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A Top Ten list for economically important plant viruses



The concept of "Top Ten" lists of plant pathogens is in vogue in recent years, and plant viruses are no exception. However, the only list available has more to do with historical and scientific worth than it has to do with economic impact on humans and their animals. This review will discuss the most important plant viruses that cause serious harm to food plants that sustain the bulk of humankind.
A Top Ten List For Economically-Important
Plant Viruses
The final publication is available at Springer
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“…survey[ed]+ all+ plant+ virologists+ with+ an+ association+ with+ Molecular+
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list+ and+ its+ importance,+ with+ the+ intent+ of+ initiating+ discussion+ and+
]--E'$,FL1*N! O! %EA1$! 1,.0! BE! '0KGEF$! BE! BD0! ,FM,B&B,EF! BE! $,K-AKK,EF! &F$!
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An economic Top Ten for plant viruses
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“It+is+quite+ remarkable+to+pass+within+ a+few+kilometers+from+ areas+with+
mild+ ACMD+ to+ areas+ where+ there+ are+ almost+ no+ cassava+ plants+ left+
growing.+The+inevitable+lag+in+ replacement+of+the+ crop+by+sweet+potato,+
to+ using+ it+ as+ a+ staple+ in+ their+ diet.+ The+ wave+ of+ ACMD+ across+ Uganda+
may+be+a+good+example+of+ the+devastating+effect+ of+a+plant+virus+on+the+
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... TSWV, an enveloped, negative-strand RNA virus is the type member of the genus orthotospovirus i.e., the only plant-infecting genus within the family tospoviridae. TSWV is considered one of the ten most devastating plant viruses due to the ubiquitous nature of the thrips vector and the extremely wide host range of the virus [8]. The losses associated with TSWV and other tospoviruses have exceeded tens of millions of dollars worldwide [8][9][10]. ...
... TSWV is considered one of the ten most devastating plant viruses due to the ubiquitous nature of the thrips vector and the extremely wide host range of the virus [8]. The losses associated with TSWV and other tospoviruses have exceeded tens of millions of dollars worldwide [8][9][10]. ...
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Background Viral diseases are posing threat to annual production and quality of tobacco in China. Recently, tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV) has been reported to infect three major crops including tobacco. Current study was aimed to investigate the population dynamics and molecular diversity of the TSWV. In the current study, to assess and identify the prevalence and evolutionary history of TSWV in tobacco crops in China, full-length genome sequences of TSWV isolates from tobacco, were identified and analyzed. Methods After trimming and validation, sequences of new isolates were submitted to GenBank. We identified the full-length genomes of ten TSWV isolates, infecting tobacco plants from various regions of China. Besides these, six isolates were partially sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis was performed to assess the relativeness of newly identified sequences and corresponding sequences from GenBank. Recombination and population dynamics analysis was performed using RDP4, RAT, and statistical estimation. Reassortment analysis was performed using MegaX software. Results Phylogenetic analysis of 41 newly identified sequences, depicted that the majority of the Chinese isolates have separate placement in the tree. RDP4 software predicted that RNA M of newly reported isolate YNKM-2 had a recombinant region spanning from 3111 to 3811 bp. The indication of parental sequences (YNKMXD and YNHHKY) from newly identified isolates, revealed the conservation of local TSWV population. Genetic diversity and population dynamics analysis also support the same trend. RNA M was highlighted to be more capable of mutating or evolving as revealed by data obtained from RDP4, RAT, population dynamics, and phylogenetic analyses. Reassortment analysis revealed that it might have happened in L segment of TSWV isolate YNKMXD (reported herein). Conclusion Taken together, this is the first detailed study revealing the pattern of TWSV genetic diversity, and population dynamics helping to better understand the ability of this pathogen to drastically reduce the tobacco production in China. Also, this is a valuable addition to the existing worldwide profile of TSWV, especially in China, where a few studies related to TSWV have been reported including only one complete genome of this virus isolated from tobacco plants.
