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El rol del desarrollo financiero en el consumo de energía en México: un análisis de paneles dinámicos para el periodo 2002-2017



En la actualidad existe una fuerte preocupación por el impacto del elevado consumo de energía en el deterioro del medio ambiente y, en consecuencia, en el desempeño de la actividad productiva. Por esta razón, en la última década muchos académicos han investigado el papel de las actividades de los intermediarios financieros en el consumo de energía, que a su vez afecta al crecimiento económico. En este trabajo, estudiamos el efecto del crédito bancario otorgado a los tres sectores económicos (Agropecuario, silvícola y pesquero; Industrial; y Servicios y otras actividades) sobre el consumo de energía eléctrica, con un panel de datos de las 32 entidades federativas de México durante el periodo 2003-2017. Después de indagar sobre la estacionariedad de las series, analizamos las series con los modelos Promedio de Grupos Agrupado (PMG), Promedio de Grupos (MG) y Efectos Fijos Dinámicos. En términos generales, concluimos que en el largo plazo el crédito bancario ejerce una influencia positiva sobre el consumo de energía eléctrica, cuya relación no se observa tan fuerte en el corto plazo. Esto implica que el desarrollo de los intermediarios financieros ha impulsado al consumo de energía en México.
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El interés por escribir este libro que el lector tiene en sus manos, surgió porque muchos administradores, estudiantes y profesionistas de nuestras instituciones académicas y empresas privadas frecuentemente nos pedían apoyo para calcular tamaños de muestras, con el fin de fundamentar sus decisiones o incluso sus proyectos de investigación. El objetivo del libro es precisamente ayudar a elegir el esquema de muestreo apropiado, calcular el tamaño de muestra y hacer las estimaciones correspondientes, lo cual no es una tarea fácil para las personas que carecen de una formación intermedia o avanzada en estadística, además que la mayoría de libros de esta temática suele ser poco accesible.
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Text in Spanish. Detailed analysis of China´s economic development strategy, adhesion to the WTO, and impacts in Mexico and Central America in the yarn-textile-garment global value chain and PC industries in Mexico and Central America. Conclusions and policy proposals
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The paper seeks to estimate the effects of wages, agglomeration and transportation costs on the Mexican automobile assembly and vehicle parts subsectors from 1999 to 2014. The methodology is based on spatial lag and error models. The results indicate that the average wage had a negative effect on the employment of the automobile assembly subsector and that agglomeration initially had a positive impact on that subsector. Transportation costs had a positive effect in the automobile assembly subsector during the two thousand. In the vehicle parts subsector, agglomeration within industry and agglomeration among related industries had positive effects during the early decade of the two thousand.
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This paper investigates the existence of causal relationships among primary energy consumption per capita (PEC), carbon dioxide per capita (Co2) and gross domestic product per capita (GDP) in 79 countries grouped by income level for the 1980-2014 period. The countries are classified into high (HIC), upper-middle (UMIC), lower-middle (LMIC), and low (LIC) average per capita income. We apply a model of cointegrated panel data and an error correction mechanism. The estimation is carried out with fully modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS) and dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS). For the HIC and UMIC groups, there is, in general, a positive relationship between PEC and GDP, and a negative one between GDP and PEC given that they develop new technologies to reduce Co2 emissions. For the LMIC and LIC groups, there are mixed results. For instance, the LIC group accepts the null hypothesis in 26% of the cases with FMOLS and 42% with the DOLS. The Granger causality test suggests that for the HIC, UMIC and LMIC groups the variable GDP has a bidirectional relationship with PEC and Co2 in the short and long runs, a bidirectional causal relationship between PEC and Co2 in the long run, and unidirectional from PEC to Co2 in the short run. For the LIC group, PEC and Co2 show a bidirectional relationship, but unidirectional from PEC to Co2 in the short term. We also only detected a bidirectional relationship between Co2 and GDP in the short term for the LIC group. JEL Classification: O13, H54, O47, C31, C33, L70.
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The study aims to examine the survey of earlier literature that deals with economic growth, energy consumption and carbon emission, both single country studies as well as multi-county studies that covers the period till 2019. The main focus of this survey is on the coverage of countries, modeling methodologies, periods as well as empirical conclusions. The literature survey in this research paper is based on the causality’s direction between (i) economic growth and carbon emission; (ii) economic growth and energy consumption; (iii) energy consumption and carbon emissions. From reviewing these studies, general remark can be assumed that the literature which has been produced is paradoxical. Firstly, most of the earlier studies have reported that economic growth and energy consumption are significant sources of carbon emission, however, the role of economic growth in carbon emission is highly reported in highly developing countries. On contrary, in case of developed countries, carbon emission is not linked with economic development. Secondly, in case of developing countries, higher energy consumption leads to increase the economic growth. For developed countries, there are less evidence of dependence between energy consumption and economic growth. Lastly, in both developing and developed countries, higher energy consumption has reported the main culprit for carbon emission Focusing on the implications, the governments and industries have to replace the non-renewable energy sources with renewable sources to generate electricity, run the industrial operations and for transportation purposes etc. Comprehending the literature survey has provided the basis to address the designing as well as implementing effective environmental as well as energy policies. Keywords: Literature survey, Economic growth, Economic consumption, Carbon emission
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This paper examines the relationship between financial development and energy consumption estimations in the major MENA countries (Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen) over the period 1996 to 2014. We consider the energy use in kg of oil equivalent per capita as a dependent variable that reflects the cross-country energy consumption. We measure the level of financial development in the MENA countries by considering banking indicators. Extending the model of Sadorsky (2011), we estimate both linear and non-linear dynamic panel model. We use new robust econometrics to take into account heterogeneity and nonlinearity and we control the estimation results for the period of the global financial crisis. The results of the study report a positive and statistically significant relationship between the intermediation capacity of the banking system as well as its size and energy consumption. The findings also confirm a non-linear and inverted U-shaped relationship between financial development and energy demand for the MENA region. This implies that initially energy demand increases with financial development and then, at a turning point of financial development, it declines. The policy implications of these results are discussed.
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El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar los efectos que tienen las prácticas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) desarrolladas por mipymes familiares en el éxito competitivo y la innovación. Para esto, se ha utilizado una muestra de 245 empresas familiares en el sur del estado de Quintana Roo, México, a través de la aplicación de un cuestionario a los gerentes/propietarios. Se ha propuesto un modelo teórico con las hipótesis a contrastar, y se ha validado con un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM por sus siglas en inglés). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que las prácticas de RSE desarrolladas por las mipymes familiares tienen un efecto positivo y estadísticamente significativo en el éxito competitivo y en la innovación. En cuanto a la innovación y su efecto en el éxito competitivo, fue positivo, pero no significativo.
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The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between Canada, Mexico, and the USA (1994–2018) has led to a reorganization of the productive structure of Mexico’s 32 metropolitan areas, affecting what jobs are offered in the country’s regions. This includes tertiary activity, which determines most employment in metropolitan areas. Most employment in this sector, however, is more precarious than in the secondary sector. Additionally, women participate in this sector more than men, exacerbating wage inequality. Based on data from the National Survey of Occupation and Employment (ENOE in Spanish), we analyze the income gap in Mexico’s metropolitan areas. We find that inequality is exacerbated in less developed areas in which the tertiary sector predominates. Moreover, the decrease in the labor gap is caused by the precariousness of working conditions.