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Digital Management Systems in Academic Health Sciences Laboratories: A Scoping Review


Abstract and Figures

Good laboratory practices (GLP) increase the quality and traceability of results in health sciences research. However, factors such as high staff turnover, insufficient resources, and a lack of training for managers may limit their implementation in research and academic laboratories. This Scoping Review aimed to identify digital tools for managing academic health sciences and experimental medicine laboratories and their relationship with good practices. Following the PRISMA-ScR 2018 criteria, a search strategy was conducted until April 2021 in the databases PUBMED, Web of Sciences, and Health Virtual Library. A critical appraisal of the selected references was conducted, followed by data charting. The search identified twenty-one eligible articles, mainly originated from high-income countries, describing the development and/or implementation of thirty-two electronic management systems. Most studies described software functionalities, while nine evaluated and discussed impacts on management, reporting both improvements in the workflow and system limitations during implementation. In general, the studies point to a contribution to different management issues related to GLP principles. In conclusion, this review identified evolving evidence that digital laboratory management systems may represent important tools in compliance with the principles of good practices in experimental medicine and health sciences research.
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Digital Management Systems in Academic Health Sciences
Laboratories: A Scoping Review
Margareth Timóteo 1,2, Emanuelle Lourenço 3, Ana Carolina Brochado 4, Luciana Domenico 1, Joice da Silva 1,
Bruna Oliveira 1, Renata Barbosa 4, Pietro Montemezzi 5, Carlos Fernando de Almeida Barros Mourão1, 4, *,
Beni Olej 1and Gutemberg Alves 1, *
Citation: Timóteo, M.; Lourenço, E.;
Brochado, A.C.; Domenico, L.; da
Silva, J.; Oliveira, B.; Barbosa, R.;
Montemezzi, P.; Mourão, C.F.d.A.B.;
Olej, B.; et al. Digital Management
Systems in Academic Health Sciences
Laboratories: A Scoping Review.
Healthcare 2021,9, 739. https://
Academic Editors: Giovanni Improta
and Paolo Gargiulo
Received: 15 May 2021
Accepted: 9 June 2021
Published: 16 June 2021
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil-
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
1Clinical Research Unit, Antônio Pedro Hospital, Fluminense Federal University, Niteroi 24020-140, Brazil; (M.T.); (L.D.); (J.d.S.); (B.O.); (B.O.)
2Post-Graduation Program in Medical Sciences, Fluminense Federal University, Niteroi 24020-140, Brazil
3Post-Graduation Program in Dentistry, Fluminense Federal University, Niteroi 24020-140, Brazil;
4Post-Graduation Program in Science and Biotechnology, Fluminense Federal University,
Niteroi 24020-140, Brazil; (A.C.B.); (R.B.)
5Independent Researcher, 24128 Bergamo, Italy;
*Correspondence: (C.F.d.A.B.M.); (G.A.);
Tel.: +1-941-830-1302 (C.F.d.A.B.M.); +55-21-26299255 (G.A.)
Good laboratory practices (GLP) increase the quality and traceability of results in health
sciences research. However, factors such as high staff turnover, insufficient resources, and a lack of
training for managers may limit their implementation in research and academic laboratories. This
Scoping Review aimed to identify digital tools for managing academic health sciences and experi-
mental medicine laboratories and their relationship with good practices. Following the PRISMA-ScR
2018 criteria, a search strategy was conducted until April 2021 in the databases PUBMED, Web of
Sciences, and Health Virtual Library. A critical appraisal of the selected references was conducted,
followed by data charting. The search identified twenty-one eligible articles, mainly originated from
high-income countries, describing the development and/or implementation of thirty-two electronic
management systems. Most studies described software functionalities, while nine evaluated and
discussed impacts on management, reporting both improvements in the workflow and system limita-
tions during implementation. In general, the studies point to a contribution to different management
issues related to GLP principles. In conclusion, this review identified evolving evidence that digital
laboratory management systems may represent important tools in compliance with the principles of
good practices in experimental medicine and health sciences research.
Keywords: scoping review; academic health centers; software; laboratory management
1. Introduction
Laboratory research plays an essential role in providing evidence for translational
medicine and sustainable solutions to healthcare [
]. However, the reliance on experi-
mental medicine demands increased traceability and data integrity, ensuring the quality
of transferrable results to the clinical setting. In recent years, the scientific community
experienced awareness regarding a reproducibility crisis related to factors such as the
pressure for publication, low statistical power, and insufficient supervision [
]. On the
other hand, adequate management, training, and good practices may increase data quality
by improving workflow, avoiding errors, and providing traceability [2].
Good laboratory practices (GLP) may be defined as a quality system encompassing
organizational processes and conditions under which studies are planned, executed, moni-
tored, registered, and reported [
]. The Principles of Good Laboratory Practice were first
developed by a group of GLP experts led by the USA, established in 1978 under the Special
Healthcare 2021,9, 739.
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 2 of 20
Program on the Control of Chemicals, based on the FDA’s regulations for non-clinical
laboratory studies. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
published the Principles of Good Laboratory Practice and Compliance Monitoring in Jan-
uary 1998 [
]. Since then, it represents the primary set of standards available worldwide to
ensure quality, reliability, and integrity, providing a solid approach to the management of
research laboratories [4].
However, academic laboratories experience several critical barriers to developing and
implementing a GLP-compliant infrastructure [
]. These limitations include poor training
on management, lack of funding for compliance costs, and high staff turnover due to a
dependence on students as temporary personnel [
]. Therefore, laboratory managers at
academic centers should explore tools that facilitate supervision and identify critical steps
in the laboratory workflow. In this context, digital systems are among the most important
tools available for efficient management, ranging from dedicated computer programs
to smartphone applications. Laboratory information management systems (LIMS) offer
databases and automation [
] that allow experimental data tracking and storage [
]. Other
software and digital services that fall outside of the original LIMS classification provide
a broader offer of solutions to laboratory management [
], coping with other aspects
of quality assurance related to communication, staff, multiuser equipment schedule and
maintenance, standard procedures, and inventory control, which are fundamental in the
full spectrum of a laboratory’s workflow [10,11].
Despite the potential effectiveness of these digital tools in meeting specific aspects of
laboratory management, it remains unclear how these systems may directly or indirectly
contribute to adherence to the GLP principles. In this context, the present review aimed to
provide evidence on the theme by scoping the scientific literature for the available digital
tools designed to manage health sciences and experimental medicine laboratories and
discuss the assessments of effectiveness, acceptance, and their potential for compliance to
different aspects of good laboratory practices.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Protocol and Registration
This review followed the PRISMA recommendations for scoping reviews (PRISMA-
ScR) [
], as shown in the Supplementary Table S1. The study protocol was registered in the
Open Science Framework database under the Digital Object Identifier doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/
KPC3Q on 15 July 2020.
2.2. Sources of Information and Research Strategy
The broad question that guided the review was: “Are there available digital tools
for the management of academic health sciences laboratories?” Strategies were devel-
oped to search for data sources in three different databases: PUBMED (www.ncbi.nlm. (accessed on 26 April 2021)), Web of Science (WoS) (
webofsciencegroup (accessed on 26 April 2021)), and the Virtual Health Library (VHL)
( (accessed on 26 April 2021))
. The research was carried until April 2021. Grey lit-
erature was consulted through the OpenGrey Database (available at
(accessed on 24 May 2021)). The search keys are described in Table 1, with various combi-
nations of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) descriptors selected to cover as many articles
as possible coping with management software approaches in academic or research settings.
