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How the term “white privilege” affects participation, polarization, and content in online communication


Abstract and Figures

The language used in online discussions affects who participates in them and how they respond, which can influence perceptions of public opinion. This study examines how the term white privilege affects these dimensions of online communication. In two lab experiments, US residents were given a chance to respond to a post asking their opinions about renaming college buildings. Using the term white privilege in the question decreased the percentage of whites who supported renaming. In addition, those whites who remained supportive when white privilege was mentioned were less likely to create an online post, while opposing whites and non-whites showed no significant difference. The term also led to more low-quality posts among both whites and non-whites. The relationship between question language and the way participants framed their responses was mediated by their support or opposition for renaming buildings. This suggests that the effects of the term white privilege on the content of people’s responses is primarily affective. Overall, mention of white privilege seems to create internet discussions that are less constructive, more polarized, and less supportive of racially progressive policies. The findings have the potential to support meaningful online conversation and reduce online polarization.
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How the term “white privilege” affects
participation, polarization, and content in
online communication
Christopher L. QuarlesID*, Lia Bozarth
School of Information, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America
The language used in online discussions affects who participates in them and how they
respond, which can influence perceptions of public opinion. This study examines how the
term white privilege affects these dimensions of online communication. In two lab experi-
ments, US residents were given a chance to respond to a post asking their opinions about
renaming college buildings. Using the term white privilege in the question decreased the
percentage of whites who supported renaming. In addition, those whites who remained sup-
portive when white privilege was mentioned were less likely to create an online post, while
opposing whites and non-whites showed no significant difference. The term also led to more
low-quality posts among both whites and non-whites. The relationship between question
language and the way participants framed their responses was mediated by their support or
opposition for renaming buildings. This suggests that the effects of the term white privilege
on the content of people’s responses is primarily affective. Overall, mention of white privi-
lege seems to create internet discussions that are less constructive, more polarized, and
less supportive of racially progressive policies. The findings have the potential to support
meaningful online conversation and reduce online polarization.
Billions of people use the internet and social media as a window to the world. Rather than
being made of glass, this window is manufactured and shaped by the collective choices and
language of billions of people. Online behavior is shaped by a community’s language [1],
norms [2], moderation policies [3], initial posts [4], and the perceived demographic and social
status of the participants [5].
This study aims to understand how the content that is posted online is affected by one par-
ticular piece of controversial language: the term white privilege. While the term white privilege
existed in academic writings as early as the 1980s [6], the general public has become increas-
ingly aware of it amid the heightened racial tension of the past decade [7]. At the same time,
social media has increased the availability of extreme, and often vitriolic, views online. A
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Citation: Quarles CL, Bozarth L (2022) How the
term “white privilege” affects participation,
polarization, and content in online communication.
PLoS ONE 17(5): e0267048.
Editor: Ali B. Mahmoud, St John’s University,
Received: September 9, 2021
Accepted: March 31, 2022
Published: May 4, 2022
Copyright: ©2022 Quarles, Bozarth. This is an
open access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information
Funding: The author(s) received no specific
funding for this work.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
search for “white privilege” on any major social media platform will show a range of posts rep-
resenting strong feelings from multiple ideological angles.
Social media has given people more options than ever for how to spend their time. Individ-
uals today can scroll through a near-infinite stream of cat videos or talk about their favorite
video game instead of engaging in uncomfortable discussions of race. Small changes in initial
language have the potential to create large effects in both the content that gets posted and the
traits of those engaged. To understand the effects of the term white privilege on social media
discussions, we ran two experiments in a simulated online environment. Respondents were
asked, “Should colleges rename buildings that were named after people who actively supported
X?” where X is either racial inequality or white privilege. We studied how people responded by
looking at stance (pro/con), the frames (arguments, topics, and ideas) used in the response,
and response quality. We also examined who would respond to the post by looking at both
stated and actual likelihood of response. In addition, we use the posts to simulate the composi-
tion of responses in a real online forum.
How people respond to white privilege
Privilege is “unearned advantage derived from one’s group membership” [8]. In the present
study, white privilege refers to racial privilege in the American context. The concept of white
privilege is central in areas such as contemporary diversity training [9] and whiteness studies
scholarship [10]. However, in public discussion, the term is more controversial. Popular media
has variously talked about white privilege as a topic to be taught to children [11], a racist term
[12], and a distraction from the root causes of racial inequality [13]. To be clear, this study
does not directly examine the concept of white privilege itself, or whether whites think they
have advantages due to their race. Instead, our goal here is to look at behavior: How individu-
als respond to the term in the context of an online forum. We expect that whites will respond
differently to the term white privilege than other groups for two reasons.
Social identity theory suggests that we often define ourselves, and others, in terms of the
groups that we are members of [14]. A person’s behavior or perception of their social status
might change based on which group membership is most salient at the time [14]. The term
white privilege evokes images of whites as a coherent group with representative traits. So we
expect that the term will lead to increased salience of racial identity among whites, which will
affect their responses.
In addition, whites have different views, on average, than members of other races about the
advantages that whites have. In a recent Pew study, 47% of whites said that whites benefit
either a great deal, or a fair amount, from advantages that Blacks don’t have [15]. In contrast,
89% of Blacks and 74% of Hispanics said that whites benefited from these advantages. While
this difference in perception may come from motivated reasoning [16] or from genuinely dif-
ferent life experiences [6], by itself it is likely to affect how whites respond to the term white
Some individuals identify more strongly with their race than others. The strength of this
pre-existing identification can give a differential effect on responses to racial priming, which
has been shown in a variety of contexts with a variety of identities [1719]. American whites
have repeatedly shown less identification with their race, on average, than other groups [20],
likely because being in the minority reinforces category differences and increases the salience
of racial identity [21,22]. However, whites vary in the strength of their racial identity, and this
affects their thoughts, feelings, and behavior [23]. While the current study does not include a
measure of strength of racial identification, it is reasonable to expect that different groups of
whites may respond differently to the term white privilege.
How the term "white privilege" affects online communication
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Responses to the term white privilege do not come purely from a place of reasoned disagree-
ment. One meta-study found that emotions were twice as important as beliefs in predicting
discrimination [24]. Just like we can define ourselves using group stereotypes [25], the theory
of intergroup emotions describes how group membership can cause us to feel emotions [26].
Anger has been shown to mediate the effects of perceived injustice on retributive action [27].
And guilt has been shown to mediate framing effects on support for Dutch-Indonesian repara-
tions [18] and on perceptions of American racial inequality [28] among members of the domi-
nant group. Those emotions do not stop when people go on social media [29]. Since
discussions of white privilege create uncomfortable feelings among some people, these height-
ened race group-based emotions may cause individuals to avoid engaging in online
Online conversations
Online information plays a significant role in shaping twenty-first century society. From the
24-hour clickbait-based news cycle, to discussion forums with infinite scrollers, to group-
based conversations with friends on messaging apps, online media affects how we think about
current events [30], who our friends are [31], and how we feel about ourselves [32]. However,
our perceptions built using the online world don’t always represent reality [33,34]. The artifi-
cial reality we see online is sensitive to affordances and moderation policies of individual plat-
forms [3,35] and is highly dependent on initial conditions [4]. In addition, media consumers
interpret what they read based on pre-existing beliefs and biases [36]. Ultimately, online media
enables different groups of people to have very different perceptions of truth. Race is especially
problematic in this respect, since differences in offline lived experiences have the potential to
create barriers to a shared reality. We look at that online reality by examining four individual-
level dimensions: avoidance,conversation quality,stance (support or opposition towards a
topic under discussion), and the frames that are used in responses. To understand the system-
level impressions of public opinion on a real discussion forum, we also examine the overall
composition of posts.
