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The Risk Factors of COVID-19 Transmission in Health Workers: A Literature Review

  • National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia


The transmission of COVID-19 among health personnel was a significant problem occurring around the world. The study’s purpose was to explain the risk factors for transmission and prevention of transmission of COVID-19 to health workers. Methods: A literature review searched four databases (Scopus, Science Direct, Proquest, and PubMed) searches were conducted in July and August 2020. The Prisma checklist guided this review. Data tabulation and narrative analysis of the study was performed. Title, abstract, full text, and methodology were assessed for the eligibility of the studies. Results: We found seventeen studies that matched the research criteria. The study was divided into two themes, namely risk factors for transmission of COVID-19 to health workers (n=8) and prevention of transmission (n=3) and the study of both (n=6). Risk factors for transmission of COVID-19 to health workers included age, improper hand washing, comorbidities, lack of sleep quality, lack of knowledge and training, work stress, close contact or exposure to positive COVID-19 patients, lack of PPE, workload, climate, temperature, and humidity. Whereas ways to prevent are keeping hand hygiene, physical distancing, using PPE, traffic control bundling, adhering to standard precautions, providing education and training, changing hospitals or health facilities operations, and conducting rapid tests and PCR tests to all staff and patients. Conclusion: It can be concluded that there are 9 risk factors for transmitting COVID-19 to health workers, and 6 ways to prevent transmission of COVID-19 to health workers.
Dewi YS, et al. The Risk Factors of COVID-19 Transmission in Health Workers: A Literature
Review. Adv Nursing Patient Care Int J 2021, 4(1): 180052.
Copyright © 2021 Dewi YS, et al.
Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal
ISSN: 2642-0147
Research Article Volume 4 Issue 1
The Risk Factors of COVID-19 Transmission in Health Workers: A
Literature Review
Mastifah1, Dewi YS2*, Asmoro CP2, Laksono AD3 and Kamel AD4
1Student of Faculty of Nursing UniversitasAirlangga Surabaya, Indonesia
2Faculty of Nursing UniversitasAirlangga Surabaya, Indonesia
3National Institute of Health Research and Development, Indonesia Ministry of Health, Jakarta, Indonesia
4Collage of nursing, King Saud bin Abdul Aziz University for Health Science KSAU-HS-Riyad-KSA - Maternal and New Born Health
Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: 
Received Date: April 11, 2021; Published Date: April 24, 2021
                
purpose was to explain the risk factors for transmission and prevention of transmission of COVID-19 to health workers.
Methods: A literature review searched four databases (Scopus, Science Direct, Proquest, and PubMed) searches were conducted
in July and August 2020. The Prisma checklist guided this review. Data tabulation and narrative analysis of the study was
performed. Title, abstract, full text, and methodology were assessed for the eligibility of the studies.
Results: We found seventeen studies that matched the research criteria. The study was divided into two themes, namely risk
factors for transmission of COVID-19 to health workers (n=8) and prevention of transmission (n=3) and the study of both
(n=6). Risk factors for transmission of COVID-19 to health workers included age, improper hand washing, comorbidities, lack of
sleep quality, lack of knowledge and training, work stress, close contact or exposure to positive COVID-19 patients, lack of PPE,
workload, climate, temperature, and humidity. Whereas ways to prevent are keeping hand hygiene, physical distancing, using
facilities operations, and conducting rapid tests and PCR tests to all staff and patients.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that there are 9 risk factors for transmitting COVID-19 to health workers, and 6 ways to prevent
transmission of COVID-19 to health workers.
Keywords: COVID-19; Risk Factors; the Factor of Transmission; Prevention; Health Worker; Literature Review
Abbreviations: PPE: Protective Equipment; PPI:
Infection Prevention and Control; COPD: Chronic Obstructive
Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal
The COVID-19 is quickly spreading because of its human-
to-human transmission through droplets of coughs and
sneezes and aerosols. Close contact is one of the risk factors
for transmission of COVID-19 to health workers [1] another
cause of transmission of COVID-19 is the lack of availability
of personal protective equipment (PPE) or improper use and
removal of PPE [2] of the various factors of transmission of
COVID-19 to health workers, it is necessary to carry out a
literature study to resolve the risk factors for transmission of
COVID-19 and ways to prevent the transmission.
Transmission to health workers in America reached 370
people per 10,000 cases with the mortality rate for health
workers reaching 5% [3]. Case reporting on September
22nd, 2020 the number of positive cases of COVID-19
worldwide reached 30,949,804 cases with a CFR of 3.1%
        
of COVID-19 was 248,852 cases with a CFR of 3.9%. There
were 25,000 cases of COVID-19 among health workers
worldwide, consisting of doctors, nurses, midwives, analysts,
pharmacies, and others [4]. The Indonesian COVID-19 Task
Force reported that for every 100 deaths, around 6-8 of the
deaths were number fatalities from the health workers. Data
entered on August 1st, 2020; the number of deaths of health
workers in Indonesia due to COVID-19 was 153 cases.
The cause of transmission of COVID-19 to health workers
does not only occur when contacting positive COVID-19
patients but also occurs due to contact between colleagues
and contacts outside of hospital regulations, for instance
during lunch breaks and meetings. Also, health workers work
        
