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A Proposed Model for Green Practice Adoption and Implementation in Information Technology Based Organizations


Abstract and Figures

Green Information technology system offers opportunity for IT based organizations to act proactively in terms of environmental preservation as well as to mitigate effects of global climate change and other environmental problems. Green Information technology system adoption and implementation is a plausible attempt for IT based organizations to resolve the current environmental issues and also enhance economic performance of IT based organization. Practitioner’s adopting and implementing sustainable practices can lead to economic, social and environmental benefits to IT based organizations and humanity. Currently several models and frameworks have been developed to address sustainability in various research domain. However, there are few models that can support decision making of practitioners in adopting and implementing sustainable practices in IT based organization. Therefore there is need to develop a model to assist practitioners adopt and implement sustainable practices. The proposed model comprises of Green variables, Green process and a hybrid technique of software agents and case bases reasoning. Findings from this paper shows the model variables, process, techniques applied and derived prepositions. Ongoing work involves adopting a mixed research (case study and survey) to verify the model variables, process and validate the model prepositions.
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2018, vol. 1, no 1, 95-112
A Proposed Model for Green Practice Adoption
and Implementation in Information Technology
Based Organizations
Propozycja modelu określania i wprowadzania Zielonych
Praktyk w przedsiębiorstwach wykorzystujących technologie
Bokolo Anthony Jnr.*, Mazlina Abdul Majid, Awanis Romli
Faculty of Computer Systems and Software Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26300 Gambang, Pahang, Malaysia
Green Information technology system offers opportunity for IT based organizations to act proactively in terms of
environmental preservation as well as to mitigate effects of global climate change and other environmental prob-
lems. Green Information technology system adoption and implementation is a plausible attempt for IT based
organizations to resolve the current environmental issues and also enhance their economic performance and
possible social benefits. Currently several models and frameworks have been developed to address sustainability
in various research domain. However, there are few models that can support decision making of practitioners in
adopting and implementing sustainable practices in IT based organization. Therefore there is need to develop
a model to assist practitioners adopt and implement sustainable practices. The proposed model comprises of
Green variables, Green process and a hybrid technique of software agents and case bases reasoning. Findings
from this paper shows the model variables, process, techniques applied and derived prepositions. Ongoing work
involves adopting a mixed research (case study and survey) to verify the model variables, process and validate
the model prepositions.
Key words: sustainability, Green Practice, IT based organization, Case Based Reasoning, Software Agent
Zielone technologie informatyczne ułatwiają firmom wykorzystującym technologie informatyczne (IT) podej-
mowanie działań na rzecz ochrony środowiska, a także tych prowadzących do zmniejszenia skali zagrożeń zwią-
zanych ze zmianami klimatycznymi i innymi współczesnymi wyzwaniami ekologicznymi. Wdrażanie zielonych
technologii informatycznych stanowi właściwe podejście dla firm IT nie tylko z uwagi na możliwość rozwiązy-
wania bieżących problemów środowiskowych, ale także zwiększenia efektywności ekonomicznej i możliwych
korzyści społecznych. Obecnie rozwija się wiele modeli odnoszących się do różnych aspektów zrównoważono-
ści, jednak tylko nieliczne z nich nadają się do wykorzystania w procesie decyzyjnym firm IT. Z tej przyczyny
istnieje potrzeba opracowania takiego modelu, wspierającego wprowadzanie zrównoważonych praktyk na tym
poziomie. Zaproponowany model uwzględnia Zielone zmienne, Zielone procesy i połączenie techniki progra-
mowania agentowego z wnioskowaniem w oparciu o studium przypadku (CBR). Dzięki przyjęciu rozszerzonego
podejścia (studium przypadku, ankieta) możliwa jest weryfikacja zmiennych modelu, procesów i potwierdzenie
przyjętych założeń.
Słowa kluczowe: zrównoważoność, Zielone Praktyki, przedsiębiorstwa IT, CBR, programowanie agentowe
Bokolo et al./Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development 1/2018, 95-112
Green relates to processes and technologies that are envi-
ronmentally friendly, which have a less negative effect on
the environment than conventional ones. The environ-
mental influence of Green technologies and practices
refers to the resultant effect on the ecology during product
lifecycle, while the environmental effect of Green pro-
cesses refers to the reduced need for resources and the
reuse of materials to decreased pollution (Fabian, 2013).
However due to immensely utilization of natural re-
sources, there is insubstantial balance of the future of the
ecological system and this has resulted to increased CO2
emissions. Currently, sustainability problems are domi-
nant and enterprise, governments, academic institutions
and cross-national organizations are revolving their atten-
tion to the enquiry of how to make the world a better
place, thus sustainability has been deliberated as a crucial
research domain within IT based organization. Sustaina-
bility is a multi-complex term which incorporates issues
associated to the environment, economy and society. In
fact, sustainability refers to preservation deployment and
the ethical use of resources.
According to the United Nations Report on World Com-
mission on Environment and Development; sustainable
development in enterprise is development that meets the
needs of the present day without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs (WCED,
1987). Lately, emphasis of environmental concerns has
transformed from the local scale to global scale and has
become the main concern of IT based organizations as
well as non-governmental institutions, governments insti-
tutions and society (Nicky, Henning and Lutz, 2014; Mo-
hammad, Mehrbakhsh, Azizah, Amir and Nor, 2015).
There are three dimensions to sustainability; social, envi-
ronmental and economic generally known as the triple
bottom line. IT based organizations need to develop sus-
tainability strategies that balance societal, environmental
and commercial goals by ensuring that all three dimen-
sions are adhere to simultaneously (Hart, 1997; Fabian,
2013; Daphne and Anol, 2014; Alemayehu, Ahmad and
Vanessa, 2014). Sustainable development in IT based
organizations entails a long term vision, which does not
compromise the capability of future generations to meet
their wants and needs (Chris, Jean and Carolyn, 2014).
According to Chris et al. (2014); Fabian (2013) academic
contributions to the domain of Green information tech-
nology system (ITIS) have evolved since 2008. Green
ITIS continues to gain recognition as both academicians
and practitioners look for pioneering ways of utilizing
ITIS based systems to aid attain Sustainability goals in IT
based organizations. IT based organizations is an organi-
zation that involves more than two people or group of
people working together to accomplish same goal and
objectives, e.g. a university planning on implementing
Green technologies in their laboratories or an organization
using biodegradable materials in producing goods and
services to their consumers.
Information technology (IT) usage in IT based organiza-
tions has resulted to two order effects. The first order
refers to the negative effect of IT use, production and
disposal on the environment. This perception sees IT as
part of the problem, this however resulted to the notion of
making IT product usage and disposal more environmen-
tally friendly and Greener, termed as Green Information
Technology. The second order consequence refers to the
positive effect of IT on the environment which sees IT as
part of the solution by utilizing IT to make business pro-
cedures and strategies Greener known as Green Infor-
mation Systems (IS). Green IT and Green IS are still in
their infancy and have just begun to be understood and
implemented in IT based organizations (Mohammad et
al., 2015; Ibrahim and Alok, 2015). IT based organiza-
tions going Green has become a main topic of concern in
the modern world. Where Green IT in IT based organiza-
tions aims to decrease energy consumption and waste
related with the use of both hardware and software infra-
structures. Green IS in IT based organizations is the use
of information systems to support environmental sustain-
ability strategies and goals (William, Philip and Mak,
2014). In this paper, we use Green ITIS as a derived term
covering all efforts to reduce the environmental damage
initiated by the use of IT, or to use IT in ethical and posi-
tive ways to help in the accomplishment of environmental
aims and goals.
It has become widely recognized that the emanation of
Greenhouse gases is having a cumulative impact on the
climate. Additional it is a known fact that natural re-
sources are speedily being exhausted and the unconcerned
disposal of waste poses a severe threat to human health
(William et al., 2014). Decision making has long been
acknowledged as an issue of great significance within IT
based organizations domain and, in recent years, consid-
erable attention has been dedicated to its impact on the
adoption of Green initiatives by practitioners. William et
al. (2014) argued that for enterprise to systematically
incorporate environmental strategies into their business
activities, they require major change of enterprise deci-
sion making process. However there are few models that
support decision making of practitioners in adopting and
implementing sustainable practices in IT based organiza-
tion. This research study concept of decision making
support is similar to research carried out by Tom (2011)
who researched using case study to study how Green IS
can support organizational sense-making, decision mak-
ing and knowledge sharing and creation around the design
and manufacture domain. However the authors did not
utilize Green variables, Green process and techniques
which are very important as states by Alemayehu (2009a)
in his research on the reach (process) and richness (varia-
bles) of Green IT and also their research is based on de-
sign and manufacture domain, whereas this research study
Bokolo et al./Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development 1/2018, 95-112
is based on IT based organizations domain. Thus this
research study propose a model to support practitioners
in IT based organizations in making Green decisions on
how to adopt and implement sustainable practices in their
organizational process. The model comprises of Green
variables, Green process and a hybrid techniques compris-
ing of software agents and case bases reasoning (CBR).
The Green variables comprises of independent variables
(IT governance, IT practitioners, technologies and system,
motivating forces, IT strategy and information availabil-
ity), moderating variable (age, gender and education),
control variable (timing, country, size, sector and reve-
nue) and Green Adoption and Implementation as depend-
ent variable which is based on pollution prevention, prod-
uct stewarded and sustainable development as mention by
Hart (1997). The Green process includes design, distribu-
tion, procurement, operation and end of life.