Avoidance. Individuals’ decisions about whether to participate in discussions play a cen-
tral role in the social media landscape. Individuals avoid posting for a variety of reasons,
including lack of time or interest, concern about offending someone or giving a bad represen-
tation of themselves [37]. Individuals are also less likely to share negative and emotion-laden
content [38], and are less likely to post in general if they are female, afraid of isolation, didn’t
feel strongly, or felt like their opinion didn’t match the way the country was moving [39].
While avoidance has the potential to be protective of social relationships, it can also lead to
adverse personal effects from stifling expression [40]. More systemically, avoidance is a key
component of the “spiral of silence” [41], which leads to perceived minority opinions being
underrepresented on social media [42]. Of course, the vast majority of social media consumers
are lurkers–people who consume content without contributing [43]. And even regular posters
read more than they post. In the context of race, people have been shown to distance them-
selves from sources of identity threat [44]. So we expect that whites will be more likely to avoid
responding to the white privilege question, particularly those whites who might feel like their
ideas are in the minority or who experience identity threat.
Conversation quality. Incivility and toxicity are important metrics for online spaces, and
race-related topics are more likely to draw uncivil comments [45]. Even if posts can be catego-
rized as civil, they may be confusing or add little to the conversation. So we operationalized a
low-quality response as one that attacked people, challenged the question itself, contained little
content, or was hard to understand. Given the toxic nature of some online conversations
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around race [46] and the discomfort many whites have with the concept of white privilege [15,
16], we expect that the term will lead to lower average conversation quality among whites.
Stance & frames. We measure the content of a post in two ways. Stance describes whether
an individual supports or opposes the proposed topic. We also look at the topics, or arguments,
mentioned in each response. These could be described as the ideas that the writers have about
the topic. Alternatively, if we think of social media consumption, those same ideas become a
way of framing the conversation. In this paper, we will use the term frames to describe this
In the current context, we know that many whites do not believe they have race-based
advantages [15]. The idea of white privilege is not consistent with their understanding of the
world. Consequently, we hypothesize that fewer whites will be supportive of renaming build-
ing when white privilege is brought up.
Note that stance and frames are separate, but highly related. Supporters of a proposition
typically find certain frames more salient than opponents do. For instance, abortion opponents
often frame the procedure as ending a life, which puts the fetus at the center of attention.
While pro-choice advocates tend to frame the issue around the needs and rights of the mother.
Speakers and writers will influence support for a topic by framing the issue in different terms
[47]. In our experiments, we expect treatment condition to influence both stance and frames.
Previous work suggests that that white privilege will have a primarily affective effect on individ-
uals [24,48]. We expect this blunt mechanism to influence stance, instead of the frames used
in complex reasoning. In this case, frame use would arise from motivated reasoning, as indi-
viduals tried to explain the stance that they had already chosen. So we hypothesize that there
will be no significant difference in frames after controlling for stance.
Composition of posts. Social media is used by individuals [49], researchers [50], journal-
ists [51] and policy makers [52] to understand public opinion. However, responses on social
media are not usually representative of the population as a whole [53]. Online behavior
depends on the community members, the affordances of the forum, and framing. To under-
stand how the term white privilege affects this perception, we summarize the composition of
responses in each treatment condition. By this we mean the set of responses, taken as a whole,
as a reader might perceive them. Unlike the other four dimensions, which focus on individual
behavior, this variable describes the system’s behavior. For instance, does an online commu-
nity seem supportive of renaming buildings? Or does the community seem to oppose it? This
composition can also create higher-order effects on the community, as individuals make deci-
sions about what to post [37,54]. Given the relatively strong responses to the term white privi-
lege online, and the lack of debate about whether racial equality is an important social value in
the U.S., we expect that white privilege and racial inequality will create simulated communities
with different compositions.
In summary, the literature suggests the following hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1 (Avoidance): Whites will be less likely to respond when asked about white
Hypothesis 2 (Stance): Whites will, on average, be less supportive of renaming buildings
when asked about white privilege.
Hypothesis 3 (Conversation Quality): Whites will, on average, have lower quality
responses when asked about white privilege.
Hypothesis 4 (Frames): Supporters and opponents of renaming buildings will bring up dif-
ferent sets of frames. And, after controlling for support, asking about white privilege will not
affect the frames used.
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While not a formal hypothesis, prior work suggests non-whites will either show no mean
difference between treatment conditions in these first four dimensions, or show a trend in the
opposite direction from whites. Overall, the first four hypotheses should lead to:
Hypothesis 5 (Composition of responses): In an online conversation, the use of the terms
racial inequality and white privilege will result in a different composition of posts.
Study design
We explored these hypotheses through two experiments. Experiment A enabled us to gather
responses from both individuals who would have posted online and those who would have
self-censored. Because Experiment A asked people to self-rate their likelihood of responding,
Experiment B examined revealed preferences by giving respondents a choice of questions to
answer. A lab experiment was chosen to isolate the effects of language, avoid higher-order net-
work effects on peoples’ responses, and ensure that we could gather data about people who
would otherwise avoid responding.
Participants were US residents, drawn from Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), who had
completed 1000 tasks with 98% or higher acceptance rate. Both experiments were listed as the
same task in the MTurk system. US resident MTurkers have been shown to be generally repre-
sentative of the national population [55]. Participants were randomly assigned to experiment
(A or B) and to treatment condition (racial inequality or white privilege). After excluding
respondents who did not respond to the prompt, we were left with 478 people in Experiment
A and 446 in Experiment B. Descriptive statistics about the sample are in Table 1.
We expected that people who identified only as white (74%) would tend to respond differ-
ently to the term white privilege than those who identified, at least in part, as a member of
another race. To describe this latter group, we use the term non-white to signify that we don’t
expect them to have the same white identity as those who identify as only white. Four respon-
dents did not provide a race. They are included in any analyses which don’t involve race.
Table 1. Demographics of respondents.
Experiment A Experiment B
Racial Inequality White Privilege Racial Inequality White Privilege
Number of Respondents 250 228 233 213
Male 51% 53% 56% 50%
Female 48% 46% 43% 49%
White 82% 78% 81% 84%
Black 11% 8% 6% 8%
Asian 6% 13% 9% 6%
Hispanic/Latino 6% 6% 5% 5%
Other 2% 2% 3% 3%
Multiracial 7% 7% 6% 7%
Bachelor’s Degree 59% 57% 67% 65%
Mean -0.42 -0.35 -0.37 -0.44
Standard Deviation 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Politics was rated on a scale from -2 = strongly liberal to 2 = strongly conservative. Race percentages add to more than 100% because some people identified as
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Respondents in both studies received an online survey broken into two parts. After giving
informed consent, respondents were sent to the Part 1 that corresponded to their experiment.