[5] health workers also gather without wearing masks
and remove the PPE improperly [3]. The virus entering
the respiratory tract if a person touches the face and nose
without prior washing hand [6]. The impact of COVID-19
transmission on health workers including increased anxiety,
fear of negative community stigmatization, increased
     
implementation of infection prevention and control (PPI) [7]
and inadequacy of health facilities and health workers that
accommodate and provide care [8]. Besides, health workers
are concerned that the infection will not be limited to their
selves but also their colleagues and family members [9].
The increase in transmission of COVID-19 to health workers
continues to increase from time to time even though
prevention efforts have been made. According to the results
of previous research conducted in South Africa, the risk
factors for transmission of COVID-19 to health workers
are age, immunity of health workers, and comorbidities
such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular
disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
[10]. Transmission of COVID-19 to health workers can be
prevented or minimized. Therefore, the author was interested
in conducting literature reviews to analyse the risk factors
for transmission of COVID-19 to health workers and prevent
or minimize transmission to protect health workers from
COVID-19 infection.
Source of Information
The author searched for articles in four databases, namely
Scopus, Science Direct, Proquest, and PubMed with the
research topic being risk factors for transmission and
prevention of COVID-19 to health workers. Article searches
were conducted from July to August 2020.
Search Term in Survey
Literature search used keywords and Boolean operators
(AND, OR NOR or AND NOT). The keywords used in the
literature search namely “Risk factors” OR “Factors” OR
“Causa *” AND “Transmission” OR “Disease transmission” OR
“Infection transmission “AND” Preventive “OR” Prevention
and control “OR” Universal precaution “AND” COVID-19 “OR
2019-nCOV “OR” Sars Cov-2 “OR” Novel Coronavirus “AND”
Health care workers “OR” Health care professional “OR”
Medical Staff “.
Selection Criteria
Inclusion criteria were according to the PICOS framework.
Based on the results of literature searches through
publications in four databases and using keywords that have
been determined by MeSH, the authors obtained 939 journals
that matched the keywords. There were 458 duplicated
articles hence excluded from the list and the remaining 481
articles were screened and found that as many as 17 articles
matched the research objectives to be reviewed.
Results of the Search for Source Material
This literature review study included 17 journals that
passed the screening according to predetermined criteria.
       
research objectives, namely discussing the transmission and
prevention of transmission of COVID-2019 to health workers.
Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal
No First Author
& Country Title Design and Sample The Result of Factor
Analysis Database
1Steensels, et
al. [19] Belgia
Hospital –Wide SARS-Cov
Antibody Screening in 3056
Staff in a Tertiary Center in
Design: Cross-sectional
Study Sample 3065 Medical
Staff in Belgium
Close contact,
availability, Prevention
was carried out by
screening with a rapid
Science Direct
2Al-zoubi, et al.
[2] Jordania
Prevalence of positive
COVID-19 among
asymptomatic health care
workers who care for
patients infected with the
novel coronavirus
Design: Retrospective Study
and prevalence Sample:
370 Health care workers at
King Abdullah University
Close contact Prevention
was carried out using a
PCR test on all staff
Scopus Q3-
indexed Journal
3Tabah, et al
[30]. Australia
Personal protective
equipment and intensive
care unit healthcare worker
safety in the COVID-19 era
Design: International
Survey dan prevalence
Sample: 2711 Health care
Lack of Knowledge and
Training. Prevention can
be done by providing
education and training
Scopus Q1-
indexed Journal
4Haberman, et
al. [14] USA
COVID-19 in Patients with
Prospective Study on the
Effects of Comorbidities
and DMARDs on Clinical
Design: Prospective
cohortSample:103 patients
in New York
Age, autoimmune and
comorbid diseases.
Science Direct
5Barrett, et al
[1]. USA
Prevalence of SARS Cov-
2 Infection in previously
undiagnosed health care
workers at the onset of the
U.S. COVID-19epidemic
Design: Prospective
cohortSample:829 HCW in
the USA
Close contact
Science Direct
6Dioscoridi L,
et al. [15] Italy
COVID-19 exposure risk
for family members of
healthcare workers
Design: Observational Study
dan Case Report Sample:
38 Health workers and 81
Family Health workers
of PPE, exposed to many
undiagnosed cases.
Scopus Q1-
indexed Journal
et al. [12]
COVID-19 in health-
care workers in three
hospitals in the south of
the Netherlands: a cross-
sectional study
Design: Cross-sectional
Study Sample: 12.022
Health workers
Close contact, foreigners
with travel history,
community contacts/
mass gatherings,
prevention can be
done by carrying out
screening for Sars Cov-2
to patients and health
PubMed Q1-
indexed Journal
8Ran, et al. [20]
Risk Factors of Healthcare
Worker with Corona Virus
Disease 2019
Design: Retrospective
Cohort Study Sample: 72
health workers
Lack of hand hygiene,
improper use of PPE,
excessive workload.
Prevention can be
carried out by having
a high level of hand
hygiene and reducing
working hours.
PubMed Q1-
indexed Journal
Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal
9Wang, et al.
[8] China
Super factors associated
with the transmission of
occupational COVID-19
infection among healthcare
staff in Wuhan, China
Design: Cross-Sectional
Study Sample: 92 Health
care staff
Using the mask
improperly, touching the
cheeks, nose, and mouth
while working, wearing
incorrect or damaged
PPE, being exposed to
COVID-19 patients
indexed Journal
10 Lahner, et al.
[13] Italy
Prevalence of Sars-Cov-2
infection in health workers
(HWs) and diagnostic
test performance: the
experience of a teaching
hospital in central Italy
Design: Cross-Sectional
Study Sample: 2.057 Health
workers in Italy
Age, exposure to Sars
Cov-2 patients, and
longer working hours
The prevention are by
reducing working hours.
Proquest Q1-
indexed Journal
et al. [33]
Novel Coronavirus
(COVID-19) Knowledge
and Perceptions: A Survey
of Healthcare Workers in
Design: Cross-Sectional
Study Sample: 453 Health
Low level of knowledge
and perception of
PubMed Q1-
indexed Journal
Jackson, et al.
[21] Tanzania
Prevention and control
compliance in Tanzanian
outpatient facilities: a
cross-sectional study with
implications for the control
of COVID-19
Design: Cross-sectional
study Sample : 734
outpatient health workers in
Prevention can be
carried out bythe
implementation of
standard precautions
Science direct
13 Celebi, et al.
[16] Turkey
SARS-CoV-2 transmission
among health care workers
in a university hospital in
Design: Case-Control
StudySample:703 Health
care workers
Improper use of PPE,
failure to maintain
physical distance.
indexed Journal
14 Schwartz, et
al. [7] Taiwan
Protecting Health Care
Workers during the
COVID-19 Coronavirus
Outbreak -Lessons from
Design: Quasi-
hospitals as a treatment
group and 33 hospitals as a
control group
The prevention is by
Control Bundling (TCB)
and physical distancing.
PubMed Q1-
indexed Journal
15 Bai, et al. [8]
SARS Cov-2 Infection in
Health care workers
Design: Retrospective
Study/Case Report Sample:
118 Health workers in
Wuhan China
Working night shift
(low sleep quality) and
working under pressure
(work stress), working
in a COVID-19 isolation
indexed Journal
Altamimi, &
Ahmed et al.
[17] Saudi
Climate factors and
incidence of Middle East
respiratory syndrome
Design: Retrospective/
Cohort Study Sample: 712
cases of Mers Cov in Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia
Climate, temperature,
and humidity.
indexed Journal
Ciccarelli, et
al. [22] USA
Surgery Cases Reducing the
transmission of COVID-19
using a continuous
negative pressure operative
maxillofacial surgery
Design: A case report
Sample: patient suffering
left maxillary sinus lesion
and positive COVID-19
Prevention can be
carried by placing
COVID-19 patients in
rooms with negative
indexed Journal
Table 1: The Result of the Literature Search.
Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal
These seventeen journals were divided into 2 major themes,
namely risk factors for transmission of COVID-19 and factors
for the prevention of transmission of COVID-19 to health
workers, 8 studies discussed risk factors for transmission
of COVID-19, 3 studies discussed factors for preventing
transmission and 6 studies addressed both. The results of a
literature search can be seen in Table 1.
Seventeen articles found by the author in four databases were
all published in 2020 with different study designs, namely
cross-sectional study, prevalence study, cohort study, case
report, case-control study, and quasi-experimental study.
Risk Factors for Transmission of COVID-19 to
Health Workers
       
