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2010 | P a g e
Dynamics and Importance of Soil Mesofauna
Moonisa Aslam Dervash1, Rouf Ahmad Bhat1,*,
Nighat Mushtaq2 , Dig Vijay Singh1
1Division of Environmental Sciences,
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Kashmir-190025, India
2Division of Vegetable Science,
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Shalimar, Kashmir-190025
Soil is a large reservoir of various organisms which together help in regulation of various biogeochemical cycles. Soil
biodiversity is comprised of the organisms that spend all or a portion of their life cycles within the soil or on its
immediate surface (including surface litter and decaying logs). The soil mesofauna are an important part of terrestrial
ecosystems and a connecting link between microfauna and macrofauna which together form an essential part of soil
decomposer community. They perform and regulate a major proportion of the organic matter transformations and
nutrient fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. The fluxes and flows are regulated to large extent by Soil mesofauna, being
considered as ‘Ecosystem webmasters’. The disturbance or perturbation of soils usually alters microarthropod numbers
such as tillage, fire, and pesticide application typically reduce populations but recovery may be rapid and
microarthropod groups respond differently.
Keywords: Acari, Collembola , Mesofauna, Litter transformers, Soil microarthropods
The word Human itself has its roots in the Latin Humus’, the organic matter in soil [1]. Animal members of the soil
biota are abundant and diverse. The array of species is very large, including representatives of all terrestrial phyla.
Many groups of species are poorly understood taxonomically, and details of their natural history and biology are
unknown. The easiest and most widely used system for classifying soil organisms is to group them by size (body width)
into three main groups: macrobiota, mesobiota and microbiota [2-3], depicted in Fig.1. Body width of fauna is also
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related to their microhabitats. The microfauna (protozoa, small nematodes) inhabit water films. The mesofauna inhabit
air-filled pore spaces and are largely restricted to existing ones. The macrofauna, in contrast, have the ability to create
their own spaces, through their burrowing activities, and like the megafauna, can have large influences on gross soil
structure [4-6]. The vast range of body sizes among the soil fauna suggests that their effects on soil processes take place
at a range of spatial scales [7-8]. “Ecosystem engineers,” earthworms, termites, or ants, alter the physical structure of
the soil itself, influencing rates of nutrient and energy flow. “Litter transformers,” microarthropods, fragment
decomposing litter and improve its availability to microbes. “Micro-food webs” include the microbial groups and their
direct microfaunal predators (nematodes and protozoans). These three levels operate on different size, spatial, and time
A soil mesofauna taxon (group) also known as microarthropods is an invertebrate group (aptera) found within terrestrial
samples with the size ranging from 0.1-2mm which include organisms/orders like Acari, Collembolans, Proturans,
Diplurans, Symphellids, Enchytriaeds etc. Large numbers of the microarthropod group (mainly mites and collembolans)
are found in most types of soils. A square meter of forest floor may contain hundreds of thousands of individuals
representing thousands of different species [53]. Microarthropods have a significant impact on the decomposition
processes in the forest floor and are important reservoirs of biodiversity in forest ecosystems. Soil microarthropods are
significant reservoirs of biodiversity but it is not clear exactly how diverse they may be. Estimation of species richness
is a difficult problem for many types of soil organisms (fungi, bacteria, nematodes, for example, as well as
microarthropods). Unlike the macroarthropods, the mites and collembolans have little (by enchytraeids) or no effect on
soil structure. Their dimensions allow them to use existing spaces in soil structure thus can be also termed as „Interstitial
animals‟. Even the large, soft-bodied members of the mite group Prostigmata do not seem to create their own
passageways. Some litter-feeding species do burrow into substrates such as petioles of decaying leaves and create
tunnels, but these have no direct effect on soil structure per se. The microarthropods resemble the microfauna in this
characteristic. Microarthropods also form an important set of linkages in food webs; many microarthropods feed on
fungi and nematodes, thereby linking the microfauna and microbes with the mesofauna. Microarthropods in turn are
prey for macroarthropods such as spiders, beetles, ants, and centipedes, thus bridging a connection to the macrofauna.
Even some of the smaller megafauna (toads, salamanders) feed upon microarthropods, thus, it is essential to study soil
as an ecosystem.
2012 | P a g e
Fig. 1 Size classification of organisms in decomposer food webs by body width [9]
Generally, temperate forest floors with large accumulations of organic matter support high numbers, whereas tropical
forests where the organic layer is thin contain lesser numbers of microarthropods [10]. Disturbance or perturbation of
soils usually alters microarthropod numbers such as tillage, fire, and pesticide application typically reduce populations
but recovery may be rapid and microarthropod groups respond differently. Soil mites usually outnumber collembolans
but these become more abundant in some situations. In the springtime, forest leaf litter may develop large populations
of “Snow fleas” (Hypogastrura nivicola and related species). Among the mites they themselves usually dominate but the
delicate Prostigmata may develop large populations in cultivated soils with a surface crust of algae. Immediately
following cultivation, numbers of Astigmatic mites have been seen to increase dramatically [11]. In addition, the
mesofauna is mobile and migrates through different soil layers, passively transporting bacteria, fungi and their
propagules in the gut or on the body surface to new microsites and substrates. Despite being minusculer compared to
macrofauna species like earthworms and millipedes, which are the main bioturbators, the soil mesofauna may
significantly contribute to forming the microbial habitat. Humus material (H layer) of forest ecosystems on acid soils
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may almost entirely consist of fecal pellets of collembolans and enchytraeids. Micro- and mesofauna do not affect their
food source solely by harvesting; selective grazing on certain microbial species may also change the community
structure of the microflora. This alters abundance and activity of bacteria and fungi and modifies the pattern of organic
matter decay [12-14].
