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Electroretinography in adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder



The electroretinogram (ERG) allows the investigation of retinal signaling pathways and has increasingly been applied in individuals with mental disorders in search for potential biomarkers of neurodevelopmental disorders. Preceding ERG examinations in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) showed inconsistent results, which might be due to the small number of participants, heterogeneity of the ASD population, differences in age ranges, and stimulation methods. The aim of this study was to investigate functional retinal responses in adults with ASD by means of the light-adapted (photopic) ERG. Light-adapted ERG measurements were obtained with the RETeval ® system applying three different stimulation protocols. In the final analysis, the ERG parameters a-wave, b-wave, the photopic negative response (PhNR), the photopic hill parameters as well as additional amplitude ratios were compared between 32 adults with high-functioning ASD and 31 non-autistic controls. Both groups were matched with regard to sex and age. No significant functional retinal differences in amplitude or peak time of the a- or b-wave, PhNR, the photopic hill parameters or the ERG-amplitude ratios could be detected in individuals with ASD compared to non-autistic participants. The absence of electrophysiological functional retinal alterations in ASD, suggests that changes in visual perception, such as increased attention to detail or visual hypersensitivity in ASD, are not due to impairments at early levels of retinal signal processing.
Electroretinography in adults with high-functioning autism
spectrum disorder
Evelyn B. N. Friedel
| Mirjam Schäfer
| Dominique Endres
| Simon Maier
Kimon Runge
| Michael Bach
| Sven P. Heinrich
| Dieter Ebert
Katharina Domschke
| Ludger Tebartz van Elst
| Kathrin Nickel
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
Medical Center University of Freiburg,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany
Eye Center, Medical Center University of
Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany
Center for Basics in Neuromodulation, Faculty
of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg,
PD Dr. Kathrin Nickel, Hauptstraße 5, 79104
Freiburg, Germany.
Funding information
The study was funded by the German Research
Foundation(DFG ID: HE 3504/11-1jTE
The electroretinogram (ERG) allows the investigation of retinal signaling path-
ways and has increasingly been applied in individuals with mental disorders in
search for potential biomarkers of neurodevelopmental disorders. Preceding ERG
examinations in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) showed incon-
sistent results, which might be due to the small number of participants, heteroge-
neity of the ASD population, differences in age ranges, and stimulation methods.
The aim of this study was to investigate functional retinal responses in adults with
ASD by means of the light-adapted (photopic) ERG. Light-adapted ERG mea-
surements were obtained with the RETeval
system applying three different stim-
ulation protocols. In the final analysis, the ERG parameters a-wave, b-wave, the
photopic negative response (PhNR), the photopic hill parameters as well as addi-
tional amplitude ratios were compared between 32 adults with high-functioning
ASD and 31 non-autistic controls. Both groups were matched with regard to sex
and age. No significant functional retinal differences in amplitude or peak time of
the a- or b-wave, PhNR, the photopic hill parameters or the ERG-amplitude
ratios could be detected in individuals with ASD compared to non-autistic partici-
pants. The absence of electrophysiological functional retinal alterations in ASD,
suggests that changes in visual perception, such as increased attention to detail or
visual hypersensitivity in ASD, are not due to impairments at early levels of reti-
nal signal processing.
Lay Summary
The electroretinogram (ERG), an ophthalmologic method to assess the integrity
of retinal functioning, was investigated in individuals with autism spectrum disor-
der compared to non-autistic controls. Individuals with autism spectrum disorder
showed normal ERG parameters when compared to non-autistic controls. These
results suggest that changes in the visual perception or visual hypersensitivity in
autism spectrum disorder are not due to dysfunctions at early levels of retinal sig-
nal processing.
ASD, autism spectrum disorder, a-wave, b-wave, electroretinogram, ERG, PhNR, photopic negative
Evelyn B. N. Friedel and Mirjam Schäfer are co-first authors. Ludger Tebartz van Elst and Kathrin Nickel are co-senior authors.
Received: 25 July 2022 Accepted: 19 September 2022
DOI: 10.1002/aur.2823
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2022 The Authors. Autism Research published by International Society for Autism Research and Wiley Periodicals LLC.
Autism Research. 2022;112. 1
Despite decades of psychiatric research on autism spec-
trum disorders (ASD), the exact etiology of ASD remains
unclear in most cases (Lord et al., 2018). A multifactorial
genesis with a strong genetic component and a contribu-
tion of environmental factors is discussed
(Currenti, 2010). In addition to key ASD symptoms, such
as impairments in social communication and interaction
as well as restricted behaviors or interests (American Psy-
chiatric Association, 2013), alterations in the processing
of sensory information as an important concomitant have
increasingly gained the attention of autism research. In
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor-
ders (DSM-5), the hyper- and hyporeactivity to sensory
information or special interest in sensory aspects of the
environment were considered for the first time (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013). With regard to visual sen-
sory symptoms, a hypersensitivity in terms of focusing on
tiny pieces and details, disliking bright lights or reduced
eye contact as well as a hyposensitivity with an attraction
to light and a fascination for reflections have been
described (Simmons et al., 2009).
Therefore, various studies have attempted to identify
associations between perceptual difficulties and impair-
ments in the underlying visual processing in individuals
with ASD (Little, 2018).
In this context, the electroretinogram (ERG), an oph-
thalmological method for the assessment of the functional
integrity of the retina (Robson et al., 2018,2022)waspre-
viously applied in ASD. The ERG represents the electrical
response of the retina following photopic stimulation
(Creel, 2015). Depending on the adaptational state of the
retina (light (LA)- or dark-adapted (DA)) and the selected
flash parameters for stimulation, different ERG compo-
nents can be distinguished and evaluated (Frishman
et al., 2018; Robson et al., 2022). The a- and b-wave as
well as the photopic negative response (PhNR) represent
the most common and important ERG components
(Figure 1). In the light-adapted ERG (LA-ERG), the a-
wave is composed of cone photoreceptor activity in the
outer retina and contributions of cone OFF-bipolar cells
in the inner retina, while the b-wave is the combined cone
ON- and OFF-bipolar cell response and reflects the inner
retina integrity (Creel, 2015; Robson et al., 2018,2022).
The PhNR following the b-wave arises in the innermost
retina, and is primarily related to the function of the reti-
nal ganglion cells (Frishman et al., 2018;Wuetal.,2016).
Observations of preceding studies applying ERG in
individuals with ASD are inconsistent (Table 1). This
may be due to small sample sizes, differences in the inves-
tigated age groups, heterogeneity of the ASD populations
(e.g., primary and secondary forms), and the different
ERG methods applied, such as DA- or LA-ERG
Two earlier studies assessing both children and adults
with ASD pointed toward a smaller DA-ERG b-wave
amplitude in 48% (Ritvo et al., 1988) and 45% (Creel
et al., 1989) of the evaluated individuals with an ASD.
Additionally, an increased peak time for the DA-ERG b-
wave was reported in ASD, while no alterations of the a-
wave were detected (Constable et al., 2016; Creel
et al., 1989).
Furthermore, Constable et al. (2016) observed a
decreased b-wave amplitude in the LA-ERG of a small
sample (N=14) of children and adults with high-
functioning ASD following a stimulation with the stan-
dard ISCEV flash (0.5 log phot cds/m
; Robson
et al., 2022). Moreover, they detected smaller ON
responses using a prolonged 120 ms flash stimulus as well
as differences in the shape of the LA oscillatory poten-
tials (OPs) in younger individuals with ASD, while no
group differences were reported in the DA-15-Hz- or LA-
30-Hz-flicker phase and amplitude responses (Constable
et al., 2016).
In a subsequent LA-ERG study, the same authors
confirmed smaller b-wave amplitudes, but only at higher
flash strengths (Constable et al., 2020). They additionally
found attenuated a-wave amplitudes at higher flash
strengths, as well as increased b-wave peak times in chil-
dren and adolescents with ASD (Constable et al., 2020).
