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Review: Behavior and daily grazing patterns of cattle

The Professional Animal Scientist 22 (2006):201–209
: Behavior and Daily Grazing
Patterns of Cattle
and S. A. GUNTER,*
*Southwest Research and Extension Center, Division of Agriculture, University of Arkansas, Hope
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata,
CP1900, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
Wageningen Institute of Animal Science, Wageningen University
and Research Centre, 6700 AH Wageningen, The Netherlands
Grazing ruminants consume their food
in discrete grazing events. The frequency
and distribution of these events depend
on the current physiological state of the
animal and its environment. Within a
small spatio-temporal scale, foraging deci-
sions such as when to begin, which fre-
quency, and how to distribute the graz-
ing events may determine how cattle allo-
cate time to meet their nutritional needs.
The longest and most intense grazing
events occur normally at dusk; this in-
take pattern serves to maximize daily en-
ergy intake, provide a steady release of
nutrients, and maintain satiety over the
night. Although ruminants may have a
high motivation to seek food at dawn,
this grazing event normally is of lesser in-
tensity and duration than the dusk graz-
ing event. Because of the timing of these
grazing events, ruminants seem to be cre-
puscular animals, and light provides an
environmental cue as to when to seek
food. Certainly, the preference for twi-
light grazing plays a role in shaping the
daily grazing pattern, yet it remains to
be explained if this preference also re-
flects temporal variation in the underly-
ing physiology. On the other hand, mod-
ern husbandry could not have eliminated
any evolved anti-predator strategy legated
To whom correspondence should be ad-
by their ancestors. Voluntary feed intake
ultimately abuts on animal psychology.
Clearly, there are major gaps in our
knowledge because there are virtually no
published data relating the last question
to domestic ruminants.
Key words: behavior, grazing, pat-
tern, cattle
Herbage, the resource under exploi-
tation by grazing ruminants, is rarely
presented in discrete packages (Berg-
man et al., 2000). What we call rumi-
nant nutrition at pasture is therefore
an exciting area of research that links
the nutritional and behavioral sci-
ences. Regardless of the way forage is
offered, ruminants consume their
food in discrete meals that alternate
with periods of rumination and
idling (Forbes, 1995). The choice of
which behavioral activity is per-
formed depends on the current state
of the animal, its environment, and
possibly past and anticipated states
(Mangel and Clark, 1986). Under tem-
perate grazing conditions, cattle seem
to discriminate between temporal
states of pasture and graze selectively
when confronted with heterogeneous
swards. That is, foraging strategies are
dynamic in response to changing
sward conditions, and selection arises
as one of the main mechanisms en-
abling animals to control herbage in-
take and diet quality (WalliesDeVries
and Delabout, 1994). This selectivity
appears to be strongly affected by
landscape, and seems to differ greatly
among patch types (WalliesDeVries
and Delabout, 1994). In addition,
WalliesDeVries and Laca (1999) have
shown that size of patches affects se-
lection. An intriguing question thus
arises with regard to how to describe
grazing behavior and what happens
at the paddock level. Could daily graz-
ing pattern be changed? The objec-
tives of this review are to discuss an
outline about how to describe the
grazing patterns of cattle at the pad-
dock level, to identify gaps in our
knowledge of grazing behavior, and
to propose approaches to address
these gaps.
Review and Discussion
Spatio-Temporal Scales. Scale is an
essential concept in ecological and so-
cial sciences that refers primarily to
temporal and spatial dimensions at
which phenomena are observed (van
Gardingen et al., 1997; Paterson and
Parker, 1998). Integration of area and
time is referred to as spatio-temporal
extent (Rietkerk et al., 2002), and its
resolution as grain (Wu, 1999). Scale
gives us a fundamental framework in
which an ecological phenomena can
be studied and understood (Wu and
Gregorini et al.202
Figure 1. Attributes of different extents of scale in the foraging of a large herbivores [Adapted from Bailey et al. (1996) and drawing adapted
from Galli (1994)].
Qi, 2000; Pereira, 2002). Moreover,
patterns and processes observed in
plants and animals depend on scales,
as well as the functional responses. In
ecology, this response is defined as
the relationship between animal vol-
untary intake and the food offered
(Holling, 1959), or the relationship be-
tween predation rate and prey den-
sity [Solomon (1949), cited by
Jeschke et al. (2002)].
Giving attention to scales is im-
portant (Wiens, 1989), and that of nu-
tritional ecology of grazing ruminants
is not the exception (Fryxell et al.,
2001). If there is an imbalance of
scales, then scaling-up or down leads
to errors in interpretation (Brown and
Allen, 1989; Wiens, 1989; Marriot
and Carrere, 1998). Integrating func-
tional responses from small to larger
scales (Figure 1), as in the calculation
of daily herbage intake, is one such
example. Such scaling-up has been
made through daily grazing time:
herbage intake = (bites/unit time) ×
(intake/bite) ×(grazing time). This
type of scaling-up should be restricted
to homogeneous grazing environ-
ments where sward variables that de-
termine intake rate remain constant
(WalliesDeVries et al., 1998). How-
ever, cattle normally graze heteroge-
neous pastures (Schwinning and Par-
son, 2001). Heterogeneous environ-
ments are characterized by spatial
and temporal changes in their descrip-
tors. Hence, mean values of biomass,
height, or chemical composition
would be poor predictors of any func-
tional response (Laca et al., 1992;
Bergman et al., 2000, 2001). This fact
was clearly demonstrated by Cham-
pion et al. (1994), Orr et al. (1997),
and Gibb et al. (1998) (Figures 2 and
3) as well as Barret et al. (2001), who
found different parameter values of
the grazing process during the day.