The soil mesofauna community in undisturbed habitats with special reference to Oribatid mites possesses large diversity
of mesofauna compared to the disturbed ones [15]. While studying the effects of acid rain on litter decomposition in a
beech forest it was reported that presence of mesofauna significantly reduced the ability of the acid rain to inhibit
carbon mineralization [16]. Gamasid mites are good indicators of the soil quality as their high sensitivity to external
impact combined with their importance for ecosystem functions make soil mesofauna extremely valuable for
ecotoxicology [17]. The rainforests contain a huge variety of soil microarthropods [18].The seasonal abundance of
oribatid mites numbers are correlated positively with radiation on the day of collection[19].The role of Orbatid mites in
the decomposition of the cones of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) is of prime importance and the orbatid mites are great
decomposers compared to other groups of soil mesofauna[20].The effects of summer warming on the total population
densities of soil-dwelling microartropods in the high arctic region has no significant effect of temperature elevation on
orbatid mite populations while as there is negative impact on springtail numbers [21].
The effects of manipulated soil microclimate on mesofaunal biomass and diversity in a warmer, drier summer, in
contrast, experimental heating depress diversity and biomass in drier zone of the plots and diversity in the moist zone
but enhance biomass in the moist zone and both the biomass and the diversity are positively correlated with soil organic
matter [22].There is decline of soil mesofaunal biodiversity due to the application of pesticides as evident from the
application of DDT in high-input grasslands showed a high density of microarthropods with a high fraction of
thelytokous reproduction, associated with a decrease in genetic variation [23].The highly abundant and diverse
mesofauna populations are capable of higher rates of litter fragmentation and the short term decreases of soil pH has no
negative effect populations of collembolans [24]. While working on the impact of Collembola and Enchytraidae on soil
surface roughness and properties, it was observed that the surface roughness increased due to mesofaunal activity
[25].The role of soil microarthropods (Acari and Collembola) in organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling in a
forest ecosystem is vital and the small changes in the structure of soil microarthropod assemblages can have significant
effects on the local mobilization of nutrients[26].The influence of microarthropods on litter decomposition at three
forested sites -two tropical and one temperate reveal that the microarthropod populations are very much effective in
litter decomposition which is minimal in the temperate region where the fauna tend to increase the decomposition rate
only towards the end of the year. In contrast, the effect of fauna in the tropical regions are marked within months of the
start of the start of experiment thus it become evident that the diversity of mesofauna is greater in the tropical
regions[27]. The functional role of Collembola in the ecosystem is plant litter decomposition processes and in forming
soil microstructure while as soil acidification, nitrogen supply, global climate change and intensive farming have
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negative impact on Collombolan diversity[28].The mineral amendments on soil fauna in an acid breech forest floor
show that nitrogenous amendment decrease the numbers of oribatid mites [29].Most of the predatory mites Gamasina
or Mesostigmata are free living predators in soil and litter, on the soil surface or on plants and Mesostigmata are
important predators of Nematoda, Collembola and insect larvae and can serve as bioindicators [30].Soil
microarthropods mainly Acari negatively respond to altered soil-water availability in tall grass prairie ecosystems and
are less abundant in irrigated plots and at the wetter lowland sites which confirm the importance of soil water content in
affecting microarthropod densities and distributions in grasslands, and suggest complex, non-linear responses to
changes in water availability[31].
The long-term effects of compaction in arable land due to conventional soil tillage, has negative impact on collembolan
number while as, the harvesting and tillage support population growth of Collembola in conservation tillage. The
stability analysis of soil Oribatid mite communities from environmentally stressed habitat and relatively well preserved
habitat with the perspective of consistency as a primary criteria of stability reveal that concluded that oribatid
community from preserved habitat are more stable than from environmentally stressed habitat[32].The effects of
constant temperature versus diurnally fluctuating temperature and uniform versus varying moisture, on the population
densities and species richness of Collembola and Mesostigmata in coniferous forest humus and birch leaf litter are well
understood by the fact thatat fluctuating moisture and temperature regime, Collembola are most abundant, and species
richness of Collembola remain higher, whereas Mesostigmata are more numerous at constant temperature[33].