... Following acquisition, tospoviruses are retained for the entire lifespan of the thrips, but they are not transovarially passed onto the insect progeny. Tospoviruses are better spread by flying adult thrips than crawling larvae Wijkamp et al., , 1995Wijkamp et al., , 1996Ullman et al., 1993) There are reports of TYRV occurring often in mixed infections with TSWV in tomato plants (Zarzyńska-Nowak et al., 2022) or with TSWV, and other tospoviruses in ornamentals (Ghotbi et al., 2005) As all plant viruses that systemically infect their host, tospoviruses can be also transmitted via the vegetative propagation material and generally are considered not to be seed-transmitted (EFSA, 2012) Uncertainty on biology The vector ability of additional thrips species and biotypes for tospoviruses Host range and distribution of host plants in the environment TSWV is one of the most successful plant pathogens in terms of worldwide distribution and an ever-expanding host range (Rybicki, 2015;Scholthof et al., 2011). Its host range includes 1,300 species dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous angiosperms belonging to at least 85 families but mainly infecting species in the Asteraceae and Solanaceae families (Parella et al., 2003). ...
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The European Commission requested the EFSA Panel on Plant Health to evaluate the probability of entry of pests (likelihood of pest freedom at entry), including both regulated and non-regulated pests, associated with unrooted cuttings of the genera Petunia and Calibrachoa produced under physical isolation in Kenya. The relevance of any pest for this opinion was based on evidence following defined criteria, based on the methodology used for High-Risk Plants adapted for the specificity of this assessment. Fourteen EU-regulated pests (Bemisia tabaci, cowpea mild mottle virus, Liriomyza huidobrensis, Liriomyza sativae, Liriomyza trifolii, potato leafroll virus, potato spindle tuber viroid, Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum, R. solanacearum, Scirtothrips dorsalis, tomato mild mottle virus, tomato spotted wilt virus, tomato yellow leaf curl virus and Xanthomonas vesicatoria) and six EU non- regulated pests (Aleurodicus dispersus, pepper veinal mottle virus, Nipaecoccus viridis, Phenacoccus solenopsis, Tetranychus neocaledonicus and tomato yellow ring virus) fulfilled all relevant criteria and were selected for further evaluation. For these pests, the risk mitigation measures proposed in the technical dossier from Kenya were evaluated, taking into account the possible limiting factors. Additionally, an expert judgement is given on the likelihood of pest freedom, taking into consideration the risk mitigation measures acting on the pest, including uncertainties associated with the assessment. The estimated degree of pest freedom varies among the pests evaluated, with T. neocaledonicus being the pest most frequently expected on the imported cuttings. The Expert Knowledge Elicitation indicated, with 95% certainty, that between 9942 and 10,000 bags containing unrooted cuttings of Petunia spp. and Calibrachoa spp. per 10,000 would be free of T. neocaledonicus.
... Hemipteran pests damage crops not only directly by feeding but indirectly by transmitting plant viruses. Many plant viruses are economically important, such as banana bunchy top virus, cucumber mosaic virus, maize streak virus and tomato yellow leaf curl virus [1]. There are few control methods for viral diseases. ...
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The corn planthopper, Peregrinus maidis , is an economically important pest of corn and sorghum. Here we report the initial steps towards developing a CRISPR-based control method, precision guided sterile insect technique (pgSIT), for this hemipteran pest. Specifically, we evaluated the potential of transformer-2 ( tra-2 ) as a target for sterilizing insects. First, we identified tra-2 transcripts within our P . maidis transcriptome database and performed RNA interference (RNAi) to confirm functional conservation. RNAi-mediated knockdown of Pmtra-2 in nymphs transformed females into pseudomales with deformed ovipositors resembling male claspers. While males showed no overt difference in appearance, they were indeed sterile. Importantly, the results were similar to those observed in another planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens . We also used CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing to assess the impact of tra-2 knockout in injectees. CRISPR-mediated knockout of Pmtra-2 had lethal effects on embryos, and hence not many injectees reached adulthood. However, mosaic knockout of Pmtra-2 did impact female and male fertility, which supports the use of tra-2 as a target for pgSIT in this hemipteran species.
... Banana disease concerns were heightened with the discovery of banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) in 2008 in southern Cameroon (Oben et al., 2009). BBTV, the causal agent of banana bunchy top disease (BBTD), is listed among the top 10 plant viruses in terms of economic impact worldwide (Rybicki, 2015) and is a regulated quarantine pest classified as one of the World's 100 Worst Invasive Alien Species because of the difficulties in containing the virus spread and the threat it poses to banana biodiversity (Lowe et al., 2000). ...