Another investigation (Constable et al., 2022) analyzed
LA-ERG responses in ASD with a discrete wavelet trans-
form approach and not only confirmed decreased b-wave
amplitudes at high flash strengths but also found a
reduced energy of the OPs in individuals with ASD,
which might contribute to the observed b-wave alter-
ations. The OPs mainly originating in the amacrine cells
are reported to be sensitive to disruption of dopamine- or
GABA-modulated neuronal pathways (Constable
et al., 2022; Wachtmeister, 1998). A recent study
described a promising machine learning model for ASD
detection based on ERG data using spectral and time-
FIGURE 1 Exemplary representation of an ERG curve in response
to a stimulation with the (C) PhNR-flash. The a- and b-wave as well as
the photopic negative response (PhNR) at minimum and at 72 ms are
depicted. A-wave and PhNR amplitudes were measured from the pre-
stimulus baseline to the respective troughs. The amplitude of the b-wave
was defined from the a-wave minimum to the subsequent maximum
deflection. PhNR, photopic negative response.
TABLE 1 Previous ERG studies in individuals with ASD
Study N subjects
Age in years mean SD
Sex: male/female,
ethnicity IQ mean SD (range) Psychiatric medication
Diagnosis and psychometric
instruments Method Results (HC vs. ASD/ADHD)
(Ritvo et al., 1988) 27 autistic individuals (460) 22 m/5 f <50: 3 5069: 6 >70: 18 4 medicated (1 phenobarbital,
2 thioridazine, 1 anesthesia)
Clinical assessment, DSM-III
fERG: (1) scotopic dim blue (2)
scotopic red (3) scotopic bright
white (4) red 30-Hz flicker (5)
photopic bright-white
DA-ERG -b-wave amplitude #
in 13 (48%) autistic individuals
20 HC 21.9 12.8 (1054) 15 m/5 f normal
(Creel et al., 1989) 22 HFA (760) 19 m/3 f n.a. 2 thioridazine Clinical assessment fERG: (1) scotopic dim blue (2)
scotopic red (3) scotopic bright
white (4) red 30-Hz flicker (5)
photopic bright-white
DA-ERG -b-wave amplitude #
in 10 (45%) HFA -b-wave
implicit times "in 5 (23%)
50 HC similar range 43 m/7 f n.a.
(Tebartz van Elst
et al., 2015)
33 ASD 39.5 1.9 22 m/11 f n.a. 10 with antidepressant
medication (i.e., SSRI, SNRI,
SNRI with mirtazapine)
Aspergers syndrome (ICD-10:
F84.5), ASD (DSM-IV: 299.80)
Clinical assessment, AQ, EQ,
PERG No differences in visual acuity,
PERG contrast gain,
background noise
33 HC 34.4 2.1 21 m/12 f n.a.
et al., 2016)
11 HFA 37.2 13.2 (13.857.6) 10 m/1 f 116 10 n.a. Clinical assessment, DSM-IV-
TR, ADOS (10/11), AQ
fERG: DA-ERG 15-Hz flicker
-flash series (Naka-Rushton
curves) LA-ERG 30-Hz flicker
120 ms flash (ONOFF) -flash
series (photopic hill)
DA-ERG -b-wave time to peak
"-No alteration in a- or b-
wave amplitude or a-wave
peak time LA-ERG -b-wave
amplitude #-No alteration in
a-or b-wave peak time, or
PhNR -No alteration in
photopic hill parameters -OP
15 HC (DA-ERG) 36.9 13.2 (1258) 11 m/4 f n.a.
14 HC (LA-ERG) 35.3 12.9 (1458) 11 m/3 f
et al., 2020)
90 ASD (177 eyes) 13.0 4.2 (625.8) 130 m/47 f (eyes)
143 caucasian
98.9 16.5 12 dopamine antagonists, 7
SSRI, 6 melatonin
DSM-IV/5, ADOS, ADOS-2 LA-fERG with RETeval
-ISCEV nine-step flash series
LA-ERG -a- and b-wave
amplitude #at high flash
strengths -b-wave peak time "
-b:a ratio #-Altered photopic
hill parameters
87 HC (174 eyes) 13.8 4.8 (5.426.6) 82 m/92 f (eyes)
117 caucasian
n.a. 1 SSRI
et al., 2021)
55 ASD 13.6 4.7 (5.426.7) 41 m/14 f 99 19 (60136) 9 CNS-acting medication (1
tegretol, 8 medications that
targeted dopamine and seotonin
LA-fERG with RETeval
-ISCEV nine-step flash series
LA-ERG -b-wave amplitude#
-PhNR and PhNR at 72 ms
87 HC 14.0 4.8 (5.427.3) 43 m/44 f n.a.
(Lee et al., 2022) 57 ASD 13.7 4.8 (627) 43 m/13 f 47 caucasian,
3 asian,
1 afro-caribbean,
1 latino
99.6 18.9 4 SSRI, 2 methylphenidate, 1
dopamine antagonist, 1
antiepileptic medication
ADOS-2, 3Di
LA-fERG with RETeval
-ISCEV nine-step flash series
LA-ERG (ASD) -b-wave
amplitude #LA-ERG
(ADHD) -b-wave amplitude "
-faster b-wave peak time
-PhNR amplitude at 72 ms "
15 ADHD 15.3 3.5 (820) 8 m/7 f 11 caucasian,
2 asian, 1
afro-caribbean, 1 latino
92.9 14.2 7 methylphenidate
59 HC 13.3 4.6 (525) 31 m/28 f 35 caucasian,
18 asian, 6 mixed
domain features which reportedly achieves a classifica-
tion accuracy of 86% and sensitivity of 98%
(Mohammad-Manjur et al., 2022).
Furthermore, differences in the parameters describing
the photopic hill of the b-wave amplitudes in response to
a flash series have been reported in individuals with ASD
(Constable et al., 2020). The photopic hill describes the
phenomenon that as the brightness of the stimuli
increases, the amplitude of the photopic b-wave
increases, reaches a brief saturation, and then declines
again to a non-zero plateau (Hamilton et al., 2007;
McCulloch et al., 2019).
However, the investigation of the PhNR points
toward normal ganglion cell function in individuals with
ASD (Constable et al., 2021). Correspondingly, a pattern
electroretinogram (PERG) study investigating 33 adults
with high-functioning autism compared to 33 healthy
controls (HC) detected no alterations in the PERG con-
trast gain, background noise or visual acuity (Tebartz
van Elst et al., 2015).
Aims of the study
We aimed at investigating ERG parameters including the
a-wave, the b-wave, the PhNR and the photopic hill
parameters applying several ERG stimulus protocols in
adults with ASD compared to HC. Based on the previous
LA-ERG investigations, we expected a reduced ampli-
tude of the b-wave and alterations in photopic hill
parameters in individuals with ASD.
All examinations were performed at the Department of
Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the University Medical
Center Freiburg. The local Ethics Committee approved
the study (Approval ID: 314/18). All participants gave
written informed consent.
Individuals with ASD met diagnostic criteria of Asper-
gers syndrome according to the criteria of the International
Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) (F84.5) and ASD
according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Men-
tal Disorders (DSM-5) (299.00). In addition to the diagnosis
established by an experienced senior psychiatrist, autistic
symptoms were assessed with the following questionnaires:
the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) (Baron-Cohen
et al., 2001), the Empathy Quotient (EQ) (Baron-Cohen &
Wheelwright, 2004), and the Social Responsiveness Scale
2 (SRS-2) (Constantino, 2013). To investigate a homoge-
neous study sample, individuals with secondary syndromal
genetic forms of autism were not included.
