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Chain Affiliation and the Failure of Manhattan Hotels, 1898-1980


Abstract and Figures

This study of chain affiliation in the Manhattan hotel industry examines the benefits and drawbacks of affiliation with a chain, which can be a source of operating knowledge and economies of scale for components but also a potential source of strategic constraint. Our analysis demonstrates the effects of chain affiliation on the failure of component organizations and competitive dynamics in the Manhattan hotel industry from 1898 to 1980. Under most circumstances, chain affiliation improves the survival chances of component hotels in Manhattan. All chain memberships are not equal, however, and the survival benefits to components vary systematically with the nature of the operating experience and the number and distribution of components of hotel chains. Our findings show how understanding the role of chains can inform both learning and ecological models of organization.
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... This confirms the value of ecological systems theory (Bronfenbrenner, 2000) when applied to organisational context. This theory suggests that Baum and Mezias (1992); Baum and Ingram (1998); Chen and Yeh (2012); Falk and Hagsten (2018); (Gémar et al., 2016;Ingram and Baum, 1997); Kaniovski et al. (2008); (Vivel-Búa et al., 2016). Legend: The organisational factors stand for the influences from 'within a hotel'. ...
... The study finds that some market exits represent strategic decisions of hotel investors/owners prompted by a long-term period of decline (Fig. 5) which is aligned with literature (Baum and Mezias, 1992;Ingram and Baum, 1997;Baum and Ingram, 1998). Awareness of the situation by investors/owners is important when defining which exit a hotel will take. ...
Theories of service firm life cycle do not explain what happens to a hotel at the end of the decline stage. Although market exit is one of the possible outcomes of business decline, it is under-researched. Yet, such research is critical for understanding the options available to a hotel in a time of crisis. By interviewing senior managers with the experience of failed hotels (n=17), this study revisits a taxonomy of market exits to reconceptualize the decline stage of a hotel’s life cycle. The study shows that, on some occasions, market exits can affect hotels positively rather than negatively, thus leading to business regeneration. Investors/owners play a central role in market exits and their cognition determines how market exit impacts the business future. The study positions turnaround not as a market exit, but as a strategy which can lead a hotel to it or away from it.
... different service sectors (Pavit, 1984), the second focuses on the relationship between organizational complexity and innovation (Damanpour, 1996), and the third presents a discussion of the complexity of these services. dominated by the service sector (Tremblay, 1998), and the fourth is to define a chain as a collection of service firms (Ingram and Baum, 1997). ...
... Studies have revealed that organizations initially benefit from their own experience but, over time, this experience may reduce their adaptability to the changing environment. In contrast, learning from competitors could help organizations improve their external capability [4,13,14]. This tension between competition and complementarity is closely related to "niche overlap, " because the overlap between communities (or niches) plays roles both as the condition for resource spillover and a source of conflict. ...
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As event-based social networks (EBSNs) such as and Facebook Events gain popularity in managing local events (e.g., farmers’ markets and social gatherings), two-sided cultural niches are created as event organizers and participants benefit from the platform while affecting each other. Among various factors, niche overlap, an ecological feature, has been studied as a key factor that shapes the success of online communities. While such ecological factors may also shape EBSN-based local groups’ success, the context of EBSNs raises unique challenges in understanding the roles of cultural niches due to the informal nature of the local groups and their geographical embeddedness. In this paper, we examine the effects of Meetup groups’ topic overlap and geospatial correlation on the activity levels of both organizers and participants, using one-year Meetup data for 500 cities in the United States. We find that (1) a group’s topic overlap with other groups on EBSN is associated with its activity levels, and (2) local groups’ geospatial correlation may moderate the effects of topic overlap for EBSN users, but inconsistently. The results provide a baseline understanding of EBSN-based groups from an ecological perspective.
... Unsurprisingly, the dual distribution literature has developed theory based on classical notions of horizontal competition to address these issues (see Table 2). Grounded in the industrial organization economics (IO) framework, and more specifically in notions of localized competition and spillovers (also referred to as agglomeration effects, e.g., Baum & Haveman, 1997;Chung & Kalnins, 2001;Ingram & Baum, 1997), this research considers how proximity in product offerings and geographic location affects competition between distribution channels. Much of this line of inquiry discusses mechanisms such as market growth, domain/task similarity, and customer heterogeneity (Fürst, Leimbach, & Prigge, 2017;Webb & Didow, 1997) as drivers of proximity-induced channel competition. ...