Invasions of arthropod vectors and viruses are the main factors associated with emerging plant viral diseases. The presence of the Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV, genus Babuvirus), an aphid-transmitted virus responsible for the banana bunchy top disease (BBTD), was first confirmed in 2008 in the South region of Cameroon. This study reports on surveys over 14 years to determine the status of BBTV spread and virus diversity in Cameroon. A total of 544 fields extending through 81 districts in 7 regions were surveyed in 5 phases: (and (5) 2022. BBTV was detected in 36 sites, all located in the Ambam district in the South region, with an incidence in the virus-affected fields ranging from 5% to 40%, with an average incidence of 14.8%. The findings indicate BBTV expansion from the location of first detection in 2008 to about 4-25 km in all directions, with the virus spread range of about 700 km 2 , as of the last survey in 2022. Phylogenetic analysis using complete nucleotide sequences of the BBTV-R and BBTV-S gene aligned Cameroon isolates with the sub-Saharan Africa subgroup of the Pacific-Indian Oceans (PIO) group of BBTV isolates, suggesting a likely virus invasion from neighboring central African countries where BBTV presence had been reported in the 1980s. Knowledge of BBTV distribution provided through the detection and delimiting surveys has contributed to the efficient targeting of interventions to limit the expansion of an emerging virus threat to banana production in Cameroon.
... Many plant viruses that cause disease and economic losses in cultivated plants are multipartite or segmented viruses, including viruses with very broad host ranges [26]. For example, the multipartite viruses cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and AMV have broad host ranges, as does the segmented tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) [27]. ...
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When viruses have segmented genomes, the set of frequencies describing the abundance of segments is called the genome formula. The genome formula is often unbalanced and highly variable for both segmented and multipartite viruses. A growing number of studies are quantifying the genome formula to measure its effects on infection and to consider its ecological and evolutionary implications. Different approaches have been reported for analyzing genome formula data, including qualitative description, applying standard statistical tests such as ANOVA, and customized analyses. However, these approaches have different shortcomings, and test assumptions are often unmet, potentially leading to erroneous conclusions. Here, we address these challenges, leading to a threefold contribution. First, we propose a simple metric for analyzing genome formula variation: the genome formula distance. We describe the properties of this metric and provide a framework for understanding metric values. Second, we explain how this metric can be applied for different purposes, including testing for genome-formula differences and comparing observations to a reference genome formula value. Third, we re-analyze published data to illustrate the applications and weigh the evidence for previous conclusions. Our re-analysis of published datasets confirms many previous results but also provides evidence that the genome formula can be carried over from the inoculum to the virus population in a host. The simple procedures we propose contribute to the robust and accessible analysis of genome-formula data.
... With the COVID-19 pandemic, studies on the antiviral potential of biosurfactants increased [100,[106][107][108][109]. In the agricultural sector, the antiviral effect of these molecules is of fundamental interest, since they can be used against phytopathogens such as Potyvirus (family Potyviridae), Tospovirus (family Bunyaviridae), Tobamovirus (family Virgaviridae), Closteovirus (family Closteoviridae), Begomovirus (Geminiviridae), and Polerovirus (family Luteoviridae), which affect crops of economic importance such as vegetables, soybeans, beans, sugar cane, potatoes, and citrus fruits [110][111][112][113][114][115]. In viruses, biosurfactants can act by disintegrating particles through interaction with lipid layers and denaturing proteins in structures such as the capsid and envelope [107]. ...
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Agriculture plays a major role on society, especially in developing countries which rely on commodity exportation markets. To maintain high crop productivity, the use of agrochemicals was once employed as the main strategy, which in turn affected soil, water, and human health. In order to aid this issue, identifying some alternatives, such as the implementation of biofertilizers and inoculants as bioinputs in modern agriculture, are imperative to improve ecosystem quality. Among these bioinputs, a few bioproducts have shown good performances, such as phytohormones (e.g., auxins and giberellins), biosurfactants, and other enzymes; thus, it is extremely important to assure the quality and feasibility of their production in biorefinery scenarios. These bioproducts can be synthesized through fermentation processes through utilizing plant biomasses and agricultural byproducts as carbon sources. In this sense, to increase the tecno-economical availability of these processes, the implementation of solid-state fermentation (SSF) has shown great potential due to its ease of operation and cost-attractiveness. Therefore, this study aims to describe the main substrates used in SSF systems for the production of potential bioinputs; their associated operation hurdles, parameters, and conditions selection; the most suitable microorganisms; and the underlying mechanisms of these molecules in soil dynamics. Within this context, this study is expected to contribute to the development of new processes in modern biorefineries and to the mitigation of environmental impacts.