The latter clearly demonstrated the
negative impact of the progressive
sward depletion on bite mass: 0.74
vs. 0.62 g DM at 0700 h and 1800 h,
From a practical point of view, a
sum of feeding sites (Figure 1) could
be considered a paddock, which
could be seen as homogeneous; but
heterogeneity increases during graz-
ing, both spatially and temporally.
Moreover, heterogeneity may be mea-
sured, even before grazing starts,
since bulk density (Barthram et al.,
2000) and chemical composition (De-
lagarde et al., 2000; Taweel, 2004)
vary from the top to the bottom of
the canopy, and through the day.
Hence, when interpreting the re-
sponse of grazing ruminants, hetero-
geneity must be considered (Parsons
and Dumont, 2003). Given that heter-
ogeneity is scale-dependent (Kolasa
and Rollo, 1991), one could argue
that the study of plant-animal rela-
tionships is also dependent on scale
(Rietkerk et al., 2002) and scales
should be considered if the objective
is to gain better understanding of con-
cepts and mechanisms controlling cat-
tle-pasture relationships. Hence, func-
tional heterogeneity, defined as the re-
lationship between an organism and
its environment, (Kotliar and Wiens,
1990), is relevant in these types of
studies. For this reason, perceptions
of the cattle rather than the investiga-
tors must be considered [Wiens
(1976), cited by Arditi and Dacorogna
: Daily Grazing Pattern 203
Figure 2. Typical grazing pattern and organic matter intake rate of dairy cows under continuous stocking (M. J. Gibb, Inst. of Grassland and
Environ. Res., Okehampton, North Wyke, UK, personal communication).
(1988)]. It is thus a challenge to recog-
nize how our perceptual scales condi-
tion the way we describe the scales of
animals (Allen and Hoekstra, 1992;
Levin, 1992; Ritchie, 1998), how pat-
terns change across them, and how
phenomena at different scales influ-
ence each other.
Ecosystems, landscapes, communi-
ties, and populations are usefully de-
scribed as hierarchies of nested com-
ponents (Allen and Hoekstra, 1992).
Within these hierarchies the nested
components are distinguished by the
appropriate spatio-temporal scales.
Bailey et al. (1996) identified 6 scales
for large herbivores in the foraging hi-
erarchy: bite, feeding station, patch,
feeding site, camp, and home range.
If the extent of our work is an ar-
rangement (cluster) of feeding sites
(Figure 1), then it is useful to look at
the paddock to understand the con-
Figure 3. Effect of time of day on grazing behavior of lactating dairy cows, under continuous grazing (J. M. Gibb, Institute of Grassland and
Environ. Res., Okehampton, North Wyke, UK, personal communication). BM = bite mass; BR = bite rate; IR = intake rate; B/GJM = bite per
grazing jaw movement.
text and the next levels down to un-
derstand the mechanisms (Allen and
Hoekstra, 1992).
Grazing Events. Foraging decisions
made at broader scales (home range,
at dispersal, or during migration) an-
swer where to start grazing at the be-
ginning of a grazing event (Bailey et
al., 1996). However, that decision
probably is irrelevant for animals in
small paddocks because the entire
area is readily accessible (Bailey et al.,
1996). Metz (1975) suggested the con-
cept of a meal (grazing event in this
case) as a cluster of grazing bouts,
and Gibb (1998) pointed out that all
grazing events are cumulative and
therefore sum to daily grazing time.
Because grazing time encompasses a
cluster of discrete grazing events, for-
aging decisions such as when to be-
gin, at which frequency, and how to
spread the grazing events through
time might be more important
within a smaller scale (i.e., paddock).
Such decisions determine how cattle
invest their time in feeding to meet
metabolic requirements for nutrients.
Frequency and distribution. The
relevant period of time where meals
occur differs distinctly among animal
types (Collier and Johnson, 1990;
2004). In grazing ruminants, this pe-
riod lasts 24 h because their meal pat-
tern is circadian. In temperate cli-
mates, ruminants have 3 to 4 major
grazing events per day (Figure 2; Gibb
et al., 1998). However, this frequency
is not inflexible and is affected by ex-
ternal environment or behavioral ad-
aptations. During short days, grazing
events could merge as a consequence
of increased grazing bout length and
a decreased number. Preference to
graze during daylight hours may re-
flect greater difficulty of food selec-
Gregorini et al.204
tion in the dark (Linnane et al.,
2001). As a result of this change in
grazing pattern, daily grazing time
can be maximized. Cattle have be-
come adapted to modern husbandry
methods, which can be used to stimu-
late the motivation to graze (Toates,
2002). As such, the precise time of
the grazing events can be modified,
depending for instance upon events
such as removal for milking (M. J.
Gibb, Inst. Grassland Environ. Res.,
Okehampton, North Wyke, UK, per-
sonal communication) or time of
herbage allocations (Gregorini et al.;
2004, 2005a,b). Regardless of fre-
quency, the major grazing events oc-
cur near sunrise and sunset (Figures 2
and 3), with the latter having greater
intensity and longer duration (Gibb
et al., 1998; Taweel, 2004). Shorter
and less intense grazing events occur
at night. These events represent a
small percentage of daily grazing time
and contribute minimally to daily
herbage intake (O’Connell et al.,
1989; Krysl and Hess, 1993).
Discriminatory grazing activity.
Preference is the discrimination that
an animal displays in choosing be-
tween swards or sward components
when grazing (Hodgson, 1979). Hodg-
son (1979) suggested use of this term
until we are better able to assess the
relative importance of factors in-
volved in the grazing process.
Daily patterns in dietary preference
have been demonstrated by Newman
et al. (1994) and Parsons et al. (1994).
