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Workforce Diversity And Organizational Communication: Analysis Of Human Capital Performance And Productivity



The twenty-first century organizations are increasingly becoming multicultural workplaces for communication. This paper explores recent literature on the increasing global influence of workforce diversity and its affect on workplace communication. It provides a model for the discussion of the opportunities and challenges of diversity in the workplace. The paper then provides an analytical framework that guides readers with practical ideas that can assist them in their endeavors to effectively communicate in a globally diverse work environment. The paper stresses that effective communication in a diverse workforce ensures a high level of performance and productivity for human and intellectual capital and provides business organizations a competitive advantage in their expanded markets and in the global economy.
Journal of Diversity Management Spring 2012 Volume 7, Number 1
© 2012 The Clute Institute 57
Workforce Diversity And Organizational
Communication: Analysis Of Human
Capital Performance And Productivity
Ephraim A. Okoro, Howard University, USA
Melvin C. Washington, Howard University, USA
The twenty-first century organizations are increasingly becoming multicultural workplaces for
communication. This paper explores recent literature on the increasing global influence of
workforce diversity and its affect on workplace communication. It provides a model for the
discussion of the opportunities and challenges of diversity in the workplace. The paper then
provides an analytical framework that guides readers with practical ideas that can assist them in
their endeavors to effectively communicate in a globally diverse work environment. The paper
stresses that effective communication in a diverse workforce ensures a high level of performance
and productivity for human and intellectual capital and provides business organizations a
competitive advantage in their expanded markets and in the global economy.
Keywords: Workforce Diversity; Organizational Communication; Global Economy; Cultural Differences;
Intellectual Capital
s the workforce becomes increasingly global and progressively more culturally diverse, people in
organizations are challenged to communicate more effectively interpersonally, interculturally, and in
groups. Authors (Lauring, 2011, & Devoe, 1999) noted that as a result of the rise of internationalized
business environment and global competitiveness, the managing of human diversity has become a challenging daily
routine task for a major part of business communities. In discussing strategies for business communication, Bovee
and Thill (2008) emphasized that effective interpersonal and group communication is essential for success in today’s
corporations and organizations because of the growing trend of workforce diversity and intercultural business
relationships. Some studies (Ferraro, 2001; Gupta, 2008; Jandit, 2003) have emphasized the impact of
communication in a diverse workplace and how it affects productivity and overall performance of a business.
Broadly speaking, Mulkeen (2008) describes workplace diversity as all the differences in age, gender, sexual
orientation, education, cultural background, religion, and life experience. The author noted that today’s workforce
does not exist in a vacuum or is isolated from the marketplace, but that it is part of an emerging international
business environment where effective organizational communication is vital for sustainable growth. In fact, Ober
(2006) explained that effective communication, both internally and externally, is essential for any organization
wishing to excel in today's internationally competitive corporate environment and global business and competitive
advantage would not be achievable without effective business communication.
Diversity In Business Organizations
Recent studies have attributed workforce diversity to the increased globalization of the twenty-first century,
which has increased the mobility of people across nations as well as the interdependence of organizations. With
globalization comes the challenge of communication among people with different cultural and racial backgrounds.
For example, Martin and Nakayama (2007) note that for many people, communication encounters with diverse
people from different ethnic, race, and national backgrounds occur most frequently in the workplace. Similarly,
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Clive (2007) and Hunt (2011) argued that workplaces are the only sites at which individuals from diverse cultures
convene and collaborate, and thus refreshes and broadens the relevancy of an organization. In addition, Sadri and
Tran (2002) found that improvements in supervisor-subordinate communication would prompt workplaces to
manage diversity and cultural differences by encouraging integration and equality in the workplace. These authors
recommend two strategies for accomplishing better supervisor-subordinate communication - managing personal
growth and mentoring new employees. Grimes and Richards (2003) and Gupta (2008) pointed out that with the U.S.
population becoming increasingly diverse over the past two decades, effective intercultural communication has
become the top priority facing diverse work environments; hence, cultural diversity can be advantageous or
detrimental for organizations depending on the nature and structure of organizations’ members’ communication.