In Part 1, each respondent was randomly assigned one of the two questions: “Should colleges
rename buildings that were named after people who actively supported racial inequality?” or
“Should colleges rename buildings that were named after people who actively supported white
privilege?” The question language was chosen based on conversations with colleagues and vet-
ting interviews during the study design phase. We purposely tried to use general language that
might evoke a broad, identity-based response. Racial inequality was chosen as a counterpoint
to white privilege because it seemed less likely to increase the salience of racial identity. Equality
is an American ideal that we thought most respondents would support. And the topic of
renaming college buildings seemed to give enough opinion diversity to see meaningful differ-
ences in the data.
In Part 1 of Experiment A, each respondent was randomly shown either the racial inequal-
ity or white privilege question. They were then asked: (a) “How likely would you be to respond
to this question if you saw it in an online community?” and (b) “If you did reply to this ques-
tion, what would you post in the online forum? Write the reply exactly as you might post it
online.” Responses to (a) were on a 5-point Likert scale from very likely (2) to very unlikely
(-2). Responses to (b) were free-written into a text box. After submitting Part 1, respondents
were sent to Part 2.
Each participant in Experiment B was also randomly assigned to either the racial inequality
or the white privilege condition. However in this case, for Part 1 participants were given the
choice of two questions in a randomly chosen order. They were told that they could respond
to either question, but only one. The questions were the renaming-buildings question (which
depended on their treatment condition): “Should colleges rename buildings that were named
after people who actively supported racial inequality/white privilege?” and the college-loans
question: “Should college tuition loans be forgiven for people who choose to go into public ser-
vice, such as social workers and teachers?” The college-loans question was chosen to avoid
race and provoke a similarly diverse range of opinions. Text responses to the college-loans
questions were not coded or used. After responding to their chosen question in a text box,
respondents were sent to the same Part 2 as in Experiment A.
The benefit of the design of Experiment B is that it elicits behavior in a way that better
approximates a real social media site. Attention is a precious commodity online. Ads and posts
vie for time on consumers’ screens. The option of an alternative question simulates that envi-
ronment. Unlike in Experiment A, however, we do not get the censored responses from indi-
viduals who chose not to respond to the renaming-buildings question. These data are sensitive
to the attractiveness of the other question. If the college-loans question is something that many
or few of the sample would reply to, this will affect the effect size. The results are also sensitive
to the college-loans question being differentially attractive to special groups, which has the
potential to bias the sample in a way unrelated to our hypotheses.
Part 2 was a survey which asked primarily multiple-choice demographic questions. These
included gender, age, race/ethnicity, preferred political party, and highest level of education.
Part 2 was the same for both experiments.
Coding for stance and frames
The survey gave text responses for the renaming-buildings question from participants in
Experiment A and from those who chose this question in Experiment B. We manually coded
text responses to the renaming-buildings question for both stance and for the frames used in
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the response. Based on its written content, every text response was assigned to one of five
stance categories: pro (supported renaming buildings), con (opposed renaming buildings),
neutral, conditional (it depends on the person/situation), and unclear (when we could not dis-
cern support). For the purposes of analysis, we focused mainly on the pro and con categories.
To create the framing codebook, each member of the research team initially independently
coded 100 responses according to labels from Moral Foundations Theory [56], the Media
Frames codebook [57], and with frames generated by the responses themselves. We then col-
lectively tried to synthesize our frames into a set of consistent, reasonable codes. Ultimately,
neither Moral Foundations nor the Media Frames Codebook aligned with our sample’s
responses on renaming college buildings. So we developed and used our own set of codes
through an iterative process: We coded a new set of responses using the previously created
labels and with frames found in the new data. We then met and synthesized the codebook.
This process repeated until the set of codes stabilized. Our codebook was informed by the
other two sets of frames, but definitions are different. For instance, our definition of harm
does not exactly match the one used in Moral Foundations.
Once the codebook was created, each author independently coded every response in sets of
about 100 responses. After each set, we met to discuss our codes until a consensus was reached
on every response. Coders were blinded, so we did not know the treatment condition or
respondents’ demographics. Many responses had multiple frame codes. In the rare cases
where there were more than three frames used in a response, we chose the three frame codes
that were repeated the most often. In the case of ties, we chose the frames that were used earlier
in the response. To calculate test-retest reliability, we performed this process again on a ran-
domly chosen subset of 100 responses. This led to a test-retest reliability, using fuzzy kappa
[58], of κ= .817.
Frames. Here is the list of frame codes and the criteria used:
Erasing history–Any reference to erasing history or rewriting the past.
History as lesson–Mentions how we can learn from history and/or historical building
College’s role–Refers to the college’s image, relationship between the college and the com-
munity, or the values of the college. Must explicitly mention the college.
Cost–Mentions a scarcity of resources, or the amount of work required to take an action.
Progress–Reference to moving on from a problematic past, making progress on social
issues, or solving problems today that we had in the past. Includes metaphors of motion or
growth from a past state.
History is past–History is in the past, and is therefore not important or less important than
contemporary issues.
Fairness–Equal treatment or preferential treatment. Interpreted narrowly. For example, a
reference to equality doesn’t automatically fall into this category.
Same people, different times–People are the same as they always have been. Or different
times have different standards.
Individuals’ contributions–The specific contributions of the individuals who the buildings
were named after should be considered. Includes references to relative contributions of differ-
ent people, looking up to them as role-models, not honoring people who have done bad things,
and references to worthiness due to monetary contributions.
Unintended consequences–There will be an unintended or surprising effect if buildings
are renamed (or not renamed).
Inconsistency–There are inconsistencies in the present/future that would be created by
renaming/not renaming. Typically referred to hypocrisy arising from some things being
renamed when others aren’t.
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Different action–Suggests a different action, besides renaming buildings.
Harm–Someone will be harmed in the present or future. Includes people taking offense,
disrespect, damage to social well-being, and supporting students. Both increasing harm and
reducing harm fall in this category.
Authority–Any reference to the individuals who have the right to make the decision.
Doesn’t matter–The decision to rename buildings will not have a practical impact. Or the
discussion about renaming doesn’t matter.
Ad hominem–Attacks the parties involved in the debate, rather than focusing on the mer-
its of renaming. Includes criticizing their character, calling names, suggesting they are hypo-
crites, or implying they have the wrong mentality.
Challenges questionAttacks the language used in the question or challenges the question
Other–Response unrelated to the question, using a frame not listed above, or no clear
frame. Includes simple answers like “yes”. Originally coded as three categories: off topic,other
frame, and no frame. However, it was hard to separate these categories, since these responses
were often not clearly written.
Any response that included either the ad hominem,challenges question, or other frame was
coded as a low-quality response.