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 3 of 20
Table 1. Search keys applied to the three consulted databases.
Database Search Key
(laborator*[tiab] OR Laboratories[mh]) AND (management[tiab]
OR “Organization and Administration”[mh] OR “Information
Management”[mh]) AND (software[tiab] OR computer*[tiab] OR
virtual[tiab] OR Software[mh] OR “Mobile Applications”[mh])
AND (academic OR Universities[mh] OR research[tiab] OR
research[mh] OR “Biomedical Research”[mh] OR “Translational
Medical Research”[mh]) AND (health OR clinic*)
Web of Science
TOPIC: ((laboratory) AND (management OR “Organization and
Administration” OR “Information Management”) AND (software
OR computer OR virtual OR “Mobile Applications”) AND
(academic OR University OR research OR “Biomedical Research”
OR “Translational Medical Research”) AND (health OR clinic)).
Time stipulated: all years. Indices: SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI,
Virtual Health Library
(laboratory) AND (management OR organization) AND (software
OR computer OR virtual OR “Mobile Applications”) AND
(academic OR University OR research) AND (health OR clinic)
2.3. Selection of Sources of Evidence
The eligibility criteria were determined on a PIO (Population, Intervention, Outcome)
variant of the PICO framework for the selection of studies, more adequate for qualitative
reviews [13].
A structured question was produced, in which, Population (P): academic health sci-
ences laboratories, Intervention (I): the use of digital tools, and Outcomes (O): management
for quality. After the references were retrieved from the database search, a group of five
trained and calibrated reviewers read all titles and abstracts, applying the eligibility criteria,
which included complete works on digital tools that aid in the administration of labora-
tories in academic or research environments, in health or biomedical sciences, including
collections and biorepositories. Studies were excluded if they (i) were entirely out of the
subject, (ii) did not address laboratory management, (iii) did not deal with software or
digital tools, and (iv) were not proposed or discussed for health sciences or biomedical
research. Additionally, articles on software that exclusively assessed experimental data
management were considered outside the scope of this review. The inter-examiner reli-
ability was assessed through simultaneous assessment of references by five evaluators,
obtaining a Cohen’s Kappa coefficient of 0.93. Doubts and disagreements were resolved in
weekly meetings conducted during this stage.
2.4. Critical Appraisal
A critical appraisal was conducted with the selected references, applying an instru-
ment described by Whittemore and Knafl [
], considering two relevant criteria: (i) method-
ological and theoretical soundness and (ii) relevance of the data to the proposed question
of the review. The methodological assessment considered whether studies presented ade-
quate identification and traceability of the software, evaluating effectiveness, applicability,
or acceptance. The adherence to the review’s question was considered according to the de-
scription of management functions, target users and environment, and software limitations.
Each present parameter was scored with 1 point, to a maximum of 4 points. No study was
excluded based on this assessment classification, even though the score was included as a
variable in the data analysis stage. In general, studies of lower scores contributed less to
the analytical process.
2.5. Synthesis of Results and Data Charting
The main characteristics of the selected studies were collected and tabulated, includ-
ing year and country of conduction, name and type of digital tool, topics of laboratory
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 4 of 20
management issued by the software, target public and environment of application, accessi-
bility, and whether the software was free or paid. The data extraction was performed in
conjunction with five authors in regular meetings. A specific table was produced solely
with the studies that performed evaluations of effectiveness or acceptance, with the respec-
tive outcomes. A chart was produced connecting the management topics issued by the
different tools and the respective sections/chapters from the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) GLP Principles [3].
3. Results
Figure 1shows the results for the search strategy and screening of databases. The
PUBMED database provided 855 entries, while 183 entries were identified in WoS and
550 in the VHL. After combining the 3 results, 352 duplicate articles were identified and
excluded. After applying the exclusion criteria, 523 articles were considered off-topic,
appearing in searches because of common words and often dealing with clinical/hospital-
related issues, but not with experimental medicine. Of the total articles identified, 160
were excluded because they did not deal with software or digital systems, and 534 did not
speak about management. From the screening result, 19 articles were selected to compose
this Scoping Review, and 2 additional articles were identified manually upon reading the
selected references. The twenty-one elected references included studies proposing new
software or revisiting already available tools for novel management applications. Some
authors also evaluated the impact of changes during and after implementing the systems,
either qualitatively or quantitatively.
Figure 1. PRISMA flowchart of study screening and selection.
Table 2shows a critical appraisal performed for the selected articles at the methodolog-
ical level and relevance to our broad question. Of the 21 articles selected, 9 evaluated the
effectiveness and pointed out the limitations. Another eight did not evaluate but described
limitations, and four studies did not evaluate or point out the limitations of the systems
used, only describing the implementation or development of the systems in an expository
manner. Nevertheless, all articles adequately identified the investigated software, their
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 5 of 20
management purposes, and the environment/professionals served by its functionalities
were considered relevant and contributed to some extent to the qualitative discussion on
the theme.
Table 2. Critical appraisal of the sources of evidence.
Adequacy to the Research Question Methodological Soundness
Description of
Description of
Functions and
Evaluation of
Applicability, or
Identification and
Delorme and Cournoyer [15] 1 1 1 1 4
Godmann et al. [16] 1 1 0 1 3
Nayler and Stamm [17] 1 1 0 1 3
Selznick et al. [18] 1 1 1 1 4
Anderson et al. [19] 1 1 1 1 4
Viksna et al. [20] 0 1 0 1 2
Milisavljevic et al. [8] 1 1 0 1 3
Yousef et al. [21] 1 1 1 1 4
Machina and Wild [22] 1 1 0 1 3
Allwood et al. [23] 1 1 0 1 3
Calabria et al. [24] 1 1 1 1 4
Perkel [9] 0 1 0 1 2
Boutin et al. [25] 0 1 0 1 2
Catena et al. [26] 1 1 0 1 3
Dirnagl et al. [27] 1 1 1 1 4
Manca et al. [28] 1 1 1 1 4
Paul et al. [29] 0 1 0 1 2
Gaffney et al. [11] 1 1 0 1 3
Dennert Friedrich and Kumar [1] 1 1 1 1 4
Timoteo et al. [6] 1 1 1 1 4
Cooper et al. [30] 1 1 0 1 3
To quantify the criteria, “1” means present, and “0” means absent.
Table 3describes the main characteristics of the twenty-one selected studies related to
the present research question. It can be observed that the selection ranged from studies
of the earlier days of the use of personal computers in laboratories [
] to current
cloud computing and mobile applications [
]. In addition, some references studied
the complexities of the concomitant use of several integrated tools [
]. In accordance
with the search criteria, the studied environments consisted of academic, health-related
laboratories, as well as biorepositories and biobanks. Consistently, the target users were
managers and staff common to these laboratories, including technicians, researchers,
doctors, and students.
Thirty-three programs/systems were identified in the twenty-one studies, with eight
exclusively available for installation on desktop computers and the rest available online,
including cloud-based systems, that is, with storage on online servers and availability
on demand. Twenty-one of the studied systems were commercially available, charged
programs/services, while twelve were free-of-charge for some of their functionalities.
Among the non-charged software, two were custom systems designed exclusively for the
studied laboratory (Biobank Portal and CCLMS).