The possible host habitat specialization in two major groups of soil arthropods, the oribatid and mesostigmatid mites,
under three tree species viz., Eucalyptus pilularis, Eucalyptus propinqua and Allocasaurina torulosa show differences
between tree species are insufficient to change species composition of mites [34].The disturbance of vegetation and soil
resulted by tropical rainforest fragmentation are the major factor affecting the diversity of soil mesofauna and the soil
condition with more soil organic matter, total N and P, higher pH value and lower soil bulk density become more
favorable to the soil mesofauna while as the species richness, abundance and diversity of soil mesofauna in fragmented
forests are higher than those in continuous forest, but the similarity of species composition in fragmented forest to the
continuous forest is minimal[35].In case of dynamics of springtail and mite populations, there is no evidence for
regulation of springtail numbers by mites or for regulation of mite numbers by macroarthropods [36].correlations
between Collembola, total C and N are usually weak under field conditions and omnivory is probably the prevailing
feeding strategy in Collembola [37].The relationships between Collembola, Soil chemistry and humus types in forest
stands reveal that the Collembola seem to be linked closer to the physical structure of humus than to its chemical
parameters[38.]The relative abundance of Collembola and three suborders of mites (Oribatida, Mesostigmata and
Prostigmata) during decomposition are greater in old litter than in fresh litter [39] .Organic matter removal and
vegetation control generally cause a significant decrease in collembolan populations; while compaction did not
significantly affect collembolan populations [40]. The groundwater level is also one of the the main environmental
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factors influencing the composition of collembolan and oribatid mite assemblages [41].The responses of soil
microarthropods to experimental short-term manipulates of soil moisture show that drought decrease microarthropod
species richness. As the Oribatid mites and Collembola respond differently to the irrigation treatments that the latter
community show species evenness and diversity in the frequently irrigated plots while as the former community in the
infrequently irrigated ones [42].The population abundance of Collembola and Acari remainlow during drought
conditions and the humidity is the most important factor determining distribution, abundance, and survival of soil
Collembola in tropical forest. And high predation and low accumulation of organic matter cause low population
abundance of Collembolan in the tropical habitat [43].The variations in the population density of soil invertebrates are
controlled by the particular soil ecological conditions. Dominant mesofauna species are morphologically and
physiologically adapted for living near the soil surface [44].The long term effects of different regimes of repeated
fertilization on fine roots, mycorrhizae, and soil mesofauna in young stands of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.
var. latifolia Engelm.) and interior spruce Picea glauca (Moench) Voss, Picea engelmannii Parry, and their naturally
occurring hybrids) show that fine root attributes and mesofauna respond differently to repeated fertilization regimes at
the pine and spruce study sites[45]. Phenanthrene affect the population dynamics of mesofauna and soil biological
functioning depending on exposure duration, type of community, or both [46]. The impacts of invertebrate soil micro-
and mesofauna (grazers and predators) on plant productivity and microbial biomass indicate that soil fauna help to
regulate ecosystem production, especially in nutrient-limited ecosystems [47].
Soil mesofauna act as the Potential Biological indicators of success in reclaimed soils for recolonization and the
mesofaunal densities are greater in natural soils than in reclaimed soils and community structure differ between natural
and reclaimed soils[48].The effects of soil mesofauna and microclimate on nitrogen dynamics in leaf litter
decomposition along an elevation gradient give conclusion thatthe rapid accumulation of N in lower elevation sites can
result in the retention of mobile N in soils and the effects of soil mesofauna on N dynamics may be intimately
associated with microclimate (warm and humid) and faunal diversity along the elevation gradient[49]. The stable-
isotope labeling and probing of recent photosynthates into respired CO2, soil microbes and soil mesofauna using a
xylem and phloem stem-injection technique on Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) reveal that the Stem injection of large
trees with 13C-enriched compounds is a successful tool to trace C-translocation belowground. In particular, the
significant 13C enrichment of CO2 and enchytraeids near the base of the tree and the significant 13C enrichment of
phosphor-lipid fatty-acid (PLFAs) up to 20m away indicate that mature Sitka skpruce (Picea sitchensis) have the
capacity to support soil communities over large distances[50].
The meso-fauna foraging on seagrass pollen may serve in marine zoophilous pollination and aid in the pollination of T.
testudinum when visiting female flowers[51].The diversity of acari and collembola along a pollution gradient in soils of
a Pre-pyrenean forest ecosystem around a steel mill reveal that the density of acari and collembola significantly
decrease with the increase in concentration of Cr, Mn, Zn, Cd and Pb. Mites appear to be more sensitive to heavy metal
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pollution than springtails. From the review of literature it is quite evident that the soil mesofauna are an important part
of terrestrial ecosystems and a connecting link between microfauna and macrofauna which together form an essential
part of soil decomposer community [52].
