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Dissociable Intrinsic Connectivity Networks for Salience Processing and Executive Control


Abstract and Figures

Variations in neural circuitry, inherited or acquired, may underlie important individual differences in thought, feeling, and action patterns. Here, we used task-free connectivity analyses to isolate and characterize two distinct networks typically coactivated during functional MRI tasks. We identified a "salience network," anchored by dorsal anterior cingulate (dACC) and orbital frontoinsular cortices with robust connectivity to subcortical and limbic structures, and an "executive-control network" that links dorsolateral frontal and parietal neocortices. These intrinsic connectivity networks showed dissociable correlations with functions measured outside the scanner. Prescan anxiety ratings correlated with intrinsic functional connectivity of the dACC node of the salience network, but with no region in the executive-control network, whereas executive task performance correlated with lateral parietal nodes of the executive-control network, but with no region in the salience network. Our findings suggest that task-free analysis of intrinsic connectivity networks may help elucidate the neural architectures that support fundamental aspects of human behavior.
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Dissociable Intrinsic Connectivity Networks for Salience
Processing and Executive Control
William W. Seeley
, Vinod Menon
, Alan F. Schatzberg
, Jennifer Keller
, Gary H.
, Heather Kenna
, Allan L. Reiss
, and Michael D. Greicius
1Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco,
California 94143
2Department of Psychiatry, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305
3Program in Neuroscience, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305
4Department of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305
5Department of Neurology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305
Variations in neural circuitry, inherited or acquired, may underlie important individual differences
in thought, feeling, and action patterns. Here, we used task-free connectivity analyses to isolate and
characterize two distinct networks typically coactivated during functional MRI tasks. We identified
a “salience network,” anchored by dorsal anterior cingulate (dACC) and orbital frontoinsular cortices
with robust connectivity to subcortical and limbic structures, and an “executive-control network”
that links dorsolateral frontal and parietal neocortices. These intrinsic connectivity networks showed
dissociable correlations with functions measured outside the scanner. Prescan anxiety ratings
correlated with intrinsic functional connectivity of the dACC node of the salience network, but with
no region in the executive-control network, whereas executive task performance correlated with
lateral parietal nodes of the executive-control network, but with no region in the salience network.
Our findings suggest that task-free analysis of intrinsic connectivity networks may help elucidate the
neural architectures that support fundamental aspects of human behavior.
fMRI; functional connectivity; anterior cingulate; insula; salience; anxiety
Prevailing theories of brain function emphasize modularity and connectivity (Mesulam,
1998). Modularity describes specialized processing within dedicated brain regions, whereas
connectivity relates to contemporaneous information flow across large-scale distributed
networks. In nonhuman primates, modularity and connectivity data have been woven together
through electrophysiological and tract tracing studies. These methods are difficult to implement
in humans, creating a need for novel neuroimaging approaches.
Correspondence should be addressed to Michael D. Greicius, Departments of Neurology and Neurological Sciences and Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine, 300 Pasteur Drive, Room A343, Stanford, CA 94305-5235. E-mail: E-
NIH Public Access
Author Manuscript
J Neurosci. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 May 11.
Published in final edited form as:
J Neurosci. 2007 February 28; 27(9): 2349–2356. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5587-06.2007.
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In response, functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging (fcMRI) studies have been
used to detect brain regions whose blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal fluctuations
correlate across time in task-free or “rest” settings (Biswal et al., 1995; Greicius et al., 2003;
Beckmann et al., 2005; Fox et al., 2005). Using fcMRI, researchers have identified resting-
state cortical networks presumed to underlie sensory, motor, and cognitive functions (Lowe et
al., 1998; Cordes et al., 2000; Beckmann et al., 2005). These results support the intuitive notion
that the “resting” brain is never truly resting. Rather, in the absence of an externally cued task,
coherent brain activity can be demonstrated within a finite set of distributed spatial maps
(Beckmann et al., 2005). Therefore, in an effort to avoid misconceptions evoked by “resting-
state networks,” we will apply the term intrinsic connectivity networks (ICNs) throughout this
In contrast to fcMRI analyses that define networks based on intrinsic connectivity, most
functional imaging studies employ cognitive subtraction paradigms. A key limitation to these
paradigms is that they do not distinguish task-related activation in a single network from
coactivation of distinct networks (Friston et al., 1996). Regions such as the dorsal anterior
cingulate cortex (dACC), orbital frontoinsula (FI), lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC), and lateral
parietal cortex are consistently recruited by cognitively demanding tasks and frequently
interpreted as constituting a unitary network, which we refer to as the task-activation ensemble
(TAE). We favor the novel term TAE over task-activation network because the literature
increasingly supports a separation of this TAE into at least two distinct subnetworks. Whereas
lateral PFC and parietal regions are frequently coactivated with dACC and FI in tasks of
attention, working memory, and response selection (Menon et al., 2001; Curtis and D’Esposito,
2003; Kerns et al., 2004; Ridderinkhof et al., 2004a), the dACC and FI also activate in response
to pain, uncertainty, and other threats to homeostasis (Peyron et al., 2000; Craig, 2002;
Grinband et al., 2006). These data suggest that dACC and FI are not responding in a task-
specific manner but rather to a degree of personal salience, whether cognitive, homeostatic, or
emotional, that cuts across tasks and requires changes in sympathetic tone (Critchley et al.,
2004; Critchley, 2005).
In the current study, we pursued the following fundamental questions related to ICNs. Do
regions activated as part of the TAE reflect distinct ICNs that support distinct subprocesses?
Can ICNs, with their signature spatial and temporal profiles, be linked to emotional and
cognitive functions? We addressed these questions by isolating two functional nodes from the
TAE, deriving distinct ICNs associated with each, and demonstrating predictable correlations
between these ICNs and individual differences in emotion and cognition measured outside the
scanner. The results highlight the distributed regional architecture and functional relevance of
two ICNs critical for adaptive human behavior.
Materials and Methods
For the region of interest (ROI) analysis, 14 healthy subjects (ages 18 –25; mean age, 21.2
years; SD, 2.2; seven female, all right-handed) were scanned after giving written informed
consent. These subjects performed three functional tasks followed by a 4 min scan in which
they were instructed only to keep their eyes closed and try to hold still. Results from the
functional tasks have been published previously in a study comparing fMRI activation at
different magnetic field strengths (Krasnow et al., 2003). These subjects were not asked to
undergo neuropsychological testing or assessments of anxiety.