To test for differences in proportions, we used Boschloo’s test [59] using the Exact library
[60] in R [61]. The Fisher exact test is inappropriate to analyze contingency tables if column
sums are not fixed by design. Boschloo’s test adapts Fisher’s approach by comparing p-values
across different column sums. It is uniformly more powerful than Fisher’s design. All Bos-
chloo’s tests were one-tailed. The Plotrix library [62] was also used for visualization.
Comparing frames
We were interested in inferring whether two groups C and D, such as whites and non-whites,
were likely to use a different set of frames in their responses. This statistical analysis is chal-
lenging, since each response may have used 0, 1, 2, or 3 frames. In addition, there is no obvious
statistical model which might explain how the groups use different frames.
So we used a random assignment Monte Carlo approach to infer whether two groups had
similar frame use. We assumed as a null hypothesis that membership in Group C and Group
D was independent of the probability of using each frame. We created a sampling distribution
under the null by first tossing out the original group labels. We then randomly assigned every
response to either Group C or Group D, ensuring that simulated groups had the same size as
the actual groups. We calculated the test statistic under this simulated division. This process
was repeated until we had 10,000 simulated test statistics. Our p-value is the percentage of
these simulated test statistics which are larger than the test statistic for the actual sample.
For a test statistic, we used a variant of the Kullback-Liebler (KL) divergence [63]. Let pC
the observed proportion of responses from Group C that use frame f. Set pD
fin a similar fash-
ion. For the null hypothesis, let q
be the proportion of responses in the complete sample C[D
that used frame f. Then, the test statistic is:
flog pC
flog pD
Note that this is not a true KL divergence, which is typically defined on a probability space
where probabilities sum to one. In our case, each response can have multiple frames, so
>1. However, like KL divergence, this test statistic does measure how different the
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observed group probabilities pC
fare from the reference distribution q
corresponding to
the null hypothesis.
All respondents gave informed consent through a digital interface. The University of Michi-
gan institutional review board approved this study.
Experiment A results
Experiment A was designed to understand both the responses of people who would respond in
an online forum, as well as responses from people who would avoid posting online. So we
asked everyone in the sample to respond to the prompt, and then self-rate how likely they
would be to respond to it in an online community.
For the purposes of this analysis, we defined someone as a likely responder if they said they
would be somewhat likely or very likely to respond to the question. We used this group to
understand what might actually be posted online.
Table 2 gives some results from Experiment A.
Based on their self-reported likelihood of responding, whites were less likely to respond to the
white privilege question than the racial inequality question (t(344) = 2.73, p = .003). In contrast,
non-whites were not significantly more likely to respond to the white privilege question (t(121)
= -0.33, p = .372).
Because we had coded multiple categories for stance, we separately report the percentages of
people who supported (pro) and opposed (con) renaming buildings. The other stance catego-
ries did not have enough responders to draw reliable conclusions.
Whites in Experiment A were less likely to support (p <.001) and more likely to oppose
(p = .008) renaming buildings when the question was phrased in terms of white privilege. This
overall shift in stance among whites was surprising. When asked about racial inequality, whites
were 67% more likely to be supportive than opposing. However, when white privilege was men-
tioned, 74% more whites opposed renaming college buildings than supported it.
As with avoidance, the choice of racial inequality versus white privilege did not affect aver-
age support (p = .505) or opposition (p = 0.667) among non- whites. This reinforces previous
Table 2. Experiment A—likelihood of responding, stance, and response quality by treatment group and race.
Whites Non-Whites Likely Responders
Count 189 161 59 66 133 97
Average self-reported likelihood of
0.169 (.11) -0.255 (.11) �� 0.203 (.19) 0.288 (.18)
% Supported renaming 48 24 ��� 42 42 64 38 ���
% Opposed renaming 29 41 �� 27 30 18 38 ��
Low quality response 22 37 24 36 + 20 36
+ p <.1, p<.05, �� p<.01, �� p<.001
Respondents rated their likelihood of responding on a scale from 2 = very likely to respond to -2 = very unlikely to respond. Values in parentheses are standard errors. P-
values represent differences between treatment groups. Three individuals did not provide a race.
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work that shows individuals have different responses when primed to think about their own
group compared with another group.
Among likely responders, the term white privilege significantly decreased support for
renaming buildings. In the white privilege condition, support dropped by 26 percentage points
(p <.001), and opposition increased by 20 percentage points (p <.001). Unlike the results for
whites and non- whites, these differences are caused by differences in who would respond in
addition to stance changes.
Response quality
Framing the question in terms of white privilege increased the percentage of low-quality
responses. This was true among whites (p = .001), non-whites (p = .069), and likely responders
(p = .003). The percentages for all groups were similar, so the decreased significance among
non-whites is likely due to a smaller sample size.
As predicted, the biggest difference in frame use was between supporters and opposers of
renaming buildings (p <.001). The frequency of frame use for supporters and opposers is
shown in Fig 1. We did not find a difference between the frames that whites and non-whites
Fig 1. Percentage of responses in Experiment A that used each frame.Squares give the proportion of responses that
used a given frame, among all responses that supported renaming buildings. Diamonds represent frame use among all
responses that opposed renaming buildings. Starred frames were categorized as low-quality.
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used in their responses (p = 0.768). This result held when we restricted the analysis to only
those who received the racial inequality (p = 0.912) and white privilege (p = 0.649) questions.
Treatment condition did affect the frames that people used in their responses in both the
complete sample (p = 0.018) and among likely responders (p = 0.029). Was this because the
terms racial inequality and white privilege bring up different ideas in peoples’ minds? Or was it
due to the fact that there are more supporters in the racial inequality condition, and supporting
arguments generally use different frames?
To answer this, we performed a mediation analysis. We ran a logistic regression predicting
the use of each frame based on treatment condition, controlling for support and opposition:
logitðFiÞ ¼ aþbðtreatmentiÞ þ gðproiÞ þ dðconiÞ þ i
Here Findicates whether individual iused the chosen frame, treatment tells whether the
individual received the racial inequality or white privilege question, and pro/con are binary var-
iables that describe whether the individual supported or opposed renaming buildings. We ran
this regression on every frame except the low-quality frames, which as described above did
seem to show a difference between treatment conditions, and the consistency frame, which was
used so rarely that the regression was not valid.
If the frames that people use in each treatment condition can be explained by their stance,
then we would expect the coefficient of treatment to be uniformly distributed and mostly sta-
tistically insignificant. Though we do expect statistical significance (α= .05) to occur by ran-
dom chance around 5% of the time. This is what we found. Of the 17 regressions only one
frame, erasing history, had a p-value less than .05 (p = .014). The p-values seemed uniformly
distributed, with the largest p-value for authority (p = .862). The effect of the term white privi-
lege on framing was explained by individuals’ stances.
Composition of responses
How does the question language affect the overall composition of responses that get posted
online? We turn to the set of likely responders to analyze this question. Fig 2 gives a snapshot
of what an online conversation might look like in each condition. The racial inequality ques-
tion led to a set of likely responses that was overwhelmingly supportive of renaming buildings,
with 7 supporters for every 2 opponents. In contrast, the white privilege framing led to a more
divided set of responses, with roughly equal numbers of supporters and opponents. Different
frames were brought up in the two conditions as well. Though, as mentioned, this seemed
completely driven by differences in support. The white privilege question brought 80% more
low-quality responses than the racial inequality question.