Soil mesofauna are able to use the existing pore space in soil, cavities or channels. They constitute important reservoirs
of biodiversity and are reflectors of ecosystem metabolism. Furthermore, the soil mesofauna regulate plant productivity
and microbial biomass and are key organisms to regulate ecosystem production, especially in nutrient-limited
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... Substrate is one of the main factors which indirectly regulates oribatid mite density by generating the presence of soil decomposers (Beckendorff, 2016). Furthermore, the soil mesofauna influence plant productivity and microbial biomass and are key organisms which control ecosystem production, especially in nutrient-limited ecosystems (Dervash et al., 2018). In this way, plant diversity, soil properties and soil fauna have a strong relationship with each other (Hemati et al., 2020). ...
... Soil mesofauna are able to use the existing pore space in soil. They constitute important reservoirs of biodiversity and are reflectors of ecosystem metabolism (Dervash et al., 2018). Unfortunately, the clearance of forests and the subsequent tillage practices affect the soil porosity by compacting the upper layers (Demessie et al., 2013). ...
... Similarly, a positive and significant correlation was recorded in the abundance between (i) the Phthiracarus sp.1 and the Belbidae sp.1, Oppiidae sp.2, Galumna sp.2 and Mycobatidae sp.1, (ii) the Belbidae sp.1 and the Oppiidae sp.2, Galumna sp.2, Galumna sp.3 and Mycobatidae sp.1, (iii) the Oppiidae sp.2 and the Galumna sp.2, Galumna sp.3 and Mycobatidae sp.1, and (iv) the Mycobatidae sp.1 and Galumna sp.2.DiscussionResponse of soil Oribatid mite's communities to secondary forests transformation into agrosystemsSoil organisms play a key role in the ecosystem functioning, including fragmentation, decomposition, mineralization of organic matter and nutrient cycling(Lisafitri et al., 2015;Haq, 2016;Sulistyorini et al., 2018;Mandal et al., 2019). Due to their low mobility(Berthet, 1964), most of these organisms are likely to be sensitive to environmental changes(Dervash et al., 2018;Sulistyorini et al., 2018). Several research studies have highlighted the drastic decline in the density and diversity of soil organisms after the conversion of forests into agrosystems, and particularly in monocultural system(Lisafitri et al., 2015; Beckendorff, 2016; Drescher et al., 2016; Dervash et al., 2018; Mandal et al., 2019; Singh et al., 2019; Hemati et al., 2020; Krause, 2020; Yéo et al., 2020). ...
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The aim of investigation was to address the impacts of tropical forests conversion into agricultural land on changes in Oribatid mites' communities as well as soil physico-chemical properties across 2-4 texturally distinct soils in La Mé and Grand Lahou, Côte d'Ivoire. The fieldwork was conducted in the humid period on two study sites: 1-rubber landscape (secondary forest, 7-, 12-and 25-year-old rubber plantations) and 2-oil palm landscape (secondary forest, 13-, 20-and 39-year-old oil palm plantations). Three sampling areas were established on each land-use type and age class, for a total of 24 sampling areas. In each sampling area, soil cores for Oribatid mite's extraction were taken at a depth of 10 cm across a 40-50 m transect. The soil physical and chemical properties were also measured. The results showed a decrease in Oribatid density (-29% and-71%), species richness (-29% and-42%), diversity (-29% and-59%), soil organic carbon (-56% and-17%), total nitrogen (-55% and-12%) and soil organic matter (-56% and-17%), and an increase in bulk density (+28% and +21%), respectively after the conversion of the secondary forests into rubber and oil palm plantations. Whatever the study site, the soil physico-chemical and biological properties were more stabilized in the clay and clay sandy textures compared to sandy clay and sandy soil textures. Our findings suggest the incorporation of woody trees with an understory of nitrogen-fixing legume species as a cover crop, which can create a sustainable agroforestry system with improved land quality.
... Soil organisms play a key role in the ecosystem functioning, including fragmentation, decomposition, mineralization of organic matter and nutrient cycling (Lisafitri et al., 2015;Haq, 2016;Sulistyorini et al., 2018;Mandal et al., 2019). Due to their low mobility (Berthet, 1964), most of these organisms are likely to be sensitive to environmental changes (Dervash et al., 2018;Sulistyorini et al., 2018). Several research studies have highlighted the drastic decline in the density and diversity of soil organisms after the conversion of forests into agrosystems, and particularly in monocultural system (Lisafitri et These observations are in line with the results of the present investigation. ...
... Substrate is one of the main factors which indirectly regulates oribatid mite density by generating the presence of soil decomposers (Beckendorff, 2016). Furthermore, the soil mesofauna influence plant productivity and microbial biomass and are key organisms which control ecosystem production, especially in nutrient-limited ecosystems (Dervash et al., 2018). In this way, plant diversity, soil properties and soil fauna have a strong relationship with each other (Hemati et al., 2020). ...
... Soil mesofauna are able to use the existing pore space in soil. They constitute important reservoirs of biodiversity and are reflectors of ecosystem metabolism (Dervash et al., 2018). Unfortunately, the clearance of forests and the subsequent tillage practices affect the soil porosity by compacting the upper layers (Demessie et al., 2013). ...