Recently, more detailed examination
of grazing behavior recordings has
shown the existence of both of the 2
major grazing events mentioned
above (Taweel, 2004), and differences
in the functional response among all
grazing events (Figure 3). These find-
ings provide definitive evidence that
the grazing patterns throughout the
day are discriminatory.
Several studies have shown diurnal
variation in herbage chemical compo-
sition (Fulkerson et al., 1994; Orr et
al., 2001b; Mayland et al., 2003;
Burns et al., 2005). Furthermore, diur-
nal variation has been noted in
grazed horizons (Barthram et al.,
2000; Taweel, 2004; Griggs et al.,
2005; P. Gregorini, unpublished
data). Dry matter and soluble carbo-
hydrate concentrations of the sward
increase through the day with the ac-
cumulation of photosynthates (Orr et
al., 2001b; Griggs et al., 2005), primar-
ily in the upper layers of the sward
(Delegarde et al., 2000). Increased
non-structural carbohydrate concen-
trations support greater digestibility
(Civarella et al. 2000; Linnane et al.,
2001) and palatability (Provenza et
al., 1998). Thus, diurnal changes in
herbage quality may play a role in
driving the preference for an intense,
extended grazing event at dusk. From
an evolutionary viewpoint, it seems
reasonable for cattle to graze at dusk
as this makes more efficient use of
plant phenology (Linnane et al.
2001). But the question remains,
why? Provenza et al. (1998) suggested
that grazing behavior may also be re-
lated to diurnal changes in food qual-
ity; animals may prefer foods that are
more digestible or greater in macronu-
trients (Provenza, 1996). Furthermore,
animals may use short-term intake
rate or post-ingestive outcomes to in-
tegrate information obtained through
diet selection (Provenza, 1995; Walli-
esDeVries et al., 1998). Thus, conse-
quences at lesser hierarchical levels
such as grazing bout or event might
be used to develop expectations at
greater levels of the feeding process
such as grazing event, daily intake, or
even grazing pattern (Figure 1; Bailey
et al., 1996; WalliesDeVries et al.,
1998). However, research evidence for
this is lacking. Most foraging behav-
ior studies have examined functional
responses that occur within one or
just a few grazing bouts and are not
able to fully capture the dynamics of
the grazing process (Newman et al.,
1994). Momentary maximization is a
mechanism that explains diet selec-
tion and animal movement along the
grazing pathway, which assumes that
animals select the best available alter-
native at any given time (Staddon,
1983). Thus, additional questions
arise regarding whether this phenome-
non takes place and if this concept
can be applied to a longer time inter-
val, such as a day. If it cannot be ap-
plied, it would appear that cattle ei-
ther apply an optimal foraging strat-
egy by trying to maximize the long-
term (daily) intake rate of energy (Ste-
phens and Krebs, 1986), or they just
look for the most comfortable situa-
tion. From a daily and longer perspec-
tive, the maximization of energy in-
take rates through a longer and more
intensive grazing event at dusk makes
sense for the animals, because fitness
(Newman et al., 1995) and perfor-
mance can be improved. This prem-
ise is supported by results of Orr et al.
(2001a), Eirin et al. (2005a,b), and
Gregorini et al. (2004; 2005a,b).
The longer, more intense grazing
event at dusk could also serve to
maintain a steady release of nutrients,
maintaining a comfortable state
through the night. Satiety is defined
as the effect of a food or a meal on
appetite after eating has ended (Kral
and Rolls, 2004). It is also the state
from the end of one meal to the oc-
currence of the next during which an
animal does not eat and is not moti-
vated to eat [Le Mangen, (1986), cited
by Lindstrm (2000)]. Satiety comes
from an integrated, complex set of sig-
nals from many parts of the body
(Forbes, 1999, 2000), even from oral
levels (Lindstrm, 2000; Toates, 2002).
A short-term supply of excess nutri-
ents or an imbalanced diet such as
found in herbage at morning (Rearte
and Santini, 1989; Poppi et al., 1999;
Elizalde and Santini, 1992) can result
in satiety that may also be described
as a state of metabolic discomfort. As
such, the ratio of nutrients being ab-
sorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract
would induce a metabolic imbalance
(Forbes, 2000). The importance of nu-
trient imbalance in the control of in-
take has been addressed (Poppi and
McLennan, 1995; Illius and Jessop,
1996; Simpson et al., 2004) and
might be relative to this question.
Conversely, under-eating (relative to
demands) generates hunger (Forbes
and Provenza, 2000). The degree of
hunger would be dependent on previ-
ous nutrition, both short- and long-
: Daily Grazing Pattern 205
term (Forbes and Provenza, 2000).
However, the process of satiation is
also directed within the context of
achieving the most comfortable situa-
tion. While comfort is a function of
appropriate nutrient supply, it is also
affected by other factors such as fear
of predators (Forbes, 2000). Animals
can perform only one behavior at a
time, even if the stimuli appropriate
for more than one behavior are pres-
ent (Lindstrm, 2000; Toates, 2002).
This means that there must be a deci-
sion-making process to determine
which activity the animal performs at
any given time. Natural evacuation of
digesta from the gastro-intestinal tract
leads to the smallest ruminal pool
size early in the morning. This would
generate hunger and could be one of
the reasons explaining the high moti-
vation to graze at sunrise when herb-
age has the most constraining fea-
tures for consumption, from a nutri-
tive and harvesting view point.
Therefore, the internal state (Mangel
and Clark, 1986; Newman et al.,
1995) and external incentives (sight,
delivery of fresh food, food presenta-
tion, and a cue that food will soon be
available) might stimulate the motiva-
tion of animals to graze at dawn.
