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Consultative Committee of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (Convention 108) Report on Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection: Challenges and Possible Remedies

Strasbourg, 25 January 2019
(Convention 108)
Report on Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection: Challenges and Possible Remedies
Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law
Report by Alessandro Mantelero, Associate Professor of Private Law at the Polytechnic University of
Turin, Department of Management and Production Engineering. The document is an expression of the
author’s personal viewpoint.
Part I The State of the Art .............................................................................................................. 3
I.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 3
I.2 AI development ............................................................................................................................ 4
I.3 The perspective adopted ........................................................................................................... 5
I.4 Existing framework and principles ............................................................................................ 6
I.5 Individuals’ self-determination in data processing ................................................................. 7
I.6 Minimisation ................................................................................................................................. 8
I.7 Bias................................................................................................................................................ 9
Part II- Challenges and Possible Remedies .............................................................................. 11
II.1 Limitations to AI use ................................................................................................................ 11
II.2 Transparency ............................................................................................................................ 11
II.3.1 Risk assessment ................................................................................................................... 13
II.3.2 Ethics committees................................................................................................................. 15
II.3.3 Participatory assessment .................................................................................................... 16
II.4 Liability and vigilance............................................................................................................... 17
II. 5 Sector-specific issues............................................................................................................. 17
References ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Part I The State of the Art
I.1 Introduction
Defining the field of research of this Report is not an easy matter, since the boundaries of both data
protection and Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter AI
) are rather uncertain. On the one hand, data-
intensive technologies (including AI) represent a challenge to the application of some of the traditional
principles of data protection, making them blurrier, less clear-cut or more difficult to apply [CoE 2017;
Hildebrandt, 2016; Barocas & Nissenbaum, 2015; Citron & Pasquale, 2014; Mantelero, 2014;
Rubinstein, 2013; Boyd & Crawford, 2012; Tene & Polonetsky, 2012]. On the other, AI is a broad field
encompassing a variety of approaches that attempt to emulate human cognitive skills [Villani, 2018, 4].
Data protection and AI are by necessity correlated. Leaving aside science fiction scenarios, the rapid
evolution of AI applications over recent years has its roots in the progressive process of datafication
[MayerSchönberger & Cukier, 2013, 78; Lycett, 2013], with the result that personal data have
increasingly become both the source and the target of AI applications (e.g. personal assistants, smart
home devices etc.).
Against this background, different approaches are emerging in AI development, use and regulation. In
reality, AI is largely unregulated and often not grounded on fundamental rights, relying instead mainly
on data processing.
Regarding data processing, the global framework offers a range of ways to safeguard fundamental
rights and, in particular, the right to the protection of personal data. European active role in the field of
data protection may lead to a prominent part to play for this region in addressing the regulatory
challenge of AI development.
The adoption of a perspective focused on fundamental rights may also mitigate the envisioned clash
between a market- and technology-oriented development of AI and a more inclusive approach. From
the perspective of Convention 108 and, more generally, of the Council of Europe’s attitude to
fundamental rights, a solution to the existing tension may be provided by the regulatory framework and
in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights.
In terms of policy, the foundational nature of fundamental rights has led the Parties to Convention 108
to favour the development of technology grounded on these rights and not merely driven by market
forces or high-tech companies. Moreover, the historical roots of European data protection lie in urging
policy makers to consider the potentially adverse consequences of data processing technologies.
This rights-based approach necessarily impacts on AI development, which should be consistent with
the values expressed in Convention 108 and in the regulations of the Council of Europe. The Parties
to the Convention should therefore actively encourage AI developers towards a value-oriented
design of products and services, and away from vague or overly optimistic views of AI.
At the same time, governments should be the first to use AI in a manner which is centred on
safeguarding and promoting data protection and fundamental rights, thereby avoiding the
development of AI systems or technologies which constrain individual and collective rights and
For these reasons, it is important to extend European regulatory leadership in the field of data
protection to a value-oriented regulation of AI [Villani, 2018, 7] based on the following three precepts:
The term Artificial Intelligence was originally coined by John McCarthy, an American computer scientist known
as the father of AI. See J. McCarthy, M. L. Minsky, N. Rochester, and C.E. Shannon, ‘A Proposal for the
Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence’, August 31, 1955. accessed 19 June 2018. A definition of AI is
available here:
- Values-based approach (encompassing social and ethical values)
- Risk assessment and management
- Participation
The Council of Europe’s standpoint is broader than the EU’s borders and encompasses a wide variety
of legal cultures and regulatory approaches. Despite this, the Council of Europe’s legal framework,
and Convention 108 itself, provide a uniform background in terms of common values.
The Council of Europe may be one of the best fora to combine attention to fundamental rights and
flexibility in technology regulation, adopting a principles-based approach. Principles can be broader
in scope and interpreted specifically to meet the challenges of a changing world, whereas detailed
legislative provisions do not appear to be able to react quickly enough to socio-economic and
technological change.
Moreover, principles-based regulations leave room for the peculiarities of each local context. This is
even more relevant with regard to AI applications, which can have an impact on contextual legal,
ethical and social values [IEEE, 2016].
Of course, data protection per se does not cover all these aspects, which require a broader approach
encompassing human rights
and societal issues
[EDPS, 2018; Mantelero, 2018; Raso et al., 2018;
Council of Europe, 2017]. However, data protection can strengthen and complement the response to
these questions.
Data protection’s focus on individuals, an awareness of the social consequences of data use and the
link with personality rights may expand the data controller’s approach beyond data protection to
fundamental rights and collective interests. Regarding its complementary role, data protection helps to
reveal the way data are used and the purposes of processing, which represent key elements in a
better understanding of the potential consequences for a variety of rights and freedoms.
Finally, AI raises many different sector-specific issues concerning the various AI fields of application
(labour, justice administration, crime control, contract relationships, etc.) and the consequences of AI
use (e.g. sustainability, environment impact, political impact etc.), which must be addressed
separately. Given the focus of Convention 108, these issues are not discussed in this Report, which
concerns the common core of all these applications, i.e. data processing. In terms of potential impact,
this analysis may therefore provide a contribution to the debate around the issues concerning both AI
in general and its specific applications.
I.2 AI development
Over the years, many reports and scientific works have been published on AI and its evolution. It is
unnecessary here to trace the uneven trajectory of the scientific and social interest in AI technology
that society has shown since the earliest studies [McCulloch & Pitts, 1943; Turing, 1950] to the most
recent contributions. Nor is it necessary to describe the increasing variety of AI applications and the
results they have achieved.
However, a historical perspective is important to properly understand the present and near-term future
for AI. Two questions arise in this regard: why has the policy debate of the last few years focused on
AI? And what forms of AI can we reasonably expect in the next few years? The answers to these
questions are crucial to addressing AI regulation. Indeed, we need to put the development of AI
technology into context and avoid the confusing commercial and media narratives surrounding AI.
To begin with, AI is not mere hype. As occurred in the past with cloud computing, Big Data and IoT,
there is a clear tendency of some vendors to magnify the possibilities of AI and the term has become a
See Modernised Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data,
Preamble and Art. 1.
See Consultative Committee of Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing
of personal data, ‘Guidelines on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data in a
world of Big Data’ (hereinafter Guidelines) adopted on 23 January 2017.
buzzword in contexts that do not strictly involve this technology. However, there is a basis of truth in
this attention to AI concerning the peculiar technological environment that makes it possible today to
achieve results that could only be dreamt of in the past.
Over the past decade, the increasing availability of bandwidth for data transfer, data storage and
computational resources through the new paradigm of cloud computing and the progressive
datafication of large part of our life and environment have created a completely new context. This has
led to a breakthrough in AI, enabling new forms of data management to extract more information and
create new knowledge.
Big Data analytics and Machine Learning
represent the most recent products of this development
process [The Norwegian Data Protection Authority, 2018, 5]. The concrete application of these
technologies make it possible to envisage the kind of AI that can be reasonably expected in the next
few years and shows how we are still very far from so-called General AI [Bostrom, 2016; Executive
Office of the President, and National Science and Technology Council - Committee on Technology,
2016, p. 7; The Norwegian Data Protection Authority, 2018; Cummings et al., 2018].
Although algorithms and artificial intelligence have come to represent new mythologies of our time
[CNIL, 2017], this report focuses on the existing and near future applications of AI, leaving aside
challenging questions concerning human-like AI, in terms of machine liability and risks for humanity
[Bostrom, 2016; Kurzweil, 2016]. Convention 108, both in the original text and in the modernised
version, refers to “automated processing” or “automatic processing” and not to autonomous data
processing, implicitly highlighting autonomy is a key element of human beings [European Commission,
This brief summary of the state of the art clearly shows how AI is unavoidably based on data
processing. AI algorithms necessarily have an impact on personal data use and pose questions
about the adequacy of the existing data protection regulations in addressing the issues that these new
paradigms raise.