The dependent variable in this research study is based on
the findings of Hart (1997) who presented the concept of
environmental sustainability related to the theory of the
Natural Resource-Based View. Hart (1997) identifies
three goals that must be considered by practitioners to
progress the environmental sustainability of IT based
organizations and they includes pollution prevention,
which is attained through minimization of waste and
emissions, product stewardship, addressed by thoughtful-
ness of stakeholder optimization of product lifecycles and
lastly sustainable development, accomplished through
lessening of enterprise's environmental footprint and
obligation to a continuing sustainability vision (Hart,
1997; Fabian, 2013). Information technology (IT) and
information systems (IS) are of particular significance in
realization of these three goals stated above. Thus the
proposed model support practitioners in making decision
to achieve each of these three goals (pollution prevention,
product stewarded and sustainable development) in IT
based organizations only through software agents to
benchmark, assess and rate how Green the enterprise
process currently is case based reasoning to provide sup-
port for making Green decisions based on past successful
Green cases inputted by domain experts.
The positive social consequences of Green practices in IT
based organization is complex to achieve and engages
both practitioners and management to be adaptive and
flexible in infusing Green initiatives and standards. Posi-
tive social consequences towards Green practice adoption
and implementation requires practitioners to cultivate a
sustainable IT organizational culture, set IT social-
sustainability objectives, goals and transform IT services,
products and processes. For implementing social-
sustainability initiatives and strategies, management
should follow several social-sustainability practices ac-
cording to Hart (1997) these positive social consequences
can lead to be reduction of emissions, wastage of water
electronic waste decline, minimizing the total environ-
ment footprint of organizational development and lastly
improving efficiency. Green practice in IT based organi-
zation socially aims to diminish environmental footprint
during usage by utilizing clean technologies that con-
sumes energy from renewable power sources to decrease
the use of polluting materials and improve environmental-
ly friendly know-hows (Vanessa and Alemayehu, 2012).
However for any IT based organization to benefit from
the positive social impacts, they are required to invest in
technologies of the future. Since such technologies can
cause substantial changes in the enterprise development
process with a vision to decrease the negative environ-
mental effects derived from the design to consumption of
IT organizations products and services
The outline of this paper is organized as follows: section 2
presents the materials and methods. Section 3 is the pro-
posed Green decision support model. Section 4 is the
discussion of the paper. Section 5 is the research implica-
tion and limitation of the research and the final section is
the conclusion and future work of the research.
Materials and methods
This section discuss on the methodology adopted in this
research paper; which is desk based research executed by
utilizing secondary data source by reviewing existing
industrial, practitioners and academicians publications
relating to Green sustainability practices in IT based or-
ganizations in discussing the concept of Sustainability in
relation to the environment. Also research publications
relating to Green ITIS practice and lastly existing Green
sustainable models and frameworks was reviewed.
Sustainability in IT organizations
Sustainability was defined by the (WCED, 1987) as de-
velopment that meets the needs of the present without
affecting the ability of future generations to meet their
needs. However, this definition has been criticized by
some researchers such as (Viet, Ian and Jerry, 2011; Ale-
mayehu, 2013) as being extensive and challenging for
enterprise to comprehend and apply. As a result much of
the attention on sustainable development inclines toward
environmental perception without considering the social
and economic aspects of sustainability. More lately, a
triple bottom line (TBL) viewpoint of sustainability has
been embraced which considers enterprise sustainability
to include three modules: society, natural environment,
and economical state of enterprise.
Bokolo et al./Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development 1/2018, 95-112
Figure 1. Triple bottom-line target in IT based organizations
(Viet et al., 2011)
Figure 1 shows the dimension to be considered in attain-
ing sustainability. The balancing of social responsibility,
economic profitability and environmental obligations is
commonly known as the triple bottom line (Viet et al.,
2011; Alemayehu, 2013). By considering the planet (ef-
fects on the environment), people (society) in relation to
enterprise profit (economic) sustainability can be attained
in enterprise (Elkington, 1997).
In fact, it is maintained that long-term viability in enter-
prise is best accomplished by balancing it with environ-
mental and social goals (Elkington, 2004; Hart and Mil-
stein 2003). The Sustainability of IT based organizations
is viewed as a planned shared response to address envi-
ronmental issues caused by enterprise’s operations and
activities aimed at improving the eco-friendliness of its
occupational procedures (Alemayehu, 2013).
IT based organizations can implement Green practices in
attaining Sustainability. These Green practices can be
support enterprise control and prevent pollution through-
out its operations and production activities by incorporat-
ing eco-environmental strategies throughout the system
lifecycle. This implies that while the achievement and
benefit of adopting Green strategies by practitioners could
contribute to enterprise’s environmental as well as finan-
cial value, the accomplishment itself could be subjective
by enterprise’s overall Green strategy (Hart and Milstein
2003; Alemayehu, 2013).
Green IT and Green IS concept
Information Technology refers to computer software,
hardware and peripheral infrastructures, whereas Infor-
mation Systems is an extensive concept that involves the
human activities and technology components related to
the running and management process of technology
across enterprise. IT conveys, processes, or stores and
provides information, whereas IS is an integrated set of
software utilizing IT to support practitioners, group of
professional, enterprise (Stoney, Xuequn and Saonee,
2012). IS comprises of IT such as office computers, phys-
ical servers, network devices as well as shared facilities
such as business applications and IT human resources in
relation to skills, knowledge and database storage. The
present concern on ecological effect of human activities is
ever increasing and numerous efforts have been intro-
duced to lessen increase energy efficiency and energy
consumption. Currently, Green ITIS is grounded on the
first order and second order effects.
The first-order effect relates to the adverse environmental
impact of IT use, design and disposal. This perception
addresses IT as adversely impacting Sustainability. Thus
the use, design and disposal of IT in an environmental
manner is coined as Green IT. The second-order effect
refers to the positive effect of using IT on economic and
business processes. This perspective sees IT as part of the
solutions to Sustainability. Thus utilizing IT to make
enterprises Greener is known as Green IS (Murugesan,
Green ITIS aims to reducing the negative ecological im-
pact of IT using IS to resolve ecological problems
(Vanessa and Alemayehu, 2012). Green ITIS is a system-
atic processing of Sustainability benchmarks such as
product stewardship, pollution prevention and use of
clean technologies to the design, procurement, operation
and disposal of the IT related infrastructure (Vanessa and
Alemayehu, 2012).
Figure 2. Green ITIS effects in IT based organizations (Yulia
and Chulmo, 2012)
Likewise, Tom (2011) mentioned that Green means, least
amount of harmful materials, power efficient during IT
use, and proper disposal or recycling with minimum ef-
fect on human health and environment. Based on several
reviewed literatures Table 1 shows a few contributions of
Green IT and Green IS towards sustainability in IT based
organization. Figure 2 shows that Green ITIS is anticipat-
ed to address the environmental issues and fundamentally
change human behavior towards the environment by re-
solving global warming and producing a sustainable soci-
ety based on three effects. The purposes of Green ITIS
can be distinguished into enabling effect, direct effect and
systemic effect. As an enabling effect, Green ITIS aids to
decrease environmental effects of other economic regions
such as enterprise and domestic households. As a direct
effect, Green ITIS aids to reduce negative effects of tech-
nologies and systems. As a systemic effect, Green ITIS
aids to develop and design innovative IS improved pro-
cesses and products which can intensely changes the
Bokolo et al./Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development 1/2018, 95-112
Table 1. Existing Green ITIS Model and Framework in IT based organization.
Authors, Year and Con-
Problem addressed
1. Qi and Shaobo (2015)
presented a theoretical
framework on organiza-
tional Green IT adoption.
Independent variables comprises of external
drivers which includes technological context and
institutional pressure and the Internal motiva-
tions. The mediating variable is organizational
Green IT adoption and sustainable competitive
advantage as dependent variable.
Provides managers and policy
makers with a systematic analyti-
cal framework to guide enterprise
business decisions.
2. Sulaiman, Muzamil
and Shahin (2015)
investigated the impact
of adoption of Green IT
practice in organization.
The model comprises of institutional pressure,
consideration of future consequences and open-
ness as independent variables and adoption of
Green IT practices as dependent variable, where
the industry type and size of the enterprise are the
control variables.
Examined the factors that affect
the adoption intensity of Green IT
practices in firm’s performance.
3. Ijab and Molla (2012)
studied Green IS from
the theory of practice
The framework comprises of top management,
environmental steward, IS manager and profes-
sionals as independent variables and Green IS
practices (pollution prevention practice, product
stewardship practice and sustainable develop-
ment practice) as dependent variable.
Aimed at understanding how
Green IS emerges and also creates
an understanding of IS in organi-
zations for Sustainability.
4. Tracy, Webster and
McShane (2011) pro-
posed a framework for
Green IT and IS research
The framework comprises of motivating forces,
Green IT/IS strategies, Green technologies and
system as independent variable, organization and
employee as mediating variable and environmen-
tal impacts as dependent variable.
The researchers aimed to address-
es environmental sustainability in
5. Daqing (2011) devel-
oped a model based on
the adoption of Green
The model comprises of organization, business
strategy, technology and environment as inde-
pendent variable and Green IT IS adoption inten-
tion as dependent variable.
Addressed the role of business
strategy in the process of Green
ITIS adoption.
6. Alemayehu and
Vanessa (2009) designed
a Green IT readiness
The framework comprises of attitude, policy,
practice (sourcing, operations and end of IT life),
technology and governance.
Helps organizations evaluate their
readiness for adopting Green IT.
7. Alemayehu (2009a)
introduced the reach
(Green process) and
richness (Green varia-
bles) of Green IT.
Therefore the researcher proposes a framework
comprises of Green process (creation, sourcing,
operation and disposal) and Green variables
(policies, practices, technologies and system).
Assist in the conceptualization of
Green IT and the definition of
Green IT phenomenon.
8. Alemayehu (2009b)
developed Green IT
matrix and motivation
The matrix consists of Green process (sourcing,
operation and end of IT life management) and
variables (policies, practices, technologies and
Explore the extent of Green IT in
business consciousness. Also
identified the influence of institu-
tional forces and organizational
motivations in the adoption of
Green IT.
9. Alemayehu et al.
suggested a Green IT
Readiness Model.