Here, questions emerge: How big and
measurable is the stimulus of natural
digesta in the rumen, with ruminal
fill as one main determinant of the
internal state on the animal (New-
man et al., 1995)? How does this stim-
ulus affect not only short-term intake
rate, but also grazing dynamics? Can
grazing dynamics be managed
through manipulated ruminal fills?
Despite that strong motivation, the
first grazing event is both of lesser in-
tensity (intake rate) and shorter dura-
tion with longer intra-meal intervals
(Rook et al., 1994; Rook and Huckle,
1997). This grazing pattern may be a
function of an imbalanced diet or an
unbalanced ratio of post-ingestive
compounds such as volatile fatty
acids (Chilibroste, 1999). However,
plant physical characteristics and envi-
ronmental conditions may also con-
tribute to this grazing pattern. Short-
term intake rate is dependent upon
Figure 4. The components of ingestive behavior, which mediate between sward structure and
short-term intake rate.
bite mass in cattle and in other rumi-
nants (Hudson and Frank, 1986; Illius
and Gordon, 1987; Shipley and Spal-
inger, 1992), and bite mass is con-
trolled by the way that plant physical
characteristics (Burlison et al., 1991;
Laca et al., 1992; Ungar, 1996) inter-
act with the mouth morphology (Fig-
ure 4; Illius and Gordon, 1987;
Shipley et al., 1994; Rook et al.,
2004). Surface moisture also plays a
part in this interaction. Surface mois-
ture, prevalent on grasses in the
morning (Tallowin et al., 1991), may
also explain the lower bite mass at
this time of the day (Gibb et al.,
1998), as lubricity of the leaf laminae
may increase slippage between the in-
cisors and dental pad.
Photo-effect: A Stimulus. Photope-
riod has been hypothesized as one
factor controlling grazing activity (Ho-
gan et al., 1987; Linnane et al., 2001).
Due to the occurrence of dawn and
dusk grazing events, ruminants can
be described as crepuscular animals
(Phillips, 1993). Strong evidence for
this kind of pattern has been found
in the African buffalo (Sinclair, 1977),
bison (Hudson and Frank, 1986), and
grazing sheep (Champion et al.,
1994; Orr et al., 1997), as well as in
dairy cows (Gibb et al., 1998; Orr et
al., 2001b) and beef heifers (Gregorini
et al., 2004, Gregorini et al., 2005b).
This pattern follows a circadian
rhythm, and its association with sun-
rise and sunset implies that it is sensi-
tive to a photo-effect. This is sup-
ported by the timing of dusk GE,
which changes with day length dur-
ing the year. Moreover, duration of
the grazing event remains constant re-
gardless of the actual time of sunset
(Rutter et al., 2002). When the sun is
near to horizon (sunrise and sunset)
the ratio of shorter and longer wave-
lengths is different compared to that
at mid-day. The concurrence of these
different wavelengths with the most
intense GE led Linnane et al. (2001)
to suggest that these light characteris-
tics have a stimulatory effect on appe-
tite. In addition, Phillips and Scho-
field (1989) found cows had increased
numbers of feeding bouts when extra
light was provided during short days,
while Rutter et al. (2002) reported a
disruption of grazing patterns of dairy
cows during a total solar eclipse. Al-
though light should not be regarded
as the dominant environmental cue,
it influences cattle decisions about
when to seek food, and thus plays a
role in shaping daily grazing patterns.
Notwithstanding, it remains to be
Gregorini et al.206
seen if these temporal variations in
the grazing process reflect similar vari-
ation in the underlying physiology
and whether or not light acts synergis-
tically to initiate or intensify grazing
events. It should also be noted that
seasonal photoperiod variations affect
herbage intake (Rhind et al., 2002),
but such larger scale variation is be-
yond the scope of this discussion. On
the other hand, it is possible that
some other factors associated with
light intensity participate in the tem-
poral arrangement of grazing events.
Is It a Psychological Question? Re-
cently, studies have begun to investi-
gate the importance of greater levels
of trade-off other than energetic bene-
fits vs. time requirements. One such
trade-off is between foraging benefits
(net energy intake) and the cost of
predation risk (Houtman and Dill,
1998). Ruminants evolved primarily
as grazing animals, with a unique,
anti-predator digestion-enhancing for-
aging strategy (Phillips, 1993). This
strategy involves consuming herbage
as rapidly as possible, followed by
mastication later, when hidden in rel-
ative safety. Mastication occurs
mostly at night (Newman et al.;
1995; Prins, 1996; Houtman and Dill,
1998) because grazing diminishes
alertness and increases the risk of pre-
dation (Charnov et al., 1976). Em-
mans and Kiryazakis (1995) have de-
scribed the evolutionary advantages
of optimized food intake by farm ani-
mals. However, psychological effects
are rarely considered, and intake is of-
ten viewed in isolation from other
adaptive characteristics, such as syn-
chrony of certain behaviors.
It appears that cattle attempt to
maximize their intake rate at dusk
(Gibb et al., 1998). Even though in-
take rate increases with the level of
feeding motivation in both animals
and humans (Nielsen, 1999), it re-
mains unclear why they should be
motivated. An answer could be the
predation hazard, but it might possi-
bly be related to biochemical or physi-
ological processes or the retention of
an evolutionary anti-predator
In reviewing over 50 studies of
mammals and birds, Elgar (1989) re-
ported a negative correlation between
group size and vigilant behavior, and
most of the studies concluded that
the relationship partly explained why
individuals foraged as groups. Al-
though wild ruminants presumably
are vigilant for predators (Jarman,
1974; Underwood, 1982; Fortin et al.,
2004a,b; Frair et al., 2005), there is
great debate about whether domestic
ruminants are under any serious
threat of predation (Newman et al.,
1995). However, sheep graze longer
when they are in groups [Penning et
al. (1993); Dumont and Boissy
(2001), cited by Parsons and Dumont
(2003)], and the same tendency has
been observed in dairy cows (Rind
and Phillips, 1999). Rook and Huckle
(1997) suggest that the preference to
graze and to be active in the light
may be a vestigial defense mecha-
nism that may reflect an increased
need for alertness.