material, method, money, and quality factors [11]. The risk
factors that affect the transmission of COVID-19 to health
       
factors. The risk factors for transmitting COVID-19 to health
workers can be seen in Table 2. Based on Table 2, the risk
factors for transmitting COVID-19 to health workers are age,
lack of hand hygiene, comorbidities and autoimmune, low
sleep quality, work stress, lack PPE, climate, temperature,
and humidity, workload, and close contact and exposure to a
positive patient with COVID-19.
Author Transmission Factor
Man Material Method
Steensels, et al. [19]
2020 Age, inappropriate use of PPE
Exposure to co-workers who
are positive for COVID-19,
Weak implementation of PPI.
Al-zoubi, et al. [2]
2020 -Contact with COVID-19
patients or coworkers.
High workload, incorrect use,
and removal of PPE.
Tabah, et al. [30]
2020 Lack of knowledge and training - -
Haberman, et al. [14]
Age, autoimmune and comorbid
diseases - -
Barrett, et al. [1]
2020 -Close contact with COVID-19
patients Work as a health worker.
Dioscoridi L & Carrisi
C, 2020 -Exposure to many undiagnosed
cases Lack PPE
Sikkema, et al. [15]
2020 -
Through unknown people with
travel history, contact with
communities/ mass gatherings,
nosocomial infections
Ran,et al. [1] 2020 Lack of hand hygiene before and
after patient contact -
Improper use of PPE, risk of
contracting the disease when
working 15 hours per day.
Wang, et al. [8] 2020
Improper use of masks, close
contact, touching cheeks, nose, and
mouth while working
Exposure to Sars Cov-2 patient Incorrect use of PPE, using
damaged PPE.
Lahner, et al. [13]
Age, improper hand washing before
or after patient contact. Exposure to Sars Cov-2 patient Longer working hours.
Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal
Bhagavathula, et al.
[33] 2020
Low level of knowledge and
perception of COVID-19 - -
Celebi, et al. [16]
2020 - -
Incorrect use of PPE when
treating patients with
COVID-19 infection and
unable to maintain physical
Bai, et al. [8] 2020 Low quality of sleep, working
under pressure (work stress) -Workload and work in
COVID-19 isolation rooms.
Altamimi, Asmaa &
Ahmed, Anwar E, et
al. [17] 2020
-Climate, temperature, and
humidity -
Table 2: Risk Factor of Transmission of COVID-19 on Health Workers.
Age, an older people have comorbid that make them fall into
an immunocompromised condition that is very susceptible
to contracting COVID-19 [12]. Lack of hand hygiene, one of
the risk factors for being infected with COVID-19 is less than
optimal hand washing before and after contact with patients
[13]. Comorbidities and autoimmune, patients with arthritis
and taking oral glucocorticoids were more likely to be treated
for COVID-19 [14]. Low sleep quality, Health workers who
       