The G-readiness model comprises of Green IT
attitude, Green IT policy, Green IT practice,
Green IT technologies.
Helps to identify key dimensions
for Sustainability.
10. Alemayehu and
Vanessa (2009) present-
ed a Green IT readiness
The framework comprises of attitude, policy,
practice (sourcing, operations and end of IT life),
technology and governance.
Helps organizations evaluate their
readiness for adopting Green IT.
social attitude, behavior and result in restructuring of
consumption deployment and behavior towards enterprise
being more sustainable (Yulia and Chulmo, 2012). It can
be seen that both derived concepts of Green IT and Green
IS has attracted the attention of both researchers and
academicians and has moved from a smaller idea and
strategy of energy efficient data center to include ap-
proaches that improve the environmental footprint of the
design, creation, use and disposal of IT such as servers,
computers and related subsystems that controls the ac-
tions and beliefs practitioners in preventing environmental
pollution, enhancing product stewardship and supporting
Bokolo et al./Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development 1/2018, 95-112
sustainable development (Vanessa and Alemayehu,
2013). Green ITIS substantially ensures that enterprise
products and services are environmentally sustainable
(Watson, Boudreau, Chen and Huber, 2008; Tom, 2011).
Green ITIS are inter related thus our research focuses on
both Green IT and Green IS as seen in the research title
as Green Information Technology Systems.
Related works
Numerous studies suggest the potential of Green ITIS to
incorporate environmental initiatives into enterprise oper-
ations, thereby enhancing enterprise’s social, economic
and environmental targets. Each of the reviewed work
addressed sustainability issue by addressing different
issues. Table 1 briefly summaries ten previous Green ITIS
studies related to this research study.
Hence Table 1 shows related works that has been carried
out, aimed at achieving sustainability in enterprise.
Based on the reviewed 10 researched it is clear that Green
ITIS offers opportunity for IT based organizations to act
proactively in terms of environmental preservation as well
as to mitigate the effects of environmental problems and
other global climate change. Green ITIS adoption and
implementation is a plausible attempt for IT based organi-
zations to resolve the current environmental issues, and
can also enhance the economic performance of IT based
organization. Therefore practitioner’s adopting and im-
plementing sustainable practices can lead to economic,
social and environmental benefits to IT based organiza-
tions and humanity. However none of the model or
framework reviewed can support decision making of
practitioners in adopting and implementing sustainable
practices in IT based organizations utilizing Green varia-
bles, Green process and technique(s). Therefore there is
need to develop a decision support model to assist practi-
tioners in IT based organizations to adopt and implement
sustainable practices in promoting sustainable IT based
Proposed Green Adoption and Implementation Model
This section presents the model proposed to assist practi-
tioners in decisions making and provides support in
adopting and implementing sustainable practice in IT
based organization. The model comprises of Green varia-
bles, Green process and a hybrid techniques comprising
of software agents and case bases reasoning (CBR).
The Green variables comprises of independent variables
(IT governance, IT practitioners, technologies and system,
motivating forces, IT strategy and information availabil-
ity), moderating variable (age, gender and education),
control variable (timing, sector, size, country and reve-
nue) and Green Adoption and Implementation as depend-
ent variable. The Green process includes creation, distri-
bution, sourcing, usage and end of life.
Figure 3 shows the proposed model which comprises of
the Green process (GP), Green variables (independent
variable (IV), control variable (CV), moderating variable
(M) and dependent variable (DV)) and Green techniques
(GT). P1 to P9 are the models’ prepositions.
Model variables, process, techniques and prepositions
This section describes the proposed model in term of the
model’s variables, process, techniques applied and justifi-
cation of each derived prepositions.
Independent variables (IV)
The independent variable (IV) is the input or the case of
something in relation to Green practices in IT based or-
ganization. The independent variables identified from the
literature include; IT practitioners, IT governance, moti-
vating forces, technologies and systems, information
availability and IT strategy. Also this research develops
the propositions to theoretically justify and explain the
relationships in the proposed model. The propositions
were developed based on the review of literature and on-
going research.
IT practitioners
These includes IT professionals, IT experts, environmen-
tal stewards and top management. IT practitioners’ com-
mitment is required for IT based organizations in planning
deploying, implementing, maintaining and validating
enterprise system with environmental deliberations in
mind. Thus IT practitioners’ collaboration is based on
their stakes and shared interest in fulfilling the required
objectives of the enterprise. Thus IT practitioner’s actions
influence how Green practices are implemented and dif-
fused to achieve sustainability in their enterprise. Accord-
ing to Tracy et al. (2011) IT practitioners’ attitude, ethics
and social culture will determine how he/she will care for
the environment. Also previous researcher such as (Stan,
Vanessa, Hepu, Alemayehu and Siddhi, 2010; Sachin,
Pradeep, and Mukesh, 2014; Mohammad, Azizah and
Nor, 2014; Qi and Shaobo, 2015) mentioned that IT prac-
titioners’ capability, beliefs, knowledge, commitment and
experience are determinants which influence IT practi-
tioners’ decision to go Green in their enterprise, thus, we
Bokolo et al./Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development 1/2018, 95-112
Figure 3. Proposed Green Adoption and Implementation model in IT based organization
Preposition 1 (P1). IT practitioner's personality in rela-
tion to environmental sustainability will positively influ-
ence his/her action toward the adoption and implementa-
tion of Green IT IS practice.
IT governance
Green ITIS practices can support practitioners in rede-
signing how enterprise advances their future Sustainabil-
ity strategies. Enterprise management can work together
with practitioner in order to achieve social, economic as
well as environmental benefits in achieving the goals and
aims of enterprise. IT governance are rules, regulations
and guidance stated by management in enterprise to en-
sure that practitioner implement and adopt Green initia-
tives in their enterprise. Therefore this variable deter-
mines the rules and regulation initiated by management
ensuring that practitioners in the enterprise adopt and
implement Green practices in their enterprise process.
IT governance is also concerned with the inspirations that
affects social and enterprise policy, leadership structure,
financial consideration and behavior of IT enterprise
management (Alemayehu, 2008; Grant and Sam, 2012;
Tracy et al., 2011; Stan et al., 2010; Sulaiman et al., 2015;
Alemayehu, 2009b). IT governance offers a medium for
defining the enterprise process. It is the operating pillar
that defines the administration of Green initiatives in IT
based organization. IT Governance is a variable that de-
fines the management administrative decision making
(roles, responsibilities, accountability and control) of
Green initiatives (Stefan, Recker, Pimmer and Vom,
2010; Adela, Richard, Marie-Claude and Elena, 2011;
Stefan, Markus, Eva and Timo, 2011; Alemayehu and
Ahmad, 2012; Watson et al., 2008; Katrina, Anni-Kaisa
and Paavo, 2014; Jens, Roman, and Martin, 2011; Chin-
Jung, Chengli and Wei-Lun, 2015; Sulaiman et al., 2015).
Thus, we propose the following.
Preposition 2 (P2). IT governance structure will have a
positive effect on the adoption and implementation of
Green practice in enterprise.
Technologies and systems
Technologies and system defines the features of IT tech-
nical infrastructures which affect Green ITIS adoption
and implementation. Therefore technology and systems
refers to infrastructures that facilitate sustainable enter-
prise process, these technologies and systems are utilized
by practitioners and management in processing the
knowledge and skills required in implementing Green
ITIS practices in their enterprise. Technologies and sys-
tems used in enterprise process are identified as an im-
portant variable in attaining sustainable decision making
in IT based organization. These technologies and systems
include hardware, software, database, network communi-
cation and infrastructures (Stan et al., 2010; Carolyn and
Jean-Paul, 2014). The technologies and systems also
Bokolo et al./Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development 1/2018, 95-112
involve acquiring more environmentally effective Greener
technologies. Thus technologies and systems are key
driver of Green IT IS practice in IT based organizations
(Qi and Shaobo, 2015; Deepti, Ibrahim, and Alok, 2014;
Ibrahim and Alok, 2014). There is need for efficient low
energy technologies and system to reduce cost and CO2
emission. Thus, we propose:
Preposition 3 (P3). Green practice adoption and imple-
mentation is positively influenced by energy efficient, cost
reduction technologies and systems.
Motivating forces
Motivational forces control how IT based organizations
carries out product and service development in relation to
adopting and implementing Green practices based on
standard set mostly by non-government industries and
governmental institutions. These standards and regulation
are enthusiastic to sustain external groups and would
include responding to pressure from regulatory bodies,
governmental and staffs of enterprise. Moreover, these
regulations refer to supplementary actions targeting the
long term sustainability, avoiding levies, penalties and
also conserving the environment when mitigating envi-
ronmental risk. However, these regulation and policies are
put in to place to confirm practitioners and managers
respond to environmental issues and integrate it into their
enterprise process.
Motivating forces is thus a variable that influences sus-
tainability decision making goal in IT based organization.
These forces are mostly commercial pressure and mainly
stems from increasing energy costs, leading to the need
for enterprises to lessen power consumption of IT hard-
ware. Lowering energy costs is often associated with the
aim to achieve economic advantage. Another motivation
forces stated previously is governmental pressure for
Green ITIS principally which stems from various forms of
environmental standards and regulations enforced by
governments around the world. Social pressure is em-
ployed by the cumulative clients/end users’ call for Green
solutions and the increased positive public awareness of
Green initiatives (Jens et al., 2011; Sachin et al., 2015;
Mohammad et al., 2014; Qi and Shaobo, 2015). Thus
pressure can also influence practitioners’ integration of
Green practices, such pressures includes mimetic (pres-
sure derived when IT based organizations go Green be-
cause other enterprise go going Green), coercive (pressure
from governmental and non-governmental bodies), and
normative pressure (pressure from the management in the
enterprise). Also Incentives from going Green and conse-
quences from not going Green also influence Green prac-
tice adoption and implementation (Grant and Sam, 2012;
Mohammad et al., 2015; Bokolo and Noraini, 2016; Tracy
et al., 2011; Stan et al., 2010; Sulaiman et al., 2015). Thus
we propose that.