Avoidance differences between whites
The effect of using the term white privilege did not affect all whites equally, as shown in Fig 3.
Supportive whites were less likely to respond to the white privilege question than the racial
inequality question (t(62) = 3.03, p = .004). However, whites who opposed renaming buildings
were approximately equally likely to respond in both conditions (t(114) = -0.48, p = .635). Lan-
guage choice did not affect the likelihood of responding among either supportive or opposing
Overall, the results show that the shift from a set of overwhelmingly supportive responses
under racial inequality to the divided responses under white privilege comes from two factors:
(a) whites were, on average, less supportive of the white privilege question, and (b) supportive
whites were less likely to respond to the white privilege question.
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Experiment B results
As a counterpoint to Experiment A, where people self-rated their likelihood of responding,
Experiment B was designed to examine revealed behavior and see how people might respond
in a simulated online environment. Respondents were given (a) the renaming-buildings ques-
tion that corresponded to their randomly assigned treatment group and (b) the college-loans
question. They were told to respond to only one of the questions.
37 respondents filled in the text boxes under both questions. This meant they provided a
response for the college loans question, but that it was unclear whether they preferred to
answer that question. Since our analysis focused on people who chose to respond to the
renaming-buildings question over the college loans question, we excluded those 37 data points
from the analysis in this section. For completeness, we performed a robustness check with
those individuals included. The results were qualitatively similar to the results below but with
smaller effect sizes.
The results in Table 3 tell a story consistent with the results from Experiment A. However,
these results have generally weaker statistical significance. In particular, some of the effect sizes
Fig 2. Composition of posts in a hypothetical online conversation among 100 responders who are representative
of our sample. For Experiment A, the figure represents likely responders. For Experiment B, the figure represents
those who responded to the renaming-buildings question. Shape corresponds to the race of each responder. Points are
colored based on support for renaming buildings. The Other category includes responses that were neutral, unclear, or
said that it should depend on the situation.
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Fig 3. Average self-reported likelihood of responding in Experiment.A. Respondents rated their likelihood of
responding on a scale from 2 = very likely to respond to -2 = very unlikely to respond. Error bars represent standard
Table 3. Experiment B—probability of responding, stance, and response quality by treatment group and race.
Whites Non-Whites All Combined
Racial Inequality White Privilege Racial Inequality White Privilege Racial Inequality White Privilege
Count 163 152 49 44 213 196
% Responding to Renaming
Buildings Question
37 28 33 43 36 31
Among those. . .
% Supported Renaming 54 38 + 62 47 56 41
% Opposed Renaming 31 50 25 21 30 41 +
% Low Quality Response 32 40 0 25 �� 19 38
+ p <.1
�� p<.01
P-values represent differences between treatment groups. One individual did not provide a race.
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for non-whites seem to be similar to whites’ effect sizes, but without sufficiently small p-values.
This is likely due to a smaller sample size. The alternate question about college loans seems to
have been too attractive, with only about 1/3 of respondents answering the renaming-buildings
question. This preference for the financial question over the race-related question held regard-
less of race or treatment condition, and warrants investigation in future studies.
As in Experiment A, whites were less likely to respond to the white privilege question by nine
percentage points (p = .035). Non-whites in the sample were 10 percentage points more likely
to respond to the white privilege question (p = .160), but this did not rise to the level of statisti-
cal significance. So the effect for non-whites could be due to sampling variation. These results
support Hypothesis 1.
Whites who responded to the racial inequality question were, on average, more positive about
renaming college buildings than those who responded to the white privilege question. They
were 16 percentage points more likely to be supportive (p = .058) and 19 percentage points
more likely to oppose (p = .030). Interestingly, non-white responders also seemed more posi-
tive about the racial inequality question. Though the sample size was small enough that neither
the difference in support (p = .202) nor opposition (p = .427) were significant. When we con-
sider the set of people who responded to the renaming buildings as a whole, the people who
received the racial inequality question were more likely to be supportive (p = .043) and less
likely to oppose (p = .091).
Response quality
Responses to the white privilege question garnered a higher percentage of low-quality
responses among whites (p = .047), non-whites (p = .010), and all responders (p =. 010).
As in Experiment A, there was a large difference in frame use between supporters and oppo-
nents of renaming buildings (p <.001). There also was a significant difference in the frames
between treatment conditions (p <.001). To analyze the effect of stance on frame use, we ran
a logistic regression for each frame as described in Experiment A. The frames unintended con-
sequences and cost were omitted from this analysis due to low use. The low-quality frames were
also omitted. After controlling for stance, there was no effect of treatment condition on frame
use beyond what we would expect by chance. The p-values were distributed fairly uniformly
with the smallest p-value corresponding to the consistency frame (p = .040) and the largest cor-
responding to erasing history (p = .076). Again, the effect of question (racial inequality/white
privilege) on frame use was completely explained by stance. These results support Hypothesis
Composition of responses
Fig 2 shows the overall composition of responses. As before, racial inequality led to more sup-
portive responses and fewer low-quality responses than when the question was framed in
terms of white privilege. As in Experiment A, there were equal numbers of supporters and
opponents when asked about white privilege, and responders were generally supportive when
asked about racial inequality. There were 1.9 supporters for every opposer in the racial
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inequality condition. This was weaker than in Experiment A, where the support/opposition
ratio was 3.5. It is unclear whether this weaker support is caused by the attractiveness of the
college-loans question, a difference between stated preferences (Experiment A) and revealed
preferences (Experiment B), or random chance.
Summary of results
These results shed light on our hypotheses. Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis 2 are both confirmed
by the data. Whites who received the white privilege questions were less likely to respond and
less supportive of renaming buildings. We also found support for Hypothesis 3. Use of the
term white privilege led to more low-quality responses. This result was not only true among
whites, but also among non-whites. The results also support Hypothesis 4, which focused on
motivated reasoning. Supporters and opponents of renaming college buildings used different
arguments. However, differences in framing between people who received the white privilege
and racial inequality question disappeared after taking into account their stance. These experi-
ments also provided evidence for Hypothesis 5. The term racial inequality created a set of
responses that supported renaming college buildings. White privilege led to a more divided,
polarized set of posts. While the effects of the term white privilege on whites was unambiguous,
the effect on non-whites was less clear due to a combination of smaller sample sizes and seem-
ingly weaker effects. The only reliable result among non-whites was that white privilege led to
more low-quality responses.
Using two experiments, we studied how individuals respond to the term white privilege in an
online environment. Mentioning white privilege was enough to flip white support for renam-
ing college buildings from primarily supportive to primarily opposing. Furthermore, the term
white privilege deters some supportive whites from engaging in the conversation. Surprisingly,
we did not see this avoidance effect among opposing whites. In addition, the term white privi-
lege led to less constructive responses among both whites and non-whites.