PSQI score than the PSQI for uninfected [8].
Work stress, the stress level of health workers is also a risk
factor for the transmission of COVID-19 [8]. Lack PPE, the use
of PPE is not appropriate because it has low PPE availability
[15,16]. Climate, temperature, and humidity, is associated
with increased viral activity in the Mers Cov incidence [17].
Workload, excessive or high workload results in fatigue
of the health worker [18]. Close contact and exposure to a
positive patient with COVID-19, health workers are exposed
COVID-1919and are exposed to many undiagnosed cases
Prevention Factors of Transmission of COVID-19 to
Health Workers
Prevention of transmission of COVID-19 to health workers is
      
the study results found by the author, these factors can be
seen in Table 3. Based on Table 3, the factors for preventing
the transmission of COVID-19 to health workers are hand
hygiene, PPE, standard precaution, physical distancing,
provision of education and training, and negative pressure
Author Preventive Factor
Man Material Method
Steensels, et al. [19]
2020 Using PPE - Implementation of a rapid test on all
patients and staff.
Al-zoubi, et al. [2] 2020 Using PPE Availability of PPE Screening by carrying out a PCR test.
Tabah, et al. [30] 2020 Using PPE level 3 Availability of PPE Providing education and training on the
use of PPE, PPI training.
Sikkema, et al. [15] 2020 Using PPE level 3 - Screening of Sars Cov-2 in patients and
healthcare workers.
Ran, et al. [1] 2020 Hand hygiene -
Reducing working hours, removing health
workers with comorbid from serving
patients but working as administrative
Wang, et al. [8] 2020
Wearing a mask, keeping
physical distance, avoiding
the mass gathering
Availability of PPE -
Lahner, et al. [13] 2020 - - Decreasing the working hours.
Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal
Jackson, et al. [19] 2020 Hand hygiene Using hand gloves
Implementation of PPI or standard
precautions, disinfection of equipment,
sewage treatment.
Schwartz, et al. [7] 2020 Self-isolation 
and Physical distancing.
Gonzalez-Ciccarelli, et al.
[22] 2020 -Negative pressure
room -
Table 3: Factors for Preventing the Transmission of COVID-19 to Health Workers.
Hand Hygiene, maintain hand hygiene by washing hands
frequently and not touching the nose, mouth, and eyes before
washing hands, covering mouth when sneezing or coughing
[18,19]. Adhere to hand hygiene and the use of gloves [20].
PPE, one of the steps to prevent infection transmission is to
provide and wear PPE [2,21]. Standard precaution, perform
high touch point disinfection throughout the hospital at least
3 times a day, wearing PPE according to the procedure to be
performed [21]. Disinfection of reusable equipment, sewage
treatment [20].
Physical Distancing, provide health services without direct
contact with patients [7]. Provision of education and training;
educate health workers about how to care for COVID-19
patients, about hand hygiene, how to put on and take off the
correct PPE and the types of PPE used [2]. Negative pressure
room, the negative pressure chamber will clean the aerosol
particles of the room with negative pressure circulating 33
cubic feet will remove 99.999% of 0.1 μm particles or larger
Risk Factors for Transmission of COVID-19 to
Health Workers
Based on the results of the review of articles conducted by
the author, it was found that the human factors that affected
the transmission of COVID-19 to health workers are age, lack
of hand hygiene, low quality of sleep, and stress. Age affects
the transmission of COVID-19 to health workers [13,14]. The
infection progresses faster in older age due to decreased
endurance, for instance, due to comorbidities [23]. The
difference in the morbidity of infectious disease in various
        
education, and population migration [24,25]. Following this
statement, age affects the transmission of COVID-19. The
impact of COVID-19 on people of older age with comorbid
and autoimmune symptoms is a more severe condition and
a greater risk of death. Health facility management should
understand the age structure and comorbid status of their
health workers, to obtain the data of health workers included
in the vulnerable group during the pandemic.
Most of the research states that hand hygiene is a factor
affecting the transmission of COVID-19 to health workers.
This is expressed in their respective researches [13,19].
Based on the results of the study, it is shown that the
transmission of disease through the hands orally can be
prevented by washing hands using soap and running water
before or after carrying out activities.
The low sleep quality of health workers leads to a greater
risk of being infected with COVID-19 [8]. Sleep quality can
be described by the length of sleep and the complaints felt
during sleep or after waking up [26]. Sleep quality was
assessed using the PSQI [8]. The study did not include data on
the immunity and health status of respondents, therefore it is
necessary to conduct research. Furthermore the stress level
of health workers is also a risk factor for the transmission
reaction in the face of a threat and pressure [27]. Based on
the results of the review of the article, it is stated that the high
positive for COVID-19 is due to the stigmatization that health
workers are carriers of the virus, therefore optimal support
is needed from the management of health facilities, the
community, as well as family.
Based on the results of the review of the article, material
factors that affect the transmission of COVID-19 are exposure
to COVID-19 patients, the environment, temperature, climate,
and humidity. The environment referred to in the research
is the patient care room and the community environment.
The environment that is suspected of contributing to the
transmission of COVID-19 includes temperature in the air, air
pollution, particulates, humidity, and weather [17]. The family
environment is a factor in the transmission of COVID-19, if
one of the family members is infected, other family members
may also be infected [28]. Based on the results of the review
of the article, the authors state that health workers are
already proper in wearing and removing PPE following the
SOP and existing protocols, but health workers are at risk of
infection or exposure in the family environment or outside
health facilities because they do not wear PPE.
Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal
Method factors that affect the transmission of COVID-19 are
the lack of PPE availability and workload. Based on research
conducted by Valdivia-Granda & Richt (2020) that states
many doctors contracted COVID-19 due to errors in using
PPE. But this is not entirely proven, indicated by the presence
of health workers infected with COVID-19 from their family
environment, and the problem of lack of PPE. Some health
workers also wear substitutes that have the same function
as PPE, such as raincoats and face shields from plastic covers
The workload is related to working hours and activities
carried out [11]. Based on the results of the study, it can be
stated that the workload of health workers increases during
the pandemic because they have to wear PPE, comply with
       