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The aim of investigation was to address the impacts of tropical forests conversion into agricultural land on changes in Oribatid mites’ communities as well as soil physico-chemical properties across 2–4 texturally distinct soils in La Mé and Grand Lahou, Côte d’Ivoire. The fieldwork was conducted in the humid period on two study sites: 1– rubber landscape (secondary forest, 7-, 12- and 25-year-old rubber plantations) and 2– oil palm landscape (secondary forest, 13-, 20- and 39-year-old oil palm plantations). Three sampling areas were established on each land-use type and age class, for a total of 24 sampling areas. In each sampling area, soil cores for Oribatid mite’s extraction were taken at a depth of 10 cm across a 40–50 m transect. The soil physical and chemical properties were also measured. The results showed a decrease in Oribatid density (–29% and –71%), species richness (–29% and –42%), diversity (–29% and –59%), soil organic carbon (–56% and –17%), total nitrogen (–55% and –12%) and soil organic matter (–56% and –17%), and an increase in bulk density (+28% and +21%), respectively after the conversion of the secondary forests into rubber and oil palm plantations. Whatever the study site, the soil physico-chemical and biological properties were more stabilized in the clay and clay sandy textures compared to sandy clay and sandy soil textures. Our findings suggest the incorporation of woody trees with an understory of nitrogen-fixing legume species as a cover crop, which can create a sustainable agroforestry system with improved land quality.
... The multicellular animal population can be as high as 500 million in a kilogram of soil, and the most abundant are nematodes, followed by mesofauna including mites. Regarding larger soil animal species, earthworms, millipedes, centipedes, and insects make up most of the rest of the soil species (Dervash et al., 2018). These living organisms may influence stability and transformation of ENMs in soils. ...
Engineered Nanomaterials are becoming more and more prevalent in everyday use including consumer products, agricultural systems, biomedicine, and nanotechnology. The potential of these nanomaterials entering the environment has significantly increased. For this reason, it is necessary to develop instrumental techniques and methods capable of characterizing and detecting ENMs in environmentally relevant conditions, including the aquatic environment, soils, and sediments. Additionally, nanomaterials need to be detected and characterized within flora and fauna. Nanoparticle parameters such as stability, dissolution, transport, and fate are required to determine the impact ENMs have on the environment. This book chapter focuses on the current and popular techniques for nanoparticle characterization, which include, ultraviolet visible spectroscopy, Dynamic light scattering, RAMAN spectroscopy, small angle X-ray scattering, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy/scanning electron microscopy, and single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy.
... Intensive agricultural management techniques such as tillage and pesticide application often simplify and decrease the number of individuals of plant and animal communities (Lavelle 1996;Dervash et al. 2018). According to the technical development of weed management, a significant decline in the number of herbaceous species adapted to agricultural land use occurred in the last decades (Marshall 2002;Pinke and Pál 2005). ...
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Numerous studies have emphasised the ecological importance of linear and insular uncropped habitats, including forest shelterbelts, patches, and grassy margins. Usually, their biodiversity-enhancing efects are mentioned, mainly based on research in bird and above-ground arthropod communities, while the diversity of herbaceous vegetation and soil mesofauna is barely mentioned. Our research investigated the impact of six diferent habitats (cultivated areas, grassy feld margins, shelterbelts and their grassy edges, forest and grassland patches) on soil-related diversity in an agroforestry landscape. We concentrated on the diversity and species composition of herbaceous and soil microarthropod communities, which sensitively indicate the efect of the structure and management of the diferent ecotones on ecological conditions. Our research found that both shelterbelts and grassy margins provide better habitats for major microarthropod groups than cultivated felds. Concerning shelterbelts of diferent tree species, QBS-ar showed better soil biological conditions in the belt dominated by the native feld maple when compared to the non-native black locust. Collembola was more abundant inside the shelterbelts than in their edges, while diversity showed an opposite pattern. The soil fauna and coenology results refect the importance of habitat variability in agroforestry landscape by increasing soil-related invertebrate and herbaceous communities’ diversity.
... The closer the timing of our audio recordings was to the moment a soil sample was collected, the higher the correlation between ACI and taxa diversity. This suggests that the temporal (and also spatial) variability of activity and composition of the soil animal community was very high, confirming previous studies on the spatio-temporal dynamics of soil fauna [64]. ...