For the independent component analysis (ICA), 21 healthy subjects (ages 18 –70; mean age,
34.6; SD, 15.8; 11 female, 20 right-handed) underwent a 5 min task-free scan after giving
written informed consent. They were instructed only to keep their eyes closed and try to hold
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still. Three additional subjects were scanned but their data were excluded before analysis
because of excessive motion and/or scanner artifact. Fifteen of the 21 subjects completed an
anxiety rating scale just before entering the scanner. All 21 subjects underwent
neuropsychological testing.
Behavioral data acquisition
Subjective anxiety rating—Just before entering the scanner, subjects were asked to rate
their level of anxiety on a visual analog scale (VAS) ranging from 0 (none) to 10 (maximal).
The range was 0–7 with a mean of 1.8 and SD of 2.0.
Executive functioning—The Trail Making Test (TMT) examines the ability to switch
between competing mental sets while performing a visuomotor search task. The TMT consists
of a simple (part A) and a complex (part B) segment. Part A requires the rapid connection of
25 circled numbers randomly scattered on a page. Part B consists of circled numbers and letters
(1–13; A—L) that must be connected in alternating sequence (i.e., 1-A-2-B-3-C, etc.).
Successful Trails B performance requires working memory, mental flexibility, resistance to
distraction, and rapid visual processing. Subjects are asked to complete the task as quickly as
possible and their time and accuracy are recorded. Mean time for Trails B — A was 31.2 s
(range, 1–74; SD, 17.5). During the Trails segment B, five subjects made one error and 16
subjects made no error.
MRI data acquisition/preprocessing
ROI data—Functional images were acquired on a 3T GE Signa Excite scanner (GE Medical
Systems, Milwaukee, WI) using a standard GE whole head coil. Twenty-eight axial slices (4
mm thick, 0.5 mm skip) parallel to the plane connecting the anterior and posterior commissures
and covering the whole brain were imaged using a T2* weighted gradient echo spiral pulse
sequence (repetition time, 2000 ms; echo time, 30 ms; flip angle, 80° and 1 interleave) (Glover
and Lai, 1998). The field of view was 200 × 200 mm
, and the matrix size was 64 × 64, giving
an in-plane spatial resolution of 3.125 mm. To reduce blurring and signal loss arising from
field inhomogeneities, an automated high-order shimming method based on spiral acquisitions
was used before acquiring functional MRI scans (Kim et al., 2000).
Data were preprocessed and analyzed using Statistical Parametric Mapping 99 (SPM99)
( SPM99 was used here because the ROIs used in the current
study were derived from a previously published two-back working-memory dataset analyzed
in SPM99 (Krasnow et al., 2003). Images were corrected for movement using least square
minimization without higher-order corrections for spin history, and normalized (Friston et al.,
1995) to the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) template. Images were then resampled
every 2 mm using sinc interpolation and smoothed with a 4 mm Gaussian kernel to decrease
spatial noise.
ICA data—Acquisition parameters for the ICA analysis were identical to those used in the
ROI analysis. The task-free scan in this case was 5 min long. Preprocessing steps, including
realignment, normalization, slice time correction, and smoothing as well as statistical analysis
were performed using SPM2.
All functional data were overlayed on the MNI template available in MRIcro
( for presentation purposes.
fMRI intrinsic connectivity network analyses
ROI data—The two ROIs used in the initial phase of this study were derived from the
functional map of a previously reported two-back working-memory task (for further details,
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see Krasnow et al., 2003). From the two-back versus control contrast we selected ROIs from
the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) (MNI coordinates 44, 36, 20) and from the
right orbital FI (MNI coordinates 38, 26, –10). To obtain reasonably focal ROIs, we used a
conservative threshold for significant clusters of activation determined using the joint expected
probability distribution with height ( p < 0.0001) and extent ( p < 0.0001) thresholds, corrected
at the whole-brain level. This resulted in a 58-voxel right DLPFC ROI and a 36-voxel right
orbital FI ROI. These ROIs were then used as seed regions for separate fcMRI analyses (see
Fig. 1). That is, after removing the first eight n frames to allow for stabilization of the magnetic
field, the average time series from the task-free scan was extracted from the ROI by averaging
the time series of all voxels in the ROI. Before averaging individual voxel data, scaling and
filtering steps were performed across all brain voxels as follows. To minimize the effect of
global drift, voxel intensities were scaled by dividing the value of each time point by the mean
value of the whole-brain image at that time point. Next, the scaled waveform of each brain
voxel was filtered using a bandpass filter (0.0083/s < f <0.15/s) to reduce the effect of low-
frequency drift and high-frequency noise (Lowe et al., 1998). The scaling and filtering steps
were applied equivalently to all voxels (including those in the ROIs). The resulting time series,
representing the average intensity (after scaling and filtering) of all voxels in the ROI, was then
used as a covariate of interest in a whole-brain, linear regression, statistical parametric analysis.
As a means of controlling for non-neural noise in the ROI time series (Fox et al., 2005) we
included, as nuisance covariates, the time series of two small seven-voxel spherical ROIs
created in the white matter of the bilateral frontal lobes. Contrast images corresponding to the
ROI time series regressor were derived individually for each subject, and entered into a second-
level, random-effects analysis (height and extent thresholds of p < 0.001 for significant clusters,
corrected at the whole brain level) to determine the brain areas that showed significant
functional connectivity across subjects.
ICA data—After discarding the first eight n frames to allow for stabilization of the magnetic
field, the smoothed images were concatenated across time into a single four-dimensional
image. The four-dimensional image was then subjected to ICA with FSL melodic ICA software
( ICA is a statistical technique that separates a
set of signals into independent (uncorrelated and non-Gaussian) spatiotemporal components
(Beckmann and Smith, 2004). When applied to the T2* signal of fMRI, ICA allows not only
for the removal of artifact (McKeown et al., 1998; Quigley et al., 2002), but for the isolation
of task-activated neural networks (McKeown et al., 1998; Gu et al., 2001; Calhoun et al.,
2002). Most recently, ICA has been used to identify low-frequency neural networks during
task-free or cognitively undemanding fMRI scans (Greicius et al., 2004; van de Ven et al.,
2004; Beckmann et al., 2005). We allowed the software to estimate the optimal number of
components for each scan. Bandpass filtering, helpful in removing high- and low-frequency
noise before running ROI analyses, is probably less critical in ICA, which isolates these noise
sources as independent components (De Luca et al., 2006). Given the potential risk of removing
signal in addition to noise, bandpass filtering was not applied to the data used in the ICA
The best-fit components for the right DLPFC network and the right FI network were selected
in an automated three-step process as in our previous studies (Greicius et al., 2004). This
process is illustrated in supplemental Figure 1 (available at as supplemental
material). First, because intrinsic connectivity is detected in the very low-frequency range
(Cordes et al., 2001), a frequency filter was applied to remove any components in which high-
frequency signal (>0.1 Hz) constituted 50% or more of the power in the Fourier spectrum.