I.3 The perspective adopted
The major threats from AI concern the disputed sets of values adopted by AI developers and users,
the latter including both consumers and decision-makers who use AI to support their choices. There is
an emerging tendency towards a technocratic and market-driven society, which pushes for personal
data monetisation, forms of social control and cheap & fast decision-making solutions [Spiekermann,
2016, 152-153] on a large (e.g. smart cities) and small (e.g. precision medicine) scale.
As this trend strengthens it challenges and progressively erodes individual self-determination, privacy-
focused models, and mindful and cautious decision-making processes. Data bulimia, the complexity of
data processing and an extreme data-centred logic may undermine the democratic use of data,
supplanting individuals and collective bodies, as well as freedoms and self-determination, with a kind
of data dictatorship [O'Neil, 2017] imposed by data scientists insensitive to societal issues.
To prevent the adverse consequences of AI prevailing over the benefits [ITU, 2017; Information
Commissioner’s Office, 2017, 15-18; World Economic Forum, 2018], it is necessary to stress the
centrality of the human being in technology (and AI) development. This means reaffirming the
predominance of fundamental rights in this field.
In this sense, the right to the protection of personal data can become a stepping stone towards
designing a different data society, in which AI development is not driven by pure economic interest or
dehumanising algorithmic efficiency.
The difference between these two technologies can be summarised as follows: “patterns and connections.
This is where AI can make a difference. While traditional analytical methods need to be programmed to find
connections and links, AI learns from all the data it sees. Computer systems can therefore respond continuously
to new data and adjust their analyses without human intervention. Thus, AI helps to remove the technical barriers
that traditional methods run into when analysing Big Data” [The Norwegian Data Protection Authority, 2018, 5].
A broad-ranging debate is needed to reinforce this fundamental rights-based paradigm. We need to
critically assess the drive towards the extreme datafication of all aspects of our lives and affirm the
importance of individual and collective rights. Governments and citizens need to recognise the
risks of datafication and the potentially damaging implications of data-driven solutions [Rouvroy,
As with industrial and product development in the past, awareness of risk is no a barrier to
innovation, but rather an enabler. Innovation must be developed responsibly, taking the safeguard
of fundamental rights as the pre-eminent goal.
This necessarily requires the development of assessment procedures, the adoption of participatory
models and supervisory authorities. A human rights-oriented development of technology might
increase costs and force developers and business to slow their current time-to-market, as the impact
of products and services on individual rights and society have to be assessed in advance. At the same
time, in the medium to long-term, this approach will reduce costs and increase efficiency (e.g. more
accurate prediction/decision systems, increased trust [World Economic Forum, 2018], fewer
complaints). Moreover, businesses and society are mature enough to view responsibility towards
individuals and society as the primary goal in AI development.
Alternatively, if AI follows a different path as earlier technologies have done in their early stages
the risk is that it will develop in an unregulated environment, driven purely by technological feasibility,
market or political interests, criteria that do not in themselves guarantee respect for human rights.
Data-centric AI development should therefore be based on the principles of Convention 108 as the
foundations for a flourishing digital society. The key elements of this approach are:
- Proportionality (development of AI should be inspired by the proportionality principle,
should not therefore prevail over individuals rights and freedoms; individuals have the right not to
be subordinated to automated AI systems; legislators should aim to curb AI applications to
safeguard individual and societal interests).
- Responsibility (which is not merely accountability, but also requires developers and decision-
makers to act in a socially responsible manner. It also entails the creation of specific bodies to
support and monitor their actions)
- Risk management (accountable AI means assessing the potentially adverse consequences of AI
applications, and taking appropriate measures to prevent or mitigate such consequences)
- Participation (participatory forms of risk assessment are essential to give voice to citizens. At the
same time, citizens’ participation should not be understood to diminish decision-makers
- Transparency (despite the current limitations affecting transparency of AI, a certain degree of
transparency can help to ensure the effective participation of citizens and more accurately assess
the consequences of AI applications).
I.4 Existing framework and principles
The existing regulatory framework applicable to AI and data processing is mainly grounded on
Convention 108, although other legal instruments concerning data protection (such as
and guidelines
) may also be relevant with regard to specific fields. In this context,
the Guidelines on Big Data adopted by the Council of Europe [Council of Europe, 2017] represent the
first attempt to address the use of data-intensive solutions for decision-making and are part of a
broader wave of documents and resolutions adopted by several European institutions to regulate the
impact of algorithms on society [Council of Europe-Committee of experts on internet intermediaries
See also Modernised Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal
Data, Art. 5.
See, e.g. Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the roles and
responsibilities of internet intermediaries.
See, e.g., Practical guide on the use of personal data in the police sector (2018); Guidelines on the protection of
individuals with regard to the processing of personal data in a world of Big Data (2017).
(MSI-NET), 2018; European Data Protection Supervisor - Ethics Advisory Group, 2018; European
Parliament, 2017; European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), 2018].
The scope of the Guidelines adopted on Big Data was “to contribute to the protection of data subjects
regarding the processing of personal data in the Big Data context by spelling out the applicable data
protection principles and corresponding practices, with a view to limiting the risks for data subjects’
rights. These risks mainly concern the potential bias of data analysis, the underestimation of the legal,
social and ethical implications of the use of Big Data for decision-making processes, and the
marginalisation of an effective and informed involvement by individuals in these processes”.
Although focused on Big Data analytics, these Guidelines cover a variety of questions involving data-
intensive and complicated applications for decision making. For this reason, considerations about the
potentially positive role of risk assessment (encompassing ethical and societal concerns), testing, data
minimisation, expert committees, a precautionary approach
and freedom of human decision-makers
can be equally applied to AI.
Some of these remedies are discussed further in this report (see below Part II). But concrete
applications of AI call for an analysis of new issues (such as the role of transparency and the various
values that should underpin AI applications) and suggest new remedies (e.g. a broader data protection
impact assessment, potential limitations to AI use). Finally, the approach adopted by existing
supervisory bodies (e.g. data protection Supervisory Authorities) may need to be reconsidered in light
of the new challenges posed by AI and their potential consequences for society.
In this sense, AI in a manner analogous
to Big Data
represents a challenge for the application of
traditional data processing principles
and may warrant a search for new applicative solutions to
safeguard personal information and fundamental rights.
I.5 Individuals’ self-determination in data processing
Over the last few years, privacy scholars have repeatedly pointed out the weakness of data subjects
consent in terms of self-determination. Long and technical data processing notices, social and
technical lock-ins, obscure interface design, and a lack of awareness on the part of the data subject
are some of the reasons for this weakness.
Moreover, AI-based profiling and hidden nudging practices challenge both the idea of freedom of
choice based on contractual agreement and the notion of data subjects’ control over their information.
Finally, the frequent complexity and obscurity of AI algorithms hamper the chances of obtaining real
informed consent.
Legal scholars have addressed these issues by highlighting the role of transparency [ex multis
Edwards & Vale, 2017; Selbst & Powles, 2017; Wachter, Mittelstadt & Floridi, 2017; Burrell, 2016;
Rossi, 2016], risk assessment [Guidelines, 2017; Mantelero, 2017] and more flexible forms of
See also Commission - European Group on, Ethics in Science and, & New Technologies, 2018, 16 (“As the
potential misuse of ‘autonomous’ technologies poses a major challenge, risk awareness and a precautionary
approach are crucial”).
See also in this sense The Norwegian Data Protection Authority, 2018 (“This report elaborates on the legal
opinions and the technologies described in the 2014 report «Big Data data protection principles under
pressure». In this report we will provide greater technical detail in describing artificial intelligence (AI), while also
taking a closer look at four relevant AI challenges associated with the data protection principles embodied in the
GDPR: Fairness and discrimination, Purpose limitation, Data minimisation, Transparency and the right to
See Guidelines, Section II (“Given the nature of Big Data and its uses, the application of some of the traditional
principles of data processing (e.g. the principle of data minimisation, purpose limitation, fairness and
transparency, and free, specific and informed consent) may be challenging in this technological scenario”).
