Ulrich IrmlerKiel University | CAU · Department of Applied Ecology
Ulrich Irmler
Prof. Dr.
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Publications (189)
Amongst the material of the Kansas Natural History Museum, ten new species of the genus Lithocharodes Sharp, 1876 and eight new species of the genus Somoleptus Sharp, 1885 were found for the Neotropical Region. These are: Lithocharodes andersoni sp. nov. , L. dubia sp. nov. , L. esmeraldae sp. nov. , L. falini sp. nov. , L. hansoni sp. nov. , L. hi...
The present study aimed to add Staphylinidae to the known faunal composition of the Panguana area, a hotspot of biodiversity worldwide. The investigation is based mainly on the material collected by W. Hanagarth and M. Verhaagh but it also includes species described from the area and collected by other scientists. From the total of 1470 specimens,...
Coastal zones at the German North Sea and the Baltic Sea were essentially caused by climate changes in the past. Humans have affected the dynamics of these systems by coastal protection and land reclamation. The salt marshes are regarded as one of the most natural ecosystems in Central Europe. At the same time, their function for coastal protection...
An experimental approach was performed under controlled laboratory conditions to find the effects of the increasing sea level on two carabid species. Inundation frequencies were executed in three basins with transplanted salt marsh. The inundation frequencies were arranged according to the two climate scenarios and a control basin under present inu...
In this chapter, the main results of the study are comprised and conclusions were made separately for the North Sea and the Baltic Sea coast. The integrated results regarded temperature and sea level changes and included soil processes and the biotic systems separated for vegetation and animal communities. Additionally, management impacts such as d...
This chapter reviews the knowledge hitherto available for coastal arthropod groups under study: Many species of the epigaeic ground beetles (Carabidae) and spiders (Araneae) are well-known as indicators for natural and man-made changes of environmental factors and habitats. Basic aspects were geographical distribution, the sequences of zones in the...
The expert system considers spiders and ground beetles in the study region with a total of 35 spider species and 37 ground beetle species. Distribution in Europe and along the North Sea coast and Baltic Sea coast is regarded separately. Traits, such as zonation, flooding tolerance, salt tolerance, etc., were noted.
An experimental approach was executed in one salt marsh in western Schleswig-Holstein to analyse the reaction of soil processes under a 5°K higher temperature conditions using a heating construction installed in 1 m depth. Microbial activity and soil faunal changes were studied. Changes in soil processes caused only by the temperature increase were...
Flooding conditions represent the major factor influencing the composition of the salt grassland ground beetle and spider communities at the North Sea and the Baltic Sea coasts. They lead to a decreasing species richness from high to low elevated sites. Above MHW level, two to three assemblages have been differentiated along the zonation of salt gr...
The study aimed to investigate the effect on litter decomposition of the geographical and land-use gradient from the dry Cerrado in Mato Grosso to the southern Amazonian rainforest in Pará, Brazil. The study area also represents a gradient of land-use intensification, reaching from the southern Cerrado region which had the most active land use chan...
At present, 45 Somoleptus species are known from the Neotropical region. Among these, 28 species are newly described here, whereas 18 were described in the past. The new species are: S. admirabilis spec. nov., S. andersoni spec. nov., S. ashei spec. nov., S. beniensis spec. nov., S. brevipennis spec. nov., S. breviusculus spec. nov., S. brooksi spe...
The present study is based on a 20-year study of fields that were previously farmed conventionally and then changed to being farmed organically and a 10-year study of a conventionally farmed field in south-eastern and central Schleswig-Holstein, North Germany, respectively. The carabid beetles were sampled throughout each year using pitfall traps....
Ground beetle species from marginal areas invade organically farmed fields in a higher abundance and species richness than conventionally farmed fields. Seasonal invasion into organic fields was studied at Ritzerau Manor, converted to organic farming 18 years ago. Carabid species were explored with 123 pitfall traps within the field and in marginal...
Biomass estimations are currently needed to explain the insect decline of the past 30 years. As pitfall trapping is the most frequently performed method in carabid studies, it is necessary to question whether this method is appropriate for biomass studies. The results of pitfall trapping have often been accepted without considering the limits of th...