Table 4summarizes the results of the nine studies that assessed the impact of imple-
menting computerized management systems. All of them reported positive results with
the use of digital-assisted management. However, problems were identified related to
technical constraints (either hardware or software) and limited acceptance of users who
resist changing already established procedures, thus impairing the use of some systems
to their full potential. Furthermore, the need for staff training and participative manage-
ment was also recognized to achieve engagement of users to digital-assisted laboratory
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 6 of 20
Table 3. Main characteristics of the selected studies.
Reference Country Software Availability Managed Activity Environment Target Users Costs
Control Sys-
Tax and administrative
tasks, quality control
of data and techniques,
assistance, and
teaching and research
in the different
subspecialties of
laboratory at
a university
and students
et al. [16]USA LabFlow Desktop Workflow in
large-scale biology
research laboratories.
Nayler and
Stamm [17]
Database (SLD)
Stock of reagents and
biological samples,
protocols, library,
vendor information.
professionals Charged
et al. [18]USA
Cell Culture
Cell culture laboratory
management: modules
for registering cell
counts, frozen cell
records, user records,
and culture vessel
Cell culture
and users of
cell culture
et al. [20]USA MGEA Desktop
workflow, integration
with laboratory
equipment, storage,
and statistical analysis
of experimental data.
Viksna et al.
Patient and
Sample System
for Information
online Study participants,
samples, and results.
research labs
and students
Free and
et al. [8]Canada
Management of mouse
colonies. Biotery. Researchers Free
et al. [23]Canada Lennie
Maintenance and
management of
animal colonies. Vivarium. Researchers Free
Yousef et al.
[21]USA LINA Desktop Track collections of
biologically relevant
and students
and Wild
Automation of lab
tests; register of
data (use, and
et al. [24]USA AdLIMS online
Biological samples;
metadata from patient
samples; experimental
procedures, workflow,
and data for DNA
and users of
cell culture
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 7 of 20
Table 3. Cont.
Reference Country Software Availability Managed Activity Environment Target Users Costs
Perkel [9]USA
Sample tracking and
All levels of
Free and
Boutin et al.
EMSI; Biobank
Genomic data transfer,
genotyping, sample
inventory, workflow,
sample processing and
tracking; patient data.
IT staff.
A combina-
tion of
Catena et al.
AirLab Online/
Reagent and sample
inventory; database of
et al. [27]
critical incident
Online Risk/error
management. Research
Manca et al.
[28]USA Laboratory
Center (LC) Online Virtual biorepository.
Researchers Charged
Paul et al.
Cloud Biobanking. Biobanks Doctors and
researchers Charged
et al. [11]USA GEM-NET Online
Access control, data
and protocol storage,
project monitoring,
teamwork, internal
engagement, and
of specimens
A combina-
tion of
et al. [6]Brazil Quartzy Online
Staff and workflow
management of an
academic research lab
equipment, inventory,
and communication.
and Kumar
USA Database—
LAN. Inventory
Management System
of specimens
et al. [30]USA LabDB Online;
Manages experimental
data and organizes
personnel and
laboratories. Researchers Charged
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 8 of 20
Table 4. Results of the studies that assessed the impact of implementing computerized management systems.
System/Software Reference Objective Test Groups Method Results
Storage (CICS/VS)
Delorme and
Qualitative and
evaluation of
system limitations
and impact on
workflow and
developers and
users at the
Hospital Lab
evaluation of the
development of
integrated modules;
during field testing,
the workflow was
accessed by the
evaluation of patient
entry forms, the
results of sample and
data processing, and
the final reports.
Technical limitations
were identified in the
software and
hardware; changes on
the systems solved
More accurate patient
and sample reports;
control over the
destination of the
requested tests; easier
control of billing;
faster delivery and
retrieval of results.
CCLMS Selznick et al.
Test system
improvement on
organization and
control of
Cell culture
specialists from
2 labs
(n = 6)
Qualitative and
evaluation of
usability through the
system usability scale
(SUS) and field notes.
CCLMS improved
the laboratory’s
organization set,
increased efficiency
and reliability.
MGEA Anderson
et al. [19]
Assess the impact
on experimental
workflow for gene
expression analysis.
(n = 7)
A qualitative
longitudinal study.
Immersion in the
work environment.
observations, and
field notes were
coded and analyzed.
The system
performed as a
measurement tool
rather than the “total
laboratory analysis
solution” desired
The acceptance of
software tools was
specific to their
function and
The tool was not used
to its full potential.
LINA Yousef et al.
Effectiveness and
acceptance of an
inventory system
for management of
strains, and cell
Lab staff
(n = 10)
Qualitative analysis
of the
process; quantitative
evaluation of
usability through the
The LINA project
achieved its original
objectives, as the
system obtained an
adequate mean SUS
score of 86.25.
AdLIMS Calabria et al.
effectiveness on
sample tracking in
genomic studies.
Developers and
Analysis of
requirements and
expectations of
functionalities from
users/clients in terms
of functionalities;
qualitative analysis of
the development
Improved workflow
by reducing the time
spent on repetitive
tasks through
interfaces with
smartphones and
Reduced manual
errors, standardizing
monitoring of gene
therapy patients.
Compatible with
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 9 of 20
Table 4. Cont.
System/Software Reference Objective Test Groups Method Results
LabCIRS Dirnagl et al.
Assess the
usability of a
software of risk
assessment for
traceability of
reported cases.
Lab staff
(n = 31)
Statistical and
qualitative analysis of
the data before and
after the
implementation of
the tool. Online
questionnaire with
two questions on
software usability
responsibility and
maturity to deal with
and prevent errors.
Differences in the
frequency of digital
and paper reporting.
Increased quality,
safety, and
Improvement of
prevention policies.
Biorepository of the
Leadership Group
Manca et al.
Assess the impact
of the
implementation of
a virtual repository
on the management
of data and
Customers from
research labs
and diagnostic
evaluation of the
efficiency of the
primer bank
assessment of
impacts on services
The software
provided sound
technical and
scientific support to
diagnostic companies
and platforms.
More than 200
samples/year were
provided for research
laboratories and
Quartzy Timoteo et al.
Assess the impact
of the
implementation in
the workflow and
the perception of
users at an
Lab staff
(n = 30)
Qualitative analysis
of the team’s attitude
including a
questionnaire (and
focus group
indicators were also
compared before and
after implementation.
There was a
perception of
improvement in the
workflow in relation
to the organization,
data logging,
distribution, and
overall workflow.
Constant training and
a management plan
are essential if the
potential use of
supporting software
is exploited to the
SDLC Dennert,
Friedrich, and
Kumar [1]
Evaluate the
development steps
of a database of
biological sample
from different
fields of
Immersion in the
work environment:
The cycles of all
resources have been
developed and tested.
User training and
interviews were
conducted to assess
the applicability and
identify user’s needs.
The efficiency,
traceability, and cost
savings led to
improvements in the
workflow and
inventories, reducing
storage needs.
N.D.: non-determined number of participants.
Regarding the management subjects issued according to each laboratory, digital
systems were employed for several different uses, from purchases and administrative tasks
to control of cell collections, inventories in general, as well as data storage and management
of animal colonies.
All the thirty-two described software issued one or more topics of management recom-
mended by documents of good laboratory practices [
], including experimental workflow,
data storage, integration with laboratory equipment, statistical analysis, comparison of
experimental data, animal colonies, biorepositories, inventory, and risks. The integration
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 10 of 20
of work demands of academic health sciences laboratories and items of compliance with
the GLP guidelines are identified in the chart presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2.