For example, analytics make it hard to identify the specific purpose of data processing at the moment of data
collection. Machine learning algorithms, on the other hand, whose purposes are necessarily specified, may not
predict and explain how these purposes are to be achieved. In both cases therefore transparency on the purpose
and manner of data processing may remain limited.
consent, such as broad consent [Sheehan, 2011] or dynamic consent [Kaye et al., 2015]. Although
none of these solutions provides a definitive answer to the problem of individual consent, in certain
contexts these solutions, alone or combined, may reinforce self-determination.
Moreover, the notion of self-determination is not circumscribed by a given case of data processing. It
can be used in a broad sense to refer to freedom of choice over the use of AI and the right to a non-
smart version of AI-equipped devices and services [Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada,
2016 (“as smart devices and appliances become more and more normalized, there is an increasing
“erosion of choice” for individuals who would have preferred their “non-smart” versions”)].
This “zero
option” for AI goes beyond the individual dimension and also relates to the way in which a community
decides what role AI should play in shaping social dynamics, collective behaviour, and
decisions affecting entire groups of individuals [Asilomar AI Principles, 2017 (“Human Control:
Humans should choose how and whether to delegate decisions to AI systems, to accomplish human-
chosen objectives”)].
I.6 Minimisation
As with Big Data [Guidelines, 2017], data minimisation
poses challenges for AI. While the
technologies differ, both Big Data and machine learning AI algorithms need a large amount of data to
produce useful results. This means that only a certain degree of minimisation is possible.
Moreover, as mentioned in the previous section on the “zero option”, the adoption of solutions other
than AI can help reduce the quantity of data collected, limiting the amount of information required (e.g.
surveying a sample of the population rather than a large proportion of it).
In addition, some of the Council of Europe Guidelines on Big Data can be extended to AI. The
Guidelines contain a principle which can equally be applied to AI: data should be collected and
processed in such a way as to “minimise the presence of redundant or marginal data”.
In the case of
AI this primarily concerns training data. The Norwegian Data Protection Authority pointed out that it
would be natural to start with a restricted amount of training data, and then monitor the model’s
accuracy as it is fed with new data” [The Norwegian Data Protection Authority, 2018]. Moreover,
studies could also examine the development of algorithms that gradually delete data using automatic
forgetting mechanisms [Gama et al., 2013, 12-13], although this may affect ex post explanation of AI-
based decisions [Doshi-Velez et al. 2017, 10].
Although machine learning necessarily requires large datasets in the training phase, it is important to
adopt a design paradigm that critically assesses the nature and amount of data used, reducing
redundant or marginal data and only gradually increasing the size of the training dataset.
Minimisation may also be achieved in training algorithms by using synthetic data
[UK Department for
Digital, Culture, 2018] originating from a sub-set of personal data and subsequently anonymised
[Barse et al., 2003].
See also Protocol amending the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of
Personal Data (ETS No. 108), Explanatory report, para 40.
See also Modernised Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data, Art. 5.
See Guidelines, Section IV, para 4.2.
See also Guidelines, Section IV, para 4.3 (“When it is technically feasible, controllers and, where applicable, processors
should test the adequacy of the by-design solutions adopted on a limited amount of data by means of simulations, before
their use on a larger scale”).
Synthetic data are generated from a data model built from real data. They should be representative of the
original real data. See the definition of synthetic data in OECD. ‘Glossary of Statistical Terms’. 2007. (“An approach to confidentiality
where instead of disseminating real data, synthetic data that have been generated from one or more population
models are released”).
I.7 Bias
Although accurate AI systems can reduce or eliminate human bias in decision-making, it is also
possible that data-intensive applications are affected by potential bias, as both deterministic and
machine learning AI uses data input to extract further information (analytics) or create and train ML
models. The bias may concern the data scientists methods (e.g. measurement bias, bias affecting
survey methodologies, bias in cleaning and pre-processing stages) [Veale and Binns, 2017], the
object of their investigation (e.g. social bias due to historical bias
or underrepresentation of some
categories) [World Economic Forum, 2018, 8-9], their data sources (e.g. selection bias) or the person
responsible for the analysis (e.g. confirmation bias) [UK Department for Digital, Culture, 2018;
Information Commissioner’s Office, 2017, 43-44; AI Now Institute, 2016].
Biased datasets may adversely affect algorithms, with a higher impact in the case of ML where bias
may affect the design and the development (training) of the algorithm. This issue has already been
partially addressed by the Council of Europe Guidelines on Big Data, which suggest a by-design
approach to avoid “potential hidden data biases and the risk of discrimination or negative
impact on the rights and fundamental freedoms of data subjects, in both the collection and
analysis stages”.
Bias may be due to biased datasets [AI now Institute, 2017, 4, 16-17], but may also result from
intentional or unintentional decisions by the developers. In this sense, machine predictions and
performance are constrained by human decisions and values, and those who design, develop, and
maintain AI systems will shape such systems within their own understanding of the world” [AI Now
Institute, 2017, 18]. This is why AI development cannot be left in the hands of AI designers alone: their
technical background may mean they are less aware of the societal consequences of their decisions.
Committees of experts from a range of fields (social science, law, ethics, etc.) may represent the
best setting in which to discuss and address questions of the impact of AI on individuals and society
(see below Section II.3.1), compensating for the limited viewpoint of the AI developers.
Multidisciplinary committees might also be able to detect potential bias that depends on the identity of
AI developers: e.g. gender bias, ideological bias or under-representation of minorities [AI Now
Institute, 2016, 5].
Another way to reduce the chances of AI application bias is through participatory forms of risk
assessment [Mantelero, 2018] focused not merely on data security and data quality (see below
Section II.3.2) but also on the active engagement of the groups potentially affected by AI applications,
and who can contribute to the detection and removal of existing bias [AI Now Institute, 2016, 24].
This approach, focused on responsible AI design [Guidelines, 2017],
aims to prevent the biased
conditions that can affect datasets or algorithms. In a context necessarily characterised by a certain
degree of obscurity and complexity, prior assessments and responsible design can be more effective
than any analysis carried out once a discriminatory result has been discovered [Selbst, 2017, 163
(“Even if the result can be traced to a data quality problem, those problems are often quite
complicated to rectify. It might be easy to determine that something is off about the data, but it can be
more difficult to figure out what that something is […] Even if all the sources of bias are identified, the
magnitude of each source’s effect is still likely unknown”); Brauneis et al. 2018, 131].
See e.g. Amazon ditched AI recruiting tool that favored men for technical jobs. The Guardian. 2018 October
10. (“But by
2015, the company realized its new system was not rating candidates for software developer jobs and other
technical posts in a gender-neutral way. That is because Amazon’s computer models were trained to vet
applicants by observing patterns in résumés submitted to the company over a 10-year period. Most came from
men, a reflection of male dominance across the tech industry”).
See Guidelines, Section IV, para 4.2.
See Guidelines, Section IV.4.2 (“Controllers and, where applicable, processors should carefully consider the
design of their data processing, in order to minimise the presence of redundant or marginal data, avoid potential
hidden data biases and the risk of discrimination or negative impact on the rights and fundamental freedoms of
data subjects, in both the collection and analysis stages”).
Attention to potential bias, from the earliest design stage [UK Department for Digital, Culture, 2018],
also entails deeper reflection about training datasets and the training phase in general, to curb the
negative consequences of historical bias in pre-existing data-sets. On this point, some have
suggested tracking “the provenance, development, and use of training datasets throughout their life
cycle” [AI Now Institute, 2017].
Accurate testing of the training phase before the deployment of AI algorithms on a large scale could
reveal hidden bias. This is why the Guidelines on Big Data highlight the role of simulations [Guidelines
Big Data;
AI Now Institute, 2017]. Moreover, hidden bias may also involve machine-generated bias
which is different from human bias [Cummings, 2018, 2 (“Machines and humans have different
capabilities, and, equally importantly, make different mistakes based on fundamentally divergent
decision-making architectures”); Caruana et al., 2015; Szegedy et al., 2013].
In the AI context, the assessment of potential bias can also become controversial, given the
multiple variables involved and the classification of people into groups which do not necessarily
correspond to the traditional discriminatory categories [Donovan et al., 2018, 5]. Questions regarding
machine bias cannot be deflected by the argument that human decisions are fallible, and that AI
is a way to reduce human error. There are four reasons why this is comparison does not work.
First, AI solutions are designed to be applied serially. As with product liability, poor design (i.e. bias)
inevitably affects numerous people in the same or similar circumstances, whereas a human error only
affects an individual case.
Second, although there are fields in which error rates for AI are close to, or lower than, the human
brain (image labelling, for instance) [Artificial Intelligence Index, 2017], most complicated decision-
making tasks have higher error rates
[Cummings et al., 2018, 13].