Hans Peter Blume, 2018: Ein philatelistischer Streifzug durch die Bodenkunde. Schweitzerbart, Stuttgart, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-510-654 12-3, 228 S., 89 Farbtafeln, 39,90 €. Karsten Hannig (Hrsg.), 2020: Zur Fauna und Flora einer Sandabgrabung bei Haltern-Flaesheim (Kreis Recklinghausen, Nord¬rhein-Westfalen). Abhandlungen aus dem Westfälischen Museum f...
The Neotropical species of the genus Lithocharodes were studied. A total of 26 new species were found. These are: L. aculeata spec. nov., L. ashei spec. nov., L. bierigi spec. nov., L. bicornis spec. nov., L. boliviana spec. nov., L. brooksi spec. nov., L. compacta spec. nov., L. curtipennis spec. nov., L. denticulata spec. nov., L. dubiosa spec. n...
Earthworms are an important soil taxon as ecosystem engineers, providing a variety of crucial ecosystem functions and services. Little is known about their diversity and distribution at large spatial scales, despite the availability of considerable amounts of local-scale data. Earthworm diversity data, obtained from the primary literature or provid...
Earthworms are an important soil taxon as ecosystem engineers, providing a variety of crucial ecosystem functions and services. Little is known about their diversity and distribution at large spatial scales, despite the availability of considerable amounts of local-scale data. Earthworm diversity data, obtained from the primary literature or provid...
The study compiles the results of a fifteen years research on ground beetles after the conversion from conventional to organic farming on Ritzerau Manor (south-eastern Schleswig-Holstein, Germany). The results display the succession of the single ground
beetle species and of the changes in the species diversity. The changes of the single ground bee...
Die Supplemente zu den Faunistisch-Ökologischen Mitteilungen sind eine themenspezifische Open-Access-Schriftenreihe im Universitätsverlag Kiel | Kiel University Publishing. Herausgegeben wird sie von der Faunistisch-Ökologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft e. V. (FÖAG). Die wissenschaftliche Qualität wird durch einen expertenbasierten Begutachtungsprozess...
Ökologische Landwirtschaft hat einen positiven Einfluss auf die Artenvielfalt – das belegen zahlreiche Untersuchungen, die aber meist nur kurzfristige Zeiträume betrachten. Die in diesem Beitrag vorgestellte Studie hat ihren Fokus dagegen auf den langfristigen Effekten einer Nutzungsumstellung vom konventionellem zum ökologischen Landbau. Über 10 –...
The genus Xenasterides Newton, 2017 is considered here as a junior synonym of Pseudastenus Bernhauer, 1933, both monotypic and Neotropical genera of Paederinae (Staphylinidae). A thorough description of the genus is provided. The species Pseudastenus barretoi Bernhauer, 1933 and P. plaumanni (Bierig, 1939) are redescribed and illustrated, six new s...
Conversion from conventional to organic land-use on Ritzerau Manor-The winter-active ground beetles-The study is part of a monitoring program to investigate the biocenotic succession after conversion from conventional to organic land management on Ritzerau Manor that started in the year 2001. In the present part, winter-active carabid species are a...
A new species and new records of the genus Philothalpus KRAATZ, 1857 from the Central Amazon with a revised key to the Brazilian species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Philothalpina) U. IRMLER Abstract A new species of Philothalpus KRAATZ, 1857 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylinini: Philo-thalpina), P. brasiliensis, is described from a Central Amaz...
Additions to the Neotropical species of the genus Eleusis Laporte, 1835 with description of new species (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Osorinae) Abstract The Neotropical material of the genus Eleusis deposited in the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA, containing 440 specimens in 18 species, was studied. Additionally, specimens from French...
The results of a 15 years investigation after the conversion from conventional to organic farming are presented for the beetle family Staphylinidae. The aim of the study was to find general trends in the succession of assemblages, changes in the biodiversity and changes of dispersion for invading or retreating species. The succession of all fields...
Restingas are sandy areas spread along the Brazilian coast made up of a mosaic of forest and open woodland vegetation adapted to varying conditions of aridity, oligotrophy and salinity. Two vegetation types are very common in southeast Brazilian restingas, open Clusia formations and seasonally dry forest formation. Litter production and nutrient (C...