Preposition 4 (P4). Interaction between management,
governmental and non-governmental organizational pres-
sure will have a positive effect on the adoption and im-
plementation of Green ITIS.
IT strategy
Mainly involves depiction of IT based organizations in
terms of the organizational routine, scope and manage-
ment structure. This variable determines how practitioners
implement their enterprise strategies. The strategy applied
by IT based organizations in accomplishing their objec-
tives is very vital in the Adoption and Implementation of
Green practices. IT strategy mainly aims to support enter-
prise in decrease their operating expenses in product and
services design and development. Thus Green ITIS can be
used as a strategic decisions tool, since IT strategy is the
most prominent variable of Green ITIS diffusion and
implementation aimed at diminishing expenses and CO2
emissions to achieve a sustainable strategic implementa-
tion in enterprise. Enterprise wanting to adopt Green
practice must first develop a suitable IT strategy that
acknowledges the importance of environmental issues by
enacting environmental practices (Tracy et al., 2011; Stan
et al., 2010; Sulaiman et al., 2015). Thus there is need to
substitute a culture that encourages practitioners to tryout
ideas about environmental issues reduction aligned with
business integration. Furthermore research by Alemayehu
(2008) found out that when practitioner notice a strong
signal from their enterprise management regarding envi-
ronmental issues, they are more likely to be involved in
adopting and implementing environmental friendly initia-
tives. The initiatives, procedure routine and services of an
enterprise will determine if they intend to go Green or not
(Alemayehu, 2008; Carolyn and Jean-Paul, 2014; Decio
et al., 2015; Roya, Ainin and Alemayehu, 2013; Moham-
mad et al., 2014; Qi and Shaobo, 2015). Thus we propose
Preposition 5 (P5). Green ITIS practice is more likely to
emerge if there exist a shared Green strategy in IT based
Information availability
According to Watson et al. (2008) the need for infor-
mation by practitioners leads them to seek IS that offers
ubiquity such as the usage of systems to communicate
with other practitioners, uniqueness such as enterprise
resource planning (ERP) systems to manage the transpor-
tation of developed products/services to end users.
Unison, which is involved when all practitioners in a
project uses corresponding schedule, and lastly universali-
ty which involves services that has more functionality
such as systems that provide practitioners with the latest
Green information relating to the environment and clima-
Bokolo et al./Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development 1/2018, 95-112
te. Sustaining these four information drives (ubiquity,
uniqueness, unison and universality) is a key component
in creating a successful IT based organization, which is
also critical to implement sustainable systems and appli-
cations in enterprise (Watson et al., 2008; Tom, 2011).
Helen, Alemayehu and Vanessa (2012) contributed by
saying that information usage via ITIS can assist to mod-
erate energy consumption, which is one of the aims of IT
based organizations going Green, as there is a clear cost
saving that comes with the use of less power as energy
prices reduces.
Green ITIS aims to support enterprise achieve environ-
mental sustainability initiatives and outcomes. Develop-
ment toward enterprise going Green cannot be successful-
ly undertaken without specific information provided
through an established Green knowledge source (Watson
et al., 2008; Adele et al., 2011; Albert, 2009). Lack of
information, therefore, becomes a hindrance to achieving
environmental outcomes and improving environmental
performance in IT based organizations (Nigel and Ste-
phen, 2010; Richard, Marie-Claude, Adele, Hector, 2011;
Tom, 2011; Helen et al., 2012; Grant and Sam, 2012;
Jeramy, Lisa, Kenneth and Vikram, 2013) thus we pro-
pose that;
Preposition 6 (P6). Green ITIS practice is more likely to
emerge if there exist a shared enterprise Green repository
in enterprise to provide Green information.
Green Practice (GP)
Practice can be defined as collections of recurrent and
planned human activities. Green process is the current
sustainable activities carried out by practitioners in their
enterprise (Ninlawan, Seksan, Tossapol and Pilada, 2010;
Khalid, Patle and Sandeep, 2012; Joseph, Chulmo and
Richard, 2013; Krishnadas and Radhakrishna, 2014).
Green sustainable practices in IT based organizations are
implemented by practitioners carrying out Green activities
in IT based organization.
The process were derived based on works by (Ale-
mayehu and Vanessa, 2009; Alemayehu et al., 2009b;
Mohamad, Alemayehu, Kassahun and Teoh, 2010; Ale-
mayehu, 2009b; Robert, Hsu, Chen and Chang, 2012;
Bokolo and Noraini, 2015; Nathalia, Minsani and Karen,
2011; Alemayehu, 2008; Xiuna and Lin, 2009; Markus,
Jakob, Eva and Stefan, 2013; Biswajit, 2014; Stefan et al.,
2011; Murugesan, 2008; Chandani and Anamika, 2015;
Nuttapon and Gabriel, 2012; Ijab and Molla, 2012; Ale-
mayehu et al., 2009b; Khalid et al., 2012; Ninlawan et al.,
2010; Joseph et al., 2013; Krishnadas and Radhakrishna,
2014; Deepti et al., 2014).
The Green ITIS process, lifecycle or reachness as mention
by (Alemayehu and Vanessa, 2009; Alemayehu et al.,
2009b) involved in IT based organizations comprises of
creation, distribution, sourcing, usage and end of life.
Creation also known as design in Green ITIS domain
refers to the role of IT and IS in supporting enterprise’s
sustainability initiatives. This is implemented when prac-
titioners utilize IT based systems for their enterprise pro-
cess, carbon foot print analysis and environmental man-
agement development activities. It also encompasses IT
based low CO2 enterprise solutions such as telecommut-
ing, IP telephony, web based business services, thin cli-
ent, virtual collaboration and videoconferencing (Khalid
et al., 2012; Ninlawan et al., 2010; Joseph et al., 2013;
Krishnadas and Radhakrishna, 2014).
This phase involves developing systems with automated
components, computers and other auxiliary subsystems
with limited impact on the environment. This phase em-
boldens operative processes and increases the reutilization
and reuse proportion of developed products. Moreover,
this phase also involves sterile delivery systems to en-
courage minimal unwanted materialization that increases
the competence of enterprise, thereby lowering resource
consumption (Alemayehu and Vanessa, 2009; Nuttapon
and Gabriel, 2011; Hong-Mei and Rick, 2012; Alemayehu
and Ahmad, 2012; Alemayehu, 2013; David, 2013;
Biswajit, 2014; Nadinastiti and Kridanto, 2014; Mohan-
kumar and Anand, 2015; Chandani and Anamika, 2015).
Sourcing also referred to as procurement, entails the prac-
tice of eco-sustainable preferable IT infrastructure pur-
chasing in enterprise. This involves eco-sourcing practic-
es such as, evaluation of the Green track record of soft-
ware application, assimilating Green issues such as recy-
clable design and packaging in merchant assessment,
enquiry of environmental foot print of IT hardware and
ICT services providers and addition of social concerns
such as the presence of harmful materials in IT hardware
that are procured for IT based organizations usage (Ale-
mayehu and Vanessa, 2009; Alemayehu et al., 2009b;
Mohamad et al., 2010; Alemayehu, 2009b; Robert et al.,
Usage also known as operation includes reducing IT in-
duced CO2 emissions, structural avoidance results in
reducing installed power capacity, enhancing energy
efficiency in powering and cooling of enterprise IT assets.
This process aims to bring about energy consumption
decrease by optimizing of power utilization without de-
creasing the installed power base (Xiuna and Lin, 2009;
Bokolo et al./Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development 1/2018, 95-112
Markus et al., 2013; Biswajit, 2014; Stefan et al., 2011;
Murugesan, 2008; Chandani and Anamika, 2015; Nutta-
pon and Gabriel, 2012; Ijab and Molla, 2012; Khalid et
al., 2012; Ninlawan et al., 2010; Joseph et al., 2013;
Krishnadas and Radhakrishna, 2014; Deepti et al., 2014).
End of life
This is the most common process implemented in IT
based organization. Based on finding from Alemayehu et
al. (2009b), most organization dispose or recycle their
enterprise redundant or obsolete IT hardware. Thus End
of life also called disposal denotes practices in reusing,
recycling and disposing of IT hardware in an ethical eco-
logical environmental manner (Alemayehu et al., 2008;
Alemayehu and Vanessa, 2009; Alemayehu et al., 2009b;
Alemayehu, 2009b; Xiuna and Lin, 2009; Mohamad et
al., 2010; Nathalia et al., 2011; Robert et al., 2012;
Markus et al., 2013; Bokolo and Noraini, 2015).
Albert (2009) contributed by saying that it is important
for practitioners to carry out each process in order to
achieve sustainable enterprise, because some enterprise
only practice one or two process and claim they adopt
Green process which is wrong, thus we propose that;
Preposition 7 (P7). Interaction between creation, distri-
bution, sourcing, usage, end of life practice will have a
positive effect on the adoption and implementation of a
Green practice in IT based organization.
Control variables (CV)
The control variables are variables that are constant in the
enterprise over a period of time. The control variables
identified from the literature include sector, timing, size,
country and revenue.
Enterprise size
This variable was mentioned by (Chin-Jung et al., 2015;
Jens et al., 2011; Katrina et al., 2014; Sulaiman et al.,
2015; Alemayehu and Ahmad, 2012; Schmidt and Kolbe,
2011; Savita, Dominic and Ramayah, 2014; Sachin et al.,
2014; Mohammad et al., 2014; Jack and Lucky, 2015;
Oriana and Elena, 2014). Thus, the present study includes
enterprise size based on enterprise's total assets in terms
of the practitioners in the enterprise. According to
Sulaiman et al. (2015) sustainable enterprise strategic
adoption varies according to the size of the enterprise.