The main applications of the identified software on the different sections and chapters of
the OECD GLP Principles [3].
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 11 of 20
4. Discussion
4.1. Contributions to Adherence to GLP Principles
While the search strategy from the present review identified several different labora-
tory management systems, few of the eligible studies provided a focused discussion on this
topic. The lack of direct scientific evidence limits the present review to quantitatively assess
to what extent digital systems can collectively contribute to accreditation achievement. On
the other hand, all the identified software accounted for management issues related to at
least one of the GLP principles, and, in some studies, more than one software was used to
meet the different demands related to quality systems.
In this sense, the approach proposed by Timoteo et al. [
] could be applied to the
present sources of data to chart the main topics of management affected by these programs
and systems related to good practice guidelines. The chart presented in Figure 2shows
how the types of management supported by the software in academic laboratories are
related to several items from Section II of the OECD GLP Principles [
]. Such relationship
is revealed by an emphasis on the responsibilities of staff and facilities management, work
planning, availability of standard operational procedures (SOPs) that cover all study activi-
ties, procedure analysis, use and maintenance of equipment, as well as the application of
standards for receiving test samples, its chain of custody and logistics, control of inventory,
and the traceability of reagents and validation of methods.
For a better understanding of the functions of these systems, a brief presentation of
them will be made, with an emphasis on meeting the computerized systems to the GLP
principles listed in Figure 2.
4.1.1. Workflow
The GLP principles require precise definitions of the different steps during the per-
formance of the study, as described in item #8 of the OECD document [
], including the
responsibilities of the personnel involved, the facilities and status of equipment employed
(item #3), among other factors. Furthermore, quality assurance (item #2) requires identify-
ing and monitoring critical steps, checkpoints, and possible sources of errors. Among the
different systems identified in the present review, some described digital tools dedicated to
managing such workflow of study performance in a systematized fashion.
In the late 1990s, Goodman and colleagues [
] presented Labflow, a software dedi-
cated to genetics and mapping studies. Workflow management was not recognized as a
study topic at that time and, while LIMS already existed, there was no commercial LIMS
product that supported workflow management in a specific sense. In this scenario, LabFlow
appeared among the first digital solutions, with a workflow model in which objects flow
different laboratory tasks (such as DNA extraction, selection of clones, sequence analysis)
under programmatic control. An essential point of this software was already allowing the
programmer to customize their workflows to different laboratory needs.
Anderson et al. [
] described, in 2007, the implementation of the Microarray Gene
Expression Analysis (MGEA), a software package developed by Rosetta Biosoftware (a
subsidiary of Merck Inc.), that helped to integrate workflow information related to experi-
mental design, data collection, and bioinformatic analysis of genomic results. Despite the
high costs of the license and its renewals, the authors expected that implementing a com-
mercially available service would bring advantages such as security in terms of support for
operation and uniformity between different research centers, thus facilitating communica-
tion between employees. However, their qualitative analysis observed that the system was
not used to its full potential, and its acceptance by staff would demand ongoing training
and even an evolution of academic curricula towards the use of bioinformatics tools.
In 2019, Gaffney et al. [
] described the design and implementation of GEM-NET, a
software that allowed members of the C-GEM (Center for Genetically Encoded Materials,
USA) to integrate research efforts connecting six laboratories spread across three university
campuses. GEM-NET was designed to support science and communication by integrating
task management, scheduling, data sharing, and internal communications. A set of more
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 12 of 20
than 20 tools was organized, including two applications customized for the Institution’s
specific needs of workflow management. The tools are highly interconnected, but the
set can be divided into access control, data storage, data navigation, project monitoring,
teamwork, internal communication, and public engagement. The authors conclude that
GEM-NET provides a high level of security and reliability in workflow management.
4.1.2. Data Management
In different items of the GLP principles, a need is described for the secure storage,
filing, and retrieval of research data (item #7.4), including study plans, raw data, final
reports, test system samples, and specimens (item #8.3), and their related archiving facilities
(item #3.4). Furthermore, item #7 (standard operating procedures) requires the preparation
and observance of documents that guarantee the quality and integrity of the data generated
by the studies. Sub-item #7.4, for example, describes that in the case of computerized
systems, validation, operation, maintenance, security, change control, and the backup
system must be observed.
Within the selected studies, we found the report of computerized systems to manage
data from various laboratory environments and how they were made available to the
research groups. In the early 1980s, Delorme and Cournoyer [
], in a microbiology
laboratory of a University Hospital, tested the CCIS/VS (Customer Information Control
System/Virtual Storage), consisting of customer data repository, using a central computer
shared with medical records databases, admission offices, patient accounting, and other
medical-administrative services. The system also served as a virtual storage system,
including data from microbiological samples. It performed activities such as report printing,
data quality control, epidemiological assistance, germ identification, teaching, and research
in the different subspecialties of microbiology. The authors carried out a qualitative and
quantitative assessment identifying an improvement of workflow without increasing
personnel, together with a reduction in the time for the production of reports, system
downtime, and other parameters.
Viksna et al. [
] focused on collecting, storing, and retrieving data on research partici-
pants and biomedical samples through electronic management. For this, they proposed
the PASSIM (Patient and Sample System for Information Management), a web-based cus-
tomizable system that could be used for sending, managing, and retrieving samples and
data from the research subject, ensuring the confidentiality of the records. This tool was
instrumental in managing information in clinical research studies involving human beings
and replaced the more expensive LIMS, which requires investments of time, effort, and
resources that were not always available.
Electronic laboratory notebooks (ELN) are programs designed to replace traditional
research notebooks. These electronic tools may register protocols, field/lab observations,
notes, and other data inserted through a computer or mobile device, offering several
advantages over paper notebooks [
]. Machina and Wild [
] investigated the importance
of ELNs when integrated with other computer tools, such as laboratory information
management systems, analytical instrumentation, data management systems, and scientific
data. They observed that the type of laboratory (analytical, synthesis, clinical, research)
was a primary source of differences when trying to integrate ELN with the available
tools. Therefore, based on the observation that there was no well-established path for the
effective integration of these tools, the authors decided to review and evaluate some of the
adopted approaches.
Calabria et al. [
], in 2015, introduced adLIMS, a software for managing biological
samples (primarily DNA) and metadata for patient samples and experimental procedures.
The authors described how it was possible to produce this system by customizing a
previous open-source software, ADempiere ERP. First, they collected the requirements
of the end-users, verifying the desired functionalities of the system and Graphical User
Interface (GUI), and then evaluated the available tools that met the desired requirements,
ranging from pure LIMS to content management and corporate information systems.
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 13 of 20
The authors report that the system supported critical issues of sample tracking, data
standardization, and automation related to NGS (next-generation sequencing).
By 2021, Cooper et al. [
] reported using integrated systems that ensure the sharing
of essential data for current research. The authors followed the 15 years of development
and implementation of the LabDB system, initially projected to manage structural biology
experiments, which could be improved into a sophisticated system that integrates a range
of experimental biochemical, biophysical, and crystallographic data. The LabDB central
software module handles data from the management of laboratory personnel, chemical
stocks, and storage locations. It is currently used by the American/Canadian consortium
CSGID (Center for Structural Genomics of Infectious Diseases) and several prominent
research centers. The authors identified the difficulties and resistance of some researchers
in adopting these systems as the main limitation, often due to the necessary effort to import
data from electronic notebooks or laboratory spreadsheets, with which most researchers
are already familiar. Nevertheless, the authors consider that this effort is worth it since
these older approaches do not remove or even track inconsistencies and do not adapt well
to the requirements of modern research.