Two new species are described from Brazil: Gnathymenus schubarti sp.n. (Staphylinidae: Paederinae) from Rio de Janeiro, and Piestus amazonensis sp.n. (Staphylinidae: Piestinae) from Amazonas. Their distribution and ecology are shortly discussed.
The changes of the ground beetle assemblages during the 15 years succession after the conversion from conventional to organic farming was investigated in northern Germany, with the aim to find trends for the communities on organically farmed fields. The succession showed that the carabid assemblages developed from typically wide-spread communities...
The history of the discovery of the Central and South American Staphylinidae fauna is reported beginning with the start of modern taxonomy in the mid of the eighteenth century up to the present. An overview over the number of genera is given for all Central and South American countries. The subfamily Osoriinae is described in more detail. The simil...
This chapter aims to give a review about the impact of environmental conditions on Staphylinidae. Densities in diverse ecosystems from northern to tropical and from marine to alpine ecosystems are listed. As most Staphylinidae belong to the soil fauna, soil conditions are of main interest. Thus, life forms of soil-dwelling species are described. Th...
A short overview of the evolution of rove beetles is given to introduce to the reader the topics contained in the book. Additional subjects are distribution, behavior, ecology, bioindication, ecomorphology, and development. The morphological diversity of rove beetles is presented based on the diversity of their ecological niches. Representative rov...
Rove beetles (Staphylinidae) are common elements of the soil biota, living in the litter and deeper soil layers. Although they are one of the most diverse and speciose groups of insects, no comprehensive books on their general evolution and ecology are as yet available. This book fills that gap, discussing significant aspects and active research ex...
Game and biodiversity: Beetle assemblages in game and cattle dung
The relevance of game for the diversity of dung-inhabiting beetles was investigated in Schleswig-Holstein (Northern Germany) in the year 2010. Dung of wild boar (Sus scrofa), red deer (Cervus elaphus), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), and fallow deer (Dama dama) was used for the inve...
In the past four decades, Mato Grosso in Central-West Brazil has undergone rapid changes from forested area to pasture and/or cropland. Yet, little is known about how these changes affect litter turnover and nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) cycling. We carried out litter breakdown experiments with litter mesh bags and investigated the effects of five fa...
According to Herman (2001) 24 species of the genus Eleusis were known from the Neotropical region before this study. Among these, the following 11 species are newly synonymised: E. cephalotes Bernhauer, 1904, and E. puncticeps Bernhauer, 1921 are synonyms to E. bicolor (Erichson, 1840); E. dubius (Sharp, 1876), Eleusis infima Sharp, 1887, E. margin...
Der Artikel enthält folgende Kapitel: Einleitung Allgemeine Aspekte Trophische Beziehungen in terrestrischen Ökosystemen Trophische Beziehungen in limnischen Ökosystemen Resümee Zitierte Literatur Glossar
The Neotropical species of the genus Diochus are reviewed. Two species are synonymised: D. flavicans Sharp, 1876 = D. vicinus Sharp, 1876 and D. vilis Sharp, 1885 = D. schaumii Kraatz, 1860. Six species groups are differentiated containing the following species: D. longicornis-group with the species D. adisi spec. nov., D. ashei spec. nov., D. guia...
The Neotropical species of the genus Diochus are reviewed. Two species are synonymised: D. flavicans Sharp, 1876 = D. vicinus Sharp, 1876 and D. vilis Sharp, 1885 = D. schaumii Kraatz, 1860. Six species groups are differentiated containing the following species: D. longicornis-group with the species D. adisi spec. nov., D. ashei spec. nov., D. guia...
In Central Brazil, over one million square kilometers of native savanna vegetation known as Cerrado have been cleared and converted to farmland over the past forty years. A factorial experiment was designed to assess the effects of land use, litter type, soil organisms and season on litter decay in the prevailing natural and agricultural systems (i...
Three new species of Molosoma SAY, 1831 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae) are described from French Guiana: M. iridescens sp.n., M. nasutum sp.n., and M. orousseti sp.n. Osoriellus FAGEL, 1959 is synonymized with Molosoma SAY, 1831.