Smaller enterprise have less sophisticated understanding
of technical issues while larger enterprise are usually in
possession of more infrastructure, finance and human
resources. Although, bigger enterprises are also disadvan-
taged as they tend to be less agile and flexible than small-
er enterprise. In contrast, smaller enterprise are anticipat-
ed to be more innovative, they require less of communica-
tion, organization and external impact to make decisions.
Enterprise sectors
This variable was suggested by (Chin-Jung et al., 2015;
Katrina et al., 2014; Adela et al., 2011; Sulaiman et al.,
2015; Alemayehu and Ahmad, 2012, Chris et al., 2014;
Krishnadas and Radhakrishna, 2014; Savita et al., 2014;
Sachin et al., 2015; Mohammad et al., 2014; Carolyn and
Jean-Paul, 2014; Deepti et al., 2014; Jack and Lucky,
2015; Oriana and Elena, 2014). IT based organizations in
diverse industry sectors may accomplish differently in
terms of Green sustainable practice adoption and imple-
mentation. As enterprise in different industry sectors have
different needs, it appears that those in more information
intensive sectors are more likely to adopt Green initiatives
than those in less IT intensive sectors. Enterprise such as
industries such as banking, courier services, airlines, etc.
which tend to have more information content in their
products and services are more likely to shift to a more
sustainable enterprise than those in engineering sector.
Current adopters of e-commerce from the industrial sector
tend to face more setbacks than other sectors. Enterprise
type could affect how practitioners adopts and imple-
ments sustainable practices (Sulaiman et al., 2015).
This variable was mentioned by (Chin-Jung et al., 2015;
Jens et al., 2011; Sachin et al., 2015; Mohammad et al.,
2014; Jack and Lucky, 2015; Oriana and Elena, 2014).
The time an enterprise first adopt Green initiatives may
affect its implementation due to first mover benefit. Thus
this research includes timing as a control variable to rec-
ognize when the enterprise starts to adopt and implement
Green sustainable practices.
Jens et al. (2011) proposed this control variable in their
research stating that the topographical site of the country
effects the adoption and implementation of Green practic-
es in any enterprise, thus the administration decisions in
countries will differ from one country to the other.
This variable was mentioned by (Adela et al., 2011;
Schmidt and Kolbe, 2011; Fabian, Koray, Felix and Rue-
diger, 2012; Daqing, 2011) as a control variable in their
research asserting that enterprise with suitable financial
resources are able to examine new practices and cope
with implementation failures. Hence, the income acquired
by an enterprise over a period of time will influence if the
enterprise adopts and implements Green strategies in its
enterprise process.
Therefore IT based organizations supporting Green prac-
tices in their business process is based on several varia-
Bokolo et al./Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development 1/2018, 95-112
bles, known as control variables which comprises of the
time duration the enterprise originated, the sector of the
enterprise such as educational sector, telecommunication
sector, etc. The size of the enterprise also influence if
practitioners will go Green or not. The location of the
country is also a control variable since different county
has different policies and lastly the revenue or profit gen-
erated by the enterprise will determine if the management
will encourages and promotes Green initiatives or not.
An enterprise that makes more income will easily go
Green unlike an enterprise that makes less income (Chin-
Jung et al., 2015; Jens et al., 2011; Katrina et al., 2014;
Sulaiman et al., 2015; Alemayehu and Ahmad, 2012;
Bokolo and Noraini, 2015; Schmidt and Kolbe, 2011;
Oriana and Elena, 2014). Thus we propose that;
Preposition 8 (P8). The adoption and implementation of a
Green IT/IS varies due to how long the enterprise has
existed, enterprise sector, enterprise size, location of the
enterprise and revenue made by the enterprise.
Moderating variables (M)
Moderating variables are variables that regulate certain
independent variables. The moderating variables identi-
fied from the literature include age, sector, gender and
education. The moderating variables in this research are
derived from (Alemayehu, Vanessa, Hepu and Stasys,
2009d; Alemayehu et al., 2014; Deepti et al., 2014; Mo-
hammad and Azizah, 2015). These sociodemographic
variables (age, gender, and education) are critical in un-
derstanding how practitioners and management make
decisions about adopting and implementing Green prac-
tices. This implies that, in attempting to understand how
practitioners in IT based organizations make Green deci-
sions, it is important to consider how the demographic
variables moderate practitioners and management deci-
sions in adopting and implementing Green initiatives.
The relationship between gender and practitioners and
management Adoption and Implementation of Green
practices has produced diversified results. For example,
Alemayehu et al. (2014); Deepti et al. (2014) reported that
practitioner and management’s gender does forecast
Green attitude. Further, gender differences have been
found not to have an effect on practitioners implementing
and adopting Green practices in their enterprise. Howev-
er, other researcher such as Alemayehu et al. (2009d) has
detected substantial differences in environmentally re-
sponsible behaviors because of gender differences. Ale-
mayehu et al. (2009d) reported that women have more
favorable attitudes toward the environment and are more
involved in recycling activities. Thus the researcher be-
lieves that females are more likely to be engage in envi-
ronmentally friendly and recycling behaviors than men. In
addition, Mohammad and Azizah (2015) indicated that
men pay meaningfully less attention to greenhouse gas
(GHG) reduction activities other than women. Women are
also more likely to characterize global climate change as
the most significant environmental concern than men
(Alemayehu et al., 2009d).
A number of researchers have explored the relationship
between practitioners and management age toward Green
practices adoption and implementation in IT based organ-
ization. Some have reported the relationship between age
and the environmental attitudes of practitioners and man-
agement (Alemayehu et al., 2009d; Deepti et al., 2014).
However environmental issues awareness is higher and
more stable among practitioners and management mem-
bers aged 55-60 years, those aged between 25-35 years
have strong but unstable concern, and middle-aged citi-
zens manifest a stable subset of concerns for the environ-
ment (Alemayehu et al., 2014). As the age of individuals
’increases, their engagement with reuse, reduce; recycle
activities increases, although others have found an im-
portant and negative relationship between age and practi-
tioners and management going Green (Mohammad and
Azizah, 2015).
Several studies have examined the influence of education
on sustainable practice in enterprise. However, the find-
ings are indecisive. Some found negative correlation be-
tween the educational levels of practitioners in relation to
sustainable practice, researchers such as Alemayehu et al.
(2009d); Alemayehu et al. (2014) found significant posi-
tive relationships between education level and ecological
environmental practice. Thus there is a positive link be-
tween practitioners and management age in relation to
Greening their enterprise, as their age increases their
association in sustainable activities such as in the reuse,
recycle, refurbish, reduces, also increases. Alemayehu et
al. (2014) Mohammad and Azizah (2014) reported that
there is a significant correlation between age and Green
ITIS practicing, and they found that young practitioners
and management members are more towards practicing
Green ITIS.
Based on the gender of practitioners and management, it
is reported by Alemayehu et al. (2009d) that gender is not
forecasting the attitude towards the environment. Further,
it has reported that there is no difference between males
and females concerning sustainable practice in enterprise
(Alemayehu et al., 2014; Mohammad and Azizah, 2014).
The correlation among Green practice adoption and im-
plementation in relation to the educational level of IT
practitioners and management members has been re-
searched by Alemayehu et al. (2009d); Alemayehu et al.
Bokolo et al./Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development 1/2018, 95-112
(2014); Mohammad and Azizah (2014). The results re-
garding the influence of education level on Green practice
adoption and implementation is mixed which some schol-
ars such as Alemayehu et al. (2014) reported the signifi-
cant influence of educational level while others argue the
insignificant impact of educational level on Green prctice
adoption and implementation. Based on the preceding
arguments the following propositions are made:
Preposition 9a (P9a). The age of IT practitioners and IT
governance management member moderates the Adoption
and Implementation of Green IT/IS in enterprise.
Preposition 9b (P9b). The gender of IT practitioners and
IT governance management member moderates the Adop-
tion and Implementation of Green IT/IS in enterprise.
Preposition 9c (P9c). The educational level of IT practi-
tioners and IT governance management member moder-
ates the Adoption and Implementation of Green IT/IS in
Dependent Variables (DV)
The dependent variable (DV) is the output or the effect of
something in IT based organizations implementing and
adopting Green practices. The dependent variable (DV) is
based on the independent variables and the control varia-
bles (Siti and Ruziah, 2012), thus DV depends on IV,
while IV influences DV. Therefore the dependent variable
is Green Adoption and Implementation. This is the de-
pendent variable as previously stated; this variable de-
pends on other variables. This research aims to provide a
decision making support model for adoption and imple-
mentation of Green ITIS practices in IT based organiza-
tion. According to Hart (1997); Watson et al. (2008);
Tracy et al. (2011); Adela et al. (2011) IT based organiza-
tions pursue sustainability based on the three phases of
Sustainability practices namely; pollution prevention,
product stewardship and clean technology.
Pollution prevention practice
Mostly concerns the control and mitigation of contaminat-
ing emissions wastes during and after development pro-
cedures. In IT based organizations pollution prevention
practice involves innovative use of IS to lessening pollu-
tion produced by enterprise processes. In mitigating pollu-
tion, practitioners use IS technology such as innovative
carbon energy assessment and control application or
telematics systems to reduce enterprise’s carbon footprint
(Hart, 1997; Watson, 2010; Tracy et al. 2011, Adela et al.,
Service steward practice
This phase requires environmental effects to be consid-
ered all through IT based organizations processes. This
phase is generally based on the ethics of the practitioners
and management. In IT based organization, service stew-
ardship practice includes advance use of system such as
innovative digital platforms, conference and collaboration
system that improve the eco-friendly of product and ser-
vice Adoption and Implementation. Service steward prac-
tice also involves the utilization of diagnostic applications
such as the life cycle control program in the product and
service policy that can assist practitioners attain product
and service ethics strategy (Hart, 1997; Watson, 2008;
Tracy et al. 2011, Adela et al., 2011).