It is essential to notice that, for accreditation purposes, hosted services (cloud archiving,
backup, or processes) require written agreements describing the responsibilities of the
informatics services. Test facility management must be aware of potential risks on data
integrity resulting from third-party storage.
4.1.3. Equipment
Adherence to the GLP principles speaks to the adequate management of research
equipment (OECD item #4), including their adequate calibration, maintenance, scheduling,
and responsible staff in the test facility. Several commercially available systems, such as
QRESERVE, cited by Perkel [
], are entirely dedicated to these functions, with integrated
reservation calendars, administration of equipment status and availability, a repository of
maintenance documentation, and a registry of use time. Other all-purpose management
systems such as Labguru have most of these functions on a specific equipment module.
That was also the case of the freely available (for individual researchers) Quartzy until
2016, as reported by Timóteo et al. [
]. This study described how the implementation of the
software optimized the shared use of equipment on a multiuser clinical research unit and
the advantages of allowing equipment scheduling, check-in, and check-out remotely, even
using mobile phones.
4.1.4. Animal Facilities
Several procedures related to pre-clinical studies conducted with animals are issued in
the GLP principles, mostly in item #5 of the OECD document (test system) and subsection
#5.2 (Biologicals). These include a proper registry of housing, handling, and care of animal
test systems to ensure the quality of the data. Additionally, records of source, date of
arrival, and arrival condition of test systems should be maintained. Two selected studies
described the use of vivarium monitoring software to ensure the remote control of stocking,
accommodation, handling and care of animals, identification of colonies, and inventory
of supplies.
Milisavljevic et al. [
] described, in 2010, the Laboratory Animal Management As-
sistant (LAMA), a software modified from the LIMS proposal to optimize small animal
research management. It was initially developed to manage hundreds of new mouse
strains generated by an extensive functional genomics program in Canada. The authors
realized that they needed greater availability of suitable, easy-to-use systems and software
interfaces. LAMA was implemented for a broad community of users, allowing individual
research labs to track their colonies in a larger facility, independently. This open-access
software is still available to the research community.
Allwood et al. [
] described, in 2015, how smartphones could help researchers in
the remote management of animal colonies. The authors proposed Lennie, an app that
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 14 of 20
introduced a new method for managing small to medium-sized animal colonies, allowing
users to remotely access the facilities, and create and edit several functions virtually
from anywhere. Its use contributes to the optimization of workflow and planning of
experiments, offering a user-friendly experience. Possible updates to the functionalities
were also suggested, such as camera integration with the calendar, permission for data
sharing, and permanent storage.
4.1.5. Biobank/Repository
In order to comply with the GLP standards, samples that arrive at a laboratory must
have records that include the characterization and reference, date of receipt, expiration
date, quantities, and storage data, following item #6.1 (receiving, handling, sampling, and
storage). This issue is of utmost importance for managing biobanks and biorepositories,
creating a need for specific software for successful management.
Boutin et al. [
] carried out a study on a complex system of various software that
contributed to the management of a Biobank. The core object of management was an
extensive repository of samples and data available to researchers. The platform requires
robust software and hardware, as they work with large amounts of data stored and trans-
ferred to research groups. In the study, the authors described each of the five custom
and commercially available information systems integrated into the existing clinical and
research systems, and discuss safety, efficiency, and challenges inherent in the construction
and maintenance of this infrastructure. Constrack was used to manage patient data. The
Enterprise Master Specimen Index (EMSI) is a sample indexing system, STARLIMS man-
ages inventory, GIGPAD manages data and integrates equipment, and the Biobank Portal
is the customized application that connects all the systems.
Manca et al. [
] assessed the structure of a central laboratory of the Antibacterial
Resistance Leadership Group (ARLG) in the USA. This group leads the evaluation, de-
velopment, and implementation of laboratory-based research and supports standard or
specialized laboratory services. The laboratory included both a physical and a virtual
biorepository. They developed digital procedures for reviewing and approving strain
requests, providing guidance during the selection process, and monitoring the transfer of
strains from the distribution laboratories to the requesting investigators.
Paul et al. [
] also describe a Biobank management system, with great emphasis on
data storage in clouds. The authors evaluated that biobanks have become an essential
resource for health research and drug discovery. However, collecting and managing large
volumes of data (bio-specimens and associated clinical data) requires biobanks to use more
advanced data management solutions. Paul and Chatterjee [
] point out that in the current
COVID-19 pandemic scenario, that requires global and quick actions, virtual biobanks
present a crucial role in several different fronts, from diagnosis to research. Without the
need to physically use biological samples, these banks may allow sharing medical data and
networks for better cooperation between biobanks at the national and international levels.
Recently, Dennert, Friedrich, and Kumar [
] explained the various implications of
the inventory management of biological samples from various research areas, employing
different cryopreservation methods. Such management must ensure the availability of
items, easy tracking, and the optimization of shared space among the various research
groups. For this, the authors presented the various stages of developing an inventory data
model using the Microsoft Access database, after several phases that included training,
planning, implementation, and maintenance, as well as the establishment of manuals
and protocols for standardized data entry. Using the software development lifecycle
(SDLC), the authors attained a database construction model. This model requires frequent
communication with users to provide transparency and quality improvement.
4.1.6. Risk Management
Identifying incidents and risk assessment is an essential part of the GLP standards
that requires an adequate work plan and a quality assurance program (OECD document
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 15 of 20
item #2). Item #8.3 of the GLP states that all data changes during the conduction of a study
must always be registered and responsible for the change to ensure traceability, enabling a
complete audit trail to show all changes without masking the original data.
The work of Dirnagl et al. [
] discusses how error management is fundamental to
comply with international standards while studying the implementation of the LabCIRS
(Laboratory Critical Incident Reporting System), a simple, accessible, and open-source
critical incident reporting system for pre-clinical and basic academic research groups. The
software was implemented by establishing an electronic quality management system,
which allowed accessibility through any laboratory computer, enabling incident reports
that included photo uploads and automatic alerts for new reports and archiving.
4.1.7. Inventory
Item #6.2 of the GLP principles clearly states that all material from a study must be
adequately identified, including the batch number, purity, composition, concentrations, or
other characteristics, to define each item or reference item properly. It also indicates the
need to keep the receipt and expiration dates, quantities received/used in the studies, and
storage instructions for the stock of materials. In this review, several articles emphasized
this need to monitor inventories with the help of computerized systems.
Nayler and Stamm [
], in 1999, described a laboratory management software, Sci-
enceLab Database (SLD), which offered a management platform for molecular biology
research laboratories. The program primarily manages the stock of biological samples,
including plasmids, antibodies, cell lines, and protocols, and included an ordering and
grants management system. The authors considered that this system met the specific needs
of a small to medium-sized research laboratory, helping to organize inventories of valuable
reagents, storing, and maintaining information about these items, and simplifying orders
and processes.
By 2016, Catena et al. [
] developed the AirLab, a cloud-based tool with web and
mobile interfaces, to organize antibody repositories and their multiple conjugates. Due to
the large number of data generated by these collections, the authors recognized the need
for dedicated software. The work demonstrated that Airlab simplifies the purchase, orga-
nization, and storage of antibodies, creating a panel to record results and share antibody
validation data.