Several studies (Samuelsson et al.,
1996; Johansson et al., 1999; Linds-
¨m, 2000) make reference to corti-
sol and oxytocin as motivational hor-
mones for feeding behavior. Recently,
serotonin has been considered as a
key neuro-hormone agent in intake
regulation (W. Pittroff, University of
California, Davis, and P. Soca, Uni-
versidad de la Republica, Paysandu,
Uruguay; personal communication).
For our purposes, we consider seroto-
nin and melatonin. Serotonin is syn-
thesized from the amino acid trypto-
phan, and melatonin is derived from
serotonin in a 2-step enzymatic reac-
tion. Serotonin levels are high in the
pineal gland during the light hours,
but diminish during the darkness as
the hormone is converted to melato-
nin (Nelson, 1995). Serotonin deple-
tion as a deficiency syndrome may
lead to symptoms of lethargy, anxi-
ety, and carbohydrate craving (Wurt-
man and Wurtman, 1989), and as
such serotonin is necessary to main-
tain alertness and vigilance. Trypto-
phan circulates in the blood at low
levels and is converted to serotonin
in the brain (Cooper et al., 1986,
cited by Nelson, 1995). Diet affects
this conversion process because carbo-
hydrates stimulate pancreatic β-cells
to secrete insulin, which in turn facili-
tates the uptake of sugars and non-
tryptophan amino acids into periph-
eral cells (Nelson, 1995). This results
in a relatively high ratio of trypto-
phan to other amino acids in the
blood. Because tryptophan competes
with the other amino acids for access
to the central nervous system tissue,
carbohydrate ingestion results in
more tryptophan crossing the blood-
brain barrier and thus higher produc-
tion of serotonin. Solving carbohy-
drate cravings might stop the effect
of serotonin depletion in human be-
ings (Wurtman and Wurtman, 1989;
Hoebel et al., 1992). The question re-
mains whether this phenomenon
could be related to the behavioral ten-
dency of greater carbohydrate intake
found in the dusk grazing event.
Livestock were domesticated 10,000
to 11,000 yr ago in the Neolithic pe-
riod (Campbell and Lasley, 1969;
Pearse, 1971). However, this time pe-
riod is insignificant compared with
their longer period of evolution.
Moreover, modern husbandry could
not have eliminated any evolved
anti-predator strategy legated by their
ancestors. Clearly, there are major
gaps in our knowledge because virtu-
ally no data bear directly on the ques-
tions of whether cattle suffer anxiety,
have fear of darkness, or need to be
alert to predation hazard. Voluntary
feed intake ultimately abuts on ani-
mal psychology (Ungar, 1996; Illius
et al., 2000). Therefore, elucidation of
how signal integration is affected by
the cognitive, physiological, and men-
tal state of the animal remains an im-
portant challenge (Illius et al., 2000).
Because grazing is the product of
trade-offs, even at paddock level, its
behavior should be analyzed integ-
rating spatio-temporal scales. This is
essential for a better understanding of
grazing process because functional
heterogeneity implies that foraging
: Daily Grazing Pattern 207
strategies may not be constant but
vary through time. Daily grazing pat-
tern is the product of complex deci-
sions made by cattle responding to
multiple variables. Cattle seem to
maximize energy intake, preferring to
graze more intensively at dusk, when
the herbage has the greater quality.
Thus, linking plant and animal pro-
cesses to management strategies
emerges as an option to manipulate
temporal distribution, duration and
intensity of grazing events, and
thereby nutrient supply. Finally, graz-
ing behavior is beginning to reveal
how ruminants have evolved to ex-
ploit forage plants and survive in hos-
tile environments. Consequently, we
are able to go further in the knowl-
edge of the main causes of the feed-
ing patterns of domestic ruminants
on pasture.
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Full-text available
Sampling of ruminant saliva has gained interest as a non-invasive proxy for exploring the structure of the rumen microbiome. However, the subsequent data analysis assumes that bacteria originating from the oral cavity are merely passengers in the rumen and play no active role. In this study, it was hypothesised that metabolically active oral bacteria present in the salivary microbiome play a role in the ruminal degradation of plant material. In vitro cultivation-based enumeration confirmed that the ruminant oral cavity harbours a significant number of anaerobic and cellulolytic bacteria that are metabolically active under ruminal conditions. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene profiling of in vitro enrichments also confirmed that oral-derived bacteria were capable of colonising plant material. Preliminary analysis of the colonising bacteria indicated that bacteria belonging to the genus Streptococcus were of particular interest. In conclusion, the findings of the current study clearly indicate that bolus-associated bacteria have the potential to play a metabolically active role in terms of ruminal colonisation and the degradation of plant material. This evidence confirms the merit of the hypothesis that the metabolically active oral bacteria present in the salivary microbiome may play a role in the ruminal degradation of plant material.