Bradach and Eccles (1989) identified three distinct forms of plural governance that prevail in business practice: franchising, dual distribution, and concurrent sourcing. Despite the underlying commonality of these forms—organizing an economic activity through multiple governance modes—each form has spawned its own stream of theoretical and empirical research, with relatively little cross-stream knowledge exchange. In this paper, we argue that, given the fragmented nature of these literatures, unexplored opportunities exist for scholars to pursue new research opportunities by importing theoretical predictions, causal mechanisms, and methods from the other streams in theoretically appropriate ways. To highlight what is possible, we first take stock of the distinctive characteristics, conceptual foundations, and dominant methodologies associated with the three literatures. We then identify four key governance challenges—monitoring, cooperation, learning, and competition—that were common across the streams and use these challenges to isolate theoretical and methodological blind spots that merit further research consideration. Our research agenda addresses these blind spots, proposes specific avenues for theory development within each stream of plural governance research, and helps scholars of the franchising, dual distribution, and concurrent sourcing literatures to connect and contribute to research in the intellectual core of plural governance.
... In East and South Asia, the four popular pillars of women entrepreneurship appeared to be opportunity, net-work/networking, firm, and failure. Indeed, for the context of Europe and North America, the relationship between networks and creation of new firms Johannisson and Ramirez-Pasillas (2001) networks and firm survival (as antonym of failure) Reese and Aldrich (1995); Ingram and Baum (1997), and networks and opportunity, specifically opportunity perception or recognition of individuals, Arenius and De Clercq (2005) are well documented in the literature. Our study shows that these associations may be valid for East and South Asia as well. ...
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This paper focuses on the popularity and awareness of keywords in Google Trends data related to entrepreneurship of women in a global and cross-regional setting by using market basket analysis. Google Trends is one of the digital data platforms that provides a time series index of the volume of queries users enter into Google in a given geographic area. It is the most popular tool for gathering any information, and it has been used in several topics. Market basket analysis indicates items that appear/used together and the frequency of these appearances. Such technique is appropriate in finding hidden associations between items, which is also crucial in assessing individuals’ thoughts on a specific topic. This study contributes to the literature in terms of being the first study to use market basket analysis on Google trends data in the context of women’s entrepreneurship finding hidden associations between items, which is crucial in assessing individuals’ thoughts on a specific topic. The results of the analysis are interpreted through the lens of gender-responsive strategies, equality, efficiency and social justice in different country and region contexts.
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Birbirinden farklı özellikteki birçok bitkisel kaynaklı besin, lezzeti arttırmak, görselliği zenginleştirmek ve yemeğe hoş kokular katmak amacıyla mutfaklarda kullanılmaktadır. Yenilebilir çiçekler ve mikro filizler, dünden bugüne değişen yemek pişirme yöntemleri ve sunum şekillerine baktığımızda karşımıza çıkan en belirgin ürün gruplarıdır. Son zamanlarda oldukça ilgi gören bu ürünler, pek çok farklı tür ve özelliktedir. Çiçekler uzun yıllardır doğada var olan ve insanlığın yüzyıllardır çeşitli şekillerde faydalandığı tabiat zenginliklerindendir. Çekici renkleri, hoş kokuları, ferahlatan aromaları, estetik görünümleri ve karakteristik özellikleriyle günümüze kadar farklı amaçlarla kullanılmış ve kullanılma-ya devam etmektedir. Bu özellikleriyle çiçekler, genellikle güzellik ve sağlık alanlarında yaygın kullanımıyla ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bu konuda yazılmış kaynaklar incelendiğinde, dünya üzerinde farklı iklim koşulları ve toprak yapısına göre pek çok türde çiçeğin olduğu söylenebilir. İnsanoğlunun varoluşuyla birlikte farklı türdeki çiçeklerin çeşitli amaçlarla kullanıldığı bilinmektedir. Farklı çiçek türlerinin bu çok yönlü kullanımının insanların beslenme hayatına girmesi uzun zaman almıştır. Çiçeklerin ve diğer yenilebilir aromatik otların mutfaklara girişi yakın tarihe dayanmakta olup, çeşitli yiyecek ve içeceklerde kullanımının başlaması ile günümüze kadar taşınmıştır.