Third, there is a socio-cultural dimension to human error that sets it apart from machine error in terms
of social acceptability and exoneration. This necessarily influences the propensity to adopt potentially
fallible AI solutions.
Finally, comparing the adverse outcomes of human and AI decisions [e.g. Federal Ministry of
Transport and Digital Infrastructure, 2017, 10 “The licensing of automated systems is not justifiable
unless it promises to produce at least a diminution in harm compared with human driving, in other
words a positive balance of risks”] is essentially based on the mere numerical comparison of resulting
harms (e.g. number of victims of human-driven cars vs. number of fully autonomous AI cars) which is
too reductive. In assessing the consequences of AI and human decisions we need to consider the
distribution of the effects (i.e. individuals adversely affected belonging to different categories, the
varying conditions in which the harm occurred, the severity of the consequences, etc.). Moreover, this
sort of quantitative approach appears at odds with the precautionary approach [Guidelines, 2017]
which requires the adoption of risk prevention policies rather than a mere reduction of harm.
See Guidelines, Section IV.4.3 (“When it is technically feasible, controllers and, where ap plicable, processors
should test the adequacy of the by-design solutions adopted on a limited amount of data by means of simulations,
before their use on a larger scale. This would make it possible to assess the potential bias of the use of different
parameters in analysing data and provide evidence to minimise the use of information and mitigate the potential
negative outcomes identified in the risk-assessment process described in Section IV.2”).
See e.g. Aletras N, Tsarapatsanis D, Preoţiuc-Pietro D, Lampos V. 2016. Predicting judicial decisions of the
European Court of Human Rights: a Natural Language Processing perspective. PeerJ Computer Science 2:e93
Part II- Challenges and Possible Remedies
II.1 Limitations to AI use
Data protection regulations, as well as Convention 108, provide safeguards that can equally be
applied to algorithms (including AI algorithms) used in automated decision-making systems. However,
the red line between human and automated decisions cannot be drawn on the basis of the mere
existence of a non-human decision-making process. Indeed, the supposedly reliable nature of AI
mathematics-based solutions can induce those taking decisions on the basis of algorithms to place
trust in the picture of individuals and society that analytics suggest. Moreover, this attitude may be
reinforced by the threat of potential sanctions for taking a decision that ignores results produced by
analytics. So the presence of a human decision-maker is not per se sufficient.
AI algorithms benefit from the allure of mathematical objectivity, which, combined with the complexity
of data management and the subordinate position of those taking decisions in an organisation, can
make it harder for a human decision-maker to take a decision other than the one suggested by the
Against this background, the distinction to be made is between cases where the human decision-
maker has effective freedom and those where she does not. Here the Guidelines on Big Data already
highlighted the importance of protecting the effective freedom of the human decision-maker.
In assessing cases of potential imbalance an important role may be played by expert committees (see
below Section II.3.1), which may also facilitate stakeholders’ participation in the assessment (see
below Section II.3.2).
Where decisions can be delegated to AI-based systems, or when human decision-makers cannot
have effective oversight of AI decisions, the broader question arises about whether to adopt these
systems rather than human-based methods.
This should lead communities or groups potentially
affected towards a participatory discussion on the adoption of AI solutions, analysing the
potential risks (see below risk assessment) and, where they are adopted, monitoring their application
(see below vigilance).
II.2 Transparency
In the AI context, transparency
can have several different meanings. It may consist in a disclosure
on the AI applications used, a description of their logic or access to the structure of the AI algorithms
and where applicable to the datasets used to train the algorithms. Moreover, transparency can be
both an ex ante or an ex post [e.g. Binns et al., 2018] requirement for data-centred decision-making.
Although transparency is important to have a public scrutiny of automated decision-making models
[Reisman et al., 2018, 5], a generic statement on the use of AI does little to tackle the risk of unfair or
illegitimate data use. On the other hand, accessing the algorithms structure may make it possible to
detect potential bias. However, IP rights and competition issues sometimes restrict this access, and in
See also Brauneis, Robert, and Ellen P Goodman. ‘Algorithmic Transparency for the Smart City’. Yale J. L. &
Tech. 20 (2018): 103, 126-127 (“Over time, deference to algorithms may weaken the decision-making capacity of
government officials along with their sense of engagement and agency”).
See Guidelines, Section IV.7.4 (“On the basis of reasonable arguments, the human decision-maker should be
allowed the freedom not to rely on the result of the recommendations provided using Big Data”).
See, e.g., ITU, 2017, 34 (“Dr. Margaret Chan, [the now former] Director-General of WHO, observed that
“medical decisions are very complex, based on many factors including care and compassion for patients. I doubt
a machine can imitate or act with compassion. Machines can rationalize and streamline, but AI cannot replace
doctors and nurses in their interactions with patients”). See also Article 5 of the Modernised Convention 108 and
the Explanatory Report which point out how this principle “is to be respected at all stages of processing, including
at the initial stage, i.e. when deciding whether or not to carry out the processing”.
See Article 8 of the Modernised Convention 108.
any case, even if such barriers do not exist, the complexity of the adopted models may represent a
major challenge for human cognition [Lipton, 2018, 13]. In addition, in some cases transparency may
prevent public bodies from carrying out their duties (e.g. predictive policing systems), or conflict with
the data controller’s security obligations concerning the personal data of data subjects other than
those requesting access [Veale et al., Forthcoming 2018].
For these reasons, a solution focused on disclosing the logic of algorithms may be the better option.
Even so, disclosure can be interpreted more or less narrowly. Giving information about the type of
input data and the expected output,
explaining the variables and their weight, or shining light on the
analytics architecture are various forms of transparency regarding the logic of AI algorithms.
Complex analysis processes (e.g. deep-learning) are a challenge to this notion of transparency in
terms of explaining the logic of the algorithms [Goodman & Flaxman, 2016; Doshi-Velez et al. 2017]
and the decisions taken using analytics
and non-deterministic systems make it hard to provide
detailed information on the logic behind the data processing.
Furthermore, the dynamic nature of many algorithms is in contrast to the static nature of transparency.
Algorithms are continuously updated and changed, whereas a transparency disclosure only concerns
the algorithm as it is being used at a given moment.
Finally, access to AI algorithms is not enough to detect potential bias. Resources in terms of time and
skills are also required to perform this kind of analysis [Ananny & Crawford, 2016 (“The ideal of
transparency places a tremendous burden on individuals to seek out information about a system, to
interpret that information, and determine its significance”)]. As a result, the deterrent effect of solutions
such as auditing [Veale and Binns, 2017] or intervention by human decision-makers is impaired.
Research studies are currently trying to develop bias detection methods themselves based on
though it is hard to see how introducing an algorithmic supervisor for algorithms can
reduce the complexity of data governance.
None of these points weakens the argument for increased transparency generally [Burrell, 2016],
especially in the public sector,
and its role in safeguarding the data subjects self-determination
[Edwards & Vale, 2017; Selbst & Powles, 2017; Wachter, Mittelstadt & Floridi, 2017; Rossi, 2016]. If
transparency is difficult to achieve with regard to the architecture and logic of algorithms, it may still be
helpful in clarifying the reasons behind the decision to use such a complex tool [Burt et al., 2018, 2].
Transparency is only a part of the solution to the challenges of AI and has several limitations
that should be fully addressed [Ananny & Crawford, 2016]. Nor should we forget that the algorithms
In any case, algorithms are sometimes harder for human beings to read and understand than mathematical or
logical notation or natural language, “hence disclosure of computer code may be the less helpful alternative to
easier means of interpretation”, see Brauneis, Robert, and Ellen P Goodman. ‘Algorithmic Transparency for the
Smart City’. Yale J. L. & Tech. 20 (2018): 103, 130.
See also Modernised Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal
Data, Article 9.1.c.
Such information may be provided through ‘learning by use’ models, giving data subjects the chance to test
analytics with different input values. Even in this case, however, there is a danger of misleading identification of
the relevant inputs [Diakopoulos, 2013, 18].
See e.g. Article 10, Loi 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 as amended by Loi n°2018-493 du 20 juin 2018. In some
cases, it may be impossible to explain the reason for a decision suggested by the algorithm [Burrell, 2016].
Moreover, solutions such as the right to explanation are focused on decisions concerning specific persons, while
the collective issues of the use of AI at group level remain unaddressed.
These remedies are possible, but in many cases the auditing process requires a significant effort and human
intervention is compromised by the complexity of data processing.