HC were matched with regard to sex and age to the
ASD group and filled in the above questionnaires to rule
TABLE 1 (Continued)
Study N subjects
Age in years mean SD
Sex: male/female,
ethnicity IQ mean SD (range) Psychiatric medication
Diagnosis and psychometric
instruments Method Results (HC vs. ASD/ADHD)
et al., 2022)
55 ASD 14.2 4.9 (627.3) 40 m/15 f 101 20 7 methylphenidate, 1
antiepileptic medication
LA-fERG with RETeval
flash series -DWT-analysis
LA-ERG (ASD) -b-wave
amplitude #at high flash
strengths -OP energy (op80 and
op160 coefficients) #LA-ERG
(ADHD) -b-wave amplitude "
at high flash strengths -b20 and
b40 coefficients "
15 ADHD 15.8 3.2 (8.421.8) 8 m/7 f 88 10 1 methylphenidate
156 HC 13.2 5.0 (3.126.7) 50 m/112 f n.a.
Abbreviations: ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; ADI-R, Autism Diagnostic Interview revised (Lord et al., 1994); ADOS, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (Lord et al., 2000); ASD, autism spectrum disorder; AQ, Autism Spectrum Quotient
(Baron-Cohen et al., 2001); BVAQ, Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire; CNS, central nervous system; DA, dark-adapted; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual; 3Di, Developmental, dimensional and diagnostic interview (Skuse et al., 2004); DWT, discrete
wavelet transform; EQ, Empathy Quotient (Baron-Cohen et al., 2004); f, female; fERG, flash electroretinogram; HC, healthy controls; HFA, high-functioning autism; Hz, Hertz; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; IQ, intelligence quotient; ISCEV,
International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision; LA, light-adapted; m, male; N, number; n.a., not available; OP, oscillatory potential; PERG, pattern electroretinogram; PhNR, photopic negative response; SD, standard deviation; SEM, standard error of
the mean; SNRI, Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; SSRI, Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
out the presence of an ASD. The following instruments
were collected for both study groups: the Structured Clin-
ical Interview for DSM (SCID-I and -II; [Wittchen
et al., 1997]) and the Symptom Checklist (SCL-90-R;
[Derogatis & Savitz, 1999]) to rule out other psychiatric
diseases, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II; [Beck
et al., 1961; Hautzinger et al., 2006]) to assess depressive
symptoms in the ASD and to exclude them in the HC
group as well as the Wender-Utah Rating Scale (WURS-
k; [Retz-Junginger et al., 2002]) to evaluate the presence
of symptoms of an attention-deficit/hyperactivity disor-
der (ADHD) in childhood. The crystallized intelligence
was estimated with the Multiple Choice Vocabulary Test
(MWT-B; [Lehrl et al., 1995]).
Exclusion criteria were the presence of any psychiatric
disease for the HC group and psychotic symptoms, bipo-
lar disorder or substance abuse for the ASD group.
Depression and ADHD are frequent comorbidities of
ASD. Therefore, they were not defined as exclusion cri-
teria for the ASD group. An age < 18 years or > 65 -
years, ophthalmological diseases (except for correctable
refraction errors), myopia exceeding 6 dpt, or hyper-
opia above 6 dpt, a decimal visual acuity below 0.7 in the
Freiburg Visual Acuity and Contrast Test (FrACT;
[Bach, 2007]), somatic diseases such as diabetes mellitus
or arterial hypertension, neurological diseases, for exam-
ple seizures, were further defined as exclusion criteria for
both groups.
The individuals with ASD and HC already partici-
pated in an optical coherence tomography (OCT) study
of our research group (Friedel et al., 2022, unpublished).
ERG recordings and data extraction
LA-ERG measurements of both eyes were performed
monocularly with the RETeval
system from LKC Tech-
nologies, Inc. (2016) and the corresponding software (ver-
sion 2.10.2). Sensor Strip skin electrodes positioned
about 2 mm under the lower eyelid were applied for sig-
nal recording.
As the amplitude of the ERG waveform can be
affected by the placement of the skin electrode (Hobby
et al., 2018), we measured the vertical distance between
the upper edge of the Sensor Strip electrode and the lower
eye lid using ImageJ (version: 1.53 k) and the pictures of
the device intern camera which were taken during record-
ing and extracted with the RETeval
RFF Extractor
Three different stimulation protocols (for details, see
Supplemental Table 1) were used in Troland mode, where
flash strengths compensate pupil size, eliminating the
need for mydriasis.
(A) ISCEV flash: Sixty flashes according to the rec-
ommendations of the International Society for Clinical
Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV) standard were pre-
sented. Luminance of the white flash was 85 Tdson
848 Td white background light. Stimulation frequency
was 1.96 Hz (Robson et al., 2022).
(B) Flash series: A series of white flashes with the lumi-
nance levels: 12, 22, 36, 71, 85, 113, 178, 251, 356, and
446 Tds were randomly presented on white background
illumination of 1130 Td. Sixty flashes were presented per
luminance level with a stimulation frequency of 1.96 Hz.
This random flash series was adapted from the previously
described stimulation procedure applied by Constable
et al. (2020) in children with ASD.
(C) PhNR: In accordance with the ISCEV extended
protocol for PhNR stimulation (Frishman et al., 2018),
200 red (621 nm) flashes with a luminance of 38 Tdswere
presented on rod-saturating blue (470 nm) background light
of 380 Td. Stimulation frequency was 3.43 Hz.
Measurements were conducted under normal room
lighting conditions. Participants were instructed to fixate
the red LED within the device. For all protocols LA-
ERG recordings were automatically averaged in
stimulus-synchronized manner.
ERG data were exported with the RETeval
software provided by LKC Technologies Inc.
(version Peak amplitudes in μV and corresponding
peak times in ms were extracted for the a-wave, b-wave and
the PhNR. A-wave amplitude (first max. negative deflec-
tion) and the PhNR (max. negative deflection between
b-wave amplitude (max. positive deflection) was measured
from the a-wave trough. Additionally, the amplitude of the
PhNR at 72 ms (as suggested by Preiser et al., 2013)aswell
as the corresponding P-Ratio (b-wave amplitude/PhNR
amplitude at 72 ms) was extracted. Further, the signal-to-
noise ratio (SNR) for b-wave amplitudes and the W-Ratio
for the PhNR at minimum ((b-wave amplitudePhNR
amplitude)/(b-wave amplitudea-wave amplitude);
Mortlock et al., 2010) were exported.
Previous investigations detected lower ERG ampli-
tudes in people with dark-pigmented irises compared to
blue-eyed subjects having light-pigmented irises
(Al Abdlseaed et al., 2010). Therefore, the iris color index
of all participants was extracted with the RETeval
software and compared between HC and indi-
viduals with ASD. The ratio between the pupil (25th per-
centile of gray values across the horizontal diameter of
the pupil excluding saturated values) and the iris gray
values (25th percentile of the gray values within two
1 mm horizontal lines, aligned at the left and right pupils
edges) corresponds to the iris color index and is based on
the device intern examination videos.
Before data export, all recordings were individually
checked for artifacts, baseline drifts and correct peak detection.
Data handling and statistical analysis
Further calculations and statistical analyses were con-
ducted with R(R Core Team, 2021) in RStudio
(RStudio Team, 2022). The tidyversepackage
(Wickham et al., 2019) was used for data wrangling, the
ggplot(Kassambara, 2020) and cowplot
(Wilke, 2020) packages for graphical representations.
The ratio between the b-wave amplitude and the a-
wave amplitude (b/a-ratio) was calculated for all test pro-
tocols and luminance levels. Subsequently data of both
eyes were averaged per participant.
Photopic hill parameter estimation
For the b-wave amplitudes of the (B) flash series,the
luminance response function also called photopic hill
was modeled for every participant according to the pro-
cedure described by Hamilton et al. (2007), McCulloch
et al. (2019) and Constable et al. (2020).
ln μ
5þVmax I
(1) V
refers to the b-wave amplitude (μV), Ito the flash
luminance level (cds/m
), Gis the maximal peak ampli-
tude of the Gaussian fit (μV), μthe corresponding lumi-
nance level for G(cds/m
), Bindicates the width of the
Gaussian curve and can be approximated by 1.0, V
refers to the maximal saturated amplitude (μV), while σ
describes the corresponding luminance level needed for
half maximal saturation (cds/m
). The first part of the
photopic hill equation corresponds to a logistic growth
function which represents the OFF pathway, the second
term describes a Gaussian curve fit indicating ON path-
way functioning.
The above-described model formula was implemented
within a nonlinear regression function (function
nlsLM; package minpack.lm[Elzhov et al., 2022]) to
estimate the parameters G,μ,V
, and σfor all
For better inter-study comparisons, Troland-based
flash luminance levels were recalculated to cds/m
assuming a 6 mm pupil diameter (LKC Technologies,
Inc., 2016) and log transformed for graphical
Group comparisons
Psychometric and demographic data as well as the iris
color index and the vertical electrode position were com-
pared with non-parametric Wilcoxon-tests and Fisher-
exact-tests (package stats,R Core Team, 2021).