Significantly, Hannay & Fretwell (2011) and Deveale & Manea (2007) urge that by expanding avenues for
communication and providing ongoing feedback, workplaces can establish a culture that honors, values, and
appreciates those who work in their environments. Other scholars have determined that the performance and
productivity of human capital in the global marketplace depends, to a large extent, on the effectiveness of business
communication, which includes employees’ ability to encode, decode, and analyze messages contextually (Ferraro,
2001, & Nagourney, 2008). Similarly, in a study, Beaner (2007) identified and described the importance of
interpersonal communication, intercultural sensitivity, business practice differences, and nonverbal communication
competence as essential for effective organizational communication. The author stressed that effective human
performance in group or team-oriented environments depends largely on the understanding of messages, the sharing
of meanings, interpersonal adjustments, and adaptations. Clearly, the productivity of a diverse workforce would be
almost impossible to increase without effective communication and other forms of human interactions.
Given the widespread impact of globalization and internationalization, workplace diversity in all forms of
organizations, including higher education, is now a fact of life and a trend that will continue for a long time. In an
earlier study, Cox & Blake (1991) pointed out that workforce demographics in the United States and many other
countries indicate that workforce management would be on the agendas of many forward-looking corporate leaders.
It was further noted that the ability to manage a diverse workforce provides an opportunity for competitive
advantage through improved decision-making and cross-cultural negotiation.
Researchers have noted that ignoring the implications of workforce diversity can affect productivity and
performance as well as undermine the overall goal business performance. For example, Kanu (2008) reported that
Goldman Sachs has more than 30,000 employees representing about 160 nationalities. Consistent with other
business organizations in the United States and abroad, Goldman Sachs’ discussions around diversity have extended
from domestic to international issues. Indeed, as the world economy continues to expand and attract more
competitors, business scholars and practitioners have embarked on extensive study of intercultural and
organizational communication and its implications across academic disciplines (Jandt, 2003; Tuleja, 2008; Hannay
& Fretwell, 2011). Consistent with the preceding statement, Bovee & Thill (2008) buttresses that the United States
has been a nation of immigrants from the beginning and that the trend has continued with the result that increased
emphasis has been placed on human and intercultural communications. Recent immigrants comprise over half of all
U.S. workforce. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by the middle of the twenty-first century, the United States
will cease to have a majority race. Non-Hispanic whites will comprise about one-half of the total population, while
Hispanics will account for about one-quarter of the country’s population. African Americans will grow to about 13
percent, while Asian Americans are projected to become about 8 percent of the nation’s citizenship. Out of more
than 278 million people living in the U.S., over 33 million speak Spanish, while more than 10 million speak another
European language and more than eight million speak an Asian language. Additionally, several scholars see a
multicultural workforce as a natural outgrowth of business globalization, which complicates the way people from
different backgrounds in organizational and learning contexts communicate in writing, verbally, and nonverbally
(Ferraro, 2001; Friedman, 2005; Giroux, 2004). Hence, organizations are now escalating their diversity initiatives
as they measure the benefits of multi-cultural and diverse organizations.
Current trends in domestic and global workplaces indicate the need for intercultural competence, and
research evidence strongly suggests the need for organizations to prepare their human capital for the globalized
economy in which business success is largely determined by the ability to communicate effectively across cultures.
Bowes (2008) exposes the presence of globalization and its impact on the current generation of employees,
indicating that it has become a means for creating a workplace that genuinely welcomes employees from diverse
Journal of Diversity Management Spring 2012 Volume 7, Number 1
© 2012 The Clute Institute 59
countries into organizational settings. Diversity is then viewed as a key means to strengthen the human and
intellectual capital of businesses through effective communication and negotiation. In a comparative analysis, Bovee
and Thill (2008) reconciled the advantages and disadvantages offered by a diverse workforce and argue that
diversity has continued to attract the attention of business practitioners and entrepreneurs. It is noted that diversity is
fast becoming a key factor for recruitment, retention, productivity, and sustained competitiveness of organizations.