Next, we used the ROI-derived group maps of the right DLPFC and right FI networks from
the first group of subjects (see Fig. 1) as standard templates to obtain goodness-of-fit scores
for the remaining low-frequency components of each subject. To do this, we used a template-
matching procedure that calculates the average z-score of voxels falling within the template
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minus the average z-score of voxels outside the template and selects the component in which
this difference (the goodness-of-fit) is the greatest. z-scores here reflect the degree to which
the time series of a given voxel correlates with the time series corresponding to the specific
ICA component, scaled by the SD of the error term. The z-score is therefore a measure of how
many SDs the signal is from the background noise. Finally, the component with the highest
goodness-of-fit score is selected as the “best-fit” component and used in the subsequent group
analyses. This template-matching procedure was performed separately for each network and,
in 18 of 21 subjects, separate components were identified for each network. In three of 21
subjects, this algorithm selected the same component for each network. It is important to note
that this approach does not alter the components to fit the template in any way, but merely
scores the predetermined components on how well they match the template.
All group analyses were performed on the subjects’ best-fit component z-score images. We
used a random-effects model that estimates the error variance across subjects, rather than across
scans (Holmes and Friston, 1998) and therefore provides a stronger generalization to the
population from which data are acquired. It should be noted that although the best-fit
components were selected with a standard template, the images have z-scores assigned to every
voxel in the brain so that the group analyses were not constrained by the standard template
used to select the components. Using SPM2, one-sample t tests were computed separately to
generate group-level maps of the two networks. Significant clusters of activation were
determined using the joint expected probability distribution (Poline et al., 1997) with height
( p < 0.001) and extent ( p < 0.001) thresholds, corrected at the whole-brain level.
Behavioral correlation analyses (ICA data)—To test our hypotheses regarding
correlations between network functional connectivity and emotion and cognition, we
performed four separate covariate-of-interest analyses to determine whether functional
connectivity in either ICA-derived network correlated significantly with prescan anxiety or
performance on the Trail Making Test (Trails B — Trails A time). These covariate-of-interests
analyses were masked to the respective group-level networks, thresholded at p < 0.01 height
and extent, corrected at the whole-brain level. For example, when testing for correlations
between prescan anxiety and right FI network functional connectivity, the analysis was limited
to those regions included in the group-level right FI network. For these covariate analyses,
significant clusters of activation were determined using height and extent thresholds of p <
0.01, corrected at the whole-brain level.
Post hoc analysis of nodes common to both networks. Although the two networks identified
here are mostly nonoverlapping, a few significant clusters were seen in both networks. To
explore this phenomenon further, we first identified those voxels that appeared in both networks
using either the ROI or ICA approach. These shared nodes were determined by performing an
intersection analysis of the four thresholded statistical maps of the networks (the two ROI-
derived maps shown in Fig. 1 and the two ICA-derived maps shown in Fig. 2). This analysis
produced three small clusters; the largest one, consisting of 21 voxels, was located in the left
FI region (32, 24, 10). Then, in the 14 subjects used for the ROI analysis, we examined
intrasubject correlations between this left FI cluster and the two seed ROIs (right FI and right
DLPFC) used to derive the network maps in Figure 1. Finally, using the ICA data, we calculated
intrasubject correlation coefficients for the executive-control and salience network component
time series in each subject. For the three of 21 subjects in whom the template-matching
algorithm selected the same component for each network, the correlation coefficient was set
to 1.
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Intrinsic connectivity analyses
ROI—To disentangle the networks evoked by task performance (TAE), we used brain
activations elicited during a spatial working memory task (Krasnow et al., 2003) to select two
ROIs within the right frontal lobe (Fig. 1A). The first ROI was centered on the right FI (caudal
area 47/12 into the anterior insula), chosen for its purported roles in interoceptive and
autonomic processing (Craig, 2002; Critchley, 2005). We selected the second ROI from the
right dorsolateral PFC (areas 45/46) for its established roles in working memory and control
processes (Curtis and D’Esposito, 2003; Kerns et al., 2004). We then determined the functional
connectivity of each ROI in a group of 14 subjects scanned during undirected wakefulness with
eyes closed. For each subject, the averaged BOLD signal time course from each ROI was used
as a regressor to identify brain regions whose BOLD signal fluctuations were highly correlated
with the ROI (height and extent thresholds of p < 0.001 for significant clusters, corrected at
the whole-brain level). Using this approach, we separated the TAE into two distinct networks
(Fig. 1B, supplemental Fig. 2, Table 1, available at as supplemental
material). The right FI showed prominent intrinsic connectivity with related paralimbic regions,
subcortical and brainstem structures, and the limbic system, whereas right DLPFC connectivity
involved primarily lateral frontal-parietal heteromodal association cortices.
ICA—To replicate and expand on our findings with a convergent method in a larger dataset,
network maps of intrinsic connectivity were constructed using ICA in a separate group of 21
subjects. We used an automated template-matching procedure (Greicius et al., 2004) using the
right FI and DLPFC networks, identified with the ROI-based analysis, as templates
(supplemental Fig. 1, available at as supplemental material). This method
allowed us to pinpoint the component for each subject that best corresponded to the right FI
and DLPFC networks identified in the ROI analyses. The goodness-of-fit scores, reflecting the
spatial correlation between the ROI-derived network template and a subject’s best-fit
component, are shown for each subject and both networks in supplemental Figure 3 (available
at as supplemental material). The ICA approach provided two chief
benefits. First, it confirmed that there are two stable and distinct networks anchored by the FI
and DLPFC. Second, it uncovered nodes not easily identified with the ROI-driven analysis,
which is more prone to contamination by non-neural signals that ICA is able to identify and
isolate (Beckmann et al., 2005). Figure 2 (supplemental Fig. 2, Table 2, available at as supplemental material) shows the group-level maps of the ICA-derived
networks, which reproduce and extend the major findings from the ROI analysis. The ICA-
derived right FI network is composed of related paralimbic regions, including the bilateral FI,
anterior insula, dACC/paracingulate cortex, and the superior temporal pole. There is additional
connectivity with the DLPFC (BA 46) and supplementary motor area (SMA)/pre-SMA, as
well as frontal, temporal, and parietal opercular regions. Remarkably, this network further
includes subcortical sites predicted by the monkey tract tracing literature (Mesulam and
Mufson, 1982; Ongur and Price, 2000), including the sublenticular extended amygdala, ventral
striatopallidum, dorsomedial thalamus, hypothalamus, periaqueductal gray, and substantia
nigra/ventral tegmental area. We refer to this network, which unites conflict monitoring,
interoceptive-autonomic, and reward-processing centers as the “salience network,” based on
the relevant literature and our behavioral findings detailed subsequently.