How do cover, richness and composition of plant species vary according to different levels of beach access? What shifts in plant traits occur along gradients of tourism intensity? What recommendations regarding the sustainable management of Baltic Sea beaches can be proposed?
Southern Baltic Sea beaches in Germany.
In t...
Die neotropische Gattung Glyptoma wurde revidiert. Sie umfaßt zur Zeit 18 Arten aus Zentral- und Südamerika. Die folgenden Arten wurden neu beschrieben: G. rossii, G. simile, G. lescheni, G. guinanense, G. amazonense, G. schuhi. Folgende neue Synonyme ergaben sich: G. cicatricosa Motschulsky, 1857 = G. longipes Sharp, 1887; G. opacum (Sharp, 1876)...
In the last century, increases in human population
and beach tourism have affected coastlinesworldwide.
Resulting pressures on beach ecological systems demand
research concerning tolerance of beach plants to disturbance
by humans. At three different Baltic Sea beaches,
Atriplex prostrata, Honckenya peploides and Crambe
maritima were planted and obs...
Four new species of the genus Thoracophorus Motschulsky, 1857 of the Neotropical region are described: T. verhaaghi n. sp., T. zicsii n. sp., T. struyvei n. sp., and T. perplexus n. sp. The new species originate from French Guiana, Peru, and Ecuador. Similar species T. filum Sharp, 1887, T. proximus Irmler, 1985, T. exilis (Erichson, 1840) and T. a...
Two new species of Paederinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), Gnathymenus bellavistae sp.n. from western Ecuador and Oedichirus schubarti sp.n. from southeastern Brazil are described. New records of G. klimai (BERNHAUER, 1927) and G. fiscus HERMAN, 1981 are given.
Beaches are often intensively used by tourists that compete with the area demands of specialised species. In order to estimate the area demand of beach spiders, home range, distribution and population dynamics of three species of Lycosidae (Arctosa cinerea, Arctosa perita and Pardosa agricola) were observed by mark-recapture experiments at two clos...
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist Teil eines umfangreichen Reviews über die neotropischen Gattungen und Arten des Tribus Osoriini. Neue oder bisher nicht aus der Neotropis aufgeführte Gattungen und Arten werden beschrieben und ein Bestimmungsschlüssel der neotropischen Gattungen vorgestellt. Die folgenden neuen Gattungen werden beschrieben: Osoriosetus mi...
Eighteen new national records of nine species of Osoriinae (Staphylinidae) are added for 10 Neotropical countries. Additionally, 17 species of three subfamilies are first recorded from ten States of México. The distributional patterns of the studied species are commented and the congruence with species of different families of Coleoptera and Odonat...
Recent collections of Osoriinae from Cuba revealed three new species, Allotrochus cubensis sp. nov., Thoracophorus cubensis sp. nov., and Antillosorius martini sp. nov. In total, 34 species of Osoriinae are currently known from this island including the three new ones. An identification key to the species and a list of species with all records know...
In dieser Arbeit über den neotropischen Osorius Komplex (Arten, die früher unter der Gattung Osorius beschrieben wurden) werden die Arten der Gattung Osoriellus beschrieben und Schlüssel zu ihrer Bestimmung geliefert. Zehn Arten Gruppen werden unterschieden: Osoriellus-coronatus-Gruppe mit O. coronatus als neue Art; O.-laeviusculus-Gruppe enthält 2...
The colonisation process of carabid beetles from field margins to crop fields under
organic agriculture was investigated in 2010 and 2011 in northern Germany in order to
find the supporting effects of grassy strips in the agricultural landscape. Displacement
and speed of Pterostichus melanarius, Carabus auratus and Poecilus spp. were higher
in the...
Autecology and population ecology of Chlaenius nigricornis (F., 1787) and Blethisa multipunctata Bonelli, 1810 in a wet grassland of northern Germany (Coleoptera: Carabidae) By U l r i c h I r m l e r Summary Chlaenius nigricornis and Blethisa multipunctata were investigated in a wet grassland area in Schleswig-Holstein (northern Germany) between 2...