Global climate changes are instigated by natural and human activities. It has fast-tracked in the past few decades. In the twenty-first century, rising greenhouse gas levels are expected to continue to boost global temperatures and alter water availability. Plant viral diseases are profoundly influenced by the environment; if the environment is not favourable to disease development, a susceptible host will still not be infected by a virulent virus. Plant hosts, vectors and viral pathogens are affected by the direct repercussions of climate changes viz., changing rainfall patterns, drought, higher wind speeds, increased temperature, greenhouse gas emissions and indirectly through factors such as regional fluctuations in cultivated regions, crop ranges, farming practices, vector distribution, and its abundance, and also reservoir, potential weed hosts. These climatic factors can have positive, negative or neutral effects on disease development as each disease may respond differently to these variations. This actively demonstrates that to fully understand the multivariate nature of plant-pathogen and vector interactions and to produce disease-resistant crop plants that are resilient to climate change, future research must increasingly exploit dynamic environmental factors.
Use of tomato cultivars with the Sw-5 resistance gene cluster has led to the occurrence of resistance-breaking (RB) tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) strains globally, including California and, recently, North Carolina and Texas. We documented disease on tomato infected with either an RB strain from California (CA-RB) or a wild type (CA-WT) strain of TSWV on tomato with (cultivar Mountain Merit) or without (cultivar Mountain Fresh Plus) the Sw-5b resistance gene and detected virus incidence over time using microneedle RNA extractions and LAMP. We developed a LAMP/Cas12a assay for detection of the CA-C118Y mutation in a CA-RB strain and tested the assay with field samples. Disease in the susceptible cultivar was less severe with CA-RB than with the CA-WT strain. In contrast, the resistant cultivar had little disease when inoculated with the CA-WT strain but exhibited stunting of greater than 50% when inoculated with the CA-RB strain. In the susceptible tomatoes, the detection rates over time by LAMP reaction were higher in CA-WT than in CA-RB-inoculated plants. In resistant tomato, CA-RB remained detectable by TSWV LAMP over 14 days, whereas the WT strain was undetectable. A two-step LAMP/Cas12a assay differentiated the two strains in 1 h. Our methods were validated with samples from TSWV-infected North Carolina fields. A phylogeny of NSm gene sequences that included North Carolina field samples revealed two independent origins of the North Carolina RB isolates. The LAMP/Cas12 assay showed excellent detection of the CA-C118Y mutation. The TSWV LAMP/Cas12a assay is adaptable for in-field applications on either a smart phone platform or heat block. [Formula: see text] Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license .
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The effects of solution conditions and of formalinisation on the antigenicity of “native” and “pseudo-top” virions of brome mosaic virus (BMV) were studied by double-antibody “sandwich” enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA). Physically characterised BMV morphomers differed serologically from one another and from free coat protein, proving that capsid swelling or lack of RNA cause conformational changes affecting antibody binding. Formaldehyde treatment reduced the antigenicity of virions relative to “native” forms. The results indicate that ELISA detection of viruses is affected both by their physical environment and by chemical treatment.
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The three subsets of virions that comprise the Brome mosaic virus (BMV) were previously thought to be indistinguishable. This work tests the hypothesis that distinct capsid-RNA interactions in the BMV virions will allow different rates of viral RNA release. Several results support distinct interactions between the capsid and the BMV genomic RNAs. First, the deletion of the first eight residues of the BMV coat protein (CP) resulted in the RNA1-containing particles having altered morphologies while those containing RNA2 were unaffected. Second, subsets of the BMV particles separated by density gradients into a pool enriched for RNA1 (B1) and for RNA2 and RNA3/4 (B2.3/4), were found to have different physiochemical properties. When compared to the B2.3/4 particles, the B1 particles were more sensitive to protease digestion, had greater resistivity to nanoindentation by atomic force microscopy and increased susceptibility to nuclease digestion. Mapping studies showed that portions of the arginine-rich N-terminal tail of the CP could interact with RNA1. Mutational analysis in the putative RNA1-contacting residues severely reduced encapsidation of BMV RNA1 without affecting the encapsidation of RNA2. Finally, during infection of plants, the more easily released RNA1 accumulated to higher levels early in the infection. Viruses with genomes packaged in distinct virions could theoretically release the genomes at different times to regulate the timing of gene expression. Using an RNA virus composed of three particles, we demonstrate that the RNA in one of the virions is released more easily than the other two in vitro. The differential RNA release is due to distinct interactions between the viral capsid protein and the RNAs. The ease of RNA release is also correlated with the more rapid accumulation of that RNA in infected plants. Our study identified a novel role for capsid-RNA interactions in the regulation of a viral infection.