If these were posts on a real online discussion board, asking about racial inequality would
give the impression of general support for renaming college buildings. Asking about white
privilege would lead to a seemingly less supportive, more divided public opinion with lower-
quality online debate. This decreased support is driven by two factors: (a) whites were, on aver-
age, less supportive when white privilege was brought up, and (b) supportive whites were more
likely to avoid talking about white privilege.
Responses to white privilege tended to use different arguments from arguments about racial
inequality. However, that difference was completely explained by differences in stance toward
renaming buildings. This lends credence to the claim that the term white privilege leads first to
a change in stance, followed by motivated reasoning to support that stance. If the causality
went the other way, where the choice of language first affects the ideas people have, which
leads to them changing their support, then we might expect at least some of the frames to be
unexplained by stance.
Prior literature suggests that both emotion [28,64] and the strength of racial identity [18]
play a significant role in our results. We hypothesize that the increased tendency of supportive
whites to avoid discussing white privilege is mediated by both these factors. It could be that the
term made racial identity more salient for all whites, but was more likely to generate guilt and
therefore avoidance in supportive whites. Another possibility is that opposing whites tended to
identify highly with their race already, so that mentions of white privilege had a greater average
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effect on both racial identity salience and emotion on lower-identifying whites. Future
research might test these hypotheses.
In writing about this study, we had to refer to groups, such as “non-whites” and “supportive
whites”. There is a lot of variation among the individuals in any group, especially racially-
defined groups with millions of members. However, humans have an unfortunate tendency to
generalize a statement about a group of people to each individual member [25]. This overgen-
eralization can cause harm, for instance through stereotyping [65]. Our study, like many
research studies, is about averages. So we have been careful to use language that minimizes
overgeneralization to individuals. For instance, instead of writing, “Whites were less support-
ive of the white privilege question”, we wrote “Whites were, on average, less supportive of the
white privilege question.” Our results should be interpreted as describing how language affects
large-scale social dynamics, not as a way to understand traits or behaviors of individuals.
In a real online site, social desirability bias, the design of the forum, and back-and-forth
between posters may magnify or dampen the effects we saw here. Another limitation comes
from the fact that most social media users post very rarely. Online, the desires for information
and entertainment are major drivers of behavior. Indeed, some researchers emphasize the
value of active listening [66], which can bring a more diverse set of perspectives. All partici-
pants in our study were motivated to respond. It is unclear how the desire to read others’
points of view might affect these results. In addition, Experiment A and Experiment B had
quantitatively different but qualitatively similar results. So in a true online environment, we
might expect a similar effect, but with potentially different effect sizes.
The present study does not capture long-term attitude changes. Further research is required
to understand the circumstances under which long-term exposure to the term white privilege
affects support for racially progressive policies, whether it increases animosity and polariza-
tion, and how this effect might differ between demographic groups.
While we chose the language in the study to broadly evoke group-based identity, the terms
racial inequality and white privilege do have different literal meanings. The survey prompt
asked individuals to think about buildings named after people who supported these two sepa-
rate concepts. It’s not clear whether that difference in meaning affected their responses. Con-
cerns about building names have cited a variety reasons, from the honoree being a
Confederate to supporting eugenics. Perhaps white privilege and racial inequality suggest dif-
ferent reasons, which led to different responses by treatment group.
Our study has several practical implications. The first is already known, but often ignored:
Opinions on social media do not represent public opinion. Social media posts are highly
dependent on how a question is phrased, as well as the norms, community members, and
moderation practices of the site. Individual and system-level forces, such as self-categorization
[25], the spiral of silence [54], and algorithmic filters [67] affect what shows up on our feeds.
In our study, which did not include the moderation found on social media platforms, a two-
word change in language was sufficient to shift a community from appearing divided to
appearing supportive. This result will not be surprising to survey researchers, who need to be
very attentive to choice of language [68]. However, policy-makers [52], journalists [51], and
others who use social media to understand the opinions of others may want to turn to more
valid sources.
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Those who want inclusive online conversations around race and/or support for racially sen-
sitive policies should think carefully about the use of language like white privilege that targets
the racial identity of specific groups. This language can deter the targeted group from partici-
pating. It has the potential to increase affective polarization by creating the image of a politi-
cally divided online space. Using slightly different language, such as racial inequality, that has
more of a shared meaning across cultures can lead to conversations with broader participation
and greater shared support.
In discussing this study with academic colleagues, a common response was, “Even if the
term white privilege makes whites feel uncomfortable, they still need to hear it. It’s part of
learning about race.” Indeed, numerous scholars have argued for raising awareness of race-
based privilege [9]. Spending time thinking about racial advantages and disadvantages can
affect individuals’ perceptions of systemic discrimination [23,69]. However, these effects vary
significantly depending on the details of the intervention and the individuals involved [9,23,
69]. Our results, which focused on a simple change of language in an impersonal context,
show that mention of white privilege can decrease engagement and lead to opinion shifts oppo-
site to what was intended. It’s reasonable to expect that this identity-based disengagement
decreases learning for some whites–an effect which has been documented in other settings
[7072]. Humanity has an evolutionarily useful, but usually incorrect, tendency to treat all
members of a group as being the same [25,73]. As commonly used, the phrase white privilege
draws on this tendency to conflate individual traits with group averages, in a way that creates
unpleasant emotions. A more effective approach might be to distinguish between individuals’
experiences and group averages through a combination of personal storytelling and large-scale
data in a way that is consciously inclusive of whites [74].
With online political polarization on the rise [75] and race in the forefront of today’s news, it is
important to make cross-cultural online communication effective and inclusive. The present
work adds to what we know about communication on racially challenging topics. This study
has shown that the term white privilege in online conversations tends to decrease support for
racially ameliorative policies among whites, cause some supportive whites to avoid participat-
ing in discussions, decrease overall online conversation quality, and lead online forums to
seem more polarized. Other, more inclusive, ways of speaking about race online, such as the
term racial inequality are more likely to create a sense of shared purpose. There are very real
racial inequities in society today. Choosing language that promotes constructive conversation
will not solve those problems. But it is an important step towards collectively understanding
their dimensions and working together towards a solution.
Supporting information
S1 File. R code for replication of results.
S1 Data. Data for use with the replication code. To ensure participants’ privacy, data for
Table 1: Demographics of respondents has been omitted.
S2 Data. Names and descriptions of the variables found in the data.
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The authors would like to thank Ceren Budak, Paul Resnick, and our anonymous reviewers
for their advice.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Christopher L. Quarles, Lia Bozarth.
Data curation: Christopher L. Quarles.
Formal analysis: Christopher L. Quarles.
Investigation: Christopher L. Quarles.
Methodology: Christopher L. Quarles.
Project administration: Christopher L. Quarles.
Software: Christopher L. Quarles.
Validation: Christopher L. Quarles, Lia Bozarth.
Visualization: Christopher L. Quarles, Lia Bozarth.
Writing – original draft: Christopher L. Quarles.
Writing – review & editing: Christopher L. Quarles, Lia Bozarth.
