Daniel Winkler

Daniel Winkler
University of West Hungary, Sopron · Institute of Wildlife Management and Vertebrate Zoology

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (107)
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Beyond preferences for particular species of tree, bark-foraging birds are associated with various tree characteristics such as decay stage, trunk diameter, or bark roughness. Our objectives were to study the winter foraging ecology of different bark-foraging bird species in the highly diverse floodplain forests of Donau-Auen National Park (Austria...
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Increasing human activity is altering the structure of forests, which affects the composition of communities, including birds. However, little is known about the key forest structure variables that determine the richness of bird communities in European temperate oak forests. We, therefore, aimed to identify key variables in these habitats that coul...
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Springtails (Collembola) inhabit soils from the Arctic to the Antarctic and comprise an estimated ~32% of all terrestrial arthropods on Earth. Here, we present a global, spatially-explicit database on springtail communities that includes 249,912 occurrences from 44,999 samples and 2,990 sites. These data are mainly raw sample-level records at the s...
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This study aimed to monitor the demographic changes of some closely related species based on bird ringing data from the CES (Constant Effort Sites) program in Hungary between 2007 and 2018, and to explore the reasons for these demographic changes. The CES program tracks breeding bird populations with standard methods. The studied species breeding i...
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The present paper gives a detailed and illustrated redescription of Entomobrya nigriven-tris Stach, 1929, and the description of a new species collected from open sand steppe habitat in Hungary. Based on the colour pattern, E. arenaria Winkler, Flórián & Dányi, sp. nov. is close to E. violaceolineata Stach, 1963 but differs from it by the morpholog...
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In the present paper, a new species of the genus Entomobrya is described from Croatia. E. silvicola sp. nov. has a unique colour pattern that distinguishes it from other Entomobrya species in Europe and worldwide. Besides the different colour pattern, there are notable differences in the dorsal macrochaetotaxy and other characters that distinguish...
Conference Paper
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More than 120 years have passed since the Czech scientist Karel Absolon registered the first species of springtails in the territory of today's Montenegro and then described it as new for science. After him, in the first half of the XX century, a couple of European experts described new species based on material from the territory of Montenegro. Ho...
Conference Paper
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Collembola are a separate class of hexapod arthropods and an indispensable member of the soil mesofauna. Over 9,000 species are classified into four recent orders: Poduromorpha Börner, 1913; Entomobryomorpha Börner, 1913; Symphypleona Börner, 1901, and Neelipleona Massoud, 1971. Poduromorphic springtails have an elongated and distinctly segmented b...
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The black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is the second-most abundant deciduous tree in forest plantations, and one of the most important invasive woody species worldwide. The species has a strong transformer capacity, especially expressed by its nitrogen enrichment effect caused by nitrogen-fixing bacteria living in its root-nodules. The aim of t...
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The present paper reports the first occurrence of Seira ferrarii Parona, 1888 from Hun-gary. On this occasion, molecular analyses were performed on both S. ferrarii and another historical species of the genus, S. pallidipes Reuter, 1895, originally described from Hungary. Using low-coverage whole-genome sequencing, the complete mitogenomes were ass...
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Based on all collected literature dealing with the fauna of springtails in Vojvodina Province (Republic of Serbia), a list of species was created and taxonomically revised according to the latest system of Collembola taxonomy. In total, the check list of springtails of Vojvodina includes 125 species in 58 genera from 16 families and 3 orders. The m...
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Soil life supports the functioning and biodiversity of terrestrial ecosystems. Springtails (Collembola) are among the most abundant soil arthropods regulating soil fertility and flow of energy through above- and belowground food webs. However, the global distribution of springtail diversity and density, and how these relate to energy fluxes remains...
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Our study aimed to investigate the Collembola communities inhabiting dead wood-related microhabitats. The study was carried out in an old remnant floodplain forest (Csáfordi-forest, Northwest Hungary) owing to the massive amount of dead wood in its area. For the survey, we selected 11 microhabitats, including lying dead wood of different stages of...