The ICA-derived right DLPFC network, in contrast, is made up of lateral neocortical sites
involved in cognition. Specifically, the bilateral DLPFC, ventrolateral PFC, dorsomedial PFC,
and lateral parietal cortices are incorporated, as well as a site in the left frontoinsula. Consistent
with monkey anatomic data (Selemon and Goldman-Rakic, 1988), this group of regions is
functionally coupled to the dorsal caudate and anterior thalamus but lacks connectivity with
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limbic, hypothalamic, and midbrain structures. We refer to this network as the “executive-
control network,” based on the association of its nodes with working memory and control
processes and the behavioral correlations of this study.
Behavioral correlations with intrinsic connectivity networks
The most far-reaching question we posed was whether regional functional connectivity within
the salience and executive-control networks in the task-free setting would correlate with subject
attributes measured outside the scanner. In other words, do individual differences in intrinsic
connectivity strength correlate with how one feels and thinks in daily life? We hypothesized
that the salience network would relate to interoceptive-autonomic processing, and we asked
subjects to rate their level of prescan anxiety using a 10-point VAS. Probing both networks,
we sought regions whose functional connectivity in the undirected state was correlated with
VAS anxiety ratings. As shown in Figure 3 (supplemental Fig. 2, available at as supplemental material), prescan anxiety correlated significantly (height
and extent thresholds of p < 0.01, corrected at the cluster level across the whole brain) with
functional connectivity in two nodes in the salience network: the dACC (10, 34, 24; 500 voxels;
peak z-score, 4.03) and the left DLPFC (32, 44, 16; 111 voxels; peak z-score, 4.25). There
were no regions in the salience network whose functional connectivity was inversely correlated
with anxiety. More importantly, anxiety ratings showed no correlation with functional
connectivity in the executive-control network. We then performed a parallel analysis of
performance on Trails B, an executive-function task with attentional, working memory, and
cognitive control demands. We anticipated an inverse correlation between regional functional
connectivity and time required for task completion (reflected by the Trails B minus Trails A
time), such that greater functional connectivity would reflect superior (faster) performance.
Here, we found a significant inverse correlation between Trails B — Trails A time and two
nodes in the executive-control network: the left intraparietal sulcus/superior parietal lobule
(38, 78, 36; 196 voxels; peak z-score, 4.17) and the right intraparietal sulcus/superior parietal
lobule (36, 80, 26; 225 voxels; peak z-score, 4.05) (Fig. 3, supplemental Fig. 2, available at as supplemental material). There were no regions in the executive-control
network whose functional connectivity predicted slower performance, and, critically, Trails B
performance did not correlate (positively or negatively) with functional connectivity in the
salience network. Thus, intrinsic functional connectivity in the salience network correlated
with anxiety but not executive function, whereas intrinsic functional connectivity in the
executive-control network correlated with executive function but not anxiety, providing a
double dissociation of function between the two networks.
Post hoc analysis of nodes common to both networks
To identify nodes that were common to both networks, we performed an intersection analysis
of the four maps displayed in Figures 1 and 2 (supplemental Fig. 2, available at as supplemental material). This yielded 32 voxels across three clusters, one
in the left FI region (32, 24, 10), one in the medial prefrontal cortex (4, 24, 48), and one in
the right DLPFC (42, 48, 20). We extracted the time series for the left FI ROI (the largest of
the three clusters at 21 voxels). Supplemental Table 3 (available at as
supplemental material) displays the correlation coefficients between this left FI cluster’s time
series and the time series from the original seed ROIs (right FI and right DLPFC) for the 14
subjects in the ROI analysis. The mean correlation coefficient between the two seed ROIs was
small but significantly different from zero (r = 0.17; SD, 0.26; one-sample t test, p < 0.05).
The left FI region was significantly correlated with both the right FI region (r = 0.49; SD, 0.18;
one-sample t test, p < 0.0001) and the right DLPFC (r = 0.32; SD, 0.15; one-sample t test, p <
0.0001). Time series from these three ROIs are shown for two representative subjects in
supplemental Figure 4 (available at as supplemental material). Lastly, in
supplemental Table 4 (available at as supplemental material), we report
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the correlation coefficients between the salience component and executive-control component
time series in the 21 subjects in the ICA experiment. The mean correlation coefficient here,
reflecting the degree of temporal correlation between the networks as a whole, is significantly
greater than zero (r = 0.18; SD, 0.38; p < 0.05, one-sample t test), but suggests that temporal
activity in one network explains <5% of the variance (r
= 0.03) in temporal activity of the
other network.
This study forges a new link between intrinsic brain connectivity and how individual brains
function. By mapping ICNs during undirected mental activity, we identified two dissociable
networks in humans that are critical for guidance of thought and behavior (Ridderinkhof et al.,
2004b; Critchley, 2005). These networks, which reflect paralimbic emotional salience
processing and dorsal neocortical executive control systems, have been detailed previously in
the monkey (Mesulam and Mufson, 1982; Selemon and Goldman-Rakic, 1988; Ongur et al.,
1998). Our findings demonstrate the fidelity with which ICNs can extend primate network
mapping data to humans. Combined with MR diffusion tractography, ICN mapping may
provide a key step toward building a comprehensive human connectivity atlas (Sporns et al.,
2005). More importantly, our data show the potential utility of such a project, because ICNs
appear to correlate with how humans function outside the scanner.
Interest in ICN mapping has accelerated (Raichle et al., 2001; Greicius et al., 2003; Fox et al.,
2005) because of its potential for elucidating brain organization (Beckmann et al., 2005; Fox
et al., 2005; Fransson, 2005), function, and dysfunction (Greicius et al., 2004). Key
environmental factors during neural development may influence synaptic strengths between
spatially distant network components (Bi and Poo, 1999). These strengths, in turn, may bias
information processing in a way that influences mental life. In this study, individuals with high
dACC connectivity within a salience processing network showed a greater degree of stressor-
associated anticipatory anxiety. Likewise, stronger intraparietal sulcus connectivity within an
executive-control network predicted superior executive task performance.
Functional significance of the salience and executive-control networks
The nervous system is continuously bombarded by internal and extrapersonal stimuli. A
leading priority is to identify the most homeostatically relevant among these myriad inputs.