See e.g. Lomas, Natasha. 2018. IBM Launches Cloud Tool to Detect AI Bias and Explain Automated Decisions.
TechCrunch (blog). September, 19. Accessed 21 September 2018.
See e.g. Article 10 n. 2, Loi n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 as amended by Loi n°2018-493 du 20 juin 2018. The
public sector is known to use algorithms with great attention to the principle of equal treatment and a commitment
to transparency and access rights in its administrative processes. On the limitations that may affect algorithmic
transparency in the public sector, see Brauneis, Robert, and Ellen P Goodman. ‘Algorithmic Transparency for the
Smart City’. Yale J. L. & Tech. 20 (2018): 103–176 (“What we learned is that there are three principal
impediments to making government use of big data prediction transparent: (1) the absence of appropriate record
generation practices around algorithmic processes; (2) insufficient government insistence on appropriate
disclosure practices; and (3) the assertion of trade secrecy or other confidential privileges by government
contractors. In this article, we investigate each”).
are only one component of the AI application, the other being the datasets used for training or
analysis. Biased datasets automatically produce biased results.
Finally, some data-intensive applications focus on de-contextualised data, ignoring the contextual
information that often is vital to understand and apply the solution proposed by the AI application. De-
contextualisation is also a danger in the choice of algorithmic models where models originally used
for one purpose are then re-used in a different context and for a different purpose [Donovan et al.,
2018, 7, cite the case of the PredPol algorithm originally designed to predict earthquakes and later
used to identify crime hotspots and assign police] or in using models trained on historical data of a
different population [AI Now Institute, 2018].
II.3.1 Risk assessment
Given the limits to transparency and individual self-determination (see above Section I.5), data
protection regulations are increasingly stressing the role of risk assessment.
Risk assessment by the
data controller and a safe AI environment can greatly enhance individuals’ trust and their willingness
to use AI applications. Users’ preferences can be based on effective risk analysis and measures to
mitigate risks [The Norwegian Data Protection Authority, 2018, 4], rather than merely relying on
marketing campaigns or brand reputation.
The use of algorithms by modern data processing techniques [Council of Europe-Committee of
experts on internet intermediaries (MSI-NET), 2018] as well as the trend towards data-intensive
technologies [EDPS, 2018] have encouraged some to take a wider view of the possible adverse
outcomes of data processing [Asilomar AI Principles, 2017 (“Risks: Risks posed by AI systems,
especially catastrophic or existential risks, must be subject to planning and mitigation efforts
commensurate with their expected impact”)]. Groups of experts and scholars have gone beyond the
traditional sphere of data protection [Taylor, Floridi & van der Sloot, 2017] to consider the impact of
data use on fundamental rights and collective social and ethical values [Mantelero, 2018; Access
Now, 2018].
Assessment of compliance with ethical and social values is more complicated than the traditional data
protection assessment. Whereas, for example, the values (e.g. data integrity) underlying data security
and data management are technologically-based and can thus be generalised across various social
contexts, with social and ethical values the situation is different. These are necessarily context-specific
and differ from one community to another [World Economic Forum, 2018, 12], making it harder to
identify a benchmark for this kind of risk assessment.
This point is clearly addressed in the first section of the Guidelines on Big Data [Council of Europe,
2017], which urges both data controllers and data processors to “adequately take into account the
likely impact of the intended Big Data processing and its broader ethical and social implications”, in
order to safeguard human rights and fundamental freedoms, in the light of Convention 108.
The new element in the risk-assessment concerns the range of interests safeguarded and rights
protected. The assessment addresses rights that go beyond traditional data protection, like the right to
[Barocas & Selbsr, 2016]
, as well as respect for social and ethical values
[European Economic and Social Committee, 2017; AI Now Institute, 2017, 34-35 (“In order to achieve
See also Modernised Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal
Data, Art. 10.2.
See Guidelines, Section IV, para 1.1.
See also Modernised Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal
Data, Article 6.2.
See also, regarding AI and self-driving cars, Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. 2017. The
Federal Government‘s Action Plan on the Report by the Ethics Commission on Automated and Connected Driving
(Ethical Rules for Self-Driving Computers).
report-ethics-commission-acd.pdf?__blob=publicationFile (“In the case of “dilemmatic” situations, in which injury
to persons cannot be ruled out, the Commission states that there must be no distinction based on personal
features (age, gender, etc.)”).
ethical AI systems in which their wider implications are addressed, there must be institutional changes
to hold power accountable”); Access Now, 2018].
The Guidelines recognise the relative nature of social and ethical values and insist that data uses
must not conflict with the “ethical values commonly accepted in the relevant community or
communities and should not prejudice societal interests, values and norms”.
While the Guidelines
acknowledge the difficulties in identifying the values to be considered in a broader assessment, they
do propose some practical steps towards this end. Following the view of privacy scholars who have
examined this issue [Wright, 2011], they suggest that “the common guiding ethical values can be
found in international charters of human rights and fundamental freedoms, such as the European
Convention on Human Rights”.
Given the context-dependent nature of the social and ethical assessment and the fact that
international charters may only provide high-level guidance, the Guidelines combine this general
suggestion with a more tailored option, represented by ad hoc ethics committees”.
If the
assessment detects “a high impact of the use of Big Data on ethical values,” the committees, which in
some cases already exist in practice, should identify the specific ethical values to be safeguarded with
regard to a given use of data, providing more detailed and context-based guidance for risk
The “architecture of values” defined by the Guidelines is based on three layers. A first general level is
represented by the “common guiding ethical values” of international charters of human rights and
fundamental freedoms. The second layer takes into account the context-dependent nature of the
social and ethical assessment and focuses on the values and social interests of given communities.
Finally, the third layer consists in a more specific set of ethical values identified by ethics committees
in relation to a given use of data.
The complexity of this assessment entails the continuous evolution of both the potential risks and the
measures to tackle them. In this respect, the data protection supervisory authorities can play a
significant role in supporting data controllers, informing them about data security measures and
providing detailed guidelines on the risk-assessment process.
The Guidelines therefore do not leave
the assessment exclusively in the hands of data controllers. In line with the approach adopted in
Regulation (EU) 2016/679, if the use of big data “may significantly impact” the rights and fundamental
freedoms of data subjects, controllers should consult the supervisory authorities to seek advice on
how and to mitigate the risks outlined in the impact assessment.
The Guidelines on Big Data do reach a number of conclusions that can be extended to AI,
focussing on the automation of decision-making, which is at the core of the most challenging AI
Finally, the increased burden consequent to a broader assessment is not only justified by the nature of
the rights and freedoms potentially affected by AI application, but it also represents an opportunity to
achieve competitive advantage. Fostering public trust
in AI products and services give companies
the chance to better respond to the increasing consumers’ concern about data use and AI. Similarly,
increasing government agencies’ accountability about their AI systems increase citizens’ trust in public
administration and prevent unfair decisions. From this perspective, a significant role can also be
Guidelines, Section IV, para 1.2.
See Guidelines, Section IV, para 1.3 (“the assessment of the likely impact of an intended data processing
described in Section IV.2 highlights a high impact of the use of Big Data on ethical values, controllers could
establish an ad hoc ethics committee, or rely on existing ones, to identify the specific ethical values to be
safeguarded in the use of data”).
The same two-layer model, based on general guidelines and tailored guidance provided by ad hoc committee,
is already adopted in clinical trials. As in the big data context, here the specific application of technology poses
context-related questions which must necessarily be addressed depending on the conflicting interests of each
case. The result is an ‘in the context’ assessment of the conflicting interests.
See Guidelines, Section IV, para 2.8.
See Guidelines, Section IV, para 2.8.
See also Modernised Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal
Data, Explanatory Report (“the development and use of innovative technologies should also respect those rights.
This will help to build trust in innovation and new technologies and further enable their development”).
played by certifications [IEEE, 2016, 46 “Additionally, we need to develop a certification scheme for
AI/AS that ensures that the technologies have been independently assessed as being safe and
ethically sound” but see Brundage et al., 2018, 56, 93], codes of conduct and standards. Those
different tools contribute to increase accountability and provide guidance on data and system
encompassing procedures to trace the decision-making process and to prevent any form of
manipulation of the generated results.
II.3.2 Ethics committees
In respect to data-intensive applications, ethics committee is attracting increasing attention in AI
circles, though there is no a unanimous consensus on its nature and function. Theoretical studies,
policy documents and corporate initiatives all offer differing solutions in this regard.
The first difference in approach that emerges concerns the level at which these committees should
work [Polonetsky, Tene & Jerome, 2015; Calo, 2013; White House, 2015; IEEE, 2016]. Some
proposals describe them as national committees [Villani, 2018] which should provide general
guidelines on issues of AI development.