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The investigation was carried out with an acoustic detector. During the hibernation period, a total of four bat species have been identified: the common noctule (Nyctalus noctula), the grey long-eared bat (Plecotus austriacus), the savi's pipistrelle (Hypsugo savii) and the kuhl's pipistrelle (Pipistrellus kuhlii). For all four species detected, ac...
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This study investigated the habitat selection of the European Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus) during the breeding seasons of 2017 and 2018 in the Győr-Gönyű calcareous sand steppe area. In order to assess the habitat preferences of the European Nightjar, habitat characteristics around occupied territories were compared with unoccupied control plot...
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The several thousand hectares of nearly contiguous forests of the Bakony Hills, located in the middle of Transdanubia, are suitable habitats for all nine species of woodpeckers found in Hungary. In addition to literature work, field surveys were carried out to investigate the distribution of the species and the habitat types of the occurrences. Dur...
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The Mosoni Plain Natura 2000 site is one of the most western nesting sites of the strictly protected Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus) in Hungary, and the Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) is the most common nesting bird of prey in the area. The breeding success of these two species, which do not build nests, can be greatly enhanced by the ins...
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Numerous studies have emphasised the ecological importance of linear and insular uncropped habitats, including forest shelterbelts, patches, and grassy margins. Usually, their biodiversity-enhancing efects are mentioned, mainly based on research in bird and above-ground arthropod communities, while the diversity of herbaceous vegetation and soil me...
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Soil life supports the functioning and biodiversity of terrestrial ecosystems. Springtails (Collembola) are among the most abundant soil animals regulating soil fertility and flow of energy through above- and belowground food webs. However, the global distribution of springtail diversity and density, and how these relate to energy fluxes remains un...
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Mortality appeared in a relict Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest where the sandy pine forest association (Pinetum-Festuco vaginatae sylvestris) is unique in the Carpathian Basin. To identify the complex causes of tree mortality, we analysed the climatic and soil conditions completed with bryological and biotical (pests) surveys. Altogether th...
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The challenges of a changing climate have directed greater attention to afforestation, but the effects of afforestation on soil fertility and soil biota have not been fully clarified. To explore changes in the soil conditions in two 20-year-old forest plantations established in formerly intensively fertilized plots of agricultural land, we focused...
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A new species of the genus Pseudosinella Schäffer, 1897 from Hungary and Romania is described and illustrated. Pseudosinella hartnerae sp. nov. belongs to the group with 5+5 eyes, and can be identified by its unique labial chaetotaxy (M 1 m 2 rel 1 L 2) within this group. Pseudosinella huetheri Stomp, 1971, the closest related species sharing the s...
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The main purpose of the present study was to monitor actual contamination levels and execute a comparative assessment of results in a mid-sized Hungarian city for two different years. The first citywide soil investigations were completed in 2011. In 2018, the most prominent properties (pH, CaCO3, texture, and trace metals Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn...
The correct identification of morphological species is a key task for species richness estimation of any ecosystem. Although body colour is a widely used character identifying European Lepidocyrtus species, recent investigations using molecular data have revealed that species delineation using body colour can result in an underestimation of real sp...
We investigated the pre-breeding intersexual foraging habitat references of the great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos major in six old, unmanaged riparian forest stands in Central Hungary, which are composed mainly of the invasive North American green ash Fraxinus pennysylvanica and boxelder Acer negundo, and native poplar Populus sp. and willow Sal...
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We documented the foraging activities of woodpeckers on selected trees in an established conservation-oriented management study in five oak-dominated forests in Hungary. We examined the tree species preference of woodpeckers as a group and the impact of specific tree characteristics on the habitat use of woodpeckers. We estimated the percentage of...
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Planting shelterbelts on agricultural fields has long traditions in Hungary. The biodiversityenhancing effect of this type of agroforestry is intensively researched, but most of the results concentrate on tree species diversity and specific animal communities such as insects and birds. The characteristics of herbaceous vegetation and soil mesofauna...
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The biodiversity of natural or semi-natural native, old oak woodlands have high conservation importance, especially in landscapes of monocultural forest plantations and arable fields. With a wider variety of microhabitats and foraging sources, such old oak forests can provide essential habitat for native forest bird communities. We conducted a stud...