This capacity requires a system that can integrate highly processed sensory data with visceral,
autonomic, and hedonic “markers,” (Damasio, 1999) so that the organism can decide what to
do (or not to do) next. We propose that the salience network described here is well suited for
this purpose. It is built around paralimbic structures, most prominently the dACC and orbital
frontoinsula, that underlie interoceptive-autonomic processing (Mesulam, 1998; Damasio,
1999; Craig, 2002; Critchley, 2005). These regions coactivate in response to varied forms of
salience, including the emotional dimensions of pain (Peyron et al., 2000), empathy for pain
(Singer et al., 2004b), metabolic stress, hunger, or pleasurable touch (Craig, 2002), enjoyable
“chills” to music (Blood and Zatorre, 2001), faces of loved ones (Bartels and Zeki, 2004) or
allies (Singer et al., 2004a), and social rejection (Eisenberger et al., 2003). Most remaining
nodes in the salience network are subcortical sites for emotion, homeostatic regulation, and
reward (Ongur and Price, 2000; Menon and Levitin, 2005). A thalamic node, which may help
bind the circuit together, appears to lie in the dorsomedial nucleus. Although a rough estimation
of this ICN has been noted before (Beckmann et al., 2005), here we have detailed its subcortical
connectivity for the first time and showed its relationship to individual differences in anxiety
state. The findings provide a physiological backdrop for two related research streams, one
regarding the cognitive role of the ACC in processing errors and conflict (Menon et al.,
2001; Kerns et al., 2004; Ridderinkhof et al., 2004a), and another suggesting that the dACC
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and FI are specialized modules for sympathetic efference and interoceptive feedback (Critchley
et al., 2000, 2004; Craig, 2002; Saper, 2002; Critchley, 2005). In addition to other
cytoarchitectonic similarities (Ongur et al., 2003), in humans and great apes the ACC and FI
feature a large, bipolar projection neuron found nowhere else in the brain (von Economo,
1926; Nimchinsky et al., 1999). These cells, called von Economo neurons, are far more
abundant in humans than in apes and may provide the human salience network with
phylogenetically new yet disease-susceptible capabilities (Allman et al., 2005; Seeley et al.,
In contrast to the salience network, the executive-control network is equipped to operate on
identified salience. Such operations require directing attention to pertinent stimuli as behavioral
choices are weighed against shifting conditions, background homeostatic demands, and
context. To achieve this level of response flexibility, the brain must exert control over posterior
sensorimotor representations and maintain relevant data in mind until actions are selected. A
network geared for this purpose should, and appears to include known sites for sustained
attention and working memory (DLPFC, lateral parietal cortex) (Curtis and D’Esposito,
2003), response selection (dorsomedial frontal/pre-SMA) (Lau et al., 2006), and response
suppression (ventrolateral prefrontal cortex) (Ridderinkhof et al., 2004b). Subcortical
connectivity of the executive-control network mirrors that seen in the monkey (Selemon and
Goldman-Rakic, 1988) and does not extend to autonomic control sites.
Limitations and relationship to previous work
An important potential limitation of this study is that VAS anxiety scores were acquired before
subjects entered the scanner. As such, we cannot be sure whether these scores accurately
reflected subjects’ degree of anxiety during the scan (state phenomenon) or instead a general
tendency toward anxiety (trait phenomenon). This methodological limitation relates to the
critical question of whether spontaneous ICN activity reflects ongoing conscious mental
activity or a nonconscious means of maintaining canonical networks in a primed state (Raichle,
2006). Evidence for the latter possibility is growing. For example, some simple sensory ICNs
are detectable in anesthetized children (Kiviniemi et al., 2000) and even putatively cognitive
ICNs appear detectable in subjects presumed to be in the early stages of sleep (Fukunaga et
al., 2006). In light of these findings, the correlations reported here suggest that a subject’s
anxiety trait (rather than state) is coded, to some degree, in the underlying neural architecture
of the salience network. Similarly, a subject’s cognitive processing and set-shifting speed
appears to be coded, to some degree, in the connectivity strength of bilateral intraparietal sulcus
nodes of the executive-control network. Additional studies are needed to dissect ICN trait
versus state contributions, using validated measures in large cohorts.
This work builds on a series of papers using task-free, intrinsic connectivity analyses. Using
both ROI-based methods (Biswal et al., 1995; Cordes et al., 2000; Hampson et al., 2002) and
ICA (Beckmann et al., 2005; Damoiseaux et al., 2006; De Luca et al., 2006), multiple labs
have demonstrated separate ICNs corresponding to the sensorimotor cortex, primary auditory
and visual areas, and language centers. Previous work using both ROI analyses (Greicius et
al., 2003; Fox et al., 2005; Fransson, 2005; Vincent et al., 2006) and ICA (Greicius and Menon,
2004; Beckmann et al., 2005; Damoiseaux et al., 2006; De Luca et al., 2006) has focused on
the ICN known as the default mode network: a set of consistently “deactivated” brain regions
whose activity waxes during task-free periods and wanes during task performance (Raichle et
al., 2001). In the last two years, ICNs featuring typically activated brain regions (e.g., DLPFC,
lateral parietal cortex, anterior cingulate, anterior insula) have also been reported with both
ROI-based methods (Fox et al., 2005; Fransson, 2005) and ICA (Beckmann et al., 2005;
Damoiseaux et al., 2006; De Luca et al., 2006). The ROI-based papers by Fox et al. (2005) and
Fransson (2005) have reported two inversely correlated ICNs referred to as task-positive and
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task-negative (default mode) networks. The single task-positive network reported in these two
papers has consistently been divided into separate networks when ICA is used (Beckmann et
al., 2005; Damoiseaux et al., 2006; De Luca et al., 2006). Conflation of these distinct networks
in ROI studies seems to result from how the connectivity maps are defined. In the papers by
both Fox et al. (2005) and Fransson (2005), the task-positive network is defined in part (Fox
et al., 2005) or exclusively (Fransson, 2005) as regions showing inverse correlations with the
default mode. A previous report by our group showed that both the right FI and right DLPFC
nodes used in the current study are inversely correlated with the posterior cingulate, a prominent
region within the default mode network (Greicius et al., 2003). In short, the most ecumenical
interpretation of the previous studies and current findings is that in task-free settings both the
salience network and the executive-control network are inversely correlated with the default
mode network but only minimally correlated with one another.
A most recent study (Hampson et al., 2006), published while the current manuscript was in
revision, has also reported a correlation between cognitive function and intrinsic connectivity,
although in a separate network. Using an ROI analysis of task-free connectivity in nine subjects,
Hampson et al. (2006) reported that greater connectivity between the posterior cingulate and
medial prefrontal nodes of the default mode network correlated with better performance on a
working memory task. Given the differences in methods, sample sizes, and networks analyzed,
it is difficult to compare the results of that study directly with those reported here, except to
note that now two independent groups have found correlations between intrinsic connectivity
and cognitive performance.