This is not a completely new idea and resembles the
existing national bioethical committees. However, in the case of AI data-intensive applications that use
personal information, the interplay between these national committees and the national data protection
authorities needs to be examined carefully [Mantelero, 2016], as does the interplay with other national
bodies, such as the antitrust or national security authorities. Many countries already have independent
watchdogs for supervising specific sectors where AI applications operate or may operate. From a
regulatory perspective, it is therefore important to collaborate with these authorities and reconsider
their role or strengthen their mutual cooperation [European Data Protection Supervisor, 2016, 3, 15;
Conseil national du numérique, 2015, 74].
A different approach would be to introduce, ethics committees at company level, supporting data
controllers for specific data applications, focusing on data controllers’ operations. They might assume
a broader role and act as expert committees not only on ethical issues, but also a broad range of
societal issues relating to AI, including the contextual application of fundamental rights [Mantelero,
2018]. Several companies
have already set up internal or external committees to advise on critical
This second solution based on corporate ethics committees, creates fewer difficulties in terms of
overlap with existing regulators or supervising bodies but may require a more clearly defined
relationship between these committees and the supervisory authorities. National legislators might
empower supervisory Authorities to scrutinise these committees when shortcomings in their abilities or
decisions affect data processing [Conseil national du numérique, 2015]. As with other types of
advisory boards, creating AI ethics committees raises questions about their independency, their
internal or external status, and the best practices to avoid conflicts of interest.
See also Article 7 of the Modernised Convention 108.
See also the UK consultation on the new Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation
See, in this sense, the increasing propensity of the big data-intensive and high-tech companies to set up their
own ethics committees or advisory boards. See, e.g., Natasha Lomas, ‘DeepMind now has an AI ethics research
unit. We have a few questions for it…’ TechCrunch (4 October 2017) <
for-it/> accessed; Axon AI Ethics Board <> accessed 9 May 2018; DNA Web
Team, ‘Google drafting ethical guidelines to guide use of tech after employees protest defence project’ DNA India
(15 April 2018) <
tech-after-employees-protest-defence-project-2605149> accessed 7 May 2018. See also United Nations, 2011.
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations “Protect, Respect and
Remedy” Framework. United Nations Human Rights Council (UN Doc. HR/PUB/11/04).
The make up of these committees will also depend on the complexity of the AI tools and applications.
Where societal issues are significant, legal, ethical or sociological expertise, as well as domain-
specific knowledge, will be essential.
Such committees may play an even more important role in areas where transparency and
stakeholders’ engagement are difficult to achieve, such as predictive justice, crime detection or
predictive policing.
Ethics committees can provide a valuable support to AI developers in designing rights-based
and socially-oriented algorithms. Moreover, dialogue between the developers and the committee
can favour the creation of more transparent data processing procedures and facilitate a clearer
definition of their rationale (see also Section II.2).
II.3.3 Participatory assessment
Experts (e.g. ethics committees) can play an important role in detecting the potentially adverse
consequences of AI applications and help data controllers to address any critical issue. However, in
some cases analysis is impossible without engaging the target communities or groups.
As with the Social Impact Assessment, the societal consequences of AI may arouse an interest in
public participation, individual and group empowerment through the assessment process, non-
discrimination and equal participation in the assessment. A participatory approach
can also be
helpful in gaining a better understanding of the various competing interests and ethical and social
When there is a lower level of technical complexity in terms of the consequences of AI applications, the
committee could be replaced by an expert in ethics and society, similar to the DPO’s role for data protection.
There should also be a mandatory requirement regarding the appointment and quality of the members of the
ethics committee. Appointments should be guided by the type of data use and its potential impact on fundamental
rights, taking ethical and societal issues as the key criteria. See in this sense IEEE, 2016, 41-42 which
recommends “to create roles for senior level marketers, ethicists or lawyers who can pragmatically implement
ethically aligned design […] A precedent for this new type of leader can be found in the idea of a Chief Values
Officer created by Kay Firth-Butterfield” (CSER Cambridge. Kay Firth-Butterfield: Lucid AI’s Ethics Advisory
Panel., 2016.
See also UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport. ‘Data Ethics Framework - GOV.UK’, Section 3
(Use data that is proportionate to the user need). Accessed 4 July 2018.
The role of participatory approaches and stakeholders’ engagement is specifically recognised in the context of
fundamental rights [The Danish Institute for Human Rights, 2016, 24; Paul De Hert, ‘A Human Rights Perspecti ve
on Privacy and Data Protection Impact Assessments. In David Wright and Paul De Hert (eds) Privacy Impact
Assessment (Springer Dordrecht) 72 (“Further case law is required to clarify the scope of the duty to study the
impact of certain technologies and initiatives, also outside the context of environmental health. Regardless of the
terms used, one can safely adduce that the current human rights framework requires States to organise solid
decision-making procedures that involve the persons affected by technologies”)].
Participation of the various stakeholders (e.g. engagement of civil society and the business community in
defining sectoral guidelines on values) can be more effective than mere transparency, despite the emphasis on
the latter in the recent data processing debate [The Danish Institute for Human Rights, 2016, 10 ("Engagement
with rights-holders and other stakeholders are essential in HRIA […] Stakeholder engagement has therefore been
situated as the core cross-cutting component”)]. See also Walker, 2009, 41 (“participation is not only an end a
right in itself, it is also a means of empowering communities to influence the policies and projects that affect
them, as well as building the capacity of decision-makers to take into account the rights of individuals and
communities when formulating and implementing projects and policies”). A more limited form of engagement,
based on awareness, was suggested by Council of Europe Committee of experts on internet intermediaries
[Council of Europe-Committee of experts on internet intermediaries (MSI-NET), 2018, 45 (“Public awareness and
discourse are crucially important. All available means should be used to inform and engage the general public so
that users are empowered to critically understand and deal with the logic and operation of algorithms. This can
include but is not limited to information and media literacy campaigns. Institutions using algorithmic processes
should be encouraged to provide easily accessible explanations with respect to the procedures followed by the
algorithms and to how decisions are made. Industries that develop the analytical systems used in algorithmic
decision-making and data collection processes have a particular responsibility to create awareness and
Stakeholder engagement also represents a development goal for the assessment [United
Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2006], since it reduces the risk of under-
representing certain groups and may also flag up critical issues that have been underestimated or
ignored by the data controller [Wright & Mordini, 2012, 402].
However, stakeholder engagement should not be seen as a way for decision makers (data controllers
in this case) to evade their responsibilities as leaders of the entire process [Palm & Hansson, 2006].
Decision-makers must remain committed to achieving the best results in terms of minimising the
negative impact of data processing on individuals and society.
Finally, a participatory assessment of the far-reaching effects of algorithmic decision-making [CNIL,
2017, 30] may also drive data controllers to adopt co-design solutions for developing AI applications,
actively engaging the groups potentially affected by them.
II.4 Liability and vigilance
Liability around AI applications remains an open issue for various reasons. As with product liability,
whose principles focused on risk management and uncertainty can be broadly extended to AI, there
are a number of applicable regulatory models (strict liability, liability based on fault etc.) and strategies
(state intervention, mandatory insurance etc.).
One valuable solution appears to be the extension of the product liability logic to algorithms,
channelling all liability to the producer. This would seems to be more workable than the alternative of
data protection officer for algorithms [CNIL, 2017, 56 “identifying within each company or authority a
team that is responsible for an algorithm’s operation the moment this processes the data of humans”],
where the pervasiveness of AI applications, the different parts involved and the role of the user make it
difficult to disentangle the different aspects of AI liability.
Moreover, liability serves as a sort of closing rule for the system, which is valuable when the various
ex ante remedies (such as transparency) have not worked [Asilomar AI Principles, 2017 (“Failure
Transparency: If an AI system causes harm, it should be possible to ascertain why”)]. However, since
tort liability is normally regulated by national legislators, this report needs not discuss the different
available solutions.
Nevertheless, it is worth pointing out how risk management, transparency and liability can be
combined not only at the AI applications development phase, but also in the following stage, when the
algorithms are used [Access Now, 2018; ACM, 2018, 2.5]. This could lead supervisory authorities and
data controllers to adopt forms of algorithm vigilance analogous to pharmacovigilance to react
quickly in the event of unexpected and dangerous outcomes (e.g. Microsoft’s chatbot Tay
[Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés - LINC, 2017]
II. 5 Sector-specific issues
AI has a significant impact on many sectors of our society and economy (e.g. predictive policing,
justice, precision medicine, marketing, political propaganda). Sector-specific AI applications are
characterised by different challenges and cannot be properly discussed in this report which provides a
understanding, including with respect to the possible biases that may be induced by the design and use of
Liability also assumes different forms in different fields of AI application (e.g. IP liability, decision-making, cars
etc.), since liability is quite context specific.