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The observation and assessment of animal biodiversity using acoustic technology has developed considerably in recent years. Current eco-acoustic research focuses on automatic audio recorder arrays and acoustic indices, which may be used to study the spatial and temporal dynamics of local animal communities in high resolution. While such soundscapes have often been studied above ground, their applicability in soils has rarely been tested. For the first time, we applied acoustic and statistical methods to explore the spatial, diurnal, and seasonal dynamics of the soundscape in soils. We studied the dynamics of acoustic complexity in forest soils in the alpine Pfynwald forest in the Swiss canton of Valais and related them to meteorological and microclimatic data. To increase microclimatic variability, we used a long-term irrigation experiment. We also took soil samples close to the sensors on 6 days in different seasons. Daily and seasonal patterns of acoustic complexity were predicted to be associated with abiotic parameters—that is, meteorological and microclimatic conditions—and mediated by the dynamics of the diversity and activity of the soil fauna. Seasonal patterns in acoustic complexity showed the highest acoustic complexity values in spring and summer, decreasing in fall and winter. Diurnal acoustic complexity values were highest in the afternoon and lowest during the night. The measurement of acoustic diversity at the sampling site was significantly associated with soil communities, with relationships between taxa richness or community composition and acoustic complexity being strongest shortly before taking the soil samples. Our results suggest that the temporal and spatial dynamics of the diversity and community composition of soil organisms can be predicted by the acoustic complexity of soil soundscapes. This opens up the possibility of using soil soundscape analysis as a noninvasive and easy-to-use method for soil biodiversity monitoring programs.
... Jumlah fauna dalam piringan pohon dan di luar piringan pohon berkorelasi negatif dengan C/N tanah gambut, hal ini disebabkan aktivitas mesofauna tanah berfungsi untuk menguraikan sisa-sisa bahan organik dan menggunakan C sebagai sumber energi dan mempengaruhi fluks hara dalam tanah (Tan et al., 2020;Frouz, 2018;Dervash et al., 2018). Salehi et al (2013) menyebutkan bahwa aktivitas cacing tanah meningkatkan ketersediaan hara tanah, meningkatkan laju siklus hara, menurunkan C/N tanah. ...
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Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di lahan gambut pada Kebun Panai Jaya, PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV, Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dengan cara Pit Fall Trap (untuk menjebak fauna permukaan tanah), Barlese Tullgren (untuk melihat fauna tanah yang aktif di dalam tanah) dan membuat lubang (untuk mendapatkan cacing). Metode yang mendapatkan fauna terbanyak yaitu dengan cara Pit Fall Trap. Fauna tanah berkorelasi positif terhadap suhu, kadar air dan respirasi tanah, sedangkan terhadap pH dan C/N berkorelasi negatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, diantara fauna tanah pada plot penelitian, diketahui bahwa jumlah fauna yang paling mendominasi adalah semut rangrang dan diikuti oleh cacing tanah. Baik fauna tanah (makrofauna dan mesofauna) dan mikroorganisme eukariotik tanah (jamur dan bakteri) ditemukan paling banyak pada areal rumpukan kebun kelapa sawit.
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The aim of the study was to assess modifications in the community of soil mesostigmatid mites’, as indicator of environment stability with land-use change across 2–4 texturally distinct soils in La Mé and Grand Lahou, Côte d’Ivoire. The fieldwork was carried out in humid period on two study sites: 1– rubber landscape (secondary forest, 7-, 12- and 25-year-old rubber plantations) and 2– oil palm landscape (secondary forest, 13-, 20- and 39-year-old oil palm plantations). Three sampling stands were established in each land-use type and age class, for a total of 24 sampling stands. On each sampling stands, soil cores for Gamasid mite’s extraction were taken at 10 cm soil depth through a 40–50 m transect. Our findings highlighted a drop of mesostigmatid mites’ density (–49% and –52%), species richness (–41% and –40%), and diversity (–35% and –49%), respectively after conversion of the secondary forests into rubber and oil palm plantations. The soil with clayey sandy and clayey textures favored the development of the mesostigmatid mites, particularly in the abundance and species richness of Uropodina. However, the soil with sandy clayey textures improved the abundance and species richness of Gamasina. The mesostigmatid mites’ community was degraded in sandy-textured soils. In light of the Maturity Index values, a better quality of soil and environment was detected in the secondary forests compared to plantations. The results also suggest that the mesostigmatid mites’ community influence the soil nutrients and probably plant productivity indirectly by influencing the populations of their prey.
The concept of soil health has gained importance recently, recognizing the soil as a living entity. In the recent scenario of urbanization and excessive land use, agricultural land is subjected to degradation and desertification. For sustainable agriculture production and ecological interactions, there is a dire need for management strategies to improve soil health and quality. Mulching is among the important conservation strategies to enhance soil health by improving soil biota, organic contents, and soil aggregation. In this chapter, we encompassed the different categories of living entities dwelling in soil and their key activities to enhance ecological relations of soil. Based on the literature study, mulches are proved to be very efficient in improving soil biota, soil moisture retention, maintaining the soil temperature, nutrient dynamics, decrease in severity of soil contaminants, suppression of weeds, and control in insects pests. The addition of mulch in the soil fluctuate a number of indicators of soil biota, which account for soil health. Species diversity, microbial biomass, soil respiration, organic content, and enzymatic respiration mainly determine quality status of soil biota, which are influenced by mulches. We have also given the overview of indices of species diversity, i.e., richness, evenness, and phylogenetic indices altered by the introduction of mulches in soil and thus modify the ratio of pests predators. Moreover, based on field conditions, crop and mulch type, and environment-specific application of mulch can become more productive for soil conservation, plant growth and soil biota.