Clean technology practice
Clean technology or sustainable development practice
includes the use of modern application or systems to
change enterprise processes by implementing and adopt-
ing practices that improve and preserve resources, low
waste, non-polluting, and energy efficient strategies.
Clean technology practice in IT based organizations in-
volves usage of sustainable data and learning controlling
systems that change enterprise operations. This phase also
involves usage of compliance application software that is
used by practitioners in product and service development
for supporting enterprise decision making and creation of
knowledge for ecological sustainability. This can be seen
as a Green clean technology or sustainable development
practice (Hart, 1997; Watson, 2008; Tracy et al. 2011,
Adela et al., 2011).
Techniques for Green ITIS practices in IT based or-
ganizations (GT)
Software agents and case based reasoning is used as tech-
niques to facilitate Green ITIS Adoption and Implementa-
tion of practitioners carrying out Green process in IT
based organization. Case Based Reasoning (CBR) is one
of the evolving paradigms for developing intelligent sys-
tems. It shows important potential for enhancing the effi-
ciency of unstructured and complex decision making. It
resolves new issues by adopting previously successful
solutions to similar problems.
In CBR technique a set of Green cases stored in the case
base is used as main source of knowledge. CBR support
practitioners to use experience from past and chooses the
most similar case to the current problem, based on the
concept that similar problems would have similar solu-
tions (Jack and Lucky, 2015). This research will contrib-
utes to Green ITIS research in the domain of IT based
organizations by utilizing case based reasoning approach
to support practitioners in decision making on how to
implement and diffuse Green practices in IT based organ-
izations process. Thus caring for the environment and
reducing climatic changes. Data from the case-base li-
brary can support practitioners in decreasing energy cost
and lessen CO2 emission.
Bokolo et al./Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development 1/2018, 95-112
Software agents can assist practitioners and management
in making Green decisions to support sustainability in IT
based organization. Multi software agents are software
that performs specific task on behalf of practitioner, inde-
pendently or with little control. These agents are useful in
automating monotonous tasks, discovering and explicato-
ry information (Mazlina and Tutut, 2013).
The characteristic of the multi agents in the model in-
cludes; autonomy in which multi software agents are
aware of their environment operating without human
interference to some extent in order to assist in decision
making. With autonomous behavior, software agents can
take control over Green activities and work without prac-
titioners’ interference. The reactivity of multi software
agents can observe their environment and respond to
specific Green activities changes. Software agents identi-
fy the context in which Green practices are carried out
and react to it appropriately. Pro-activeness of multi-
software agents makes agents initiate Green practice sug-
Whereas the persistence of multi-software agents are not
implemented on demand but run continuously and decide
for themselves when it should assist in Green implemen-
tation. Interactivity is the ability of an agent to maintain
communication between different Green processes. Multi-
software agents establish dialogue and share Green re-
sources and services spanning across different practition-
ers. Due to the mentioned features of software agents and
case based reasoning, we decided to utilize software
agents assisted by cased based reasoning to facilitate the
Green process carried out in IT based organization.
The role of energy in IT based organizations is being
transformed. It is moving from being an item towards
becoming a service. As such, Green ITIS can assist man-
age energy usage efficiently and effectively, it is predict-
ed that there will be almost 100 % rise in the ICT divi-
sion’s footprint by 2020, but approximates that the opera-
tional use of ITIS within IT based organizations could cut
CO2 emissions by up to 5 times this quantity. IT based
organizations are progressively realizing the significance
of sustainability, and many are attempting to design or
redesign their enterprise processes so that their activities
are more ecologically friendly.
Even though IS literature has studied how IS can support
several enterprise processes and improve the effectiveness
and efficiency in enterprise, few studies have focused on
how Green ITIS strategies and initiatives can improve and
support practitioners decision making in relation to adopt-
ing and implementing sustainable practices.
Sustainability is a multi-dimensional objective that re-
quires action from practitioners, societies and enterprise.
This study focuses on supporting decision making of
practitioners and management in adopting and implement-
ing Green sustainable practices in IT based organizations
domain. However, variables and process can also come
into play and affect enterprise Green decision making.
Presently more enterprise embraces Green initiatives. In
order to stay competitive, IT based organizations needs to
be prepared for strategic Green decision making. This
research explores the roles of ITIS in developing ecologi-
cal sustainability in IT based organization.
Based on sustainability research, we proposed a model
and propositions to be further investigated through empir-
ical research. The proposed model shows that implement-
ing Green practices in enterprise is carried out based on
the Green process, from creation, distribution, sourcing,
usage and end of life is useful in implementing and adopt-
ing sustainable knowledge to practitioners in attaining
environmental goals.
Green ITIS has recently gained increasing prevalent con-
sideration in IT based organization. Besides concentrating
on economic gains of enterprise activities, management
and practitioners also need to consider the environmental
and social impacts of their enterprise activities (Elkington,
2004). Green ITIS can actually support enterprise increase
profitability, reduce cost, sustain their corporate sales,
competitive gain among other firms, and become sustain-
able contributors to the humanity and enterprise business
process in the long term.
Additionally, this research states the importance of sus-
tainability research and practice in IT based organizations
and consider all three factors of sustainability profit, plan-
et, people, concurrently, if practitioners considers each of
the independent variables and implement each of the
model process assisted by case based reasoning and soft-
ware agents they can contribute towards making profit for
their enterprise. Practitioners can also care for the planet
by reducing CO2 emission, thus contributing to a cleaner
environment for people and future generations to come.
Research implication and limitation
Theoretical implication
The proposed Green ITIS model represents an original
contribution to the information systems literature. The
models’ variables and process together with case based
reasoning and software agents will be useful in Green IT
and Green IS research. However the theoretical implica-
tion of this research is based on the fact that the research
is basically related to IT based organizations only. Green
practices in IT based organization, institutions, companies
and universities are implemented and diffused to ensure
that IT infrastructures (hardware, software and network
communications) are utilized and disposed-off properly.
The research concern IT practitioners among Malaysian
institution, similar to research done by (Matti, Bukaza and
Joy, 2009; Maryam, Mahmood, Neginsadat and Moham-
mad, 2012; Carolyn and Jean-Paul, 2014; Ibrahim and
Alok, 2014; Alemayehu et al., 2014; Nana, Amevi and
Bokolo et al./Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development 1/2018, 95-112
Nii, 2016) where their research was carried out in institu-
tions and Malaysian enterprise similar to research done by
(Watson et al. 2008; Alemayehu, 2008; Jason, 2010; Ed-
ward et al., 2011; Robert et al., 2012; Tom, 2011; Bokolo
and Noraini, 2015; Grant and Sam, 2012; Sulaiman et al,
2015) where the research was carried out in IT based
Thus the scope of research considers only Green practices
in university institution and enterprise. Also this research
considers only IT practitioners in IT based organizations
only. There are other Green ITIS model and frameworks
that were searched and reviewed from the literatures de-
veloped by other researchers that was not considered in
this paper because the researcher did not outline their
variables or/and process in their proposed approaches.
Other research works was not considered because the
research is not related to IT based organizations domain.
Practical implication
This proposed model comprising of Green process, varia-
bles and techniques which are software agents and case
based reasoning (CBR). The model shows how Green
ITIS can be implemented and diffused in IT based organi-
zation. Practitioners can use the identified process and
variables as a guideline in making decision for attaining
sustainability in their enterprise. The model also supports
practitioners to implement Green initiatives not only from
the human and managerial perspectives but also the IT
technical infrastructure.
In addition, the model, rather than viewing Green ITIS
from one domain of IT strategies, is based on Green pro-
cess comprising of creation, distribution, sourcing, usage
and end of life and variables. The proposed model can
also offers a common platform for practitioners to make
decision to benchmark and assess their current Green IT
initiatives and strategies only.
We recognize the following limitations of the study. First,
the field of Green ITIS and the enterprise abilities to
transform toward Green ITIS practices are evolving. We
utilized both academic and practitioner literature using
desk based research to identify the model variables, pro-
cess and suitable techniques to develop the model. How-
ever, we haven‘t conducted an in-depth case studies based
on interviews to confirm and pool additional variables and
process if any.
Although the approach suggested is suitable to ensure
content validity, there is need for further improvement,
especially one that is based on in depth case studies to
derive any potential variable or process that are missed
from the present model.
Conclusion and future works
The adverse side effects of IT combined with the higher
dependency on IT have elevated the importance of practi-
tioners going Green. This has resulted to IT based organi-
zations utilizing IS to achieve sustainability in the enter-
prise business process. Practitioners’ adoption and im-
plementation of Green practice is essential to limit the
negative effects of the fast universal growth of domestic
energy demand. Therefore, understanding the variables
influencing Green ITIS adoption and process involved in
implementing Green ITIS is both an enterprise asset and a
social benefit to the environment.
But presently practitioners find it hard to make decisions
on how to implement and adopt Green sustainable prac-
tices in IT based organizations. Thus this research study
proposes a Green ITIS model that assists practitioners in
adopting and implementation of Green initiatives in IT
based organization. The significant impact of decision
making support on Green practice adoption has already
been reported in the literature and findings of this study
outline the proposed model variables, process and tech-
niques that are based on previous scholar works.
The proposed models’ independent, moderating, control
and dependent variables supports the findings from previ-
ous studies shown in Table 2 of this research paper. The
model process is similar to previous works by (Ale-
mayehu, 2009b; Alemayehu, 2009a; Alemayehu et al.,
2009a; Alemayehu and Vanessa, 2009).
This study provides practitioners with guidance regarding
the adopting and implementation of Green initiatives and
strategies in their enterprise. IT based organizations can
use the proposed model’s comprehensive set of variables
and process to measure their current enterprise process.
The study offers a basis for benchmarking current enter-
prise process against the models’. The model processes
are critical drivers to generate sustainability value in IT
based organization. The models’ process and variables
represent both tangible and intangible assets and infra-
structures in the enterprise.