Friedman (2005) and Gupta (2008) concur that a diverse workforce can yield a unique advantage by employing new
ideas and communication skills and also providing a diversity of thoughts that result in better business solutions
and decision-making.
Linking Workplace Diversity to Organizational Performance Improvement
Cadrain (2008) discusses why companies are embracing diversity and argues that encouraging diversity is a
positive motivational tool that can attract and retain the best employees as well as increase the level of
organizational competitiveness. Hansen (2003) estimated that corporations in the United States spend $8 billion
annually on diversity initiatives and related issues. Many of these business organizations have identified the
significance of maintaining a workforce that truly reflects the diverse nature of the contemporary society of the
twenty-first century.
Both practitioners and researchers point to education and communication as the key for corporations to
transform the behavior of their employees toward embracing and accepting diversity. In addition, a diverse
workforce that effectively communicates can take advantage of the strengths, talents, and differences in the
workplace by eliminating communication barriers and developing their employees to their fullest potential (DeVeale
& Manea, 2007), increasing productivity, facilitating innovation, and enabling the resolution of problems (Davis,
2000), allowing better service to diverse customers (Thomas & Ely, 1996), and taking advantage of the opportunity
to enhance their future growth and development for a competitive advantage (Roberson & Park, 2007).
Diversity in the Workplace: A Strategic Imperative
We live in an age of globalization and knowledge economy. Business organizations and academic
institutions will be successful only to the extent that they are able to embrace and encourage workforce diversity.
By ensuring that their workplace is significantly diverse and that minority groups are respected, appreciated, and
valued, the learning environments (universities and colleges) will be able to harness the collective knowledge of
their faculty and staff. As Friedman and Amoo (2002) noted, the collective knowledge of organizations, including
academic institutions, can be enhanced by including people with different experiences, trainings, and racial/cultural
backgrounds. Marketers and marketing consultants agree that critical ideas for new products have been suggested
by subcultures. Foods, such as tacos, tortillas, pita, kasha, etc., did not originate in mainstream America, but were
first popular with sub-cultural groups. The same is true of much of the educational milestones that have become
widely known and respected. The higher education environments and business establishments (profit and not-for-
profit organizations) need new ideas to thrive and the best way to ensure a steady flow of innovation and the
realization of these objectives will stem from hiring and retaining employees and faculty from diverse backgrounds,
race, and nationalities. As Schwartz (2001) explained, a homogenous workforce is not likely to come up with
creative solutions to facing domestic and global markets, but empathetic marketing is very effective. Firms that hire
employees similar to their customers will become more successful because these employees will be able to identify
the special problems faced by their customers and will be able to come up with ideas for new products that best
satisfy women, minorities, and the disabled. The U.S. Census Bureau (2001) estimated that Hispanics alone will
spend about $1 trillion a year by 2010.
Costs and Benefits of Workforce Diversity: Benefits
Over the years, research by scholars (Abbasi, Hollman, 1991; Anderson, 1993) point out that the collective
diversity among business organizations and academic institutions is one of the great strengths of America’s
workforce and has helped increase the country’s competitive advantage. Preserving and sustaining diversity of
workplace is critically important if the United States, and indeed the global society, expects to serve the urgent
development needs of democratic societies.
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60 © 2012 The Clute Institute
For example, both domestic and global academic institutions share a common philosophy, born of
experience, that diversity in their student bodies, faculty, and staff is important in order to fulfill their fundamental
educational mission and live up to their objectives of providing equal and quality education. A number of studies
(Garvin, 1993; U.S. Census Bureau, 2002; Florida & Gates, 2001) emphasize that diversity in higher education
enriches the teaching and learning experience of students and faculty and creates an academic environment that is
conducive to building supportive and life-long relationships. Furthermore, education within a diverse setting
prepares students to become good citizens in an increasingly complex, pluralistic global society and fosters mutual
respect and teamwork.