Interactions across ICNs
Although the thrust of this report has been to demonstrate that the salience and executive-
control networks are distinct, it is important, and perhaps informative, to acknowledge that
they are not completely independent. We identified three small clusters that were present in
both networks (defined with either the ROI or ICA technique). Analysis of activity in the left
FI node revealed that it was strongly correlated with both the right FI (r = 0.49) and right
DLPFC (r = 0.32) seed ROIs. In contrast, the component time series (reflecting mean activity
across all the nodes in a network) showed only a weak correlation (mean, r = 0.18; 21 subjects)
between the networks. These findings suggest that the temporal overlap between the two
networks is restricted to a small number of common nodes. Whether such nodes transfer
information, facilitate “switching” between networks, or underlie some other key interaction
remains an important issue that we hope to pursue in subsequent studies.
In summary, we used fcMRI to detail two fundamental cortical-subcortical networks in the
human. These ICNs play vital and dissociable roles in human emotion and cognition.
Additional study of ICN profiles may help clarify how differences in neural architecture
produce individual differences in thought, feeling, and action patterns.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
This work was supported by grants from the Larry L. Hillblom Foundation, Alzheimer’s Association Grant
NIRG-04-1060, National Science Foundation Grant 0449927, and National Institutes of Health Grants K08
AG027086-01, HD047520, MH050604, MH019938, NS048302, RR000070, and RR009784.
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Figure 1.
Disentangling the task-activation ensemble with task-free fcMRI. A, A spatial working
memory activation map (two-back minus control) was used to select seed ROIs (circled) within
the right frontal lobe. B, Temporal correlations in BOLD signal determined the intrinsic
connectivity patterns with the frontoinsular (red-orange colorbar) and dorsolateral prefrontal
(blue-green colorbar) ROIs (height and extent thresholds, p < 0.001, corrected) during
undirected wakefulness. For display purposes, the t-score color bars in B were adjusted so that
the top of the bar reflects the maximum t score seen outside the seed ROI for each network.
Effortful tasks like the one used in A often coactivate the networks disentangled using a task-
free, intrinsic connectivity analysis in B. These ROI-based maps (B) were used as templates
for subsequent independent components analyses (Fig. 2). Functional images are displayed on
a standard brain template (MNI). On axial and coronal images, the left side of the image
corresponds to the left side of the brain.
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Figure 2.
Separable intrinsic connectivity networks revealed by independent component analysis. The
salience network (red-orange colorbar) is anchored by paralimbic anterior cingulate and
frontoinsular cortices and features extensive connectivity with subcortical and limbic
structures. In the executive-control network (blue-green colorbar), the dorsolateral frontal and
parietal neocortices are linked, with more selective subcortical coupling. Functional images
are displayed as in Figure 1. AI, Anterior insula; antTHAL,anterior thalamus; dCN, dorsal
caudate nucleus; dmTHAL, dorsomedial thalamus; DMPFC, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex;
HT, hypothalamus; PAG, periaqueductal gray; Put, putamen; SLEA, sublenticular extended
amygdala; SN/VTA, substantia nigra/ventral tegmental area; TP, temporal pole; VLPFC,
ventrolateral prefrontal cortex.
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Figure 3.
Dissociable correlations between intrinsic functional connectivity and individual differences
in emotion and cognition. Within the salience network, functional connectivity in two clusters,
the dACC, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (32, 44, 16, BA 46 data not shown)correlate
with subject ratings of prescan anxiety (left). Within the executive-control network, functional
connectivity in two clusters, located in the bilateral intraparietal sulcus/superior parietal lobule,
predicts superior Trails B performance (right). Scatterplots depict these correlations
graphically in the larger of the two significant clusters from each map. The y-axes show
averaged voxel z-scores within the dACC or right intraparietal sulcus (IPS) cluster from each
subject’s salience or executive-control component, respectively. The z-scores here reflect the
degree to which the time series of a given region is correlated with the overall network time
series. Note that the correlation between prescan anxiety and dACC z-scores was recalculated
with the outlying data point (anxiety rating of 7) removed and the correlation remained
significant with an r
value of 0.74 ( p < 0.0001 for Fisher’s r to z). Functional images are
displayed as in Figure 1.
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... Although less supported by our results, since it emerges only with the canonical rs-fMRI networks approach, the salience network can also be considered a target of the rt-fMRI-NF. The salience network, anchored in the aIns and the MCC (Seeley et al. 2007) plays an important role in the guidance of flexible behavior and detecting salient events in the environment (Menon and Uddin 2010;Seeley et al. 2007;Yao et al. 2018b) integrating the current interoceptive state and autonomic feedback with internal goals and external demands (Craig 2009;Yao et al. 2018a). Recently, the salience network was shown to robustly overlap with the central autonomic network (Ferraro et al. 2022a). ...
... Although less supported by our results, since it emerges only with the canonical rs-fMRI networks approach, the salience network can also be considered a target of the rt-fMRI-NF. The salience network, anchored in the aIns and the MCC (Seeley et al. 2007) plays an important role in the guidance of flexible behavior and detecting salient events in the environment (Menon and Uddin 2010;Seeley et al. 2007;Yao et al. 2018b) integrating the current interoceptive state and autonomic feedback with internal goals and external demands (Craig 2009;Yao et al. 2018a). Recently, the salience network was shown to robustly overlap with the central autonomic network (Ferraro et al. 2022a). ...
Objective Despite the promising results of neurofeedback with real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rt-fMRI-NF) in the treatment of various psychiatric and neurological disorders, few studies have investigated its effects in acute and chronic pain and with mixed results. The lack of clear neuromodulation targets, rooted in the still poorly understood neurophysiopathology of chronic pain, has probably contributed to these inconsistent findings. In contrast, functional neurosurgery (funcSurg) approaches targeting specific brain regions have been shown to reduce pain in a considerable number of patients with chronic pain, however, their invasiveness limits their use to patients in critical situations. In this work, we sought to redefine, in an unbiased manner, rt-fMRI-NF future targets informed by the long tradition of funcSurg approaches. Methods using independent systematic reviews, we identified the targets of the rt-fMRI-NF (in acute and chronic pain) and funcSurg (in chronic pain) studies and characterized their underlying functional networks using a subset of high spatial resolution resting-state fMRI data (7T MRI data from the Human Connectome Project). After applying principal component analysis to reduce the number of identified networks, we performed a quantitative functional and anatomical annotation of these networks with a large-scale meta-analytic approach. Finally, we characterized the functional networks, defining their degree of overlap with canonical intrinsic brain networks (default mode, salience, and somatosensory) and their neurotransmitter profile. Results As expected, the rt-fMRI-NF and funcSurg targets were different, except for the middle cingulate cortex, and showed different characteristics in terms of their functional connectivity. Our findings indicate that targets of rt-fMRI-NF primarily encompass hubs within the default mode network and, to a lesser extent, within the salience network. In contrast, funcSurg targets predominantly involve hubs within the sensorimotor system (primarily the motor system), with less robust involvement of the salience network. Notably, 3 out of 4 derived funcSurg rs-fMRI networks correlated significantly with the distribution map of noradrenaline transporters, further supporting the functional relevance of the funcSurg networks as targets for the treatment of chronic pain. Conclusion Key hubs of the sensorimotor networks, in particular the motor system, may represent promising targets for the therapeutic application of rt-fMRI-NF in chronic pain in particular in neuropathic pain patients. Our results also suggest that the antinociceptive effects of the funcSurg approaches could be, at least partially, linked to the restoration of abnormal noradrenergic system activation.