Thus the process serve as strong performance measure
components for strategic initiatives and provide practi-
tioners and management with a means to reflect on Green
actions taken through the enterprise sustainability devel-
opment procedures. Researchers investigating the varia-
bles and process involved in making decision on how IT
based organizations can fully go Green can refer to the
proposed model as a support oriented model. The model
can be used by other researchers to institute a cause and
effect relationship. It can also be used by practitioners as
a Green decision support model to assess how Green their
enterprise process is based on the Green process. Thus the
proposed model enriches the Green ITIS body of
Bokolo et al./Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development 1/2018, 95-112
Future work/Ongoing work involves the adoption of a
mixed research methodology (qualitative and quantitative
approach) will be adopted, similar to Nicky, Henning and
Lutz (2014) research. Presently interview and question-
naire instrument are being developed based on previous
measurement items from relevant literatures.
The model process and variables will be verified using
case study by interview carried out in different Malaysian
based enterprises similar to work carried out by (Ale-
mayehu and Vanessa, 2009; Schmidt and Kolbe, 2011;
Stefan et al., 2010; Stan et al., 2010; Savita et al,, 2014;
Nicky et al., 2014; Decio et al., 2015). The case study
data will be analyzed using descriptive and narrative
analyses. After which Green sustainable documents will
be collected to verify the model also.
Data will be collected using online survey (questionnaire)
among various ITIS practitioners in enterprise which is in
line with research implemented by (Alemayehu, 2009b;
Alemayehu, 2009a; Alemayehu et al., 2009a) who used
surveys to validate their developed model. Structural
Equation Modelling (SEM) will be used to analyses the
data to refine and validate the model relationships similar
to work carried out by (Sulaiman et al., 2015; Alemayehu
et al., 2009b; Alemayehu, 2009a; Adela et al., 2011; Jens
et al., 2011; Alemayehu et al., 2014; Sulaiman et al.,
This research is financially supported by Universiti Ma-
laysia Pahang; Doctorate Scholarship Scheme (DSS),
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Research Grant No
RDU1603118 and UMP Postgraduate Research Grants
Scheme (PGRS).
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... There have been calls from national institutions and global bodies for organizations to adopt sustainable ways of doing business [1]. Responding to these calls, organizations have shown the tendency to operate sustainably by taking environment-friendly initiatives and putting in place policies, procedures, and practices to reduce their detrimental impact on the environment [4]. Past research has revealed evidence suggesting that sustainability-oriented systems should be supported by employee pro-environmental behaviors, in order to achieve environmental goals [5]. ...
... In total 17 respondents (4,15,21,27,67,70,93,118,128,155,172,233,237,251, 260,261,310) owing to them being below the threshold of 0.5 standard deviation were excluded from the further analyses. After accounting for missing values, unengaged responses, and normality, the remaining 311 respondents out of 328 were left to be considered for further analysis, as shown in Table 1. ...
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Voluntary pro-environmental behaviors in the workplace such as organizational citizenship behavior towards environment (OCBE) are pertinent for the organizations striving to become environmentally responsible entities. The significance of OCBE for green organizational initiatives has led scholars to strive for expanding its nomological network. Approaching from the theoretical angle of the social information processing approach, this quantitative, survey-based study theoretically links and empirically tests the impact of environmental transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behavior towards environment (OCBE) via mediating mechanism of perceived meaningful work. Data from a sample of 311 employees working in Pakistan’s hospitality sector were collected and analyzed to test the hypothesized relationships using structural equation modelling. Results indicated the indirect effect of perceived meaningful work on the relationship between environmental transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior towards environment. Implications of both theoretical and practical nature are laid out in the relevant sections of the paper.
... GISs refers to the application of information technologies to develop information systems (IS) with the intent to support enterprises' internal operations, but also to help minimize polluting emissions, waste of raw materials and natural resources to reduce corporate environmental footprint (Fang et al., 2018;Khor et al., 2015;Yang et al., 2018) and thus meet their ecological objectives without overlooking their economic aims (Carberry et al., 2019;Chen et al., 2011;Sarkis et al., 2013). Thus, there are numerous types of ISs related to environmental care issues that satisfy this requirement, such as environmental management systems (Acuña et al., 2017), systems for online collaborative work (Bokolo et al., 2018;Yang et al., 2017), systems for monitoring emissions (Imasiku et al., 2019;Khan and Qianli, 2017;Sarkis et al., 2013), process automation (Chen et al., 2011), transportation route optimization (Yang et al., 2018), systems for energy consumption monitoring (Corbett, 2013;Watson et al. 2010), among others. Now, to evaluate the quality of GISs and their impact on companies, the scientific academy has adapted the natural resource-based view (NRBV) proposed by Hart (1997) and the strategic capabilities that comprise it: pollution prevention, product stewardship, and internal sustainable development. ...
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Environmental stewardship has become a relevant issue in the manufacturing industry, as the absence of environmental stewardship can cause irreparable havoc. This study aimed to develop a scale to assess green information systems, environmental strategies, and organizational performance in the manufacturing sector. 99 valid questionnaires were collected. The methodology used for the statistical treatment of the data was conducted by an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis showing that the referent items are structured similarly to their theoretical antecedent, while a confirmatory analysis allowed statistical validation. The results indicate that the proposed scale proved to be adequate to measure the described phenomena despite being a little-explored topic, which could allow the development of a more concise guide when considering green technologies within strategic planning.
... The tenth variable, which depends on the GITL model, is GIT adoption intention. The study of this variable proceeds from studies related to the adoption of sustainable practices that have the objective of facilitating adoption and implementation decision-making of ecological practices in organizations, with the inclusion of green processes, green variables, and basic reasoning techniques [141]. ...
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In organizations, part of sustainability is manifested through green information technology (GIT) for the use of information technologies (IT) resources in a profitable and sustainable manner. The purpose of this study was to understand the social, individual, and contextual factors that drive actors belonging to the sector of organizations in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) context on the intention to adopt GIT to generate strategies that promote its application. A model resulting from the analysis and integration of adoption models was proposed, including the theory of planned behavior (TPB), norm activation theory (NAT), GIT adoption model (GITAM), and environmental sustainability variables. To determine the predictive factors, the research team collected data from organizations belonging to Mexico, Panama, Honduras, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile, where information was collected from personnel at strategic, tactical, and operational levels. Data were collected from 562 informants from different productive and service sectors and analyzed using a structural equation model with the partial least squares technique. This research provided important insights into the most significant factors that determine intent towards GIT adoption. The model analyzed contextual variables of the organization or external drivers, such as the motivating forces of environmental sustainability and environmental, organizational, and technological contexts; and behavioral variables of internal organizational actors, such as awareness of the consequences, attribution of responsibility, motivation, attitude, assignment of responsibility, and internal IT enablers.
... Sürdürülebilirlik, var olan kaynakların korunması ve etik kullanımını içeren ve çevre, ekonomi ve toplum ile ilgili konuları kapsayan bir kavramdır (Bokolo, Mazlina & Avanis 2018). Sürdürülebilir BT hizmetleri, sürdürülebilirlik gereksinimlerini karĢılamak için güç yönetimi, sanallaĢtırma, soğutma teknolojisinin iyileĢtirilmesi, geri dönüĢüm, elektronik atık imhası ve BT altyapısının optimizasyonu gibi yeĢil bilgi iĢlem uygulamalarının entegrasyonunu gerektirir (Harmon & Auseklis 2009). ...
... The literature review in the area of CSFs for Green IS adoption/acceptance is limited in the present scenario. From the accessible articles/reports it is explored that different authors (like [5], [7], [26], [49], [62] Intention to Adopt Green IS in organization'(BI) have been identified on the basis of decision made after discussion with Expert's and Academician in the field of IT/Technology adoption as well as considering the modernization (inclusion of UTAUT2 theory constructs) and feasibility of the study. [39] developed Green IS Adoption Model (GITAM) based on existing innovation and adoption models e.g TOE model. ...
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Numerous studies explore that, in current era, Banking and Information Technology (IT) services sector, in various developed/developing countries, either adopted or in the phase of Green IS adoption. Since countries, round the globe, have recognized the significance of Green IS and its impact over environment, it is now vital for every industry to implement Green IS and contribute in environment sustainability. This Research-in-Progress paper observes the effective Green IS implementation through carefully consideration of different Motivational, Technological, Organizational and Environmental factors. Subsequently, in this paper 16 different factors are revealed via Literature Review and Experts opinion and a research model is developed using Technological-Organizational-Environmental (T-O-E) theory and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) framework for effective Green IS implementation, which will be helpful for academician and practitioners in this field.
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Razumevanje ciljev, obsega in omejitev sprememb procesov je ključnega pomena pri prilagajanju poslovnih sistemov spremembam v okolju. V prispevku je predstavljen pristop k organizacijskim spremembam za ustvarjanje trajnostnih procesov. V prvem delu prispevka je predstavljena mednarodna raziskava, ki je bila izvedena v štirih državah. Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave je prikazana uporabnost in koristnost organizacijskih ukrepov z vidika njihovega pozitivnega vpliva na kazalnike strukturne in operativne učinkovitosti poslovnih procesov. V drugem delu prispevka je delovanje pristopa testirano na primeru minimizacije odpadkov v procesu razvoja v industriji premazov. Študija primera ponazori uspešnost pristopa v 88 % zmanjšanju odpadkov in do 48 % zmanjšanju časa in stroškov.