With the increasing mobility of the workforce in the twenty-first century, higher education is facing a
diverse work environment, both for faculty and student population. Striving to recruit, effectively manage, and
maintain a diverse workforce is an important goal in order to ensure that the right combination of skills and
competencies are available at university campuses. As Campbell (2008) noted, the second half of the twentieth
century witnessed quite a dramatic shift in the nature of white-collar employment from lifetime tenure, often in a
very hierarchical work structure to a new model defined by flatter organizations, job insecurity, shorter tenures,
declining attachment between employer and employee, and contingent workers. Other studies (Abbasi, 1991; Amott
& Mathane, 1991) indicated that in recent years managing employment relations has become an issue of huge
strategic importance as higher education and businesses struggle to respond to the pace of change in management
and administrative system and working practices.
Furthermore, domestic and global organizations are designed to create products (goods, services, or ideas)
that cater for diverse consumers and to ensure that there are benefits for their various multicultural stakeholders.
Therefore, the development and management of human activities, whether in higher education or in industries
associated with the transformation of resources into finished goods and services, or of transferring knowledge from
faculty to students, is of critical importance for the sustainable growth and profitability of business enterprises
around the world. As Ferrell, Hirt, and Ferrell (2008) pointed out, organizations as diverse as Dell Computer,
Campbell Soup, UPS, and public hospitals share a number of similarities relating to how they transform resources
into goods and services for consumers, but it is important that individuals who are involved in the production and
distribution of services are managed effectively and that communication among them is open and interactive.
Negative Effects/Costs of Workforce Diversity
Even though in this ever-changing multi-cultural environment, good communication is increasingly
important, intercultural communication creates a daunting challenge in the workplace. Managing diversity is more
than simply acknowledging differences in people. Flatley, Rentz and Lentz (2012) noted that it is crucial that the
business communicator is able to adapt to quickly changing responsibilities and work relationships. Increased
globalization of business, immigration, the aging of the ―Baby Boomers,‖ the escalation of women in the workforce,
and the changing educational environment are all fueling these trends. According to Bovee and Thill (2008),
―today’s increasingly diverse workforce encompasses a wide range of communication challenges, including skills,
traditions, backgrounds, experiences, outlooks, and attitudes toward work, all of which can affect communication in
the workplace (p. 64). Organizations face the challenge of coexisting with business partners and the community.
Managers and supervisors face the challenge of motivating and creating harmony among their workers. In addition,
(Devoe (1999) and Esty, (1995) found that managers may be faced with losses due to personnel and work
productivity, as well as negative attitudes and behaviors that serve as barriers to effective organizational diversity.
In 2007, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed more than 80,000 lawsuits related to diversity issues
as organizations that ignore diversity are more likely to face lawsuits, negative feelings, and lowered morale (Lieber,
2009). Therefore, to be effective in interacting across cultural boundaries, organizations need to be sensitized to the
values of understanding, appreciating, and respecting human and cultural differences.
The workplace of the twenty-first century, including higher education, is changing rapidly. Faculty and
administrators who occupy senior and high-powered academic positions are diverse in age, gender, and race. Staff
and faculty responsibilities, skills, training, and the tasks they perform in their various units/departments and
Journal of Diversity Management Spring 2012 Volume 7, Number 1
© 2012 The Clute Institute 61
universities are changing as a result of demographic differences. Additionally, domestic and global organizations
are now designed to create products (goods, services, or ideas) for their diverse consumers and to ensure that there
are benefits for their diverse stakeholders. In evaluating the role of operations management in acquiring the
resources necessary to create goods and services, it is critically important to understand the importance of workforce
diversity and effective communication in achieving the objectives of organizations and academic institutions.
Studies of recent years (Weaver, 2001; Crosette, 2001; Lewis, 2002) indicate that there is a correlation
between diversity in the workplace and organizations’ results and sustainability.
An evaluation of the costs and benefits of studies on workforce diversity in organizations indicated
conflicting results, but there is consistency among researchers that effective communication - especially
interculturally - is critically significant to sustain a healthy work environment that encourages outstanding
performance and workforce retention. Strategic and well-focused diversity initiatives and intercultural
communication workshops are recommended as an essential part of organizational orientations and retreats.