Twelve new species of the genera Mimogonia Coiffait, 1978 and Holotrochus Erichson, 1839 are described from the Neotropical Region: Mimogonia baloghi sp. nov. (Paraguay), M duckei sp. nov. (Brazil: Amazonas), M. marquesi sp. nov. (Brazil: Mato Grosso), Holotrochus adisi sp. nov. (Brazil: Amazonas), H. agostii sp. nov. (Brazil: Bahia), H. hamatus sp...
The following investigations were conducted to evaluate grassy strips of different age for organic arable fields. From September 2009 to October 2010, adult ground beetles were sampled by pitfall traps in three grassy strips (2, 4, and 9 years old), their adjacent cropping areas, their field edges, and a control field (age 0) in Schleswig-Holstein,...
Abstract. This paper presents the first comprehensive list of 2,688 species of Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) recorded
from Brazil. The list is based on the taxonomic and ecological literature, and new records from some insect collections,
and includes locality references for each species. In addition, Brazilian localities and the country-level
Spatial and temporal changes in ground beetle populations of a northern German farm during the conversion from conventional to organic methods were studied between 2001 and 2007. The conversion of the total arable area was partially performed beginning in autumn 2001 and completed in spring 2004. During the conventional period, species richness and...
Ground beetles of the Baltic Sea coast in Schleswig-Holstein (northern Germany) - impacts of
environmental parameters and spatial use – The carabid assemblages of sandy and shingle beaches, open and
wooded cliffs, and lagoons were investigated at 9 locations on the Baltic Sea coast of Schleswig-Holstein in
2009. Lagoons, primary dunes and open clif...
Which carabid species benefit from grassy strips in organic agriculture? -The carabid fauna of three organic arable fields, their grassy strips, and field margins were investigated by pitfall traps in 2009/2010 at Ritzerau and Panten (Schleswig-Holstein, northern Germany). Bembidion lampros was main-ly found on the organic arable fields, Amara simi...
Eine Revision der neotropischen Arten der Gattungen Pseudespeson Lecoq, 1994 und Espeson Schaufuss, 1882 wurde durchgeführt. Während für die Gattung Pseudespeson Lecoq, 1994 keine neue Art gefunden werden konnte, wurden für die Gattung Espeson Schaufuss, 1882 sechs neue Arten beschrieben. Diese sind: E. adisi n. sp., E. dybasi n. sp., E. franiae n....
The effect of mixed beech forests versus pure beech forests on soil parameters and earthworms was investigated in two forests (Hevenbruch and Schattin) of northern Germany differing in their nutrient supply. Within a total of 45 stands, including 23 pure and 22 mixed beech stands, the following parameters were determined: soil pH and organic matter...
Two new species of the genus Tannea Blackwelder from Ecuador, Tannea hermani n. sp. and Tannea bellavistae n. sp. are herein described, and a complete list of records of all Tannea species found in Ecuador is provided together with a key to the species. Additionally, the geographic distribution of the Tannea species of Ecuador and their altitudinal...
In 2009, the staphylind fauna was studied in six habitats of the Baltic Sea coast of Schleswig-Holstein (northern Germany). The following habitats lagoon, sandy beach, shingle beach, primary dune, wooded cliff, and woodless cliff were significantly separated by their species composition. Vegetation and soil moisture were the most important factors...
Sandy and shingle beaches were investigated in 2009 and 2010 along the coast of the Baltic Sea in northern Germany with the
purpose of assessing biodiversity gradients from shingle to sandy beaches, from beach to primary dunes, and the impacts of
tourism on biodiversity. On nine beach sites, ranging between 100% shingle and 99% sand without shingle...
Im Zuge einer Revision des neotropischen Osorius Komplexes wurde ein Bestimmungsschlüssel zu den neotropischen Gattungen des Tribus Osoriini erstellt, der die neue Gattung Antillosorius enthält, die mit 18 bereits beschriebenen Arten der Westindischen Inseln vertreten ist. Neue Funddaten der beiden Arten Ouloglene barberi Notman, 1925 und Oryssoma...