... This network can be considered as a rapid and short-term adaptative network. In contrast, the executive control network (ECN) functions in the making of goal-oriented behaviors and longer-term planning to achieve a specific goal [12]. The executive control network supports attention and cognitive flexibility [12][13][14][15]. ...
... In contrast, the executive control network (ECN) functions in the making of goal-oriented behaviors and longer-term planning to achieve a specific goal [12]. The executive control network supports attention and cognitive flexibility [12][13][14][15]. It has been proposed that stress triggers a reallocation of neural resources toward the salience network, which supports rapid but rigid decisions, at the expense of the executive control network, which supports flexible decisions [16]. ...
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The diverse effects of serotonin on cognition may emerge from the modulation of large-scale brain networks that support distinct cognitive processes. Yet, the specific effect of serotoninergic modulation on the properties of these networks remains elusive. Here, we used a simultaneous PET-fMRI scanner combined with graph theory analyses to investigate the modulation of network properties by the Serotonin Transporter (SERT) availability measured in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN). We defined global efficiency as the average mean of efficiencies over all pairs of distinct nodes of specific brain networks, and determined whether SERT levels correlated with the global efficiency of each network. SERT availability in the DRN correlated negatively with the global efficiency of the executive control brain network, which is engaged in cognitive control and directed attention. No relationship was observed between SERT availability and the global efficiency of the default mode or the salience brain networks. These findings indicate a specific role of serotoninergic modulation in the executive control brain network via a change in its global efficiency.
... The insula is involved in various cognitive and affective processes, including salience detection and integration, interoceptive awareness, and emotion regulation [70]. The salience network, which includes the insula, is responsible for identifying relevant stimuli and orchestrating appropriate responses [71]. Studies have suggested that the salience network is the mediator between the ECN and the DMN [72], making the salience network vital for interacting with the external world. ...
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Adolescence is a time of rapid neurodevelopment and the endocannabinoid system is particularly prone to change during this time. Cannabis is a commonly used drug with a particularly high prevalence of use among adolescents. The two predominant phytocannabinoids are Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), which affect the endocannabinoid system. It is unknown whether this period of rapid development makes adolescents more or less vulnerable to the effects of cannabis on brain-network connectivity, and whether CBD may attenuate the effects of THC. Using fMRI, we explored the impact of vaporized cannabis (placebo, THC: 8 mg/75 kg, THC + CBD: 8 mg/75 kg THC & 24 mg/75 kg CBD) on resting-state networks in groups of semi-regular cannabis users (usage frequency between 0.5 and 3 days/week), consisting of 22 adolescents (16–17 years) and 24 young adults (26–29 years) matched for cannabis use frequency. Cannabis caused reductions in within-network connectivity in the default mode (F[2,88] = 3.97, P = 0.022, η² = 0.018), executive control (F[2,88] = 18.62, P < 0.001, η² = 0.123), salience (F[2,88] = 12.12, P < 0.001, η² = 0.076), hippocampal (F[2,88] = 14.65, P < 0.001, η² = 0.087), and limbic striatal (F[2,88] = 16.19, P < 0.001, η² = 0.102) networks compared to placebo. Whole-brain analysis showed cannabis significantly disrupted functional connectivity with cortical regions and the executive control, salience, hippocampal, and limbic striatal networks compared to placebo. CBD did not counteract THC’s effects and further reduced connectivity both within networks and the whole brain. While age-related differences were observed, there were no interactions between age group and cannabis treatment in any brain network. Overall, these results challenge the assumption that CBD can make cannabis safer, as CBD did not attenuate THC effects (and in some cases potentiated them); furthermore, they show that cannabis causes similar disruption to resting-state connectivity in the adolescent and adult brain.
... Seven canonical RSNs were identified by group-level probabilistic spatial ICA (sICA) of the fMRI data, followed by template matching in (Yeo et al., 2011): visual (VN), somatomotor (SMN), dorsal attention (DAN), ventral attention (VAN) -anatomically similar to the Salience (Seeley et al., 2007) and ...
Several simultaneous EEG-fMRI studies have aimed to identify the relationship between EEG band power and fMRI resting state networks (RSNs) to elucidate their neurobiological significance. Although common patterns have emerged, inconsistent results have also been reported. This study examines the consistency of these correlations across subjects and to understand how factors such as the hemodynamic response delay and the use of different EEG data spaces (source/scalp) influence them. Using three distinct EEG-fMRI datasets, acquired independently on 1.5T, 3T and 7T MRI scanners (comprising 42 subjects in total), we evaluate the generalizability of our findings across different acquisition conditions. We found consistent correlations between fMRI RSN and EEG band-power time-series across subjects in the three datasets studied, with systematic variations with RSN, EEG frequency-band, and HRF delay, but not with EEG space. Qualitatively, the majority of these correlations were similar across the three datasets, despite important differences in field strength, number of subjects and resting-state conditions. Our findings support consistent correlations across specific fMRI RSNs and EEG bands and highlight the importance of methodological considerations in interpreting them that may explain conflicting reports in existing literature.
... Tau Pathology and Network Function in Mild Behavioral Impairment 4 with emotional or motivational value. [21][22][23] The default-mode network is anchored in the medial prefrontal, posterior cingulate and lateral inferior parietal cortices, and is associated with memory and self-referential processing, 24 the integration of cognitive and emotional experience, and the regulation of emotional responses. [25][26][27] Functional connectivity disruptions of the salience and default-mode networks are linked to neuropsychiatric symptoms along the dementia spectrum. ...