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It is necessary to adapt constantly to the business environment with its changing demands. Understanding the objectives, scope, and limitations of actual process changes is crucial, and can be achieved with numerous measures, methods, and techniques. This research demonstrates an innovative approach to organizational changes to enable sustainable processes. In the first part of this research, relevant measures, methods, and techniques are selected through an in-depth literature review. Then, an international online questionnaire is executed among 213 enterprises from four countries. In the last part of this research, the developed approach is tested for the example of waste minimization in the process of developing coatings. Based on the analysis of the survey questionnaire, the usability and benefits of various measures are demonstrated, namely from the point of view of their positive impact on structural and operational efficiency indicators. At the end of the article, a case study presents the success of the innovative approach in terms of 88% waste minimization and up to 48% time and cost reductions in the process of developing coatings. The proposed approach enables better choices to be made and the more efficient use of various measures, which can lead to more sustainable processes and improve the efficiency of enterprises.
In the production and manufacturing stream, green supply chain management has attracted much attention from academicians and policy makers. It encompasses theoretical and practical models, ranging from macro-level institutional pressure to micro-level lean manufacturing, total quality management, and supplier relationship management. A rising number of corporations are embracing sustainable development strategies, either due to peer pressure or to fulfil their social responsibilities to society and the environment. Against this backdrop, although vast literature is available, it lacks a theoretical model and management strategy for effective implementation of the GSCM within the firms effectively. The latest literature has a limited vision from the management perspective. Despite such popularity, there is a requirement for a comprehensive framework that can investigate the effect of GSCM on financial, social, and environmental performance with environmental uncertainties and product complexities at the micro-level. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine previous research and develop a theoretical model that incorporates an excellent theory-building process between the three primary features of global supply chain management practises competitive advantage and organizational performance. The study employs bibliometric analysis to conduct a holistic review to explore GSCM research and evaluate its methodological design, publication trends and themes.
This study aims to encourage organisational “safeness” during and after the pandemic by integrating green practices and a safe approach for sustainable innovation. The hotel industry was referred considering (1) the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the industry, (2) safe stay is the current trend which is expected will persist for an extended period, and (3) hotel environmental friendliness is a competitive advantage. The pandemic has redirected customer attention away from hotel features and onto the “safest” hotel that is practically Coronavirus-free. While recognising the negative environmental impact created by the industry, this research proposed a GREEFE framework to connect the fundamental elements of hotel marketing (green marketing mix: green products, green price, green promotion; and green place) with safety measures. The systematic review supported that green is associated with being clean and safe. Therefore, the hoteliers are recommended to ensure a safe hotel stay by going green during and after the pandemic.
This chapter responds to the need to explore the implementation of Green ITGreen Information Technology (Green IT)in Gulf Cooperation CouncilGulf Cooperation Council (GCC) (GCC) organisations to better understand their current Green IT initiatives and pave the way for recommendations to optimise their business IT potential for environmental sustainabilitySustainability. This chapter presents the data collection method (quantitative) that will refine and confirm data showing the current attitudes of IT personnelIT personnelin GCCGulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Three themes were addressed by IT personnelIT personnel: Information Technology, Social and Cultural and Green ManagementManagement. The findings of these themes led to the developmentDevelopment of ten factors: sustainable data centre, employees’ skills developmentDevelopment, automated sustainabilitySustainability, cloud computingCloud computing, embedding sustainability, sustainability awarenessSustainability awareness, government responsibility, sustainability implementation, recycling managementManagement, and Green ITGreen Information Technology (Green IT) usage.
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Software industries, society and government are becoming increasingly concerned about the impact of the increasing use of IT infrastructure on the environment, especially in terms of energy efficiency, emission reduction and toxic waste. There are few models or frameworks that can assist software practitioners in making decision on how to integrate sustainable green practices in software management process. Thus this paper contributes and studies on the use of information systems to support sustainability in software industries known as “Green IS” and provides a preliminary insight into the utilization and integration of sustainability in software management process as well as the variables that influence eco-environmental practices by proposing a model that will assist decision making for sustainable software management process. Thus contributions of Green Information Systems (IS) to the objectives of software management process are examined by exploring secondary data from literature. Findings from this paper show how the proposed model contributes to sustainable software management process. The proposed model provides software developer, software managers, and other software practitioners with new insights and enables a more systematic application of sustainable practices in software processes.
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Enterprise energy consumption is expected to increase enterprise costs and CO2 emissions. Presently ICT is seen as an enabler to resolve high energy, cost issues and bring greater efficiency. This is referred as Green ICT which involves energy conservation and cost reduction of ICT usage. Various countries have already applied Green ICT initiatives to reduce CO2 emissions. Greening ICT strategies in enterprise can decrease these negative impacts. Thus Green ICT aimed at influencing not only technology but also competitive strategy and even the legitimacy of some business strategic options in enterprise. Current findings suggest that although ICT Professionals are already concerns about climate change and power consumption of ICT, there is still a lack of a model that can reduce the time taken to implement Green strategies in enhancing business value in enterprise. Therefore this paper utilized secondary research by reviewing literature on Green ICT and developed a Green ICT model for sustainable enterprise strategy, aimed at reducing time taken to initiate and diffuse Green strategies for enhancing business value in enterprise. The research implication for future studies involves the evaluation of the Green ICT Model. The evaluation will be done using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to test the hypothesis derived from the literatures and to check the correlation among the independent, control and dependent variables in this research paper.
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Green Information Systems (IS) offers promise for IS scholars to make significant contribution in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, achieve sustainability and reducing the effects of global climate change. Green IS has therefore become one of the latest considerations to improve organization’s environmental sustainability whilst reducing the cost of IT processes. Due to recent research centered on sustainability, a few number of Green IS models and frameworks have been developed for addressing environmental sustainability, however there is still problem relating to provision of adequate data that can train, educate and support practitioner in diffusing and implementing Green IS in organisations. Thus after reviewing existing research of Green IS, this paper proposed a Case Based Reasoning (CBR) architecture for Green IS Implementation in organisations to train, educate and support practitioner in implementing Green IS in their organisation and a Component Based Model to support Practitioners in diffusing and achieving Eco-Sustainability goal. Contribution from this paper can also be used as a guide for future research in this domain.
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Green ICT is the study and analysis of creating, improving and sustaining environmental ICT practices in an organization. Globally, innovative educational institutions focus on utilizing ICT such as lecture video recordings, lecture broadcasts, learning images, texts, and worksheets for idea generation and teaching/lecture purposes. Using Accra Polytechnic in Ghana as a case study, this paper analyzes the possible ways that educational institutions can implement green ICT in order to ensure that their environment is economically sustainable. This research aims at further increasing awareness regarding the advantages and limitations on green ICT in Ghana in addition to providing guidelines for ICT utilization. The goal of the green ICT/computing is to reduce the use of hazardous materials found in computer systems; to maximize the product lifetime and to promote recyclability and biodegradability of defunct and factory waste products. This paper therefore discusses different approaches such as server virtualization, PC and printer consolidation, active power management, central inverter systems and upgrading ICT equipment. Such strategies will enable educational institutions in Ghana, specifically, Accra Polytechnic to sustain their environment when undergoing ICT practices and procedures. General Terms Green ICT, Polytechnic Education.
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This study aims to distinguish an array of green activities (ISO 14000, green processes, pollution prevention, and green certifications) and analyze their relationships with firm performance. Employing data from the sampled publicly listed firms in Taiwan and regressions to examine the hypotheses, we find that the degree of a firm's R&D investment fails to affect companies' choice of green activities; however, the degree of firm internationalization can. That is, more internationalized firms are also more likely to employ green certifications among these activities. In terms of the impacts of these green activities on firm performance, a company employing green processes can perform better, followed by ISO 14000, pollution prevention, and lastly, green certifications.
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Green information technologies and systems IT/IS are initiatives, strategies and programs that directly or indirectly address environmental sustainability in organizations. While practitioners have begun to focus on Green IT/IS, however there is few research in this area. The aim of this paper is to develop a framework to assist practitioners and organisations in the adoption of green IT/IS practices in IT Governance. Existing green IT/IS literature were reviewed. Hence the paper concern research that addresses Green IT, Green IS and environmental sustainability mainly in domain of information technology governance (IT Governance). Findings from this paper show the components and attributes that are to be considered in implementing Green IT/IS in IT Governance. Thus the framework can also be used as a guide for future research in this domain.
The prevailing gap in the Green information systems (IS) research literature is the absence of a theoretical framework to understand the influence of environmental beliefs and attitudes on the adoption of Green IS initiatives. The purpose of this study is to fill this gap by developing an integrated framework by identifying and examining the factors that influence the proenvironmental behaviors (PEBs) of managers to adopt Green IS initiatives. The framework is firmly grounded using three theoretical frameworks: (1) upper echelon theory, (2) refined theory of basic individual values, and (3) norm activation model. The theoretical lenses of these three frameworks are utilized to assess the influence of moral behavior on practicing of Green IS initiatives by the managers of organizations. Theoretical and practical implications of the study for the benefit of IS researchers and managers are discussed. Furthermore, the empirical evaluation and assessment plan of propositions, together with the future extensions of the study are presented.
Green IS is one of the latest manifestations in the realm of sustainable business practices. The decisions surrounding Green IS implementation strategies, policies, and tools provide compelling challenges for organizations. As practitioners have been highly interested in this topic for a while (known as Green IT), there has also been a recent growing interest in Green IS within the IS academic community. In this chapter, we conduct a systematic and comprehensive review of both the practitioner and academic literatures surrounding Green IS. Specifically, our review includes articles published in the IS academic Senior Scholar's Basket of Journals, hybrid journals such as Communications of the ACM, IEEE Software, and MIS Quarterly Executive, and practitioner outlets such as CIO magazine and PC World. Through this review, we identify the main streams of Green IS-related studies that have been undertaken within both practice and academia, and offer a holistic picture of the current state of research/interest in Green IS. We then identify the overlaps and differences between the two sides (that is, academia and practice) in an attempt to unearth noticeable similarities/gaps between both perspectives. Finally, we not only identify the trends in Green IS research, but also provide academic scholars interested in Green IS more focused directions on the specific research questions to address with respect to Green IS. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012. All rights are reserved.