Two new species of the genus Mimogonus Fauvel, 1903, M. clavicornis sp. nov. and M. curtus sp. nov., are described from the eastern slope of the Andean range in Ecuador. Three species of Mimogonus Fauvel, 1903 are now known from the Neotropics, including M. fumator (Fauvel, 1889) from the West Indies. Similarities between the two new Mimogonus spec...
The new genus Arborilispinus from the Neotropical region is described. Although further undescribed species of this genus exist in South America, only two species, A. longulus and A. mirabilis, are here described based on male specimens from the Brazilian and Peruvian Amazon rainforest. According to the tarsal formula 4,4,4, Arborilispinus should b...
The development of earthworms was investigated from 2001 to 2008 on the 176ha arable fields of Ritzerau Farm (northern Germany) converted 2001–2004 from conventional to organic farming. Earthworms were recorded six times per year on a grid of 85 sampling points, whereas pH was determined in 2001 and 2005 and carbon content in 2001. Weak correlation...
The new species Thoracophorus venezuelanus and T. silvaticus are described. The ecological information from labels and that produced by more detailed studies in Central Amazonia indicate that tree canopies and tree trunks are main habitats of Thoracophorus species, and that many species might be associated with ants or termites.
Four new species of Lispinus from the premontane forest of the eastern slope of the Peruvian Andes are described and records of all other Lispinus species from Peru are given. The new species are: L. blandus, L. minimus, L. speciosus, and L. peruanus. A key to the known 21 Peruvian species is provided, habitat information is summarized and geograph...
Four new species of Lispinus from the premontane forest of the eastern slope of the Peruvian Andes are described and records of all other Lispinus species from Peru are given. The new species are: L. blandus, L. minimus, L. speciosus, and L. peruanus. A key to the known 21 Peruvian species is provided, habitat information is summarized and geograph...
This study examines the occurrence of saproxylic beetles in woodlands of different size and age and their potential to leave
woodland areas and cross open grassland in northern Germany. The beetles were recorded by emergence traps and flight-intercept-traps.
The investigated sites were dominated by beech, oak and alder, but other tree species also...
A new species Craspedus pecki, sp. nov collected in Mexico is described. It is the second species to the genus Craspedus known. The exciting distribution of the genus with one species in southern Brazil and a second species in Mexico is discussed.
Mobility, movements and home-range or Elaphrus cupreus Duttschmidt 1812, a frequent species, and E uliginosus (Fabricius 1792), one of the most endangered carabids in Europe, were studied in northern Germany in five grassland sites and one alder wood site. It was supposed that lower mobility could be one reason for the higher endangerment of E ulig...
FIGURES 1 – 3. Details of Lispinus peruanus (1), L. blandus (2) and L. minimus (3). A—fore body; B—antenna; Cmedian lobe of aedeagus in lateral aspect; D—paramera; E—spermatheca. Scale bars: 1 mm (A), 0.5 mm (B), 0.1 mm (C – E).
FIGURES 5 – 8. Surface of pronotum (P) and elytra (E) of Lispinus. 5 — Lispinus peruanus, 6 — L. blandus, 7 — L. minimus, 8 — L. speciosus. Scale bar: 0.1 mm.
FIGURE 10. Pronotum (A – F) and elytra (G – L) of Lispinus. A— Lispinus laticollis, B, G— L. striola, C— L. quadripunctulus, D— L. catena, E— L. bolivianus, F— L. sinuatocollis, H— L. laeviusculus, I— L. newtoni, J— L. listenbarthi, K— L. lunaris, L— L. lescheni. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
FIGURE 9. Shape of posterior angle of pronotum with depression showing punctation and microsculpture of Lispinus peruanus (A), L. blandus (B), L. minimus (C) and L. speciosus (D). Scale bar: 0.1 mm.
FIGURE 13. Distribution of the Pan-Neotropical zoogeographic group.
FIGURE 4. Details of Lispinus speciosus (4). A—fore body; B—antenna; C—median lobe of aedeagus in lateral aspect; D—paramera; E—spermatheca. Sscale bars: 1 mm (A), 0.5 mm (B), 0.1 mm (C – E).
FIGURE 11. Distribution of the eastern Andean (A) and the lowland Amazonian (B) zoogeographic groups.