positive for COVID-19. Deemed monotonous, using PPE and
 
blurry vision for long periods can be stressful. Based on
this statement, it was found that the increasing workload
of health workers is due to their duties to provide care to
the patient and to protect themselves from exposure to
COVID-19. The consideration of working hours and workload
is very important as an effort to prevent transmission to
health workers.
Factors to Prevent Transmission of COVID-19 to
Health Workers
Based on the results of the review of the article, the factors
preventing the transmission of COVID-19 in terms of
human factors are hand hygiene and physical distancing.
Hand hygiene is one way to break the chain of disease
transmission [24]. Health workers can bring the virus home
and infect the family or spread the virus to the restroom for
          
study, it is important to not wear jewellery such as rings and
bracelets because the possibility becomes a living spot for
microorganisms, therefore hand hygiene procedures can be
carried out optimally.
Material factors that can prevent the transmission of
COVID-19 are the use of PPE, placing patients in negative
(TCB). The use of PPE is important in efforts to prevent
transmission. Personal protective equipment commonly
used by health workers consists of surgical masks, white or
green cotton gowns, headgear, protective goggles, gloves,
and disposable protective gowns, for low-risk patients
[2,12,21,30]. The use of gloves is highly recommended to
prevent transmission by touch [31]. Based on the results of
the analysis, it can be shown that PPE at health facilities is
readily available and health workers already understand the
importance of its use.
The room used in the care of patients with COVID-19 must
have special standards such as negative pressure and open
to free air [22]. Method factors in preventing COVID19 are
changes in health facilities operations, implementation of
PPI or standard precautions, implementation of rapid tests
and mass PCR tests, and providing education and training to
health workers. The government has made various efforts
to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 by providing PPE
according to standards, implementing infection prevention
and control, providing training to health workers on how
to provide care to COVID-19 patients, clean hands, use and
remove the PPE and types of PPE used, implementation of
rapid and PCR tests on health workers with close contact with
  
also has made policies on the health and protection of health
workers. Health workers that experience illness may take
sick leave. Working time is set with a maximum of 40 hours a
week with a daily work time of 7-8 hours and not exceeding
12 hours. There should be a monitoring of the health aspects
        
with comorbidities and special conditions. Finally, there is
banning for visitors and watchmen for COVID-19 patients
Knowledge plays a role in the transmission and prevention of
COVID-19 [30,33]. The knowledge expressed in the research
includes knowledge of transmission, proper and correct
use of PPE, and negative perceptions of COVID-19. Health
workers that handle COVID-19 only rely on the experience of
handling patients with infectious diseases by using PPE and
washing hands as a preventive measure [30]. Based on the
results of the review of articles, there is a need to increase
the knowledge of health workers by conducting education
and training related to COVID-19 through an online system.
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in changes in the
use of PPE. COVID-19 is a new disease for which until now
there has been no detailed explanation regarding the most
effective mechanisms and handling. This situation affects
the knowledge of health workers therefore it is necessary to
train all staff, not only health workers about hand hygiene
and the use of PPE. Based on the results of the review of
the articles found by the author, the factor that shows the
greatest urgency for the transmission of COVID-19 to health
workers is due to exposure or close contact with positive
COVID-19 patients outside of health facilities in which health
workers do not wear PPE.
Study Limitation
The limitation associated with this review is the potential for
publication bias because the studies included only limited
to those found by the author, therefore it was lacking factors
studied and other factors were not found by the authors.
Besides, the studies conducted not in all countries with most
Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal
of them were from countries that discovered the virus much
earlier, namely in Wuhan, China and in a country with a high
aspects related to policies for preventing the transmission of
COVID-19 to health workers need to be considered for the
application of interventions in health facilities and much
more research is needed to determine the most appropriate
steps in efforts to prevent COVID-19 transmission [34].
The risk factors for transmission of COVID-19 to health
workers namely age, comorbidities, autoimmune, lack of
hand hygiene, and lack of PPE availability, close contact or
exposure to patients positive for COVID-19, sleep quality,
lack of knowledge and training, stress, workload, climate,
temperature, and humidity. The factors for preventing
the transmission of COVID-19 to health workers are hand
  
control bundling, implementing PPI or standard precautions,
providing education and training, changing health facilities
operations, and implementing rapid tests and PCR tests on
all health facilities staff and patient and placing the patient in
a negative pressure room.
Based on the conclusion, two things can be suggested:
• For health workers to better comply with health
protocols, increase immunity by consuming nutritious
foods, vegetables, and fruit, have adequate rest, and
perform regular exercise
• For the government and management of health
facilities, it is important to provide PPE according to the
implementation standards for infection prevention and
control, provide training to health workers, reducing
workload by reducing working hours, providing vaccines
to health workers with to close contact with COVID-19
patients, and conducting PCR tests on all staff working
in health facilities.
The authors would like to thank the Faculty of Nursing,
Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, for allowing the reworking
       