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How the term "white privilege" affects online communication
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... For example, in one study, White adults who read information about White privilege reported having more hardships in their own lives than White adults who did not read about privilege (Phillips & Lowery, 2015). Similarly, use of a White privilege framework may cause some White individuals to disengage from conversations about racial issues or to be less supportive of racially progressive policies (Quarles & Bozarth, 2022). ...
... Indeed, prior work has found that, among White adults, acknowledgment of White privilege is associated with support for social justice efforts (Rios et al., 2021;Swim & Miller, 1999;Todd et al., 2014). Importantly, however, other research suggests that some White adults react to evidence of White privilege with resistance (Phillips & Lowery, 2015;Quarles & Bozarth, 2022). Thus, although the current study suggests that White parents' views of White privilege are related to their socialization practices, more work is needed to explore how attempts to change White parents' views impact their parenting behaviors. ...
To explore predictors of variations in White parents’ racial socialization messages, we collected data on racial socialization practices, attributions for racial inequalities, and views about White privilege from White parents of White children between the ages of 10 and 14 ( N = 194). After controlling for education and political ideology, endorsement of external attributions for racial inequality was related to sending more frequent messages about awareness of racism and White privilege, whereas endorsement of internal attributions was related to sending more frequent messages about colorblindness and preparation for bias. Further, beliefs about White privilege were associated with socialization regarding awareness of racism and acknowledgment of White privilege and negatively related to colorblind and preparation for bias messages. Results highlight the ways in which White parents’ racial socialization approaches reflect underlying views of race and racism.
... Future research could explore the polarising impact of citing "wokeness" by addressing whether woke vs. neutral framing amplifies/reduces support for policies. Research suggests that the term "white privilege" decreases support among white participants for renaming buildings (Quarles and Bozarth 2022). Perhaps conservative politicians/commentators can discredit structural changes by framing them as conflicting with the national character. ...
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Though the term originated in the early twentieth century, it is only recently "wokeness" has become a staple of British media discourse. Typically, the concept features in commentaries and exchanges about institutional power, censorship, minority rights/representation, and structural racism, i.e. "culture wars" discourses. Polling suggests that the public considers wokeness a threat despite lacking clarity or consensus on its specific meaning. This study addresses this ambiguity, combining an analysis of coverage in the UK press with posts on Twitter and a questionnaire, asking UK respondents to define and exemplify wokeness. All samples revealed a multi-faceted concept observed at individual, group, cultural and corporate levels. A range of positive and negative framings were found, e.g. awareness and compassion vs. weakness and puritanism. Broader narratives constructed around wokeness include aspirational traits, moral posturing, a modern secular religion, and an insurgent "woke agenda." These offer insights into how the concept is characterised and operationalised.
... The internet, combined with our own psychological tendencies, amplifies outrage and extreme points of view (Brady et al. 2021), which can magnify misinformation (Carrasco-Farré 2022) and political extremism (Hasell 2021), suppress meaningful democratic dialogue (Hampton et al. 2014), and create misperceptions of public opinion (Quarles and Bozarth 2022). While amplification can be caused by algorithms, it happens naturally due to the online information infrastructure. ...
The internet and social media carry vast amounts of new information every second. To make these flows manageable, platforms engage in content moderation, using algorithms and humans to decide which content to recommend and which to remove. These decisions have profound effects on our elections, democratic debate, and human well-being. The U.S. government cannot directly regulate these decisions due to the scale of the content and the First Amendment. Rather than focusing exclusively on whether or what content gets moderated, policy-makers should focus on ensuring that incentives and processes create an information infrastructure that can support a robust democracy. These policies are most likely to be content-neutral. Three content-neutral mechanisms are promising targets for policy: process, transparency, and de-amplification.
Disadvantage and privilege work together to uphold systems of inequality. Nevertheless, racial inequality is often described as Black disadvantage, while White privilege remains less visible. This one-sided framing in public discourse may result in equally one-sided understandings of and policies aimed at reducing inequality. In the present research, we examined the use of and the reactions to Black disadvantage and White privilege frames in tweets. Twitter stands out as a public sphere inspiring both online and offline political discussions and protests around racial inequality (e.g. #BlackLivesMatter). We analyzed the framing of tweets using a combination of a rule-based and a machine-learning approach, resulting in two corpora of 11,292 (Study 1) and 31,984 tweets (Study 2, a direct replication of Study 1) using comparative frames of racial inequality. Users overall more often framed inequality as Black disadvantage than as White privilege. Moreover, tweets with a disadvantage frame were more often retweeted, but less often quoted and replied to than tweets with a privilege frame. These results show that racial inequality is often one-sidedly framed in real online conversations and that this pattern may be reinforced by other users because they preferably pass on disadvantage frames. However, focusing on White privilege may provoke more discussion about racial inequality. Although effect sizes were small, these effects can impact content and perspectives in mainstream media, public opinion, and political agendas by guiding attention to certain aspects of racial inequality, but not others.
Purpose/objectives: To investigate potential unconscious bias among dental hygiene educators and identify baseline perceptions of race and racism. Methods: Dental hygiene programs in the USA were clustered into 4 geographic regions from which 2 programs were sampled from each region. The 20-item, Color-Blind Racial Attitudes Scale (CoBRAS) electronic survey was sent to educators from each of the selected programs in 2022. The CoBRAS instrument measures contemporary racism and stereotyping in 3 subcategories: Unawareness of Racial Privilege, Institutional Discrimination, and Blatant Racial Issues. Scores range from 20-120, with higher scores indicating elevated levels of denial of racism. Descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA were performed. The level of significance was set to α = 0.05. Results: Of the 172 potential respondents, 89 (52%) completed all of the survey questions. The majority of the respondents were White, female and from the Northeast (74.2%, 93.3%, and 61.8% respectively). The mean CoBRAS score (55.73) indicated moderate levels of color-blind racial attitudes. Race was a significant variable in perceptions of racial dynamics and racism with statistically significant differences between groups by race and ethnicity as demonstrated by one-way ANOVA (F[6,82] = 3.469, p = 0.004). Conclusions: Moderate levels of color-blind racial attitudes among dental hygiene educators were found, indicating a presence of cognitive aspects of stereotyping related to race. The demographic data collected adds to the existing evidence of a lack of diversity among dental hygiene faculty.
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Three studies tested the idea that when social identity is salient, group-based appraisals elicit specific emotions and action tendencies toward out-groups. Participants’ group memberships were made salient and the collective support apparently enjoyed by the in-group was measured or manipulated. The authors then measured anger and fear (Studies 1 and 2) and anger and contempt (Study 3), as well as the desire to move against or away from the out-group. Intergroup anger was distinct from intergroup fear, and the inclination to act against the out-group was distinct from the tendency to move away from it. Participants who perceived the in-group as strong were more likely to experience anger toward the out-group and to desire to take action against it. The effects of perceived in-group strength on offensive action tendencies were mediated by anger.