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The Collembolan genus Lepidocyrtus is subdivided into up to eight subgenera, of which only Lepidocyrtus s.str. (Bourlet, 1839) and Lanocyrtus (Yoshii & Suhardjono, 1989) are represented by European species. The discovery of unique characters in the European species Lepidocyrtus tomosvaryi (rounded dental tubercle) and L. peisonis (lateral tuft of l...
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Jelen kutatás célja a kiskunsági reliktum homoki tölgyesek és a helyükön létesített idegenhonos (nemes nyár, feketefenyő, akác) ültetvények Collembola faunisztikai és ökológiai vizsgálata volt. A talajmintákat az említett négy állománytípusból gyűjtöttük, három ismétlésben. Összesen 3033 Collembola egyed válogatása és határozása történt meg, melyne...
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Apparent survival rate is an important factor affecting the temporal changes of small passerine species. The aim of this study was to obtain information about the apparent survival and capture probabilities of some passerines breeding in Hungary. Data from 11,327 individuals come from a constant effort ringing scheme, using 12 ringing sites spread...
Urbanization and related environmental pollution have strong effects on stream systems by inducing short duration high-peak floods, raised levels of nutrients and contaminants, altered channel geomorphology, sediment dynamics, and reduced biotic richness. The main purpose of this current study is to detect stream contamination levels in a mid-sized...
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Selected invertebrate groups of the landscape protected area of Sopron-mts including Collembola, Arachnoidea, Orthoptera, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Odonata and other aquatic invertebrates, Macrolepidoptera, Coleoptera (xilofag and saproxil groups), gall inducing insects with general descriptions and praeface
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Landscape Protected Area of Sopron-mts. - Monographic studies of the natural and cultural values of the Sopron-mountains
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The aim of our study was to investigate the feeding of the Little Owl (Athene noctua) during the breeding period in three protected sites (Upper Kiskunság Puszta, Upper Kiskunság Lakes, Peszéradacs Meadows) in an extensively managed lowland plain area (Upper Kiskunság) of the Carpathian Basin. A further objective was to provide a detailed assessmen...
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This study investigated the habitat selection of the Common Quail (Coturnix coturnix) during the breeding season of 2014 in an intensively managed agricultural environment (LAJTA Project, North-West Hungary). In order to assess the habitat preferences of the Common Quail, habitat composition around occupied plots were compared with unoccupied contr...
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The present study investigated the habitat selection of the Common Quail (Coturnix coturnix) in both intensively (LAJTA Project) and extensively managed (MOSON Project) agricultural environments in North-West Hungary. In order to assess the habitat preferences of the Common Quail, habitat composition around occupied plots were compared with unoccup...
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Mivel a Soproni-hegység sem idős erdőkben, sem hibernációra alkalmas barlangokban nem bővelke-dik, így a denevérkutatás szempontjából sokáig feltáratlan területnek számított. Az első ismert adatokat-többnyire épületlakó kolóniákból kézre került egyedek leírásával-1900-ban Méhely Lajos szolgáltatta, majd Éhik Gyula 1924-ben, Sólymossy László és Vásá...
As one of the most severe ecological disasters ever to take place in Europe, the 2010 red mud accident has left behind long-term environmental impact, prompting the need for monitoring of soil biodiversity. Red mud (wet storage solution) can be regarded as a complex mixture of contaminants due to its extreme alkalinity and the presence of potential...
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Acoustic bat surveys have been carried out between end of April and mid-September of 2013 in several Natura 2000 sites of Vas and Somogy counties. As a result occurrences of barbastelle bat (Barbastella barbastellus) were detected in 9 out of the 12 surveyed Natura 2000 sites. The species was recorded in various riverine and floodland forest commun...
Conference Paper
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The monitoring of the avian influenza virus thriving primarily in the intestines of water birds began in spring 2009 in Western Hungary. Aim of the project realised through the cooperation of Wetlands International (The Netherlands), the University of West Hungary, the Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate and BirdLife Hungary was to gather 1000 s...