Yousef et al. [
] described the LINA (Laboratory Inventory Network Application) as a
set of Windows-based inventory management software configured to work on a computer
network with multiple users. Designed for small molecular biology laboratories, it uses
Access databases to assign a new identifier to each new reagent, providing a library that
helps with research and comparing DNA sequences. It later faced several features, such
as expanding the types of tables available, compatibility with other operating systems,
barcoding, and improvement of security issues. According to the authors, the resources
provided by LINA are comparable to those available in commercial databases, with the
advantage of providing a free database maintenance application for academic laboratories.
In an opinion article published in Nature’s section “Toolbox”, Perkel [
] describes sev-
eral low-cost computerized electronic inventory systems as a means to overcome tortuous
searches, old notebooks, out-of-date spreadsheets, and “frost-encrusted freezer boxes” to
identify laboratory samples and resources. Besides programs discussed by other authors in
this review, such as LINA and Quartzy, the article cites other systems such as OpenFreezer,
a free web-based system to register sample data such as location, origin, and biological
properties, the cloud-based StrainControl (DNA Globe, Sweden), a software free for in-
dividual researchers that provides support for managing different lab-organism strains,
molecules, and chemicals, the mLIMS, developed by BioInfoRx (Madison, WI, USA), de-
signed to track rodent colonies, LabGuru (BioData, Cambridge, MA, USA), a widely known
paid cloud-based all-in-one Electronic Notebook, and CISPro (BioVia, Waltham, MA, USA),
described as a functional Institute-wide tracking system for shared resources. Despite
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 16 of 20
differences in accessibility and several resources, all of these systems share similar search
engines linked to customizable databases.
Timoteo et al. [
] evaluated, by 2020, the impact of implementing a multi-module,
free-of-charge online management system (Quartzy, Quartzy Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA)
in the workflow of a Brazilian academic clinical research laboratory on the perception of
users. Until 2016, the software modules could assist in various aspects and demands of the
laboratory, including user communications, multiuser equipment management, material
inventory, research documents, and tracking of supply orders. Unfortunately, Quartzy
was recently updated to a simpler version, consisting only of an inventory and purchase
tracking system that connects researchers to hundreds of life sciences brands and suppliers.
4.2. Evaluating Impacts and Limitations
Effectiveness is a fundamental point to be considered in the potential role of software
for laboratory management. However, most of the eligible studies identified in our search
did not investigate the reported systems’ impact either through qualitative or quantitative
assessments. Moreover, despite the performance of evaluations, few studies identified
or discussed the limitations and drawbacks of the studied information systems. The
studies with evaluations reported, among several aspects, improvement of the organization,
workflow, traceability, reliability, acceptability, and good use of the software. Decreased
process errors were reported that were made manually, thereby gaining productivity and
reducing work. In some specific cases, they positively evaluated the control of frozen
cells, generating efficiency and better results in partner laboratories. On the other hand,
regarding limitations, older articles (before 2000) identified problems that were more
related to system performance, which was sometimes slow and needed adjustments at
a time when information technology was still incipient. The limitations from the most
current systems are more related to a selective satisfaction and acceptance of software
tools, specific according to the function and objective of each group and, in some cases, the
resistance by researchers and staff to abandon old ways and migrate to digital tools, which
were not used to their full potential within the laboratory.
To adequately assess the impact of these electronic management systems, different
methodological approaches are available, such as pre/post-tests evaluating quantitative in-
dicators of performance and provision of services. However, as Timoteo et al. [
] discussed,
the complex nature of the provided services of multiuser, academic research facilities
may impair the obtention of feedback through quantitative indicators. In this sense, the
perception and attitudes of staff towards the management system may contribute to under-
standing its impact on the workflow and the search for quality at academic clinical research
laboratories, as well as provide data for the development or improvement of actions and
strategies toward quality and compliance [
]. In this sense, validated tools may pro-
vide a means to standardize the evaluation of laboratory management software, allowing
comparisons on the effectiveness and adequacy of these systems in different applications.
Two studies [
] proposed the use of an important tool to investigate the effectiveness
and efficiency of the software, the system usability scale (SUS). This tool, developed by
John Brooke at Redhatch Consulting (UK), consists of a simple, ten-item attitude question-
naire using a Likert scale to provide a global view of subjective assessments of usability,
which was validated as providing reliable results even with small samples/study groups,
which was the case of most identified studies in this review. Therefore, it may represent a
potential tool (although underestimated until the present moment) for further studies on
implementing laboratory management systems.
Different studies point out that staff training is one of the most important factors of
success of the implementation of these systems and a key part in acceptance and adapting
to a new management model. Dirnagl et al. [
] evaluated the impact on staff attitudes
toward incident reporting after one year of implementation, observing that training led
to greater adherence to the goal of complying with international quality standards and
mature culture of error management. Timóteo et al. [
] performed a qualitative evaluation
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 17 of 20
of the staff perception on software implementation, where most users stated that constant
training and leadership were pivotal for the successful use of the software. On the other
hand, Anderson et al. [
] reported that limited access to training was a barrier to software
use during the implementation of MGEA, and that the lack of ongoing training might
have contributed to a progressive de-emphasizing of the system use among the laboratory
staff. These data point to the need of careful planning by the PIs to ensure continuous and
inclusive training on the implementation program of management systems.
4.3. Software Availability
Regarding availability and accessibility, until 2010, most of the identified programs had
to be downloaded/installed to specific laboratory computers [
], but were sometimes
able to integrate local area networks (LANs), as described by Delorme and Cournoyer
in 1980 [
]. In the past decade, technology has advanced to online software, expanding
even to applications (apps) on mobile phones, reflecting the current expectations of users
and consumers. With app technology permeating all fields of our daily lives, it would
be natural for this technological paradigm to reach laboratory and research technologies.
Indeed, a big leap was identified towards the proper integration between lab management
systems and the new mobile universe. Real-time communication makes it possible, for
example, that inventory checks, equipment scheduling, and data verification of an animal
colony be performed while in transit. Multicenter studies can share data in real-time, as
recently observed in the fast development studies of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 since
2020, relying heavily on technological development and efficient data management [34].
Begg et al. [
] discussed how computer systems are of particular importance in the
process of GLP certification in low- and middle-income countries, even though their role is
not always emphasized on accreditation systems around the world. This review identified
that the knowledge on laboratory management software is mainly originated, as expected,
from developed, high-income countries, with advanced information technology industries
and significant investment in technology and support for universities and study centers
(USA, Germany, Canada, United Kingdom, Switzerland). In a critical view, it may indicate
an economic bias in the technological development on the theme, as developing countries
maintain a role as consumers of technology and not as producers and developers, reflecting
little investment in this (and other) technological areas.
The costs of implementing computerized systems may represent one of the main
challenges for public Academic Health Centers since these Institutions, in general, face tight
budgets to support several laboratories, researchers, and research lines. Such limitations
are expected to be potentialized when considering low- to middle-income countries, which
could benefit from low-cost or cost-free initiatives.