The authors alone are responsible for the views expressed
in this publication, and they do not necessarily represent the
views, decisions or policies of their institutions.
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... These health workers are suffering from a heavy workload due to the increasing number of cases infected with Covid-19. Excessive or high workload results in fatigue of health workers (Laksono, 2021). One of the workloads of nurses during the current Covid-19 pandemic is the intensity of care for patients who require intensive care, in addition to the large number of patients with a minimal number of nurses causing an excessive workload for nurses themselves. ...
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Introduction: The development of cases of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in Pati Regency which is increasing every day causes anxiety in nurses. The purpose of the study was to analyze the factors that influence the anxiety level of nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic.Method: The research design used was descriptive analytic with a cross-sectional approach. The sample size was 55 respondents, taken according to the inclusion criteria and sampling using the proportional stratified random sampling technique. The inclusion criteria in this study were nurses who worked in room units that did not treat Covid-19 patients and were cooperative at RSUD Kayen Pati. The independent variables in this study were perceptions of risk, workload as well as information and training. The dependent variable in this study was the level of anxiety of nurses. The instrument used for the perception of risk as well as information and training was a questionnaire from Gershon et al (1995), for the workload instrument using a questionnaire from Nursalam (2016) while for anxiety instruments using a Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) 42 questionnaire. Analysis using a test Logistics Regression statistic with significance level p<0.05.Results: The results showed that there was an influence between information and training (0.000), workload (0.000) and perceptions of risk (0.001) with nurses' anxiety levels during the Covid-19 pandemic. The most dominant factor giving the relationship between nurses' anxiety levels during the Covid-19 pandemic was information and training.Conclusion: Information and training factors, workload and perceptions of risk have an influence on nurses' anxiety levels during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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The aim of this study was to investigate the risk factors affecting the prevalence of Covid-19 disease in healthcare workers (HCWs).
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Background Healthcare workers (HCW) are presumed to be at increased risk of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection due to occupational exposure to infected patients. However, there has been little epidemiological research to assess these risks. Methods We conducted a prospective cohort study of HCW (n = 546) and non-healthcare workers (NHCW; n = 283) with no known prior SARS-CoV-2 infection who were recruited from a large U.S. university and two affiliated university hospitals. In this cross-sectional analysis of data collected at baseline, we examined SARS-CoV-2 infection status (as determined by presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in oropharyngeal swabs) by healthcare worker status and role. Results At baseline, 41 (5.0%) of the participants tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection, of whom 14 (34.2%) reported symptoms. The prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was higher among HCW (7.3%) than in NHCW (0.4%), representing a 7.0% greater absolute risk (95% confidence interval for risk difference 4.7, 9.3%). The majority of infected HCW (62.5%) were nurses. Positive tests increased across the two weeks of cohort recruitment in line with rising confirmed cases in the hospitals and surrounding counties. Conclusions Overall, our results demonstrate that HCW had a higher prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection than NHCW. Continued follow-up of this cohort will enable us to monitor infection rates and examine risk factors for transmission.
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Background Restricting community mobility during COVID-19 can potentially trigger anxiety, depression and stress in the community. The study aims to analyze variables associated with the community psychosocial burden (anxiety level) during the co-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Methods This study collected data (n = 8,031) online. Psychosocial burden was measured based on the anxiety level which include 5 aspects, such as economic, religious, educational, employment, and social issues. Each question used a Likert scale. Six independent were examined, such as age, gender, religion, marital, education, and employement. In the final stage, a multivariate test was performed using a multinomial logistic regression. Results Someone older experienced less high anxiety. The age group of 20–29 years was 4,330 times likely to experience higher anxiety than the age group of ≥50 years. While, those in the age group of 40–49 years weer 2,322 times more likely to have higher anxiety than those in the age group of ≥50 years. Male respondents had lower possibility of medium to high anxiety than females. Respondents with secondary and lower education had 3,117 times possibilities to experience higher anxiety than those with high education level. Conclusion Four variables affected the psychosocial burden i.e, anxiety level of community in Indonesia. These involved age, gender, education, and employement.
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Objective To characterize the hospitalization and death rates among patients with inflammatory arthritis (IA) affected by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) and to analyze the associations of comorbidities and immunomodulatory medications with infection outcomes. Methods Data on clinical and demographic features, maintenance treatment, disease course, and outcomes in individuals with IA (rheumatoid arthritis and spondyloarthritis) with symptomatic COVID‐19 infection were prospectively assessed via web‐based questionnaire followed by individual phone calls and electronic medical record review. Baseline characteristics and medication use were summarized for hospitalized and ambulatory patients, and outcomes with the different medication classes were compared using multivariable logistic regression. Results A total of 103 patients with IA were included in the study (80 with confirmed COVID‐19 and 23 with high suspicion of COVID‐19). Hospitalization was required in 26% of the participants, and 4% died. Patients who were hospitalized were significantly more likely to be older (P < 0.001) and have comorbid hypertension (P = 0.001) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (P = 0.02). IA patients taking oral glucocorticoids had an increased likelihood of being admitted for COVID‐19 (P < 0.001), while those receiving maintenance anticytokine biologic therapies did not. Conclusion Among patients with underlying IA, COVID‐19 outcomes were worse in those receiving glucocorticoids but not in patients receiving maintenance anticytokine therapy. Further work is needed to understand whether immunomodulatory therapies affect COVID‐19 incidence.
