Daria Afanasyeva's research while affiliated with University of Birmingham and other places

Publications (2)

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Studies of chronically deafferented participants have illuminated how regaining some motor control after adult-onset loss of proprioceptive and touch input depends heavily on cognitive control. In this study we contrasted the performance of one such man, IW, with KS, a woman born without any somatosensory fibres. We postulated that her life-long ab...
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The degree to which mental representations of the body can be established and maintained without somatosensory input remains unclear. We contrast two “deafferented” adults, one who acquired large fibre sensory loss as an adult (IW) and another who was born without somatosensation (KS). We compared their responses to those of matched controls in thr...


... While vision is usually a highly reliable sense, vision alone might be non-optimal for conveying SRL supplemental feedback. Indeed, the continuous monitoring of the activity of a SRL through visual attention would imply a considerable cognitive burden, in line with running "a daily marathon" 88 reported by patients with proprioceptive impairment who rely instead on visual monitoring [89][90][91] . Additionally, in a real-life scenario vision can be occluded while controlling an SRL by environmental elements (e.g. ...
... The contributions of proprioception to movement execution are complex and include several factors that can contribute to changes in proprioceptive error detection and accuracy outside of the impact of stroke, including limitations of the sensitivity and detection thresholds of muscle spindles [26][27][28], sensory attenuation [29][30][31], and perceptual differences in peripersonal vs. extrapersonal space [32][33][34]. It is likely that stroke further magnifies these systemic differences and limitations; however, we have only just begun to identify and understand the proprioceptive contributions to movement execution in stroke. ...