In general, the development and maintenance of information systems are made pos-
sible by providing subscription services to ensure the tool’s sustainability. The present
review identified some systems that addressed a full spectrum of fundamental issues in
the management of academic laboratories, such as inventory control and organization and
equipment scheduling, on a free-of-charge basis, as it incorporated catalogs from various
sponsors (reagent suppliers) and suggests these products when orders are placed [
]. How-
ever, such a business model probably did not match the maintenance costs of the platform,
as Quartzy has shut down all functions not related to inventory/purchases by 2016, and
recently included a fee for Institutional users. It is also possible that users from outside
the USA and Europe could not use the vendor-related functionalities, as customer services
and representatives in regions such as South America would not connect directly to the
system [
]. On the other hand, LINA is an example of a system that could remain free-of-
charge, even though limited to the needs of small molecular biology laboratories [
], with
much simpler functionalities compared to well-known commercial applications such as
Labguru. Other services, such as QReserve, have both free and paid versions with increased
functionalities, allowing low-budget academic laboratories to use some free resources, such
as equipment reservation and management, through a more straightforward interface.
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 18 of 20
A usual profile among entirely free software originates from in-house academic soft-
ware, such as Biobank Portal and CCLMS, customized for the personal use of the developer
group, usually without widespread use in other institutions. Even though they may present
advantages on issuing specific demands of developers, the lack of a profound, system-
atic evaluation of performance on most selected studies does not allow to infer whether
these are more or less effective than commercial software. In this sense, Boutin et al. [
report that the laboratory IT framework may face challenges common to industry settings,
where cost-overrun is prevented by planning the cost-effectiveness of purchasing commer-
cially available vs. designing in-house custom applications. An interesting way to achieve
broader applicability for such software is to use open-source codes, such as Boutin et al. [
paving the way for other programmers to adapt the tool to different laboratory specificities.
It is important to notice that investments from government bodies worldwide could also
contribute to the development of freely available tools as part of public policies focused on
increasing overall quality and adherence to good practices in health sciences research. In
this sense, the encouragement of startups involving interdisciplinary initiatives can turn
universities and academic centers into important stakeholders in covering technological
gaps in low- or middle-income countries [36].
4.4. Review Limitations
The present Scoping Review has limitations mainly related to the impossibility of
exhausting the literature on laboratory software, reflected in the choice of not including pro-
grams that dealt only with the transmission and handling of analysis results and laboratory
data, such as pure LIMS or analytical bioinformatics software. Despite their fundamental
role, these types of software have already been widely discussed [
], and most of these
systems were not designed to support the management of staff and shared resources, for
example. Additionally, the scientific literature probably does not reflect the abundance of
available software since developers and the scientific community usually treat them as a
commercial tool rather than a research topic. Nevertheless, regardless of such limitations,
the present review was able to map a framework that points to the great applicability
of these systems in the search for quality and good practices in academic experimental
medicine laboratories, where restrictions regarding the availability of resources and staff
and limited management experience are common restrictions. Therefore, the gaps iden-
tified here can serve as an indication for new studies that seek to assess, quantitatively
or qualitatively, the impact of implementing these tools on the best practices at academic
health Institutions.
5. Conclusions
The present literature review mapped several studies in the last four decades, propos-
ing and evaluating the impact of digital tools in the management of health sciences research
laboratories to several different applications, ranging from administrative workflow man-
agement and data traceability to virtual biobanking. These functions have the potential to
contribute to the adherence to different GLP principles. However, the evidence for their
effectiveness is still limited and requires further investigative efforts.
Supplementary Materials:
The following are available online at
10.3390/healthcare9060739/s1, Table S1: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and
Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) Checklist.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, G.A., M.T. and B.O. (Bruna Oliveira); methodology,
G.A. and C.F.d.A.B.M.; software, P.M.; formal analysis, M.T., R.B., J.d.S. and L.D.; investigation,
M.T., E.L., J.d.S. and G.A.; resources, P.M. and C.F.d.A.B.M.; data curation, C.F.d.A.B.M. and G.A.;
writing—original draft preparation, M.T., E.L., A.C.B. and L.D.; writing—review and editing, G.A.
and C.F.d.A.B.M.; project administration, B.O. (Beni Olej). All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Healthcare 2021,9, 739 19 of 20
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement:
The data presented in this study are openly available in the Open
Science Framework (OSF) database, at doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/KPC3Q.
The authors acknowledge the financial support in scholarships from the Brazil-
ian agencies CNPq, CAPES, and FAPERJ. The authors acknowledge the technical support by Jean
Carlos Nascimento.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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The rapid development of digital technologies provides an efficient way to overcome the drawbacks of traditional management. E-management, a new form of management, is attracting much attention worldwide. The current research is aimed at examining the development of e-management in public sector organizations and anticipating possible alternatives for solving e-management problems. We use a qualitative strategy to explain the concept, specifics, benefits, drivers, situation, and progress of e-management in the public sector. Based on interviews with managers at local public administration institutions in Lithuania, we conclude that e-management in municipalities until the COVID-19 pandemic was applied only in exceptional cases due to legislation and workplace stationarity. However, at the moment, e-management in municipality administrations is treated not as an alternative but as the only possible choice.
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Sharing physical laboratory space optimizes resource use among research departments, improves collaboration, and reduces costs. Universal inventory management is essential to successful space sharing, item tracking and availability, and data mining; therefore, our lab was interested in a tool for these purposes. Different research groups have differing needs, priorities, and considerations. We investigated prebuilt inventory management programs, and we found a custom Microsoft (MS) Access reference database to be optimal. We designed a custom MS Access abstract inventory data model around previously established needs with information gathered in staff interviews and meetings. We performed a physical inventory of all cryopreserved samples to allow uniform data entry when migrating to the database. We created manuals and protocols, and the staff was trained on entering data. Using a universal inventory system allows for quick report generation of physical inventory, which in turn preserves sample quality by reducing redundancy as well as time locating vials. Users can run queries to report a wide range of sample characteristics. Storage information can be easily analyzed for statistically significant trends, samples have reliable traceability, and data are auditable for accuracy.
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Good Clinical Laboratory Practices (GCLP) increase the quality and traceability of results in clinical research. However, high turnover of staff, insufficient resources, and lack of training in lab management may limit its implementation at Academic Health Centers (AHCs). This work aimed to qualitatively assess the staff perception of the implementation of a freeware Online Management System (OMS) on the workflow of an academic clinical research laboratory. A free online OMS (Quartzy, Quartzy Inc., USA) was selected and implemented from 2012-2016. After training interventions, a qualitative analysis was performed for the staff attitude towards the implementation, including a structured questionnaire (30 participants) and focus group assessments (16 participants). Indicators of management performance were also compared before and after the implementation. The results indicate that lab members perceive improvement in organization, communication, and commitment of staff, who reported the system as user-friendly and a facilitator for the autonomy of group members. On the other hand, there is a recognition of the need for constant training and engagement at the management level. These findings suggest that full-scope OMS may represent useful tools to assist in staff engagement in compliance with GCLP at AHC laboratories. information systems; Clinical laboratory information systems.