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The genus Lepidocyrtus is fairly well explored in Hungary and was up to now represented by 18 species. Systematic mesofauna survey of a swamp woodland gave us the opportunity to describe the new species, L. florae sp. nov., characterized by the dark blue color, the dorsal macrochaetae formula A0A2aA2A3S3Pa5/00/0101+2 and the absence of scales on th...
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At the beginning of the 1970’s, two fertilization experimental areas were established in Gödöllő. After different long-term fertilization treatments, sessile oak (Quercus petraea) and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) plantations were planted in the second half of the 1990’s. In the present research, the effects of former fertilization were studi...
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Two new species of the genus Pseudosinella Schäffer, 1897 from Hungary are described and illustrated. Characters shared by both species are the number of eyes (0+0), the labial chaetotaxy (M1M2rEL1L2) and the chaetotaxy of abdominal segment II (pABq1q2). P. csafordi sp. nov., characterized by dorsal macrochaetae formula R0R1R2R3TP/32/0201+2s, inhab...
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Two species of Lepidocyrtus Bourlet have been studied. L. peisonis Traser & Christian, 1992 has been redescribed based on the type material and newly collected specimens. This species is characterized by dorsal macrochaetae formula R0R1sR1R2So/00/0101+3, truncate unguiculi and a newly observed character missing in the original description: a latera...
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Movements of the mute swan Cygnus olor were studied based on the database of the Hungarian Bird Ringing Centre (BirdLife Hungary). A total of 20,335 recoveries of 6,806 individuals were evaluated, which yielded new information about migration routes, moulting and wintering grounds of this species. Apart from local recoveries, a total of 1,265 birds...
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The feeding of Little Owl (Athene noctua) was studied in a farmland area of Kiskunság, Central Hungary. For the analyses, a total of 661 Little Owl pellets were collected between February and September 2005 from three locations, corresponding known Little Owl territories situated nearby the settlements Apaj, Kunpeszér and Ladánybene. The aim of the...
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This study focused on the clutch size and age-specific apparent survival rate of the Little Owl (Athene noctua) population in Upper-Kiskunság, Hungary. Between May 2005 and April 2017, 640 individuals were captured and ringed in a total of 746 capture-recapture occasions. Artificial nest boxes were installed in the study area, breeding birds and pu...
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Detailed and fully illustrated redescription of Seira pallidipes Reuter, 1895 is given based on specimens from the type locality. Examination of further specimens from the type locality of Seira pillichi Stach, 1930 has shown the identity of these two species justifying their synonymization: that Seira pillichi Stach, 1930 is a junior subjective sy...
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Systematic soil fauna survey of riverine and swamp woodland habitats in West Hungary provided the opportunity to describe the new species L. isabelleae sp. nov. belonging to the the Lepidocyrtus pallidus-serbicus group. The new species is characterized by the dorsal macrochaetae formula R0R1sR1R2STSo/00/0101+2, the absence of scales on the antennae...
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The aim of this research was to determine the habitat selection of the European Green Lizard (Lacerta viridis) in the aera of the Fertőmelléki Hills (Northwest Hungary). During the field work 60 lizard individuals' (adult, yearling, hatchling) habitat-texture were quantified also including the hideaways and perching sites. For the lizard survey the...
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KISS CS., WINKLER D., KOMLÓS M., FARKAS R. & GYURÁCZ J.: EFFECT OF METEOROLOGICAL FACTORS ON THE BREEDING SUCCESS OF BLACKCAP (Sylvia atricapilla). Hungarian Small Game Bulletin 13: 255– 266. http://dx.doi.org/10.17243/mavk.2017.255 The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between certain meteorological variables and Blackap (Sylv...
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Common Quail (Coturnix coturnix) mainly breed in cereal crops and fallow grasslands, where they are threatened by harvesting/mowing. The aim of this research was to assess the impact of unmown refuge areas to the density and movements of Common Quails in the Moson Project, Northwest Hungary. The selected 80 ha study area was first visited shortly b...
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The genus Lepidocyrtus was previously represented by 17 species in Hungary, including four species with locus typicus in this country. Opportunistic sampling in mid-mountain grassland and forest habitats resulted in records of several species from the L. lignorum group and allowed to describe the new species L. traseri sp. nov. The L. lignorum grou...