Ephraim A. Okoro, PhD is an assistant professor of business communication and marketing at Howard University.
His research interests probe the interface between intercultural communication and workforce diversity in the
context of globalization. He teaches business communication, management/ marketing communications, and
principles of marketing. Address correspondence to Dr. Ephraim Okoro, Department of Marketing, School of
Business, Howard University, 2600 Sixth Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20059; Corresponding author. E-mail:
Melvin C. Washington, PhD is an assistant professor of business and management communication at Howard
University. He is the core course coordinator for the business communication program in the School of Business,
Department of Marketing. His research focuses on intercultural communication, organizational communication, and
critical pedagogy. Address correspondence to Melvin C. Washington, Howard University School of Business, 2600
Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20059; E-mail:
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... However, Stephen and Stephen (2016) suggest that while the pervasive variation in group cohesion is negative, employees may be at odds about motives that may or may not be ascribed to employment. The example of Okoro and Washington (2018) was when a South African and an Indian worker got into an argument over a cricket match lost by India to South Africa. Likewise, employees could be contradictory for historical and geographical reasons. ...
... The reasons can range from the very serious to the trivial. Regardless of the cause, interpersonal conflict leads to lost productivity and the development of negative emotions among employees, which can be detrimental to the organization (Okoro & Washington, 2018). However, one of the advantages of cultural diversity in organisations is increased organisational performance. ...
... Today, associations are embracing a more comprehensive definition of diversity that perceives a range of differences that impact how employees approach work, interface with one another, or get fulfilment from work (Dumb, Kendrick, and Natalia, 2020). Okoro and Washington (2018) express that enlistment, management, and upkeep of a different labour force guarantee that the right mix of abilities and skills are accessible in an association. Segment diversity alludes to how much a specialty unit (e.g., a work gathering or association) is heterogeneous concerning segment credits like age, sex, and residency (Sungjoo and Blustery, 2019). ...
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The study examined effect of cultural diversity on organisational performance: a case study of Nigerian breweries. The study employed descriptive survey adopting sampling technique to select representative samples of 279 of staff of Nigerian Brewery Plc, Ninth Mile Enugu, Nigeria. Questionnaires were administered to generate primary data that was used for this study. A descriptive method was used and descriptive statistics has to do with presenting the data collected and the correlation of the variables. However, linear regression will be used in testing the hypotheses. This will be done with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software ver.22 to fully analyze the data by coding the items and entering them into the SPSS for analyses. The results of the finding show that ethnic diversity has significant influence on organisational efficiency of Nigerian Breweries (r =.898, P<.05). The study revealed that religious diversity has significant influence on employee commitment of Nigerian Breweries (r =.846, P<.05). The study recommends that organisation's management need to adopt a diversity approach so as to support equal employment and tackle with ethnic discrimination at the workplace. There is a need to organise religious diversity training which will enhance employee awareness of these negative consequences, can help change general perception and behavior, and can encourage a positive diversity climate 1.
... Achieving successful financial and innovation performance requires productive communication (Okoro & Washington, 2012;Papa, 1990;Papa & Tracy, 1988). Productive communication requires diversity of ideas and ways of doing things that can be achieved through participation of nonfamily employees in firm decision making (Okoro & Washington, 2012;Yazici et al., 2022). ...
... Achieving successful financial and innovation performance requires productive communication (Okoro & Washington, 2012;Papa, 1990;Papa & Tracy, 1988). Productive communication requires diversity of ideas and ways of doing things that can be achieved through participation of nonfamily employees in firm decision making (Okoro & Washington, 2012;Yazici et al., 2022). Participation strategies have positive effects on firm performance in that they create less tension among firm employees (family and nonfamily) and, thus, more focused attention to firm needs (Eddleston & Kellermanns, 2007;Vallejo-Martos, 2009). ...
... This comprises the pool of talent and the sharing of ideas and expertise among team members to increase production (Swinton, 2014), this fosters innovation, enhances decision-making efficacy, and produces knowledge-based organizations. Consequently, a broad talent pool at work fosters innovation and creativity, which in turn boosts productivity inside the companies (Okoro & Washington, 2012). Empirical evidence presents a heterogeneous picture of the effect of workplace diversity and inclusion on organizational performance. ...