This book is about Conservation Agriculture (the use of no tillage systems) to preserve soil structure and integrity. It has become an increasingly important step towards sustainable farming. This publication brings together conservation agriculture and climate smart decision making processes for the first time, focusing on Africa. This book brings to the fore scientific and empirical evidence about Conservation Agriculture in Africa, articulated by the Second Africa Congress on Conservation Agriculture (2ACCA) held in Johannesburg in 2018. It describes how farmers in Africa are successfully adopting Conservation Agriculture as an alternative to the unsustainable conventional farming practices and as a solution to loss of agricultural productivity, soil erosion and land degradation, climate change challenges and ever-increasing food insecurity. This work discusses how Conservation Agriculture can support the implementation of the African Union's Malabo Declaration and Agenda 2063 which calls for climate smart agricultural development. It provides development-oriented case studies and scientific evidence relevant to all stakeholders in the public, private and civil sectors who are engaged in building policy, institutional and human capacity to accelerate the mainstreaming of Conservation Agriculture across Africa.
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The nutrient dynamics in decomposing litter has proved to play a crucial role in regulating the nutrient status of ecosystems and vegetation productivity. Little is known, however, about the effect mechanism of decomposer and its environment on the nitrogen (N) mineralisation of litter along an elevation gradient in such sites. We investigated the effects of soil mesofauna using litter bags on N dynamics in decomposing Castanopsis carlesii litter along an elevation gradient across four types of ecosystems in southeastern China: evergreen broadleaf forest (EVB), coniferous forest (COF), dwarf forest (DWF) and alpine meadow (ALM). The mean contribution of soil mesofauna to N concentration was 12.6% at EVB, 10.6% at COF, 5.4% at DWF, and 3.1% at ALM. The N concentration of litter with mesofauna was significantly related to H_ (Shannon-Wiener) and GN (group number) across the four sites. The effects of soil mesofauna on N concentration of litter were significantly linked to some special faunal groups, including Oribatida, Mesostigmata and Collembola. The N concentration in litter bags were positively related with mean annual air temperature, soil temperature and litter moisture along the elevation gradient. We concluded that the rapid accumulation of N in lower elevation sites during the first few months can result in the retention of mobile N in soils and the effects of soil mesofauna on N dynamics may be intimately associated with microclimate (warm and humid) and faunal diversity along the elevation gradient.
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Soil formation is crucial for successful reclamation of industrial affected land. Companies are anxious to obtain ecological data indicating success of their remediation efforts. Soil fauna are a vital part of soil ecosystem function, actively involved in decomposition, nutrient cycling and soil formation. Soil mesofauna are an abundant and species-rich group of organisms in soil that may also provide a useful function as biological indicators of habitat disturbance, soil quality and reclamation success. The primary objective of this study was to compare soil mesofauna communities among natural and reclaimed sites and establish baseline data to allow for long-term monitoring of recolonization on disturbed sites. Reclamation prescription significantly influenced density and community structure of soil mesofauna. Densities were greater in natural soils than in reclaimed soils and community structure differed between natural and reclaimed soils. Integration of this biological data with other monitored soil properties should provide a better overall indication of soil ecosystem recovery and reclamation success.
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One of the most important justifications of conservation of ecosystem and biodiversity is that diversity begets stability. Impact of biodiversity on community and ecosystem function has long been debated in science. Here we report the stability analysis of soil oribatid mite communities from environmentally stressed habitat(Namsan) and relatively well preserved habitat (Kwangreung) with the perspective of consistency as a primary criteria of stability. Stability of oribatid mite communities were evaluated with turnover rate, constancy analysis, b diversity index, and absolute abundance, abundance ranking, and the presence or absence of species over time. Out of 6 criteria, three consented that oribatid community from Kwangreung was more stable than that from Namsan. Those are turnover rate in litter layer, constancy analysis, and absolute abundance. Feasibility of stability analysis using oribatid mites was further discussed, rendering further study.
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We investigated meso-faunal invertebrates visiting male and female flowers of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum at night during May to June 2009, 2011 and 2012, in Puerto Morelos reef lagoon, Mexican Caribbean. By means of video recordings, we established that more crustaceans visited male flowers bearing pollen than those without pollen grains. Foraging on pollen was observed on several occasions. On 76 flowers, we found 252 specimens belonging to 37 families and 57 species of crustaceans (Classes Maxillopoda, Ostracoda and Malacostraca), of which 15 were new records for the region. Annelids (mainly polychaetes) were less abundant (60 specimens) and less diverse (13 species), and they exhibited no obvious differences in their visits to male flowers with or without pollen. Negative consequences for seagrass reproductive success by the consumption of pollen were most likely insignificant, because the quantities of removed pollen were very small. However, many crustaceans and polychaetes had pollen embedded in mucilage attached to their body parts after visiting a male flower with pollen. Thus, these invertebrates may serve as pollinators of T. testudinum when visiting female flowers.