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Progress in genomics has enabled the emergence of a booming market for “direct-to-consumer” genetic testing. Nowadays, companies like 23andMe and AncestryDNA provide affordable health, genealogy, and ancestry reports, and have already tested tens of millions of customers. At the same time, alt- and far-right groups have also taken an interest in genetic testing, using them to attack minorities and prove their genetic “purity.” In this paper, we present a measurement study shedding light on how genetic testing is being discussed on Web communities in Reddit and 4chan. We collect 1.3M comments posted over 27 months on the two platforms, using a set of 280 keywords related to genetic testing. We then use NLP and computer vision tools to identify trends, themes, and topics of discussion. Our analysis shows that genetic testing attracts a lot of attention on Reddit and 4chan, with discussions often including highly toxic language expressed through hateful, racist, and misogynistic comments. In particular, on 4chan's politically incorrect board (/pol/), content from genetic testing conversations involves several alt-right personalities and openly antisemitic rhetoric, often conveyed through memes. Finally, we find that discussions build around user groups, from technology enthusiasts to communities promoting fringe political views.
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Hateful commenting, also known as ‘toxicity’, frequently takes place within news stories in social media. Yet, the relationship between toxicity and news topics is poorly understood. To analyze how news topics relate to the toxicity of user comments, we classify topics of 63,886 online news videos of a large news channel using a neural network and topical tags used by journalists to label content. We score 320,246 user comments from those videos for toxicity and compare how the average toxicity of comments varies by topic. Findings show that topics like Racism, Israel-Palestine, and War & Conflict have more toxicity in the comments, and topics such as Science & Technology, Environment & Weather, and Arts & Culture have less toxic commenting. Qualitative analysis reveals five themes: Graphic videos, Humanistic stories, History and historical facts, Media as a manipulator, and Religion. We also observe cases where a typically more toxic topic becomes non-toxic and where a typically less toxic topic becomes “toxicified” when it involves sensitive elements, such as politics and religion. Findings suggest that news comment toxicity can be characterized as topic-driven toxicity that targets topics rather than as vindictive toxicity that targets users or groups. Practical implications suggest that humanistic framing of the news story (i.e., reporting stories through real everyday people) can reduce toxicity in the comments of an otherwise toxic topic.
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The academic underperformance of high school students with learning disabilities may reduce their access to higher education and decrease their employment opportunities. Based on stereotype threat hypothesis, the present study examined the role of stereotype threat in academic performance among adolescents with learning disabilities and the moderating role of psychological disengagement in this relation. In Study 1, 120 students with learning disabilities finished the measures of stereotype threat vulnerability and psychological disengagement, and their academic score at two time points were collected. Results showed that students who are more vulnerable to stereotype threat tend to have a lower academic score at Time 2 even after controlling for academic score at Time 1, and this relation was moderated by psychological disengagement. In Study 2, 62 sophomore students with learning disabilities finished measures of stereotype threat, academic persistence, and psychological disengagement. The results showed that the effect of stereotype threat on academic persistence was significant among students who were of low psychological disengagement, while this effect was not significant among students who were psychologically disengaged in academics. These results emphasize the individual differences of learning disabled students’ response to stereotype threat and have significant implications for framing targeted interventions.
Online communities about similar topics may maintain very different norms of interaction. Past research identifies many processes that contribute to maintaining stable norms, including self-selection, pre-entry learning, post-entry learning, and retention. We analyzed political subreddits that had distinctive, stable levels of toxic comments on Reddit, in order to identify the relative contribution of these four processes. Surprisingly, we find that the largest source of norm stability is pre-entry learning. That is, newcomers' first comments in these distinctive subreddits differ from those same people's prior behavior in other subreddits. Through this adjustment, they nearly match the toxicity level of the subreddit they are joining. We also show that behavior adjustments are community-specific and not broadly transformative. That is, people continue to post toxic comments at their previous rates in other political subreddits. Thus, we conclude that in political subreddits, compatible newcomers are neither born nor made– they make local adjustments on their own.
In series of studies, we sought to assess the extent to which social media use was related to the false consensus effect. Study 1 (N = 493) and Study 2 (N = 364, preregistered) assessed the relationship between social media use and the false consensus effect for three psychological characteristics: political attitudes, personality traits, and fundamental social motives. Study 3 (N = 875) explored lay beliefs about the strength of the relationships between social media use and false consensus effects. Across studies, we found that heavier use of social media was associated with stronger false consensus effects. However, these effects were smaller in magnitude than lay beliefs about these linkages.
Objectives: School belonging is key to enabling sustained engagement with learning, yet minorities. sense of belonging is more vulnerable and contingent on the intergroup context. From a social identity approach, discrimination experiences signal rejection of the minority identity, and hence threaten minorities. school belonging. Conversely, a positive diversity climate affirms minority identity and thus protects belonging. This study aims to explain minority belonging and engagement from the interplay of identity threat and protection in diverse classrooms. We hypothesize that a pro-diversity classroom climate will buffer minorities from disengaging in response to discrimination by protecting their sense of school belonging. Methods: Drawing on large random samples of Turkish and Moroccan minority students (N=1050) in 70 Belgian high schools, we test multi-level models of school belonging as a key mediating process connecting minorities. behavioral engagement with the interplay of individual discrimination experiences (threat) and classroom diversity climates (protection). Results: As expected, we found that (i) minority students who experienced more personal discrimination from school teachers reported less school belonging, which in turn predicted (ii) less behavioral engagement with school tasks. In addition, minority perceptions of a positive diversity climate in the classroom predicted more belonging and engagement. Finally, a positive diversity climate effectively buffered minority engagement from personal experiences of discrimination through protecting their school belonging. Conclusions: Discrimination experiences undermine minority school belonging and engagement. Conversely, schools that value diversity enable sustained engagement through enhanced belonging.
Social media is becoming a key medium through which we communicate with each other: it is at the center of the very structures of our daily interactions. Yet this infiltration is not unique to interpersonal relations. Political leaders, governments, and states operate within this social media environment, wherein they continually address crises and institute damage control through platforms such as Twitter. A question arises here as to what the turn to Twitter means for conventional structures of power and different levels of communication. This article analyses the emotional dynamics of Twitter, illustrating how emotion is implicated in the power of this social media platform. I argue that Twitter can both represent emotions and provoke emotions, which can play an important role in the escalation or de-escalation of conflict. The emotional conditions Twitter facilitates are implicated in how shifts in temporality and functionality of communication have shaped political discourse so significantly.
The visibility of news and politics in a Facebook newsfeed depends on the actions of a diverse set of actors: users, their friends, content publishers such as news organizations, advertisers, and algorithms. The focus of this paper is on untangling the role of this last actor from the others. We ask, how does Facebook algorithmically infer what users are interested in, and how do interest inferences shape news exposure? We weave together survey data and interest categorization data from participants’ Facebook accounts to audit the algorithmic interest classification system on Facebook. These data allow us to model the role of algorithmic inference in shaping content exposure. We show that algorithmic ‘sorting out’ of users has consequences for who is exposed to news and politics on Facebook. People who are algorithmically categorized as interested in news or politics are more likely to attract this kind of content into their feeds – above and beyond their self-reported interest in civic content.