To avoid influences of outliers, ERG data were sum-
marized by the median and the corresponding 95%
bootstrapped-confidence interval and group differences
were estimated by fitting a robust regression model
(function lmrob; package robustbase[Maechler
et al., 2021]). MM-type estimators (Koller &
Stahel, 2011) were used in the model to robustly predict
effects of group affiliation (β
) on the given ERG
measure (Y), while controlling for age and sex as con-
founding variables. Values for participants ages were
centered by subtracting the overall mean age. Male HC
(with the lowest ages) served as reference (β
). The regres-
sion coefficients indicate the changes in the measured var-
iable (Y) when one of the predictor variables changes, for
example, difference from HC (reference =β
) to ASD
coefficient), while keeping all other predictors
unchanged. The regression formula was
Y¼β0þβage age þβsex sex þβgroup group:ð2Þ
The significance level was defined as α=0.05 and
family-wise adjusted for the different ERG measures
evaluated: amplitudes, peak times, ratios and photopic
hill parameters. The Benjamini and Hochberg (1995) pro-
cedure was used for the adjustment.
The WURS-k (Retz-Junginger et al., 2002) and BDI-
II (Beck et al., 1996; Hautzinger et al., 2006) scores were
not added to the model, because of the strong correlation
with the group variable. Therefore, subsequent analyses
were conducted on subsamples of individuals with ASD.
We considered only individuals with ASD (1) without
elevated ADHD-related symptoms in childhood
(WURS-k < 30), (2) without increased depressiveness
(BDI-II < 14) and (3) without psychiatric medication
intake. The ERG peak amplitudes and peak times of
those subsamples were separately compared to the HC
Since Lee et al. (2022) reported elevated ERG ampli-
tudes in individuals with ADHD, we additionally com-
pared the ERG peak amplitudes of ASD individuals with
elevated ADHD symptoms in childhood (ASD+ADHD;
WURS-k 30) to the ASD individuals without elevated
ADHD symptoms in childhood (ASD-ADHD; WURS-
k < 30) and compared both subgroups separately against
the HC group.
Thirty-nine individuals with an ASD and 36 HC were ini-
tially investigated. Seven individuals with ASD and five
HC had to be excluded due to elevated artifacts or base-
line drifts in the ERG recordings, which prevents proper
peak detection in the ERG measurements. The final sam-
ple for the analysis consisted of 32 individuals with ASD
as well as 31 HC. Participants also took part in an optical
coherence tomography (OCT) study of our research
group (Friedel et al., 2022, unpublished). While groups
did not differ in age, sex nor IQ (Lehrl et al., 1995), the
ASD group showed elevated autistic symptoms according
to the AQ (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001) and SRS-2 ques-
tionnaires (Constantino, 2013) as well as decreased EQ
(Baron-Cohen et al., 2004) scores. Compared to the HC,
the ASD group had elevated depressive symptom scores
assessed with the BDI-II (Beck et al., 1961; Hautzinger
et al., 2006) and increased symptom scores of an ADHD
in childhood according to the WURS-k (Retz-Junginger
et al., 2002) (Table 2). Twenty individuals with an ASD
received psychiatric medication. Fourteen took antide-
pressants (six SNRI, three SSRI, two bupropion, four tri-
cyclic and three tetracyclic antidepressants, one
agomelatine) and three methylphenidates. As ASD is
often associated with a stimulus overload due to the
increased attention to detail or sleeping problems, seven
participants took atypical neuroleptics. Additionally, one
individual with ASD received pregabalin and two mood
stabilizers (one lamotrigine, one lithium).
ERG results
No significant differences were detected with regard to
the placement of skin electrodes between individuals with
ASD and HC (right eye (p=0.06): HC mean (SD): 1.05
(0.56) mm (range: 0.212.56 mm) and individuals with
ASD mean (SD): 0.87 (0.65) mm (range: 0.283.31 mm);
left eye (p=0.61): HC mean (SD): 1.12 (0.54) mm
(range: 0.312.64 mm) and individuals with ASD mean
(SD): 1.07 (0.55) mm (range: 0.392.37 mm). Likewise,
the iris color index between HC and autistic individuals
was not significantly different between both groups
(HC mean (SD): 1.2 (0.06), range: 1.071.29; individuals
with ASD mean (SD): 1.19 (0.07), range: 1.09
1.39; p=0.25).
ERG amplitudes: The robust regression models
showed no significant differences in ERG peak ampli-
tudes between individuals with ASD and HC regardless
of the stimulation protocol ((A) ISCEV flash (a-wave:
p=0.84; b-wave: p=0.18), (B) flash series (see p-values
in Figure 2and Supplemental Table 2), (C) PhNR (nei-
ther for the a- (p=0.49) or b-wave (p=0.49) nor for the
PhNR amplitudes (at minimum: p=0.44 or at 72 ms:
p=0.42) (Figure 2and Supplemental Table 2).
Further, no significant differences of the photopic hill
parameters G(p=0.21), V
(p=0.43), μ(p=0.11) or
σ(p=0.29) which were derived from the (B) flash series
could be detected between the ASD and HC group
(Supplemental Table 3).
ERG peak times: Similarly, in none of the three stimu-
lation protocols ((A) ISCEV flash (a-wave: p=0.11; b-
wave: p=0.16), (B) flash series (see p-values in Supple-
mental Table 2), (C) PhNR (a-wave: p=0.10; b-wave:
p=0.35; PhNR: p=0.16)), significant differences in the
ERG peak times of the a-, b-wave or the PhNR at mini-
mum were detected when comparing the ASD and HC
group with robust regression models (Supplemental
Table 2).
ERG ratios: Likewise, the additionally extracted and
calculated ratios for the ERG peak amplitudes showed
no significant group differences in the robust regression
models. Neither the b-wave signal-to-noise ratio (b-
SNR), nor the ratio between the b- and a-wave ampli-
tudes (b/a) differed significantly between individuals with
ASD and HC in any of the three stimulation protocols
((A) ISCEV flash (b-SNR: p=0.36; b/a: p=0.67),
(B) flash series (see p-values in Supplemental Table 3),
(C) PhNR (b-SNR: p=0.10; b/a: p=0.26))
(Supplemental Table 3). Further, no group differences
were detected for either PhNR ratio, neither the P-Ratio
(b-wave amplitude/PhNR amplitude at 72 ms [Preiser
et al., 2013]; p=0.74) nor the W-Ratio ((b-wave amplitu-
dePhNR amplitude)/(b-wave amplitudea-wave ampli-
tude) (Mortlock et al., 2010); p=0.91) (Supplemental
Table 3).
Subgroup analyses: The subsequently performed ana-
lyses considering (1) individuals without elevated
TABLE 2 Demographic and psychometric data
Parameter HC (N=31) ASD (N=32) p-value*
Sex (male/female) Count 19/12 19/13 > 0.99
Age in years Mean (SD) 35 (11) 34 (11) 0.89
IQ (MWT-B) 107 (11) 111 (16); n.a. =1 0.74
SRS-2 30 (12) 101 (24); n.a. =2 < 0.001
AQ 12 (5) 33 (7); n.a. =1 < 0.001
EQ 49 (11) 24 (12) < 0.001
BDI-II 3 (3) 18 (13) < 0.001
WURS-k 12 (9) 27 (15) < 0.001
Psychiatric medication (yes/no) Count 0/31 20/12
Abbreviations: AQ, Autism Spectrum Quotient (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001); BDI-II, Beck Depression Inventory II (Beck et al., 1996; Hautzi nger et al., 2006); EQ,
Empathy Quotient (Baron-Cohen et al., 2004); IQ, Intelligence Quotient; MWT-B, Multiple Choice Vocabulary Test (Lehrl et al., 1995); n.a., not available; SRS-2, Social
Responsiveness Scale 2 (Constantino, 2013); WURS-k, Wender Utah Rating Scale (Retz-Junginger et al., 2002). Group comparisons based on *Fishers-exact- and
ADHD-related symptoms in childhood (WURS-k < 30)
(N=19), (2) without increased depressiveness (BDI-
II < 14) (N=17), and (3) without psychiatric medication
(N=12) completely resemble the results of the overall
comparisons between the ASD and HC groups. In none
of the three stimulation protocols, significant differences
were detected regarding the ERG peak amplitudes (a-, b-
wave, PhNR and PhNR at 72 ms), peak times (a-, b-
wave or the PhNR) and the ratios for the ERG peak
amplitudes (b-wave SNR, b/a-ratio, P- and W-Ratio)
when comparing the three different subsamples of indi-
viduals with ASD separately to the HC group. Supple-
mental Table 4 shows the results of the subgroup
Because Lee et al. (2022) found that individuals with
ASD and ADHD show opposite ERG b-wave amplitude
characteristics compared to HC with an elevated b-wave
amplitude in ADHD and a decreased b-wave in ASD, we
compared the a- and b-wave peak amplitudes as well as
the PhNR amplitudes between HC, ASD individuals
with symptoms of an ADHD in childhood
(ASD+ADHD; N=13) and those without ADHD
symptoms in childhood (ASD-ADHD; N=19). We
detected no significant differences between the sub-
groups, however, ASD individuals with comorbid
ADHD symptoms in childhood (ASD+ADHD) showed
slightly higher b-wave amplitudes compared to HC and
ASD-ADHD (Supplemental Figure 1).