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Plant viruses, possessing a bacilliform shape and containing double-stranded DNA, are emerging as important pathogens in a number of agricultural and horticultural crops in the tropics. They have been reported from a large number of countries in African and Asian continents, as well as from islands from the Pacific region. The viruses, belonging to two genera, Badnavirus and Tungrovirus, within the family Caulimoviridae, have genomes displaying a common plan, yet are highly variable, sometimes even between isolates of the same virus. In this article, we summarize the current knowledge with a view to revealing the common features embedded within the genetic diversity of this group of viruses. Virus; order Unassigned; family Caulimoviridae; genera Badnavirus and Tungrovirus; species Banana streak viruses, Bougainvillea spectabilis chlorotic vein banding virus, Cacao swollen shoot virus, Citrus yellow mosaic badnavirus, Dioscorea bacilliform viruses, Rice tungro bacilliform virus, Sugarcane bacilliform viruses and Taro bacilliform virus. Bacilliform in shape; length, 60–900 nm; width, 35–50 nm; circular double-stranded DNA of approximately 7.5 kbp with one or more single-stranded discontinuities. Each virus generally limited to its own host, including banana, bougainvillea, black pepper, cacao, citrus species, Dioscorea alata, rice, sugarcane and taro. Foliar streaking in banana and sugarcane, swelling of shoots in cacao, yellow mosaic in leaves and stems in citrus, brown spot in the tubers in yam and yellow–orange discoloration and stunting in rice.
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Benefit cost analysis is a tried and tested analytical framework that can clearly communicate likely net changes in producer welfare from investment decisions to diverse stakeholder audiences. However, in a plant biosecurity context, it is often difficult to predict policy benefits over time due to complex biophysical interactions between invasive species, their hosts, and the environment. In this paper, we demonstrate how a break-even style benefit cost analysis remains highly relevant to biosecurity decision-makers using the example of banana bunchy top virus, a plant pathogen targeted for eradication from banana growing regions of Australia. We develop an analytical approach using a stratified diffusion spread model to simulate the likely benefits of exclusion of this virus from commercial banana plantations over time relative to a nil management scenario in which no surveillance or containment activities take place. Using Monte Carlo simulation to generate a range of possible future incursion scenarios, we predict the exclusion benefits of the disease will avoid Aus$15.9-27.0 million in annual losses for the banana industry. For these exclusion benefits to be reduced to zero would require a bunchy top re-establishment event in commercial banana plantations three years in every four. Sensitivity analysis indicates that exclusion benefits can be greatly enhanced through improvements in disease surveillance and incursion response.
Asymptomatic field plants are the normal source of the vine cuttings used as sweetpotato planting material in Africa. Previous and new tests of such East African material, mostly using the very sensitive method of graft inoculation to the indicator plant Ipomoea setosa, showed that a majority tested virus-negative. This was despite their never having undergone any science-based therapy. To investigate how this occurs, in a replicated greenhouse experiment, plants of susceptible cultivars from the USA and Peru and three resistant Ugandan cultivars were graft-inoculated with Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV), the commonest virus infecting sweetpotato. When the grafts were established, cuttings were taken, rooted and proved to be infected. The health status of each of these new plants was then followed over a 10-week period using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay. Most of the plants of the Ugandan cultivars eventually tested SPFMV-negative whereas those of the USA and Peru seldom did. Furthermore, subsequent graft-inoculation of scions from the tip, top, middle and base of the vine of every plant to I. setosa plants; again, most of the scions of the Ugandan cultivars tested SPFMV-negative whereas those of the USA and Peru seldom did. These tests demonstrate the phenomenon of reversion in the Ugandan cultivars and can explain how most unprotected Ugandan sweetpotato field plants tested SPFMV-negative.
Tomato-spotted wilt (TSW) is caused by the tomato-spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and is a major disease affecting the production of tomato and pepper in the Southeastern United States. Before initiating a multistate, regional project addressing this issue, a survey was conducted in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida to assess the need for improved management of TSWV in these crops. We investigated farmer's stated effectiveness of four common TSWV management tactics (reflective mulch, resistant cultivar, imidacloprid, and Actiguard) in pepper and tomato production using logistic regression. We found that the odds that farmers were satisfied with the use of reflective mulch alone in controlling TSWV is 9-1, about one and a half times the amount obtained from using Actiguard alone. Moreover, the odds that farmers were satisfied with a practice that combines reflective mulch and Actiguard was far greater than that obtained from using each of the technique separately. We found some similarities between farmer's stated effectiveness and revealed effectiveness from experiments.