating; FTLD, frontotemporal lobar degeneration; LOOCV, leave‐one‐out cross‐validation
Predicting disease progression in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia

December 2021


106 Reads


5 Citations


Introduction: The behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) is a rare neurodegenerative disease. Reliable predictors of disease progression have not been sufficiently identified. We investigated multivariate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) biomarker profiles for their predictive value of individual decline. Methods: One hundred five bvFTD patients were recruited from the German frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) consortium study. After defining two groups ("fast progressors" vs. "slow progressors"), we investigated the predictive value of MR brain volumes for disease progression rates performing exhaustive screenings with multivariate classification models. Results: We identified areas that predict disease progression rate within 1 year. Prediction measures revealed an overall accuracy of 80% across our 50 top classification models. Especially the pallidum, middle temporal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus, cingulate gyrus, middle orbitofrontal gyrus, and insula occurred in these models. Discussion: Based on the revealed marker combinations an individual prognosis seems to be feasible. This might be used in clinical studies on an individualized progression model.

FIGURE 1 | Wild-type primary hippocampal neurons (PHNs) were imaged and analyzed for NADH lifetime before (A) and after (B) antimycin A treatment. Images A and B display the mean NADH lifetime (Ƭmean) of neurons using NADH FLIM. The change in Ƭmean between the two conditions untreated and AA is called metabolic delta. Ƭmean is false-color coded with the corresponding color palette shown below the images. Metabolic delta for the pH effects provides a surrogate for mitochondrial respiration.
FIGURE 4 | NADH FLIM Metabolic Delta shows dose-mitochondrial respiration correlates with APPswe overexpression strength in a dose-dependent manner. (A-C, G-I) Correlations of the metabolic delta in somatic (A-C) and dendritic regions (G-I) with the overexpression strength of APP (soma: τ −0.244, p 0.0007, dendrites τ 0.036, p 0.619,797), BACE1 (soma: τ −0.239, p 0.0002, dendrites: τ −0.051, p 0.429,062), and APPswe (soma: τ −0.231, p 0.0007, dendrites: τ −0.54, p 0.023,554), quantified as mCherry fluorescence intensity of APP (A), BACE1 (B), and APPswe (C) neurons on the single-cell level (n 5, > 120 neurons). The blue line represents a local regression (loess) curve to visualize the nonlinear regression. (D-F, J-l) Significance indicated as p-value [p] vs. the 21 least transduced neurons was evaluated using a sliding window and a permutation test and plotted in (D-F, J-O). A representative image section of BACE1 neurons underlining the decrease in the metabolic delta with increasing overexpression strength. (M) Overexpression strength is displayed as the mCherry fluorescence intensity. NADH FLIM before (N) and after AA treatment (O) are false-color coded with the corresponding color palette shown below.
NADH Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy Reveals Selective Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Neurons Overexpressing Alzheimer’s Disease–Related Proteins

June 2021


182 Reads


7 Citations

Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences

Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most prevalent form of dementia, affects globally more than 30 million people suffering from cognitive deficits and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Substantial evidence for the involvement of mitochondrial dysfunction in the development and/or progression of AD has been shown in addition to the pathological hallmarks amyloid beta (Aβ) and tau. Still, the selective vulnerability and associated selective mitochondrial dysfunction cannot even be resolved to date. We aimed at optically quantifying mitochondrial function on a single-cell level in primary hippocampal neuron models of AD, unraveling differential involvement of cell and mitochondrial populations in amyloid precursor protein (APP)-associated mitochondrial dysfunction. NADH lifetime imaging is a highly sensitive marker-free method with high spatial resolution. However, deciphering cellular bioenergetics of complex cells like primary neurons has still not succeeded yet. To achieve this, we combined highly sensitive NADH lifetime imaging with respiratory inhibitor treatment, allowing characterization of mitochondrial function down to even the subcellular level in primary neurons. Measuring NADH lifetime of the same neuron before and after respiratory treatment reveals the metabolic delta, which can be taken as a surrogate for cellular redox capacity. Correlating NADH lifetime delta with overexpression strength of Aβ-related proteins on the single-cell level, we could verify the important role of intracellular Aβ-mediated mitochondrial toxicity. Subcellularly, we could demonstrate a higher respiration in neuronal somata in general than dendrites, but a similar impairment of somatic and dendritic mitochondria in our AD models. This illustrates the power of NADH lifetime imaging in revealing mitochondrial function on a single and even subcellular level and its potential to shed light into bioenergetic alterations in neuropsychiatric diseases and beyond.