In the present study, 32 individuals with ASD and 31 HC
were examined with LA-ERG applying three different
stimulation protocols: the ISCEV flash, a flash series for
the additional evaluation of the photopic hill parameters
FIGURE 2 ERG peak amplitudes for both groups and all three stimulation protocols: ISCEV-flash (a), flash series (b) and PhNR-flash (c). The
median and 95% bootstrapped-confidence interval (notches in boxplots and error bars in the line luminance response function) as well as the p-values
for the group coefficients of the robust regression models are depicted. ASD, autism spectrum disorder; HC, healthy controls; ISCEV, International
Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision; PhNR, photopic negative response.
, and σ) as well as a PhNR stimulation. Nei-
ther the amplitudes nor the peak times of the a- or b-
wave, or the PhNR were altered in ASD compared to
HC. Likewise, ERG amplitude ratios and photopic hill
parameters showed no differences in individuals with
ASD compared to HC.
So far, there are only a few LA-ERG studies examin-
ing individuals with ASD and the results to date regard-
ing functional retinal alterations in autism are
inconsistent. Constable et al. (2016) observed attenuated
b-wave amplitudes in the LA-ERG of high-functioning
autistic adolescents and adults. In a subsequent examina-
tion in children and young adults, Constable et al. (2020)
confirmed the b-wave amplitude attenuation, but only in
response to high flash strengths. They additionally found
a significant reduction in the a-wave amplitude, a pro-
longed b-wave peak time, a decreased b/a-ratio as well as
alterations in the parameters V
and Gof the lumi-
nance response model (photopic hill) in children and
young adults with ASD (Constable et al., 2020). A recent
study by Lee et al. (2022) confirmed those b-wave alter-
ations (attenuated amplitude and prolonged peak time)
in children and young adults with ASD, while no a-wave
alterations were detected.
Although the stimulation protocol and the device
used for ERG recordings are comparable between the
current investigation and the studies conducted by Con-
stable et al. (2020) and Lee et al. (2022), our results of
unaltered retinal functioning in ASD are not in line with
the previous findings of attenuated a- and b-waves in
individuals with ASD (Constable et al., 2020; Lee
et al., 2022). Not even a hint on reduced ERG was seen;
rather, amplitudes were minutely larger in ASD.
The deviating results may be due to differences in the
investigated age groups, IQ ranges or sex ratios. While Con-
stable et al. (2020,2022)andLeeetal.(2022) focused on
younger autistic individuals between 627 years of age, we
focused on adults (mean age: 34 years). Although the for-
mer studies (Constable et al., 2020,2022; Lee et al., 2022)
excluded autistic participants with an IQ score below 65 or
with Fragile-X or Rett syndrome, their autistic groups
might have covered a wider scope of different forms of
ASD compared to our study sample, which encompassed a
homogeneous sample of patients with Aspergerssyndrome
with a higher average IQ (mean IQ =107 (11) compared to
mean IQ =98.9 (16.5) in Constable et al.s(
andmeanIQ=99.6 (18.9) in Lee et al.s(
This prompts the question whether changes in the develop-
mental trajectories of individuals with autism or differences
in the investigated ASD subtypes might have led to the
diverging results. Furthermore, differences in the statistical
handling of datasets may have contributed to differing
results. While we averaged the eyes, Constable et al. (2020)
included the eye with the highest b-wave amplitude.
The earliest ERG studies in individuals with ASD
(Creel et al., 1989; Ritvo et al., 1988) demonstrated a
reduced b-wave using DA-ERG, which is not directly
comparable to our LA-ERG results as different retinal
signaling pathways are stimulated with a dark adapted
Observations from animal models support the hypothe-
sis of differing results based on the studied subtypes of
ASD, especially with regard to the inclusion of syndromal
forms and alterations in adaptational retinal states.
Perche et al. (2018) investigated Fmr1
mice, a model
for Fragile-X syndrome, with the DA-ERG and found
alterations in both, the a- and b-wave amplitudes. Likewise,
mice lacking the Engrailed 2 gene, which is associated with
ASD and cognitive deficits (Brielmaier et al., 2012), show
alterations in the DA-ERG a- and b-wave amplitudes
(Zhang et al., 2019), while the LA-ERG of those mice
resembles normal components (Zhang et al., 2019). BTBR
mice on the other hand, which are a model for idiopathic
ASD, have normal b-wave amplitudes in both, the DA-
and LA-ERG but attenuated DA- and LA-ERG a-wave
amplitudes (Cheng et al., 2020).
In contrast to Constable et al. (2016), we found no alter-
ation in the b-wave amplitude in ASD. In addition to differ-
ences in the investigated age groups (high-functioning
adolescents and adults in Constable et al. (2016) and adults
in our study), the different results may also be due to deviat-
ing sex ratios of the examined groups (90.9% male in Con-
stable et al. (2016) and 59.4% male in our study).
Moreover, Constable et al. (2016) used corneal DTL elec-
trodes, whereas we applied skin electrodes for recording.
Nevertheless, our observations of unaltered PhNR
amplitudes in ASD are in line with the results described
by Constable et al. (2021) and Lee et al. (2022) and sup-
port the assumption of normal ganglion cell responses in
individuals with ASD, which was previously reported
(Tebartz van Elst et al., 2015). Tebartz van Elst et al.
(2015) investigated 33 high-functioning patients with
ASD and 33 HC with the Pattern-ERG (PERG), which
is mainly driven by retinal ganglion cells, and found no
alterations in the PERG of individuals with ASD.
Despite the absence of any functional retinal alter-
ations in adults with ASD, longitudinal studies across dif-
ferent age groups and ASD subtypes, for example with
and without comorbid ADHD, are required to improve
our understanding of the earlier ERG findings in individ-
uals with ASD.
As a cross-sectional study, no firm conclusions can be
drawn about possible longitudinal alterations in retinal
functioning or age-dependent effects. Even if the match-
ing procedure respected age and sex, the groups differed
with regard to comorbidities and the intake of psychiatric
medication. In the subsequent analysis, we took these
possible confounders into account and found no func-
tional retinal alterations in individuals with ASD without
comorbid symptoms or the intake of medication.
However, the sample size of these subgroups was small,
which may have limited their predictive power. We used
skin electrodes to improve compliance. However, previ-
ous studies showed that skin electrodes may lead to lower
amplitudes compared to corneal electrodes (Mortlock
et al., 2010). As we focused on individuals with high-
functioning ASD, our results are not applicable to sec-
ondary syndromal forms of ASD. In addition, we com-
pared ASD individuals with and without comorbid
ADHD symptoms in childhood, but we did not assess
current ADHD symptoms, which would be desirable for
future studies.
We found that retinal cell function in terms of amplitude
and peak time of the a-wave, b-wave or PhNR, the phot-
opic hill parameters as well as the amplitude ratios are
not significantly altered in adults with ASD compared to
age- and sex-matched HC.
Kathrin Nickel, Evelyn B. N. Friedel and Mirjam Schä-
fer wrote the paper. Evelyn B. N. Friedel performed the
data and statistical analysis in cooperation with Mirjam
Schäfer and Kathrin Nickel. Evelyn B. N. Friedel created
graphical representations. Kathrin Nickel, Ludger
Tebartz van Elst, Evelyn B. N. Friedel and Dominique
Endres organized the study and created the study design.