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Grazing systems have great potential to promote animal welfare by allowing animals to express natural behaviours, but they also present risks to the animals. Diseases caused by gastrointestinal nematodes are some of the most important causes of poor ruminant health and welfare in grazing systems and cause important economic losses. Reduced growth, health, reproduction and fitness, and negative affective states that indicate suffering are some of the negative effects on welfare in animals infected by gastrointestinal nematode parasitism. Conventional forms of control are based on anthelmintics, but their growing inefficiency due to resistance to many drugs, their potential for contamination of soil and products, and negative public opinion indicate an urgency to seek alternatives. We can learn to deal with these challenges by observing biological aspects of the parasite and the host’s behaviour to develop managements that have a multidimensional view that vary in time and space. Improving animal welfare in the context of the parasitic challenge in grazing systems should be seen as a priority to ensure the sustainability of livestock production. Among the measures to control gastrointestinal nematodes and increase animal welfare in grazing systems are the management and decontamination of pastures, offering multispecies pastures, and grazing strategies such as co-grazing with other species that have different grazing behaviours, rotational grazing with short grazing periods, and improved nutrition. Genetic selection to improve herd or flock parasite resistance to gastrointestinal nematode infection may also be incorporated into a holistic control plan, aiming at a substantial reduction in the use of anthelmintics and endectocides to make grazing systems more sustainable.
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Grasslands and ecosystem services are under threat due to common practices adopted by modern livestock farming systems. Design theory has been an alternative to promote changes and develop more sustainable strategies that allow pastoral livestock production systems to evolve continually within grasslands by enhancing their health and enabling the continuous delivery of multiple ecosystem services. To create a design framework to design alternative and more sustainable pastoral livestock production systems, a better comprehension of grassland complexity and dynamism for a diagnostic assessment of its health is needed, from which the systems thinking theory could be an important approach. By using systems thinking theory, the key components of grasslands—soil, plant, ruminant—can be reviewed and better understood from a holistic perspective. The description of soil, plant and ruminant individually is already complex itself, so understanding these components, their interactions, their response to grazing management and herbivory and how they contribute to grassland health under different climatic and topographic conditions is paramount to designing more sustainable pastoral livestock production systems. Therefore, by taking a systems thinking approach, we aim to review the literature to better understand the role of soil, plant, and ruminant on grassland health to build a design framework to diagnose and enhance grassland health under pastoral livestock production systems.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the productive performance and grazing behavior of 25 primiparous and 44 multiparous Holstein cows in a pasture-based automatic milking system (AMS) while experiencing heat stress (defined as a temperature-humidity index-THI ≥ 68). Productive traits were analyzed according to the THI from days 0, -1, -2, and -3 in relation to the milking day, and grazing behaviors (expressed as the % of daily observation time) were related to the average THI only on the day of observation. Milk yield was not associated with the THI on day 0, but a significant linear relationship was found with the THI on the three previous days, decreasing approximately 0.18 kg (primiparous) and 0.40 kg (multiparous) per THI unit increment. In contrast, for multiparous cows only, the milking frequency was positively associated with the THI on the day of evaluation but not on the previous days, increasing 0.01 milking/THI unit increments. Additionally, for each unit of THI increment, cows spent 0.14% more time standing, whereas they exhibited a decrease in grazing, lying, and ruminating behaviors time by 0.30%, 0.04%, and 0.70%, respectively, for both parities. In conclusion, milk loss was related to heat stress conditions from the previous days, but not milking frequency, which increased with the THI of the same milking day. Lower grazing, lying, and ruminating activities and greater standing behavior were observed due to heat stress.
The objectives were to determine the effect of in utero and early-life dietary exposure to a diverse diet or a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) diet on grazing behavior and dietary neophobia of lambs ~3.5 months post-weaning (weaned at 6 weeks of age). Sixty-four Coopworth lambs (152.5 ± 1.4 d of age; mean ± SEM,) were used. Sixteen lambs had previous in utero exposure to the diverse diet (INDIV) and another 16 had in utero and early life (from birth to weaning at 42 ± 2 d of age) exposure to the diverse diet (ELDIV) of ryegrass, red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.), chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Sixteen lambs had only in utero exposure to ryegrass (INRYE) and the other 16 had early life exposure to ryegrass (ELRYE). Lambs were randomly allocated to one of 16 paddocks (n = 4 per treatment) with 4 lambs per paddock. All paddocks contained equal areas of spatially separated strips of red clover, chicory, alfalfa, plantain, and ryegrass, of which arrangement within the paddock was randomized. Every 5 min from 0620 to 2105 h, trained observers recorded the behavior (grazing, idle, and ruminating) and the location (pasture species) of each lamb. The INRYE and ELRYE lambs tended to (P ≤ 0.10) and spent more time (P < 0.05) grazing within ryegrass than their diverse treatment counterparts, respectively. The ELRYE treatment spent longer grazing in ryegrass, a product of increasing bout number within ryegrass (P < 0.05) and the INRYE treatment had longer bouts within ryegrass compared with their diverse treatment counterparts. Further, the INRYE and INDIV treatments spent less time grazing ryegrass than the other treatments (P < 0.05). The ELDIV and ELRYE treatments in general had a reduced latency to graze pasture species compared to the other treatments. Further, all lambs ate a mix of the forages offered. Exposure in utero and early in life affected the preferences of lambs exposed to diverse species after weaning. Such effects were still seen ~3.5 months after weaning and differences between treatments were more prominent in lambs exposed in the early life treatment group compared with the in utero treatments. Exposure to ryegrass in utero and early in life exposure pre-disposed animals to prefer ryegrass later in life, while diverse diet exposure appeared to reduce dietary neophobic behavior.