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This study examined diversity and inclusion technology on organizational performance in the USA. The primary objective was to find out the level of D&I tech tools used in US organisations and the relationship between the use of D&I technology and the organisation's performance. The survey design was adopted and purpose sampling was used to sample 550 respondents across public and private organisations in America. Descriptive analysis was performed on the data using Excel and SPSS. The findings suggest a connection between organizational performance and the perceived contribution of technology to D&I initiatives. The high agreement percentages in the organizational performance survey suggest that respondents who reflect technology can help D&I outcomes also tend to be more confident in the organization's capacity to achieve its goals.
... In contrast, the variables SOC_TD and SOC_DO represent costs to companies, due to the need for staff training and the technical/ logistical needs that this entails, at least in the short term, while in the medium to long term, the inclusion of professional figures trained within the business process aimed at sustainability is expected, as evidenced by Okoro and Washington (2012), Dorfleitner and Grebler (2020), and Wongsnuopparat and Chunyang (2021). ...
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Innovation represents one of the most important drivers in the business context. Drawing upon the research on corporate social responsibility (CSR), shared value, and innovation, this paper aims to analyze the relationship between Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG, a form of CSR) sustainability policies and corporate financial performance (CFP) by investigating the mediating role of Innovation (i.e., investment in research and development, R&D). Our sample comprises 148 European companies belonging to the Euro Stoxx index in the period 2009–2014. For high‐innovation companies (HICs), we find positive relationships between some Social (S) issues and CFP and weaker linkages between Environmental (E) indicators and CFP. In contrast, Governance (G) issues (i.e., issues related to board structure and board function) negatively influence CFP. In contrast, for medium‐innovation companies (MICs), these relationships are absent and low‐innovation companies (LICs) show negative relationships. Adopting reporting frameworks or guidelines affects CFP only in HIC. We introduce an original interpretative model, which identifies innovation (R&D) as the main driver in corporate sustainability, particularly in light of Social issues related to the production of a good or service. In terms of managerial implications, we identify three key factors for effectively embedding ESG in organizations' policies: investment in product innovation, compliance with environmental regulations, and corporate choices on brands and channels of external communication.
... According to Okoro and Washington (2012), performance management effectively discharges an individual's duty. Gender is a factor that substantially affects employee performance, performance ratings, and appropriate human resource decisions (Ngao & Mwangi, 2013). ...
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Based on a systematic literature review, this article analyses the issue of gender diversity in higher education institutions (HEIs) and explores the role of strategic human resource management practices in its management. Results indicate that HEIs do not deal with gender diversity and challenges in achieving sustainable development goal-5 (SDG-5) proactively but manage them with compliance and some affirmative actions. The study finds that the number of women holding top leadership positions is substantially low, indicating the need for gender diversity in leadership. The glass ceiling for women is still intact in HEIs, presenting internal and external barriers that limit the career growth of women employees, especially in leadership roles. The research outlines the importance of gender-focused HRM policies and practices in HEIs. The review also confirms that the UN target to address challenges in achieving SDG-5 by 2030 needs reassessment.
... Consequently, researchers (e.g., Choi, 2017;Pitts, 2009;Wise and Tschirhart, 2000) began to investigate whether or not workforce diversity would bring positive consequences (e.g., high performance and job satisfaction) to their organizations. While organizations can enjoy benefits such as a wider array of viewpoints, this diversified workforce may bring new challenges such as cultural misunderstandings as well as organizational factionalism (Dass and Parker, 1999;Okoro and Washington, 2012). Although the importance of diversity management and its consequences have long been recognized in the public sector, insufficient research has been undertaken with a focus on stress, and no systematic investigation was carried out to suggest how to effectively remedy stressful feelings among female public employees. ...