Evelyn B. N. Friedel, Sven P. Heinrich and Michael Bach
performed the technical set-up and implemented the
ERG stimulation procedures. Kathrin Nickel, Domi-
nique Endres, Dieter Ebert and Kimon Runge recruited
the individuals with ASD and established the diagnosis.
Mirjam Schäfer performed the measurements. Ludger
Tebartz van Elst, Katharina Domschke, Simon Maier,
Dominique Endres, Dieter Ebe, Kimon Runge, Michael
Bach and Sven P. Heinrich revised the manuscript criti-
cally focusing on clinical and statistical aspects. All
authors were critically involved in the theoretical discus-
sion and composition of the manuscript. All authors read
and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Open access funding was enabled and organized by pro-
ject DEAL.
The data that support the findings of this study are avail-
able from the corresponding author upon reasonable
The Ethics Committee of the University Medical Center
Freiburg (Approval ID: 314/18) approved the study. All
participants gave written informed consent to participate.
Evelyn B. N. Friedel
Kimon Runge
Michael Bach
Kathrin Nickel
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Additional supporting information can be found online
in the Supporting Information section at the end of this
How to cite this article: Friedel, E. B. N., Schäfer,
M., Endres, D., Maier, S., Runge, K., Bach, M.,
Heinrich, S. P., Ebert, D., Domschke, K., Tebartz
van Elst, L., & Nickel, K. (2022).
Electroretinography in adults with
high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. Autism
... Early studies have identified reduced DA-and LA-ERG responses in children with ASD [19], [20]. However, in adult populations, the results have been mixed [21], [22] with respect to the LA-ERG changes. There is some evidence in small study populations that the ERG changes may differ between ADHD and ASD groups [14], [23]. ...
... ML approaches may help to classify neurodevelopmental disorders based on a combination of phenotypic and biological markers [45], [46]. In addition, the ERG findings in ASD have not been replicated in older age groups, suggesting that the findings may not be fully generalizable to all age groups [22]. Our previous studies [35], [47] have shown the superiority of Transformer over classical architectures in the timefrequency domain with respect to ERG with the condition that Transformer training requires a large dataset, which is challenging to obtain due to field specificity in many cases. ...
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The electroretinogram (ERG) is a clinical test that records the retina’s electrical response to a brief flash of light as a waveform signal. Analysis of the ERG signal offers a promising non-invasive method for studying different neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by poor communication, reduced reciprocal social interaction, and restricted and/or repetitive stereotyped behaviors that should be detected as early as possible to ensure timely and appropriate intervention to support the individual and their family. In this study, we applied gated Multilayer Perceptron (gMLP) for the light-adapted ERG waveform classification as an effective alternative to Transformers. In this first reported application of this model to ASD classification which consisted of basic multilayer perceptrons, with fewer parameters than Transformers. We compared the performance of different time-series models on an ASD-Control dataset and found that the superiority of gMLP in classification accuracy was the best at 89.7% compared to alternative models and supports the use of gMLP in classification models based on ERG recordings involving case-control comparisons.
... For instance, Constable et al., Lee et al., and Ritvo et al. have found a reduced peak b-wave amplitude in children with ASD compared to controls with typical development under dark and light adapted conditions (Constable et al., 2016a;Lee et al., 2022;Ritvo et al., 1988). However, these findings may not extend to an adult population of ASD individuals when limited to time-domain parameters (Friedel et al., 2022). ...
... Traditional analyses of the ERG waveform have focused on time-domain parameters, such as the amplitudes and time to peaks of the two principal waveform components known as the a-and b-wave (Demmin et al., 2018;Friedel et al., 2022;Gauvin et al., 2014;Hamilton et al., 2007;Hébert et al., 2020). Recent findings in the b-wave amplitude of the ERG suggest it may be possible to differentiate ASD and other neurodevelopmental disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) using time-domain indices extracted from the ERG signal . ...
... Germany, supported by research grants and government backing, is committed to both basic and clinical ASD research. The German Research Foundation (DFG) (34) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (35) have provided crucial financial support, driving Germany's advancements in this field. The leadership positions of these nations in the ASD-related Signaling Pathways domain underscore their critical role in advancing scientific research and fostering knowledge innovation in this field. ...
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Background This study employs bibliometric methods to comprehensively understand the fundamental structure of research about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Signaling Pathways by examining key indicators such as nations, institutions, journals, authors, and keywords. Methodology We utilized the WoScc database to retrieve literature relevant to ASD Signaling Pathways published between 2013 and 2023. Through visual analysis and tools like CiteSpace and VosViewer, we explored nations, institutions, journals, authors, and keywords, thereby constructing relevant networks. Results 26 The study encompasses 1,396 articles, revealing a consistent increase in publications. The United States, China, and Germany are leading nations in this literature. Regarding research institutions, the University of California system and Eric Klann have garnered significant attention due to their substantial contributions to the field of ASD Signaling Pathways. Most relevant research is published in the journal “Molecular Autism.” Research interests are concentrated across various themes, including “elevating neuronal β-catenin levels,” “Tunisian children,” “Fmr1 knockout (KO) mice,” “de novo mutations,” “autistic children,” “local translation,” “propionic acid-induced mouse models,” “neurosystems,” “glucose metabolism,” and “neuronal migration.” Future research may emphasize exploring aspects such as gut microbiota, genes, stress, maternal immune activation, memory, and neurodevelopmental disorders of ASD. Conclusion This study, through bibliometric analysis of key indicators such as nations, institutions, journals, authors, and keywords, provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of research on ASD Signaling Pathways. These investigations predominantly focus on molecular mechanisms, animal model studies, population-based research, and the structure and function of neurosystems. Future research directions are also clearly proposed. First, in-depth research on the genes and neurodevelopmental disorders associated with ASD will continue to reveal the genetic basis and provide support for precise treatments. At the same time, attention to the gut microbiota will help explore its association with ASD, which may provide clues for new treatments. In addition, the relationship between stress and ASD will become the focus of research to understand better the emotional and behavioral characteristics of ASD patients in stressful situations. Maternal immune activation will also be further studied to explore how environmental factors influence the risk and development of ASD. Finally, a deeper understanding of the cognitive functions of patients with ASD, especially memory and learning, will help develop individualized treatment strategies to improve patients’ quality of life. These directions will work together and are expected to provide a more comprehensive understanding of Signaling Pathways research in ASD and provide new ideas and opportunities for future intervention and treatment.
... Previous studies have highlighted the intricate relationship between retinal neurotransmitter activity, as reflected in the ERG, and the broader implications for neurological and psychiatric conditions such as ASD, ADHD, Bipolar disorder, Parkinson's disease, and Schizophrenia (Constable et al., 2016(Constable et al., , 2020(Constable et al., , 2021Gross et al., 2022;Hébert et al., 2020;Mello et al., 2022). Conventional analyses of the ERG waveform traditionally concentrate on time-domain parameters, specifically the amplitudes and time to peaks of the principal waveform components, the aand b-waves (Constable et al., 2021;Demmin et al., 2018;Friedel et al., 2022;Hamilton et al., 2007;. Recently, Lee et al. conducted an analysis of various time-domain indices of the ERG that revealed lower b-wave amplitude in individuals with ASD compared to neurotypicals (I. ...
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Purpose Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are conditions that similarly alter cognitive functioning ability and challenge the social interaction, attention, and communication skills of affected individuals. Yet these are distinct neurological conditions that can exhibit diverse characteristics which require different management strategies. It is desirable to develop tools to assist with early distinction so that appropriate early interventions and support may be tailored to an individual’s specific requirements. The current diagnostic procedures for ASD and ADHD require a multidisciplinary approach and can be lengthy. This study investigated the potential of electroretinogram (ERG), an eye test measuring retinal responses to light, for rapid screening of ASD and ADHD. Methods: Previous studies identified differences in ERG amplitude between ASD and ADHD, but this study explored time-frequency analysis (TFS) to capture dynamic changes in the signal. ERG data from 286 subjects (146 control, 94 ASD, 46 ADHD) was analyzed using two TFS techniques. Results: Key features were selected, and machine learning models were trained to classify individuals based on their ERG response. The best model achieved 70% overall accuracy in distinguishing control, ASD, and ADHD groups. Conclusion: The ERG to the stronger flash strength provided better separation and the high frequency dynamics (80–300 Hz) were more informative features than lower frequency components. To further improve classification a greater number of different flash strengths may be required along with a discrimination comparison to participants who meet both ASD and ADHD classifications and carry both diagnoses.