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The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a novel illness, which is not fully understood. Whether an individual has traveled outside their respective country or never left their community, COVID-19 is a highly contagious illness, which can result in high death rates. Biobanks will play a role in providing tools to examine data from those receiving treatment along with reviewing the current and long treatment outcomes associated with this novel coronavirus disease. A diverse, global network made up of laboratory scientists, clinical researchers, epidemiologists, data science teams, physicians, and so on must have a standardized, collaborative, virtual biobanking solution to share clinical expertise and evidence-based solutions. This virtual biobank must be centrally managed to ensure standardized quality assurance and quality control efforts. Virtual biobanks will eliminate the need to transport samples between two locations for a specific study, minimizing the risk of contamination. It is necessary for virtual biobanks to upload imaging data from those patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Standardized, collected information will be essential in the area of discovery and validation of disease markers as well as novel therapeutic strategies. It is essential for biobanks to collect COVID-19 specimens along with corresponding clinical and demographic data from COVID-19 diagnostic testing. Because COVID-19 is an acute respiratory illness, proper collection procedures must be in place to collect respiratory samples for biobanking purposes. A preconfigured purpose-built COVID-19 Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is an efficient tool to seamlessly manage a data sharing network. Data entered into LIMS will be beneficial in designing much needed clinical trials to address any unmet needs to better address clinical treatment and outcomes. The partners or entities associated with the COVID-19 data sharing network will be able to effectively communicate, view data, and images associated with their respective research interest to advance COVID-19 research and data driven, clinical care.
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Background: With increasing insecticide resistance in malaria-endemic countries there is an urgent need for safe and effective novel vector control products. To improve the capacity of facilities that test insecticides in sub-Saharan Africa, a programme is supporting seven facilities towards Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) certification, the globally recognized standard for quality management system (QMS) for the conduct of non-clinical and environmental studies. The World Health Organization (WHO) GLP Handbook provides guidance on a stepwise approach to implement a GLP compliant QMS. This study assesses auditor GLP checklists and timings outlined in the WHO GLP Handbook in the real-life context of a Tanzanian insecticide-testing facility, evaluating their implementation in this context. Methods and Principle Findings: We conducted document review and semi-structured interviews with staff at all levels of the test facility to explore factors that influenced progress towards GLP certification. We found that while auditor GLP checklists underemphasised computer systems, they were otherwise broadly applicable. Factors that delayed time to completion of GLP certification included the need for extensive infrastructure improvements, the availability of regional expertise related to GLP, the capacity of national and regional external systems and services to meet GLP compliance requirements, and training development required for Standard Operating Procedure implementation. Conclusion: The standards required for full GLP compliance are rigorous, with an expected completion timeline to implementation of 24 months. This study shows that in low and middle-income countries this timeline may be unrealistic due to challenges related to infrastructure development and lack of regional capacity and expertise. We recommend a comprehensive gap analysis when starting a project, including these areas which are beyond those recommended by the WHO GLP Handbook. These challenges can be successfully overcome and the experience in Tanzania provides key lessons for other facilities seeking GLP certification or the development of similar QMS.
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Objectives: To explore challenges explaining the decrease in quality performance and suggest strategies to improve and sustain laboratory quality services. Methods: Twenty key informants' interviews from laboratory personnel were conducted in five laboratories. Four had previously shown a decrease in quality performance. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using inductive thematic analysis. Results: Two themes emerged: (1) insufficient coordination and follow-up system towards accreditation, where lack of coordination, follow-up, and audits explained the decrease in performance; (2) inadequate resource optimization, where insufficient knowledge in Laboratory Quality Management System (LQMS), ownership by laboratory workforce, and insufficient stakeholders' communication contributed to low-quality performance. Conclusions: The coordination, follow-up, and assessments of LQMS, in conjunction with training of laboratory workforce, would establish an institutional culture of continuous quality improvement (CQI) towards accreditation and sustainment of quality health care. To achieve CQI culture, routine gap checking and planning for improvement using a system approach is required.
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The Center for Genetically Encoded Materials (C-GEM) is an NSF Phase I Center for Chemical Innovation that comprises six laboratories spread across three university campuses. Our success as a multi-institution research team demanded the development of a software infrastructure, GEM-NET, that allows all C-GEM members to work together seamlessly—as though everyone was in the same room. GEM-NET was designed to support both science and communication by integrating task management, scheduling, data sharing, and collaborative document and code editing with frictionless internal and public communication; it also maintains security over data and internal communications. In this Article, we document the design and implementation of GEM-NET: our objectives and motivating goals, how each component contributes to these goals, and the lessons learned throughout development. We also share open source code for several custom applications and document how GEM-NET can benefit users in multiple fields and teams that are both small and large. We anticipate that this knowledge will guide other multi-institution teams, regardless of discipline, to plan their software infrastructure and utilize it as swiftly and smoothly as possible.
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Objectives: Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP) is a standard that ensures quality and reliability of research data by adopting the principles of Good Laboratory Practice and Good Clinical Practice. Even though implementing a quality system in a basic research laboratory is still a contentious issue, it ensures that the research data are accurate, valid, and reliable. GCLP implementation requires proper documented procedures and safety precautions to achieve this objective. Methods: This article describes the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)-Wellcome Trust Research Laboratories experience in the implementation of GCLP guidelines in a laboratory conducting basic research. Results: The laboratory managed to implement GCLP elements that could be applied to a basic research laboratory, such as standard operating procedures, equipment management, laboratory analytical plans, organization, and personnel. The laboratory achieved GCLP accreditation in October 2015. Conclusions: The methodology, suggestions, and comments that arose from our experience in implementing GCLP guidelines can be used by other laboratories to develop a quality system using GCLP guidelines to support medical research conducted to ensure the research data are reliable and can be easily reconstructed in other research settings.
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Scoping reviews, a type of knowledge synthesis, follow a systematic approach to map evidence on a topic and identify main concepts, theories, sources, and knowledge gaps. Although more scoping reviews are being done, their methodological and reporting quality need improvement. This document presents the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) checklist and explanation. The checklist was developed by a 24-member expert panel and 2 research leads following published guidance from the EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) Network. The final checklist contains 20 essential reporting items and 2 optional items. The authors provide a rationale and an example of good reporting for each item. The intent of the PRISMA-ScR is to help readers (including researchers, publishers, commissioners, policymakers, health care providers, guideline developers, and patients or consumers) develop a greater understanding of relevant terminology, core concepts, and key items to report for scoping reviews.
Efficient and comprehensive data management is an indispensable component of modern scientific research and requires effective tools for all but the most trivial experiments. The LabDB system developed and used in our laboratory was originally designed to track the progress of a structure determination pipeline in several large National Institutes of Health (NIH) projects. While initially designed for structural biology experiments, its modular nature makes it easily applied in laboratories of various sizes in many experimental fields. Over many years, LabDB has transformed into a sophisticated system integrating a range of biochemical, biophysical, and crystallographic experimental data, which harvests data both directly from laboratory instruments and through human input via a web interface. The core module of the system handles many types of universal laboratory management data, such as laboratory personnel, chemical inventories, storage locations, and custom stock solutions. LabDB also tracks various biochemical experiments, including spectrophotometric and fluorescent assays, thermal shift assays, isothermal titration calorimetry experiments, and more. LabDB has been used to manage data for experiments that resulted in over 1200 deposits to the Protein Data Bank (PDB); the system is currently used by the Center for Structural Genomics of Infectious Diseases (CSGID) and several large laboratories. This chapter also provides examples of data mining analyses and warnings about incomplete and inconsistent experimental data. These features, together with its capabilities for detailed tracking, analysis, and auditing of experimental data, make the described system uniquely suited to inspect potential sources of irreproducibility in life sciences research.
Choosing wisely from a burgeoning array of digital tools can help researchers to record experiments with ease. Choosing wisely from a burgeoning array of digital tools can help researchers to record experiments with ease.