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Many of the studies in Campos grasslands focus on management aspects such as the control of herbage allowance, and application of nutrients and/or overseeding with legumes. However, there is little literature on how the Campos grassland resource is utilised, especially regarding the grazing pattern and the relationship between pasture quantity and quality on daily grazing activities. The study of the ingestive behaviour in species-rich and heterogeneous native grasslands during daylight hours, and understanding how animals prioritise quality or quantity of intake in relation to pasture attributes, are important to comprehend the ingestive-digestive processes modulating the energy intake of animals and to achieve a better grazing management. Therefore, the objective was to describe and quantify the daily grazing behaviour of growing cattle grazing native pasture with different structures as a result of different management practices, and study the relationship of pasture attributes and intake through multivariate analysis. The study was carried out at the Faculty of Agronomy, Paysandú, Uruguay. Treatments were native grassland, overseeding with Trifolium pratense and Lotus tenuis + phosphorus, and native pasture + nitro gen-phosphorus. Grazing activities were discriminated into grazing, searching (defined when animals take 1-2 bites in one feeding station and then change to another feeding station and so on), ruminating and idling. The probability of time allocated to each activity was continuously measured during daylight hours (0700-1930) and was related to pasture structure and forage quality using regression tree models, while the bite rate was determined every 2 h. The diurnal pattern of growing cattle showed grazing and searching sessions, followed by ruminating and idling sessions. The length of sessions (as the probability of time allocated to each activity) varied throughout the day. The grazing probability was greater during afternoon than morning and midday (0.74 vs 0.45 vs 0.46, respectively), and it was associated with higher bite rate (34.2 bites/min). Regression tree models showed different grazing, searching and ruminating strategies according to pasture attributes. During the morning, animals modified grazing, searching, ruminating and idling strategies according to bite rate, crude protein in diet and herbage allowance. At midday, they only adjusted ruminating and idling, while during afternoon sessions, grazing activities were modified by pasture quantity attributes such as herbage mass and herbage allowance. By controlling the herbage allowance, herbage mass and pasture height, animals prioritise quality in the morning and quantity in the afternoon, integrating and modifying the grazing-searching and ruminating-idling pattern. Ó 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Animal Consortium. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Implications The present study of diurnal patterns of grazing session helps to understand different animal responses and contributes to predict grazing behaviour based on changes in pasture quality and quantity. The management of herbage allowance and pasture structure mass and herbage height) promote the pasture quality intake in the morning, and pasture quantity intake in the afternoon. This is a tool to improve the management of grazing systems, encouraging the quality or quantity intake. Therefore, considering the ingestive-digestive processes which occur at a temporal scale contributes to the daily planification of rotative grazing systems.
The objective of this experiment was to determine how early life exposure to plant extracts would influence grazing behavior and dietary preference. This experiment used ram lambs (n = 60; initial body weight = 41.8 ± 3.8 kg, mean ± standard deviation). Their dams were either provided no plant extract (CON), a seaweed (Ecklonia radiata) extract (10 mL/ram/d; SWE), or an extract of seaweed, chicory (Cichorium intybus), plantain (Plantago lanceolata), lucerne (Medicago sativa), and dock (Rumex obtusifolius; 10 mL/ram/d; SWP). Treatments were provided to the dams starting in late gestation (63.9 ± 6.5 d before lambing), through to weaning of the lambs. After weaning (94 ± 6.5 d old), lambs received the respective treatments of their dams until the initiation of the current experiment (66 d after weaning). At the initiation of the current experiment, the lambs were placed into a paddock containing spatially separated strips of ryegrass (Lolium perenne), chicory, plantain, lucerne, and dock, of which they received a fresh break, weekly. During week 1, SWP had more (P < 0.05) scans spent grazing than SWE and CON. Also, during week 1, SWP had a greater (P < 0.05) number of grazing bouts and a shorter (P < 0.05) grazing bout duration compared with SWE and CON. In week 1, SWP had 78.6% and 167.3% more (P < 0.05) proportion of grazing scans spent in chicory than CON and SWE, respectively. Concomitantly, SWP had 33.5% and 59.7% less (P < 0.05) grazing scans in ryegrass than CON and SWE, respectively. At the observation weeks 4 and 7, the grazing behavior and dietary preference between treatments was reduced, indicating learning occurred by CON and SWE. Overall, these results indicate that early life exposure to a plant extract alters dietary preference to the species contained in that extract and also changes grazing behavior, which suggests that the extract provided familiarity to the plants and thereby reduced dietary neophobia.
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The goals of this study were to evaluate the length of time grazing which should be monitored over a 24-h period to predict the grazing behavior of beef heifers within a season and determine the patterns of foraging activity over 24 h. A database was constructed between 2010 and 2012 for beef heifers managed under rotational grazing in a natural grassland. Grazing, rumination, and other activity times were assessed visually during 24 h on 15 occasions. Data were classified according to climatic seasons, generating 12 replicates in summer, 18 in spring, 24 in autumn, and 36 in winter. Treatments were the evaluation of four distinct periods: from sunrise to sunset (DAY-SUN), daylight duration from dawn to nightfall (DAYLIGHT), DAYLIGHT plus 2 h (DAYLIGHT+2), DAYLIGHT to midnight (DAYLIGHT to 0), and the entire 24 h period (CONTROL). Differences for grazing, rumination, and other activities were found in all seasons for the evaluation periods. Sampling sufficiency was reached only with the DAYLIGHT to 0 and CONTROL for all four climatic seasons. The DAYLIGHT to 0 treatment covered 75% of a 24-h period and 95% of the mean foraging time took place during this time interval. Considering grazing distribution during a day, in the warm seasons, the major grazing period during mornings occurred earlier than in the cool seasons, and in cool seasons, the grazing peak was observed during the afternoon. Visual observations from dawn until midnight represented the total grazing time and natural behavior of heifers and could be used to represent grazing activities for the entire day.