... Extracting relevant features allows researchers to focus on specific aspects, unraveling underlying physiological mechanisms. Quantifying features such as amplitude, latency, and frequency characteristics helps identify abnormalities, monitor disease progression, and evaluate treatment outcomes [9,10]. Feature extraction approaches also enable comparison and analysis of ERG signals across subjects and conditions, establishing objective criteria for evaluating retinal function and disease severity. ...
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This article presents a comprehensive examination of various techniques used to extract features from Electroretinogram (ERG) signals for analysis purposes. ERG signals are crucial in the diagnosis and study of retinal diseases. The accurate extraction of informative features from ERG signals is vital for understanding retinal function and identifying abnormalities. This review specifically focuses on different methods employed for feature extraction in ERG signal analysis, highlighting their respective advantages and disadvantages. The article explores a range of established methods, namely time-domain, frequency-domain, time-frequency domain analysis, and machine learning delves into the difficulties and constraints linked to these strategies, such as signal noise, artifacts, and computational complexity. Its objective is to offer a thorough evaluation of the merits and drawbacks of diverse feature extraction techniques, with the aim of aiding researchers and clinicians in their selection of suitable methods for the analysis of ERG signals.
... Figure 2 illustrates the device and example waveforms. Many publications have emerged reporting its use in diverse conditions including diabetic retinopathy, a range of inherited retinal diseases, birdshot chorioretinopathy, glaucoma, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, and others [28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47]. ...
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Visual electrophysiology affords direct, quantitative, objective assessment of visual pathway function at different levels, and thus yields information complementary to, and not necessarily obtainable from, imaging or psychophysical testing. The tests available, and their indications, have evolved, with many advances, both in technology and in our understanding of the neural basis of the waveforms, now facilitating more precise evaluation of physiology and pathophysiology. After summarising the visual pathway and current standard clinical testing methods, this review discusses, non-exhaustively, several developments, focusing particularly on human electroretinogram recordings. These include new devices (portable, non-mydiatric, multimodal), novel testing protocols (including those aiming to separate rod-driven and cone-driven responses, and to monitor retinal adaptation), and developments in methods of analysis, including use of modelling and machine learning. It is likely that several tests will become more accessible and useful in both clinical and research settings. In future, these methods will further aid our understanding of common and rare eye disease, will help in assessing novel therapies, and will potentially yield information relevant to neurological and neuro-psychiatric conditions.
... These circuits occur in the brake neurotransmission between glutamate and GABA, which are primarily responsible for the production of the b-wave and may be useful as a biomarker for ASD neurodevelopment [61]. A different thesis was adopted by Friedel et al., which showed no significant difference in the ERG results between children with autism and the control group [62]. An interesting take was described by Manjur et al., who investigated the classification and probability of the ASD occurrence based on the introduction of the ERG. ...
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This article is a review of the contemporary literature on the possibility of using modern ophthalmological diagnostics, such as optical coherence tomography and electrophysiological tests, in the assessment of changes in eyesight correlating with inflammatory changes in the central nervous system (CNS) as one of the risk factors for neurodevelopmental disorders in children with ASD. A significant role is attributed to the activation of nerve and glial cells, as well as inflammatory changes in the brain, both of which can be of great importance in regard to an autism development predisposition. This fact indicates the possibility of using certain ophthalmic markers to depict an early correlation between the CNS and its outermost layer, i.e., the retina. A comprehensive ophthalmological assessment, and above all, characteristic changes in the functional function of photoreceptors and disorders of the structures of the retina or optic nerve fibers found in the latest OCT or ERG tests may in the future become diagnostic tools, further confirming the early characteristics of autism in children and adolescents. The above information, therefore, emphasizes the importance of cooperation between specialists in improving the diagnosis and treatment of children with autism.
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Alterations in γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) have been implicated in sensory differences in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Visual signals are initially processed in the retina, and in this study, we explored the hypotheses that the GABA-dependent retinal response to light is altered in individuals with ASD. Light-adapted electroretinograms were recorded from 61 adults (38 males and 23 females; n = 22 ASD) in response to three stimulus protocols: (1) the standard white flash, (2) the standard 30 Hz flickering protocol, and (3) the photopic negative response protocol. Participants were administered an oral dose of placebo, 15 or 30 mg of arbaclofen (STX209, GABA B agonist) in a randomized, double-blind, crossover order before the test. At baseline (placebo), the a-wave amplitudes in response to single white flashes were more prominent in ASD, relative to typically developed (TD) participants. Arbaclofen was associated with a decrease in the a-wave amplitude in ASD, but an increase in TD, eliminating the group difference observed at baseline. The extent of this arbaclofen-elicited shift significantly correlated with the arbaclofen-elicited shift in cortical responses to auditory stimuli as measured by using an electroencephalogram in our prior study and with broader autistic traits measured with the autism quotient across the whole cohort. Hence, GABA-dependent differences in retinal light processing in ASD appear to be an accessible component of a wider autistic difference in the central processing of sensory information, which may be upstream of more complex autistic phenotypes.
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The retina and brain share similar neurochemistry and neurodevelopmental origins, with the retina, often viewed as a “window to the brain.” With retinal measures of structure and function becoming easier to obtain in clinical populations there is a growing interest in using retinal findings as potential biomarkers for disorders affecting the central nervous system. Functional retinal biomarkers, such as the electroretinogram, show promise in neurological disorders, despite having limitations imposed by the existence of overlapping genetic markers, clinical traits or the effects of medications that may reduce their specificity in some conditions. This narrative review summarizes the principal functional retinal findings in central nervous system disorders and related mouse models and provides a background to the main excitatory and inhibitory retinal neurotransmitters that have been implicated to explain the visual electrophysiological findings. These changes in retinal neurochemistry may contribute to our understanding of these conditions based on the findings of retinal electrophysiological tests such as the flash, pattern, multifocal electroretinograms, and electro-oculogram. It is likely that future applications of signal analysis and machine learning algorithms will offer new insights into the pathophysiology, classification, and progression of these clinical disorders including autism, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease. New clinical applications of visual electrophysiology to this field may lead to earlier, more accurate diagnoses and better targeted therapeutic interventions benefiting individual patients and clinicians managing these individuals and their families.
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Since the retina shares its embryological origin with the central nervous system, optical coherence tomography (OCT), an imaging technique frequently employed in ophthalmology to analyze the macula and intraretinal layer thicknesses and volumes, has recently become increasingly important in psychiatric research. We examined 34 autistic and 31 neurotypical adults (NT) using OCT. Autistic adults had reduced overall macular and outer nuclear layer (ONL) thickness and volume compared to NT. Both macular and ONL thickness showed significant inverse associations with the severity of autistic symptoms measured with the Social Responsiveness Scale 2 (SRS-2). Longitudinal studies across different age groups are required to clarify whether retinal changes may represent a possible trait marker.
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Background To evaluate the electroretinogram waveform in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) using a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) approach. Methods A total of 55 ASD, 15 ADHD and 156 control individuals took part in this study. Full field light-adapted electroretinograms (ERGs) were recorded using a Troland protocol, accounting for pupil size, with five flash strengths ranging from –0.12 to 1.20 log photopic cd.s.m–2. A DWT analysis was performed using the Haar wavelet on the waveforms to examine the energy within the time windows of the a- and b-waves and the oscillatory potentials (OPs) which yielded six DWT coefficients related to these parameters. The central frequency bands were from 20–160 Hz relating to the a-wave, b-wave and OPs represented by the coefficients: a20, a40, b20, b40, op80, and op160, respectively. In addition, the b-wave amplitude and percentage energy contribution of the OPs (%OPs) in the total ERG broadband energy was evaluated. Results There were significant group differences (p < 0.001) in the coefficients corresponding to energies in the b-wave (b20, b40) and OPs (op80 and op160) as well as the b-wave amplitude. Notable differences between the ADHD and control groups were found in the b20 and b40 coefficients. In contrast, the greatest differences between the ASD and control group were found in the op80 and op160 coefficients. The b-wave amplitude showed both ASD and ADHD significant group differences from the control participants, for flash strengths greater than 0.4 log photopic cd.s.m–2 (p < 0.001). Conclusion This methodological approach may provide insights about neuronal activity in studies investigating group differences where retinal signaling may be altered through neurodevelopment or neurodegenerative conditions. However, further work will be required to determine if retinal signal analysis can offer a classification model for neurodevelopmental conditions in which there is a co-occurrence such as ASD and ADHD.