"It becomes critical to the success of organizations to figure out how to effectively remedy female employees’ stress, given the sheer number of female employees in most organizations. The present study aimed to enhance our understanding of female employees’ strain, and suggest job resources to reduce their stressful feelings at work. With a sample of U.S. federal employees, female employees were compared with male counterparts in terms of their satisfaction about diverse work environments and the effects of work environment on stressful feelings. According to the findings, the strain of female employees was significantly higher than that of male counterparts. Work-life balance became a significant job resource for both male and female employees. Some work environment factors, such as public support and relationship with outside organizations, showed different effect on job strain, depending on the gender. Keywords: female employees, job resources, strain, employee stress, gender, stressful feelings."
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Events that unfolded in the past decade- the ease of new entrants into the South African banking sector, uncertain economic outlook, the 2008 global financial crisis, competition within the South African banking sector, have changed the retail banking landscape in South Africa. Retail banks are under tremendous pressure to realign their banking operations to meet these global challenges. Conforming to the mounting pressure in the South African banking sector, Barclays PLC a major shareholder in Barclays Africa Group now (Absa bank) announced its departure from the bank. A move that made it lose its strategic partner with over 100 years of experience working in Africa. The departure was received with mixed reactions across the banking landscape. Research on customer engagement in South African banking sector is still in its infancy and no study has been undertaken to determine the impact of customer engagement on organisational change communication during episodes of organisational change. To address this research gap, this study seeks to determine the impact of customer engagement on organisational change communication at Absa bank in the greater Durban area. The study adopted a quantitative research paradigm, with a pre-coded structured closed ended questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale administered to a target population of 650 000 Absa customers in the greater Durban area. Sekaran statistical table was used for sample selection. A sample of 384 customers was selected using convenience sampling a non-probability sampling technique. Some notable conclusions resulted from the extensive statistical analysis, which were also validated by national and international studies undertaken by various researchers, who also demonstrated concordance or discordance with the current findings and were appropriately referenced.
Managing diversity is a challenge for many organizations and their diversity initiatives are often criticized for an inability to produce tangible outcomes. One reason for such mixed results is the fact that espoused diversity policies are often implemented in multi-objective contexts in which various stakeholders perceive of diversity and its place in the organization in different ways, thus affecting organizational outcomes. To shed new light on these challenges, we apply paradox theory to diversity management. Based on a series of interviews with all key stakeholder groups of one organization that successfully implemented a diversity initiative in a challenging context, we are able to provide a systematic account of differences between stakeholder groups in terms of both the tensions they perceive in diversity management and the solutions they prefer. Our data show that stakeholders perceive of tensions in a nested fashion, where some only see one or two categories of tensions, whereas others perceive a much wider range. This nested fashion re-appears in the coping strategies which different stakeholders prefer. Here, we found that ‘observers’ and ‘makers’ – that is, the two groups who are, respectively, least and most involved with the policy – favour strategies that accept the paradoxical tensions, whereas ‘beneficiaries’ tend to emphasize strategies to resolve them. We conclude our paper by discussing managerial implications of our findings, as well as avenues for future research.
This paper explores how transportation companies across Europe, North America, and Asia have tackled inclusion and the diversity of their employees in their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reports over the last five years. By means of a small diachronic corpus of the CSR reports of nine transportation and logistics companies from 2015 to 2020, this corpus-based analysis examines the minutiae of the language of inclusion that has been adopted. The diachronic analysis of the CSR reports explores changes, if any, in the inclusion of employees across the timespan under consideration. Similarities and differences across cultures will shed light on both changes and new paths that transportation companies have adopted in terms of communication as well as the self-presentation of their image according to stakeholders, potential employees and the public in general.
This chapter presents a study on the role of internal communication in diversity and inclusion (D&I) management in organisations. It sheds light on how the units D&I management and internal communication are linked to each other in terms of exchanging and sharing ideas and know-how and the (common) pursuit and achievement of strategically set objectives. In total, 20 D&I experts (17 D&I managers and three D&I management consultants) from Austria and Germany were interviewed. The focus of the interviews was on the development of D&I management strategies and concomitant measures as well as the internal D&I communication activities. The findings indicate the importance of internal communication to communicate D&I goals and measures. In this context, the internal communication department plays the role of a service provider and advisor. Numerous communication channels are used to communicate D&I initiatives, with ‘rich’ media such as interpersonal communication and social intranet being particularly common. Furthermore, the results show that storytelling is a particularly popular form of communication. The study contributes to the scholarly examination of the role of internal communication in D&I management, to what extent and how the two units collaborate, and what communication measures are taken to pursue D&I management goals.