See Vincent, James. ‘Twitter Taught Microsoft’s Friendly AI Chatbot to Be a Racist Asshole in Less than a Day’.
The Verge, 24 March 2016.
See also The Public Voice. 2018. Universal Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence
universal-guidelines/ (“Termination Obligation. An institution that has established an AI system has an affirmative
obligation to terminate the system if human control of the system is no longer possible”).
general overview of the main issues concerning the interplay between data protection and AI. This last
section therefore briefly sheds light on two main areas only: public sector and workplace.
AI applications raise a number of specific questions when used in the public sector [Reisman et al.,
2018], largely due to the imbalance of power between citizens and the administration and the essential
services provided. Moreover, the adoption of complex and obscure AI solutions by governments and
their agencies make it more difficult for them to comply with their accountability obligations, not only
concerning data processing [Reisman et al., 2018].
This state of affairs would seem to warrant the adoption of tighter safeguards, beyond the remit of ad
hoc committees or auditing. The safeguards should also contemplate an evaluation process that
critically assess the need for the proposed AI solutions and their suitability to the delivery of services
by public agencies or private companies acting on their behalf. This process requires that “at a
minimum they [AI applications] should be available for public auditing, testing, and review, and subject
to accountability standards” [AI Now Institute, 2017].
To achieve this goal public procurement procedures may impose specific duties of transparency
and prior assessment to AI providers. Moreover, procurement procedures may also address the
issues concerning trade secrets and IP protection, introducing specific contractual exceptions to
increase transparency and make AI auditing possible.
Regarding the effects of AI on the future of work, leaving aside its impact on the labour market, AI
solutions may have an effect on relationships within the workplace.
In the first place, they can
increase an employer’s control over employees, in a situation that is often characterised by an
imbalance of power.
Moreover, the use of hidden and unregulated forms of data processing might transform the workplace
into an in vivo social experiment raising additional important questions about the role of transparency,
ethics committees and voluntary participation in data processing.
Finally, devices given to employees by employers may have a dual use. For instance, wearable well-
being devices can be worn in the workplace to gather biological data intended to safeguard the
employees health, but employees may also use them outside the work to track their sports fitness.
Unless the repercussions for data protection and individual freedom are properly examined, such twin
uses may blur the boundaries between work and private and life [AI Now Institute, 2017, 10], raising
issues of pervasive control and the right to disconnect.
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... On the other hand, there are the rights to freedom to conduct a business and freedom of contract (or contractual autonomy) as well as the societal value of pursuit of efficiency through automation and differentiation of persons. 22 Allowing interference with these fundamental rights, e.g., by accepting certain AI and ADM applications with residual risks of errors or inaccuracies in favour of efficiency arguments, is a normative decision about societal value conflicts. Other intensively discussed and relevant value conflicts are the right to national or public security, which is allegedly improved by extensive use of AI-based surveillance technologies, versus the rights to informational self-determination, data protection and privacy as well as the conflict between transparency and the interest in knowing the decision criteria versus the protection of business and trade secrets. ...
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Recent proposals aiming at regulating artificial intelligence (AI) and automated decision-making (ADM) suggest a particular form of risk regulation, i.e. a risk-based approach. The most salient example is the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) proposed by the European Commission. The article addresses challenges for adequate risk regulation that arise primarily from the specific type of risks involved, i.e. risks to the protection of fundamental rights and fundamental societal values. They result mainly from the normative ambiguity of the fundamental rights and societal values in interpreting, specifying or operationalising them for risk assessments. This is exemplified for (1) human dignity, (2) informational self-determination, data protection and privacy, (3) justice and fairness, and (4) the common good. Normative ambiguities require normative choices, which are distributed among different actors in the proposed AIA. Particularly critical normative choices are those of selecting normative conceptions for specifying risks, aggregating and quantifying risks including the use of metrics, balancing of value conflicts, setting levels of acceptable risks, and standardisation. To avoid a lack of democratic legitimacy and legal uncertainty, scientific and political debates are suggested.
... The Consultative Committee on the Council of Europe's Convention Hundred and Eight suggests that in order to enable public scrutiny a reasonable solution could be disclosures of the logics of an AI algorithm in general, covering its overall operation, the type of expected input and output data, the variables and weights used by the algorithm, as well as details about its architecture. 214 Moreover, previous work on transparency in the context of nudging highlights the need for being transparent that a particular technique of nudging is used to achieve a particular goal, 215 as well as highlighting specific instances of nudging, making them identifiable to nudgees. 216 This is in line with the requirement in the EU's Guidelines for Trustworthy AI that AI systems be clearly identified as such to end-users along with information on the system's capabilities, limitations, and purpose 217 and can be encompassed within outcome transparency. ...
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Recommender systems are now widely deployed across multiple dimensions of the digital reality that increasingly shapes our lives. In doing so, they mould individual thoughts and actions and can affect individual and collective autonomy. In this paper we first discuss how the ubiquitous exercise of 'soft' power by recommender systems on individual users, presents interference into individual autonomy and its legal dimensions, expressed through collective and individual self-determination, democratic values and institutions, as well as individual human rights and freedoms. We then argue that this exercise of power over individual and collective destinies necessitates regulatory action to establish an appropriate system of checks and balances on recommender systems and their creators. Utilising a bottom-up approach, we look at the fundamental aspects of a recommender system's design and functioning that shape the impact these algorithms have on individual autonomy. On the basis of this, we identify three key areas where regulation can be targeted in order to empower users and address current power imbalances-(1) algorithmic design, (2) data protection rights, and (3) transparency and oversight. We map the key questions and options for future regulatory action in each of these domains, highlighting the decisions and competing interests that regulators will need to consider. We conclude by discussing the policy implications of this mapping of the debate and the relevance they have for the future of recommender systems regulation.
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The Artificial Intelligence area of CETyS publishes its assessment of the readiness of the judicial sector in Latin America to responsibly adopt artificial intelligence technologies in their processes. The publication includes 5 research papers by a multidisciplinary team of 11 researchers from the region who specifically analyze the cases of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay. The papers identify the current use of AI and related digital technologies by the judicial sector; an assessment of their potential application to address their key needs and challenges; and also the debate on critical issues in design and implementation related to fairness, accountability and judicial independence. In turn, an analytical framework is presented that allows stakeholders in the region to conduct their own assessment of the needs, obstacles and opportunities of the judicial sector in adopting AI technologies in their processes. The project was selected and funded by the Tinker Foundation.
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A la hora de adoptar responsablemente tecnologías de inteligencia artificial en los procesos judiciales de la región, el área de Inteligencia Artificial del CETyS, publica los resultados de la investigación “Preparación del sector judicial para la Inteligencia Artificial en América Latina”. La publicación cuenta con 5 documentos de investigación realizados por un equipo multidisciplinario de 11 investigadores/as de la región quienes analizan, específicamente, los casos de Argentina, Chile, Colombia, México y Uruguay. Los documentos identifican el uso actual de IA y tecnologías digitales relacionadas por el sector judicial; una evaluación de su potencial aplicación para abordar sus necesidades y desafíos clave; y también el debate sobre cuestiones críticas en el diseño y la implementación relacionadas con la equidad, la responsabilidad y la independencia judicial. El prólogo del trabajo aborda por un lado la justificación y descripción del problema, así como las principales dimensiones del marco analítico utilizado que contempla 6 dimensiones y 50 indicadores. El trabajo fue seleccionado y financiado por la Fundación Tinker.