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INTRODUCTION: A recently developed mild behavioral impairment (MBI) diagnostic framework standardizes the early characterization of neuropsychiatric symptoms in older adults. However, the links between MBI, brain function, and Alzheimer's disease (AD) biomarkers are unclear. METHODS: Using data from 128 participants with diagnosis of amnestic mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia - Alzheimer's type, we test a novel model assessing direct relationships between AD biomarker status and MBI symptoms, as well as mediated effects through segregation of the salience and default-mode networks. RESULTS: We identified a mediated effect of tau positivity on MBI through functional segregation of the salience network from the other high-level, association networks. There were no direct effects of AD biomarkers status on MBI. DISCUSSION: Our findings suggest an indirect role of tau pathology in MBI through brain network dysfunction and emphasize the role of the salience network in mediating relationships between neuropathological changes and behavioral manifestations.
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Schizophrenia is a disorder that begins at a young age and causes severe mortality and morbidity. The aetiology and pathophysiology of schizophrenia are still not known precisely. It is a very complex syndrome, and it is thought that more than one aetiological factor plays a role in its emergence. Genetics, epigenetics, and environmental and gene-environment interaction play a role in the aetiology of the disease. In addition, post-mortem neuropathological findings, neuroimaging findings, neurochemical studies, neuropsychological study results, and neurophysiological study results shed light on the mechanisms that cause the disease to occur. This chapter will provide an overview of the diathesis-stress, neurodegeneration, and neurodevelopmental models and summarise the work done so far in many areas.
Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by brain network dysfunction. Few studies have investigated whether the functional connections between executive control networks (ECN) and other brain regions can predict the therapeutic effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the functional connectivity (FC) within ECN networks and the efficacy of rTMS. Methods: We recruited AD patients for rTMS treatment. We established an ECN using baseline period fMRI data and conducted an analysis of the ECN’s FC throughout the brain. Concurrently, the support vector regression (SVR) method was employed to project post-rTMS cognitive scores, utilizing the connectional attributes of the ECN as predictive markers. Results: The average age of the patients was 66.86±8.44 years, with 8 males and 13 females. Significant improvement on most cognitive measures. We use ECN connectivity and brain region functions in baseline patients as features for SVR model training and fitting. The SVR model could demonstrate significant predictability for changes in Montreal Cognitive Assessment scores among AD patients after rTMS treatment. The brain regions that contributed most to the prediction of the model (the top 10% of weights) were located in the medial temporal lobe, middle temporal gyrus, frontal lobe, parietal lobe and occipital lobe. Conclusions: The stronger the antagonism between ECN and parieto-occipital lobe function, the better the prediction of cognitive improvement; the stronger the synergy between ECN and fronto-temporal lobe function, the better the prediction of cognitive improvement.
The pupil offers a window into how arousal shapes the way we think, learn, and behave. Yet, arousal is a complex and multifaceted construct, leaving many open questions about the relationship between pupil size and different neurocognitive processes. Exciting new research has linked pupil measures to activity in the locus coeruleus (LC), the brain’s primary supplier of norepinephrine (NE), creating new opportunities to study a neuromodulatory system that long seemed inaccessible in human research. In this chapter, we review evidence showing that pupillometry reveals the role of the locus coeruleus–norepinephrine (LC–NE) system in energizing attention and amplifying mental selectivity. We also synthesize computational and neurobiological models of how the LC–NE system implements neural gain, a process by which salient information is enhanced and lower priority information is suppressed. In the latter half of the chapter, we turn to a classic dual-curve model of arousal–performance interactions to explain what (quality of information processing), when (level of arousal), and where (locus of priority signal) LC activity influences information processing in the brain. We conclude by summarizing how pupillometry can be used to test the influence of LC activation on the key parameters of attention and arousal.
Historically, pupillometry has been leveraged as a tool to understand both working memory and attention control, two intricately related cognitive processes. In this chapter, I summarize some typical findings in paradigms examining working memory capacity, conflict resolution, cognitive control, and sustained attention. I also report several new analyses of previously published datasets showing how pupillometry can be used to understand both intra- and interindividual variability in attention control. These analyses revealed that (1) pupillary responses – both their magnitude and latency – reveal insights into the speed and effectiveness of attention processes and (2) both the dynamics of pretrial pupil diameter and the magnitude of stimulus-evoked pupillary responses correlate with individual differences in attention control. Finally, this chapter interprets these findings in light of locus coeruleus–norepinephrine (LC–NE) theories of attention control and working memory (Unsworth and Robison, Psychon Bull Rev 24:1282–1311, 2017a; Tsukahara and Engle, Proc Nat Acad Sci 118(46):e2110630118, 2021).
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We report the existence and distribution of an unusual type of projection neuron, a large, spindle-shaped cell, in layer Vb of the anterior cingulate cortex of pongids and hominids. These spindle cells were not observed in any other primate species or any other mammalian taxa, and their volume was correlated with brain volume residuals, a measure of encephalization in higher primates. These observations are of particular interest when considering primate neocortical evolution, as they reveal possible adaptive changes and functional modifications over the last 15–20 million years in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region that plays a major role in the regulation of many aspects of autonomic function and of certain cognitive processes. That in humans these unique neurons have been shown previously to be severely affected in the degenerative process of Alzheimer’s disease suggests that some of the differential neuronal susceptibility that occurs in the human brain in the course of age-related dementing illnesses may have appeared only recently during primate evolution.
Convergent evidence highlights the differential contributions of various regions of the prefrontal cortex in the service of cognitive control, but little is understood about how the brain determines and communicates the need to recruit cognitive control, and how such signals instigate the implementation of appropriate performance adjustments. Here we review recent progress from cognitive neuroscience in examining some of the main constituent processes of cognitive control as involved in dynamic decision making: goal-directed action selection, response activation and inhibition, performance monitoring, and reward-based learning. Medial frontal cortex is found to be involved in performance monitoring: evaluating outcome vis-a-vis expectancy, and detecting performance errors or conflicting response tendencies. Lateral and orbitofrontal divisions of prefrontal cortex are involved in subsequently implementing appropriate adjustments.
This paper concerns the spatial and intensity transformations that map one image onto another. We present a general technique that facilitates nonlinear spatial (stereotactic) normalization and image realignment. This technique minimizes the sum of squares between two images following nonlinear spatial deformations and transformations of the voxel (intensity) values. The spatial and intensity transformations are obtained simultaneously, and explicitly, using a least squares solution and a series of linearising devices. The approach is completely noninteractive (automatic), nonlinear, and noniterative. It can be applied in any number of dimensions. Various applications are considered, including the realignment of functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) time-series, the linear (affine) and nonlinear spatial normalization of positron emission tomography (PET) and structural MRI images, the coregistration of PET to structural MRI, and, implicitly, the conjoining of PET and MRI to obtain high resolution functional images.