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Gastronomi kavramının bilim ve turizm anlamında ivmeli gelişimi, uluslararası kültürel etkileşimi de olumlu yönde etkilemektedir. Bu kültürel etkileşim, beraberinde markalaşma ihtiyacını doğurmuş ve ülkeler yemek kültürlerindeki değerli gıda ürünlerini imajları haline dönüştürmüştür. Bu imaj sayesinde ülkeler diğer ülke insanlarını etkileyerek mutfaklarını pazarlayabilmiş ve kültürler arası bir bağ kurabilme imkânı yakalamıştır. Yemeğin temsil gücü ve kültürü yansıtması ile ulusal mutfaklar ve yemek kültürüne olan bağlılık artmıştır. (Bucak ve Yiğit, 2019). Böylelikle “gastrodiplomasi” kavramı zaman içinde ortaya çıkmaya başlamıştır. Yeme içme alışkanlıkları, yemek ve mutfak gelenekleri, milli marşlar ve bayraklar gibi milli kimliği sembolize etmektedir. Milli kimlik, vatandaşları ortak duygular etrafında birleştirmektedir. Sembolik güç ve kültürel kimlik çıkarımları söz konusu olduğunda, yemek de bir istisna değildir. Yemek, sosyal aktörler ile kültürel geçmişleri, ortak ailesel ve dini kimlik bağları ile toplumsal kimlik anlatıları arasında bağlantılar kurmaktadır. Milli duygular ile ulusa ait mutfak kültürünün korunarak güçlendirilmesini amaç edinen çalışmalar “gastromilliyetçilik” ya da “mutfak milliyetçiliği” olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır (DeSoucey, 2010). Gastromilliyetçilik ve gastrodiplomasi kavramlarının birlikte incelenmesinin temelindeki ana sebep, her iki kavramın da benzer amaçlara hizmet etmesidir. Uluslara ait mutfak kültürlerinin korunarak gelecek nesillere eksiksiz aktarılması, her çağda eski esintilerini kaybetmeden yaşatılması ve kültürel bir değer olarak markalaşması ile çekim unsuru haline getirilmesi de bahsi geçen bu ortak amaçlar arasındadır (Bucak ve Yiğit, 2019).
A crescente concorrência no mercado constitui uma das principais preocupações dos gestores. As forças competitivas assim como a semelhança de equipamentos e serviços oferecidos pelos empreendimentos podem representar ameaças, principalmente às empresas que não monitoram os ambientes externo (concorrencial) e interno em busca de vantagens competitivas e maior segurança na tomada de decisão. O presente artigo tem por objetivo principal analisar as ferramentas de Inteligência Competitiva utilizadas pelas redes hoteleiras no Sul do Brasil como suporte à tomada de decisão. Este estudo, de caráter exploratório com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, utilizou-se de questionário estruturado que subsidiou a coleta de dados e informações obtidos a partir dos gestores e empresários de hotéis de grande porte pertencentes a redes hoteleiras situadas no Rio Grande do Sul. Os resultados apontam que as ferramentas de Inteligência Competitiva e as informações não estão sendo utilizadas de forma estratégica, no sentido de obter inteligência visando auxiliar o processo de tomada de decisão.
This book seeks to deepen and broaden the understanding of change in organization populations by examining the dynamics of numbers of organizations in populations. The authors have studied various kinds of organizations, including national labour unions, newspapers and newspaper publishers, brewing firms, life insurance companies, and banks.
Agency and related theories have proven useful as theoretical frameworks for examining relationships between principals and their agents in many disciplines. However, though marketing involves a wide array of agency relationships, agency-based research has only recently begun to be reported in the marketing literature. The authors therefore attempt to clarify the marketing implications of agency theory by describing its major constructs, the two different types of models embedded within the theory, and some closely related theoretical structures. They also critically review past and potential agency-based research in marketing and suggest ways in which marketers might contribute to improving its validity and usefulness.