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Background Limited information is available about COVID-19 infections among health care workers. Sensitive detection of COVID-19 cases in health care workers is crucial for hospital infection prevention policy, particularly for those who work with vulnerable patients. The aim of this study is to describe the prevalence of positive COVID-19 among asymptomatic health care workers who took care of patients with COVID-19 during the pandemic. Methods This retrospective study included all health care workers at King Abdullah University Hospital who take care of patients infected with COVID-19 patients from March 18, 2020 to April 29, 2020. They were tested for COVID-19 infection by use of real-time reverse-transcriptase rRT-PCR on samples from nasopharyngeal swabs. Results A total number of 370 health care workers were screened. The majority were nurses followed by physicians and other personnel. This study showed that all asymptomatic health care workers were tested negative for COVID-19Q. Conclusion Unexpectedly, the prevalence of positive COVID-19 among asymptomatic health care workers who take care of patients infected with the novel coronavirus was 0%. This result must be cautiously interpreted. Further studies are needed in order to find effective strategy of screening health care workers to insure a safe working environment.
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A healthy lifestyle is one of the determinants of the development of COVID-19. The purpose of the study was to analyze the predictors of a healthy lifestyle in the COVID-19 pandemic period. Data collected online. The sample size was 3,407 respondents. The variables analyzed included a healthy lifestyle (wear a mask when leaving the house, wash hands with soap, and implement physical distancing), age, education, and work type. In the final stage the binary logistic regression was used to determine the predictor. The results found that respondents with the age group 31-40 were 2.792 times more likely than respondents with the age group ≤20 to behave often wearing a mask when leaving the house. Respondents with a work type entrepreneurship category are 0.479 times more likely than respondents with a public servant/army/police work type category to behave often wearing a mask when leaving the house. The older the respondent, the more likely it is to behave frequently to wash hands with soap. Respondents with a work type entrepreneurship category have a lower possibility than the public servant/army/police category to behave frequently washing hands with soap. The analysis showed that none of the prospective predictors of behavioral variables often implementing physical distancing showed significant results. It was concluded that age groups and work types are predictors of two healthy lifestyles (wear a mask when leaving the house and wash hands with soap). While none of the variables tested proved to be a predictor of implementing physical distancing behavior.
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Background Many papers considered the exposure risk to COVID-19 of general population and healthcare workers (HW). However, no available papers discussed the risk of exposure of family members (FM) of HWs. Aims The present study collected the data of SARS-COV-2 positive FM of HWs using serological rapid IgM/IgG tests (SRT) compared with positive HWs at SRT and serological quantitative IgG test (SQT). Methods The study was conducted from 2nd to 31th May 2020. 38 HWs were tested by both SRT and SQT; 81 FMs were screened using SRT. Descriptive statistical analyses were used to summarize the data. Results Of the 38 HWs, 2 (5,3%) showed IgG line at SRT, confirmed by SQT. 32 HWs decided self-isolation from the family during SARS-COV-2 spreading. Out of 81 FMs, 26 (32,1%) were found IgG positive at SRT. 11 (42%) of them had symptoms typical for COVID-19 in the study period. In two families, the HWs were the only negative case. Conclusions General population’s exposure to COVID-19 was less controlled than HWs’ one. HWs experienced lower infection’s rate than their families and did not represented a risk of transmission for relatives.
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Background 10 days after the first reported case of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in the Netherlands (on Feb 27, 2020), 55 (4%) of 1497 health-care workers in nine hospitals located in the south of the Netherlands had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA. We aimed to gain insight in possible sources of infection in health-care workers. Methods We did a cross-sectional study at three of the nine hospitals located in the south of the Netherlands. We screened health-care workers at the participating hospitals for SARS-CoV-2 infection, based on clinical symptoms (fever or mild respiratory symptoms) in the 10 days before screening. We obtained epidemiological data through structured interviews with health-care workers and combined this information with data from whole-genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 in clinical samples taken from health-care workers and patients. We did an in-depth analysis of sources and modes of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in health-care workers and patients. Findings Between March 2 and March 12, 2020, 1796 (15%) of 12 022 health-care workers were screened, of whom 96 (5%) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. We obtained complete and near-complete genome sequences from 50 health-care workers and ten patients. Most sequences were grouped in three clusters, with two clusters showing local circulation within the region. The noted patterns were consistent with multiple introductions into the hospitals through community-acquired infections and local amplification in the community. Interpretation Although direct transmission in the hospitals cannot be ruled out, our data do not support widespread nosocomial transmission as the source of infection in patients or health-care workers. Funding EU Horizon 2020 (RECoVer, VEO, and the European Joint Programme One Health METASTAVA), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health.