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The paper sets forth the need for an increase in research in intercultural business communication in Kazakhstan, particularly business negotiations. The Republic of Kazakhstan is quite a young country which is about 20 years since it has got its independence. It is one of the former USSR countries. Kazakhstan is a multicultural country; there are more than 140 various nationalities that live in peace and agreement. When we speak of various nationalities we mean different cultures, different mentalities, different languages as well as different norms and standards of communication. Hence, living in such a variety of cultures in order to communicate and interact successfully, people improve their intercultural communication skills, literacy and competence. Along with the growth of economics and commerce in Kazakhstan the level of intercultural communication competence increases also. Thus, we can state that people living in a multilingual country obtain high level of intercultural communication skills, as well as intercultural literacy and competence. This is particularly critical for business dealers during their business trips, negotiations, signing agreements and contracts, etc. There are many cases in the world when misunderstandings due to lack of knowledge in the culture of business partners or communicative (cultural) barriers prevent from signing an agreement or even lead to failure of the business. And that is why intercultural communication is such an important and critical subject to study in the business sector nowadays. The paper tries to describe some specific features of Kazakhstani people in business negotiations, provides some cultural values of the Kazakh people and some cases of cultural misunderstandings that resulted in failure of business negotiation.
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Intercultural communication has mainly been described in terms of national differences disturbing the sending and receiving of messages. In this article, it is argued that the local organizational context has to be taken into account. By linking Bourdieu’s theories on the social organization of differences to recent theories of organizational communication, the focus of the article is directed at describing the impact of informal and power-related aspects in intercultural communication. The usefulness of a theory on intercultural organizational communication is illustrated by the results of an ethnographic field study on Danish expatriates in a Saudi subsidiary.
A learning organization is an organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights. This paper discusses the essentials of building a learning organization. It also suggests that beyond high philosophy and grand themes, building a learning organization requires the gritty details of practice.
There are challenges associated with effectively managing the multi-generational workforce that now populates most organizations. While generational diversity brings a variety of experiences and perspectives to the workplace, the differing needs and values of each generation must be addressed in order to build a high-performing organization (Lieber, 2010). The balancing of generational differences is of particular interest in the academic community. Because many professors work well into their 70s teaching students barely into their 20s, college campuses perhaps more than other workplaces require ongoing interaction among the generations. This paper will examine the characteristics of four generations – veterans, baby boomers, GenX and GenY – and discuss the differences and similarities among these generations. Five areas are identified where minor changes can be made in the academic workplace to meet the needs of a multi-generational workforce. These include adjusting the career path, providing ongoing feedback and rewards, expanding avenues for communication, offering work-life balance, and embracing technology.
The recent business trends of globalization and increasing ethnic and gender diversity are turning managers' attention to the management of cultural differences. The management literature has suggested that organizations should value diversity to enhance organizational effectiveness. However, the specific link between managing diversity and organizational competitiveness is rarely made explicit and no article has reviewed actual research data supporting such a link. This article reviews arguments and research data on how managing diversity can create a competitive advantage. We address cost, attraction of human resources, marketing success, creativity and innovation, problem-solving quality, and organizational flexibility as six dimensions of business performance directly impacted by the management of cultural diversity. We then offer suggestions for improving organizational capability to manage this diversity.
By Fred E. Jandt.This textbook challenges students to develop cultural competency by developing an understanding of how we perceive and react to cultural rules – not only those of others, but also our own. Going beyond an "American" assessment of the field, this textbook assumes that no culture is privileged over another, be that culture from across the globe or a subculture or subgroup around the corner. Issues of identity, nationality, assimilation, and inter-group relations promote appreciation of diversity among people.