Citations (47)

... Boolean networks have found successful applications in a wide array of biological systems and processes, including but not limited to cancer biology (Werle et al. , 2023, stem cell biology , developmental biology (Giacomantonio and Goodhill 2010), and the study of infectious diseases (Madrahimov et al. 2013). For a more comprehensive exploration of the theoretical underpinnings of Boolean networks (see e.g. ...


GatekeepR: an R Shiny application for the identification of nodes with high dynamic impact in Boolean networks
A systems biology approach to define mechanisms, phenotypes, and drivers in PanNETs with a personalized perspective

npj Systems Biology and Applications

... Moreover, it provides a balance between computational efficiency and variance reduction, delivering more reliable average model performance metrics, which is critical in exploratory studies like ours. By splitting the data into 10 subsets and iteratively using each subset as a test set while training the model on the remaining subsets, we can obtain a more reliable estimate of the model's performance on unseen data [30]. ...

Efficient cross-validation traversals in feature subset selection

Scientific Reports

... Since there are natural ordering relations among labels, it differs from classification and regression. In recent decades, various ordinal classification methods have been proposed by considering ordered labels within classification models, such as incremental learning model [14], support vector machine [15,16], deep learning model [17,18] and so on [19][20][21]. Now ordinal classification has been widely used in many fields such as pain assessment [22], consumer preference [23], medical research [24] and diagnostic system [25]. We have used neural network with ordered partitions (NNOP) [26] and support vector ordered regression [27] in apple grading problem 1 . ...

A Theoretical Approach to Ordinal Classification: Feature Space-Based Definition and Classifier-Independent Detection of Ordinal Class Structures

Applied Sciences

... Another limitation may be the relatively small sample size. We would like however to emphasize that bvFTD is a rare neurological condition (Anderl-Straub et al., 2021) and recruitment of a large cohort of patients is not easily obtainable. Also, the Cohen's d outcomes were fair, and even large for the performed student t tests. ...

Predicting disease progression in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia

... Similarly, the autofluorescence characteristics of NADH and NADPH are identical and separating the two moieties has been challenging, however studies have identified observable differences in their respective lifetimes by using a mathematical model allowing for the quantification of NADH and NADPH and the observation of highly enriched in NADPH cells with implications for response to treatment [81,82]. The distinct advantages of FLIM for the interrogation of a cell's metabolic profile include the absence of exogenous factors (label-free) such as fluorescently labelled antibodies and the single cell and subcellular level resolution that can be achieved [83]. Due to the aforementioned advantages, FLIM has been utilised to assess the metabolic profile of whole tissue biopsies in vivo and ex vivo since no single cell suspension is required, therefore the tissue can remain intact. ...

NADH Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy Reveals Selective Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Neurons Overexpressing Alzheimer’s Disease–Related Proteins

Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences

... To provide context, we will begin with a brief overview of Boolean network modeling. Furthermore, we will briefly summarize the derivation of the node classification and the significance of the threshold that used for the underlying approach (Weidner et al. 2021). ...

Capturing dynamic relevance in Boolean networks using graph theoretical measures


... Over the last years, a lot of research has been performed in the field of APR, e.g., [11][12][13][14]. In [15], Thiam et al. conducted a time window analysis for the feature extraction process followed by the evaluation of three different fusion architectures to analyze different pain assessment tasks, including pain detection and pain intensity recognition. ...

Introducing Bidirectional Ordinal Classifier Cascades Based on a Pain Intensity Recognition Scenario
  • Citing Chapter
  • February 2021

... Unfortunately, many patients are either non-responders to these biologic therapies as a result of pre-existing mutations or develop resistance over time [11], and efforts are ongoing to identify these patients from the outset. The PERMAD [11] trial utilized advanced bioinformatics to establish a cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) marker combination to better predict anti-VEGF resistance in treatment naïve patients receiving FOLFOX and bevacizumab up to 3 months before evidence of radiological progression on imaging. ...

Predicting resistance to first-line FOLFOX plus bevacizumab in metastatic colorectal cancer: Final results of the multicenter, international PERMAD trial.
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

Journal of Clinical Oncology

... This family of problems, halfway between nominal classification and regression, presents extra information which can be exploited in order to improve performance, sometimes regarding different metrics than usual [1,4,16]. The benefits of this exploitation have been proven to outperform purely nominal methods in the context of unstructured data [10,29,30], and some methods have been proposed to search for ordinality in the class labels of apparently purely categorical datasets [24]. ...

Detecting Ordinal Subcascades

Neural Processing Letters