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Background Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most prevalent childhood neurodevelopmental disorder. It shares some genetic risk with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and the conditions often occur together. Both are potentially associated with abnormal glutamate and GABA neurotransmission, which can be modelled by measuring the synaptic activity in the retina with an electroretinogram (ERG). Reduction of retinal responses in ASD has been reported, but little is known about retinal activity in ADHD. In this study, we compared the light-adapted ERGs of individuals with ADHD, ASD and controls to investigate whether retinal responses differ between these neurodevelopmental conditions. Methods Full field light-adapted ERGs were recorded from 15 ADHD, 57 ASD (without ADHD) and 59 control participants, aged from 5.4 to 27.3 years old. A Troland protocol was used with a random series of nine flash strengths from −0.367 to 1.204 log photopic cd.s.m ⁻² . The time-to-peak and amplitude of the a- and b-waves and the parameters of the Photopic Negative Response (PhNR) were compared amongst the three groups of participants, using generalised estimating equations. Results Statistically significant elevations of the ERG b-wave amplitudes, PhNR responses and faster timings of the b-wave time-to-peak were found in those with ADHD compared with both the control and ASD groups. The greatest elevation in the b-wave amplitudes associated with ADHD were observed at 1.204 log phot cd.s.m ⁻² flash strength ( p < .0001), at which the b-wave amplitude in ASD was significantly lower than that in the controls. Using this measure, ADHD could be distinguished from ASD with an area under the curve of 0.88. Conclusions The ERG b-wave amplitude appears to be a distinctive differential feature for both ADHD and ASD, which produced a reversed pattern of b-wave responses. These findings imply imbalances between glutamate and GABA neurotransmission which primarily regulate the b-wave formation. Abnormalities in the b-wave amplitude could provisionally serve as a biomarker for both neurodevelopmental conditions.
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The full-field electroretinogram (ERG) is a mass electrophysiological response to diffuse flashes of light and is used widely to assess generalized retinal function. This document, from the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV), presents an updated and revised ISCEV Standard for clinical ERG testing. Minimum protocols for basic ERG stimuli, recording methods and reporting are specified, to promote consistency of methods for diagnosis, monitoring and inter-laboratory comparisons, while also responding to evolving clinical practices and technology. The main changes in this updated ISCEV Standard for clinical ERGs include specifying that ERGs may meet the Standard without mydriasis, providing stimuli adequately compensate for non-dilated pupils. There is more detail about analysis of dark-adapted oscillatory potentials (OPs) and the document format has been updated and supplementary content reduced. There is a more detailed review of the origins of the major ERG components. Several tests previously tabulated as additional ERG protocols are now cited as published ISCEV extended protocols. A non-standard abbreviated ERG protocol is described, for use when patient age, compliance or other circumstances preclude ISCEV Standard ERG testing.
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Human social cognition relies heavily on the processing of various visual cues, such as eye contact and facial expressions. Atypical visual perception and integration have been recognized as key phenotypes in individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and may potentially contribute to impediments in normal social development, a hallmark of ASD. Meanwhile, increasing studies on visual function in ASD have pointed to detail-oriented perception, which has been hypothesized to result from heightened response to information of high spatial frequency. However, mixed results of human studies have led to much debate, and investigations using animal models have been limited. Here, using BTBR mice as a model of idiopathic ASD, we assessed retinal stimulus processing by full-field electroretinogram and found impaired photoreceptor function and retina-based alterations mostly in the cone pathway. Using the optokinetic reflex to evaluate visual function, we observed robustly enhanced visual response to finer spatial details and more subtle contrasts at only higher spatial frequencies in the BTBR mice, under both photopic and scotopic conditions. These behavioral results, which are similar to findings in a subset of ASD patients, indicate a bias toward processing information of high spatial frequencies. Together, these findings also suggest that, while enhancement of visual behaviors under both photopic and scotopic conditions might be due to alterations in visual processing common to both rod and cone pathways, these mechanisms are probably downstream of photoreceptor function.
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Light-adapted (LA) electroretinograms (ERGs) from 90 individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), mean age (13.0 ± 4.2), were compared to 87 control subjects, mean age (13.8 ± 4.8). LA-ERGs were produced by a random series of nine different Troland based, full-field flash strengths and the ISCEV standard flash at 2/s on a 30 cd m⁻² white background. A random effects mixed model analysis showed the ASD group had smaller b- and a-wave amplitudes at high flash strengths (p < .001) and slower b-wave peak times (p < .001). Photopic hill models showed the peaks of the component Gaussian (p = .035) and logistic functions (p = .014) differed significantly between groups. Retinal neurophysiology assessed by LA-ERG provides insight into neural development in ASD.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that impacts language, communication and social interactions. The current diagnostic process for ASD is based upon a detailed multidisciplinary assessment. Currently no clinical biomarker exists to help in the diagnosis and monitoring of this condition that has a prevalence of approximately 1%. The electroretinogram (ERG), is a clinical test that records the electrical response of the retina to light. The ERG is a promising way to study different neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders, including ASD. In this study, we have proposed a machine learning based method to detect ASD from control subjects using the ERG waveform. We collected ERG signals from 47 control (CO) and 96 ASD individuals. We analyzed ERG signals both in the time and the spectral domain to gain insight into the statistically significant discriminating features between CO and ASD individuals. We evaluated the machine learning (ML) models using a subject independent cross validation-based approach. Time-domain features were able to detect ASD with a maximum 65% accuracy. The classification accuracy of our best ML model using time-domain and spectral features was 86%, with 98% sensitivity. Our preliminary results indicate that spectral analysis of ERG provides helpful information for the classification of ASD.
Clinical relevance: To ascertain if the photopic negative response of the electroretinogram is different in autism spectrum disorder as a potential clinical marker. Background: Visual function can be atypical in autism spectrum disorder and structural imaging of the ganglion cell layers has been reported to differ in these individuals. Therefore, we sought to investigate if the photopic negative response of the full field electroretinograms, a measure of ganglion cell function, could help explain the visual perceptual differences in autism spectrum disorder and support the structural changes observed. Methods: Participants (n = 55 autism spectrum disorder, aged 5.4-26.7 years) and control (n = 87, aged 5.4-27.3 years) were recruited for the study. Full-field light-adapted electroretinograms using a Troland protocol with 10 flash strengths from -0.367 to 1.204 log photopic cd.s.m-2 were recorded in each eye. The photopic negative response amplitudes at Tmin and at t = 72 ms were compared between groups along with the a- and b-wave values. Results: There were no significant interactions between groups for the Photopic Negative Response measures of amplitude or time (p > 0.30). There was a group interaction between groups and flash strengths for the b-wave amplitude as previously reported (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The photopic negative response results suggest that there are no significant differences in the summed retinal ganglion cell responses produced by a full-field stimulus.
Defective cortical processing of visual stimuli and altered retinal function have been described in autism spectrum disorder (ASD)patients. In keeping with these findings, anatomical and functional defects have been found in the visual cortex and retina of mice bearing mutations for ASD-associated genes. Here we sought to investigate the anatomy and function of the adult retina of Engrailed 2 knockout (En2 −/− )mice, a model for ASD. Our results showed that En2 is expressed in all three nuclear layers of the adult retina. When compared to age-matched En2 +/+ controls, En2 −/− adult retinas showed a significant decrease in the number of calbindin ⁺ horizontal cells, and a significant increase in calbindin ⁺ amacrine/ganglion cells. The total number of ganglion cells was not altered in the adult En2 −/− retina, as shown by Brn3a ⁺ cell counts. In addition, En2 −/− adult mice showed a significant reduction of photoreceptor (rhodopsin)and bipolar cell (Pcp2, PKCα)markers. Functional defects were also present in the retina of En2 mutants, as indicated by electroretinogram recordings showing a significant reduction in both a-wave and b-wave amplitude in En2 −/− mice as compared to controls. These data show for the first time that anatomical and functional defects are present in the retina of the En2 ASD mouse model.