
Partial characterization of Vitis vinifera grapes var. Ancellotta

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Freezing point depression and some physical characteristics of Vitis vinifera grapes var. Ancellotta were investigated after two different post-harvest treatments of samples (slow air-freezing at −18°C and storage at 2°C in N2 atmosphere). The measured acinus mean weight and diameter, relative weight composition of a cluster and total soluble solids content differed slightly from those of fresh grapes. The observed freezing point depression values for treated grapes and grape juice were smaller than the respective calculated data. The differences were characterized by alteration in soluble solids composition due to the treatments, which decreased solute-solvent interactions.

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... They are water-soluble pigments imparting bright colors from red to blue hues to all kinds of plant tissue including flowers, fruits, leaves, roots, and stems (Müller-Maatsch et al. 2016). During the last decade, the restrictions in the use of synthetic colorants in foods have generated interest in the potential use of natural anthocyanins as food color additive in beverages, syrups, fruit juices, jellies, jams, ice-creams, pastries candies and yoghurts, as well as in tooth paste, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and similar products (Durante et al. 1995). ...
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Anthocyanin-rich concentrates from different red radish can be used as natural food colorants. However, the development of off-flavor during extraction has been major challenge in processing industries. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of sodium chloride (NaCl) concentration in phosphoric acidified medium pH 2.5 on removal of off-flavor from red radish anthocyanin. The effect of NaCl concentration on anthocyanin properties was also evaluated. Results showed that the total glucosinolate was highly degraded at high NaCl concentration (< 500 mM) compared with control, leading to higher off-flavor development. Additionally, the glucosinolate degradation was positively and significantly correlated to isothiocyanate, while was negatively and significantly correlated with dimethyl di-, trisulfide, cedrol, triacetin, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one. Moreover, total monomeric and color properties of extracted anthocyanins were degraded at high NaCl concentration (< 500 mM) compared with control. The tentative anthocyanin identification by UPLC–TQ–MS showed 12 glycosylated anthocyanins substituted at C3 and C5 in tested anthocyanin extracts. In conclusion, higher NaCl concentration (< 500 mM) could not be useful for red radish off-flavor removal and anthocyanin properties.
... Las restricciones en el uso de colorantes sintéticos en alimentos ha conducido al interés en el uso potencial de antocianinas como un colorante alimenticio en bebidas, jarabes, jugos de frutas, gelatinas, mermeladas, helados, dulces de pasta y yogures. También, como en pasta dental, productos farmacéuticos, cosméticos y productos similares (Clydesdale y Francis, 1976; Durante et al, 1995 ). Cai y Corke (2000) investigaron sobre la producción y propiedades de las betacianinas de amaranto secadas por aspersión, estos autores reportan que a temperaturas del aire de secado más altas resultó una mejor velocidad de secado más alta y una mejor productividad del polvo, pero por arriba de 180ºC/96ºC (entrada/ salida) causó una mayor pérdida de betacianina e influyó en la estabilidad de almacenamiento del pigmento. ...
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Las antocianinas de las frutas al ser consumidas proporcionan beneficios a la salud, de este modo el yogur adicionado con estos pigmentos puede ser usado como alimento funcional. Los extractos acuosos de antocianinas de higo fueron secados por aspersion usando maltodextrina con un equivalente de dextrosa (DE) de 30, empleando tres temperaturas de aire de salida. El pigmento en polvo se incorporo facilmente y en forma homogenea en el yogur, sin que se observara la formacion de puntos de color, durante los 25 dias de evaluacion. El tono o matiz (Hue) para los yogures adicionados con pigmento en polvo obtenido por aspersion fue cercano a 11o, que corresponden a un color rojo con tonalidad violeta (rojo profundo, de acuerdo a la escala de color CIEL *a*b*). Los yogures adicionados con pigmento en polvo obtenido por aspersion presentaron los colores mas vivos (Croma). Ademas, aunque de manera visual, presentan el color y la pureza mas cercanos a los de un yogur comercial sabor fresa. Es posible el uso de los pigmentos en polvo de cascara de higo para colorear alimentos de acidez intermedia como el yogur natural.
Tartaric and citric acid solutions were used to extract anthocyanins from fresh grape skins, in a non continuous process. The type of solvent and concentration were significant factors in the extraction operation, and tartaric acid was more efficient than citric acid in the extraction yield. Comparative trials were conducted using sulphur dioxide and acidified ethanol as solvents. The extraction yields using the optimal tar taric acid solution differed slightly from those obtained with acidified ethanol but were higher than those obtained with sulphur dioxide. Total amounts of polyphenols, proanthocyanidins and flavans were determined in the extracts obtained from the tartaric acid solutions. Solvent concentration was not a significant factor for flavan extraction yield but was highly significant for the extraction of the other compounds. The stability of the anthocyanins was evaluated at four different storage temperatures and atmospheric conditions. The combined effects of low pH of the extract (2.4), low temperature (2.0degreesC) and modified atmosphere (N-2) provided a long shelf-life. Based on the results, a 0.75% tartaric acid solution is recommended for anthocyanin extraction from fresh grape skin, and could substitute the widely used sulphur dioxide.
Freezing points of orange juices (OJ) in the range 0° to 65° Brix were measured using the Beckman differential thermometers. Equilibrium freezing curves of OJ were characterized by the approximate freezing point depression equation of bound water theory. The average effective molecular weight was 235.6 ± 3.3 for Valencia, Corriente and blended frozen concentrated orange juice. The amounts of bound water were in the range 0.15 to 0.40 kg/kg solids.
Ancellotta o lancellotta Rome: Ministry of Agriculture and Forest
  • I Cosmo
  • M And Polsinelli
  • V Pallotta
  • A Amati
  • A And Minguzzi
  • Lezioni Di Enologia
CosMo, I. AND POLSINELLI, M. Ancellotta o lancellotta. In: CosMo, I. (Ed.), Commissione per lo Studio Ampelogra-rico dei Principali Vitigni ad Uve da Vino Coltivati in Italia. Rome: Ministry of Agriculture and Forest, pp. 1-8 (1941) 12 PALLOTTA, V., AMATI, A. AND MINGUZZI, A. Lezioni di Enologia. Bologna: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice, pp. 1-4 (1982) 13 ARFELLI, G. La tecnica di vinificazione per macerazione carbonica. Vignevini, 17, 1, 33-38 (1990)
Ancellotta o lancellotta
  • Cosmo
La tecnica di vinificazione per macerazione carbonica
  • Arfelli