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The right to contest automated decisions as provided by Article 22 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a due process provision with concrete transparency implications. Based on this, the paper in hand aims, first, to provide an interpretation of Art 22 and the right to contest (as the key provision in determining the contours of transparency in relation to automated decisions under the GDPR); second, to provide a systematic account of possible administrative, procedural, and technical mechanisms (transparency measures) that could be deployed for the purpose contesting automated decisions; and third, to examine the compatibility of these mechanisms with the GDPR. Following the introduction, Part II starts with an analysis of the newly enacted right to contest solely automated decisions as provided under Article 22 of the GDPR. This part identifies the right to contest in Article 22 as the core remedy, with inherent transparency requirements which are foundational for due process. Setting the right to contest as the backbone of protection against the adverse effects of solely automated decisions, Part III focuses on certain key points and provisions under the GDPR, which are described as the 1st layer (human‐intelligible) transparency. This part explores to what extent “information and access” rights (Articles 13, 14, and 15) could satisfy the transparency requirements for the purposes of contestation as explained in Part II. Next, Part IV briefly identifies the limits of 1st layer transparency – explaining how technical complexity together with competition and integrity‐related concerns render human‐level transparency either infeasible or legally impossible. In what follows, Part V conceptualizes a 2nd layer of transparency which consists of further administrative, procedural, and technical measures (i.e., design choices facilitating interpretability, institutional oversight, and algorithmic scrutiny). Finally, Part VI identifies four regulatory options, combining 1st and 2nd layer transparency measures to implement Article 22. The primary aim of the paper is to provide a systematic interpretation of Article 22 and examine how “the right to contest solely automated decisions” could help give meaning to the overall transparency provisions of the GDPR. With a view to transcend the current debates about the existence of a so‐called right to an explanation, the paper develops an interdisciplinary approach, focusing on the specific transparency implications of the “right to contest” as a remedy of procedural nature.
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Exploring potential scenarios of artificial intelligence regulation which prevent automated reality harming individual human rights or social values, this book reviews current debates surrounding AI regulation in the context of the emerging risks and accountabilities. Considering varying regulatory methodologies, it focuses mostly on EU’s regulation in light of the comprehensive policy making process taking place at the supranational level. Taking an ethics and humancentric approach towards artificial intelligence as the bedrock of future laws in this field, it analyses the relations between fundamental rights impacted by the development of artificial intelligence and ethical standards governing it. It contains a detailed and critical analysis of the EU’s Ethic Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, pointing at its practical applicability by the interested parties. Attempting to identify the most transparent and efficient regulatory tools that can assure social trust towards AI technologies, the book provides an overview of horizontal and sectoral regulatory approaches, as well as legally binding measures stemming from industries’ self-regulations and internal policies.
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Many individuals are concerned about the governance of machine learning systems and the prevention of algorithmic harms. The EU's recent General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been seen as a core tool for achieving better governance of this area. While the GDPR does apply to the use of models in some limited situations, most of its provisions relate to the governance of personal data, while models have traditionally been seen as intellectual property. We present recent work from the information security literature around ‘model inversion’ and ‘membership inference’ attacks, which indicates that the process of turning training data into machine-learned systems is not one way, and demonstrate how this could lead some models to be legally classified as personal data. Taking this as a probing experiment, we explore the different rights and obligations this would trigger and their utility, and posit future directions for algorithmic governance and regulation. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Governing artificial intelligence: ethical, legal, and technical opportunities and challenges’.
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Decisions based on algorithmic, machine learning models can be unfair, reproducing biases in historical data used to train them. While computational techniques are emerging to address aspects of these concerns through communities such as discrimination-aware data mining (DADM) and fairness, accountability and transparency machine learning (FATML), their practical implementation faces real-world challenges. For legal, institutional or commercial reasons, organisations might not hold the data on sensitive attributes such as gender, ethnicity, sexuality or disability needed to diagnose and mitigate emergent indirect discrimination-by-proxy, such as redlining. Such organisations might also lack the knowledge and capacity to identify and manage fairness issues that are emergent properties of complex sociotechnical systems. This paper presents and discusses three potential approaches to deal with such knowledge and information deficits in the context of fairer machine learning. Trusted third parties could selectively store data necessary for performing discrimination discovery and incorporating fairness constraints into model-building in a privacy-preserving manner. Collaborative online platforms would allow diverse organisations to record, share and access contextual and experiential knowledge to promote fairness in machine learning systems. Finally, unsupervised learning and pedagogically interpretable algorithms might allow fairness hypotheses to be built for further selective testing and exploration. Real-world fairness challenges in machine learning are not abstract, constrained optimisation problems, but are institutionally and contextually grounded. Computational fairness tools are useful, but must be researched and developed in and with the messy contexts that will shape their deployment, rather than just for imagined situations. Not doing so risks real, near-term algorithmic harm.
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The ubiquity of systems using artificial intelligence or "AI" has brought increasing attention to how those systems should be regulated. The choice of how to regulate AI systems will require care. AI systems have the potential to synthesize large amounts of data, allowing for greater levels of personalization and precision than ever before---applications range from clinical decision support to autonomous driving and predictive policing. That said, there exist legitimate concerns about the intentional and unintentional negative consequences of AI systems. There are many ways to hold AI systems accountable. In this work, we focus on one: explanation. Questions about a legal right to explanation from AI systems was recently debated in the EU General Data Protection Regulation, and thus thinking carefully about when and how explanation from AI systems might improve accountability is timely. In this work, we review contexts in which explanation is currently required under the law, and then list the technical considerations that must be considered if we desired AI systems that could provide kinds of explanations that are currently required of humans.
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In January 2017 the Consultative Committee of Convention 108 adopted its Guidelines on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data in a World of Big Data. These are the first guidelines on data protection provided by an international body which specifically address the issues surrounding big data applications.This article examines the main provisions of these Guidelines and highlights the approach adopted by the Consultative Committee, which contextualises the traditional principles of data protection in the big data scenario and also takes into account the challenges of the big data paradigm. The analysis of the different provisions adopted focuses primarily on the core of the Guidelines namely the risk assessment procedure. Moreover, the article discusses the novel solutions provided by the Guidelines with regard to the data subject's informed consent, the by-design approach, anonymization, and the role of the human factor in big data-supported decisions.This critical analysis of the Guidelines introduces a broader reflection on the divergent approaches of the Council of Europe and the European Union to regulating data processing. Where the principle-based model of the Council of Europe differs from the approach adopted by the EU legislator in the detailed Regulation (EU) 2016/679. In the light of this, the provisions of the Guidelines and their attempt to address the major challenges of the new big data paradigm set the stage for concluding remarks about the most suitable regulatory model to deal with the different issues posed by the development of technology.
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Since approval of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2016, it has been widely and repeatedly claimed that a 'right to explanation' of decisions made by automated or artificially intelligent algorithmic systems will be legally mandated by the GDPR. This right to explanation is viewed as an ideal mechanism to enhance the accountability and transparency of automated decision-making. However, there are several reasons to doubt both the legal existence and the feasibility of such a right. In contrast to the right to explanation of specific automated decisions claimed elsewhere, the GDPR only mandates that data subjects receive limited information (Articles 13-15) about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of automated decision-making systems, what we term a 'right to be informed'. Further, the ambiguity and limited scope of the 'right not to be subject to automated decision-making' contained in Article 22 (from which the alleged 'right to explanation' stems) raises questions over the protection actually afforded to data subjects. These problems show that the GDPR lacks precise language as well as explicit and well-defined rights and safeguards against automated decision-making, and therefore runs the risk of being toothless. We propose a number of legislative steps that, if taken, may improve the transparency and accountability of automated decision-making when the GDPR comes into force in 2018.
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The development and deployment of new information and communications technologies and applications fuelled by the use of personal information may raise not only privacy concerns, but also ethical issues. In this chapter, we propose and describe an ethical impact assessment framework (EIA), which could complement a privacy impact assessment. Indeed, the two forms of impact assessment could be carried out concurrently. Like a PIA, an EIA could be used as a way to ensure ethical implications are adequately examined by stakeholders before deployment so that mitigating measures can be taken as necessary.
Explaining how ubiquitous computing is rapidly changing our private and professional lives, Ethical IT Innovation: A Value-Based System Design Approach stands at the intersection of computer science, philosophy, and management and integrates theories and frameworks from all three domains. The book explores the latest thinking on computer ethics, including the normative ethical theories currently shaping the debate over the good and bad consequences of technology. It begins by making the case as to why IT professionals, managers, and engineers must consider the ethical issues when designing IT systems, and then uses a recognized system development process model as the structural baseline for subsequent chapters. For each system development phase, the author discusses: the ethical issues that must be considered, who must consider them, and how that thought process can be most productive. In this way, an ‘Ethical SDLC’ (System Development Life Cycle) is created. The book presents an extensive case study that applies the “Ethical SDLC” to the example of privacy protection in RFID enabled environments. It explains how privacy can be built into systems and illustrates how ethical decisions can be consciously made at each stage of development. The final chapter revisits the old debate of engineers’ ethical accountability as well as the role of management. Explaining the normative theories of computer ethics, the book explores the ethical accountability of developers as well as stakeholders. It also provides questions at the end of each chapter that examine the ethical dimensions of the various development activities.