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Background Globally, there have been many cases of COVID-2019 cases among medical staff, however, the main factors associated with the infection are not well understood. Aim To identify the super-factors causing COVID-19 infection in medical staff in China. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted between Jan. 1st, and Feb. 30th, 2020, where front line members of medical staff that took part in the care and treatment of patients with COVID-19 were enrolled. Epidemiological and demographic data between infected and uninfected groups were collected and compared. Social network analysis (SNA) was used to establish socio-metric social links between influencing factors. Findings A total of 92 medical staff were enrolled. In all participant groups, the super-factor identified by the network was wearing a medical protective mask or surgical mask correctly (degree = 572; closeness =25; betweenness centrality = 3·23). Touching the cheek, nose, and mouth while working was the super-factor in the infected group. This was the biggest node in the network and had the strongest influence (degree = 370; closeness = 29; betweenness centrality = 0·37). Self-protection score was the super-factor in the uninfected group but was the isolated factor in the infected group (degree = 201; closeness = 28; betweenness centrality = 5·64). For family members, the exposure history to Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market and the contact history to wild animals were two isolated nodes. Conclusion High self-protection score was the main factor that prevented medical staff from contracting COVID-19 infection. The main factor that contributed to COVID-19 infections among medical staff was touching the cheek, nose and mouth while working.
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(1) Background: Health workers (HWs) are at high risk of acquiring SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) infections. Therefore, health authorities further recommend screening strategies for SARS-CoV-2 infection in exposed or high-risk HWs. Nevertheless, to date, the best/optimal method to screen HWs for SARS-CoV-2 infection is still under debate, and data on the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in HWs are still scarce. The present study aims to assess the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate amongst HWs in a teaching hospital in Central Italy and the diagnostic performance of SARS-CoV-2 serology (index test) in comparison with the SARS-CoV-2 RNA PCR assay (reference standard). (2) Methods: A cross-sectional study on the retrospective data of HWs tested for SARS-CoV-2 by RNA-RT-PCR on nasopharyngeal swabs and by an IgM/IgG serology assay on venous blood samples, irrespective of exposure and/or symptoms, was carried out. (3) Results: A total of 2057 HWs (median age 46, 19–69 years, females 60.2%) were assessed by the RNA RT-PCR assay and 58 (2.7%) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Compared with negative HWs, SARS-CoV-2-positives were younger (mean age 41.7 versus 45.2, p < 0.01; 50% versus 31% under or equal to 40 years old, p < 0.002) and had a shorter duration of employment (64 versus 125 months, p = 0.02). Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 was more frequent in positive HWs than in negatives (55.2% versus 27.5%, p < 0.0001). In 44.8% of positive HWs, no exposure was traced. None of the positive HWs had a fatal outcome, none of them had acute respiratory distress syndrome, and only one required hospitalization for mild/moderate pneumonia. In 1084 (51.2%) HWs, nasopharyngeal swabs and an IgM/IgG serology assay were performed. With regard to IgM serology, sensitivity was 0% at a specificity of 98.99% (positive predictive value, PPV 0%, negative predictive value, NPV 99.2%). Concerning IgG serology and irrespective of the time interval between nasopharyngeal swab and serology, sensitivity was 50% at a specificity of 99.1% (PPV 28.6%, NPV 99.6%). IgG serology showed a higher diagnostic performance when performed at least two weeks after testing SARS-CoV-2-positive at the RNA RT-PCR assay by a nasopharyngeal swab. (4) Conclusions: Our experience in Central Italy demonstrated a low prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection amongst HWs, but higher than in the general population. Nearly half of the positive HWs reported no previous exposure to SARS-CoV-2-infected subjects and were diagnosed thanks to the proactive screening strategy implemented. IgG serology seems useful when performed at least two weeks after an RNA RT-PCR assay. IgM serology does not seem to be a useful test for the diagnosis of active SARS-CoV-2 infection. High awareness of SARS-CoV-2 infection is mandatory for all people, but especially for HWs, irrespective of symptoms, to safeguard their health and that of patients.
Aim To investigate the specific risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 transmission among HCWs in a tertiary care university hospital. Methods Upper respiratory samples of HCWs were tested for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR. A case-control study was conducted to explore the possible risk factors that lead to SARS-CoV-2 transmission to HCWs. Results Of 703 HCWs screened between March 20 and May 20, 2020, 50 (7.1%) were found to be positive for SARS-CoV-2. The positivity rates for SARS-CoV-2 among physicians, nurses, cleaning personnel, and the other occupations were 6.3%, 8.0%, 9.1%, and 2.6%, respectively. The infection rate was 8.3% among HCWs who worked in COVID-19 units and 3.4% among those who did not work in COVID-19 units (RR = 2.449, CI = 1.062–5.649, p = .027). The presence of a SARS-CoV-2 positive person in the household (p = .016), inappropriate use of personnel protective equipment (PPE) while caring for patients with COVID-19 infection (p = .003), staying in the same personnel break room as an HCW without a medical mask for more than 15 minutes (p = .000), consuming food within one meter of an HCW (p = .003), and failure to keep a safe social distance from an HCW (p = .003) were statistically significant risk factors for infection. Conclusion HCWs have a high risk for SARS-CoV-2 transmission while providing care to COVID-19 patients. Transmission may also occur in non-medical areas of the hospital while speaking or eating. Periodic screening of HCWs for SARS-CoV-2 may enable early detection and isolation of infected HCWs.