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Collembola and oribatid mites were investigated at four sites along a cross section in an alder wood at a lake margin (northern Germany) over a period of 7 years. Monthly samples of the litter and the mineral layer were taken. Additionally, fluctuations of groundwater level, soil moisture, precipitation and soil temperature at 2cm depth were measured. The alder wood was characterised by a depression between the lake margin and the foot of a hill slope, where waterlogged periods occurred. Groundwater level was the main environmental factor influencing the composition of collembolan and oribatid mite assemblages. Climatic factors, e.g. July temperature and July precipitation were also found to be significant factors, but with a much lower influence. Collembola predominantly showed higher variation in time than in space indicating that more collembolan species migrate within the investigated cross section or react with higher abundance fluctuations on the groundwater level changes, while Oribatida had a higher part of space variation, indicating that migration potential is lower and the environmental gradient is of higher influence on the distribution. Reaction time of soil fauna species on the groundwater fluctuation varies between 1 and 12 months. Retreat of Collembola from the waterlogged situation was between 4 and 6 months in the litter layer and 3 months in the mineral layer. Recolonisation of the waterlogged site lasted approximately 12 months. A positive reaction by precipitation was observed in four collembolan species that was 1 month in the edaphic species and between 9–10 months in the larger litter dwelling species. Only few oribatid mites reacted on the waterlogged situation.
Acarina was the most dominant group (62.83%) followed by Collembola (22.83%). Among acarines, Oribatida were dominant (72.85%) followed by Gamasida (17.04%) and Actinedida + Tarsonemida (0.68%). For Oribatida significant edaphic correlations were found, negative with soil temperature and moisture content, and positive with pH. -from Author
Vermiculite granules were impregnated with four concentrations (3.33, 16.67, 33.36 and 133.36 g l-1) of Czapek Dox solution and were inoculated with the fungus Botrytis cinerea. The cultures were then incubated in respirometers for 30 d before different numbers of Folsomia candida were added. Grazing by Collembola in cultures grown on the lowest nutrient levels produced a significant decline in fungal activity in comparison with controls. However grazing by animals in cultures grown on higher nutrient concentrations did stimulate fungal respiration, producing a maximum increase in cultures containing the highest nutrient levels of over 100% of respiration levels measured in controls. Changes in the numbers of animals in the cultures suggested that fungal respiration followed a bellshaped response to increases in grazing intensity. The results are discussed in relation to the influence of nutrient depletion and the accumulation of toxic metabolites on the response by senescent fungal colonies, in decomposing litter, to soil animal grazing. /// Гранулы вермикулита наполняли раствором Чапека-Докса 4-х концентраций (3,33, 16,67, 33,36, 133,36 г/л) и инокулировали грибом Botrytis cinerea. Культуры инкубировали затем в респирометрах 30 дней, а затем добавляли различное количество коллембол Folsomia candida. Выедание коллемболами культур, растущих при самом низком запасе элементов питания приводит к сильному снижению активности роста грибов в сравнении с контролем. Однако, выедание в культурах с более высокими концентрациями элементов питания стимулирует дыхание грибов, дающее максимум повышения в культурах с наибольшим запасом питательных веществ - свыше 100% по сравнению с контролем. Изменения численности животных в культурах показывают, что кпивая дыхания грибов имеет колоколообразную форму зависимости от интенсивности выедания. Результаты обсуждаются в сврзи с вопросами влияния истощения элементов питания и аккумуляции токсичных метаболитов на реакции старых грибных колоний в разлагающейся подстилке в отношении выедания почвенными животными.
Abstract Erwin’s method for estimating total global species richness assumes some host-specificity among the canopy arthropods. This study examined possible host habitat specialization in two major groups of soil arthropods, the oribatid and mesostigmatid mites, by sampling beneath three tree species: Eucalyptus pilularis Smith, Eucalyptus propinqua Deane and Maiden and Allocasuarina torulosa (Aiton) L. Johnson. The sample sites were in the Lansdowne State Forest, New South Wales, Australia and the three tree species were selected on the basis of their known differential effects on soil. Sampling was conducted over three seasons, and 79 oribatid and 34 mesostigmatid species were identified from 25 196 and 3634 individuals, respectively. Tree species had little effect on mite species composition with only three oribatid species and no mesostigmatid species identified as host-habitat specialists using a niche breadth measure. Of mite species found under E. pilularis, E. propinqua and A. torulosa trees, 2%, 1% and 0% were defined as host-habitat specialists, respectively. In contrast, tree species had significant and consistent effects on mite community structure, which differed in relative abundance of the oribatid species, their size class distributions and species rankings. In the mesostigmatid communities, there was a difference in the ranking of the mite species among tree species. Although it was demonstrated that tree species have an impact on the soil environment, the differences between tree species were insufficient to change species composition. The low degree of host-habitat specialization suggested that other factors were more important for determining mite species composition at a site, and soil mite host-habitat specialization may not make a large contribution to estimates of total global species richness using methods such as those proposed by Erwin (1982).