An experiment was conducted with 48 dairy cows grazed in treatment groups of four, eight or 16 cows per group, whose grazing, social and resting behaviour was recorded over a 53-day period. Cows in groups of four stayed closer to their nearest neighbour, moved their head more rapidly from side to side during grazing and spent more time ruminating than cows in larger groups, suggesting that they were more vigilant against a perceived prédation risk. Cows in the group of 16 were more aggressive, maintained a greater distance to their nearest neighbour and had a faster rate of stepping while they grazed, compared with cows in smaller groups, suggesting increased inter-cow competition. They also spent longer grooming themselves, which normally acts as a displacement activity and may indicate increased stress. Cows in groups of eight had a faster biting rate when grazing than cows in small or large groups and they spent the longest time lying down. There were no effects of group size on milk production but across treatment groups the high yielding cows were the first to initiate grazing and to enter the milking parlour.
Despite its ubiquitous relevance to most ecological and evolutionary processes, a comprehensive description of the structural and dynamic aspects of heterogeneity has never been constructed. Intuitively, the concept of heterogeneity is clear, but as we scrutinize it our initial impression fractures into complexity. The term appears rather simple when contrasted with homogeneity, the absence of variation. However, one can view heterogeneity from a variety of perspectives, some of which are well known and explored, but many of which are not. Some perspectives have important consequences for ecology and evolution, whereas others appear, at least initially, to be logical curiosities. Furthermore, different perspectives may be inclusive, exclusive, complementary, or overlapping, a problem that hints at the nature of the phenomenon itself.
The relationship between vegetation and grazing herbivores is dynamic; the structure and quality of vegetation affect the diet of grazing herbivores and, in turn, the components of grazing (defoliation, excretal return and treading) affect the structure and species composition of the vegetation. Both the vertical and horizontal distribution of vegetation are important in understanding plant-animal interactions in grazed plant communities. Mechanisms which confer grazing resistance, through avoidance and tolerance strategies, are discussed. The difficulties in addressing scaling issues at the plant-animal interface are addressed; measurements or events at a small scale cannot be directly extrapolated to a larger scale. Moreover, integration of small-scale functions could result in counter intuitive results at the larger scale. The role of modelling in exploring spatio-temporal heterogeneity in plant-animal interactions is developed. Such models allow the exploration of a large number of hypotheses which cannot be tested under experimental conditions because of logistical, time and money constraints, and provide a framework in which to better understand grazing systems. As a management tool, models have value in their predictive capacity and ability to simulate the complex situations in grazed plant communities.
Grazing of native range lands by domestic livestock began in the Middle East, probably about 11,000 years ago. Too early and too heavy grazing doubtless occurred locally since earliest times but for many millennia the pressure of man and his animals had only limited impact on the environment. Within the last century unmanaged grazing increased greatly. Depletion is now serious over much of the area. Lack of management is not due to lack of a technical, legal, or administrative basis for action but rather to lack of appreciation of the seriousness of the problem and lack of desire to act. The primary aim of technical assistance should not be to provide more technical knowledge. Local understanding of the range problem and determination to find workable solutions are the urgent needs.
We develop a hierarchical model of heterogeneity that provides a framework for classifying patch structure across a range of scales. Patches at lower levels in the hierarchy are more simplistic and correspond to the traditional view of patches. At levels approaching the upper bounds of the hierarchy the internal structure becomes more heterogeneous and boundaries more ambiguous. At each level in the hierarchy, patch structure will be influenced by both contrast among patches as well as the degree of aggregation of patches at lower levels in the hierarchy. We apply this model to foraging theory, but it has wider applications as in the study of habitat selection, population dynamics, and habitat fragmentation. It may also be useful in expanding the realm of landscape ecology beyond the current focus on anthropocentric scales.
Ruminants select nutritious diets from a diverse array of plant species that vary in kinds and concentrations of nutrients and toxins, and meet their nutritional requirements that vary with age, physiological state, and environmental conditions. Thus, ruminants possess a degree of nutritional wisdom in the sense that they generally select foods that meet nutritional needs and avoid foods that cause toxicosis. There is little reason to believe that nutritional wisdom occurs because animals can directly taste or smell either nutrients or toxins in foods. Instead, there is increasing evidence that neurally mediated interactions between the senses (i.e., taste and smell) and the viscera enable ruminants to sense the consequences of food ingestion, and these interactions operate in subtle but profound ways to affect food selection and intake, as well as the hedonic value of food. The sensation of being satisfied to the full (i.e., satiety) occurs when animals ingest adequate kinds and amounts of nutritious foods, and animals acquire preferences (mild to strong) for foods that cause satiety. Unpleasant feelings of physical discomfort (i.e., malaise) are caused by excesses of nutrients and toxins and by nutrient deficits, and animals acquire aversions (mild to strong) to foods that cause malaise. What constitutes excesses and deficits depends on each animal's morphology, physiology, and nutritional requirements. This does not mean that ruminants must maximize (optimize) intake of any particular nutrient or mix of nutrients within each meal or even on a daily basis, given that they can withstand departures from the normal average intake of nutrients (i.e., energy-rich substances, nitrogen, various minerals, and vitamins). Rather, homeostatic regulation needs only some increasing tendency, as a result of a gradually worsening deficit of some nutrient or of an excess of toxins or nutrients, to generate behavior to correct the disorder. Extreme states should cause herbivores to increase diet breadth and to acquire preferences for foods that rectify maladies. From an evolutionary standpoint, mechanisms that enable animals to experience feedback, sensations such as satiety and malaise, should be highly correlated with nutritional well being, toxicosis, and nutritional deficiencies, which are directly related with survival and reproduction.